* *Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* *Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection
* *DOTA: A Large-Scale Benchmark and Challenges for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* *Event Camera Calibration
* *Scale-Space
* *TGRS-HRRSD-Dataset: High Resolution Remote Sensing Detection (HRRSD)
* 2-D Beam Steering Method for Squinted High-Orbit SAR Imaging
* 2020 Hpakant Jade Mine Disaster, Myanmar: A multi-sensor investigation for slope failure, The
* 2D to 3D Medical Image Colorization
* 2D Wasserstein loss for robust facial landmark detection
* 2D Wavelet Decomposition and F-K Migration for Identifying Fractured Rock Areas Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* 3D Dense Geometry-Guided Facial Expression Synthesis by Adversarial Learning
* 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation Through Collaborative Learning and Multi-view Model-fitting
* 3D landmark-based face restoration for recognition using variational autoencoder and triplet loss
* 3D Mesh Pre-Processing Method Based on Feature Point Classification and Anisotropic Vertex Denoising Considering Scene Structure Characteristics
* 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Automatic Gastric Tumor Segmentation and Lymph Node Classification
* 3D SAR Speckle Offset Tracking Potential for Monitoring Landfast Ice Growth and Displacement
* 3d Thermal Mapping of Architectural Heritage
* 3D Visibility Analysis for Evaluating the Attractiveness of Tourism Routes Computed from Social Media Photos
* 3DPoseLite: A Compact 3D Pose Estimation Using Node Embeddings
* 4SAILT Model: An Improved 4SAIL Canopy Radiative Transfer Model for Sloping Terrain, The
* 8-Day and Daily Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature Estimation via Machine Learning Method on a Climate Zone to Global Scale
* Edge Detectors Based on Learning, Neural Nets, etc. (H3)
* Accelerated WGAN update strategy with loss change rate balancing
* Acceleration Framework for Super-resolution Network via Region Difficulty Self-adaption, An
* Accurate and Efficient Voting Scheme for a Maximally All-Inlier 3D Correspondence Set, An
* Action Duration Prediction for Segment-Level Alignment of Weakly-Labeled Videos
* Action Quality Assessment Using Siamese Network-Based Deep Metric Learning
* Active Latent Space Shape Model: A Bayesian Treatment of Shape Model Adaptation with an Application to Psoriatic Arthritis Radiographs
* Active Learning for Bayesian 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Active Subdivision Surfaces for the Semiautomatic Segmentation of Biomedical Volumes
* Active/Passive Multiple Polarization Sea Ice Detection During Initial Freeze-Up
* Actual Evapotranspiration from UAV Images: A Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Approach
* ADA-AT/DT: An Adversarial Approach for Cross-Domain and Cross-Task Knowledge Transfer
* Adaptiope: A Modern Benchmark for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-based functional-link neural network filtre model for denoising ultrasound images
* Adaptive Context-Aware Multi-Modal Network for Depth Completion
* Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Affective Image Retrieval and Classification
* Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based In-Loop Filter for VVC
* Adaptive Determination of the Flow Accumulation Threshold for Extracting Drainage Networks from DEMs
* Adaptive DropBlock-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive enhanced affine transformation for non-rigid registration of visible and infrared images
* Adaptive Face-Iris Multimodal Identification System Based on Quality Assessment Network, An
* Adaptive graph-based discriminative nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Adaptive Human Activity-Aided Hand-Held Smartphone-Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Positioning System, An
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for High-Speed Train: A Multi-Agent Approach
* adaptive level set method based on joint estimation dealing with intensity inhomogeneity, An
* Adaptive Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
* Adaptive Multiplane Image Generation from a Single Internet Picture
* Adaptive Privacy Preserving Deep Learning Algorithms for Medical Data
* Adaptive Regularization Method for 3-D GNSS Ionospheric Tomography Based on the U-Curve
* Adaptive Spatial Resolution Method Based on the ST-ResNet Model for Hourly Property Crime Prediction, An
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Graph Enhanced Vision-Language Representation for Video QA
* Adaptive Streaming of 360-Degree Videos with Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Traffic Engineering Based on Active Network Measurement Towards Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Adaptive, Hybrid Feature Selection (AHFS)
* Adaptive-Attentive Geolocalization from Few Queries: A Hybrid Approach
* AdarGCN: Adaptive Aggregation GCN for Few-Shot Learning
* Adjudicating Perspectives on Forest Structure: How Do Airborne, Terrestrial, and Mobile Lidar-Derived Estimates Compare?
* Advancing Floating Macroplastic Detection from Space Using Experimental Hyperspectral Imagery
* Adversarial attacks through architectures and spectra in face recognition
* Adversarial Deepfakes: Evaluating Vulnerability of Deepfake Detectors to Adversarial Examples
* Adversarial Dual Distinct Classifiers for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Machine Learning: Attacks From Laboratories to the Real World
* Adversarial Metric Attack and Defense for Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Multimodal Network for Movie Story Question Answering
* Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation with Multi-Modal Learning
* Adversarially Learned Iterative Reconstruction for Imaging Inverse Problems
* AEnet: Automatic Picking of P-Wave First Arrivals Using Deep Learning
* Aerial scene understanding in the wild: Multi-scene recognition via prototype-based memory networks
* Affine Template Matching Based on Multi-Scale Dense Structure Principal Direction
* Age-Oriented Face Synthesis With Conditional Discriminator Pool and Adversarial Triplet Loss
* Agent-Based Framework for Self-Organization of Collective and Autonomous Shuttle Fleets
* aggregated deep convolutional recurrent model for event based surveillance video summarisation: A supervised approach, An
* Agile reactive navigation for a non-holonomic mobile robot using a pixel processor array
* agile vehicle-based dynamic user equilibrium scheme for urban traffic signal control, An
* Agricultural Land-Use Changes in the Judean Region from the End of the Ottoman Empire to the End of the British Mandate: A Spatial Analysis
* AI on the Bog: Monitoring and Evaluating Cranberry Crop Risk
* Air-Sea Interaction in the Central Mediterranean Sea: Assessment of Reanalysis and Satellite Observations
* Airborne LiDAR Measurements of Sea Surface Properties in the German Bight
* Aircraft Detection in High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Combining Multi-Angle Features Driven and Majority Voting CNN
* AIS and VBD Data Fusion for Marine Fishing Intensity Mapping and Analysis in the Northern Part of the South China Sea
* Algorithm for Real-Time Cycle Slip Detection and Repair for Low Elevation GPS Undifferenced Data in Different Environments
* Alleviating Over-segmentation Errors by Detecting Action Boundaries
* Alternative Approach for Tsunami Early Warning Indicated by Gravity Wave Effects on Ionosphere
* Alternative of LiDAR in Nighttime: Unsupervised Depth Estimation Based on Single Thermal Image, An
* AMBCR: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Attention Guided Multi-Branch Construction and Retinex Theory
* AMIGOS: A Dataset for Affect, Personality and Mood Research on Individuals and Groups
* Analysis and Estimation of Shipborne HFSWR Target Parameters Under the Influence of Platform Motion
* Analysis and Implementation of the HDR+ Burst Denoising Method, An
* Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration, An
* Analysis of Geotagging Behavior: Do Geotagged Users Represent the Twitter Population?
* Analysis of Groundwater Depletion/Inflation and Freeze-Thaw Cycles in the Northern Urumqi Region with the SBAS Technique and an Adjusted Network of Interferograms
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Changes and Expansion Patterns in Mainland Chinese Urban Land between 1995 and 2015
* Analysis of the Degree of Threat to Railway Infrastructure by Falling Tree Vegetation
* Analysis of the Impact of Multipath on Galileo System Measurements
* Analysis of Vertical Crustal Movements along the European Coast from Satellite Altimetry, Tide Gauge, GNSS and Radar Interferometry, An
* Analysis on segmentation and biomarker-based approaches for liver cancer detection: A survey
* Analytical approximation for macroscopic fundamental diagram of urban corridor with mixed human and connected and autonomous traffic
* Analyzing Deep Neural Network's Transferability via Fréchet Distance
* Angular-Driven Feedback Restoration Networks for Imperfect Sketch Recognition
* AnimePose: Multi-person 3D pose estimation and animation
* Anisotropic Selection Scheme for Variational Optical Flow Methods with Order-adaptive Regularisation, An
* Annually Urban Fractional Vegetation Cover Dynamic Mapping in Hefei, China (1999-2018)
* Anomaly Detection for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Autonomous Vehicles Using Statistical Learning and Kinematic Model
* Ant-Inspired Recurrent Deep Learning Model for Improving the Service Flow of Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Ant-Mutated Immune Particle Filter Design for Terrain Referenced Navigation with Interferometric Radar Altimeter
* Ants: From History of Science to Future of Science
* Anytime Recognition with Routing Convolutional Networks
* Appending Adversarial Frames for Universal Video Attack
* Application of a novel image moment computation in X-ray and MRI image watermarking
* Application of Digital Fabrication Technologies in Reproducing of a Wooden Component in Heritage Buildings
* Application of Digital Integration Strategy for Cultural Heritage Conservation: the Case Study of Qionglin Settlement in Kinmen County, The
* Application of Machine-Learning-Based Fusion Model in Visibility Forecast: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Application of RGB Images Obtained by UAV in Coffee Farming
* Applications of a CloudSat-TRMM and CloudSat-GPM Satellite Coincidence Dataset
* Applying Probabilistic Programming to Affective Computing
* ARank: Toward specific model pruning via advantage rank for multiple salient objects detection
* Architecture for Emotional Facial Expressions as Social Signals, An
* Are Electric Vehicles Reshaping the City? An Investigation of the Clustering of Electric Vehicle Owners' Dwellings and Their Interaction with Urban Spaces
* Are IoBT services accessible to everyone?
* Are These from the Same Place? Seeing the Unseen in Cross-View Image Geo-Localization
* Are You Confident That You Have Successfully Generated Adversarial Examples?
* Artefact-free image stitching via a better normed seam-cutting energy function
* Artificial Neural Network Model of Soil Heat Flux over Multiple Land Covers in South America
* Artwork Identification in a Museum Environment: A Quantitative Evaluation of Factors Affecting Identification Accuracy
* ARU-Net: Reduction of Atmospheric Phase Screen in SAR Interferometry Using Attention-Based Deep Residual U-Net
* ASPP-DF-PVNet: Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling and Distance-Filtered PVNet for occlusion resistant 6D object pose estimation
* ASPset: An outdoor sports pose video dataset with 3D keypoint annotations
* Assessing Image and Text Generation with Topological Analysis and Fuzzy Logic
* Assessing Influential Factors on Inland Property Damage from Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones in the United States
* Assessing Past Climate Biases and the Added Value of CORDEX-CORE Precipitation Simulations over Africa
* Assessing the Accuracy of GEDI Data for Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Mediterranean Forests
* Assessing the Generalization of Machine Learning-Based Slope Failure Prediction to New Geographic Extents
* Assessing the Self-Recovery Ability of Maize after Lodging Using UAV-LiDAR Data
* Assessment and Visualization of OSM Consistency for European Cities
* Assessment of Close-Range Remote Sensing Methods for DTM Estimation in a Lowland Deciduous Forest
* Assessment of Deep Learning Techniques for Land Use Land Cover Classification in Southern New Caledonia
* Assessment of Ensemble Learning to Predict Wheat Grain Yield Based on UAV-Multispectral Reflectance
* Assessment of Influencing Factors on the Spatial Variability of SOM in the Red Beds of the Nanxiong Basin of China, Using GIS and Geo-Statistical Methods
* Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Classification of Movement Patterns During a Weight-Shifting Exergame
* Assessment of Morphology Changes of the End Moraine of the Werenskiold Glacier (SW Spitsbergen) Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques
* Assessment of Poplar Looper (Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff) Infestation on Euphrates (Populus euphratica) Using Time-Series MODIS NDVI Data Based on the Wavelet Transform and Discriminant Analysis
* Assessment of Surface Water Availability under Climate Change Using Coupled SWAT-WEAP in Hongshui River Basin, China
* Assessment of the Homogeneity of Long-Term Multi-Mission RO-Based Temperature Climatologies
* Asymmetric Contextual Modulation for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Asymmetric Two-sided Penalty Term for CT-GAN, An
* ATCC: Accurate tracking by criss-cross location attention
* ATM: Attentional Text Matting
* Atom search-Jaya-based deep recurrent neural network for liver cancer detection
* Attention Guided Low-Light Image Enhancement with a Large Scale Low-Light Simulation Dataset
* Attention Multi-Scale Network for Automatic Layer Extraction of Ice Radar Topological Sequences
* Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Adaptive Region Search
* Attention Symbiotic Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Refined Classification Based on Relative Water Content Retrieval
* Attention Transfer Network for Nature Image Matting
* Attention-Based Spatial Guidance for Image-to-Image Translation
* Attention-based video object segmentation algorithm
* attention-fused network for semantic segmentation of very-high-resolution remote sensing imagery, An
* Attention-shift based deep neural network for fine-grained visual categorization
* Attentional Feature Fusion
* Attentive generative adversarial network for removing thin cloud from a single remote sensing image
* Attribute-Based Double Constraint Denoising Network for Seismic Data
* Atypical Lyrics Completion Considering Musical Audio Signals
* Audio- and Gaze-driven Facial Animation of Codec Avatars
* Audio-Visual Event Localization via Recursive Fusion by Joint Co-Attention
* Augmented Reality Cultural Route at the Xeros River Valley, Larnaca, Cyprus
* Augmented Virtuality Using Touch-Sensitive 3D-Printed Objects
* Auto-Navigator: Decoupled Neural Architecture Search for Visual Navigation
* Automated classification system for drowsiness detection using convolutional neural network and electroencephalogram
* Automated Extraction of Mutual Independence Patterns Using Bayesian Comparison of Partition Models
* Automated Simulation Framework for Urban Wind Environments Based on Aerial Point Clouds and Deep Learning
* Automatic and Operational Method for Land Cover Change Detection Using Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS Data: A Northern Ontario (Canada) Case Study, An
* Automatic Calibration of the Fisheye Camera for Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image
* Automatic defect inspection system for beer bottles based on deep residual learning
* Automatic Delineation of Urban Growth Boundaries Based on Topographic Data Using Germany as a Case Study
* Automatic detection of burial mounds (kurgans) in the Altai Mountains
* Automatic Detection of Pain from Facial Expressions: A Survey
* Automatic Diagnosis of Glaucoma on Color Fundus Images Using Adaptive Mask Deep Network
* automatic feature selection and classification framework for analyzing ultrasound kidney images using dragonfly algorithm and random forest classifier, An
* Automatic Identification and Geometrical Modeling of Steel Rivets of Historical Structures from Lidar Data
* Automatic Object Recoloring Using Adversarial Learning
* Automatic Open-World Reliability Assessment
* Automatic Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of Complex Railway Environments
* Automatic Pose Quality Assessment for Adaptive Human Pose Refinement
* Automatic Quantification of Plant Disease from Field Image Data Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Recognition of Facial Displays of Unfelt Emotions
* Automatic segmentation of left and right ventricles in cardiac MRI using 3D-ASM and deep learning
* Automatic Sub-Pixel Co-Registration of Remote Sensing Images Using Phase Correlation and Harris Detector
* Autonomous Aerial Systems in Service of Cultural Heritage Protection from Climate Change Effects
* Autonomous Flight Trajectory Control System for Drones in Smart City Traffic Management
* Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Opportunities, and Social Implications
* Autonomous Tracking For Volumetric Video Sequences
* Autonomous Vehicle Source Enumeration Exploiting Non-Cooperative UAV in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* AutoRetouch: Automatic Professional Face Retouching
* Auxiliary Tasks for Efficient Learning of Point-Goal Navigation
* AVGZSLNet: Audio-Visual Generalized Zero-Shot Learning by Reconstructing Label Features from Multi-Modal Embeddings
* Backpressure control with estimated queue lengths for urban network traffic
* Backward Attentive Fusing Network With Local Aggregation Classifier for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Bag of shape descriptor using unsupervised deep learning for non-rigid shape recognition
* Basic finger inner-knuckle print: A new hand biometric modality
* Bayesian Formulation of Coherent Point Drift, A
* Bayesian sparse hierarchical model for image denoising
* Behavior Prediction for Unmanned Driving Based on Dual Fusions of Feature and Decision
* Benchmark for Evaluating Pedestrian Action Prediction
* Benefiting from Bicubically Down-Sampled Images for Learning Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* BGT: A blind image quality evaluator via gradient and texture statistical features
* Bi-Hemisphere Domain Adversarial Neural Network Model for EEG Emotion Recognition, A
* Biases in CloudSat Falling Snow Estimates Resulting from Daylight-Only Operations
* Bidirectional Guided Attention Network for 3-D Semantic Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* Bike-sharing systems with a dual selection mechanism and a dynamic double-threshold repositioning policy
* Bilateral attention network for semantic segmentation
* BIM and Rapid Prototyping for Architectural Archive Heritage
* Bio-Inspired Representation Learning for Visual Attention Prediction
* Biofeedback Arrests Sympathetic and Behavioral Effects in Distracted Driving
* Bistatic Radar as an Effective Tool for Detecting and Monitoring the Presence of Phytoplankton on the Ocean Surface, The
* Blind Adaptive Mask to Improve Intelligibility of Non-Stationary Noisy Speech
* blind color digital image watermarking method based on image correction and eigenvalue decomposition, A
* BLOB analysis of an automatic vision guided system for a fruit picking and placing robot
* Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest
* Blockchain and Deep Reinforcement Learning Empowered Spatial Crowdsourcing in Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract
* Blockchain-Based Trust Management Model for Location Privacy Preserving in VANET
* BlockQNN: Efficient Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* Boosting Monocular Depth with Panoptic Segmentation Maps
* bottom-up and top-down human visual attention approach for hyperspectral anomaly detection, A
* Boundarymix: Generating pseudo-training images for improving segmentation with scribble annotations
* Brain Dynamics During Arousal-Dependent Pleasant/Unpleasant Visual Elicitation: An Electroencephalographic Study on the Circumplex Model of Affect
* Brain medical image fusion scheme based on shuffled frog-leaping algorithm and adaptive pulse-coupled neural network
* branch and bound irredundant graph algorithm for large-scale MLCS problems, A
* Breaking Shortcuts by Masking for Robust Visual Reasoning
* Bregman Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Deep Matrix Factorization
* Building Change Detection by Using Past Map Information and Optical Aerial Images
* Building Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Semi-Supervised Semantic Edge Detection
* Building High-Fidelity Human Body Models From User-Generated Data
* Burned Area Mapping Algorithm for Sentinel-2 Data Based on Approximate Reasoning and Region Growing, A
* Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras
* C-ITS road-side unit deployment on highways with ITS road-side systems: A techno-economic approach
* Caching-Aware Intelligent Handover Strategy for LEO Satellite Networks
* Calibration and Validation of the TEMPEST-D CubeSat Radiometer
* Calibration of a Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer Using a Double Directional Coupler
* Camera pose estimation in multi-view environments: From virtual scenarios to the real world
* Can Agricultural Management Induced Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Be Detected Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy?
* Can Selfless Learning improve accuracy of a single classification task?
