* *Close Range Image Measurement Techniques
* *Human Behavior Understanding
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* *IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
* *International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modeling and Applications
* *International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance
* *ISPRS Commission I Symposium
* *ISPRS Thematic Processing, Modeling and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
* *Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* *Preface of Special Issue on 'Graph-based Processing for Pattern Recognition'
* *Video Analytics for Audience Measurement
* *Workshop Computational Advances in Intelligent Processing of Multimode Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2D to 3D Conversion Based on Disparity Map Estimation
* 3-D Interfaces to Improve the Performance of Visual Known-Item Search
* 3-D-Point-Cloud System for Human-Pose Estimation, A
* 3D Building Evacuation Route Modelling and Visualization
* 3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
* 3D Face Recognition by Functional Data Analysis
* 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Shaded Image Using Subspace Crossing Engine
* 3D Modeling By Consolidation Of Independent Geometries Extracted From Point Clouds: The Case Of The Modeling Of The Turckheim's Chapel (Alsace, France)
* 3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
* 3D modelling of laser scanned and photogrammetric data for digital documentation: the Mosteiro da Batalha case study
* 3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
* 3D painting documentation: Evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
* 3D shape retrieval and classification using multiple kernel learning on extended Reeb graphs
* 3DGIS-Based Multi-Agent Geosimulation and Visualization of Building Evacuation Using GAMA Platform
* Abnormal event detection using local sparse representation
* Abrupt spatiotemporal land and water changes and their potential drivers in Poyang Lake, 2000-2012
* Accidental Pinhole and Pinspeck Cameras
* Accuracy assessment of airborne photogrammetrically derived high-resolution digital elevation models in a high mountain environment
* Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
* Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
* Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
* Accurate 3D action recognition using learning on the Grassmann manifold
* Accurate Detection in Volumetric Images Using Elastic Registration Based Validation
* Accurate Human Pose Estimation by Aggregating Multiple Pose Hypotheses Using Modified Kernel Density Approximation
* ACM ICMR 2014 best papers in image retrieval
* Acquisition of High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Video with a Hybrid Camera System
* Action recognition by hidden temporal models
* Active collision avoidance system for steering control of autonomous vehicles
* Active noise control using an adaptive bacterial foraging optimization algorithm
* Active Online Learning for Interactive Segmentation Using Sparse Gaussian Processes
* Active-matting-based object tracking with color cues
* Adaptive binarization of severely degraded and non-uniformly illuminated documents
* Adaptive bit allocation scheme for rate control in high efficiency video coding with initial quantization parameter determination
* Adaptive cartooning for privacy protection in camera networks
* Adaptive Downsampling Video Coding With Spatially Scalable Rate-Distortion Modeling
* Adaptive Fusion Algorithm for Spam Detection, An
* Adaptive Inter-Mode Decision for HEVC Jointly Utilizing Inter-Level and Spatiotemporal Correlations
* Adaptive Motion Model for Person Tracking with Instantaneous Head-Pose Features, An
* Adaptive Radar Beamforming for Interference Mitigation in Radar-Wireless Spectrum Sharing
* Adaptive Vehicle License Plate Detection at Higher Matching Degree, An
* Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro UAV
* Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
* algorithm for the detection of vessels in aerial images, An
* Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Tomography With Nonlocal Regularizers
* Analysing Phenological Characteristics Extracted from Landsat NDVI Time Series to Identify Suitable Image Acquisition Dates for Cannabis Mapping in Afghanistan
* Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
* Analysis of cerebral blood flow in Parkinson's disease with dementia versus subcortical ischemic vascular dementia using single photon emission computed tomography
* Analysis on the Changing Spatial Patterns of China's Migration in 1985-2010
* Analyzing the Effects of Spatial Resolution for Small Landslide Susceptibility and Hazard Mapping
* Anamorphic pixels for multi-channel superresolution
* Angle Estimation Using Hahn Moments for Image Analysis
* Anticipation in Driving: The Role of Experience in the Efficacy of Pre-event Conflict Cues
* Application of a Remote Sensing Method for Estimating Monthly Blue Water Evapotranspiration in Irrigated Agriculture
* Application of ECOC SVMS in Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Application of Geographic Information System and Remotesensing in effective solid waste disposal sites selection in Wukro town, Tigray, Ethiopia
* Application of MODIS Land Products to Assessment of Land Degradation of Alpine Rangeland in Northern India with Limited Ground-Based Information
* Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
* Application-Oriented Estimator Selection
* Applications of Video Analytics in Media Planning, Trade and Shopper Marketing, The
* Approximation of graph edit distance based on Hausdorff matching
* Are Reducts and Typical Testors the Same?
* Are They Different? Affect, Feeling, Emotion, Sentiment, and Opinion Detection in Text
* Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap
* Artificial Neural Networks for Acoustic Lung Signals Classification
* ASEV: Automatic situation assessment for event-driven video analysis
* Assessing Cross-Cut Shredded Document Assembly
* Assessing integration of intensity, polarimetric scattering, interferometric coherence and spatial texture metrics in PALSAR-derived land cover classification
* Assessing Land Degradation and Desertification Using Vegetation Index Data: Current Frameworks and Future Directions
* Assessing the Performance of MODIS NDVI and EVI for Seasonal Crop Yield Forecasting at the Ecodistrict Scale
* Assessment of ice-dam collapse by time-lapse photos at the Perito Moreno glacier, Argentina
* Assessment of Total Suspended Sediment Distribution under Varying Tidal Conditions in Deep Bay: Initial Results from HJ-1A/1B Satellite CCD Images
* Asymmetric Cuts: Joint Image Labeling and Partitioning
* Asymptotic Analysis of Distributed Bayesian Detection with Byzantine Data
* Asymptotic Generalization Bound of Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Atmospheric Compensation Component of a Landsat Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product: Assessment of Errors Expected for a North American Test Product, The
* Attenuating noise from computed tomography medical images using a coefficients-driven total variation denoising algorithm
* Audio Matters in Visual Attention
* Auditory Distance Rendering Based on ICPD Control for Stereophonic 3D Audio System
* Augmenting analytic SFM filters with frame-to-frame features
* automated and integrated framework for dust storm detection based on OGC web processing services, An
* Automated Banknote Identification Method for the Visually Impaired
* Automated detection of cars in transmission X-ray images of freight containers
* Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automated processing of high resolution airborne images for earthquake damage assessment
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Manhattan World Scenes Using Kinect Depth Data
* Automatic Camera-Screen Localization
* Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
* Automatic Classification of Coating Epithelial Tissue
* Automatic Corner Matching in Highly Distorted Images of Zhang's Calibration Pattern
* Automatic Detection of Nonverbal Behavior Predicts Learning in Dyadic Interactions
* Automatic Detection of Small Single Trees in the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automatic Determination of Anatomical Correspondences for Multimodal Field of View Correction
* Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
* Automatic Lens Distortion Correction Using One-Parameter Division Models
* Automatic panorama with auto-focusing based on image fusion for microscopic imaging system
* Automatic recovery of the atmospheric light in hazy images
* Automatic registration of LiDAR and optical imagery using depth map stereo
* Automatic Segmentation of Breast MR Images Through a Markov Random Field Statistical Model
* Automatically Generating Specification Properties From Task Models for the Formal Verification of Human-Automation Interaction
* Automating the Photogrammetric Bridging Based on MMS Image Sequence Processing
* Autonomous hyperspectral UAS photogrammetry for environmental monitoring applications
* autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods, An
* Autonomous Real-Time Interventional Scan Plane Control With a 3-D Shape-Sensing Needle
* Axial Ultrasound B-Scans of the Entire Eye With a 20-MHz Linear Array: Correction of Crystalline Lens Phase Aberration by Applying Fermat's Principle
* Background subtraction in people detection framework for RGB-D cameras
* Bayesian Compressive Sensing Using Normal Product Priors
* Bayesian Framework for Intent Detection and Stimulation Selection in SSVEP BCIs, A
* benchmark image database of isolated Bangla handwritten compound characters, A
* benchmark of simulated range images for partial shape retrieval, A
* Bin Ratio-Based Histogram Distances and Their Application to Image Classification
* Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network Training for Solar Radiation Forecasting
* Bio-inspired Aging Model-Particle Swarm Optimization and Geometric Algebra for Structure from Motion
* Bird Flu Outbreak Prediction via Satellite Tracking
* Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
* Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition for Cognitive Radar Scene Analysis
* Blending Landsat and MODIS Data to Generate Multispectral Indices: A Comparison of 'Index-then-Blend' and 'Blend-then-Index' Approaches
* Blind image quality assessment using a reciprocal singular value curve
* Blind nonlinear hyperspectral unmixing based on constrained kernel nonnegative matrix factorization
* Block Adjustment for Satellite Imagery Based on the Strip Constraint
* Blurred and noisy image pairs in parallel optics
* Building Volumetric Appearance Models of Fabric Using Micro CT Imaging
* Bush encroachment monitoring using multi-temporal Landsat data and random forests
* Calibration of multi-camera photogrammetric systems
* Calibration of SAR Polarimetric Images by Means of a Covariance Matching Approach
* Camera Calibration with Radial Variance Component Estimation
* Camera motion detection for mobile smart cameras using segmented edge-based optical flow
* CAMHID: Camera Motion Histogram Descriptor and Its Application to Cinematographic Shot Classification
* Can Cosegmentation Improve the Object Detection Quality?
