Update Dates 2109

2109 * #AllforJan: How Twitter Users in Europe Reacted to the Murder of Ján Kuciak: Revealing Spatiotemporal Patterns through Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling
* *Affective Understanding in Video
* *AgriVision: Agriculture-Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Computer Vision in Agriculture
* *AI City Challenge
* *AI for Space
* *Autonomous Driving
* *Binary Networks for Computer Vision
* *Biometrics
* *Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition
* *Causality in Vision
* *ChaLearn Looking at People: Sign Language Recognition in the Wild and Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated SLR Challenge
* *Computer Vision for Fashion, Art and Design
* *Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis
* *Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement
* *Computer Vision in Sports
* *Continual Learning in Computer Vision
* *CVS
* *Diff-CVML: Differential Geometry in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
* *Dynamic Scene Reconstruction
* *EarthVision: Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery
* *Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision
* *Embedded Vision
* *Event-Based Vision
* *Fair, Data-Efficient and Trusted Computer Vision
* *Gaze Estimation and Prediction in the Wild
* *Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond
* *International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures
* *JRDB: Visual Perception for Navigation in Human Environments: The JackRabbot Social Grouping and Activity Dataset and Benchmark
* *Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding
* *LatinX in CV Research
* *Learned Image Compression
* *Learning From Limited or Imperfect Data
* *Media Forensics
* *Mobile AI
* *Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop
* *MVA
* *New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement
* *Omnidirectional Computer Vision in Research and Industry
* *Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum
* *Precognition: Seeing Through the Future
* *Responsible Computer Vision
* *Safe Artificial Intelligence for Automated Driving
* *Sketch-Oriented Deep Learning
* *Skin Image Analysis
* *VOCVALC: Visual Odometry and Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues - With a Focus on Mobile Platform Applications
* *Women in Computer Vision
* 1.7-Micron Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Characterization of Skin Lesions: A Feasibility Study
* 3-D Point Cloud Generation From Airborne Single-Pass and Single-Channel Circular SAR Data
* 3D Fiber Segmentation with Deep Center Regression and Geometric Clustering
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation via aligned latent space injection and kinematic losses
* 3D image recognition using new set of fractional-order Legendre moments and deep neural networks
* 3D Instance Segmentation and Object Detection Framework Based on the Fusion of Lidar Remote Sensing and Optical Image Sensing
* 3D Object Detection from a Single Fisheye Image Without a Single Fisheye Training Image
* 3D object recognition through a size function resulting from an invariant topological feature
* 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using Inversely Mapping and Voting from Single Pass CSAR Images
* 3D Point Cloud Semantic Augmentation: Instance Segmentation of 360° Panoramas by Deep Learning Techniques
* 3D reconstruction with auto-selected keyframes based on depth completion correction and pose fusion
* 3D Shape Estimation With an Enhanced Sparse Representation Approach
* 3D Wavelet Finite-Element Modeling of Frequency-Domain Airborne EM Data Based on B-Spline Wavelet on the Interval Using Potentials
* 3D-Guided Face Manipulation of 2D Images for the Prediction of Post-Operative Outcome After Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
* 3DRIED: A High-Resolution 3-D Millimeter-Wave Radar Dataset Dedicated to Imaging and Evaluation
* 4D computed tomography super-resolution reconstruction based on tensor product and nuclear norm optimization
* 5th AI City Challenge, The
* AAN-Face: Attention Augmented Networks for Face Recognition
* Absence of Surface Water Temperature Trends in Lake Kinneret despite Present Atmospheric Warming: Comparisons with Dead Sea Trends
* AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for multi-future trajectory prediction
* ACAE-REMIND for online continual learning with compressed feature replay
* Accelerating Uncertainty Quantification for Nonlinear Inverse Scattering Problems With High Contrast Media by Direct Envelope Methods and Krylov Subspace Iterative Integral Equation Solvers
* Accuracy of Global Ionosphere Maps in Relation to Their Time Interval
* Accuracy vs. complexity: A trade-off in visual question answering models
* Accurate 3D Object Detection using Energy-Based Models
* Accurate Monte Carlo Modeling of Small-Animal Multi-Pinhole SPECT for Non-Standard Multi-Isotope Applications
* Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on Deep Learning Considering Landslide Source Area
* Accurate, Robust Visual Odometry and Detail-Preserving Reconstruction System, An
* Action Prediction During Human-Object Interaction Based on DTW and Early Fusion of Human and Object Representations
* Action recognition via pose-based graph convolutional networks with intermediate dense supervision
* Action Spotting and Temporal Attention Analysis in Soccer Videos
* Active Learning for Crop-Weed Discrimination by Image Classification from Convolutional Neural Network's Feature Pyramid Levels
* Active Strike-Slip Faulting and Systematic Deflection of Drainage Systems along the Altyn Tagh Fault, Northern Tibetan Plateau
* Activity guided multi-scales collaboration based on scaled-CNN for saliency prediction
* Actual and Forecasted Vulnerability Assessment to Seawater Intrusion via GALDIT-SUSI in the Volturno River Mouth (Italy)
* Adaptable Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adapting the Dark Target Algorithm to Advanced MERSI Sensor on the FengYun-3-D Satellite: Retrieval and Validation of Aerosol Optical Depth Over Land
* Adaptive and Robust Partition Learning for Person Retrieval With Policy Gradient
* Adaptive Arbitrary Multiresolution Decomposition for Multiscale Geometric Analysis, An
* Adaptive Binary-Ternary Quantization
* Adaptive Context Reading Network for Movie Scene Detection
* Adaptive Deep Cascade Broad Learning System and Its Application in Image Denoising
* Adaptive Edge Preserving Maps in Markov Random Fields for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive fractional motion and disparity estimation skipping in MV-HEVC
* Adaptive Intermediate Representations for Video Understanding
* Adaptive Network Detector for Radar Target in Changing Scenes
* Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Fusion of Multi-Objective Networks for Compressed Video Perceptual Enhancement
* Adaptive Streaming of 360 Videos With Perfect, Imperfect, and Unknown FoV Viewing Probabilities in Wireless Networks
* Adaptive Threshold Model in Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Ulva prolifera Extraction in the South Yellow Sea, China
* Adaptive Weighted Phase Optimization Algorithm Based on the Sigmoid Model for Distributed Scatterers, An
* Adaptively Meshed Video Stabilization
* Adding ears to intelligent connected vehicles by combining microphone arrays and high definition map
* Addressing Visual Search in Open and Closed Set Settings
* Adjoint-Driven Deep-Learning Seismic Full-Waveform Inversion
* Adjustment Approach for Aerosol Optical Depth Inferred from CALIPSO, An
* ADNet: Attention-guided Deformable Convolutional Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Advanced SAR Image Despeckling Method by Bernoulli-Sampling-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning, An
* Advances in domain adaptation for computer vision
* Advancing Cave Detection Using Terrain Analysis and Thermal Imagery
* Adversarial 3D Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* Adversarial Approach for Explaining the Predictions of Deep Neural Networks, An
* Adversarial Defense Through High Frequency Loss Variational Autoencoder Decoder and Bayesian Update With Collective Voting
* Adversarial Network With Multiple Classifiers for Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Adversarial Robust Model Compression using In-Train Pruning
* Adversarial Threats to DeepFake Detection: A Practical Perspective
* Aerial and UAV Images for Photogrammetric Analysis of Belvedere Glacier Evolution in the Period 1977-2019
* Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS and Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity
* Affective Automotive User Interfaces-Reviewing the State of Driver Affect Research and Emotion Regulation in the Car
* AFNet: Adaptive Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* AFNet: Temporal Locality-Aware Network With Dual Structure for Accurate and Fast Action Detection
* AFRIFASHION1600: A Contemporary African Fashion Dataset for Computer Vision
* AI for dating stars: a benchmarking study for gyrochronology
* AI4MARS: A Dataset for Terrain-Aware Autonomous Driving on Mars
* Air Quality over China
* Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Processing for Archaeology. Pipeline and QGIS Toolbox
* All You Can Embed: Natural Language based Vehicle Retrieval with Spatio-Temporal Transformers
* Alleviating Class-Wise Gradient Imbalance for Pulmonary Airway Segmentation
* Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks with GeneraLized PositS
* Amplitude based keyless optical encryption system using deep neural network
* AMS-Net: An Attention-Based Multi-Scale Network for Classification of 3D Terracotta Warrior Fragments
* Analogy-Based Crop Yield Forecasts Based on Temporal Similarity of Leaf Area Index
* Analysing public acceptance of autonomous buses based on an extended TAM model
* Analysis of Evaluation Metrics with the Distance between Positive Pairs and Negative Pairs in Deep Metric Learning
* Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Time-Series Data and Random Forest in North Korea
* Analysis of Seismic Deformation from Global Three-Decade GNSS Displacements: Implications for a Three-Dimensional Earth GNSS Velocity Field
* Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variability of Fronts on the Amery Ice Shelf Automatically Detected Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Analysis of the Work Resumption in China under the COVID-19 Epidemic Based on Night Time Lights Data, An
* Analysis on the Variation of Hydro-Meteorological Variables in the Yongding River Mountain Area Driven by Multiple Factors
* ANCES: A novel method to repair attribute noise in classification problems
* Anchor-based Plain Net for Mobile Image Super-Resolution
* Angular Margin Constrained Loss for Automatic Liver Fibrosis Staging
* Anisotropy and Polarization of Stress-Induced Microwave Radiation Changes in Granite and Their Significance for Seismic Remote Sensing, The
* APES: Audiovisual Person Search in Untrimmed Video
* Appearance based deep domain adaptation for the classification of aerial images
* Appearance-based Gaze Estimation using Attention and Difference Mechanism
* Applicability of Smoothing Techniques in Generation of Phenological Metrics of Tectona grandis L. Using NDVI Time Series Data
* Application of Airborne LiDAR Data to the Archaeology of Agrarian Land Use: The Case Study of the Early Medieval Microregion of Bled (Slovenia)
* Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation
* Application of Geodetic Measuring Methods for Reliable Evaluation of Static Load Test Results of Foundation Piles
* Application of Multispectral Camera in Monitoring the Quality Parameters of Fresh Tea Leaves
* Application of NIRS to Determine Animal Physiological Traits for Wildlife Management and Conservation, The
* Application of Random Forest and SHAP Tree Explainer in Exploring Spatial (In)Justice to Aid Urban Planning
* Application of Reflected Guided Borehole Radar Waves to Detection of Subhorizontal Structures, An
* Application of Sea Ice Tracking Algorithm for Fast Ice and Stamukhas Detection in the Arctic, An
* Application of Sentinel-1B Polarimetric Observations to Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Neural Networks: Case Study for Bare Siberian Chernozem Soil
* Applications of the Advanced Radiative Transfer Modeling System (ARMS) to Characterize the Performance of Fengyun-4A/AGRI
* Approach for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Combination Model Fusion
* Approach to the Generation and Analysis of Databases of Simulated Radar Sounder Data for Performance Prediction and Target Interpretation, An
* Approaching Global Instantaneous Precise Positioning with the Dual- and Triple-Frequency Multi-GNSS Decoupled Clock Model
* ARatio: Extending area under the ROC curve for probabilistic labels
* Arbitrarily-Oriented Text Detection in Low Light Natural Scene Images
* Archaeological Prospection in Wetlands: Experiences and Observations from Ground-Penetrating Radar Surveys in Norwegian Bogs
* Are All Users Treated Fairly in Federated Learning Systems?
* Are emotional objects visually salient? The Emotional Maps Database
* Artificial Intelligence Based Structural Assessment for Regional Short- and Medium-Span Concrete Beam Bridges with Inspection Information
* Artificial Intelligence Revolutionises Weather Forecast, Climate Monitoring and Decadal Prediction
* ASMNet: a Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Face Alignment and Pose Estimation
* ASNA) An Attention-based Siamese-Difference Neural Network with Surrogate Ranking Loss function for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Assessing Forest Type and Tree Species Classification Using Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR Data in Southern Sweden
* Assessing Place Type Similarities Based on Functional Signatures Extracted from Social Media Data
* Assessing the Impact of Deep Neural Network-Based Image Denoising on Binary Signal Detection Tasks
* Assessing the Impacts of Hierarchical Healthcare System on the Accessibility and Spatial Equality of Healthcare Services in Shenzhen, China
* Assessing the Impacts of Rising Sea Level on Coastal Morpho-Dynamics with Automated High-Frequency Shoreline Mapping Using Multi-Sensor Optical Satellites
* Assessing the Reliability of Satellite and Reanalysis Estimates of Rainfall in Equatorial Africa
* Assessing the Use of Optical Satellite Images to Detect Volcanic Impacts on Glacier Surface Morphology
* Assessment of CyGNSS v3.0 Level 1 Observables over the Ocean, An
* Assessment of deep learning based blood pressure prediction from PPG and rPPG signals
* Assessment of Empirical Algorithms for Shallow Water Bathymetry Using Multi-Spectral Imagery of Pearl River Delta Coast, China
* Assessment of Empirical and Semi-Analytical Algorithms Using MODIS-Aqua for Representing In-Situ Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Bering, Chukchi, and Western Beaufort Seas of the Pacific Arctic Region
* Assessment of Global FY-3C/VIRR Sea Surface Temperature
* Assessment of GPS/Galileo/BDS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Using Products from Different Analysis Centers
* Assessment of Sentinel-2 Images, Support Vector Machines and Change Detection Algorithms for Bark Beetle Outbreaks Mapping in the Tatra Mountains
* Assignment and Pricing of Shared Rides in Ride-Sourcing Using Combinatorial Double Auctions
* Assimilating FY-4A Lightning and Radar Data for Improving Short-Term Forecasts of a High-Impact Convective Event with a Dual-Resolution Hybrid 3DEnVAR Method
* Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Data in Simulation of a Supercell Storm with a Variational Approach and the WRF Model
* Assistive Signals for Deep Neural Network Classifiers
* Association between the Biophysical Environment in Coastal South China Sea and Large-Scale Synoptic Circulation Patterns: The Role of the Northwest Pacific Subtropical High and Typhoons
* Assuring Intelligent Systems: Contingency Management for UAS
* Asymmetric Pattern of Population Mobility during the Spring Festival in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Complex Network Analysis: An Empirical Analysis of Tencent Migration Big Data, The
* AsymmNet: Towards ultralight convolution neural networks using asymmetrical bottlenecks
* Atmospheric Brightness Temperature Fluctuations in the Resonance Absorption Band of Water Vapor 18-27.2 GHz
* Atom specific multiple kernel dictionary based Sparse Representation Classifier for medium scale image classification
* Attention Mining Branch for Optimizing Attention Map
* Attention! Stay Focus!
* Attention-Aware Pseudo-3-D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Attention-Based Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Kernel ResNet for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Attention-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Virtual Cinematography of 360° Videos
* Attention-Guided Multilayer Feature Aggregation Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, An
* Attentive Composite Residual Network for Robust Rain Removal from Single Images
* Attribute-Aware Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd
* Augmenting Discriminative Correlation Filters with Stereo Blob Tracking for Long-Term Tracking of Underwater Animals
* Autoencoder for Semisupervised Multiple Emotion Detection of Conversation Transcripts
* AutoImplant 2020-First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design
* Automated building characterization for seismic risk assessment using street-level imagery and deep learning
* Automated delineation of corneal layers on OCT images using a boundary-guided CNN
* Automated Detection of Animals in Low-Resolution Airborne Thermal Imagery
* Automated Dynamic Mascon Generation for GRACE and GRACE-FO Harmonic Processing
* Automated Hyperparameter Search-Based Deep Learning Model for Highway Traffic Prediction, An
* Automated Machine Learning Framework in Unmanned Aircraft Systems: New Insights into Agricultural Management Practices Recognition Approaches, An
* Automated Platform for Microseismic Signal Analysis: Denoising, Detection, and Classification in Slope Stability Studies
* Automated Rain Detection by Dual-Polarization Sentinel-1 Data
* Automated Storey Separation and Door and Window Extraction for Building Models from Complete Laser Scans
* Automated Tackle Injury Risk Assessment in Contact-Based Sports: A Rugby Union Example
* Automated Water Level Monitoring at the Continental Scale from ICESat-2 Photons
* Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
* Automatic Building Detection with Polygonizing and Attribute Extraction from High-Resolution Images
* automatic clustering algorithm based on the density-peak framework and Chameleon method, An
* Automatic Clustering-Based Two-Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Automatic Detection of Impervious Surfaces from Remotely Sensed Data Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Generation of Seamless Mosaics Using Invariant Features
* Automatic license plate recognition on microprocessors and custom computing platforms: A review
* Automatic Play Segmentation of Hockey Videos
* Automatic Point Cloud Registration for Large Outdoor Scenes Using a Priori Semantic Information
* Automatic Registration of Remote Sensing Images Based on Revised SIFT With Trilateral Computation and Homogeneity Enforcement
* Automatic Symmetry Detection From Brain MRI Based on a 2-Channel Convolutional Neural Network
* Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation with Unfolded Robust PCA based on Residual Overcomplete Auto-Encoder Blocks
* Autonomous Driving Learning Preference of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers
* Autonomous Free Flight Operations in Urban Air Mobility With Computational Guidance and Collision Avoidance
* Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Based on an Improved Velocity Obstacle Method
* Autonomous Planetary Landing via Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning
* Autonomous Vehicle Trajectory Following: A Flatness Model Predictive Control Approach With Hardware-in-the-Loop Verification
* autoTICI: Automatic Brain Tissue Reperfusion Scoring on 2D DSA Images of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
* Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning
* AVM Image Quality Enhancement by Synthetic Image Learning for Supervised Deblurring
* AVO Inversion in Orthotropic Media Based on SA-PSO
* Axle Configuration and Weight Sensing for Moving Vehicles on Bridges Based on the Clustering and Gradient Method
* Back-Pressure-Based Model With Fixed Phase Sequences for Traffic Signal Optimization Under Oversaturated Networks, A
* BalaGAN: Cross-Modal Image Translation Between Imbalanced Domains
* Bangla Sign alphabet recognition with zero-shot and transfer learning
* BAOD: Budget-Aware Object Detection
* baseline for semi-supervised learning of efficient semantic segmentation models, A
* BasisNet: Two-stage Model Synthesis for Efficient Inference
* Battle of Lepanto Search and Survey Mission (1971-1972) by Throckmorton, Edgerton and Yalouris: Following Their Traces Half a Century Later Using Marine Geophysics, The
* Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks for Seismic Facies Classification
* BCNN: A Binary CNN With All Matrix Ops Quantized To 1 Bit Precision
* Best of Two Worlds: Combining Classifier Fusion and Ecological Models to Map and Explain Landscape Invasion by an Alien Shrub, The
* Beyond ITQ: Efficient binary multi-view subspace learning for instance retrieval
* Beyond Joint Demosaicking and Denoising: An Image Processing Pipeline for a Pixel-bin Image Sensor
* Beyond VQA: Generating Multi-word Answers and Rationales to Visual Questions
* Beyond VVC: Towards Perceptual Quality Optimized Video Compression Using Multi-Scale Hybrid Approaches
* BFAST Lite: A Lightweight Break Detection Method for Time Series Analysis
* BFGS method based variable projection approach for image restoration
* BGT-Net: Bidirectional GRU Transformer Network for Scene Graph Generation
* Bi-directional Recurrent MVSNet for High-resolution Multi-view Stereo
* BiconNet: An edge-preserved connectivity-based approach for salient object detection
* Bilateral Asymmetry Guided Counterfactual Generating Network for Mammogram Classification
* bioinspired retinal neural network for accurately extracting small-target motion information in cluttered backgrounds, A
* Black Carbon over Wuhan, China: Seasonal Variations in Its Optical Properties, Radiative Forcing and Contribution to Atmospheric Aerosols
* Blind decision making: Reinforcement learning with delayed observations
* Blind Image Clustering for Camera Source Identification via Row-Sparsity Optimization
* Blind Image Quality Assessment by Visual Neuron Matrix
* Blitz-SLAM: A semantic SLAM in dynamic environments
* BNN - BN = ?: Training Binary Neural Networks without Batch Normalization
* Boosting Adversarial Robustness using Feature Level Stochastic Smoothing
* Boosting Co-teaching with Compression Regularization for Label Noise
* Boosting Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Pseudo-Label Learning
* Boosting Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Contrasting Synthetic Images
* Boosting the Performance of Video Compression Artifact Reduction with Reference Frame Proposals and Frequency Domain Information
* Boosting Unconstrained Face Recognition with Auxiliary Unlabeled Data
* Bop and Beyond: A Second Order Optimizer for Binarized Neural Networks, A
* Boundary guidance network for camouflage object detection
* Box-Level Tube Tracking and Refinement for Vehicles Anomaly Detection
* BRDF Estimations and Normalizations of Sentinel 2 Level 2 Data Using a Kalman-Filtering Approach and Comparisons with RadCalNet Measurements
* Broadacre Crop Yield Estimation Using Imaging Spectroscopy from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS): A Field-Based Case Study with Snap Bean
* Broadacre Mapping of Wheat Biomass Using Ground-Based LiDAR Technology
* Building Capacity for a User-Centred Integrated Early Warning System for Drought in Papua New Guinea
* Building Change Detection Method to Support Register of Identified Changes on Buildings
* Building Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Multi-Constraints Graph Segmentation
* Building Outline Extraction Directly Using the U2-Net Semantic Segmentation Model from High-Resolution Aerial Images and a Comparison Study
* Building Personalized Transportation Model for Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Built-in Depth-Semantic Coupled Encoding for Scene Parsing, Vehicle Detection, and Road Segmentation
* Camcording-Resistant Forensic Watermarking Fallback System Using Secondary Watermark Signal
* Camera Calibration and Player Localization in SoccerNet-v2 and Investigation of their Representations for Action Spotting
* Camera Pose Estimation Using First-Order Curve Differential Geometry
* Can Live Streaming Save the Tourism Industry from a Pandemic? A Study of Social Media
* Can self-training identify suspicious ugly duckling lesions?
* Can the Structure Similarity of Training Patches Affect the Sea Surface Temperature Deep Learning Super-Resolution?
* Candidate box fusion based approach to adjust position of the candidate box for object detection
* Canopy Volume Extraction of Citrus reticulate Blanco cv. Shatangju Trees Using UAV Image-Based Point Cloud Deep Learning
* Capabilities of an Automatic Lidar Ceilometer to Retrieve Aerosol Characteristics within the Planetary Boundary Layer
* CapsNet regularization and its conjugation with ResNet for signature identification
* Carbon Stocks, Species Diversity and Their Spatial Relationships in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
* Carrier Phase-Based Precise Heading and Pitch Estimation Using a Low-Cost GNSS Receiver
* CASSOD-Net: Cascaded and Separable Structures of Dilated Convolution for Embedded Vision Systems and Applications
* Casual Conversations: A dataset for measuring fairness in AI
* Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a New Network of Ground Measurements Dedicated to the Monitoring of Surface Properties?
