Update Dates 2209

2209 * 2021 Mw6.7 Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia) Earthquake: Irregular Normal Faulting with Slip Partitioning Controlled by an Adjacent Strike-Slip Fault, The
* 3D Cascade RCNN: High Quality Object Detection in Point Clouds
* 3D LiDAR Aided GNSS/INS Integration Fault Detection, Localization and Integrity Assessment in Urban Canyons
* 3D multi-resolution attention capsule network for diagnosing multi-pathological types of pulmonary nodules
* 3D Object Recognition Method From LiDAR Point Cloud Based on USAE-BLS, A
* 3D Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Mountain Areas with TSDF-Based Neural Networks
* 3D Sea Surface Electromagnetic Scattering Prediction Model Based on IPSO-SVR
* 3D Vehicle Detection Using Multi-Level Fusion from Point Clouds and Images
* 3D Visual Security (3DVS) score to measure the visual security level of selectively encrypted 3D objects, A
* AAP-MIT: Attentive Atrous Pyramid Network and Memory Incorporated Transformer for Multisentence Video Description
* AbdomenCT-1K: Is Abdominal Organ Segmentation a Solved Problem?
* Abnormal Attentional Bias of Non-Drug Reward in Abstinent Heroin Addicts: An ERP Study
* Accelerated MRI Reconstruction With Separable and Enhanced Low-Rank Hankel Regularization
* Acceleration-based gait analysis for frailty assessment in older adults
* Accuracy Assessment of Low-Cost Lidar Scanners: An Analysis of the Velodyne HDL-32E and Livox Mid-40's Temporal Stability
* Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm for Moving Vehicle Classification
* Acoustic Source Localization Using a Geometrically Sampled Grid SRP-PHAT Algorithm With Max-Pooling Operation
* Act Like a Radiologist: Towards Reliable Multi-View Correspondence Reasoning for Mammogram Mass Detection
* Activity location recognition from mobile phone data using improved HAC and Bi-LSTM
* Adapted Dynamic Memory Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* Adapting the Interplay Between Personalized and Generalized Affect Recognition Based on an Unsupervised Neural Framework
* Adaptive and Accurate Method for Rotational Angular Velocity Estimation of Rotor Targets via Fourier Coefficient Interpolation, An
* Adaptive Cloud-to-Cloud (AC2C) Comparison Method for Photogrammetric Point Cloud Error Estimation Considering Theoretical Error Space
* Adaptive Clustering-Based Algorithm for Automatic Path Planning of Heterogeneous UAVs, An
* Adaptive CNN filter pruning using global importance metric
* Adaptive Design of Experiments for Safety Evaluation of Automated Vehicles
* Adaptive Geometric Interval Classifier
* Adaptive Model Predictive Control-Based Path Following Control for Four-Wheel Independent Drive Automated Vehicles
* Adaptive Modulation and Rectangular Convolutional Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive Multilayer Perceptual Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Path Selection for Dynamic Image Captioning
* Adaptive Progressive Continual Learning
* Adaptive Robust Control for Pointing Tracking of Marching Turret-Barrel Systems: Coupling, Nonlinearity and Uncertainty
* Adaptive Support-Driven Sparse Recovery STAP Method with Subspace Penalty
* Adaptive Time Budget Adjustment Strategy Based on a Take-Over Performance Model for Passive Fatigue, An
* Advanced Approach to Improve Synchronization Phase Accuracy with Compressive Sensing for LT-1 Bistatic Spaceborne SAR, An
* Advances in InSAR Imaging and Data Processing: A Review
* Adversarial Generative Network Designed for High-Resolution Monocular Depth Estimation from 2D HiRISE Images of Mars, An
* Adversarial Reinforced Instruction Attacker for Robust Vision-Language Navigation
* Affective Image Content Analysis: Two Decades Review and New Perspectives
* Affective Video Content Analysis via Multimodal Deep Quality Embedding Network
* Affective word embedding in affective explanation generation for fine art paintings
* Affective Words and the Company They Keep: Studying the Accuracy of Affective Word Lists in Determining Sentence and Word Valence in a Domain-Specific Corpus
* AGA-GAN: Attribute Guided Attention Generative Adversarial Network with U-Net for face hallucination
* AGBM: An Adaptive Gradient Balanced Mechanism for the End-to-End Steering Estimation
* AIParsing: Anchor-Free Instance-Level Human Parsing
* Airborne Coherent GNSS Reflectometry and Zenith Total Delay Estimation over Coastal Waters
* Airborne Elevation DBF-TOPS SAR/InSAR Method Based on LOS Motion Compensation and Channel Error Equalization
* Alert-Driven Community-Based Forest Monitoring: A Case of the Peruvian Amazon
* Alleviating the over-smoothing of graph neural computing by a data augmentation strategy with entropy preservation
* Alleviation of Perceptual Blindness During Driving in Urban Areas Guided by Saccades Recommendation, The
* AlphaGAN: Fully Differentiable Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks
* Altered Fingerprints Detection Based on Deep Feature Fusion
* Ambiguousness-Aware State Evolution for Action Prediction
* AMM-FuseNet: Attention-Based Multi-Modal Image Fusion Network for Land Cover Mapping
* Analyses of GLONASS and GPS+GLONASS Precise Positioning Performance in Different Latitude Regions
* Analysis and Optimization of Urban Public Transport Lines Based on Multiobjective Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
* Analysis of GNSS-Derived Tropospheric Zenith Non-Hydrostatic Delay Anomaly during Sandstorms in Northern China on 15th March 2021
* Analysis of Optical Turbulence over the South China Sea Using Balloon-Borne Microthermal Data and ERA5 Data
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Satellite-Based Land Surface Temperature and Station-Based Near-Surface Air Temperature over Brazil, An
* Analysis of the Long-Term Characteristics of BDS On-Orbit Satellite Atomic Clock: Since BDS-3 Was Officially Commissioned
* Analysis of the Optimal Features for Sentinel-1 Oil Spill Datasets Based on an Improved J-M/K-Means Algorithm, An
* Analysis of Vegetation Vulnerability Dynamics and Driving Forces to Multiple Drought Stresses in a Changing Environment
* Analysis of Vehicle Location Prediction Errors for Safety Applications in Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Analytical Calculation and Experimental Verification of Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension System Using Null-Flux Ground Coils
* Analytical Model of Page Dissemination for Efficient Big Data Transmission of C-ITS, An
* Analyzing the multi-scale characteristic for online car-hailing traffic volume with quantum walk
* Animal pose estimation: A closer look at the state-of-the-art, existing gaps and opportunities
* Apple LiDAR Sensor for 3D Surveying: Tests and Results in the Cultural Heritage Domain
* Application and Analysis of XCO2 Data from OCO Satellite Using a Synthetic DINEOF-BME Spatiotemporal Interpolation Framework
* Application of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Data in Seismic Response Assessment
* Applying Signal Processing to Opposite Sides of Imaging: Separate European research projects are focusing on aspects of completely real and entirely fake images
* Aquifer and Land Subsidence Interaction Assessment Using Sentinel-1 Data and DInSAR Technique
* Arbitrary-Scale Texture Generation From Coarse-Grained Control
* ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Are Indices of Polarimetric Purity Excellent Metrics for Object Identification in Scattering Media?
* ARPLR: An All-Round and Highly Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Routing Scheme for VANETs
* Artificial Intelligence in Railway Transport: Taxonomy, Regulations, and Applications
* Artificial Neural Network for Lightning Prediction Based on Atmospheric Electric Field Observations, An
* Artificial Reef Detection Method for Multibeam Sonar Imagery Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Asian Rice Calendar Dynamics Detected by Remote Sensing and Their Climate Drivers
* Assembling Cultural and Natural Values in Vernacular Landscapes: An Experimental Analysis
* Assessing FY-3E HIRAS-II Radiance Accuracy Using AHI and MERSI-LL
* Assessing Multi-Temporal Global Urban Land-Cover Products Using Spatio-Temporal Stratified Sampling
* Assessing Suitability of Auto-Selection of Hot and Cold Anchor Pixels of the UAS-METRIC Model for Developing Crop Water Use Maps
* Assessing the Potential of IMERG and TMPA Satellite Precipitation Products for Flood Simulations and Frequency Analyses over a Typical Humid Basin in South China
* Assessment of Ecological Cumulative Effect due to Mining Disturbance Using Google Earth Engine
* Assessment of FY-2G, FY-4A, and Himawari-8 Atmospheric Motion Vectors over Southeast Asia and Their Assimilating Impact on the Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone PABUK
* Assessment of Galileo FOC + IOV Signals and Geometry-Based Single-Epoch Resolution of Quad-Frequency Carrier Ambiguities
* Assessment of Morphometric Parameters as the Basis for Hydrological Inferences in Water Resource Management: A Case Study from the Sinu River Basin in Colombia
* Assessment of PRISMA water reflectance using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry
* Assessment of Real-Time GPS/BDS-2/BDS-3 Single-Frequency PPP and INS Tight Integration Using Different RTS Products
* Assessment of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products for Estimating and Mapping Rainfall Erosivity in a Subtropical Basin, China
* Assessment of SNPP and NOAA20 VIIRS RSB Calibration Performance in NASA SIPS Reprocessed Collection-2 L1B Data Products, An
* Assessment of Socioeconomic Dynamics and Electrification Progress in Tanzania Using VIIRS Nighttime Light Images
* Assessment of the Combined Risk of Drought and High-Temperature Heat Wave Events in the North China Plain during Summer
* Assessment of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Photosynthetically Active Radiation in a Chilean Lake
* Asymmetric Contrastive Learning for Audio Fingerprinting
* Asymmetric Weighted Logistic Metric Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* asymmetrical-structure auto-encoder for unsupervised representation learning of skeleton sequences, An
* Attack to Fool and Explain Deep Networks
* Attention Mechanism Based Mixture of Gaussian Processes
* Attention Mechanism With Spatial-Temporal Joint Model for Traffic Flow Speed Prediction
* Attention-Based Digraph Convolution Network Enabled Framework for Congestion Recognition in Three-Dimensional Road Networks, An
* Attention-Based Multi-Channel Feature Fusion Enhancement Network to Process Low-Light Images
* Attentive Feature Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Attribute and State Guided Structural Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Auto-Perceiving Correlation Filter for UAV Tracking
* Auto-Weighted Structured Graph-Based Regression Method for Heterogeneous Change Detection
* Automated Detection of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the High Arctic Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Automated Ground Vehicle Path-Following: A Robust Energy-to-Peak Control Approach
* Automated Road-Marking Segmentation via a Multiscale Attention-Based Dilated Convolutional Neural Network Using the Road Marking Dataset
* Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images With Intracranial Hemorrhage
* automatic breast computer-aided diagnosis scheme based on a weighted fusion of relevant features and a deep CNN classifier, An
* Automatic Detection Method for Loess Landslides Based on GEE and an Improved YOLOX Algorithm
* Automatic detection of keratoconus on Pentacam images using feature selection based on deep learning
* Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical Satellite Images by R3Det with Piecewise Linear Stretching
* Automatic Individual Tree 3D Change Detection Method for Allometric Parameters Estimation in Mixed Uneven-Aged Forest Stands from ALS Data, An
* Automatic Matching of Multimodal Remote Sensing Images via Learned Unstructured Road Feature
* Automatic Prediction of Group Cohesiveness in Images
* Automatic Tunnel Crack Inspection Using an Efficient Mobile Imaging Module and a Lightweight CNN
* Automatically classifying non-functional requirements using deep neural network
* Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Pruning Based on Task-Driven Sparsity Optimization, An
* Autonomous Driving on Curvy Roads Without Reliance on Frenet Frame: A Cartesian-Based Trajectory Planning Method
* Autonomous Intersection Management for Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Lane-Based Method
* Autonomous Shape-Variable Crawler: One-Dimensional Displacement Coordination for Constant Upper Frame Posture
* Autonomous Vehicles Digital Twin: A Practical Paradigm for Autonomous Driving System Development
* AutoNovel: Automatically Discovering and Learning Novel Visual Categories
* Autoregressive-Elephant Herding Optimization based Generative Adversarial Network for copy-move forgery detection with Interval type-2 fuzzy clustering
* AWDMC-Net: Classification of Adversarial Weather Degraded Multiclass scenes using a Convolution Neural Network
* B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstruction and K-Space Trajectories (BJORK) for Accelerated 2D MRI
* BACA: Superpixel Segmentation with Boundary Awareness and Content Adaptation
* Bald eagle search optimization with deep transfer learning enabled age-invariant face recognition model
* Basin-Scale Sea Level Budget from Satellite Altimetry, Satellite Gravimetry, and Argo Data over 2005 to 2019
* Batch Pixel-Based Algorithm to Composite Landsat Time Series Images, A
* Batch Reinforcement Learning With a Nonparametric Off-Policy Policy Gradient
* Bayesian Modeling of Crowd Dynamics by Aggregating Multiresolution Observations From UAVs and UGVs
* Bayesian Periodic Cramér-Rao Bound
* BDS-3/GPS/Galileo OSB Estimation and PPP-AR Positioning Analysis of Different Positioning Models
* Beacons Selection Method under Random Interference for Indoor Positioning, A
* Beyond Accessibility: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Urban Park Equity in Yangzhou, China
* Beyond Classifiers: Remote Sensing Change Detection with Metric Learning
* Beyond Crack: Fine-Grained Pavement Defect Segmentation Using Three-Stream Neural Networks
* Beyond Mobile Apps: A Survey of Technologies for Mental Well-Being
* Beyond Triplet Loss: Meta Prototypical N-Tuple Loss for Person Re-identification
* bi-Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Approach for Network-Wide Traffic Signal Control Using Trip-Based Data, A
* Bias in PPP-B2b Real-Time Clock Offset and the Strategy to Reduce It, The
* Bibliometric Overview of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2000-2021), A
* Bilevel Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Capacitated Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, A
* Binary cross coupled discriminant analysis for visual kinship verification
* Bistatic Radar Scattering from Non-Gaussian Height Distributed Rough Surfaces
* Black-box image deblurring and defiltering
* Blindly Assess Quality of In-the-Wild Videos via Quality-Aware Pre-Training and Motion Perception
* Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving and Sustainable Data Query Service Over 5G-VANETs
* Boundary Information Progressive Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection
* BR-NPA: A non-parametric high-resolution attention model to improve the interpretability of attention
* Brain tumor classification by using a novel convolutional neural network structure
* Brain tumor detection and patient survival prediction using U-Net and regression model
* Branch Identification and Junction Points Location for Apple Trees Based on Deep Learning
* Breaking the resolution barrier: A low-to-high network for large-scale high-resolution land-cover mapping using low-resolution labels
* Bridging the Gap Between Semantic Segmentation and Instance Segmentation
* Bridging Video and Text: A Two-Step Polishing Transformer for Video Captioning
* BSCA-Net: Bit Slicing Context Attention network for polyp segmentation
* Building Change Detection Based on an Edge-Guided Convolutional Neural Network Combined with a Transformer
* Building Floorplan Reconstruction Based on Integer Linear Programming
* Built-Up Area Extraction from GF-3 SAR Data Based on a Dual-Attention Transformer Model
* CAAN: Context-Aware attention network for visual question answering
* CAiTST: Conv-Attentional Image Time Sequence Transformer for Ionospheric TEC Maps Forecast
* Calculating Co-Seismic Three-Dimensional Displacements from InSAR Observations with the Dislocation Model-Based Displacement Direction Constraint: Application to the 23 July 2020 Mw6.3 Nima Earthquake, China
* Can Satellite and Atmospheric Reanalysis Products Capture Compound Moist Heat Stress-Floods?
