Update Dates 2104

2104 * *DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios
* 2nd Edition of Instrumenting Smart City Applications with Big Sensing and Earth Observatory Data: Tools, Methods and Techniques
* 3-D Path Planning With Multiple Motions for a Gliding Robotic Dolphin
* 3D Change Detection Using Adaptive Thresholds Based on Local Point Cloud Density
* 3D Face From X: Learning Face Shape From Diverse Sources
* 3D Reconstruction of Coastal Cliffs from Fixed-Wing and Multi-Rotor UAS: Impact of SfM-MVS Processing Parameters, Image Redundancy and Acquisition Geometry
* 3D Sensor-Fusion for the Documentation of Rural Heritage Buildings
* 3D-CenterNet: 3D Object Detection Network for Point Clouds with Center Estimation Priority
* ?-RT: A Runtime Framework to Enable Energy-Efficient Real-Time Robotic Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Architectures
* Aberrance suppressed spatio-temporal correlation filters for visual object tracking
* Accuracy Comparison on Culvert-Modified Digital Elevation Models of DSMA and BA Methods Using ALS Point Clouds
* Accurate Rock-Mass Extraction From Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds via Multiscale and Multiview Convolutional Feature Representation
* ACDnet: An action detection network for real-time edge computing based on flow-guided feature approximation and memory aggregation
* Acoustic Target Tracking Through a Cluster of Mobile Agents
* Action recognition using kinematics posture feature on 3D skeleton joint locations
* Activity recognition in video sequences over qualitative abstracts of a diagram-based representation schema
* AD-VAT+: An Asymmetric Dueling Mechanism for Learning and Understanding Visual Active Tracking
* Adaptive All-Pass Filter for Time-Varying Delay Estimation, An
* Adaptive Detection of Dim Maneuvering Targets in Adjacent Range Cells
* Adaptive Effective Receptive Field Convolution for Semantic Segmentation of VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Adaptive Region Proposal With Channel Regularization for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive Weighting of Handcrafted Feature Losses for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adding Knowledge to Unsupervised Algorithms for the Recognition of Intent
* Adv-Depth: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with an Adversarial Loss
* Advanced GIS and RS Applications for Soil and Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping
* Advection Fog over the Eastern Yellow Sea: WRF Simulation and Its Verification by Satellite and In Situ Observations
* adversarial human pose estimation network injected with graph structure, An
* Adversarial View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Aerosol Trends during the Dusty Season over Iran
* AFAN: Augmented Feature Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* AffectiveNet: Affective-Motion Feature Learning for Microexpression Recognition
* AFLNet: Adversarial focal loss network for RGB-D salient object detection
* AgroShadow: A New Sentinel-2 Cloud Shadow Detection Tool for Precision Agriculture
* Air-Sea Interactions over Eddies in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence
* Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing in the Arctic: A Pilot Study Using the Hyspex Imaging Spectrometer for Wetland Mapping
* Algorithm for Detecting Coherence in Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System Mission Level-1 Delay-Doppler Maps, An
* Ambient PM2.5 Estimates and Variations during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Yangtze River Delta Using Machine Learning and Big Data
* Analysis and Validation of a Hybrid Forward-Looking Down-Looking Ground Penetrating Radar Architecture
* Analysis of Land Development Drivers Using Geographically Weighted Ridge Regression
* Analysis of Near-Cloud Changes in Atmospheric Aerosols Using Satellite Observations and Global Model Simulations
* Analysis of Ocean Bottom Pressure Anomalies and Seismic Activities in the MedRidge Zone
* Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia
* Analysis of Temporal and Structural Characteristics of Jovian Radio Emissions for Passive Radar Sounding of Jupiter's Icy Moons
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes in Watershed Landscape Pattern and Its Influencing Factors in Rapidly Urbanizing Areas Using Satellite Data
* Analyzing the Research Evolution in Response to COVID-19
* Analyzing the Suitability of Remotely Sensed ET for Calibrating a Watershed Model of a Mediterranean Montane Forest
* Annual Cycling of Nighttime Lights in India, The
* Antinoise Estimation of Temperature and Emissivity for FTIR Spectrometer Data Using Spectral Polishing Filters: Design and Comparison
* Appearance-and-Dynamic Learning With Bifurcated Convolution Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Applicability Evaluation of Several Spatial Clustering Methods in Spatiotemporal Data Mining of Floating Car Trajectory
* Application of Combining YOLO Models and 3D GPR Images in Road Detection and Maintenance
* Application of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Infrastructure Monitoring, An
* Application of Satellite Sentinel-2 Images to Study Alternate Sandbars Movement at Lower Vistula River (Poland)
* Application of Support Vector Regression and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Gangneung-si, South Korea
* Applications of Satellite Radar Imagery for Hazard Monitoring: Insights from Australia
* Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Hydrology: A Review
* Approach to Improving GNSS Positioning Accuracy Using Several GNSS Devices, An
* Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard Retrieval from Envisat Altimetry Data
* Artificial Neuron Network With Parameterization Scheme for Estimating Net Surface Shortwave Radiation From Satellite Data Under Clear Sky: Application to Simulated GF-5 Data Set, An
* Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Customized Manufacturing Factory: Key Technologies, Applications, and Challenges
* Assessing Accuracy of Land Cover Change Maps Derived from Automated Digital Processing and Visual Interpretation in Tropical Forests in Indonesia
* Assessing CALIOP-Derived Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Ground-Based Lidar
* Assessing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Assisted Machine Perception for Urban Mapping
* Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Based Soil Water Balance at an Irrigation Scheme Level in a Semi-Arid Region of Morocco
* Assessing Stream Thermal Heterogeneity and Cold-Water Patches from UAV-Based Imagery: A Matter of Classification Methods and Metrics
* Assessing the Effect of Drought on Winter Wheat Growth Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-Based Phenotyping
* Assessing the Effect of Training Sampling Design on the Performance of Machine Learning Classifiers for Land Cover Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Google Earth Engine
* Assessing the Effects of Land Cover Land Use Change on Precipitation Dynamics in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2001 to 2019
* Assessing the Effects of Spatial Scales on Regional Evapotranspiration Estimation by the SEBAL Model and Multiple Satellite Datasets: A Case Study in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone, Northwestern China
* Assessing the Skills of a Seasonal Forecast of Chlorophyll in the Global Pelagic Oceans
* Assessing the Spaceborne 183.31-GHz Radiometric Channel Geolocation Using High-Altitude Lakes, Ice Shelves, and SAR Imagery
* Assessing Vegetation Response to Multi-Scalar Drought across the Mojave, Sonoran, Chihuahuan Deserts and Apache Highlands in the Southwest United States
* Assessment of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Estimates From ICESat-2 Using IceBird Airborne Measurements
* Assessment of k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Classifiers for Mapping Forest Fire Areas in Central Portugal Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Terra Imagery
* Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Assessment of Quad-Frequency Long-Baseline Positioning with BeiDou-3 and Galileo Observations
* Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Distribution Based on Land Disturbance in Southern Taiwan
* Assessment of Regression Models for Predicting Rice Yield and Protein Content Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multispectral Imagery
* Assessment of Water Sources for Heritage Listed Organic Mound Springs in NW Australia Using Airborne Geophysical (Electromagnetics and Magnetics) and Satellite Remote Sensing Methods, An
* Assessment on IMERG V06 Precipitation Products Using Rain Gauge Data in Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
* Assimilation of LAI Derived from UAV Multispectral Data into the SAFY Model to Estimate Maize Yield
* Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over Southeast China Using a Nonparametric Framework
* AT2ES: Simultaneous Atmospheric Transmittance-Temperature-Emissivity Separation Using Online Upper Midwave Infrared Hyperspectral Images
* Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Optical Imagery over the Río de la Plata Highly Turbid Waters Using a SWIR-Based Principal Component Decomposition Technique
* Attention-Based Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Attentive Feature Refinement Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration
* AutoDet: Pyramid Network Architecture Search for Object Detection
* Automated Global Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping Using Google Earth Engine
* Automated Mapping for Long-Term Analysis of Shifting Cultivation in Northeast India
* Automated Mapping of Historical Native American Land Allotments at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation Using Geographic Information Systems
* Automated Mapping of Ms 7.0 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake (China) Post-Disaster Landslides Based on High-Resolution UAV Imagery
* Automated Mapping of Transportation Embankments in Fine-Resolution LiDAR DEMs
* Automatic 1D Histogram Segmentation and Application to the Computation of Color Palettes
* Automatic Construction of Indoor 3D Navigation Graph from Crowdsourcing Trajectories
* Automatic Cotton Mapping Using Time Series of Sentinel-2 Images
* Automatic Extraction of Roadside Traffic Facilities From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Deep Belief Network
* Automatic Feature Engineering for Bus Passenger Flow Prediction Based on Modular Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Scheduling Tool for Balloon-Borne Planetary Optical Remote Sensing
* Automatic Velocity Analysis Using a Hybrid Regression Approach With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatically Tracking Road Centerlines from Low-Frequency GPS Trajectory Data
* Automation of Pan-Sharpening Methods for Pléiades Images Using GIS Basic Functions
* Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Relative Navigation of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Autonomous Lidar-Based Monitoring of Coastal Lagoon Entrances
* Balanced principal component for 3D shape recognition using convolutional neural networks
* Benchmark and Evaluation of Non-Rigid Structure from Motion, A
* Benchmarking Low-Light Image Enhancement and Beyond
* Beyond Brightening Low-light Images
* Beyond Modality Alignment: Learning Part-Level Representation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Beyond Objects in Space-Time: Towards a Movement Analysis Framework with How and Why Elements
* Bi-Objective Optimization for Battery Electric Bus Deployment Considering Cost and Environmental Equity
* Bilateral Upsampling Network for Single Image Super-Resolution With Arbitrary Scaling Factors
* BIM Adoption in the Cambodian Construction Industry: Key Drivers and Barriers
* Bistatic Scattering From Anisotropic Rough Surfaces via a Closed-Form Two-Scale Model
* Blind deblurring and denoising via a learning deep CNN denoiser prior and an adaptive L 0-regularised gradient prior for passive millimetre-wave images
* Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation Regularization
* Blind multipurpose watermarking with insertion of a single watermark: A generic construction based on verifiable threshold secret sharing
* Blind Two-Dimensional Super-Resolution in Multiple-Input Single-Output Linear Systems
* Boosting in Univariate Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Boundary-induced and scene-aggregated network for monocular depth prediction
* Bow image retrieval method based on SSD target detection
* Brain segmentation based on multi-atlas and diffeomorphism guided 3D fully convolutional network ensembles
* Building a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Transport Scenario Using Big Data
* Building crack identification and total quality management method based on deep learning
* Building Damage Detection Based on OPCE Matching Algorithm Using a Single Post-Event PolSAR Data
* Building Extraction and Number Statistics in WUI Areas Based on UNet Structure and Ensemble Learning
* Bus Service Level and Horizontal Equity Analysis in the Context of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem
* Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and Classification from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Cascade R-CNN: High Quality Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Cascaded Regression Tracking: Towards Online Hard Distractor Discrimination
* Case Study of Polar Cap Sporadic-E Layer Associated with TEC Variations, A
* CDOM Optical Properties and DOC Content in the Largest Mixing Zones of the Siberian Shelf Seas
* Cellular Automata Model for Integrated Simulation of Land Use and Transport Interactions, A
* Century of French Railways: The Value of Remote Sensing and VGI in the Fusion of Historical Data, A
* Cereal Crops Soil Parameters Retrieval Using L-Band ALOS-2 and C-Band Sentinel-1 Sensors
* CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4: Part I: Algorithm Changes
* CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4: Part II: Comparisons to CloudSat and CALIPSO
* Cervical cancer detection in cervical smear images using deep pyramid inference with refinement and spatial-aware booster
* Challenge of the Urban Compact Form: Three-Dimensional Index Construction and Urban Land Surface Temperature Impacts, The
* Challenges in Reconciling Satellite-Based and Locally Reported Estimates of Wetland Change: A Case of Topographically Constrained Wetlands on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* Change of CO Concentration Due to the COVID-19 Lockdown in China Observed by Surface and Satellite Observations
* Changes in the End-of-Summer Snow Line Altitude of Summer-Accumulation-Type Glaciers in the Eastern Tien Shan Mountains from 1994 to 2016
* Changes of Spatiotemporal Pattern and Network Characteristic in Population Flow under COVID-19 Epidemic
* Characterizing the Topographic Changes and Land Subsidence Associated with the Mountain Excavation and City Construction on the Chinese Loess Plateau
* Characterizing Wetland Inundation and Vegetation Dynamics in the Arctic Coastal Plain Using Recent Satellite Data and Field Photos
* CHOP: An orthogonal hashing method for zero-shot cross-modal retrieval
* Closed-Form Expressions for InSAR Sample Statistics and Its Application to Non-Gaussian Data
* Cloud Detection From Paired CrIS Water Vapor and CO2 Channels Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Cluster adaptation networks for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Clustering-Based Framework for Improving the Performance of JPEG Quantization Step Estimation, A
* CNN-Based High-Accuracy Registration for Remote Sensing Images, A
* Coastal Experiment for GNSS-R Code-Level Altimetry Using BDS-3 New Civil Signals, A
* Coastal Tourism Spatial Planning at the Regional Unit: Identifying Coastal Tourism Hotspots Based on Social Media Data
* Coherent Framework for Learning Spatiotemporal Piecewise-Geodesic Trajectories from Longitudinal Manifold-Valued Data, A
* Collaborative Attention-Based Heterogeneous Gated Fusion Network for Land Cover Classification
* Color Image Restoration by Saturation-Value Total Variation Regularization on Vector Bundles
* Combination of Satellite Observations and Machine Learning Method for Internal Wave Forecast in the Sulu and Celebes Seas
