Urban Green Space Mapping, Parks, Detection, Analysis

Chapter Contents (Back)
Green Space. Urban Parks. Urban Analysis. Urban Green Space.

Bao, T.L.[Tong-Liga], Li, X.M.[Xue-Ming], Zhang, J.[Jing], Zhang, Y.J.[Ying-Jia], Tian, S.Z.[Shen-Zhen],
Assessing the Distribution of Urban Green Spaces and its Anisotropic Cooling Distance on Urban Heat Island Pattern in Baotou, China,
IJGI(5), No. 2, 2016, pp. 12.
DOI Link 1603

Zhang, Y.[Yuan], Li, Q.Z.[Qiang-Zi], Huang, H.P.[Hui-Ping], Wu, W.[Wei], Du, X.[Xin], Wang, H.Y.[Hong-Yan],
The Combined Use of Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data in Fine-Grained Urban Land Use Mapping: A Case Study in Beijing, China,
RS(9), No. 9, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1711

Chen, W.[Wei], Huang, H.P.[Hui-Ping], Dong, J.W.[Jin-Wei], Zhang, Y.[Yuan], Tian, Y.C.[Yi-Chen], Yang, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qi],
Social functional mapping of urban green space using remote sensing and social sensing data,
PandRS(146), 2018, pp. 436-452.
Elsevier DOI 1812
Remote sensing, Social sensing, Urban green space, Social functional mapping BibRef

Sha, Z.Y.[Zong-Yao], Ali, Y.Y.[Yah-Ya], Wang, Y.W.[Yu-Wei], Chen, J.P.[Jiang-Ping], Tan, X.C.[Xi-Cheng], Li, R.[Ruren],
Mapping the Changes in Urban Greenness Based on Localized Spatial Association Analysis under Temporal Context Using MODIS Data,
IJGI(7), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1811

Huang, C.H.[Cong-Hong], Yang, J.[Jun], Jiang, P.[Peng],
Assessing Impacts of Urban Form on Landscape Structure of Urban Green Spaces in China Using Landsat Images Based on Google Earth Engine,
RS(10), No. 10, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1811

Xiao, P.F.[Peng-Feng], Zhang, X.L.[Xue-Liang], Zhang, H.M.[Hong-Min], Hu, R.[Rui], Feng, X.Z.[Xue-Zhi],
Multiscale Optimized Segmentation of Urban Green Cover in High Resolution Remote Sensing Image,
RS(10), No. 11, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1812

Mears, M.[Meghann], Brindley, P.[Paul],
Measuring Urban Greenspace Distribution Equity: The Importance of Appropriate Methodological Approaches,
IJGI(8), No. 6, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1908

Jang, K.M.[Kee Moon], Kim, J.M.[Jae-Man], Lee, H.Y.[Hye-Yeong], Cho, H.[Hyemin], Kim, Y.C.[Young-Chul],
Urban Green Accessibility Index: A Measure of Pedestrian-Centered Accessibility to Every Green Point in an Urban Area,
IJGI(9), No. 10, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2010

Kuang, W.H.[Wen-Hui], Dou, Y.[Yinyin],
Investigating the Patterns and Dynamics of Urban Green Space in China's 70 Major Cities Using Satellite Remote Sensing,
RS(12), No. 12, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2006

Furberg, D.[Dorothy], Ban, Y.F.[Yi-Fang], Mörtberg, U.[Ulla],
Monitoring Urban Green Infrastructure Changes and Impact on Habitat Connectivity Using High-Resolution Satellite Data,
RS(12), No. 18, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2009

Iraegui, E.[Edorta], Augusto, G.[Gabriela], Cabral, P.[Pedro],
Assessing Equity in the Accessibility to Urban Green Spaces According to Different Functional Levels,
IJGI(9), No. 5, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2005

Ludwig, C.[Christina], Hecht, R.[Robert], Lautenbach, S.[Sven], Schorcht, M.[Martin], Zipf, A.[Alexander],
Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions,
IJGI(10), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Liu, Q.Q.[Qin-Qin], Tian, Y.C.[Yi-Chen], Yin, K.[Kai], Zhang, F.F.[Fei-Fei], Huang, H.P.[Hui-Ping], Chen, F.M.[Fang-Miao],
Landscape Pattern Theoretical Optimization of Urban Green Space Based on Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand,
IJGI(10), No. 4, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Wang, Y.Q.[Ying-Qi], Huang, H.P.[Hui-Ping], Yang, G.[Guang], Chen, W.[Wei],
Ecosystem Service Function Supply-Demand Evaluation of Urban Functional Green Space Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Huerta, R.E.[Roberto E.], Yépez, F.D.[Fabiola D.], Lozano-García, D.F.[Diego F.], Cobián, V.H.G.[Víctor H. Guerra], Fierro, A.L.F.[Adrián L. Ferriño], de León Gómez, H.[Héctor], González, R.A.C.[Ricardo A. Cavazos], Vargas-Martínez, A.[Adriana],
Mapping Urban Green Spaces at the Metropolitan Level Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques for Semantic Segmentation,
RS(13), No. 11, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2106