* Capability of a Ground-Based Passive Surveillance System to Detect and Track Spaceborne SAR in LEO Orbits
* Car-Following Model for Connected and Automated Vehicles With Heterogeneous Time Delays Under Fixed and Switching Communication Topologies, A
* Cascaded Algorithm Selection With Extreme-Region UCB Bandit
* Case Study on Ground Subsidence and Backfill Deformation Induced by Multi-Stage Filling Mining in a Steeply Inclined Ore Body, A
* Categorization of breast masses based on deep belief network parameters optimized using chaotic krill herd optimization algorithm for frequent diagnosis of breast abnormalities
* Causal Framework for Distribution Generalization, A
* CEFusion: Multi-Modal medical image fusion via cross encoder
* Center Prediction Loss for Re-identification
* Cervix type detection using a self-supervision boosted object detection technique
* CGMDRNet: Cross-Guided Modality Difference Reduction Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* CGNN: Caption-assisted graph neural network for image-text retrieval
* Change Pattern and Its Dominant Driving Factors of Wetlands in the Yellow River Delta Based on Sentinel-2 Images, The
* Changes over the Last 35 Years in Alaska's Glaciated Landscape: A Novel Deep Learning Approach to Mapping Glaciers at Fine Temporal Granularity
* Characteristics and Formation Conditions of Thin Phytoplankton Layers in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Revealed by Airborne Lidar
* Characteristics of Co-Seismic Surface Rupture of the 2021 Maduo Mw 7.4 Earthquake and Its Tectonic Implications for Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Characteristics of the Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Variations Revealed by GRACE/GRACE Follow-On Gravimetry
* Characterization of the Land Deformation Induced by Groundwater Withdrawal and Aquifer Parameters Using InSAR Observations in the Xingtai Plain, China
* Characterizing Production-Living-Ecological Space Evolution and Its Driving Factors: A Case Study of the Chaohu Lake Basin in China from 2000 to 2020
* Characterizing Residual Current Circulation and Its Response Mechanism to Wind at a Seasonal Scale Based on High-Frequency Radar Data
* Characterizing Ride Quality With a Composite Roughness Index
* Characterizing the Distribution Pattern and a Physically Based Susceptibility Assessment of Shallow Landslides Triggered by the 2019 Heavy Rainfall Event in Longchuan County, Guangdong Province, China
* ChaseMe: A Heuristic Scheme for Electric Vehicles Mobility Management on Charging Stations in a Smart City Scenario
* Chinese Nationwide Earthquake Early Warning System and Its Performance in the 2022 Lushan M6.1 Earthquake
* Class-Difficulty Based Methods for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk for Climate Change Mitigation of the Urban and Peri-Urban Area of Padua (Italy)
* Climate Sensitivity of the Arid Scrublands on the Tibetan Plateau Mediated by Plant Nutrient Traits and Soil Nutrient Availability
* Climatology of Dust Aerosols over the Jianghan Plain Revealed with Space-Borne Instruments and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data during 2006-2021
* Cloud Detection of Gaofen-2 Multi-Spectral Imagery Based on the Modified Radiation Transmittance Map
* Cloud Macro- and Microphysical Properties in Extreme Rainfall Induced by Landfalling Typhoons over China
* CNN-LSTM Model for Soil Organic Carbon Content Prediction with Long Time Series of MODIS-Based Phenological Variables, A
* Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Bali Province, Indonesia Using Remote Sensing and GIS Approaches
* CoDiNet: Path Distribution Modeling With Consistency and Diversity for Dynamic Routing
* Cognitive Computational Model of Driver Warning Response Performance in Connected Vehicle Systems, A
* Coherent Targets Parameter Estimation for EVS-MIMO Radar
* Collaborative drawing shared between mobile devices using MQTT
* Color Image Inpainting via Robust Pure Quaternion Matrix Completion: Error Bound and Weighted Loss
* Combined Use of GPR and Other NDTs for Road Pavement Assessment: An Overview
* Combining Decision Making and Trajectory Planning for Lane Changing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Commuting Analysis of the Budapest Metropolitan Area Using Mobile Network Data
* comparative analysis of deep neural network architectures for the dynamic diagnosis of COVID-19 based on acoustic cough features, A
* Comparing GRACE-FO KBR and LRI Ranging Data with Focus on Carrier Frequency Variations
* Comparing tree attributes derived from quantitative structure models based on drone and mobile laser scanning point clouds across varying canopy cover conditions
* Comparison of color imaging vs. hyperspectral imaging for texture classification
* Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in Detecting Field Grapevine Diseases Using Transfer Learning
* Comparison of Electron Density between CSES In Situ and Ground-Based Observations in China, The
* Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Tibet Plateau Leveraging Google Earth Engine and Landsat-9 Data
* Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-Surface Hyperspectral and UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
* Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* Complete Reinforcement-Learning-Based Framework for Urban-Safety Perception, A
* Complex-Valued Sparse SAR-Image-Based Target Detection and Classification
* Composed Image Retrieval via Explicit Erasure and Replenishment With Semantic Alignment
* Comprehensive Framework of Early and Late Fusion for Image-Sentence Retrieval
* Comprehensive Study on Factors Affecting the Calibration of Potential Evapotranspiration Derived from the Thornthwaite Model, A
* Concealed Object Detection
* Concise Yet Effective Model for Non-Aligned Incomplete Multi-View and Missing Multi-Label Learning, A
* Conditional generative adversarial network with dual-branch progressive generator for underwater image enhancement
* Conditional motion in-betweening
* Confidence and Error Analyses of the Radiosonde and Ka-Wavelength Cloud Radar for Detecting the Cloud Vertical Structure
* Confidence Estimation via Auxiliary Models
* Considerations for Assessing Functional Forest Diversity in High-Dimensional Trait Space Derived from Drone-Based Lidar
* Constructing Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems for Travel Time Prediction With Deep Learning Approaches
* Context for Reproducibility and Replicability in Geospatial Unmanned Aircraft Systems
* Context- and Knowledge-Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
* Context-Aware Graph Inference With Knowledge Distillation for Visual Dialog
* Continuous Action Reinforcement Learning From a Mixture of Interpretable Experts
* Contrast Minimization Approach to Remove Sun Glint in Landsat 8 Imagery, A
* Contribution of GRACE Satellite Mission to the Determination of Orthometric/Normal Heights Corrected for Their Dynamics: A Case Study of Poland
* Contributions of Climate Change, Vegetation Growth, and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration to Variation in Water Use Efficiency in Subtropical China
* Control Algorithm of an Idle Stop and Go System With Traffic Conditions for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, A
* Conveying Emotions Through Device-Initiated Touch
* Convolutional Fine-Grained Classification With Self-Supervised Target Relation Regularization
* Convolutional Neural Network Algorithms for Semantic Segmentation of Volcanic Ash Plumes Using Visible Camera Imagery
* Convolutional Weighted Parametric Multichannel Wiener Filter for Reverberant Source Separation
* Cool Roofs as a Heat-Mitigation Measure in Urban Heat Islands: A Comparative Analysis Using Sentinel 2 and Landsat Data
* Cooling Effects of Urban Vegetation: The Role of Golf Courses
* Cooperative Formation of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Flow: Beyond Platooning
* Coordinated Attitude Control of Spacecraft Formation Flying via Fixed-Time Estimators under a Directed Graph
* Correction of Terrain Effects on Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using ICESat-2 and High Spatial Resolution Images
* Correlation Analysis of CO2 Concentration Based on DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Integrated Data
* Counterfactual explanation based on gradual construction for deep networks
* Coupled Tensor Block Term Decomposition with Superpixel-Based Graph Laplacian Regularization for Hyperspectral Super-Resolution
* Coupling a Physical Replica with a Digital Twin: A Comparison of Participatory Decision-Making Methods in an Urban Park Environment
* Coverage Analysis and Chance-Constrained Optimization for HSR Communications With Carrier Aggregation
* Covered Style Mining via Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Anti-spoofing
* COVID-19 contact tracking by group activity trajectory recovery over camera networks
* CoviDetNet: A new COVID-19 diagnostic system based on deep features of chest x-ray
* Crash Risks Evaluation of Urban Expressways: A Case Study in Shanghai
* Creating Semantic HD Maps From Aerial Imagery and Aggregated Vehicle Telemetry for Autonomous Vehicles
* Creation of Wildfire Susceptibility Maps in Plumas National Forest Using InSAR Coherence, Deep Learning, and Metaheuristic Optimization Approaches
* Crop Monitoring Using Sentinel-2 and UAV Multispectral Imagery: A Comparison Case Study in Northeastern Germany
* Cross-Attention BERT-Based Framework for Continuous Sign Language Recognition, A
* Cross-Comparison between Sun-Synchronized and Geostationary Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study in Hong Kong
* Cross-Speaker Emotion Transfer Through Information Perturbation in Emotional Speech Synthesis
* Crosslink-Net: Double-Branch Encoder Network via Fusing Vertical and Horizontal Convolutions for Medical Image Segmentation
* Crowd Counting via Segmentation Guided Attention Networks and Curriculum Loss
* CSDL-Net: An iterative network based on compressed sensing and deep learning
* CSF: Closed-mask-guided semantic fusion method for semantic perception of unknown scenes
* CSformer: Cross-Scale Features Fusion Based Transformer for Image Denoising
* Curiosity-Driven Salient Object Detection With Fragment Attention
* Curvature-Variation-Inspired Sampling for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Curvelet Transform-Based Sparsity Promoting Algorithm for Fast Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* Cuscuta spp. Segmentation Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Orthomasaics Using a U-Net Xception-Style Model
* Cylindrical and Asymmetrical 3D Convolution Networks for LiDAR-Based Perception
* Data Analysis for Dynamics of Cooperative Bridge-Vehicle System Considering Pavement Roughness and Separation
* Data Fusion Powered Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory Model for Predicting Multi-Lane Short Term Traffic Flow, A
* Data-Driven Event-Triggered Cooperative Control for Multiple Subway Trains With Switching Topologies
* Data-Driven Model on Google Earth Engine for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the Hengduan Mountains, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, A
* Data-Driven Modeling of Aircraft Midair Separation Violation
* Data-Driven Random Forest Models for Detecting Volcanic Hot Spots in Sentinel-2 MSI Images
* DCGCR: Dynamic Clustering Green Communication Routing for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Debris-Flow Susceptibility Assessment in China: A Comparison between Traditional Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
* Deciphering the Drivers of Net Primary Productivity of Vegetation in Mining Areas
* Decision Support Models for Predicting and Explaining Airport Passenger Connectivity From Data
* Decoupled Object-Independent Image Features for Fine Phasing of Segmented Mirrors Using Deep Learning
* Decoupled R-CNN: Sensitivity-Specific Detector for Higher Accurate Localization
* Deep convolutional correlation iterative particle filter for visual tracking
* deep data-driven approach for enhanced segmentation of blood vessel for diabetic retinopathy, A
* Deep Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey
* Deep Feature Space: A Geometrical Perspective
* Deep Fourier Ranking Quantization for Semi-Supervised Image Retrieval
* Deep Generative-Discriminative Learning for Multimodal Representation in Imaging Genetics, A
* Deep Graph Metric Learning for Weakly Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Deep Learning Application for Classification of Ionospheric Height Profiles Measured by Radio Occultation Technique
* Deep Learning Application to Map Weed Spatial Extent from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Imagery, A
* Deep Learning Approach for LiDAR Resolution-Agnostic Object Detection, A
* Deep Learning for Security in Digital Twins of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Deep learning of longitudinal mammogram examinations for breast cancer risk prediction
* Deep Learning on Synthetic Data Enables the Automatic Identification of Deficient Forested Windbreaks in the Paraguayan Chaco
* Deep Learning to Near-Surface Humidity Retrieval from Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data over the China Seas
* Deep learning-based hybrid model for the behaviour prediction of surrounding vehicles over long-time periods
* Deep Learning-Based Method for the Semi-Automatic Identification of Built-Up Areas within Risk Zones Using Aerial Imagery and Multi-Source GIS Data: An Application for Landslide Risk, A
* Deep Learning-Based Water Quality Retrieval in an Impounded Lake Using Landsat 8 Imagery: An Application in Dongping Lake
* Deep Multigraph Hierarchical Enhanced Semantic Representation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Multiscale Spatiotemporal Network for Assessing Depression From Facial Dynamics, A
* Deep Neural Network Heuristic Hierarchization for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Fleet Management
* Deep Pansharpening via 3D Spectral Super-Resolution Network and Discrepancy-Based Gradient Transfer
* Deep Posterior Distribution-Based Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Relation Learning for Regression and Its Application to Brain Age Estimation
* Deep Spatial-Angular Regularization for Light Field Imaging, Denoising, and Super-Resolution
* Deep Temporal Analysis for Non-Acted Body Affect Recognition
* Deep Unrolled Low-Rank Tensor Completion for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Deep-Learning-Based Method for Estimating Permittivity of Ground-Penetrating Radar Targets
* DeepFake Detection Based on Discrepancies Between Faces and Their Context
* DeepIPR: Deep Neural Network Ownership Verification With Passports
* deeply supervised maximum response texton based SegNet for simultaneous multi retinal lesion segmentation, A
* Deformation-Compensated Learning for Image Reconstruction Without Ground Truth
* Dense Traffic Detection at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings
* DeOldify: A Review and Implementation of an Automatic Colorization Method
* Deployment of Charging Stations for Drone Delivery Assisted by Public Transportation Vehicles
* Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden Surface Based on Edge Defocus Tracking
* Depth-Wise Split Unit Coding Order for Video Compression
* DeriveNet for (Very) Low Resolution Image Classification
* Design and Analysis of a New Deployer for the in Orbit Release of Multiple Stacked CubeSats
* Design and Application of Multi-Dimensional Visualization System for Large-Scale Ocean Data
* Design and Performance Analysis of Intra-Vehicle VLC System With Random Receiver Orientation
* Design of a solar-powered mobile manipulator using fuzzy logic controller of agriculture application
* Design of Cone and Pendulum Scanning Mode Using Dual-Camera with Multi-Dimensional Motion Imaging Micro-Nanosatellite, The
* Design of Platooning Controllers That Achieve Collision Avoidance by External Positivity
* Design Optimization of Spatial-Spectral Filters for Cone-Beam CT Material Decomposition
* Designing CNNs for Multimodal Image Restoration and Fusion via Unfolding the Method of Multipliers
* Detailed Processes of Tidal Flat Geomorphology Evolution Based on Time-Series Satellite Images
* Detecting Object-Level Scene Changes in Images with Viewpoint Differences Using Graph Matching
* Detecting Spatial Communities in Vehicle Movements by Combining Multi-Level Merging and Consensus Clustering
* Detecting Spatial-Temporal Changes of Urban Environment Quality by Remote Sensing-Based Ecological Indices: A Case Study in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, China
* Detecting Steganography in JPEG Images Recompressed With the Same Quantization Matrix
* Detection Approach for Floating Debris Using Ground Images Based on Deep Learning, A
* Detection of Small Floating Target on Sea Surface Based on Gramian Angular Field and Improved EfficientNet
* Detection of Vertical Changes in the Ionospheric Electron Density Structures by the Radio Occultation Technique Onboard the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2 Mission over the Eruption of the Tonga Underwater Volcano on 15 January 2022
* Determination of Long-Term Soil Apparent Thermal Diffusivity Using Near-Surface Soil Temperature on the Tibetan Plateau
* Determining Ionospheric Drift and Anisotropy of Irregularities from LOFAR Core Measurements: Testing Hypotheses behind Estimation
* Determining pseudo-invariant calibration sites for comparing inter-mission ocean color data
* Development of a Multi-Scale Tomato Yield Prediction Model in Azerbaijan Using Spectral Indices from Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Development of Planning-Level Guidelines for Deploying Transit Signal Priority
* Development Status and Service Performance Preliminary Analysis for BDSBAS
* Deviation Point Curriculum Learning for Trajectory Outlier Detection in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
* DHCAE: Deep Hybrid Convolutional Autoencoder Approach for Robust Supervised Hyperspectral Unmixing
* DIBR Zero-Watermarking Based on Invariant Feature and Geometric Rectification
* Dictionary Learning-Cooperated Matrix Decomposition for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Improved Hessian Matrix and F-Norm Collaborative Filtering
* Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Feature Extraction
* Direction Control and Adaptive Path Following of 3-D Snake-Like Robot Motion
* Discovering Spatio-Temporal Co-Occurrence Patterns of Crimes with Uncertain Occurrence Time
* Discriminatory and Orthogonal Feature Learning for Noise Robust Keyword Spotting
* Disease-Image-Specific Learning for Diagnosis-Oriented Neuroimage Synthesis With Incomplete Multi-Modality Data
* Disentangled Feature Learning Network and a Comprehensive Benchmark for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Distance-Aware Occlusion Detection With Focused Attention
* Distinguishing the Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs and Synergies: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Graph Decomposition Approach for Large-Scale Adaptive Traffic Signal Control, A
* Distributed Offloading for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Under Heterogeneous Networks
* Distributed Satellite Relay Cooperative Communication with Optimized Signal Space Dimension
* Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Human-Leading Heavy-Duty Truck Platoon
* Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control With Taguchi's Robustness for Vehicle Platooning
* Distributed UAV Swarm Formation and Collision Avoidance Strategies Over Fixed and Switching Topologies
* Distribution alignment for cross-device palmprint recognition
* Distribution and Driving Force of Water Use Efficiency under Vegetation Restoration on the Loess Plateau
* Distribution Disagreement via Lorentzian Focal Representation
* Diverse Ensemble Deep Learning Method for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatiotemporal Correlations, A
* DnS: Distill-and-Select for Efficient and Accurate Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Do deep neural networks contribute to multivariate time series anomaly detection?