* Combined Rule-Based and Hypothesis-Based Method for Building Model Reconstruction from Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Combining Progressive Rethinking and Collaborative Learning: A Deep Framework for In-Loop Filtering
* Comparative Evaluation of Microwave L-Band VOD and Optical NDVI for Agriculture Drought Detection over Central Europe
* Comparing World City Networks by Language: A Complex-Network Approach
* Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud Model for Estimating Crop Leaf Area Index, A
* Comparison Method for 3D Laser Point Clouds in Displacement Change Detection for Arch Dams, A
* Comparison of 16-Channel Asymmetric Sleeve Antenna and Dipole Antenna Transceiver Arrays at 10.5 Tesla MRI
* Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative Transfer Model Simulations
* Comparison of Climate Reanalysis and Remote-Sensing Data for Predicting Olive Phenology through Machine-Learning Methods
* Comparison of Full-Reference Image Quality Models for Optimization of Image Processing Systems
* Comparison of Hyperspectral Imaging and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Determine Nitrogen and Carbon Concentrations in Wheat
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Potential Active Landslide Hazards Identification with Multi-Source Data
* Comparison of Regional Winter Wheat Mapping Results from Different Similarity Measurement Indicators of NDVI Time Series and Their Optimized Thresholds
* Complete Singularity Analysis for the Perspective-Four-Point Problem
* Complex common spatial patterns on time-frequency decomposed EEG for brain-computer interface
* Complex-Valued Imaging with Total Variation Regularization: An Application to Full-Waveform Inversion in Visco-acoustic Media
* Composite Aerosol Optical Depth Mapping over Northeast Asia from GEO-LEO Satellite Observations
* Composite attacks-based copy-move image forgery detection using AKAZE and FAST with automatic contrast thresholding
* Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis of Single Image Deraining: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Latest GPM IMERG V06 Early, Late and Final Precipitation Products across China, A
* Comprehensive Study on the Improved Radio-Frequency Magnetic Field Measurement for the Initial Upward Leader of a Negative Rocket-Triggered Lightning Flash, A
* Compressive Sampling for Array Cameras
* Computational complexity of fractal image compression algorithm
* Computational Geometry-Based Surface Reconstruction for Volume Estimation: A Case Study on Magnitude-Frequency Relations for a LiDAR-Derived Rockfall Inventory
* CONIC: Contour Optimized Non-Iterative Clustering Superpixel Segmentation
* Consideration of Uncertainty Information in Accessibility Analyses for an Effective Use of Urban Infrastructures
* Context-Specific Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Popularity-Weighted Random Sampling and Factorization Machine
* Continuous Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Deep Learning Architecture Search for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Contrast-Attentive Thoracic Disease Recognition With Dual-Weighting Graph Reasoning
* Contribution to Deep Learning Approaches for Automatic Classification of Volcano-Seismic Events: Deep Gaussian Processes, A
* Contributor-Focused Intrinsic Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap in Mozambique Using Unsupervised Machine Learning, A
* Convective Boundary Layer Clouds as Observed with Ground-Based Lidar at a Mid-Latitude Plain Site
* Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: Choreography-Based Urban Traffic Coordination
* Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles: Taxonomy and Survey
* Copy Move Forgery Detection based on double matching
* Correction of Directional Effects in VEGETATION NDVI Time-Series
* Correlation Analysis and Reconstruction of the Geometric Evaluation Indicator System of the Discrete Global Grid
* Correlation Based Imaging for Rotating Satellites
* Cost-efficient HEVC-based quadtree splitting (HEQUS) for VVC Video Transcoding
* Costas-Based Waveform for Local Range-Doppler Sidelobe Level Reduction, A
* Counting From Sky: A Large-Scale Data Set for Remote Sensing Object Counting and a Benchmark Method
* Coupling Analysis of Ecosystem Services Value and Economic Development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: A Case Study in Hunan Province, China
* Coupling Degree between the Demand and Supply of Bus Services at Stops: A Density-Based Approach
* COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Concentration and Population Density: An Exploratory Study
* Creation and Detection of Deepfakes: A Survey, The
* Crime against Businesses: Temporal Stability of Hot Spots in Mexicali, Mexico
* CrimeVec: Exploring Spatial-Temporal Based Vector Representations of Urban Crime Types and Crime-Related Urban Regions
* Crop Monitoring and Classification Using Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Time-Series Data Across Growing Season: A Case Study in Southwestern Ontario, Canada
* Cropmarks in Aerial Archaeology: New Lessons from an Old Story
* Cross-Dataset Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Cross-Layer Defense Scheme for Edge Intelligence-Enabled CBTC Systems Against MitM Attacks, A
* Cross-Modal Knowledge Adaptation for Language-Based Person Search
* Crowd-Machine Hybrid Urban Sensing and Computing
* Crown Morphology-Based Approach to Individual Tree Detection in Subtropical Mixed Broadleaf Urban Forests Using UAV LiDAR Data, A
* Crown Quantization-Based Approach to Tree-Species Classification Using High-Density Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* Crustal Strain and Stress Fields in Egypt from Geodetic and Seismological Data
* CubeSat Observation of the Radiation Field of the South Atlantic Anomaly
* CWDAT: An Open-Source Tool for the Visualization and Analysis of Community-Generated Water Quality Data
* Cyberattacks and Countermeasures for In-Vehicle Networks
* DAE-CNN: Exploiting and disentangling contrast agent effects for breast lesions classification in DCE-MRI
* DAN: Deep-Attention Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* Data Assimilation of Terrestrial Water Storage Observations to Estimate Precipitation Fluxes: A Synthetic Experiment
* Data-Driven Quasi-Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Integrating Multi-Source Traffic Sensor Data on the Expressway Network, A
* Data-Driven Timetable Optimization of Urban Bus Line Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, A
* Daytime Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval Incorporating Mid-Wave Imager Measurements: Algorithm Development and Validation
* DBF: Dynamic Belief Fusion for Combining Multiple Object Detectors
* DCR: Disentangled component representation for sketch generation
* Decentralized Location Privacy-Preserving Spatial Crowdsourcing for Internet of Vehicles, A
* Decentralized Semantic Reasoning Approach for the Detection and Representation of Continuous Spatial Dynamic Phenomena in Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Decision Making in the 4th Dimension: Exploring Use Cases and Technical Options for the Integration of 4D BIM and GIS during Construction
* Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Cortical Plate Segmentation in Fetal MRI, A
* Deep Bilateral Learning for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Clustering With Intraclass Distance Constraint for Hyperspectral Images
* Deep Dynamic Scene Deblurring for Unconstrained Dual-Lens Cameras
* Deep Hash Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Deep Learning Based Sea Ice Classification with Gaofen-3 Fully Polarimetric SAR Data
* Deep Learning Classification of Cheatgrass Invasion in the Western United States Using Biophysical and Remote Sensing Data
* Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection: A Review
* Deep Learning Speeds MRI Scans
* Deep Learning Streaming Methodology for Trajectory Classification, A
* Deep Metric Learning with Online Hard Mining for Hyperspectral Classification
* Deep Neural Networks for Quantitative Damage Evaluation of Building Losses Using Aerial Oblique Images: Case Study on the Great Wall (China)
* Deep noise estimation and removal for real-world noisy images
* Deep Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Free-Hand Sketch
* Deep Shearlet Residual Learning Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Template-Based Watermarking
* DeepFlux for Skeleton Detection in the Wild
* DeepLabV3-Refiner-Based Semantic Segmentation Model for Dense 3D Point Clouds
* Deformation Characteristics of Tianjiaba Landslide Induced by Surcharge
* Depth Contours and Coastline Generalization for Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts
* Deriving Non-Cloud Contaminated Sentinel-2 Images with RGB and Near-Infrared Bands from Sentinel-1 Images Based on a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data
* Design Verification of an Optimized Wayfinding Map in a Station
* Design, Development and Applicability Evaluation of a Digital Cartographic Model for 3D Cadastre Mapping in China
* Designing Interpretable Recurrent Neural Networks for Video Reconstruction via Deep Unfolding
* DesnowGAN: An Efficient Single Image Snow Removal Framework Using Cross-Resolution Lateral Connection and GANs
* Destructive M6.2 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) in 2020: Preliminary Multidisciplinary Research
* Detail preserving image denoising with patch-based structure similarity via sparse representation and SVD
* Detecting and Analyzing the Evolution of Subsidence Due to Coal Fires in Jharia Coalfield, India Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Detecting and Analyzing Urban Centers Based on the Localized Contour Tree Method Using Taxi Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shanghai
* Detecting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds: A Satellite-Assisted Modeling Approach
* Detecting Forest Degradation in the Three-North Forest Shelterbelt in China from Multi-Scale Satellite Images
* Detecting Ground Deformation in the Built Environment Using Sparse Satellite InSAR Data With a Convolutional Neural Network
* Detection of a Dust Storm in 2020 by a Multi-Observation Platform over the Northwest China
* Detection of Leek Rust Disease under Field Conditions Using Hyperspectral Proximal Sensing and Machine Learning
* Detection of the Minute Variations of Total Suspended Matter in Strong Tidal Waters Based on GaoFen-4 Satellite Data
* Determinantal Point Processes for Image Processing
* Determination of Environmental Factors for the Implementation of the Exploitability Index in Industrial Aggregate Mining Using Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Determination of Structural Characteristics of Old-Growth Forest in Ukraine Using Spaceborne LiDAR
* Determining Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics in the South Baltic Coastal Zone from Historical Aerial Photographs
* Determining Peak Altitude on Maps, Books and Cartographic Materials: Multidisciplinary Implications
* Determining the Events in a Glacial Disaster Chain at Badswat Glacier in the Karakoram Range Using Remote Sensing
* Determining the Intangible: Detecting Land Abandonment at Local Scale
* Development after Displacement: Evaluating the Utility of OpenStreetMap Data for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal Progress in Refugee Settlements
* Development of a Mobile Platform for Field-Based High-Throughput Wheat Phenotyping
* Development of a Parcel-Level Land Boundary Extraction Algorithm for Aerial Imagery of Regularly Arranged Agricultural Areas
* Development of Improved Semi-Automated Processing Algorithms for the Creation of Rockfall Databases
* Development of Tools for Coastal Management in Google Earth Engine: Uncertainty Bathtub Model and Bruun Rule
* DFFAN: Dual Function Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* Differencing the Risk of Reiterative Spatial Incidence of COVID-19 Using Space-Time 3D Bins of Geocoded Daily Cases
* Different Input Resolutions and Arbitrary Output Resolution: A Meta Learning-Based Deep Framework for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Digital Soil Mapping Using Multispectral Modeling with Landsat Time Series Cloud Computing Based
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image Based on Local Constrained Manifold Structure Collaborative Preserving Embedding
* Discrepancies between Global Forest Net Primary Productivity Estimates Derived from MODIS and Forest Inventory Data and Underlying Factors
* Discrete Band-Limited Signal Reconstruction From Irregular Samples
* distance for belief functions of orderable set, A
* Distance on the Cairo pattern
* Distortion Reduction in Fractional Delay Filters
* Distribution of Lightning Accidents in Sri Lanka from 1974 to 2019 Using the DesInventar Database
* Divergent-convergent attention for image captioning
* Diversified Personalized Recommendation Optimization Based on Mobile Data
* Diversified Technologies in Internet of Vehicles Under Intelligent Edge Computing
* DLR FireBIRD Small Satellite Mission: Evaluation of Infrared Data for Wildfire Assessment, The
* Domain Fingerprints for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Double-Branch Network with Pyramidal Convolution and Iterative Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Downscaling Multispectral Satellite Images Without Colocated High-Resolution Data: A Stochastic Approach Based on Training Images
* DRLE: Decentralized Reinforcement Learning at the Edge for Traffic Light Control in the IoV
* Drought Events over the Amazon River Basin (1993-2019) as Detected by the Climate-Driven Total Water Storage Change
* Drought Extent and Severity on Arable Lands in Romania Derived from Normalized Difference Drought Index (2001-2020)
* Dual-Level Semantic Transfer Deep Hashing for Efficient Social Image Retrieval
* Dyadic Relational Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition
* Dynamic Image Quantization Using Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
* Dynamic Pseudo-Label Generation for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Dynamic relationship identification for abnormality detection on financial time series
* Dynamical Hyperparameter Optimization via Deep Reinforcement Learning in Tracking
* E2I: Generative Inpainting From Edge to Image
* Early detection of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder based on visual exploration of images
* Earth Observation and Biodiversity Big Data for Forest Habitat Types Classification and Mapping
* Earth Observation for Sustainable Infrastructure: A Review
* Earth Observation-Based Detectability of the Effects of Land Management Programmes to Counter Land Degradation: A Case Study from the Highlands of the Ethiopian Plateau
* Earthquake Damage Region Detection by Multitemporal Coherence Map Analysis of Radar and Multispectral Imagery
* Eco-Platooning for Cooperative Automated Vehicles Under Mixed Traffic Flow
* Edge Caching and Computation Management for Real-Time Internet of Vehicles: An Online and Distributed Approach
* Edge Detection in 3D Point Clouds Using Digital Images
* Edge Intelligence Empowered Urban Traffic Monitoring: A Network Tomography Perspective
* Edge Learning for Surveillance Video Uploading Sharing in Public Transport Systems
* Edge-guided single facial depth map super-resolution using CNN
* Editorial for Special Issue: Archaeological Remote Sensing in the 21st Century: (Re)Defining Practice and Theory
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of the Oceans: Blue Economy and Marine Pollution
* EEMD-BiLSTM Algorithm Integrated with Boruta Random Forest Optimiser for Significant Wave Height Forecasting along Coastal Areas of Queensland, Australia, An
* Effect of Ecological Construction Engineering on Vegetation Restoration: A Case Study of the Loess Plateau
* Effective Selection of Variable Point Neighbourhood for Feature Point Extraction from Aerial Building Point Cloud Data
* Effectiveness of Memorizing an Animated Route: Comparing Satellite and Road Map Differences in the Eye-Tracking Study
* Effects of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Landscape Pattern in the Southern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.
