Index for keit

Keita, M.S. * 2015: Development of a Cartographic Strategy and Geospatial Services for Disaster Early Warning and Mitigation in the ECOWAS Subregion

Keitaanniemi, A.[Aino] * 2021: 3D Point Cloud Data in Conveying Information for Local Green Factor Assessment

Keiter, K.[Katharine] * 1994: Cyclic Motion Detection for Motion Based Recognition

Keith, A. * 1997: Next Generation Image Compression and Manipulation Using CREW

Keith, B.[Brian] * 2017: Multilabel Extension of LDA Based on the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, A

Keith, D.[David] * 2016: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy Heights Lag in Restoring Floodplain Vegetation
* 2021: Mapping Inuinnaqtun: The Role of Digital Technology in the Revival of Traditional Inuit Knowledge Ecosystems
* 2022: VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
Includes: Keith, D.[David] Keith, D.[Darren]

Keith, D.A.[David A.] * 2021: Colourimetric Approach to Ecological Remote Sensing: Case Study for the Rainforests of South-Eastern Australia, A
* 2023: High Resolution Forest Masking for Seasonal Monitoring with a Regionalized and Colourimetrically Assisted Chorologic Typology
* 2023: Holistic Reduction to Compare and Create New Indices for Global Inter-Seasonal Monitoring: Case Study for High Resolution Surface Water Mapping

Keith, D.J.[Darryl J.] * 2016: Optical Models for Remote Sensing of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption and Salinity in New England, Middle Atlantic and Gulf Coast Estuaries USA

Keith, L.M.[Lisa M.] * 2018: Spectral Mapping Signature for the Rapid Ohia Death (ROD) Pathogen in Hawaiian Forests, A
* 2020: Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optical Remote Sensing for the Early Detection of Rapid Ohia Death

Keith, M.[Michael] * 1993: Method and apparatus for encoding selected images at lower resolution
* 2000: Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
* 2021: Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Uncertainty in Urbanization Predictions
Includes: Keith, M.[Michael] Keith, M.

Keitler, P.[Peter] * 2008: Indirect Tracking to Reduce Occlusion Problems

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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