Nistor, C.[Constantin], Vîrghileanu, M.[Marina], Cârlan, I.[Irina], Mihai, B.A.[Bogdan-Andrei], Toma, L.[Liviu], Olariu, B.[Bogdan],
Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of Urban Landscape Change in the City of Bucharest, Romania,
RS(13), No. 12, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2106

Cui, N.[Nan], Malleson, N.[Nick], Houlden, V.[Victoria], Comber, A.[Alexis],
Using VGI and Social Media Data to Understand Urban Green Space: A Narrative Literature Review,
IJGI(10), No. 7, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2108

Song, L.[Liuyi], Zhang, A.[An],
Predict the Suitable Places to Run in the Urban Area of Beijing by Using the Maximum Entropy Model,
IJGI(10), No. 8, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2108

Pristeri, G.[Guglielmo], Peroni, F.[Francesca], Pappalardo, S.E.[Salvatore Eugenio], Codato, D.[Daniele], Masi, A.[Antonio], de Marchi, M.[Massimo],
Whose Urban Green? Mapping and Classifying Public and Private Green Spaces in Padua for Spatial Planning Policies,
IJGI(10), No. 8, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2108

Zhao, J.C.[Jia-Cheng], Zhao, X.[Xiang], Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin], Wang, H.Y.[Hao-Yu], Liu, N.J.[Nai-Jing], Liu, P.[Ping], Wu, D.H.[Dong-Hai],
Dynamic Cooling Effects of Permanent Urban Green Spaces in Beijing, China,
RS(13), No. 16, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Zhu, W.H.[Wen-Hao], Sun, J.[Jiabin], Yang, C.[Chaobin], Liu, M.[Min], Xu, X.L.[Xin-Liang], Ji, C.[Caoxiang],
How to Measure the Urban Park Cooling Island? A Perspective of Absolute and Relative Indicators Using Remote Sensing and Buffer Analysis,
RS(13), No. 16, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Yang, L.C.[Lin-Chuan], Liu, J.X.[Ji-Xiang], Liang, Y.[Yuan], Lu, Y.[Yi], Yang, H.[Hongtai],
Spatially Varying Effects of Street Greenery on Walking Time of Older Adults,
IJGI(10), No. 9, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Markovic, M.[Milena], Cheema, J.[Jasmin], Teofilovic, A.[Anica], Cepic, S.[Slavica], Popovic, Z.[Zorica], Tomicevic-Dubljevic, J.[Jelena], Pause, M.[Marion],
Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Change of Green Spaces in Relation to the Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study of Belgrade, Serbia,
RS(13), No. 19, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Petrisor, A.I.[Alexandru-Ionut], Mierzejewska, L.[Lidia], Mitrea, A.[Andrei], Drachal, K.[Krzysztof], Tache, A.V.[Antonio Valentin],
Dynamics of Open Green Areas in Polish and Romanian Cities during 2006-2018: Insights for Spatial Planners,
RS(13), No. 20, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Chen, Q.[Qiang], Zhong, C.P.[Cui-Ping], Jing, C.F.[Chang-Feng], Li, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan], Cao, B.L.[Bei-Lei], Cheng, Q.H.[Qian-Hao],
Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Urban Green Spaces on Google Earth Engine,
IJGI(10), No. 10, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2110