* Can we beat Hadamard multiplexing? Data driven design and analysis for computational imaging systems
* Capabilities of BIOMASS Tomography for Investigating Tropical Forests
* Capturing Hand Motion with an RGB-D Sensor, Fusing a Generative Model with Salient Points
* Cartoon + Texture Image Decomposition by the TV-L1 Model
* Cascade classifiers trained on gammatonegrams for reliably detecting audio events
* Casting Random Forests as Artificial Neural Networks (and Profiting from It)
* Categorization-based two-stage pedestrian detection system for naturalistic driving data
* ChaLearn gesture dataset (CGD 2011), The
* Channel Capacity Analysis of the Generalized Spread Spectrum Watermarking in Audio Signals
* Characterisation of Network Objects in Natural and Anthropic Environments
* CityGML extension for traffic-sign objects that guides the automatic processing of data collected using Mobile Mapping technology, A
* Classification of Local Eigen-Dissimilarities for Person Re-Identification
* Close range vehicle detection and tracking by vehicle lights
* Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
* Cloud Radio-Multistatic Radar: Joint Optimization of Code Vector and Backhaul Quantization
* Coded Aperture Flow
* Coding modes-based frame skip avoidance scheme for low bit rate video coding
* Coding Structure and Replication Optimization for Interactive Multiview Video Streaming
* Cognitive radio assisted quality compensation for scalable video multicast in cellular networks
* Coherent Multi-sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail
* Coherently Distributed Wideband LFM Source Localization
* Color Cat: Remembering Colors for Illumination Estimation
* Color Skin Segmentation Based on Non-linear Distance Metrics
* Combination of Ground- and Space-Based Data to Establish a Global Ionospheric Grid Model
* Combining Wavelet Saliency, Color and DCT Coefficients for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Comments on 'A Closed-Form Solution to Tensor Voting: Theory and Applications'
* Comments on 'Near-Field Source Localization via Symmetric Subarrays'
* Comments on Randomly Sampled Non Local Means Image Filter
* Committees of Deep Feedforward Networks Trained with Few Data
* Comparative Evaluation of Edge Linking Methods Using Markov Chain and Regression Applied Heuristic
* Comparative Evaluation of Registration Algorithms in Different Brain Databases With Varying Difficulty: Results and Insights
* Comparative Study between Frequency-Modulated Continous Wave LADAR and Linear LiDAR, A
* Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques for Laparoscopic 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Comparison between Time-Frequency and Cepstral Feature Representations for the Classification of Seismic-Volcanic Signals, A
* Comparison of Different GPP Models in China Using MODIS Image and ChinaFLUX Data
* Comparison of Facial Alignment Techniques: With Test Results on Gender Classification Task
* Comparison of Fused Segmentation Algorithms for Iris Verification, A
* Comparison of Methods to Assess Similarity between Phrases
* comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner, A
* Comparison of Neighbourhood Selection Techniques in Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Models, A
* comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction, A
* complete automated algorithm for segmentation of tissues and identification of tumor region in T1, T2, and FLAIR brain images using optimization and clustering techniques, A
* Complex algorithm optimization through probabilistic search of its configuration tree
* Complex threat detection: Learning vs. rules, using a hierarchy of features
* Complex-Valued Gaussian Sum Filter for Nonlinear Filtering of Non-Gaussian/Non-Circular Noise
* Compressibility Constrained Sparse Representation With Learnt Dictionary for Low Bit-Rate Image Compression
* computation of polygonal approximations for 2D contours based on a concavity tree, The
* Computation scalable disparity estimation for delay sensitive 3D video surveillance system
* Computation strategies for volume local binary patterns applied to action recognition
* Computational Schlieren Photography with Light Field Probes
* Computer vision-based object recognition for the visually impaired in an indoors environment: a survey
* Conceptual Modeling of spatio-temporal database to Estimate Runoff Changes in Urbanized Watersheds, A
* Conditional inference tree-based analysis of hazardous traffic conditions for rear-end and sideswipe collisions with implications for control strategies on freeways
* Conditional Random Fields for Multitemporal and Multiscale Classification of Optical Satellite Imagery
* Conformal Geometric Method for Voting
* Congruence analysis of point clouds from unstable stereo image sequences
* Constant Modulus Blind Adaptive Beamforming Based on Unscented Kalman Filtering
* Constrained quadratic errors-in-variables fitting
* contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: Performance evaluation with a new metric test object, A
* Context-based object-of-interest detection for a generic traffic surveillance analysis system
* Contextual and Hierarchical Classification of Satellite Images Based on Cellular Automata
* Continuous Sensor Placement
* Contour Model-Based Hand-Gesture Recognition Using the Kinect Sensor
* Contrast Preserving Decolorization with Perception-Based Quality Metrics
* Convolutional Decision Trees for Feature Learning and Segmentation
* Correlation-and-bit-aware additive spread spectrum data hiding for Laplacian distributed host image signals
* Counting people by clustering person detector outputs
* Coupling Fall Detection and Tracking in Omnidirectional Cameras
* Covariance estimation for minimal geometry solvers via scaled unscented transformation
* Creating Experts From the Crowd: Techniques for Finding Workers for Difficult Tasks
* Crop height determination with UAS point clouds
* Crop Water Requirements on Regional Level using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in the Marchfeld Region
* Cross-layer optimization for 3-D video transmission over cooperative relay systems
* Cross-View Action Recognition Using Contextual Maximum Margin Clustering
* Cross-view gait recognition based on human walking trajectory
* Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
* Current Motion Tracking from Satellite Image Sequence With Global Similarity Optimization Model
* Curvature preserving image super-resolution with gradient-consistency-anisotropic-regularization prior
* Dairy Cattle Sub-clinical Uterine Disease Diagnosis Using Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Techniques
* Data Fusion Approach for Employing Multiple Classifiers to Improve Lake Shoreline Analysis
* Deblurred Images Post-Processing by Poisson Warping
* Deblurring Shaken and Partially Saturated Images
* Decision Fusion for Multimodal Biometrics Using Social Network Analysis
* Decorrelating MVDR Filterbanks Using the Non-Uniform Discrete Fourier Transform
* Deep Variational Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Deformable Model to Search Characteristic Facial Points, A
* Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
* Dempster-Shafer Theory based combination of handwriting recognition systems with multiple rejection strategies, A
* Demultiplexing illumination via low cost sensing and nanosecond coding
* Dense depth maps-based human pose tracking and recognition in dynamic scenes using ridge data
* Dense Pipeline for 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequences, A
* Depth-Based Multiview Distributed Video Coding
* Derivation of Dominant Height and Yield Class of Forest Stands by Means of Airborne Remote Sensing Methods
* Describing Trajectory of Surface Patch for Human Action Recognition on RGB and Depth Videos
* Descriptive Experiment Design Restructured MVDR Beamforming Technique for Enhanced Imaging with Unfocused SAR Systems
* Design of Near Orthogonal Graph Filter Banks
* Despeckling SAR images based on a new probabilistic model in nonsubsampled contourlet transform domain
* Detecting siblings in image pairs
* Detecting Subtle Human-Object Interactions Using Kinect
* Detection and classification of fungal disease with Radon transform and support vector machine affected on cereals
* Detection and Imaging of Ground Moving Targets With Real SAR Data
* Detection and Segmentation of Clustered Objects by Using Iterative Classification, Segmentation, and Gaussian Mixture Models and Application to Wood Log Detection
* Detection of anomalous driving behaviors by unsupervised learning of graphs
* Detection of Clustered Objects in Sparse Point Clouds Through 2D Classification and Quadric Filtering
* Detection of Groups of People in Surveillance Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Clues
* Detection of partially occluded pedestrians by an enhanced cascade detector
* Detection of potholes in autonomous vehicle
* Determining Shape and Motion from Monocular Camera: A Direct Approach Using Normal Flows
* Developing a decision support system to identify strategically located land for land reform in South Africa
* Development of a Data Warehouse for Riverine and Coastal Flood Risk Management
* Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
* Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy by employing image processing technique to detect exudates in retinal images
* Dictionary Learning for Image Coding Based on Multisample Sparse Representation
* Differential Coding Using Enhanced Inter-Layer Reference Picture for the Scalable Extension of H.265/HEVC Video Codec
* Digital refocusing with incoherent holography
* Dimension Reduction Using Spatial and Spectral Regularized Local Discriminant Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
* Discovering intrinsic properties of human observers' visual search and mathematical observers' scanning
* Discriminating Fingerprint Images of Other Images
* Discrimination of Buried Objects in Impulse GPR Using Phase Retrieval Technique
* Discriminative Clustering and Feature Selection for Brain MRI Segmentation
* Discriminative Non-Linear Stationary Subspace Analysis for Video Classification
* Discriminative Reference-Based Scene Image Categorization
* Dissimilarity criteria and their comparison for quantitative evaluation of image segmentation: application to human retina vessels
* Distance-Based Descriptors and Their Application in the Task of Object Detection
* Distributed Energy Beamforming for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in the Two-Way Relay Channel
* Distributed Object Detection With Linear SVMs
* Diurnal Dynamics of Wheat Evapotranspiration Derived from Ground-Based Thermal Imagery
* Domain adaptation for land use classification: A spatio-temporal knowledge reusing method
* Domain Adaptation of Deformable Part-Based Models
* Dominant Motion Analysis in Regular and Irregular Crowd Scenes
* Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
* DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image Matching Benchmark
* DTM generation in forest regions from satellite stereo imagery
* Dual frame rate motion detection for memory- and energy-constrained surveillance systems
* Dual joints for 3D-structures
* Dual-mode detection for foreground segmentation in low-contrast video images
* Dyadic Interaction Detection from Pose and Flow
* Dynamic multi-cue tracking using particle filter
* Dynamic scene modelling and anomaly detection based on trajectory analysis
* Dynamic Scene Understanding for Behavior Analysis Based on String Kernels
