Index for josl

Joslin, C.[Chris] * 2007: Framework for 3D Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition using Elements of Genetic Programming, A
* 2010: Resolution Scalable Image Coding with Dyadic Complementary Rational Wavelet Transforms
* 2011: Perceptual noise shaping in dual-tree complex wavelet transform for image coding
* 2014: Modelling and animation of impact and damage with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Includes: Joslin, C.[Chris] Joslin, C.

Joslin, R.W.[Robert W.] * 2008: Live actor integration in pre-recorded well known video

Joslyn, C.[Cliff] * 2021: Sheaves as a Framework for Understanding and Interpreting Model Fit

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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