Index for fica

Ficaro, E.P. * 1997: Grouped-coordinate ascent algorithms for penalized-likelihood transmission image reconstruction
* 2000: Maximum-likelihood transmission image reconstruction for overlapping transmission beams
* 2015: Variance Estimation for Myocardial Blood Flow by Dynamic PET

Ficarra, E.[Elisa] * 2012: Applying textural features to the classification of HEp-2 cell patterns in IIF images
* 2014: Subclass Discriminant Analysis of morphological and textural features for HEp-2 staining pattern classification
* 2021: Optimizing Quality Inspection and Control in Powder Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing: Challenges and Research Directions
* 2022: Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Concept Bottleneck Models
* 2023: Buffer-MIL: Robust Multi-instance Learning with a Buffer-based Approach
* 2023: Enhancing PFI Prediction with GDS-MIL: A Graph-based Dual Stream MIL Approach
* 2024: ClusterFix: A Cluster-Based Debiasing Approach without Protected-Group Supervision
* 2024: Graph-Based Multi-Scale Approach With Knowledge Distillation for WSI Classification, A
Includes: Ficarra, E.[Elisa] Ficarra, E.
8 for Ficarra, E.

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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