Index for jasw

Jaswal, G.[Gaurav] * 2016: Knuckle Print Biometrics and Fusion Schemes: Overview, Challenges, and Solutions
* 2017: Deformable multi-scale scheme for biometric personal identification
* 2017: Palmprint and Finger Knuckle Based Person Authentication with Random Forest via Kernel-2DPCA
* 2018: Single-sensor hand-vein multimodal biometric recognition using multiscale deep pyramidal approach
* 2019: Gait metric learning siamese network exploiting dual of spatio-temporal 3D-CNN intra and LSTM based inter gait-cycle-segment features
* 2020: PixISegNet: pixel-level iris segmentation network using convolutional encoder-decoder with stacked hourglass bottleneck
* 2020: Range-doppler Hand Gesture Recognition Using Deep Residual-3dcnn with Transformer Network
* 2022: Mobile based Human Identification using Forehead Creases: Application and Assessment under COVID-19 Masked Face Scenarios
Includes: Jaswal, G.[Gaurav] Jaswal, G.
8 for Jaswal, G.

Jaswani, N.[Naman] * 2022: Improving GANs for Long-Tailed Data Through Group Spectral Regularization

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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