Index for mmse

3D mesh compression based on dual-ring prediction and mmse prediction
Adaptable k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for mmse Image Interpolation, An
Bayesian Denoising: From MAP to mmse Using Consistent Cycle Spinning
Constrained mmse LP Residual Estimator for Speech Dereverberation in Noisy Environments, A
Estimation Method for InSAR Interferometric Phase Based on mmse Criterion, An
Extending Window mmse Turbo Equalization Algorithm, An
Hybrid LMS-mmse Inverse Halftoning Technique
Insights Into the mmse-Based Frequency-Invariant Beamformers for Uniform Circular Arrays
Joint Optimization of the Worst-Case Robust mmse MIMO Transceiver
Kernel-Based mmse Multimedia Signal Reconstruction and Its Application to Spatial Error Concealment
Leakage-Based mmse Beamforming Design for a MIMO Interference Channel, A
Linear mmse Filtering for Restoration of Images Degraded by Film Grain Noise
Linear mmse Processing Design for 3-Phase Two-Way Cooperative MIMO Relay Systems
Low-Complexity mmse Precoding for Coordinated Multipoint With Per-Antenna Power Constraint
mmse approach to nonlocal image denoising: Theory and practical implementation, An
mmse Estimate for Demosaicking, A
mmse nonlocal means denoising algorithm for Poisson noise removal
mmse reconstruction for 3d ultrasound images
mmse-Directed Linear Image Interpolation Based on Nonlocal Geometric Similarity
mmse-Optimal Spectral Amplitude Estimation Given the STFT-Phase
Moments and root-mean-square error of the Bayesian mmse estimator of classification error in the Gaussian model
Nonlinear mmse Equalizer for Impulsive Noise Mitigation in OFDM-Based Communications
Novel 2-D mmse Subpixel-Based Image Down-Sampling
Novel DCT-Based Image Up-Sampling Using Learning-Based Adaptive k-NN mmse Estimation
On the Convexity of Bit Depth Allocation for Linear mmse Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Optimal mmse Pan Sharpening of Very High Resolution Multispectral Images
Performance of ZF and mmse decoders for massive multi-cell MIMO systems in impulsive and Laplacian noise channels
Provable Convergence of Plug-and-Play Priors With mmse Denoisers
Robust mmse Beamforming for Multiuser MISO Systems With Limited Feedback
Robust mmse Video Decoding: Theory and Practical Implementations
Simplified mmse Precoding Design in Interference Two-Way MIMO Relay Systems
statistical analysis of the kernel-based mmse estimator with application to image reconstruction, A
Structure adaptation of linear mmse adaptive filters
Two-Stage mmse Beamformer for Underdetermined Signal Separation, A
Using genetic algorithm optimizing stack filters based on mmse criterion
Wavelet-based image denoising with the normal inverse Gaussian prior and linear mmse estimator
37 for mmse

Index for "m"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:24:38
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