Index for fers

Fersch, B. * 2021: Soil-Permittivity Estimation Under Grassland Using Machine-Learning and Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques

Ferscha, A.[Alois] * 2008: Raising Awareness about Space via Vibro-Tactile Notifications
* 2010: New Method for ECG Signal Feature Extraction, A
* 2013: Opportunistic Human Activity and Context Recognition
Includes: Ferscha, A.[Alois] Ferscha, A.

Ferschin, P. * 1994: comparison of techniques for the transformation of radiosity values to monitor colors, A

Fersman, E. * 2018: A2CPS: A Vehicle-Centric Safety Conceptual Framework for Autonomous Transport Systems
* 2020: Systematic Literature Review About the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Autonomous Vehicle Safety, A

Ferster, B.S.[Brady S.] * 2018: Confirmation of ENSO-Southern Ocean Teleconnections Using Satellite-Derived SST

Ferster, C.[Colin] * 2020: Google Earth Engine Mangrove Mapping Methodology (GEEMMM), The

Ferstl, D. * 2012: Depth coded shape from focus
* 2013: Image Guided Depth Upsampling Using Anisotropic Total Generalized Variation
* 2014: aTGV-SF: Dense Variational Scene Flow through Projective Warping and Higher Order Regularization
* 2014: CP-Census: A Novel Model for Dense Variational Scene Flow from RGB-D Data
* 2014: Hough Networks for Head Pose Estimation and Facial Feature Localization
* 2015: Framework for Articulated Hand Pose Estimation and Evaluation, A
* 2015: Learning Depth Calibration of Time-of-Flight Cameras
* 2015: Variational Depth Superresolution Using Example-Based Edge Representations
* 2016: Deep Primal-Dual Network for Guided Depth Super-Resolution, A
* 2021: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning from a Class-wise Memory Bank
* 2023: Pseudo Flow Consistency for Self-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation
Includes: Ferstl, D. Ferstl, D.[David]
11 for Ferstl, D.

Ferstl, J.[Joachim] * 2017: Regions Set in Stone: Delimiting and Categorizing Regions in Europe by Settlement Patterns Derived from EO-Data

Ferstl, S. * 2020: Revealing the Microscopic Structure of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Three Dimensions
* 2022: Multi-Scale Investigation of Human Renal Tissue in Three Dimensions

Ferstl, Y. * 2017: Irish Sign Language Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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