* Effects of Drought on Vegetation Productivity of Farmland Ecosystems in the Drylands of Northern China
* Effects of Land Use-Land Cover Thematic Resolution on Environmental Evaluations
* Effects of Temperature on Sea Surface Radar Backscattering Under Neutral and Nonneutral Atmospheric Conditions for Wind Retrieval Applications: A Numerical Study
* Effects of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques on Distance Estimations
* Efficient Body Motion Quantification and Similarity Evaluation Using 3-D Joints Skeleton Coordinates
* Efficient computer-aided diagnosis technique for leukaemia cancer detection
* Efficient Method for Ground Maneuvering Target Refocusing and Motion Parameter Estimation Based on DPT-KT-MFP, An
* efficient rate-distortion optimization method for dependent view in MV-HEVC based on inter-view dependency, An
* Efficient Rock Mass Point Cloud Registration Based on Local Invariants
* EgoCart: A Benchmark Dataset for Large-Scale Indoor Image-Based Localization in Retail Stores
* Eleven Years of Mangrove-Mudflat Dynamics on the Mud Volcano-Induced Prograding Delta in East Java, Indonesia: Integrating UAV and Satellite Imagery
* Embarrassingly Simple Binarization for Deep Single Imagery Super-Resolution Networks
* Empirical Insights from a Study on Outlier Preserving Value Generalization in Animated Choropleth Maps
* End Point Rate Tool for QGIS (EPR4Q): Validation Using DSAS and AMBUR
* End to end system for hazy image classification and reconstruction based on mean channel prior using deep learning network
* end-to-end framework for unconstrained monocular 3D hand pose estimation, An
* Energy-Efficient Navigation of an Autonomous Swarm with Adaptive Consciousness
* Enhanced Smartphone Indoor Positioning Scheme with Outlier Removal Using Machine Learning, An
* Enhancement of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity Caused by the Urban Effect: A Case Study in the Beijing Metropolitan Area
* Enhancing ISAR Image Efficiently via Convolutional Reweighted L1 Minimization
* Enlighten-GAN for Super Resolution Reconstruction in Mid-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Ensemble-Guided Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting for Optimal Satellite Remote Sensing
* Entropy Measure of Generating Random Rough Surface for Numerical Simulation of Wave Scattering
* Error Analysis of LAI Measurements with LAI-2000 Due to Discrete View Angular Range Angles for Continuous Canopies
* Estimates of the Ambient Population: Assessing the Utility of Conventional and Novel Data Sources
* Estimating Agricultural Soil Moisture Content through UAV-Based Hyperspectral Images in the Arid Region
* Estimating Ecological Responses to Climatic Variability on Reclaimed and Unmined Lands Using Enhanced Vegetation Index
* Estimating Processing Tomato Water Consumption, Leaf Area Index, and Height Using Sentinel-2 and VENµS Imagery
* Estimating the Impact of COVID-19 on the PM2.5 Levels in China with a Satellite-Driven Machine Learning Model
* Estimating Water Vapor Using Signals from Microwave Links below 25 GHz
* Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Sparse Vegetation Areas by Applying an Optimized Two-Source Model
* Estimation of Extreme Significant Wave Height in the Northwest Pacific Using Satellite Altimeter Data Focused on Typhoons (1992-2016)
* Estimation of Lower-Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Ozone Profile Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
* Estimation of Magnetite Prospective Resources Based on Aeromagnetic Data: A Case Study of Qihe Area, Shandong Province, China, The
* Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Coverage in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Based on Sentinel-2A Data
* Evaluating Alternative Flight Plans in Thermal Drone Wildlife Surveys: Simulation Study
* Evaluating Natural Ecological Land Change in Function-Oriented Planning Regions Using the National Land Use Survey Data from 2009 to 2018 in China
* Evaluating P-Band TomoSAR for Biomass Retrieval in Boreal Forest
* Evaluating Social Distancing Measures and Their Association with the Covid-19 Pandemic in South America
* Evaluating the Accuracy of Jason-3 Water Vapor Product Using PWV Data From Global Radiosonde and GNSS Stations
* Evaluating the Detection of Mesoscale Outflow Boundaries Using Scatterometer Winds at Different Spatial Resolutions
* Evaluating the Vertical Accuracy of DEM Generated from ZiYuan-3 Stereo Images in Understanding the Tectonic Morphology of the Qianhe Basin, China
* Evaluation and Comparison of Satellite-Derived Estimates of Rainfall in the Diverse Climate and Terrain of Central and Northeastern Ethiopia
* Evaluation of Cloud Mask and Cloud Top Height from Fengyun-4A with MODIS Cloud Retrievals over the Tibetan Plateau
* Evaluation of Inpainting and Augmentation for Censored Image Queries
* Evaluation of Multi-Source Soil Moisture Datasets over Central and Eastern Agricultural Area of China Using In Situ Monitoring Network
* Evaluation of Multiple Methods for the Production of Continuous Evapotranspiration Estimates from TIR Remote Sensing
* Evaluation of P-Band SAR Tomography for Mapping Tropical Forest Vertical Backscatter and Tree Height
* Evaluation of Street Dynamic Vitality and Its Influential Factors Based on Multi-Source Big Data, An
* Evaluation of the Effects of UAS Flight Parameters on Digital Aerial Photogrammetry Processing and Dense-Cloud Production Quality in a Scots Pine Forest, An
* Evaluation of the FluorWPS Model and Study of the Parameter Sensitivity for Simulating Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Evaluations of Surface PM10 Concentration and Chemical Compositions in MERRA-2 Aerosol Reanalysis over Central and Eastern China
* Evapotranspiration on Natural and Reclaimed Coral Islands in the South China Sea
* Event-Based Formation Coordinated Control for Multiple Spacecraft Under Communication Constraints
* Evolution of Brightness and Color of the Night Sky in Madrid
* Evolution of the Beaches in the Regional Park of Salinas and Arenales of San Pedro del Pinatar (Southeast of Spain) (1899-2019)
* Evolutionary multi-objective optimization based overlapping subspace clustering
* Examining the Links between Multi-Frequency Multibeam Backscatter Data and Sediment Grain Size
* Excitation Dropout: Encouraging Plasticity in Deep Neural Networks
* Expectation-Maximization-Aided Hybrid Generalized Expectation Consistent for Sparse Signal Reconstruction
* Experiencing with electronic image stabilization and PRNU through scene content image registration
* Experimental Study of a New Keypoint Matching Algorithm for Automatic Point Cloud Registration, An
* Experimental Study on the Thermal Infrared Spectral Variation of Fractured Rock
* Exploring Chromatic Aberration and Defocus Blur for Relative Depth Estimation From Monocular Hyperspectral Image
* Exploring Discriminative Word-Level Domain Contexts for Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation
* Exploring PRISMA Scene for Fire Detection: Case Study of 2019 Bushfires in Ben Halls Gap National Park, NSW, Australia
* Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions for Real-Time Video Salient Object Detection
* Exploring the Prediction Consistency of Multiple Views for Transductive Visual Recognition
* Exploring VIIRS Continuity with MODIS in an Expedited Capability for Monitoring Drought-Related Vegetation Conditions
* Exponential Algorithm for Bottom Reflectance Retrieval in Clear Optically Shallow Waters from Multispectral Imagery without Ground Data, An
* Extended Concept of the Map in View of Modern Geoinformation Products, The
* Extended Pseudo Invariant Site-Based Trend-to-Trend Cross-Calibration of Optical Satellite Sensors
* Extensive Evaluation of a Continental-Scale High-Resolution Hydrological Model Using Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Observations
* Extraction of Sea Ice Cover by Sentinel-1 SAR Based on Support Vector Machine With Unsupervised Generation of Training Data
* F-Net: Deep Residual Learning for InSAR Parameters Estimation
* Face alignment using two-stage cascaded pose regression and mirror error correction
* Face spoofing detection under super-realistic 3D wax face attacks
* Facial expression recognition using distance and shape signature features
* Fast Adaptive Active Noise Control Based on Modified Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Algorithm
* Fast and Accurate Terrain Image Classification for ASTER Remote Sensing by Data Stream Mining and Evolutionary-EAC Instance-Learning-Based Algorithm
* Fast and robust superpixel generation method
* Fast Georeferenced Aerial Image Stitching With Absolute Rotation Averaging and Planar- Restricted Pose Graph
* Fast Imaging of Sources and Scatterers in a Stratified Ocean Waveguide
* Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
* FE-YOLO: A Feature Enhancement Network for Remote Sensing Target Detection
* Feature Alignment and Aggregation Siamese Networks for Fast Visual Tracking
* Feature Selection Based on Principal Component Regression for Underwater Source Localization by Deep Learning
* Feature-Guided Spatial Attention Upsampling for Real-Time Stereo Matching Network
* Feature-Level Fusion of Polarized SAR and Optical Images Based on Random Forest and Conditional Random Fields
* Features Guided Face Super-Resolution via Hybrid Model of Deep Learning and Random Forests
* Few-Shot Common-Object Reasoning Using Common-Centric Localization Network
* Few-shot prototype alignment regularization network for document image layout segementation
* Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Thermal Sharpening of MODIS Satellite Images Using VENµS and Sentinel-2-Derived NDVI
* Fine-Grained Image-Text Retrieval via Discriminative Latent Space Learning
* FleBiC: Learning classifiers from high-dimensional biomedical data using discriminative biclusters with non-constant patterns
* Flexible Multi-Turn Multi-Gap Coaxial RF Coils: Design Concept and Implementation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3 and 7 Tesla
* Flexible Multi-View Unsupervised Graph Embedding
* FlexPool: A Distributed Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Joint Passengers and Goods Transportation
* Flood Monitoring in Rural Areas of the Pearl River Basin (China) Using Sentinel-1 SAR
* Flow-based frame interpolation networks combined with occlusion-aware mask estimation
* Fooling deep neural detection networks with adaptive object-oriented adversarial perturbation
* Force Sensorless Admittance Control for Teleoperation of Uncertain Robot Manipulator Using Neural Networks
* Forest Fuel Loads Estimation from Landsat ETM+ and ALOS PALSAR Data
* Forged text detection in video, scene, and document images
* FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for CNNs Inference on Board Satellites: Benchmarking with Myriad 2-Based Solution for the CloudScout Case Study, An
* Fragmentary label distribution learning via graph regularized maximum entropy criteria
* Framework for Cloud-Based Spatially-Explicit Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis in Spatial Multi-Criteria Models, A
* Framework of Dam-Break Hazard Risk Mapping for a Data-Sparse Region in Indonesia, A
* Frequency-Based Optimal Radar Waveform Design for Classification Performance Maximization Using Multiclass Fisher Analysis
* From Standard Weather Stations to Virtual Micro-Meteorological Towers in Ungauged Sites: Modeling Tool for Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Temperature, and Soil Moisture Estimations
* Fusing Skeleton Recognition With Face-TLD for Human Following of Mobile Service Robots
* Fusion of Multispectral Aerial Imagery and Vegetation Indices for Machine Learning-Based Ground Classification
* Future Directions in Precipitation Science
* Gamification Platform to Analyze and Influence Citizens' Daily Transportation Choices, A
* Gammadion binary pattern of Shearlet coefficients (GBPSC): An illumination-invariant heterogeneous face descriptor
* Gated Recurrent Network With Dual Classification Assistance for Smoke Semantic Segmentation, A
* GBRT-Based Estimation of Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux in the Haihe River Basin from Satellite and Reanalysis Datasets
* Generalizable Seizure Detection Model Using Generating Transferable Adversarial Features
* Generalized Face Antispoofing by Learning to Fuse Features From High- and Low-Frequency Domains
* Generalized Nonconvex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Generalized Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Generating a Baseline Map of Surface Fuel Loading Using Stratified Random Sampling Inventory Data through Cokriging and Multiple Linear Regression Methods
* Generating a High-Resolution Time-Series Ocean Surface Net Radiation Product by Downscaling J-OFURO3
* Generative adversarial image super-resolution network for multiple degradations
* Generative Adversarial Learning in YUV Color Space for Thin Cloud Removal on Satellite Imagery
* Generative Adversarial Network-Based Full-Space Domain Adaptation for Land Cover Classification From Multiple-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Generative adversarial networks and their application to 3D face generation: A survey
* Generative Adversarial Networks in Computer Vision: A Survey and Taxonomy
* Geometric moment invariants to spatial transform and N-fold symmetric blur
* Geometry-Aware Discriminative Dictionary Learning for PolSAR Image Classification
* Geomorphic Approach for Identifying Flash Flood Potential Areas in the East Rapti River Basin of Nepal, A
* Geospatial Queries on Data Collection Using a Common Provenance Model
* Geospatial User Feedback: How to Raise Users' Voices and Collectively Build Knowledge at the Same Time
* Ghost Elimination via Multi-Component Collaboration for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Image Stitching
* Global Aerosol Classification Based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and Satellite Observation
* Global Assessment of the GNSS Single Point Positioning Biases Produced by the Residual Tropospheric Delay
* Global Soil Moisture Retrievals From the Chinese FY-3D Microwave Radiation Imager
* Google Earth Engine Sentinel-3 OLCI Level-1 Dataset Deviates from the Original Data: Causes and Consequences
* GOT-10k: A Large High-Diversity Benchmark for Generic Object Tracking in the Wild
* GPNet: Gated pyramid network for semantic segmentation
* GPR Monitoring of Artificial Debonded Pavement Structures throughout Its Life Cycle during Accelerated Pavement Testing
* GPR-Based Automatic Identification of Root Zones of Influence Using HDBSCAN
* GPU-Based Parallel Implementation of VLBI Correlator for Deep Space Exploration System
* GRACE-Derived Time Lag of Mekong Estuarine Freshwater Transport in the Western South China Sea Validated by Isotopic Tracer Age
* Graph Attention Networks Adjusted Bi-LSTM for Video Summarization
* Graph Convolutional Networks by Architecture Search for PolSAR Image Classification
* Graph Convolutional Subspace Clustering: A Robust Subspace Clustering Framework for Hyperspectral Image
* Graph Relation Network: Modeling Relations Between Scenes for Multilabel Remote-Sensing Image Classification and Retrieval
* Graph-Based Approach for Data Fusion and Segmentation of Multimodal Images, A
* Graph-Based CNNs With Self-Supervised Module for 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Monocular RGB
* Graph-Induced Aligned Learning on Subspaces for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data
* Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Floor of the Accademia Gallery (Florence, Italy)
* Group Sparse Optimization for Images Recovery Using Capped Folded Concave Functions
* GRS-Det: An Anchor-Free Rotation Ship Detector Based on Gaussian-Mask in Remote Sensing Images
* GSAP: A Global Structure Attention Pooling Method for Graph-Based Visual Place Recognition
* Guest Editorial Diversification in Urban Transportation Systems and Beyond: Integrating People and Goods for the Future of Mobility
* Guest Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Internet of Vehicles
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Visual Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications
* Guided Co-Segmentation Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation
* Habitat Connectivity for the Conservation of Small Ungulates in A Human-Dominated Landscape
* Hamiltonian Adaptive Importance Sampling
* Hand Pose Understanding With Large-Scale Photo-Realistic Rendering Dataset
* HARP-I: A Harmonic Phase Interpolation Method for the Estimation of Motion From Tagged MR Images
* HDEC-TFA: An Unsupervised Learning Approach for Discovering Physical Scattering Properties of Single-Polarized SAR Image
* HDFNet: Hierarchical Dynamic Fusion Network for Change Detection in Optical Aerial Images
* HDR-GAN: HDR Image Reconstruction From Multi-Exposed LDR Images With Large Motions
* Heap Leach Pad Surface Moisture Monitoring Using Drone-Based Aerial Images and Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study at the El Gallo Mine, Mexico
* Heterogeneous Spatial Quality for Omnidirectional Video
* Hierarchical Clustering Method to Repair Gaps in Point Clouds of Powerline Corridor for Powerline Extraction, A
* Hierarchical deep neural network for mental stress state detection using IoT based biomarkers
* hierarchical sampling based triplet network for fine-grained image classification, A
* Hierarchical Visual-Textual Knowledge Distillation for Life-Long Correlation Learning
* High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Energy Flux Mapping of Different Land Covers Using an Off-the-Shelf Unmanned Aerial System
* High Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture Mapping Using a Lobe Differencing Correlation Radiometer on a Small Unmanned Aerial System
* High-Accuracy Recognition and Localization of Moving Targets in an Indoor Environment Using Binocular Stereo Vision
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on Huffman coding and differences of high nibbles of pixels
* High-Dimensional Indexing Model for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Big Data, A
* High-Dimensional Satellite Image Compositing and Statistics for Enhanced Irrigated Crop Mapping
* High-Precision GNSS PWV and Its Variation Characteristics in China Based on Individual Station Meteorological Data
* High-Resolution Aerial Detection of Marine Plastic Litter by Hyperspectral Sensing
* High-Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery for Assessing Yield, Biomass, Grain N Concentration, and N Output in Spring Wheat
* High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring the Capabilities of the World Settlement Footprint 2019 Imperviousness Layer for the African Continent
* High-Resolution Mangrove Forests Classification with Machine Learning Using Worldview and UAV Hyperspectral Data
* High-Resolution Monitoring of Tidal Systems Using UAV: A Case Study on Poplar Island, MD (USA)
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Framework Based on Attention Mechanism and Adaptive Weighting
* High-Resolution Rice Mapping Based on SNIC Segmentation and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* High-Resolution SMAP-Derived Root-Zone Soil Moisture Using an Exponential Filter Model Calibrated per Land Cover Type
* High-Spectral Resolution Remote Sensing of Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics
* Hilbert Transform of B-Spline Wavelets, The
* Historical Changes in Land Use and Suitability for Future Agriculture Expansion in Western Bahia, Brazil
* Homogenization of Structural Breaks in the Global ESA CCI Soil Moisture Multisatellite Climate Data Record
* How Accurate Is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data-Based Model Applied on Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Estimation in Freshwater Bodies?