* CCT: Conditional Co-Training for Truly Unsupervised Remote Sensing Image Segmentation in Coastal Areas
* CDADNet: Context-guided dense attentional dilated network for crowd counting
* CE-PeopleSeg: Real-time people segmentation with 10% CPU usage for video conference
* Cereal Yield Forecasting with Satellite Drought-Based Indices, Weather Data and Regional Climate Indices Using Machine Learning in Morocco
* Certainty driven consistency loss on multi-teacher networks for semi-supervised learning
* CFB-Then-ECB Mode-Based Image Encryption for an Efficient Correction of Noisy Encrypted Images
* ChaLearn LAP Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated Sign Language Recognition Challenge: Design, Results and Future Research
* Change Detection from SAR Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Guided by Saliency Enhancement
* Change Detection of Building Objects in High-Resolution Single-Sensor and Multi-Sensor Imagery Considering the Sun and Sensor's Elevation and Azimuth Angles
* Changes in Nutrient Concentrations in Shenzhen Bay Detected Using Landsat Imagery between 1988 and 2020
* Changes in Urban Mobility Related to the Public Bike System with Regard to Weather Conditions and Statutory Retail Restrictions
* Changing Pattern of Water Level Trends in Eurasian Endorheic Lakes as a Response to the Recent Climate Variability
* Channel Split Convolutional Neural Network (ChaSNet) for Thermal Image Super-Resolution
* Character Design Generation System Using Multiple Users' Gaze Information
* Characterization of Urban Heat Islands Using City Lights: Insights from MODIS and VIIRS DNB Observations
* Characterizing Small-Town Development Using Very High Resolution Imagery within Remote Rural Settings of Mozambique
* ChipQA: No-Reference Video Quality Prediction via Space-Time Chips
* City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones
* CL-Gym: Full-Featured PyTorch Library for Continual Learning
* Class-Balanced Text to Image Synthesis With Attentive Generative Adversarial Network
* Class-Incremental Experience Replay for Continual Learning under Concept Drift
* Class-Incremental Learning with Generative Classifiers
* Class-Wise Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Classification and Evaluation of Extended PICS (EPICS) on a Global Scale for Calibration and Stability Monitoring of Optical Satellite Sensors
* Classification of hand-wrist maturity level based on similarity matching
* Classification of Hyperspectral Image Based on Task-Specific Learning Network
* Classification of Plant Ecological Units in Heterogeneous Semi-Steppe Rangelands: Performance Assessment of Four Classification Algorithms
* Classification of Sea Ice Types in the Arctic by Radar Echoes from SARAL/AltiKa
* CLIP-Art: Contrastive Pre-training for Fine-Grained Art Classification
* Closed-Form Solution to Linear Feature-Based Registration of LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Closer Look at Self-training for Zero-Label Semantic Segmentation, A
* Cloud based scalable object recognition from video streams using orientation fusion and convolutional neural networks
* Cloud Detection Algorithm for Multi-Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery Based on a Spectral Library and 1D Convolutional Neural Network
* Cloud Detection Using an Ensemble of Pixel-Based Machine Learning Models Incorporating Unsupervised Classification
* Cloud Transform Algorithm Based Model for Hydrological Variable Frequency Analysis
* Cluster-driven Graph Federated Learning over Multiple Domains
* clustering-based differential evolution with parapatric and cross-generation selection, A
* Clutter Distributions for Tomographic Image Standardization in Ground-Penetrating Radar
* CNN model for real time hand pose estimation, A
* CNN-based morphological decomposition of X-ray images for details and defects contrast enhancement
* CNN-based off-angle iris segmentation and recognition
* CNN-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network With Pixel- and Superpixel-Level Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Co-Saliency Detection via a General Optimization Model and Adaptive Graph Learning
* Coarse registration of point clouds with low overlap rate on feature regions
* Coarse-to-Fine Strip Mosaicing Model for Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR Data, A
* CoCon: Cooperative-Contrastive Learning
* Coherence-Based Geosynchronous SAR Tomography Employing Formation Flying: System Design and Performance Analysis
* Collaborative Image and Object Level Features for Image Colourisation
* Color Me Good: Branding in the Coloring Style of Movie Posters
* Combined Block Adjustment for Optical Satellite Stereo Imagery Assisted by Spaceborne SAR and Laser Altimetry Data
* Combined GRACE and MT-InSAR to Assess the Relationship between Groundwater Storage Change and Land Subsidence in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
* Combining data-and-model-driven 3D modelling (CDMD3DM) for small indoor scenes using RGB-D data
* Combining FY-3D MWTS-2 with AMSU-A Data for Inter-Decadal Diurnal Correction and Climate Trends of Atmospheric Temperature
* Combining Magnification and Measurement for Non-Contact Cardiac Monitoring
* Combining Optical and Radar Satellite Imagery to Investigate the Surface Properties and Evolution of the Lordsburg Playa, New Mexico, USA
* Combining Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data for Improved Rice Plant Potassium Content Estimation
* Combining Remote-Sensing-Derived Data and Historical Maps for Long-Term Back-Casting of Urban Extents
* Combining Remotely Sensed Imagery with Survival Models for Outage Risk Estimation of the Power Grid
* Combining Residual and LSTM Recurrent Networks for Transportation Mode Detection Using Multimodal Sensors Integrated in Smartphones
* Combining Weight Pruning and Knowledge Distillation For CNN Compression
* Community-based k-shell decomposition for identifying influential spreaders
* Compact and Effective Representations for Sketch-based Image Retrieval
* Comparative Analysis of PM2.5 and O3 Source in Beijing Using a Chemical Transport Model
* Comparative Analysis of Variations and Patterns between Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity and Frequency across 305 Chinese Cities
* Comparative Analysis on the Estimation of Diurnal Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Dynamics for a Subtropical Evergreen Coniferous Forest
* Comparative Assessment of Machine-Learning Techniques for Forest Degradation Caused by Selective Logging in an Amazon Region Using Multitemporal X-Band SAR Images, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Algorithms for Leaf Area Index Estimation from Digital Hemispherical Photography through Virtual Forests
* comparative study between single and multi-frame anomaly detection and localization in recorded video streams, A
* Comparative Study of Frequency Ratio, Shannon's Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Models for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment, A
* Comparative Study on the Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling in GPS Precise Orbit Determination, A
* Comparing Interpretation of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery by Humans and Artificial Intelligence to Detect an Invasive Tree Species
* Comparing Representations in Tracking for Event Camera-based SLAM
* Comparing the Thermal Structures of Tropical Cyclones Derived From Suomi NPP ATMS and FY-3D Microwave Sounders
* Comparing Three Remotely Sensed Approaches for Simulating Gross Primary Productivity over Mountainous Watersheds: A Case Study in the Wanglang National Nature Reserve, China
* Comparison of ALS and Dense Photogrammetric Point Clouds for Individual Tree Detection in Radiata Pine Plantations, A
* Comparison of Machine-Learning and CASA Models for Predicting Apple Fruit Yields from Time-Series Planet Imageries
* Comparison of Multi-GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer Performance Using Overlap-Frequency Observations
* Comparison of Multi-Year Reanalysis, Models, and Satellite Remote Sensing Products for Agricultural Drought Monitoring over South Asian Countries
* Comparison of the Different Stages of Dust Events over Beijing in March 2021: The Effects of the Vertical Structure on Near-Surface Particle Concentration, A
* CompConv: A Compact Convolution Module for Efficient Feature Learning
* Completeness and Complementarity Analysis of the Data Sources in the NOAA In Situ Sea Surface Temperature Quality Monitor (iQuam) System, A
* CompNet: Competitive Neural Network for Palmprint Recognition Using Learnable Gabor Kernels
* Component-based metric learning for fully automatic kinship verification
* Compound Multiscale Weak Dense Network with Hybrid Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Near-Real-Time and Research Products of IMERG Precipitation over India for the Southwest Monsoon Period, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation of the ICESat-2 ATL08 Terrain Product
* Comprehensive Study of Geochemical Data Storage Performance Based on Different Management Methods, A
* comprehensive theoretical evaluation of the end-to-end performance of SoftCast-based linear video delivery schemes, A
* Compressive Sensing SAR Imaging Algorithm for LFMCW Systems
* Computationally Efficient Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on Quaternion Theory
* Computer Interface for Real-Time Gait Biofeedback Using a Wearable Integrated Sensor System for Data Acquisition
* Computer Vision-based Assistance System for the Visually Impaired Using Mobile Edge Artificial Intelligence
* Conditional dependence tests reveal the usage of ABCD rule features and bias variables in automatic skin lesion classification
* Conditional Generative Adversarial Network-Based Training Sample Set Improvement Model for the Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Conditional information gain networks as sparse mixture of experts
* Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for Rebalancing Iris Image Datasets
* Coniferous and Broad-Leaved Forest Distinguishing Using L-Band Polarimetric SAR Data
* Coniferous Plantations Growing Stock Volume Estimation Using Advanced Remote Sensing Algorithms and Various Fused Data
* Connecting Images through Sources: Exploring Low-Data, Heterogeneous Instance Retrieval
* Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval
* Considerations for Developing Predictive Spatial Models of Crime and New Methods for Measuring Their Accuracy
* Consistency and Stability of SNPP ATMS Microwave Observations and COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation over Oceans
* Consistent 3D Human Shape from Repeatable Action
* Consistent and diverse multi-View subspace clustering with structure constraint
* Consistent Multi-Mission Measures of Inland Water Algal Bloom Spatial Extent Using MERIS, MODIS and OLCI
* Constrained mutual convex cone method for image set based recognition
* Constructions of Optimal Binary Z-Complementary Sequence Sets With Large Zero Correlation Zone
* Content Filtering in Streaming Video Using Domain Adaptation
* Context-aware co-supervision for accurate object detection
* Contextual Information based Network with High-Frequency Feature Fusion for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Small-Scale Object Detection
* Continual learning in cross-modal retrieval
* Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste Landfill Settlement, China, Based on Multiplatform SAR Images
* Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial networks for dual camera system
* Continuous Monitoring of the Flooding Dynamics in the Albufera Wetland (Spain) by Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Datasets
* Contralaterally Enhanced Networks for Thoracic Disease Detection
* Contrastive Domain Adaptation
* Contrastive Learning for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval
* Contrastive Learning for Sports Video: Unsupervised Player Classification
* Contrastive Learning Improves Model Robustness Under Label Noise
* Control Protocol Design and Analysis for Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* Conversational Image Search
* Conversion of Natural Wetland to Farmland in the Tumen River Basin: Human and Environmental Factors
* Converting Optical Videos to Infrared Videos Using Attention GAN and Its Impact on Target Detection and Classification Performance
* Convex Nonparanormal Regression
* Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent Convolution and Hard Thresholding for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Convolutional neural network simplification with progressive retraining
* Convolutional Neural Network with a Learnable Spatial Activation Function for SAR Image Despeckling and Forest Image Analysis
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Robustness Against Communication Delay: An Approach in the Space Domain
* Copula-based conformal prediction for multi-target regression
* Correcting Sea Surface Temperature Spurious Effects in Salinity Retrieved From Spaceborne L-Band Radiometer Measurements
* Correcting the Eccentricity Error of Projected Spherical Objects in Perspective Cameras
* Correlation-based structural dropout for convolutional neural networks
* Cortically-inspired Architecture for Event-based Visual Motion Processing: From Design Principles to Real-world Applications, A
* Coupled adversarial variational autoencoder
* Coverage and Rainfall Response of Biological Soil Crusts Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data in a Central European Temperate Dry Acid Grassland
* Crack Segmentation for Low-Resolution Images using Joint Learning with Super- Resolution
* Crater Detection and Recognition Method for Pose Estimation
* Creating synthetic minority class samples based on autoencoder extreme learning machine
* Critical Points Extraction from Building Façades by Analyzing Gradient Structure Tensor
* Critically Compressed Quantized Convolution Neural Network based High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Fruit External Defects Detection
* Crop Classification of Satellite Imagery Using Synthetic Multitemporal and Multispectral Images in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Cross Modality Knowledge Distillation for Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification
* Cross-Burg Algorithm for Single-Input Two-Outputs Autoregressive Modeling
* Cross-Cultural and Cultural-Specific Production and Perception of Facial Expressions of Emotion in the Wild
* Cross-Dataset Point Cloud Recognition Using Deep-Shallow Domain Adaptation Network
* Cross-Domain Multi-task Learning for Object Detection and Saliency Estimation
* Cross-domain road detection based on global-local adversarial learning framework from very high resolution satellite imagery
* Cross-Domain Scene Classification Based on a Spatial Generalized Neural Architecture Search for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Cross-modal Speaker Verification and Recognition: A Multilingual Perspective
* CSANet for Video Semantic Segmentation With Inter-Frame Mutual Learning
* CSANet: High Speed Channel Spatial Attention Network for Mobile ISP
* CUA Loss: Class Uncertainty-Aware Gradient Modulation for Robust Object Detection
* Cut and paste curriculum learning with hard negative mining for point-of-sale systems
* CW Direct Detection Lidar with a Large Dynamic Range of Wind Speed Sensing in a Remote and Spatially Confined Volume
* Cyclic Defense GAN Against Speech Adversarial Attacks
* CyclingNet: Detecting cycling near misses from video streams in complex urban scenes with deep learning
* Cyclonic Process of the Voice of the Sea Microseism Generation and Its Remote Monitoring
* Cyclostationary Signals Analysis Methods Based on High-Dimensional Space Transformation Under Impulsive Noise
* D-LEMA: Deep Learning Ensembles from Multiple Annotations - Application to Skin Lesion Segmentation
* DAMSL: Domain Agnostic Meta Score-based Learning
* DANICE: Domain adaptation without forgetting in neural image compression
* DarkLight Networks for Action Recognition in the Dark
* Data Augmentation for Human Motion Prediction
* Data Freshness and Energy-Efficient UAV Navigation Optimization: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Data Processing and Analysis of Eight-Beam Wind Profile Coherent Wind Measurement Lidar
* Data Quality Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and GF-3 SAR for Wind Field Inversion
* Data-Driven Bandwidth Prediction Models and Automated Model Selection for Low Latency
* Data-Driven Interpolation of Sea Surface Suspended Concentrations Derived from Ocean Colour Remote Sensing Data
* Data-Driven Transform-Based Compressed Image Quality Assessment
* Data-Efficient Language-Supervised Zero-Shot Learning with Self-Distillation
* Daytime Cloud Detection Algorithm Based on a Multitemporal Dataset for GK-2A Imagery
* DCL-Net: Augmenting the Capability of Classification and Localization for Remote Sensing Object Detection
* DCR: A Unified Framework for Holistic/Partial Person ReID
* DCSN: Deep Compressed Sensing Network for Efficient Hyperspectral Data Transmission of Miniaturized Satellite
* DDAT: Dual domain adaptive translation for low-resolution face verification in the wild
* Dealing with Missing Modalities in the Visual Question Answer-Difference Prediction Task through Knowledge Distillation
* Decision-Level Fusion with a Pluginable Importance Factor Generator for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Decoupled appearance and motion learning for efficient anomaly detection in surveillance video
* Deep 3D human pose estimation: A review
* Deep adaptive feature embedding with local sample distributions for person re-identification
* Deep Adversarial Framework for Visually Explainable Periocular Recognition, A
* deep analysis on high-resolution dermoscopic image classification, A
* Deep anomaly detection with self-supervised learning and adversarial training
* Deep Autoencoders With Multitask Learning for Bilinear Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Modal Image Restoration and Fusion
* Deep Dense Multi-Scale Network for Snow Removal Using Semantic and Depth Priors
* Deep Framework for Eddy Detection and Tracking From Satellite Sea Surface Height Data, A
* Deep Fusion of Appearance and Frame Differencing for Motion Segmentation
* Deep Fusion uNet for Mapping Forests at Tree Species Levels with Multi-Temporal High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Deep Graphics Encoder for Real-Time Video Makeup Synthesis from Example
* Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition
* Deep Image Comparator: Learning to Visualize Editorial Change
* Deep Image Compression with Latent Optimization and Piece-wise Quantization Approximation
* Deep image compression with multi-stage representation
* Deep leaf: Mask R-CNN based leaf detection and segmentation from digitized herbarium specimen images
* Deep Learning Approach to an Enhanced Building Footprint and Road Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Deep Learning based Spatial-Temporal In-loop filtering for Versatile Video Coding
* Deep Learning for Chlorophyll-a Concentration Retrieval: A Case Study for the Pearl River Estuary
* Deep Learning for Image Super-Resolution: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Mineral and Biogenic Oil Slick Classification With Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Deep Learning for Multimedia Forensics
* Deep Learning for Polarimetric Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation during Landfalling Typhoons in South China
* Deep Learning Framework of Autonomous Pilot Agent for Air Traffic Controller Training, A
* Deep Learning Multimodal Method for Precipitation Estimation, A
* Deep Learning Seismic Random Noise Attenuation via Improved Residual Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep Learning-based Distortion Sensitivity Prediction for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Learning-Based Forgery Attack on Document Images
* Deep Learning-Based Framework for Automated Extraction of Building Footprint Polygons from Very High-Resolution Aerial Imagery, A
* Deep Learning-Based Method for Detection of External Air Conditioner Units from Street View Images
* Deep learning-based single image face depth data enhancement
* Deep Multiple Instance Hashing for Fast Multi-Object Image Search
* Deep Multitask Learning Framework Coupling Semantic Segmentation and Fully Convolutional LSTM Networks for Urban Change Detection, A
* Deep Multiview Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep neural networks ensemble to detect COVID-19 from CT scans
* Deep neural networks-based relevant latent representation learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Deep Relation Transformer for Diagnosing Glaucoma With Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Field Function
* Deep Residual Involution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep robust multilevel semantic hashing for multi-label cross-modal retrieval
* Deep Siamese Networks Based Change Detection with Remote Sensing Images
* Deep Spherical Manifold Gaussian Kernel for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Deep tree-ensembles for multi-output prediction
* Deep Unsupervised Binary Descriptor Learning Through Locality Consistency and Self Distinctiveness
* Deep Unsupervised Self-Evolutionary Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Variation Transformation Network for Foreground Detection
* DeepDarts: Modeling Keypoints as Objects for Automatic Scorekeeping in Darts using a Single Camera
* DeepDNet: Deep Dense Network for Depth Completion Task
* DeepFH segmentations for superpixel-based object proposal refinement
* DeepObjStyle: Deep Object-based Photo Style Transfer
* DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks
* Deformation Estimation Using Beidou GEO-Satellite-Based Reflectometry
* Delineating Functional Urban Areas Using a Multi-Step Analysis of Artificial Light-at-Night Data
* Delta Sampling R-BERT for limited data and low-light action recognition
* Delving deep into spatial pooling for squeeze-and-excitation networks
* Dense graph convolutional neural networks on 3D meshes for 3D object segmentation and classification
* Densely Connected Pyramidal Dilated Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Density-aware and background-aware network for crowd counting via multi-task learning
* Density-Peak-Based Clustering Method for Multiple Densities Dataset, A
* Deposits' Morphology of the 2018 Hokkaido Iburi-Tobu Earthquake Mass Movements from LiDAR & Aerial Photographs
* Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimation for UAVs by finding consensus between kinematics, optical flow and deep learning
* Depth-aware total variation regularization for underwater image dehazing
* Deriving Aerodynamic Roughness Length at Ultra-High Resolution in Agricultural Areas Using UAV-Borne LiDAR
* Design and Analysis of a Human-Machine Interaction System for Researching Human's Dynamic Emotion
* Design and Applications of Multi-Frequency Holographic Subsurface Radar: Review and Case Histories
* Design of Insect Target Tracking Algorithm in Clutter Based on the Multidimensional Feature Fusion Strategy
* Detail texture detection based on YOLOV4-tiny combined with attention mechanism and bicubic interpolation
* Detecting and Matching Related Objects with One Proposal Multiple Predictions
* Detecting Anomalies in Semantic Segmentation with Prototypes
* Detecting Deep-Fake Videos from Aural and Oral Dynamics
* Detecting Low-Rank Regions in Omnidirectional Images
* Detecting Moving Target on Ground Based on Its Shadow by Using VideoSAR
* Detecting Stable Keypoints from Events through Image Gradient Prediction
* Detecting the Responses of CO2 Column Abundances to Anthropogenic Emissions from Satellite Observations of GOSAT and OCO-2
* Detection and Mapping of Active Landslides before Impoundment in the Baihetan Reservoir Area (China) Based on the Time-Series InSAR Method
* Detection of Active Sinkholes by Airborne Differential LiDAR DEMs and InSAR Cloud Computing Tools, The
* Detection of Collapsed Bridges from Multi-Temporal SAR Intensity Images by Machine Learning Techniques
* Detection of Microplastics in Water and Ice
* Determining Dendrometry Using Drone Scouting, Convolutional Neural Networks and Point Clouds
* Determining Evapotranspiration by Using Combination Equation Models with Sentinel-2 Data and Comparison with Thermal-Based Energy Balance in a California Irrigated Vineyard
* Determining Temporal Uncertainty of a Global Inland Surface Water Time Series
* Developing bare-earth digital elevation models from structure-from-motion data on barrier islands
* Development and Evaluation of a New Method for AMSU-A Cloud Detection over Land
* Development and Testing of a UAV-Based Multi-Sensor System for Plant Phenotyping and Precision Agriculture
* Development and Validation of Machine-Learning Clear-Sky Detection Method Using 1-Min Irradiance Data and Sky Imagers at a Polluted Suburban Site, Xianghe
* Development Methodologies for Safety Critical Machine Learning Applications in the Automotive Domain: A Survey
* Development of a New Phenology Algorithm for Fine Mapping of Cropping Intensity in Complex Planting Areas Using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine
* Development of scale and illumination invariant feature detector with application to UAV attitude estimation
* DeVLBert: Out-of-distribution Visio-Linguistic Pretraining with Causality
* DFM: A Performance Baseline for Deep Feature Matching
* DGANet: A Dilated Graph Attention-Based Network for Local Feature Extraction on 3D Point Clouds
* DGFNet: Dual Gate Fusion Network for Land Cover Classification in Very High-Resolution Images
* Diagnosis/Prognosis of COVID-19 Chest Images via Machine Learning and Hypersignal Processing: Challenges, opportunities, and applications
* Diagnostics of Es Layer Scintillation Observations Using FS3/COSMIC Data: Dependence on Sampling Spatial Scale
* Difference Curvature Multidimensional Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Differentiable Event Stream Simulator for Non-Rigid 3D Tracking
* Differentiable Rendering-based Pose-Conditioned Human Image Generation
* Differential Morph Face Detection using Discriminative Wavelet Sub-bands
* Differentiation of River Sediments Fractions in UAV Aerial Images by Convolution Neural Network
* Diffuse Anthropization Impacts in Vulnerable Protected Areas: Comparative Analysis of the Spatial Correlation between Land Transformation and Ecological Deterioration of Three Wetlands in Spain
* Digital Elevation Models: Terminology and Definitions
* Direct Construction of Asymptotically Optimal Type-II ZCP for Every Possible Even Length, A
* Disaster Intensity-Based Selection of Training Samples for Remote Sensing Building Damage Classification
* Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Search
* Discretization-aware architecture search
* Discriminative Cross-Modality Attention Network for Temporal Inconsistent Audio-Visual Event Localization
* Disentangling Climatic Factors and Human Activities in Governing the Old and New Forest Productivity
* Disentangling LiDAR Contribution in Modelling Species-Habitat Structure Relationships in Terrestrial Ecosystems Worldwide. A Systematic Review and Future Directions
* Dissecting the High-Frequency Bias in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Distant Bird Detection for Safe Drone Flight and Its Dataset
* Distill on the Go: Online knowledge distillation in self-supervised learning
* Distributed Connectivity Maintenance in Swarm of Drones During Post-Disaster Transportation Applications
* Distributed Robust Fault Estimation Using Relative Measurements for Leader-Follower Multiagent Systems
* distribution independence based method for 3D face shape decomposition, A
* Diurnal Cycle Model of Lake Ice Surface Albedo: A Case Study of Wuliangsuhai Lake
* DLA-MatchNet for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* DLGAN: Depth-Preserving Latent Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Reconstruction
* Do All MobileNets Quantize Poorly? Gaining Insights into the Effect of Quantization on Depthwise Separable Convolutional Networks Through the Eyes of Multi-scale Distributional Dynamics
* Do Deepfakes Feel Emotions? A Semantic Approach to Detecting Deepfakes Via Emotional Inconsistencies
* DOA Estimation With Nonuniform Moving Sampling Scheme Based on a Moving Platform
* Documentation of Complex Environments Using 360° Cameras. The Santa Marta Belltower in Montanaro
* Dodging Attack Using Carefully Crafted Natural Makeup
* Domain Adaptation-Based Deep Learning for Automated Tumor Cell (TC) Scoring and Survival Analysis on PD-L1 Stained Tissue Images
* Domain Adaptive Ensemble Learning
* Domain Adaptive Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Domain Knowledge Powered Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Videos
* Dot Distance for Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Double constrained bag of words for human action recognition
* Doubly supervised parameter transfer classifier for diagnosis of breast cancer with imbalanced ultrasound imaging modalities
* downscaled bathymetric mapping approach combining multitemporal Landsat-8 and high spatial resolution imagery: Demonstrations from clear to turbid waters, A
* Dressing in Order: Recurrent Person Image Generation for Pose Transfer, Virtual Try-on and Outfit Editing
* Drone-Assisted Confined Space Inspection and Stockpile Volume Estimation
* Drought Monitoring over Yellow River Basin from 2003-2019 Using Reconstructed MODIS Land Surface Temperature in Google Earth Engine
* Dual Attention Feature Fusion and Adaptive Context for Accurate Segmentation of Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Dual Attention Multi-Instance Deep Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Structural MRI
* Dual Attention-in-Attention Model for Joint Rain Streak and Raindrop Removal
* Dual Camera System for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Video Acquisition, A
* Dual Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Dual Rank-Constrained Filter Pruning Approach for Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Dual-Modality Vehicle Anomaly Detection via Bilateral Trajectory Tracing
