Index for farz

Farzaliyev, E. * 2021: Classification of Lands of Remote Sensitive Data by NDVI Method in Smart Agriculture

Farzam, M. * 2011: Simultaneous Denoising and Intrinsic Order Selection in Hyperspectral Imaging

Farzami, F. * 2016: power-efficient implementation of in-band full-duplex communication system (ReflectFX), A

Farzamian, M.[Mohammad] * 2022: Depth-Specific Soil Electrical Conductivity and NDVI Elucidate Salinity Effects on Crop Development in Reclaimed Marsh Soils

Farzana, E. * 2013: Bilateral filtering with adaptation to phase coherence and noise

Farzana, J. * 2014: Speech Based Shopping Assistance for the Blind

Farzanegan, M.R.[Mohammad Reza] * 2021: Lifting of International Sanctions and the Shadow Economy in Iran: A View from Outer Space

Farzaneh, A.[Ali] * 2010: Cadastral mapping of Agricultural lands and Natural Resources by using image and non-image data

Farzaneh, A.H.[Amir Hossein] * 2020: Cross-spectral registration of natural images with SIPCFE
* 2020: Discriminant Distribution-Agnostic Loss for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* 2021: Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild via Deep Attentive Center Loss
Includes: Farzaneh, A.H.[Amir Hossein] Farzaneh, A.H.

Farzaneh, S. * 2012: Coastal Currents Monitoring Using Radar Satellites Based On Wave Tracking Approach
* 2019: Drought Assessment of Iran Using The Mdi Index
* 2020: Iterative ICA-Based Reconstruction Method to Produce Consistent Time-Variable Total Water Storage Fields Using GRACE and Swarm Satellite Data, An
* 2020: Least Squares Solution to Regionalize VTEC Estimates for Positioning Applications, A
Includes: Farzaneh, S. Farzaneh, S.[Saeed]

Farzi, M. * 2020: Spatio-Temporal Ageing Atlas of the Proximal Femur, A
* 2021: Assessing Myocardial Microstructure With Biophysical Models of Diffusion MRI
Includes: Farzi, M. Farzi, M.[Mohsen]

Farzin, M.[Mohsen] * 2021: Scrutinizing Relationships between Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Upstream Areas Using Thermal Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Northern Persian Gulf

Farzinfar, M. * 2008: coupled implicit shape-based deformable model for segmentation of MR images, A
* 2008: Joint Parametric and Non-parametric Curve Evolution for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2010: Applying training hidden features to joint curve evolution for brain MRI segmentation
Includes: Farzinfar, M. Farzinfar, M.[Mahshid]

Farzmahdi, M.[Mojtaba] * 2019: Exact window memoization: an optimization method for high-performance image processing

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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