* Canopy Density and Roughness Differentiate Resistance of a Tropical Dry Forest to Major Hurricane Damage
* Canopy Height Estimation from Spaceborne Imagery Using Convolutional Encoder-decoder
* CAP: Context-Aware Pruning for Semantic Segmentation
* Capacity and Limits of Multimodal Remote Sensing: Theoretical Aspects and Automatic Information Theory-Based Image Selection
* Capacity Development for Use of Remote Sensing for REDD+ MRV Using Online and Offline Activities: Impacts and Lessons Learned
* Capturing causality and bias in human action recognition
* Cascaded Attention DenseUNet (CADUNet) for Road Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Images
* Cascaded Microwave Frequency Transfer over 300-km Fiber Link with Instability at the 10-18 Level
* Cascaded Regression Neural Nets for Kidney Localization and Segmentation-free Volume Estimation
* Case for a New Satellite Mission for Remote Sensing of Night Lights, A
* Case Study of the 3D Water Vapor Tomography Model Based on a Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing, A
* CASIA-SURF CeFA: A Benchmark for Multi-modal Cross-Ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing
* CAT-Net: Compression Artifact Tracing Network for Detection and Localization of Image Splicing
* Catmeows: A Publicly-available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations
* CDF Transform-and-Shift: An effective way to deal with datasets of inhomogeneous cluster densities
* Cellular Automata Based Land-Use Change Simulation Considering Spatio-Temporal Influence Heterogeneity of Light Rail Transit Construction: A Case in Nanjing, China
* CEM: A Convolutional Embedding Model for Predicting Next Locations
* CenterFusion: Center-based Radar and Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* centralised training algorithm with D3QN for scalable regular unmanned ground vehicle formation maintenance, A
* Cervical Histopathology Dataset for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Precancerous Lesions, A
* Challenges for Optical Flow Estimates in Elastography
* Characteristics of Rain-Induced Attenuation over Signal Links at Frequency Ranges of 25 and 38 GHz Observed in Beijing
* Characterization of Background-Anomaly Separability With Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hydraulic Simulations and Satellite Images
* Characterization of the Systematic and Random Errors in Satellite Precipitation Using the Multiplicative Error Model
* Characterizing and classifying urban tree species using bi-monthly terrestrial hyperspectral images in Hong Kong
* Characterizing reflectance anisotropy of background soil in open-canopy plantations using UAV-based multiangular images
* Characterizing Soil Stiffness Using Thermal Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
* ChartOCR: Data Extraction from Charts Images via a Deep Hybrid Framework
* Chebyshev Periodical Successive Over-Relaxation for Accelerating Fixed-Point Iterations
* Cinematic-L1 Video Stabilization with a Log-Homography Model
* CIT-GAN: Cyclic Image Translation Generative Adversarial Network With Application in Iris Presentation Attack Detection
* City buses' future velocity prediction for multiple driving cycle: A meta supervised learning solution
* Class Anchor Clustering: A Loss for Distance-based Open Set Recognition
* Class-agnostic Few-shot Object Counting
* Class-agnostic Object Detection
* Class-wise Metric Scaling for Improved Few-Shot Classification
* Classification of breast mass in two-view mammograms via deep learning
* Classification of human activity detection based on an intelligent regression model in video sequences
* Classifier Belief Optimization for Visual Categorization
* Classifying rock slope materials in photogrammetric point clouds using robust color and geometric features
* ClassMix: Segmentation-Based Data Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Climate Variability May Delay Post-Fire Recovery of Boreal Forest in Southern Siberia, Russia
* Climatology of Convective Storms in Estonia from Radar Data and Severe Convective Environments
* Clip: Cheap Lipschitz Training of Neural Networks
* Club Ideas and Exertions: Aggregating Local Predictions for Action Recognition
* CMPD: Using Cross Memory Network With Pair Discrimination for Image-Text Retrieval
* CNN-based infrared dim small target detection algorithm using target-oriented shallow-deep features and effective small anchor
* CNN-Based RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Learn, Select, and Fuse
* Co-designing Digital Engagements with Cultural Heritage Sites in Africa: A Research Road Map for the Brandberg National Monument Area, Namibia
* Coarse Temporal Attention Network (CTA-Net) for Driver's Activity Recognition
* coarse to fine network for fast and accurate object detection in high-resolution images, A
* Coarse- and Fine-grained Attention Network with Background-aware Loss for Crowd Density Map Estimation
* Coarse-to-Fine CNN for Image Super-Resolution
* Coarse-to-Fine Gaze Redirection with Numerical and Pictorial Guidance
* Coarse-to-Fine Loosely-Coupled LiDAR-Inertial Odometry for Urban Positioning and Mapping
* Collaborative feature-weighted multi-view fuzzy c-means clustering
* Collaborative Multi-modal Fusion Method Based on Random Variational Information Bottleneck for Gesture Recognition, A
* Color and Geometry Texture Descriptors for Point-Cloud Quality Assessment
* Colour image segmentation based on a convex K-means approach
* Colour thresholding-based automatic Ki67 counting procedure for Immunohistochemical staining in meningioma
* Combination of FDTD With Analytical Methods for Simulating Elastic Scattering of 3-D Objects Outside a Fluid-Filled Borehole
* Combined deep prior with low-rank tensor SVD for thick cloud removal in multitemporal images
* Combined Model Color-Correction Method Utilizing External Low-Frequency Reference Signals for Large-Scale Optical Satellite Image Mosaics
* Combining Appearance and Gradient Information for Image Symmetry Detection
* Combining Regional Habitat Selection Models for Large-Scale Prediction: Circumpolar Habitat Selection of Southern Ocean Humpback Whales
* Comments on Influence of the Statistical Properties of Phase and Intensity on Closure Phase
* Common Approach to Geo-Referencing Building Models in Industry Foundation Classes for BIM/GIS Integration, A
* COMO: Efficient Deep Neural Networks Expansion With COnvolutional MaxOut
* CoMoDA: Continuous Monocular Depth Adaptation Using Past Experiences
* Comparative Analysis of Different Software Packages for 3d Modelling of Complex Geometries, A
* Comparative analysis of feature extraction and fusion for blind authentication of digital images using chroma channels
* Comparative Analysis of Two Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Site-Level Net Ecosystem Exchange in Major Biomes
* comparative study on handcrafted features v/s deep features for open-set fingerprint liveness detection, A
* Comparing Graph Clusterings: Set Partition Measures vs. Graph-Aware Measures
* Comparing High Accuracy t-LiDAR and UAV-SfM Derived Point Clouds for Geomorphological Change Detection
* Comparing Solo Versus Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Wetland Classification Using Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
* Comparison and Assessment of Three ITRS Realizations
* Comparison and Evaluation of Different Pit-Filling Methods for Generating High Resolution Canopy Height Model Using UAV Laser Scanning Data
* Comparison and Ground Truthing of Different Remote and Proximal Sensing Platforms to Characterize Variability in a Hedgerow-Trained Vineyard
* Comparison of Aerosol Optical Depth from MODIS Product Collection 6.1 and AERONET in the Western United States
* Comparison of Ecohydrological and Climatological Zoning of the Cities: Case Study of the City of Pilsen
* Comparison of Historical Water Temperature Measurements with Landsat Analysis Ready Data Provisional Surface Temperature Estimates for the Yukon River in Alaska
* Comparison of Optimized Sentinel-2 Super-Resolution Methods Using Wald's Protocol and Bayesian Optimization, A
* Comparison of the Segmentation Results of Two Carrier Tracking Loop Types and Analysis of Theoretical Influencing Factors
* Compartmental Epidemiological Model Applied to the Covid-19 Epidemic, A
* Compensating over- and underexposure in optical target pose determination
* Compensation Techniques for Speaker Variability in Continuous Emotion Prediction
* Competitive Interactive Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with VITRIVR-VR
* Completely blind image quality assessment via contourlet energy statistics
* Composite recurrent network with internal denoising for facial alignment in still and video images in the wild
* Compositional Embeddings for Multi-Label One-Shot Learning
* Compositional Learning of Image-Text Query for Image Retrieval
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datasets Based on Ground and GRACE Satellite Observations: Implications for Improvement of Evapotranspiration Retrieval Algorithm, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation of the GF-4 Satellite Image Quality from 2015 to 2020
* Comprehensive Investigation of Capabilities of the Left-Looking InSAR Observations in Coseismic Surface Deformation Mapping and Faulting Model Estimation Using Multi-Pass Measurements: An Example of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan Earthquake
* Comprehensive Study of Moving Load Identification on Bridge Structures Using the Explicit Form of Newmark-ß Method: Numerical and Experimental Studies
* Comprehensive Vector Radiative Transfer Model for Estimating Sea Surface Salinity From L-Band Microwave Radiometry
* Computation Approach for Quantitative Dielectric Constant from Time Sequential Data Observed by CYGNSS Satellites
* Computational Model of Focused Attention Meditation and Its Transfer to a Sustained Attention Task, A
* Concept of 2U Spaceborne Multichannel Heterodyne Spectroradiometer for Greenhouse Gases Remote Sensing, A
* Conditional Link Prediction of Category-Implicit Keypoint Detection
* Confidence-based Global Attention Guided Network for Image Inpainting
* Confidence-Driven Hierarchical Classification of Cultivated Plant Stresses
* Conflicting Bundles: Adapting Architectures Towards the Improved Training of Deep Neural Networks
* Conservation Process of Porta Tiburtina, Rome: A Tool to Map, Protect, and Requalify the Gate
* Considering Human Perception and Memory in Interactive Multimedia Retrieval Evaluations
* Consistency Graph Modeling for Semantic Correspondence
* Consistency Guided Network for Degraded Image Classification
* Constrained Weight Optimization for Learning without Activation Normalization
* Constructing an efficient and adaptive learning model for 3D object generation
* Construction of Binary Matrices as a Union of Orthogonal Blocks via Generalized Euler Squares
* content-based late fusion approach applied to pedestrian detection, A
* content-dependent Daltonization algorithm for colour vision deficiencies based on lightness and chroma information, A
* Context-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Context-Based Image Contrast Enhancement Using Energy Equalization With Clipping Limit, A
* Contextual information enhanced convolutional neural networks for retinal vessel segmentation in color fundus images
* Continental-Scale Land Cover Mapping at 10 m Resolution Over Europe (ELC10)
* Continual Representation Learning for Biometric Identification
* Continuous 3D Multi-Channel Sign Language Production via Progressive Transformers and Mixture Density Networks
* Continuous Geodesic Convolutions for Learning on 3D Shapes
* Contour Co-Tracking Method for Image Pairs, A
* Contrastive Learning in Frequency Domain for Non-I.I.D. Image Classification
* Controllable and Progressive Image Extrapolation
* Convergence Issues in Sequential Partial-Update LMS for Cyclostationary White Gaussian Input Signals
* Convergence Properties of a Randomized Primal-dual Algorithm with Applications to Parallel MRI
* Conversion of the Vertical Profile of Reflectivity From Ku-Band to C-Band Based on the Drop Size Distribution Measurements of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar
* Convolution Neural Network based lossy compression of hyperspectral images
* Convolutional neural network for smoke and fire semantic segmentation
* Coordinated formation control for intelligent and connected vehicles in multiple traffic scenarios
* Copyright Protection Based on Zero Watermarking and Blockchain for Vector Maps
* Corn Biomass Estimation by Integrating Remote Sensing and Long-Term Observation Data Based on Machine Learning Techniques
* Correlation filter via random-projection based CNNs features combination for visual tracking
* Cosmos. Cultural Osmosis: Mythology and Art
* Cost-Performance Evaluation of a Recognition Service of Livestock Activity Using Aerial Images
* Cost-Sensitive Latent Space Learning for Imbalanced PolSAR Image Classification
* Could Historical Mortality Data Predict Mortality Due to Unexpected Events?
* Coupling Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Clustering Algorithm for MSW Landfill Site Selection (Case Study: Lanzhou, China)
* Coupling Historical Maps and LiDAR Data to Identify Man-Made Landforms in Urban Areas
* Covariance-free Partial Least Squares: An Incremental Dimensionality Reduction Method
* Covid-19 and Greek Museums. Digitality as a Mean of Promoting Cultural Heritage During the Coronavirus Period. New Ways of Expression
* COVID-19 Detection from X-ray Images using Multi-Kernel-Size Spatial-Channel Attention Network
* COVID-19 disease severity assessment using CNN model
* COVID-index: A texture-based approach to classifying lung lesions based on CT images
* CPM R-CNN: Calibrating Point-guided Misalignment in Object Detection
* CPS-Det: An Anchor-Free Based Rotation Detector for Ship Detection
* Cramér-Rao Bound for DOA Estimation Exploiting Multiple Frequency Pairs
* Creative Industries and Immersive Technologies for Training, Understanding and Communication in Cultural Heritage
* Creative School, The
* Critical Review of Advanced Electric Machines and Control Strategies for Electric Vehicles, A
* Crop Nitrogen Retrieval Methods for Simulated Sentinel-2 Data Using In-Field Spectrometer Data
* Cross Information Improvement for an H-bim Common Data Environment
* Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Few-Shot Learning and Domain Adaptation
* Cross-Domain Latent Modulation for Variational Transfer Learning
* Cross-Domain Palmprint Recognition via Regularized Adversarial Domain Adaptive Hashing
* Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
* Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-guided networks for moving vehicle detection and tracking in satellite videos
* Cross-Modality 3D Object Detection
* Cross-scene foreground segmentation with supervised and unsupervised model communication
* Crossed-time Delay Neural Network for Speaker Recognition
* Crowd counting with segmentation attention convolutional neural network
* Crowd-based Tools for Indirect Condition Assessment and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
* Crowdsourcing of Popular Toponyms: How to Collect and Preserve Toponyms in Spoken Use
* Crowdsourcing-based indoor mapping using smartphones: A survey
* Cryptanalysis of Image Ciphers With Permutation-Substitution Network and Chaos
* CSIS: Compressed sensing-based enhanced-embedding capacity image steganography scheme
* CSNet: Cascade stereo matching network using multi-information cost volume
* Cultural Master Plan Bamiyan (Afghanistan): A Process Model for the Management of Cultural Landscapes Based on Remote-sensing Data
* Curved Path Following for Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Heading Amendment
* customized low-rank prior model for structured cartoon-texture image decomposition, A
* CycleGAN-STF: Spatiotemporal Fusion via CycleGAN-Based Image Generation
* CycleSegNet: Object Co-Segmentation With Cycle Refinement and Region Correspondence
* Cycling Trajectory-Based Navigation Independent of Road Network Data Support
* Cytology Image Analysis Techniques Toward Automation: Systematically Revisited
* d-Norm-Based Robust Regression With Applications to Image Analysis
* DACS: Domain Adaptation via Cross-domain Mixed Sampling
* DANCE: A Deep Attentive Contour Model for Efficient Instance Segmentation
* DanceIt: Music-Inspired Dancing Video Synthesis
* Danet: Deformable Alignment Network for Video Inpainting
* DAPC-Net: Deformable Alignment and Pyramid Context Completion Networks for Video Inpainting
* Data Fusion of XRF and Vis-NIR Using Outer Product Analysis, Granger-Ramanathan, and Least Squares for Prediction of Key Soil Attributes
* Data Security Through Zero-Knowledge Proof and Statistical Fingerprinting in Vehicle-to-Healthcare Everything (V2HX) Communications
* Data-efficient Alignment of Multimodal Sequences by Aligning Gradient Updates and Internal Feature Distributions
* Data-free Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection
* DB-GAN: Boosting Object Recognition Under Strong Lighting Conditions
* DCT-net: A deep co-interactive transformer network for video temporal grounding
* De-biasing Neural Networks with Estimated Offset for Class Imbalanced Learning
* Deblending of Simultaneous-Source Seismic Data Using Bregman Iterative Shaping
* Decades of Ground Deformation in the Weihe Graben, Shaanxi Province, China, in Response to Various Land Processes, Observed by Radar Interferometry and Levelling
* Deciphering a Timeline of Demise at Medieval Angkor, Cambodia Using Remote Sensing
* Deep 3d Modeling of Human Bodies from Freehand Sketching
* Deep Active Learning for Joint Classification Segmentation with Weak Annotator
* Deep adaptive learning for safe and efficient navigation of pedestrian dynamics
* Deep Adversarial Domain Adaptation Model for Bearing Fault Diagnosis
* Deep Attributed Network Embedding with Community Information
* deep biometric hash learning framework for three advanced hand-based biometrics, A
* Deep Block Transform for Autoencoders
* Deep center-based dual-constrained hashing for discriminative face image retrieval
* Deep Centralized Cross-modal Retrieval
* Deep Clustering: On the Link Between Discriminative Models and K-Means
* Deep compact polyhedral conic classifier for open and closed set recognition
* Deep domain adaptation with ordinal regression for pain assessment using weakly-labeled videos
* Deep Face Swapping via Cross-identity Adversarial Training
* Deep Feature Fusion Network Based on Multiple Attention Mechanisms for Joint Iris-Periocular Biometric Recognition, A
* deep genetic algorithm for human activity recognition leveraging fog computing frameworks, A
* Deep Human-Interaction and Association by Graph-Based Learning for Multiple Object Tracking in the Wild
* Deep Image Compositing
* Deep Image Prior Learning Algorithm for Joint Selective Segmentation and Registration, A
* Deep Interactive Thin Object Selection
* Deep Learning for Detection of Visible Land Boundaries from UAV Imagery
* Deep Learning for Human Affect Recognition: Insights and New Developments
* Deep Learning for Irregularly and Regularly Missing 3-D Data Reconstruction
* Deep learning for occluded and multi-scale pedestrian detection: A review
* Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Dynamic Spontaneous Emotions
* Deep learning-based apple detection using a suppression mask R-CNN
* Deep Learning-Based Radar Composite Reflectivity Factor Estimations from Fengyun-4A Geostationary Satellite Observations
* Deep Metric Learning for Multi-Label and Multi-Object Image Retrieval
* Deep multi-feature learning architecture for water body segmentation from satellite images
* Deep Multi-Level Up-Projection Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Multi-Patch Matching Network for Visible Thermal Person Re-Identification
* deep network with analogous self-attention for short-term traffic flow prediction, A
* Deep Neural Network Based Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Deep neural network compression through interpretability-based filter pruning
* Deep Neural Networks with Transfer Learning for Forest Variable Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Imagery in Boreal Forest
* Deep Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Architecture Based on Underlying Basis Images Learning
* Deep Poisoning: Towards Robust Image Data Sharing against Visual Disclosure
* Deep Preset: Blending and Retouching Photos with Color Style Transfer
* Deep Q-network implementation for simulated autonomous vehicle control
* Deep Regionlets: Blended Representation and Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Multiple Streams' Joint Bitrate Allocation, A
* Deep Reinforcement Polishing Network for Video Captioning
* Deep Residual Correction Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Deep residual deconvolutional networks for defocus blur detection
* Deep Spectral Representation Learning from Multi-View Data
* Deep spectral unmixing framework via 3D denoising convolutional autoencoder
* Deep Superpixel Convolutional Network for Image Recognition
* Deep Template-based Object Instance Detection
* Deep Temporal Fusion Framework for Scene Flow Using a Learnable Motion Model and Occlusions, A
* Deep tree neural network for multiple-time-step prediction of short-term speed and confidence estimation
* Deep Understanding of Urban Dynamics from Imprint Urban Toponymic Data Using a Spatial-Temporal-Semantic Analysis Approach
* Deep Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Deep Vector Quantization Clustering Method for Polarimetric SAR Images, A
* Deep-Learning-Based Probabilistic Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Load With a Novel Queuing Model
* Deep-Masking Generative Network: A Unified Framework for Background Restoration From Superimposed Images
* Deep-seated features histogram: A novel image retrieval method
* Deep-STaR: Classification of image time series based on spatio-temporal representations
* DeepCFL: Deep Contextual Features Learning from a Single Image
* DeepCSR: A 3D Deep Learning Approach for Cortical Surface Reconstruction
* Deepfusion: Deep Ensembles for Domain Independent System Fusion
* DeepIndices: Remote Sensing Indices Based on Approximation of Functions through Deep-Learning, Application to Uncalibrated Vegetation Images
* DeepMark++: Real-time Clothing Detection at the Edge
* DeepOpht: Medical Report Generation for Retinal Images via Deep Models and Visual Explanation
* DeepQTMT: A Deep Learning Approach for Fast QTMT-Based CU Partition of Intra-Mode VVC
* DeepVolume: Brain Structure and Spatial Connection-Aware Network for Brain MRI Super-Resolution
* Defect-GAN: High-Fidelity Defect Synthesis for Automated Defect Inspection
* Defense-friendly Images in Adversarial Attacks: Dataset and Metrics for Perturbation Difficulty
* Deflation based Fast and Robust Preconditioner for Bundle Adjustment, A
* Defocus Blur Detection via Boosting Diversity of Deep Ensemble Networks
* Deformable Gabor Feature Networks for Biomedical Image Classification
* Deformed contour segment matching for multi-source images
* Delay in Arctic Sea Ice Freeze-Up Linked to Early Summer Sea Ice Loss: Evidence from Satellite Observations
* Delta tributary network: An efficient alternate approach for bottleneck layers in CNN for plant disease classification
* Dense 3D-Reconstruction from Monocular Image Sequences for Computationally Constrained UAS*
* Dense Attention-Guided Network for Boundary-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Dense connection decoding network for crisp contour detection
* Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence Estimation With the Deep Self-Correlation Descriptor
* Dense spatio-temporal stereo matching for intelligent driving systems
* Dense Video Captioning Using Graph-Based Sentence Summarization
* Dense-CNN: Dense convolutional neural network for stereo matching using multiscale feature connection
* Dense-Resolution Network for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Depth-aware blending of smoothed images for Bokeh effect generation
* Designing Display Pixel Layouts for Under-Panel Cameras
* Detail Preserving Coarse-to-Fine Matching for Stereo Matching and Optical Flow
* Detect, Consolidate, Delineate: Scalable Mapping of Field Boundaries Using Satellite Images
* Detecting Demolished Buildings after a Natural Hazard Using High Resolution RGB Satellite Imagery and Modified U-Net Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detecting Driver Behavior Using Stacked Long Short Term Memory Network With Attention Layer
* Detecting facial manipulated videos based on set convolutional neural networks
* Detecting high-temperature anomalies from Sentinel-2 MSI images
* Detecting Human-Object Interaction with Mixed Supervision
* Detecting Multi-Decadal Changes in Seagrass Cover in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, Using Landsat Imagery and Boosting Ensemble Classification Techniques
* Detecting phone-related pedestrian distracted behaviours via a two-branch convolutional neural network
* Detecting Urban Events by Considering Long Temporal Dependency of Sentiment Strength in Geotagged Social Media Data
* Detection and Analysis of Degree of Maize Lodging Using UAV-RGB Image Multi-Feature Factors and Various Classification Methods
* Detection method of eyes opening and closing ratio for driver's fatigue monitoring
* Detection of Banana Plants Using Multi-Temporal Multispectral UAV Imagery
* Detection of Change Points in Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites Time Series Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery
* Detection of Changes in Arable Chernozemic Soil Health Based on Landsat TM Archive Data
* Detection of COVID-19 from speech signal using bio-inspired based cepstral features
* Detection of Upper and Lower Planetary-Boundary Layer Curves and Estimation of Their Heights from Ceilometer Observations under All-Weather Conditions: Case of Athens, Greece
* Developing Long Time Series 1-km Land Cover Maps From 5-km AVHRR Data Using a Super-Resolution Method
* Development and Initial Results of a Brain PET Insert for Simultaneous 7-Tesla PET/MRI Using an FPGA-Only Signal Digitization Method
* Development and Validation of an Unsupervised Feature Learning System for Leukocyte Characterization and Classification: A Multi-Hospital Study
* Development of a Shoreline Detection Method Using an Artificial Neural Network Based on Satellite SAR Imagery
* Development of a Virtual Ch Path on Web: Integration of a GIS, VR, and Other Multimedia Data
* Development of an Integrated BIM-3D GIS Approach for 3D Cadastre in Morocco
* Devil is in the Boundary: Exploiting Boundary Representation for Basis-based Instance Segmentation, The
* DewaterNet: A fusion adversarial real underwater image enhancement network
* Diary of Niels: Affective Engagement Through Tangible Interaction with Museum Artifacts, The
* Difference Value Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Diffusion, Pre-Smoothing and Gradient Descent
* Digital 3d Modelling for Heritage Research and Education from an Information Studies Perspective
* Digital Ecosystems for Developing Digital Twins of the Earth: The Destination Earth Case
* Digital hair removal by deep learning for skin lesion segmentation
* Digital Humanities: Prototype Development for Balinese Script
* Digital image steganalysis: A survey on paradigm shift from machine learning to deep learning based techniques
* Digital Terrain Models Generated with Low-Cost UAV Photogrammetry: Methodology and Accuracy
* Digital Traceological and Mechanoscopic Methods in the Study of the Stone Surface of Historical Objects
* Digital Transformation Strategy Initiative in Cultural Heritage: The Case of Tate Museum
* Digitizing the Neolithic Hypogeum
* Direct Differentiation of Pathological Changes in the Human Lung Parenchyma With Grating-Based Spectral X-ray Dark-Field Radiography
* Direct Geostatistical Seismic Amplitude Versus Angle Inversion for Shale Rock Properties
* Direction Concentration Learning: Enhancing Congruency in Machine Learning
* Discharge Estimation Using Integrated Satellite Data and Hybrid Model in the Midstream Yangtze River
* Discriminative and Selective Pseudo-labeling for Domain Adaptation
* Discriminative Auto-Encoding for Classification and Representation Learning Problems
* Discriminative feature alignment: Improving transferability of unsupervised domain adaptation by Gaussian-guided latent alignment
* Discriminative semantic region selection for fine-grained recognition
* Disentangled Contour Learning for Quadrilateral Text Detection
* Dispersion-Compensated Algorithm for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Waveguides, A
* Distance Measure for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Its Application to Pattern Classification Problems, A
* Distillation Multiple Choice Learning for Multimodal Action Recognition
* Distributed adaptive robust H8 control of intelligent-connected electric vehicles platooning subject to communication delay
* Distributed H8-Consensus Filtering for Attitude Tracking Using Ground-Based Radars
* Distributed Learning for Vehicle Routing Decision in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Distributed Newton Method Over Graphs: Can Sharing of Second-Order Information Eliminate the Condition Number Dependence?
* Distribution Patterns and Multilevel Factors of the Innovation Activities of China's New Energy Vehicle Industry
* Disturbance Analysis in the Classification of Objects Obtained from Urban LiDAR Point Clouds with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Diverse Features Fusion Network for video-based action recognition
* Diversifying Inference Path Selection: Moving-Mobile-Network for Landmark Recognition
* Diversity Image Coding Using Irregular Interpolation
* DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS) Level 1 Product Evaluation Using RadCalNet Measurements
* Do Mobile Phone Data Provide a Better Denominator in Crime Rates and Improve Spatiotemporal Predictions of Crime?
* Do not Forget to Attend to Uncertainty while Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting
* Do We Really Need Gold Samples for Sample Weighting under Label Noise?