* DOA Estimation Based on Pseudo-Noise Subspace for Relocating Enhanced Nested Array
* Doing and Feeling: Relationships Between Moods, Productivity and Task-Switching
* Domain adaptation and weight initialization of neural networks for diagnosing interstitial lung diseases
* Domain Adaptive Box-Supervised Instance Segmentation Network for Mitosis Detection
* Domain consistency regularization for unsupervised multi-source domain adaptive classification
* Domain-Specific Language for Land Administration System Transactions
* Dominant Impacting Factors on Water-Use Efficiency Variation in Inner Mongolia from 2001 to 2018: Vegetation or Climate?
* Double bit range estimation with eight estimators for CABAC in VVC
* Double-Stack Aggregation Network Using a Feature-Travel Strategy for Pansharpening
* downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from VIIRS imagery and SRTM/DEM, A
* Drivers Learn City-Scale Intra-Daily Dynamic Equilibrium
* Drone Scheduling Problem: A Systematic State-of-the-Art Review, The
* DroneTalk: An Internet-of-Things-Based Drone System for Last-Mile Drone Delivery
* Dual Gaussian Modeling for Deep Face Embeddings
* Dual-Branch Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Network Based on Selection Kernel Mechanism
* Dual-Pyramidal Image Inpainting With Dynamic Normalization
* DUEL: Dempster Uncertainty-Based Enhanced- Trust Level Scheme for VANET
* DuETNet: Dual Encoder based Transfer Network for thoracic disease classification
* Dynamic and static feature fusion for increased accuracy in signature verification
* Dynamic Changes and Driving Forces of Alpine Wetlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Based on Long-Term Time Series Satellite Data: A Case Study in the Gansu Maqu Wetlands
* Dynamic Differential Pricing of High-Speed Railway Based on Improved GBDT Train Classification and Bootstrap Time Node Determination
* Dynamic Fusion Module Evolves Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
* Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Improved Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network
* Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Electric Scooter Interactions With a Pedestrian Crowd Using a Social Force Model
* Dynamic Optimal Battery Swapping Mechanism for Electric Vehicles Using an LSTM-Based Rolling Horizon Approach, A
* Dynamic Scheduling, Operation Control and Their Integration in High-Speed Railways: A Review of Recent Research
* Dynamic Self-Attention with Vision Synchronization Networks for Video Question Answering
* Dynamic Self-Tuning Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter for Wireless Sensors Networks Positioning Systems, A
* E2SRI: Learning to Super-Resolve Intensity Images From Events
* EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Enhanced Action Recognition
* Early Detection of Suspicious Behaviors for Safe Residence from Movement Trajectory Data
* Eco-Driving Strategy for Partially Connected Automated Vehicles at a Signalized Intersection, An
* EDFLOW: Event Driven Optical Flow Camera With Keypoint Detection and Adaptive Block Matching
* Editorial for the Special Issue Climate Modelling and Monitoring Using GNSS
* Editorial for the Special Issue: Integrated Applications of Geo-Information in Environmental Monitoring
* Editorial paper for pattern recognition letters VSI on advances in graph-based recognition for pattern recognition
* Editorial: Applications of Remote Sensing in Glaciology
* EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Regularized Graph Neural Networks
* Effect of Drought on Vegetation Gross Primary Productivity under Different Vegetation Types across China from 2001 to 2020, The
* Effect of Error Non-Orthogonality on Triple Collocation Analyses, The
* Effect of Image-Processing Routines on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for Mapping Glacier Surface Facies from Svalbard and the Himalayas
* Effect of Number and Configuration of Participating Stations on Lightning Location outside the Network
* Effective Training of Convolutional Neural Networks With Low-Bitwidth Weights and Activations
* Effects of Anthropogenic Emission Control and Meteorology Changes on the Inter-Annual Variations of PM2.5-AOD Relationship in China
* Effects of Climate Change on Corn Yields: Spatiotemporal Evidence from Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model
* Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Temperature in Summer over the Yellow River Basin, China
* Effects of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Reliability on Performance of Signalized Intersection Traffic Control, The
* Efficient Adaptive Online Learning via Frequent Directions
* Efficient and Accurate Tightly-Coupled Visual-Lidar SLAM
* Efficient and Outlier-Robust Simultaneous Pose and Correspondence Determination by Branch-and-Bound and Transformation Decomposition
* Efficient and Robust MultiView Clustering With Anchor Graph Regularization
* Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for Underwater Green Transport System, An
* Efficient CityCam-to-Edge Cooperative Learning for Vehicle Counting in ITS
* Efficient dual attention SlowFast networks for video action recognition
* Efficient Feature Extraction Network for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Change Detection, An
* Efficient Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming With Robust Loss Functions
* Efficient LSTM Network for Emotion Recognition From Multichannel EEG Signals, An
* Efficient Method for Detection and Quantitation of Underwater Gas Leakage Based on a 300-kHz Multibeam Sonar, An
* Efficient MUSIC Algorithm Enhanced by Iteratively Estimating Signal Subspace and Its Applications in Spatial Colored Noise, An
* Efficient Relational Sentence Ordering Network
* Efficient Scaling of Window Function Expressed as Sum of Exponentials
* Efficient Semantic Segmentation via Self-Attention and Self-Distillation
* Efficient Semi-Supervised Multimodal Hashing With Importance Differentiation Regression
* Efficient Train Timetable Scheduling Approach With Regenerative-Energy Supplementation Strategy Responding to Potential Power Interruptions, An
* Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Motion Sickness Inducing Real-World Driving Scenario
* Elevation Change of CookE2 Subglacial Lake in East Antarctica Observed by DInSAR and Time-Segmented PSInSAR
* Elevation Multi-Channel Imbalance Calibration Method of Digital Beamforming Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Elliptical Encircling of Quadrotors for a Dynamic Target Subject to Aperiodic Signals Updating
* embedded method: Improve the relevance of text and face image with enhanced face attributes, An
* EmoSen: Generating Sentiment and Emotion Controlled Responses in a Multimodal Dialogue System
* Emotion Dependent Domain Adaptation for Speech Driven Affective Facial Feature Synthesis
* Emotion Recognition Based on Brain Connectivity Reservoir and Valence Lateralization for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* Emotional Semantics-Preserved and Feature-Aligned CycleGAN for Visual Emotion Adaptation
* Emotions are the Great Captains of Our Lives: Measuring Moods Through the Power of Physiological and Environmental Sensing
* Empirical Study on Retinex Methods for Low-Light Image Enhancement, An
* Enabling Modality Interactions for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Encoder and decoder network with ResNet-50 and global average feature pooling for local change detection
* End-to-End Pathological Speech Detection Using Wavelet Scattering Network
* End-to-End Real-Time Obstacle Detection Network for Safe Self-Driving via Multi-Task Learning
* End-to-end Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Cross-Domain Change Detection, An
* End2End Occluded Face Recognition by Masking Corrupted Features
* Energy Management Strategy and Optimal Sizing for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems Using an Evolutionary Algorithm
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Multi-UAV-Assisted Two-Stage Edge Computing for Beyond 5G Networks
* Energy-Saving Optimization and Control of Autonomous Electric Vehicles With Considering Multiconstraints
* ENF Based Robust Media Time-Stamping
* Enhanced Information Sharing Roadside Unit Allocation Scheme for Vehicular Networks, An
* Enhanced Multi-Stream Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Network Based on Transformer and Dilated Convolution
* Enhanced Multi-Task Learning Architecture for Detecting Pedestrian at Far Distance
* Enhancement of DNN-based multilabel classification by grouping labels based on data imbalance and label correlation
* Enhancement of Movement Intention Detection Using EEG Signals Responsive to Emotional Music Stimulus
* Enhancement-Registration-Homogenization (ERH): A Comprehensive Underwater Visual Reconstruction Paradigm
* Enhancing Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Three Pinus Forests in Yunnan, SW China, Using Landsat 8
* Enhancing the Understanding of Train Delays With Delay Evolution Pattern Discovery: A Clustering and Bayesian Network Approach
* EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants' Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies
* ERANNs: Efficient residual audio neural networks for audio pattern recognition
* Error Bounds of Imitating Policies and Environments for Reinforcement Learning
* ES2FL: Ensemble Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Small Sample Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Establishment and Extension of a Fast Descriptor for Point Cloud Registration
* Estimate the Earliest Phenophase for Garlic Mapping Using Time Series Landsat 8/9 Images
* Estimating LAI for Cotton Using Multisource UAV Data and a Modified Universal Model
* Estimating Rangeland Fine Fuel Biomass in Western Texas Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery and Machine Learning
* Estimating Regional PM2.5 Concentrations in China Using a Global-Local Regression Model Considering Global Spatial Autocorrelation and Local Spatial Heterogeneity
* Estimating the Routing Parameter of the Xin'anjiang Hydrological Model Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning
* Estimation of Biomass and N Uptake in Different Winter Cover Crops from UAV-Based Multispectral Canopy Reflectance Data
* Estimation of building height using a single street view image via deep neural networks
* Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content in Coastal Wetlands with Measured VIS-NIR Spectroscopy Using Optimized Support Vector Machines and Random Forests
* Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Yangtze Main Stream Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* Estimation of Swell Height Using Spaceborne GNSS-R Data from Eight CYGNSS Satellites
* Ethics and Good Practice in Computational Paralinguistics
* Evaluating and Analyzing the Potential of the Gaofen-3 SAR Satellite for Landslide Monitoring
* Evaluating Road Lighting Quality Using High-Resolution JL1-3B Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Nanjing, China
* Evaluating Statewide NAIP Photogrammetric Point Clouds for Operational Improvement of National Forest Inventory Estimates in Mixed Hardwood Forests of the Southeastern U.S.
* Evaluating the Applicability of PERSIANN-CDR Products in Drought Monitoring: A Case Study of Long-Term Droughts over Huaihe River Basin, China
* Evaluation and Calibration of Remotely Sensed High Winds from the HY-2B/C/D Scatterometer in Tropical Cyclones
* Evaluation of Cotton Defoliation Rate and Establishment of Spray Prescription Map Using Remote Sensing Imagery
* Evaluation of Global Historical Cropland Datasets with Regional Historical Evidence and Remotely Sensed Satellite Data from the Xinjiang Area of China
* Evaluation of HY-2 Series Satellites Mapping Capability on Mesoscale Eddies
* Evaluation of Remote Sensing-Based Evapotranspiration Datasets for Improving Hydrological Model Simulation in Humid Region of East China
* Evaluation of Satellite Images and Products for the Estimation of Regional Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in a Valley of the Ecuadorian Andes
* Evaluation of Spatial Thinking Ability Based on Exposure to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Concepts in the Context of Higher Education
* Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Resilience and Resistance of Global Vegetation Responses to Climate Change
* Evaluation of the Capability of ExoMars-TGO NOMAD Infrared Nadir Channel for Water Ice Clouds Detection on Mars
* Evaluation of the Mid-Latitude Ionospheric trough Using GRACE Data
* Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Evolution of China's Ecological Spatial Network Function-Structure and Its Pattern Optimization
* Evaluation of Three Air Temperature Reanalysis Datasets in the Alpine Region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products in Characterizing Extreme Precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains Region in China
* Evidence on impacts of automated vehicles on traffic flow efficiency and emissions: Systematic review
* Examining the Role of UAV Lidar Data in Improving Tree Volume Calculation Accuracy
* Explainability of Deep Vision-Based Autonomous Driving Systems: Review and Challenges
* Explanation vs. attention: A two-player game to obtain attention for VQA and visual dialog
* Exploiting shape cues for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Explore the Correlation between Environmental Factors and the Spatial Distribution of Property Crime
* Exploring Behavioral Patterns of Lane Change Maneuvers for Human-Like Autonomous Driving
* Exploring Human Mobility for Multi-Pattern Passenger Prediction: A Graph Learning Framework
* Exploring Individual Differences of Public Speaking Anxiety in Real-Life and Virtual Presentations
* Exploring Landscape Composition Using 2D and 3D Open Urban Vectorial Data
* Exploring Potential Applications of Quantum Computing in Transportation Modelling
* Exploring Sensor Modalities to Capture User Behaviors for Reading Detection
* Exploring Spatial Features of Population Activities and Functional Facilities in Rail Transit Station Realm Based on Real-Time Positioning Data: A Case of Xi'an Metro Line 2
* Exploring the Applicability of Self-Organizing Maps for Ecosystem Service Zoning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Exploring the Impact of Floating Population with Different Household Registration on Theft
* Exploring the Individualized Effect of Climatic Drivers on MODIS Net Primary Productivity through an Explainable Machine Learning Framework
* Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urban Spatial Interaction Networks Based on Baidu Migration Data
* Exploring the Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation Problem from a Cyclic Perspective
* Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of UAV Logistics Network: Case Study of Hangzhou, China
* Extension and Evaluation of SSC for Removing Wideband RFI in SLC SAR Images
* extensive study of user identification via eye movements across multiple datasets, An
* Extracting Skeleton Lines from Building Footprints by Integration of Vector and Raster Data
* Extraction of Citrus Trees from UAV Remote Sensing Imagery Using YOLOv5s and Coordinate Transformation
* Extraction of Saline Soil Distributions Using Different Salinity Indices and Deep Neural Networks
* Extraction of Submarine Gas Plume Based on Multibeam Water Column Point Cloud Model
* Extraction of Urban Quality of Life Indicators Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: The Case of Al Ain City, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
* Eyes of the Gods: A Survey of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Methods Based on Remote Sensing Data, The
* Face Inverse Rendering via Hierarchical Decoupling
* Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning
* Facial Depression Recognition by Deep Joint Label Distribution and Metric Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition with Active Local Shape Pattern and Learned-Size Block Representations
* Factorized MVDR Deep Beamforming for Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
* Factors That Affect Spatial Data Sharing in Malaysia
* familiarity hypothesis: Explaining the behavior of deep open set methods, The
* FASSD-Net: Fast and Accurate Real-Time Semantic Segmentation for Embedded Systems
* Fast algorithm for box-constrained fractional-order total variation image restoration with impulse noise
* Fast and Efficient Shape Blending by Stable and Analytically Invertible Finite Descriptors, A
* Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking From Multiple Views
* Fast Distributed Multiple-Model Nonlinearity Estimation for Tracking the Non-Cooperative Highly Maneuvering Target
* Fast Markov Decision Process-Based Algorithm for Collision Avoidance in Urban Air Mobility, A
* Fast Scalable Image Restoration Using Total Variation Priors and Expectation Propagation
* Fast Segmentation and Dynamic Monitoring of Time-Lapse 3D GPR Data Based on U-Net
* Fast Support Vector Classification for Large-Scale Problems
* Fast Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Using Mutual Consistency
* Fast-HBNet: Hybrid Branch Network for Fast Lane Detection
* Feature Nonlinear Transformation Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* FEEL: Federated End-to-End Learning With Non-IID Data for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Few-Shot Aircraft Detection in Satellite Videos Based on Feature Scale Selection Pyramid and Proposal Contrastive Learning
* Few-Shot Learning Method for SAR Images Based on Weighted Distance and Feature Fusion, A
* Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Opportunities and Challenges
* FFEDN: Feature Fusion Encoder Decoder Network for Crack Detection
* Fifteen-Year Trends (2005-2019) in the Satellite-Derived Ozone-Sensitive Regime in East Asia: A Gradual Shift from VOC-Sensitive to NOx-Sensitive
* Finding and Indexing Vehicle Maneuvers From Dashboard Camera Video
* Finding Stars From Fireworks: Improving Non-Cooperative Iris Tracking
* Fine-Grained Classification of Optical Remote Sensing Ship Images Based on Deep Convolution Neural Network
* Fine-Grained Trajectory-Based Travel Time Estimation for Multi-City Scenarios Based on Deep Meta-Learning
* Finite-Time Velocity-Free Rendezvous Control of Multiple AUV Systems With Intermittent Communication
* FishNet: Fish visual recognition with one stage multi-task learning
* Fitting Empirical Fundamental Diagrams of Road Traffic: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison of Models Using an Extensive Data Set
* FlexHDR: Modeling Alignment and Exposure Uncertainties for Flexible HDR Imaging
* Forest Fire Spread Monitoring and Vegetation Dynamics Detection Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Forest Fire Susceptibility Modeling Approach Based on Light Gradient Boosting Machine Algorithm, A
* Forest Height Mapping Using Feature Selection and Machine Learning by Integrating Multi-Source Satellite Data in Baoding City, North China
* Forest Height Retrieval Based on the Dual PolInSAR Images
* Forest of Forests: A Spatially Weighted and Computationally Efficient Formulation of Geographical Random Forests, A
* FPX-NIC: An FPGA-Accelerated 4K Ultra-High-Definition Neural Video Coding System
* frame-based probabilistic local verification method for robust correspondence, A
* Frame-level refinement networks for skeleton-based gait recognition
* Frequency-Tuned Universal Adversarial Attacks on Texture Recognition
