Index for butk

Butkiewicz, C.L.[Cori L.] * 2021: Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pattern in the Southern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.

Butko, N.[Nicholas] * 2011: motion in emotion: A CERT based approach to the FERA emotion challenge, The

Butko, N.J.[Nicholas J.] * 2006: Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms for Generic Object Recognition, A
* 2009: Optimal scanning for faster object detection
* 2011: Action unit recognition transfer across datasets
* 2011: Automated facial affect analysis for one-on-one tutoring applications
* 2012: Multilayer Architectures for Facial Action Unit Recognition

Butko, T. * 2009: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding

Butkovic, P.[Petar] * 2018: Deep Learning for Automated Tagging of Fashion Images

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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