Refugee Camp Growth, Development, Analysis, Refugee Movement, Informal Settlement

Chapter Contents (Back)
Refugee Camps. Urban Growth.

Dubovyk, O.[Olena], Sliuzas, R.[Richard], Flacke, J.[Johannes],
Spatio-temporal modelling of informal settlement development in Sancaktepe district, Istanbul, Turkey,
PandRS(66), No. 2, March 2011, pp. 235-246.
Elsevier DOI 1103
Spatio-temporal analysis; Logistic regression modelling; GIS; Informal settlements; Istanbul BibRef

Tiede, D.[Dirk], Füreder, P.[Petra], Lang, S.[Stefan], Hölbling, D.[Daniel], Zeil, P.[Peter],
Automated Analysis of Satellite Imagery to provide Information Products for Humanitarian Relief Operations in Refugee Camps - from Scientific Development towards Operational Services,
PFG(2013), No. 3, 2013, pp. 185-195.
DOI Link 1306

Spröhnle, K.[Kristin], Tiede, D.[Dirk], Schoepfer, E.[Elisabeth], Füreder, P.[Petra], Svanberg, A.[Anna], Rost, T.[Torbjörn],
Earth Observation-Based Dwelling Detection Approaches in a Highly Complex Refugee Camp Environment: A Comparative Study,
RS(6), No. 10, 2014, pp. 9277-9297.
DOI Link 1411

Komp, K.U.[Klaus-Ulrich], Müterthies, A.[Andreas],
Supporting Management of Refugee Streams by Earth Observation and Geoinformation,
PFG(2016), No. 5-6, 2016, pp. 347-358.
DOI Link 1703
Supporting Management Of European Refugee Streams By Earth Observation And Geoinformation,
ISPRS16(B7: 967-972).
DOI Link 1610

Tiede, D.[Dirk], Krafft, P.[Pascal], Füreder, P.[Petra], Lang, S.[Stefan],
Stratified Template Matching to Support Refugee Camp Analysis in OBIA Workflows,
RS(9), No. 4, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1705

Hübl, F.[Franziska], Cvetojevic, S.[Sreten], Hochmair, H.[Hartwig], Paulus, G.[Gernot],
Analyzing Refugee Migration Patterns Using Geo-tagged Tweets,
IJGI(6), No. 10, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1710

Hassan, M.M.[Mohammad Mehedy], Smith, A.C.[Audrey Culver], Walker, K.[Katherine], Rahman, M.K.[Munshi Khaledur], Southworth, J.[Jane],
Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Forest Cover Change in Teknaf, Bangladesh,
RS(10), No. 5, 2018, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1806

Braun, A.[Andreas], Fakhri, F.[Falah], Hochschild, V.[Volker],
Refugee Camp Monitoring and Environmental Change Assessment of Kutupalong, Bangladesh, Based on Radar Imagery of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2,
RS(11), No. 17, 2019, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1909

Lanz, P.[Peter], Marino, A.[Armando], Brinkhoff, T.[Thomas], Köster, F.[Frank], Möller, M.[Matthias],
The InflateSAR Campaign: Evaluating SAR Identification Capabilities of Distressed Refugee Boats,
RS(12), No. 21, 2020, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2011
And: Correction: RS(15), No. 22, 2023, pp. 5344.
DOI Link 2311

Havas, C.[Clemens], Wendlinger, L.[Lorenz], Stier, J.[Julian], Julka, S.[Sahib], Krieger, V.[Veronika], Ferner, C.[Cornelia], Petutschnig, A.[Andreas], Granitzer, M.[Michael], Wegenkittl, S.[Stefan], Resch, B.[Bernd],
Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Analysis of Social Media Data and Refugee Movement Statistics,
IJGI(10), No. 8, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2108

van den-Hoek, J.[Jamon], Friedrich, H.K.[Hannah K.],
Satellite-Based Human Settlement Datasets Inadequately Detect Refugee Settlements: A Critical Assessment at Thirty Refugee Settlements in Uganda,
RS(13), No. 18, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2109

Karim, M.F.[Md Fazlul], Zhang, X.[Xiang],
Analysis of Vegetative Cover Vulnerability in Rohingya Refugee Camps of Bangladesh Utilizing Landsat and Per Capita Greening Area (PCGA) Datasets,
RS(13), No. 23, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Lanz, P.[Peter], Marino, A.[Armando], Brinkhoff, T.[Thomas], Köster, F.[Frank], Möller, M.[Matthias],
The InflateSAR Campaign: Testing SAR Vessel Detection Systems for Refugee Rubber Inflatables,
RS(13), No. 8, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

van den Hoek, J.[Jamon], Friedrich, H.K.[Hannah K.], Ballasiotes, A.[Anna], Peters, L.E.R.[Laura E. R.], Wrathall, D.[David],
Development after Displacement: Evaluating the Utility of OpenStreetMap Data for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal Progress in Refugee Settlements,
IJGI(10), No. 3, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2104