* Early Detection of Bark Beetle Infestation in Norway Spruce (Picea abies, L.) using WorldView-2 Data
* Early Detection of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Using Advanced Geospacial Technologies, The
* Earth Observation-Based Dwelling Detection Approaches in a Highly Complex Refugee Camp Environment: A Comparative Study
* Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
* ECDS: An effective shape signature using electrical charge distribution on the shape
* Edge-Based Coding Tree Unit Partitioning Strategy in Inter Prediction
* Editorial Special Section on 3DOR
* Editorial Special Section on 3DOR
* EEG-Based Biometric System Using Eigenvector Centrality in Resting State Brain Networks, An
* effective approach for gap-filling continental scale remotely sensed time-series, An
* effective error concealment scheme for heavily corrupted H.264/AVC videos based on Kalman filtering, An
* Effective Estimation of Node-to-Node Correspondence Between Different Graphs
* Effective fuzzy clustering algorithm with Bayesian model and mean template for image segmentation
* Effective license plate detection using fast candidate region selection and covariance feature based filtering
* effective scheme for image texture classification based on binary local structure pattern, An
* effective SVD-based image tampering detection and self-recovery using active watermarking, An
* Effective texture classification by texton encoding induced statistical features
* Effectiveness of forward obstacles collision warning system based on deceleration for collision avoidance
* Effects of Disturbance and Climate Change on Ecosystem Performance in the Yukon River Basin Boreal Forest
* Efficacy of an NMDA receptor antagonist for Parkinson's disease dementia: A brain perfusion SPECT study
* Efficient fog removal from video
* Efficient GPU-Based Implementation of the R-MSF-Algorithm for Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Efficient Hierarchical Triplet Merging for Camera Pose Estimation
* Efficient Histogram PMHT Via Single Target Chip Processing
* efficient HOG-ALBP feature for pedestrian detection, An
* Efficient Metropolis-Hasting Image Analysis for the Location of Vascular Entity
* Efficient Multiple People Tracking Using Minimum Cost Arborescences
* Efficient Overlapping Document Clustering Using GPUs and Multi-core Systems
* Efficient Saliency-Model-Guided Visual Co-Saliency Detection
* Efficient segmentation-free keyword spotting in historical document collections
* Efficient skew detection of printed document images based on novel combination of enhanced profiles
* Efficient subgraph matching using topological node feature constraints
* Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Analysis From 2-D Periodic Rough Surfaces Using Complex Images Technique
* Emissivity and Temperature Assessment Using a Maximum Entropy Estimator: Structure and Performance of the MaxEnTES Algorithm
* Emotion Recognition Based on Multi-Variant Correlation of Physiological Signals
* Emotion recognition from facial expressions based on multi-level classification
* empirical evaluation of rotation invariance of LDP feature for fingerprint matching using neural networks, An
* Enabling Geometry-Based 3-D Tele-Immersion With Fast Mesh Compression and Linear Rateless Coding
* Encoding Spatial Arrangements of Visual Words for Rotation-Invariant Image Classification
* Endoscopic capsule robots using reconfigurable modular assembly: A pilot study
* Energy efficient image transmission using wireless embedded smart cameras
* Energy Harvesting for Two-Way OFDM Communications under Hostile Jamming
* Enhanced Fuzzy-Relational Neural Network with Alternative Relational Products
* Enhanced model for precise point positioning with single and dual frequency GPS/Galileo observables
* Enhanced Ridge Structure for Improving Fingerprint Image Quality Based on a Wavelet Domain
* entropy-based persistence barcode, An
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation for Urban Scenes with Repetitive Structures
* Epipolar Geometry-Based Side Information Creation for Multiview Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Estimating Effective Connectivity from fMRI Data Using Factor-based Subspace Autoregressive Models
* Estimating Spatial and Temporal Variability in Surface Kinematics of the Inylchek Glacier, Central Asia, using TerraSAR-X Data
* Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power Spectrum
* Estimation of Cyclostationary Codebooks for Kernel Adaptive Filtering
* Estimation of Measurements for Block-Based Compressed Video Sensing: Study of Correlation Noise in Measurement Domain
* Estimations of Clustering Quality via Evaluation of Its Stability
* Euclid in a Taxicab: Sparse Blind Deconvolution with Smoothed L_1/L_2 Regularization
* Evaluating Phenological Metrics derived from the MODIS Time Series over the European Continent
* Evaluating Robustness of Template Matching Algorithms as a Multi-objective Optimisation Problem
* Evaluating Saturation Correction Methods for DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study from China's Cities
* Evaluating sensor linearity of chosen infrared sensors
* Evaluating the geometric shape of a flying paraglider
* Evaluating the performance of a new classifier: the GP-OAD: A comparison with existing methods for classifying rock type and mineralogy from hyperspectral imagery
* Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models at Archaeological Sites in the Cilician Plain, Turkey
* Evaluation of Coastline Changes under Human Intervention Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Images: A Case Study of the Zhoushan Islands, China
* evaluation of crowd counting methods, features and regression models, An
* Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
* Evaluation of feature-based 3-d registration of probabilistic volumetric scenes
* Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
* Evaluation of Keypoint Descriptors for Gender Recognition
* Evaluation of LBP and HOG Descriptors for Clothing Attribute Description
* Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
* Evaluation of object segmentation to improve moving vehicle detection in aerial videos
* Evaluation of Ordered Features for SMS Spam Filtering, The
* Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel as an acoustic coupling medium for low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound
* Evaluation of Skybox Video and Still Image products
* Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
* Evolutionary Multi-Objective Approach for Prototype Generation and Feature Selection
* Exact solution to median surface problem using 3D graph search and application to parameter space exploration
* Examining Map Projection Distortions using Geospatial Web Tools
* Examining the possibility of correcting imagery acquired for the purpose of obtaining spectral reflectance coefficients in the infrared range using photometric measurements
* Example-Based Video Stereolization With Foreground Segmentation and Depth Propagation
* Exemplar-Specific Patch Features for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Experiences with Light Weight Fixed Wing Aerial Mapping UAVs
* Exploiting Satellite Focal Plane Geometry for Automatic Extraction of Traffic Flow from Single Optical Satellite Imagery
* Exploiting the deep learning paradigm for recognizing human actions
* Exploration of Genetic Programming Optimal Parameters for Feature Extraction from Remote Sensed Imagery
* Exploration of Practical HEVC/H.265 Sample Adaptive Offset Encoding Policies
* exploratory spatial analysis of soil organic carbon distribution in Canadian eco-regions, An
* Exploring Coding Benefits in CDN-Based VoD Systems
* Exposing Region Splicing Forgeries with Blind Local Noise Estimation
* extended non-local means algorithm: Application to brain MRI, An
* External Vibration Multi-Directional Ultrasound Shearwave Elastography (EVMUSE): Application in Liver Fibrosis Staging
* Extracting Electrical Network Frequency From Digital Recordings Using Frequency Demodulation
* Extracting Man-Made Objects From High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Fast Level Set Evolutions
* Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
* Extracting shared subspace incrementally for multi-label image classification
* Extremely Low Bit-Rate Nearest Neighbor Search Using a Set Compression Tree
* Face Detection in Video Using Local Spatio-temporal Representations
* Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
* Face Re-Identification for Digital Signage Applications
* Fall detection system using Kinect's infrared sensor
* Fast Automatic Detection of Wildlife in Images from Trap Cameras
* Fast Computation of Discrete Optimal FIR Estimates in White Gaussian Noise
* Fast computation of separable two-dimensional discrete invariant moments for image classification
* Fast Edge Detection in RGB-D Images
* Fast Gabor Filter Approach for Multi-Channel Texture Feature Discrimination, A
* Fast Heuristics for Eliminating Switching Components in Binary Matrices by 0-1 Flips
* Fast Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via High-Order 2-D Crossing Filter
* Fast Iterative Hard Thresholding for Compressed Sensing
* Fast Local Histogram Specification
* Fast low-complexity computation and real-time architecture for H.264/AVC intra-prediction
* Fast macroblock encoding algorithm based on rate-distortion activity for multiview video coding
* Fast Minimax Path-Based Joint Depth Interpolation
* Fast Pavement Location Approach for Autonomous Car Navigation, A
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector
* Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm, A
* Fast, robust and automatic 3D face model reconstruction from videos
* Feasibility study of using the RoboEarth cloud engine for rapid mapping and tracking with small unmanned aerial systems
* feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images, A
* Feature Analysis for Audio Classification
* Feature combination for binary pattern classification
* Feature Matching with Affine-Function Transformation Models
* Features Descriptors for Demographic Estimation: A Comparative Study
* features of the use of GIS technologies for monitoring of the situation of main water lines in Azerbaijan, The
* Filter-Based Mean-Field Inference for Random Fields with Higher-Order Terms and Product Label-Spaces
* Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
* Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
* Fine-Grained Activity Recognition with Holistic and Pose Based Features
* Flaws in the Computer Algorithm for Reconstructing a Scene from Two Projections
* Flow and Color Inpainting for Video Completion
* fluid dynamics-based deformable model for segmentation of cervical cell images, A
* Forecasting Radiation Effects on Wildlife in Japan After the Fukushima Nuclear Accident, Based on Limited Information of Post-Accident Early Stage in 2011
* Foreground Segmentation via Dynamic Programming
* Forest Stand Size-Species Models Using Spatial Analyses of Remotely Sensed Data
* Formant-based acoustic features for cow's estrus detection in audio surveillance system
* FPGA Implementation of a NARX Network for Modeling Nonlinear Systems
* From Local Geometry to Global Structure: Learning Latent Subspace for Low-resolution Face Image Recognition
* From skeleton branches to object parts
* From Speech Quality Measures to Speaker Recognition Performance
* Fuel consumption and gas emissions of an automatic transmission vehicle following simple eco-driving instructions on urban roads
