Liu Jimenez, J.[Judith]
Co Author Listing * Architectures for Biometric Match-on-Token Solutions
* Correlation-Based Fingerprint Matching with Orientation Field Alignment
* Optimisation of biometric ID tokens by using hardware/software co-design
* Performance evaluation of handwritten signature recognition in mobile environments
* Small fingerprint scanners used in mobile devices: The impact on biometric performance
* Wavelet-Based Fingerprint Region Selection
Includes: Liu Jimenez, J.[Judith] Liu-Jimenez, J.[Judith] Liu-Jimenez, J.
Liu Yin, Q.[Qi]
Co Author Listing * Better Together: Joint Reasoning for Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction with Specularities and Shading
Includes: Liu Yin, Q.[Qi] Liu-Yin, Q.[Qi]
Liu Yu, S.
Co Author Listing * Determination of the Apparent Boundary of an Object
* Deterministic pseudo-annealing: a new optimization scheme applied to texture segmentation
Includes: Liu Yu, S. Liu-Yu, S.
Liu Zeng, J.[Jing]
Co Author Listing * Discontinuous Surface Ruptures and Slip Distributions in the Epicentral Region of the 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo Earthquake, China
* Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo (Madoi) Earthquake Based on the UAV Photogrammetry Technology
* Refined Coseismic Slip Model and Surface Deformation of the 2021 Maduo Earthquake: Implications for Sensitivity of Rupture Behaviors to Geometric Complexity
Includes: Liu Zeng, J.[Jing] Liu-Zeng, J.[Jing]
Liu, A.[Ajian]
Co Author Listing * 3D High-Fidelity Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge
* Accumulating regional density dissimilarity for concept drift detection in data streams
* Analog Beamforming for In-Band Full-Duplex Phased Arrays With Quantized Phase Shifters Under a Per-Antenna Received Power Constraint
* Antenna Pattern Calibration Method for Phased Array of High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar Based on First-Order Sea Clutter
* ATPS: An AI Based Trust-Aware and Privacy-Preserving System for Vehicle Managements in Sustainable VANETs
* Attack-Agnostic Deep Face Anti-Spoofing
* Automated manifold surgery: constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models of the human cerebral cortex
* BadCLIP: Dual-Embedding Guided Backdoor Attack on Multimodal Contrastive Learning
* Bias-based Universal Adversarial Patch Attack for Automatic Check-out
* Blind Image Super-Resolution: A Survey and Beyond
* CA-MoEiT: Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing via Dual Cross-Attention and Semi-fixed Mixture-of-Expert
* Caliber: Camera Localization and Calibration Using Rigidity Constraints
* CASIA-SURF CeFA: A Benchmark for Multi-modal Cross-Ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing
* CFPL-FAS: Class Free Prompt Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-Spoofing
* Channel-Spatial Hybrid Attention Mechanism using Channel Weight Transfer Strategy, A
* Characteristic Views Extraction Modal Based-on Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D Model Retrieval
* Co-Net: A Collaborative Region-Contour-Driven Network for Fine-to-Finer Medical Image Segmentation
* Coarse-to-Fine Cross-View Interaction Based Accurate Stereo Image Super-Resolution Network
* Coarse-to-Fine Feedback Guidance Based Stereo Image Quality Assessment Considering Dominant Eye Fusion
* comparison of methods for 3D scene shape retrieval, A
* comprehensive evaluation framework for deep model robustness, A
* Continual Image Deraining With Hypergraph Convolutional Networks
* Cross-Batch Hard Example Mining With Pseudo Large Batch for ID vs. Spot Face Recognition
* Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
* Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Multi-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing, A
* Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical World
* Depth-supervised NeRF: Fewer Views and Faster Training for Free
* Deriving Ocean Surface Drift Using Multiple SAR Sensors
* Determination of the Optimal Orientation of Chinese Solar Greenhouses Using 3D Light Environment Simulations
* Direct Differentiable Augmentation Search
* Discriminative Dictionary Learning with Low-Rank Error Model for Robust Crater Recognition
* Disentangled Multimodal Representation Learning for Recommendation
* Disentangling Facial Pose and Appearance Information for Face Anti-spoofing
* Downscaling of SMAP Soil Moisture Data by Using a Deep Belief Network
* Dual Attention Suppression Attack: Generate Adversarial Camouflage in Physical World
* Dual Encoder Fusion U-Net (DEFU-Net) for Cross-manufacturer Chest X-ray Segmentation
* Dual-Stream Recurrent Neural Network for Video Captioning
* EEG-Based Subject-Independent Emotion Recognition Using Gated Recurrent Unit and Minimum Class Confusion
* Effect of Cloud Mask on the Consistency of Snow Cover Products from MODIS and VIIRS
* Effects of Thermokarst Lake Drainage on Localized Vegetation Greening in the Yamal-Gydan Tundra Ecoregion
* Efficient evaluation of shortest travel-time path queries through spatial mashups
* Efficient task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing with worker and task privacy protection
* Embedded Solution to Visual Mapping for Consumer Drones, An
* Enhanced Just Noticeable Difference (JND) estimation with image decomposition
* Estimation of Cargo Handling Capacity of Coastal Ports in China Based on Panel Model and DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Evaluating ICESat-2 and GEDI with Integrated Landsat-8 and PALSAR-2 for Mapping Tropical Forest Canopy Height
* Evolution of ICTs-empowered-identification: A general re-ranking method for person re-identification
* Experimental Comparison of Appearance and Geometric Model Based Recognition, An
* Exploring Endogenous Shift for Cross-domain Detection: A Large-scale Benchmark and Perturbation Suppression Network
* Exploring the Relationship Between Architectural Design and Adversarially Robust Generalization
* Fast facial landmark detection using cascade classifiers and a simple 3D model
* Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency
* Fine-Scale Mangrove Map of China Derived from 2-Meter Resolution Satellite Observations and Field Data, A
* FLAG3D: A 3D Fitness Activity Dataset with Language Instruction
* Flexible-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing: A Benchmark
* Formation Control of Multiple Mobile Robots Incorporating an Extended State Observer and Distributed Model Predictive Approach
* FTS: a feature-preserving trajectory synthesis model
* Generate Like Experts: Multi-Stage Font Generation by Incorporating Font Transfer Process into Diffusion Models
* Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via Triplet Attention Suppression
* Hierarchical Perceptual Noise Injection for Social Media Fingerprint Privacy Protection
* High-Resolution National-Scale Mapping of Paddy Rice Based on Sentinel-1/2 Data
* Hyper-Clique Graph Matching and Applications
* I-GCN: Incremental Graph Convolution Network for Conversation Emotion Detection
* Image De-Raining Transformer
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Gradient Similarity
* Image retargeting quality assessment based on support vector regression
* Improving De-raining Generalization via Neural Reorganization
* Improving Deepfake Detection Generalization by Invariant Risk Minimization
* Infinite Nature: Perpetual View Generation of Natural Scenes from a Single Image
* Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, An
* Inter- and Intra-Domain Potential User Preferences for Cross-Domain Recommendation
* IPAD: Intensity Potential for Adaptive De-Quantization
* Joint Analysis and Morphological Characterization of HFSWR Echo Properties during Severe Typhoon Muifa
* Joint Intermediate Domain Generation and Distribution Alignment for 2D Image-Based 3D Objects Retrieval
* Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues
* Just Noticeable Difference Estimation for Images With Free-Energy Principle
* Just Noticeable Difference for Images With Decomposition Model for Separating Edge and Textured Regions
* Kinematic Design for Platoon-Lane-Change Maneuvers
* Large Old Landslide in Sichuan Province, China: Surface Displacement Monitoring and Potential Instability Assessment, A
* Learning Dual Priors for JPEG Compression Artifacts Removal
* Learning Dual Transformation Networks for Image Contrast Enhancement
* Learning to Detect 3D Lanes by Shape Matching and Embedding
* Learning to Factorize and Relight a City
* Liaohe Oilfield Reservoir Parameters Inversion Based on Composite Dislocation Model Utilizing Two-Dimensional Time-Series InSAR Observations
* Lightweight Deep Neural Network with Data Redundancy Removal and Regression for DOA Estimation in Sensor Array
* Long Dialogue Emotion Detection Based on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Guidance
* Low-Complexity Video Quality Assessment Using Temporal Quality Variations
* Low-Latency Communication Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Control Systems, A
* Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimation for visual sentiment distribution prediction
* LVI-Fusion: A Robust Lidar-Visual-Inertial SLAM Scheme
* Memory-augmented Deep Conditional Unfolding Network for Pansharpening
* MetaSearch: Incremental Product Search via Deep Meta-Learning
* Mixed-Timescale Per-Group Hybrid Precoding for Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems
* Mnemonics Training: Multi-Class Incremental Learning Without Forgetting
* Mobility Based Trust Evaluation for Heterogeneous Electric Vehicles Network in Smart Cities
* Modeling and Prediction of Human Behavior
* Motion Aware Event Representation-driven Image Deblurring
* Motion Mamba: Efficient and Long Sequence Motion Generation
* Multi-Grained Radiology Report Generation With Sentence-Level Image-Language Contrastive Learning
* Multi-Level Policy and Reward-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Image Captioning
* Multi-Scale Visual Perception Based Progressive Feature Interaction Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Multipe/Single-View Human Action Recognition via Part-Induced Multitask Structural Learning
* Multiscale Medial Analysis Of Medical Images
* Multiscale Medial Axis and Its Applications in Image Registration, The
* Novel Regional Activity Representation With Constrained Canonical Correlation Analysis for Brain Connectivity Network Estimation
* Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Transportation System Through UAV Speed Control, A
* Oilfield Reservoir Parameter Inversion Based on 2D Ground Deformation Measurements Acquired by a Time-Series MSBAS-InSAR Method
* Open-World Multi-Task Control Through Goal-Aware Representation Learning and Adaptive Horizon Prediction
* Optimal Compression Plane for Efficient Video Coding
* Orthogonal Frequency Diversity Waveform with Range-Doppler Optimization for MIMO Radar
* PanFlowNet: A Flow-Based Deep Network for Pan-sharpening
* Panofree: Tuning-free Holistic Multi-view Image Generation with Cross-view Self-guidance
* PARAFAC-Direct: A Joint Parameters Estimation Method for Slow-Time MIMO
* Per-Antenna Self-Interference Cancellation Beamforming Design for Digital Phased Array
* Perceptual Quality Metric With Internal Generative Mechanism
* Performance Limits of Visible Light-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles: Time-Domain Localization Cooperation Gain
* Personalized Geographical Influence Modeling for POI Recommendation
* pipeline virtual environment architecture for multicore processor systems, A
* Preliminary Results of Multichannel SAR-GMTI Experiments for Airborne Quad-Pol Radar System
* Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network with Dual Pathways
* Quality assessment of screen content images based on multi-stage dictionary learning
* Radar HRRP Target Recognition Model Based on a Stacked CNN-Bi-RNN With Attention Mechanism
* Real-Time Prediction System of Train Carriage Load Based on Multi-Stream Fuzzy Learning
* Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment with Visual Information Fidelity
* Regenerative Potential of Managed Calluna Heathlands: Revealing Optical and Structural Traits for Predicting Recovery Dynamics, The
* Regionwise Generative Adversarial Image Inpainting for Large Missing Areas
* Repopulating Street Scenes
* Response of Vegetation Phenology to Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau Considering Time-Lag and Cumulative Effects
* REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets
* Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognition
* Ship Formation Identification with Spatial Features and Deep Learning for HFSWR
* Signal Processing for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A review and current perspectives
* SLRID: A Robust Image Tampering Localization Framework for Extremely Scaled Forgery Images
* Smart Help: Strategic Opponent Modeling for Proactive and Adaptive Robot Assistance in Households
* Spatial Lattice Model Applied for Meteorological Visualization and Analysis, A
* Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network With Interactive Learning for Traffic Forecasting
* Spoken Moments: Learning Joint Audio-Visual Representations from Video Descriptions
* Stereo image quality assessment considering the difference of statistical feature in early visual pathway
* Subgraph learning for graph matching
* Super-Resolution Sparse Aperture ISAR Sensors Imaging Algorithm via the MUSIC Technique, A
* Surveillance Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge
* Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Models, A
* Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving, A
* Sustainability Assessment of Regional Transportation: An Innovative Fuzzy Group Decision-Making Model
* Target Detection Method for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar RD Spectrum Based on (VI)CFAR-CNN and Dual-Detection Maps Fusion Compensation
* Task-Adaptive Attention for Image Captioning
* Temporal Speciation Network for Few-Shot Object Detection
* Temporal-Aware Relation and Attention Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* Toward Open-World Electroencephalogram Decoding Via Deep Learning: A comprehensive survey
* Towards Benchmarking and Assessing Visual Naturalness of Physical World Adversarial Attacks
* Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturbations via Gated Batch Normalization
* Towards Human-Compatible Autonomous Car: A Study of Non-Verbal Turing Test in Automated Driving With Affective Transition Modelling
* Tree Species Classification from Airborne Hyperspectral Images Using Spatial-Spectral Network
* Two-Way Guided Super-Resolution Reconstruction Network Based on Gradient Prior
* UAV-Enabled Intelligent Connected Transportation System With 6G Communications for Internet of Vehicles, An
* Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition: A Combination of Multi-Dimensional Fusion Features and Modified Deep Neural Network
* Unified Physical-Digital Attack Detection Challenge
* Universal Adversarial Patch Attack for Automatic Checkout Using Perceptual and Attentional Bias
* Universal Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Urban Radiance Fields
* Visible Light Communication-Enabled Simultaneous Position and Orientation Detection for Harnessing Multipath Interference and Random Fading
* Vision Transformer With Relation Exploration for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Visual Navigation for Mobile Devices
* Wild Face Anti-Spoofing Challenge 2023: Benchmark and Results
* Winter Wheat Mapping Method Based on Pseudo-Labels and U-Net Model for Training Sample Shortage
Includes: Liu, A.[Ajian] Liu, A.[Anjin] Liu, A.[Ao] Liu, A.[Aijun] Liu, A.[Anfeng] Liu, A. Liu, A.[Aishan] Liu, A.[Anran] Liu, A.[Albert] Liu, A.[Aizhu] Liu, A.[Anqi] Liu, A.[Anan] Liu, A.[Aiping] Liu, A.[Andrew] Liu, A.[Anhua] Liu, A.[Aoming] Liu, A.[An] Liu, A.[Aixia] Liu, A.[Aozhi] Liu, A.[Anwei] Liu, A.[Aobo] Liu, A.[Ang] Liu, A.[Anmin] Liu, A.[Aoshuang] Liu, A.[Aoyang] Liu, A.[Aichun] Liu, A.[Anmengyun] Liu, A.[Aifei] Liu, A.[Akide] Liu, A.[Aohan] Liu, A.[Alan] Liu, A.[Anji] Liu, A.[Ailin] Liu, A.[Anna] Liu, A.[Alexander] Liu, A.[Aoling] Liu, A.[Aili] Liu, A.[Aoyu] Liu, A.[Aiwei]
165 for Liu, A.
Liu, A.A.
Co Author Listing * 3D Convolutional Networks-Based Mitotic Event Detection in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell Populations
* 3D Object Retrieval Based on Multi-View Latent Variable Model
* 3D object retrieval based on sparse coding in weak supervision
* 3D Pose Estimation Based on Reinforce Learning for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Adaptive Partial Multi-View Hashing for Efficient Social Image Retrieval
* Adaptive semantic transfer network for unsupervised 2D image-based 3D model retrieval
* Adaptively Clustering-Driven Learning for Visual Relationship Detection
* AnyScene: Customized Image Synthesis with Composited Foreground
* Benchmarking a Multimodal and Multiview and Interactive Dataset for Human Action Recognition
* CAT-DM: Controllable Accelerated Virtual Try-On with Diffusion Model
* CDCM: ChatGPT-Aided Diversity-Aware Causal Model for Interactive Recommendation
* Clique-graph matching by preserving global & local structure
* CLN: Cross-Domain Learning Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Collaborative Distribution Alignment for 2D image-based 3D shape retrieval
* Commonsense-Guided Semantic and Relational Consistencies for Image-Text Retrieval
* Counterfactual Visual Dialog: Robust Commonsense Knowledge Learning From Unbiased Training
* Coupled-dynamic learning for vision and language: Exploring Interaction between different tasks
* CPG3D: Cross-Modal Priors Guided 3D Object Reconstruction
* Cross-Domain Image-Object Retrieval Based on Weighted Optimal Transport
* Cross-view action recognition by cross-domain learning
* Deep Correlated Joint Network for 2-D Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval
* Domain-Adversarial-Guided Siamese Network for Unsupervised Cross-Domain 3-D Object Retrieval
* Dual-Level Representation Enhancement on Characteristic and Context for Image-Text Retrieval
* Dual-Path Rare Content Enhancement Network for Image and Text Matching
* Dual-Stage Uncertainty Modeling for Unsupervised Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Emotion Detection for Conversations Based on Reinforcement Learning Framework
* Event-Aware Retrospective Learning for Knowledge-Based Image Captioning
* Exploring visual relationship for social media popularity prediction
* Fashion Customization: Image Generation Based on Editing Clue
* Feature Transformation Framework With Selective Pseudo-Labeling for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval, A
* Focus on Hard Samples: Hierarchical Unbiased Constraints for Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Focus Your Attention: A Focal Attention for Multimodal Learning
* Gaussian Distribution-Aware Commonsense Knowledge Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Hierarchical & multimodal video captioning: Discovering and transferring multimodal knowledge for vision to language
* Hierarchical Clustering Multi-Task Learning for Joint Human Action Grouping and Recognition
* hierarchical framework for movie content analysis: Let computers watch films like humans, A
* High-Order Interaction Learning for Image Captioning
* Human action recognition based on sparse representation induced by L1/L2 regulations
* Innovative Model of Tempo and Its Application in Action Scene Detection for Movie Analysis, An
* Intra-Class Adaptive Augmentation With Neighbor Correction for Deep Metric Learning
* Joint Heterogeneous Feature Learning and Distribution Alignment for 2D Image-Based 3D Object Retrieval
* Joint Local Correlation and Global Contextual Information for Unsupervised 3D Model Retrieval and Classification
* Knowledge-Enhanced Causal Reinforcement Learning Model for Interactive Recommendation
* Label Semantic Knowledge Distillation for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Learning to Supervise Knowledge Retrieval Over a Tree Structure for Visual Question Answering
* Learning Transferable and Discriminative Representations for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* M-GCN: Multi-Branch Graph Convolution Network for 2D Image-based on 3D Model Retrieval
* MALN: Multimodal Adversarial Learning Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* MCDAN: A Multi-Scale Context-Enhanced Dynamic Attention Network for Diffusion Prediction
* Monocular Image-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* Multi-Camera Action Dataset for Cross-Camera Action Recognition Benchmarking
* Multi-Domain and Multi-Task Learning for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Grained Random Fields for Mitosis Identification in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences
* Multi-Modal Clique-Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Meta-Transfer Fusion Network for Few-Shot 3D Model Classification
* Multi-Scale Fine-Grained Alignments for Image and Sentence Matching
* Multi-type decision fusion network for visual Q&A
* Multi-View Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for 3-D Object Retrieval and Classification
* Multiple Person Tracking by Spatiotemporal Tracklet Association
* Multitemporal Scale and Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* Novel Anchorperson Detection Algorithm Based on Spatio-temporal Slice, A
* Novel Multiple-View Adversarial Learning Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Action Recognition, A
* Pairwise Attentive Adversarial Spatiotemporal Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Action Recognition-R2, A
* Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
* Progressive Fourier Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Object Classification and Retrieval
* Refining Noisy Labels With Label Reliability Perception for Person Re-Identification
* Region-Aware Image Captioning via Interaction Learning
* Relation-Preserving Feature Embedding for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Rule-Driven News Captioning
* Scene graph captioner: Image captioning based on structural visual representation
* Scene Graph Inference via Multi-Scale Context Modeling
* Scene-Graph-Guided message passing network for dense captioning
* Self-Supervised Auxiliary Domain Alignment for Unsupervised 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Self-Supervised Synthesis Ranking for Deep Metric Learning
* Semi-Markov Model for Mitosis Segmentation in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell Populations, A
* Spatio-Temporal Mitosis Detection in Time-Lapse Phase-Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences: A Benchmark
* Special issue on cross-media big data analytics
* Unified Adaptive Relevance Distinguishable Attention Network for Image-Text Matching
* Unsupervised Cross-Media Graph Convolutional Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* View-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Benchmark
* Vulnerability of Feature Extractors in 2D Image-Based 3D Object Retrieval
Includes: Liu, A.A. Liu, A.A.[An-An]
81 for Liu, A.A.
