Index for bryn

Bryne, T.H.[Torleiv H.] * 2019: Real-time georeferencing of thermal images using small fixed-wing UAVs in maritime environments

Bryner, D.[Darshan] * 2012: Affine-invariant, elastic shape analysis of planar contours
* 2013: Elastic shapes models for improving segmentation of object boundaries in synthetic aperture sonar images
* 2013: Shadow Segmentation in SAS and SAR Using Bayesian Elastic Contours
* 2014: 2D Affine and Projective Shape Analysis
* 2014: Bayesian Active Contours with Affine-Invariant, Elastic Shape Prior
* 2022: Shape Analysis of Functional Data With Elastic Partial Matching

Bryngdahl, O. * 1996: Control of Texture in Image Half-Toning
* 1997: Spatially Dependent Texture Analysis and Control in Digital Half-Toning

Brynielsson, J.[Joel] * 2023: Real-Time Estimation of Heart Rate in Situations Characterized by Dynamic Illumination using Remote Photoplethysmography

Brynjarsdottir, J.[Jenny] * 2019: Accelerated MCMC for Satellite-Based Measurements of Atmospheric CO2
* 2021: Spatial Retrievals of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Satellite Observations
Includes: Brynjarsdottir, J.[Jenny] Brynjarsdóttir, J.[Jenný]

Brynolfsson, J. * 2015: Scaled Reassigned Spectrogram with Perfect Localization for Estimation of Gaussian Functions, The

Brynte, L.[Lucas] * 2018: Semantic Match Consistency for Long-Term Visual Localization

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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