Sakamoto, M.[Maiko], Ullah, S.M.A.[Shah M. Asik], Tani, M.[Masakazu],
Land Cover Changes after the Massive Rohingya Refugee Influx in Bangladesh: Neo-Classic Unsupervised Approach,
RS(13), No. 24, 2021, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2112

Gella, G.W.[Getachew Workineh], Wendt, L.[Lorenz], Lang, S.[Stefan], Tiede, D.[Dirk], Hofer, B.[Barbara], Gao, Y.[Yunya], Braun, A.[Andreas],
Mapping of Dwellings in IDP/Refugee Settlements from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using a Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network,
RS(14), No. 3, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2202

Fallatah, A.[Ahmad], Jones, S.[Simon], Wallace, L.[Luke], Mitchell, D.[David],
Combining Object-Based Machine Learning with Long-Term Time-Series Analysis for Informal Settlement Identification,
RS(14), No. 5, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2203

You, D.[Di], Wang, S.X.[Shi-Xin], Wang, F.[Futao], Zhou, Y.[Yi], Wang, Z.Q.[Zhen-Qing], Wang, J.M.[Jing-Ming], Xiong, Y.B.[Yi-Bing],
EfficientUNet+: A Building Extraction Method for Emergency Shelters Based on Deep Learning,
RS(14), No. 9, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2205

Matarira, D.[Dadirai], Mutanga, O.[Onisimo], Naidu, M.[Maheshvari],
Google Earth Engine for Informal Settlement Mapping: A Random Forest Classification Using Spectral and Textural Information,
RS(14), No. 20, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2211

Ghorbanzadeh, O.[Omid], Crivellari, A.[Alessandro], Tiede, D.[Dirk], Ghamisi, P.[Pedram], Lang, S.[Stefan],
Mapping Dwellings in IDP/Refugee Settlements Using Deep Learning,
RS(14), No. 24, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2212

Chen, J.[Jinliu], Tian, W.K.[Wen-Kang], Xu, K.[Kexin], Pellegrini, P.[Paola],
Testing Small-Scale Vitality Measurement Based on 5D Model Assessment with Multi-Source Data: A Resettlement Community Case in Suzhou,
IJGI(11), No. 12, 2022, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2301

Senaratne, H.[Hansi], Mühlbauer, M.[Martin], Kiefl, R.[Ralph], Cárdenas, A.[Andrea], Prathapan, L.[Lallu], Riedlinger, T.[Torsten], Biewer, C.[Carolin], Taubenböck, H.[Hannes],
The Unseen: An Investigative Analysis of Thematic and Spatial Coverage of News on the Ongoing Refugee Crisis in West Africa,
IJGI(12), No. 4, 2023, pp. 175.
DOI Link 2305

You, D.[Di], Wang, S.X.[Shi-Xin], Wang, F.[Futao], Zhou, Y.[Yi], Wang, Z.Q.[Zhen-Qing], Wang, Y.C.[Yan-Chao], Wang, J.M.[Jing-Ming], Xiong, Y.B.[Yi-Bing], Ji, J.W.[Jian-Wan],
Monitoring and Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Effective Refuge Area of Emergency Shelters by Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Beijing's Fifth Ring Road,
RS(15), No. 14, 2023, pp. 3646.
DOI Link 2307

Alrasheedi, K.G.[Khlood Ghalib], Dewan, A.[Ashraf], El-Mowafy, A.[Ahmed],
Using Local Knowledge and Remote Sensing in the Identification of Informal Settlements in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia,
RS(15), No. 15, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2308

Zhang, R.[Ran], Cao, L.[Lei], Liu, Y.Q.[Yi-Qing], Guo, R.[Ru], Luo, J.J.[Jun-Jie], Shu, P.[Ping],
Decoding Spontaneous Informal Spaces in Old Residential Communities: A Drone and Space Syntax Perspective,
IJGI(12), No. 11, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 2312

Lu, W.[Wei], Hu, Y.F.[Yun-Feng], Peng, F.F.[Fei-Fei], Feng, Z.M.[Zhi-Ming], Yang, Y.Z.[Yan-Zhao],
A Geoscience-Aware Network (GASlumNet) Combining UNet and ConvNeXt for Slum Mapping,
RS(16), No. 2, 2024, pp. 260.
DOI Link 2402

Ansari, R.A.[Rizwan Ahmed], Mulrooney, T.J.[Timothy J.],
Self-Attention Multiresolution Analysis-Based Informal Settlement Identification Using Remote Sensing Data,
RS(16), No. 17, 2024, pp. 3334.
DOI Link 2409

Tu, W.[Wei], Chen, D.S.[Dong-Sheng], Cao, R.[Rui], Xia, J.Z.[Ji-Zhe], Zhang, Y.[Yatao], Li, Q.Q.[Qing-Quan],
Towards SDG 11: Large-scale geographic and demographic characterisation of informal settlements fusing remote sensing, POI, and open geo-data,
PandRS(217), 2024, pp. 199-215.
Elsevier DOI Code:
WWW Link. 2409
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), Informal settlements, Spatial data fusion, Hierarchical recognition, Demographic BibRef

Chapter on Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR continues in
Night Time Image Analysis for Urban Area Detection, Change and Growth .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25