* Dual-Path Small Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Dual-Refinement: Joint Label and Feature Refinement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
* Dual-Satellite Alternate Switching Ranging/INS Integrated Navigation Algorithm for Broadband LEO Constellation Independent of Altimeter and Continuous Observation
* Dual-Task Semantic Change Detection for Remote Sensing Images Using the Generative Change Field Module
* Dual-Teacher Class-Incremental Learning With Data-Free Generative Replay
* DualPathGAN: Facial reenacted emotion synthesis
* DUN: Dual-path Temporal Matching Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Retrieval
* DV-LOAM: Direct Visual LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
* DVS-OUTLAB: A Neuromorphic Event-Based Long Time Monitoring Dataset for Real-World Outdoor Scenarios
* DW-GAN: A Discrete Wavelet Transform GAN for NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* Dynamic Adaptive Low Power Adjustment Scheme for Single-Frequency GNSS/MEMS-IMU/Odometer Integrated Navigation in the Complex Urban Environment
* Dynamic and reliable subtask tracker with general schatten p-norm regularization
* Dynamic Appearance Modelling from Minimal Cameras
* Dynamic Cooling Effects of Permanent Urban Green Spaces in Beijing, China
* Dynamic coordinated control strategy of autonomous vehicles during emergency braking under split friction conditions
* Dynamic Dual-Peak Network: A real-time human detection network in crowded scenes
* Dynamic information enhancement for video classification
* Dynamic of Vegetation Growth with Regular Climate and Climatic Fluctuations in a Subtropical Mountainous Island, Taiwan, The
* Dynamic Point Cloud Inpainting via Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning
* Dynamic sampling for deep metric learning
* Dynamic texture analysis for detecting fake faces in video sequences
* Dynamic-OFA: Runtime DNN Architecture Switching for Performance Scaling on Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms
* E2VTS: Energy-Efficient Video Text Spotting from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* EAAU-Net: Enhanced Asymmetric Attention U-Net for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Early Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease and Accurate Quantification of Its Severity Using Hyperspectral Images in Wheat
* Early Detection of User Engagement Breakdown in Spontaneous Human-Humanoid Interaction
* EarthNet2021: A large-scale dataset and challenge for Earth surface forecasting as a guided video prediction task
* Earthquake-Damaged Buildings Detection in Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Object Context and Boundary Enhanced Loss
* EBARec-BS: Effective Band Attention Reconstruction Network for Hyperspectral Imagery Band Selection
* EBSR: Feature Enhanced Burst Super-Resolution with Deformable Alignment
* EddyGraph: The Tracking of Mesoscale Eddy Splitting and Merging Events in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
* Edge computing enabled video segmentation for real-time traffic monitoring in internet of vehicles
* Edge feature enhancement approach using hilbert transform of Cauchy distribution and its applications
* Edge Guided Progressively Generative Image Outpainting
* Edge-Preserving Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks for SAR-to-Optical Image Translation
* Editing like Humans: A Contextual, Multimodal Framework for Automated Video Editing
* Editorial for the Special Issue Advanced Techniques for Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging
* Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Editorial to Special Issue Remote Sensing Data Compression
* EDPN: Enhanced Deep Pyramid Network for Blurry Image Restoration
* Effect of Atmospheric Corrections on NDVI: Intercomparability of Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and UAV Sensors
* Effect of Dust Deposition on Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation in Urban Plants from Reflectance and Vegetation Indexes
* Effective action recognition with embedded key point shifts
* Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
* Efficacy of Bayesian Neural Networks in Active Learning
* Efficiency and Fairness in Unmanned Air Traffic Flow Management
* Efficient 2.5D Shadow Detection Algorithm for Urban Planning and Design Using a Tensor Based Approach, An
* Efficient 3D Synthetic Model Generation Pipeline for Human Pose Data Augmentation, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Luminance Optimization in Chroma Downsampling, An
* Efficient and Flexible Aggregation and Distribution of MODIS Atmospheric Products Based on Climate Analytics as a Service Framework
* Efficient Approach for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos, An
* Efficient CNN Architecture for Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification
* Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration: A Deep Adversarial Framework
* Efficient DLT-Based Method for Solving PnP, PnPf, and PnPfr Problems
* Efficient Graph-Based Algorithm for Time-Varying Narrowband Interference Suppression on SAR System, An
* Efficient Method for Estimating Wheat Heading Dates Using UAV Images, An
* Efficient Multipath Clutter Cancellation for UAV Monitoring Using DAB Satellite-Based PBR
* Efficient Neural Image Decoding via Fixed-Point Inference
* Efficient Pre-trained Features and Recurrent Pseudo-Labeling in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Efficient Projected Frame Padding for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Efficient Selective Context Network for Accurate Object Detection
* Efficient Space-time Video Super Resolution using Low-Resolution Flow and Mask Upsampling
* Efficient transfer learning for multi-channel convolutional neural networks
* Efficient Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Efficient Two-stream Action Recognition on FPGA
* Efficient Video Desnowing and Deraining Method with a Novel Variant Dataset, An
* Efficient, Platform-Independent Map Rendering Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality, An
* EFI-Net: Video Frame Interpolation from Fusion of Events and Frames
* EGB: Image Quality Assessment based on Ensemble of Gradient Boosting
* EGGAN: Learning Latent Space for Fine-Grained Expression Manipulation
* Electromechanical Wave Imaging With Machine Learning for Automated Isochrone Generation
* Elevation and Distribution of Freshwater and Sewage Canals Regulate Canopy Structure and Differentiate Hurricane Damages to a Basin Mangrove Forest
* Elongated Small Object Detection from Remote Sensing Images Using Hierarchical Scale-Sensitive Networks
* Emerging Sensor Platforms Allow for Seagrass Extent Mapping in a Turbid Estuary and from the Meadow to Ecosystem Scale
* EmoBed: Strengthening Monomodal Emotion Recognition via Training with Crossmodal Emotion Embeddings
* Emotion Attention-Aware Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Emotion Correlation Mining Through Deep Learning Models on Natural Language Text
* Emotion Recognition From Multimodal Physiological Signals Using a Regularized Deep Fusion of Kernel Machine
* Empirical Models for Spatio-Temporal Live Fuel Moisture Content Estimation in Mixed Mediterranean Vegetation Areas Using Sentinel-2 Indices and Meteorological Data
* Empirical Study of Adversarial Examples on Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, An
* Empirical Study of Vehicle Re-Identification on the AI City Challenge, An
* Encoding Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification in the Satellite Internet of Things System
* Encoding-free Incrementing Hough Transform for High Frame Rate and Ultra-low Delay Straight-line Detection
* End-to-End Interactive Prediction and Planning with Optical Flow Distillation for Autonomous Driving
* End-to-End Learned Image Compression with Augmented Normalizing Flows
* End-to-End Learning Framework for Video Compression, An
* End-to-end optimized image compression with competition of prior distributions
* Endmember Bundle Extraction Based on Multiobjective Optimization
* Energy-Constrained Delivery of Goods With Drones Under Varying Wind Conditions
* ENF Detection in Audio Recordings via Multi-Harmonic Combining
* Engineering Sketch Generation for Computer-Aided Design
* Enhanced anomaly scores for isolation forests
* Enhanced Double-Filter Deep Residual Neural Network for Generating Super Resolution DEMs, An
* Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network With Deep Semantic Embedding for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Enhancing the Performance of Image Classification Through Features Automatically Learned from Depth-Maps
* Entropy-Weighting Method for Efficient Power-Line Feature Evaluation and Extraction from LiDAR Point Clouds, An
* EQFace: A Simple Explicit Quality Network for Face Recognition
* Error Characteristics and Scale Dependence of Current Satellite Precipitation Estimates Products in Hydrological Modeling
* ERTFM: An Effective Model to Fuse Chinese GF-1 and MODIS Reflectance Data for Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux Estimation
* Essentials for Class Incremental Learning
* Estimating (and fixing) the Effect of Face Obfuscation in Video Recognition
* Estimating Contribution of Training Datasets using Shapley Values in Data-scale for Visual Recognition
* Estimating Control Points for B-Spline Surfaces Using Fully Populated Synthetic Variance-Covariance Matrices for TLS Point Clouds
* Estimating Corn Canopy Water Content From Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI): An Optimized NDWI-Based Scheme and Its Feasibility for Retrieving Corn VWC
* Estimating Evapotranspiration of Mediterranean Oak Savanna at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Resolutions. Implications for Water Resources Management
* Estimating fund-raising performance for start-up projects from a market graph perspective
* Estimating Polynomial Coefficients to Correct Improperly White-Balanced sRGB Images
* Estimating Rainfall with Multi-Resource Data over East Asia Based on Machine Learning
* Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Frequency Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Based on IGS Ultra-Rapid Predicted Orbits
* Estimating the Gross Primary Production and Evapotranspiration of Rice Paddy Fields in the Sub-Tropical Region of China Using a Remotely-Sensed Based Water-Carbon Coupled Model
* Estimating Traffic Flow in Large Road Networks Based on Multi-Source Traffic Data
* Estimation and Analysis of the Nighttime PM2.5 Concentration Based on LJ1-01 Images: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration of China
* Estimation and Analysis of the Observable-Specific Code Biases Estimated Using Multi-GNSS Observations and Global Ionospheric Maps
* estimation framework to quantify railway disruption parameters, An
* Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Its Components across China Based on a Modified Priestley-Taylor Algorithm Using Monthly Multi-Layer Soil Moisture Data
* Estimation of Inter-System Biases between BDS-3/GPS/Galileo and Its Application in RTK Positioning
* Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Contents in Croplands of Bavaria from SCMaP Soil Reflectance Composites
* Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes at Small Basin Scales Based on Multi-Source Data
* EVA-GCN: Head Pose Estimation Based on Graph Convolutional Networks
* Evaluating Deep Neural Networks Trained on Clinical Images in Dermatology with the Fitzpatrick 17k Dataset
* Evaluating Stereo Digital Terrain Model Quality at Mars Rover Landing Sites with HRSC, CTX, and HiRISE Images
* Evaluating the Applicability of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing in Estimating Water Potential of the Karst Aquifer: A Case Study in North Adriatic, Croatia
* Evaluating the Immediate Applicability of Pose Estimation for Sign Language Recognition
* Evaluating the Impact of Grazing Cessation and Reintroduction in Mixed Prairie Using Raster Time Series Analysis of Landsat Data
* Evaluating the Impact of Wide-Angle Lens Distortion on Learning-based Depth Estimation
* Evaluating the Potential of GloFAS-ERA5 River Discharge Reanalysis Data for Calibrating the SWAT Model in the Grande San Miguel River Basin (El Salvador)
* Evaluating the Spectral Response and Yield of Soybean Following Exposure to Sublethal Rates of 2,4-D and Dicamba at Vegetative and Reproductive Growth Stages
* Evaluation of a Method for Calculating the Height of the Stable Boundary Layer Based on Wind Profile Lidar and Turbulent Fluxes
* Evaluation of a Statistical Approach for Extracting Shallow Water Bathymetry Signals from ICESat-2 ATL03 Photon Data
* Evaluation of AIRS and CrIS SST Measurements Relative to Three Globally Gridded SST Products Between 2013 and 2019
* Evaluation of Deep Learning Segmentation Models for Detection of Pine Wilt Disease in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images
* Evaluation of GRACE/GRACE Follow-On Time-Variable Gravity Field Models for Earthquake Detection above Mw8.0s in Spectral Domain
* Evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface Data Using an Ensemble Modeling Approach to Assess PM2.5 Temporal and Spatial Distributions
* Evaluation of Point Hyperspectral Reflectance and Multivariate Regression Models for Grapevine Water Status Estimation
* Evaluation of Polycentric Spatial Structure in the Urban Agglomeration of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Based on Multi-Source Big Data Fusion
* Evaluation of Soil Properties, Topographic Metrics, Plant Height, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Imagery Using Machine Learning Methods to Estimate Canopy Nitrogen Weight in Corn
* Evaluation of SWIR Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission
* Evaluation of the Radiometric Calibration of FY4A-AGRI Thermal Infrared Data Using Lake Qinghai
* Evapotranspiration Estimation with the S-SEBI Method from Landsat 8 Data against Lysimeter Measurements at the Barrax Site, Spain
* Event-based spacecraft landing using time-to-contact
* Evolution of ICTs-empowered-identification: A general re-ranking method for person re-identification
* EVSRNet: Efficient Video Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture Search
* Expandable Spherical Projection and Feature Fusion Methods for Object Detection from Fisheye Images
* Expectation-Maximization Attention Cross Residual Network for Single Image Super-resolution
* Experimental OMPS Radiance Assimilation through One-Dimensional Variational Analysis for Total Column Ozone in the Atmosphere
* Explainable boosted linear regression for time series forecasting
* Explainable Deep Classification Models for Domain Generalization
* Explainable deep learning for efficient and robust pattern recognition: A survey of recent developments
* Explainable Noisy Label Flipping for Multi-Label Fashion Image Classification
* Explanatory Rule Generation for Advanced Driver Assistant Systems
* Exploiting High Geopositioning Accuracy of SAR Data to Obtain Accurate Geometric Orientation of Optical Satellite Images
* Exploiting Multi-CNN Features in CNN-RNN Based Dimensional Emotion Recognition on the OMG in-the-Wild Dataset
* Exploiting Structured CNNs for Semantic Segmentation of Unstructured Point Clouds from LiDAR Sensor
* Exploring Patch Similarity in an Image
* Exploring Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 diversity for flood inundation mapping using deep learning
* Exploring Spatial Distribution of Urban Park Service Areas in Shanghai Based on Travel Time Estimation: A Method Combining Multi-Source Data
* Exploring the Factors of Intercity Ridesplitting Based on Observed and GIS Data: A Case Study in China
* Exploring the Limits of Zero-Shot Learning: How Low Can You Go?
* Exploring the Relationship Between 2D/3D Convolution for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Exploring the Representativity of Art Paintings
* Exploring the Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Coastline Changes Using Place Name Information on Hainan Island, China
* Expression Transfer Using Flow-based Generative Models
* Expression-Aware Face Reconstruction via a Dual-Stream Network
* Extended evaluation of the effect of real and simulated masks on face recognition performance
* Extended Two Step Approach to High-Resolution Airborne and Spaceborne SAR Full-Aperture Processing, An
* Extraction and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Impervious Surfaces over Dongying Based on Landsat Data
* Extraction of Areas of Rice False Smut Infection Using UAV Hyperspectral Data
* Extracurricular Learning: Knowledge Transfer Beyond Empirical Distribution
* Extreme Solar Events' Impact on GPS Positioning Results
* Extremely Lightweight Quantization Robust Real-Time Single-Image Super Resolution for Mobile Devices
* Face hallucination based on cluster consistent dictionary learning
* Face Parsing from RGB and Depth Using Cross-Domain Mutual Learning
* Facial landmark detection transfer learning for a specific user in driver status monitoring systems
* Facial masks and soft-biometrics: Leveraging face recognition CNNs for age and gender prediction on mobile ocular images
* Facial micro-expression recognition based on accordion spatio-temporal representation and random forests
* Failure of affine-based reconstruction attack in regenerating vascular feature points
* Fashion-Guided Adversarial Attack on Person Segmentation
* Fast and Accurate Camera Scene Detection on Smartphones
* Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartphones, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast and Accurate Single-Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast Ground Segmentation for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Jump-Convolution-Process
* Fast pixel-matching for video object segmentation
* Fast Road Detection by CNN-Based Camera-Lidar Fusion and Spherical Coordinate Transformation
* Fast Solvers for Minimal Radial Distortion Relative Pose Problems
* Fast Unmediated Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Fast Vehicle Turning-Movement Counting using Localization-based Tracking
* Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Smooth-Thresholding Based Binary Layers in Deep Neural Networks
* FastAER Det: Fast Aerial Embedded Real-Time Detection
* FBNet: FeedBack-Recursive CNN for Saliency Detection
* FD-SSD: An improved SSD object detection algorithm based on feature fusion and dilated convolution
* Feature Detection Based on Significancy of Local Features for Image Matching
* Feature Discretization Method for Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images in Coastal Areas, A
* Feature Learning for SAR Target Recognition with Unknown Classes by Using CVAE-GAN
* Feature Merged Network for Oil Spill Detection Using SAR Images
* Feature Refinement and Filter Network for Person Re-Identification
* Feature Selection and Mislabeled Waveform Correction for Water-Land Discrimination Using Airborne Infrared Laser
* Feedback control of event cameras
* FEF-Net: A Deep Learning Approach to Multiview SAR Image Target Recognition
* Few-shot action recognition with implicit temporal alignment and pair similarity optimization
* Fidelity Estimation Improves Noisy-Image Classification With Pretrained Networks
* Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation Bio-Geophysical Variables: An End-to-End Uncertainty Evaluation Framework
* Field Observations of Breaking of Dominant Surface Waves
* Filter Distribution Templates in Convolutional Networks for Image Classification Tasks
* Filtering Empty Camera Trap Images in Embedded Systems
* Financial time series forecasting with multi-modality graph neural network
* Finding Facial Forgery Artifacts with Parts-Based Detectors
* Fine Granularity Access in Interactive Compression of 360-Degree Images Based on Rate-adaptive Channel Codes
* Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on Neural Architecture Search
* Fine-Grained Large-Scale Vulnerable Communities Mapping via Satellite Imagery and Population Census Using Deep Learning
* Fine-Grained Visual Attribute Extraction from Fashion Wear
* Fine-Scale Sea Ice Segmentation for High-Resolution Satellite Imagery with Weakly-Supervised CNNs
* Fingerprint Identification With Shallow Multifeature View Classifier
* First Estimation of Global Trends in Nocturnal Power Emissions Reveals Acceleration of Light Pollution
* First Impressions Count! The Role of the Human's Emotional State on Rapport Established with an Empathic versus Neutral Virtual Therapist
* FLATSIM: The ForM@Ter LArge-Scale Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 InterferoMetry Service
* FM-based: Algorithm research on rural tourism recommendation combining seasonal and distribution features
* FoCL: Feature-oriented continual learning for generative models
* Fog Measurements with IR Whole Sky Imager and Doppler Lidar, Combined with In Situ Instruments
* Fog Season Risk Assessment for Maritime Transportation Systems Exploiting Himawari-8 Data: A Case Study in Bohai Sea, China
* Forensic Analysis of Video Files Using Metadata
* Forest Conservation with Deep Learning: A Deeper Understanding of Human Geography around the Betampona Nature Reserve, Madagascar
* Forest Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) through the Eye of Optical Remote Sensing: A Review and Future Outlook
* Forest Monitoring System for Tanzania, A
* Formalizing and Guaranteeing Human-Robot Interaction
* Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Geoprocessing: A SHACL-Based Method
* Frame-Wise Detection of Double HEVC Compression by Learning Deep Spatio-Temporal Representations in Compression Domain
* Framework for Actual Evapotranspiration Assessment and Projection Based on Meteorological, Vegetation and Hydrological Remote Sensing Products, A
* Freeway Travel Time Information From Input- Output Vehicle Counts: A Drift Correction Method Based on AVI Data
* FReTAL: Generalizing Deepfake Detection using Knowledge Distillation and Representation Learning
* From Evaluation to Verification: Towards Task-oriented Relevance Metrics for Pedestrian Detection in Safety-critical Domains
* From Rocks to Walls: a Model-free Reinforcement Learning Approach to Dry Stacking with Irregular Rocks
* From Semantic to Spatial Awareness: Vehicle Reidentification With Multiple Attention Mechanisms
* FTIR Measurements of Greenhouse Gases over Thessaloniki, Greece in the Framework of COCCON and Comparison with S5P/TROPOMI Observations
* FuelNet: An Artificial Neural Network for Learning and Updating Fuel Types for Fire Research
* Full Lifecycle Monitoring on Drought-Converted Catastrophic Flood Using Sentinel-1 SAR: A Case Study of Poyang Lake Region during Summer 2020
* Fully automated glioma tumour segmentation using anatomical symmetry plane detection in multimodal brain MRI
* Functional Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Adaptive Rational Function Approximation
* Fuse-PN: A Novel Architecture for Anomaly Pattern Segmentation in Aerial Agricultural Images
* Fusing Measurements from Wi-Fi Emission-Based and Passive Radar Sensors for Short-Range Surveillance
* Fusion of Dual Spatial Information for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* fuzzy spectral clustering algorithm for hyperspectral image classification, A
* Gait recognition based on sparse linear subspace
* GAMI-Net: An explainable neural network based on generalized additive models with structured interactions
* GAN-Based Data Augmentation and Anonymization for Skin-Lesion Analysis: A Critical Review
* Gap-Filling of 8-Day Terra MODIS Daytime Land Surface Temperature in High-Latitude Cold Region with Generalized Additive Models (GAM)
* Gated Autoencoder Network for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Gaussian Model for 3D Mesh Steganography
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Structural Response Model and Its Application to Regional Damage Assessment
* GC-Net: Gridding and Clustering for Traffic Object Detection With Roadside LiDAR
* Generalizable Multi-Camera 3D Pedestrian Detection
* Generalized Dechirp-Keystone Transform for Radar High-Speed Maneuvering Target Detection and Localization
* Generalized error path algorithm
* Generalized MSFA Engineering With Structural and Adaptive Nonlocal Demosaicing
* Generalized multiple sparse information fusion for vehicle re-identification
* Generalized pyramid co-attention with learnable aggregation net for video question answering
* Generalized Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Images of Geological Targets in the Near Infrared
* Generating Up-to-Date Crop Maps Optimized for Sentinel-2 Imagery in Israel
* Generative image inpainting with salient prior and relative total variation
* Generative Zero-shot Network Quantization
* Generic Image Restoration with Flow Based Priors
* Geodetic Mass Balance of the South Shetland Islands Ice Caps, Antarctica, from Differencing TanDEM-X DEMs
* Geodetic Model of the March 2021 Thessaly Seismic Sequence Inferred from Seismological and InSAR Data
* Geofence Definition and Deconfliction for UAS Traffic Management
* Geologic Mapping and Age Determinations of Tsiolkovskiy Crater
* Geomagnetic Activity at Lampedusa Island: Characterization and Comparison with the Other Italian Observatories, Also in Response to Space Weather Events
* Geometric empirical Bayesian model for classification of functional data under diverse sampling regimes
* Geometric Evolution of the Chongce Glacier during 1970-2020, Detected by Multi-Source Satellite Observations
* Geometric Layout Method for Synchronous Pseudolite Positioning Systems Based on a New Weighted HDOP, A
* Geometric Partitioning Mode in Versatile Video Coding: Algorithm Review and Analysis
* Geometry Auxiliary Salient Object Detection for Light Fields via Graph Neural Networks
* Geospatial Analysis and Mapping Strategies for Fine-Grained and Detailed COVID-19 Data with GIS
* Geospatial Analysis of the Non-Surveyed (Estimated) Coastlines in Inoh's Map, 1821
* Geospatial Data Disaggregation through Self-Trained Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Models
* Geospatial Data Utilisation in National Disaster Management Frameworks and the Priorities of Multilateral Disaster Management Frameworks: Case Studies of India and Bulgaria
* GGAC: Multi-relational image gated GCN with attention convolutional binary neural tree for identifying disease with chest X-rays
* GIFMarking: The robust watermarking for animated GIF based deep learning
* GILDA++: Grassmann Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis
* GIS Models for Vulnerability of Coastal Erosion Assessment in a Tropical Protected Area
* GIS-Based Forest Fire Risk Model: A Case Study in Laoshan National Forest Park, Nanjing
* GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Circum-Baikal Railway in Russia Using UAV Data
* GIS-Based Spatial and Multi-Criteria Assessment of Riverine Flood Potential: A Case Study of the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia
* Glassboxing Deep Learning to Enhance Aircraft Detection from SAR Imagery
* Glaucoma Precognition Based on Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Images of the Optic Disc Using Convolutional Neural Network
* GLMNet: Graph learning-matching convolutional networks for feature matching
* Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Detected by Fusion of Microwave and Optical Satellite Observations
* Global clear sky near-surface imagery from multiple satellite daily imagery time series
* Global Manifold Learning for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Global Rangeland Primary Production and Its Consumption by Livestock in 2000-2010
* GMNet: Graded-Feature Multilabel-Learning Network for RGB-Thermal Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation
* GNSS and RPAS Integration Techniques for Studying Landslide Dynamics: Application to the Areas of Victoria and Colinas Lojanas, (Loja, Ecuador)
* GOO: A Dataset for Gaze Object Prediction in Retail Environments
* GPRInvNet: Deep Learning-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Inversion for Tunnel Linings
* Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Apple Orchards in UAV Remote Sensing
* Gradient-Based Intraprediction Fusion for Video Coding
* Graph convolutional autoencoders with co-learning of graph structure and node attributes
* Graph Regularized Encoder-Decoder Networks for Image Representation Learning
* Graph representation learning for road type classification
* Graph variational auto-encoder for deriving EEG-based graph embedding
* Graph-based Person Signature for Person Re-Identifications
* GraphRegNet: Deep Graph Regularisation Networks on Sparse Keypoints for Dense Registration of 3D Lung CTs
* Greening of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Response to Climate Variations along Elevation Gradients
* GridTrack: Detection and Tracking of Multiple Objects in Dynamic Occupancy Grids
* Grounded, Controllable and Debiased Image Completion with Lexical Semantics
* Grounding-Tracking-Integration
* Group Activity Recognition Using Joint Learning of Individual Action Recognition and People Grouping
* Group Leakage Overestimates Performance: A Case Study in Keystroke Dynamics
* Group Re-Identification With Group Context Graph Neural Networks
* Guaranteed Robust Tensor Completion via *L-SVD with Applications to Remote Sensing Data
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* Guest Editorial: BIOSIG 2020 special issue on trustworthiness of person authentication
* Guidance Network with Staged Learning for Image enhancement
* Handling Outliers by Robust M-Estimation in Blind Image Deblurring
* Handwritten Text Generation via Disentangled Representations
* Hardness-Aware Dictionary Learning: Boosting Dictionary for Recognition
* Hardware- and Memory-Efficient Architecture for Disparity Estimation of Large Label Counts
* HDRUNet: Single Image HDR Reconstruction with Denoising and Dequantization
* Head pose estimation using deep neural networks and 3D point clouds
* Heterogeneous Clutter Suppression for Airborne Radar STAP Based on Matrix Manifolds
* Hierarchical Edge Refinement Network for Saliency Detection
* Hierarchical Generation of Human Pose With Part-Based Layer Representation
* hierarchical model for learning to understand head gesture videos, A
* Hierarchical Object Relationship Constrained Monocular Depth Estimation.