* Documentation and 3d Digital Modelling: The Case of a Byzantine Christian Temple and an Ottoman Muslim Mosque in Ioannina City, Greece
* DocVQA: A Dataset for VQA on Document Images
* Domain Adaptation Approach for Performance Estimation of Spatial Predictions, A
* Domain Adaptive Transfer Attack-Based Segmentation Networks for Building Extraction From Aerial Images
* Domain Impression: A Source Data Free Domain Adaptation Method
* Domain Shift Preservation for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation
* Domain Stylization: A Fast Covariance Matching Framework Towards Domain Adaptation
* Domain-Adaptive Few-Shot Learning
* Domain-Aware Unsupervised Hyperspectral Reconstruction for Aerial Image Dehazing
* domain-of-influence based pricing strategy for task assignment in crowdsourcing package delivery, A
* DORi: Discovering Object Relationships for Moment Localization of a Natural Language Query in a Video
* Double anchor embedding for accurate multi-person 2D pose estimation
* Double Similarity Distillation for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Double-weighted patch-based label fusion for MR brain image segmentation
* Downscaling-Merging Scheme for Improving Daily Spatial Precipitation Estimates Based on Random Forest and Cokriging, A
* Driver activity recognition by learning spatiotemporal features of pose and human object interaction
* Driver activity recognition using spatial-temporal graph convolutional LSTM networks with attention mechanism
* Driver Anomaly Detection: A Dataset and Contrastive Learning Approach
* Drivers of Organic Carbon Stocks in Different LULC History and along Soil Depth for a 30 Years Image Time Series
* Driving among Flatmobiles: Bird-Eye-View occupancy grids from a monocular camera for holistic trajectory planning
* Driving Skill Modeling Using Neural Networks for Performance-Based Haptic Assistance
* Drop Size Distribution Variability in Central Argentina during RELAMPAGO-CACTI
* Drum-Aware Ensemble Architecture for Improved Joint Musical Beat and Downbeat Tracking
* Dual branch convolutional neural network for copy move forgery detection
* Dual Calibration Mechanism Based L2, p-Norm for Graph Matching
* Dual self-attention with co-attention networks for visual question answering
* dual-attention V-network for pulmonary lobe segmentation in CT scans, A
* Dual-path CNN with Max Gated block for text-based person re-identification
* Dual-Stream Fusion Network for Spatiotemporal Video Super-Resolution
* DualSANet: Dual Spatial Attention Network for Iris Recognition
* DualSR: Zero-Shot Dual Learning for Real-World Super-Resolution
* DuGAN: An effective framework for underwater image enhancement
* DVC-Net: A deep neural network model for dense video captioning
* DVRCNN: Dark Video Post-processing Method for VVC
* Dynamic and Static Context-Aware Attention Network for Trajectory Prediction, A
* Dynamic Characterization of Reservoirs Constrained by Time-Lapse Prestack Seismic Inversion
* Dynamic Control of Fraud Information Spreading in Mobile Social Networks
* Dynamic Plane Convolutional Occupancy Networks
* Dynamic Routing Networks
* DynaVSR: Dynamic Adaptive Blind Video Super-Resolution
* EAGLE-Eye: Extreme-pose Action Grader using detaiL bird's-Eye view
* Earthquake Detection and P-Wave Arrival Time Picking Using Capsule Neural Network
* Ecological cooperative adaptive cruise control of over-actuated electric vehicles with in-wheel motor in traffic flow
* Ecosystem-Dependent Responses of Vegetation Coverage on the Tibetan Plateau to Climate Factors and Their Lag Periods
* EDBGAN: Image Inpainting via an Edge-Aware Dual Branch Generative Adversarial Network
* EDEN: Multimodal Synthetic Dataset of Enclosed GarDEN Scenes
* Edge-Aware Salient Object Detection Network via Context Guidance
* Editorial for CVIU_DL for image restoration
* Editorial for Special Issue UAV Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
* Editorial for the special issue of IMAVIS on automatic face analytics for human behavior understanding
* Editorial for the special issue on the DAFNE project (DigitalAnastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE)
* Editorial of the special issue on Computational Image Editing
* EEG Emotion Recognition Based on Channel Attention for E-healthcare Applications
* Effect of Lunar Complex Illumination on In Situ Measurements Obtained Using Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer of Chang'E-4
* Effect of the Assimilation Frequency of Radar Reflectivity on Rain Storm Prediction by Using WRF-3DVAR
* Effective Evaluation Tool for Hyperspectral Target Detection: 3D Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Analysis, An
* Effective Face Anti-Spoofing Method via Stereo Matching, An
* Effective Fusion Factor in FPN for Tiny Object Detection
* effective weighted vector median filter for impulse noise reduction based on minimizing the degree of aggregation, An
* Effectiveness of Arbitrary Transfer Sets for Data-free Knowledge Distillation
* Effectiveness of incentives offered by mobile phone app to encourage cycling: A long-term study
* Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on the Levels of Surface Solar Radiation and Solar Energy in Cyprus
* Effects of Canopy and Multi-Epoch Observations on Single-Point Positioning Errors of a GNSS in Coniferous and Broadleaved Forests
* Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of FY4A Lightning Mapping Imager in Hainan, China
* Effects of image compression on face image manipulation detection: A case study on facial retouching
* Effects of Tree Trunks on the Directional Emissivity and Brightness Temperatures of a Leaf-Off Forest Using a Geometric Optical Model, The
* Efficient 3D Video Engine Using Frame Redundancy
* efficient and layout-independent automatic license plate recognition system based on the YOLO detector, An
* efficient and locality-oriented Hausdorff distance algorithm: Proposal and analysis of paradigms and implementations, An
* Efficient Approach Based on Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning for Satellite Image Classification, An
* Efficient Attention: Attention with Linear Complexities
* Efficient Center Voting for Object Detection and 6D Pose Estimation in 3D Point Cloud
* Efficient coding of experimental holograms using speckle denoising
* Efficient Convolutional Neural Architecture Search for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments
* Efficient Deep Learning of Nonlocal Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Efficient Energy and Delay Tradeoff for Vessel Communications in SDN Based Maritime Wireless Networks
* Efficient Face Detection in the Fisheye Image Domain
* efficient framework for deep learning-based light-defect image enhancement, An
* Efficient high-speed framework for sparse representation-based iris recognition
* Efficient Image Transmission Pipeline for Multimedia Services, An
* Efficient local stereo matching algorithm based on fast gradient domain guided image filtering
* efficient local stereo matching method based on an adaptive exponentially weighted moving average filter in SLIC space, An
* Efficient Power-Splitting and Resource Allocation for Cellular V2X Communications
* Efficient pyramid context encoding and feature embedding for semantic segmentation
* Efficient Real-Time Radial Distortion Correction for UAVs
* Efficient recurrent attention network for remote sensing scene classification
* efficient semantic segmentation method based on transfer learning from object detection, An
* Efficient video annotation with visual interpolation and frame selection guidance
* Ego-lane index-aware vehicular localisation using the DeepRoad Network for urban environments
* Electric Drive Technology Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Future Electric Vehicles
* Electric Vehicles for Smart Buildings: A Survey on Applications, Energy Management Methods, and Battery Degradation
* Electromagnetic Scattering and Emission From Large Rough Surfaces With Multiple Elevations Using the MLSD-SMCG Method
* Elimination of Undetectable Attacks on Natural Gas Networks
* Ellipse Detection and Localization with Applications to Knots in Sawn Lumber Images
* EM-EOF: Gap-Filling in Incomplete SAR Displacement Time Series
* Embedded Dense Camera Trajectories in Multi-Video Image Mosaics by Geodesic Interpolation-based Reintegration
* Embedding Traffic Network Characteristics Using Tensor for Improved Traffic Prediction
* Embodied Robot Models for Interdisciplinary Emotion Research
* Emojis as Contextual Indicants in Location-Based Social Media Posts
* Empirical Estimation of Nutrient, Organic Matter and Algal Chlorophyll in a Drinking Water Reservoir Using Landsat 5 TM Data
* Enabling Robust Horizon Picking From Small Training Sets
* Encode-decode network with fully connected CRF for dynamic objects detection and static maps reconstruction
* End-to-End Chinese Landscape Painting Creation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* End-to-end feature fusion Siamese network for adaptive visual tracking
* End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers
* End-to-end Learning Improves Static Object Geo-Localization from Video
* Energy Aware Offloading Scheme for Interdependent Applications in Software-Defined IoV With Fog Computing Architecture, An
* Energy recovery strategy for regenerative braking system of intelligent four-wheel independent drive electric vehicles
* Enhanced Multi-Hop Intersection-Based Geographical Routing Protocol for the Internet of Connected Vehicles Network, An
* Enhanced Neural Network Model for Worldwide Estimation of Weighted Mean Temperature
* Enhanced Spinning Parallelogram Operator Combining Color Constraint and Histogram Integration for Robust Light Field Depth Estimation
* Enhanced Tensor RPCA and its Application
* Enhanced wide-activated residual network for efficient and accurate image deblocking
* Enhancement of Detecting Permanent Water and Temporary Water in Flood Disasters by Fusing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Deep Learning Algorithms: Demonstration of Sen1Floods11 Benchmark Datasets
* Enhancing Diversity in Teacher-Student Networks via Asymmetric branches for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Ensemble Classification Model With Unsupervised Representation Learning for Driving Stress Recognition Using Physiological Signals, An
* Ensemble machine learning based driving range estimation for real-world electric city buses by considering battery degradation levels
* Ensemble selection with joint spectral clustering and structural sparsity
* Ensembling Low Precision Models for Binary Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Entropy information-based heterogeneous deep selective fused features using deep convolutional neural network for sketch recognition
* EP-LSTM: Novel prediction algorithm for moving object destination
* Epanastasis-1821: Designing an Immersive Virtual Museum for the Revival of Historical Events of the Greek Revolution
* Epipolar Geometry Guided Highly Robust Structured Light 3D Imaging
* Equivariant Deep Learning via Morphological and Linear Scale Space PDEs on the Space of Positions and Orientations
* Error feedback denoising network
* Estia: Disaster Management Platform for Cultural Heritage Sites
* Estimating Above-Ground Biomass of Potato Using Random Forest and Optimized Hyperspectral Indices
* Estimating and Monitoring Land Surface Phenology in Rangelands: A Review of Progress and Challenges
* Estimating Feature-Label Dependence Using Gini Distance Statistics
* Estimating the Earth's Outgoing Longwave Radiation Measured from a Moon-Based Platform
* Estimating the Parameters of Wind Turbulence from Spectra of Radial Velocity Measured by a Pulsed Doppler Lidar
* Estimating Urban Evapotranspiration at 10m Resolution Using Vegetation Information from Sentinel-2: A Case Study for the Beijing Sponge City
* Estimation and Compensation of Turbulent Tropospheric Delay in High-Resolution SAR Image
* Estimation of Arctic Basin-Scale Sea Ice Thickness From Satellite Passive Microwave Measurements
* Estimation of Forest LAI Using Discrete Airborne LiDAR: A Review
* Estimation of Precipitation Area Using S-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements
* Estimation of Rangeland Production in the Arid Oriental Region (Morocco) Combining Remote Sensing Vegetation and Rainfall Indices: Challenges and Lessons Learned
* Estimation of Semantic Impressions from Portraits
* Estimation of the Monthly Dynamics of Surface Water in Wetlands from Satellite and Secondary Hydro-Climatological Data
* Evaluating and Visualizing Drivers of Coastline Change: A Lake Ontario Case Study
* Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simulations from CAM-Chem Using Satellite Observations
* Evaluating Cultural Landscape Remediation Design Based on VR Technology
* Evaluating Short-Term Tidal Flat Evolution Through UAV Surveys: A Case Study in the Po Delta (Italy)
* Evaluating the Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio for Assessing Fire Severity Using Sentinel-2 Imagery in Northeast Siberian Larch Forests
* Evaluating the Effect of the Financial Status to the Mobility Customs
* Evaluating the Performance of Hyperspectral Leaf Reflectance to Detect Water Stress and Estimation of Photosynthetic Capacities
* Evaluating the Performance of Lightning Data Assimilation from BLNET Observations in a 4DVAR-Based Weather Nowcasting Model for a High-Impact Weather over Beijing
* Evaluating the Representativeness of Socio-Demographic Variables over Time for Geo-Social Media Data
* Evaluation Model for Analyzing Robustness and Spatial Closeness of 3D Indoor Evacuation Networks, An
* Evaluation of Current Trends of Climatic Actions in Europe Based on Observations and Regional Reanalysis
* Evaluation of data-driven performance measures for comparing and ranking traffic bottlenecks
* Evaluation of emergency driving behaviour and vehicle collision risk in connected vehicle environment: A deep learning approach
* Evaluation of Object-Based Greenhouse Mapping Using WorldView-3 VNIR and SWIR Data: A Case Study from Almería (Spain)
* Evaluation of Orbital Drift Effect on Proba-V Surface Reflectances Time Series
* Evaluation of Semantic Segmentation Methods for Land Use with Spectral Imaging Using Sentinel-2 and PNOA Imagery
* Evaluation of small unmanned aerial system highway volume and speed-sensing applications
* Evaluation of Soil Loss by Water in Archaeological Landscapes by Using the (R)usle Model and GIS. The Case Study of Paphos District, Cyprus
* Evaluation of the Chinese HY-2B Satellite's Microwave Scatterometer Instrument, An
* Evaluation of the J-OFURO3 Sea Surface Net Radiation and Inconsistency Correction
* Evaluation of the MODIS (C6) Daily Albedo Products for Livingston Island, Antarctic
* Evaluation of the Performances of Radar and Lidar Altimetry Missions for Water Level Retrievals in Mountainous Environment: The Case of the Swiss Lakes
* EVET: Enhancing Visual Explanations of Deep Neural Networks Using Image Transformations
* EvidentialMix: Learning with Combined Open-set and Closed-set Noisy Labels
* Evolution test by improved genetic algorithm with application to performance limit evaluation of automatic parallel parking system
* Ex Machina: An Interactive Museum Kit for Supporting Educational Processes in Industrial Heritage Museums
* Ex Post Analysis of Water Supply Demand in an Agricultural Basin by Multi-Source Data Integration
* Examining the Characteristics of the Cropland Data Layer in the Context of Estimating Land Cover Change
* Examining the Effect of Squatter Settlements in the Evolution of Spatial Fragmentation in the Housing Market of the City of Buenos Aires by Using Geographical Weighted Regression
* Examples of Multi-Sensor Determination of Eruptive Source Parameters of Explosive Events at Mount Etna
* Excelsior H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 Project: Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Research and Innovation Agenda for Cultural Heritage
* exclusive-disjunction-based detection of neovascularisation using multi-scale CNN, An
* ExMaps: Long-Term Localization in Dynamic Scenes using Exponential Decay
* Expert Knowledge as Basis for Assessing an Automatic Matching Procedure
* Explicit Filterbank Learning for Neural Image Style Transfer and Image Processing
* Exploit Direction Information for Remote Ship Detection
* Exploiting a Semi-Automatic Point Cloud Segmentation Method to Improve the Quality of Rock-Mass Characterization. The Cima Grappa Conservative Restoration Case Study
* Exploiting Spatial Relation for Reducing Distortion in Style Transfer
* Exploiting the Redundancy in Convolutional Filters for Parameter Reduction
* Exploiting Wavelength Diversity for High Resolution Time-of-Flight 3D Imaging
* Exploration of Semantic Geo-Object Recognition Based on the Scale Parameter Optimization Method for Remote Sensing Images
* Exploration of Spatial and Temporal Modeling Alternatives for HOI
* Exploring presentation attack vulnerability and usability of face recognition systems
* Exploring Spatial Patterns of Virginia Tornadoes Using Kernel Density and Space-Time Cube Analysis (1960-2019)
* Exploring the Capacity of an Orderless Box Discretization Network for Multi-orientation Scene Text Detection
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Residents' Daily Activities Using Text-Based Social Media Data: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Exquisitor at the Video Browser Showdown 2021: Relationships Between Semantic Classifiers
* extended context-based entropy hybrid modeling for image compression, An
* Extending Geodemographics Using Data Primitives: A Review and a Methodological Proposal
* Extending Ordinary-Label Learning Losses to Complementary-Label Learning
* Extensibility of U-Net Neural Network Model for Hydrographic Feature Extraction and Implications for Hydrologic Modeling
* Extension of IFC For Supporting 3D Cadastre LADM Geometry, The
* Extension of Mathematical Morphology in Riemannian Spaces
* External Calibration of P-Band Island-Based Sea Clutter Measurement Radar on the Sea Surface
* Extracting Road Traffic Volume in the City before and during COVID-19 through Video Remote Sensing
* Extraction of compact boundary normalisation based geometric descriptors for affine invariant shape retrieval
* Extraction of Irrigation Signals by Using SMAP Soil Moisture Data
* Extraction of optimal fatigue-driving steering indicators considering individual differences
* Extraction of Street Curbs from Mobile Laser Scanning Data in Urban Areas, The
* Extrapolating Satellite-Based Flood Masks by One-Class Classification: A Test Case in Houston
* Eye Tracking Research in Cartography: Looking into the Future
* F0-Based Gammatone Filtering for Intelligibility Gain of Acoustic Noisy Signals
* Face alignment based on fusion subspace and 3D fitting
* Face morphing detection in the presence of printing/scanning and heterogeneous image sources
* Face recognition based on adaptive margin and diversity regularization constraints
* FACEGAN: Facial Attribute Controllable rEenactment GAN
* Faces ŕ la Carte: Text-to-Face Generation via Attribute Disentanglement
* Facial Emotion Recognition with Noisy Multi-task Annotations
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild via Deep Attentive Center Loss
* Facial Expression Recognition through person-wise regeneration of expressions using Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network (AC-GAN) based model
* Facial expression recognition using a combination of enhanced local binary pattern and pyramid histogram of oriented gradients features extraction
* Facial expression recognition using singular values and wavelet-based LGC-HD operator
* Facial Expression Recognition with Identity and Emotion Joint Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition With Two-Branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network
* Fair Comparison: Quantifying Variance in Results for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* FairFace: Face Attribute Dataset for Balanced Race, Gender, and Age for Bias Measurement and Mitigation
* Fast and effective Keypoint-based image copy-move forgery detection using complex-valued moment invariants
* Fast and Fine Location of Total Lightning from Low Frequency Signals Based on Deep-Learning Encoding Features
* Fast CFAR Algorithm Based on Density-Censoring Operation for Ship Detection in SAR Images, A
* Fast depth intra coding based on texture feature and spatio-temporal correlation in 3D-HEVC
* Fast Discrete Matrix Factorization Hashing for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval
* Fast Fourier Intrinsic Network
* Fast Kernelized Correlation Filter without Boundary Effect
* fast level set image segmentation driven by a new region descriptor, A
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intra Encoding of the 3rd Generation Audio Video Coding Standard
* Fast Morphological Dilation and Erosion for Grey Scale Images Using the Fourier Transform
* Fast Neighborhood Grouping Method for Hyperspectral Band Selection, A
* Fast Optimal Transport Artistic Style Transfer
* Fast Pose Graph Optimization via Krylov-Schur and Cholesky Factorization
* Fast Sequential Feature Extraction for Recurrent Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fast Unsupervised Multi-Scale Characterization of Urban Landscapes Based on Earth Observation Data
* Fault-Tolerance Mechanisms for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Feasibility Analyses of Real-Time Detection of Wildlife Using UAV-Derived Thermal and RGB Images
* Feature fusion quality assessment model for DASH video streaming
* Feature learning and patch matching for diverse image inpainting
* Feature pyramid U-Net for retinal vessel segmentation
* Feature selection using hybrid poor and rich optimization algorithm for text classification
* Feature selection with kernelized multi-class support vector machine
* feature-optimized Faster regional convolutional neural network for complex background objects detection, A
* Features' value range approach to enhance the throughput of texture classification
* Feedback-driven loss function for small object detection
* Fengyun-3D/MERSI-II Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Determination Using a Machine-Learning Approach
* Few-shot Font Style Transfer between Different Languages
* Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification With Unknown Classes Using Multitask Deep Learning
* Few-Shot Learning via Feature Hallucination with Variational Inference
* Few-shot Learning with Unlabeled Outlier Exposure
* Filtering Link Outliers in Vehicle Trajectories by Spatial Reasoning
* Fine-grained Foreground Retrieval via Teacher-Student Learning
* Fine-grained Generation for Zero-shot Learning
* Fine-grained Image-text Retrieval via Complementary Feature Learning
* Fine-grained Video Deblurring with Event Camera
* Finger vein recognition algorithm under reduced field of view
* Finite Element Analysis of Ancient Thousand Pillar Temple in Southern India
* Finite-Time Coverage Control for Multiagent Systems With Unidirectional Motion on a Closed Curve
* First Order Locally Orderless Registration
* First-order Geometric Multilevel Optimization for Discrete Tomography
* FLOP-Reduction Through Memory Allocations Within CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* FlowCaps: Optical Flow Estimation with Capsule Networks For Action Recognition
* Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image Synthesis
* Food and Ingredient Joint Learning for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Foreground color prediction through inverse compositing
* Foreground-aware Semantic Representations for Image Harmonization
* Forest Canopy Changes in the Southern Amazon during the 2019 Fire Season Based on Passive Microwave and Optical Satellite Observations
* Forest Height Estimation from a Robust TomoSAR Method in the Case of Small Tomographic Aperture with Airborne Dataset at L-Band
* Forest Land Cover Mapping at a Regional Scale Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery and RF Models
* Forest Restoration Monitoring Protocol with a Low-Cost Remotely Piloted Aircraft: Lessons Learned from a Case Study in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
* Forgery localization in images based on joint statistics of image blocks with neighbouring blocks
* Formal Design of Multi-Function Vehicle Bus Controller
* FPGA Acceleration and Optimization Techniques for 2D LiDAR SLAM Algorithm, An
* FPGA-based favourite skin colour restoration using improved histogram equalization with variable enhancement degree and ensemble extreme learning machine
* FPS-Net: A convolutional fusion network for large-scale LiDAR point cloud segmentation
* Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Algorithm for FY-3B Reflectance Data Based on Random Forest Regression Method
* Fractional-order generalized Laguerre moments and moment invariants for grey-scale image analysis
* Frame Aggregation and Multi-Modal Fusion Framework for Video-Based Person Recognition
* Frame-Wise CNN-Based Filtering for Intra-Frame Quality Enhancement of HEVC Videos
* Frequency Domain Long-Term Prediction for Low Delay General Audio Coding
* From Acquisition to Presentation: The Potential of Semantics to Support the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage
* From generalized zero-shot learning to long-tail with class descriptors
* Frontalization and adaptive exponential ensemble rule for deep-learning-based facial expression recognition system
* FSRSS-Net: High-Resolution Mapping of Buildings from Middle-Resolution Satellite Images Using a Super-Resolution Semantic Segmentation Network
* full-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment index based on stable aggregation of monocular and binocular visual features, A
* Full-reference tone-mapped images quality assessment
* Full-Wave Modeling and Inversion of UWB Radar Data for Wave Propagation in Cylindrical Objects
* fully rotation invariant multi-camera finger vein recognition system, A
* Fused lasso for feature selection using structural information
* Fusion Learning using Semantics and Graph Convolutional Network for Visual Food Recognition
* Fusion of China ZY-1 02D Hyperspectral Data and Multispectral Data: Which Methods Should Be Used?
* Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human Action Recognition in the Service of Medical Platforms
* Fusion of Spectral-Spatial Classifiers for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fusion-based simultaneous estimation of reflectance and illumination for low-light image enhancement
* FusionNDVI: A Computational Fusion Approach for High-Resolution Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
* Future Moment Assessment for Action Query
* Fuzzy based iterative matting technique for underwater images
* Fuzzy Integral-Based CNN Classifier Fusion for 3D Skeleton Action Recognition
* Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comprehensive Review, Challenges, and Research Directions
* Fuzzy SLIC: Fuzzy Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
* G-STC-M Spatio-Temporal Analysis Method for Archaeological Sites
* G2D: Generate to Detect Anomaly
* Game Input with Delay: A Model of the Time Distribution for Selecting a Moving Target with a Mouse
* Gaussian Mixture Model Based Semi-supervised Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
* Gaussian Process-based Feature-Enriched Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Gender discrimination, age group classification and carried object recognition from gait energy image using fusion of parallel convolutional neural network
* Generalized Asymmetric Dual-Front Model for Active Contours and Image Segmentation, A
* Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Autonomous Driving: Dataset, Representations and Baseline
* generalized quality assessment method for natural and screen content images, A
* Generalizing AUC Optimization to Multiclass Classification for Audio Segmentation With Limited Training Data
* Generating Physically Sound Training Data for Image Recognition of Additively Manufactured Parts
* Generation and prediction of flight delays in air transport
* Generation of cancellable locality sampled codes from facial images
* Generative Adversarial Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Generative Adversarial Network Synthesis of Hyperspectral Vegetation Data
* Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions
* Generative Image Inpainting by Hybrid Contextual Attention Network
* Generative Patch Priors for Practical Compressive Image Recovery
* Geocoding Freeform Placenames: An Example of Deciphering the Czech National Immigration Database
* Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation With Implicit Region-Based Homogeneity Enhancement
* Geohazards Susceptibility Assessment along the Upper Indus Basin Using Four Machine Learning and Statistical Models
* Geoinformation Technologies for Conservation of Cultural Heritage
* Geometric Accuracy of 3D Reality Mesh Utilization for BIM-Based Earthwork Quantity Estimation Workflows
* Geometric Analysis of Uncertainty Sampling for Dense Neural Network Layer
* Geometric Deformation on Objects: Unsupervised Image Manipulation via Conjugation
* Geospatial Analysis of Solar Energy in Riyadh Using a GIS-AHP-Based Technique
* Geospatial Decision-Making Framework Based on the Concept of Satisficing
* Geospatial Management and Analysis of Microstructural Data from San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Core Samples
* Geostatistical Approach to Map Near-Surface Soil Moisture Through Hyperspatial Resolution Thermal Inertia, A
* Ghost-Free Deep High-Dynamic-Range Imaging Using Focus Pixels for Complex Motion Scenes
* GIS and Remote Sensing Approach for Desertification Sensitivity Assessment of Cultural Landscape in Apulia Region (Italy), A
* GIS Assessment of the Suitability of Tilapia and Clarias Pond Farming in Tanzania, A
* GIS-Based Methodology for Evaluating the Increase in Multimodal Transport between Bicycle and Rail Transport Systems. A Case Study in Palermo, A
* Global and Local-Contrast Guides Content-Aware Fusion for RGB-D Saliency Prediction
* Global Cognition and Local Perception Network for Blind Image Deblurring
* Global motion estimation with iterative optimization-based independent univariate model for action recognition
* Global Random Graph Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Global Table Extractor (GTE): A Framework for Joint Table Identification and Cell Structure Recognition Using Visual Context
* GlocalNet: Class-aware Long-term Human Motion Synthesis
* GloVe-Based POI Type Embedding Model for Extracting and Identifying Urban Functional Regions, A
* GMM Based Simultaneous Reconstruction and Segmentation in X-ray CT Application
* GNSS-Based Statistical Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies During Typhoon Landings in Taiwan/Japan
* Goal-driven Long-Term Trajectory Prediction
* Going deeper: magnification-invariant approach for breast cancer classification using histopathological images
* GPR Able to Detect Its Own Position Using Fixed Corner Reflectors on Surface, A
* GPR Virtual Guidance System for Subsurface 3D Imaging
* GR-RNN: Global-context residual recurrent neural networks for writer identification
* Gradient-Based Feature Extraction From Raw Bayer Pattern Images
* GraNet: Global relation-aware attentional network for semantic segmentation of ALS point clouds
* Graph characterisation using graphlet-based entropies
* Graph Convolutional Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Graph Regularized Flow Attention Network for Video Animal Counting From Drones
* Graph Structure Reasoning Network for Face Alignment and Reconstruction
* Graph-based Indexing and Retrieval of Lifelog Data
* Graph-based saliency and ensembles of convolutional neural networks for glaucoma detection
* GraphTCN: Spatio-Temporal Interaction Modeling for Human Trajectory Prediction
* Green Computing in Software Defined Social Internet of Vehicles
* Ground Cartesian Back-Projection Algorithm for High Squint Diving TOPS SAR Imaging
* Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging Approach for a Heterogeneous Subsoil With a Vertical Permittivity Gradient, A
* Ground truth free retinal vessel segmentation by learning from simple pixels
* Group Activity Recognition by Exploiting Position Distribution and Appearance Relation
* Group Softmax Loss with Discriminative Feature Grouping
* guaranteed collision-free trajectory planning method for autonomous parking, A
* Guest Editorial Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Guest Editorial: Adversarial Deep Learning in Biometrics and Forensics
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Computer Vision for All Seasons: Adverse Weather and Lighting Conditions
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Performance Evaluation in Computer Vision
* Guided Attention in CNNs for Occluded Pedestrian Detection and Re-identification
* Guided Attentive Feature Fusion for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* H2O-Net: Self-Supervised Flood Segmentation via Adversarial Domain Adaptation and Label Refinement
* Hand Pose Guided 3D Pooling for Word-level Sign Language Recognition
* Handling Negative Values for the Logarithmic Objective Function in Acoustic Laplace-Domain Full-Waveform Inversion Using Real Variables
* Handwritten Chinese Font Generation with Collaborative Stroke Refinement
* HANME: Hierarchical Attention Network for Singing Melody Extraction
* Hard exudate segmentation in retinal image with attention mechanism
* Have Fun Storming the Castle(s)!
* HealTech - A System for Predicting Patient Hospitalization Risk and Wound Progression in Old Patients
* Health Assessment of Eucalyptus Trees Using Siamese Network from Google Street and Ground Truth Images
* Heart Rate Variability for Classification of Alert Versus Sleep Deprived Drivers in Real Road Driving Conditions
* Hessian Initialization Strategies for L-BFGS Solving Non-linear Inverse Problems
* Heterogeneity of Spatial Distribution and Factors Influencing Unattended Locker Points in Guangzhou, China: The Case of Hive Box
* HF Radars for Wave Energy Resource Assessment Offshore NW Spain
* HGPT2: An ERA5-Based Global Model to Estimate Relative Humidity
* Hierarchical Attention Learning of Scene Flow in 3D Point Clouds
* Hierarchical Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification
* hierarchical deep learning framework for the consistent classification of land use objects in geospatial databases, A
* Hierarchical fusion convolutional neural networks for SAR image segmentation
* Hierarchical Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Hierarchical Memory Decoder for Visual Narrating
* Hierarchical Temporal Attention Network for Thyroid Nodule Recognition Using Dynamic CEUS Imaging
* Hierarchical visual comfort assessment for stereoscopic image retargeting
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Intra-Block Lossless Compression
* High frame rate optical flow estimation from event sensors via intensity estimation
* High Precision Error Prediction Algorithm Based on Ridge Regression Predictor for Reversible Data Hiding
* High Resolution, Deep Imaging Using Confocal Time-of-Flight Diffuse Optical Tomography
* High Speed and High Dynamic Range Video with an Event Camera
* High-performance traffic speed forecasting based on spatiotemporal clustering of road segments
* High-quality Frame Interpolation via Tridirectional Inference
* High-Resolution ISAR Imaging and Autofocusing via 2D-ADMM-Net
* High-Resolution Mapping of Aerosol Optical Depth and Ground Aerosol Coefficients for Mainland China
* High-resolution optical-to-SAR image registration using mutual information and SPSA optimisation
* High-resolution triplet network with dynamic multiscale feature for change detection on satellite images
* High-speed target tracking algorithm for the pulse-sequence-based image sensor
* HISEA-1: The First C-Band SAR Miniaturized Satellite for Ocean and Coastal Observation
* HLFNet: High-low Frequency Network for Person Re-Identification
* HOLBP: Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on Histogram of Oriented Local Binary Pattern Descriptor
* Holistic Filter Pruning for Efficient Deep Neural Networks
* HORUS: Multispectral and Multiangle CubeSat Mission Targeting Sub-Kilometer Remote Sensing Applications
* Hotspot Detection and Spatiotemporal Evolution of Catering Service Grade in Mountainous Cities from the Perspective of Geo-Information Tupu
* Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation Using Geostationary Satellite and Reanalysis Data via Deep Learning
* How BFAST Trend and Seasonal Model Components Affect Disturbance Detection in Tropical Dry Forest and Temperate Forest
* How Does Explanation-Based Knowledge Influence Driver Take-Over in Conditional Driving Automation?
* How Image Acquisition Geometry of UAV Campaigns Affects the Derived Products and Their Accuracy in Areas with Complex Geomorphology
* How important is motion in sign language translation?
* How Much Can We See from a UAV-Mounted Regular Camera? Remote Sensing-Based Estimation of Forest Attributes in South American Native Forests
* How to Make a BLT Sandwich? Learning VQA towards Understanding Web Instructional Videos
* Htad: A Home-tasks Activities Dataset with Wrist-accelerometer and Audio Features
* Human skin ringworm detection using wavelet and curvelet transforms: A Comparative Study
* Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (HEV/EV) Technologies for Off-Road Applications
* hybrid BPSO-SVM for feature selection and classification of ocular health, A
* Hybrid Cognitive Architecture with Primal Affect and Physiology, A
* Hybrid face recognition under adverse conditions using appearance-based and dynamic features of smile expression
* hybrid feature descriptor with Jaya optimised least squares SVM for facial expression recognition, A
* Hybrid models for intraday stock price forecasting based on artificial neural networks and metaheuristic algorithms
* Hybrid Music Recommendation Algorithm Based on Attention Mechanism, A
* Hybrid Prediction-Based Pixel-Value-Ordering Method for Reversible Data Hiding
* Hybrid Submicroscopic-Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Framework, A
* HyperCon: Image-To-Video Model Transfer for Video-To-Video Translation Tasks
* Hyperrealistic Image Inpainting with Hypergraphs
* Hyperspectral face recognition with a spatial information fusion for local dynamic texture patterns and collaborative representation classifier
* Hyperspectral Identification of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Suaeda salsa in Coastal Wetlands
* Hyperspectral image classification using 3D 2D CNN
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution under the Guidance of Deep Gradient Information
* Hyperspectral image, video compression using sparse Tucker tensor decomposition
* Hyperspectral Sea Ice Image Classification Based on the Spectral-Spatial-Joint Feature with the PCA Network
* Hyperspectral Target Detection With RoI Feature Transformation and Multiscale Spectral Attention
* Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Constrained Bilinear or Linear-Quadratic Matrix Factorization
* Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques: A Case Study Upper Coruh River Basin (NE Turkey)
* Identification of plant disease images via a squeeze-and-excitation MobileNet model and twice transfer learning
* Identify Complex Imaging Genetic Patterns via Fusion Self-Expressive Network Analysis
* Identifying Leaf Phenology of Deciduous Broadleaf Forests from PhenoCam Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network Regression Method
* Identifying tampering operations in image operator chains based on decision fusion
* Identity Unbiased Deception Detection by 2D-to-3D Face Reconstruction
* IFCInfra4OM: An Ontology to Integrate Operation and Maintenance Information in Highway Information Modelling
* IGSSTRCF: Importance Guided Sparse Spatio-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters For Tracking
* IKEA ASM Dataset: Understanding People Assembling Furniture through Actions, Objects and Pose, The
* Illuminate Low-Light Image via Coarse-to-Fine Multi-Level Network
* Illumination Normalization by Partially Impossible Encoder-Decoder Cost Function
* Image completion with approximate convex hull tensor decomposition
* Image deblurring via enhanced local maximum intensity prior
* image denoising algorithm based on adaptive clustering and singular value decomposition, An
* Image denoising based on BCOLTA: Dataset and study
* Image denoising method based on variable exponential fractional-integer-order total variation and tight frame sparse regularization
* Image deraining with Adversarial Residual Refinement Network
* image encryption algorithm with a plaintext-related quantisation scheme, An
* Image encryption based on compressed sensing and DNA encoding
* Image encryption using linear weighted fractional-order transform
* Image Quality Assessment Using Kernel Sparse Coding
* Image Registration Improved by Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image restoration model using Jaya-Bat optimization-enabled noise prediction map
* Image Restoration via Reconciliation of Group Sparsity and Low-Rank Models
* Image stitching based on angle-consistent warping
* Image Stitching Based on Semantic Planar Region Consensus
* Image stitching method by multi-feature constrained alignment and colour adjustment
* Image translation with dual-directional generative adversarial networks
* Image-Guided Human Reconstruction via Multi-Scale Graph Transformation Networks
* IMG2nDSM: Height Estimation from Single Airborne RGB Images with Deep Learning
* Impact of Atmospheric Optical Properties on Net Ecosystem Productivity of Peatland in Poland
* Impact of Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model on Atmospheric Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Data, The
* Impact of Climate Change on the Surface Albedo over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* Impact of connected vehicle environment on driving performance: A case of an extra-long tunnel scenario
* Impacts of Reservoir Water Level Fluctuation on Measuring Seasonal Seismic Travel Time Changes in the Binchuan Basin, Yunnan, China
* Implementation of a Character Recognition System Based on Finger-Joint Tracking Using a Depth Camera
* Implementation of a Random Forest Classifier to Examine Wildfire Predictive Modelling in Greece Using Diachronically Collected Fire Occurrence and Fire Mapping Data
* Implementation of FAIR Principles for Ontologies in the Disaster Domain: A Systematic Literature Review
* Implicit, Formal, and Powerful Semantics in Geoinformation
* Importance of Indigenous Cartography and Toponymy to Historical Land Tenure and Contributions to Euro/American/Canadian Cartography, The
* Improve CAM with Auto-Adapted Segmentation and Co-Supervised Augmentation
* Improved Back-Projection Algorithm for GNSS-R BSAR Imaging Based on CPU and GPU Platform, An
* Improved Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Disturbed Grassland through Including Bare Ground and Grazing Intensity
* Improved Faster R-CNN Method to Detect Tailings Ponds from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, An
* Improved IOHMM-Based Stochastic Driver Lane-Changing Model, An
* Improved Lunar Irradiance Model Using Multiyear MODIS Lunar Observations
* Improved Multi-Scale Dynamic Feature Encoding Network for Image Demoiréing
* Improved Multipath Mitigation Method and Its Application in Real-Time Bridge Deformation Monitoring, An
* improved multiple manoeuver management protocol for platoon mobility in vehicular ad hoc networks, An
* improved symbol reduction technique based Huffman coder for efficient entropy coding in the transform coders, An
* Improved Techniques for Training Single-Image GANs
* Improved the Accuracy of Seafloor Topography from Altimetry-Derived Gravity by the Topography Constraint Factor Weight Optimization Method
* Improved Training of Generative Adversarial Networks Using Decision Forests
* Improved Transformer Net for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Improved YOLO Network for Free-Angle Remote Sensing Target Detection
* Improving biometric recognition by means of score ratio, the likelihood ratio for non-probabilistic classifiers. A benchmarking study
* Improving Few-Shot Learning using Composite Rotation based Auxiliary Task
* Improving Geographically Weighted Regression Considering Directional Nonstationary for Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation
* Improving Historical Data Discovery in Weather Radar Image Data Sets Using Transfer Learning
* Improving Parcel-Level Mapping of Smallholder Crops from VHSR Imagery: An Ensemble Machine-Learning-Based Framework
* Improving Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation by Learning 3D Object Detection
* Improving Robustness and Uncertainty Modelling in Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
* Improving Satellite Waveform Altimetry Measurements With a Probabilistic Relaxation Algorithm
* Improving Supervised Cross-modal Retrieval with Semantic Graph Embedding
* Improving Time-Efficiency of Variational Specific Differential Phase Estimation
* Improving vehicle re-identification using CNN latent spaces: Metrics comparison and track-to-track extension
* Improving Victimization Risk Estimation: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
* Improving Video Captioning with Temporal Composition of a Visual-Syntactic Embedding*
* Imputation of GPS Coordinate Time Series Using missForest
* In-Orbit Operational Parameter Calculation and Performance Optimization in KOMPSAT-6 Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Incorporating Landslide Spatial Information and Correlated Features among Conditioning Factors for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Incorporating Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Radon Anomaly to Understand the Anar Fault Mechanism and Observing New Evidence of Intensified Activity
* IncreACO: Incrementally Learned Automatic Check-out with Photorealistic Exemplar Augmentation
* Increased Ice Thinning over Svalbard Measured by ICESat/ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
* Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Mapping Using Early Warning Systems in the Copernicus Emergency Management Service
* Incremental Text-to-Speech Synthesis Using Pseudo Lookahead With Large Pretrained Language Model
* Independent Vector Extraction for Fast Joint Blind Source Separation and Dereverberation
* Individual Sick Fir Tree (Abies mariesii) Identification in Insect Infested Forests by Means of UAV Images and Deep Learning
* Individual Tree Canopy Parameters Estimation Using UAV-Based Photogrammetric and LiDAR Point Clouds in an Urban Park
* Inferring Urban Land Use from Multi-Source Urban Mobility Data Using Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Inflating Source Imaging and Stress/Strain Field Analysis at Campi Flegrei Caldera: The 2009-2013 Unrest Episode
* Influence of Image Quality and Light Consistency on the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Weed Mapping
* InfoMax-GAN: Improved Adversarial Image Generation via Information Maximization and Contrastive Learning
* Informative discriminator for domain adaptation
* Infrared Image Super-Resolution via Transfer Learning and PSRGAN
* Infrared small target detection based on non-convex triple tensor factorisation
* Infrared Small-Target Detection Based on Multiple Morphological Profiles
* Initial Assessment of BDS PPP-B2b Service: Precision of Orbit and Clock Corrections, and PPP Performance
* Initialize with Mask: For More Efficient Federated Learning
* Injection of Traditional Hand-Crafted Features into Modern CNN-Based Models for SAR Ship Classification: What, Why, Where, and How
* innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentation using mixture of supervised and unsupervised methods, An
* Innovative Two-Stage Radar Detection Architectures in Adverse Scenarios Using Two Training Data Sets
* Inpainting-based Video Compression in FullHD
* INS Error Estimation Based on an ANFIS and Its Application in Complex and Covert Surroundings
* Integral Equation Methods With Multiple Scattering and Gaussian Beams in Inhomogeneous Background Media for Solving Nonlinear Inverse Scattering Problems
* Integrated Dielectric Model for Unconsolidated Porous Media Containing Hydrate
* integrated model for train rescheduling and station track assignment, An
* Integrating Ecological Assessments to Target Priority Restoration Areas: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* Integrating Geophysical and Photographic Data to Visualize the Quarried Structures of the Roman Town of Bassianae
* Integrating Human Gaze into Attention for Egocentric Activity Recognition
* Integrating information theory and adversarial learning for cross-modal retrieval
* Integrating Network Centrality and Node-Place Model to Evaluate and Classify Station Areas in Shanghai
* Integration of InSAR and LiDAR Technologies for a Detailed Urban Subsidence and Hazard Assessment in Shenzhen, China
* Integration of L-Band Derived Soil Roughness into a Bare Soil Moisture Retrieval Approach from C-Band SAR Data
* Integration of Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry for Heritage BIM Enhancement
* Intelligent IoT systems for traffic management: A practical application
* Inter-Annual Variability in the Antarctic Ice Sheets Using Geodetic Observations and a Climate Model
* Inter-Comparison of Methods for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval: Sentinel-2 Time-Series Analysis in Italian Lakes
* Inter-layer correlation-based adaptive bit allocation for enhancement layer in scalable high efficiency video coding
* Interacting with Cultural Heritage Through Shape Representation Techniques in 3d Modeling Environments
* interactive instance segmentation system with multi-resolution convolutional neural networks, An
* Interactive Multimodal Attention Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* Interactive Video Search Tool: A Case Study Using the V3C1 Dataset, An
* Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CH4 and Its Driver Over South Korea Captured by Integrated Data in 2019
* Intercalibration of MERIS, MODIS, and OLCI Satellite Imagers for Construction of Past, Present, and Future Cyanobacterial Biomass Time Series
* Interest flooding attack mitigation in a vehicular named data network
* Interest point detection from multi-beam light detection and ranging point cloud using unsupervised convolutional neural network
* Interferometric Phase Reconstruction Based on Probability Generative Model: Toward Efficient Analysis of High-Dimensional SAR Stacks
* Interpretable and Trustworthy Deepfake Detection via Dynamic Prototypes
* Interpretable Rule-Based Fuzzy ELM and Domain Adaptation for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Interval Temporal Logic for Time Series Specification and Data Integration, An
* Intra Coding With Geometric Information for Urban Building Scenes
* Intra-class Part Swapping for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Intro and Recap Detection for Movies and TV Series
* Introduction to the Special Issue On Computational Modelling of Emotion
* Inverse Scale Space Iterations for Non-convex Variational Problems Using Functional Lifting
* Invertible Neural Networks Versus MCMC for Posterior Reconstruction in Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence
* Investigating the Role of Green Infrastructure on Urban WaterLogging: Evidence from Metropolitan Coastal Cities
* Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Human Development Index: A Comparative Study on Countries and Regions in the Eastern Hemisphere from the Perspective of Evolution
* Ionospheric Irregularity Layer Height and Thickness Estimation With a GNSS Receiver Array
* Ionospheric Scintillation Prediction on S4 and ROTI Parameters Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
* ISAR Imaging for Maneuvering Targets with Complex Motion Based on Generalized Radon-Fourier Transform and Gradient-Based Descent under Low SNR
* IsGAN: Identity-sensitive generative adversarial network for face photo-sketch synthesis
* Isowarp: The Template-Based Visual Geometry of Isometric Surfaces, The
* Iterative Local-Search Heuristic for Weighted Vehicle Routing Problem
* Iterative Multi-Scale Residual Network for Deblurring
* Iterative registration for multi-modality retinal fundus photographs using directional vessel skeleton
* Iterative sparse and deep learning for accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
* IVIST: Interactive Video Search Tool in VBS 2021
* IVOS - The ITEC Interactive Video Object Search System at VBS2021
* Jitter Detection and Image Restoration Based on Continue Dynamic Shooting Model for High-Resolution TDI CCD Satellite Images
* Joint 3D Reconstruction and Object Tracking for Traffic Video Analysis Under IoV Environment
* Joint and Progressive Subspace Analysis (JPSA) With Spatial-Spectral Manifold Alignment for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction
* Joint Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Nonlinear Parametric Systems With Cross-Correlated Noises
* joint cumulative distribution function and gradient fusion based method for dehazing of long shot hazy images, A
* Joint Input and Output Space Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Joint Secure Design of Downlink and D2D Cooperation Strategies for Multi-User Systems
* Joint Sparse Recovery for Signals of Spark-Level Sparsity and MMV Tail-L_2,1 Minimization
* Joint UAV-Borne Magnetic Detection System and Cart-Mounted Time Domain Electromagnetic System for UXO Detection, The
* Joint use of DSRC and C-V2X for V2X communications in the 5.9 GHz ITS band
* Joint Visual-Temporal Embedding for Unsupervised Learning of Actions in Untrimmed Sequences
* JOLO-GCN: Mining Joint-Centered Light-Weight Information for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Juggling with representations: On the information transfer between imagery, point clouds, and meshes for multi-modal semantics
* kernel path algorithm for general parametric quadratic programming problem, A
* Kernel Self-Attention for Weakly-supervised Image Classification using Deep Multiple Instance Learning
* Keypoint based comprehensive copy-move forgery detection
* Keypoint-Aligned Embeddings for Image Retrieval and Re-identification
* keypoint-based object detection method with wide dual-path backbone network and attention modules, A
* Keystroke Dynamics as Part of Lifelogging
* Kirini: An Interactive Projection-mapping Installation for Storytelling About Mediterranean Beekeeping Heritage
* KMapper: A Field Geological Survey System
* Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
* Knowledge Exchange Between Domain-Adversarial and Private Networks Improves Open Set Image Classification
* Knowledge-Driven GeoAI: Integrating Spatial Knowledge into Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Mars Crater Detection
* KS-FQA: Keyframe selection based on face quality assessment for efficient face recognition in video
* Kvasir-instrument: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool Segmentation Dataset in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
* L4Net: An anchor-free generic object detector with attention mechanism for autonomous driving
* LabelRS: An Automated Toolbox to Make Deep Learning Samples from Remote Sensing Images
* Land Movements Estimation in Amathus Archaeological Site in Limassol District with In-SAR DIN-SAR Methodologies
* Land Use Change Ontology and Traffic Prediction through Recurrent Neural Networks: A Case Study in Calgary, Canada
* Land-Use Change Dynamics Based on the CORINE Data in the Period 1990-2018 in the European Archipelagos of the Macaronesia Region: Azores, Canary Islands, and Madeira, The
* Landslide Recognition by Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Change Detection
* Language Independent Searching Tools for Cultural Heritage on the Querylab Platform
* Language Person Search with Pair-based Weighting Loss
* Large image datasets: A pyrrhic win for computer vision?
