Index for isak

Isaka, H. * 2002: effect of small topographic variations on reflectance, The

Isaka, M. * 2009: Position Sensitive gamma-Ray Scintillator Detector With Enhanced Spatial Resolution, Linearity, and Field of View, A

Isakeit, T.[Thomas] * 2020: Automatic Classification of Cotton Root Rot Disease Based on UAV Remote Sensing
* 2020: Plant-by-Plant Method to Identify and Treat Cotton Root Rot Based on UAV Remote Sensing, A

Isaksen, L. * 2014: SMOS Brightness Temperature Angular Noise: Characterization, Filtering, and Validation

Isakson, S. * 1999: pyramidal-mirror detector for scanning laser acoustic microscopy, The

Isaksson, A. * 2008: Cross-validation and bootstrapping are unreliable in small sample classification

Isaksson, F.[Folke] * 2013: Efficient 7D aerial pose estimation

Isaksson, M. * 2012: 5-DOF rotation-symmetric parallel manipulator with one unconstrained tool rotation, A
* 2014: Pseudoconvex Proximal Splitting for L-infinity Problems in Multiview Geometry
* 2015: High Breakdown Bundle Adjustment
* 2016: Consensus-Based Framework for Distributed Bundle Adjustment, A
Includes: Isaksson, M. Isaksson, M.[Mats]

Isaksson, R. * 2003: Shot genre classification using compressed audio-visual features

Index for "i"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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