Liu, A.D.[An Dong]
Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Data-Driven Predictive Control of Image-Based Visual Servoing Systems With Unknown Dynamics, A
Includes: Liu, A.D.[An Dong] Liu, A.D.[An-Dong]
Liu, A.F.[An Feng]
Co Author Listing * CNN-VWII: An efficient approach for large-scale video retrieval by image queries
* Deep Learning-Based Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme by Predicting Vehicle Mobility, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Management Game in Vehicular Edge Computing, A
* Progress of Instantaneity in Real-Time ROBOCUP Vision System
Includes: Liu, A.F.[An Feng] Liu, A.F.[An-Feng] Liu, A.F.[An-Fang]
Liu, A.H.[Alexander H.]
Co Author Listing * Towards Scene Understanding: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation With Semantic-Aware Representation
* UAVM: Towards Unifying Audio and Visual Models
Liu, A.H.Q.[Alyssa Hua Qiu]
Co Author Listing * Decision Making in the 4th Dimension: Exploring Use Cases and Technical Options for the Integration of 4D BIM and GIS during Construction
Includes: Liu, A.H.Q.[Alyssa Hua Qiu] Liu, A.H.Q.[Alyssa Hua-Qiu]
Liu, A.J.[Ai Jun]
Co Author Listing * Widely Linear Quaternion Unscented Kalman Filter for Quaternion-Valued Feedforward Neural Network
Includes: Liu, A.J.[Ai Jun] Liu, A.J.[Ai-Jun]
Liu, A.K.
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Typhoon Centers From SAR and IR Images and Those From Best Track Data Sets
* Comparison of Typhoon Locations over Ocean Surface Observed by Various Satellite Sensors
* Preface: Remote Sensing Applications in Ocean Observation
* Shape-based Discrimination and Classification of Cortical Surfaces
* Vertical Structures of Meteorological Elements and Black Carbon at Mt. Tianshan Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System
Includes: Liu, A.K. Liu, A.K.[Antony K.] Liu, A.K.[Arthur K.] Liu, A.K.[An-Kang]
Liu, A.L.[An Ling]
Co Author Listing * Spectral Feature Based Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Sea Surface Oil Spill, A
Includes: Liu, A.L.[An Ling] Liu, A.L.[An-Ling]
Liu, A.P.[Ai Ping]
Co Author Listing * Spatial-Frequency Domain Information Integration for Pan-Sharpening
Includes: Liu, A.P.[Ai Ping] Liu, A.P.[Ai-Ping]
Liu, A.Q.
Co Author Listing * Boundary-Aware Feature Propagation for Scene Segmentation
* Context Contrasted Feature and Gated Multi-scale Aggregation for Scene Segmentation
* Driving on GWB: energy-efficiency-driven route optimisation for EVs
* Fast and Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Based on Dense Residuals Two-Channel Network
* Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction With Hierarchical Feature-Driven Network
* Mapping the Accessibility of Medical Facilities of Wuhan during the COVID-19 Pandemic
* School Commuting Mode Shift: A Scenario Analysis for Active School Commuting Using GIS and Online Map API
* Semantic Correlation Promoted Shape-Variant Context for Segmentation
* Semantic Segmentation With Context Encoding and Multi-Path Decoding
Includes: Liu, A.Q. Liu, A.Q.[Ai Qun] Liu, A.Q.[An-Qi]
9 for Liu, A.Q.
Liu, A.S.[An Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Cross-View Action Recognition Using View-Invariant Pose Feature Learned from Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation
* Interpreting and Improving Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks With Neuron Sensitivity
* Progressive Diversified Augmentation for General Robustness of DNNs: A Unified Approach
* Spatiotemporal Attacks for Embodied Agents
* Training Robust Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Noise Propagation
Includes: Liu, A.S.[An Sheng] Liu, A.S.[An-Sheng] Liu, A.S.[Ai-Shan]
Liu, A.X.
Co Author Listing * Automated Online Exam Proctoring
* Enhanced Precipitation Nowcasting via Temporal Correlation Attention Mechanism and Innovative Jump Connection Strategy
* Multilevel Model for Video Object Segmentation Based on Supervision Optimization
* Pavement contour extraction and material recognition based on landscape camera
* Statistical Ratio Rank Ordered Differences Filter for SeaWiFS Impulse Noise Removal
Includes: Liu, A.X. Liu, A.X.[Alex X.] Liu, A.X.[Ao-Xiang] Liu, A.X.[Ai-Xia]
Liu, A.Z.[Anthony Z.]
Co Author Listing * Label-Efficient Group Robustness via Out-of-Distribution Concept Curation
Liu, B.[Bozhi]
Co Author Listing * 3D map-guided single indoor image localization refinement
* 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Automatic Gastric Tumor Segmentation and Lymph Node Classification
* 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Autonomous Driving: Impacting Map Creation, Localization, and Perception
* 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Tourism Attractions from Indoor to Outdoor Based on Portable Four-Camera Stereo Vision System
* 3D Rigid Registration of Patient Body Surface Point Clouds by Integer Linear Programming
* 5-D Epanechnikov Mixture-of-Experts in Light Field Image Compression
* Accuracy Comparison and Assessment of DSM Derived from GFDM Satellite and GF-7 Satellite Imagery
* Accurately Modeling the Resting Brain Functional Correlations Using Wave Equation With Spatiotemporal Varying Hypergraph Laplacian
* Active Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Active Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network With Attention Graph Clustering for Co-Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Hierarchical Down-Sampling for Point Cloud Classification
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Fusion for Robust Object Tracking
* Advancing High-Resolution Video-Language Representation with Large-Scale Video Transcriptions
* Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Adversarial Decoupling and Modality-Invariant Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Affinity-Aware Relation Network for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* algorithm for wipe detection, An
* Aligning Curves Under Projective Transform and its Application to Image Registration
* AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Relations
* Analysis of Illumination Conditions in the Lunar South Polar Region Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Orbital Images
* Analysis of the Characteristics of Climate Change in the Ecologically Vulnerable Area of the Mu Us Dune Field under the Background of Global Warming
* Analysis of the Evolution of Public Sentiment and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Regarding Building Collapse Accidents Based on Sina Weibo Data, An
* Annual improved maps to understand the complete evolution of 9 thousand lakes on the Tibetan plateau in 1991-2023
* APENet: Adaptive Pyramid Pooling and SE Network for Superpixel Segmentation
* Application of Graph Kernels in Face Recognition, The
* Application of Radar Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Bayesian Network
* Application of Sentinel-1 and-2 Images in Measuring the Deformation of Kuh-e-Namak (Dashti) Namakier, Iran
* Application of the Fourier Series Expansion Method for the Inversion of Gravity Gradients using Gravity Anomalies
* Application of UAV and GB-SAR in Mechanism Research and Monitoring of Zhonghaicun Landslide in Southwest China
* Attention aware cost volume pyramid based multi-view stereo network for 3D reconstruction
* Attention by Selection: A Deep Selective Attention Approach to Breast Cancer Classification
* Attention-Based Multi-View Feature Collaboration for Decoupled Few-Shot Learning
* Attention-guided aggregation stereo matching network
* AutoMA: Towards Automatic Model Augmentation for Transferable Adversarial Attacks
* Automated diabetic retinopathy grading and lesion detection based on the modified R-FCN object-detection algorithm
* automatic and serialized ROI extraction framework for the slow-motion video frames, An
* Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a Visual Attention Mechanism Network
* Azimuth Multichannel Reconstruction for Moving Targets in Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* Bayesian Model Adaptation for Crowd Counts
* BBDM: Image-to-Image Translation with Brownian Bridge Diffusion Models
* BEV-Net: Assessing Social Distancing Compliance by Joint People Localization and Geometric Reasoning
* Binocular spatial activity and reverse saliency driven no-reference stereopair quality assessment
* Bistatic SAR Data Focusing Using an Omega-K Algorithm Based on Method of Series Reversion
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Weighted Sum of Gaussian Kernels for Point Spread Function Estimation
* Block motion compensated coding of interlaced sequences using adaptively deinterlaced fields
* Block-based variable density compressed image sampling
* Boundary Layer Heights as Derived From Ground-Based Radar Wind Profiler in Beijing
* Bowstring-based dual-threshold computation method for adaptive Canny edge detector
* Breadcrumbs: Adversarial Class-Balanced Sampling for Long-Tailed Recognition
* Breast cancer histopathological image classification using attention high-order deep network
* Byzantine-robust Decentralized Federated Learning via Dual-domain Clustering and Trust Bootstrapping
* CADVLM: Bridging Language and Vision in the Generation of Parametric CAD Sketches
* Capability of Integrating Optical and Microwave Data for Detecting Soil Moisture in an Oasis Region, The
* Capture Concept Through Comparison: Vision-and-language Representation Learning with Intrinsic Information Mining
* Cascaded Residual Density Network for Crowd Counting
* Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation for Point Clouds
* ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution Framework for Highway Vehicular Communications
* Change Detection Method for Remote Sensing Image Based on Multi-Feature Differencing Kernel SVM, A
* Character Prediction in TV Series via a Semantic Projection Network
* Characterizing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Subsidence after the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Based on Sentinel-1 InSAR Observations in the Eastern Beijing Plain
* ChildPredictor: A Child Face Prediction Framework With Disentangled Learning
* classification method for estimating the illuminant of an image, A
* Classification of Marine Sediment in the Northern Slope of the South China Sea Based on Improved U-Net and K-Means Clustering Analysis
* Co-Saliency Detection via Mask-Guided Fully Convolutional Networks With Multi-Scale Label Smoothing
* Co-Saliency Detection Via Unified Hierarchical Graph Neural Network With Geometric Attention
* Co-Salient Object Detection with Uncertainty-Aware Group Exchange-Masking
* Coded Target Based Traffic Accident Vision Swift Reconnaissance System
* Cognition-Aware Summarization of Photos Representing Events
* Coloring anime line art videos with transformation region enhancement network
* Comparison of Six Forest Mapping Products in Southeast Asia, Aided by Field Validation Data, A
* Comparison of the Different Stages of Dust Events over Beijing in March 2021: The Effects of the Vertical Structure on Near-Surface Particle Concentration, A
* Comparison of Various Annual Land Cover Datasets in the Yellow River Basin
* Complexity based rate control for MPEG encoder
* Composing Semantic Collage for Image Retargeting
* Concept Parser With Multimodal Graph Learning for Video Captioning
* Constrained-Size Tensorflow Models for YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge
* Construction method of three-channel non-separable symmetric wavelets with arbitrary dilation matrices and its applications in multispectral image fusion
* Constructions of Binary Signature Sets With Optimal Odd Total Squared Correlation and Their Application to Device Activity Detection
* Context and Attribute Grounded Dense Captioning
* Context-Enabled Extraction of Large-Scale Urban Functional Zones from Very-High-Resolution Images: A Multiscale Segmentation Approach
* Continual Learning Based on OOD Detection and Task Masking
* Contrastive Transformer Network for Track Segment Association with Two-Stage Online Method
* Convolutional Neural Network with Parallel Multi-Scale Spatial Pooling to Detect Temporal Changes in SAR Images, A
* Correcting bias in the rational polynomial coefficients of satellite imagery using thin-plate smoothing splines
* Correlation Particle Filter for Visual Tracking
* Counterfactual Intervention Feature Transfer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
* CroSpace6D: Leveraging Geometric and Motion Cues for High-Precision Cross-Domain 6DoF Pose Estimation for Non-Cooperative Spacecrafts
* Cross-Attention Regression Flow for Defect Detection
* Cross-Dimension Attention Guided Self-Supervised Remote Sensing Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Cross-Domain Few-Shot classification via class-shared and class-specific dictionaries
* Cross-Domain Multi-Prototypes with Contradictory Structure Learning for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Cross-Modal Hamming Hashing
* Cross-Modality Bridging and Knowledge Transferring for Image Understanding
* Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification With Shared-Specific Feature Transfer
* Crowd understanding and analysis
* CT-Net: Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection via Contour Transformer
* CUformer: A Channel-wise Unet-based Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing
* Cumulative and Lagged Effects: Seasonal Characteristics of Drought Effects on East Asian Grasslands
* D-Net: A dual-encoder network for image splicing forgery detection and localization
* Data hiding in image and video. I. Fundamental issues and solutions
* Data hiding in image and video. II. Designs and applications
* DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation for Audio Processing
* DDFP: A data driven filter pruning method with pruning compensation
* Dealing with Cross-Task Class Discrimination in Online Continual Learning
* Decentralized, Privacy-Preserving Routing of Cellular-Connected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Joint Goods Delivery and Sensing
* Decision Boundary Optimization for Few-shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Deep Attention-based Lightweight Network For Aerial Image Deblurring
* Deep Cauchy Hashing for Hamming Space Retrieval
* Deep Covariance Estimation Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Few-Shot Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Fusion Network for Splicing Forgery Localization
* Deep Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* Deep Learning in Latent Space for Video Prediction and Compression
* Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data
* Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data
* Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data by One-Sided Mapping
* Deep Location Soft-Embedding-Based Network With Regional Scoring for Mammogram Classification
* Deep Metric Transfer for Label Propagation with Limited Annotated Data
* Deep Multiview Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Object Co-Segmentation and Co-Saliency Detection via High-Order Spatial-Semantic Network Modulation
* Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Classification
* Deep residual refining based pseudo-multi-frame network for effective single image super-resolution
* Deep Transport Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Deep-Learning Inversion of Seismic Data
* DeepACG: Co-Saliency Detection via Semantic-aware Contrast Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
* Deepfake Video Detection Using 3D-Attentional Inception Convolutional Neural Network
* DeIL: Direct-and-Inverse CLIP for Open-World Few-Shot Learning
* dense light field reconstruction algorithm for four-dimensional optical flow constraint equation, A
* Dense Modality Interaction Network for Audio-Visual Event Localization
* DenseShift: Towards Accurate and Efficient Low-Bit Power-of-Two Quantization
* Density-Aware Graph for Deep Semi-Supervised Visual Recognition
* Density-Based Affinity Propagation Tensor Clustering for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Train Bogie Bearing
* Depth-Aware Test-Time Training for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Descent Trajectory Recovery of Chang'e-4 Lander Based On Descent Images
* Design of a Scalable Multicast Scheme With an Application-Network Cross-Layer Approach
* Design of high-resolution quantization scheme with exp-Golomb code applied to compression of special images
* Detecting 2020 Coral Bleaching Event in the Northwest Hainan Island Using CoralTemp SST and Sentinel-2B MSI Imagery
* Detecting Generated Images by Real Images
* Detecting Urban Commercial Districts by Fusing Points of Interest and Population Heat Data with Region-Growing Algorithms
* Detection Method of Infected Wood on Digital Orthophoto Map-Digital Surface Model Fusion Network
* Dhff: Robust Multi-Scale Person Search by Dynamic Hierarchical Feature Fusion
* Dictionary-Based Multi-View Learning With Privileged Information
* Differences in the Gaze Behaviours of Pedestrians Navigating between Regular and Irregular Road Patterns
* Digital high definition television: Dawning of the new era
* Digital Watermarking Using Shuffling
* Direct Kernel Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis Algorithm, A
* Discovering the Ecosystem Service Value Growth Characteristics of a Subtropical Soil Erosion Area Using a Remote-Sensing-Driven Mountainous Equivalent Factor Method
* Discussion on InSAR Identification Effectivity of Potential Landslides and Factors That Influence the Effectivity
* Distilling Cross-Temporal Contexts for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Distributed Principal Component Analysis Compression for Smart Seismic Acquisition Networks, A
* Diverse Semantic Image Synthesis via Probability Distribution Modeling
* Divide and Conquer: a Two-Step Method for High Quality Face De-identification with Model Explainability
* Divide-and-Conquer for Lane-Aware Diverse Trajectory Prediction
* DLBD: A Self-Supervised Direct-Learned Binary Descriptor
* DMA-Net: DeepLab With Multi-Scale Attention for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* Double constrained bag of words for human action recognition
* Drift compensation for reduced spatial resolution transcoding
* Dual attention module and multi-label based fully convolutional network for crowd counting
* Dual Color Space Guided Sketch Colorization
* Dual Learning with Dynamic Knowledge Distillation for Partially Relevant Video Retrieval
* Dual temporal memory network with high-order spatio-temporal graph learning for video object segmentation
* Dual-Frequency Cloud Radar for Observations of Precipitation and Cloud in Tibet: Description and Preliminary Measurements, A
* Dual-Path Attention Network for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction
* Eavesdropping-Based Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Consensus in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Economic Development Evaluation Based on the OpenStreetMap Road Network Density: The Case Study of 85 Cities in China, An
* Ecosystem Resistance and Resilience after Dry and Wet Events across Central Asia Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Edge compensated transform coding
* Edge Intelligence Empowered Vehicle Detection and Image Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Edge Traffic Flow Detection Scheme Based on Deep Learning in an Intelligent Transportation System, An
* Efficient and Accurate Method for 3D-Point Reconstruction from Multiple Views, An
* Efficient Image Categorization Method With Insufficient Training Samples, An
* Efficient Inference of Vision Instruction-following Models with Elastic Cache
* Efficient matching and clustering of video shots
* Efficient Multimodal Transformer With Dual-Level Feature Restoration for Robust Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Efficient Multiple Organ Localization in CT Image Using 3D Region Proposal Network
* Efficient SAR Processor Based on GPU via CUDA, An
* Enhancing Micro-Video Venue Recognition via Multi-Modal and Multi-Granularity Object Relations
* EnsCLR: Unsupervised skeleton-based action recognition via ensemble contrastive learning of representation
* Ensemble single image deraining network via progressive structural boosting constraints
* ES2FL: Ensemble Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Small Sample Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* ESCNet: Gaze Target Detection with the Understanding of 3D Scenes
* Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Using an Improved Trapezoid Method
* Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in Sichuan-Yunnan Region from GPS Observations Using Independent Component Analysis
* Evolution Characteristics and Causes: An Analysis of Urban Catering Cluster Spatial Structure
* Examining the Nonlinear Impacts of Origin-Destination Built Environment on Metro Ridership at Station-to-Station Level
* Exploit Clues From Views: Self-Supervised and Regularized Learning for Multiview Object Recognition
* Extended Target Tracking With Multipath Detections, Terrain-Constrained Motion Model and Clutter
* Extrinsic Calibration for LiDAR-Camera Systems Using Direct 3D-2D Correspondences
* Face Animation with an Attribute-Guided Diffusion Model
* Factoring two-dimensional two-channel non-separable stripe filter banks into lifting steps
* FADS: Fourier-Augmentation Based Data-Shunting for Few-Shot Classification
* FADS: Fourier-Augmentation Based Data-Shunting for Few-Shot Classification
* Fast Screening Algorithm for Rotation Invariant Template Matching
* Fast Video Stitching for Aerially Captured HD Videos
* Fault tolerant control for uncertain systems with actuator stochastic failures
* Feasibility Analysis of Automatic Classification on Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring
* Feature aggregation and connectivity for object re-identification
* Feature decomposition-based gaze estimation with auxiliary head pose regression
* Feature Re-Embedding: Towards Foundation Model-Level Performance in Computational Pathology
* Feature Space Transfer for Data Augmentation
* Feature-Oriented Rate Shaping of Pre-Compressed Image/Video
* Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition Using Meta-Learning
* FFLDGA-Net: Image retrieval method based on Feature Fusion Learnable Descriptor Graph Attention Network
* Fine-Scale Coastal Storm Surge Disaster Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Model: A Case Study of Laizhou Bay, China
* Finer Classification of Crops by Fusing UAV Images and Sentinel-2A Data
* Flexible Visual Recognition by Evidential Modeling of Confusion and Ignorance
* Flow Guided Siamese Network for Visual Tracking
* Flow Watermarking for Antinoise and Multistream Tracing in Anonymous Networks
* Fooling deep neural detection networks with adaptive object-oriented adversarial perturbation
* From Video to Hyperspectral: Hyperspectral Image-Level Feature Extraction with Transfer Learning
* Fsft-Net: Face Transfer Video Generation With Few-Shot Views
* Fully automatic and segmentation-robust classification of breast tumors based on local texture analysis of ultrasound images
* Fusion of Multi-spectral Image Using Non-separable Additive Wavelets for High Spatial Resolution Enhancement