* Large-scale implementation of floating car data monitoring road friction
* Large-Scale Many-Objective Deployment Optimization of Edge Servers
* Large-Scale, Time-Synchronized Visible and Thermal Face Dataset, A
* Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
* Layer-Specific Optimization for Mixed Data Flow With Mixed Precision in FPGA Design for CNN-Based Object Detectors
* Layered-Modeling of Affective and Sensory Experiences using Structural Equation Modeling: Touch Experiences of Plastic Surfaces as an Example
* LayoutGAN: Synthesizing Graphic Layouts With Vector-Wireframe Adversarial Networks
* LD-MAN: Layout-Driven Multimodal Attention Network for Online News Sentiment Recognition
* Learn like a Pathologist: Curriculum Learning by Annotator Agreement for Histopathology Image Classification
* Learn to abstract via concept graph for weakly-supervised few-shot learning
* Learned Dual-View Reflection Removal
* Learned Greedy Method (LGM): A novel neural architecture for sparse coding and beyond
* Learning 3D-Craft Generation with Predictive Action Neural Network
* Learning a Fixed-Length Fingerprint Representation
* Learning About the Heritage of Tinian Marble Crafts with a Location-based Mobile Game and Tour App
* Learning Adaptive Classifiers Synthesis for Generalized Few-Shot Learning
* Learning adaptive spatial-temporal regularized correlation filters for visual tracking
* Learning Data Augmentation with Online Bilevel Optimization for Image Classification
* Learning deep cross-scale feature propagation for indoor semantic segmentation
* Learning deep part-aware embedding for person retrieval
* Learning Deep Patch Representation for Probabilistic Graphical Model-Based Face Sketch Synthesis
* Learning Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Regularization for UAV Object Tracking
* Learning Fast Converging, Effective Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks with a Mirrored Auxiliary Classifier
* Learning features from covariance matrix of gabor wavelet for face recognition under adverse conditions
* Learning From Images: A Distillation Learning Framework for Event Cameras
* Learning from the Negativity: Deep Negative Correlation Meta-learning for Adversarial Image Classification
* Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain Streak Removal
* Learning Image Profile Enhancement and Denoising Statistics Priors for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Linear Assignment Flows for Image Labeling via Exponential Integration
* Learning Local Regularization for Variational Image Restoration
* Learning Multi-level Interaction Relations and Feature Representations for Group Activity Recognition
* Learning of low-level feature keypoints for accurate and robust detection
* Learning Optimal Wavefront Shaping for Multi-Channel Imaging
* Learning Regional Attraction for Line Segment Detection
* Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring Multisensory Incremental Models
* Learning Shape Representations for Person Re-Identification under Clothing Change
* Learning Temporary Block-Based Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filters for Efficient UAV Object Tracking
* Learning to Distill Convolutional Features into Compact Local Descriptors
* Learning to Generate Dense Point Clouds with Textures on Multiple Categories
* Learning to Visualize Music Through Shot Sequence for Automatic Concert Video Mashup
* Learning Tubule-Sensitive CNNs for Pulmonary Airway and Artery-Vein Segmentation in CT
* Learning With Context Feedback Loop for Robust Medical Image Segmentation
* Learning-Based Approach to Parametric Rotoscoping of Multi-Shape Systems, A
* Least-Squares Gaussian Beam Transform for Deblending Distance-Separated Simultaneous Sources
* Legacy Photo Editing with Learned Noise Prior
* Lemon-YOLO: An efficient object detection method for lemons in the natural environment
* Less is More: Divexplore 5.0 at VBS 2021
* Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Lens Soiling Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Level set framework with transcendental constraint for robust and fast image segmentation
* Level set method with Retinex-corrected saliency embedded for image segmentation
* level-set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation with application to breast thermography images, A
* Light field editing in the gradient domain
* Lightning Detection and Imaging Based on VHF Radar Interferometry
* Lightweight boundary refinement module based on point supervision for semantic segmentation
* lightweight multi-scale aggregated model for detecting aerial images captured by UAVs, A
* Lightweight Neural Network for Monocular View Generation With Occlusion Handling, A
* Line Art Correlation Matching Feature Transfer Network for Automatic Animation Colorization
* Line-based visual odometry using local gradient fitting
* Linear Transformations and Signal Estimation in the Joint Spatial-Slepian Domain
* Linear-Based Incremental Co-Registration of MLS and Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Link Optimization in Software Defined IoV Driven Autonomous Transportation System
* Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern Amazonas, Peru
* Links between Canopy Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Gross Primary Production Responses to Meteorological Factors in the Growing Season in Deciduous Broadleaf Forest, The
* Lip-reading with Densely Connected Temporal Convolutional Networks
* Local and global encoder network for semantic segmentation of Airborne laser scanning point clouds
* Local Culprits of Shape Complexity
* Local descriptor-based multi-prototype network for few-shot Learning
* Local to Global: Efficient Visual Localization for a Monocular Camera
* Localised edge-region-based active contour for medical image segmentation
* Locality Preserving Robust Regression for Jointly Sparse Subspace Learning
* Locating Visual Explanations for Video Question Answering
* LoGAN: Latent Graph Co-Attention Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
* Long short-term memory based anomaly detection: A case study of China railway passenger ticketing system
* Long-range Attention Network for Multi-View Stereo
* Long-Term Observations of Microwave Brightness Temperatures over a Metropolitan Area: Comparison of Radiometric Data and Spectra Simulated with the Use of Radiosonde Measurements
* Long-term rate control for concurrent multipath real-time video transmission in heterogeneous wireless networks
* Look Behind You!: Using a Face Camera for Mobile Augmented Reality Odometry
* Lossless PDE-Based Compression of 3D Medical Images
* Low Computational Complexity JPDA Filter With Superposition, A
* Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Opium Poppy Image Detection Based on Modified YOLOv3
* Low-light image enhancement based on Retinex decomposition and adaptive gamma correction
* low-light image enhancement method based on bright channel prior and maximum colour channel, A
* Low-PAPR Waveforms with Shaped Spectrum for Enhanced Low Probability of Intercept Noise Radars
* Low-Rank Pairwise Alignment Bilinear Network For Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Low-rank Registration of Images Captured Under Unknown, Varying Lighting
* LT-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN with Latent Transformation Detection
* MABAN: Multi-Agent Boundary-Aware Network for Natural Language Moment Retrieval
* Machine Learning and Geo-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems in Analysis of Complex Problems
* Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Surface Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Global Oceans From Satellite Measurements, A
* Machine Learning Estimation of Fire Arrival Time from Level-2 Active Fires Satellite Data
* Machine Learning for Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties Estimation Using Dual-Polarimetric SAR Data
* Machine Learning-Based Approach for Surface Soil Moisture Estimations with Google Earth Engine, A
* Making DensePose fast and light
* Making Use of 3D Models for Plant Physiognomic Analysis: A Review
* MAP-Net: Multiple Attending Path Neural Network for Building Footprint Extraction From Remote Sensed Imagery
* Mapping and Evaluating Human Pressure Changes in the Qilian Mountains
* Mapping and Quantification of the Dwarf Eelgrass Zostera noltei Using a Random Forest Algorithm on a SPOT 7 Satellite Image
* Mapping Croplands in the Granary of the Tibetan Plateau Using All Available Landsat Imagery, A Phenology-Based Approach, and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Cultural Heritage: Clio Map, Montenegro
* Mapping fine-scale human disturbances in a working landscape with Landsat time series on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Land Surface Temperature Developments in Functional Urban Areas across Europe
* Mapping Outburst Floods Using a Collaborative Learning Method Based on Temporally Dense Optical and SAR Data: A Case Study with the Baige Landslide Dam on the Jinsha River, Tibet
* Mapping Panax Notoginseng Plantations by Using an Integrated Pixel- and Object-Based (IPOB) Approach and ZY-3 Imagery
* Mapping Sandy Land Using the New Sand Differential Emissivity Index From Thermal Infrared Emissivity Data
* Mapping the Accessibility of Medical Facilities of Wuhan during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual Model with Satellite Data
* Mapping Urban Green Spaces at the Metropolitan Level Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
* Marker-Less UAV-LiDAR Strip Alignment in Plantation Forests Based on Topological Persistence Analysis of Clustered Canopy Cover
* MART: Motion-Aware Recurrent Neural Network for Robust Visual Tracking
* Mask Selection and Propagation for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Mask-ShadowNet: Toward Shadow Removal via Masked Adaptive Instance Normalization
* MaskCOV: A random mask covariance network for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* maskedFaceNet: A Progressive Semi-Supervised Masked Face Detector
* MASTER: Multi-aspect non-local network for scene text recognition
* Maximum entropy-based semi-supervised learning for automatic detection and recognition of objects using deep ConvNets
* MDCwFB: A Multilevel Dense Connection Network with Feedback Connections for Pansharpening
* MDST-DBSCAN: A Density-Based Clustering Method for Multidimensional Spatiotemporal Data
* Meaningful ciphertext encryption algorithm based on bit scrambling, discrete wavelet transform, and improved chaos
* Measurement of Potential Victims of Burglary at the Mesoscale: Comparison of Census, Phone Users, and Social Media Data
* Measurement of the Lag Correction Factor in Low-Dose Fluoroscopic Imaging
* Measurements of Rainfall Rate, Drop Size Distribution, and Variability at Middle and Higher Latitudes: Application to the Combined DPR-GMI Algorithm
* MECCANO Dataset: Understanding Human-Object Interactions from Egocentric Videos in an Industrial-like Domain, The
* Median-Pooling Grad-Cam: An Efficient Inference Level Visual Explanation for CNN Networks in Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Medical image fusion and noise suppression with fractional-order total variation and multi-scale decomposition
* Medical JPEG image steganography method according to the distortion reduction criterion based on an imperialist competitive algorithm
* MeliusNet: An Improved Network Architecture for Binary Neural Networks
* MEMF: Multi-level-attention embedding and multi-layer-feature fusion model for person re-identification
* Memory- and Accuracy-Aware Gaussian Parameter-Based Stereo Matching Using Confidence Measure, A
* Memory-Free Stochastic Weight Averaging by One-Way Variational Pruning
* Meta Module Network for Compositional Visual Reasoning
* Meta-classification of remote sensing reflectance to estimate trophic status of inland and nearshore waters
* Method for Exploring and Analyzing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Traffic Congestion in Expressway Networks Based on Origin-Destination Data, A
* Method for Scaling Window Sidelobe Magnitude, A
* method of inpainting moles and acne on the high-resolution face photos, A
* method of lining seam elimination with angle adaptation and rectangular mark for road tunnel concrete lining images, A
* Methodological Proposal for Automated Detection of the Wildland-Urban Interface: Application to the Metropolitan Regions of Madrid and Barcelona
* Methodology for Determining the Nearest Destinations for the Evacuation of People and Equipment from a Disaster Area to a Safe Area
* Methodology for the Definition of Durum Wheat Yield Homogeneous Zones by Using Satellite Spectral Indices
* MEVA: A Large-Scale Multiview, Multimodal Video Dataset for Activity Detection
* MFIF-GAN: A new generative adversarial network for multi-focus image fusion
* Microphysical Characteristics of Rainfall Observed by a 2DVD Disdrometer during Different Seasons in Beijing, China
* Minimal Solvers for Single-View Lens-Distorted Camera Auto-Calibration
* Minimizing Timing Jitter's Impact on Ground-Penetrating Radar Array Coupling Signals
* Minimum variance-embedded kernelized extension of extreme learning machine for imbalance learning
* Mining consistent correspondences using co-occurrence statistics
* MinkLoc3D: Point Cloud Based Large-Scale Place Recognition
* Misclassification Risk and Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Classifiers
* Mitigating Demographic Bias in Facial Datasets with Style-Based Multi-attribute Transfer
* Mitigating severe over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural networks through forced feature abstraction and compression with an entropy-based heuristic
* MIXCAPS: A capsule network-based mixture of experts for lung nodule malignancy prediction
* MixChannel: Advanced Augmentation for Multispectral Satellite Images
* Mixed Poisson Gaussian noise reduction in fluorescence microscopy images using modified structure of wavelet transform
* Mixed-order spectral clustering for complex networks
* MM-net: Learning Adaptive Meta-metric for Few-shot Biometric Recognition
* MNR-AIR: An Economic and Dynamic Crowdsourcing Mechanism to Collect Personal Lifelog and Surrounding Environment Dataset. A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
* Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar Disorder
* Mobile keystroke dynamics for biometric recognition: An overview
* Mobility Trace Analysis for Intelligent Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Applications
* Model-based decentralized Bayesian algorithm for distributed compressed sensing
* Model-Based Estimation of Forest Canopy Height and Biomass in the Canadian Boreal Forest Using Radar, LiDAR, and Optical Remote Sensing
* Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Modeling and evaluation of a ridesharing matching system from multi-stakeholders' perspective
* Modeling and Prediction of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery Based on Spatiotemporal Statistical Method
* Modeling and Synthesis of Breast Cancer Optical Property Signatures With Generative Models
* Modeling Diameter Distributions with Six Probability Density Functions in Pinus halepensis Mill. Plantations Using Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Aragón (Northeast Spain)
* Modeling Sub-Actions for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Modeling the Impact of Climate Changes on Crop Yield: Irrigated vs. Non-Irrigated Zones in Mississippi
* Modelling Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects of Natural and Socioeconomic Factors, and Their Interactions, on Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentrations in China from 2000-2015
* Modified Normalized Urban Area Composite Index: A Satelliate-Derived High-Resolution Index for Extracting Urban Areas, The
* Modify the Accuracy of MODIS PWV in China: A Performance Comparison Using Random Forest, Generalized Regression Neural Network and Back-Propagation Neural Network
* Moment-based multi-lane detection and tracking
* Monitoring Lakes Surface Water Velocity with SAR: A Feasibility Study on Lake Garda, Italy
* Monitoring Marine Areas from the International Space Station: The Case of the Submerged Harbor of Amathus
* Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Trajectory of Urban Area Hotspots Using the SVM Regression Method Based on NPP-VIIRS Imagery
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Information Exchange Network
* More Accurate Field-to-Field Method towards the Wind Retrieval of HY-2B Scatterometer, A
* MoRe: A Large-Scale Motorcycle Re-Identification Dataset
* Motion Adaptive Deblurring with Single-Photon Cameras
* Moviewall: A New Interface for Browsing Large Video Collections, The
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking Based on Interaction of Static Obstacle Map and Geometric Model-Free Approachfor Urban Autonomous Driving
* MPRNet: Multi-Path Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super Resolution
* MRANet: Multi-atrous residual attention Network for stereo image super-resolution
* MRP-GAN: Multi-resolution parallel generative adversarial networks for text-to-image synthesis
* Mscanet: Adaptive Multi-scale Context Aggregation Network for Congested Crowd Counting
* MSNet: A Multilevel Instance Segmentation Network for Natural Disaster Damage Assessment in Aerial Videos
* MSNet: A novel end-to-end single image dehazing network with multiple inter-scale dense skip-connections
* Multi Projection Fusion for Real-time Semantic Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
* Multi-Aperture Space-Time Transmit and Receive Design for MIMO Radar
* Multi-Atlas Image Soft Segmentation via Computation of the Expected Label Value
* Multi-branch and Multi-scale Attention Learning for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* Multi-camera traffic scene mosaic based on camera calibration
* Multi-Class Hinge Loss for Conditional GANs, A
* Multi-focus image fusion evaluation based on jointly sparse representation and atom focus measure
* Multi-frame Recurrent Adversarial Network for Moving Object Segmentation
* Multi-frame Super-resolution from Noisy Data
* Multi-grained Fusion for Conditional Image Retrieval
* Multi-granularity Recurrent Attention Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning
* Multi-image encryption algorithm based on image hash, bit-plane decomposition and dynamic DNA coding
* Multi-Interactive Dual-Decoder for RGB-Thermal Salient Object Detection
* Multi-label image recognition by using semantics consistency, object correlation, and multiple samples
* Multi-level Gate Feature Aggregation with Spatially Adaptive Batch-instance Normalization for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Multi-Level Generative Chaotic Recurrent Network for Image Inpainting
* Multi-Loss Weighting with Coefficient of Variations
* Multi-Modal Reasoning Graph for Scene-Text Based Fine-Grained Image Classification and Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Retinal Image Classification with Modality-Specific Attention Network
* Multi-Modal Trajectory Prediction of NBA Players
* Multi-objective optimization of cordon sanitaire with vehicle waiting time constraint
* Multi-path Neural Networks for On-device Multi-domain Visual Classification
* Multi-Resolution Aitchison Geometry Image Denoising for Low-Light Photography
* Multi-Resolution Supervision Network with an Adaptive Weighted Loss for Desert Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Fused SAR Image Registration Based on Deep Forest
* Multi-Scale Geophysical Methodologies Applied to Image Archaeological Ruins at Various Depths in Highly Terraneous Sites
* Multi-Scale Neighborhood Feature Extraction and Aggregation for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Multi-scale pedestrian detection based on self-attention and adaptively spatial feature fusion
* Multi-scale relation reasoning for multi-modal Visual Question Answering
* Multi-Scale Representation Learning on Hypergraph for 3D Shape Retrieval and Recognition
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* Multi-Scale Virtual Terrain for Hierarchically Structured Non-Location Data, A
* multi-scroll hyper-chaotic coexistence attractors and its application, The
* Multi-Stage Degradation Homogenization for Super-Resolution of Face Images With Extreme Degradations
* multi-step airport delay prediction model based on spatial-temporal correlation and auxiliary features, A
* Multi-stream pose convolutional neural networks for human interaction recognition in images
* Multi-style Chinese art painting generation of flowers
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking of Vehicles Using Metadata-Aided Re-ID and Trajectory-Based Camera Link Model
* Multi-Task Collaboration Deep Learning Framework for Infrared Precipitation Estimation
* Multi-task Deep Learning for No-reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Task Knowledge Distillation for Eye Disease Prediction
* Multi-Task Learning Approach for Human Activity Segmentation and Ergonomics Risk Assessment, A
* Multi-task learning using GNet features and SVM classifier for signature identification
* Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
* Multi-View 3D Shape Recognition via Correspondence-Aware Deep Learning
* Multi-View Clustering Based on Invisible Weights
* Multi-View Mouse Social Behaviour Recognition With Deep Graphic Model
* Multialgorithm Fusion Image Processing for High Speed Railway Dropper Failure-Defect Detection
* Multidimensional Feature Representation and Learning for Robust Hand-Gesture Recognition on Commercial Millimeter-Wave Radar
* Multidrone Systems: More Than the Sum of the Parts
* Multifractal Characteristics Analysis Based on Slope Distribution Probability in the Yellow Rivre Basin, China
* Multimodal assessment of apparent personality using feature attention and error consistency constraint
* Multimodal Features for Detection of Driver Stress and Fatigue: Review
* Multimodal GANs: Toward Crossmodal Hyperspectral-Multispectral Image Segmentation
* Multimodal Humor Dataset: Predicting Laughter tracks for Sitcoms
* Multimodal Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning
* multimodal retina-iris biometric system using the Levenshtein distance for spatial feature comparison, A
* Multimodal Sensor Data Analysis for Detection of Risk Situations of Fragile People in @home Environments
* Multimodal Tensor-based Late Fusion Approach for Satellite Image Search in Sentinel 2 Images, A
* Multimodal Trajectory Predictions for Autonomous Driving without a Detailed Prior Map
* Multiple Data Products Reveal Long-Term Variation Characteristics of Terrestrial Water Storage and Its Dominant Factors in Data-Scarce Alpine Regions
* Multiscale Cloud Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using a Dual Convolutional Neural Network
* Multiscale Context-Aware Ensemble Deep KELM for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiscale Information Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Hybrid 2D-3D CNN
