Index for bado

Badokhon, A. * 2019: Hidden Smile Correlation Discovery Across Subjects Using Random Walk with Restart

Badola, A.[Anushree] * 2021: Assessing Wildfire Burn Severity and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors: A Case Study in Interior Alaska Boreal Forest
* 2021: Hyperspectral Data Simulation (Sentinel-2 to AVIRIS-NG) for Improved Wildfire Fuel Mapping, Boreal Alaska
* 2022: Evaluation of Simulated AVIRIS-NG Imagery Using a Spectral Reconstruction Method for the Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content
* 2023: Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cover Fraction in the Boreal Forest of Alaska to Aid Fire Management

Badolato, A.[Alejandro] * 2023: New methods and functionalities for railway maintenance through a draisine prototype based on RADAR sensors

Badoual, A.[Anais] * 2015: Locally refinable parametric snakes
* 2016: Inner-Product Calculus for Periodic Functions and Curves, An
* 2016: Local refinement for 3D deformable parametric surfaces
* 2017: Multiresolution Subdivision Snakes
* 2019: Texture-driven parametric snakes for semi-automatic image segmentation
* 2021: Active Subdivision Surfaces for the Semiautomatic Segmentation of Biomedical Volumes
* 2023: EM-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Efficient Motion Segmentation
Includes: Badoual, A.[Anais] Badoual, A. Badoual, A.[Anaïs]
7 for Badoual, A.

Badoual, C.[Cecile] * 2022: Automatic Grading of Cervical Biopsies by Combining Full and Self-supervision
Includes: Badoual, C.[Cecile] Badoual, C.[Cécile]

Badouh, A.[Asaf] * 2021: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedical Applications, The

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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