Yan, L.[Liang], Jia, W.X.[Wen-Xiao], Zhao, S.Q.[Shu-Qing],
The Cooling Effect of Urban Green Spaces in Metacities: A Case Study of Beijing, China's Capital,
RS(13), No. 22, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Qian, Y.[Yun], Wang, H.[Han], Wu, J.S.[Jian-Sheng],
Protecting Existing Urban Green Space versus Cultivating More Green Infrastructures: Strategies Choices to Alleviate Urban Waterlogging Risks in Shenzhen,
RS(13), No. 21, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Chen, Z.H.[Zhang-Hao], Huang, G.[Ganlin],
Greenspace to Meet People's Demand: A Case Study of Beijing in 2005 and 2015,
RS(13), No. 21, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Fang, H.[Husheng], Sha, M.[Moquan], Lin, W.J.[Wen-Juan], Qiu, D.[Dai], Sha, Z.[Zongyao],
Assessing Urban Greenness Fragmentation and Analysis of Its Associated Factors: A Case Study in Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China,
IJGI(10), No. 11, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Amani-Beni, M.[Majid], Zhang, B.[Biao], Xie, G.D.[Gao-Di], Odgaard, A.J.[A. Jacob],
Impacts of the Microclimate of a Large Urban Park on Its Surrounding Built Environment in the Summertime,
RS(13), No. 22, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Jaalama, K.[Kaisa], Kauhanen, H.[Heikki], Keitaanniemi, A.[Aino], Rantanen, T.[Toni], Virtanen, J.P.[Juho-Pekka], Julin, A.[Arttu], Vaaja, M.[Matti], Ingman, M.[Matias], Ahlavuo, M.[Marika], Hyyppä, H.[Hannu],
3D Point Cloud Data in Conveying Information for Local Green Factor Assessment,
IJGI(10), No. 11, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Khan, A.[Asim], Asim, W.[Warda], Ulhaq, A.[Anwaar], Robinson, R.W.[Randall W.],
A Multiview Semantic Vegetation Index for Robust Estimation of Urban Vegetation Cover,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Xi, C.F.[Chao-Fan], Guo, Y.L.[Yu-Long], He, R.Z.[Rui-Zhen], Mu, B.[Bo], Zhang, P.X.[Pei-Xuan], Li, Y.[Yuan],
The Use of Remote Sensing to Quantitatively Assess the Visual Effect of Urban Landscape-A Case Study of Zhengzhou, China,
RS(14), No. 1, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2201

Chen, L.[Liang], Wang, X.L.[Xue-Lei], Cai, X.B.[Xia-Bin], Yang, C.[Chao], Lu, X.R.[Xiao-Rong],
Combined Effects of Artificial Surface and Urban Blue-Green Space on Land Surface Temperature in 28 Major Cities in China,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Quevedo-Martínez, E.[Eva], Cortés-Pérez, J.P.[Juan Pedro], Coloma, J.F.[Juan Francisco], Fernández-Alvarado, J.F.[José Francisco], García, M.[Marta], Fernández-Rodríguez, S.[Santiago],
Integration of Aerobiological Information for Construction Engineering Based on LiDAR and BIM,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202
Choose trees based on allegries. BibRef

Yang, R.[Renfei], Luo, F.[Fang], Ren, F.[Fu], Huang, W.L.[Wen-Li], Li, Q.Y.[Qian-Yi], Du, K.X.[Kai-Xuan], Yuan, D.D.[Ding-Di],
Identifying Urban Wetlands through Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Deep Learning: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China,
IJGI(11), No. 2, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Neyns, R.[Robbe], Canters, F.[Frank],
Mapping of Urban Vegetation with High-Resolution Remote Sensing: A Review,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Mu, B.H.[Bao-Hui], Zhao, X.[Xiang], Zhao, J.C.[Jia-Cheng], Liu, N.J.[Nai-Jing], Si, L.P.[Long-Ping], Wang, Q.[Qian], Sun, N.[Na], Sun, M.M.[Meng-Meng], Guo, Y.K.[Yin-Kun], Zhao, S.Q.[Si-Qing],
Quantitatively Assessing the Impact of Driving Factors on Vegetation Cover Change in China's 32 Major Cities,
RS(14), No. 4, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Heris, M.P.[Mehdi Pourpeikari], Bagstad, K.J.[Kenneth J.], Troy, A.R.[Austin R.], O'Neil-Dunne, J.P.M.[Jarlath P. M.],
Assessing the Accuracy and Potential for Improvement of the National Land Cover Database's Tree Canopy Cover Dataset in Urban Areas of the Conterminous United States,
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203

Yan, J.L.[Jing-Li], van der Linden, S.[Stijn], Tian, Y.Y.[Yun-Yu], van Valckenborgh, J.[Jo], Strosse, V.[Veerle], Somers, B.[Ben],
Characterizing Garden Greenspace in a Medieval European City: Added Values of Spatial Resolution and Multi-Temporal Stereo Imagery,
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203