* Full weighting Hough Forests for object detection
* Fully automated recognition of spontaneous facial expressions in videos using random forest classifiers
* Fully automatic segmentation of breast ultrasound images based on breast characteristics in space and frequency domains
* Fusion of Local Manifold Learning Methods
* Gabor Feature-Based Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Gait-Based Carried Object Detection Using Persistent Homology
* Gamma rate theory for causal rate control in source coding and video coding
* Gas Bubble Shape Measurement and Analysis
* Generalized cross-correlation based noise robust abnormal acoustic event localization utilizing non-negative matrix factorization
* Generating algorithm for integer DST radixes in video coding
* Generating Resistance Surfaces for Wildlife Corridor Extraction
* Generation of effective orthophotos for road surfaces using MMS
* Genetic algorithm based on discrete wavelet transformation for fractal image compression
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment and Correction of Imagery from Chinese Earth Observation Satellites (HJ-1 A/B, CBERS-02C and ZY-3)
* Geometric Indexing for Recognition of Places
* Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles
* Geometric Reasoning for Uncertain Observations of Man-Made Structures
* Geometry-Information-Aided Efficient Radial Velocity Estimation for Moving Target Imaging and Location Based on Radon Transform
* geospatial reference framework for a university campus: A case study for managing student surveyed topographic data, A
* geospatial time-aware web interface to deliver information about air pollution and exposure in a big city and its surroundings, A
* Geovisualization of Local and Regional Migration Using Web-mined Demographics
* Global Land Surface Backscatter at Ku-Band Using Merged Jason1, Envisat, and Jason2 Data Sets
* Global Retrieval of Diatom Abundance Based on Phytoplankton Pigments and Satellite Data
* Global tracker: An online evaluation framework to improve tracking quality
* GPR Laboratory Tests For Railways Materials Dielectric Properties Assessment
* GPR Signal Characterization for Automated Landmine and UXO Detection Based on Machine Learning Techniques
* GPU-accelerated real-time single image de-hazing method using pixel-level optimal de-hazing criterion, A
* GPUs and Multicore CPUs Implementations of a Static Video Summarization
* gradient-based optimization approach for reduction of blocking artifacts in JPEG images, A
* graph based approach to hierarchical image over-segmentation, A
* Graph Clustering via Inexact Patterns
* Graph-Based and Variational Minimization of Statistical Cost Functionals for 3D Segmentation of Aortic Dissections
* Graph-Based Divide and Conquer Method for Parallelizing Spatial Operations on Vector Data
* Graph-based point drift: Graph centrality on the registration of point-sets
* Graph-regularized 3D shape reconstruction from highly anisotropic and noisy images
* Greedy Reduction Algorithms for Mixtures of Exponential Family
* Ground deformation monitoring using RADARSAT-2 DInSAR-MSBAS at the Aquistore CO2 storage site in Saskatchewan (Canada)
* ground moving target emergency tracking method for catastrophe rescue, A
* Guided Image Super-Resolution: A New Technique for Photogeometric Super-Resolution in Hybrid 3-D Range Imaging
* HAck: A system for the recognition of human actions by kernels of visual strings
* Handwriting synthesis: classifications and techniques
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Based on Pooling SVM-Classifiers Using Orientation and Concavity Based Features
* Heeger & Bergen Pyramid Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm, The
* Heuristic Attack Method to PRH-Based Audio Copy Detectors, A
* Hidden Markov Model Based Dynamic Texture Classification
* Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Unsupervised Cell Phenotype Clustering, A
* High-Efficiency and High-Accuracy Fully Automatic Collaborative Face Annotation System for Distributed Online Social Networks, A
* High-Precision, Permanently Stable, Modulated Hopping Discrete Fourier Transform
* High-Resolution Stereo Datasets with Subpixel-Accurate Ground Truth
* Histograms of optical flow orientation for abnormal events detection
* Hough Forests Revisited: An Approach to Multiple Instance Tracking from Multiple Cameras
* How Do You Like Your Virtual Agent?: Human-Agent Interaction Experience through Nonverbal Features and Personality Traits
* How Fashion Talks: Clothing-Region-Based Gender Recognition
* Human Action Classification Using N-Grams Visual Vocabulary
* Human Action Recognition With Video Data: Research and Evaluation Challenges
* Human activity recognition in multiview video
* Human Body Segmentation via Data-Driven Graph Cut
* Human Factors Study of Graphical Passwords Using Biometrics, A
* Human Gait Recognition via Sparse Discriminant Projection Learning
* Human Gesture Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging
* Human Involvement in E-Coaching: Effects on Effectiveness, Perceived Influence and Trust
* Human Vision Pathology Diagnostics by Photogrammetrics Means
* Hybrid error concealment method combining exemplar-based image inpainting and spatial interpolation
* Hybrid FPGA/ARM Co-design for Near Real Time of Remote Sensing Imagery
* hybrid framework for single tree detection from airborne laser scanning data: A case study in temperate mature coniferous forests in Ontario, Canada, A
* hybrid method for optimization of the adaptive Goldstein filter, A
* Hybrid Parallel Cascade Classifier Training for Object Detection
* Hybrid region merging method for segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images
* Hydrographic Surveying of the Steppe Lake Neusiedl: Mapping the Lake Bed Topography and the Mud Layer
* Hyperspectral Band Selection by Multitask Sparsity Pursuit
* Identification and extraction of brain tumor from MRI using local statistics of Zernike moments
* Identifying explosives at a distance
* Identifying woody vegetation on coal surface mines using phenological indicators with multitemporal Landsat imagery
* Image Alignment by Piecewise Planar Region Matching
* Image and video processing using discrete fractional transforms
* Image based 3D city modeling: Comparative study
* Image Completion Approaches Using the Statistics of Similar Patches
* Image data processing method by reducing image noise, and camera integrating means for implementing said method
* Image denoising methods: A new nonlocal principle
* Image Descriptors Based on Curvature Histograms
* Image enhancement for extremely low light conditions
* Image Feature Matching via Progressive Vector Field Consensus
* Image re-ranking system based on closed frequent patterns
* Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
* ImageNet Auto-Annotation with Segmentation Propagation
* Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
* Impact of the cameras radiometric resolution on the accuracy of determining spectral reflectance coefficients
* Impacts of Scale on Geographic Analysis of Health Data: An Example of Obesity Prevalence
* Impacts of stochastic models on real-time 3D UAV mapping
* Improved color and intensity patch segmentation for human full-body and body-parts detection and tracking
* Improved fuzzy entropy clustering algorithm for MRI brain image segmentation
* Improved interview video error concealment on whole frame packet loss
* improved LBP algorithm for texture and face classification, An
* Improved mean shift for multi-target tracking
* Improved mean shift target tracking based on self-organizing maps
* Improved Myocardial Motion Estimation Combining Tissue Doppler and B-Mode Echocardiographic Images
* Improved Variational Denoising of Flow Fields with Application to Phase-Contrast MRI Data
* Improvement in Multichannel SAR-GMTI Detection in Heterogeneous Environments, An
* Improvement of Kernel-Based Object Tracking Based on Human Perception, An
* Improving Hough Based Pedestrian Detection Accuracy by Using Segmentation and Pose Subspaces
* Improving HySpex Sensor Co-registration Accuracy using BRISK and Sensor-model based RANSAC
* Improving label fusion in multi-atlas based segmentation by locally combining atlas selection and performance estimation
* Improving Land Cover Maps in Areas of Disagreement of Existing Products using NDVI Time Series of MODIS: Example for Europe
* Improving multiple pedestrians tracking with semantic information
* Improving patch-based synthesis by learning patch masks
* Improving person re-identification by viewpoint cues
* Improving resolution and depth-of-field of light field cameras using a hybrid imaging system
* Improving the quality of K-NN graphs through vector sparsification: application to image databases
* Improving the Slum Planning Through Geospatial Decision Support System
* In Silico Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Flow Imaging in Complex Vascular Networks
* Including Anatomical and Functional Information in MC Simulation of PET and SPECT Brain Studies. Brain-VISET: A Voxel-Based Iterative Method
* Including Antenna Mispointing in a Semi-Analytical Model for Delay/Doppler Altimetry
* Indexing heterogeneous features with superimages
* Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
* influence of the in situ camera calibration for direct georeferencing of aerial imagery, The
* Information Bottleneck for Pathway-Centric Gene Expression Analysis
* Information modalities and timing of ecological driving support advices
* Information Theoretic Analysis of OFDM/OQAM with Utilized Intrinsic Interference
* Information Theoretic Shape Matching
* Inpainting images with curvilinear structures propagation
* Instantaneous threat detection based on a semantic representation of activities, zones and trajectories
* Integrated 3S Technology Used in Urban Grid Management
* Integrated Data Processing Methodology for Airborne Repeat-pass Differential SAR Interferometry
* Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW, An
* Integrated Framework for Joint HRF and Drift Estimation and HbO/HbR Signal Improvement in fNIRS Data, An
* Integrated Use of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light and MODIS Data for Monitoring Large-Scale Impervious Surface Dynamics: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta, The
* Integrating Radio Imaging With Gene Expressions Toward a Personalized Management of Cancer
* Integrating Recent Land Cover Mapping Efforts to Update the National Gap Analysis Program's Species Habitat Map
* Integrating the UAS in Undergraduate Teaching and Research: Opportunities and Challenges at University of North Georgia
* Intelligent Spatial Proximity System Using Neurofuzzy Classifiers and Contextual Information, An
* Intensity Correction of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data by Estimating Laser Transmission Function
* Interactive Trunk Extraction from Forest Point Cloud
* Interpersonal Coordination of Head Motion in Distressed Couples
* Interval Edge Estimation in SAR Images
* Introducing More Physics into Variational Depth-from-Defocus
* Introduction to Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization with Some Applications in Pattern Recognition, An
* Introduction to the Special Section on Biometric Systems and Applications
* Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
* Irrigated Grassland Monitoring Using a Time Series of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed X-Band SAR Data
* Is Forest Restoration in the Southwest China Karst Promoted Mainly by Climate Change or Human-Induced Factors?
* ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones, An
* Iterative Pricing-Based Rate Allocation for Video Streams With Fluctuating Bandwidth Availability
* Just the Way You Chat: Linking Personality, Style and Recognizability in Chats
* Kernel Density Estimation for Post Recognition Score Analysis
* Kernel-Based Image Representation for Brain MRI Discrimination
* Keynote lecture 1: Video analysis of human body
* Keynote lecture 2: Riemannian manifolds, kernels and learning
* Keynote lecture 3: Intelligent transport systems (ITS) for next generation with advanced surveillance
* Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
* KinectFaceDB: A Kinect Database for Face Recognition
* Kolmogorov and Zabih's Graph Cuts Stereo Matching Algorithm
* Krawtchouk Moments for Gait Phase Detection
* Land Cover Characterization and Mapping of South America for the Year 2010 Using Landsat 30 m Satellite Data
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 TIRS: Comparison between Radiative Transfer Equation-Based Method, Split Window Algorithm and Single Channel Method
* Large-Scale Micro-Blog Authorship Attribution: Beyond Simple Feature Engineering
* Latent Fingerprint Matching: Performance Gain via Feedback from Exemplar Prints
* Lattice Based Dendritic Computing: A Biomimetic Approach to ANNs
* Learning crowd behavior for event recognition
* Learning descriptive visual representation for image classification and annotation
* Learning From Errors in Super-Resolution
* Learning Graph-Matching Substitution Costs Based on the Optimality of the Oracle's Correspondence
* Learning Human Actions by Combining Global Dynamics and Local Appearance
* Learning Multi-scale Representations for Material Classification
* Learning Must-Link Constraints for Video Segmentation Based on Spectral Clustering
* Learning Race from Face: A Survey
* Learning Similarities by Accumulating Evidence in a Probabilistic Way
* Learning Sparse Prototypes for Crowd Perception via Ensemble Coding Mechanisms
* Learning spatial relations for object-specific segmentation using Bayesian network model
* Learning to Rank Atlases for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* Learning to Rank Atlases for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* Learning-Based Filter Selection Scheme for Depth Image Super Resolution
* Lens-Based Depth Estimation for Multi-focus Plenoptic Cameras
* Lexicon reduction for printed Farsi subwords using pictorial and textual dictionaries
* LiDAR Strip Adjustment Using Multifeatures Matched With Aerial Images
* Lidar-equipped UAV for building information modelling
* Lifting Filters Adjustment for Lossless Image Compression Applications
* Lineament Extraction from SPOT 5 and NigeriaSat-X Imagery of the Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria
* Linear Approach for Initial Recovery of the Exterior Orientation Parameters of Randomly Captured Images by Low-Cost Mobile Mapping Systems
* Linear Time Implementation of k-Means for Multilevel Thresholding of Grayscale Images, A
* Linking Recognition Accuracy and User Experience in an Affective Feedback Loop
* Local and global uncertainty in binary tomographic reconstruction
* Local anomaly detection in crowded scenes using Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent based clustering
* Local Binary Pattern Matching for Fast Retina Map Relocalization Using the Slit-Lamp
* Local Phase Tensor Features for 3-D Ultrasound to Statistical Shape+Pose Spine Model Registration
* Locality Sensitive Hashing Using GMM
* Locality-sensitive kernel sparse representation classification for face recognition
* Localization accuracy of interest point detectors with different scale space representations
* Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
* Logarithmic Opinion Pool Based STAPLE Algorithm for the Fusion of Segmentations With Associated Reliability Weights, A
* long trip in the charming world of graphs for Pattern Recognition, A
* Long-term object tracking for parked vehicle detection
* Long-Term Reference Frame for Hierarchical B-Picture-Based Video Coding, A
* Lossy compression of ultraspectral images: Integrating preprocessing and compression stages
* Low cost infrared and near infrared sensors for UAVs
* Low Transmission Overhead Framework of Mobile Visual Search Based on Vocabulary Decomposition, A
* Low-cost Terrestrial Photogrammetry as a Tool for a Sample-Based Assessment of Soil Roughness
* low-energy video event data recorder using dual image/video codec, A
* Low-Rank Bilinear Classification: Efficient Convex Optimization and Extensions
* Machine Learning Method for High-Frequency Data Forecasting, A
* Mahalanobis Distance Cross-Correlation for Illumination-Invariant Stereo Matching
* Mapheads and roadgeeks: the new cartography
* Mapping forest stand complexity for woodland caribou habitat assessment using multispectral airborne imagery
* Mapping VHR Water Depth, Seabed and Land Cover Using Google Earth Data
* Marine Electrical Sensing for Detecting Small Inhomogeneities
* Markerless Motion Tracking of Awake Animals in Positron Emission Tomography
* Mask-Specific Inpainting with Deep Neural Networks
* Maximizing face recognition performance for video data under time constraints by using a cascade
* MC Complexity Reduction for Generalized P and B Pictures in HEVC
* Measuring Affective-Cognitive Experience and Predicting Market Success
* Media pattern exhibition mechanism via mobile devices
* Message-Passing Receivers for Single Carrier Systems with Frequency-Domain Equalization
* Meta-scheduler using agents for fault tolerance in computational grid
* Metamaterial microwave holographic imaging system
* Method Analysis for Collecting and Processing in-situ Hyperspectral Needle Reflectance Data for Monitoring Norway Spruce
* Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
* Method to Build Classification and Regression Trees, A
* Method to Reconstruct the Solar-Induced Canopy Fluorescence Spectrum from Hyperspectral Measurements, A
* Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
* Microscopic cooperative traffic flow: Calibration and simulation based on a next generation simulation dataset
* Mind the Gap: Modeling Local and Global Context in (Road) Networks
* Mining Crowdsourced First Impressions in Online Social Video
* Mixed lp/l1 Norm Minimization Approach to Intra-Frame Super-Resolution
* Mixing high-dimensional features for JPEG steganalysis with ensemble classifier
* mobile platform with a catadioptric sensor, A
* MoBio-LivDet: Mobile biometric liveness detection
* Model-based approach for estimating energy used by traffic flows on motorways with ITS
* Modeling crowd motions for abnormal activity detection
* Modeling Radar Attenuation by a Low Melting Layer With Optimized Model Parameters at C-Band
* Modeling Video Activity with Dynamic Phrases and Its Application to Action Recognition in Tennis Videos
* Modelling In-Store Consumer Behaviour Using Machine Learning and Digital Signage Audience Measurement Data
* Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
* Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
* Morphological Change of a Scene Employing Synthetic Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
* Motion Adaptive Patch-Based Low-Rank Approach for Compressed Sensing Cardiac Cine MRI
* Motion aware motion invariance
* Motion Based X-Ray Imaging Modality
* Motion Segmentation with Weak Labeling Priors
* motion-enhanced hybrid Probability Hypothesis Density filter for real-time multi-human tracking in video surveillance scenarios, A
* MRF based abnormal event detection approach using motion and appearance features, An
* MRI Meets MPI: A Bimodal MPI-MRI Tomograph
* MRI Upsampling Using Feature-Based Nonlocal Means Approach
* MUGEN RANSAC: MUltiple GENerator Applied to Motion Estimation
* Multi-atlas Based Segmentation of Corpus Callosum on MRIs of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
* Multi-class geospatial object detection and geographic image classification based on collection of part detectors
* Multi-class segmentation of free-form online documents with tree conditional random fields
* Multi-Class Supervised Novelty Detection
* multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: A case study in Mantua Unesco site, A
* Multi-resolution fourier analysis: extraction and missing signal recovery of short buried signals in noise
* Multi-scale directional-filtering-based method for follicular lymphoma grading
* Multi-scale directional-filtering-based method for follicular lymphoma grading
* Multi-Source-Driven Asynchronous Diffusion Model for Video-Sharing in Online Social Networks
* Multi-target tracking by learning local-to-global trajectory models
* Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing Exploiting Intra-Task Dependency
* Multi-task learning with over-sampled time-series representation of a trajectory for traffic motion pattern recognition
* Multi-view Dense Match for Forest Area
* Multi-view Face Detection with One Classifier for Video Analytics Systems
* Multi-view Tracking of Multiple Targets with Dynamic Cameras
* Multicamera trajectory analysis for semantic behaviour characterisation
* Multifrequency Bayesian compressive sensing methods for microwave imaging
* Multigrid Bilateral Filtering
* Multigrid convergent principal curvature estimators in digital geometry
* Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Higher-Order Tensor Data Classification
* Multimodal Background Modeling Using RGB-Depth Features
* Multimodal page classification in administrative document image streams
* Multimode illumination for speckle reduction and angle neutrality in millimeter wave active imaging: range and time-resolved mode averaging
* Multiphase B-spline level set and incremental shape priors with applications to segmentation and tracking of left ventricle in cardiac MR images
* Multiple-Feature and Multiple-Kernel Scene Segmentation Algorithm for Humanoid Robot, A
* Multiplicative-Regularized FFT Twofold Subspace-Based Optimization Method for Inverse Scattering Problems
* Multiscale and Multi-Perturbation Blind Forensic Technique for Median Detecting, A
* Multisensensor Multitemporal Data Fusion Using Wavelet Transform
* Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
* Multiview Matching of Articulated Objects
* Museums Go High-Tech with Digital Forensics
* Near-Duplicate Subsequence Matching Between the Continuous Stream and Large Video Dataset
* Near-ML MIMO Subspace Detection Algorithm, A