* Hierarchical Spatial Pyramid Network For Cervical Precancerous Segmentation By Reconstructing Deep Segmentation Networks
* High energy flash X-ray image restoration using region extrema and kernel optimization
* High Latitude Model for the E Layer Dominated Ionosphere, A
* High Resolution Apparent Thermal Inertia Mapping on Mars
* High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Estimation of Ground-Based Global Navigation Satellite System Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) Soil Moisture Using the Genetic Algorithm Back Propagation (GA-BP) Neural Network
* High Speed Maneuvering Platform Squint TOPS SAR Imaging Based on Local Polar Coordinate and Angular Division
* High Wind Speed Inversion Model of CYGNSS Sea Surface Data Based on Machine Learning
* High-level prior-based loss functions for medical image segmentation: A survey
* High-Order Triplet CRF-PCANet for Unsupervised Segmentation of Nonstationary SAR Image
* high-quality frame rate up-conversion technique for Super SloMo, A
* High-Resolution ISAR Imaging Under Low SNR With Sparse Stepped-Frequency Chirp Signals
* High-Resolution Mining-Induced Geo-Hazard Mapping Using Random Forest: A Case Study of Liaojiaping Orefield, Central China
* High-Resolution Ocean Currents from Sea Surface Temperature Observations: The Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranean)
* High-Resolution Terrain Modeling Using Airborne LiDAR Data with Transfer Learning
* High-Speed Rail Suspension System Health Monitoring Using Multi-Location Vibration Data
* HINet: Half Instance Normalization Network for Image Restoration
* HMA-Depth: A New Monocular Depth Estimation Model Using Hierarchical Multi-Scale Attention
* Horizon Picking from SBP Images Using Physicals-Combined Deep Learning
* How Did Built Environment Affect Urban Vitality in Urban Waterfronts? A Case Study in Nanjing Reach of Yangtze River
* How Do Two- and Three-Dimensional Urban Structures Impact Seasonal Land Surface Temperatures at Various Spatial Scales? A Case Study for the Northern Part of Brooklyn, New York, USA
* How the Small Object Detection via Machine Learning and UAS-Based Remote-Sensing Imagery Can Support the Achievement of SDG2: A Case Study of Vole Burrows
* How to Build a 2D and 3D Aerial Multispectral Map?: All Steps Deeply Explained
* How to Calibrate Your Event Camera
* How to Evaluate Proving Grounds for Self-Driving? A Quantitative Approach
* How to Measure the Urban Park Cooling Island? A Perspective of Absolute and Relative Indicators Using Remote Sensing and Buffer Analysis
* HSiPu2: A New Human Physical Fitness Action Dataset for Recognition and 3D Reconstruction Evaluation
* Human Detection of Machine-Manipulated Media
* Human motion reconstruction using deep transformer networks
* Human trajectory prediction and generation using LSTM models and GANs
* Human-Object Interaction Detection with Missing Objects
* Hybrid Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for On-Street Parking Availability Prediction
* Hybrid-Attention Enhanced Two-Stream Fusion Network for Video Venue Prediction
* Hyperspectral and Lidar Data Applied to the Urban Land Cover Machine Learning and Neural-Network-Based Classification: A Review
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion by Deep Neural Network in a Self-Supervised Manner
* Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction Based on Inter-Band Redundancy Analysis and Greedy Spectral Selection
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Sparse Superpixel Graph
* Hyperspectral Image Fusion and Multitemporal Image Fusion by Joint Sparsity
* Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning for the Detection of Fusiform Rust Disease Incidence in Loblolly Pine Seedlings
* Hyperspectral Restoration and Fusion With Multispectral Imagery via Low-Rank Tensor-Approximation
* I Find Your Lack of Uncertainty in Computer Vision Disturbing
* I Only Have Eyes for You: The Impact of Masks On Convolutional-Based Facial Expression Recognition
* I-Keyboard: Fully Imaginary Keyboard on Touch Devices Empowered by Deep Neural Decoder
* IB-DRR: Incremental Learning with Information-Back Discrete Representation Replay
* Identification of mining induced ground fissures using UAV and infrared thermal imager: Temperature variation and fissure evolution
* Identification of NO2 and SO2 Pollution Hotspots and Sources in Jiangsu Province of China
* Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Mediterranean Forests Integrating Landsat Time Series and a Single Coverage of ALS Data
* Identification of source social network of digital images using deep neural network
* Identifying and Classifying Shrinking Cities Using Long-Term Continuous Night-Time Light Time Series
* Identifying Dynamic Changes in Water Surface Using Sentinel-1 Data Based on Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning Techniques
* Identifying Geomorphological Changes of Coastal Cliffs through Point Cloud Registration from UAV Images
* Identifying Individual Nutrient Deficiencies of Grapevine Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Identifying Metocean Drivers of Turbidity Using 18 Years of MODIS Satellite Data: Implications for Marine Ecosystems under Climate Change
* Identifying Potential Landslides by Stacking-InSAR in Southwestern China and Its Performance Comparison with SBAS-InSAR
* Identifying Streetscape Features Using VHR Imagery and Deep Learning Applications
* IFRAD: A Fast Feature Descriptor for Remote Sensing Images
* ILCOC: An Incremental Learning Framework based on Contrastive One-class Classifiers
* Illumination Planning for Measuring Per-Pixel Surface Roughness
* Illumination-based adaptive saliency detection network through fusion of multi-source features
* Illumination-invariant road detection and tracking using LWIR polarization characteristics
* Im2Vec: Synthesizing Vector Graphics without Vector Supervision
* Image compression optimized for 3D reconstruction by utilizing deep neural networks
* Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Network and Generalized Divisive Normalization
* Image Denoising Based on Fractional Gradient Vector Flow and Overlapping Group Sparsity as Priors
* Image Information Assistance Neural Network for VideoPose3D-based Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* Image Reconstruction from Neuromorphic Event Cameras using Laplacian-Prediction and Poisson Integration with Spiking and Artificial Neural Networks
* Image Registration Method Using Deep Residual Network Features for Multisource High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, An
* Image resolution and contrast enhancement with optimal brightness compensation using wavelet transforms and particle swarm optimization
* Imaging Enhancement via CNN in MIMO Virtual Array-Based Radar
* Imbalance Problems in Object Detection: A Review
* Impact of Aerosol and Cloud on the Solar Energy Potential over the Central Gangetic Himalayan Region
* Impact of Beam Diameter and Scanning Approach on Point Cloud Quality of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forests
* Impact of Human-Centered Vestibular System Model for Motion Control in a Driving Simulator
* Impact of Large-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions on Interannual Water Storage Changes in the Tropics and Subtropics
* Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation on Forecasts of a Leeward Slope Precipitation Event in the Western Margin of the Junggar Basin
* Impact of Modeling Abstractions When Estimating Leaf Mass per Area and Equivalent Water Thickness over Sparse Forests Using a Hybrid Method
* Impact of Ocean Domain Definition on Sea Level Budget
* Impact of Pilot's Expertise on Selection, Use, Trust, and Acceptance of Automation
* Impact of Port Construction on the Spatial Pattern of Land Use in Coastal Zones Based on CLDI and LUT Models: A Case Study of Qingdao and Yantai
* Impact of Seasonality and Response Period on Qualifying the Relationship between Ecosystem Productivity and Climatic Factors over the Eurasian Steppe, The
* Impacts of Farmland Loss on Regional Food Self-Sufficiency in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration over Last Two Decades, The
* Impacts of Saline-Alkali Land Improvement on Regional Climate: Process, Mechanisms, and Implications
* Implication between Geophysical Events and the Variation of Seasonal Signal Determined in GNSS Position Time Series
* Importance of Subsurface Processes in Land Surface Modeling over a Temperate Region: An Analysis with SMAP, Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing and Triple Collocation Analysis, The
* Improve adaptive cruise control under driver distraction: Time headway compensation based on a random-effect crash risk model
* Improve the Estimation of Monocular Vision 6-DOF Pose Based on the Fusion of Camera and Laser Rangefinder
* Improved A* Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for the Plant Protection UAV with Millimeter Wave Radar and Monocular Camera Data Fusion, The
* Improved Attention for Visual Question Answering, An
* Improved Cloud Gap-Filling Method for Longwave Infrared Land Surface Temperatures through Introducing Passive Microwave Techniques, An
* Improved Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Method Using Clustering Algorithm and Dynamic Compensation
* Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessment of Potential Geohazards Based on MT-InSAR Measurements, An
* Improved Method of Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multi-Frequency SNR Data, An
* Improved Noise2Noise Denoising with Limited Data
* Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River Basin with Coupled WRF and WRF-Hydro: Effects of Radar Data Assimilation
* Improved Version of the Generalized Laplacian Pyramid Algorithm for Pansharpening, An
* Improvement of Workflow for Topographic Surveys in Long Highwalls of Open Pit Mines with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Structure from Motion
* Improvements of ADAM3 by Incorporating New Dust Emission Reduction Formulations Based on Real-Time MODIS NDVI
* Improving Accuracy of Herbage Yield Predictions in Perennial Ryegrass with UAV-Based Structural and Spectral Data Fusion and Machine Learning
* Improving Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation by Restoring High Resolution Features with Transformers and Recursive Convolutional Models
* Improving ASCAT Soil Moisture Retrievals With an Enhanced Spatially Variable Vegetation Parameterization
* Improving Astronomy Image Quality Through Real-time Wavefront Estimation
* Improving Biomass and Grain Yield Prediction of Wheat Genotypes on Sodic Soil Using Integrated High-Resolution Multispectral, Hyperspectral, 3D Point Cloud, and Machine Learning Techniques
* Improving Online Performance Prediction for Semantic Segmentation
* Improving Parkinson Detection using Dynamic Features from Evoked Expressions in Video
* Improving Potato Yield Prediction by Combining Cultivar Information and UAV Remote Sensing Data Using Machine Learning
* Improving Productivity of Low-Altitude Airspace: Speed vs Direction Control
* Improving Room-Level Location for Indoor Trajectory Tracking with Low IPS Accuracy
* Improving Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Using Effective Target Selection and Semantics
* Improving the accuracy of global forecasting models using time series data augmentation
* Improving the accuracy of spring phenology detection by optimally smoothing satellite vegetation index time series based on local cloud frequency
* Improving the Accuracy of Water Storage Anomaly Trends Based on a New Statistical Correction Hydrological Model Weighting Method
* Improving the Combination of Satellite Soil Moisture Data Sets by Considering Error Cross Correlation: A Comparison Between Triple Collocation (TC) and Extended Double Instrumental Variable (EIVD) Alternatives
* Improving the Resolution of GRACE Data for Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Storage Assessment
* Improving the Robustness of the MTI-Estimated Mining-Induced 3D Time-Series Displacements with a Logistic Model
* Improving transmission method of a cluster head node in a two-level wireless sensor network
* Improving YOLOv5 with Attention Mechanism for Detecting Boulders from Planetary Images
* In-Hindsight Quantization Range Estimation for Quantized Training
* In-Orbit Calibration of FengYun-3C Microwave Radiation Imager: Nonlinearity Correction
* In-Orbit Measurements and Analysis of Radio Interference in the UHF Amateur Radio Band from the LUME-1 Satellite
* Inaccuracy of State-Action Value Function For Non-Optimal Actions in Adversarially Trained Deep Neural Policies
* Inconsistency of Global Vegetation Dynamics Driven by Climate Change: Evidences from Spatial Regression
* Indefinite twin support vector machine with DC functions programming
* Indirect synthetic attack on thermal face biometric systems via visible-to-thermal spectrum conversion
* Individual Tree Detection and Qualitative Inventory of a Eucalyptus sp. Stand Using UAV Photogrammetry Data
* IndoFashion: Apparel Classification for Indian Ethnic Clothes
* Indoor Activity and Vital Sign Monitoring for Moving People with Multiple Radar Data Fusion
* Indoor Experiments of Bistatic/Multistatic GB-SAR with One-Stationary and One-Moving Antennae
* Indoor Traveling Salesman Problem (ITSP) Path Planning
* Influence of Indian Summer Monsoon on Tropopause, Trace Gases and Aerosols in Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone Observed by COSMIC, MLS and CALIPSO
* Influence of Scale Effect of Canopy Projection on Understory Microclimate in Three Subtropical Urban Broad-Leaved Forests
* Influence of Spatial Resolution for Vegetation Indices' Extraction Using Visible Bands from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles' Orthomosaics Datasets
* Influential Factor Detection for Tourism on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Social Media Data
* Information Hiding Using a Coded Aperture as a Key
* Information-Based Georeferencing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Dual State Kalman Filter with Implicit Measurement Equations
* InfoScrub: Towards Attribute Privacy by Targeted Obfuscation
* Infrared imaging enhancement through local window-based saliency extraction with spatial weight
* Infrared Thermography Model Enabling Remote Body Temperature Screening Up to 10 Meters, An
* Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Urban Air Mobility, An
* Initialization and Transfer Learning of Stochastic Binary Networks from Real-Valued Ones
* Inland Water Body Mapping Using CYGNSS Coherence Detection
* Inlier clustering based on the residuals of random hypotheses
* Innovative UAV LiDAR Generated Point-Cloud Processing Algorithm in Python for Unsupervised Detection and Analysis of Agricultural Field-Plots
* InSAR Coherence Analysis for Wetlands in Alberta, Canada Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 Data
* InSAR Performance for Large-Scale Deformation Measurement
* Insights from the Future for Continual Learning
* Instagram Filter Removal on Fashionable Images
* Instance search via instance level segmentation and feature representation
* Instance Segmentation-based Identification of Pelagic Species in Acoustic Backscatter Data
* Instance-wise Causal Feature Selection for Model Interpretation
* IntegralAction: Pose-driven Feature Integration for Robust Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Integrated Analysis of the Combined Risk of Ground Subsidence, Sea Level Rise, and Natural Hazards in Coastal and Delta River Regions
* Integrated Observer for Real-Time Estimation of Vehicle Center of Gravity Height, An
* Integrated Outbound Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem at a Multi-Door Cross-Dock Terminal
* Integrated Remote-Sensing and GIS Approach for Mapping Past Tin Mining Landscapes in Northwest Iberia, An
* Integrating Landslide Typology with Weighted Frequency Ratio Model for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study from Lanzhou City of Northwestern China
* Integrating Multi-Sensors Data for Species Distribution Mapping Using Deep Learning and Envelope Models
* Integrating Normal Vector Features into an Atrous Convolution Residual Network for LiDAR Point Cloud Classification
* Integrating Remote-Sensing and Assimilation Data to Improve Air Temperature on Hot Weather in East China
* Integrating spatio-temporal-spectral information for downscaling Sentinel-3 OLCI images
* Integration and Analysis of Multi-Modal Geospatial Secondary Data to Inform Management of at-Risk Archaeological Sites
* Integration of Linguistic and Geospatial Features Using Global Context Embedding for Automated Text Geocoding, The
* Integration of Remote Sensing Data into a Composite Voxel Model for Environmental Performance Analysis of Terraced Vineyards in Tuscany, Italy
* Integration of Two Interferometric Radars for Measuring Dynamic Displacement of Bridges, The
* Integration of UAV-Based Photogrammetry and 3D Modelling for Rockfall Hazard Assessment: The Cárcavos Case in 2018 (Spain), An
* Intelligent Deblending of Seismic Data Based on U-Net and Transfer Learning
* Intelligibility Enhancement Via Normal-to-Lombard Speech Conversion With Long Short-Term Memory Network and Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model
* Interaction With Gaze, Gesture, and Speech in a Flexibly Configurable Augmented Reality System
* Interactive Contribution of Indian Summer Monsoon and Western North Pacific Monsoon to Water Level and Terrestrial Water Storage in the Mekong Basin
* Intercalibration of ASCAT Scatterometer Winds from MetOp-A, -B, and -C, for a Stable Climate Data Record
* Interclass-Relativity-Adaptive Metric Learning for Cross-Modal Matching and Beyond
* Interconnected Feature Pyramid Networks for object detection, An
* Interplay between Canopy Structure and Topography and Its Impacts on Seasonal Variations in Surface Reflectance Patterns in the Boreal Region of Alaska: Implications for Surface Radiation Budget, The
* Interplay of AI and Biometrics: Challenges and Opportunities, The
* Interpretable CNNs for Object Classification
* Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
* Interseismic Slip and Coupling along the Haiyuan Fault Zone Constrained by InSAR and GPS Measurements
* Inverse Histogram-Based Clustering Approach to Seafloor Segmentation from Bathymetric Lidar Data
* Inverted Algorithm of Terrestrial Water-Storage Anomalies Based on Machine Learning Combined with Load Model and Its Application in Southwest China
* Investigating Eco-Environmental Vulnerability for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Key Sector Punjab Using Multi-Sources Geo-Information
* Investigating Spiking Neural Networks for Energy-Efficient On-Board AI Applications. A Case Study in Land Cover and Land Use Classification
* Investigation into Ground Movement on the Ventnor Landslide Complex, UK Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, An
* Investigation of Extreme Weather Impact on Precipitable Water Vapor and Vegetation Growth: A Case Study in Zhejiang China, An
* Investigation of NEXRAD-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimates in Alaska, An
* Investigation of Thundercloud Features in Different Regions
* Investigation on the Relationship between Satellite Air Quality Measurements and Industrial Production by Generalized Additive Modeling
* IONORING: Real-Time Monitoring of the Total Electron Content over Italy
* IQMA Network: Image Quality Multi-scale Assessment Network
* Is In-Domain Data Really Needed? A Pilot Study on Cross-Domain Calibration for Network Quantization
* Is the Red Sea Sea-Level Rising at a Faster Rate than the Global Average? An Analysis Based on Satellite Altimetry Data
* ISAR Signal Tracking and High-Resolution Imaging by Kalman Filtering
* Isolated Sign Language Recognition with Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks
* Isolated Sign Recognition from RGB Video using Pose Flow and Self-Attention
* Iterative Training Sampling Coupled With Active Learning for Semisupervised Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Iterative Two-Phase Optimization Method Based on Divide and Conquer Framework for Integrated Scheduling of Multiple UAVs, An
* IWSCR: An Intelligent Water Surface Cleaner Robot for Collecting Floating Garbage
* Japanese Sentence Dataset for Lip- reading
* JCa2Co: A joint cascade convolution coding network based on fuzzy regional characteristics for infrared and visible image fusion
* Joint Clustering and Discriminative Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Joint Collaboration and Compression Design for Random Signal Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Joint Design of the Transmit Beampattern and Angular Waveform for Colocated MIMO Radar under a Constant Modulus Constraint
* Joint Feature Optimization and Fusion for Compressed Action Recognition
* Joint Inversion of Audio-Magnetotelluric and Seismic Travel Time Data With Deep Learning Constraint
* Joint Learning of 3D Lesion Segmentation and Classification for Explainable COVID-19 Diagnosis
* Joint Learning of Object Detection and Pose Estimation using Augmented Autoencoder
* Joint model of gradient magnitude and Gabor features via Spatio-Temporal slice
* Joint Multi-Dimension Pruning via Numerical Gradient Update
* Joint multi-label learning and feature extraction for temporal link prediction
* Joint nonlinear feature selection and continuous values regression network
* Joint Radar Scheduling and Beampattern Design for Multitarget Tracking in Netted Colocated MIMO Radar Systems
* Joint Retrieval of Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index and Canopy Chlorophyll Density Using Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices
* Joint Spatial and Magnification Based Attention Framework for Large Scale Histopathology Classification, A
* KernelNet: A Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation Network
* Keyword-based Vehicle Retrieval
* Kinship Verification Based on Cross-Generation Feature Interaction Learning
* Know Your Surroundings: Panoramic Multi-Object Tracking by Multimodality Collaboration
* Knowledge base graph embedding module design for Visual question answering model
* Knowledge Distillation for Fast and Accurate Monocular Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices
* Knowledge memorization and generation for action recognition in still images
* Knowledge-aware deep framework for collaborative skin lesion segmentation and melanoma recognition
* Knowledge-Enabled Generation of Semantically Annotated Image Sequences of Manipulation Activities from VR Demonstrations
* KTransGAN: Variational Inference-Based Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Conditional Generative Learning
* L0-L1 Hybrid Total Variation Regularization and its Applications on Hyperspectral Image Mixed Noise Removal and Compressed Sensing
* L3DOC: Lifelong 3D Object Classification
* Lake Level Change From Satellite Altimetry Over Seasonally Ice-Covered Lakes in the Mackenzie River Basin
* Land Degradation and Development Processes and Their Response to Climate Change and Human Activity in China from 1982 to 2015
* Land Use Land Cover Classification with U-Net: Advantages of Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Land Use Scenario Simulation and Ecosystem Service Management for Different Regional Development Models of the Beibu Gulf Area, China
* Land-Use Suitability Assessment Using Delphi and Analytical Hierarchy Process (D-AHP) Hybrid Model for Coastal City Management: Kuala Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia
* LandCover.ai: Dataset for Automatic Mapping of Buildings, Woodlands, Water and Roads from Aerial Imagery
* Landscape Structure and Seasonality: Effects on Wildlife Species Richness and Occupancy in a Fragmented Dry Forest in Coastal Ecuador
* Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Distant Domain Transfer Learning
* Landslide Detection in the Linzhi-Ya'an Section along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway Based on InSAR and Hot Spot Analysis Methods
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Based on Different Machine Learning Methods in Zhaoping County of Eastern Guangxi
* Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: An Integrated Novel Method Based on Machine Learning Feature Transformation
* Language-Guided Navigation via Cross-Modal Grounding and Alternate Adversarial Learning
* Large Area High-Resolution 3D Mapping of Oxia Planum: The Landing Site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover
* Large Dataset With a New Framework for Abandoned Object Detection in Complex Scenarios, A
* Large-Angle Velocity-Free Attitude Tracking Control of Satellites: An Observer-Free Framework
* Laryngoscope8: Laryngeal image dataset and classification of laryngeal disease based on attention mechanism
* Laser Scanner-Based Deformation Analysis Using Approximating B-Spline Surfaces
* Latent Representation Learning Model for Multi-Band Images Fusion via Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding
* Latent Space Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Layer Importance Estimation with Imprinting for Neural Network Quantization
* Layout-to-Image Translation With Double Pooling Generative Adversarial Networks
* Layover Compensation Method for Regional Spaceborne SAR Imagery Without GCPs
* LCCNet: LiDAR and Camera Self-Calibration using Cost Volume Network
* LCSegNet: An Efficient Semantic Segmentation Network for Large-Scale Complex Chinese Character Recognition
* Learnable low-rank latent dictionary for subspace clustering
* Learned Image Compression with Super-Resolution Residual Modules and DISTS Optimization
* Learned Model Composition With Critical Sample Look-Ahead for Semi-Supervised Learning on Small Sets of Labeled Samples
* Learned Multi-Resolution Variable-Rate Image Compression With Octave-Based Residual Blocks
* Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Learned Video Compression with Intra-Guided Enhancement and Implicit Motion Information
* Learning A Cascaded Non-Local Residual Network for Super-resolving Blurry Images
* Learning Adjustable Reduced Downsampling Network for Small Object Detection in Urban Environments
* Learning Channel-Wise Interactions for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning common and label-specific features for multi-Label classification with correlation information
* Learning Compact Multifeature Codes for Palmprint Recognition From a Single Training Image per Palm
* Learning Content-Weighted Deep Image Compression
* Learning Contextual Causality between Daily Events from Time-consecutive Images
* Learning Discriminative Motion Feature for Enhancing Multi-Modal Action Recognition
* Learning discriminative region representation for person retrieval
* Learning Diverse Fashion Collocation by Neural Graph Filtering
* Learning Dynamical Human-Joint Affinity for 3D Pose Estimation in Videos
* Learning from Incomplete Features by Simultaneous Training of Neural Networks and Sparse Coding
* Learning from the Web: Webly Supervised Meta-Learning for Masked Face Recognition
* Learning graph edit distance by graph neural networks
* Learning hybrid ranking representation for person re-identification
* Learning Image-Based Contaminant Detection in Wool Fleece from Noisy Annotations
* Learning low bending and low distortion manifold embeddings
* Learning Melanocytic Proliferation Segmentation in Histopathology Images from Imperfect Annotations
* Learning Modal-Invariant Angular Metric by Cyclic Projection Network for VIS-NIR Person Re-Identification
* Learning Rotated Inscribed Ellipse for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Learning scale awareness in keypoint extraction and description
* Learning sequentially diversified representations for fine-grained categorization
* Learning Specific and General Realm Feature Representations for Image Fusion
* Learning to Balance the Learning Rates Between Various Modalities via Adaptive Tracking Factor
* Learning to Detect Phone-related Pedestrian Distracted Behaviors with Synthetic Data
* Learning to Generate Multi-Exposure Stacks With Cycle Consistency for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Learning to Model Relationships for Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Learning to predict crop type from heterogeneous sparse labels using meta-learning
* Learning to schedule multi-NUMA virtual machines via reinforcement learning
* Learning to Segment Video Object With Accurate Boundaries
* Learning Transformation-Invariant Local Descriptors With Low-Coupling Binary Codes
* Learning Unbiased Representations via Mutual Information Backpropagation
* Learning VAE with Categorical Labels for Generating Conditional Handwritten Characters
* Learning view-invariant features using stacked autoencoder for skeleton-based gait recognition
* Learning-Based Regularization for Cardiac Strain Analysis via Domain Adaptation
* Learning-Based Satisfied User Ratio Prediction for Symmetrically and Asymmetrically Compressed Stereoscopic Images
* LEGAN: Disentangled Manipulation of Directional Lighting and Facial Expressions whilst Leveraging Human Perceptual Judgements
* LEO Constellation-Augmented Multi-GNSS for 3D Water Vapor Tomography
* LEO-Constellation-Augmented BDS Precise Orbit Determination Considering Spaceborne Observational Errors
* Less is More: Pursuing the Visual Turing Test with the Kuleshov Effect
* Leveraging attention-based visual clue extraction for image classification
* Leveraging Frequency Based Salient Spatial Sound Localization to Improve 360° Video Saliency Prediction
* Leveraging Multi scale Backbone with Multilevel supervision for Thermal Image Super Resolution
* Leveraging Style and Content features for Text Conditioned Image Retrieval
* LiDAR Data Enrichment by Fusing Spatial and Temporal Adjacent Frames
* LIDAR Scanning as an Advanced Technology in Physical Hydraulic Modelling: The Stilling Basin Example
* LiDAR-Based SLAM under Semantic Constraints in Dynamic Environments
* LidarCSNet: A Deep Convolutional Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Framework for 3D Airborne Lidar Point Cloud
* Lifelong robotic visual-tactile perception learning
* Lift and Relax for PDE-Constrained Inverse Problems in Seismic Imaging
* Lifting Monocular Events to 3D Human Poses
* Lifting Posture Prediction With Generative Models for Improving Occupational Safety
* Light Field Image Coding Using VVC Standard and View Synthesis Based on Dual Discriminator GAN
* Light-Weight Cloud Detection Network for Optical Remote Sensing Images with Attention-Based DeeplabV3+ Architecture
* Lightweight Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Visual Perception Learning
* Line Art Colorization with Concatenated Spatial Attention
* Line Drawings for Face Portraits From Photos Using Global and Local Structure Based GANs
* Line Structured-Light Vision Sensor Calibration Based on Multi-Tooth Free-Moving Target and Its Application in Railway Fields
* Linear Inversion Approach to Measuring the Composition and Directionality of the Seismic Noise Field, A
* linear method for camera pair self-calibration, A
* Linear Prediction-Based Covariance Matrix Reconstruction for Robust Adaptive Beamforming
* Link Budget Analysis with Laser Energy for Time Transfer Using the Ajisai Satellite
* Lithology Classification Using TASI Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Data with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Live Demonstration: Incremental Motion Estimation for Event-based Cameras by Dispersion Minimisation
* Live Video Action Recognition from Unsupervised Action Proposals
* LLM: Learning Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Low-Rank Local Matching
* Localized Triplet Loss for Fine-grained Fashion Image Retrieval
* Locating Charcoal Production Sites in Sweden Using LiDAR, Hydrological Algorithms, and Deep Learning
* Location Sensitive Network for Human Instance Segmentation
* LoL-V2T: Large-Scale Esports Video Description Dataset
* Long term spatio-temporal modeling for action detection
* Long-Tailed Recognition of SAR Aerial View Objects by Cascading and Paralleling Experts
* Long-Term Changes in the Land-Ocean Ecological Environment in Small Island Countries in the South Pacific: A Fiji Vision
* Long-term Head Pose Forecasting Conditioned on the Gaze-guiding Prior
* Long-Term Variation Assessment of Aerosol Load and Dominant Types over Asia for Air Quality Studies Using Multi-Sources Aerosol Datasets
* Longitudinal Observational Evidence of the Impact of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Affective Expression
* Looking for Change? Roll the Dice and Demand Attention
* Lossless AI: Toward Guaranteeing Consistency between Inferences Before and After Quantization via Knowledge Distillation
* Lost Landscape: A Combination of LiDAR and APSFR Data to Locate and Contextualize Archaeological Sites in River Environments
* Low Bandwidth Video-Chat Compression using Deep Generative Models
* Low-light image enhancement based on exponential Retinex variational model
* Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition With Mixture of Gaussian for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Low-Tubal-Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Recovery With Prior Subspace Information
* LRGAN: Visual anomaly detection using GAN with locality-preferred recoding
* LSPnet: A 2D Localization-oriented Spacecraft Pose Estimation Neural Network
* LSTM-Based Realtime Signal Quality Assessment for Photoplethysmogram and Remote Photoplethysmogram, A
* LSTM-Based Remote Sensing Inversion of Largescale Sand Wave Topography of the Taiwan Banks
* LTNet: Light Transfer Network for Depth Guided Image Relighting
* Luminance-Aware Pyramid Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Estimation Based on Landsat 8 Images
* Machine Learning Classification and Accuracy Assessment from High-Resolution Images of Coastal Wetlands
* Machine Learning for Mineral Identification and Ore Estimation from Hyperspectral Imagery in Tin-Tungsten Deposits: Simulation under Indoor Conditions
* Machine Learning for the Fast and Accurate Assessment of Fitness in Coral Early Life History
* Machine Learning of Spatial Data
* Machine-learned 3D Building Vectorization from Satellite Imagery
* Machine-learning-based Quality-level-estimation System for Inspecting Steel Microstructures
* Main-Auxiliary Aggregation Strategy for Video Anomaly Detection
* MAIN: Multi-Attention Instance Network for video segmentation
* Make It Easier: An Empirical Simplification of a Deep 3D Segmentation Network for Human Body Parts
* Malware classifier for dynamic deep learning algorithm
* Manifold learning with structured subspace for multi-label feature selection
* Manipulation Detection in Satellite Images Using Vision Transformer
* Mapping Atmospheric Exposure of the Intertidal Zone with Sentinel-1 CSAR in Northern Norway
* Mapping Canopy Heights in Dense Tropical Forests Using Low-Cost UAV-Derived Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Machine Learning Approaches
* Mapping Crop Types and Cropping Systems in Nigeria with Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Dataset, with Sharpened VIIRS as a Sentinel-2 Thermal Proxy
* Mapping dominant leaf type based on combined Sentinel-1/-2 data: Challenges for mountainous countries
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Sogwang-ri Forest from Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Using Deep Neural Network
* Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis Using Unoccupied Aircraft System Imagery, Canopy Height Models, and Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Mapping Multi-Temporal Population Distribution in China from 1985 to 2010 Using Landsat Images via Deep Learning
* MARE: Self-Supervised Multi-Attention REsu-Net for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing
* Markerless camera-based vertical jump height measurement using OpenPose
* MarkerPose: Robust Real-time Planar Target Tracking for Accurate Stereo Pose Estimation
* MARL: Multimodal Attentional Representation Learning for Disease Prediction
* Mathematical Analysis of Learning Loss for Active Learning in Regression, A
* Mathematical Description of Emotional Processes and Its Potential Applications to Affective Computing, A
* Matrix Completion Based Method for RFI Source Localization in Microwave Interferometric Radiometry, A
* Matrix Factorization Based Framework for Fusion of Physical and Social Sensors, A
* Matrix SegNet: A Practical Deep Learning Framework for Landslide Mapping from Images of Different Areas with Different Spatial Resolutions
* MCCRNet: A Multi-Level Change Contextual Refinement Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MCFD: A Hardware-Efficient Noniterative Multicue Fusion Demosaicing Algorithm
* MDMMT: Multidomain Multimodal Transformer for Video Retrieval
* Measurement of Forest Inventory Parameters with Apple iPad Pro and Integrated LiDAR Technology
* Measurements and Modelling of Aritificial Sky Brightness: Combining Remote Sensing from Satellites and Ground-Based Observations
* Measuring Gas Flaring in Russia with Multispectral VIIRS Nightfire
* Measuring the Sim2Real Gap in 3D Object Classification for Different 3D Data Representation
* Mechanism of Land Subsidence Mutation in Beijing Plain under the Background of Urban Expansion
* Mechanistic Data-Driven Approach to Synthesize Human Mobility Considering the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Dimensions Together, A
* Medical image encryption scheme based on self-verification matrix
* Mesh Convolution: A Novel Feature Extraction Method for 3D Nonrigid Object Classification
* Message Passing Based Target Localization Under Range Deception Jamming in Distributed MIMO Radar
* Meta-learning based relation and representation learning networks for single-image deraining
* MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using gradient-based meta-learning
* Method for Reducing Timing Jitter's Impact in Through-Wall Human Detection by Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radar, A
* Method of Increasing the Accuracy of Radar Distance Measurement in VTS Systems for Vessels with Very Large Dimensions, A
* MHFP: Multi-view based hierarchical fusion pooling method for 3D shape recognition
* Micro-Expression Classification based on Landmark Relations with Graph Attention Convolutional Network
* Micro-expression Recognition Based on Facial Graph Representation Learning and Facial Action Unit Fusion
* Micro-Motion Parameter Extraction for Ballistic Missile with Wideband Radar Using Improved Ensemble EMD Method
* Microwave Correlation Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing
* Microwave Radiometric Coherence Imaging: A Novel Electromagnetic Imaging Technique
* Microwave Satellite Measurements for Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
* Mid-Latitude Mesospheric Zonal Wave 1 and Wave 2 in Recent Boreal Winters
* MIDCAN: A multiple input deep convolutional attention network for Covid-19 diagnosis based on chest CT and chest X-ray
* Minimizing Negative Transfer of Knowledge in Multivariate Gaussian Processes: A Scalable and Regularized Approach
* Missing the Forest and the Trees: Utility, Limits and Caveats for Drone Imaging of Coastal Marine Ecosystems
* Missing-Data Nonparametric Coherency Estimation
* Mixability of integral losses: A key to efficient online aggregation of functional and probabilistic forecasts
* Mixture factor analysis with distance metric constraint for dimensionality reduction
* MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service
* MMFF: Multi-manifold feature fusion based neural networks for target recognition in complex-valued SAR imagery
* MobileHumanPose: Toward real-time 3D human pose estimation in mobile devices
* Modal Parameters Identification of Bridge Structures from GNSS Data Using the Improved Empirical Wavelet Transform
* Model for the Relationship between Rainfall, GNSS-Derived Integrated Water Vapour, and CAPE in the Eastern Central Andes, A
* Model Restoration, A
* Model Study of Transient Imaging With Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Sensors
* Model-based Crack Width Estimation using Rectangle Transform
* Model-Based Joint Bit Allocation Between Geometry and Color for Video-Based 3D Point Cloud Compression
* Modeling and Processing of Smart Point Clouds of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometries
* Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional Narratives Dataset
* Modeling Fashion Compatibility with Explanation by using Bidirectional LSTM
* Modeling local and global behavior for trajectory classification using graph based algorithm
* Modeling the Near-Surface Energies and Water Vapor Fluxes Behavior in Response to Summer Canopy Density across Yanqi Endorheic Basin, Northwestern China
* Modeling the Relationship of =2 MeV Electron Fluxes at Different Longitudes in Geostationary Orbit by the Machine Learning Method
* Modifications of the Multi-Layer Perceptron for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Modulating scalable Gaussian processes for expressive statistical learning
* Monitoring Drought through the Lens of Landsat: Drying of Rivers during the California Droughts
* Monitoring Large-Scale Restoration Interventions from Land Preparation to Biomass Growth in the Sahel
* Monitoring of Water Level Change in a Dam from High-Resolution SAR Data
* Monitoring of Wheat Powdery Mildew under Different Nitrogen Input Levels Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Monitoring the Recovery after 2016 Hurricane Matthew in Haiti via Markovian Multitemporal Region-Based Modeling
* Monitoring Vegetation Change and Its Potential Drivers in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2019
* Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
* Monocular Pose Estimation Case Study: The Hayabusa2 Minerva-II2 Deployment, A
* Morphometry and Debris-Flow Susceptibility Map in Mountain Drainage Basins of the Vallo di Diano, Southern Italy
* Motion Blur Removal With Quality Assessment Guidance
* Motion estimation in hazy videos
* Motion Phase Compensation Methods for Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression in HRWS SAR
* Moving Car Recognition and Removal for 3D Urban Modelling Using Oblique Images
* MRSCAtt: A Spatio-Channel Attention-Guided Network for Mars Rover Image Classification
* MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link Rainfall Intensity by Using Rain Area Detection from Meteosat Second Generation, The
* MSNet: A Multi-Stream Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Based on Transformer and Convolution
* MSResNet: Multiscale Residual Network via Self-Supervised Learning for Water-Body Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Quantified through a Multi-Platform Satellite Observing System
* MTUNet: Few-shot Image Classification with Visual Explanations
* Multi scale diffeomorphic metric mapping of spatial transcriptomics datasets
* Multi-Analytical Study for the Enhancement and Accessibility of Archaeological Heritage: The Churches of San Nicola and San Basilio in Motta Sant'Agata (RC, Italy), A
* Multi-Bernoulli Tracking Approach for Occupancy Monitoring of Smart Buildings Using Low-Resolution Infrared Sensor Array
* Multi-Camera Color Correction via Hybrid Histogram Matching
* Multi-Camera Tracking By Candidate Intersection Ratio Tracklet Matching
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System based on City-Scale Vehicle Re-ID and Spatial-Temporal Information, A
* Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System Based on Spatial-Temporal Filtering
* Multi-Channel Deep Networks for Block-Based Image Compressive Sensing
* Multi-Channel Modulo Samplers Constructed From Gaussian Integers
* Multi-Class Multi-Movement Vehicle Counting Based on CenterTrack
* Multi-Criteria Selection of Surface Units for SAR Operations at Sea Supported by AIS Data
* Multi-Deformation Aware Attention Learning for Concrete Structural Defect Classification
* Multi-dimensional clustering through fusion of high-order similarities
* Multi-Feature Based Network Revealing the Structural Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Multi-focus image fusion approach based on CNP systems in NSCT domain
* Multi-Frequency Galileo PPP-RTK Convergence Analysis with an Emphasis on the Role of Frequency Spacing, A
* Multi-label feature selection considering label supplementation
* Multi-label feature selection via manifold regularization and dependence maximization
* Multi-Level and Multiple Aspect Semantic Trajectory Model: Application to the Tourism Domain
* Multi-Metric Fusion Network for Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-modal Bifurcated Network for Depth Guided Image Relighting
* Multi-Modal Pain Intensity Recognition Based on the SenseEmotion Database
* Multi-Modal Pedestrian Detection with Large Misalignment Based on Modal-Wise Regression and Multi-Modal IoU
* Multi-Modal Temporal Convolutional Network for Anticipating Actions in Egocentric Videos
* Multi-Modality and Multi-Scale Attention Fusion Network for Land Cover Classification from VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Object Segmentation in Complex Urban Scenes from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Multi-physical and Temporal Feature Based Self-correcting Approximation Model for Monocular 3D Volleyball Trajectory Analysis
* Multi-resolution Outlier Pooling for Sorghum Classification
* Multi-scale adversarial network for vehicle detection in UAV imagery
* Multi-scale capsule generative adversarial network for snow removal
* Multi-Scale Hourglass Hierarchical Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining
* Multi-Scale Selective Residual Learning for Non-Homogeneous Dehazing
* Multi-scale Self-calibrated Network for Image Light Source Transfer
* Multi-Scale Spatial Attention Region Proposal Network for High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multi-Stage Convolutional Broad Learning with Block Diagonal Constraint for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-Stream Fusion Network With Generalized Smooth L1 Loss for Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking for City-Scale Traffic Management
* multi-task fully deep convolutional neural network for contactless fingerprint minutiae extraction, A
* Multi-task Learning with Attention for End-to-end Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Trailer Drop-and-Pull Container Drayage Problem
* Multi-Vehicle Control Framework With Application to Automated Valet Parking, A
* Multichannel Sea Clutter Modeling for Spaceborne Early Warning Radar and Clutter Suppression Performance Analysis
* Multidimensional Assessment of Lake Water Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing
* Multilevel Longitudinal Analysis of Shooting Performance as a Function of Stress and Cardiovascular Responses
* Multilinear Modelling of Faces and Expressions
* Multimodal attention networks for low-level vision-and-language navigation
* Multimodal grid features and cell pointers for scene text visual question answering
* Multiparameter Estimation From Landsat Observations With Topographic Consideration
* Multiple channels local binary pattern for color texture representation and classification
* Multiple Fisheye Camera Calibration and Stereo Measurement Methods for Uniform Distance Errors throughout Imaging Ranges
* Multiple Images Improve Lake CDOM Estimation: Building Better Landsat-8 Empirical Algorithms across Southern Canada
* Multiple Ship Tracking in Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning
* Multiscale and Multitemporal Road Detection from High Resolution SAR Images Using Attention Mechanism
* Multiscale permutation entropy for two-dimensional patterns
* Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for 3D Skeleton-Based Motion Prediction
* Multistage Fusion of Face Matchers
* Multistage reaction-diffusion equation network for image super-resolution
* Multisystem Interferometric Data Fusion Framework: A Three-Step Sensing Approach
* Multitask Learning for Super-Resolution of Seismic Velocity Model
* Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems
* Multiview Feature Selection for Single-View Classification
* MUSSOL: A Micro-UAS to Survey Ship Cargo hOLds
* Mutex Watershed and its Objective: Efficient, Parameter-Free Graph Partitioning, The
* Mutual Support of Data Modalities in the Task of Sign Language Recognition
* MVDRNet: Multi-view diabetic retinopathy detection by combining DCNNs and attention mechanisms
* MVFuseNet: Improving End-to-End Object Detection and Motion Forecasting through Multi-View Fusion of LiDAR Data
* N-ROD: a Neuromorphic Dataset for Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation
* Nadir Detection of Lunar Lava Tube by Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder
* NAS-Guided Lightweight Multiscale Attention Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* National-Scale 1-km Resolution PM2.5 Estimation Model over Japan Using MAIAC AOD and a Two-Stage Random Forest Model, A
* NaturaSat: A Software Tool for Identification, Monitoring and Evaluation of Habitats by Remote Sensing Techniques
* NDN-MMRA: Multi-Stage Multicast Rate Adaptation in Named Data Networking WLAN
* NDNet: Narrow While Deep Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Near Real-Time Automatic Sub-Pixel Registration of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images for Pan-Sharpening
* Near-convex decomposition of 2D shape using visibility range
* Neighborhood Adaptive Loss Function for Deep Learning-Based Point Cloud Coding With Implicit and Explicit Quantization
* Neighboring Discriminant Component Analysis for Asteroid Spectrum Classification
* Neotectonics of the Western Suleiman Fold Belt, Pakistan: Evidence for Bookshelf Faulting
* nested U-shape network with multi-scale upsample attention for robust retinal vascular segmentation, A
* NESZ Estimation and Calibration for Gaofen-3 Polarimetric Products by the Minimum Noise Envelope Estimator
* Network Space Search for Pareto-Efficient Spaces
* Neural Architecture Search of Deep Priors: Towards Continual Learning without Catastrophic Interference
* Neural Attentive Network for Cross-Domain Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification
* Neural Full-Rank Spatial Covariance Analysis for Blind Source Separation
* New 1' × 1' Global Seafloor Topography Model Predicted from Satellite Altimetric Vertical Gravity Gradient Anomaly and Ship Soundings BAT_VGG2021, A
* New 32-Day Average-Difference Method for Calculating Inter-Sensor Calibration Radiometric Biases between SNPP and NOAA-20 Instruments within ICVS Framework, A
* New Approach for the Development of Grid Models Calculating Tropospheric Key Parameters over China, A
* New Channel Errors Estimation Method for Multichannel SAR Based on Virtual Calibration Source
* new framework for contour tracing using Euclidean distance mapping, A
* New Method for Automated Measurement of Sand Dune Migration Based on Multi-Temporal LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models, A
* New Method for Crop Row Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, A
* New Methodology on Noise Equivalent Differential Temperature Calculation for On-Orbit Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A Instrument, A
* New Multi-Scale Sliding Window LSTM Framework (MSSW-LSTM): A Case Study for GNSS Time-Series Prediction, A
* New Volcanic Ash Satellite Retrieval VACOS Using MSG/SEVIRI and Artificial Neural Networks: 1. Development, The
* New Volcanic Ash Satellite Retrieval VACOS Using MSG/SEVIRI and Artificial Neural Networks: 2. Validation, The
