Index for hams

Hamshari, H.O.[Hussein O.] * 2011: real-time framework for eye detection and tracking, A

Hamsici, O.C. * 2005: Evaluation of the Modelling of Local Areas and Errors of Localization in FRGC-05
* 2007: Sparse Kernels for Bayes Optimal Discriminant Analysis
* 2007: Spherical-Homoscedastic Shapes
* 2008: Bayes Optimality in Linear Discriminant Analysis
* 2008: Who is LB1? Discriminant analysis for the classification of specimens
* 2009: Active Appearance Models with Rotation Invariant Kernels
* 2009: Rotation Invariant Kernels and Their Application to Shape Analysis
* 2011: Kernel Optimization in Discriminant Analysis
* 2012: Learning Spatially-Smooth Mappings in Non-Rigid Structure From Motion
* 2015: Adaptive region pooling for object detection
* 2021: DeepPRO: Deep Partial Point Cloud Registration of Objects
Includes: Hamsici, O.C. Hamsici, O.C.[Onur C.]
11 for Hamsici, O.C.

Hamsis, O.[Omar] * 2022: Subjective Evaluation of Visual Quality and Simulator Sickness of Short 360° Videos: ITU-T Rec. P.919

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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