Tsirantonakis, D.[Dimitris], Chrysoulakis, N.[Nektarios],
Earth Observation Data Exploitation in Urban Surface Modelling: The Urban Energy Balance Response to a Suburban Park Development,
RS(14), No. 6, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2204

You, M.[Meizi], Guan, C.H.[Cheng-He], Lai, R.[Riwen],
Spatial Structure of an Urban Park System Based on Fractal Theory: A Case Study of Fuzhou, China,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Fan, X.[Xin], Rong, Y.J.[Yue-Jing], Tian, C.X.[Chong-Xin], Ou, S.Y.[Sheng-Ya], Li, J.F.[Jiang-Feng], Shi, H.[Hong], Qin, Y.[Yi], He, J.[Jiawen], Huang, C.[Chunbo],
Construction of an Ecological Security Pattern in an Urban-Lake Symbiosis Area: A Case Study of Hefei Metropolitan Area,
RS(14), No. 10, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Lu, Y.C.[Yan-Chi], Liu, Y.L.[Yao-Lin], Huang, D.[Dan], Liu, Y.F.[Yan-Fang],
Evolution Analysis of Ecological Networks Based on Spatial Distribution Data of Land Use Types Monitored by Remote Sensing in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, China, from 2000 to 2020,
RS(14), No. 11, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2206

Li, X.Y.[Xiang-Yuan], Du, L.[Lin], Li, X.[Xiong], Yao, P.F.[Pan-Feng], Luo, Z.R.[Zhuo-Ran], Wu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yuan],
Effects of Human Activities on Urban Vegetation: Explorative Analysis of Spatial Characteristics and Potential Impact Factors,
RS(14), No. 13, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Wang, H.M.[Hui-Min], Wei, X.J.[Xiao-Jian], Ao, W.X.[Wei-Xuan],
Assessing Park Accessibility Based on a Dynamic Huff Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method and Map Service API,
IJGI(11), No. 7, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Geng, S.[Shoubao], Zhang, H.M.[Hua-Min], Xie, F.[Fei], Li, L.[Lanhui], Yang, L.[Long],
Vegetation Dynamics under Rapid Urbanization in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Urban Agglomeration during the Past Two Decades,
RS(14), No. 16, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2208

Li, Z.M.[Zhi-Ming], Liang, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yuan], Feng, L.H.[Lin-Hui], Fan, Z.X.[Zheng-Xi],
Beyond Accessibility: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Urban Park Equity in Yangzhou, China,
IJGI(11), No. 8, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Luo, J.J.[Jun-Jie], Liu, P.Y.[Peng-Yuan], Cao, L.[Lei],
Coupling a Physical Replica with a Digital Twin: A Comparison of Participatory Decision-Making Methods in an Urban Park Environment,
IJGI(11), No. 8, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Luo, S.J.[Shi-Jia], Jiang, H.P.[He-Ping], Yi, D.S.[Di-Sheng], Liu, R.H.[Rui-Hua], Qin, J.[Jiahui], Liu, Y.[Yusi], Zhang, J.[Jing],
PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perceptions and Multi-Travel Modes. A Case Study in Beijing,
IJGI(11), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Bai, H.[Hua], Li, Z.W.[Zi-Wei], Guo, H.[Hanlong], Chen, H.[Haopeng], Luo, P.P.[Ping-Ping],
Urban Green Space Planning Based on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems,
RS(14), No. 17, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Borgogno-Mondino, E.[Enrico], Fissore, V.[Vanina],
Reading Greenness in Urban Areas: Possible Roles of Phenological Metrics from the Copernicus HR-VPP Dataset,
RS(14), No. 18, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Peng, L.X.[Li-Xian], Zhang, L.W.[Li-Wei], Li, X.[Xupu], Wang, P.T.[Peng-Tao], Zhao, W.[Wudong], Wang, Z.Z.[Zhuang-Zhuang], Jiao, L.[Lei], Wang, H.[Hao],
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Ecosystem Services Provided by Urban Green Spaces and Their Equity along Urban-Rural Gradients in the Xi'an Metropolitan Area, China,
RS(14), No. 17, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Pedrinis, F.[Frédéric], Samuel, J.[John], Appert, M.[Manuel], Jacquinod, F.[Florence], Gesquière, G.[Gilles],
Exploring Landscape Composition Using 2D and 3D Open Urban Vectorial Data,
IJGI(11), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Nguyen, T.T.[Thu Thi], Eslick, H.[Harry], Barber, P.[Paul], Harper, R.[Richard], Dell, B.[Bernard],
Cooling Effects of Urban Vegetation: The Role of Golf Courses,
RS(14), No. 17, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2209