* Nightlight as a Proxy of Economic Indicators: Fine-Grained GDP Inference Around Mainland China via Attention-Augmented CNN from Daytime Satellite Imagery
* No-Reference CNN-Based Super-Resolution Method for KOMPSAT-3 Using Adaptive Image Quality Modification, A
* Node2vec with weak supervision on community structures
* Noise Conditional Flow Model for Learning the Super-Resolution Space
* Noisy Localization Annotation Refinement for Object Detection
* Non-Degraded Adaptive HEVC Steganography by Advanced Motion Vector Prediction
* Non-destructive Soft Fruit Mass and Volume Estimation for Phenotyping in Horticulture
* Non-Invasive Photothermal Strain Imaging of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Live Animals
* Non-uniform motion deblurring with blurry component divided guidance
* Normality Learning in Multispace for Video Anomaly Detection
* Normalized class coherence change-based kNN for classification of imbalanced data
* Nose breathing or mouth breathingƒ A thermography-based new measurement for sleep monitoring
* Novel Approach for Permittivity Estimation of Lunar Regolith Using the Lunar Penetrating Radar Onboard Chang'E-4 Rover, A
* novel binary operator for designing medical and natural image cryptosystems, A
* Novel Ensemble Architecture of Residual Attention-Based Deep Metric Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* Novel Fast Multiple-Scattering Approximate Model for Oceanographic Lidar, A
* novel filtering kernel based on difference of derivative Gaussians with applications to dynamic texture representation, A
* Novel Framework for Rapid Detection of Damaged Buildings Using Pre-Event LiDAR Data and Shadow Change Information, A
* Novel fuzzy clustering algorithm with variable multi-pixel fitting spatial information for image segmentation
* novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust to pose variances, A
* Novel Generation Method of High Quality Video Image for High Resolution Airborne ViSAR, A
* novel hybrid image encryption-compression scheme by combining chaos theory and number theory, A
* Novel Intelligent Spatiotemporal Grid Earthquake Early-Warning Model
* Novel Method for Density Analysis of Repaired Point Cloud with Holes Based on Image Data, A
* novel shape matching descriptor for real-time static hand gesture recognition, A
* Novel Slip Sensory System for Interfacial Condition Monitoring of Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges, A
* Novel Sub-Image Local Area Minimum Entropy Reconstruction Method for HRWS SAR Adaptive Unambiguous Imaging, A
* Novel video coding methods for versatile video coding
* novel weighted total variation model for image denoising, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel Images: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Burst Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset and Study
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* NTIRE 2021 Depth Guided Image Relighting Challenge
* NTIRE 2021 Learning the Super-Resolution Space Challenge
* NTIRE 2021 Multi-modal Aerial View Object Classification Challenge
* NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* NTSDCN: New Three-Stage Deep Convolutional Image Demosaicking Network
* Null Space Property of L_1-2 Minimization With Prior Support Information
* Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on a Hard-Example-Mining Network
* Object Detection on TPU Accelerated Embedded Devices
* Object Localization with Attribute Preference Based on Top-Down Attention
* Object-Based Area-to-Point Regression Kriging for Pansharpening
* Object-based cluster validation with densities
* Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* ObjectGraphs: Using Objects and a Graph Convolutional Network for the Bottom-up Recognition and Explanation of Events in Video
* Observation of Surface Displacement Associated with Rapid Urbanization and Land Creation in Lanzhou, Loess Plateau of China with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
* Observations by Ground-Based MAX-DOAS of the Vertical Characters of Winter Pollution and the Influencing Factors of HONO Generation in Shanghai, China
* Observations of Surface Currents and Tidal Variability Off of Northeastern Taiwan from Shore-Based High Frequency Radar
* Observed Near-Inertial Waves in the Northern South China Sea
* Occlusion Guided Scene Flow Estimation on 3D Point Clouds
* Occlusion-aware Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking System, An
* Occlusion-Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* Oil Spill Identification from SAR Images for Low Power Embedded Systems Using CNN
* Oil Spills or Look-Alikes? Classification Rank of Surface Ocean Slick Signatures in Satellite Data
* Oil Well Detection via Large-Scale and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved YOLO v4
* Omnidirectional stereo depth estimation based on spherical deep network
* OmniFlow: Human Omnidirectional Optical Flow
* OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherical Panoramas
* On assigning probabilities to new hypotheses
* On Disentanglement and Mutual Information in Semi-Supervised Variational Auto-Encoders
* On Learning Semantic Representations for Large-Scale Abstract Sketches
* On Relationship of Multilayer Perceptrons and Piecewise Polynomial Approximators
* On Russian Farms, the Robotic Revolution Has Begun: Hundreds of Aftermarket AIs are Harvesting Grain
* On the Application of Binary Neural Networks in Oblivious Inference
* On the Assessment GPS-Based WRFDA for InSAR Atmospheric Correction: A Case Study in Pearl River Delta Region of China
* On the Effect of Observed Subject Biases in Apparent Personality Analysis From Audio-Visual Signals
* On the Feasibility of 3D Model-Based Forensic Height and Weight Estimation
* On the generalisation capabilities of Fisher vector-based face presentation attack detection
* On the Influence of Viewpoint Change for Metric Learning
* On the Mutual Interference Between Spaceborne SARs: Modeling, Characterization, and Mitigation
* On the Response of Polarimetric GNSS-Reflectometry to Sea Surface Roughness
* On the Robustness and Generalizability of Face Synthesis Detection Methods
* On the Robustness of Monte Carlo Dropout Trained with Noisy Labels
* On the Utility of Longwave-Infrared Spectral Imaging for Remote Botanical Identification
* On the Value of Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence Time-Series for Vegetation Classification
* On Training Sketch Recognizers for New Domains
* On-Board Volcanic Eruption Detection through CNNs and Satellite Multispectral Imagery
* On-Orbit Inspection of an Unknown, Tumbling Target using NASA's Astrobee Robotic Free-Flyers
* One-class anomaly detection via novelty normalization
* One-shot action recognition in challenging therapy scenarios
* One-Shot GAN: Learning to Generate Samples from Single Images and Videos
* Ongoing Greening in Southwest China despite Severe Droughts and Drying Trends, The
* Online aggregation of probability forecasts with confidence
* Online Assessment of Driving Riskiness via Smartphone-Based Inertial Measurements
* Open-set Recognition with Supervised Contrastive Learning
* OpenGF: An Ultra-Large-Scale Ground Filtering Dataset Built Upon Open ALS Point Clouds Around the World
* Optical Classification of Lower Amazon Waters Based on In Situ Data and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Color Instrument Imagery
* Optical Model for Show-through Cancellation in Ancient Document Imaging with Dark and Bright Mounts, An
* Optical Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Attention Mechanism and Image Difference
* Optimal Power Allocation for Secure Estimation of Multiple Parameters
* Optimal scan planning with enforced network connectivity for the acquisition of three-dimensional indoor models
* Optimization approach to the aircraft weight and balance problem with the centre of gravity envelope constraints
* Optimized Estimation of Leaf Mass per Area with a 3D Matrix of Vegetation Indices
* Optimized Landing of Drones in the Context of Congested Air Traffic and Limited Vertiports
* Optimizing Regularized Cholesky Score for Order-Based Learning of Bayesian Networks
* Optimizing the Sowing Date to Improve Water Management and Wheat Yield in a Large Irrigation Scheme, through a Remote Sensing and an Evolution Strategy-Based Approach
* Optimizing Video QoE for Mobile eMBMS Users in Cellular Networks
* Orthogonal Subspace Projection Using Data Sphering and Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Out-of-distribution Detection and Generation using Soft Brownian Offset Sampling and Autoencoders
* Outdoor Mobile Mapping and AI-Based 3D Object Detection with Low-Cost RGB-D Cameras: The Use Case of On-Street Parking Statistics
* Output augmentation works well without any domain knowledge
* Output-Feedback Flocking Control of Multiple Autonomous Surface Vehicles Based on Data-Driven Adaptive Extended State Observers
* Overcoming the Challenges of Thermal Infrared Orthomosaics Using a Swath-Based Approach to Correct for Dynamic Temperature and Wind Effects
* Overparametrization of HyperNetworks at Fixed FLOP-Count Enables Fast Neural Image Enhancement
* Oxygen Saturation Estimation Based on Optimal Band Selection from Multi-band Video
* PAG-YOLO: A Portable Attention-Guided YOLO Network for Small Ship Detection
* PaI-Net: A modified U-Net of reducing semantic gap for surgical instrument segmentation
* Pain expression assessment based on a locality and identity aware network
* Pano3D: A Holistic Benchmark and a Solid Baseline for 360° Depth Estimation
* PanoDR: Spherical Panorama Diminished Reality for Indoor Scenes
* Panoptic Segmentation Forecasting
* Parallel Approach for Multi-GNSS Ultra-Rapid Orbit Determination, A
* Parallel Method for Open Hole Filling in Large-Scale 3D Automatic Modeling Based on Oblique Photography, A
* Parallel Multi-Path Age Distinguish Network for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Parameter-Based Affine Intra Prediction of Screen Content in Versatile Video Coding
* Parametric Azimuth-Variant Motion Compensation for Forward-Looking Multichannel SAR Imagery
* Parametric Decomposition of Pulsed Lidar Signals with Noise Corruption Using FRFT Spectrum Analysis
* Parametric Model for Video Streaming Services With Different Spatial and Temporal Resolutions
* Pareto optimization of deep networks for COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-rays
* Pareto-Optimal Quantized ResNet Is Mostly 4-bit
* Parsimonious Approach to Estimate Soil Organic Carbon Applying Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Multispectral Imagery and the Topographic Position Index in a Heterogeneous Soil Landscape, A
* Part-aware Measurement for Robust Multi-View Multi-Human 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Part-based annotation-free fine-grained classification of images of retail products
* Part-guided graph convolution networks for person re-identification
* Partial Multi-Label Learning via Credible Label Elicitation
* Partially Coherent Approach for Modeling Polar Ice Sheet 0.5-2-GHz Thermal Emission, A
* Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach to Pre-tune Programmable Hyperspectral Sensors, A
* Pass-by-Pass Ambiguity Resolution in Single GPS Receiver PPP Using Observations for Two Sequential Days: An Exploratory Study
* Patch Shortcuts: Interpretable Proxy Models Efficiently Find Black-Box Vulnerabilities
* Patch-Wise Semantic Segmentation for Hyperspectral Images via a Cubic Capsule Network with EMAP Features
* PCNet: Cloud Detection in FY-3D True-Color Imagery Using Multi-Scale Pyramid Contextual Information
* Pedestrian attribute recognition: A survey
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
* Pedestrian trajectory prediction with convolutional neural networks
* Perceptual Friendly Variable Rate Image Compression
* Perceptual Image Compression using Relativistic Average Least Squares GANs
* Perceptual Image Quality Assessment with Transformers
* Perceptual Loss for Robust Unsupervised Homography Estimation
* Performance analysis of VVC intra coding
* Performance Comparison of Oil Spill and Ship Classification from X-Band Dual- and Single-Polarized SAR Image Using Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Deep Neural Network
* Performance Evaluation of Long NDVI Timeseries from AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat Sensors over Landslide-Prone Locations in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Performance of Camera-Based Vibration Monitoring Systems in Input-Output Modal Identification Using Shaker Excitation
* Performance of NOAA-20 VIIRS Solar Diffuser and Solar Diffuser Stability Monitor
* Performance of Single-Epoch EWL/WL/NL Ambiguity-Fixed Precise Point Positioning with Regional Atmosphere Modelling
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Statistical Analysis of Time-Series for Landslide Monitoring: Application to Santo Stefano d'Aveto (Liguria, NW Italy)
* Person Re-Identification via Attention Pyramid
* Perturbation-based methods for explaining deep neural networks: A survey
* PFAN++: Bi-Directional Image-Text Retrieval With Position Focused Attention Network
* Phase Selective Convolution
* Phase unmixing of TerraSAR-X staring spotlight interferograms in building scale for PS height and deformation
* Phenology Alignment Network: A Novel Framework for Cross-Regional Time Series Crop Classification
* Photoacoustic Tomography Image Restoration With Measured Spatially Variant Point Spread Functions
* Physically Inspired Dense Fusion Networks for Relighting
* Physics-Driven CNN Model for Real-Time Sea Waves 3D Reconstruction, A
* Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in the Baltic Sea Using a Consistently Reprocessed Time Series of Multi-Sensor Reflectance and Novel Chlorophyll-a Retrievals
* Pitch-robust acoustic feature using single frequency filtering for children's KWS
* Pix2Point: Learning Outdoor 3D Using Sparse Point Clouds and Optimal Transport
* Pixel-Guided Dual-Branch Attention Network for Joint Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution
* Pixel2Mesh: 3D Mesh Model Generation via Image Guided Deformation
* Plants Don't Walk on the Street: Common-Sense Reasoning for Reliable Semantic Segmentation
* Plastic and Stable Gated Classifiers for Continual Learning
* Platooning of Car-Like Vehicles in Urban Environments: An Observer-Based Approach Considering Actuator Dynamics and Time Delays
* PLM: Partial Label Masking for Imbalanced Multi-label Classification
* PnG: Micro-structured Prune-and-Grow Networks for Flexible Image Restoration
* Point Cloud Classification Algorithm Based on the Fusion of the Local Binary Pattern Features and Structural Features of Voxels
* Point cloud denoising using non-local collaborative projections
* Point-Line Visual Stereo SLAM Using EDlines and PL-BoW
* Point2color: 3D Point Cloud Colorization Using a Conditional Generative Network and Differentiable Rendering for Airborne LiDAR
* PointDCCNet: 3D Object Categorization Network using Point Cloud Decomposition
* Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition with Refined Double-Bounce Orientation Angle and Scattering Model
* PolSAR Image Land Cover Classification Based on Hierarchical Capsule Network
* Pose-Dependent Weights and Domain Randomization for Fully Automatic X-Ray to CT Registration
* Position Estimation of Pedestrians in Surveillance Video Using Face Detection and Simple Camera Calibration
* Positional Dependence of SNPP VIIRS Solar Diffuser BRDF Change Factor: An Empirical Approach
* PoT-GAN: Pose Transform GAN for Person Image Synthesis
* Potential Anchoring for imbalanced data classification
* Potential and Challenges of Harmonizing 40 Years of AVHRR Data: The TIMELINE Experience
* Potential Impacts of Assimilating Every-10-Minute Himawari-8 Satellite Radiance with the POD-4DEnVar Method
* Potential of Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series to Uncover Wetland Phenology under Unique Challenges of Tidal Setting, The
* Practical 3D Reconstruction Method for Weak Texture Scenes, A
* practical approach to reconstruct high-quality Landsat NDVI time-series data by gap filling and the Savitzky-Golay filter, A
* Practical Cross-modal Manifold Alignment for Robotic Grounded Language Learning
* Practical Descattering of Transmissive Inspection Using Slanted Linear Image Sensors
* Practical Remote Sensing Monitoring Framework for Late Frost Damage in Wine Grapes Using Multi-Source Satellite Data, A
* Practices and A Strong Baseline for Traffic Anomaly Detection
* Precise Extraction of Buildings from High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images Based on Semantic Edges and Segmentation
* Predicting Arbitrary-Oriented Objects as Points in Remote Sensing Images
* Predicting Maize Yield at the Plot Scale of Different Fertilizer Systems by Multi-Source Data and Machine Learning Methods
* Predicting Next Local Appearance for Video Anomaly Detection
* Predicting State Uncertainty Bounds Using Non-Linear Stochastic Reachability Analysis for Urban GNSS-Based UAS Navigation
* Predicting the Quality of Compressed Videos With Pre-Existing Distortions
* Prediction and Description of Near-Future Activities in Video
* Prediction With Multicross Component for Future Video Coding
* Preference prediction based on a photo gallery analysis with scene recognition and object detection
* Preflight Radiometric Calibration of TIS Sensor Onboard SDG-1 Satellite and Estimation of Its LST Retrieval Ability
* Pricing Environmental Externality in Traffic Networks Mixed With Fuel Vehicles and Electric Vehicles
* Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean: Satellite-Based Estimates over Two Decades
* Privacy-preserving reversible data hiding based on quad-tree block encoding and integer wavelet transform
* Private-Shared Disentangled Multimodal VAE for Learning of Latent Representations
* Profiling of Dust and Urban Haze Mass Concentrations during the 2019 National Day Parade in Beijing by Polarization Raman Lidar
* Progress and Monitoring Opportunities of Skid Resistance in Road Transport: A Critical Review and Road Sensors
* Progress and Trends in the Application of Google Earth and Google Earth Engine
* Progressive Data Mining and Adaptive Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Progressive global perception and local polishing network for lung infection segmentation of COVID-19 CT images
* Progressive Knowledge-Embedded Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding
* Projecting Future Vegetation Change for Northeast China Using CMIP6 Model
* Projection of Air Pollution in Northern China in the Two RCPs Scenarios
* Prototyping a Generic Algorithm for Crop Parameter Retrieval across the Season Using Radiative Transfer Model Inversion and Sentinel-2 Satellite Observations
* Provable Super-Convergence With a Large Cyclical Learning Rate
* PSAT-GAN: Efficient Adversarial Attacks Against Holistic Scene Understanding
* Pseudo-IoU: Improving Label Assignment in Anchor-Free Object Detection
* Puck localization and multi-task event recognition in broadcast hockey videos
* PUMA Applied to Time Delay Estimation for Processing GPR Data over Debonded Pavement Structures
* PupilTAN: A Few-Shot Adversarial Pupil Localizer
* QFabric: Multi-Task Change Detection Dataset
* Quad-DIP for X-ray cargo image decomposition
* Quadruple Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Network for Human Motion Prediction, A
* Quality Analysis of Direct Georeferencing in Aspects of Absolute Accuracy and Precision for a UAV-Based Laser Scanning System
* Quality Assessment of Acquired GEDI Waveforms: Case Study over France, Tunisia and French Guiana
* Quality assessment of screen content images based on multi-stage dictionary learning
* Quality Evaluation for Image Retargeting With Instance Semantics
* Quality Evaluation of Digital Twins Generated Based on UAV Photogrammetry and TLS: Bridge Case Study
* Quality Inspection Based on Quadrangular Object Detection for Deep Aperture Component
* Quality Scoring of the Fengyun 4A Clear Sky Radiance Product
* Quantification of Phycocyanin in Inland Waters through Remote Measurement of Ratios and Shifts in Reflection Spectral Peaks
* Quantification of Urban Heat Island-Induced Contribution to Advance in Spring Phenology: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China
* Quantifying Floating Plastic Debris at Sea Using Vessel-Based Optical Data and Artificial Intelligence
* Quantifying the Efficiency of Ride Sharing
* Quantifying Urban Vegetation Dynamics from a Process Perspective Using Temporally Dense Landsat Imagery
* Quantifying Variability in Microscopy Image Analyses for COVID-19 Drug Discovery
* Quantitative Assessment of Riverbed Planform Adjustments, Channelization, and Associated Land Use/Land Cover Changes: The Ingauna Alluvial-Coastal Plain Case (Liguria, Italy)
* Quantitative Contributions of Climate Change and Human Activities to Vegetation Changes in the Upper White Nile River
* Quantitative Graph-Based Approach to Monitoring Ice-Wedge Trough Dynamics in Polygonal Permafrost Landscapes, A
* Quick Band-to-Band Mis-Registration Detection Method for Sentinel-2 MSI Images, A
* R-SigNet: Reduced space writer-independent feature learning for offline writer-dependent signature verification
* RAD: Realtime and Accurate 3D Object Detection on Embedded Systems
* Radar Camera Fusion via Representation Learning in Autonomous Driving
* Radiometric Normalization for Cross-Sensor Optical Gaofen Images with Change Detection and Chi-Square Test
* Rail transit OD-matrix completion via manifold regularized tensor factorisation
* RAIN-F+: The Data-Driven Precipitation Prediction Model for Integrated Weather Observations
* Rain-Free and Residue Hand-in-Hand: A Progressive Coupled Network for Real-Time Image Deraining
* Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Observed at the Coastal and Inland Stations in South India
* Rainrate Estimation from FY-4A Cloud Top Temperature for Mesoscale Convective Systems by Using Machine Learning Algorithm
* Random Neighbor Pixel-Block-Based Deep Recurrent Learning for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* Randomized trees for time series representation and similarity
* Rapid glacier Shrinkage and Glacial Lake Expansion of a China-Nepal Transboundary Catchment in the Central Himalayas, between 1964 and 2020
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Learning-Based Image Compression using an Adaptive Hierachical Autoencoder with Conditional Hyperprior
* RCNN-SliceNet: A Slice and Cluster Approach for Nuclei Centroid Detection in Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Real Testbed for Autonomous Anomaly Detection in Power Grid Using Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Aerial Imaging
* Real-time analogue gauge transcription on mobile phone
* Real-time and light-weighted unsupervised video object segmentation network
* Real-time and Robust System for Counting Movement-Specific Vehicle at Crowded Intersections
* Real-Time Deep Image Retouching Based on Learnt Semantics Dependent Global Transforms
* Real-Time Estimation of GPS-BDS Inter-System Biases: An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Real-time Monocular Depth Estimation with Sparse Supervision on Mobile
* Real-Time Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile NPUs, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Real-time semantic segmentation with weighted factorized-depthwise convolution
* Real-Time Underwater Maritime Object Detection in Side-Scan Sonar Images Based on Transformer-YOLOv5
* Real-Time Video Super-Resolution on Smartphones with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
* Reason Analysis of the Jiwenco Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) and Potential Hazard on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Recent Advances in Open Set Recognition: A Survey
* Recent Changes of Glacial Lakes in the High Mountain Asia and Its Potential Controlling Factors Analysis
* Recognition of user-dependent and independent static hand gestures: Application to sign language
* Reconsidering CO2 emissions from Computer Vision
* Reconstruction of CASSI-Raman Images with Machine-Learning
* Reconstruction of the Radar Reflectivity of Convective Storms Based on Deep Learning and Himawari-8 Observations
* Recovery of Tropical Cyclone Induced SST Cooling Observed by Satellite in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
* RectMatch: A novel scan matching method using the rectangle-flattening representation for mobile LiDAR systems
* Recurrent neural networks for atmospheric noise removal from InSAR time series with missing values
* Recurrent RLCN-Guided Attention Network for Single Image Deraining
* Recurrent Thrifty Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Recognition
* Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust salient object detection via parallel sub-networks
* Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B Altimetry Satellite Using a Refined Empirical Acceleration Model
* Reducing magnetic resonance image spacing by learning without ground-truth
* Reducing the Complexity of Model-Based MRI Reconstructions via Sparsification
* Reduction of Air Pollution in Poland in Spring 2020 during the Lockdown Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Reevaluating the Safety Impact of Inherent Interpretability on Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
* Reflective Noise Filtering of Large-Scale Point Cloud Using Multi-Position LiDAR Sensing Data
* Reforming mixed operation schedule for electric buses and traditional fuel buses by an optimal framework
* Regarding Some Pitfalls in Urban Heat Island Studies Using Remote Sensing Technology
* Region-Adaptive Deformable Network for Image Quality Assessment
* Region-and-Trajectory Movement Matching for Multiple Turn-counts at Road Intersection on Edge Device, A
* Region-level bit allocation for rate control of 360-degree videos using cubemap projection