* GAITMM: Multi-Granularity Motion Sequence Learning for Gait Recognition
* GaussianAvatar: Towards Realistic Human Avatar Modeling from a Single Video via Animatable 3D Gaussians
* GCNet: Graph Completion Network for Incomplete Multimodal Learning in Conversation
* GCT: Graph Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
* Generalization of SPIHT: Set Partition Coding System
* Generalized uncertainty principles associated with Hilbert transform
* Generative Adversarial Approach for Zero-Shot Learning from Noisy Texts, A
* Geographic mapping with unsupervised multi-modal representation learning from VHR images and POIs
* Geometric Quality Assessment of Chang'E-2 Global DEM Product
* Geometric-Structure-Based Error Concealment with Novel Applications in Block-Based Low-Bit-Rate Coding
* Geopositioning Precision Analysis Of Multiple Image Triangulation Using LRO NAC Lunar Images
* GistNet: a Geometric Structure Transfer Network for Long-Tailed Recognition
* Gloss Prior Guided Visual Feature Learning for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* GLOW: Global Layout Aware Attacks on Object Detection
* GMM Post-Filter for Residual Crosstalk Suppression in Blind Source Separation, A
* GPRInvNet: Deep Learning-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Inversion for Tunnel Linings
* GPS-Gaussian: Generalizable Pixel-Wise 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Human Novel View Synthesis
* Ground Deformation Detection Using China's ZY-3 Stereo Imagery in an Opencast Mining Area
* Ground Moving Target Imaging and Motion Parameter Estimation With Airborne Dual-Channel CSSAR
* Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classification
* Harivo: Harnessing Text-to-image Models for Video Generation
* Harmonic Feature Activation for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* HashGAN: Deep Learning to Hash with Pair Conditional Wasserstein GAN
* HDRfeat: A feature-rich network for high dynamic range image reconstruction
* hierarchical anti-occlusion tracking algorithm based on DMPF and ORB, A
* Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning for Gait Recognition
* High Precision DTM and DOM Generating Using Multi-source Orbital Data On Chang'e-4 Landing Site
* High-Accuracy and Quick Matting Based on Sample-Pair Refinement and Local Optimization
* High-precision co-registration of orbiter imagery and digital elevation model constrained by both geometric and photometric information
* High-Precision Registration of Lunar Global Mapping Products Based on Spherical Triangular Mesh
* Hybrid Model for Natural Face De-Identiation with Adjustable Privacy, A
* Hyper-Anchor Based Lane Detection
* HyperLiteNet: Extremely Lightweight Non-Deep Parallel Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Hyperspectral Meets Optical Flow: Spectral Flow Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Ideal AFROC and FROC Observers
* IdentityMask: Deep Motion Flow Guided Reversible Face Video De-Identification
* Image Co-Saliency Detection and Instance Co-Segmentation Using Attention Graph Clustering Based Graph Convolutional Network
* Image morphing using deformation and patch-based synthesis
* Image reconstruction from a limited number of projections: detection/estimation of multiple discs with unknown radii
* Image Registration by Super-Curves
* Impact of Errors in Environmental Correction on Gravity Field Recovery Using Interferometric Radar Altimeter Observations
* Implicit Surface Representation Using Epanechnikov Mixture Regression
* Improve Unsupervised Pretraining for Few-label Transfer
* Improved DBF Algorithm for Multichannel High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR
* Improved Dyna-Q Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Unknown Dynamic Environment, An
* Improved Faraday Rotation Estimation in Spaceborne PolSAR Data Using Total Variation Denoising
* improved system for 3D individualized modeling of the artificial femoral head, An
* Improving Diversity in Zero-Shot GAN Adaptation with Semantic Variations
* Improving Medical Vision-Language Contrastive Pretraining with Semantics-Aware Triage
* In-Image Accessibility Indication
* In-sequence video duplicate detection with fast point-to-line matching
* Incorporating Deep Features into GEOBIA Paradigm for Remote Sensing Imagery Classification: A Patch-Based Approach
* Individual Tree Extraction from Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Transfer Learning and Gaussian Mixture Model Separation
* Individual-Difference-Aware Model for Cross-Person Gaze Estimation, An
* Indoor Topological Localization Using a Visual Landmark Sequence
* Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Saliency Guided Multi-Task Learning
* Infrastructure-Assisted Message Dissemination for Supporting Heterogeneous Driving Patterns
* Initial In-Flight Spectral Calibration of the Near-Infrared Spectra Acquired by the MarSCoDe Onboard the Zhurong Rover
* Integration of Sentinel-1A, ALOS-2 and GF-1 Datasets for Identifying Landslides in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, China
* Intelligent Recognition Method of Low-Altitude Squint Optical Ship Target Fused with Simulation Samples
* Interframe coding of magnetic resonance images
* Interslice coding of magnetic resonance images using deformable triangular patches
* Inversion Method for Geoacoustic Parameters in Shallow Water Based on Bottom Reflection Signals, An
* Inversion of Sub-Bottom Profile Based on the Sediment Acoustic Empirical Relationship in the Northern South China Sea
* ISNet: Integrate Image-Level and Semantic-Level Context for Semantic Segmentation
* Iterative Co-Training Transductive Framework for Zero Shot Learning, An
* Iterative Robust Visual Grounding with Masked Reference based Centerpoint Supervision
* Iterative transductive learning for alpha matting
* Joint Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Binary-Tree Transformer Network
* Joint facial action unit recognition and self-supervised optical flow estimation
* Joint Identity-Aware Mixstyle and Graph-Enhanced Prototype for Clothes-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Joint Learning of Labels and Distance Metric
* Joint multi-scale discrimination and region segmentation for person re-ID
* Joint Optimized Point Cloud Compression for 3d Object Detection
* Joint semantic and geometric segmentation of videos with a stage model
* Joint Spatiotemporal Prediction and Image Confirmation Model for Vehicle Trajectory Concatenation With Low Detection Rates, A
* Joint Visual-Textual Sentiment Analysis Based on Cross-Modality Attention Mechanism
* LaDiffGAN: Training GANs with Diffusion Supervision in Latent Spaces
* Land Cover Change Detection Using Multiple Shape Parameters of Spectral and NDVI Curves
* Language-Guided Face Animation by Recurrent StyleGAN-Based Generator
* Language-Level Semantics-Conditioned 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
* Large Area High-Resolution 3D Mapping of the Von Karman Crater: Landing Site for the Chang'E-4 Lander and Yutu-2 Rover
* Large Margin Subspace Learning for feature selection
* Large Scale Medical Image Search via Unsupervised PCA Hashing
* LDANet: A Lightweight Dynamic Addition Network for Rural Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Learn by Oneself: Exploiting Weight-Sharing Potential in Knowledge Distillation Guided Ensemble Network
* Learning active facial patches for expression analysis
* Learning Differentially Private Diffusion Models via Stochastic Adversarial Distillation
* Learning Discriminative Representations From Cross-Scale Features for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Learning Dynamic Hierarchical Models for Anytime Scene Labeling
* Learning General-Purpose Representations for Cross-Domain Hyperspectral Images Classification with Small Samples
* Learning interlaced sparse Sinkhorn matching network for video super-resolution
* Learning Spatio-Appearance Memory Network for High-Performance Visual Tracking
* LiDAR Data Enrichment by Fusing Spatial and Temporal Adjacent Frames
* LidaRF: Delving into Lidar for Neural Radiance Field on Street Scenes
* lightweight multi-scale aggregated model for detecting aerial images captured by UAVs, A
* Lightweight Text-Driven Image Editing With Disentangled Content and Attributes
* Linearized kernel dictionary learning with group sparse priors for action recognition
* Linked Attention-Based Dynamic Graph Convolution Module for Point Cloud Classification
* Lite-weight semantic segmentation with AG self-attention
* LKLM: A Large-Kernel Lightweight CNN Model for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Localization of the Chang'e-5 Lander Using Radio-Tracking and Image-Based Methods
* Localizing relevant frames in web videos using topic model and relevance filtering
* Locating splicing forgery by fully convolutional networks and conditional random field
* Long-Periodic Analysis of Boresight Misalignment of Ziyuan3-01 Three-Line Camera
* Long-Time Coherent Integration for Marine Targets Based on Segmented Compensation
* Low-Rank Constrained Attention-Enhanced Multiple Spatial-Spectral Feature Fusion for Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Low-Rank Tensor and Hybrid Smoothness Regularization-Based Approach for Traffic Data Imputation With Multimodal Missing
* LPCUNet: A Lightweight Pure CNN UNet for Efficient Urban Scene Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
* Lunar Terrain Reconstruction From Multi-View LROC NAC Images Based On Semi-global Matching In Object Space
* Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Retrieving Water Quality Parameters in Urban Rivers Using UAV Hyperspectral Images, A
* Manifold regularized matrix completion for multilabel classification
* Map construction algorithm based on dense point cloud
* Masked Graph Convolutional Network for Small Sample Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* MBT-UNet: Multi-Branch Transform Combined with UNet for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* MCNet: Magnitude consistency network for domain adaptive object detection under inclement environments
* MCPT: Mixed Convolutional Parallel Transformer for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* Measuring Land Surface Deformation over Soft Clay Area Based on an FIPR SAR Interferometry Algorithm: A Case Study of Beijing Capital International Airport (China)
* MEBOW: Monocular Estimation of Body Orientation in the Wild
* Medical Visual Question Answering via Conditional Reasoning and Contrastive Learning
* Memory-Based Neighbourhood Embedding for Visual Recognition
* Meta-learning with Network Pruning
* MetaInv-Net: Meta Inversion Network for Sparse View CT Image Reconstruction
* Method and apparatus for determining motion vectors for image sequences
* Method and apparatus for video browsing based on content and structure
* MM-Diffusion: Learning Multi-Modal Diffusion Models for Joint Audio and Video Generation
* MM-TTA: Multi-Modal Test-Time Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation
* MMVC: Learned Multi-Mode Video Compression with Block-based Prediction Mode Selection and Density-Adaptive Entropy Coding
* Model-Based Diagnosis of Multi-Track Level Crossing Plants
* Model-based Reconstruction of Multiple Circular and Elliptic Objects from a Limited Number of Projections
* Modified Dynamic Programming Approach for Dim Target Detection and Tracking, A
* Monitoring Coastline Changes of the Malay Islands Based on Google Earth Engine and Dense Time-Series Remote Sensing Images
* MSL-FER: Mirrored Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* MuKEA: Multimodal Knowledge Extraction and Accumulation for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering
* Multi-Label Image Classification via Category Prototype Compositional Learning
* Multi-label out-of-distribution detection via exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence of labels
* Multi-label sampling based on local label imbalance
* Multi-Scale Dynamics and Spatial Consistency of Economy and Population Based on NPP/VIIRS Nighttime Light Data and Population Imagery: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta
* Multi-Scale LBP Texture Feature Learning Network for Remote Sensing Interpretation of Land Desertification
* Multi-scale noise estimation for image splicing forgery detection
* Multi-Stage Feature Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Video Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Tiered Collaborative Network for Optical Remote Sensing Fine-Grained Ship Detection in Foggy Conditions, A
* Multi-View Maximum Margin Clustering With Privileged Information Learning
* Multimodal self-supervised learning for remote sensing data land cover classification
* Multimodal Spatiotemporal Representation for Automatic Depression Level Detection
* Multiple Instance Learning Framework with Masked Hard Instance Mining for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Multiple Resolution Segmentation of Textured Images
* MultiRPN-DIDNet: Multiple RPNs and Distance-IoU Discriminative Network for Real-Time UAV Target Tracking
* multitask tensor-based relation network for cloth-changing person re-identification, A
* Multitone Model-Based Seismic Data Compression, A
* MUNformer: A strong encoder that uses multi-level features extracted by different feature extractors for fusion
* MVSalNet: Multi-view Augmentation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Near-Surface NO2 Concentration Estimation by Random Forest Modeling and Sentinel-5P and Ancillary Data
* Negative Margin Matters: Understanding Margin in Few-Shot Classification
* Networks Effectively Utilizing 2D Spatial Information for Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Neural Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control for High Speed Trains Considering Actuation Notches and Antiskid Constraints
* Neural Collaborative Graph Machines for Table Structure Recognition
* NeurOCS: Neural NOCS Supervision for Monocular 3D Object Localization
* New Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression Algorithm for Surface Current Measurement in Coastal Waters and Rivers With Along-track InSAR, A
* New Concept of Full Ocean Current Vector Retrieval With Spaceborne SAR Based on Intrapulse Beam-Switching Technique, A
* New fast algorithms for the estimation of block motion vectors
* New Method for False Alarm Suppression in Heterogeneous Change Detection, A
* new method of MCI extraction with multi-temporal MODIS EVI data, A
* New Urban Built-Up Index and Its Application in National Central Cities of China, A
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* No-reference image quality assessment based on spatial and spectral entropies
* Non-Contrastive Nearest Neighbor Identity-Guided Method for Unsupervised Object Re-Identification
* Non-manual grammatical marker recognition based on multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of head pose and facial expressions
* Novel Approach For Coding Color Quantized Images, A
* Novel Hierarchical Model in Ensemble Environment for Road Detection Application, A
* Novel Integrated Framework of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Road Traffic for Energy-Efficient Delay-Sensitive Delivery
* Novel Strategy Coupling Optimised Sampling with Heterogeneous Ensemble Machine-Learning to Predict Landslide Susceptibility, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* Object tracking based on siamese network with 3D attention and multiple graph attention
* Object tracking: feature selection and confidence propagation
* Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* Ocean Surface Topography Altimetry by Large Baseline Cross-Interferometry from Satellite Formation
* Oceanic Internal Waves in the Sulu-Celebes Sea Under Sunglint and Moonglint
* Oil Well Detection via Large-Scale and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved YOLO v4
* On Resolving Rightful Ownerships of Digital Images by Invisible Watermarks
* On the extraction of DC sequence from MPEG compressed video
* On the Robustness of Average Losses for Partial-Label Learning
* Online Multi-object Tracking Using CNN-Based Single Object Tracker with Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism
* Open-Set Single-Domain Generalization for Robust Face Anti-Spoofing
* Open-World Continual Learning: Unifying Novelty Detection and Continual Learning
* Optical Frequency Sweeping Nonlinearity Measurement Based on a Calibration-free MZI
* Optimal Routing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Joint Goods Delivery and in-Situ Sensing
* Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
* Parametric Top-View Representation of Complex Road Scenes, A
* PCT: Large-Scale 3d Point Cloud Representations Via Graph Inception Networks with Applications to Autonomous Driving
* Peek-a-Boo: Occlusion Reasoning in Indoor Scenes With Plane Representations
* People Re-Identification by Multi-Branch CNN with Multi-Scale Features
* Performance Analysis of Non Coherent CFAR Detection Based on Goodness-of-Fit Tests in Different Clutter Environments
* Personalized and Invertible Face De-identification by Disentangled Identity Information Manipulation
* PGNet: Positioning Guidance Network for Semantic Segmentation of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Photometric Correction of Chang'E-1 Interference Imaging Spectrometer's (IIM) Limited Observing Geometries Data with Hapke Model
* Point cloud classification by dynamic graph CNN with adaptive feature fusion
* Polygonal approximation based on coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithm
* Position-Patch Based Face Hallucination Using Convex Optimization
* Potential Contributors to Common Mode Error in Array GPS Displacement Fields in Taiwan Island
* Prediction Method of Anti-Electricity Stealing Based on Big Data of Electric Power, A
* Preliminary exploration of introducing spatial correlation information into the probabilistic patch-based similarity measure
* Privacy-Preserving Routing and Charging Scheduling for Cellular-Connected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Proactive Deepfake Defence via Identity Watermarking
* Probability density difference-based active contour for ultrasound image segmentation
* PSDFormer: A Pyramid Simple Detail Injection Transformer for Real Time Semantic Segmentation
* Public Life in Public Space (PLPS): A multi-task, multi-group video dataset for public life research
* Pyramid Sub-Region Sensitive Network for Object Detection
* Quantifying Vegetation Vulnerability to Climate Variability in China
* Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Loading Products and Thermal Expansion Effect for Correcting GNSS Vertical Coordinate Time Series in Taiwan
* quick scale-invariant interest point detecting approach, A
* Rainfall Erosivity Mapping for Tibetan Plateau Using High-Resolution Temporal and Spatial Precipitation Datasets for the Third Pole
* RandomRooms: Unsupervised Pre-training from Synthetic Shapes and Randomized Layouts for 3D Object Detection
* Rapid scene analysis on compressed video
* real time LiDAR-Visual-Inertial object level semantic SLAM for forest environments, A
* Real Time Video Object Segmentation in Compressed Domain
* Real-Time Video Copy-Location Detection in Large-Scale Repositories
* Recognizing eyebrow and periodic head gestures using CRFs for non-manual grammatical marker detection in ASL
* Recurrent Residual Deformable Conv Unit and Multi-Head with Channel Self-Attention Based on U-Net for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Reference-Based Defect Detection Network
* Region Assisted Sketch Colorization
* Reliability of Power Electronic Systems for EV/HEV Applications
* Remote Sensing Based Conservation Effectiveness Evaluation of Mangrove Reserves in China
* Remote Sensing Classification Method of Wetland Based on an Improved SVM
* Remotely sensed big data: evolution in model development for information extraction
* Renovation and Reconstruction of Urban Land Use by a Cost-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Shenzhen
* Representation and Spatially Adaptive Segmentation for PolSAR Images Based on Wedgelet Analysis
* Research on Task-Driven Dual-Light Image Fusion and Enhancement Method under Low Illumination
* Restoration algorithm for noisy complex illumination
* Rethinking ReID: Multi-Feature Fusion Person Re-identification Based on Orientation Constraints
* Revisiting Latent Space of GAN Inversion for Robust Real Image Editing
* RFS-Based Multiple Extended Target Tracking With Resolved Multipath Detections in Clutter
* Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing Of Chang'e-1 And Chang'e-2 Stereo Imagery For Lunar Topographic Mapping
* Robust Dynamic Multi-Modal Data Fusion: A Model Uncertainty Perspective
* Robust Object Detection via Instance-Level Temporal Cycle Confusion
* Robust Rank-Two Multicast Beamforming Under a Unified CSI Uncertainty Model
* Robust Scheme for Sparse Reflectivity Recovering From Uniformly Quantized Seismic Data, A
* Safety analysis of autonomous vehicles based on target detection error
* SAFNet: A Semi-Anchor-Free Network With Enhanced Feature Pyramid for Object Detection
* Saliency-Guided Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* SAM-Y: Attention-enhanced hazardous vehicle object detection algorithm
* SAR Raw Data Simulation for Ocean Scenes Using Inverse Omega-K Algorithm
* Scene-Aware Label Graph Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Second-order Attention Guided Convolutional Activations for Visual Recognition
* Seeing Out of tHe bOx: End-to-End Pre-training for Vision-Language Representation Learning
* Segmentation of Video by Clustering and Graph Analysis
* segmentation system based on clustering method for pediatric DTI images, A
* Self-Adaptive Optimization Individual Tree Modeling Method for Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Self-Adaptive Thresholding Approach for Automatic Water Extraction Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery Based on OTSU Algorithm and Distance Block, A
* Self-Calibration Bundle Adjustment Method for Photogrammetric Processing of Chang 'E-2 Stereo Lunar Imagery, A
* Self-Clustering Symmetry Detection
* Self-Compensating Learning for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Self-Supervised Denoising for Real Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery
* Self-supervised multi-scale pyramid fusion networks for realistic bokeh effect rendering
* Semantic Place Prediction With User Attribute in Social Media
* Semantic Probability Distribution Modeling for Diverse Semantic Image Synthesis
* Semantic Space Analysis for Zero-Shot Learning on SAR Images
* Semantic-Guided Representation Enhancement for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Semantics Disentangling for Text-To-Image Generation
* Semi-supervised Active Salient Object Detection
* Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation via Learning Object-Aware Global-Local Correspondence
* Sentiment-Aware Emoji Insertion Via Sequence Tagging
* Sequential Pattern Mining Based Approach to Adaptively Detect Anomalous Paths in Floating Vehicle Trajectories, A
* service relation model for web-based land cover change detection, A
* Shape-Aware Structure-Preserving Texture Smoothing Algorithm, A