* Neural Approximations of Analog Joint Source-Channel Coding
* Neural Decoding Using Kernel-Based Functional Representation of ECoG Recordings
* Neuro-Fuzzy Data Mining Mexico's Economic Data
* New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia, A
* new approach to the design of biorthogonal triplet half-band filter banks using generalized half-band polynomials, A
* New Fast Accurate Nonlinear Medical Image Registration Program Including Surface Preserving Regularization, A
* New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds, A
* new GIS-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths, A
* New Gradient-Spatial-Structural Features for video script identification
* New Integral Transforms for Generalizing the Wigner Distribution and Ambiguity Function
* New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
* New Method for Geometric Quality Evaluation of Remote Sensing Image Based on Information Entropy, A
* new method to analyse mosaics based on Symmetry Group theory applied to Islamic Geometric Patterns, A
* New Multi-modal Dataset for Human Affect Analysis, A
* New Radial Basis Function Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Classification: First Results
* New Saliency Detection Method for Stereoscopic Images Using Contrast and Prior Knowledge, A
* NIMRAD: novel technique for respiratory data treatment
* NMF-Based Speech Enhancement Using Bases Update
* No Reference Uneven Illumination Assessment for Dermoscopy Images
* Noise Filtering of Remotely Sensed Images using Iterative Thresholding of Wavelet and Curvelet Transforms
* Noise Reduction in Small-Animal PET Images Using a Multiresolution Transform
* Noise-robust semi-supervised learning via fast sparse coding
* Noisy and incomplete fingerprint classification using local ridge distribution models
* Non-Coherent Unambiguous Tracking Method for Cosine-BOC Signals Based on an S-Curve Shaping Technique
* non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts, A
* Non-Invasive Forest Litter Characterization Using Full-Wave Inversion of Microwave Radar Data
* Non-Linear Filtering for Precise Point Positioning GPS/INS integration
* Non-local compressive sampling recovery
* Non-Vegetated Playa Morphodynamics Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery in a Semi-Arid Endorheic Basin: Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
* Nonparametric state machine with multiple features for abnormal object classification
* Normalized Correlation-Based Quantization Modulation for Robust Watermarking
* Novel and efficient local coordinated freeway ramp metering strategy with simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation-based parameter learning
* Novel Efficient HEVC Decoding Solution on General-Purpose Processors
* novel framework for semantic analysis of an illumination-variant soccer video, A
* novel high accuracy 3D scanning device for rock-art sites, A
* novel quality control procedure for the evaluation of laser scanning data segmentation, A
* novel semi-supervised canonical correlation analysis and extensions for multi-view dimensionality reduction, A
* Novel Strategy for Solving the Stochastic Point Location Problem Using a Hierarchical Searching Scheme, A
* Now You See It... Now You Don't: Understanding Airborne Mapping LiDAR Collection and Data Product Generation for Archaeological Research in Mesoamerica
* O(nlogn) Cutting Plane Algorithm for Structured Output Ranking, An
* Object Classification and Detection with Context Kernel Descriptors
* Object Tracking by Oversampling Local Features
* Object Tracking With Only Background Cues
* Object-based Multi-Image Semi-Global Matching: Concept and first results
* Object-Level Priors for Stixel Generation
* Oblique Aerial Photography Tool for Building Inspection and Damage Assessment
* Obtaining 2D Surface Characteristics from Specular Surfaces
* Occlusion-aware 3D multiple object tracker with two cameras for visual surveillance
* Official crime data versus collaborative crime mapping at a Brazilian city
* Offset Compensation Method for Skip Mode in Hybrid Video Coding
* Oil Palm Tree Detection with High Resolution Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
* Oil spill detection: imaging system modeling and advanced image processing using optimized SDC algorithm
* Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight MAVs using a Continuously Rotating 3D Laser
* On a Hashing-Based Enhancement of Source Separation Algorithms Over Finite Fields With Network Coding Perspectives
* On Detectability of a Ship's Kelvin Wake in Simulated SAR Images of Rough Sea Surface
* On quantifying post-classification subpixel landcover changes
* On the complexity of submap isomorphism and maximum common submap problems
* On the Convergence of Maronna's M-Estimators of Scatter
* On the Expected Likelihood Approach for Assessment of Regularization Covariance Matrix
* On the family of shortest isothetic paths in a digital object: An algorithm with applications
* On the Influence of Markovian Models for Contextual-Based Optimum-Path Forest Classification
* On the Second Order Statistics of Essential Matrix Elements
* On the Use of Evolutionary Programming for Combinational Logic Circuits Design
* On the use of INS to improve Feature Matching
* On the Use of Locality Sensitive Hashing for Audio Following
* Online action recognition using covariance of shape and motion
* Online Audience Measurement System Based on Machine Learning Techniques
* Online Bayesian learning and classification of ship-to-ship interactions for port safety
* Online redundant image elimination and its application to wireless capsule endoscopy
* Optimal Minimum Variance Distortionless Precoding (MVDP) for Decentralized Estimation in MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks
* Optimizing Superpixel Clustering for Real-Time Egocentric-Vision Applications
* Optimum inpainting for depth map based on L_0 total variation
* P-Band Radar Retrieval of Subsurface Soil Moisture Profile as a Second-Order Polynomial: First AirMOSS Results
* Paddy-Rice Monitoring Using TanDEM-X
* PAINTER: A spatiospectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry
* Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
* Parameter estimation and contextual adaptation for a multi-object tracking CRF model
* Parameter Estimation of Radar Targets with Macro-Motion and Micro-Motion Based on Circular Correlation Coefficients
* Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means Denoising
* ParCast+: Parallel Video Unicast in MIMO-OFDM WLANs
* Partial Shape Matching and Retrieval under Occlusion and Noise
* Partial to Full Image Registration Based on Candidate Positions and Multiple Correspondences
* Pattern Analysis in DNA Microarray Data through PCA-Based Gene Selection
* Pedestrian Orientation Estimation
* Pedestrian zone anomaly detection by non-parametric temporal modelling
* People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View Geometry
* Perceptual Relevance Based Image Retargeting
* Performance evaluation of an improved relational feature model for pedestrian detection
* Performance of a real-time sensor and processing system on a helicopter
* Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
* Performance Validation of High Resolution Digital Surface Models Generated by Dense Image Matching with the Aerial Images
* Person Re-Identification Based on Weighted Indexing Structures
* Person Reidentification and Recognition in Video
* Perspective Based Model for Constructing Diverse Ensemble Members in Multi-classifier Systems for Multi-spectral Image Classification
* Pervasive Retail Strategy Using a Low-Cost Free Gaze Estimation System
* PETS 2014: Dataset and challenge
* Phase Estimation in Single Channel Speech Enhancement Using Phase Decomposition
* Phase messaging method for time-of-flight cameras
* Phase-correlation guided area matching for realtime vision and video encoding
* Photo Sequencing
* Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
* Photogrammetric Deformation Monitoring of the Second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
* Photogrammetric mapping using unmanned aerial vehicle
* Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
* Pile volume measurement by range imaging camera in indoor environment
* Pilot Signal Design for Massive MIMO Systems: A Received Signal-To-Noise-Ratio-Based Approach
* Place Theory as an Alternative Solution in Automatic Speech Recognition Tasks, The
* Plane Detection Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Conformal Geometric Algebra
* Point Cloud Generation from sUAS-Mounted iPhone Imagery: Performance Analysis
* Point cloud-based survey for cultural heritage: An experience of integrated use of range-based and image-based technology for the San Francesco convent in Monterubbiano
* Point of Interest Detection and Visual Distance Estimation for Sensor-Rich Video
* Point-Manifold Discriminant Analysis for Still-to-Video Face Recognition
* PolInSAR Coherence Region Modeling and Inversion: The Best Normal Matrix Approximation Solution
* Pose Normalization for Eye Gaze Estimation and Facial Attribute Description from Still Images
* Pose normalization of 3D models via reflective symmetry on panoramic views
* Pose-Invariant Hand Shape Recognition Based on Finger Geometry
* Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
* Practical Genericity: Writing Image Processing Algorithms Both Reusable and Efficient
* Pre-processing of Xeva-XS imagery for determining spectral reflectance coefficients in laboratory conditions
* Precision-Energy-Throughput Scaling of Generic Matrix Multiplication and Convolution Kernels via Linear Projections
* Predicting Continuous Conflict Perception with Bayesian Gaussian Processes
* Predicting Failing Queries in Video Search
* Predicting the Influence of Additional Training Data on Classification Performance for Imbalanced Data
* Predicting Very Early Stage Mild Cognitive Impairment Based on a Voxel-wise Arterial Spin Labeling Analysis
* Predictive and distribution-oriented fast motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Principles for Human-Centered Interaction Design, Part 1: Performative Systems
* Probabilistic Progress Bars
* Processing lidar waveform data for 3D visual assessment of forest environments
* Professional Development in Remote Sensing for Community College Instructors
* Prospects of photon counting lidar for savanna ecosystem structural studies
* Quadratic Problem Formulation with Linear Constraints for Normalized Cut Clustering