* How Is Urban Greenness Spatially Associated with Dockless Bike Sharing Usage on Weekdays, Weekends, and Holidays?
* Hue-Based Gray Coding Method for Three-Dimensional Surface Measurement of Cutlery With Specular Reflection
* Human action recognition in drone videos using a few aerial training examples
* Human pose estimation and its application to action recognition: A survey
* Human-Like Decision Making for Autonomous Driving: A Noncooperative Game Theoretic Approach
* Hybrid DSSCS and convolutional neural network for peripheral blood cell recognition system
* Hybrid GLM Model for Predicting Citywide Spatio-Temporal Metro Passenger Flow, A
* Hybrid Model Consisting of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Hyperspectral Empirical Absolute Calibration Model Using Libya 4 Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Multi-Feature-Based Correlation Adaptive Representation
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using SURE-Based Unsupervised Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Clustering-Based Latent Variable in Variational Bayesian Framework
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Global L1-2 Spatial-Spectral Total Variation Regularized Local Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution with Self-Supervised Spectral-Spatial Residual Network
* Hyperspectral Parallel Image Compression on Edge GPUs
* Hyperspectral Texture Metrology Based on Joint Probability of Spectral and Spatial Distribution
* Hyperspectral Unmixing via Noise-Free Model
* Identify autism spectrum disorder via dynamic filter and deep spatiotemporal feature extraction
* Identity Recognition Based on Bioacoustics of Human Body
* Image captioning via proximal policy optimization
* Image Enhancement Driven by Object Characteristics and Dense Feature Reuse Network for Ship Target Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Image-Based 3D Object Reconstruction: State-of-the-Art and Trends in the Deep Learning Era
* Impact of Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model on Atmospheric Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Data, The
* Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap: Establishing a Framework for Online Community Member Activity Analyses, The
* Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: A Spatial Temporal Analysis in Chicago, The
* Impact of Innovation City Projects on National Balanced Development in South Korea: Identifying Regional Network and Centrality
* Impact of Soil Permittivity and Temperature Profile on L-Band Microwave Emission of Frozen Soil
* Impact of the Accuracy of Terrain Surface Data on the Navigation of Off-Road Vehicles, The
* Impacts of the Kuroshio Intrusion through the Luzon Strait on the Local Precipitation Anomaly
* Impending Hydrological Regime of Lhasa River as Subjected to Hydraulic Interventions: A SWAT Model Manifestation
* Improved algorithm for multiple sclerosis diagnosis in MRI using convolutional neural network
* Improved Clock Parameters Tracking and Ranging Method Based on Two-Way Timing Stamps Exchange Mechanism
* Improved Computerized Ionospheric Tomography Model Fusing 3-D Multisource Ionospheric Data Enabled Quantifying the Evolution of Magnetic Storm, An
* Improved framework of many-objective evolutionary algorithm to handle cloud detection problem in satellite imagery
* Improved Index for Urban Population Distribution Mapping Based on Nighttime Lights (DMSP-OLS) Data: An Experiment in Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia, An
* Improved Indoor Positioning by Means of Occupancy Grid Maps Automatically Generated from OSM Indoor Data
* Improved probabilistic decision-based trimmed median filter for detection and removal of high-density impulsive noise
* Improvement of Earthquake Risk Awareness and Seismic Literacy of Korean Citizens through Earthquake Vulnerability Map from the 2017 Pohang Earthquake, South Korea
* Improving Boundary Constraint of Probability Integral Method in SBAS-InSAR for Deformation Monitoring in Mining Areas
* Improving eye movement biometrics in low frame rate eye-tracking devices using periocular and eye blinking features
* Improving face recognition performance using TeCS2 dictionary
* Improving Spatial Coverage of Satellite Aerosol Classification Using a Random Forest Model
* Improving Strawberry Yield Prediction by Integrating Ground-Based Canopy Images in Modeling Approaches
* Improving the Evapotranspiration Estimation under Cloudy Condition by Extending the Ts-VI Triangle Model
* In-Flight Multichannel Calibration for Along-Track Interferometric Airborne Radar
* Inconsistency among Landsat Sensors in Land Surface Mapping: A Comprehensive Investigation Based on Simulation
* Increasing Spatio-Temporal Resolution for Monitoring Alpine Solifluction Using Terrestrial Laser Scanners and 3D Vector Fields
* Incremental Generative Occlusion Adversarial Suppression Network for Person ReID
* Incremental Learning of Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translations
* Incremental Rotation Averaging
* Independent Electromagnetic Field Control for Practical Approach to Actively Locomotive Wireless Capsule Endoscope
* Indigenous Mapping for Integrating Traditional Knowledge to Enhance Community-Based Vegetation Management and Conservation: The Kumeyaay Basket Weavers of San José de_la_Zorra, México
* Individual Identification of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Based on Close-Range Remote Sensing: First Steps of a New Monitoring Technique
* Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Fingerprint and Mobility Prediction in RSS Fluctuation-Prone WLANs, An
* Induced Seismic Events: Distribution of Ground Surface Displacements Based on InSAR Methods and Mogi and Yang Models
* Infant brain segmentation based on a combination of VGG-16 and U-Net deep neural networks
* Inferring Mixed Use of Buildings with Multisource Data Based on Tensor Decomposition
* InflateSAR Campaign: Testing SAR Vessel Detection Systems for Refugee Rubber Inflatables, The
* Influence of Impervious Surface Area and Fractional Vegetation Cover on Seasonal Urban Surface Heating/Cooling Rates
* Influence of Spatial Grid Division on the Layout Analysis of Urban Functional Areas, The
* Influence of the Low-Frequency Error of the Residual Orbit on Recovering Time-Variable Gravity Field from the Satellite-To-Satellite Tracking Mission
* Influencing Factors in Estimation of Leaf Angle Distribution of an Individual Tree from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Information Detection for the Process of Typhoon Events in Microblog Text: A Spatio-Temporal Perspective
* Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection via Multiple Subspace Learning and Spatial-Temporal Patch-Tensor Model
* Infrared Thermography Approach to Evaluate the Strength of a Rock Cliff, An
* Initial Radiance Validation of the Microsized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite-2A
* Innovative Intelligent System with Integrated CNN and SVM: Considering Various Crops through Hyperspectral Image Data, An
* Inspirational Adversarial Image Generation
* Integrated Optimization for Commuting Customized Bus Stop Planning, Routing Design, and Timetable Development With Passenger Spatial-Temporal Accessibility
* Integrating Hierarchical Statistical Models and Machine-Learning Algorithms for Ground-Truthing Drone Images of the Vegetation: Taxonomy, Abundance and Population Ecological Models
* Integration of a Wearable Mobile Mapping Solution and Advance Numerical Simulations for the Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: A Case of Study in San Pedro Church (Palencia, Spain)
* Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study from Kirikkale-Delice (Turkey)
* Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint Computation Offloading and Caching Solution
* Intelligent monitoring method of water quality based on image processing and RVFL-GMDH model
* Intelligent Task Offloading for Heterogeneous V2X Communications
* Intensity Values of Terrestrial Laser Scans Reveal Hidden Black Rock Art Pigment
* Inter-Urban Analysis of Pedestrian and Drivers through a Vehicular Network Based on Hybrid Communications Embedded in a Portable Car System and Advanced Image Processing Technologies
* Interactive multi-scale feature representation enhancement for small object detection
* Interannual and Seasonal Variations of Hydrological Connectivity in a Large Shallow Wetland of North China Estimated from Landsat 8 Images
* Interannual Climate Variability in the West Antarctic Peninsula under Austral Summer Conditions
* Interannual Variability of GPS Heights and Environmental Parameters over Europe and the Mediterranean Area
* Interband Registration Method for Hyperspectral Images Based on Adaptive Iterative Clustering, An
* Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Variabilities in Daily Activity-Travel Patterns: A Networked Spatiotemporal Analysis
* Interpreting Patterns of Concentric Rings within Small Buoyant River Plumes
* Intra-Urban Scaling Properties Examined by Automatically Extracted City Hotspots from Street Data and Nighttime Light Imagery
* Introduction of the Advanced Meteorological Imager of Geo-Kompsat-2a: In-Orbit Tests and Performance Validation
* Inversion Based on a Detached Dual-Channel Domain Method for StyleGAN2 Embedding
* Inversion of Phytoplankton Pigment Vertical Profiles from Satellite Data Using Machine Learning
* Investigation of the Expression Method of Theme-Typhoon Disaster Information
* Item-to-item recommender system with simultaneous use of multiple images for image mosaicking creation in dynamic scenes
* Iterative Scale-Invariant Feature Transform for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Iterative weak/self-supervised classification framework for abnormal events detection
* Iterative-Mode Scan Design of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forests for Minimizing Occlusion Effects, An
* Joint Auction-Coalition Formation Framework for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Joint detection and tracking of non-ellipsoidal extended targets based on cubature Kalman-CBMeMBer sub-random matrices filter
* Joint Down-Range and Cross-Range RFI Suppression in Ultra-Wideband SAR
* Joint feature extraction and classification in a unified framework for cost-sensitive face recognition
* Joint Hand-Object 3D Reconstruction From a Single Image With Cross-Branch Feature Fusion
* Joint Interpretation of Geophysical Results and Geological Observations for Detecting Buried Active Faults: The Case of the Il Lago Plain (Pettoranello del Molise, Italy)
* Joint Learning of Contour and Structure for Boundary-Preserved Building Extraction
* Joint Optimal Scheduling for a Mixed Bus Fleet Under Micro Driving Conditions
* Joint Optimization of Running Route and Scheduling for the Mixed Demand Responsive Feeder Transit With Time-Dependent Travel Times
* Joint Ship Detection Based on Time-Frequency Domain and CFAR Methods with HF Radar
* Joint Task Offloading, Resource Allocation, and Security Assurance for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled UAV-Assisted VANETs
* Jointly learning compact multi-view hash codes for few-shot FKP recognition
* Key Factors Driving the Development of New Towns by Mother Cities and Regions: Evidence from China, The
* Knowledge and Spatial Pyramid Distance-Based Gated Graph Attention Network for Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
* Knowledge distillation methods for efficient unsupervised adaptation across multiple domains
* Knowledge-Assisted Visualization of Multi-Level Origin-Destination Flows Using Ontologies
* Label-Free Robustness Estimation of Object Detection CNNs for Autonomous Driving Applications
* Land Cover Mapping and Ecological Risk Assessment in the Context of Recent Ecological Migration
* Land Subsidence in Wuhan Revealed Using a Non-Linear PSInSAR Approach with Long Time Series of COSMO-SkyMed SAR Data
* Land Subsidence Induced by Rapid Urbanization in Arid Environments: A Remote Sensing-Based Investigation
* Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping Using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry Technique and Optimized Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using RapidEye Imagery Based on a Novel Band Attention Deep Learning Method in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
* Landmark guidance independent spatio-channel attention and complementary context information based facial expression recognition
* Landsat 8 Lake Water Clarity Empirical Algorithms: Large-Scale Calibration and Validation Using Government and Citizen Science Data from across Canada
* Landscape Pattern Theoretical Optimization of Urban Green Space Based on Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand
* Landscape Visual Sensitivity Assessment of Historic Districts: A Case Study of Wudadao Historic District in Tianjin, China
* Landslide Awareness System (LAwS) to Increase the Resilience and Safety of Transport Infrastructure: The Case Study of Pan-American Highway (Cuenca-Ecuador)
* Landslide Deformation Prediction Based on a GNSS Time Series Analysis and Recurrent Neural Network Model
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Assessment Using Geospatial Platforms and Weights of Evidence (WoE) Method in the Indian Himalayan Region: Recent Developments, Gaps, and Future Directions
* Large-Scale Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes of Net Ecosystem Production in Hindu Kush Himalayan Region
* Large-Scale Deep-Learning Approach for Multi-Temporal Aqua and Salt-Culture Mapping, A
* Latent Correlation Representation Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation With Missing MRI Modalities
* Layer-Output Guided Complementary Attention Learning for Image Defocus Blur Detection
* LCU-Net: A novel low-cost U-Net for environmental microorganism image segmentation
* Leaf Age Matters in Remote Sensing: Taking Ground Truth for Spectroscopic Studies in Hemiboreal Deciduous Trees with Continuous Leaf Formation
* Learn to Threshold: ThresholdNet With Confidence-Guided Manifold Mixup for Polyp Segmentation
* Learning Center Probability Map for Detecting Objects in Aerial Images
* Learning Extremal Representations with Deep Archetypal Analysis
* Learning From Large-Scale Noisy Web Data With Ubiquitous Reweighting for Image Classification
* Learning from the Informality. Using GIS Tools to Analyze the Structure of Autopoietic Urban Systems in the Smart Perspective
* Learning Hadamard-Product-Propagation for Image Dehazing and Beyond
* Learning Multi-Modal Nonlinear Embeddings: Performance Bounds and an Algorithm
* Learning to Acquire the Quality of Human Pose Estimation
* Learning to Hash for Personalized Image Authentication
* Learning to Localize Sound Sources in Visual Scenes: Analysis and Applications
* Learning to locate for fine-grained image recognition
* Learning to predict the quality of distorted-then-compressed images via a deep neural network
* Learning to Reconstruct HDR Images from Events, with Applications to Depth and Flow Prediction
* Learning-Based Approach for Atmospheric Compensation of VNIR Hyperspectral Data
* Learning-Based Automation of Robotic Assembly for Smart Manufacturing
* Less-constrained Sclera Recognition Method based on Stem-and-leaf Branches Network, A
* Light field image coding with flexible viewpoint scalability and random access
* Light Field Super-Resolution via Adaptive Feature Remixing
* Light Field View Synthesis via Aperture Disparity and Warping Confidence Map
* LighterGAN: An Illumination Enhancement Method for Urban UAV Imagery
* Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Lightweight Modules for Efficient Deep Learning Based Image Restoration
* Linguistic Steganalysis With Graph Neural Networks
* Linking Public Transport User Satisfaction with Service Accessibility for Sustainable Mobility Planning