* From Pixels to Semantics: Self-Supervised Video Object Segmentation With Multiperspective Feature Mining
* Full-Coupled Convolutional Transformer for Surface-Based Duct Refractivity Inversion
* Full-Duplex Multiple Access Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Operating at Different Autonomous Levels in NR eV2X VANETs
* Fully Automated Method for 3D Individual Tooth Identification and Segmentation in Dental CBCT, A
* Fully Decoupled Residual ConvNet for Real-Time Railway Scene Parsing of UAV Aerial Images
* Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Planar Manipulators With a Fixed Camera
* Fully Unsupervised Machine Learning Framework for Algal Bloom Forecasting in Inland Waters Using MODIS Time Series and Climatic Products, A
* Fusing Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images via Low-Rank Hankel Tensor Representation
* Fuzzy Inference-Based Driving Control System for Pushrim-Activated Power-Assisted Wheelchairs Considering User Characteristics
* Fuzzy Sparse Deviation Regularized Robust Principal Component Analysis
* GAFnet: Group Attention Fusion Network for PAN and MS Image High-Resolution Classification
* GaitPrivacyON: Privacy-preserving mobile gait biometrics using unsupervised learning
* GAN-Based Short-Term Link Traffic Prediction Approach for Urban Road Networks Under a Parallel Learning Framework, A
* Gap Filling Cloudy Sentinel-2 NDVI and NDWI Pixels with Multi-Frequency Denoised C-Band and L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Texture, and Shallow Learning Techniques
* Gated Path Aggregation Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* General Expansion-Shifting Model for Reversible Data Hiding: Theoretical Investigation and Practical Algorithm Design
* General Non-Lipschitz Infimal Convolution Regularized Model: Lower Bound Theory and Algorithm, A
* Generalization of Linear and Area Features Incorporating a Shape Measure
* Generalized discriminant analysis via kernel exponential families
* Generalized Framework for Edge-Preserving and Structure-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter Based on Track-before-Detect Measurement Model for Multiple-Weak-Target State Estimate Using Belief Propagation, A
* Generalized LiDAR Intensity Normalization and Its Positive Impact on Geometric and Learning-Based Lane Marking Detection
* Generalized One-Class Learning Using Pairs of Complementary Classifiers
* Generating a Long-Term Spatiotemporally Continuous Melt Pond Fraction Dataset for Arctic Sea Ice Using an Artificial Neural Network and a Statistical-Based Temporal Filter
* Generating and Restoring Private Face Images for Internet of Vehicles Based on Semantic Features and Adversarial Examples
* Generation of Combined Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Bolivia
* GeoDLS: A Deep Learning-Based Corn Disease Tracking and Location System Using RTK Geolocated UAS Imagery
* Geometric Model-Based Approach to Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* Geometric Quality Improvement Method of Optical Remote Sensing Satellite Images Based on Rational Function Model
* Geomorphological Mapping and Erosion of Abandoned Tailings in the Hiendelaencina Mining District (Spain) from Aerial Imagery and LiDAR Data
* Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* GFNet: Automatic segmentation of COVID-19 lung infection regions using CT images based on boundary features
* Giant Aufeis: Unknown Glaciation in North-Eastern Eurasia According to Landsat Images 2013-2019
* GLF-CR: SAR-enhanced cloud removal with global-local fusion
* Global and Local Feature Reconstruction for Medical Image Segmentation
* Global Empirical Models for Tropopause Height Determination
* Global Evaluation of SMAP/Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Products
* Global Filter of Fusing Near-Infrared and Visible Images in Frequency Domain for Defogging
* Global Semantic Descriptors for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Global Spatial Suitability Mapping of Wind and Solar Systems Using an Explainable AI-Based Approach
* GOES-R Time Series for Early Detection of Wildfires with Deep GRU-Network
* Graph Construction for Traffic Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach
* Graph Convolutional Module for Temporal Action Localization in Videos
* Grayscale-Invariant Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histograms Modification
* Grid-Scale Regional Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Metals Using Multi-Source Data
* GRIM: A General, Real-Time Deep Learning Inference Framework for Mobile Devices Based on Fine-Grained Structured Weight Sparsity
* Ground-Based SAR Moving Target Refocusing Based on Relative Speed for Monitoring Mine Slopes
* Group Sparsity Mixture Model and Its Application on Image Denoising
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Data Science for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* H2A2Net: A Hybrid Convolution and Hybrid Resolution Network with Double Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Hail Climatology in the Mediterranean Basin Using the GPM Constellation (1999-2021)
* HAP and UAVs Collaboration Framework for Uplink Secure Rate Maximization in NOMA-Enabled IoT Networks, An
* Harmonizing Pathological and Normal Pixels for Pseudo-Healthy Synthesis
* HBIM Meta-Modelling: 50 (and More) Shades of Grey
* HBIM Open Source: A Review
* Heri-Graphs: A Dataset Creation Framework for Multi-Modal Machine Learning on Graphs of Heritage Values and Attributes with Social Media
* Heterogeneous Contrastive Learning: Encoding Spatial Information for Compact Visual Representations
* HF-Based Sensorless Control of a FTPMM in Ship Shaftless Rim-Driven Thruster System
* HFENet: Hierarchical Feature Extraction Network for Accurate Landcover Classification
* Hierarchical Density-Aware Dehazing Network
* Hierarchical Detection of Network Anomalies: A Self-Supervised Learning Approach
* Hierarchical Dynamic Programming Module for Human Pose Refinement
* Hierarchical Feature Aggregation Based on Transformer for Image-Text Matching
* Hierarchical Information Extraction Method for Large-Scale Centralized Photovoltaic Power Plants Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images, A
* Hierarchical Optimization of Charging Infrastructure Design and Facility Utilization
* Hierarchical Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network
* High-Accuracy Clock Offsets Estimation Strategy of BDS-3 Using Multi-Source Observations
* High-Capacity Framework for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Using Pixel Prediction and Entropy Encoding
* High-Frequency Channel Modeling Based on the Multi-Source Ionospheric Assimilation Model
* High-Noise Asymptotics of the Ziv-Zakai Bound
* High-Precision Dynamic Traffic Noise Mapping Based on Road Surveillance Video
* High-Precision Water Body Extraction Method Based on Improved Lightweight U-Net, A
* High-Resolution Flowering Index for Canola Yield Modelling
* High-Speed Train Positioning Using Deep Kalman Filter With 5G NR Signals
* Historical and Future Changes in Extreme Climate Events and Their Effects on Vegetation on the Mongolian Plateau
* Horticultural Image Feature Matching Algorithm Based on Improved ORB and LK Optical Flow
* House Price Valuation Model Based on Geographically Neural Network Weighted Regression: The Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite observations for quantifying the biomass of desert shrub community?
* How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autonomous Vehicles With Ridesharing
* How Rough Is the Path? Terrain Traversability Estimation for Local and Global Path Planning
* How to Trust Unlabeled Data? Instance Credibility Inference for Few-Shot Learning
* How Well Do CMIP6 Models Simulate the Greening of the Tibetan Plateau?
* Human-Machine Cooperative Steering Control Considering Mitigating Human-Machine Conflict Based on Driver Trust
* Human-Machine Interaction in Intelligent and Connected Vehicles: A Review of Status Quo, Issues, and Opportunities
* HY-1C/D Reveals the Chlorophyll-a Concentration Distribution Details in the Intensive Islands' Waters and Its Consistency with the Distribution of Fish Spawning Ground
* Hybrid Approach to Trust Node Assessment and Management for VANETs Cooperative Data Communication: Historical Interaction Perspective, A
* Hybrid Cooperative Method With Lévy Flights for Electric Vehicle Charge Scheduling, A
* hybrid image segmentation method for building extraction from high-resolution RGB images, A
* Hybrid Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning Approach for Object Classification in Very High-Resolution Satellite Images, A
* Hybrid Reinforcement Learning-Based Eco-Driving Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections
* Hybrid Similar Neighborhood Robust Factorization Machine Model for Can Bus Intrusion Detection in the In-Vehicle Network, The
* Hybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Minibatch Proximal Gradient Method for Efficient Optimization and Generalization, A
* Hybrid SVSF Algorithm for Automotive Radar Tracking, A
* Hyperspectral Band Selection via Band Grouping and Adaptive Multi-Graph Constraint
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a Least Square Bias Constraint Additional Empirical Risk Minimization Nonparallel Support Vector Machine
* Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Based on Spatial-Spectral Domains Low-Rank Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Inversion and Monitoring of Organic Matter in Black Soil Based on Dynamic Fitness Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network
* IAUFD: A 100k images dataset for automatic football image/video analysis
* ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Driver's Fixation Region
* Identification and Area Information Extraction of Oat Pasture Based on GEE: A Case Study in the Shandan Racecourse (China)
* Identification of Road Network Intersection Types from Vehicle Telemetry Data Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Identification of the Spring Green-Up Date Derived from Satellite-Based Vegetation Index over a Heterogeneous Ecoregion
* Identification of Urban Agglomeration Spatial Range Based on Social and Remote-Sensing Data: For Evaluating Development Level of Urban Agglomeration
* Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on the Spatial Specificity of Online Car-Hailing Traffic Cycle
* Identifying Cortical Brain Directed Connectivity Networks From High-Density EEG for Emotion Recognition
* Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri-Planning
* Illuminant segmentation for multi-illuminant scenes using latent illumination encoding
* Image restoration via exponential scale mixture-based simultaneous sparse prior
* Impact of Feature-Dependent Static Background Error Covariances for Satellite-Derived Humidity Assimilation on Analyses and Forecasts of Multiple Sea Fog Cases over the Yellow Sea
* Impact of Network Topology on the Resilience of Vehicle Platoons
* Impact of Saline-Alkali Land Greening on the Local Surface Temperature: A Multiscale Assessment Based on Remote Sensing
* Impact of Training Set Size and Lead Time on Early Tomato Crop Mapping Accuracy
* Impacts of Urban Green Space on Land Surface Temperature from Urban Block Perspectives
* Implement contour following task of objects with unknown geometric models by using combination of two visual servoing techniques
* Implementation of a Rainfall Normalization Module for GSMaP Microwave Imagers and Sounders
* Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Approach to GPR Systems for Landmine Detection
* Implicit Motion-Compensated Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Importance of Calibration for Improving the Efficiency of Data Assimilation for Predicting Forest Characteristics
* Importance Weight Estimation and Generalization in Domain Adaptation Under Label Shift
* Improved Apple Object Detection Method Based on Lightweight YOLOv4 in Complex Backgrounds, An
* improved invasive weed optimization enabled Shepard convolutional neural network for classification of breast cancer, An
* Improved Method for Rainfall Forecast Based on GNSS-PWV, An
* Improved model-free adaptive predictive control-based cooperative driving control for connected and automated vehicles subject to time-varying communication delays and packet losses at signal-free intersections
* Improved model-free adaptive predictive control-based cooperative driving control for connected and automated vehicles subject to time-varying communication delays and packet losses at signal-free intersections
* Improved Normed-Deformable Convolution for Crowd Counting, An
* improved point feature-based sparse stereo vision, An
* Improved Retrieval Method for Porphyra Cultivation Area Based on Suspended Sediment Concentration, An
* Improved segmentation of overlapping red blood cells on malaria blood smear images with TransUNet architecture
* Improving Image Pair Selection for Large Scale Structure from Motion by Introducing Modified Simpson Coefficient
* Improving Mountain Snow and Land Cover Mapping Using Very-High-Resolution (VHR) Optical Satellite Images and Random Forest Machine Learning Models
* Improving the Accuracy of the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Ocean Vector Winds
* Improving the Spatial Accessibility of Community-Level Healthcare Service toward the 15-Minute City Goal in China
* Improving the Utilization of Regenerative Energy and Shaving Power Peaks by Railway Timetable Adjustment
* IMU-Aided Precise Point Positioning Performance Assessment with Smartphones in GNSS-Degraded Urban Environments
* In Situ Determination of Dry and Wet Snow Permittivity: Improving Equations for Low Frequency Radar Applications
* In the eye of the beholder: A survey of gaze tracking techniques
* Indexing-Min-Max Hashing: Relaxing the Security-Performance Tradeoff for Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Indirect Shared Control Through Non-Zero Sum Differential Game for Cooperative Automated Driving
* Industrial Scene Text Detection With Refined Feature-Attentive Network
* Inference-Reconstruction Variational Autoencoder for Light Field Image Reconstruction
* Influence of Data Density and Integration on Forest Canopy Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series in Mediterranean Oak Forests, The
* Influence of Dynamic Solar Oblateness on Tracking Data Analysis from Past and Future Mercury Missions, The
* Influence of Radar Parameters and Sea State on Wind Wave-Induced Velocity in C-Band ATI SAR Ocean Surface Currents
* Influence of Satellite-Derived Environmental and Oceanographic Parameters on Marine Turtle Time at Surface in the Gulf of Mexico, The
* Influence of smartphone traffic application information on drivers' route choice behaviours
* Influence of Temperature Inversion on the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols, The
* Influence of the Solar Spectra Models on PACO Atmospheric Correction
* Information Bottleneck Measurement for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction
* Infrared and visible image fusion via parallel scene and texture learning
* Infrared and visible light dual-camera super-resolution imaging with texture transfer network
* Infrastructure Allocation for Improving Sensing Accuracy and Connectivity Probability Based on Combination Strategy in Vehicular Networks
* Innovative Contactless Palmprint Recognition System Based on Dual-Camera Alignment
* InSAR Atmospheric Delay Correction Model Integrated from Multi-Source Data Based on VCE
* Insights into the Landslides Triggered by the 2022 Lushan Ms 6.1 Earthquake: Spatial Distribution and Controls
* Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Based on UAV LiDAR Data, An
* Integrated Quantitative Method Based on ArcGIS Evaluating the Contribution of Rural Straw Open Burning to Urban Fine Particulate Pollution, An
* Integrated Traffic Control for Freeway Recurrent Bottleneck Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Integrating Adversarial Generative Network with Variational Autoencoders towards Cross-Modal Alignment for Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Integrating In Situ and Current Generation Satellite Data for Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Hartbeespoort Dam, Crocodile River Basin, South Africa
* Integrating Point-of-Interest Density and Spatial Heterogeneity to Identify Urban Functional Areas
* Integrating Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK)-Structure-from-Motion (SfM) with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UA
* Integration of Multi-GNSS PPP-RTK/INS/Vision with a Cascading Kalman Filter for Vehicle Navigation in Urban Areas
* Integration of Photogrammetric and Spectral Techniques for Advanced Drone-Based Bathymetry Retrieval Using a Deep Learning Approach
* Integration of Remote Sensing and Offshore Geophysical Data for Monitoring the Short-Term Morphological Evolution of an Active Volcanic Flank: A Case Study from Stromboli Island
* Integrity Monitoring of GNSS/INS Based Positioning Systems for Autonomous Vehicles: State-of-the-Art and Open Challenges
* Intelligent Compaction: An Improved Quality Monitoring and Control of Asphalt Pavement Construction Technology
* Intelligent detection and applied research on diabetic retinopathy based on the residual attention network
* Intelligent fuzzy logic-based sliding mode control methodologies for pick and drop operation of robotic manipulator
* Intelligent Grazing UAV Based on Airborne Depth Reasoning
* Intelligent Pandemic Surveillance via Privacy-Preserving Crowdsensing
* Intelligent Simulation Method of Bridge Traffic Flow Load Combining Machine Vision and Weigh-in-Motion Monitoring
* Inter-Calibration and Statistical Validation of Topside Ionosphere Electron Density Observations Made by CSES-01 Mission
* Inter-Satellite Single-Difference Ionospheric Delay Interpolation Model for PPP-RTK and Its Positioning Performance Verification
* Interaction-Aware Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Attention Networks for Action Classification
* Interactive Visualization and Representation Analysis Applied to Glacier Segmentation
* Interannual and Decadal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration in the Barents Sea
* Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Using Remote Sensing Retrievals and ERA5 Reanalysis over Central Amazonia
* Interruption Management in the Context of Take-Over-Requests in Conditional Driving Automation
* Intersection traffic deadlock formation and its probability: A petri net-based modeling approach
* Introducing ARTMO's Machine-Learning Classification Algorithms Toolbox: Application to Plant-Type Detection in a Semi-Steppe Iranian Landscape
* Inversion of Sea Ice Concentration in the Liaodong Bay from MODIS Data
* Invertible Modeling of Bidirectional Relationships in Neuroimaging With Normalizing Flows: Application to Brain Aging
* Investigating NUCAPS Skill in Profiling Saharan Dust for Near-Real-Time Forecasting
* Investigating Optimal Carpool Scheme by a Semi-Centralized Ride-Matching Approach
* Investigation of Cultural-Environmental Relationships for an Alternative Environmental Management Approach Using Planet Smallsat Constellations and Questionnaire Datasets
* Investigation of Displacement and Ionospheric Disturbance during an Earthquake Using Single-Frequency PPP
* IoV-Based Mathematic Model for Platoon Give Way to Emergency Vehicles Promptly
* IRDCLNet: Instance Segmentation of Ship Images Based on Interference Reduction and Dynamic Contour Learning in Foggy Scenes
* Is an NWP-Based Nowcasting System Suitable for Aviation Operations?