* Quality Based Information Fusion in Fully Automatized Celiac Disease Diagnosis
* Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System, A
* Quantification-oriented learning based on reliable classifiers
* Quantifying Forest Spatial Pattern Trends at Multiple Extents: An Approach to Detect Significant Changes at Different Scales
* Quantization Effects in TanDEM-X Data
* quantum Jensen-Shannon graph kernel for unattributed graphs, A
* Quantum particle swarm optimisation algorithm for feedback control of semi-autonomous driver assistance systems
* Quantum-Accelerated Fractal Image Compression: An Interdisciplinary Approach
* Quasi-five point algorithm with non-linear minimization
* Quaternion Support Vector Classifier
* Query-dependent metric learning for adaptive, content-based image browsing and retrieval
* Radiometric and geometric characteristics of Pleiades images
* Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
* Rainbow Flash Camera: Depth Edge Extraction Using Complementary Colors
* Random Discriminative Projection Based Feature Selection with Application to Conflict Recognition
* Random forest-based tuberculosis bacteria classification in images of ZN-stained sputum smear samples
* Randomized circle detection with isophotes curvature analysis
* Rapid detection of camera tampering and abnormal disturbance for video surveillance system
* Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Post-fire Erosion Modeling: Linking Remote Sensing and Process-based Hydrological Models to support Post-fire Remediation
* RASCNA: Radio Astronomy Signal Classification through Neighborhood Assemblies
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Mode Switching for Error-Resilient Multi-View Video Plus Depth Based 3-D Video Coding
* Real Time Hardware Accelerator for Image Filtering
* Real-time heads-up display detection in video
* Real-time life logging via a depth silhouette-based human activity recognition system for smart home services
* Real-Time Motion-Feature-Extraction VLSI Employing Digital-Pixel-Sensor-Based Parallel Architecture, A
* Real-time people counting from depth imagery of crowded environments
* real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture, A
* Real-time tracking of single people and groups simultaneously by contextual graph-based reasoning dealing complex occlusions
* Receive Antenna Selection for Underlay Cognitive Radio with Instantaneous Interference Constraint
* Receiver Widelane Analysis and Its Effect on Precise Point Positioning
* Recognizing Scene Categories of Historical Postcards
* Recognizing Visual Categories with Symbol-Relational Grammars and Bayesian Networks
* Reconstructing the World's Museums
* RECOVER: An Automated, Cloud-Based Decision Support System for Post-Fire Rehabilitation Planning
* Reduced-Complexity Super-Resolution DOA Estimation with Unknown Number of Sources
* Refocusing plenoptic images using depth-adaptive splatting
* Registration of time of flight terrestrial laser scanner data for stop-and-go mode
* Regularised region-based Mixture of Gaussians for dynamic background modelling
* Regularized Estimation of Magnitude and Phase of Multi-Coil B_1 Field Via Bloch-Siegert B_1 Mapping and Coil Combination Optimizations
* Relating wavefront error, apodization, and the optical transfer function: on-axis case
* Relay-Assisted Multiuser Video Streaming in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Relevant Window-Based Bitmap Compression in P2P Systems: Framework and Solution
* reliable string kernel based approach for solving queries by sketch, A
* Reliable Technology of Centimeter GPS/GLONASS Surveying in Forest Environments
* Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives
* Remote Sensing Image Interpretation for Urban Environment Analysis: Methods, System and Examples
* Remotely sensed surface temperature variation of an inland saline lake over the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Removal of rain from videos: a review
* Removing Gaussian noise for colour images by quaternion representation and optimisation of weights in non-local means filter
* Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory graphs
* Representing visual appearance by video Brownian covariance descriptor for human action recognition
* Resample-Based SVA Algorithm for Sidelobe Reduction of SAR/ISAR Imagery With Noninteger Nyquist Sampling Rate, A
* Research on high resolution & high sensitivity panoramic surveillance system
* Rethinking color cameras
* Retrieval of Atmospheric Aerosol and Surface Properties Over Land Using Satellite Observations
* Retrieval of Particle Scattering Coefficients and Concentrations by Genetic Algorithms in Stratified Lake Water
* review of image denoising algorithms, with a new one, A
* Review of vision-based steel surface inspection systems
* RGB-D based place representation in topological maps
* RGB-D Indoor Plane-based 3D-Modeling using Autonomous Robot
* Riesz pyramids for fast phase-based video magnification
* Robust AN-Aided Secure Transmission Scheme in MISO Channels with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
* Robust Clutter Suppression and Moving Target Imaging Approach for Multichannel in Azimuth High-Resolution and Wide-Swath Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Robust Face Tracking with Locally-Adaptive Correlation Filtering
* Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
* Robust Object Tracking With Reacquisition Ability Using Online Learned Detector
* Robust PCA: Optimization of the Robust Reconstruction Error Over the Stiefel Manifold
* Robust Pilot Detection Techniques for Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection in OFDM Systems
* Robust Reconstruction of Building Facades for Large Areas Using Spaceborne TomoSAR Point Clouds
* Robust registration of partially overlapping point sets via genetic algorithm with growth operator
* Robust Tracking Algorithm Based on HOGs Descriptor, A
* Robust Unsupervised Arousal Rating: A Rule-Based Framework withKnowledge-Inspired Vocal Features
* Robust watermarking against print and scan attack through efficient modeling algorithm
* Role of Color and Contrast in Facial Age Estimation, The
* Rolled-Plain Fingerprint Images Classification
* Rotation-Invariant Nonlinear Filters Design
* Rotational Pixel Swapping Method for Detection of Circular Features in Binary Images
* Roughness Classification with Aggregated Discrete Fourier Transform
* Runway incursion prevention method based on a discrete object sensing event-driven model
* Salient edge and region aware image retargeting
* Salient Region Detection Using Patch Level and Region Level Image Abstractions
* sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013, The
* SAR Altimeter Backscattered Waveform Model
* Scalable Evolutionary Computation for Efficient Information Extraction from Remote Sensed Imagery
* Scalable Feature Extraction for Visual Surveillance
* Scale alignment of 3D point clouds with different scales
* Scale filtered Euclidean medial axis and its hierarchy
* Scale preserving PTZ tracking with size estimation using tilt sensory data
* Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
* Scan registration using planar features
* Scene categorization based on local-global feature fusion and multi-scale multi-spatial resolution encoding
* Scene Flow Estimation from Light Fields via the Preconditioned Primal-Dual Algorithm
* Scene geometry from moving objects
* Scene model for video traffic analysis
* Scene Segmentation in Adverse Vision Conditions
* Scene Understanding by Labeling Pixels
* SDART: An algorithm for discrete tomography from noisy projections
* Seamless Synthetic Aperture Radar Archive for Interferometry Analysis
* Searching for Patterns in Imbalanced Data
* Secure biometric template generation for multi-factor authentication
* Segmentation of planar surfaces in LiDAR point clouds of an electrical substation by exploring the structure of points neighbourhood
* Selecting stable keypoints and local descriptors for person identification using 3D face scans
* Self-Adaptive Skin Segmentation in Color Images
* Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds: The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
* Semi-Global Matching: A Principled Derivation in Terms of Message Passing
* Semiblind Channel Estimation for OFDM/OQAM Systems
* Semisupervised Approach to Non Technical Losses Detection
* Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
* Sequential Method with Incremental Analysis Update to Retrieve Leaf Area Index from Time Series MODIS Reflectance Data
* Shadow free segmentation in still images using local density measure
* Shopper Analytics: A Customer Activity Recognition System Using a Distributed RGB-D Camera Network
* Shopper Behaviour Analysis Based on 3D Situation Awareness Information
* Signal, image and video processing special issue: Semantic representations for social behavior analysis in video surveillance systems
* Signal/Background Classification of Time Series for Biological Virus Detection
* Silhouettes versus skeletons in gesture-based authentication with Kinect
* Simple Features for Separating CPFSK from QAM and PSK Modulations
* Single shot high dynamic range imaging using piecewise linear estimators
* Skin perfusion photography
* Slice groups for post-compression region of interest encryption in H.264/AVC and its scalable extension
* Slope Estimation from ICESat/GLAS
* Small Footprint Full-Waveform Metrics Contribution to the Prediction of Biomass in Tropical Forests
* Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
* Social Image Analysis From a Non-IID Perspective
* soft-biometrics dataset for person tracking and re-identification, A
* Source Separation of Multimodal Data: A Second-Order Approach Based on a Constrained Joint Block Decomposition of Covariance Matrices
* SPaMi-FTS: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sequential Patterns
* sparse coding approach for local-to-global 3D shape description, A
* sparse kernel relevance model for automatic image annotation, A
* Sparse Matrix Beamforming and Image Reconstruction for 2-D HIFU Monitoring Using Harmonic Motion Imaging for Focused Ultrasound (HMIFU) With In Vitro Validation
* Sparse Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurements
* Sparse representation-based image quality assessment
* Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data Using Spectral A Priori Information
