Index for kams

Kamsing, P.[Patcharin] * 2023: Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation for Land Use and Land Cover Types Using Landsat 8 Imagery

Kamstra, L.[Lute] * 2002: Nonlinear binary wavelet transforms and their application to binary image compression
* 2003: design of linear binary wavelet transforms and their application to binary image compression, The
* 2005: Nonlinear Discrete Wavelet Transforms over Finite Sets and an Application to Binary Image Compression
* 2005: Reversible Data Embedding Into Images Using Wavelet Techniques and Sorting
Includes: Kamstra, L.[Lute] Kamstra, L.

Kamstra, M.[Martijn] * 2018: Intercomparison and Validation of SAR-Based Ice Velocity Measurement Techniques within the Greenland Ice Sheet CCI Project

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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