* Is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Suitable for Extracting the Stand Parameters of Inaccessible Underground Forests of Karst Tiankeng?
* Iterative Centroid Approach for Diffeomorphic Online Atlasing, An
* Joint Channel Allocation and Data Delivery for UAV-Assisted Cooperative Transportation Communications in Post-Disaster Networks
* Joint Communication and Trajectory Optimization for Multi-UAV Enabled Mobile Internet of Vehicles
* Joint Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Beamforming for LPI FDA-MIMO Radar
* Joint Detection and Matching of Feature Points in Multimodal Images
* Joint Flying Relay Location and Routing Optimization for 6G UAV-IoT Networks: A Graph Neural Network-Based Approach
* Joint Inversion of 3D Gravity and Magnetic Data under Undulating Terrain Based on Combined Hexahedral Grid
* Joint operation and attention block search for lightweight image restoration
* Joint Satellite-Transmitter and Ground-Receiver Digital Pre-Distortion for Active Phased Arrays in LEO Satellite Communications
* Jomodevi: A joint motion and depth visibility prediction algorithm for perceived stereoscopic 3D quality
* JSL3d: Joint subspace learning with implicit structure supervision for 3D pose estimation
* Kernel dependence regularizers and Gaussian processes with applications to algorithmic fairness
* Kernelized dynamic convolution routing in spatial and channel interaction for attentive concrete defect recognition
* Keyword weight optimization using gradient strategies in event focused web crawling
* Knowledge Graph Representation Learning-Based Forest Fire Prediction
* KOHTD: Kazakh offline handwritten text dataset
* KST-GCN: A Knowledge-Driven Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* Land Cover Classification for Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Vision Transformer
* Land Suitability Analysis for Potential Vineyards Extension in Afghanistan at Regional Scale Using Remote Sensing Datasets
* Land Use and Land Cover Influence on Sentinel-2 Aerosol Optical Depth below City Scales over Beijing
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using Deep Learning Based Segmentation Approaches and VHR Worldview-3 Images
* LandmarkGAN: Synthesizing faces from landmarks
* Landslide Identification and Gradation Method Based on Statistical Analysis and Spatial Cluster Analysis
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Neighborhood Characteristics of Landslide Spatial Datasets and Hydrological Slope Units Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies
* Large-Scale Crowdsourced Subjective Assessment of Picturewise Just Noticeable Difference
* Large-Scale Monitoring of Glacier Surges by Integrating High-Temporal- and -Spatial-Resolution Satellite Observations: A Case Study in the Karakoram
* Large-Scale Multi-View Clustering via Fast Essential Subspace Representation Learning
* Latent Representation in Human-Robot Interaction With Explicit Consideration of Periodic Dynamics
* Leaders and Followers Identified by Emotional Mimicry During Collaborative Learning: A Facial Expression Recognition Study on Emotional Valence
* Learnable dynamic margin in deep metric learning
* Learning Across Tasks for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation From a Single Source Domain
* Learning Continuous Facial Actions From Speech for Real-Time Animation
* Learning deep feature correspondence for unsupervised anomaly detection and segmentation
* Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
* Learning From Synthetic CT Images via Test-Time Training for Liver Tumor Segmentation
* Learning intra-domain style-invariant representation for unsupervised domain adaptation of semantic segmentation
* Learning multimodal relationship interaction for visual relationship detection
* Learning Pseudo Labels for Semi-and-Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Sequence Representations by Non-local Recurrent Neural Memory
* Learning test-time augmentation for content-based image retrieval
* Length Prediction of Moving Vehicles Using a Commercial FMCW Radar
* Lexicon-Based Sentiment Convolutional Neural Networks for Online Review Analysis
* License Plate Detection via Information Maximization
* LiDAR as a Tool for Assessing Timber Assortments: A Systematic Literature Review
* LiDAR Depth Completion Using Color-Embedded Information via Knowledge Distillation
* LiDAR-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression
* Lidar-Imagery Fusion Reveals Rapid Coastal Forest Loss in Delaware Bay Consistent with Marsh Migration
* Lifelong Teacher-Student Network Learning
* Lightweight and Effective Deep Image Steganalysis Network
* Lightweight Long-Term Vehicular Motion Prediction Method Leveraging Spatial Database and Kinematic Trajectory Data, A
* Lightweight single image deraining algorithm incorporating visual saliency
* Link Ecological and Social Composite Systems to Construct Sustainable Landscape Patterns: A New Framework Based on Ecosystem Service Flows
* LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for detection of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Local Matrix Feature-Based Kernel Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Local-to-Global Support Vector Machines (LGSVMs)
* Logistic Regression Approach to Field Estimation Using Binary Measurements, A
* Long-Term Variation Study of Fine-Mode Particle Size and Regional Characteristics Using AERONET Data
* Low-budget label query through domain alignment enforcement
* lp-Norm Support Vector Data Description
* Lunar Regolith Structure and Electromagnetic Properties of Chang'E-5 Landing Site, The
* Lung CT image enhancement based on total variational frame and wavelet transform
* L_1-Norm Quantile Regression Screening Rule via the Dual Circumscribed Sphere
* M-O SiamRPN with Weight Adaptive Joint MIoU for UAV Visual Localization
* Machine Learning Approach to Design of Aperiodic, Clustered-Dot Halftone Screens via Direct Binary Search, A
* Machine learning based on automated breast volume scanner (ABVS) radiomics for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant BI-RADS 4 lesions
* Machine Learning-Based Rockfalls Detection with 3D Point Clouds, Example in the Montserrat Massif (Spain)
* Magnetic Interference Compensation Method for Airborne Electronic Equipment without Current Sensors, A
* Make It Simple: Effective Road Selection for Small-Scale Map Design Using Decision-Tree-Based Models
* MANet: A Network Architecture for Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Based on Multiscale and Attention Mechanisms
* Maneuvering Extended Object Tracking with Modified Star-Convex Random Hypersurface Model Based on Minimum Cosine Distance
* Map-Assisted 3D Indoor Localization Using Crowd-Sensing-Based Trajectory Data and Error Ellipse-Enhanced Fusion
* MapCleaner: Efficiently Removing Moving Objects from Point Cloud Maps in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
* Mapping Climate Parameters over the Territory of Botswana Using GMT and Gridded Surface Data from TerraClimate
* Mapping Crop Types Using Sentinel-2 Data Machine Learning and Monitoring Crop Phenology with Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time Series in Pays de Brest, Brittany, France
* Mapping Flash Flood Hazards in Arid Regions Using CubeSats
* Mapping Multi-Decadal Mangrove Extent in the Northern Coast of Vietnam Using Landsat Time-Series Data on Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Fall Armyworm in China by Coupling Multi-Factors
* Maritime Environment Perception Based on Deep Learning
* Mask-guided cycle-GAN for specular highlight removal
* MASS: Multi-Attentional Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Data for Dense Top-View Understanding
* MEA-Net: A Lightweight SAR Ship Detection Model for Imbalanced Datasets
* Measure of Utilizing Space Database Information for Improvement of Efficient Disaster Management (Focusing on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents)
* Measuring COVID-19 Vulnerability for Northeast Brazilian Municipalities: Social, Economic, and Demographic Factors Based on Multiple Criteria and Spatial Analysis
* Measuring Human Perception to Improve Handwritten Document Transcription
* Measuring Land Surface Deformation over Soft Clay Area Based on an FIPR SAR Interferometry Algorithm: A Case Study of Beijing Capital International Airport (China)
* Medical image fusion based on local Laplacian decomposition and iterative joint filter
* Memory-augmented neural networks based dynamic complex image segmentation in digital twins for self-driving vehicle
* Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea and Their Impact on River Plumes: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations
* Meta conditional variational auto-encoder for domain generalization
* Meta-Teacher For Face Anti-Spoofing
* MetaAP: A meta-tree-based ranking algorithm optimizing the average precision from imbalanced data
* Method of Hierarchical Feature Fusion and Connected Attention Architecture for Pavement Crack Detection, A
* Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extraction guided by table header
* Method with Adaptive Graphs to Constrain Multi-View Subspace Clustering of Geospatial Big Data from Multiple Sources, A
* Metric learning via perturbing hard-to-classify instances
* Metric, Topological, and Syntactic Accessibility in Three-Dimensional Urban Networked Spaces: Modeling Options and Visualization
* Microwave Emissivity of Typical Vegetated Land Types Based on AMSR2
* MID-UNet: Multi-input directional UNet for COVID-19 lung infection segmentation from CT images
* MID: A Novel Mountainous Remote Sensing Imagery Registration Dataset Assessed by a Coarse-to-Fine Unsupervised Cascading Network
* MIMO Radar Design for Extended Target Detection in a Spectrally Crowded Environment
* Mining Type-beta Co-Location Patterns on Closeness Centrality in Spatial Data Sets
* Mitigating Effect of Urban Green Spaces on Surface Urban Heat Island during Summer Period on an Example of a Medium Size Town of Zvolen, Slovakia
* Mixed-Supervised Scene Text Detection With Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* MKANet: An Efficient Network with Sobel Boundary Loss for Land-Cover Classification of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery
* MMatch: Semi-Supervised Discriminative Representation Learning for Multi-View Classification
* Mobile Laser Scanning for Estimating Tree Structural Attributes in a Temperate Hardwood Forest
* MobileTrack: Siamese efficient mobile network for high-speed UAV tracking
* Mode Recognition of Orbital Angular Momentum Based on Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network
* Model Simplification Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction, A
* Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communications in C-V2X Networks
* Modeling Crowd Evacuation via Behavioral Heterogeneity-Based Social Force Model
* Modeling Driver's Visual Fixation Behavior Using White-Box Representations
* Modeling Evapotranspiration at Larger Temporal Scales: Effects of Temporal Aggregation and Data Gaps
* Modeling Isotropic Traffic Flow Under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication: A Kinetic Approach
* Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolutional Representations on LiDAR
* Modeling Sequential Listening Behaviors With Attentive Temporal Point Process for Next and Next New Music Recommendation
* Modeling System Dynamics of Mixed Traffic With Partial Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Modeling the Leaf Area Index of Inner Mongolia Grassland Based on Machine Learning Regression Algorithms Incorporating Empirical Knowledge
* Modeling Vocal Entrainment in Conversational Speech Using Deep Unsupervised Learning
* Modelling and Assessment of a New Triple-Frequency IF1213 PPP with BDS/GPS
* Modelling the Mobility Changes Caused by Perceived Risk and Policy Efficiency
* modified DeepLabV3+ based semantic segmentation of chest computed tomography images for COVID-19 lung infections, A
* Modified U-Net for cytological medical image segmentation
* Monitoring Asian Dust Storms from NOAA-20 CrIS Double CO2 Band Observations
* Monitoring Land Use/Cover Changes by Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing for Urban Hydrological Assessment: A Case Study in Beijing, China
* Monitoring Long-Term Spatiotemporal Changes in Iran Surface Waters Using Landsat Imagery
* Monitoring of Plastic Islands in River Environment Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Monitoring Subsidence over the Planned Jakarta-Bandung (Indonesia) High-Speed Railway Using Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal InSAR Data
* Monocular 3D Pose Estimation via Pose Grammar and Data Augmentation
* Monocular Visual Traffic Surveillance: A Review
* Monocular-Based Pose Estimation Based on Fiducial Markers for Space Robotic Capture Operations in GEO
* MonoPoly: A practical monocular 3D object detector
* motion model based on recurrent neural networks for visual object tracking, A
* Motion-blurred image restoration framework based on parameter estimation and fuzzy radial basis function neural networks
* MPEG Immersive Video Standard: Current Status and Future Outlook, The
* MR-UNet: An UNet model using multi-scale and residual convolutions for retinal vessel segmentation
* MRI Information-Based Correction and Restoration of Photoacoustic Tomography
* MSEN-GRP: A Geographic Relations Prediction Model Based on Multi-Layer Similarity Enhanced Networks for Geographic Relations Completion
* MSFF: A Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Surface Defect Detection of Aluminum Profiles
* MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Data, An
* multi camera unsupervised domain adaptation pipeline for object detection in cultural sites through adversarial learning and self-training, A
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Method With Route Recorders for Vehicle Routing in Supply Chain Management, A
* Multi-Class Lane-Changing Advisory System for Freeway Merging Sections Using Cooperative ITS, A
* Multi-Componential Approach to Emotion Recognition and the Effect of Personality, A
* Multi-criteria Selection of Rehearsal Samples for Continual Learning
* Multi-Feature Information Complementary Detector: A High-Precision Object Detection Model for Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-feature sparse similar representation for person identification
* Multi-Granularity Mutual Learning Network for Object Re-Identification
* Multi-Indicator Evaluation Method for Spatial Distribution of Urban Emergency Shelters, A
* Multi-Label and Multimodal Classifier for Affective States Recognition in Virtual Rehabilitation
* Multi-label out-of-distribution detection via exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence of labels
* Multi-Modal Graph Learning for Disease Prediction
* Multi-Modal Imaging Genetics Data Fusion via a Hypergraph-Based Manifold Regularization: Application to Schizophrenia Study
* Multi-Neighborhood Simulated Annealing-Based Iterated Local Search for Colored Traveling Salesman Problems
* Multi-Objective Asymmetric Sliding Mode Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites and Crowd-Shipping
* Multi-person 3D pose estimation from a single image captured by a fisheye camera
* Multi-Platform LiDAR for Non-Destructive Individual Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Changbai Larch (Larix olgensis Henry) Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
* Multi-robot adversarial patrolling strategies via lattice paths
* Multi-Source Aggregation Transformer for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Images
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Pretraining Based on Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* Multi-View Stereo Using Graph Cuts-Based Depth Refinement
* Multibranch Adversarial Regression for Domain Adaptative Hand Pose Estimation
* Multicriteria Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Produced by Airborne P-Band Polarimetric SAR Tomography in Tropical Rainforests
* Multifeature-Assisted Road and Vehicle Detection Method Based on Monocular Depth Estimation and Refined U-V Disparity Mapping, A
* multilevel self-attention based segmentation and classification technique using Directional Hexagonal Mixed Pattern algorithm for lung nodule detection in thoracic CT image, A
* Multimedia Monitoring System of Obstructive Sleep Apnea via a Deep Active Learning Model
* Multimodal Data Processing System for LiDAR-Based Human Activity Recognition, A
* Multimodal MRI Reconstruction Assisted With Spatial Alignment Network
* Multiobjective Sine Cosine Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Spatial-Spectral Clustering
* Multiple geometry representations for 6D object pose estimation in occluded or truncated scenes
* Multiple Resolution Prediction With Deep Up-Sampling for Depth Video Coding
* Multiple Video Frame Interpolation via Enhanced Deformable Separable Convolution
* Multiscale 3D-Shift Graph Convolution Network for Emotion Recognition From Human Actions
* Multiscale Approach for Three-Dimensional Conformal Image Registration
* Multiscale Ground Validation of Satellite and Reanalysis Precipitation Products over Diverse Climatic and Topographic Conditions
* Multisensor Data Fusion by Means of Voxelization: Application to a Construction Element of Historic Heritage
* Multisource forest inventories: A model-based approach using k-NN to reconcile forest attributes statistics and map products
* MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network for Airport Runway Inspection Based on GPR