* Spatial analysis from remotely sensed observations of Congo basin of East African high Land to drain water using gravity for sustainable management of low laying Chad basin of Central Africa
* Spatial and Temporal Interpolation of Multi-view Image Sequences
* Spatial Patterns of Fire Recurrence Using Remote Sensing and GIS in the Brazilian Savanna: Serra do Tombador Nature Reserve, Brazil
* Spatial predictive mapping using artificial neural networks
* Spatial Pyramid Matching for Finger Spelling Recognition in Intensity Images
* Spatial reasoning with and connectedness constraints in Euclidean spaces
* Spatially Constrained Geospatial Data Clustering for Multilayer Sensor-Based Measurements
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gyres in Oriented Lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska Based on Remotely Sensed Images
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China, Using the Change Vector Analysis Technique
* spatiotemporal background extractor using a single-layer codebook model, A
* Special Issue on Geodata Processing at the Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information at BOKU in Vienna
* Special Issue on Large-Scale Computer Vision: Geometry, Inference, and Learning
* Special issue on microscopic image processing
* Spectral Clustering Using Compactly Supported Graph Building
* Spectral Correlation Measure for Selecting Intrinsic Mode Functions
* Spectral Response of the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager, The
* SPN2: Single-sided privacy preserving nearest neighbor and its application to face recognition
* Spoken Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning
* Stable Mean-Shift Algorithm and Its Application to the Segmentation of Arbitrarily Large Remote Sensing Images
* Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Reduce the Perceived Flicker Artifact
* Static Video Summarization through Optimum-Path Forest Clustering
* Stationary Signal Separation Using Multichannel Local Segmentation
* Statistical Analysis of SAR Sea Clutter for Classification Purposes
* STELLA MARIS: Stellar marine refractive imaging sensor
* Stereo Disparity through Cost Aggregation with Guided Filter
* Stereo matching using cost volume watershed and region merging
* Stochastic Late Fusion Approach to Human Action Recognition in Unconstrained Images and Videos, A
* Streaming Distance Transform Algorithm for Neighborhood-Sequence Distances, A
* Structural similarity-based ranking of stereo algorithms for dynamic adaptation in real-time robot navigation
* Structure from shadow motion
* Study of Landcover Change in Yelwa-Heipang Area of Plateau State, North-Central Nigeria: A Geoinformatics Approach
* study of long-term fMRI reproducibility using data-driven analysis methods, A
* Study of Morphologic Change in Poyang Lake Basin Caused by Sand Dredging Using Multi-temporal Landsat Images and DEMs
* Study of the Penetration Bias of ENVISAT Altimeter Observations over Antarctica in Comparison to ICESat Observations
* Submanifold Decomposition
* Submap-Based Bundle Adjustment for 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
* Subsidence Detected by Multi-Pass Differential SAR Interferometry in the Cassino Plain (Central Italy): Joint Effect of Geological and Anthropogenic Factors?
* Summarization of Videos by Image Quality Assessment
* Super Resolution Imaging via Sparse Interpolation in Wavelet Domain with Implementation in DSP and GPU
* Support vector machine-based macro-block mode decision in MPEG-2 video compression
* Supporting Remote Sensing Research with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
* Supporting Urban Energy Efficiency with Volunteered Roof Information and the Google Maps API
* Surface UP-SR for an improved face recognition using low resolution depth cameras
* survey on information visualization: recent advances and challenges, A
* Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: The open challenge with free and open source software
* switchable light field camera architecture with Angle Sensitive Pixels and dictionary-based sparse coding, A
* Synchronization Sequence Generated by Modified Park Algorithm for NC-OFDM Transmission
* Synergy Between LiDAR and Image Data in Context of Building Extraction
* Systems based on photogrammetry to evaluation of built heritage: tentative guidelines and control parameters
* Technical Perspective: The Intricate Dance of Fabric and Light
* Temporal Decorrelation in L-, C-, and X-band Satellite Radar Interferometry for Pasture on Drained Peat Soils
* Temporal Information in a Binary Framework for Speaker Recognition
* Temporal Orthogonal Projection Inversion for EMI Sensing of UXO
* Terrestrial Method for Airborne Lidar Quality Control and Assessment
* Terrestrial scanning or digital images in inventory of monumental objects?: case study
* Test field for airborne laser scanning in Finland
* Test-Time Adaptation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Texture Analysis of Mean Shift Segmented Low-Resolution Speckle-Corrupted Fractional SAR Imagery through Neural Network Classification
* Thermal Face Recognition Using Local Patterns
* Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
* time pooled track kernel for person identification, A
* Time-constrained Network Voronoi Construction and Accessibility Analysis in Location-based Service Technology, A
* Tipicity Concept for Data Analysis and Its Application to Cleft Lip and Palate, A
* To Listen or Not: Distributed Detection with Asynchronous Transmissions
* Topological Coding and Its Application in the Refinement of SIFT
* Topology-Preserving General Operators in Arbitrary Binary Pictures
* Toward Large-Population Face Identification in Unconstrained Videos
* Tracking Electrification in Vietnam Using Nighttime Lights
* Tracking-Based Visibility Estimation
* Trajectory Clustering for People's Movement Pattern Based on Crowd Souring Data
* Trajectory-based human action segmentation
* Transductive Gaussian processes for image denoising
* Transforming Image-Objects into Multiscale Fields: A GEOBIA Approach to Mitigate Urban Microclimatic Variability within H-Res Thermal Infrared Airborne Flight-Lines
* Treelet kernel incorporating cyclic, stereo and inter pattern information in chemoinformatics
* TrustEYE.M4: Protecting the sensor: Not the camera
* Tunable W-ABORT-Like Detector with Improved Detection vs Rejection Capabilities Trade-Off, A
* Two-stage salient region detection by exploiting multiple priors
* UAV Data Processing for Large Scale Topographical Mapping
* UAV scheduling and planning method for post-disaster survey, An
* UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
* Ultra-fast Lensless Computational Imaging through 5D Frequency Analysis of Time-resolved Light Transport
* Unattended object detection based on edge-segment distributions
* Uncertainty in Geographic Data on Bivariate Maps: An Examination of Visualization Preference and Decision Making
* Uncertainty of Plot-Scale Forest Height Estimates from Complementary Spaceborne Observations in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone, The
* Underdetermined DOA Estimation for Wideband Signals Using Robust Sparse Covariance Fitting
* Understanding spatio-temporal mobility patterns for seniors, child/student and adult using smart card data
* Unified hierarchical multi-object tracking using global data association
* Unified Regularization Framework for Virtual Frontal Face Image Synthesis, A
* Unsupervised feature selection by regularized self-representation
* Unsupervised Kernel Function Building Using Maximization of Information Potential Variability
* Unsupervised Manifold Learning for Video Genre Retrieval
* User Identification for Home Entertainment Based on Free-Air Hand Motion Signatures
* Using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems for the detection of centroblasts in microscopic images of follicular lymphoma
* Using Audio-Derived Affective Offset to Enhance TV Recommendation
* Using Complex Networks for Offline Handwritten Signature Characterization
* Using Reference Point as Feature for Fingerprint Indexing
* Utilizing Multi-Sensor Fire Detections to Map Fires in the United States
* Vehicle color classification using manifold learning methods from urban surveillance videos
* Vehicle licence plate recognition using super-resolution technique
* Vehicle trajectory extraction by simple two-dimensional model matching at low camera angles in intersection
* Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
* Video-based Mobile Mapping System Using Smartphones
* View Synthesis Prediction in the 3-D Video Coding Extensions of AVC and HEVC
* Viewpoint-independent hand gesture recognition with Kinect
* virtual tripod for hand-held video stacking on smartphones, A
* Visibility Restoration of Single Hazy Images Captured in Real-World Weather Conditions
* vision assisted vehicle navigation technique based on topological map construction and scene recognition, A
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Backward Model Validation
* Visual objects tracking and identification based on reduced quaternion wavelet transform
* Visual surveillance briefing system: Event-based video retrieval and summarization
* Visual trajectory analysis via Replicated Softmax-based models
* Viterbi Algorithm for Subset Selection, The
* VLSI Implementation of an Adaptive Edge-Enhanced Color Interpolation Processor for Real-Time Video Applications
* voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data, A
* Water Level Fluctuations in the Congo Basin Derived from ENVISAT Satellite Altimetry
* Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
* Wavelet-Enhanced Inversion Method for Water Quality Retrieval From High Spectral Resolution Data for Complex Waters, A
* Weighted Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble
* Weighted Visibility Classification and Seating Plan for the Aitken University Centre
* Wheat Yield Forecasting for Punjab Province from Vegetation Index Time Series and Historic Crop Statistics
* Which side of the focal plane are you on?
* Wide Base Stereo with Fisheye Optics: A Robust Approach for 3D Reconstruction in Driving Assistance
* Window-based rate control for video quality optimization with a novel INTER-dependent rate-distortion model
* Word searching in unconstrained layout using character pair coding
* Word Spotting and Recognition with Embedded Attributes
* YYC: A Fast Performance Incremental Algorithm for Finding Typical Testors
* Zoned Image Patch Permutation Descriptor, A
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