* Sharpen Focus: Learning With Attention Separability and Consistency
* Ship Size Extraction for Sentinel-1 Images Based on Dual-Polarization Fusion and Nonlinear Regression: Push Error Under One Pixel
* Show, Deconfound and Tell: Image Captioning with Causal Inference
* SIGNet: A Siamese Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Class Urban Change Detection
* Similarity Distillation Guided Feature Refinement Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation, A
* Simultaneously Localize, Segment and Rank the Camouflaged Objects
* SINC: Self-Supervised In-Context Learning for Vision-Language Tasks
* Size-Adaptive Texture Atlas Generation and Remapping for 3D Urban Building Models
* Slow Deformation Time-Series Monitoring for Urban Areas Based on the AWHPSPO Algorithm and TELM: A Case Study of Changsha, China
* Small Angle Scattering Intensity Measurement by an Improved Ocean Scheimpflug Lidar System
* Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Cascade Fusion of Mixed Spatial-Spectral Features and Second-Order Pooling
* SMART: Simultaneous Multi-agent Recurrent Trajectory Prediction
* SMIN: Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Interaction Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* Soft Tissue Removal in X-Ray Images by Half Window Dark Channel Prior
* Solution to Low RFM Fitting Precision Of Planetary Orbiter Images Caused By Exposure Time Changing, A
* Sparse Frequency Diverse MIMO Radar Imaging for Off-Grid Target Based on Adaptive Iterative MAP
* Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ecosystem Services and Trade-Offs/Synergies in Wujiang River Basin, China
* Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control Management in Drive-Thru Internet
* Spatial Distribution and Differentiation Analysis of Coastal Aquaculture in China Based on Remote Sensing Monitoring
* Special Issue on Indexing, Storage, Browsing, and Retrieval of Images and Video: Guest Editors Introduction
* Sphere-Description-Based Approach for Multiple-Instance Learning, A
* Spot: Selective Point Cloud Voting for Better Proposal in Point Cloud Object Detection
* SRL-ProtoNet: Self-supervised representation learning for few-shot remote sensing scene classification
* Statistical Watermark Detection Technique Without Using Original Images for Resolving Rightful Ownerships of Digital Images, A
* Steganalysis Based on Difference Image
* Stereoview to Multiview Conversion Architecture for Auto-Stereoscopic 3D Displays
* stretching transform-based automatic nonrigid registration system for cerebrovascular digital subtraction angiography images, A
* Structural Coupled-Layer Tracking Method Based on Correlation Filters, A
* Structure and Texture-Aware Image Decomposition via Training a Neural Network
* Structure-preserving image completion with multi-level dynamic patches
* study on quantization effects of DCT based compression, A
* Superpixel-Based Classification With an Adaptive Number of Classes for Polarimetric SAR Images
* Supervised Deep Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Suppressing Biased Samples for Robust VQA
* Susceptibility Prediction of Post-Fire Debris Flows in Xichang, China, Using a Logistic Regression Model from a Spatiotemporal Perspective
* SVD based linear filtering in DCT domain
* Technical Evaluation of Sentinel-1 IW Mode Cross-Pol Radar Backscattering from the Ocean Surface in Moderate Wind Condition
* Temporal Segmentation of Video Using Frame and Histogram-space
* Tensor4D: Efficient Neural 4D Decomposition for High-Fidelity Dynamic Reconstruction and Rendering
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* TextDCT: Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection via Discrete Cosine Transform Mask
* Three-Dimensional Attention-Based Deep Ranking Model for Video Highlight Detection
* Three-Step Imaging Algorithm for the Constellation of Geostationary and Low Earth Orbit SAR (ConGaLSAR), A
* TI2Net: Temporal Identity Inconsistency Network for Deepfake Detection
* Tie Point Matching between Terrestrial and Aerial Images Based on Patch Variational Refinement
* TIFA: Accurate and Interpretable Text-to-Image Faithfulness Evaluation with Question Answering
* TikTok for good: Creating a diverse emotion expression database
* Time-Variable Gravity Field from the Combination of HLSST and SLR
* TokenMix: Rethinking Image Mixing for Data Augmentation in Vision Transformers
* Tomographic image sequence reconstruction by edge-preserving interslice MAP methods
* Topographic Analysis of Chang'e-4 Landing Site Using Orbital, Descent And Ground Data
* Towards Disentangling Latent Space for Unsupervised Semantic Face Editing
* Towards More Unified In-Context Visual Understanding
* Towards Surveillance Video-and-Language Understanding: New Dataset, Baselines, and Challenges
* TPH-YOLOv5++: Boosting Object Detection on Drone-Captured Scenarios with Cross-Layer Asymmetric Transformer
* Traceable Federated Continual Learning
* Tream Single Shot Spatial-Temporal Action Detection
* TSVT: Token Sparsification Vision Transformer for robust RGB-D salient object detection
* Two-aspect Information Interaction Model for ABAW4 Multi-task Challenge
* TX-CNN: Detecting tuberculosis in chest X-ray images using convolutional neural network
* UGG: Unified Generative Grasping
* Understanding Road Layout From Videos as a Whole
* Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging System with Liquid Lenses
* Unified Cross-domain Classification via Geometric and Statistical Adaptations
* Uniform Rolling-Wear-Based Robust Adaptive Control of High-Speed Trains in the Presence of Actuator Differences
* Unleashing Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Visual Perception
* Unsupervised Cryo-EM Images Denoising and Clustering Based on Deep Convolutional Autoencoder and K-Means++
* Unsupervised Deep Background Matting Using Deep Matte Prior
* Unsupervised Meta Learning With Multiview Constraints for Hyperspectral Image Small Sample set Classification
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Online Adversarial Self-Tuning
* Using Eye Tracking to Explore Differences in Map-Based Spatial Ability between Geographers and Non-Geographers
* Using Eye Tracking to Explore the Guidance and Constancy of Visual Variables in 3D Visualization
* Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Images and Auxiliary Data in Updating and Assessing the Accuracies of Urban Land Products in Different Landscape Patterns
* Using My Artistic Style? You Must Obtain My Authorization
* UV-IDM: Identity-Conditioned Latent Diffusion Model for Face UV-Texture Generation
* V2X-Based Decentralized Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Intersections
* Variational Inference Method for Few-Shot Learning, A
* Variational Representation Learning for Vehicle Re-Identificati
* VCISR: Blind Single Image Super-Resolution with Video Compression Synthetic Data
* Vector Line Simplification Algorithm Based on the Douglas-Peucker Algorithm, Monotonic Chains and Dichotomy, A
* Velocity-Based Path Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles to Avoid Exceeding Road Friction Limits Using Sliding Mode Method
* Versatile Detection Method for Various Contrast Enhancement Manipulations, A
* VHS to HDTV Video Translation Using Multi-task Adversarial Learning
* Video Saliency Detection via Graph Clustering With Motion Energy and Spatiotemporal Objectness
* Video saliency prediction using enhanced spatiotemporal alignment network
* Video Salient Object Detection via Robust Seeds Extraction and Multi-Graphs Manifold Propagation
* Video Transcoding by Reducing Spatial Resolution
* Visual Localization of the Tianwen-1 Lander Using Orbital, Descent and Rover Images
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Quality Assessment for Super-Resolved Images: Database and Method
* Visual Saliency via Embedding Hierarchical Knowledge in a Deep Neural Network
* Watermarking for image authentication
* Watermarking, a Mature Technology: Retrospect and Prospect
* Weakly But Deeply Supervised Occlusion-Reasoned Parametric Road Layouts
* Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Pseudo Mask Enhancement and Meta Learning
* weakly supervised method for makeup-invariant face verification, A
* Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection via Scribble Annotations
* Weight Saliency search with Semantic Constraint for Neural Machine Translation attacks
* Wheat Yellow Rust Detection Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Technology
* Wheat Yield Prediction Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle RGB-Imagery-Based Convolutional Neural Network and Limited Training Samples
* Wide Hidden Expansion Layer for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* WSOD2: Learning Bottom-Up and Top-Down Objectness Distillation for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection
* Zoom-Net: Mining Deep Feature Interactions for Visual Relationship Recognition
Includes: Liu, B.[Bozhi] Liu, B.[Bing] Liu, B. Liu, B.[Boning] Liu, B.[Bin] Liu, B.[Baodi] Liu, B.[Bo] Liu, B.[Bei] Liu, B.[Bohong] Liu, B.[Bede] Liu, B.[Bohan] Liu, B.[Baoze] Liu, B.[Bailu] Liu, B.[Boya] Liu, B.[Bohua] Liu, B.[Bao] Liu, B.[Ben_Yong] Liu, B.[Bang] Liu, B.[Bowen] Liu, B.[Buhua] Liu, B.[Baohua] Liu, B.[Benli] Liu, B.[Buyu] Liu, B.[Baichuan] Liu, B.[Binhui] Liu, B.[Binghao] Liu, B.[Benchao] Liu, B.[Baoju] Liu, B.[Bibao] Liu, B.[Benyuan] Liu, B.[Baolong] Liu, B.[Benlin] Liu, B.[Ben] Liu, B.[Boyu] Liu, B.[Baqiao] Liu, B.[Baoen] Liu, B.[Bojun] Liu, B.[Bochao] Liu, B.[Bokai] Liu, B.[Boyuan] Liu, B.[Bocong] Liu, B.[Bofan] Liu, B.[Baisen] Liu, B.[Bushi] Liu, B.[Biao] Liu, B.[Bochen] Liu, B.[Bokun] Liu, B.[Bingyi] Liu, B.[Bennett] Liu, B.[Bingshi] Liu, B.[Boxiao] Liu, B.[Bingyan] Liu, B.[Baoling]
583 for Liu, B.
Liu, B.B.[Bing Bing]
Co Author Listing * AF)2-S3Net: Attentive Feature Fusion with Adaptive Feature Selection for Sparse Semantic Segmentation Network
* Boosting Deepfake Feature Extractors Using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* CDFM: A cross-domain few-shot model for marine plankton classification
* closed-form estimate of 3D ICP covariance, A
* Detecting keypoint sets on 3D point clouds via Histogram of Normal Orientations
* Detection of range errors due to occlusion in separated transceiver LADARs
* Efficient Depth-guided Urban View Synthesis
* Exploring Static-Dynamic ID Matching and Temporal Static ID Inconsistency for Generalizable Deepfake Detection
* Exposing Deepfake Videos by Tracking Eye Movements
* Fusion of Multi-Baseline and Multi-Orbit InSAR DEMs with Terrain Feature-Guided Filter
* GP-S3Net: Graph-based Panoptic Sparse Semantic Segmentation Network
* HEVC steganalytic approach against motion vector modification using local optimality in candidate list, An
* HUGS: Holistic Urban 3D Scene Understanding via Gaussian Splatting
* Image colourisation using graph-based semi-supervised learning
* Learnable Information-Preserving Image Resizer for Face Forgery Detection
* Lightweight Group Authentication Protocol for Blockchain-Based Vehicular Edge Computing Networks, A
* Low-rank matrix decomposition in L1-norm by dynamic systems
* Multimodal Proxy-Free Face Anti-Spoofing Exploiting Local Patch Features
* MV-DeepSDF: Implicit Modeling with Multi-Sweep Point Clouds for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in Autonomous Driving
* NeRF-MS: Neural Radiance Fields with Multi-Sequence
* NeRFVS: Neural Radiance Fields for Free View Synthesis via Geometry Scaffolds
* Non-Degraded Adaptive HEVC Steganography by Advanced Motion Vector Prediction
* Quasi Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots
* Robust Prostate Segmentation Using Intrinsic Properties of TRUS Images
* Source camera identification from significant noise residual regions
* Temporal Modular Networks for Retrieving Complex Compositional Activities in Videos
* Towards Universal LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection by Multi-Domain Knowledge Transfer
* Two-Stream Compare and Contrast Network for Vertebral Compression Fracture Diagnosis
* Versatile Multi-View Framework for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection with Guidance from Panoptic Segmentation, A
* VQA-DIFF: Exploiting VQA and Diffusion for Zero-shot Image-to-3d Vehicle Asset Generation in Autonomous Driving
Includes: Liu, B.B.[Bing Bing] Liu, B.B.[Bing-Bing] Liu, B.B.[Bei-Bei] Liu, B.B.[Bao-Bo] Liu, B.B.[Bao-Bao] Liu, B.B. Liu, B.B.[Bing-Bin]
30 for Liu, B.B.
Liu, B.C.[Bing Chen]
Co Author Listing * Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed
* Effects of Doppler Aliasing on Baseline Estimation in Multichannel SAR-GMTI and Solutions to Address These Effects
* Improved Analytical Formula for the SAR Doppler Centroid Estimation Standard Deviation for a Dynamic Sea Surface
* Improved Method to Suppress Azimuth Ambiguity for Current Velocity Measurement in Coastal Waters Based on ATI-SAR Systems
* Improvement in Multichannel SAR-GMTI Detection in Heterogeneous Environments, An
* Learning Feature-to-Feature Translator by Alternating Back-Propagation for Generative Zero-Shot Learning
* Learning Privacy-Preserving Student Networks via Discriminative-Generative Distillation
* MOMA: Multimodal LLM Adapter for Fast Personalized Image Generation
* Shifted Diffusion for Text-to-image Generation
* Sketch-to-art: Synthesizing Stylized Art Images from Sketches
* StyleGAN-Fusion: Diffusion Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators
Includes: Liu, B.C.[Bing Chen] Liu, B.C.[Bing-Chen] Liu, B.C.[Bao-Chang] Liu, B.C.[Bo-Chao]
11 for Liu, B.C.
Liu, B.D.[Bao Di]
Co Author Listing * Action recognition in still images using a combination of human pose and context information
* Adaptive postprocessors with DCT-based block classifications
* Adaptive Truncation Algorithm for Hadamard-Transformed H.264/AVC Lossless Video Coding
* Affine Non-Negative Collaborative Representation for Deep Metric Learning
* Biological modeling of human visual system for object recognition using GLoP filters and sparse coding on multi-manifolds
* Class-Shared SparsePCA for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* CNN-Combined Graph Residual Network with Multilevel Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Combined CAVLC Decoder, Inverse Quantizer, and Transform Kernel in Compact H.264/AVC Decoder
* DCT-Based Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm for Binary Motion Estimation
* Design of a color reproduction neural network chip with on-chip learning capability
* Dictionary Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Efficient inverse transform architectures for multi-standard video coding applications
* Efficient Postprocessor for Blocky Effect Removal Based on Transform Characteristics
* Efficient residual coding algorithm based on hadamard transform in lossless H.264/AVC
* Efficient two-ass rate control scheme based on adjusting distribution of discrete cosine transform coefficients
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Transform-Based Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC, An
* Fast three-dimensional video coding encoding algorithms based on edge information of depth map
* Few-shot image classification via hybrid representation
* graph convolutional neural network model with Fisher vector encoding and channel-wise spatial-temporal aggregation for skeleton-based action recognition, A
* Hardware/Software Codesign of a Low-Cost Rate Control Scheme for H.264/AVC
* Highly Efficient VLSI Architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoder, A
* Hybrid Collaborative Representation for Remote-Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Image tag completion by low-rank factorization with dual reconstruction structure preserved
* Learn from Object Counting: Crowd Counting with Meta-learning
* Learning dictionary on manifolds for image classification
* Locality sensitive dictionary learning for image classification
* Locality Sensitive Low-Rank Model for Image Tag Completion, A
* Lossless image and video coding based on H.264/AVC intra predictions with simplified interpolations
* Low Complexity Detection of Discrete Cross Differences for Fast H.264/AVC Intra Prediction, A
* MDFM: Multi-Decision Fusing Model for Few-Shot Learning
* OPS-Net: Over-Parameterized Sharing Networks for Video Frame Interpolation
* Ranking-Preserving Low-Rank Factorization for Image Annotation With Missing Labels
* Reweighted Joint Spatial-Radon Domain CT Image Reconstruction Model for Metal Artifact Reduction, A
* Robust Moving Cast Shadows Detection and Removal with Reliability Checking of the Color Property
* Robust nonnegative matrix factorization via L1 norm regularization by multiplicative updating rules
* Saliency-context two-stream convnets for action recognition
* Self-explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification
* TISVM: Large margin classifier for misaligned image classification
* Two-Stage Rate Control Mechanism for RDO-Based H.264/AVC Encoders, A
* VLSI implementation of parallel coefficient-by-coefficient two-dimensional IDCT processor
* Weighted Spatial Pyramid Matching Collaborative Representation for Remote-Sensing-Image Scene Classification
Includes: Liu, B.D.[Bao Di] Liu, B.D.[Bao-Di] Liu, B.D.[Bin-Da] Liu, B.D. Liu, B.D.[Bao-Dong]
41 for Liu, B.D.
Liu, B.G.[Bing Gang]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Lidar Signal Denoising Algorithm Using Variational Mode Decomposition Combined with a Whale Optimization Algorithm
Includes: Liu, B.G.[Bing Gang] Liu, B.G.[Bing-Gang]
Liu, B.H.[Bing Hao]
Co Author Listing * Anti-aliasing Semantic Reconstruction for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Dynamic Support Network for Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* Efficient Algorithm for Luminance Optimization in Chroma Downsampling, An
* Fast coding unit partitioning algorithms for versatile video coding intra coding
* feature consistency driven attention erasing network for fine-grained image retrieval, A
* Learnable Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Progressive Context-Dependent Inference for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Study on the method of colour image noise reduction based on optimal channel-processing
* TPH-YOLOv5-Air: Airport Confusing Object Detection via Adaptively Spatial Feature Fusion
* VALNet: Vision-Based Autonomous Landing with Airport Runway Instance Segmentation
Includes: Liu, B.H.[Bing Hao] Liu, B.H.[Bing-Hao] Liu, B.H.[Bang-Hao] Liu, B.H.[Bin-Hui] Liu, B.H.[Bo-Han]
10 for Liu, B.H.
Liu, B.J.[Bao Ju]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Route Planning Method of Connected Vehicles for Improving the Transport Efficiency, An
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes in Watershed Landscape Pattern and Its Influencing Factors in Rapidly Urbanizing Areas Using Satellite Data
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Using TechDemoSat-1 and CYGNSS Data to Estimate Soil Moisture over Mainland China
* Exploring the Individualized Effect of Climatic Drivers on MODIS Net Primary Productivity through an Explainable Machine Learning Framework
* Factors Affecting Pedestrians' Trust in Automated Vehicles: Literature Review and Theoretical Model
* Forest Carbon Flux Simulation Using Multi-Source Data and Incorporation of Remotely Sensed Model with Process-Based Model
* Quantitative Evaluation of Reclamation Intensity Based on Regional Planning Theory and Human-Marine Coordination Since 1974: A Case Study of Shandong, China
* Spaceborne GNSS-R Observation of Global Lake Level: First Results from the TechDemoSat-1 Mission
* Spatiotemporal Data-Driven Multiperiod Relocation Optimization of Emergency Medical Services: Maximum Equality Objective
* Tree Species Classification of Backpack Laser Scanning Data Using the PointNet++ Point Cloud Deep Learning Method
* Tree Species Classification Using Ground-Based LiDAR Data by Various Point Cloud Deep Learning Methods
* Two-Phase Coordinated Planning Approach for Heterogeneous Earth-Observation Resources to Monitor Area Targets, A
* Using CYGNSS Data to Monitor China's Flood Inundation during Typhoon and Extreme Precipitation Events in 2017
* Using GNSS-IR Snow Depth Estimation to Monitor the 2022 Early February Snowstorm over Southern China
Includes: Liu, B.J.[Bao Ju] Liu, B.J.[Bao-Ju] Liu, B.J.[Bing-Jun] Liu, B.J.[Bao-Jian] Liu, B.J.[Bing-Jian] Liu, B.J.[Bing-Jie] Liu, B.J.[Bai-Jing]
14 for Liu, B.J.
Liu, B.L.[Bing Long]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Drifting Snow Susceptibility Based on GIS and GA-BP Algorithms
* Extended Social Force Model via Pedestrian Heterogeneity Affecting the Self-Driven Force, An
* GDB: Gated Convolutions-based Document Binarization
* Human-human interaction recognition based on spatial and motion trend feature
* Metadistiller: Network Self-boosting via Meta-learned Top-down Distillation
* Multi-stage adaptive regression for online activity recognition
* RGB-D sensing based human action and interaction analysis: A survey
* Spatial Case-Based Reasoning Method for Healthy City Assessment: A Case Study of Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) in Birmingham, England, A
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urban Land Expansion and Population Growth in Africa from 2001 to 2019: Evidence from Population Density Data
* Vegetation Greenness Trend in Dry Seasons and Its Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Mara River Basin, Africa
Includes: Liu, B.L.[Bing Long] Liu, B.L.[Bing-Long] Liu, B.L.[Bing-Lu] Liu, B.L.[Bao-Lin] Liu, B.L.[Bang-Li] Liu, B.L.[Ben-Lin] Liu, B.L.[Bing-Lin]
10 for Liu, B.L.
Liu, B.M.[Bo Ming]
Co Author Listing * Adapting the Dark Target Algorithm to Advanced MERSI Sensor on the FengYun-3-D Satellite: Retrieval and Validation of Aerosol Optical Depth Over Land
* Aerosol Characteristics during the COVID-19 Lockdown in China: Optical Properties, Vertical Distribution, and Potential Source
* Aerosol Optical Properties and Direct Radiative Effects over Central China
* Analysis of the Income Enhancement Potential of the Terrestrial Carbon Sink in China Based on Remotely Sensed Data
* Black Carbon over Wuhan, China: Seasonal Variations in Its Optical Properties, Radiative Forcing and Contribution to Atmospheric Aerosols
* Boundary Layer Height as Estimated from Radar Wind Profilers in Four Cities in China: Relative Contributions from Aerosols and Surface Features
* Exploring the Conversion Model from Aerosol Extinction Coefficient to PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 Concentrations
* Influence of Temperature Inversion on the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols, The
* Novel Real-Time Algorithm for Optimizing Train Speed Profiles Under Complex Constraints, A
* Retrieval of 500 m Aerosol Optical Depths from MODIS Measurements over Urban Surfaces under Heavy Aerosol Loading Conditions in Winter
* Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Fusion Combining Active and Passive Remote Sensing Based on Bayesian Maximum Entropy
* Study of Persistent Haze Pollution in Winter over Jinan (China) Based on Ground-Based and Satellite Observations
* Variations in Nocturnal Residual Layer Height and Its Effects on Surface PM2.5 over Wuhan, China
Includes: Liu, B.M.[Bo Ming] Liu, B.M.[Bo-Ming] Liu, B.M.[Bao-Ming]
13 for Liu, B.M.