* Near-Field Multiple Target Localization in Frequency Diverse Array Based on Tensor Decomposition
* Near-Field Perception for Low-Speed Vehicle Automation Using Surround-View Fisheye Cameras
* Nearshore Bathymetry from ICESat-2 LiDAR and Sentinel-2 Imagery Datasets Using Deep Learning Approach
* NetTraj: A Network-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Model With Directional Representation and Spatiotemporal Attention Mechanisms
* Network-Based Line-of-Sight Path Tracking of Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Experiment Results
* Neural architecture search via reference point based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
* New Approach to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: An Exercise in Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys, A
* New Construction of Multiple Complete Complementary Codes With Inter-Set Zero Cross-Correlation Zone
* New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light Data Using the Improved Stepwise Calibration (ISC) Method, A
* New Insights into Surface Deposits in the Balmer-Kapteyn Cryptomare Region Provided by Chang'E-2 Microwave Radiometer Data
* New Method for Validating and Generating Vehicle Trajectories From Stationary Video Cameras, A
* New Method to Evaluate Gold Mineralisation-Potential Mapping Using Deep Learning and an Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Model, A
* New Multiple Phenological Spectral Feature for Mapping Winter Wheat, A
* New Orbit Determination Method for GEO Satellites Based on BeiDou Short-Message Communication Ranging
* New Tools for Urban Analysis: A SLAM-Based Research in Venice
* Night-Time Skyglow Dynamics during the COVID-19 Epidemic in Guangbutun Region of Wuhan City
* Nighttime Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection Based on a Fast Saliency and Multifeature Fusion Algorithm for Infrared Images
* NLOS Identification- and Correction-Focused Fusion of UWB and LiDAR-SLAM Based on Factor Graph Optimization for High-Precision Positioning with Reduced Drift
* Non-Line-of-Sight Target Detection Based on Dual-View Observation with Single-Channel UWB Radar
* Non-Local Representation Based Mutual Affine-Transfer Network for Photorealistic Stylization
* Non-parametric discretization for probabilistic labeled data
* Non-rigid point set registration based on local neighborhood information support
* Nondestructive Evaluation of Localized Rebar Corrosion in Concrete Using Vibro-Radar Based on Pulse Doppler Imaging
* Normative Emotional Agents: A Viewpoint Paper
* Novel All-Weather Method to Determine Deflection of the Vertical by Combining 3D Laser Tracking Free-Fall and Multi-GNSS Baselines, A
* Novel Asymmetric Car Following Model for Driver-Assist Enabled Vehicle Dynamics, A
* Novel Combined Decision and Control Scheme for Autonomous Vehicle in Structured Road Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control, A
* Novel Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Recognition of Thyroid Gland and Tissues of Neck in Ultrasound Image, A
* novel detail weighted histogram equalization method for brightness preserving image enhancement based on partial statistic and global mapping model, A
* Novel Ensemble Machine Learning and an Evolutionary Algorithm in Modeling the COVID-19 Epidemic and Optimizing Government Policies, A
* Novel Ground Metric for Optimal Transport-Based Chronological Age Estimation, A
* novel hashing scheme via image feature map and 2D PCA, A
* Novel Historical Landslide Detection Approach Based on LiDAR and Lightweight Attention U-Net, A
* Novel Knowledge Distillation Method for Self-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Novel Method for AI-Assisted INS/GNSS Navigation System Based on CNN-GRU and CKF during GNSS Outage, A
* Novel Method for Improving Quality of Oblique Incidence Sounding Ionograms Based on Eigenspace-Based Beamforming Technology and Capon High-Resolution Range Profile, A
* Novel Multi-Candidate Multi-Correlation Coefficient Algorithm for GOCI-Derived Sea-Surface Current Vector with OSU Tidal Model, A
* Novel Optical Scattering-Based V2V Communications With Experimental Analysis
* Novel Rank Learning Based No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Method, A
* novel restricted Boltzmann machine-based temporal-spatial correlation method for student behaviour recognition in depth video, A
* novel solution for stereo three-dimensional localization combined with geometric semantic constraints based on spaceborne SAR data, A
* Novel Two-Stage Knowledge Distillation Framework for Skeleton-Based Action Prediction, A
* Novel Vehicle Destination Prediction Model With Expandable Features Using Attention Mechanism and Variational Autoencoder, A
* Numerical Analysis of the Changes in O3 Concentration in a Wildfire Plume, A
* Numerical Imaging of the Seabed and Acoustic Flares with Topography and Velocity Variance
* Object Tracking in Satellite Videos Based on Improved Kernel Correlation Filter Assisted by Road Information
* Object-Based Automatic Mapping of Winter Wheat Based on Temporal Phenology Patterns Derived from Multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Occupancy Grid Generation With Dynamic Obstacle Segmentation in Stereo Images
* Oceanic Karman Vortex Streets in the Luzon Strait in the Lee of Didicas Island from Multiple Satellite Missions
* On Computer Mouse Pointing Model Online Identification and Endpoint Prediction
* On the Accuracy and Consistency of Quintuple Collocation Analysis of In Situ, Scatterometer, and NWP Winds
* On the Convergence of Tsetlin Machines for the IDENTITY- and NOT Operators
* On the Cybersecurity of Traffic Signal Control System With Connected Vehicles
* On the robustness of self-supervised representations for multi-view object classification
* On-Orbit Autonomous Geometric Calibration of Directional Polarimetric Camera
* On-Ramp Merging Strategies of Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering Communication Delay
* On-Road Object Collision Point Estimation by Radar Sensor Data Fusion
* One-Shot Object Affordance Detection in the Wild
* Online Attention Accumulation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Online Distributed Routing Problem of Electric Vehicles
* Online Learning Human Behavior for a Class of Human-in-the-Loop Systems via Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control
* Online Multi-Index Approach to Human Ergonomics Assessment in the Workplace, An
* Online temporal classification of human action using action inference graph
* Optical Remote Sensing Image Cloud Detection with Self-Attention and Spatial Pyramid Pooling Fusion
* Optimal Bounded Ellipsoid Identification With Deterministic and Bounded Learning Gains: Design and Application to Euler-Lagrange Systems
* Optimal Configuration of Array Elements for Hybrid Distributed PA-MIMO Radar System Based on Target Detection
* Optimal Eco-Routing for Hybrid Vehicles With Powertrain Model Embedded
* Optimal Reconstruction of Human Motion From Scarce Multimodal Data
* Optimal Routing of Wide Multi-Modal Energy and Infrastructure Corridors
* Optimal scan planning for surveying large sites with static and mobile mapping systems
* Optimization of Samples for Remote Sensing Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass at the Regional Scale
* Optimization of Waiting Time for Electric Vehicles Using a Fuzzy Inference System
* optimized morphology transform-based diagnostic computed tomography image enhancement using edge map, An
* Option-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Painting With Multiple Large-Sized Robots
* Optomechanical Accelerometers for Geodesy
* Orbit Predictions for Space Object Tracked by Ground-Based Optical and SLR Stations
* Orthogonal Scattering Model-Based Three-Component Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Orthorectification of Fisheye Image under Equidistant Projection Model
* OSLO: On-the-Sphere Learning for Omnidirectional Images and Its Application to 360-Degree Image Compression
* OSO-YOLOv5: Automatic Extraction Method of Store Signboards in Street View Images Based on Multi-Dimensional Analysis
* Overview and Efficiency of Decoder-Side Depth Estimation in MPEG Immersive Video
* Overview of Panoramic Video Projection Schemes in the IEEE 1857.9 Standard for Immersive Visual Content Coding, An
* Particle Scattering Induced Orbital Angular Momentum Spectrum Change of Vector Bessel-Gaussian Vortex Beam
* Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a Tool to Investigate the Spatial Distribution of Invasive Alien Species
* Patagonian Andes Landslides Inventory: The Deep Learning's Way to Their Automatic Detection
* Patch-Based Local Climate Zones Mapping and Population Distribution Pattern in Provincial Capital Cities of China
* Patch-based local deep feature extraction for automated skin cancer classification
* Path Planning of Arbitrary Shaped Mobile Robots With Safety Consideration
* Path-Restore: Learning Network Path Selection for Image Restoration
* Pathological categorization of lung carcinoma from multimodality images using convolutional neural networks
* Pattern Recognition and Segmentation of Administrative Boundaries Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network and Grid Shape Context Descriptor
* Pattern-Based Reconstruction of K-Level Images From Cutsets
* PDBL: Improving Histopathological Tissue Classification With Plug-and-Play Pyramidal Deep-Broad Learning
* Pedestrian Behavior Prediction for Automated Driving: Requirements, Metrics, and Relevant Features
* Performance Analysis of Fractional-Order Adaptive Filtering Algorithm and Its Improvement
* Performance Analysis of GPS/BDS Broadcast Ionospheric Models in Standard Point Positioning during 2021 Strong Geomagnetic Storms
* Performance Evaluation and Requirement Analysis for Chronometric Leveling with High-Accuracy Optical Clocks
* Performance Evaluation of Random Access Methods for IoT-over-Satellite
* Performance of HaiYang-2 Altimetric Data in Marine Gravity Research and a New Global Marine Gravity Model NSOAS22
* Periodicity counting in videos with unsupervised learning of cyclic embeddings
* Persuasion-Induced Physiology as Predictor of Persuasion Effectiveness
* PETR: Rethinking the Capability of Transformer-Based Language Model in Scene Text Recognition
* Petrological and Mineralogical Characteristics of Exposed Materials on the Floors of the Lavoisier and Surrounding Craters
* PETS: P2P Energy Trading Scheduling Scheme for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid Systems
* PGNet: Positioning Guidance Network for Semantic Segmentation of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Phase Space Reconstruction Driven Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
* Physically-admissible polarimetric data augmentation for road-scene analysis
* Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Brain Hemodynamic Predictions Using Medical Imaging
* Pitted-Ground Volcanoes on Mercury
* Plant leaf disease classification using deep neural network
* Platoon Trajectory Completion in a Mixed Traffic Environment Under Sparse Observation
* Plug-and-Play Algorithms for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Plug-and-Play Image Restoration With Deep Denoiser Prior
* PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perceptions and Multi-Travel Modes. A Case Study in Beijing
* Point Cloud Quality Assessment via 3D Edge Similarity Measurement
* PointINS: Point-Based Instance Segmentation
* PointRas: Uncertainty-Aware Multi-Resolution Learning for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
* Poisoning Attack Against Estimating From Pairwise Comparisons
* Polar Aerosol Vertical Structures and Characteristics Observed with a High Spectral Resolution Lidar at the ARM NSA Observatory
* Polarization Stacking Method for Optimizing Time-Series Interferometric Phases of Distributed Scatterers, A
* Potential Ecological Distributions of Urban Adapters and Urban Exploiters for the Sustainability of the Urban Bird Network
* Power Line Extraction Framework Based on Edge Structure and Scene Constraints
* PRDP: Person Reidentification With Dirty and Poor Data
* Pre-Launch Assembly, Integration, and Testing Strategy of a Hyperspectral Imaging CubeSat, HYPSO-1
* Precipitation over the U.S. Coastal Land/Water Using Gauge-Corrected Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System and Three Satellite Products
* Prediction of Strawberry Dry Biomass from UAV Multispectral Imagery Using Multiple Machine Learning Methods
* Prediction of the Tibetan Plateau Thermal Condition with Machine Learning and Shapley Additive Explanation, The
* Prediction of Urban Sprawl by Integrating Socioeconomic Factors in the Batticaloa Municipal Council, Sri Lanka
* Preliminary Analysis of Intersystem Biases in BDS-2/BDS-3 Precise Time and Frequency Transfer
* Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plots Calibration of the Sun Photometer at Mt Foyeding Observatory, Beijing
* Privacy Conserves Pseudonym Acquisition Scheme in Vehicular Communication Systems, A
* Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-Enabled Deep-Learning in Cooperative Intelligent Transport System, A
* PrivacySignal: Privacy-Preserving Traffic Signal Control for Intelligent Transportation System
* Privileged multi-task learning for attribute-aware aesthetic assessment
* Profiling the Planetary Boundary Layer Wind with a StreamLine XR Doppler LiDAR: Comparison to In-Situ Observations and WRF Model Simulations
* Progressive Deep Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Architecture with Graph Convolution-based Basis Image Reorganization
* Progressive downsampling and adaptive guidance networks for dynamic scene deblurring
* Progressive Dual-Attention Residual Network for Salient Object Detection
* Progressive Meta-Learning With Curriculum
* Promising Uses of the iPad Pro Point Clouds: The Case of the Trunk Flare Diameter Estimation in the Urban Forest
* Proportional Similarity-Based Openmax Classifier for Open Set Recognition in SAR Images
* ProtTrans: Toward Understanding the Language of Life Through Self-Supervised Learning
* Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang, China
* Pulse Radar Imaging Method in an Anechoic Chamber Based on an Amplitude Modulation Design
* Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-resolution
* Quality of Service Measure for Bike Sharing Systems
* Quantifying Basal Roughness and Internal Layer Continuity Index of Ice Sheets by an Integrated Means with Radar Data and Deep Learning
* Quantifying the Influences of Driving Factors on Vegetation EVI Changes Using Structural Equation Model: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
* Quantitative Assessment of Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities on Streamflow Changes Using an Improved Three-Parameter Monthly Water Balance Model
* Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Loading Products and Thermal Expansion Effect for Correcting GNSS Vertical Coordinate Time Series in Taiwan
* Quantitative Personality Predictions From a Brief EEG Recording
* Quantized Output Feedback Control of AFS for Electric Vehicles With Transmission Delay and Data Dropouts
* R2Net: Relight the restored low-light image based on complementarity of illumination and reflection
* RACDNet: Resolution- and Alignment-Aware Change Detection Network for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Parameter Set Clustering and Classification
* Radar Phase-Coded Waveform Design with Local Low Range Sidelobes Based on Particle Swarm-Assisted Projection Optimization
* Radiant Power Patterns Inferred from Remote Sensing Using a Cloud Computing Platform, during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
* Radix-N Algorithm for Computing N^(2^(n))-Point DFT Approximations
* RaftNet: A New Deep Neural Network for Coastal Raft Aquaculture Extraction from Landsat 8 OLI Data
* Railway Automatic Switch Stationary Contacts Wear Detection Under Few-Shot Occasions
* Random Features for Kernel Approximation: A Survey on Algorithms, Theory, and Beyond
* Ranking-based scores for the assessment of aesthetic quality in photography
* RankSRGAN: Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks With Learning to Rank
* Rapid Target Detection of Fruit Trees Using UAV Imaging and Improved Light YOLOv4 Algorithm
* Raster Map Line Element Extraction Method Based on Improved U-Net Network
* RB-Net: Training Highly Accurate and Efficient Binary Neural Networks With Reshaped Point-Wise Convolution and Balanced Activation
* RBDF: Reciprocal Bidirectional Framework for Visible Infrared Person Reidentification
* RDC-SLAM: A Real-Time Distributed Cooperative SLAM System Based on 3D LiDAR
* RDEN: Residual Distillation Enhanced Network-Guided Lightweight Synthesized View Quality Enhancement for 3D-HEVC
* RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality
* Reading Greenness in Urban Areas: Possible Roles of Phenological Metrics from the Copernicus HR-VPP Dataset
* Reading Personality Preferences From Motion Patterns in Computer Mouse Operations
* Real-Time Adjustment of Tracking Offsets Through a Brain-Computer Interface for Weight Perception in Virtual Reality
* Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from moving cameras on lightweight edge devices
* Real-time human-centric segmentation for complex video scenes
* Real-Time Monocular Joint Perception Network for Autonomous Driving
* Real-Time Multi-GNSS Precise Orbit Determination Based on the Hourly Updated Ultra-Rapid Orbit Prediction Method