* regional distance regression network for monocular object distance estimation, A
* Regional Evaluation of Minor Tidal Constituents for Improved Estimation of Ocean Tides
* Regional Spatiotemporal Downscaling Method for CO2 Columns, A
* Regional-Scale Systematic Mapping of Archaeological Mounds and Detection of Looting Using COSMO-SkyMed High Resolution DEM and Satellite Imagery
* Reinforced Short-Length Hashing
* Relation-aware dynamic attributed graph attention network for stocks recommendation
* Relational Subgraph for Graph-based Path Prediction
* Relationship between TIR and NIR-SWIR as Indicator of Vegetation Water Availability
* Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing on the Dynamics of Grassland NPP and PUE on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* Reliable Crops Classification Using Limited Number of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Images
* Reliable Estimates of Merchantable Timber Volume from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Coastal Wetland in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Change Trends and Their Driving Forces
* Remote Sensing for Property Valuation: A Data Source Comparison in Support of Fair Land Taxation in Rwanda
* Remote Sensing Image Defogging Networks Based on Dual Self-Attention Boost Residual Octave Convolution
* Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Structure: Part 2: Initial Findings of Ecosystem Functioning through Intra- and Inter-Annual Comparisons with Earth Observation Data
* Remote Sensing of Local Warming Trend in Alberta, Canada during 2001-2020, and Its Relationship with Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulations
* Remote Sensing of Pasture Degradation in the Highlands of the Kyrgyz Republic: Finer-Scale Analysis Reveals Complicating Factors
* Remote Sensing of Turbidity in the Tennessee River Using Landsat 8 Satellite
* Remote Sensing-Based Quantification of the Summer Maize Yield Gap Induced by Suboptimum Sowing Dates over North China Plain
* ReMP: Rectified Metric Propagation for Few-Shot Learning
* Renofeation: A Simple Transfer Learning Method for Improved Adversarial Robustness
* Representing point clouds with generative conditional invertible flow networks
* Research on Polarized Multi-Spectral System and Fusion Algorithm for Remote Sensing of Vegetation Status at Night
* Research on the Shearer Positioning Method Based on SINS and LiDAR with Velocity and Absolute Position Constraints
* residual generator: An improved divergence minimization framework for GAN, The
* Resource Management of Video Traffic Over Heterogeneous NOMA Networks
* Response of Subdaily L-Band Backscatter to Internal and Surface Canopy Water Dynamics
* Response of Vegetation Photosynthetic Phenology to Urbanization in Dongting Lake Basin, China
* Restoration of Video Frames from a Single Blurred Image with Motion Understanding
* Results of the 2020 fastMRI Challenge for Machine Learning MR Image Reconstruction
* Rethinking Ensemble-Distillation for Semantic Segmentation Based Unsupervised Domain Adaption
* Rethinking of Radar's Role: A Camera-Radar Dataset and Systematic Annotator via Coordinate Alignment
* Rethinking the Self-Attention in Vision Transformers
* Rethinking Training Data for Mitigating Representation Biases in Action Recognition
* Retraction: A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Retrieval and Calculation of Vertical Aerosol Mass Fluxes by a Coherent Doppler Lidar and a Sun Photometer
* Retrieval of Daily Mean Top-of-Atmosphere Reflected Solar Flux Using the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Instruments
* Retrieval of Land-Use/Land Cover Change (LUCC) Maps and Urban Expansion Dynamics of Hyderabad, Pakistan via Landsat Datasets and Support Vector Machine Framework
* Retrieval of Outgoing Longwave Radiation from the Fengyun-3D Satellite and Its Climate Applications
* Retrieval of Water Vapour Profiles from GLORIA Nadir Observations
* Retrieving Crop Albedo Based on Radar Sentinel-1 and Random Forest Approach
* Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China
* Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor from Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Using VMF1/VMF3 Forecasting Products
* Retrieving Water Turbidity in Araucanian Lakes (South-Central Chile) Based on Multispectral Landsat Imagery
* Review of Collision Avoidance and Path Planning Methods for Ships Utilizing Radar Remote Sensing
* review of deep learning techniques for 2D and 3D human pose estimation, A
* Review of Voxel-Based Computerized Ionospheric Tomography with GNSS Ground Receivers, A
* Review of Wide-Baseline Stereo Image Matching Based on Deep Learning
* Review on Content-Based Image Retrieval System: Present Trends and Future Challenges, A
* Review on Nonlinear Methods Using Electroencephalographic Recordings for Emotion Recognition, A
* Reviewing the Potential of Sentinel-2 in Assessing the Drought
* Revisiting The Evaluation of Class Activation Mapping for Explainability: A Novel Metric and Experimental Analysis
* RGB Indices and Canopy Height Modelling for Mapping Tidal Marsh Biomass from a Small Unmanned Aerial System
* RGB-D Salient Object Detection With Ubiquitous Target Awareness
* RGB-IR cross-modality person ReID based on teacher-student GAN model
* Rice Leaf Blast Classification Method Based on Fused Features and One-Dimensional Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Rice Yield Estimation Based on Vegetation Index and Florescence Spectral Information from UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Rice Yield Simulation and Planting Suitability Environment Pattern Recognition at a Fine Scale
* RLP-AGMC: Robust label propagation for saliency detection based on an adaptive graph with multiview connections
* Robust Adaptive Beamforming via Covariance Matrix Reconstruction Under Colored Noise
* Robust and Online Vehicle Counting at Crowded Intersections
* Robust Background Feature Extraction Through Homogeneous Region-Based Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Robust CAPTCHAs Towards Malicious OCR
* Robust Coding of Encrypted Images via 2D Compressed Sensing
* Robust Control of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Absence of Information About Preceding Vehicle Acceleration
* Robust Counting of Soft Fruit Through Occlusions with Re-identification
* Robust depth map inpainting using superpixels and non-local Gauss-Markov random field prior
* Robust gait recognition using hybrid descriptors based on Skeleton Gait Energy Image
* Robust Image-to-Image Color Transfer Using Optimal Inlier Maximization
* Robust model adaption for colour-based particle filter tracking with contextual information
* Robust MTMC Tracking System for AI-City Challenge 2021, A
* Robust multi-view continuous subspace clustering
* Robust multimodal discrete hashing for cross-modal similarity search
* Robust Normalized Softmax Loss for Deep Metric Learning-Based Characterization of Remote Sensing Images With Label Noise
* Robust Object Tracking Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles in Complex Scenes
* Robust Set-Invariance Based Fuzzy Output Tracking Control for Vehicle Autonomous Driving Under Uncertain Lateral Forces and Steering Constraints
* Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution via CNNs and TV-TV Minimization
* Robust Supervised Method for Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing Accounting for Endmember Variability
* Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior
* Robustly correlated key-medical image for DNA-chaos based encryption
* Role of Earth Observation in Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Production in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of the World, The
* Role of Satellite InSAR for Landslide Forecasting: Limitations and Openings, The
* Rosetta CONSERT Data as a Testbed for In Situ Navigation of Space Probes and Radiosciences in Orbit/Escort Phases for Small Bodies of the Solar System
* ROT-Harris: A Dynamic Approach to Asynchronous Interest Point Detection
* Rotation-Oriented Collaborative Self-Supervised Learning for Retinal Disease Diagnosis
* RSCA: Real-time Segmentation-based Context-Aware Scene Text Detection
* RUIG: Realistic Underwater Image Generation Towards Restoration
* Rupture Kinematics and Coseismic Slip Model of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo (China) Earthquake: Implications for the Seismic Hazard of the Kunlun Fault
* S&CNet: A lightweight network for fast and accurate depth completion
* S3Net: A Single Stream Structure for Depth Guided Image Relighting
* SAF-Nets: Shape-Adaptive Filter Networks for 3D point cloud processing
* SafeSO: Interpretable and Explainable Deep Learning Approach for Seat Occupancy Classification in Vehicle Interior
* SAIL-VOS 3D: A Synthetic Dataset and Baselines for Object Detection and 3D Mesh Reconstruction from Video Data
* Salience-Guided Iterative Asymmetric Mutual Hashing for Fast Person Re-Identification
* Saliency based Subject Selection for Diverse Image Captioning
* Saliency Detection Using Deep Features and Affinity-Based Robust Background Subtraction
* Saliency for free: Saliency prediction as a side-effect of object recognition
* salient object detection framework using linear quadratic regulator controller, A
* Salient Object Detection in Stereoscopic 3D Images Using a Deep Convolutional Residual Autoencoder
* Sample-free white-box out-of-distribution detection for deep learning
* SAPS: Self-Attentive Pathway Search for weakly-supervised action localization with background-action augmentation
* SAR Imaging Distortions Induced by Topography: A Compact Analytical Formulation for Radiometric Calibration
* SAR Ship Detection Dataset (SSDD): Official Release and Comprehensive Data Analysis
* SAR-to-optical image translation based on improved CGAN
* Satellite Availability and Service Performance Evaluation for Next-Generation GNSS, RNSS and LEO Augmentation Constellation
* Satellite-Based Human Settlement Datasets Inadequately Detect Refugee Settlements: A Critical Assessment at Thirty Refugee Settlements in Uganda
* Satellite-Based Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Model to Reconstruct Daily PM2.5 Concentrations across Great Britain, A
* Satellite-Derived Barrier Response and Recovery Following Natural and Anthropogenic Perturbations, Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
* Satellite-USV System for Persistent Observation of Mesoscale Oceanographic Phenomena, A
* SBNet: Segmentation-based Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Search
* Scalable and Explainable Outfit Generation
* Scalable Off-the-Shelf Framework for Measuring Patterns of Attention in Young Children and Its Application in Autism Spectrum Disorder, A
* Scaled 360 layouts: Revisiting non-central panoramas
* Scalloping Suppression for ScanSAR Images Based on Modified Kalman Filter With Preprocessing
* Scattering Enhanced Attention Pyramid Network for Aircraft Detection in SAR Images
* Scattering Model-Based Frequency-Hopping RCS Reconstruction Using SPICE Methods
* Scientific papers citation analysis using textual features and SMOTE resampling techniques
* Score to Learn: A Comparative Analysis of Scoring Functions for Active Learning in Robotics
* Sea Surface Salinity and Wind Speed Retrievals Using GNSS-R and L-Band Microwave Radiometry Data from FMPL-2 Onboard the FSSCat Mission
* Searching for an Optimal Hexagonal Shaped Enumeration Unit Size for Effective Spatial Pattern Recognition in Choropleth Maps
* Searching for Unknown Anomalies in Hierarchical Data Streams
* Seasonal and Tidal Variability of Surface Currents in the Western Andaman Sea Using HF Radars and Buoy Observations During 2016-2017
* Seasonal Surface Change of Urumqi Glacier No. 1, Eastern Tien Shan, China, Revealed by Repeated High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry
* Seasonal Trends in Clouds and Radiation over the Arctic Seas from Satellite Observations during 1982 to 2019
* Seawater Debye Model Function at L-Band and Its Impact on Salinity Retrieval From Aquarius Satellite Data
* Secure high capacity tetris-based scheme for data hiding
* See the Silence: Improving Visual-Only Voice Activity Detection by Optical Flow and RGB Fusion
* Seeing Farther Than Supervision: Self-supervised Depth Completion in Challenging Environments
* Segmental DCT Coefficient Reversal Based Anti-Collusion Audio Fingerprinting Mechanism
* Seismic Structural Curvature Volume Extraction With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Selecting an Iconic Pose From an Action Video
* Selection of diverse features with a diverse regularization
* Selective Replay Enhances Learning in Online Continual Analogical Reasoning
* Self Texture Transfer Networks for Low Bitrate Image Compression
* Self-Attention-Based Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Classification
* Self-Supervised Deep Fisheye Image Rectification Approach using Coordinate Relations
* Self-supervised Feature Learning by Cross-modality and Cross-view Correspondences
* Self-Supervised Learning of Remote Sensing Scene Representations Using Contrastive Multiview Coding
* Self-supervised multi-image super-resolution for push-frame satellite images
* Self-Supervised Multi-Task Pretraining Improves Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Self-training Guided Adversarial Domain Adaptation For Thermal Imagery
* Semantic Boosting: Enhancing Deep Learning Based LULC Classification
* Semantic Hierarchy Preserving Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Semantic labeling of LIDAR point clouds for UAV applications
* Semantic manifold modularization-based ranking for image recommendation
* Semantic meaning modulates object importance in human fixation prediction
* Semantic segmentation from remote sensor data and the exploitation of latent learning for classification of auxiliary tasks
* Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Cloud Based on Spatial Eight-Quadrant Kernel Convolution
* Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Outdoor Point Clouds by Encoder-Decoder Shared MLPs with Multiple Losses
* Semantic Segmentation of Tree-Canopy in Urban Environment with Pixel-Wise Deep Learning
* Semantic Segmentation of Urban Buildings Using a High-Resolution Network (HRNet) with Channel and Spatial Attention Gates
* Semantic segmentation on Swiss3DCities: A benchmark study on aerial photogrammetric 3D pointcloud dataset
* Semantic Structured Image Coding Framework for Multiple Intelligent Applications
* Semantic-Linked Data Ontologies for Indoor Navigation System in Response to COVID-19
* Semi-Supervised Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks for Time Series Land Cover Classification
* Semi-supervised multi-Layer convolution kernel learning in credit evaluation
* Semi-Supervised Perception Augmentation for Aerial Photo Topologies Understanding
* Semi-Supervised Student-Teacher Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Semi-synthesis: A fast way to produce effective datasets for stereo matching
* Sensitivity Analysis of Canopy Structural and Radiative Transfer Parameters to Reconstructed Maize Structures Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Sentinel-1 Data Processing for Detecting and Monitoring of Ground Instabilities in the Rocky Coast of Central Asturias (N Spain)
* Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Incidence Angle and the Impact on Retrieval Over Seasonal Crops
* Sentinel-1&2 Multitemporal Water Surface Detection Accuracies, Evaluated at Regional and Reservoirs Level
* Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Multi-Temporal Series to Estimate Topsoil Properties on Croplands
* Separability of Motor Imagery Directions Using Subject-Specific Discriminative EEG Features
* Sequence-tracker: Multiple object tracking with sequence features in severe occlusion scene
* Sequential fusion of facial appearance and dynamics for depression recognition
* SFCN: Symmetric feature comparison network for detecting ischemic stroke lesions on CT images
* Shadow Neural Radiance Fields for Multi-view Satellite Photogrammetry
* Shadow Removal with Paired and Unpaired Learning
* Shadow-Mapping for Unsupervised Neural Causal Discovery
* Shape from shading and polarization constrained by approximate shape
* Shape-Based Floor Plan Retrieval Using Parse Tree Matching
* Sharper N-D Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
* Sheaf and Topology Approach to Detecting Local Merging Relations in Digital Images, A
* Ship Object Detection of Remote Sensing Image Based on Visual Attention
* Shot in the Dark: Few-Shot Learning with No Base-Class Labels
* Show, Match and Segment: Joint Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Matching and Object Co-Segmentation
* SID: Incremental learning for anchor-free object detection via Selective and Inter-related Distillation
* Sign Language Production: A Review
* Sign Segmentation with Changepoint-Modulated Pseudo-Labelling
* Silhouette 4D With Context Selection: Lossless Geometry Compression of Dynamic Point Clouds
* Simple Baseline for Fast and Accurate Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, A
* Simple Nonlinear Iterative Temporal Clustering
* Simulating the Leaf Area Index of Rice from Multispectral Images
* Simulation Driven Design and Test for Safety of AI Based Autonomous Vehicles
* Simulation of a Wideband Radar Echo of a Target on a Dynamic Sea Surface
* Simultaneous Denoising and Localization Network for Photoacoustic Target Localization
* Simultaneous Radio Occultation Predictions for Inter-Satellite Comparison of Bending Angle Profiles from COSMIC-2 and GeoOptics
* Simultaneous Retrieval of Surface Roughness Parameters for Bare Soils From Combined Active-Passive Microwave SMAP Observations
* Single Haze Image Restoration Under Non-Uniform Dense Scattering Media
* Single Image Dehazing Using Bounded Channel Difference Prior
* Single Image Dehazing Via Region Adaptive Two-Shot Network
* Single Image Deraining Integrating Physics Model and Density-Oriented Conditional GAN Refinement
* Single image HDR synthesis using a Densely Connected Dilated ConvNet
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Asynchronous Multi-Scale Network
* Single View Geocentric Pose in the Wild
* Single-Image HDR Reconstruction with Task-specific Network based on Channel Adaptive RDN
* Single-Stream Segmentation and Depth Prediction CNN for Autonomous Driving, A
* Six Reasons Why Virtual Reality Is a Game-Changing Computing and Communication Platform for Organizations
* Skeleton Aware Multi-modal Sign Language Recognition
* Skeletonized Wave-Equation Refraction Inversion With Autoencoded Waveforms
* Skeletor: Skeletal Transformers for Robust Body-Pose Estimation
* Sketch-QNet: A Quadruplet ConvNet for Color Sketch-based Image Retrieval
* SKNet: Detecting Rotated Ships as Keypoints in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Sliced Wasserstein based Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-Domain Recommendation
* Sliding Windows Method Based on Terrain Self-Similarity for Higher DEM Resolution in Flood Simulating Modeling
* Small-Sized Ship Detection Nearshore Based on Lightweight Active Learning Model with a Small Number of Labeled Data for SAR Imagery
* Smart Home Technologies Are Saving Money and Lives: Reaching out in new directions, signal processing-supported smart technologies are rapidly changing - and improving - everyday life
* Smart Tourism Recommendation Algorithm Based on Cellular Geospatial Clustering and Multivariate Weighted Collaborative Filtering, A
* Smoke Detection from Himawari-8 Satellite Data over Kalimantan Island Using Multilayer Perceptrons
* Snow Lapse Rate Changes in the Atlas Mountain in Morocco Based on MODIS Time Series during the Period 2000-2016
* Snow Property Inversion From Remote Sensing (SPIReS): A Generalized Multispectral Unmixing Approach With Examples From MODIS and Landsat 8 OLI
* SoccerNet-v2: A Dataset and Benchmarks for Holistic Understanding of Broadcast Soccer Videos
* Soft Cross Entropy Loss and Bottleneck Tri-Cost Volume For Efficient Stereo Depth Prediction
* Soft-Boundary Label Relaxation with class placement constraints for semantic segmentation of the railway environment
* Soil Moisture Estimates in a Grass Field Using Sentinel-1 Radar Data and an Assimilation Approach
* Soil Salinity Inversion in Coastal Corn Planting Areas by the Satellite-UAV-Ground Integration Approach
* Solar Resource Potentials and Annual Capacity Factor Based on the Korean Solar Irradiance Datasets Derived by the Satellite Imagery from 1996 to 2019
* Space Weather Services for Civil Aviation: Challenges and Solutions
* Spacecraft Dataset for Detection, Segmentation and Parts Recognition, A
* Spacecraft Time-Series Anomaly Detection Using Transfer Learning
* SPACESeg: Automated Detection of Bed Junction Morphologies Indicating Signs of Life in Ediacaran Period
* Sparse Activation Maps for Interpreting 3D Object Detection
* Sparse Bayesian Learning Using Generalized Double Pareto Prior for DOA Estimation
* Sparse semi-supervised heterogeneous interbattery bayesian analysis
* Spatial Downscaling of Land Surface Temperature over Heterogeneous Regions Using Random Forest Regression Considering Spatial Features
* Spatial Modeling of Asthma-Prone Areas Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms
* Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatial reasoning for few-shot object detection
* Spatial Variant Motion Compensation Algorithm for High-Monofrequency Motion Error in Mini-UAV-Based BiSAR Systems, A
* Spatial Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage with Variable Forces across the Yellow River Basin
* Spatial-Aware Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spatial-Aware Texture Transformer for High-Fidelity Garment Transfer
* Spatial-Spectral Radial Basis Function-Based Interpolation for Landsat ETM+ SLC-Off Image Gap Filling
* Spatially Varying Effects of Street Greenery on Walking Time of Older Adults
* Spatially-Constrained Semantic Segmentation with Topological Maps and Visual Embeddings
* Spatio-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Fully Convolutional Network for Video-Based Dimensional Emotion Recognition
* Spatio-temporal linking of multiple SAR satellite data from medium and high resolution Radarsat-2 images
* Spatio-Temporal Predictive Network For Videos With Physical Properties
* Spatio-Temporal Variation Characteristics of Aboveground Biomass in the Headwater of the Yellow River Based on Machine Learning
* Spatiotemporal Changes and Driving Factors of Cultivated Soil Organic Carbon in Northern China's Typical Agro-Pastoral Ecotone in the Last 30 Years
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Risk Factors of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York State: Implication of Future Policies
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Water Quality and Its Multiscale Relationship with Land Use in the Yangtze River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urban Land Expansion and Population Growth in Africa from 2001 to 2019: Evidence from Population Density Data
* Spatiotemporal consistency-enhanced network for video anomaly detection
* Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Soil CO2 Efflux in a Subtropical Forest during the Dry Season Based on Field Observations and Remote Sensing Imagery
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Dune Velocities and Corresponding Uncertainties, Detected from Optical Image Matching in the North Sinai Sand Sea, Egypt
* Spatiotemporal Variations in Snow Cover and Hydrological Effects in the Upstream Region of the Shule River Catchment, Northwestern China
* Speaker Clustering by Co-Optimizing Deep Representation Learning and Cluster Estimation
* Special Issue on Automated Perception of Human Affect from Longitudinal Behavioral Data
* Spectral and Growth Characteristics of Willows and Maize in Soil Contaminated with a Layer of Crude or Refined Oil
* Spectral Grouping and Attention-Driven Residual Dense Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Spectral Spatial Attention Fusion with Deformable Convolutional Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Spectral-Smoothness and Non-Local Self-Similarity Regularized Subspace Low-Rank Learning Method for Hyperspectral Mixed Denoising
* Speech Personality Recognition Based on Annotation Classification Using Log-Likelihood Distance and Extraction of Essential Audio Features
* Spherical Kernel for Efficient Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
* Spherical Wave Decomposition Based Polar Format Algorithm for ArcSAR Imaging
* Spike timing-based unsupervised learning of orientation, disparity, and motion representations in a spiking neural network*
* Split-Attention Networks with Self-Calibrated Convolution for Moon Impact Crater Detection from Multi-Source Data
* SpoC: Spoofing Camera Fingerprints
* Spot the GEO Satellites: From Dataset to Kelvins SpotGEO Challenge
* SRFlow-DA: Super-Resolution Using Normalizing Flow with Deep Convolutional Block
* SRKTDN: Applying Super Resolution Method to Dehazing Task
* SrvfNet: A Generative Network for Unsupervised Multiple Diffeomorphic Functional Alignment
* SrvfRegNet: Elastic Function Registration Using Deep Neural Networks
* ST-GREED: Space-Time Generalized Entropic Differences for Frame Rate Dependent Video Quality Prediction
* Stacked Deep Multi-Scale Hierarchical Network for Fast Bokeh Effect Rendering from a Single Image
* Staged Sketch-to-Image Synthesis via Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks
* State of Power Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles via Wavelet-Markov Load Analysis
* State of the Art: This Convolutional Neural Network can Tell you Whether a Painting is a Fake
* State Representation Learning With Adjacent State Consistency Loss for Deep Reinforcement Learning