Liu, B.N.[Bo Ning]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Epanechnikov Mixture Regression in integral imaging compression
* 4D Epanechnikov Mixture Regression in LF Image Compression
* Planar Feature-Preserving Texture Defragmentation Method for 3D Urban Building Models, A
Includes: Liu, B.N.[Bo Ning] Liu, B.N.[Bo-Ning] Liu, B.N.[Bei-Ning]
Liu, B.P.[Bao Ping]
Co Author Listing * Proactive Deepfake Defence via Identity Watermarking
* TI2Net: Temporal Identity Inconsistency Network for Deepfake Detection
Includes: Liu, B.P.[Bao Ping] Liu, B.P.[Bao-Ping]
Liu, B.Q.[Bing Quan]
Co Author Listing * CroMIC-QA: The Cross-Modal Information Complementation Based Question Answering
* Estimation of the Two-Dimensional Direction of Arrival for Low-Elevation and Non-Low-Elevation Targets Based on Dilated Convolutional Networks
* GSWO: A programming model for GPU-enabled parallelization of sliding window operations in image processing
* Infrared dim target detection method based on the fuzzy accurate updating symmetric adaptive resonance theory
* Learning the Kernel Combination for Object Categorization
* Multi-Scale 3D U-Nets: An approach to automatic segmentation of brain tumor
* neutrosophic filter for high-density Salt and Pepper noise based on pixel-wise adaptive smoothing parameter, A
* Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-training in community-based question answering portals
* Quantifying the Potential Contribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation to Coastal Carbon Capture in a Delta System from Field and Landsat 8/9-Operational Land Imager (OLI) Data with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Research on image feature extraction and retrieval algorithms based on convolutional neural network
* Semantic Place Prediction With User Attribute in Social Media
* Spatial Heterogeneity of Summer Rainfall Trends over the Tibetan Plateau Contributed by Different Rainfall Intensities
* Towards Enabling Binary Decomposition for Partial Multi-Label Learning
Includes: Liu, B.Q.[Bing Quan] Liu, B.Q.[Bing-Quan] Liu, B.Q.[Bing-Qi] Liu, B.Q.[Bao-Quan] Liu, B.Q.[Bo-Qiang] Liu, B.Q.[Bing-Qing] Liu, B.Q.[Bang-Quan] Liu, B.Q.[Bo-Qian] Liu, B.Q.[Bo-Qi]
13 for Liu, B.Q.
Liu, B.S.[Bai Song]
Co Author Listing * Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing Filter Size
* Fast initialization for feature-based monocular slam
* Next-Generation Gravity Missions: Sino-European Numerical Simulation Comparison Exercise
* Share-Aware Joint Model Deployment and Task Offloading for Multi-Task Inference
* Spectral Swin Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Two-Level Scheduling Algorithms for Deep Neural Network Inference in Vehicular Networks
Includes: Liu, B.S.[Bai Song] Liu, B.S.[Bai-Song] Liu, B.S. Liu, B.S.[Bingp-Shi] Liu, B.S.[Bo-Sheng] Liu, B.S.[Bai-Sen]
Liu, B.T.[Bin Tao]
Co Author Listing * Coupling an Ecological Network with Multi-Scenario Land Use Simulation: An Ecological Spatial Constraint Approach
* DPFMDA: Distributed and privatized framework for miRNA-Disease association prediction
* Dual Threshold Cooperative Sensing Based Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Algorithm for Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial System
* Load Estimation Based Dynamic Access Protocol for Satellite Internet of Things
* survey of memory deduplication approaches for intelligent urban computing, A
Includes: Liu, B.T.[Bin Tao] Liu, B.T.[Bin-Tao] Liu, B.T.[Bing-Tao] Liu, B.T.[Bo-Tao]
Liu, B.W.[Bing Wei]
Co Author Listing * cloud infrastructure for target detection and tracking using audio and video fusion, A
* container-based elastic cloud architecture for real-time full-motion video (FMV) target tracking, A
* Uncertainty-aware Joint Salient Object and Camouflaged Object Detection
Includes: Liu, B.W.[Bing Wei] Liu, B.W.[Bing-Wei] Liu, B.W.[Bo-Wen]
Liu, B.X.[Bing Xin]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Scattering Properties of Continuous Slow-Release Slicks on the Sea Surface Based on Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Attention Swin Transformer UNet for Landslide Segmentation in Remotely Sensed Images
* Automatic Detection and Fitting of Ellipse Markers Using EllipseNet
* Bagging-based spectral clustering ensemble selection
* C-MIDN: Coupled Multiple Instance Detection Network With Segmentation Guidance for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Continuity of Top-of-Atmosphere, Surface, and Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance and NDVI between Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 OLI over China Landscape
* Convolutional-Transformer Network for Crack Segmentation with Boundary Awareness, A
* Dense-sparse representation matters: A point-based method for volumetric medical image segmentation
* Distribution and Driving Force of Water Use Efficiency under Vegetation Restoration on the Loess Plateau
* Downscaling of AMSR-E Soil Moisture over North China Using Random Forest Regression
* EasyDrag: Efficient Point-Based Manipulation on Diffusion Models
* Efficient Outlier Rejection Algorithm for Point Cloud Registration, An
* Energy-Based Unmixing Method for Low Background Concentration Oil Spills at Sea
* Fine-Grained Interpretability for EEG Emotion Recognition: Concat-Aided Grad-CAM and Systematic Brain Functional Network
* GeoMIM: Towards Better 3D Knowledge Transfer via Masked Image Modeling for Multi-view 3D Understanding
* Learning to Reduce Scale Differences for Large-Scale Invariant Image Matching
* Leveraging local and global descriptors in parallel to search correspondences for visual localization
* Masked Autoencoders Are Stronger Knowledge Distillers
* New Endmember Preprocessing Method for the Hyperspectral Unmixing of Imagery Containing Marine Oil Spills, A
* Novel Deep Learning Network with Deformable Convolution and Attention Mechanisms for Complex Scenes Ship Detection in SAR Images, A
* Oil Film Classification Using Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology
* Oil Spill Identification in Radar Images Using a Soft Attention Segmentation Model
* Problems with and Improvement of HCHO/NO2 for Diagnosing Ozone Sensitivity: A Case in Beijing
* Rectifying the Data Bias in Knowledge Distillation
* Rethinking Robust Representation Learning Under Fine-Grained Noisy Faces
* SDFSD-v1.0: A Sub-Meter SAR Dataset for Fine-Grained Ship Detection
* Semi-Automatic Oil Spill Detection on X-Band Marine Radar Images Using Texture Analysis, Machine Learning, and Adaptive Thresholding
* Spatio-Temporal Land-Use Changes and the Response in Landscape Pattern to Hemeroby in a Resource-Based City
* Spectral Feature Based Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Sea Surface Oil Spill, A
* Switchable K-class Hyperplanes for Noise-Robust Representation Learning
* Time-Lagged Functional Ultrasound for Multi-Parametric Cerebral Hemodynamic Imaging
* UniKD: Universal Knowledge Distillation for Mimicking Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Object Detectors
Includes: Liu, B.X.[Bing Xin] Liu, B.X.[Bing-Xin] Liu, B.X.[Bing-Xue] Liu, B.X.[Bing-Xi] Liu, B.X.[Bing-Xiang] Liu, B.X.[Bo-Xiao] Liu, B.X.[Bing-Xuan] Liu, B.X.[Bing-Xiu] Liu, B.X.[Bao-Xian]
32 for Liu, B.X.
Liu, B.Y.[Bao Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Action Recognition by Weakly-Supervised Discriminative Region Localization
* Adaptive training of a kernel-based nonlinear discriminator
* Blurring length estimation using ringing artifacts in a deblurred image
* Class Adaptive Network Calibration
* Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
* Combining Object-Oriented and Deep Learning Methods to Estimate Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover in the Desert from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images with Consideration of Shadows
* Contrast-weighted dictionary learning based saliency detection for VHR optical remote sensing images
* Depth completion towards different sensor configurations via relative depth map estimation and scale recovery
* Detection guided deconvolutional network for hierarchical feature learning
* Devil is in the Margin: Margin-based Label Smoothing for Network Calibration, The
* Double Graph Attention Actor-Critic Framework for Urban Bus-Pooling System
* Experimental Study on Field Spectral Measurements to Determine Appropriate Daily Time for Distinguishing Fractional Vegetation Cover, An
* Factorized Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fair Loss: Margin-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* Feature Fusion for Blurring Detection in Image Forensics
* Fraunhofer Lidar Prototype in the Green Spectral Region for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations
* General model for linear information extraction based on the shear transformation
* GraftNet: Towards Domain Generalized Stereo Matching with a Broad-Spectrum and Task-Oriented Feature
* Hierarchical Clustering and Refinement for Generalized Multi-Camera Person Tracking
* High-Accuracy Absolute-Position-Aided Code Phase Tracking Based on RTK/INS Deep Integration in Challenging Static Scenarios
* Image Representation Learning by Deep Appearance and Spatial Coding
* Improved image clustering with deep semantic embedding
* Improved real-time three-dimensional stereo matching with local consistency
* Improving Neural Network Robustness Through Neighborhood Preserving Layers
* Kernel discrimination via oblique projection
* Learning a Representative and Discriminative Part Model with Deep Convolutional Features for Scene Recognition
* Learning representative and discriminative image representation by deep appearance and spatial coding
* Look-Up Table Unit Activation Function for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Modelling and Assessment of a New Triple-Frequency IF1213 PPP with BDS/GPS
* Multi-class Semantic Video Segmentation with Exemplar-Based Object Reasoning
* Multi-Type Forest Change Detection Using BFAST and Monthly Landsat Time Series for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forests in Subtropical Wetland
* Multiclass semantic video segmentation with object-level active inference
* Probabilistic Label Trees for Efficient Large Scale Image Classification
* Quantifying Creep on the Laohushan Fault Using Dense Continuous GNSS
* Rainfall Erosivity Mapping for Tibetan Plateau Using High-Resolution Temporal and Spatial Precipitation Datasets for the Third Pole
* Regularized Hierarchical Feature Learning with Non-negative Sparsity and Selectivity for Image Classification
* Robust and Fast Collaborative Tracking with Two Stage Sparse Optimization
* Robust tracking using local sparse appearance model and K-selection
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection
* Semantic-Guided Attention Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Single image depth estimation from predicted semantic labels
* Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatial and Anatomical Regularization Based on Multiple Kernel Learning for Neuroimaging Classification
* Spatiotemporal Comparison of Drought in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia from 2003 to 2020 Using Various Drought Indices in Google Earth Engine
* Tensorial Kernel Based on Spatial Structure Information for Neuroimaging Classification
* Towards Understanding Cross and Self-Attention in Stable Diffusion for Text-Guided Image Editing
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosing the Severity of Alternaria Leaf Blotch Disease of the Apple Tree
* ZoomInNet: A Novel Small Object Detector in Drone Images with Cross-Scale Knowledge Distillation
Includes: Liu, B.Y.[Bao Yuan] Liu, B.Y.[Bao-Yuan] Liu, B.Y.[Ben-Yong] Liu, B.Y.[Bing-Yuan] Liu, B.Y.[Bing-Yi] Liu, B.Y.[Bi-Yuan] Liu, B.Y.[Bi-Yang] Liu, B.Y.[Bing-Yu] Liu, B.Y.[Bao-Ying] Liu, B.Y.[Bo-Yuan] Liu, B.Y.[Bao-Yu] Liu, B.Y.[Bo-Yang] Liu, B.Y.[Bu-Yu] Liu, B.Y.[Bai-Yun] Liu, B.Y.[Bai-Yang] Liu, B.Y.[Be-Yang] Liu, B.Y.[Bing-Yan]
48 for Liu, B.Y.
Liu, B.Z.[Bao Zhong]
Co Author Listing * Application of Radar Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Bayesian Network
* Autoencoder and Adversarial-Learning-Based Semisupervised Background Estimation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Beyond Textual Constraints: Learning Novel Diffusion Conditions with Fewer Examples
* Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network for Vehicle Behavior Recognition
* Class-aware domain adaptation for improving adversarial robustness
* Deep reinforcement learning-based patch selection for illuminant estimation
* End-to-End Illuminant Estimation Based on Deep Metric Learning
* Hierarchical Coding Vectors for Scene Level Land-Use Classification
* Illuminant classification based on random forest
* Integrating Aerial and Street View Images for Urban Land Use Classification
* Learning with Unreliability: Fast Few-Shot Voxel Radiance Fields with Relative Geometric Consistency
* Lightweight Pyramid Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction, A
* Novel Framework to Generate Synthetic Video for Foreground Detection in Highway Surveillance Scenarios, A
* Rotation-invariant object detection using Sector-ring HOG and boosted random ferns
* Sector-ring HOG for rotation-invariant human detection
* Self-Constructing Stereo Correspondences for Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo
* Spectral Adversarial Feature Learning for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Tone mapping high dynamic range images based on region-adaptive self-supervised deep learning
* Unsupervised Single-View Synthesis Network via Style Guidance and Prior Distillation
* Visual Saliency via Selecting and Reweighting Features in Hierarchical Fusion Network
* Where is My Spot? Few-shot Image Generation via Latent Subspace Optimization
Includes: Liu, B.Z.[Bao Zhong] Liu, B.Z.[Bao-Zhong] Liu, B.Z.[Bao-Zhu] Liu, B.Z.[Bang-Zhen] Liu, B.Z.[Bo-Zhi] Liu, B.Z.[Bao-Zhen] Liu, B.Z.[Bing-Zan] Liu, B.Z.[Bing-Zi] Liu, B.Z.[Bing-Zheng]
21 for Liu, B.Z.
Liu, C.[Changkun]
Co Author Listing * 360Loc: A Dataset and Benchmark for Omnidirectional Visual Localization with Cross-Device Queries
* 3D Modeling of Haussmannian Facades
* 3D object recognition from cluttered and occluded scenes with a compact local feature
* 3D Parallel Fully Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Video Wildfire Smoke Detection
* 3D soft-tissue tracking using spatial-color joint probability distribution and thin-plate spline model
* 3D-VDNet: Exploiting the vertical distribution characteristics of point clouds for 3D object detection and augmentation
* 4-Year Climatological Analysis Based on GPM Observations of Deep Convective Events in the Mediterranean Region, A
* 4D Myocardium Reconstruction with Decoupled Motion and Shape Model
* ABCNet v2: Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network for Real-Time End-to-End Text Spotting
* ACSeg: Adaptive Conceptualization for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
* Active Contour Model with Local Variance Force Term and Its Efficient Minimization Solver for Multiphase Image Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant H-Infinity Output Feedback Control for Lead-Wing Close Formation Flight
* Adaptive Global Embedding Learning: A Two-Stage Framework for UAV-View Geo-Localization
* Adaptive image segmentation by using mean-shift and evolutionary optimisation
* Adaptive Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
* Adaptive mode decision for multiview video coding based on macroblock position constraint model
* Adaptive Support-Driven Sparse Recovery STAP Method with Subspace Penalty
* Advanced Scheme for Radar Clutter Suppression Scheme Based on Blind Source Separation, An
* Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learning: From a Perspective of Cybersecurity
* AFF-UNIT: Adaptive feature fusion for unsupervised image-to-image translation
* AHP-based Physical Fitness Assessment Model for College Students, An
* AI-Empowered Persuasive Video Generation: A Survey
* Ambiguity-Resistant Semi-Supervised Learning for Dense Object Detection
* Analysis of the Vertical Distribution and Driving Factors of Aerosol and Ozone Precursors in Huaniao Island, China, Based on Ground-Based MAX-DOAS
* Analysis of Transmission Depth and Photon Number in Monte Carlo Simulation for Underwater Laser Transmission
* Analysis of visual risk perception model for braking control behaviour of human drivers: A literature review
* Annotation Propagation in Large Image Databases via Dense Image Correspondence
* Anomaly detection in surveillance video using motion direction statistics
* Anti-Disturbance Adaptive Control Approach for Automated Vehicles in Mixed Connected Traffic Environment, An
* AntiNODE: Evaluating Efficiency Robustness of Neural ODEs
* Application of Denoising CNN for Noise Suppression and Weak Signal Extraction of Lunar Penetrating Radar Data
* Application of Machine Learning for Simulation of Air Temperature at Dome A
* Application Of Time Series Insar Technique For Deformation Monitoring Of Large-scale Landslides In Mountainous Areas Of Western China
* Approach to discovering companion patterns based on traffic data stream
* Approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees
* Assessing the Accuracy of Forest Phenological Extraction from Sentinel-1 C-Band Backscatter Measurements in Deciduous and Coniferous Forests
* Assessment of Galileo FOC + IOV Signals and Geometry-Based Single-Epoch Resolution of Quad-Frequency Carrier Ambiguities
* Assigned MURA Defect Generation Based on Diffusion Model
* Asymmetric Deeply Fused Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
* Attention Where It Matters: Rethinking Visual Document Understanding with Selective Region Concentration
* Attribute discrimination combined with selected sample dropout for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
* auto-adapting global-to-local color balancing method for optical imagery mosaic, An
* Auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories Using k-Space Sparse Matrices (kSPA)
* Auto-Extraction of Linear Archaeological Traces of Tuntian Irrigation Canals in Miran Site (China) from Gaofen-1 Satellite Imagery
* AutoFlow: Learning a Better Training Set for Optical Flow
* Automated Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in mp-MRI Images Based on an End-to-End Deep Neural Network
* Automated Extraction of Built-Up Areas by Fusing VIIRS Nighttime Lights and Landsat-8 Data
* Automated Formosat Image Processing System For Rapid Response To International Disasters
* Automatic Bifurcation angle calculation in intravascular optical coherence tomography images
* Automatic clustering method based on evolutionary optimisation
* Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image
* Automatic eyeglasses removal from face images
* Automatic High-Resolution Land Cover Production in Madagascar Using Sentinel-2 Time Series, Tile-Based Image Classification and Google Earth Engine
* Automatic Inter-Frame Patient Motion Correction for Dynamic Cardiac PET Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Mathematical Expression Understanding System, An
* Autonomous Planning Algorithm for Satellite Laser Ranging Tasks Based on Rolling Horizon Optimization Framework
* Axial-UNet++ Power Line Detection Network Based on Gated Axial Attention Mechanism
* Balance learning for ship detection from synthetic aperture radar remote sensing imagery
* Balanced Sample Assignment and Objective for Single-Model Multi-Class 3D Object Detection
* Bamboo Forest Mapping in China Using the Dense Landsat 8 Image Archive and Google Earth Engine
* Band-Independent Encoder-Decoder Network for Pan-Sharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* Band-to-Band Registration of FY-1C/D Visible-IR Scanning Radiometer High-Resolution Picture Transmission Data
* Bandwidth Efficient and Rate-Adaptive Video Delivery in TV White Space
* BAVS: Bootstrapping Audio-Visual Segmentation by Integrating Foundation Knowledge
* Bayesian approach to adaptive video super resolution, A
* Bayesian approach to adaptive video super resolution, A
* Bayesian Approach to Alignment-Based Image Hallucination, A
* Bayesian estimation of generalized Gamma mixture model based on variational EM algorithm
* BCE-Net: Reliable building footprints change extraction based on historical map and up-to-date images using contrastive learning
* BDS-3 Integrity Risk Modeling and Probability Evaluation
* Benchmarking Audio Visual Segmentation for Long-Untrimmed Videos
* Beyond Bounding-Box: Convex-hull Feature Adaptation for Oriented and Densely Packed Object Detection
* Beyond Instance Discrimination: Relation-Aware Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* Beyond Max-Margin: Class Margin Equilibrium for Few-shot Object Detection
* Bi-directional Integrated Model for Non-rigid Motion Analysis, A
* Bi-LRFusion: Bi-Directional LiDAR-Radar Fusion for 3D Dynamic Object Detection
* Bias Correction of the Ratio of Total Column CH4 to CO2 Retrieved from GOSAT Spectra
* Bidirectional Attention-Recognition Model for Fine-Grained Object Classification
* Bio-Inspired Safety Control System for UAVs in Confined Environment With Disturbance, A
* Biomass Estimation Based on the Fusion of ICESat GLAS and MODIS Data in the Chongming Eastern Tidal Flat of the Yangtze River
* Bitemporal Radiative Transfer Modeling Using Bitemporal 3D-Explicit Forest Reconstruction from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Boosted Co-Training Algorithm for Human Action Recognition, A
* Boosting EigenActions: A new algorithm for human action categorization
* Boundless: Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Extension
* C-MIL: Continuation Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Calculation of Salt Heap Volume Based on Point Cloud Surface Reconstruction
* Calibration and Data Quality Assurance Technical Advancements for Quantitative Remote Sensing in the DRAGON 4 Project
* CAMEL: A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Histopathology Image Segmentation
* Causes and Impacts of Decreasing Chlorophyll-a in Tibet Plateau Lakes during 1986-2021 Based on Landsat Image Inversion
* CCDet: Confidence-Consistent Learning for Dense Object Detection
* CFOR: Character-First Open-Set Text Recognition via Context-Free Learning
* Changes in Dominant Driving Factors in the Evolution Process of Wetland in the Yellow River Delta during 2015-2022, The
* Characterizing a Heavy Dust Storm Event in 2021: Transport, Optical Properties and Impact, Using Multi-Sensor Data Observed in Jinan, China
* City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones
* Classification of Multi-Frequency Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Multi-Linear Subspace Learning of Tensor Objects
* Classification of Point Clouds for Indoor Components Using Few Labeled Samples