* Multiscale Registration
* Multiscale U-Shaped CNN Building Instance Extraction Framework With Edge Constraint for High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multisensor Data Fusion for Cloud Removal in Global and All-Season Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Multitemporal Landslide Inventory and Activity Analysis by Means of Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Techniques in an Area of Southern Spain
* Muscle-Synergies-Based Neuromuscular Control for Motion Learning and Generalization of a Musculoskeletal System
* MUSCLE: Strengthening Semi-Supervised Learning Via Concurrent Unsupervised Learning Using Mutual Information Maximization
* Musicoder: A Universal Music-acoustic Encoder Based on Transformer
* Muti-modal learning in photogrammetry and remote sensing
* Mutual Information Maximization on Disentangled Representations for Differential Morph Detection
* MVHM: A Large-Scale Multi-View Hand Mesh Benchmark for Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Narration: Integrated System for Management and Curation of Digital Content and Production of Personalized and Collaborative Narratives
* Natural and Political Determinants of Ecological Vulnerability in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A Case Study of Shannan, China
* Near-Real-Time Flood Mapping Using Off-the-Shelf Models with SAR Imagery and Deep Learning
* Network of the Italian University Museums for the Diffusion of the Scientific Culture, The
* Neural Contrast Enhancement of CT Image
* Neural guided visual SLAM system with Laplacian of Gaussian operator
* Neural Network-Based Active Fault-Tolerant Control Design for Unmanned Helicopter with Additive Faults
* neural network-based video bit-rate control algorithm for variable bit-rate applications of versatile video coding standard, A
* Neuron matching in C. elegans with robust approximate linear regression without correspondence
* Neurophysiological Evaluation of Haptic Feedback for Myoelectric Prostheses
* New Approach for Cylindrical Steel Structure Deformation Monitoring by Dense Point Clouds, A
* New Approach to the Quality Control of Slope and Aspect Classes Derived from Digital Elevation Models, A
* new blind image conversion complexity metric for intelligent CMOS image sensors, A
* new blind image denoising method based on asymmetric generative adversarial network, A
* New confocal hyperbola-based ellipse fitting with applications to estimating parameters of mechanical pipes from point clouds
* New Data-Enabled Intelligence Framework for Evaluating Urban Space Perception, A
* New Faulty GNSS Measurement Detection and Exclusion Algorithm for Urban Vehicle Positioning, A
* New Gridded Product for the Total Columnar Atmospheric Water Vapor over Ocean Surface Constructed from Microwave Radiometer Satellite Data
* New method for first-order network design applied to TLS self-calibration networks
* new recognition algorithm for high-voltage lines based on improved LSD and convolutional neural networks, A
* New Sets of Quadriphase Cross Z-Complementary Pairs for Preamble Design in Spatial Modulation
* new two-stage method for single image rain removal, A
* Next-Item Recommendation With Deep Adaptable Co-Embedding Neural Networks
* Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and Analysis of Ethnic Minority Development Index
* Nightlight as a Proxy of Economic Indicators: Fine-Grained GDP Inference Around Mainland China via Attention-Augmented CNN from Daytime Satellite Imagery
* NM-GAN: Noise-modulated generative adversarial network for video anomaly detection
* No-Reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Noise as a Resource for Learning in Knowledge Distillation
* Noise robust intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm incorporating local information
* Noisy Concurrent Training for Efficient Learning under Label Noise
* Non-Greedy L21-Norm Maximization for Principal Component Analysis
* Non-line-of-Sight Imaging via Neural Transient Fields
* Non-linear and selective fusion of cross-modal images
* Non-Rigid Shape From Water
* Non-Stationary Modeling of Microlevel Road-Curve Crash Frequency with Geographically Weighted Regression
* Nonlinear Regression via Deep Negative Correlation Learning
* Nonlinear Spectral Processing of Shapes via Zero-homogeneous Flows
* Nonlocal graph theory based transductive learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Noshot Video Browser at VBS2021
* Novel 3D Imaging Systems for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Plants
* Novel Approach to Obtain Diurnal Variation of Bio-Optical Properties in Moving Water Parcel Using Integrated Drifting Buoy and GOCI Data: A Case Study in Yellow and East China Seas, A
* novel compression approach for truck GPS trajectory data, A
* Novel Construction of Two-Dimensional Z-Complementary Array Pairs With Large Zero Correlation Zone, A
* Novel Cost Optimization Strategy for SDN-Enabled UAV-Assisted Vehicular Computation Offloading, A
* novel denoising algorithm for medical images based on the non-convex non-local similar adaptive regularization, A
* Novel Depth and Color Feature Fusion Framework for 6D Object Pose Estimation, A
* novel diagnostic map for computer-aided diagnosis of skin cancer, A
* novel feature extractor for human action recognition in visual question answering, A
* Novel Fuzzy Logic-Based Text Classification Method for Tracking Rare Events on Twitter, A
* Novel GIS-Based Approach for Automated Detection of Nearshore Sandbar Morphological Characteristics in Optical Satellite Imagery, A
* Novel Heuristic Emergency Path Planning Method Based on Vector Grid Map, A
* Novel Method for Polarization Orientation Angle Estimation Over Steep Terrain and Comparison of Deorientation Algorithms, A
* Novel Method for Video Moving Object Detection Using Improved Independent Component Analysis, A
* Novel Methodology for Measuring Regional Myocardial Efficiency
* Novel Microfacet Cosine Linear Kernel-Driven Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Model, A
* Novel Model-Based Approaches for Non-Homogenous Atmospheric Compensation of GB-InSAR in the Azimuth and Horizontal Directions
* Novel Path-Following-Method-Based Polynomial Fuzzy Control Design, A
* Novel Query Strategy-Based Rank Batch-Mode Active Learning Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* novel reversible data hiding based on adaptive block-partition and payload-allocation method, A
* Novel Unsupervised domain adaptation method for inertia-Trajectory translation of in-air handwriting, A
* Novel Vehicle Bounding Box Tracking Using a Low-End 3D Laser Scanner
* Novel View Synthesis via Depth-guided Skip Connections
* Novelty Detection and Online Learning for Chunk Data Streams
* Numerical Modeling and Modal Analysis of Puranapul an Ancient Arch Bridge
* NWPU-Crowd: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Object Priors for Classifying and Localizing Unseen Actions
* Object recognition in performed basic daily activities with a handcrafted data glove prototype
* Object Recognition with Continual Open Set Domain Adaptation for Home Robot
* Object scale selection of hierarchical image segmentation with deep seeds
* Object tracking using temporally matching filters
* Object-level change detection with a dual correlation attention-guided detector
* Object-Oriented Building Contour Optimization Methodology for Image Classification Results via Generalized Gradient Vector Flow Snake Model
* Observation of Diurnal Ground Surface Changes Due to Freeze-Thaw Action by Real-Time Kinematic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Observations and Design Considerations for Spaceborne Pulse Compression Weather Radar
* Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) in Deriving Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the Ocean From MTG/FCI Satellite Sensor, An
* Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-Solar Cycle Dataset and Its Relation to the Background Ionosphere
* Ocean Currents Reconstruction from a Combination of Altimeter and Ocean Colour Data: A Feasibility Study
* Oil Spill Detection with Multiscale Conditional Adversarial Networks with Small-Data Training
* On Fusion of Learned and Designed Features for Video Data Analytics
* On Implicit Attribute Localization for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* On learning based compressed sensing for high resolution image reconstruction
* On Procrustes Analysis in Hyperbolic Space
* On Solving SAR Imaging Inverse Problems Using Nonconvex Regularization With a Cauchy-Based Penalty
* On the Abundance and Common Properties of Continental, Organized Shallow (Green) Clouds
* On the Analysis and Design of Visual Cryptography With Error Correcting Capability
* On the channel density of EEG signals for reliable biometric recognition
* On the Correspondence Between Replicator Dynamics and Assignment Flows
* On the Digital Road: A Case of Stecci
* On the Efficacy of Scan Chain Grouping for Mitigating IR-Drop-Induced Test Data Corruption
* On the fly biometric identification system using hand-geometry
* On the generalization of learning-based 3D reconstruction
* On the Geometric Mechanics of Assignment Flows for Metric Data Labeling
* On the Importance of Visual Context for Data Augmentation in Scene Understanding
* On the Influence of Affect in EEG-Based Subject Identification
* On the relation between landscape beauty and land cover: A case study in the U.K. at Sentinel-2 resolution with interpretable AI
* On the Relationship between Low Latitude Scintillation Onset and Sunset Terminator over Africa
* On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness
* On the Security of Networked Control Systems in Smart Vehicle and Its Adaptive Cruise Control
* On the Texture Bias for Few-Shot CNN Segmentation
* On visual masking estimation for adaptive quantization using steerable filters
* One-Class Learning Towards Synthetic Voice Spoofing Detection
* One-Shot Image Recognition Using Prototypical Encoders with Reduced Hubness
* One-Shot Summary Prototypical Network Toward Accurate Unpaved Road Semantic Segmentation
* Online variational inference on finite multivariate Beta mixture models for medical applications
* Only Time Can Tell: Discovering Temporal Data for Temporal Modeling
* Ontology-Based Approach to Enable Data-Driven Research in the Field of NDT in Civil Engineering, An
* Ontology-driven Event Type Classification in Images
* OPD-Net: Prow Detection Based on Feature Enhancement and Improved Regression Model in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* Optic disc segmentation by U-net and probability bubble in abnormal fundus images
* Optimal Image-Selection Algorithm for Large-Scale Stereoscopic Mapping of UAV Images, An
* Optimised CNN in conjunction with efficient pooling strategy for the multi-classification of breast cancer
* Optimistic Agent: Accurate Graph-Based Value Estimation for More Successful Visual Navigation
* Optimization of Topdressing for Winter Wheat by Accurate Growth Monitoring and Improved Production Estimation
* Optimized deep learning model for mango grading: Hybridizing lion plus firefly algorithm
* Optimized multi-biometric enhancement analysis
* optimized YOLO-based object detection model for crop harvesting system, An
* Orientation-Aware Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images via an Anchor-Free Object Detection Approach
* Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
* Orthogonality Loss: Learning Discriminative Representations for Face Recognition
* Outfit compatibility prediction with multi-layered feature fusion network
* Overcomplete Deep Subspace Clustering Networks
* OverNet: Lightweight Multi-Scale Super-Resolution with Overscaling Network
* Ozone Continues to Increase in East Asia Despite Decreasing NO2: Causes and Abatements
* P-P and Dynamic Time Warped P-SV Wave AVA Joint-Inversion With l1-2 Regularization
* Pagode: Europeana China
* Painting Outside as Inside: Edge Guided Image Outpainting via Bidirectional Rearrangement with Progressive Step Learning
* Pan-Tilt IR Scanning Method for the Remote Measurement of Mean Radiant Temperatures at Multi-Location in Buildings
* Pansharpening Generative Adversarial Network with Multilevel Structure Enhancement and a Multistream Fusion Architecture, A
* Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adiyaman Fault Zone of Eastern Turkey Using Landsat 8 Remotely Sensed Data Coupled with PCA, ICA, and MNFA Techniques
* Parallax-Estimation-Enhanced Network With Interweave Consistency Feature Fusion for Binocular Salient Object Detection
* Parallel global convolutional network for semantic image segmentation
* Parallel spiral search algorithm applied to integer motion estimation
* Paralleled attention modules and adaptive focal loss for Siamese visual tracking
* Parameter-space-based robust control of event-triggered heterogeneous platoon
* parameterized geometric fitting method for ellipse, A
* Part Segmentation of Unseen Objects using Keypoint Guidance
* Part-aware Progressive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* Partition of Marine Environment Dynamics According to Remote Sensing Reflectance and Relations of Dynamics to Physical Factors
* Password policy characteristics and keystroke biometric authentication
* Patch Similarity Graph Matrix-Based Unsupervised Remote Sensing Change Detection With Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Sensors
* Patterns, Trends and Drivers of Water Transparency in Sri Lanka Using Landsat 8 Observations and Google Earth Engine
* Paying Attention to Video Object Pattern Understanding
* PDA: Proxy-based domain adaptation for few-shot image recognition
* PDAN: Pyramid Dilated Attention Network for Action Detection
* Peak-Graph-Based Fast Density Peak Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Pedestrian Routing and Perspectives: WayFinder's Route down the Lane: Come on with the Rain
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Based on Deep Convolutional LSTM Network
* Penalized-regression-based bicluster localization
* Perceptual Image Hashing With Texture and Invariant Vector Distance for Copy Detection
* Perceptual quality-preserving black-box attack against deep learning image classifiers
* Perceptual Texture Similarity Estimation: An Evaluation of Computational Features
* Performance Evaluation of Correspondence Grouping Methods for 3D Rigid Data Matching, A
* Performance Measurement and Analysis Method for Software-Defined Networking of IoV, A
* Performance of the IMERG Precipitation Products over High-latitudes Region of Finland
* Performance Ranking of Kalman Filter With Pre-Determined Initial State Prior
* Person re-identification based on gait via Part View Transformation Model under variable covariate conditions
* Person Re-Identification by Contour Sketch Under Moderate Clothing Change
* Person-in-Context Synthesis with Compositional Structural Space
* Phase Retrieval via Polarization in Dynamical Sampling
* Phase-wise Parameter Aggregation For Improving SGD Optimization
* Phone-vehicle trajectory matching framework based on ALPR and cellular signalling data
* Photogrammetric Survey for the Architectural Restoration of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage Monuments: The Case Study of the Church of the Holy Cross in Tochni
* Photorealistic style transfer for video
* Physical Retrieval of Rain Rate from Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry
* Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models for Image Restoration and Beyond
* Phytoplankton Biomass and the Hydrodynamic Regime in NEOM, Red Sea
* PI-Net: Pose Interacting Network for Multi-Person Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* PILS: Exploring high-order neighborhoods by pattern mining and injection
* pixel pair-based encoding pattern for stereo matching via an adaptively weighted cost, A
* Pixel- vs. Object-Based Landsat 8 Data Classification in Google Earth Engine Using Random Forest: The Case Study of Maiella National Park
* Pixel-Wise Wasserstein Autoencoder for Highly Generative Dehazing
* PL-VSCN: Patch-level vision similarity compares network for image matching
* Planning flexible and smooth paths for lane-changing manoeuvres of autonomous vehicles
* plexus-convolutional neural network framework for fast remote sensing image super-resolution in wavelet domain, A
* Plot-Based Classification of Macronutrient Levels in Oil Palm Trees with Landsat-8 Images and Machine Learning
* PLSAV: Parallel loop searching and verifying for loop closure detection
* Plug-and-Play Scheme to Adapt Image Saliency Deep Model for Video Data, A
* PNPDet: Efficient Few-shot Detection without Forgetting via Plug-and-Play Sub-networks
* Point cloud classification by dynamic graph CNN with adaptive feature fusion
* Point cloud completion using multiscale feature fusion and cross-regional attention
* Point cloud super-resolution based on geometric constraints
* Polar Coded Modulation Operated With Physical Network Coding
* PolSAR Ship Detection Based on Neighborhood Polarimetric Covariance Matrix
* Polysemy Deciphering Network for Robust Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
* Portraying Citizens' Occupations and Assessing Urban Occupation Mixture with Mobile Phone Data: A Novel Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework
* Pose Proposal and Refinement Network for Better 6D Object Pose Estimation, A
* Pose-guided part matching network via shrinking and reweighting for occluded person re-identification
* Potential Land Use Conflict Identification Based on Improved Multi-Objective Suitability Evaluation
* Potential of Implementing Interactive Storytelling Experience for Museums, The
* Potential of Landsat NDVI Sequences to Explain Wheat Yield Variation in Fields in Western Australia, The
* Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the Exploration of Base Metal Deposit: A Study in the Parts of Bhilwara, Rajasthan
* Pre-training of gated convolution neural network for remote sensing image super-resolution
* Precipitation Imaging Package: Phase Partitioning Capabilities, The
* Predicting Citywide Road Traffic Flow Using Deep Spatiotemporal Neural Networks
* Predicting Emotionally Salient Regions Using Qualitative Agreement of Deep Neural Network Regressors
* Predicting Table Beet Root Yield with Multispectral UAS Imagery
* Preliminary Damage Assessment Using Dual Path Synthetic Aperture Radar Analysis for the M 6.4 Petrinja Earthquake (2020), Croatia, A
* Preliminary Significant Wave Height Retrieval from Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter Aboard the Chinese Tiangong-2 Space Laboratory
* Pretraining boosts out-of-domain robustness for pose estimation
* Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in VANETs Without Linkage Authorities
* Privacy-preserving speaker verification system based on binary I-vectors
* probabilistic collaborative dictionary learning-based approach for face recognition, A
* Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles, A
* Probabilistic personalised cascade with abstention
* Probabilistic Threshold k-ANN Query Method Based on Uncertain Voronoi Diagram in Internet of Vehicles
* Probability Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Landslides Based on Safety Factors Using Soil Moisture Estimation From SAR Images
* Processing Framework and Experimental Verification for the Noninterrupted Synchronization Scheme of LuTan-1, The
* Producing secure multimodal biometric descriptors using artificial neural networks
* Progressive and Combined Building Simplification Approach with Local Structure Classification and Backtracking Strategy, A
* Progressive Structure from Motion by Iteratively Prioritizing and Refining Match Pairs
* Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile, A
* Proposal Learning for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Proposed Framework for Identification of Indicators to Model High-Frequency Cities, A
* Prototypes to Increase Museum Experience and Accessibility. Palazzo Mazzonis' Atrium in Turin: The Work in Progress
* Providing clear pruning threshold: A novel CNN pruning method via L0 regularisation
* PRRNet: Pixel-Region relation network for face forgery detection
* Pruning CNN filters via quantifying the importance of deep visual representations
* Pseudo-Supervised Deep Subspace Clustering
* PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multiscale Dense Network
* Public Bike Trip Purpose Inference Using Point-of-Interest Data
* pyramid non-local enhanced residual dense network for single image de-raining, A
* QoE-driven HAS Live Video Channel Placement in the Media Cloud
* QuadroNet: Multi-Task Learning for Real-Time Semantic Depth Aware Instance Segmentation
* Quality control and class noise reduction of satellite image time series
* Quality Estimates of INSAT-3D Derived Cloud Top Temperature for Climate Data Record
* Quantifying Sediment Deposition Volume in Vegetated Areas with UAV Data
* Quantifying the Responses of Evapotranspiration and Its Components to Vegetation Restoration and Climate Change on the Loess Plateau of China
* Quantisation Scale-spaces
* Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Organic Matter Concentration in the Topsoil of Black Soil in Northeast China Based on Spatial Heterogeneous Patterns, A
* Quantitative Analysis of Forest Fires in Southeastern Australia Using SAR Data
* Quantitative Assessment of Changes in Topography of Town Caused by Human Impact, Krakow City Centre, Southern Poland
* Quantitative Validation of Multi-Modal Image Fusion and Segmentation for Object Detection and Tracking, A
* Quantization Parameter Cascading for Surveillance Video Coding Considering All Inter Reference Frames
* Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
* R-MNet: A Perceptual Adversarial Network for Image Inpainting
* Radar Sea Clutter Reconstruction Based on Statistical Singularity Power Spectrum and Instantaneous Singularity Exponents Distribution
* Radiative transfer modeling to measure fire impact and forest engineering resilience at short-term
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4/PMS Based on Radiometric Block Adjustment
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Large-View-Angle Satellite Sensors Using Global Searching to Reduce BRDF Influence
* Random Forest-Based Data Fusion Method for Obtaining All-Weather Land Surface Temperature with High Spatial Resolution, A
* Random vector functional link neural network based ensemble deep learning
* Range-Based Reactive Deployment of Autonomous Drones for Optimal Coverage in Disaster Areas
* Rapid Ecosystem Change at the Southern Limit of the Canadian Arctic, Torngat Mountains National Park
* RarePlanes: Synthetic Data Takes Flight
* Rate-distortion optimization of multi-exposure image coding for high dynamic range image coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph Coarsening and Partitioning for Light Field Coding
