Index for herf

Herfet, T.[Thorsten] * 1993: new motion adaptive PAL-codec, A
* 2016: Image Database for Design and Evaluation of Visual Quality Metrics in Synthetic Scenarios, An

Herfort, B.[Benjamin] * 2016: Tasks of the Crowd: A Typology of Tasks in Geographic Information Crowdsourcing and a Case Study in Humanitarian Mapping, The
* 2017: Monitoring and Assessing Post-Disaster Tourism Recovery Using Geotagged Social Media Data
* 2018: 3D micro-mapping: Towards assessing the quality of crowdsourcing to support 3D point cloud analysis
* 2019: Mapping Human Settlements with Higher Accuracy and Less Volunteer Efforts by Combining Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning
* 2020: Exploration of OpenStreetMap missing built-up areas using twitter hierarchical clustering and deep learning in Mozambique
* 2023: Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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