* Climatology of Dust Aerosols over the Jianghan Plain Revealed with Space-Borne Instruments and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data during 2006-2021
* Cloud Classification Method Based on a Convolutional Neural Network for FY-4A Satellites, A
* Clutter Suppression Algorithm via Weighted L_2-norm Penalty for Airborne Radar, A
* Co-segmentation of multiple similar images using saliency detection and region merging
* Coastline Detection Method in Polarimetric SAR Images Mixing the Region-Based and Edge-Based Active Contour Models, A
* Coaxiality Calculation Method for Dropping Operation of Lunar Surface Sampling Mission Based on Monocular Vision Using Ellipse and Line Features
* Coffee Plant Counting Method Based on Dual-Channel NMS and YOLOv9 Leveraging UAV Multispectral Imaging, A
* Cognitive radio assisted quality compensation for scalable video multicast in cellular networks
* Color multi-fusion fisher vector feature for fine art painting categorization and influence analysis
* Combination of AIRS Dual CO2 Absorption Bands to Develop an Ice Clouds Detection Algorithm in Different Atmospheric Layers
* Combination of H-Alpha Decomposition and Migration for Enhancing Subsurface Target Classification of GPR
* Combined Coherent and Non-Coherent Long-Time Integration Method for High-Speed Target Detection Using High-Frequency Radar
* Combined Deblocking Filter and SAO Hardware Architecture for HEVC, A
* COMISR: Compression-Informed Video Super-Resolution
* Comparative Analysis of Certainty Factor-Based Machine Learning Methods for Collapse and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Wenchuan County, China, A
* Comparative Assessment of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for Face Recognition
* Comparison Between Ray-Traced GFS/WRF/ERA and GNSS Slant Path Delays in Tropical Cyclone Meranti, A
* Comparison of Cloud Properties from Himawari-8 and Feng-Yun-4A Geostationary Satellite Radiometers with MODIS Cloud Retrievals
* Complex Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Changbaishan-Tianchi Volcano Revealed by the P-Wave Coda Autocorrelation Method Based on Dense Seismic Array
* Complexity-adaptive Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation
* Compositional Model for Low-Dimensional Image Set Representation, A
* Constraint-Aware Importance Estimation for Global Filter Pruning under Multiple Resource Constraints
* Construction Progress and Aviation Flight Test of BDSBAS
* Convex-Hull Feature Adaptation for Oriented and Densely Packed Object Detection
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Robot Control for an Eye-in-Hand Camera
* Cotton Cultivated Area Extraction Based on Multi-Feature Combination and CSSDI under Spatial Constraint
* Coupling Dilated Encoder-Decoder Network for Multi-Channel Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Full-Waveform Denoising
* CPM R-CNN: Calibrating Point-guided Misalignment in Object Detection
* Cpt-vr: Improving Surface Rendering via Closest Point Transform with View-reflection Appearance
* cross-correction LiDAR SLAM method for high-accuracy 2D mapping of problematic scenario, A
* Cross-Site Severity Assessment of COVID-19 From CT Images via Domain Adaptation
* cTADA: The Design of a Crowdsourcing Tool for Online Food Image Identification and Segmentation
* DANet: Divergent Activation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Dark Side of Dynamic Routing Neural Networks: Towards Efficiency Backdoor Injection, The
* Data Fusion with Integration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data and Ortho-aerial Photos
* Data-Driven Regularization Model for Stereo and Flow, A
* DBGANet: Dual-Branch Geometric Attention Network for Accurate 3D Tooth Segmentation
* Decreased Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Estimated from FTS and MAX-DOAS Measurements at Urban Beijing
* Deep 3D-to-2D Watermarking: Embedding Messages in 3D Meshes and Extracting Them from 2D Renderings
* Deep Hash Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Deep Hashing with Minimal-Distance-Separated Hash Centers
* Deep Interactive Image Matting With Feature Propagation
* Deep Learning Approach to Increase the Value of Satellite Data for PM2.5 Monitoring in China, A
* Deep Learning Based Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Electron Cryo-Subtomograms
* Deep Learning With Physics-Embedded Neural Network for Full Waveform Ultrasonic Brain Imaging
* Deep Neural Network Based Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Deep neural network with deformable convolution and side window convolution for image denoising
* Deep Partial Updating: Towards Communication Efficient Updating for On-Device Inference
* Deep Relational Reasoning Graph Network for Arbitrary Shape Text Detection
* Deep Saliency With Channel-Wise Hierarchical Feature Responses for Traffic Sign Detection
* DeepLung: Deep 3D Dual Path Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification
* Defense and Tolerance Technique Against Attacks and Faults on Leader-Following Multi-USVs
* Deformable Spatial Pyramid Matching for Fast Dense Correspondences
* Depth Extraction from Video Using Non-parametric Sampling
* Depth Transfer: Depth Extraction from Video Using Non-Parametric Sampling
* Descent Trajectory Recovery of Chang'e-4 Lander Based On Descent Images
* Design and Performance Analysis of BDS-3 Integrity Concept
* Design and Performance Analysis of BDS-3 Integrity Concept
* Design of Smart Clothing With Automatic Cardiovascular Diseases Detection
* Detail Preserving 3D Motion Compression Based on Local Transformation
* Detecting Protrusion Lesion in Digestive Tract Using a Single-stage Detection Method
* Detecting Text in Scene and Traffic Guide Panels With Attention Anchor Mechanism
* Detection and Imaging of Ground Moving Targets With Real SAR Data
* Detection of Atmospheric Hydrofluorocarbon-22 with Ground-Based Remote High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy over Hefei and an Estimation of Emissions in the Yangtze River Delta
* Determination of Aerosol Distribution by a No-Blind-Zone Scanning Lidar, The
* Determination of Protein Content of Wheat Using Partial Least Squares Regression Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Preprocessing
* Development and Application of HECORA Cloud Retrieval Algorithm Based On the O2-O2 477 nm Absorption Band
* Dielectric Fluctuation and Random Motion over Ground Model (DF-RMoG): An Unsupervised Three-Stage Method of Forest Height Estimation Considering Dielectric Property Changes
* Differences in the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Formaldehyde between Islands and Inland Areas: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta of China
* Difficulty-Based SPOC Video Clustering Using Video-Watching Data
* DiffusionRet: Generative Text-Video Retrieval with Diffusion Model
* Direct List Mode Parametric Reconstruction for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT
* Direct Sparse Visual Odometry with Structural Regularities for Long Corridor Environments
* Discretization-aware architecture search
* Discriminant analysis via jointly -norm sparse tensor preserving embedding for image classification
* Discriminative Illumination: Per-Pixel Classification of Raw Materials Based on Optimal Projections of Spectral BRDF
* Discriminative Model for Early Detection of Anthracnose in Strawberry Plants Based on Hyperspectral Imaging Technology, A
* Disjoint Masking With Joint Distillation for Efficient Masked Image Modeling
* Diurnal Precipitation Features over Complex Terrains along the Yangtze River in China Based on Long-Term TRMM and GPM Radar Products
* Diverse 3D Hand Gesture Prediction from Body Dynamics by Bilateral Hand Disentanglement
* Diverse receptive field network with context aggregation for fast object detection
* Divide-and-Conquer Method for Scalable Low-Rank Latent Matrix Pursuit, A
* Do as Sonographers Think: Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Thyroid Nodules Diagnosis via Microvascular Infiltrative Awareness
* DocRes: A Generalist Model Toward Unifying Document Image Restoration Tasks
* Domain Constraints-Driven Automatic Service Composition for Online Land Cover Geoprocessing
* Domain-incremental learning without forgetting based on random vector functional link networks
* Don't Forget Me: Accurate Background Recovery for Text Removal via Modeling Local-Global Context
* Drastic Anomaly Detection in Video Using Motion Direction Statistics
* Dressing for Attention: Outfit Based Fashion Popularity Prediction
* Drought Events over the Amazon River Basin (1993-2019) as Detected by the Climate-Driven Total Water Storage Change
* DS-UKF-Based Positioning Method for Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Urban Intersection Scenarios
* DSFormer: A Dual-domain Self-supervised Transformer for Accelerated Multi-contrast MRI Reconstruction
* Dual Path Attention Net for Remote Sensing Semantic Image Segmentation
* Dual Self-Attention mechanism for vehicle re-Identification, A
* Dual-Domain Diffusion Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction, A
* DuDoCFNet: Dual-Domain Coarse-to-Fine Progressive Network for Simultaneous Denoising, Limited-View Reconstruction, and Attenuation Correction of Cardiac SPECT
* DuDoUFNet: Dual-Domain Under-to-Fully-Complete Progressive Restoration Network for Simultaneous Metal Artifact Reduction and Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Duplicate Discovery on 2 Billion Internet Images
* Dynamic Attention-based Visual Odometry
* Dynamic Evaluation of Agricultural Drought Hazard in Northeast China Based on Coupled Multi-Source Data
* Dynamic facial expression recognition with pseudo-label guided multi-modal pre-training
* Dynamic Spatiotemporal Analysis Model for Traffic Incident Influence Prediction on Urban Road Networks, A
* D³STN: Dynamic Delay Differential Equation Spatiotemporal Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* E-Net Modeling and Analysis of Emergency Response Processes Constrained by Resources and Uncertain Durations
* Earlier Spring-Summer Phenology and Higher Photosynthetic Peak Altered the Seasonal Patterns of Vegetation Productivity in Alpine Ecosystems
* ECACL: A Holistic Framework for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Effective and Practical Classifier Fusion Strategy for Improving Handwritten Character Recognition, An
* Effective ellipse detector with polygonal curve and likelihood ratio test
* Effective Ensemble Learning Framework for Affective Behaviour Analysis, An
* Effects and Applications of Satellite Radiometer 2.25-mu-m Channel on Cloud Property Retrievals
* Effects of Induced Field Rotation From Rough Surface on H-Alpha Decomposition of Full-Polarimetric GPR
* Efficient CADNet for Classification of High-frequency Oscillations in Magnetoencephalography, An
* Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
* efficient finger-vein extraction algorithm based on random forest regression with efficient local binary patterns, An
* Efficient Group Feature Fusion Residual Network for Image Super-resolution, An
* Efficient Low-Complexity Convolutional Neural Network Filter, An
* Efficient Matching Game Approach to Association Formation in UAV-Enabled Hierarchical Distributed Learning, An
* Efficient Token-Guided Image-Text Retrieval With Consistent Multimodal Contrastive Training
* Ellipse fitting for imaged cross sections of a surface of revolution
* Embarrassingly Simple Baseline to One-shot Learning, An
* embedded method: Improve the relevance of text and face image with enhanced face attributes, An
* EmotionGesture: Audio-Driven Diverse Emotional Co-Speech 3D Gesture Generation
* Empirical Study of Scaling Law for Scene Text Recognition, An
* Empirical Study of Vehicle Re-Identification on the AI City Challenge, An
* Enabling Energy-Efficient Deployment of Large Language Models on Memristor Crossbar: A Synergy of Large and Small
* Encoding sparse and competitive structures among tasks in multi-task learning
* End-to-End Multi-Task Learning for Lung Nodule Segmentation and Diagnosis
* Enhanced Independent Component Analysis and Its Application to Content Based Face Image Retrieval
* Enhanced soft domain adaptation for object detection in the dark
* Enhancing Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis via Hierarchical 3D-FCN with Multi-Modal Features
* Enhancing Intrinsic Adversarial Robustness via Feature Pyramid Decoder
* Enhancing Scene Text Detection via Fused Semantic Segmentation Network with Attention
* Episodic Training for Domain Generalization
* Error Correction of Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) over the Lancang-Mekong River Basin
* Estimating and Assessing Monthly Water Level Changes of Reservoirs and Lakes in Jiangsu Province Using Sentinel-3 Radar Altimetry Data
* Estimating building height in China from ALOS AW3D30
* Estimating Real-Time Traffic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Intelligent Transportation System Technologies
* Estimating Summertime Precipitation from Himawari-8 and Global Forecast System Based on Machine Learning
* Estimation of Urban Ecosystem Services Value: A Case Study of Chengdu, Southwestern China
* EVAEF: Ensemble Valence-Arousal Estimation Framework in the Wild
* Evaluating and Analyzing the Potential of the Gaofen-3 SAR Satellite for Landslide Monitoring
* Evaluating Different Crown Reconstruction Approaches from Airborne LiDAR for Quantifying APAR Distribution Using a 3D Radiative Transfer Model
* Evaluating Different Methods for Estimating Diameter at Breast Height from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Evaluation and Comparison of MODIS C6 and C6.1 Deep Blue Aerosol Products in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Northwestern China
* evaluation of fake fingerprint databases utilizing SVM classification, An
* Event-Based Distributed Secure Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles With DoS Attacks
* Evolution of Optimal Projection Axes (OPA) for Face Recognition
* Exact Incremental and Decremental Learning for LS-SVM
* Exaggerated Learning for Clean-and-Sharp Image Restoration
* Exploiting Target Data to Learn Deep Convolutional Networks for Scene-Adapted Human Detection
* Exploring features in a Bayesian framework for material recognition
* Exploring Structural Sparsity of Deep Networks Via Inverse Scale Spaces
* Exponential Filter Model-Based Root-Zone Soil Moisture Estimation Methodology from Multiple Datasets, An
* extendable maneuver management framework with fault-tolerant mechanism for vehicle platoon control system in highway scenario, An
* Extracting Multiple Features in the CID Color Space for Face Recognition
* Facade Structure Parameterization Based on Similarity Detection from Single Image
* Face alignment using texture-constrained active shape models
* Face Hallucination: Theory and Practice
* FaceChain-SuDe: Building Derived Class to Inherit Category Attributes for One-Shot Subject-Driven Generation
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Multi-modal Features for Videos in the Wild
* Fast Adversarial Training With Adaptive Step Size
* Fast and Robust Heterologous Image Matching Method for Visual Geo-Localization of Low-Altitude UAVs, A
* Fast computation of Zernike moments in polar coordinates
* Fast HEVC inter-frame coding based on LSTM neural network technology
* Fast IAA-Based SR-STAP Method for Airborne Radar, A
* Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for Depth Map with End-to-End Edge Detection Network
* Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation
* Fast Uyghur text detection in videos based on learning of baseline feature
* Feature extraction using HHT-based locally optimized short-time fractional Fourier transform for speaker recognition
* FET-FGVC: Feature-enhanced transformer for fine-grained visual classification
* Few-Shot Building Footprint Shape Classification with Relation Network
* Few-Shot Image Recognition by Predicting Parameters from Activations
* Fine-Resolution Mapping of Pan-Arctic Lake Ice-Off Phenology Based on Dense Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
* Fine-Tuning for Bayer Demosaicking Through Periodic-Consistent Self-Supervised Learning
* Fire Monitoring Algorithm and Its Application on the Geo-Kompsat-2A Geostationary Meteorological Satellite
* Fixed-Point Back-Propagation Training
* Floor-SP: Inverse CAD for Floorplans by Sequential Room-Wise Shortest Path
* FloorNet: A Unified Framework for Floorplan Reconstruction from 3D Scans
* Florence-2: Advancing a Unified Representation for a Variety of Vision Tasks
* Fluid Mechanics-Based Data Flow Model to Estimate VANET Capacity, A
* Fluid Mechanics-Based Model to Estimate VINET Capacity in an Urban Scene, A
* Fooling Vision and Language Models Despite Localization and Attention Mechanism
* Forest Canopy Height Extraction in Rugged Areas With ICESat/GLAS Data
* FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
* FPGA implementation for real-time edge detection, An
* Frame Flexible Network
* Framework On Multi-scale Landslide Hazard Evaluation In China, The
* FreeStyleRet: Retrieving Images from Style-Diversified Queries
* From Synthetic to Real: A Calibration-free Pipeline for Few-shot Raw Image Denoising
* Full-Path Compensated Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration of Joint Primaries and Different-Order Multiples for Deep-Marine Environment
* Functional neural interactions during adaptive reward learning: An functional magnetic resonance imaging study
* Fuzzy Positive Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* FY3E GNOS II GNSS Reflectometry: Mission Review and First Results
* Gamma-enhanced Spatial Attention Network for Efficient High Dynamic Range Imaging
* GAN-segNet: A deep generative adversarial segmentation network for brain tumor semantic segmentation
* General Self-Supervised Framework for Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* Generalizing intersection kernel support vector machines for color texture based recognition
* Generative classification model for categorical data based on latent Gaussian process
* Generative domain adaptation for chest X-ray image analysis
* Genrc: Generative 3d Room Completion from Sparse Image Collections
* Geometric Knowledge Oriented Single-Frame 2D-to-3D Human Absolute Pose Estimation Method, A
* Geospatial Data Fusion for Precision Agriculture
* GFNet: Gate Fusion Network With Res2Net for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
* Gingivitis Identification Via Multichannel Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network
* GNOS-II on Fengyun-3 Satellite Series: Exploration of Multi-GNSS Reflection Signals for Operational Applications
* GraCo: Granularity-Controllable Interactive Segmentation
* Graph Convolution Based Efficient Re-Ranking for Visual Retrieval
* Graph Convolutional Network with Early Attention Module for Skeleton-based Action Prediction, A
* Graph Structured Network for Image-Text Matching
* Gray-scale Character Image Recognition Based on Fuzzy DCT Transform Features
* GRES: Generalized Referring Expression Segmentation
* GriT-DBSCAN: A spatial clustering algorithm for very large databases
* Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations of CHOCHO and HCHO in Beijing and Baoding, China
* Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using High-Resolution FTIR Spectrometry
* H-v2x: A Large Scale Highway Dataset for BEV Perception
* HAM: Hidden Anchor Mechanism for Scene Text Detection
* Handling and Stability Integrated Control of AFS and DYC for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Risk Assessment and Prediction
* Harbor Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Context Features and Reflection Symmetry
* Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retrieval
* Heterogeneous network representation learning based on role feature extraction
* HFF6D: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network for Robust 6D Object Pose Tracking
* Hier R-CNN: Instance-Level Human Parts Detection and A New Benchmark
* Hierarchical Shape Modeling for Automatic Face Localization
* Hierarchical Structure-Based Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Multiple 3-DOF Laboratory Helicopters
* Hierarchical Temporal Attention Network for Thyroid Nodule Recognition Using Dynamic CEUS Imaging
* HiFi-GANw: Watermarked Speech Synthesis via Fine-Tuning of HiFi-GAN
* High-Definition Video Compression System Based on Perception Guidance of Salient Information of a Convolutional Neural Network and HEVC Compression Domain
* High-Quality Video Denoising Algorithm Based on Reliable Motion Estimation, A
* High-Spatial-Resolution Population Exposure to PM2.5 Pollution Based on Multi-Satellite Retrievals: A Case Study of Seasonal Variation in the Yangtze River Delta, China in 2013
* higher-order tensor voting-based approach for road junction detection and delineation from airborne LiDAR data, A
* HLFNet: High-low Frequency Network for Person Re-Identification
* HRVDA: High-Resolution Visual Document Assistant
* Human action recognition using boosted EigenActions
* Human-assisted motion annotation
* Human-Centered Feed-Forward Control of a Vehicle Steering System Based on a Driver's Path-Following Characteristics
* Human-in-the-Loop Video Semantic Segmentation Auto-Annotation
* Hybrid Approach to Trust Node Assessment and Management for VANETs Cooperative Data Communication: Historical Interaction Perspective, A
* Hybrid Cascade Structure for License Plate Detection in Large Visual Surveillance Scenes
* Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection
* Hybrid Method of Connection Evaluation and Framework Optimization for Building Surface Reconstruction
* Hybrid Triple Collocation-Deep Learning Approach for Improving Soil Moisture Estimation from Satellite and Model-Based Data, A
* Hybrid-SAR Technique: Joint Analysis Using Phase-Based and Amplitude-Based Methods for the Xishancun Giant Landslide Monitoring
* HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Training and Compression
* HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
* IAC-ReCAM: Two-dimensional attention modulation and category label guidance for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Identification of O3 Sensitivity to Secondary HCHO and NO2 Measured by MAX-DOAS in Four Cities in China
* Identifying players in broadcast videos using graph convolutional network
* Identifying Potential Landslides in Steep Mountainous Areas Based on Improved Seasonal Interferometry Stacking-InSAR
* ILFO: Adversarial Attack on Adaptive Neural Networks
* Image Compression Framework with Learning-based Filter, An
* Image segmentation framework based on multiple feature spaces
* Image segmentation of mesenchymal stem cells in diverse culturing conditions
* IMITATE: Clinical Prior Guided Hierarchical Vision-Language Pre-Training
