Index for golt

Golton, P. * 1990: Model-Based Vision for Automatic Alarm Detection

Golts, A.[Alex] * 2014: Cutoff due to pointwise degradations in color images
* 2020: Unsupervised Single Image Dehazing Using Dark Channel Prior Loss
* 2021: Image compression optimized for 3D reconstruction by utilizing deep neural networks
* 2022: Ada-LISTA: Learned Solvers Adaptive to Varying Models
* 2022: Simultaneous Detection and Classification of Partially and Weakly Supervised Cells
* 2023: CLIPTER: Looking at the Bigger Picture in Scene Text Recognition
Includes: Golts, A.[Alex] Golts, A. Golts, A.[Alona]

Goltsev, A.[Alexander] * 2005: Combination of the assembly neural network with a perceptron for recognition of handwritten digits arranged in numeral strings

Goltz, D. * 2015: Multivariate Machine Learning Methods for Fusing Multimodal Functional Neuroimaging Data

Goltz, U.[Ursula] * 2013: Modelling driving behaviour using hybrid automata

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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