* Lithology Discrimination Using Sentinel-1 Dual-Pol Data and SRTM Data
* Local Development and Gentrification Resulting from the Rehabilitation of Singular Buildings: Analysis of Neural Networks
* Local PM2.5 Hotspot Detector at 300 m Resolution: A Random Forest-Convolutional Neural Network Joint Model Jointly Trained on Satellite Images and Meteorology
* Location Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms in Location-Based Services: A Comprehensive Survey
* Long-Term Dynamics of Different Surface Water Body Types and Their Possible Driving Factors in China
* Long-Term Snow Height Variations in Antarctica from GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry
* Long-Term Subsidence Monitoring of the Alluvial Plain of the Scheldt River in Antwerp (Belgium) Using Radar Interferometry
* Long-Time Interval Satellite Image Analysis on Forest-Cover Changes and Disturbances around Protected Area, Zeya State Nature Reserve, in the Russian Far East
* Low-Cost and Robust Landsat-Based Approach to Study Forest Degradation and Carbon Emissions from Selective Logging in the Venezuelan Amazon, A
* Low-Rank Group-Sparse Model for Eliminating Mixed Errors in Data for SRTM1, A
* Machine learning based blind color image watermarking scheme for copyright protection
* Machine Learning Method for Predicting Vegetation Indices in China, A
* Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Prediction of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Blooms in the Galician Rias Baixas (NW Spain)
* Machine Learning Methods to Approximate Rainfall and Wind From Acoustic Underwater Measurements (February 2020)
* Machine Learning Optimised Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Retrieves Cotton Nitrogen Status
* Machine Learning-Based Seafloor Seismic Prestack Inversion
* Machine Learning-Based Supervised Classification of Point Clouds Using Multiscale Geometric Features
* Machine Learning-Based Workload Orchestrator for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Making the Invisible Visible: Underwater Malta: A Virtual Museum for Submerged Cultural Heritage
* Managing Agricultural Water Considering Water Allocation Priority Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Mangrove and Saltmarsh Distribution Mapping and Land Cover Change Assessment for South-Eastern Australia from 1991 to 2015
* Mapping a Cloud-Free Rice Growth Stages Using the Integration of PROBA-V and Sentinel-1 and Its Temporal Correlation with Sub-District Statistics
* Mapping Alkaline Fens, Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs Using Airborne Hyperspectral and Laser Scanning Data
* Mapping and Monitoring the Multi-Decadal Dynamics of Australia's Open Waterbodies Using Landsat
* Mapping China's Electronic Power Consumption Using Points of Interest and Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Coastal Flood Susceptible Areas Using Shannon's Entropy Model: The Case of Muscat Governorate, Oman
* Mapping Land Use/Cover Dynamics of the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2018 Supported by Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Local Climate Zones and Their Applications in European Urban Environments: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Development Trends
* Mapping of Aluminum Concentration in Bauxite Mining Residues Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Mapping Opuntia stricta in the Arid and Semi-Arid Environment of Kenya Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Ensemble Machine Learning Classifiers
* Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions
* Mapping Rice Paddy Distribution Using Remote Sensing by Coupling Deep Learning with Phenological Characteristics
* Mapping Surficial Soil Particle Size Fractions in Alpine Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Mapping the Dynamics of Winter Wheat in the North China Plain from Dense Landsat Time Series (1999 to 2019)
* Mapping the Forest Canopy Height in Northern China by Synergizing ICESat-2 with Sentinel-2 Using a Stacking Algorithm
* Mapping Very-High-Resolution Evapotranspiration from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
* Maria Basalts Chronology of the Chang'E-5 Sampling Site
* Mars Surface Imaging by Exploiting Off-Nadir Radar Sounding Data
* Mask-Guided Attention Network and Occlusion-Sensitive Hard Example Mining for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Maximizing Impacts of Remote Sensing Surveys in Slope Stability: A Novel Method to Incorporate Discontinuities into Machine Learning Landslide Prediction
* Maximum Likelihood Sensor Array Calibration Using Non-Approximate Hession Matrix
* ME-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Extracting Mangrove Using Sentinel-2A Data
* Mean-shift outlier detection and filtering
* Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Science: The Case of Flooded Area Estimation Using Twitter
* MESNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Spotting Multi-Scale Micro-Expression Intervals in Long Videos
* Mesoscale Temporal Wind Variability Biases Global Air-Sea Gas Transfer Velocity of CO2 and Other Slightly Soluble Gases
* method of cross-layer fusion multi-object detection and recognition based on improved faster R-CNN model in complex traffic environment, A
* Method of Segmenting Apples Based on Gray-Centered RGB Color Space, A
* Method to Downscale Satellite Microwave Land-Surface Temperature, A
* Microaneurysms segmentation and diabetic retinopathy detection by learning discriminative representations
* Mid-Latitude Daytime F2-Layer Disturbance Mechanism under Extremely Low Solar and Geomagnetic Activity in 2008-2009
* Minimum Gaussian Entropy Based Distortionless Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms
* Mining Topological Dependencies of Recurrent Congestion in Road Networks
* Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Radiometric Dataset Using Advanced Algorithms for Time Series Studies
* Mixed pooling and richer attention feature fusion for crack detection
* Model to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Loblolly Pine Plantations Using Landsat 5 and 7 Images, A
* Model-Driven-to-Sample-Driven Method for Rural Road Extraction, A
* Model-image registration of a building's facade based on dense semantic segmentation
* Modeling and Performance Analysis of Satellite Network Moving Target Defense System with Petri Nets
* Modeling Mean Radiant Temperature Distribution in Urban Landscapes Using DART
* Modeling Past, Present, and Future Urban Growth Impacts on Primary Agricultural Land in Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan Using SLEUTH (1972-2050)
* Modeling Soil Moisture from Multisource Data by Stepwise Multilinear Regression: An Application to the Chinese Loess Plateau
* Modeling the Distribution of Human Mobility Metrics with Online Car-Hailing Data: An Empirical Study in Xi'an, China
* Modelling Sediment Retention Services and Soil Erosion Changes in Portugal: A Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Modelling spatio-temporal ageing phenomena with deep Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modelling the Diameter Distribution of Savanna Trees with Drone-Based LiDAR
* Modified Deep Reinforcement Learning with Efficient Convolution Feature for Small Target Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
* Monitoring and Evaluating Nature-Based Solutions Implementation in Urban Areas by Means of Earth Observation
* Monitoring and Evaluating Restoration Vegetation Status in Mine Region Using Remote Sensing Data: Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China
* Monitoring Dynamic Evolution of the Glacial Lakes by Using Time Series of Sentinel-1A SAR Images
* Monitoring of Land Subsidence in the Po River Delta (Northern Italy) Using Geodetic Networks
* Monitoring Vegetation Greenness in Response to Climate Variation along the Elevation Gradient in the Three-River Source Region of China
* Monitoring Wildfires in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery in the GEE Platform
* Monocular Depth Estimation With Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* More Diverse Means Better: Multimodal Deep Learning Meets Remote-Sensing Imagery Classification
* Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: Graphic Analysis of Interior Perspectives by Girault de Prangey around 1839, The
* MOTChallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking
* Moving Object Detection by 3D Flow Field Analysis
* MPA-Net: multi-path attention stereo matching network
* MSDRN: Pansharpening of Multispectral Images via Multi-Scale Deep Residual Network
* Multi-Application Strategy Based on Railway Static Power Conditioner With Energy Storage System
* Multi-Dimensional Edge Features Graph Neural Network on Few-Shot Image Classification
* Multi-Domain Image Completion for Random Missing Input Data
* Multi-Epoch and Multi-Imagery (MEMI) Photogrammetric Workflow for Enhanced Change Detection Using Time-Lapse Cameras
* Multi-level feature fusion and multi-loss learning for person Re-Identification
* Multi-Level Fusion Net for hand pose estimation in hand-object interaction
* Multi-Modal Combined Route Choice Modeling in the MaaS Age Considering Generalized Path Overlapping Problem
* Multi-Objective Robust Optimization Model for Customized Bus Routes, A
* Multi-peak Retracking of CryoSat-2 SARIn Waveforms Over Arctic Sea Ice
* Multi-scale Classification for Electrosensing
* Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-scale supervised network for crowd counting
* Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Video Salient Object Detection
* Multi-view discriminant analysis with sample diversity for ECG biometric recognition
* Multi-Year NDVI Values as Indicator of the Relationship between Spatiotemporal Vegetation Dynamics and Environmental Factors in the Qaidam Basin, China
* Multichannel Steganography in Digital Images for Multiple Receivers
* Multimodal action recognition using variational-based Beta-Liouville hidden Markov models
* Multimodal Embeddings From Language Models for Emotion Recognition in the Wild
* Multimodal fusion for indoor sound source localization
* Multimodal Political Deception Detection
* Multiperson Continuous Tracking and Identification From mm-Wave Micro-Doppler Signatures
* Multiple RFI Sources Location Method Combining Two-Dimensional ESPRIT DOA Estimation and Particle Swarm Optimization for Spaceborne SAR
* Multiple Spectral Resolution 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiresolution Detection of Persistent Scatterers: A Performance Comparison Between Multilook GLRT and CAESAR
* Multiscale Decomposition Prediction of Propagation Loss in Oceanic Tropospheric Ducts
* Multiscale Method for Road Network Extraction from High-Resolution SAR Images Based on Directional Decomposition and Regional Quality Evaluation, A
* Multiscale Residual Network With Mixed Depthwise Convolution for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multistage Evolution in Transverse Aeolian Ridges
* Multitask Air-Quality Prediction Based on LSTM-Autoencoder Model
* Multitemporal Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover within an Oil Block in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Multitemporal Images Change Detection Based on AMMF and Spectral Constraint Strategy
* Multitemporal InSAR Coherence Analysis and Methods for Sand Mitigation
* Multivariate time series clustering based on complex network
* Multivehicle Flocking With Collision Avoidance via Distributed Model Predictive Control
* Multiview Deep Feature Learning Network for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Multiview High Dynamic Range Image Synthesis Using Fuzzy Broad Learning System
* MuRNet: A deep recursive network for super resolution of bicubically interpolated images
* Mutual Information-Based Waveform Design for MIMO Radar Space-Time Adaptive Processing
* Mutual Multi-Scale Triplet Graph Convolutional Network for Classification of Brain Disorders Using Functional or Structural Connectivity, A
* MVTec Anomaly Detection Dataset: A Comprehensive Real-World Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection, The
* National Mapping of New Zealand Pasture Productivity Using Temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Nationwide Determination of Required Total Lengths of Multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers under Variable Climate and Geology in Japan
* Near Real-Time Semantic View Analysis of 3D City Models in Web Browser
* Near-Online Multi-Pedestrian Tracking via Combining Multiple Consistent Appearance Cues
* new approach for optimal offline time-series segmentation with error bound guarantee, A
* new bio-inspired metric based on eye movement data for classifying ASD and typically developing children, A
* New CBAM-P-Net Model for Few-Shot Forest Species Classification Using Airborne Hyperspectral Images, A
* New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Determine In-Orbit Satellite Attitude for Spacecrafts without Active ADCS Like UVSQ-SAT, A
* New Method for Determining an Optimal Diurnal Threshold of GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor for Precipitation Forecasting, A
* New Method for Extracting Individual Plant Bio-Characteristics from High-Resolution Digital Images, A
* New Method to Design Steerable First-Order Differential Beamformers, A
* No-Reference Nonuniform Distorted Video Quality Assessment Based on Deep Multiple Instance Learning
* Non-iterative blind deconvolution algorithm based on power-law distribution
* Non-Local Aggregation for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
* Non-Local Feature Search Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
* Non-Traditional Data Sources: Providing Insights into Sustainable Development
* Nonlocal Means Regularized Sketched Reweighted Sparse and Low-Rank Subspace Clustering for Large Hyperspectral Images
* Nonpairwise-Trained Cycle Convolutional Neural Network for Single Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Novel Approach for the Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Using X-Band Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, A
* novel consensus learning approach to incomplete multi-view clustering, A
* Novel Digital IQ Demodulation for Interferometric Radiometers, A
* Novel features for art movement classification of portrait paintings
* Novel Framework Based on Mask R-CNN and Histogram Thresholding for Scalable Segmentation of New and Old Rural Buildings, A
* Novel framework for automatic localisation of gun carrying by moving person using various indoor and outdoor mimic and real-time views/Scenes
* Novel Hierarchical Model in Ensemble Environment for Road Detection Application, A
* Novel Model for Designing a Demand- Responsive Connector (DRC) Transit System With Consideration of Users' Preferred Time Windows, A
* Novel NIR-Red Spectral Domain Evapotranspiration Model From the Chinese GF-1 Satellite: Application to the Huailai Agricultural Region of China, A
* Novel Pattern for Infrared Small Target Detection With Generative Adversarial Network, A
* Novel Recursive Model Based on a Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Air Pollution Prediction, A
* Novel segmentation algorithm for jacquard patterns based on multi-view image fusion
* Novel Strategy to Reconstruct NDVI Time-Series with High Temporal Resolution from MODIS Multi-Temporal Composite Products, A
* Novel Tensor Network for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation, A
* Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Transportation System Through UAV Speed Control, A
* Novel Vegetation Point Cloud Density Tree-Segmentation Model for Overlapping Crowns Using UAV LiDAR, A
* NRTK, PPP or Static, That Is the Question. Testing Different Positioning Solutions for GNSS Survey
* Object Detection Using Deep Learning Methods in Traffic Scenarios