* Impact of Imaging Geometry on 3D Geopositioning Accuracy of Stereo Ikonos Imagery
* Impacts of Green Fraction Changes on Surface Temperature and Carbon Emissions: Comparison under Forestation and Urbanization Reshaping Scenarios
* Improved Iterative Reweighted STAP Algorithm for Airborne Radar, An
* Improved Method of Image Recognition with Deep Learning Combined with Attention Mechanism, An
* Improved Model-Based Forest Height Inversion Using Airborne L-Band Repeat-Pass Dual-Baseline Pol-InSAR Data
* Improving LiDAR classification accuracy by contextual label smoothing in post-processing
* Improving the robustness of adversarial attacks using an affine-invariant gradient estimator
* Improving YOLOv5 with Attention Mechanism for Detecting Boulders from Planetary Images
* Inadequate dataset learning for major depressive disorder MRI semantic classification
* Increasing Compactness of Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement Models With Parameter Pruning and Quantization Techniques
* Incremental registration towards large-scale heterogeneous point clouds by hierarchical graph matching
* Indiscernible Object Counting in Underwater Scenes
* Indoor Scene Registration Based on Key Points Sampling and Hierarchical Feature Learning
* Inflight Performance of the TanSat Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Grating Spectrometer
* Influence of Instrumental Line Shape Degradation on the Partial Columns of O3, CO, CH4 and N2O Derived from High-Resolution FTIR Spectrometry, The
* Information Content of Ice Cloud Properties from Multi-Spectral, -Angle and -Polarization Observations
* Information Spatial-Temporal Extension Algorithm for Shipborne Predictions Based on Deep Neural Networks with Remote Sensing Observations: Part I: Ocean Temperature, An
* Innovative Signal Processing Scheme for Spaceborne Integrated GNSS Remote Sensors, An
* Insect Biological Parameter Estimation Based on the Invariant Target Parameters of the Scattering Matrix
* Instance Credibility Inference for Few-Shot Learning
* Instance-Specific Feature Propagation for Referring Segmentation
* Integrated Use of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light and MODIS Data for Monitoring Large-Scale Impervious Surface Dynamics: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta, The
* Integrating Adversarial Generative Network with Variational Autoencoders towards Cross-Modal Alignment for Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Intelligent Grimm: Open-ended Visual Storytelling via Latent Diffusion Models
* Intelligent thermostatic cold storage design strategies based on Monte Carlo and graph neural networks
* Intelligent Tracking Method for Aerial Maneuvering Target Based on Unscented Kalman Filter
* Inter-Region Affinity Distillation for Road Marking Segmentation
* Interactive Image Segmentation Based on Hierarchical Graph-Cut Optimization with Generic Shape Prior
* Intracranial hematoma segmentation on head CT based on multiscale convolutional neural network and transformer
* Inversion of Near-Surface Aerosol Equivalent Complex Refractive Index Based on Aethalometer, Micro-Pulse Lidar and Portable Optical Particle Profiler
* Invertible Image Rescaling
* Invertible Rescaling Network and Its Extensions
* Investigating the Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Trace Gases Using Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations in Nanjing, China
* Investigating the Performance of Carbon Monoxide and Methane Observations from Sentinel-5 Precursor in China
* Investigation on the Relationship between Satellite Air Quality Measurements and Industrial Production by Generalized Additive Modeling
* Ionospheric Plasma Perturbations before a Sequence of Strong Earthquakes in Southeast Asia and Northern Oceania in 2018, The
* Iterative Haze Optimized Transformation for Automatic Cloud/Haze Detection of Landsat Imagery, An
* Joint Inference in Weakly-Annotated Image Datasets via Dense Correspondence
* Jointly optimizing global and local color consistency for multiple image mosaicking
* Kalman Prediction-Based Neighbor Discovery and Its Effect on Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Knowledge Exchange Between Domain-Adversarial and Private Networks Improves Open Set Image Classification
* Kullback-Leibler boosting
* LabelMe video: Building a video database with human annotations
* LAI-Based Phenological Changes and Climate Sensitivity Analysis in the Three-River Headwaters Region
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on Ensemble Learning in the Jiuzhaigou Region, Sichuan, China
* Landslides Information Extraction Using Object-Oriented Image Analysis Paradigm Based on Deep Learning and Transfer Learning
* Language-guided Multi-modal Emotional Mimicry Intensity Estimation
* LaPE: Layer-adaptive Position Embedding for Vision Transformers with Independent Layer Normalization
* Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Based on Semi-Supervised Adversarial Hashing
* LAVENDER: Unifying Video-Language Understanding as Masked Language Modeling
* Layered Scene Decomposition via the Occlusion-CRF
* Learned Video Compression With Residual Prediction And Feature-Aided Loop Filter
* Learning Customized Visual Models with Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge
* Learning Degradation-Unaware Representation with Prior-Based Latent Transformations for Blind Face Restoration
* Learning Diffusion Models for Multi-view Anomaly Detection
* Learning Discriminative Illumination and Filters for Raw Material Classification with Optimal Projections of Bidirectional Texture Functions
* Learning Discriminative Spectral Bands for Material Classification
* Learning Dynamic Alignment via Meta-Filter for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning from the Web: Language Drives Weakly-supervised Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Gaussian Conditional Random Fields for Low-Level Vision
* Learning in Imperfect Environment: Multi-Label Classification with Long-Tailed Distribution and Partial Labels
* Learning Inhomogeneous Gibbs Model of Faces by Minimax Entropy
* Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation
* Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* Learning to Grasp Familiar Objects Based on Experience and Objects' Shape Affordance
* Learning to Learn across Diverse Data Biases in Deep Face Recognition
* Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection
* Learning Transferable Compound Expressions from Masked AutoEncoder Pretraining
* Learning Variance Kernelized Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Legion Sementation For Building Extraction From Lidar Based Dsm Data
* Leveraging Crowdsourced GPS Data for Road Extraction From Aerial Imagery
* LGTrack: Exploiting Local and Global Properties for Robust Visual Tracking
* Lidar Ratio Regional Transfer Method for Extinction Coefficient Accuracy Improvement in Lidar Networks
* Lidar-Observed Diel Vertical Variations of Inland Chlorophyll a Concentration
* Light Field Surface Feature and Spherical Descriptor in the Surface Scale Space
* Light Field Synthesis by Training Deep Network in the Refocused Image Domain
* Lightweight detection network based on receptive-field feature enhancement convolution and three dimensions attention for images captured by UAVs
* Lightweight Multi-Level Information Network for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion, A
* Lightweight Object Detector Based on Spatial-Coordinate Self-Attention for UAV Aerial Images, A
* Limited View Tomographic Reconstruction Using a Cascaded Residual Dense Spatial-Channel Attention Network With Projection Data Fidelity Layer
* Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
* Local Action-guided Motion Diffusion Model for Text-to-motion Generation
* Local Freeman Decomposition for Robust Imaging and Identification of Subsurface Anomalies Using Misaligned Full-Polarimetric GPR Data
* Local Layering for Joint Motion Estimation and Occlusion Detection
* Location and orientation united graph comparison for topographic point cloud change estimation
* Long Coherent Processing Intervals for ISAR Imaging: Combined Complex Signal Kurtosis and Data Resampling
* Low-Complexity Channel-Estimate Based Adaptive Linear Equalizer
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition via the truncated nuclear norm and a sparse regularizer
* LSDIR: A Large Scale Dataset for Image Restoration
* Lung Nodule Segmentation and Uncertain Region Prediction With an Uncertainty-Aware Attention Mechanism
* Making person search enjoy the merits of person re-identification
* Manigaussian: Dynamic Gaussian Splatting for Multi-task Robotic Manipulation
* MannequinChallenge: Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People
* MAP-Gen: An Automated 3D-Box Annotation Flow with Multimodal Attention Point Generator
* Mapping National-Scale Croplands in Pakistan by Combining Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
* Masked Images Are Counterfactual Samples for Robust Fine-Tuning
* MaskGIT: Masked Generative Image Transformer
* Matting and Depth Recovery of Thin Structures Using a Focal Stack
* MCEN: Bridging Cross-Modal Gap between Cooking Recipes and Dish Images with Latent Variable Model
* MCP-Net: Introducing Patlak Loss Optimization to Whole-Body Dynamic PET Inter-Frame Motion Correction
* MCSPF-Net: A Precipitation Forecasting Method Using Multi-Channel Cloud Observations of FY-4A Satellite by 3D Convolution Neural Network
* MDPET: A Unified Motion Correction and Denoising Adversarial Network for Low-Dose Gated PET
* Meta-Analysis and Visualization of the Literature on Early Identification of Flash Floods
* Method for Retrieving Cloud Microphysical Properties Using Combined Measurement of Millimeter-Wave Radar and Lidar, A
* Methods for the Construction and Editing of an Efficient Control Network for the Photogrammetric Processing of Massive Planetary Remote Sensing Images
* MeViS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Video Segmentation with Motion Expressions
* MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection With Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
* Mitigate the classification ambiguity via localization-classification sequence in object detection
* MMFC: Multi-Modal Fusion Cascade Framework for Covid-19 Disease Course Classification
* Mnd: A New Dataset and Benchmark of Movie Scenes Classified by Their Narrative Function
* Modeling Long and Short Term User Preferences by Leveraging Multi-Dimensional Auxiliary Information for Next POI Recommendation
* Modelling heterogeneous traffic dynamics by considering the influence of V2V safety messages
* Modified grey world method to detect and restore colour cast images
* Monitoring Monthly Net-Pen Aquaculture Dynamics of Shallow Lakes Using Sentinel-1 Data: Case Study of Shallow Lakes in Jiangsu Province, China
* MOSE: A New Dataset for Video Object Segmentation in Complex Scenes
* Motion Correction in Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Motion denoising with application to time-lapse photography
* Motion magnification
* Motion Prediction of Beating Heart Using Spatio-Temporal LSTM
* MSSTNet: A Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Prediction Neural Network for Precipitation Nowcasting
* MTGAN: Mask and Texture-driven Generative Adversarial Network for Lung Nodule Segmentation
* Multi-feature Hashing Tracking
* Multi-granularity Interaction Simulation for Unsupervised Interactive Segmentation
* Multi-instance rendering based on dynamic differential surface propagation
* Multi-level context-adaptive correlation tracking
* Multi-modal Information Fusion for Action Unit Detection in the Wild
* Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
* Multi-scale Feature Extraction and Nested-subset Classifier Design for High Accuracy Handwritten Character Recognition
* Multi-Scale Selective Image Texture Smoothing Via Intuitive Single Clicks
* Multi-Scale Ship Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv7 for Complex Scene SAR Images
* Multi-temporal Monitoring of Urban River Water Quality Using UAV-borne Multi-spectral Remote Sensing
* Multichannel guided image filter
* Multimodal Face Spoofing Detection via RGB-D Images
* Multimodal Transformer for Automatic 3D Annotation and Object Detection
* Multipath Mitigation in Single-Frequency Multi-GNSS Tightly Combined Positioning via a Modified Multipath Hemispherical Map Method
* Multiple Resolution Residually Connected Feature Streams for Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation From CT Images
* Multisource Transfer Learning for Cross-Subject EEG Emotion Recognition
* Multiview Image Matching of Optical Satellite and UAV Based on a Joint Description Neural Network
* Multiyear Crop Monitoring Using Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Mutual Learning of Complementary Networks via Residual Correction for Improving Semi-Supervised Classification
* Namer: Non-autoregressive Modeling for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections
* Neural Inertial Localization
* Neural Mean Discrepancy for Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Neural RGB(r)D Sensing: Depth and Uncertainty From a Video Camera
* New Application for PolSAR Imagery in the Field of Moving Target Indication/Ship Detection, A
* New Buffer Strategy for Embedded Video-on-Demand System, A
* New Driver Workload Prediction Using Clustering-Aided Approaches
* new feature selection method based on a validity index of feature subset, A
* New Foreground Segmentation Method for Video Analysis in Different Color Spaces, A
* New GNSS-Derived Water Vapor Tomography Method Based on Optimized Voxel for Large GNSS Network, A
* New Seismic Inversion Scheme Using Fluid Dispersion Attribute for Direct Gas Identification in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, A
* NICGSlowDown: Evaluating the Efficiency Robustness of Neural Image Caption Generation Models
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* NL-CALIC Soft Decoding Using Strict Constrained Wide-Activated Recurrent Residual Network
* No-reference image quality assessment via a dual-branch residual network
* Noise Estimation from a Single Image
* Noise-Induced Improvement of the Parkinsonian State: A Computational Study
* Noise-resistant Deep Metric Learning with Ranking-based Instance Selection
* Non-causal Temporal Prior for Video Deblocking
* Non-Contact Simultaneous Photoplethysmogram and Ballistocardiogram Video Recording towards Real-Time Blood Pressure and Abnormal Heart Rhythm Monitoring
* Non-Rigid Event-by-Event Continuous Respiratory Motion Compensated List-Mode Reconstruction for PET
* Non-uniformity correction for SLM microscopic images
* Noninvasive Mapping of Transmural Potentials During Activation in Swine Hearts From Body Surface Electrocardiograms
* Noninvasive Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Ventricular Activation Sequence From the Inverse Solution of Distributed Equivalent Current Density
* Nonparametric background model based clutter map for X-band marine radar
* Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Label Transfer
* Nonparametric scene parsing: Label transfer via dense scene alignment
* Normalized Projection Models for Geostationary Remote Sensing Satellite: A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis (January 2019)
* Novel and Effective Method to Directly Solve Spectral Clustering, A
* Novel Approach for Permittivity Estimation of Lunar Regolith Using the Lunar Penetrating Radar Onboard Chang'E-4 Rover, A
* novel fast intra algorithm for VVC based on histogram of oriented gradient, A
* novel inheritable color space with application to kinship verification, A
* Novel Sparse Bayesian Space-Time Adaptive Processing Algorithm to Mitigate Off-Grid Effects, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* Object Classification and Grasp Planning Using Visual and Tactile Sensing
* Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Method
* Object motion detection using information theoretic spatio-temporal saliency
* Observations by Ground-Based MAX-DOAS of the Vertical Characters of Winter Pollution and the Influencing Factors of HONO Generation in Shanghai, China
* Occlusion Robust Face Recognition Based on Mask Learning With Pairwise Differential Siamese Network
* Occlusion-robust traffic sign detection via cascaded colour cubic feature
* Occlusion-robust traffic sign detection via cascaded colour cubic feature
* OCONet: Image Extrapolation by Object Completion
* Offshore Bridge Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Water Network Construction Using Markov Tree
* Offshore Oil Platform Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Using Level Set Segmentation of Limited Initial Region and Convolutional Neural Network
* Oil Tank Detection Based on Linear Clustering Saliency Analysis for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Oil Tank Detection Using Co-Spatial Residual and Local Gradation Statistic in SAR Images
* On Bayesian Adaptive Video Super Resolution
* On Secure VANET-Based Ad Dissemination With Pragmatic Cost and Effect Control
* On the Effectiveness of Visible Watermarks
* On the Efficient Implementation of Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based STAP Algorithms
* One class classification-based quality assurance of organs-at-risk delineation in radiotherapy
* Online HOG Method in Pedestrian Tracking
* Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
* Ophnet: A Large-scale Video Benchmark for Ophthalmic Surgical Workflow Understanding
* Optimality Verification of Tensor Completion Model via Self-Validation
* Optimization of Remote-Sensing Image-Segmentation Decoder Based on Multi-Dilation and Large-Kernel Convolution
* Orthogonal Decomposition Network for Pixel-Wise Binary Classification
* Out-of-Candidate Rectification for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Out-of-Distributed Semantic Pruning for Robust Semi-Supervised Learning
* Page Object Detection from PDF Document Images by Deep Structured Prediction and Supervised Clustering
* Pan-Sharpening Using an Efficient Bidirectional Pyramid Network
* Parallel Principal Skewness Analysis and Its Application in Radar Target Detection, A
* Parco: Part-coordinating Text-to-motion Synthesis
* Part-Pose Guided Amur Tiger Re-Identification
* Partial Derivative Guidance for Weak Classifier Mining in Pedestrian Detection
* Partial Hash Update via Hamming Subspace Learning
* Particle Center Supported Plane for Subsurface Target Classification based on Full Polarimetric Ground Penetrating Radar
* PatchMix Augmentation to Identify Causal Features in Few-Shot Learning
* PEAR: Positional-encoded Asynchronous Autoregression for satellite anomaly detection
* Performance Assessment of Landsat-9 Atmospheric Correction Methods in Global Aquatic Systems
* Performance Evaluation and Optimization of 3D Gaussian Splatting in Indoor Scene Generation and Rendering
* Personalized Driver Workload Inference by Learning From Vehicle Related Measurements
* Phenology-Based Rice Paddy Mapping Using Multi-Source Satellite Imagery and a Fusion Algorithm Applied to the Poyang Lake Plain, Southern China
* PhysGAN: Generating Physical-World-Resilient Adversarial Examples for Autonomous Driving
* PiCode: A New Picture-Embedding 2D Barcode
* PlaneNet: Piece-Wise Planar Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
* PlaneRCNN: 3D Plane Detection and Reconstruction From a Single Image
* Plen-VDB: Memory Efficient VDB-Based Radiance Fields for Fast Training and Rendering
* PolGAN: A deep-learning-based unsupervised forest height estimation based on the synergy of PolInSAR and LiDAR data
* PolicyCleanse: Backdoor Detection and Mitigation for Competitive Reinforcement Learning
* Pore and Microfracture Characterization in Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs with a New Rock-Physics-Based Seismic Attribute
* Pose-guided part matching network via shrinking and reweighting for occluded person re-identification
* Practical Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks
* Prediction Model of Maize Field Yield Based on the Fusion of Multitemporal and Multimodal UAV Data: A Case Study in Northeast China, A
* Prediction of Vertical Profile of NO2 Using Deep Multimodal Fusion Network Based on the Ground-Based 3-D Remote Sensing
* Preflight Evaluation of the Performance of the Chinese Environmental Trace Gas Monitoring Instrument (EMI) by Spectral Analyses of Nitrogen Dioxide
* Printer Indexing System for Color Calibration with Applications in Dietary Assessment, A
* Prior-Attention Residual Learning for More Discriminative COVID-19 Screening in CT Images
* Privacy Intelligence: A Survey on Image Privacy in Online Social Networks
* Probabilistic Label Trees for Efficient Large Scale Image Classification
* Probability-Tuned Market-Based Allocations for UAV Swarms Under Unreliable Observations
* Profiling of Dust and Urban Haze Mass Concentrations during the 2019 National Day Parade in Beijing by Polarization Raman Lidar
* Progressive Cluster Purification for Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Prompt-Driven Latent Domain Generalization for Medical Image Classification
* Properties Analysis of Lunar Regolith at Chang'E-4 Landing Site Based on 3D Velocity Spectrum of Lunar Penetrating Radar
* Prototype Mixture Models for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation
* Pyramid Adversarial Training Improves ViT Performance
* QA-Filter: A QP-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network Filter for Video Coding
* Quality-related English text classification based on recurrent neural network
* Quantify the Contribution of Dust and Anthropogenic Sources to Aerosols in North China by Lidar and Validated with CALIPSO
* Quantifying Contributions of Local Emissions and Regional Transport to NOX in Beijing Using TROPOMI Constrained WRF-Chem Simulation
* Quantitative Rotating Multisegment Slant-Hole SPECT Mammography With Attenuation and Collimator-Detector Response Compensation
* Quasi-regular Facade Structure Extraction
* Radar Remote Sensing Applications in Landslide Monitoring With Multi-platform Insar Observations: a Case Study From China
* Rapid Estimation of Road Friction for Anti-Skid Autonomous Driving
* Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting Floorplan Transformation
* RE-Det3D: RoI-enhanced 3D object detector
* Real-Time Camera Tracking Using a Global Localization Scheme
* Real-time geometric fitting and pose estimation for surface of revolution
* Real-Time Pavement Damage Detection With Damage Shape Adaptation
* Real-time visual analysis of microvascular blood flow for critical care
* Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
* Recent Advances on Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification: An Overview and New Guidelines
* ReCo: Region-Controlled Text-to-Image Generation