* Reach Project Contribution to Protecting, Preserving and Valuing Tangible and Intangible Heritage Through Participation, The
* Real-time coordination of connected vehicles at intersections using graphical mixed integer optimization
* Real-Time Gait-Based Age Estimation and Gender Classification from a Single Image
* Real-Time High-Performance Semantic Image Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes
* Real-time Localized Photorealistic Video Style Transfer
* Real-time long-term tracking with reliability assessment and object recovery
* Real-time multi-window stereo matching algorithm with fuzzy logic
* Real-Time Nonparametric Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Settings
* Real-Time Nonrigid Mosaicking of Laparoscopy Images
* Real-Time Parameter Estimation of a Dual-Pol Radar Rain Rate Estimator Using the Extended Kalman Filter
* Real-time predictive eco-driving assistance considering road geometry and long-range radar measurements
* Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation
* Real-Time Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision via Uncertainty-Aware Distribution Distillation
* Real-world Cross-modal Retrieval via Sequential Learning
* Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From Star-Shaped to Hierarchical
* Receptive Field Size Optimization with Continuous Time Pooling
* Recognition of the Typical Distress in Concrete Pavement Based on GPR and 1D-CNN
* Recognition of visual-related non-driving activities using a dual-camera monitoring system
* Recognizing the Design Patterns of Complex Vaults: Drawing, Survey and Modeling. Experiments on Palazzo Mazzonis' Atrium in Turin
* Recommendations for HCHO and SO2 Retrieval Settings from MAX-DOAS Observations under Different Meteorological Conditions
* Reconstructing Speech From CNN Embeddings
* Reconstruction of frescoes by sequential layers of feature extraction
* Recovering Trajectories of Unmarked Joints in 3D Human Actions Using Latent Space Optimization
* Recurrent learning with clique structures for prostate sparse-view CT artifacts reduction
* Red Carpet to Fight Club: Partially-supervised Domain Transfer for Face Recognition in Violent Videos
* Reduced Biquaternion Stacked Denoising Convolutional AutoEncoder for RGB-D Image Classification
* Reducing the Annotation Effort for Video Object Segmentation Datasets
* Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Methods Implemented as ArcMap Models with Remote-Sensed and Ground-Based Inputs, Examined along with MODIS ET, for Peloponnese, Greece
* RefineLoc: Iterative Refinement for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
* Region-based dropout with attention prior for weakly supervised object localization
* Regional Assessments of Surface Ice Elevations from Swath-Processed CryoSat-2 SARIn Data
* Regional Attention Networks with Context-aware Fusion for Group Emotion Recognition
* Regional Ground Movement Detection by Analysis and Modeling PSI Observations
* Regional Mapping of Groundwater Potential in Ar Rub Al Khali, Arabian Peninsula Using the Classification and Regression Trees Model
* Regularized CNN Feature Hierarchy for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Reinforced SVM method and memorization mechanisms
* Relation-Induced Multi-Modal Shared Representation Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Reliability Analysis of an Evaluation Experiment on Cultural Websites
* Reliability of Power Electronic Systems for EV/HEV Applications
* Reliable Camera Model Identification Using Sparse Gaussian Processes
* Relighting Images in the Wild with a Self-Supervised Siamese Auto-Encoder
* Remote 3D face reconstruction by means of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
* Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information Systems Applied to Groundwater Research
* Remote Sensing Approach to Understanding Patterns of Secondary Succession in Tropical Forest, A
* Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Using Gradient Boosted Regression in India
* Remote Sensing for Plant Water Content Monitoring: A Review
* Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Mixed High-Order Attention Network
* Remote Sensing Indices for Spatial Monitoring of Agricultural Drought in South Asian Countries
* Remote Sensing Methods for the Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally: Challenges and Opportunities
* Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency: A Review of Direct and Indirect Estimation Methods
* Remote sensing target tracking in satellite videos based on a variable-angle-adaptive Siamese network
* Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of Urban Landscape Change in the City of Bucharest, Romania
* remote-sensing image enhancement algorithm based on patch-wise dark channel prior and histogram equalisation with colour correction, A
* Renormalization for Initialization of Rolling Shutter Visual-Inertial Odometry
* Representation learning from videos in-the-wild: An object-centric approach
* Representation Learning Through Latent Canonicalizations
* Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to Mitigate Bias
* Res2-unet: An Enhanced Network for Generalized Nuclear Segmentation in Pathological Images
* Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual Positioning Image Based on Area Division of Foreground and Background
* Research on the Temperature Transfer Relationship Between Miniature Fixed-Point and Blackbody for On-Orbit Infrared Remote Sensor Calibration
* Residual Dense Network for Image Restoration
* Residual dense U-Net for abnormal exposure restoration from single images
* Residual Whiteness Principle for Automatic Parameter Selection in l2-l2 Image Super-Resolution Problems
* ResNet or DenseNet? Introducing Dense Shortcuts to ResNet
* Resolution Enhancement for Drill-Core Hyperspectral Mineral Mapping
* Resource Allocation in 5G IoV Architecture Based on SDN and Fog-Cloud Computing
* Response of Landscape Evolution to Human Disturbances in the Coastal Wetlands in Northern Jiangsu Province, China
* Retracted: An iterative propagation based co-saliency framework for RGBD images
* Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* Retrieval and Spatio-Temporal Variations Analysis of Yangtze River Water Clarity from 2017 to 2020 Based on Sentinel-2 Images
* Retrieval of High Temporal Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Using the GOCI Remote Sensing Data
* Retrieval of Stratospheric HNO3 and HCl Based on Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
* Retrieval of Summer Sea Ice Concentration in the Pacific Arctic Ocean from AMSR2 Observations and Numerical Weather Data Using Random Forest Regression
* Retrieval of Ultraviolet Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients From Ocean Color Using the Kernel Principal Components Analysis Over Ocean
* Retrieve Ice Velocities and Invert Spatial Rigidity of the Larsen C Ice Shelf Based on Sentinel-1 Interferometric Data
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Dual Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with separability and high embedding capacity
* reversible extended secret image sharing scheme based on Chinese remainder theorem, A
* Review and performance evaluation of path tracking controllers of autonomous vehicles
* review of approaches investigated for right ventricular segmentation using short-axis cardiac MRI, A
* Review of automated segmentation approaches for knee images
* review of system integration and current integrity monitoring methods for positioning in intelligent transport systems, A
* review of video surveillance systems, A
* Review on the Role of GNSS Meteorology in Monitoring Water Vapor for Atmospheric Physics
* Revising the Observation Satellite Scheduling Problem Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Revisiting Adaptive Convolutions for Video Frame Interpolation
* Revisiting Batch Normalization for Improving Corruption Robustness
* Revisiting Street-to-Aerial View Image Geo-localization and Orientation Estimation
* Revolution of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies Accelerated by Wide Bandgap Devices
* RGBT Tracking via Multi-Adapter Network with Hierarchical Divergence Loss
* RGPNet: A Real-Time General Purpose Semantic Segmentation
* Risk Assessment and Development Cost Optimization in Software Defined Vehicles
* Risk Assessment of Population Loss Posed by Earthquake-Landslide-Debris Flow Disaster Chain: A Case Study in Wenchuan, China
* Risk Optimization for Revenue-Driven Wireless Video Broadcasting Systems: A Copula-Based Framework
* RNNP: A Robust Few-Shot Learning Approach
* Road Characteristics Detection Based on Joint Convolutional Neural Networks with Adaptive Squares
* Road Extraction in SAR Images Using Ordinal Regression and Road-Topology Loss
* Road Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images Using Adversarial Spatial Pyramid Networks
* Road-Network-Based Fast Geolocalization
* Robotic Fabrication in Conservation: Digital Workflows and Skills Evaluation
* Robust and Efficient Framework for Sports-Field Registration, A
* Robust Cauchy Kernel Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Non-Gaussian Noises
* Robust Clutter Suppression and Ground Moving Target Imaging Method for a Multichannel SAR with High-Squint Angle Mounted on Hypersonic Vehicle
* Robust deep k-means: An effective and simple method for data clustering
* robust deep learning approach for glasses detection in non-standard facial images, A
* Robust Deep Neural Networks for Road Extraction From Remote Sensing Images
* Robust detection of non-overlapping ellipses from points with applications to circular target extraction in images and cylinder detection in point clouds
* Robust feature matching using guided local outlier factor
* Robust Frequency and Phase Estimation for Three-Phase Power Systems Using a Bank of Kalman Filters
* Robust generalised quadratic discriminant analysis
* Robust Lensless Image Reconstruction via PSF Estimation
* Robust Localization Employing Weighted Least Squares Method Based on MM Estimator and Kalman Filter With Maximum Versoria Criterion
* Robust Multi-Task Learning With Flexible Manifold Constraint
* Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection via Uncertainty-aware Cross-modal Learning
* Robust Nonstationary Local Slope Estimation
* Robust online multi-target visual tracking using a HISP filter with discriminative deep appearance learning
* Robust optical flow estimation via edge preserving filtering
* Robust Quality Enhancement Method Based on Joint Spatial-Temporal Priors for Video Coding, A
* Robust Range Ambiguous Deceptive Target Suppression Based on Covariance Matrix Reconstruction
* Robust Segmentation-Free Algorithm for Homogeneity Quantification in Images
* robust sperm cell tracking algorithm using uneven lighting image fixing and improved branch and bound algorithm, A
* Robust Subspace Detectors Based on a-Divergence With Application to Detection in Imaging
* Robust TDOA Source Localization Based on Lagrange Programming Neural Network
* Robust temporal low-rank representation for traffic data recovery via fused LASSO
* robust tracking algorithm for a human-following mobile robot, A
* Robust Vehicle Driver Assistance Control for Handover Scenarios Considering Driving Performances
* RODNet: Radar Object Detection using Cross-Modal Supervision
* Roman Aqueduct Flow Estimation Using Geomatic Measurement
* Rotate to Attend: Convolutional Triplet Attention Module
* Rough-Bayesian approach to select class-pair specific descriptors for HEp-2 cell staining pattern recognition
* Route Generator for Integrating Cultural Heritage to Smart City: Ontheroute
* Rurality and Origin-Destination Trajectories of Medical School Application and Matriculation in the United States
* S-VVAD: Visual Voice Activity Detection by Motion Segmentation
* S3-Net: A Fast and Lightweight Video Scene Understanding Network by Single-shot Segmentation
* SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction
* Safety guaranteed longitudinal motion control for connected and autonomous vehicles in a lane-changing scenario
* SALAD: Self-Assessment Learning for Action Detection
* Saliency Driven Perceptual Image Compression
* Saliency Prediction with External Knowledge
* Same Same But DifferNet: Semi-Supervised Defect Detection with Normalizing Flows
* SAMIRA-SAtellite Based Monitoring Initiative for Regional Air Quality
* SAR Image Classification Using Greedy Hierarchical Learning With Unsupervised Stacked CAEs
* SAR image despeckling using deep CNN
* SAR image noise suppression of BEMD by the kernel principle component analysis
* SAR Oil Spill Detection System through Random Forest Classifiers
* SAR Tomography via Nonlinear Blind Scatterer Separation
* SASSI: Super-Pixelated Adaptive Spatio-Spectral Imaging
* Satellite Measured Ionospheric Magnetic Field Variations over Natural Hazards Sites
* Satellite-based data fusion crop type classification and mapping in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
* Scalable, Supervised Classification of Seabed Sediment Waves Using an Object-Based Image Analysis Approach, A
* Scale Aware Adaptation for Land-Cover Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Scale Equivariance Improves Siamese Tracking
* Scale space Radon transform
* Scale-Aware Domain Adaptive Faster R-CNN
* Scale-balanced loss for object detection
* Scale-covariant and Scale-invariant Gaussian Derivative Networks
* Scaled and Adaptive Fista Algorithm for Signal-dependent Sparse Image Super-resolution Problems, A
* Scaling digital screen reading with one-shot learning and re-identification
* Scene-Driven Multitask Parallel Attention Network for Building Extraction in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Scheduling-Guided Automatic Processing of Massive Hyperspectral Image Classification on Cloud Computing Architectures
* SChISM: Semantic Clustering via Image Sequence Merging for Images of Human-Decomposition
* Scientific Investigation on Movable Cultural Heritage
* scientometric review of research on traffic forecasting in transportation, A
* SDN empowered location aware routing for energy efficient next generation vehicular networks, An
* Sea Ice Concentration Products over Polar Regions with Chinese FY3C/MWRI Data
* Search and Explore Strategies for Interactive Analysis of Real-life Image Collections with Unknown and Unique Categories
* Searching Multi-Rate and Multi-Modal Temporal Enhanced Networks for Gesture Recognition
* Seasonal-Window Ensemble-Based Thresholding Technique Used to Detect Active Fires in Geostationary Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Secure Service Offloading for Internet of Vehicles in SDN-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing
* Security augmentation grounded on Fresnel and Arnold transforms using hybrid chaotic structured phase mask
* Seeing Through your Skin: Recognizing Objects with a Novel Visuotactile Sensor
* Segmentation by Continuous Latent Semantic Analysis for Multi-Structure Model Fitting
* Segmentation of natural images based on super pixel and graph merging
* Segmentation of osteosarcoma in MRI images by K-means clustering, Chan-Vese segmentation, and iterative Gaussian filtering
* Segmentation with Active Contours
* Segmentation-Renormalized Deep Feature Modulation for Unpaired Image Harmonization
* Segmented Phase Code Waveforms: A Novel Radar Waveform for Spaceborne MIMO-SAR
* Segregation of meaningful strokes, a pre-requisite for self co-articulation removal in isolated dynamic gestures
* Seismic Damage Semantics on Post-Earthquake LOD3 Building Models Generated by UAS
* Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Ranau, Sabah, Using Two Different Models
* Sejong face database: A multi-modal disguise face database
* Selective focus saliency model driven by object class-awareness
* Selective Spatio-Temporal Aggregation Based Pose Refinement System: Towards Understanding Human Activities in Real-World Videos
* Self Supervision for Attention Networks
* Self-calibration dense bundle adjustment of multi-view Worldview-3 basic images
* Self-Distillation for Few-Shot Image Captioning
* Self-Guided Body Part Alignment With Relation Transformers for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Self-Mutual Information-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Self-Paced Collaborative and Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Self-supervised 4D Spatio-temporal Feature Learning via Order Prediction of Sequential Point Cloud Clips
* Self-Supervised Feature Enhancement Networks for Small Object Detection in Noisy Images
* Self-Supervised Learning for Domain Adaptation on Point Clouds
* Self-supervised monocular depth estimation from oblique UAV videos
* Self-Supervised Poisson-Gaussian Denoising
* Self-supervised training for blind multi-frame video denoising
* Self-supervised Visual-LiDAR Odometry with Flip Consistency
* Self-Training With Progressive Representation Enhancement for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Semantic Example Guided Image-to-Image Translation
* Semantic segmentation of 3D indoor LiDAR point clouds through feature pyramid architecture search
* Semantic Unsupervised Change Detection of Natural Land Cover With Multitemporal Object-Based Analysis on SAR Images
* Semantic video segmentation with dynamic keyframe selection and distortion-aware feature rectification
* Semantic-Guided Attention Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Semantics-Aware Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for Sensor-to-Vision Action Recognition
* Semi-Automatic Fractional Snow Cover Monitoring from Near-Surface Remote Sensing in Grassland
* Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation Learning
* SemiCDNet: A Semisupervised Convolutional Neural Network for Change Detection in High Resolution Remote-Sensing Images
* Semisupervised Learning-Based SAR ATR via Self-Consistent Augmentation
* SensitiveNets: Learning Agnostic Representations with Application to Face Images
* Sensitivity Analysis of Sentinel-1 Backscatter to Oil Palm Plantations at Pluriannual Scale: A Case Study in Gabon, Africa
* Sensitivity of C-Band SAR Polarimetric Variables to the Directionality of Surface Roughness Parameters
* Sensitivity of Mixed-Phase Cloud Optical Properties to Cloud Particle Model and Microphysical Factors at Wavelengths from 0.2 to 100 µm
* Sensor Location Strategy and Scaling Rate Inference for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation
* Sentiment Analysis and Topic Recognition in Video Transcriptions
* Sentiment Polarity Classification at EVALITA: Lessons Learned and Open Challenges
* Sentiment Similarity-oriented Attention Model with Multi-task Learning for Text-based Emotion Recognition, A
* Sentinel-1 and 2 Time-Series for Vegetation Mapping Using Random Forest Classification: A Case Study of Northern Croatia
* Sentinel-1 Backscatter Analysis and Radiative Transfer Modeling of Dense Winter Wheat Time Series
* Sentinel-2 Remote Sensed Image Classification with Patchwise Trained ConvNets for Grassland Habitat Discrimination
* Separable Four Points Fundamental Matrix
* Sequential Ambiguity Resolution Method for Poorly-Observed GNSS Data
* Sequential Approach for Sentinel-1 TOPS Time-Series Co-Registration Over Low Coherence Scenarios, A
* Sequential Nonparametric Detection of Anomalous Data Streams
* Sequential Parameter Estimation of Modal Dispersion Curves with an Adaptive Particle Filter in Shallow Water: Experimental Results
* Service quality evaluation of bus lines based on improved momentum back-propagation neural network model: A study of Hangzhou in China
* Set Augmented Triplet Loss for Video Person Re-Identification
* SHAD3S: A model to Sketch, Shade and Shadow
* Shallow Bathymetry from Multiple Sentinel 2 Images via the Joint Estimation of Wave Celerity and Wavelength
* Shallow Landslides Physically Based Susceptibility Assessment Improvement Using InSAR. Case Study: Carpathian and Subcarpathian Prahova Valley, Romania
* Shape from Caustics: Reconstruction of 3D-Printed Glass from Simulated Caustic Images
* Shape from semantic segmentation via the geometric Rényi divergence
* Shape-Aware Retargeting Approach to Transfer Human Motion and Appearance in Monocular Videos, A
* Shedding New Light on Mountainous Forest Growth: A Cross-Scale Evaluation of the Effects of Topographic Illumination Correction on 25 Years of Forest Cover Change across Nepal
* Short-term anchor linking and long-term self-guided attention for video object detection
* Short-term railway passenger demand forecast using improved Wasserstein generative adversarial nets and web search terms
* Shot Boundary Detection Through Multi-stage Deep Convolution Neural Network
* SiamDA: Dual attention Siamese network for real-time visual tracking
* Siamese target estimation network with AIoU loss for real-time visual tracking
* Signalised intersection control in a connected vehicle environment: User throughput maximisation strategy
* Simplified Face Quality Assessment (SFQA)
* Simulating Imaging Spectroscopy in Tropical Forest with 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling
* Simulation of Land-Use Changes Using the Partitioned ANN-CA Model and Considering the Influence of Land-Use Change Frequency
* Simultaneous Direct Depth Estimation and Synthesis Stereo for Single Image Plant Root Reconstruction
* Simultaneous positive sequential vectors modeling and unsupervised feature selection via continuous hidden Markov models
* SinGAN-GIF: Learning a Generative Video Model from a Single GIF
* Single annotated pixel based weakly supervised semantic segmentation under driving scenes
* Single Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo
* Single image dehazing based on bright channel prior model and saliency analysis strategy
* Single Image Dehazing via Dual-Path Recurrent Network
* Single Image Human Proxemics Estimation for Visual Social Distancing
* Single Image Reflection Removal with Edge Guidance, Reflection Classifier, and Recurrent Decomposition
* Single-Image super-resolution: When model adaptation matters
* Single-shot cuboids: Geodesics-based end-to-end Manhattan aligned layout estimation from spherical panoramas
* Size-invariant Detection of Marine Vessels From Visual Time Series
* Skeleton-based action recognition via spatial and temporal transformer networks
* Sketched Learning for Image Denoising
* SLAM in the Field: An Evaluation of Monocular Mapping and Localization on Challenging Dynamic Agricultural Environment
* SliceNets: A Scalable Approach for Object Detection in 3D CT Scans
* Slow Pulse Repetition Interval Variation for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR Imaging
* Small Angle Scattering Intensity Measurement by an Improved Ocean Scheimpflug Lidar System
* Small PN-Code Lidar for Asteroid and Comet Missions: Receiver Processing and Performance Simulations
* SmartCAMPP: Smartphone-based continuous authentication leveraging motion sensors with privacy preservation
* SML: Semantic meta-learning for few-shot semantic segmentation?
