Index for bodo

Bodo, Y. * 2003: human skin detector combining mean shift analysis and watershed algorithm, A
* 2003: Watermarking video, hierarchical embedding in motion vectors

Bodony, K.L.[Karin L.] * 2018: Remotely Sensing the Morphometrics and Dynamics of a Cold Region Dune Field Using Historical Aerial Photography and Airborne LiDAR Data

Bodoque, J.M.[Jose Maria] * 2016: Flood Damage Analysis: First Floor Elevation Uncertainty Resulting from LiDAR-Derived Digital Surface Models
Includes: Bodoque, J.M.[Jose Maria] Bodoque, J.M.[José María]

Bodor, R.[Robert] * 2001: Creating a three-dimensional model from two-dimensional images
* 2005: Multi-camera positioning to optimize task observability
* 2006: Automatic Euclidean reconstruction for turn-table sequences by indirect epipolar search between pairs of views
* 2009: View-independent human motion classification using image-based reconstruction
Includes: Bodor, R.[Robert] Bodor, R.

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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