* State-Based Method to Simultaneously Reduce Cycle Slips and Noise in Coherent GNSS-R Phase Measurements From Open-Loop Tracking, A
* Statistical mechanical analysis for unweighted and weighted stock market networks
* Statistical Properties and Airspace Capacity for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks Subject to Sense-and-Avoid Safety Protocols
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment considering visual mechanism and multi-loss constraints
* Stimuli-Aware Visual Emotion Analysis
* Stochastic Super-Resolution for Downscaling Time-Evolving Atmospheric Fields With a Generative Adversarial Network
* Stratified Particle Filter Monocular SLAM
* String Stability of a Vehicular Platoon With the Use of Macroscopic Information
* Strong Baseline for Vehicle Re-Identification, A
* Structure-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Airborne Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Study of Sea Surface Rain Identification Based on HY-2A Scatterometer, A
* Study on Collaborative Emission Reduction in Green-House and Pollutant Gas Due to COVID-19 Lockdown in China
* Study on the Creep-Sliding Mechanism of the Giant Xiongba Ancient Landslide Based on the SBAS-InSAR Method, Tibetan Plateau, China
* Study on the Relative Importance of Convolutional Neural Networks in Visually-Aware Recommender Systems, A
* Studying a Subsiding Urbanized Area from a Multidisciplinary Perspective: The Inner Sector of the Sarno Plain (Southern Apennines, Italy)
* StyleGuide: Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Using Style-Guided Image Generation
* Subject independent evaluation of eyebrows as a stand-alone biometric
* Subjective Quality Optimized Efficient Image Compression
* Subsidence Monitoring Base on SBAS-InSAR and Slope Stability Analysis Method for Damage Analysis in Mountainous Mining Subsidence Regions
* SUNet: Change Detection for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images from Satellite and UAV Using a Dual-Channel Fully Convolution Network
* Super Edge 4-Points Congruent Sets-Based Point Cloud Global Registration
* Super-Resolution Appearance Transfer for 4D Human Performances
* Super-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy Using Structured-Illumination
* Superpixel alpha-expansion and normal adjustment for stereo matching
* Superpixel-Based Multiple Statistical Feature Extraction Method for Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Superpixels and Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Detection of Nutrient Deficiency Stress from Aerial Imagery
* Superpixels With Content-Adaptive Criteria
* Supervised Contrastive Replay: Revisiting the Nearest Class Mean Classifier in Online Class-Incremental Continual Learning
* Supervised deep learning of elastic SRV distances on the shape space of curves
* Supervision by Registration and Triangulation for Landmark Detection
* Surface Diffraction Noise Attenuation for Marine Seismic Data Processing With Mathematical Morphological Filtering
* Surface Urban Heat Islands Dynamics in Response to LULC and Vegetation across South Asia (2000-2019)
* Surprising image compositions
* survey on dorsal hand vein biometrics, A
* survey on spatio-temporal framework for kinematic gait analysis in RGB videos, A
* SVG-Loop: Semantic-Visual-Geometric Information-Based Loop Closure Detection
* SWS-DAN: Subtler WS-DAN for fine-grained image classification
* Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Synchronized Truck and Drone Routing in Package Delivery Logistics
* Synergistic Calibration of a Hydrological Model Using Discharge and Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture in the Paraná River Basin
* Synergy of Raman Lidar and Modeled Temperature for Relative Humidity Profiling: Assessment and Uncertainty Analysis
* Synthetically Generating Motion Blur in a Depth Map from Time-of-Flight Sensors
* Systematic Approach for Tunnel Deformation Monitoring with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Systematic Review on the Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Forest and Grassland Ecosystem Health Attributes, Indicators, and Measures, A
* Table Tennis Stroke Recognition Using Two-Dimensional Human Pose Estimation
* Tackling Inter-class Similarity and Intra-class Variance for Microscopic Image-Based Classification
* TAEN: Temporal Aware Embedding Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Tale of Two CILs: The Connections between Class Incremental Learning and Class Imbalanced Learning, and Beyond, A
* Talking with signs A simple method to detect nouns and numbers in a non-annotated signs language corpus
* Target-Tailored Source-Transformation for Scene Graph Generation
* Task Load Estimation from Multimodal Head-Worn Sensors Using Event Sequence Features
* TDIOT: Target-Driven Inference for Deep Video Object Tracking
* TE141K: Artistic Text Benchmark for Text Effect Transfer
* Temperature Estimation Using Lumped-Parameter Thermal Network With Piecewise Stator-Housing Modules for Fault-Tolerant Brake Systems in Highly Automated Driving Vehicles
* Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation as Determinants of Regional AOD-PM2.5 Model Performance in the Middle East
* Temporal Consistency Loss for High Resolution Textured and Clothed 3D Human Reconstruction from Monocular Video
* Temporal consistent portrait video segmentation
* Temporal Constraint Background-Aware Correlation Filter With Saliency Map
* Temporal Directed Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Forecasting Using Taxi Trajectory Data, A
* Temporal Envelope and Fine Structure Cues for Dysarthric Speech Detection Using CNNs
* Temporal Extension for Encoder-Decoder-based Crowd Counting Approaches
* Temporal Textual Localization in Video via Adversarial Bi-Directional Interaction Networks
* Temporally-Aware Feature Pooling for Action Spotting in Soccer Broadcasts
* Tensor dimensionality reduction via mode product and HSIC
* Tensor Subspace Representation-Based Method for Hyperspectral Image Denoising, A
* Tensor-Based Reduced-Dimension MUSIC Method for Parameter Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar
* Ternary Feature Masks: zero-forgetting for task-incremental learning
* Terrestrial Videogrammetry for Deriving Key Forest Inventory Data: A Case Study in Plantation
* TEST: Triplet Ensemble Student-Teacher Model for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part II: Case Studies
* Testing the Height Variation Hypothesis with the R rasterdiv Package for Tree Species Diversity Estimation
* Theoretical-Empirical Approach to Estimating Sample Complexity of DNNs, A
* Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
* Thermal Image Super-Resolution Using Second-Order Channel Attention with Varying Receptive Fields
* Thermospheric Parameters during Ionospheric G-Conditions
* Three Gaps for Quantisation in Learned Image Compression
* Three-Dimensional Unique-Identifier-Based Automated Georeferencing and Coregistration of Point Clouds in Underground Mines
* Threshold Setting of Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Impropriety of Complex Signals
* Through-the-Wall Nonlinear SAR Imaging
* TIED: A Cycle Consistent Encoder-Decoder Model for Text-to-Image Retrieval
* Tightly-coupled camera/LiDAR integration for point cloud generation from GNSS/INS-assisted UAV mapping systems
* Tile caching for scalable VR video streaming over 5G mobile networks
* Tilted Cross-Entropy (TCE): Promoting Fairness in Semantic Segmentation
* Time Varying Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Drought Index
* Time-Domain Multidimensional Deconvolution: A Physically Reliable and Stable Preconditioned Implementation
* Time-Domain Simulation System of MICAP L-Band Radiometer for Pre-Launch RFI Processing Study, A
* Time-Variable Gravity Field from the Combination of HLSST and SLR
* Tiny-PIRATE: A Tiny model with Parallelized Intelligence for Real-time Analysis as a Traffic countEr
* TMMF: Temporal Multi-Modal Fusion for Single-Stage Continuous Gesture Recognition
* Toe Prints: An Application Study for Biometric Verification in Adults
* Top-rank convolutional neural network and its application to medical image-based diagnosis
* Toward Formal Methods for Smart Cities
* Toward Improving The Visual Characterization of Sport Activities With Abstracted Scene Graphs
* Toward Interactive Modulation for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration
* Towards Accurate Visual and Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval Systems
* Towards Automated and Marker-less Parkinson Disease Assessment: Predicting UPDRS Scores using Sit-stand videos
* Towards Black-Box Explainability with Gaussian Discriminant Knowledge Distillation
* Towards Coding for Human and Machine Vision: Scalable Face Image Coding
* Towards Computer Vision and Deep Learning Facilitated Pollination Monitoring for Agriculture
* Towards Culture-Aware Smart and Sustainable Cities: Integrating Historical Sources in Spatial Information Infrastructures
* Towards Domain-Specific Explainable AI: Model Interpretation of a Skin Image Classifier using a Human Approach
* Towards Fair Federated Learning with Zero-Shot Data Augmentation
* Towards High-Resolution Land-Cover Classification of Greenland: A Case Study Covering Kobbefjord, Disko and Zackenberg
* Towards Indirect Top-Down Road Transport Emissions Estimation
* Towards open-set touchless palmprint recognition via weight-based meta metric learning
* Towards Practical Sketch-Based 3D Shape Generation: The Role of Professional Sketches
* Towards Resilient Critical Infrastructures: Understanding the Impact of Coastal Flooding on the Fuel Transportation Network in the San Francisco Bay
* Towards robust explanations for deep neural networks
* Towards Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning from LiDAR Point Clouds: A Case Study in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
* Tracking more than 100 arbitrary objects at 25 FPS through deep learning
* Tracklet-refined Multi-Camera Tracking based on Balanced Cross-Domain Re-Identification for Vehicles
* Traffic Demand Analysis Method for Urban Air Mobility, A
* Traffic Video Event Retrieval via Text Query using Vehicle Appearance and Motion Attributes
* Training Deep Generative Models in Highly Incomplete Data Scenarios with Prior Regularization
* Training Domain-invariant Object Detector Faster with Feature Replay and Slow Learner
* Training Dynamical Binary Neural Networks with Equilibrium Propagation
* Training object detectors from few weakly-labeled and many unlabeled images
* Training Rare Object Detection in Satellite Imagery with Synthetic GAN Images
* Transfer learning helps to improve the accuracy to classify patients with different speech disorders in different languages
* Transformer Meets Convolution: A Bilateral Awareness Network for Semantic Segmentation of Very Fine Resolution Urban Scene Images
* Transformer-based Text Detection in the Wild
* Transparency for Participation through the Communication Approach
* Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceania and Southern Pacific during the 2019-20 Australian Bushfires
* Transtrack: Online meta-transfer learning and Otsu segmentation enabled wireless gesture tracking
* Tree Extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Urban Areas
* Triton: Topography and Geology of a Probable Ocean World with Comparison to Pluto and Charon
* TSFNet: Two-Stage Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* TSNet: Three-Stream Self-Attention Network for RGB-D Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Tunnel Reconstruction With Block Level Precision by Combining Data-Driven Segmentation and Model-Driven Assembly
* Twice Is Nice: The Benefits of Two Ground Measures for Evaluating the Accuracy of Satellite-Based Sustainability Estimates
* Two-branch Neural Network for Non-homogeneous Dehazing via Ensemble Learning, A
* Two-dimensional jointly sparse robust discriminant regression
* Two-Dimensional Stroke Gesture Recognition: A Survey
* two-level framework for place recognition with 3D LiDAR based on spatial relation graph, A
* Two-Phase Coordinated Planning Approach for Heterogeneous Earth-Observation Resources to Monitor Area Targets, A
* two-stage approach for road marking extraction and modeling using MLS point clouds, A
* Two-Stage Deep Learning Registration Method for Remote Sensing Images Based on Sub-Image Matching, A
* Two-stage Deep Network for High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction, A
* Two-Stage Learning and Fusion Network With Noise Aware for Time-Domain Monaural Speech Enhancement
* Two-Stage Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Two-Step Inverse-Scattering Technique in Variable-Exponent Lebesgue Spaces for Through-the-Wall Microwave Imaging: Experimental Results, A
* Two-Stream Compare and Contrast Network for Vertebral Compression Fracture Diagnosis
* Two-Stream Convolutional Long- and Short-Term Memory Model Using Perceptual Loss for Sequence-to-Sequence Arctic Sea Ice Prediction
* Typhoon Warm-Core Structures Derived from FY-3D MWTS-2 Observations
* UAV Remote Sensing Image Automatic Registration Based on Deep Residual Features
* UAV-Based Land Cover Classification for Hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Habitat Condition Assessment: A Case Study on Mt. Stara Planina (Serbia)
* Ultralow Complexity String Matching Approach to Screen Content Coding in AVS3, An
* Uncertainty-Aware Performance Measure for Multi-Object Tracking, An
* Underground Goaf Parameters Estimation by Cross-Iteration with InSAR Measurements
* Underground Pipeline Identification into a Non-Destructive Case Study Based on Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging
* Understanding Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Land Use/Land Cover Change under Urbanization in Wuhan, China, 2000-2019
* Understanding the Influence of Building Loads on Surface Settlement: A Case Study in the Central Business District of Beijing Combining Multi-Source Data
* Understanding the Links between LULC Changes and SUHI in Cities: Insights from Two-Decadal Studies (2001-2020)
* Understanding the Reason for Misclassification by Generating Counterfactual Images
* Understanding the Role of Urbanization on Vegetation Dynamics in Mountainous Areas of Southwest China: Mechanism, Spatiotemporal Pattern, and Policy Implications
* Understanding Urban Growth in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region over the Past 100 Years Using Old Maps and Landsat Data
* Underwater Acoustic Localization of the Black Box Based on Generalized Second-Order Time Difference of Arrival (GSTDOA)
* Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging (UHI): A Review of Systems and Applications for Proximal Seafloor Ecosystem Studies
* Underwater Image Vision Enhancement Algorithm Based on Contour Bougie Morphology, An
* Underwater Target Tracking Control of an Untethered Robotic Fish With a Camera Stabilizer
* Underway Hyperspectral Bio-Optical Assessments of Phytoplankton Size Classes in the River-Influenced Northern Gulf of Mexico
* unified framework for damaged image fusion and completion based on low-rank and sparse decomposition, A
* Unified Hierarchical XGBoost model for classifying priorities for COVID-19 vaccination campaign, A
* Unified learning approach for egocentric hand gesture recognition and fingertip detection
* Unified Network for Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution of Video Satellite Images, A
* Unified Numerical Scheme for Coupled Multiphysics Model, A
* Unified Recurrent Video Object Segmentation Framework for Various Surveillance Environments, An
* unified weight learning and low-rank regression model for robust complex error modeling, A
* Unifying frame rate and temporal dilations for improved remote pulse detection
* Unifying Framework for Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Event Sequence Similarity and Its Applications, A
* Unifying Guided and Unguided Outdoor Image Synthesis
* Unifying Offline and Online Multi-Graph Matching via Finding Shortest Paths on Supergraph
* Uniting Stereo and Depth-from-Defocus: A Thin Lens-based Variational Framework for Multiview Reconstruction
* Universal Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Universal Encoder Rate Distortion Optimization Framework for Learned Compression, A
* Universal multi-Source domain adaptation for image classification
* Unknown presentation attack detection against rational attackers
* Unlocking the Full Potential of Small Data with Diverse Supervision
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Mapping of Acacia saligna Invasion in the Mediterranean Coast
* Unpaired Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution with Multi-Stage Aggregation Networks
* Unsharp Mask Guided Filtering
* Unsupervised Change Detection Using Fuzzy Topology-Based Majority Voting
* Unsupervised Detection of Cancerous Regions in Histology Imagery using Image-to-Image Translation
* Unsupervised Eyeglasses Removal in the Wild
* Unsupervised Multi-View Clustering by Squeezing Hybrid Knowledge From Cross View and Each View
* Unsupervised Reconstruction of Sea Surface Currents from AIS Maritime Traffic Data Using Trainable Variational Models
* Unsupervised Temporal Consistency (TC) Loss to Improve the Performance of Semantic Segmentation Networks, An
* Unsupervised Video Summarization via Relation-Aware Assignment Learning
* Urban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential, and Challenges
* Urban Building Extraction and Modeling Using GF-7 DLC and MUX Images
* Urban Growth Derived from Landsat Time Series Using Harmonic Analysis: A Case Study in South England with High Levels of Cloud Cover
* Urban Scene LOD Vectorized Modeling From Photogrammetry Meshes
* Urban Water Extraction with UAV High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data Based on an Improved U-Net Model
* Use of Interactive Virtual BIM to Boost Virtual Tourism in Heritage Sites, Historic Jeddah, The
* Use of Multiplatform SAR Imagery in Mining Deformation Monitoring with Dense Vegetation Coverage: A Case Study in the Fengfeng Mining Area, China
* Use of NIRS in Wild Rodents' Research: A Review of Timid Beginnings
* Use of PPGIS: Towards Reaching a Meaningful Public Participation in Spatial Planning, The
* Use of Satellite Data to Determine the Changes of Hydrodynamic Parameters in the Gulf of Gdansk via EcoFish Model, The
* Use of X-Band Radars to Monitor Small Garbage Islands
* Using Canopy Measurements to Predict Soybean Seed Yield
* Using Circular Models to Improve Music Emotion Recognition
* Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Detection and Morphometric Analysis of Carolina Bays from Publicly Available Digital Elevation Modelss
* Using Eco-Geographical Zoning Data and Crowdsourcing to Improve the Detection of Spurious Land Cover Changes
* Using Field Spectroradiometer to Estimate the Leaf N/P Ratio of Mixed Forest in a Karst Area of Southern China: A Combined Model to Overcome Overfitting
* Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Permafrost Monitoring from 2015-2017 at CALM Sites in the Pechora River Delta
* Using Historical Archives and Landsat Imagery to Explore Changes in the Mangrove Cover of Peninsular Malaysia between 1853 and 2018
* Using Improved Edge Detection Method to Detect Mining-Induced Ground Fissures Identified by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing
* Using Multiple Scale Space-Time Patterns to Determine the Number of Replicates and Burn-In Periods in Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Modeling of Vector-Borne Disease Transmission
* Using Multisource Satellite Data to Investigate Lake Area, Water Level, and Water Storage Changes of Terminal Lakes in Ungauged Regions
* Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Slangbos Mapping in the Free State Province, South Africa
* Using Sentinel-2 for Simplifying Soil Sampling and Mapping: Two Case Studies in Umbria, Italy
* Using Text to Teach Image Retrieval
* Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and LiDAR-Derived DEMs to Estimate Channels of Small Tributary Streams
* Utilization of Weather Radar Data for the Flash Flood Indicator Application in the Czech Republic
* v2e: From Video Frames to Realistic DVS Events
* Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and In Situ LST: A TIMELINE Thematic Processor
* Validation of FY-3D MERSI-2 Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) Datasets Using Ground-Based PWV Data from AERONET
* Variabilities in PM2.5 and Black Carbon Surface Concentrations Reproduced by Aerosol Optical Properties Estimated by In-Situ Data, Ground Based Remote Sensing and Modeling
* Variable Rate ROI Image Compression Optimized for Visual Quality
* Variable weight algorithm for convolutional neural networks and its applications to classification of seizure phases and types
* Variation Tendency of Coastline under Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbance around the Abandoned Yellow River Delta in 1984-2019
* Variational AutoEncoder for Reference based Image Super-Resolution
* Variational Bayesian Compressive Multipolarization Indoor Radar Imaging
* Variational Generative Adversarial Network with Crossed Spatial and Spectral Interactions for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Variational optimization based single image dehazing
* Variations in the Effects of Landscape Patterns on the Urban Thermal Environment during Rapid Urbanization (1990-2020) in Megacities
* Vector-Based Feature Representations for Speech Signals: From Supervector to Latent Vector
* Vegetation Dynamics and Climatological Drivers in Ethiopia at the Turn of the Century
* Vehicle Re-Identification based on Ensembling Deep Learning Features including a Synthetic Training Dataset, Orientation and Background Features, and Camera Verification.
* VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Vertical Structure of Air Pollutant Transport Flux as Determined by Ground-Based Remote Sensing Observations in Fen-Wei Plain, China
* Video Class Agnostic Segmentation Benchmark for Autonomous Driving
* Video hashing with secondary frames and invariant moments
* Video Popularity Prediction Through Fusing Early Viewership with Video Content
* Video Summarization With Frame Index Vision Transformer
* Video-Based Camera Localization Using Anchor View Detection and Recursive 3D Reconstruction
* Video-based Person Re-identification without Bells and Whistles
* Visibility-Aware Point-Based Multi-View Stereo Network
* Visible-Thermal Image Object Detection via the Combination of Illumination Conditions and Temperature Information
* Vision-based Neural Scene Representations for Spacecraft
* Vision-based System for Traffic Anomaly Detection using Deep Learning and Decision Trees, A
* Visual Explanation for Deep Metric Learning
* Visual Focus of Attention Estimation in 3D Scene with an Arbitrary Number of Targets
* Visual Localization of the Tianwen-1 Lander Using Orbital, Descent and Rover Images
* Visual question answering in the medical domain based on deep learning approaches: A comprehensive study
* Visual Saliency via Selecting and Reweighting Features in Hierarchical Fusion Network
* Visual Servoing of a Flexible Aerial Refueling Boom With an Eye-in-Hand Camera
* Visual SLAM for Asteroid Relative Navigation
* Visualization Analysis of Intelligent Vehicles Research Field Based on Mapping Knowledge Domain
* VRHI: Visibility Restoration for Hazy Images Using a Haze Density Model
* VSE-fs: Fast Full-Sample Visual Semantic Embedding
* VSpSR: Explorable Super-Resolution via Variational Sparse Representation
* Wasserstein distance feature alignment learning for 2D image-based 3D model retrieval
* Water Availability on the Chinese Loess Plateau since the Implementation of the Grain for Green Project as Indicated by the Evaporative Stress Index, The
* Water Extraction in SAR Images Using Features Analysis and Dual-Threshold Graph Cut Model
* Watermarking-Based Framework for Protecting Deep Image Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks, A
* Wave Peel Tracking: A New Approach for Assessing Surf Amenity and Analysis of Breaking Waves
* WavNet: Visual saliency detection using Discrete Wavelet Convolutional Neural Network
* WC-KNNG-PC: Watershed clustering based on k-nearest-neighbor graph and Pauta Criterion
* Weak Multi-View Supervision for Surface Mapping Estimation
* Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation using Super-pixel labeling for Semantic Segmentation
* Weakly-Supervised Cross-Domain Road Scene Segmentation via Multi-Level Curriculum Adaptation
* Wearable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Physiological Monitoring Tool for Seals under Anaesthesia
* Weekly Mapping of Sea Ice Freeboard in the Ross Sea from ICESat-2
* Weighted clustering: Towards solving the user's dilemma
* Weighted Multi-Kernel Prediction Network for Burst Image Super-Resolution
* What-and-where to match: Deep spatially multiplicative integration networks for person re-identification
* Wheat Spike Detection Method in UAV Images Based on Improved YOLOv5, A
* Where are my clothes? A multi-level approach for evaluating deep instance segmentation architectures on fashion images
* Why is this an anomaly? Explaining anomalies using sequential explanations
* Wide Receptive Field and Channel Attention Network for JPEG Compressed Image Deblurring
* Width transfer: on the (in)variance of width optimization
* Wildfire Segmentation Using Deep Vision Transformers
* Woody Surface Area Measurements with Terrestrial Laser Scanning Relate to the Anatomical and Structural Complexity of Urban Trees
* X-MAN: Explaining multiple sources of anomalies in video
* X-net with Different Loss Functions for Cell Image Segmentation
* X-Ray Scatter Estimation Using Deep Splines
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Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.