Liu, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang], Tang, P.[Ping], Zhang, W.X.[Wei-Xiong], Zhang, Z.[Zheng],
CNN-Enhanced Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network: Inferring Land Use from Land Cover with a Case Study of Park Segmentation,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Popa, A.M.[Ana Maria], Onose, D.A.[Diana Andreea], Sandric, I.C.[Ionut Cosmin], Dosiadis, E.A.[Evangelos A.], Petropoulos, G.P.[George P.], Gavrilidis, A.A.[Athanasios Alexandru], Faka, A.[Antigoni],
Using GEOBIA and Vegetation Indices to Assess Small Urban Green Areas in Two Climatic Regions,
RS(14), No. 19, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2210

Tang, X.L.[Xiang-Long], Wei, T.[Tianfeng], He, Y.M.[Yue-Ming], He, K.[Kun],
Differentiation of Vegetation Community Characteristics by Altitude within Urban Parks and Their Service Functions in a Semi-Arid Mountain Valley: A Case Study of Lanzhou City,
IJGI(11), No. 11, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Yin, J.[Jiadi], Fu, P.[Ping], Cheshmehzangi, A.[Ali], Li, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao], Dong, J.[Jinwei],
Investigating the Changes in Urban Green-Space Patterns with Urban Land-Use Changes: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China,
RS(14), No. 21, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Wang, X.K.[Xin-Ke], Meng, Q.Y.[Qing-Yan], Liu, X.Z.[Xing-Zhao], Allam, M.[Mona], Zhang, L.L.[Lin-Lin], Hu, X.[Xinli], Bi, Y.X.[Ya-Xin], Jancsó, T.[Tamás],
Evaluation of Fairness of Urban Park Green Space Based on an Improved Supply Model of Green Space: A Case Study of Beijing Central City,
RS(15), No. 1, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Zu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yi], Li, Z.X.[Zhi-Xian], Gao, C.[Chen], Wang, Y.[Yi],
Interpretation of Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Community Green Spaces Based on Service Efficiency and Distribution Characteristics: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Beijing, China,
IJGI(11), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Kyaw, H.W.Y.[Hnin Wuit Yee], Chatzidimitriou, A.[Angeliki], Hellwig, J.[Jocelyne], Bühler, M.[Michael], Hawlik, J.[Johannes], Herrmann, M.[Michael],
Multifactorial Evaluation of Spatial Suitability and Economic Viability of Light Green Bridges Using Remote Sensing Data and Spatial Urban Planning Criteria,
RS(15), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2302
Adding green space with bridges across roads. BibRef

Wu, D.[Dan], Sun, H.[Hao], Xu, H.Y.[Huan-Yu], Zhang, T.[Tian], Xu, Z.H.[Zhen-Heng], Wu, L.[Ling],
How Can Ecological Land Be Deployed to Cool the Surface Thermal Environment? A Case Study from the Perspectives of Patch and Network,
RS(15), No. 4, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2303

Ji, R.R.[Ran-Ran], Wang, K.[Kai], Zhou, M.R.[Meng-Ran], Zhang, Y.[Yun], Bai, Y.J.[Yu-Jia], Wu, X.[Xian], Yan, H.[Han], Zhao, Z.Q.[Zhuo-Qun], Ye, H.[Hong],
Green Space Compactness and Configuration to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Energy Use in Buildings,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1502.
DOI Link 2304

Cao, Y.[Yue], Li, G.[Guangdong], Huang, Y.[Yaohui],
Spatiotemporal Evolution of Residential Exposure to Green Space in Beijing,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1549.
DOI Link 2304

Xia, T.Y.[Tian-Yu], Zhao, B.[Bing], Xian, Z.[Zheng], Zhang, J.G.[Jin-Guang],
How to Systematically Evaluate the Greenspace Exposure of Residential Communities? A 3-D Novel Perspective Using UAV Photogrammetry,
RS(15), No. 6, 2023, pp. 1543.
DOI Link 2304

Chen, Y.[Yang], Weng, Q.H.[Qi-Hao], Tang, L.[Luliang], Wang, L.[Lei], Xing, H.[Hanfa], Liu, Q.H.[Qin-Huo],
Developing an intelligent cloud attention network to support global urban green spaces mapping,
PandRS(198), 2023, pp. 197-209.
Elsevier DOI 2304
Urban green spaces, Urbanization, Sustainable development goals, Cloud removal, Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data BibRef

