Index for gurn

Gurnani, A. * 2017: Human Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance: A Cognitive Science Approach
* 2019: SAF-BAGE: Salient Approach for Facial Soft-Biometric Classification - Age, Gender, and Facial Expression

Gurnett, D. * 2004: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS

Gurney, J.K. * 2005: System for Marker-Less Human Motion Estimation, A

Gurney, K. * 2018: Biologically Guided Driver Modeling: the Stop Behavior of Human Car Drivers

Gurney, K.R.[Kevin Robert] * 2011: Experiences in Disseminating Educational Visualizations
* 2012: Estimation of the relationship between remotely sensed anthropogenic heat discharge and building energy use
* 2019: Combining Measurements of Built-up Area, Nighttime Light, and Travel Time Distance for Detecting Changes in Urban Boundaries: Introducing the BUNTUS Algorithm
Includes: Gurney, K.R.[Kevin Robert] Gurney, K.R.[Kevin R.]

Gurney, P.T. * 2008: Anisotropic Field-of-Views in Radial Imaging

Gurney, R. * 2019: Derivation and Evaluation of a New Extinction Coefficient for Use With the n-HUT Snow Emission Model

Gurney, R.J. * 2005: Measurement of canopy geometry characteristics using LiDAR laser altimetry: a feasibility study
* 2013: Analysis of full-waveform LiDAR data for classification of an orange orchard scene
* 2014: Toward Vicarious Calibration of Microwave Remote-Sensing Satellites in Arid Environments
* 2015: Validation of Canopy Height Profile methodology for small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data in a discontinuous canopy environment
* 2016: CHP Toolkit: Case Study of LAIe Sensitivity to Discontinuity of Canopy Cover in Fruit Plantations
Includes: Gurney, R.J. Gurney, R.J.[Robert J.]

Gurnsey, R. * 1998: Second-order motions contribute to vection
* 2001: Texture space

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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