* Object Semantic Segmentation in Point Clouds: Comparison of a Deep Learning and a Knowledge-Based Method
* Object-Based Predictive Modeling (OBPM) for Archaeology: Finding Control Places in Mountainous Environments
* Observation of Maritime Traffic Interruption in Patagonia during the COVID-19 Lockdown Using Copernicus Sentinel-1 Data and Google Earth Engine
* Observations of Wintertime Low-Level Jets in the Coastal Region of the Laptev Sea in the Siberian Arctic Using SODAR/RASS
* Observing Water Surface Temperature from Two Different Airborne Platforms over Temporarily Flooded Wadden Areas at the Elbe Estuary: Methods for Corrections and Analysis
* Occurrence and Evolution of Mesoscale Thermodynamic Phenomena in the Northern Part of the East Sea (Japan Sea) Derived from Satellite Altimeter Data
* Ocean-Surface Heterogeneity Mapping (OHMA) to Identify Regions of Change
* Oil Well Dataset Derived from Satellite-Based Remote Sensing, An
* On Learned Operator Correction in Inverse Problems
* On Symbiosis of Attribute Prediction and Semantic Segmentation
* On the Impact and Mitigation of Signal Crosstalk in Ground-Based and Low Altitude Airborne GNSS-R
* On the Optimal Encoding Ladder of Tiled 360° Videos for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
* On the Projection of Polarimetric Variables Observed by a Planar Phased-Array Radar at X-Band
* On the Role of Battery Capacity Fading Mechanism in the Lifecycle Cost of Electric Bus Fleet
* On the unification of the graph edit distance and graph matching problems
* On the Use of Glyphmaps for Analysing the Scale and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 Reported Cases
* On the Use of Standardized Multi-Temporal Indices for Monitoring Disturbance and Ecosystem Moisture Stress across Multiple Earth Observation Systems in the Google Earth Engine
* Open Source GIS Application for Spatial Assessment of Health Care Quality Indicators, An
* Open-Ended Versus Closed-Ended Responses: A Comparison Study Using Topic Modeling and Factor Analysis
* openEO API-Harmonising the Use of Earth Observation Cloud Services Using Virtual Data Cube Functionalities, The
* Optimal Design for Demand Responsive Connector Service Considering Elastic Demand
* Optimal Routing Design of Feeder Transit With Stop Selection Using Aggregated Cell Phone Data and Open Source GIS Tool
* Optimization Approach for Estimating Multiple Land Surface and Atmospheric Variables From the Geostationary Advanced Himawari Imager Top-of-Atmosphere Observations, An
* optimized CNN-based quality assessment model for screen content image, An
* Optimized Lossless Data Hiding in JPEG Bitstream and Relay Transfer-Based Extension
* Optimizing Quality Inspection and Control in Powder Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing: Challenges and Research Directions
* Ordinal Multi-Task Part Segmentation With Recurrent Prior Generation
* Orthorectified Polar Format Algorithm for Generalized Spotlight SAR Imaging With DEM
* Pain detection using batch normalized discriminant restricted Boltzmann machine layers
* Parallel Single-Pixel Imaging: A General Method for Direct-Global Separation and 3D Shape Reconstruction Under Strong Global Illumination
* Parametric Sequential Method for MRI-Based Wall Shear Stress Quantification
* Parking Places to Moped-Style Scooter Sharing Services Using GIS Location-Allocation Models and GPS Data
* Participatory Mapping as a Didactic and Auxiliary Tool for Learning Community Integration, Technology Transference, and Natural Resource Management
* Particle Size-Frequency Distributions of the OSIRIS-REx Candidate Sample Sites on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
* Past is important: Improved image captioning by looking back in time
* Patch-Based Change Detection Method for SAR Images with Label Updating Strategy
* Patch-Based Holographic Image Sensing
* PCAN: Part-Based Context Attention Network for Thermal Power Plant Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Pedestrian detection with super-resolution reconstruction for low-quality image
* Penalty Relaxation Method for Image Processing Using Euler's Elastica Model, A
* Performance and Evaluation of GNSS Receiver Vector Tracking Loop Based on Adaptive Cascade Filter
* Performance enhancement of image segmentation analysis for multi-grade tumour classification in MRI image
* Performance Evaluation of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 OLI Data for Land Cover/Use Classification Using a Comparison between Machine Learning Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation of VTEC GIMs for Regional Applications during Different Solar Activity Periods, Using RING TEC Values
* Person Re-Identification With Deep Kronecker-Product Matching and Group-Shuffling Random Walk
* Person re-identification: Implicitly defining the receptive fields of deep learning classification frameworks
* Photo-Realistic Image Super-Resolution via Variational Autoencoders
* Photogrammetric Digital Surface Model Reconstruction in Extreme Low-Light Environments
* Photogrammetry Using UAV-Mounted GNSS RTK: Georeferencing Strategies without GCPs
* Physically Based Object Contour Edge Display Using Adjustable Linear Polarization Ratio for Passive Millimeter-Wave Security Imaging
* Planetary Wave Spectrum in the Stratosphere-Mesosphere during Sudden Stratospheric Warming 2018
* Platform and Its Applied Modes for Geography Fieldwork in Higher Education Based on Location Services, A
* PLD-SLAM: A New RGB-D SLAM Method with Point and Line Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene
* Point-Based Estimator for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Polar Stratospheric Clouds Detection at Belgrano II Antarctic Station with Visible Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements
* POSE-ID-on: A Novel Framework for Artwork Pose Clustering
* Post-War Urban Damage Mapping Using InSAR: The Case of Mosul City in Iraq
* Potential Associations between Low-Level Jets and Intraseasonal and Semi-Diurnal Variations in Coastal Chlorophyll: A over the Beibuwan Gulf, South China Sea
* Potential Role of News Media to Construct a Machine Learning Based Damage Mapping Framework, The
* Power Exponent Based Weighting Criterion for DNN-Based Mask Approximation in Speech Enhancement
* PPTPF: Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Publication Framework for CDR Mobile Trajectories
* PRA-Net: Point Relation-Aware Network for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
* Practical globally optimal consensus maximization by Branch-and-bound based on interval arithmetic
* Precipitation Drives the NDVI Distribution on the Tibetan Plateau While High Warming Rates May Intensify Its Ecological Droughts
* Precipitation Merging Based on the Triple Collocation Method Across Mainland China
* Precision Agriculture Workflow, from Data Collection to Data Management Using FOSS Tools: An Application in Northern Italy Vineyard
* Precision Evaluation Index System for Remote Sensing Data Sampling Based on Hexagonal Discrete Grids, A
* Predicting ASD diagnosis in children with synthetic and image-based eye gaze data
* Predicting Bus Passenger Flow and Prioritizing Influential Factors Using Multi-Source Data: Scaled Stacking Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
* Predicting Water Stress in Wild Blueberry Fields Using Airborne Visible and Near Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy
* Prediction of Aboveground Biomass of Three Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Genotypes Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Prediction of CO2 Saturation Spatial Distribution Using Geostatistical Inversion of Time-Lapse Geophysical Data
* Prediction of Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Multitemporal Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
* Prediction of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Fluxes Using Six Meteorological Data-Based Approaches for a Range of Climate and Land Cover Types
* Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon under Different Land Use Types Using Sentinel-1/-2 Data in a Small Watershed
* PrefCache: Edge Cache Admission With User Preference Learning for Video Content Distribution
* Prelaunch Radiometric Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of Landsat Thermal Infrared Sensor 2
* Presence of the Past: Digital Narrative of the Dennys Lascelles Concrete Wool Store; Geelong, Australia
* Principled Design and Implementation of Steerable Detectors
* Proactive Real-Time Control Strategy Based on Data-Driven Transit Demand Prediction, A
* Processing Missile-Borne SAR Data by Using Cartesian Factorized Back Projection Algorithm Integrated with Data-Driven Motion Compensation
* Profiling Dust Mass Concentration in Northwest China Using a Joint Lidar and Sun-Photometer Setting
* progressive CNN in-loop filtering approach for inter frame coding, A
* Progressive Transfer Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Proposing 3D Thermal Technology for Heritage Building Energy Monitoring
* Pruning by Explaining: A Novel Criterion for Deep Neural Network Pruning
* Public Responses to Air Pollution in Shandong Province Using the Online Complaint Data
* Public Transit Planning and Operation in the Era of Automation, Electrification, and Personalization
* Pyramidal Framework: Guidance for the Next Generation of GIS Spatial-Temporal Models
* Q-Compensated Denoising of Seismic Data
* QoE-Based Task Offloading With Deep Reinforcement Learning in Edge-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Quality assessment of multiply and singly distorted stereoscopic images via adaptive construction of cyclopean views
* Quality Assessment of TanDEM-X DEMs, SRTM and ASTER GDEM on Selected Chinese Sites
* Quality of Orbit Predictions for Satellites Tracked by SLR Stations
* Quality of Remote Sensing Optical Images from Acquisition to Users, The
* Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Construction Using Remote Sensing Approach
* Quantification of the Mechanized Ballast Cleaning Process Efficiency Using GPR Technology
* Quantifying the Cooling Effect and Scale of Large Inner-City Lakes Based on Landscape Patterns: A Case Study of Hangzhou and Nanjing
* Quantifying the Impact of Solar Spectra on the Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments
* Quantifying Understory Complexity in Unmanaged Forests Using TLS and Identifying Some of Its Major Drivers
* Quantitative Analysis of the Research Trends and Areas in Grassland Remote Sensing: A Scientometrics Analysis of Web of Science from 1980 to 2020
* Quantitative Evaluation of an Automated Cone-Based Breast Ultrasound Scanner for MRI-3D US Image Fusion
* Quantitative Recognition and Characteristic Analysis of Production-Living-Ecological Space Evolution for Five Resource-Based Cities: Zululand, Xuzhou, Lota, Surf Coast and Ruhr
* Quantitatively Assessing Ecological Stress of Urbanization on Natural Ecosystems by Using a Landscape-Adjacency Index
* Quaternionic extended local binary pattern with adaptive structural pyramid pooling for color image representation
* Quicker ADC: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Quantization With SIMD
* Quickest Detection of COVID-19 Pandemic Onset
* R-DFS: A Coverage Path Planning Approach Based on Region Optimal Decomposition
* Radar High-Resolution Range Profile Ship Recognition Using Two-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks Concatenated with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
* Radar Pulse Compression Methods Based on Nonlinear and Quadratic Optimization
* Rapid Mapping of Large-Scale Greenhouse Based on Integrated Learning Algorithm and Google Earth Engine
* Real-Time 3D Facial Tracking via Cascaded Compositional Learning
* Real-time and accurate object detection in compressed video by long short-term feature aggregation
* Real-time keypoints detection for autonomous recovery of the unmanned ground vehicle
* Real-Time Robotic Grasping Approach With Oriented Anchor Box, A
* Real-Time Taxi-Passenger Matching Using a Differential Evolutionary Fuzzy Controller
* Recent Advancement in Remote Sensing Technology for Hydrology Analysis and Water Resources Management
* Recent Ground Subsidence in the North China Plain, China, Revealed by Sentinel-1A Datasets
* Rectified Binary Convolutional Networks with Generative Adversarial Learning
* Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Recurrent Neural Network for Rain Estimation Using Commercial Microwave Links
* Reduction of False Alarm Rate in SAR-MTI Based on Weighted Kurtosis
* Reference Measurements in Developing UAV Systems for Detecting Pests, Weeds, and Diseases
* Reference Pose Generation for Long-term Visual Localization via Learned Features and View Synthesis
* reference-free underwater image quality assessment metric in frequency domain, A
* Refined Method of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Machine Learning for Newly Constructed Building Areas, A
* Refining MODIS NIR Atmospheric Water Vapor Retrieval Algorithm Using GPS-Derived Water Vapor Data
* Region-by-Region Registration Combining Feature-Based and Optical Flow Methods for Remote Sensing Images
* Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions
* Regularized Affine-Scaling Trust-Region Method for Parametric Imaging of Dynamic PET Data, A
* Regularized Densely-Connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation
* Relative Sea-Level Rise Scenario for 2100 along the Coast of South Eastern Sicily (Italy) by InSAR Data, Satellite Images and High-Resolution Topography
* Relative Total Variation Structure Analysis-Based Fusion Method for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* ReMarNet: Conjoint Relation and Margin Learning for Small-Sample Image Classification
* Remote Detection of Surge-Related Glacier Terminus Change across High Mountain Asia
* Remote Sensing Image Spatiotemporal Fusion Using a Generative Adversarial Network
* Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using Second-Order Multi-Scale Networks
* Remote Sensing of Forest Structural Changes Due to the Recent Boom of Unconventional Shale Gas Extraction Activities in Appalachian Ohio
* Remote Sensing of Lake Water Clarity: Performance and Transferability of Both Historical Algorithms and Machine Learning
* Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands: Editorial
* Remote Sensing to Study Mangrove Fragmentation and Its Impacts on Leaf Area Index and Gross Primary Productivity in the South of Peninsular Malaysia
* Remote-Sensing Image Scene Classification With Deep Neural Networks in JPEG 2000 Compressed Domain
* Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Random Forest in the Evaluation of the Spatial Variability of Foliar Nitrogen in Coffee Crop
* Research of Target Detection and Classification Techniques Using Millimeter-Wave Radar and Vision Sensors
* Research on Instrument Visibility of Ozone Wind Imaging Interferometer
* Research on Landslides Automatic Extraction Model Based on the Improved Mask R-CNN, A
* Research on Susceptibility Mapping of Multiple Geological Hazards in Yanzi River Basin, China, A
* Research on the Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electrical Power Consumption in Three Urban Agglomerations of Yangtze River Economic Belt, China Based on DMSP/OLS Night Light Data
* Residual multi-task learning for facial landmark localization and expression recognition
* Resolution Enhancement of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: Current Status and Perspectives
* Responding to Large-Scale Forest Damage in an Alpine Environment with Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Web-GIS
* Responses of Summer Upwelling to Recent Climate Changes in the Taiwan Strait
* Rethinking CNN-Based Pansharpening: Guided Colorization of Panchromatic Images via GANs
* Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Semantic Saliency Reranking First, Pixelwise Saliency Refinement Later