* SMPLpix: Neural Avatars from 3D Human Models
* SNAP: Shaping neural architectures progressively via information density criterion
* Snow Phenology and Hydrologic Timing in the Yukon River Basin, AK, USA
* SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration Using the Moon
* Social graph convolutional LSTM for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey
* Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts on Regional Tourism across Chinese Cities: A Spatiotemporal Heterogeneous Perspective
* SoFA: Source-data-free Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Software Defined Internet of Vehicles for Automation and Orchestration
* Soil Organic Matter Prediction Model with Satellite Hyperspectral Image Based on Optimized Denoising Method
* Solving archaeological puzzles
* Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional Drivers via Evolutionary Multitasking
* Some Peculiarities of Arable Soil Organic Matter Detection Using Optical Remote Sensing Data
* Somhunter V2 at Video Browser Showdown 2021
* Space-Time Evolutions of Land Subsidence in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan (Taiwan) from Multiple-Sensor Observations
* Sparse intrinsic decomposition and applications
* Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Endmember Independence and Spatial Weighted Abundance
* Sparse representation based intraframe and semi-intraframe video coding schemes for low bitrates
* Sparse representation for face recognition: A review paper
* SparseFusion: Dynamic Human Avatar Modeling From Sparse RGBD Images
* Sparsity-aided Variational Mesh Restoration
* Spatial and Temporal Variability of Minimum Brightness Temperature at the 6.925 GHz Band of AMSR2 for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
* Spatial Approach for Modeling Amphibian Road-Kills: Comparison of Regression Techniques, A
* Spatial Autocorrelation of Martian Surface Temperature and Its Spatio-Temporal Relationships with Near-Surface Environmental Factors across China's Tianwen-1 Landing Zone
* Spatial Characteristics of the Tourism Flows in China: A Study Based on the Baidu Index
* Spatial Context-Aware Self-Attention Model For Multi-Organ Segmentation
* Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Surface Soil of Xilinguole Coal Mining Area Based on Semivariogram
* Spatial Distribution of Displaced Population Estimated Using Mobile Phone Data to Support Disaster Response Activities
* Spatial Gradient Guided Learning and Semantic Relation Transfer for Facial Landmark Detection
* Spatial Optimization of Mega-City Fire Stations Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data: A Case Study in Beijing
* Spatial Pattern of Highway Transport Dominance in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at the County Scale
* Spatial Patterns in Actual Evapotranspiration Climatologies for Europe
* Spatial Super Resolution of Real-World Aerial Images for Image-Based Plant Phenotyping
* Spatial-Scale Evaluation of Soil Consolidation Concerning Land Subsidence and Integrated Mechanism Analysis at Macro-, and Micro-Scale: A Case Study in Chongming East Shoal Reclamation Area, Shanghai, China, A
* Spatial-Spectral Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A 3-D CNN and Bi-LSTM Framework
* Spatial-temporal attention wavenet: A deep learning framework for traffic prediction considering spatial-temporal dependencies
* SpatialFlow: Bridging All Tasks for Panoptic Segmentation
* Spatially Aware Metadata for Raw Reconstruction
* Spatially Coupled Data-Driven Approach for Lithology/Fluid Prediction, A
* Spatially Highly Resolved Ground Mounted and Rooftop Potential Analysis for Photovoltaics in Austria, A
* Spatially Weighted Estimation of Broadacre Crop Growth Improves Gap-Filling of Landsat NDVI
* Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Ground Deformation Due to 2018 Lombok Earthquake Series
* Spatio-Temporal Estimation of Biomass Growth in Rice Using Canopy Surface Model from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images
* Spatio-temporal linking of multiple SAR satellite data from medium and high resolution Radarsat-2 images
* Spatio-Temporal Local Association Query Algorithm for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Big Data, A
* Spatiotemporal Change Detection Method for Monitoring Pine Wilt Disease in a Complex Landscape Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Spatiotemporal changes of glacier and seasonal snow fluctuations over the Namcha Barwa-Gyala Peri massif using object-based classification from Landsat time series
* Spatiotemporal Continuous Impervious Surface Mapping by Fusion of Landsat Time Series Data and Google Earth Imagery
* Spatiotemporal Influence of Land Use/Land Cover Change Dynamics on Surface Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria
* Spatiotemporal Interaction Effect of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States, The
* Spatiotemporal Patterns in Data Availability of the Sentinel-5P NO2 Product over Urban Areas in Norway
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Human Mobility and Its Association with Land Use Types during COVID-19 in New York City
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urbanization in the Three Most Developed Urban Agglomerations in China Based on Continuous Nighttime Light Data (2000-2018)
* Special Issue Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollution
* Species-Level Classification and Mapping of a Mangrove Forest Using Random Forest: Utilisation of AVIRIS-NG and Sentinel Data
* specific perspective: Subway driver behaviour recognition using CNN and time-series diagram, A
* Spectral-Spatial Weighted Kernel Manifold Embedded Distribution Alignment for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Specular highlight region restoration using image clustering and inpainting
* Spherical Principal Curves
* Spike-Thrift: Towards Energy-Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Networks by Limiting Spiking Activity via Attention-Guided Compression
* Splatty- A Unified Image Demosaicing and Rectification Method
* Splines for Image Metamorphosis
* Split Bregman Approach to Linear Prediction Based Dereverberation With Enforced Speech Sparsity
* Spotifygraph: Visualisation of User's Preferences in Music
* SQL-Like Interpretable Interactive Video Search
* SQL-Like Interpretable Interactive Video Search
* Squint Model InISAR Imaging Method Based on Reference Interferometric Phase Construction and Coordinate Transformation
* SRAF-Net: Shape Robust Anchor-Free Network for Garbage Dumps in Remote Sensing Imagery
* SRAGL-AWCL: A two-step multi-view clustering via sparse representation and adaptive weighted cooperative learning
* SRGAT: Single Image Super-Resolution with Graph Attention Network
* SRR-LGR: Local-Global Information-Reasoned Social Relation Recognition for Human-Oriented Observation
* SSGP: Sparse Spatial Guided Propagation for Robust and Generic Interpolation
* SSR-NET: Spatial-Spectral Reconstruction Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* STA3D: Spatiotemporally attentive 3D network for video saliency prediction
* Stable topological signatures for metric trees through graph approximations
* Stacked Capsule Graph Autoencoders for geometry-aware 3D head pose estimation
* Stacked Sparse Autoencoder for Audio Object Coding
* StacMR: Scene-Text Aware Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Star-based learning correlation clustering
* State of the Art and Trends in Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Static postural transition-based technique and efficient feature extraction for sensor-based activity recognition
* Statistical estimation of next-day nighttime surface urban heat islands
* Statistical image watermarking using local RHFMs magnitudes and beta exponential distribution
* Statistical Scattering Component-Based Subspace Alignment for Unsupervised Cross-Domain PolSAR Image Classification
* Statistically-Based Trend Analysis of MTInSAR Displacement Time Series
* Status and Gap in Rechargeable Lithium Battery Supply Chain: Importance of Quantitative Failure Analysis
* STDnet-ST: Spatio-temporal ConvNet for small object detection
* Steganogram removal using multidirectional diffusion in Fourier domain while preserving perceptual image quality
* stochastic approach for automated brain MRI segmentation, A
* StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
* Stroke constrained attention network for online handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Structure-Coherent Deep Feature Learning for Robust Face Alignment
* Structure-Level 3D Building Model Encoding Method for Progressive Transmission
* Structured and Consistent Multi-Layer Multi-Kernel Subtask Correction Filter Tracker
* Structured Feature Learning Model for Clothing Keypoints Localization, A
* Structured Visual Search via Composition-aware Learning
* Study of Atmospheric Turbidity in a Northern Tropical Region Using Models and Measurements of Global Solar Radiation
* Study of Diffusion Equation-Based Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Simulation, A
* Study on Local to Global Radiometric Balance for Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Study on Prediction Model of Gully Volume Based on Morphological Features in the JINSHA Dry-Hot Valley Region of Southwest China, A
* Study on the Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Based on FY-3D/HIRAS Infrared Hyperspectral Data, A
* Studying the Feasibility of Assimilating Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope Imagery into the SAFY Crop Model to Predict Within-Field Wheat Yield
* Studying the Regional Transmission and Inferring the Local/External Contribution of Fine Particulate Matter Based on Multi-Source Observation: A Case Study in the East of North China Plain
* Style Consistent Image Generation for Nuclei Instance Segmentation
* Style Transfer by Rigid Alignment in Neural Net Feature Space
* Sub-Daily Natural CO2 Flux Simulation Based on Satellite Data: Diurnal and Seasonal Pattern Comparisons to Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions in the Greater Tokyo Area
* SubICap: Towards Subword-informed Image Captioning
* Subject Guided Eye Image Synthesis with Application to Gaze Redirection
* Submarine and Subaerial Morphological Changes Associated with the 2014 Eruption at Stromboli Island
* Subsurface Pipes Detection Using DNN-based Back Projection on GPR Data
* Subsurface Topographic Modeling Using Geospatial and Data Driven Algorithm
* Suitability of Remote Sensing Images at Different Resolutions for Mapping of Gullies in the Black Soil Region, Northeast China, The
* Summertime Continental Shallow Cumulus Cloud Detection Using GOES-16 Satellite and Ground-Based Stereo Cameras at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains Site
* Super-Resolution Restoration of Spaceborne Ultra-High-Resolution Images Using the UCL OpTiGAN System
* Super-Resolution-Guided Progressive Pansharpening Based on a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* SuPEr-SAM: Using the Supervision Signal from a Pose Estimator to Train a Spatial Attention Module for Personal Protective Equipment Recognition
* Supervoxel Attention Graphs for Long-Range Video Modeling
* survey of reversible data hiding in encrypted images: The first 12 years, A
* Survey on Current Heritage Structural Health Monitoring Practices Around the Globe, A
* Survey on Emotional Body Gesture Recognition
* survey on heterogeneous network representation learning, A
* Surveying Reality (SurReal): Software to Simulate Surveying in Virtual Reality
* SWAG: Superpixels Weighted by Average Gradients for Explanations of CNNs
* Swarm Robotics: Past, Present, and Future
* Symmetrical lattice generative adversarial network for remote sensing images compression
* Synchronising Spatial Metadata Records and Interfaces to Improve the Usability of Metadata Systems
* SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Distance Estimation Synergized with Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving
* Synergistic Use of Multispectral Data and Crop Growth Modelling for Spatial and Temporal Evapotranspiration Estimations
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition in Computer Vision: A Systematic Review
* Synthetic Expressions are Better Than Real for Learning to Detect Facial Actions
* Synthetic Humans for Action Recognition from Unseen Viewpoints
* Synthetic Images as a Regularity Prior for Image Restoration Neural Networks
* System for Interactive Multimedia Retrieval Evaluations, A
* Systematic IoU-Related Method: Beyond Simplified Regression for Better Localization, A
* Tag Propagation and Cost-Sensitive Learning for Music Auto-Tagging
* TanhExp: A smooth activation function with high convergence speed for lightweight neural networks
* Target-Constrained Interference-Minimized Band Selection for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Task-Assisted Domain Adaptation with Anchor Tasks
* TB-Net: A Three-Stream Boundary-Aware Network for Fine-Grained Pavement Disease Segmentation
* Tell as You Imagine: Sentence Imageability-aware Image Captioning
* Temporal and Spatial Evolution and Influencing Factors of Public Sentiment in Natural Disasters: A Case Study of Typhoon Haiyan
* Temporal Context Aggregation for Video Retrieval with Contrastive Learning
* Temporal Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Temporal Shift GAN for Large Scale Video Generation
* Temporal Stochastic Softmax for 3D CNNs: An Application in Facial Expression Recognition
* Temporal Vegetation Indices and Plant Height from Remotely Sensed Imagery Can Predict Grain Yield and Flowering Time Breeding Value in Maize via Machine Learning Regression
* Temporal-Aware Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Estimation in Videos
* Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Dual 360° Cameras
* Temporally smooth online action detection using cycle-consistent future anticipation
* Temporally sorting images from real-world events
* Ten Years of Satellite Infrared Radiance Monitoring With the Met Office NWP Model
* Terrain Slope Effect on Forest Height and Wood Volume Estimation from GEDI Data
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Autocad for Measuring Deformations of Cultural Heritage Structures. Case Study of El Atik's Minaret in Sétif-Algeria
* Testing Rank of Incomplete Unimodal Matrices
* Tests with SAR Images of the PAZ Platform Applied to the Archaeological Site of Clunia (Burgos, Spain)
* Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention
* Texture feature column scheme for single- and multi-script writer identification
* TheiaNet: Towards fast and inexpensive CNN design choices for image dehazing
* Thermal Face Recognition Based on Multi-scale Image Synthesis
* This Face Does Not Exist... But It Might Be Yours! Identity Leakage in Generative Models
* Three-Dimensional Measurement and Three-Dimensional Printing of Giant Coastal Rocks
* Three-dimensional shape reconstruction of objects from a single depth view using deep U-Net convolutional neural network with bottle-neck skip connections
* Through-the-Wall Imaging Approach Based on a TSVD/Variable-Exponent Lebesgue-Space Method, A
* Time Lens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation
* Time Series InSAR Three-Dimensional Displacement Inversion Model of Coal Mining Areas Based on Symmetrical Features of Mining Subsidence
* Time-dependent Body Gesture Representation for Video Emotion Recognition
* Time-dependent lane change trajectory optimisation considering comfort and efficiency for lateral collision avoidance
* Time-layered Gamic Interaction with a Virtual Museum Template
* Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Photometric Stereo
* TomoSAR Mapping of 3D Forest Structure: Contributions of L-Band Configurations
* Topology-Preserving Simplification Method for 3D Building Models, A
* Total Deep Variation for Noisy Exit Wave Reconstruction in Transmission Electron Microscopy
* Total Ozone Columns from the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI) Using the DOAS Method
* Total-variation Mode Decomposition
* Toward Holistic Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Heavy-Duty Applications
* Towards a Building Information Modeling System for Identification and Retrofit Planning of Stone Damages
* Towards a Prediction and Data Driven Computational Process Model of Emotion
* Towards accurate classification of skin cancer from dermatology images
* Towards accurate coronary artery calcium segmentation with multi-scale attention mechanism
* Towards Better Detection and Analysis of Massive Spatiotemporal Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Towards closing the gap in weakly supervised semantic segmentation with DCNNs: Combining local and global models
* Towards Contextual Learning in Few-shot Object Classification
* Towards Efficient Time Stepping for Numerical Shape Correspondence
* Towards Enhancing Fine-grained Details for Image Matting
* Towards Explainable Interactive Multi-modal Video Retrieval with Vitrivr
* Towards Fair Cross-Domain Adaptation via Generative Learning
* Towards Measuring Shape Similarity of Polygons Based on Multiscale Features and Grid Context Descriptors
* Towards Off-the-grid Algorithms for Total Variation Regularized Inverse Problems
* Towards Optimal Multirate Encoding for HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* Towards Perceptually Optimized Adaptive Video Streaming-A Realistic Quality of Experience Database
* Towards Precise Intra-camera Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Towards Resolving the Challenge of Long-tail Distribution in UAV Images for Object Detection
* Towards Robust Discriminative Projections Learning via Non-Greedy L_2,1-Norm MinMax
* Towards the Development of a Trustworthy Chatbot for Mental Health Applications
* Towards Transparent Robot Learning Through TDRL-Based Emotional Expressions
* Towards Visually Explaining Video Understanding Networks with Perturbation
* Towards Zero-Shot Learning with Fewer Seen Class Examples
* Track Prediction for HF Radar Vessels Submerged in Strong Clutter Based on MSCNN Fusion with GRU-AM and AR Model
* Tracking Historical Wetland Changes in the China Side of the Amur River Basin Based on Landsat Imagery and Training Samples Migration
* Tracking-DOSeqSLAM: A dynamic sequence-based visual place recognition paradigm
* TracKlinic: Diagnosis of Challenge Factors in Visual Tracking
* trade-off between accuracy and the complexity of real-time background subtraction, The
* Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Deep Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Training Robust Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Noise Propagation
* Training Robust Object Detectors From Noisy Category Labels and Imprecise Bounding Boxes
* Trajectory Ensemble-Compression Algorithm Based on Finite Element Method, A
* Trajectory planning and tracking control of unmanned ground vehicle leading by motion virtual leader on expressway
* Trajectory Scoring Tool for Local Anomaly Detection in Maritime Traffic Using Visual Analytics, A
* TrajectoryCNN: A New Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Transductive Visual Verb Sense Disambiguation
* Transductive Zero-Shot Learning by Decoupled Feature Generation
* Transferable Knowledge-Based Multi-Granularity Fusion Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* Transient Theoretical Analysis of Diffusion RLS Algorithm for Cyclostationary Colored Inputs
* Translating Numerical Concepts for PDEs into Neural Architectures
* Transmission line detection in aerial images: An instance segmentation approach based on multitask neural networks
* TranstextNet: Transducing Text for Recognizing Unseen Visual Relationships
* Tree Height Growth Modelling Using LiDAR-Derived Topography Information
* TResNet: High Performance GPU-Dedicated Architecture
* tri-attention enhanced graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition, A
* Triangle-Net: Towards Robustness in Point Cloud Learning
* Triply Complementary Priors for Image Restoration
* Tropical Cyclone Winds from WindSat, AMSR2, and SMAP: Comparison with the HWRF Model
* Tropical Cyclones Tracking Based on Satellite Cloud Images: Database and Comprehensive Study
* Tropical Forest Monitoring: Challenges and Recent Progress in Research
* Tropospheric Correction of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferograms Using a High-Resolution Weather Model Validated by GNSS Measurements
* Tropospheric Volcanic SO2 Mass and Flux Retrievals from Satellite. The Etna December 2018 Eruption
* Truncation Cross Entropy Loss for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* TrustMAE: A Noise-Resilient Defect Classification Framework using Memory-Augmented Auto-Encoders with Trust Regions
* TSDCN: Traffic safety state deep clustering network for real-time traffic crash-prediction
* Two Novel Algorithms for Low-Rank Matrix Completion Problem
* Two Stages Pan-Sharpening Details Injection Approach Based on Very Deep Residual Networks
* Two-hand Global 3D Pose Estimation using Monocular RGB
* Two-Level Adversarial Visual-Semantic Coupling for Generalized Zero-shot Learning
* Two-stage adaptive random Fourier sampling method for image reconstruction
* Two-Stage Cascaded Decoder for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* two-stage hybrid ant colony optimization for high-dimensional feature selection, A
* two-stage method for bus passenger load prediction using automatic passenger counting data, A
* Two-stage Real-time Multi-object Tracking with Candidate Selection
* two-step abnormal data analysis and processing method for millimetre-wave radar in traffic flow detection applications, A
* two-step mapping of irrigated corn with multi-temporal MODIS and Landsat analysis ready data, A
* Two-Stream Dense Feature Fusion Network Based on RGB-D Data for the Real-Time Prediction of Weed Aboveground Fresh Weight in a Field Environment
* U. V. Helava Award: Best Paper Volumes 159-170 (2020), The
* UAV Remote Sensing Estimation of Rice Yield Based on Adaptive Spectral Endmembers and Bilinear Mixing Model
* UAVs for Vegetation Monitoring: Overview and Recent Scientific Contributions
* UDA-Net: Densely attention network for underwater image enhancement
* UGV-UAV robust cooperative positioning algorithm with object detection
* UIEC^2-Net: CNN-based underwater image enhancement using two color space
* Ultra-High-Resolution 1 m/pixel CaSSIS DTM Using Super-Resolution Restoration and Shape-from-Shading: Demonstration over Oxia Planum on Mars
* Ultrasound Medical Imaging Techniques: A Survey
* Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete Opensource Workflow Solution Applied to Lithological Mapping of the Coatings of Cultural Heritage, An
* Underdetermined Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using Sparse Circular Arrays on a Rotating Platform
* Understanding crowd flow patterns using active-Langevin model
* Understanding the Diversity of Urban-Rural Fringe Development in a Fast Urbanizing Region of China
* Understanding the impact of mistakes on background regions in crowd counting
* Understanding the influence of state of health on the range anxiety of battery electric vehicle drivers
* Understanding the Relationship between Dominant Geo-Environmental Factors and Rural Poverty in Guizhou, China
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Medium Transmission-Guided Multi-Color Space Embedding
* Underwater image enhancement with image colorfulness measure
* Underwater image restoration: A state-of-the-art review
* Underwater image super-resolution using multi-stage information distillation networks
* Unified Framework for Compressive Video Recovery from Coded Exposure Techniques, A
* Uniform Distribution Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Multiview Clustering
* Unifying Top-Down Views by Task-Specific Domain Adaptation
* Unimodal Reinforced Transformer With Time Squeeze Fusion for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, A
* unsupervised approach for traffic motion patterns extraction, An
* Unsupervised Attention Based Instance Discriminative Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised automated retinal vessel segmentation based on Radon line detector and morphological reconstruction
* Unsupervised change detection method in SAR images based on deep belief network using an improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm
* Unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification with self-attention and joint-flexible optimization
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation via Orthogonal and Clustered Embeddings
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Background Shift Mitigating for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised Gaze: Exploration of Geometric Constraints for 3d Gaze Estimation
* Unsupervised Identification of Targeted Spectra Applying Rank1-NMF and FCC Algorithms in Long-Wave Hyperspectral Infrared Imagery
* Unsupervised Meta-Domain Adaptation for Fashion Retrieval
* Unsupervised meta-learning for few-shot learning
* Unsupervised Multi-shot Person Re-identification via Dynamic Bi-directional Normalized Sparse Representation
* Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation Through Knowledge Distillation
* Unsupervised Multimodal Video-to-Video Translation via Self-Supervised Learning
* Unsupervised Temporal Attention Summarization Model for User Created Videos
* Unsupervised Video Representation Learning by Bidirectional Feature Prediction
* Urban Flood Analysis in Ungauged Drainage Basin Using Short-Term and High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Rainfall Records
* Urban Quality of Life: Spatial Modeling and Indexing in Athens Metropolitan Area, Greece
* Urban Traffic Control in Software Defined Internet of Things via a Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Usability of Romanian Open Data in the Development of Tourist Applications, The
* Usage of Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Data for Identifying Spatial Variability of Soil Nitrogen Content
* Use of InSAR Phase Coherence Analyses for the Monitoring of Aeolian Erosion, The
* Use of Land Cover Indices for Rapid Surface Urban Heat Island Detection from Multi-Temporal Landsat Imageries, The
* Use of UAV in Cadastral Mapping of the Czech Republic, The
* User-Oriented Virtual Mobile Network Resource Management for Vehicle Communications
* Using an Equivalence-Based Approach to Derive 2-D Spectrum of BiSAR Data and Implementation Into an RDA Processor
* Using Crash Databases to Predict Effectiveness of New Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvers for Lane-Departure Injury Reduction
* Using Multi-Resolution Satellite Data to Quantify Land Dynamics: Applications of PlanetScope Imagery for Cropland and Tree-Cover Loss Area Estimation
* Using recurrent neural networks for continuous authentication through gait analysis
* Using Satellite Data to Optimize Wheat Yield and Quality under Climate Change
* Using spatio-temporal deep learning for forecasting demand and supply-demand gap in ride-hailing system with anonymised spatial adjacency information
* Using synthetic data for person tracking under adverse weather conditions
* Utilization of Image, LiDAR and Gamma-Ray Information to Improve Environmental Sustainability of Cut-to-Length Wood Harvesting Operations in Peatlands: A Management Systems Perspective
* Utilizing Every Image Object for Semi-supervised Phrase Grounding
* V-Eye: A Vision-Based Navigation System for the Visually Impaired
* V-SLAM Guided and Portable System for Photogrammetric Applications, A
* V2VR: Reliable Hybrid-Network-Oriented V2V Data Transmission and Routing Considering RSUs and Connectivity Probability
* Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Products through Disdrometers in Italy
* Validation of Sentinel-3 SLSTR Land Surface Temperature Retrieved by the Operational Product and Comparison with Explicitly Emissivity-Dependent Algorithms
* Variational Information Bottleneck Based Method to Compress Sequential Networks for Human Action Recognition, A
* Variational Models for Signal Processing with Graph Neural Networks
* Variational Prototype Inference for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Vault with Intertwined Arches in Castle of Racconigi: 3d Digital Reconstruction, The
* Vector Map Encryption Algorithm Based on Double Random Position Permutation Strategy
* Vector of Locally and Adaptively Aggregated Descriptors for Image Feature Representation
* Vector-based Representation to Enhance Head Pose Estimation, A
* Vectorized indoor surface reconstruction from 3D point cloud with multistep 2D optimization
* Vehicle detection in aerial images based on lightweight deep convolutional network
* Vehicle license plate recognition for fog-haze environments
* Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Based on Dynamic Representation Learning of Internet of Vehicles
* Ventral and Dorsal Stream Theory based Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Verge in VBS 2021
* Vid2Int: Detecting Implicit Intention from Long Dialog Videos
* VID: Human identification through vein patterns captured from commodity depth cameras
* Video Captioning of Future Frames
* Video captioning via a symmetric bidirectional decoder
* Video Magnification under the Presence of Complex Background Motions
* Video object detection with a convolutional regression tracker
* Video Search with Collage Queries
* Video Search with Sub-image Keyword Transfer Using Existing Image Archives
* Video Super-Resolution with Non-Local Alignment Network
* Videograph: Towards Using Knowledge Graphs for Interactive Video Retrieval
* VideoSSL: Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Classification
* Viewpoint-agnostic Image Rendering
* Virtual 3D Campus for Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
* Virtual Heritage Learning Environments
* Virtual Museum takeouts and DIY Exhibitions-Augmented Reality Apps for Scholarship, Citizen Science and Public Engagement
* Virtual Museums and Human-VR-Computer Interaction for Cultural Heritage Application: New Levels of Interactivity and Knowledge of Digital Models and Descriptive Geometry
* Visible-NIR Image Fusion Based on Top-Hat Transform
* Vision-Assisted Autonomous Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot
* Visione at Video Browser Showdown 2021
* Visual Affordance and Function Understanding: A Survey
* Visual perception of computer-generated stereoscopic pictures: Toward the impact of image resolution
* Visual question answering model based on graph neural network and contextual attention
* Visual Scanpath Prediction Using IOR-ROI Recurrent Mixture Density Network
* Visual Speech Enhancement Without A Real Visual Stream
* Visual Structure Constraint for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning in the Wild
* Visual tracking of deepwater animals using machine learning-controlled robotic underwater vehicles
* Visual-attention GAN for interior sketch colourisation
* VMAF Oriented Perceptual Coding Based on Piecewise Metric Coupling
* Volunteer Assisted Collaborative Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing
* Vote-Based 3D Object Detection with Context Modeling and SOB-3DNMS
* VPR-Bench: An Open-Source Visual Place Recognition Evaluation Framework with Quantifiable Viewpoint and Appearance Change
* VR Interface for Browsing Visual Spaces at VBS2021, A
* VSRNet: End-to-end video segment retrieval with text query
* W2VV++ Bert Model at VBS 2021
* Wandering in the Labyrinth: Enhancing the Accessibility to the Minoan Past Through a Visitor-sourced Approach
* Wasserstein Generative Models for Patch-based Texture Synthesis
* Water Quality Variability and Related Factors along the Yangtze River Using Landsat-8
* Wavelet Multi-Level Attention Capsule Network for Texture Classification
* WDNet: Watermark-Decomposition Network for Visible Watermark Removal
* We don't Need Thousand Proposals: Single Shot Actor-Action Detection in Videos
* Weak segmentation supervised deep neural networks for pedestrian detection
* Weakly Supervised Consistency-based Learning Method for COVID-19 Segmentation in CT Images, A
* Weakly Supervised Deep Reinforcement Learning for Video Summarization With Semantically Meaningful Reward
* Weakly supervised instance attention for multisource fine-grained object recognition with an application to tree species classification
* Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Deep Community Learning
* Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection Via Double Object Proposals Guidance
* Weakly-Supervised Object Representation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Weakly-supervised temporal attention 3D network for human action recognition
* Wearable Ultrasound System for Sensing Muscular Morphological Deformations, A
* Weighted Forward-Backward Spatial Smoothing DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on TLS-ESPRIT, A
* Weighted voting of multi-stream convolutional neural networks for video-based action recognition using optical flow rhythms
* What do we want from Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)?: A stakeholder perspective on XAI and a conceptual model guiding interdisciplinary XAI research
* What Is the Shape of Geographical Time-Space? A Three-Dimensional Model Made of Curves and Cones
* Where to Look?: Mining Complementary Image Regions for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Whose hand is this? Person Identification from Egocentric Hand Gestures
* Wikipedia-based semantic tensor space model for text analytics, A
* Wildland Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
* Window-aware guided image filtering via local entropy
* Wrap-up Synthesis Model from High-Quality HBIM Complex Models, and Specifications, to Assess Built Cultural Heritage in Fragile Territories (arquata Del Tronto, Earthquake 2016, the Church of St. Francesco, It)
* WRF-Chem Simulation for Modeling Seasonal Variations and Distributions of Aerosol Pollutants over the Middle East
* XQM: Interactive Learning on Mobile Phones
* Yearly and Daily Relationship Assessment between Air Pollution and Early-Stage COVID-19 Incidence: Evidence from 231 Countries and Regions
* Zero and Few Shot Learning With Semantic Feature Synthesis and Competitive Learning
* Zero-Pair Image to Image Translation using Domain Conditional Normalization
* Zero-Shot Recognition via Optimal Transport
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