Index for faki

Fakih, A.[Adel] * 2012: Difference of Circles Feature Detector
* 2016: Filtering 3D Keypoints Using GIST For Accurate Image-Based Localization

Fakih, A.H.[Adel H.] * 2007: Factorized Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion from Image Velocities, A
* 2008: On the Benefits of Using Gyroscope Measurements with Structure from Motion
* 2008: Structure from Motion: Combining features correspondences and optical flow
* 2009: Determination of the essential matrix using discrete and differential matching constraints
* 2009: Probabilistic 3D Tracking: Rollator Users' Leg Pose from Coronal Images
* 2009: Scalable Near-Optimal Recursive Structure from Motion
* 2010: Efficient Augmentation of the EKF Structure from Motion with Frame-to-Frame Features
* 2011: 3D Pose tracking of walker users' lower limb with a structured-light camera on a moving platform
* 2011: Extending Filter-based Structure from Motion to Large Baselines
* 2014: Augmenting analytic SFM filters with frame-to-frame features
Includes: Fakih, A.H.[Adel H.] Fakih, A.H.
10 for Fakih, A.H.

Fakih, H.[Hussein] * 2015: On the Bertozzi-Esedoglu-Gillette-Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Logarithmic Nonlinear Terms
* 2016: Cahn-Hilliard System with a Fidelity Term for Color Image Inpainting, A

Fakim, D.[Djalal] * 2022: Automatic Plane of Minimal Hiatal Dimensions Extraction From 3D Female Pelvic Floor Ultrasound

Fakir, M. * 2016: Automatic Detection of Blood Vessel in Retinal Images
* 2016: Face Recognition Using a Fuzzy Approach and a Multi-agent System from Video Sequences
* 2016: Grouping K-Means Adjacent Regions for Semantic Image Annotation Using Bayesian Networks
* 2016: Recognition of 3D Objects Using Heat Diffusion Equations and Random Forests
* 2016: Spatial Resolution and Vacuum Channeling Phenomenon of the Neutron Transmission through Protection Screen, A
* 2016: Spectral Graph Matching for Printed Tifinagh Character

Fakir, Y.[Younes] * 2024: Toward a Redefinition of Agricultural Drought Periods: A Case Study in a Mediterranean Semi-Arid Region

Fakirah, M.[Maged] * 2023: Integrated OFDM Waveform Design for RadCom System-Based Signal-to-Clutter Noise Ratio Maximization

Fakiris, E. * 2014: Exploiting Environmental Information for Improved Underwater Target Classification in Sonar Imagery
* 2015: Disappearance of Helike-Classical Greece: New Remote Sensing and Geological Evidence, The
* 2016: Automatic Target Detection Algorithm for Swath Sonar Backscatter Imagery, Using Image Texture and Independent Component Analysis, An
* 2019: Multi-Frequency, Multi-Sonar Mapping of Shallow Habitats: Efficacy and Management Implications in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece
* 2021: Battle of Lepanto Search and Survey Mission (1971-1972) by Throckmorton, Edgerton and Yalouris: Following Their Traces Half a Century Later Using Marine Geophysics, The
* 2021: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic Detection and Morphometric Analysis of Ancient Submerged Coastal Installations: The Case Study of the Ancient Aegina Harbour Complex, A
* 2023: Predictive Mapping of Mediterranean Seagrasses-Exploring the Influence of Seafloor Light and Wave Energy on Their Fine-Scale Spatial Variability
Includes: Fakiris, E. Fakiris, E.[Elias]
7 for Fakiris, E.

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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