* Real-Time Optical Flow for Vehicular Perception With Low- and High-Resolution Event Cameras
* Real-Time Prediction System of Train Carriage Load Based on Multi-Stream Fuzzy Learning
* Real-time traffic cone detection for autonomous driving based on YOLOv4
* Real-Time Weed Control Application Using a Jetson Nano Edge Device and a Spray Mechanism
* Recent Advances in Large Margin Learning
* Recent Progress on Modeling Land Emission and Retrieving Soil Moisture on the Tibetan Plateau Based on L-Band Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
* Recognizing and Analyzing Private Car Commuters Using Big Data of Electronic Registration Identification of Vehicles
* Reconstruct Dynamic Soft-Tissue With Stereo Endoscope Based on a Single-Layer Network
* Reconstructing the Three-Dimensional Structure of Loop Current Rings from Satellite Altimetry and In Situ Data Using the Gravest Empirical Modes Method
* Reconstruction of Connected Digital Lines Based on Constrained Regularization
* Reconstruction of Indoor Navigation Elements for Point Cloud of Buildings with Occlusions and Openings by Wall Segment Restoration from Indoor Context Labeling
* Reconstruction of Sentinel-2 Image Time Series Using Google Earth Engine
* Reference Data Accuracy Impacts Burned Area Product Validation: The Role of the Expert Analyst
* Refined Urban Functional Zone Mapping by Integrating Open-Source Data
* Regional Coordinated Bus Priority Signal Control Considering Pedestrian and Vehicle Delays at Urban Intersections
* Regional Disparity of Urban Spatial Expansion Is Greater than That of Urban Socioeconomic Expansion in China: A New Perspective from Nighttime Light Remotely Sensed Data and Urban Land Datasets, The
* regularised deep matrix factorised model of matrix completion for image restoration, A
* Reinforcement Learning With Multiple Relational Attention for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems
* Relationships between Land Surface Temperatures and Neighboring Environment in Highly Urbanized Areas: Seasonal and Scale Effects Analyses of Beijing, China
* Relative Contributions of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Productivity Variation in National Nature Reserves on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Relative Pose Estimation with a Single Affine Correspondence
* Remote Sensing for Land Administration 2.0
* Remote Sensing Image Information Quality Evaluation via Node Entropy for Efficient Classification
* Remote Sensing of Land Surface Phenology: Editorial
* Remote Sensing Precursors Analysis for Giant Landslides
* Remote Sensing Scene Image Classification Based on mmsCNN-HMM with Stacking Ensemble Model
* Remote-Sensing Cross-Domain Scene Classification: A Dataset and Benchmark
* Removing InSAR Topography-Dependent Atmospheric Effect Based on Deep Learning
* Repairing geometric errors in 3D urban models with kinetic data structures
* Repeater-Type SAR Deceptive Jamming Method Based on Joint Encoding of Amplitude and Phase in the Intra-Pulse and Inter-Pulse, A
* Research on the Dynamic Evolution of the Landscape Pattern in the Urban Fringe Area of Wuhan from 2000 to 2020
* Resilient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Autonomous Vehicles Using Machine Learning
* Resilient Interactive Sensor-Independent-Update Fusion Navigation Method
* Resolving the Urban Dilemma of Two Adjacent Rivers through a Dialogue between GIS and Augmented Reality (AR) of Fabrics
* Responses of Satellite Chlorophyll-a to the Extreme Sea Surface Temperatures over the Arabian and Omani Gulf
* Retaining Diverse Information in Contrastive Learning Through Multiple Projectors
* Rethinking Camouflaged Object Detection: Models and Datasets
* Rethinking class orders and transferability in class incremental learning
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation With Skeletal Prior and Contrastive Loss
* Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties over Land Using an Optimized Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Directional Polarimetric Camera
* Retrieval of Live Fuel Moisture Content Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data and Ensemble Deep Learning Model
* Retrieving global leaf chlorophyll content from MERIS data using a neural network method
* Reverse Difference Network for Highlighting Small Objects in Aerial Images
* Reversible Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Adaptive Three-Dimensional Histogram Modification
* Review of Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Key Characteristics, Applications, and Wireless Technologies, A
* review of reinforcement learning applications in adaptive traffic signal control, A
* Review on the Geophysical and UAV-Based Methods Applied to Landslides
* Review: Recent Progress in the Design and Development of Nonlinear Radars, A
* RFAU: A Database for Facial Action Unit Analysis in Real Classrooms
* RFI Detection and Mitigation for Advanced Correlators in Interferometric Radiometers
* RI-LPOH: Rotation-Invariant Local Phase Orientation Histogram for Multi-Modal Image Matching
* Rice Planting Area Identification Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Images and an Attention U-Net Model
* Riemannian dynamic generalized space quantization learning
* Road Condition Detection and Emergency Rescue Recognition Using On-Board UAV in the Wildness
* Road Intersection Recognition via Combining Classification Model and Clustering Algorithm Based on GPS Data
* Robust age estimation model using group-aware contrastive learning
* Robust and Responsive Learning of Spatiotemporal Urban Traffic Flow Relationships
* Robust convolutional neural networks against adversarial attacks on medical images
* Robust correlation filter tracking based on response map analysis network
* Robust Coverless Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Gradient Descent Approximation, A
* Robust Environment-Aware Driver Profiling Framework Using Ensemble Supervised Learning, A
* Robust Estimation of Upscaling Factor on Double JPEG Compressed Images
* Robust Image Denoising Method With Multiview Texture-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Robust Isometric Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion
* Robust Least Squares Twin Support Vector Regression With Adaptive FOA and PSO for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Robust MIMO Waveform Design in the Presence of Unknown Mutipath Return
* Robust Min-Max Model Predictive Vehicle Platooning With Causal Disturbance Feedback
* Robust Nonlinear Filter Strategy Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Multi-GNSS and Dual-Frequency RTK, A
* Robust optical displacement measurement of bridge structures in complex environments
* Robust Real-Time Delay Predictions in a Network of High-Frequency Urban Buses
* robust registration method for UAV thermal infrared and visible images taken by dual-cameras, A
* Robust Trimmed K-Means
* Rotation-aware dynamic temporal consistency with spatial sparsity correlation tracking
* Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Representation for 3-D Model Recognition
* Route Planning and Tracking Control of an Intelligent Automatic Unmanned Transportation System Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
* S2-PCM: Super-Resolution Structural Point Cloud Matching for High-Accuracy Video-SAR Image Registration
* Safe Navigation and Evasive Maneuvers Based on Probabilistic Multi-Controller Architecture
* Saliency and Granularity: Discovering Temporal Coherence for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep Learning Algorithm under Terrain-Restriction
* Satellite Observational Evidence of Contrasting Changes in Northern Eurasian Wildfires from 2003 to 2020
* Satellite-Derived Bottom Depth for Optically Shallow Waters Based on Hydrolight Simulations
* Saying the Unseen: Video Descriptions via Dialog Agents
* SC-CAN: Spectral Convolution and Channel Attention Network for Wheat Stress Classification
* Scalable Biologically-Aware Skeleton Generation for Connectomic Volumes
* Scalable Crop Yield Prediction with Sentinel-2 Time Series and Temporal Convolutional Network
* Scale-selective and noise-robust extended local binary pattern for texture classification
* SceGene: Bio-Inspired Traffic Scenario Generation for Autonomous Driving Testing
* Scenario-Based Test Automation for Highly Automated Vehicles: A Review and Paving the Way for Systematic Safety Assurance
* Scheduling a Fleet of Drones for Monitoring Missions With Spatial, Temporal, and Energy Constraints
* Scientometric Full-Text Analysis of Papers Published in Remote Sensing between 2009 and 2021
* Score-Oriented Loss (SOL) functions
* SDGSAT-1 TIS Prelaunch Radiometric Calibration and Performance
* SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense Image Prediction
* Sea and Land Segmentation of Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on U-Net Optimization
* Sea Level Rise Estimation on the Pacific Coast from Southern California to Vancouver Island
* SEAN: A Simple and Efficient Attention Network for Aircraft Detection in SAR Images
* Seasonal Flow Forecasting Using Satellite-Driven Precipitation Data for Awash and Omo-Gibe Basins, Ethiopia
* Seasonal Mapping of Irrigated Winter Wheat Traits in Argentina with a Hybrid Retrieval Workflow Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Secure and Efficient Blockchain-Based Knowledge Sharing for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
* Secure Privacy-Preserving V2V Communication in 5G-V2X Supporting Network Slicing
* Segment as Points for Efficient and Effective Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Segmentation-Based Multitask Learning Approach for Isolating Switch State Recognition in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation, A
* Selection of Whole-Moon Landing Zones Based on Weights of Evidence and Fractals
* selective image encryption scheme using LICC hyperchaotic system, A
* Self-Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Self-Supervised ECG Representation Learning for Emotion Recognition
* Self-Supervised Gait Encoding Approach With Locality-Awareness for 3D Skeleton Based Person Re-Identification, A
* Self-Supervised Generalized Zero Shot Learning for Medical Image Classification Using Novel Interpretable Saliency Maps
* Self-Supervised Metric Learning Framework for the Arising-From-Chair Assessment of Parkinsonians With Graph Convolutional Networks, A
* Self-Supervised Rigid Registration for Multimodal Retinal Images
* Self-supervised spectral clustering with exemplar constraints
* Semantic Scene Completion Using Local Deep Implicit Functions on LiDAR Data
* Semi-Automated Segmentation of Geometric Shapes from Point Clouds
* Semi-Supervised Action Quality Assessment With Self-Supervised Segment Feature Recovery
* Semi-supervised adversarial recognition of refined window structures for inverse procedural façade modelling
* Semi-Supervised Breast Histopathological Image Classification with Self-Training Based on Non-Linear Distance Metric
* Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Few-Shot Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Semi-Supervised DEGAN for Optical High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Semi-Supervised SAR ATR Framework with Transductive Auxiliary Segmentation
* Semi-supervised thin cloud removal with mutually beneficial guides
* Sensing Tourist Distributions and Their Sentiment Variations Using Social Media: Evidence from 5A Scenic Areas in China
* Sensitivity of Electrodermal Activity Features for Driver Arousal Measurement in Cognitive Load: The Application in Automated Driving Systems
* Sensitivity to Mass Changes of Lakes, Subsurface Hydrology and Glaciers of the Quantum Technology Gravity Gradients and Time Observations of Satellite MOCAST+
* Sentinel-1 Shadows Used to Quantify Canopy Loss from Selective Logging in Gabon
* Separation of the Temperature Effect on Structure Responses via LSTM: Particle Filter Method Considering Outlier from Remote Cloud Platforms
* Sequential Attention-Based Distinct Part Modeling for Balanced Pedestrian Detection
* SeSAME: Re-identification-based ambient intelligence system for museum environment
* SF-Net: A Multi-Task Model for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multimodal MRI via Image Fusion
* Shell Theory: A Statistical Model of Reality
* Ship Detection and Imagery Scheme for Airborne Single-Channel SAR in Coastal Regions, A
* Shipborne HFSWR Target Detection in Clutter Regions Based on Multi-Frame TFI Correlation
* Short-Term Forecasting Method of Inter-Frequency Clock Bias for GPS Block IIF Satellites, A
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on the Efficient Hinging Hyperplanes Neural Network
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on an Improved Gate Recurrent Unit Neural Network, A
* Siamese networks with an online reweighted example for imbalanced data learning
* Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Terahertz Sensing: An overview
* Signed Graph Metric Learning via Gershgorin Disc Perfect Alignment
* SignHRNet: Street-level traffic signs recognition with an attentive semi-anchoring guided high-resolution network
* SimCVD: Simple Contrastive Voxel-Wise Representation Distillation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Simple Algorithm for Deriving an NDVI-Based Index Compatible between GEO and LEO Sensors: Capabilities and Limitations in Japan, A
* SimpleCut: A simple and strong 2D model for multi-person pose estimation
* Simultaneous Feasible Local Planning and Path-Following Control for Autonomous Driving
* Single image based 3D human pose estimation via uncertainty learning
* Single Suction Grasp Detection for Symmetric Objects Using Shallow Networks Trained with Synthetic Data
* single watermark based scheme for both protection and authentication of identities, A
* SkeletonNet: A Topology-Preserving Solution for Learning Mesh Reconstruction of Object Surfaces From RGB Images
* Sliding Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform
* Slope-Unit Scale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on the Random Forest Model in Deep Valley Areas
* SocialMedia2Traffic: Derivation of Traffic Information from Social Media Data
* Soft Integration of Geo-Tagged Data Sets in J-CO-QL+
* Soil Moisture Estimation Based on Polarimetric Decomposition and Quantile Regression Forests
* Soil Reflectance Composites: Improved Thresholding and Performance Evaluation
* SORAG: Synthetic Data Over-Sampling Strategy on Multi-Label Graphs
* Spaceborne pose determination based on image to 3D digital surface model matching
* Sparse and Locally Coherent Morphable Face Model for Dense Semantic Correspondence Across Heterogeneous 3D Faces, A
* Sparse SAR Imaging Method for Ground Moving Target via GMTSI-Net
* Spatial Analysis of a Rapid Intrusion Event of the East Australian Current Using High Frequency Radar Data
* Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Cloud Water in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Spatial context-aware method for urban land use classification using street view images
* Spatial Cross-Correlation of GOSAT CO2 Concentration with Repeated Heat Wave-Induced Photosynthetic Inhibition in Europe from 2009 to 2017
* Spatial Focus Attention for Fine-Grained Skeleton-Based Action Tasks
* Spatial Interaction Analysis of Shared Bicycles Mobility Regularity and Determinants: A Case Study of Six Main Districts, Beijing
* Spatial Pattern and Formation Mechanism of Rural Tourism Resources in China: Evidence from 1470 National Leisure Villages
* Spatial Prediction of COVID-19 Pandemic Dynamics in the United States
* Spatial Quantitative Model of Human Activity Disturbance Intensity and Land Use Intensity Based on GF-6 Image, Empirical Study in Southwest Mountainous County, China
* Spatial Trend and Impact of Snowmelt Rate in Spring across China's Three Main Stable Snow Cover Regions over the Past 40 Years Based on Remote Sensing
* Spatial Variation of Water Clouds, NH3, and H2O on Jupiter Using Keck Data at 5 Microns, The
* Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Model for Urban Crowd Density Prediction Based on Mobile-Phone Signaling Data
* Spatial-Temporal Pyramid Graph Reasoning for Action Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal Trends in and Attribution Analysis of Vegetation Change in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Spatio-Contextual Deep Network-Based Multimodal Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Driving Factors of Vegetation Change in the Pan-Third Pole Region
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Ecosystem Services Provided by Urban Green Spaces and Their Equity along Urban-Rural Gradients in the Xi'an Metropolitan Area, China
* Spatio-Temporal Player Relation Modeling for Tactic Recognition in Sports Videos
* Spatio-Temporal Sentiment Mining of COVID-19 Arabic Social Media
* Spatio-Temporal Variation Analysis of the Biological Boundary Temperature Index Based on Accumulated Temperature: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Correlation between Artificially Triggered and Adjacent Natural Lightning Flashes
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ecological Condition in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Remotely Sensed Ecological Index
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Rain Islands in China under the Conditions of Urbanization and Climate Change
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and Its Relationship with Precipitation in Northern China under Global Warming