* Retinal vessel segmentation based on task-driven generative adversarial network
* Retracking Cryosat-2 Data in SARIn and LRM Modes for Plateau Lakes: A Case Study for Tibetan and Dianchi Lakes
* Retrieval and Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Using Sentinel-2A Spectral Images from Bare Cropland in Autumn
* Retrieval of Carbon Dioxide Using Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) on S-NPP
* Retrieval of Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice from the FY3B/MWRI
* Retrieving and Validating Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll Content at Moderate Resolution: A Multiscale Analysis with the Sentinel-3 OLCI Sensor
* Retrieving Photometric Properties and Soil Moisture Content of Tidal Flats Using Bidirectional Spectral Reflectance
* Reverberation Noise Suppression in Ultrasound Channel Signals Using a 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Reverse Thinking: A New Method from the Graph Perspective for Evaluating and Mitigating Regional Surface Heat Islands
* Reversible data hiding based on three shadow images using rhombus magic matrix
* Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Low-Altitude Remote Sensing (UAV-LARS) Use in Agricultural Monitoring in China, A
* Rice-Yield Prediction with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data and 3D CNN: A Case Study in Nepal
* Riparian Area Changes in Greenness and Water Use on the Lower Colorado River in the USA from 2000 to 2020
* Risk Factor Detection and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Geo-Detector and Random Forest Models: The 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
* River Planform Extraction From High-Resolution SAR Images via Generalized Gamma Distribution Superpixel Classification
* Road Map to Classify the Potential Risk of Wind Erosion, The
* Road to Operationalization of Effective Tropical Forest Monitoring Systems, The
* Robust and discriminative image representation: Fractional-Order Jacobi-Fourier moments
* Robust Classification Technique for Hyperspectral Images Based on 3D-Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Using Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Maritime Target Detector in Short Dwell Time
* Robust Prediction Model for Species Distribution Using Bagging Ensembles with Deep Neural Networks, A
* Robust Text Image Recognition via Adversarial Sequence-to-Sequence Domain Adaptation
* Role of Redundant Bases and Shrinkage Functions in Image Denoising, The
* Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitability and Connectivity Modeling: Insights from the Cantabrian Brown Bear, The
* Role of Spatio-Temporal Information to Govern the COVID-19 Pandemic: A European Perspective, The
* Root-Soil Water Relationship Is Spatially Anisotropic in Shrub-Encroached Grassland in North China: Evidence from GPR Investigation, The
* rotation and scale invariant approach for multi-oriented floor plan image retrieval, A
* Rotation-Invariant Feature Learning in VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images via Nested Siamese Structure With Double Center Loss
* Round Robin Assessment of Radar Altimeter Low Resolution Mode and Delay-Doppler Retracking Algorithms for Significant Wave Height
* Roundness-Preserving Warping for Aesthetic Enhancement-Based Stereoscopic Image Editing
* S-NPP VIIRS Day Night Band On-Board Solar Diffuser Calibration Validation Using the Scheduled Lunar Collections
* Saline-Soil Deformation Extraction Based on an Improved Time-Series InSAR Approach
* SAMNet: Stereoscopically Attentive Multi-Scale Network for Lightweight Salient Object Detection
* SAR Speckle Removal Using Hybrid Frequency Modulations
* Satellite Imagery for Monitoring and Mapping Soil Chromium Pollution in a Mine Waste Dump
* Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Product Comparison for the Southern African Marine Region
* Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and Cover Change on the Surface Shortwave Radiation Budget in a Humid Basin
* Satellite-Based Observations Reveal the Altitude-Dependent Patterns of SIFyield and Its Sensitivity to Ambient Temperature in Tibetan Meadows
* Satellite-Derived Variation in Burned Area in China from 2001 to 2018 and Its Response to Climatic Factors
* Satellite-Observed Global Terrestrial Vegetation Production in Response to Water Availability
* SC-RPN: A Strong Correlation Learning Framework for Region Proposal
* Scalable multi-label canonical correlation analysis for cross-modal retrieval
* Scalar Quantization as Sparse Least Square Optimization
* Scene-Driven Multitask Parallel Attention Network for Building Extraction in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Scene-Graph-Guided message passing network for dense captioning
* SDPNet: A Deep Network for Pan-Sharpening With Enhanced Information Representation
* Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Extent Mapping with L-Band Microwave Radiometry and GNSS-R Data from the FFSCat Mission Using Neural Networks
* Sea Ice Thickness Estimation Based on Regression Neural Networks Using L-Band Microwave Radiometry Data from the FSSCat Mission
* Seamless 3D Image Mapping and Mosaicing of Valles Marineris on Mars Using Orbital HRSC Stereo and Panchromatic Images
* Secure high capacity tetris-based scheme for data hiding
* Security in Brain-Computer Interfaces: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities, and Future Challenges
* Segmentation of images through curve fitting analysis by modified Vandermonde matrix and modified Gram-Schmidt method
* Seismic Random Noise Suppression by Using Adaptive Fractal Conservation Law Method Based on Stationarity Testing
* Selecting Optimal Combination of Data Channels for Semantic Segmentation in City Information Modelling (CIM)
* Selective Wavelet Attention Learning for Single Image Deraining
* Self-Adaptive Aspect Ratio Anchor for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Self-attention-based conditional random fields latent variables model for sequence labeling
* Self-Secondaries Formed by Cold Spot Craters on the Moon
* Self-Supervised Learning of Audio Representations From Permutations With Differentiable Ranking
* Semantic Image Segmentation Based Cable Vibration Frequency Visual Monitoring Using Modified Convolutional Neural Network with Pixel-wise Weighting Strategy
* Semantic loop closure detection based on graph matching in multi-objects scenes
* Semantic Perceptual Image Compression With a Laplacian Pyramid of Convolutional Networks
* Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Imagery via Split-Attention Networks with Disentangled Nonlocal and Edge Supervision
* Semantically Derived Geometric Constraints for MVS Reconstruction of Textureless Areas
* Semantics of Voids within Data: Ignorance-Aware Machine Learning
* Semi-/Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Method and Its Application for Coastal Aquaculture Areas Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images: Taking the Fujian Coastal Area (Mainly Sanduo) as an Example
* Semi-Supervised Capsule cGAN for Speckle Noise Reduction in Retinal OCT Images
* Semidefinite Programming Two-Way TOA Localization for User Devices With Motion and Clock Drift
* Sensitivity Analysis on the Spectral Signatures of Low-Backscattering Sea Areas in Sentinel-1 SAR Images, A
* Sensor Agnostic Semantic Segmentation of Structurally Diverse and Complex Forest Point Clouds Using Deep Learning
* Sentinel-1 A-DInSAR Approaches to Map and Monitor Ground Displacements
* Separating Content from Style Using Adversarial Learning for Recognizing Text in the Wild
* Separation of Metabolites and Macromolecules for Short-TE 1H-MRSI Using Learned Component-Specific Representations
* Sequential 90° Rotation of Dual-Polarized Antenna Elements in Linear Phased Arrays with Improved Cross-Polarization Level for Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications
* Sequential Instance Refinement for Cross-Domain Object Detection in Images
* Setting the Flow Accumulation Threshold Based on Environmental and Morphologic Features to Extract River Networks from Digital Elevation Models
* Shallow Offshore Geophysical Prospection of Archaeological Sites in Eastern Mediterranean
* Shape Transformation-based Dataset Augmentation Framework for Pedestrian Detection, A
* Ship Classification in Medium-Resolution SAR Images via Densely Connected Triplet CNNs Integrating Fisher Discrimination Regularized Metric Learning
* Ship Detection and Feature Visualization Analysis Based on Lightweight CNN in VH and VV Polarization Images
* Ship Detection in Spaceborne Infrared Image Based on Lightweight CNN and Multisource Feature Cascade Decision
* Shoreline Changes along Northern Ibaraki Coast after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
* SIFT and HOG features for the retrieval of ancient Kannada epigraphs
* Similarity Index Based Approach for Identifying Similar Grotto Statues to Support Virtual Restoration
* Simple accurate model-based phase diversity phase retrieval algorithm for wavefront sensing in high-resolution optical imaging systems
* Simulation and Data Analysis of the Temperature Distribution and Variation in the Permanent Shaded Region of the Moon
* Simulation of Dynamic Urban Expansion under Ecological Constraints Using a Long Short Term Memory Network Model and Cellular Automata
* Simulation of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar Tristatic System
* Simultaneous Extraction of Road and Centerline from Aerial Images Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Simultaneously Multiobjective Sparse Unmixing and Library Pruning for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Single Image Brightening via Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion With Hybrid Learning
* Single Object Tracking in Satellite Videos: Deep Siamese Network Incorporating an Interframe Difference Centroid Inertia Motion Model
* Skeletonisation algorithms with theoretical guarantees for unorganised point clouds with high levels of noise
* Sketch Map Tool Facilitates the Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data for Participatory Mapping, The
* Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Polarized Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
* SLCRF: Subspace Learning With Conditional Random Field for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SmaAt-UNet: Precipitation nowcasting using a small attention-UNet architecture
* Small Unmanned Aircraft (sUAS)-Deployed Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imaging for Environmental Surveys with Implications in Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SG
* SMAPGAN: Generative Adversarial Network-Based Semisupervised Styled Map Tile Generation Method
* Snake-Based Model for Automatic Roof Boundary Extraction in the Object Space Integrating a High-Resolution Aerial Images Stereo Pair and 3D Roof Models
* Snow Depth Fusion Based on Machine Learning Methods for the Northern Hemisphere
* SNR Enhancement of Back Scattering Signals for Bistatic Radar Based on BeiDou GEO Satellites
* Social-Aware Incentive Mechanism for Vehicular Crowdsensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Socially-driven multi-interaction attentive group representation learning for group recommendation
* Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments: Validation of the SMAP Products in Australia, The
* Soil Nutrient Digital Mapping for Precision Agriculture Cases in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone of Russia Using Topographic Attributes, The
* Soil-Permittivity Estimation Under Grassland Using Machine-Learning and Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques
* Solar Extreme and Far Ultraviolet Radiation Modeling for Aeronomic Calculations
* Sparse Constrained Low Tensor Rank Representation Framework for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Sparse Representation Based Joint Demosaicing Method for Single-Chip Polarized Color Sensor, A
* Sparse signal recovery via infimal convolution based penalty
* Spatial Allocation Based on Physiological Needs and Land Suitability Using the Combination of Ecological Footprint and SVM (Case Study: Java Island, Indonesia)
* Spatial Analysis of Urbanization Patterns in Four Rapidly Growing South Asian Cities Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Vegetation Greening and Precipitation Changes for Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics in Climate Zones over Africa, A
* Spatial Context Energy Curve-Based Multilevel 3-D Otsu Algorithm for Image Segmentation
* Spatial Correlation between Ecosystem Services and Human Disturbances: A Case Study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
* Spatial Distribution and Morphological Identification of Regional Urban Settlements Based on Road Intersections
* Spatial Downscaling of Land Surface Temperature Based on a Multi-Factor Geographically Weighted Machine Learning Model
* Spatial Relationship between Irrigation Water Salinity, Waterlogging, and Cropland Degradation in the Arid and Semi-Arid Environments
* Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Concept and Modeling of Prone Shoreline Retreat Areas
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Mass Balance in the Ablation Area of the Muz Taw Glacier, Sawir Mountains, from Multi-Temporal Terrestrial Geodetic Surveys
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity and Its Driving Factors on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 2001 to 2017
* Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Deep Convection Observed along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
* Spatio-Temporal Models for Vibration Monitoring of Elongated Structures Using Profile Laser Scans
* Spatio-Temporal Validation of AIRS CO2 Observations Using GAW, HIPPO and TCCON
* Spatio-Temporal Visual Analysis for Urban Traffic Characters Based on Video Surveillance Camera Data
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19 Spread with Emerging Hotspot Analysis and Space-Time Cube Models in East Java, Indonesia
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Determinant Factors of the Intra-Regional Trade Community Structures of the Indian Ocean Region
* Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Analysis of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration: Evidence from Nighttime Light Data (2001-2019)
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Ecosystem Restoration Activities and Their Effects on Changes in Terrestrial Gross Primary Production in Southwest China
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Ecosystem Services and Their Drivers among Different Landscape Heterogeneity Units and Terrain Gradients in the Southern Hill and Mountain Belt, China
* Special Issue on 3D Sensing in Intelligent Transportation
* Special Issue Remote-Sensing-Based Urban Planning Indicators
* Spectral Assessment of Organic Matter with Different Composition Using Reflectance Spectroscopy
* Spectral Derivatives of Optical Depth for Partitioning Aerosol Type and Loading
* Spectral-Spatial-Aware Unsupervised Change Detection With Stochastic Distances and Support Vector Machines
* Spherical Deformable U-Net: Application to Cortical Surface Parcellation and Development Prediction
* Spotting Green Tides over Brittany from Space: Three Decades of Monitoring with Landsat Imagery
* Spring Frost Damage to Tea Plants Can Be Identified with Daily Minimum Air Temperatures Estimated by MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products
* Steganalytic feature based adversarial embedding for adaptive JPEG steganography
* Strain Energy Decay Predicts Elastic Registration Accuracy From Intraoperative Data Constraints
* Strategies for the Development of Spectral Models for Soil Organic Matter Estimation
* Strategy for SAR Imaging Quality Improvement With Low-Precision Sampled Data