Pan, Z.[Ziwu], Xie, Z.[Zunyi], Wu, L.Y.[Li-Yang], Pan, Y.[Yu], Ding, N.[Na], Liang, Q.S.[Qiu-Shuang], Qin, F.[Fen],
Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Based on Multi-Scale Coupling Model,
RS(15), No. 8, 2023, pp. 2093.
DOI Link 2305

Lu, K.[Kai], Tian, X.[Xin], Jiang, S.Y.[Shu-Yan], Lin, Y.J.[Yong-Jie], Zhang, W.B.[Wei-Bin],
Optimization Model of Regional Green Wave Coordination Control for the Coordinated Path Set,
ITS(24), No. 7, July 2023, pp. 7000-7011.
Optimization, Roads, Green products, Timing, Bandwidth, Trajectory, Indexes, Traffic engineering, regional control, three-dimensional time-space diagram BibRef

Pan, Z.[Ziwu], Xie, Z.[Zunyi], Ding, N.[Na], Liang, Q.S.[Qiu-Shuang], Li, J.G.[Jian-Guo], Pan, Y.[Yu], Qin, F.[Fen],
Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space under Different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Scenarios,
RS(15), No. 14, 2023, pp. 3642.
DOI Link 2307

Aliabad, F.A.[Fahime Arabi], Malmiri, H.G.[Hamidreza Ghafarian], Sarsangi, A.[Alireza], Sekertekin, A.[Aliihsan], Ghaderpour, E.[Ebrahim],
Identifying and Monitoring Gardens in Urban Areas Using Aerial and Satellite Imagery,
RS(15), No. 16, 2023, pp. 4053.
DOI Link 2309

Abuhasel, K.[Khaled],
Geographical Information System Based Spatial and Statistical Analysis of the Green Areas in the Cities of Abha and Bisha for Environmental Sustainability,
IJGI(12), No. 8, 2023, pp. 333.
DOI Link 2309

Bai, Y.[Yu], Liu, M.H.[Meng-Hang], Wang, W.M.[Wei-Min], Xiong, X.Y.[Xiang-Yun], Li, S.G.[Sheng-Gong],
Quantification of Urban Greenspace in Shenzhen Based on Remote Sensing Data,
RS(15), No. 20, 2023, pp. 4957.
DOI Link 2310

Mao, K.[Kainan], Li, J.Z.[Jing-Zhong], Yan, H.[Haowen],
Measuring the Spatial Accessibility of Parks in Wuhan, China, Using a Comprehensive Multimodal 2SFCA Method,
IJGI(12), No. 9, 2023, pp. 357.
DOI Link 2310

Hong, Z.[Zehu], Xu, W.[Weiheng], Liu, Y.[Yun], Wang, L.G.[Lei-Guang], Ou, G.L.[Guang-Long], Lu, N.[Ning], Dai, Q.L.[Qin-Ling],
Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Green Volume in Urban Green Space from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data,
RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5364.
DOI Link 2311

Chen, Y.[Ya], Zhen, W.[Weina], Li, Y.[Yu], Zhang, N.H.[Ning-Hui], Shi, Y.[Yishao], Shi, D.H.[Dong-Hui],
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Blue Space in Beijing and the Identification of Multifactor Driving Mechanisms Using Remote Sensing,
RS(15), No. 21, 2023, pp. 5182.
DOI Link 2311

Tan, Y.Z.[Yi-Zhou], Li, W.J.[Wen-Jing], Chen, D.[Da], Qiu, W.[Waishan],
Identifying Urban Park Events through Computer Vision-Assisted Categorization of Publicly-Available Imagery,
IJGI(12), No. 10, 2023, pp. 419.
DOI Link 2311

Yang, W.T.[Wen-Tong], Cheng, Y.Q.[Ye-Qing], Xu, C.[Chunru], Zhang, J.P.[Jin-Ping],
The Seasonal Migrants Spatially Affect the Park Green Space Accessibility and Equity under Different Travel Modes: Evidence from Sanya, China,
IJGI(12), No. 10, 2023, pp. 423.
DOI Link 2311

Wang, W.[Wei], Cheng, Y.[Yong], Ren, Z.[Zhoupeng], He, J.X.[Jia-Xin], Zhao, Y.[Yingfen], Wang, J.[Jun], Zhang, W.J.[Wen-Jie],
A Novel Hybrid Method for Urban Green Space Segmentation from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images,
RS(15), No. 23, 2023, pp. 5472.
DOI Link 2312

