Index for godb

Godbaz, J.P. * 2008: Mixed pixel return separation for a full-field ranger
* 2009: Surface projection for mixed pixel restoration
* 2009: Undue influence: Mitigating range-intensity coupling in AMCW flash lidar using scene texture
* 2010: Computer vision and image processing at the University of Waikato
* 2010: Extending AMCW Lidar Depth-of-Field Using a Coded Aperture
Includes: Godbaz, J.P. Godbaz, J.P.[John P.]

Godbole, A.[Atul] * 2015: Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Kinect Sensor

Godbole, S.[Suneeta] * 2014: Analyzing sedentary behavior in life-logging images
* 2015: Discriminative Regions: A Substrate for Analyzing Life-Logging Image Sequences

Godbole, S.A. * 1995: Mathematical Morphology for Edge and overlap Detection for Medical Images

Godbout, A.[Andrew] * 2012: In Situ Motion Capture of Speed Skating: Escaping the Treadmill

Godbout, M. * 1992: Off-line signature verification using directional PDF and neural networks
* 1996: Neural-Network Approach to Off-Line Signature Verification Using Directional PDF, A

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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