* Strong but Simple Baseline With Dual-Granularity Triplet Loss for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
* Strong Solutions for PDE-Based Tomography by Unsupervised Learning
* Structure From Motion on XSlit Cameras
* Study about the Temporal Constraints on the Martian Yardangs' Development in Medusae Fossae Formation, A
* study on attention-based LSTM for abnormal behavior recognition with variable pooling, A
* Suburban Demand Responsive Transit Service With Rental Vehicles
* Super-pixel image segmentation algorithm based on adaptive equalisation feature parameters
* Superpixel Soup: Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Dynamic Scene
* Surface Crack Extraction Method Based on Machine Learning of Image and Quantitative Feature Information Acquisition Method, The
* Surging Glacier Recognized by Remote Sensing on the Zangser Kangri Ice Field, Central Tibetan Plateau, A
* survey of iris datasets, A
* Survey on Adversarial Recommender Systems: From Attack/Defense Strategies to Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Survey on Distributed Graph Pattern Matching in Massive Graphs, A
* survey on matching strategies for boundary image comparison and evaluation, A
* Survey on Trajectory Data Management, Analytics, and Learning, A
* Sustainable Development of Transport as a Regional Policy Target for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Poland
* SVD-Based Ambiguity Function Analysis for Nonlinear Trajectory SAR
* Synergy between Low Earth Orbit (LEO): MODIS and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO): GOES Sensors for Sargassum Monitoring in the Atlantic Ocean
* Synthesizing a Regional Territorial Evapotranspiration Dataset for Northern China
* Synthesizing Vulnerability, Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability into VRRSability for Improving Geoinformation Decision Support Evaluations
* Target Characterization and Scattering Power Decomposition for Full and Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
* Target Detection Through Tree-Structured Encoding for Hyperspectral Images
* Targeted Rock Slope Assessment Using Voxels and Object-Oriented Classification
* TATSSI: A Free and Open-Source Platform for Analyzing Earth Observation Products with Quality Data Assessment
* Technical Study on UAV Characteristics for Precision Agriculture Applications and Associated Practical Challenges, A
* Temporal and Spatial Variation of Anthropogenic Heat in the Central Urban Area: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Tensor Low-Rank Representation for Data Recovery and Clustering
* Testing and Validating the Suitability of Geospatially Informed Proxies on Land Tenure in North Korea for Korean (Re-)Unification
* Text Recognition in the Wild: A Survey
* Text-Guided Neural Network Training for Image Recognition in Natural Scenes and Medicine
* ThickSeg: Efficient semantic segmentation of large-scale 3D point clouds using multi-layer projection
* Thirty-Year Dynamics of LULC at the Dong Thap Muoi Area, Southern Vietnam, Using Google Earth Engine
* Three-Dimensional Inundation Mapping Using UAV Image Segmentation and Digital Surface Model
* Three-Dimensional Object Co-Localization from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Tibetan Thangka data set and relative tasks, A
* Tidal Flat Extraction and Change Analysis Based on the RF-W Model: A Case Study of Jiaozhou Bay, East China
* Tight lower bounds for dynamic time warping
* Time series cluster kernels to exploit informative missingness and incomplete label information
* Time-Delay Estimation by a Modified Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method for Rough Pavement
* Time-Dependent Urban Customized Bus Routing With Path Flexibility
* Time-Efficient Indoor Navigation and Evacuation With Fastest Path Planning Based on Internet of Things Technologies
* Time-Lagged Correlation between Soil Moisture and Intra-Annual Dynamics of Vegetation on the Mongolian Plateau
* Together Recognizing, Localizing and Summarizing Actions in Egocentric Videos
* Tool for Pre-Operational Daily Mapping of Floods and Permanent Water Using Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Topographic Evolution Involving Co-Seismic Landslide, Deformation, Long-Term Folding and Isostatic Rebound: A Case Study on the 2004 Chuetsu Earthquake
* Topside Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Modelling Using GNSS Radio Occultation and POD Data
* TouchTerrain: 3D Printable Terrain Models
* Toward a Comprehensive Dam Monitoring: On-Site and Remote-Retrieved Forcing Factors and Resulting Displacements (GNSS and PS-InSAR)
* Toward a Yearly Country-Scale CORINE Land-Cover Map without Using Images: A Map Translation Approach
* Toward Improving Image Retrieval via Global Saliency Weighted Feature
* Toward More Integrated Utilizations of Geostationary Satellite Data for Disaster Management and Risk Mitigation
* Toward More Robust and Real-Time Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Detection and Tracking via Cross-Scale Feature Aggregation Based on the Center Keypoint
* Toward Pre-Empted EV Charging Recommendation Through V2V-Based Reservation System
* Towards a data-driven adaptive anomaly detection system for human activity
* Towards an Operative Predictive Model for the Songshan Area during the Yangshao Period
* Towards Cross-Dataset Palmprint Recognition Via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment
* Towards Development of a Real-Time Point Feature Quality Assessment Method for Volunteered Geographic Information Using the Internet of Things
* Towards Including Dynamic Vegetation Parameters in the EUMETSAT H SAF ASCAT Soil Moisture Products
* Towards On-Board Hyperspectral Satellite Image Segmentation: Understanding Robustness of Deep Learning through Simulating Acquisition Conditions
* Towards self-similarity consistency and feature discrimination for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Towards Statistically Provable Geometric 3D Human Pose Recovery
* Traffic Routing in the Ever-Changing City of Doha
* Transfer Learning of a Deep Learning Model for Exploring Tourists' Urban Image Using Geotagged Photos
* Transformation of Multispectral Data to Quasi-Hyperspectral Data Using Convolutional Neural Network Regression
* Transformation-Aware Similarity Measurement for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment via Bidirectional Rewarping
* Transmission Control Method for Data Retention Taking into Account the Low Vehicle Density Environments
* Transnational Accessibility between Residential Areas Based on Multimodal Transport System
* Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Related Analyses: A Review
* Triangulate geometric constraint combined with visual-flow fusion network for accurate 6DoF pose estimation
* Tripool: Graph triplet pooling for 3D skeleton-based action recognition
* Trustworthiness for Transportation Ecosystems: The Blockchain Vehicle Information System
* Twitter Use in Hurricane Isaac and Its Implications for Disaster Resilience
* Two Hybrid Multiobjective Motion Planning Schemes Synthesized by Recurrent Neural Networks for Wheeled Mobile Robot Manipulators
* Two Severe Prolonged Hydrological Droughts Analysis over Mainland Australia Using GRACE Satellite Data
* Two viewpoints based real-time recognition for hand gestures
* Two-Stage Spatiotemporal Attention Convolution Network for Continuous Dimensional Emotion Recognition From Facial Video, A
* UAS Identify and Monitor Unusual Small-Scale Rhythmic Features in the Bay of Cádiz (Spain)
* UAV Open Dataset of Rice Paddies for Deep Learning Practice, A
* UAV Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Dynamic Attribute-Guided Augmentation Algorithm
* UAV-Assisted Wide Area Multi-Camera Space Alignment Based on Spatiotemporal Feature Map
* UFOD: An AutoML framework for the construction, comparison, and combination of object detection models
* UGC-VQA: Benchmarking Blind Video Quality Assessment for User Generated Content
* Unavailable Transit Feed Specification: Making It Available with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Uncertainty Estimation for Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of Roads in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Underground Coal Fire Detection and Monitoring Based on Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 Data Sets in Miquan Fire Area, XinJiang
* Understanding Users' Satisfaction towards Public Transit System in India: A Case-Study of Mumbai
* Uneven Frontiers: Exposing the Geopolitics of Myanmar's Borderlands with Critical Remote Sensing
* Uni-Temporal Multispectral Imagery for Burned Area Mapping with Deep Learning
* Unified Framework for Anomaly Detection of Satellite Images Based on Well-Designed Features and an Artificial Neural Network, A
* Unified Low-Rank Subspace Clustering with Dynamic Hypergraph for Hyperspectral Image
* Unified Methodology for the Generalisation of the Geometry of Features, A
* Unified Quality Assessment of in-the-Wild Videos with Mixed Datasets Training
* Unified unsupervised and semi-supervised domain adaptation network for cross-scenario face anti-spoofing
* Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation with Error-Correcting Boundaries and Feature Adaption Metric for Remote-Sensing Scene Classification
* Unsupervised Building Instance Segmentation of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds for Parallel Reconstruction Analysis
* Unsupervised Domain Adaption for High-Resolution Coastal Land Cover Mapping with Category-Space Constrained Adversarial Network
* Unsupervised Multistep Deformable Registration of Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Deep Learning
* Unsupervised Pansharpening Based on Self-Attention Mechanism
* Upscaling factor estimation on pre-JPEG compressed images based on difference histogram of spectral peaks
* Urban Fine-Grained Spatial Structure Detection Based on a New Traffic Flow Interaction Analysis Framework
* Urban Heat Island Formation in Greater Cairo: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperatures along the Urban-Rural Gradient
* Urban Land Mapping Based on Remote Sensing Time Series in the Google Earth Engine Platform: A Case Study of the Teresina-Timon Conurbation Area in Brazil
* Urban Observatory: A Multi-Modal Imaging Platform for the Study of Dynamics in Complex Urban Systems, The
* Urban Thermal Characteristics of Local Climate Zones and Their Mitigation Measures across Cities in Different Climate Zones of China
* Use of Sentinel-2 for Chlorophyll-a Spatial Dynamics Assessment: A Comparative Study on Different Lakes in Northern Germany, The
* Use of Sentinel-2 Satellite Data for Windthrows Monitoring and Delimiting: The Case of Vaia Storm in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (North-Eastern Italy)
* Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Improve Soil Phosphorus Prediction in Madagascar
* Using Aerial Photogrammetry to Assess Stock-Wide Marine Turtle Nesting Distribution, Abundance and Cumulative Exposure to Industrial Activity
* Using Content Analysis to Probe the Cognitive Image of Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism: An Exploration of Chinese Social Media
* Using dynamical quantization to perform split attempts in online tree regressors
* Using Geotagged Social Media Data to Explore Sentiment Changes in Tourist Flow: A Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework
* Using HSI Color Space to Improve the Multispectral Lidar Classification Error Caused by Measurement Geometry
* Using Information Content to Select Keypoints for UAV Image Matching
* Using Multi-Angular Hyperspectral Data to Estimate the Vertical Distribution of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Wheat
* Using Statistical Measures and Machine Learning for Graph Reduction to Solve Maximum Weight Clique Problems
* Using TPI to Map Spatial and Temporal Variations of Significant Coastal Upwelling in the Northern South China Sea
* Using UAV Imagery to Detect and Map Woody Species Encroachment in a Subalpine Grassland: Advantages and Limits
* Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Ground-Based RGB Indices to Assess Agronomic Performance of Wheat Landraces and Cultivars in a Mediterranean-Type Environment
* Utilizing Urban Geospatial Data to Understand Heritage Attractiveness in Amsterdam
* UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Measurements of the Earth's Outgoing Radiation, The
* Validation of GRACE and GRACE-FO Mascon Data for the Study of Polar Motion Excitation
* Value of L-Band Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth Estimates in the Prediction of Vegetation Phenology, The
* Variation in Ice Phenology of Large Lakes over the Northern Hemisphere Based on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* Variational Bayesian Inference for Audio-Visual Tracking of Multiple Speakers
* Variational Low-Rank Matrix Factorization with Multi-Patch Collaborative Learning for Hyperspectral Imagery Mixed Denoising
* Vegetation Change and Its Response to Climate Extremes in the Arid Region of Northwest China
* Vehicle detection based on improved multitask cascaded convolutional neural network and mixed image enhancement
* Velocity Analysis Using Separated Diffractions for Lunar Penetrating Radar Obtained by Yutu-2 Rover
* Vertical Structures of Meteorological Elements and Black Carbon at Mt. Tianshan Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System
* Vicarious Calibration for the AHSI Instrument of Gaofen-5 With Reference to the CRCS Dunhuang Test Site
* Vicarious Calibration of FengYun-3D MERSI-II at Railroad Valley Playa Site: A Case for Sensors with Large View Angles
* Vicinal and categorical domain adaptation
* Video action detection by learning graph-based spatio-temporal interactions
* Video Frame Prediction by Deep Multi-Branch Mask Network
* View-Dependent Progressive Transmission Method for 3D Building Models
* Vision Models for Wide Color Gamut Imaging in Cinema
* Visual Positioning in Indoor Environments Using RGB-D Images and Improved Vector of Local Aggregated Descriptors
* VMAN: A Virtual Mainstay Alignment Network for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Water Conservation Estimation Based on Time Series NDVI in the Yellow River Basin
* Wavelet-Based Deep Auto Encoder-Decoder (WDAED)-Based Image Compression
* Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection With Saliency Bounding Boxes
* Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation with saliency and incremental supervision updating
* Weakly-supervised video object localization with attentive spatio-temporal correlation
* Web Map Effectiveness in the Responsive Context of the Graphical User Interface
* Weighted Feature Histogram of Multi-Scale Local Patch Using Multi-Bit Binary Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Wetlands Cool Land Surface Temperature in Tropical Regions but Warm in Boreal Regions
* What Happens in the City When Long-Term Urban Expansion and (Un)Sustainable Fringe Development Occur: The Case Study of Rome
* What is a Tabby? Interpretable Model Decisions by Learning Attribute-Based Classification Criteria
* Whole Brain Myelin Water Mapping in One Minute Using Tensor Dictionary Learning With Low-Rank Plus Sparse Regularization
* Why Is Green Hotel Certification Unpopular in Taiwan? An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach
* Wide Sliding Window and Subsampling Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Wind Direction Data from a Coastal HF Radar System in the Gulf of Naples (Central Mediterranean Sea)
* X-SVM: An Extension of C-SVM Algorithm for Classification of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* ZoomInNet: A Novel Small Object Detector in Drone Images with Cross-Scale Knowledge Distillation
1272 for 2104

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.