Index for hido

Hido, S.[Shohei] * 2012: Hash-based structural similarity for semi-supervised Learning on attribute graphs
* 2012: Temporal feature selection for time-series prediction

Hidot, S.[Sullivan] * 2010: Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the Wishart mixture model: Application to movement clustering, An

Hidouci, W.K.[Walid Khaled] * 2021: Efficient Cooperative Smearing Technique for Degraded Historical Document Image Segmentation, An
* 2022: PUNet: Novel and efficient deep neural network architecture for handwritten documents word spotting

Hidoussi, N. * 1998: Classification of radar images in polarimetric remote sensing

Hidovic Rowe, D.[Dzena] * 2004: Four metrics for efficiently comparing attributed trees
* 2004: Polynomial-Time Metric for Attributed Trees, A
* 2005: Polynomial-Time Metrics for Attributed Trees
* 2014: Model Based Inversion for Deriving Maps of Histological Parameters Characteristic of Cancer From Ex-Vivo Multispectral Images of the Colon
Includes: Hidovic Rowe, D.[Dzena] Hidovic-Rowe, D.[Dzena] Hidovic-Rowe, D.

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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