Dewald, J.R.[Julius R.], Southworth, J.[Jane], Szapocznik, J.[Jose], Lombard, J.L.[Joanna L.], Brown, S.C.[Scott C.],
Greening the Urban Landscape: Assessing the Impact of Tree-Planting Initiatives and Climate Influences on Miami-Dade County's Greenness,
RS(16), No. 1, 2024, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2401

Hu, X.L.[Xin-Lei], Zhuang, S.[Shuo],
Large-Scale Spatial-Temporal Identification of Urban Vacant Land and Informal Green Spaces Using Semantic Segmentation,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 216.
DOI Link 2402

Li, N.[Nan], Deng, L.[Liang], Yan, G.[Ge], Cao, M.M.[Meng-Meng], Cui, Y.[Yaoping],
Estimation for Refined Carbon Storage of Urban Green Space and Minimum Spatial Mapping Scale in a Plain City of China,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 217.
DOI Link 2402

Gui, B.L.[Bao-Ling], Bhardwaj, A.[Anshuman], Sam, L.[Lydia],
Evaluating the Efficacy of Segment Anything Model for Delineating Agriculture and Urban Green Spaces in Multiresolution Aerial and Spaceborne Remote Sensing Images,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 414.
DOI Link 2402

Aleixo, C.[Cristiana], Branquinho, C.[Cristina], Laanisto, L.[Lauri], Tryjanowski, P.[Piotr], Niinemets, Ü.[Ülo], Moretti, M.[Marco], Samson, R.[Roeland], Pinho, P.[Pedro],
Urban Green Connectivity Assessment: A Comparative Study of Datasets in European Cities,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 771.
DOI Link 2403

Tiwari, A.[Arti], Kira, O.[Oz], Bamah, J.[Julius], Boneh, H.[Hagar], Karnieli, A.[Arnon],
Multi-Sensor Classification Framework of Urban Vegetation for Improving Ecological Services Management,
RS(16), No. 6, 2024, pp. 1110.
DOI Link 2403

Okabe, K.[Kayo], Okabe, A.[Atsuyuki],
Functional Method for Analyzing Open-Space Ratios around Individual Buildings and Its Implementation with GIS,
IJGI(13), No. 3, 2024, pp. 70.
DOI Link 2404

Zhu, Y.Y.[Yao-Yao], Ling, G.H.T.[Gabriel Hoh Teck],
Spatio-Temporal Changes and Driving Forces Analysis of Urban Open Spaces in Shanghai between 1980 and 2020: An Integrated Geospatial Approach,
RS(16), No. 7, 2024, pp. 1184.
DOI Link 2404

Karurung, W.S.[Wulan Salle], Lee, K.J.[Kang-Jae], Lee, W.[Wonhee],
Comparison of Different Green Space Measures and Their Impact on Dementia Cases in South Korea: A Spatial Panel Analysis,
IJGI(13), No. 4, 2024, pp. 126.
DOI Link 2405

Ramdani, F.[Fatwa],
A Very High-Resolution Urban Green Space from the Fusion of Microsatellite, SAR, and MSI Images,
RS(16), No. 8, 2024, pp. 1366.
DOI Link 2405

Yang, S.J.[Sheng-Jie], Zhong, L.[Liang], Zhou, Y.Q.[Yun-Qiao], Sun, B.[Bin], Wang, R.[Rui], Sun, Z.G.[Zheng-Guo], Li, J.L.[Jian-Long],
Interactions and Conflicts between Urbanization and Greenness: A Case Study from Nanjing, China,
RS(16), No. 13, 2024, pp. 2505.
DOI Link 2407

Lin, W.H.[Wei-Hua], Zhang, D.[Dexiong], Liu, F.[Fujiang], Guo, Y.[Yan], Chen, S.[Shuo], Wu, T.Q.[Tian-Qi], Hou, Q.[Qiuyan],
A Lightweight Multi-Label Classification Method for Urban Green Space in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery,
IJGI(13), No. 7, 2024, pp. 252.
DOI Link 2408

Zhai, C.[Chang], Geng, R.X.[Ruo-Xuan], Ren, Z.B.[Zhi-Bin], Wang, C.C.[Cheng-Cong], Zhang, P.[Peng], Guo, Y.J.[Yu-Jie], Hong, S.Y.[Sheng-Yang], Hong, W.H.[Wen-Hai], Meng, F.[Fanyue], Fang, N.[Ning],
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Green Space Coverage and Its Exposed Population under Rapid Urbanization in China,
RS(16), No. 15, 2024, pp. 2836.
DOI Link 2408