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Evapotranspiration on Different Land Use/Cover in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Variation, Driving Mechanism and Predictive Study of Total Column Ozone: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomerations
* Spatiotemporally Continuous Reconstruction of Retrieved PM2.5 Data Using an Autogeoi-Stacking Model in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China
* Species Distribution Models at Regional Scale: Cymodocea nodosa Seagrasses
* Spectral analysis of re-parameterized light fields
* Spectral index-driven FCN model training for water extraction from multispectral imagery
* Spectral Indices as a Tool to Assess the Moisture Status of Forest Habitats
* Spherical DNNs and Their Applications in 360° Images and Videos
* Spreading Fine-Grained Prior Knowledge for Accurate Tracking
* SR-GNN: Spatial Relation-Aware Graph Neural Network for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* SREFBN: Enhanced feature block network for single-image super-resolution
* SS R-CNN: Self-Supervised Learning Improving Mask R-CNN for Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* SSA3D: Semantic Segmentation Assisted One-Stage Three-Dimensional Vehicle Object Detection
* SSML: Spectral-Spatial Mutual-Learning-Based Framework for Hyperspectral Pansharpening
* Stabilizing Adversarially Learned One-Class Novelty Detection Using Pseudo Anomalies
* Stacking of Canopy Spectral Reflectance from Multiple Growth Stages Improves Grain Yield Prediction under Full and Limited Irrigation in Wheat
* Stimulus Sampling With 360-Videos: Examining Head Movements, Arousal, Presence, Simulator Sickness, and Preference on a Large Sample of Participants and Videos
* Stochastic gate-based autoencoder for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection
* Storage Space Allocation and Twin Automated Stacking Cranes Scheduling in Automated Container Terminals
* Stratiform and Convective Rain Classification Using Machine Learning Models and Micro Rain Radar
* Strip Attention Networks for Road Extraction
* Structural Characteristics of Endorheic Rivers in the Tarim Basin
* Study and Prediction of Surface Deformation Characteristics of Different Vegetation Types in the Permafrost Zone of Linzhi, Tibet
* Study on the Impact of Spatial Resolution on Fractional Vegetation Cover Extraction with Single-Scene and Time-Series Remote Sensing Data
* Study on the Impact of the Doppler Shift for CO2 Lidar Remote Sensing
* Study on the Landscape Space of Typical Mining Areas in Xuzhou City from 2000 to 2020 and Optimization Strategies for Carbon Sink Enhancement
* Super-Resolved Microbubble Localization in Single-Channel Ultrasound RF Signals Using Deep Learning
* Support Vector Machine Classifier via L_0/1 Soft-Margin Loss
* Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Based on TS-InSAR Technology
* Survey of ADAS Perceptions With Development in China, A
* Survey of Automated Fare Collection Solutions in Public Transportation
* Survey of Deep RL and IL for Autonomous Driving Policy Learning, A
* Survey on Cooperative Perception in an Automotive Context
* Survey on Imitation Learning Techniques for End-to-End Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Survey on Post-Quantum Public-Key Signature Schemes for Secure Vehicular Communications, A
* survey on RGB-D datasets, A
* SVASeg: Sparse Voxel-Based Attention for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* SW-GAN: Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery Using Semi-Weakly Supervised Adversarial Learning
* SWIPENET: Object detection in noisy underwater scenes
* Synchronous Atmospheric Correction of High Spatial Resolution Images from Gao Fen Duo Mo Satellite
* SynSig2Vec: Forgery-Free Learning of Dynamic Signature Representations by Sigma Lognormal-Based Synthesis and 1D CNN
* Table Structure Recognition and Form Parsing by End-to-End Object Detection and Relation Parsing
* TANet: Target Attention Network for Video Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Target-Distractor Aware Deep Tracking With Discriminative Enhancement Learning Loss
* Task Decomposing and Cell Comparing Method for Cervical Lesion Cell Detection, A
* Task Encoding With Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Learning
* TBE-Net: A Three-Branch Embedding Network With Part-Aware Ability and Feature Complementary Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* TEC Anomalies Detection for Qinghai and Yunnan Earthquakes on 21 May 2021
* Temporal and Spatial Variation of Land Surface Temperature and Its Driving Factors in Zhengzhou City in China from 2005 to 2020
* Temporal Moment Localization via Natural Language by Utilizing Video Question Answers as a Special Variant and Bypassing NLP for Corpora
* Temporal Relation Inference Network for Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition
* Ten Years of VIIRS EDR Imagery Validation and User Interactions
* Ten Years of VIIRS On-Orbit Geolocation Calibration and Performance
* Tensor Dictionary Self-Taught Learning Classification Method for Hyperspectral Image
* Tensor-based plenoptic image denoising by integrating super-resolution
* Text-Guided Human Image Manipulation via Image-Text Shared Space
* Thermal Infrared Image Colorization for Nighttime Driving Scenes With Top-Down Guided Attention
* Three-Dimensional Gridded Radar Echo Extrapolation for Convective Storm Nowcasting Based on 3D-ConvLSTM Model
* Tighter Converse for the Locally Differentially Private Discrete Distribution Estimation Under the One-bit Communication Constraint, A
* Tilt-Then-Blur or Blur-Then-Tilt? Clarifying the Atmospheric Turbulence Model
* Total Variation Weighted Low-Rank Constraint for Infrared Dim Small Target Detection
* Toward Better Accuracy-Efficiency Trade-Offs: Divide and Co-Training
* Toward Enabling Next-Generation Societal Virtual Reality Applications for Virtual Human Teleportation: A novel future system concept and computation-communication-signal representation trade-offs
* Towards a category-extended object detector with limited data
* Towards Accurate and Compact Architectures via Neural Architecture Transformer
* Towards Compact Autonomous Driving Perception With Balanced Learning and Multi-Sensor Fusion
* Towards End-to-End Text Spotting in Natural Scenes
* Towards Forecasting Future Snow Cover Dynamics in the European Alps: The Potential of Long Optical Remote-Sensing Time Series
* Towards generalizable person re-identification with a bi-stream generative model
* Towards generalized morphing attack detection by learning residuals
* Towards More Realistic Human Motion Prediction With Attention to Motion Coordination
* Towards Robust Semantic Segmentation of Land Covers in Foggy Conditions
* Towards Uncovering the Intrinsic Data Structures for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Structurally Regularized Deep Clustering
* Tracking Individual Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Height Growth Using Multi-Temporal ALS Data from North-Eastern Poland
* Tracking Spatiotemporal Patterns of Rwanda's Electrification Using Multi-Temporal VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery
* Traffic emissions management using capacity formulation and multi-modal road space allocation
* Traffic Flow Modeling With Gradual Physics Regularized Learning
* Traffic Node Importance Evaluation Based on Clustering in Represented Transportation Networks
* Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition in Multiimages Using a Fusion Model With YOLO and VGG Network
* Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Semantic Scene Understanding and Structural Traffic Sign Location
* Train management in freight shunting yards: Formalisation and literature review
* Training Data Subset Search With Ensemble Active Learning
* Trajectory Forecasting Based on Prior-Aware Directed Graph Convolutional Neural Network
* Trajectory Optimization of Autonomous Surface Vehicles with Outliers for Underwater Target Localization
* Trajectory Optimization-Based Intersection Coordination Framework for Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Trajectory Released Scheme for the Internet of Vehicles Based on Differential Privacy, A
* Transductive polyhedral conic classifiers for machine learning applications
* Tree-based data augmentation and mutual learning for offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Triangle Distance IoU Loss, Attention-Weighted Feature Pyramid Network, and Rotated-SARShip Dataset for Arbitrary-Oriented SAR Ship Detection
* TRQ3DNet: A 3D Quasi-Recurrent and Transformer Based Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* True2 Orthoimage Map Generation
* Two-Step Block Adjustment Method for DSM Accuracy Improvement with Elevation Control of ICESat-2 Data, A
* UAV-Based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Urban Land Cover Mapping Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Uncertainty Assessment of Differential Absorption Lidar Measurements of Industrial Emissions Concentrations
* Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent representation and extended OLSDA
* Uncovering Factors Affecting Taxi Income from GPS Traces at the Directional Road Segment Level
* Uncovering the Relationship between Urban Road Network Topology and Taxi Drivers' Income: A Perspective from Spatial Design Network Analysis
* Understanding Drivers' Stress and Interactions With Vehicle Systems Through Naturalistic Data Analysis
* Understanding Synonymous Referring Expressions via Contrastive Features
* Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study of Bangalore City, India
* Underwater Image Enhancement Quality Evaluation: Benchmark Dataset and Objective Metric
* Underwater Image Restoration via Contrastive Learning and a Real-World Dataset
* Underwater Object Detection Based on Improved EfficientDet
* Universal Weighting Metric Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Unmanned Aircraft System Applications in Damage Detection and Service Life Prediction for Bridges: A Review
* Unmixing Convolutional Features for Crisp Edge Detection
* Unraveling ML Models of Emotion With NOVA: Multi-Level Explainable AI for Non-Experts
* Unsafe Maneuver Classification From Dashcam Video and GPS/IMU Sensors Using Spatio-Temporal Attention Selector
* Unsupervised Canopy-to-Root Pathing (UCRP) Tree Segmentation Algorithm for Automatic Forest Mapping, An
* Unsupervised Cascade Fusion Network for Radiometrically-Accurate Vis-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Sharpening, An
* Unsupervised Change Detection around Subways Based on SAR Combined Difference Images
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Disguised-Gait-Based Person Identification on Micro-Doppler Signatures
* Unsupervised domain adaptation in homogeneous distance space for person re-identification
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Adversarial Self-Training for Crop Classification Using Remote Sensing Images
* Unsupervised domain adaptation with progressive adaptation of subspaces
* Unsupervised face frontalization using disentangled representation-learning CycleGAN
* Unsupervised Histological Image Registration Using Structural Feature Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Unsupervised Image Restoration With Quality-Task-Perception Loss
* Unsupervised Radar Target Detection under Complex Clutter Background Based on Mixture Variational Autoencoder
* Urban Building Mesh Polygonization Based on Plane-Guided Segmentation, Topology Correction and Corner Point Clump Optimization
* Urban Green Space Planning Based on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
* Using Attributes Explicitly Reflecting User Preference in a Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
* Using GNSS-IR Snow Depth Estimation to Monitor the 2022 Early February Snowstorm over Southern China
* Using Multi-Source Real Landform Data to Predict and Analyze Intercity Remote Interference of 5G Communication with Ducting and Troposcatter Effects
* Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Machine Learning Algorithms to Assess the Inundation Status of Nebraska Conservation Easements during 2018-2021
* Using the VENµS Super-Spectral Camera for detecting moving vehicles
* Utilising Sentinel-1's orbital stability for efficient pre-processing of sigma nought backscatter
* Utilizing the spatial frequency domain imaging to investigate change in optical parameters of skin exposed to thermal-hydrotherapy: Ex-vivo study
* Validating Ionospheric Scintillation Indices Extracted from 30s-Sampling-Interval GNSS Geodetic Receivers with Long-Term Ground and In-Situ Observations in High-Latitude Regions
* Validation and Comparison of Seven Land Surface Evapotranspiration Products in the Haihe River Basin, China
* Validation of Remote-Sensing Algorithms for Diffuse Attenuation of Downward Irradiance Using BGC-Argo Floats
* Variational Autoencoders for Localized Mesh Deformation Component Analysis
* Variational Bayesian Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Over the Stiefel Manifold
* Vegetation Greenness Trend in Dry Seasons and Its Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Mara River Basin, Africa
* Vegetation Growth Dynamic and Sensitivity to Changing Climate in a Watershed in Northern China
* Vegetation Mapping with Random Forest Using Sentinel 2 and GLCM Texture Feature: A Case Study for Lousa Region, Portugal
* Vehicle Re-Identification Based on UAV Viewpoint: Dataset and Method
* VeNet: Hybrid Stacked Autoencoder Learning for Cooperative Edge Intelligence in IoV
* Vertical Structures Associated with Orographic Precipitation during Warm Season in the Sichuan Basin and Its Surrounding Areas at Different Altitudes from 8-Year GPM DPR Observations
* VHRShips: An Extensive Benchmark Dataset for Scalable Deep Learning-Based Ship Detection Applications
* Video Crowd Localization With Multifocus Gaussian Neighborhood Attention and a Large-Scale Benchmark
* Video Question Answering With Prior Knowledge and Object-Sensitive Learning
* Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging Using Residual Ensemble Network
* Video-Based Automatic Wrist Flexion and Extension Classification
* VideoABC: A Real-World Video Dataset for Abductive Visual Reasoning
* View-Aware Geometry-Structure Joint Learning for Single-View 3D Shape Reconstruction
* Virtual Normal: Enforcing Geometric Constraints for Accurate and Robust Depth Prediction
* Visual Approach to Measure Cloth-Body and Cloth-Cloth Friction, A
* Visual object tracking: A survey
* Visualization and Analysis of Transport Accessibility Changes Based on Time Cartograms
* VR Multiscale Geovisualization Based on UAS Multitemporal Data: The Case of Geological Monuments
* WARPd: A Linearly Convergent First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Inverse Problems with Approximate Sharpness Conditions
* Wasserstein Adversarial Regularization for Learning With Label Noise
* Wasserstein distributional harvesting for highly dense 3D point clouds
* Watching the Saltmarsh Grow: A High-Resolution Remote Sensing Approach to Quantify the Effects of Wetland Restoration
* Water Level Change Monitoring Based on a New Denoising Algorithm Using Data from Landsat and ICESat-2: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing
* Water Levels in the Major Reservoirs of the Nile River Basin: A Comparison of SENTINEL with Satellite Altimetry Data
* Water Quality Retrieval from Landsat-9 (OLI-2) Imagery and Comparison to Sentinel-2
* Waterlogging Assessment of Chinese Ancient City Sites Considering Microtopography: A Case Study of the PuZhou Ancient City Site, China
* WaterMaskAnalyzer (WMA): A User-Friendly Tool to Analyze and Visualize Temporal Dynamics of Inland Water Body Extents
* WCA-Based Low-PSLL and Wide-Nulling Beampattern Synthesis for Radar Applications
* Weakly supervised building semantic segmentation via superpixel-CRF with initial deep seeds guiding
* Weakly supervised moment localization with natural language based on semantic reconstruction
* Weakly-Supervised Action Localization, and Action Recognition Using Global-Local Attention of 3D CNN
* Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasible Archaeological and Environmental Tourism in Versilia (Italy)
* Weighted 3D volume reconstruction from series of slice data using a modified Allen-Cahn equation
* Weighting and pruning based ensemble deep random vector functional link network for tabular data classification
* What Are Contemporary Mexican Conifers Telling Us? A Perspective Offered from Tree Rings Linked to Climate and the NDVI along a Spatial Gradient
* What Do We Know When? Modeling Predictability of Transit Operations
* What Indicative Information of a Subsurface Wetted Body Can Be Detected by a Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)? A Laboratory Study and Numerical Simulation
* What's Your Laughter Doing There? A Taxonomy of the Pragmatic Functions of Laughter
* Why Accuracy is Not Enough: The Need for Consistency in Object Detection
* Wideband Noise Radar System Using a Phased Array with True Time Delay, A
* Wildfire Risk Assessment in Liangshan Prefecture, China Based on An Integration Machine Learning Algorithm
* Winter Wheat Phenology Variation and Its Response to Climate Change in Shandong Province, China
* Winter Wheat SPAD Value Inversion Based on Multiple Pretreatment Methods
* Wrapper feature selection method based differential evolution and extreme learning machine for intrusion detection system
* Zero-Shot Learning on 3D Point Cloud Objects and Beyond
1469 for 2209

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.