Xiong, X.[Xiuhai], Wang, J.J.[Jing-Jing], Wu, H.[Hao], Peng, Z.H.[Zheng-Hong],
The Influence of Perceptions of the Park Environment on the Health of the Elderly: The Mediating Role of Social Interaction,
IJGI(13), No. 7, 2024, pp. 262.
DOI Link 2408

Ma, Q.C.[Qi-Cheng], Zhang, J.X.[Jia-Xin], Li, Y.Q.[Yun-Qin],
Advanced Integration of Urban Street Greenery and Pedestrian Flow: A Multidimensional Analysis in Chengdu's Central Urban District,
IJGI(13), No. 7, 2024, pp. 254.
DOI Link 2408

Li, B.[Bin], Xu, X.T.[Xiao-Tian], Wang, H.Y.[Hong-Yu], Duan, Y.[Yingrui], Lei, H.J.[Hong-Juan], Liu, C.C.[Chen-Chen], Zhao, N.[Na], Liu, X.[Xu], Li, S.N.[Shao-Ning], Lu, S.W.[Shao-Wei],
Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Green Space Information Based on Gaofen 7: Considering Beijing's Fifth Ring Area as an Example,
RS(16), No. 21, 2024, pp. 3946.
DOI Link 2411

Cardone, B.[Barbara], Martino, F.D.[Ferdinando Di], Mauriello, C.[Cristiano], Miraglia, V.[Vittorio],
A GIS-Based Framework to Analyze the Behavior of Urban Greenery During Heatwaves Using Satellite Data,
IJGI(13), No. 11, 2024, pp. 377.
DOI Link 2412

Yao, T.[Tianci], Li, S.[Shengfa], Su, L.X.[Li-Xin], Zhang, H.[Hongou],
Changes in Urban Green Spaces in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration: From the Perspectives of the Area, Spatial Configuration, and Quality,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4369.
DOI Link 2501

Zhang, S.[Shawei], Chen, J.[Jiawen], Cai, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan], Wen, Y.H.[Yu-Han], Niu, J.Q.[Jia-Qi], Chen, M.Z.[Ming-Ze],
Assessing the Association Between Urban Amenities and Urban Green Space Transformation in Guangzhou,
IJGI(13), No. 12, 2024, pp. 452.
DOI Link 2501

Finizio, M.[Michele], Pontieri, F.[Federica], Bottaro, C.[Chiara], di Febbraro, M.[Mirko], Innangi, M.[Michele], Sona, G.[Giovanna], Carranza, M.L.[Maria Laura],
Remote Sensing for Urban Biodiversity: A Review and Meta-Analysis,
RS(16), No. 23, 2024, pp. 4483.
DOI Link 2501

Iglseder, A., Bruggisser, M., Dostálová, A., Pfeifer, N., Schlaffer, S., Wagner, W., Hollaus, M.,
The Potential of Sentinel-1 Data to Supplement High Resolution Earth Observation Data for Monitoring Green Areas in Cities,
ISPRS21(B3-2021: 567-574).
DOI Link 2201

Blaser, S., Meyer, J., Nebiker, S.,
Open Urban and Forest Datasets From a High-performance Mobile Mapping Backpack: A Contribution for Advancing the Creation of Digital City Twins,
ISPRS21(B1-2021: 125-131).
DOI Link 2201

Maliari, M., Azyat, A., Achhab, N.B., Raissouni, N., Chahboun, A.,
Spatial Accessibility of Urban Parks in Tangier City, Morocco,
DOI Link 2201

Uçar, Z., Eker, R., Aydin, A.,
Assessing Urban Forest Canopy Cover in Great Plain Conservation Area (dÜzce City, Turkey) Between 1984 and 2015,
DOI Link 2201

Hofierka, J., Gallay, M., Kanuk, J., Šupinský, J., Šašak, J.,
High-resolution Urban Greenery Mapping for Micro-climate Modelling Based On 3D City Models,
DOI Link 1805

Pham, T.T.H.[Thi Thanh Hien], Apparicio, P.[Philippe],
Mapping urban green space in Montreal for better environmental justice: objectoriented classification of very-high-resolution images,
PDF File. 1006

Yokota, S., Takeuchi, K.,
Study on the relationship between landscape characteristics of fragmented urban green spaces and distribution of urban butterflies - Application of object-based satellite image analysis,
PDF File. 0607

Chapter on Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover continues in
Urban Functional Area Determination, Analysis .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25