* Recognizing Materials Using Perceptually Inspired Features
* Recommendations for HCHO and SO2 Retrieval Settings from MAX-DOAS Observations under Different Meteorological Conditions
* Reconstruct Dynamic Soft-Tissue With Stereo Endoscope Based on a Single-Layer Network
* Recovering Historical Film Footage by Processing Microtomographic Images
* Referring Image Editing: Object-Level Image Editing via Referring Expressions
* Refined Tomographic Window for GNSS-Derived Water Vapor Tomography, A
* Regularizing face verification nets for pain intensity regression
* Regularizing Generative Adversarial Networks under Limited Data
* Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Autonomous Driving in General Urban Scenarios, A
* Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing on the Dynamics of Grassland NPP and PUE on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) over Hefei, China with Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry
* Renovating Parsing R-CNN for Accurate Multiple Human Parsing
* Res2-unet: An Enhanced Network for Generalized Nuclear Segmentation in Pathological Images
* Research of Scoliosis Detection Method Based on Kinect
* Research on automatic target detection and recognition based on deep learning
* Research on Positioning and Posing of Mobile Mapping in Metropolis
* Research on Uncertainty of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction: Bibliometrics and Knowledge Graph Analysis
* Residential Area Recognition Using Oscillatory Correlation Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Rethinking the Importance of Quantization Bias, Toward Full Low-Bit Training
* Retinex-Guided Channel Grouping-Based Patch Swap for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* Retrieval of Stratospheric HNO3 and HCl Based on Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
* Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns
* Revealing the Land Subsidence Deceleration in Beijing (China) by Gaofen-3 Time Series Interferometry
* RFNET: Refined Fusion Three-Branch RGB-D Salient Object Detection Network
* RGB-T Saliency Detection via Low-Rank Tensor Learning and Unified Collaborative Ranking
* Road Condition Detection and Emergency Rescue Recognition Using On-Board UAV in the Wildness
* Robust Classification with Convolutional Prototype Learning
* Robust Coding Schemes for Indexing and Retrieval from Large Face Databases
* Robust Deconvolution Method of Airborne LiDAR Waveforms for Dense Point Clouds Generation in Forest, A
* Robust Image Stitching with Multiple Registrations
* Robust Object Tracking via Combining Observation Models
* Robust Parallel Motion Estimation And Mapping With Stereo Cameras In Underground Infrastructure
* Robust Stereoscopic Crosstalk Prediction
* Robust Tracking and Redetection: Collaboratively Modeling the Target and Its Context
* Robust Translational Motion Compensation Method for Moving Target ISAR Imaging Based on Phase Difference-Lv's Distribution and Auto-Cross-Correlation Algorithm, A
* Robust Virtual Unrolling of Historical Parchment XMT Images
* Robust visual tracking based on product sparse coding
* Rough Set Approach to Video Genre Classification, A
* Routing in Internet of Vehicles: A Review
* RSRN: Rich Side-Output Residual Network for Medial Axis Detection
* SA-SatMVS: Slope Feature-Aware and Across-Scale Information Integration for Large-Scale Earth Terrain Multi-View Stereo
* SAR Ship Detection Dataset (SSDD): Official Release and Comprehensive Data Analysis
* Satellite Observations Reveal Northward Vegetation Greenness Shifts in the Greater Mekong Subregion over the Past 23 Years
* Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Scale-Residual Learning Network for Scene Text Detection
* ScaleNet: Guiding Object Proposal Generation in Supermarkets and Beyond
* Scene Collaging: Analysis and Synthesis of Natural Images with Semantic Layers
* Scene Understanding in Deep Learning-Based End-to-End Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles
* Scheme for the Long-Term Monitoring of Impervious-Relevant Land Disturbances Using High Frequency Landsat Archives and the Google Earth Engine, A
* Sea-Crossing Bridge Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Windowed Level Set Segmentation and Polarization Parameter Discrimination
* SeaDroneSim: Simulation of Aerial Images for Detection of Objects Above Water
* Segmentation-Free PVC for Cardiac SPECT Using a Densely-Connected Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Network
* Selective Complementary Features For Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Self-Alignment for Black-Box Domain Adaptation of Image Classification
* Self-distillation with beta label smoothing-based cross-subject transfer learning for P300 classification
* Self-Fluence-Compensated Functional Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Self-Supervised Colorization Towards Monochrome-Color Camera Systems Using Cycle CNN
* Self-supervised feature-gate coupling for dynamic network pruning
* Self-supervised Learning of Visual Graph Matching
* Self-Supervised Learning on 3D Point Clouds by Learning Discrete Generative Models
* Semantic Alignment Network for Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition
* Semi-Supervised Deep Coupled Ensemble Learning With Classification Landmark Exploration
* SEMv2: Table separation line detection based on instance segmentation
* Service-Based Approach to Traffic Sensor Data Integration and Analysis to Support Community-Wide Green Commute in China, A
* Shedding light on images: Multi-level image brightness enhancement guided by arbitrary references
* Ship detection in harbor area in SAR images based on constructing an accurate sea-clutter model
* Short-Term Strong Wind Risk Prediction for High-Speed Railway
* Siamese Visual Tracking with Dual-Pipeline Correlated Fusion Network
* Sibling-Attack: Rethinking Transferable Adversarial Attacks against Face Recognition
* SIFT flow based genetic fisher vector feature for kinship verification
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and Its Applications
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and its Applications R
* Sign Spotting via Multi-modal Fusion and Testing Time Transferring
* Single Image Colorization Via Modified Cyclegan
* Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivariate Gaussian Take
* Single-Difference Multipath Hemispherical Map for Multipath Mitigation in BDS-2/BDS-3 Short Baseline Positioning, A
* Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT Volume
* SLIDE: Single Image 3D Photography with Soft Layering and Depth-aware Inpainting
* Snow Coverage Mapping by Learning from Sentinel-2 Satellite Multispectral Images via Machine Learning Algorithms
* Snow depth retrieval method for PolSAR data using multi-parameters snow backscattering model
* Socio-Ecological Vulnerability in Aba Prefecture, Western Sichuan Plateau: Evaluation, Driving Forces and Scenario Simulation
* SOD-YOLO: Small-Object-Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv8 for UAV Images
* SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line Drawings
* Sparse Frequency Diverse MIMO Radar Imaging for Off-Grid Target Based on Adaptive Iterative MAP
* Sparse Subspace Clustering With Sequentially Ordered and Weighted L1-Minimization†
* Sparse, Smart Contours to Represent and Edit Images
* Spatial Population Distribution Data Disaggregation Based on SDGSAT-1 Nighttime Light and Land Use Data Using Guilin, China, as an Example
* Spatial-Temporal Cascade Autoencoder for Video Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Spatially Consistent Transformer for Colorization in Monochrome-Color Dual-Lens System
* Spatially Explicit Model for Statistical Downscaling of Satellite Passive Microwave Soil Moisture
* Spatio-temporal Scenario Model for Emergency Decision, A
* Spatio-Temporal Unequal Interval Correlation-Aware Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Hazard Assessments of Maize (Zea mays L.) Drought and Waterlogging: A Case Study in Songliao Plain of China
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Freeze-Thawing Erosion in the Source Regions of the Chin-Sha, Ya-Lung and Lantsang Rivers on the Basis of GIS
* Spatiotemporal Dilated Convolutional Generative Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, A
* Spatiotemporal Distribution, Sources, and Impact on Atmospheric Oxidation of Reactive Nitrogen Oxides in the North China Plain Agricultural Regions in Summer
* Spatiotemporal Distribution, Sources, and Impact on Atmospheric Oxidation of Reactive Nitrogen Oxides in the North China Plain Agricultural Regions in Summer
* Spatiotemporal Variations and Characteristics of CO, H2CO and HCN Emissions from Biomass Burning Monitored by FTIR Spectroscopy
* SPECT bone scan image classification by fusing multi-attention mechanism with deep residual networks
* Spectral and Spatial Feature Integrated Ensemble Learning Method for Grading Urban River Network Water Quality
* Speech4Mesh: Speech-Assisted Monocular 3D Facial Reconstruction for Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation
* Spherical parameter detection based on hierarchical Hough transform
* SplitNets: Designing Neural Architectures for Efficient Distributed Computing on Head-Mounted Systems
* Stable Sensorless Localization of 3-D Objects
* Standoff Chemical Detection Using Laser Absorption Spectroscopy: A Review
* STDFormer: Spatial-Temporal Motion Transformer for Multiple Object Tracking
* Stereo Video Object Segmentation Using Stereoscopic Foreground Trajectories
* Stochastic Classifiers for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Structured Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* Study of the Profile Distribution of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient and Secchi Disk Depth in the Northwestern South China Sea
* Study on Synthetic Face Database for Performance Evaluation
* Survey of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Applications for Flash Floods, A
* Susceptibility Assessment of Flash Floods: A Bibliometrics Analysis and Review
* Susceptibility Evaluation And Mapping Of China's Landslide Disaster Based On Multi-temporal Ground And Remote Sensing Satellite Data
* Talking-head Generation with Rhythmic Head Motion
* TANet: Transformer-based asymmetric network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Temporal Attention Network for Action Proposal
* Tensor Modeling Based For Airborne Lidar Data Classification
* Tensor Recovery Based on a Novel Non-Convex Function Minimax Logarithmic Concave Penalty Function
* Tensor-Based Sparse Representation Classification for Urban Airborne LiDAR Points
* Tensorial bipartite graph clustering based on logarithmic coupled penalty
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* TEXDC: Text-driven Disease-aware 4d Cardiac Cine MRI Images Generation
* Text-Guided Unsupervised Latent Transformation for Multi-Attribute Image Manipulation
* TextDragon: An End-to-End Framework for Arbitrary Shaped Text Spotting
* Textual Grounding for Open-vocabulary Visual Information Extraction in Layout-Diversified Documents
* Thematic Content and Visualization Strategy for Map Design of City-Specific Culture Based on Local Chronicles: A Case Study of Dengfeng City, China
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings in Vehicle-Mounted LiDAR Point Clouds
* Time Lag and Cumulative Effects of Extreme Climate on Coastal Vegetation in China
* Time Lag Effects and Interaction among Climate, Soil Moisture, and Vegetation from In Situ Monitoring Measurements across China, The
* Topographic Analysis of Chang'e-4 Landing Site Using Orbital, Descent And Ground Data
* Topographic Mapping with Manipulator Arm Camera In Lunar Sample Return Mission
* TopoSeg: Topology-Aware Nuclear Instance Segmentation
* Toward Interactive Image Inpainting via Robust Sketch Refinement
* Toward Occlusion Handling in Visual Tracking via Probabilistic Finite State Machines
* Towards 3D Reconstruction of Multi-Shaped Tunnels Utilizing Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Towards a Deep-Learning-Based Framework of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Automated Active Fire Detection
* Towards Effective Adversarial Textured 3D Meshes on Physical Face Recognition
* Towards Enhancing Fine-grained Details for Image Matting
* Towards Fine-Grained Human Pose Transfer With Detail Replenishing Network
* Towards Longer Long-Range Motion Trajectories
* Towards Modern Image Manipulation Localization: A Large-Scale Dataset and Novel Methods
* Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype learning
* Towards Real-World Burst Image Super-Resolution: Benchmark and Method
* Towards Robust Pattern Recognition: A Review
* Tracker Evaluation for Small Object Tracking
* Transferable Adversarial Attacks Against ASR
* Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Sequestration Estimation of Crops in Farmland Ecosystem, A
* Trend Analysis of Relationship between Primary Productivity, Precipitation and Temperature in Inner Mongolia
* TriangleConv: A Deep Point Convolutional Network for Recognizing Building Shapes in Map Space
* triangular radial cubic spline deformation model for efficient 3D beating heart tracking, A
* two-stage approach for road marking extraction and modeling using MLS point clouds, A
* Two-stage Deep Domain Adaptation Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* two-stage hue-preserving and saturation improvement color image enhancement algorithm without gamut problem, A
* Two-Step Approach to Hallucinating Faces: Global Parametric Model and Local Nonparametric Model, A
* TX-CNN: Detecting tuberculosis in chest X-ray images using convolutional neural network
* UATVR: Uncertainty-Adaptive Text-Video Retrieval
* UAV- and Machine Learning-Based Retrieval of Wheat SPAD Values at the Overwintering Stage for Variety Screening
* UL-Isomap based nonlinear dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral imagery classification
* Underwater image colour constancy based on DSNMF
* Unified Contrastive Learning in Image-Text-Label Space
* Unifying Convolution and Transformer for Efficient Concealed Object Detection in Passive Millimeter-Wave Images
* Unity Style Transfer for Person Re-Identification
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Estimation of Turbulent Heat Fluxes in the Sub-Surface of Urban Forests Using an Improved Semi-Empirical Triangle Method, The
* Unsupervised change detection of remote sensing images using superpixel segmentation and variational Gaussian mixture model
* Unsupervised Classification of Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data Using Spatially Variant Wishart Mixture Model with Double Constraints
* Unsupervised discriminative feature learning via finding a clustering-friendly embedding space
* Unsupervised Joint Object Discovery and Segmentation in Internet Images
* Unsupervised Port Detection Method in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Three-Component Decomposition and Multi-Scale Thresholding Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised self-attention lightweight photo-to-sketch synthesis with feature maps
* Urban Change Detection Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory for Multitemporal Very High-Resolution Imagery
* Urban Land Cover Classification of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery Using a Relation-Enhanced Multiscale Convolutional Network
* Using Attributes Explicitly Reflecting User Preference in a Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
* Using Knowledge Graphs to Analyze the Characteristics and Trends of Forest Carbon Storage Research at the Global Scale
* Using Simulated Training Data of Voxel-Level Generative Models to Improve 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* Using Surface Stations to Improve Sounding Retrievals from Hyperspectral Infrared Instruments
* Using Surface Stations to Improve Sounding Retrievals from Hyperspectral Infrared Instruments
* Using Tucker Decomposition to Compress Color Images
* V2VR: Reliable Hybrid-Network-Oriented V2V Data Transmission and Routing Considering RSUs and Connectivity Probability
* Valence and Arousal Estimation based on Multimodal Temporal-Aware Features for Videos in the Wild
* Validation of Water Vapor Vertical Distributions Retrieved from MAX-DOAS over Beijing, China
* Variational Model for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects With Additive Intensity Value, A
* Variational Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal With a Gray Haze-Line Prior
* Variational Textured Dirichlet Process Mixture Model With Pairwise Constraint for Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images
* Variations of Urban NO2 Pollution during the COVID-19 Outbreak and Post-Epidemic Era in China: A Synthesis of Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements
* Vehicle Re-identification with the Space-Time Prior
* Vehicle Trajectory Data Mining for Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Traffic Information Extraction
* Vehicle-Bicyclist Dynamic Position Extracted From Naturalistic Driving Videos
* Video Playback Rate Perception for Self-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning
* Video Super-Resolution Based on Inter-Frame Information Utilization for Intelligent Transportation
* Video-Text as Game Players: Hierarchical Banzhaf Interaction for Cross-Modal Representation Learning
* Viewpoint-aware Channel-wise Attentive Network for Vehicle Re-identification
* Vigilance Estimation Using a Wearable EOG Device in Real Driving Environment
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results
* Vision-Language Navigation with Random Environmental Mixup
* Vision-Language Transformer and Query Generation for Referring Segmentation
* Visual Tracking by Structurally Optimizing Pre-Trained CNN
* VLT: Vision-Language Transformer and Query Generation for Referring Segmentation
* Weak-structure-aware visual object tracking with bottom-up and top-down context exploration
* Weighted Contrastive Prototype Network for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification with Noisy Labels
* weighted edge-based level set method based on multi-local statistical information for noisy image segmentation, A
* Weighted-Time-Lag Method to Detect Lag Vegetation Response to Climate Variation: A Case Study in Loess Plateau, China, 1982-2013, A
* When 3D Bounding-Box Meets SAM: Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Weak-and-Noisy Supervision
* Window-aware guided image filtering via local entropy
* WindTrans: Transformer-Based Wind Speed Forecasting Method for High-Speed Railway
Includes: Liu, C.[Changkun] Liu, C.[Chun] Liu, C.[Chang] Liu, C. Liu, C.[Chao] Liu, C.[Chuntao] Liu, C.[Cong] Liu, C.[Chongyu] Liu, C.[Chaoyu] Liu, C.[Cuiwei] Liu, C.[Can] Liu, C.[Cheng] Liu, C.[Chi] Liu, C.[Changhui] Liu, C.[Ce] Liu, C.[Cai] Liu, C.[Chuang] Liu, C.[Chen] Liu, C.[Chaohu] Liu, C.[Chuansheng] Liu, C.[Chong] Liu, C.[Chenzhi] Liu, C.[Chengkang] Liu, C.[Chengbao] Liu, C.[Chuan] Liu, C.[Changlong] Liu, C.[Chonghua] Liu, C.[Chengyu] Liu, C.[Chunrui] Liu, C.[Caiyuan] Liu, C.[Cen] Liu, C.[Chuaniian] Liu, C.[Cuishan] Liu, C.[Chongbin] Liu, C.[Chuanhe] Liu, C.[Congliang] Liu, C.[Chenming] Liu, C.[Chuancai] Liu, C.[Chengju] Liu, C.[Conan] Liu, C.[Chongpei] Liu, C.[ChuanMing] Liu, C.[Che] Liu, C.[Chanjuan] Liu, C.[Changyu] Liu, C.[Chuanqi] Liu, C.[Chieh] Liu, C.[Changshuo] Liu, C.[Changliu] Liu, C.[Chaodie] Liu, C.[Chendi] Liu, C.[Chenbin] Liu, C.[Celong] Liu, C.[Cunliang] Liu, C.[Chenhua] Liu, C.[Chang'an] Liu, C.[Chunbo] Liu, C.[Chenli] Liu, C.[Cunjia] Liu, C.[ChengYang] Liu, C.[Chiao] Liu, C.[Chris] Liu, C.[Chengyun]
814 for Liu, C.
Liu, C.A.[Chang An]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of the X- and C-Band Polarimetric SAR Data for Plastic-Mulched Farmland Classification
Includes: Liu, C.A.[Chang An] Liu, C.A.[Chang-An]
Liu, C.B.[Chuan Bin]
Co Author Listing * Bilateral Temporal Re-Aggregation for Weakly-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Current Status and Challenges of BDS Satellite Precise Orbit Products: From a View of Independent SLR Validation
* Dynamic Textures Synthesis as Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Traversing
* Exploring Explicitly Disentangled Features for Domain Generalization
* Hip Landmark Detection With Dependency Mining in Ultrasound Image
* Law Is Order: Protecting Multimedia Network Transmission by Game Theory and Mechanism Design
* Learning Cross-Channel Representations for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Nonlinear Manifolds from Time Series
* model for dynamic shape and its applications, A
* Object Tracking Using Globally Coordinated Nonlinear Manifolds
* Prototypical Matching Networks for Video Object Segmentation
* Recombining Vision Transformer Architecture for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* Self-Supervised Attention Mechanism for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment With Efficient Weak Annotation
* Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on UAV RGB and Multispectral Data
* Video Frame-wise Explanation Driven Contrastive Learning for Procedural Text Generation
* Vision based fire detection
Includes: Liu, C.B.[Chuan Bin] Liu, C.B.[Chuan-Bin] Liu, C.B.[Cheng-Bo] Liu, C.B.[Che-Bin] Liu, C.B.[Cheng-Bao] Liu, C.B.[Chang-Bin] Liu, C.B.[Chuan-Bo]
16 for Liu, C.B.
Liu, C.C.[Chien Chih]
Co Author Listing * Acceleration and Implementation of JPEG2000 Encoder on TI DSP Platform
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Optical Imagery Based on Level of Detail (LOD)
* Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Green Space Information Based on Gaofen 7: Considering Beijing's Fifth Ring Area as an Example
* Application of wavelet packet transform in the knock detection of gasoline engines
* Authentication of lossy compressed video data by semi-fragile watermarking
* Beyond Short-Term Snippet: Video Relation Detection With Spatio-Temporal Global Context
* CanBiPT: Cancelable biometrics with physical template
* Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence System for Large-Scale Arrhythmia Screening
* Clouds Classification from Sentinel-2 Imagery with Deep Residual Learning and Semantic Image Segmentation
* Clustering of temporal gene expression data by regularized spline regression and an energy based similarity measure
* Colorization Based Animation Broadcast System with Traitor Tracing Capability, A
* Consecutive Dual-Vortex Interactions between Quadruple Typhoons Noru, Kulap, Nesat and Haitang during the 2017 North Pacific Typhoon Season
* Contourlet Domain Multiband Deblurring Based on Color Correlation for Fluid Lens Cameras
* Data Protection in Palmprint Recognition via Dynamic Random Invisible Watermark Embedding
* Design of an optimal nearest neighbor classifier using an intelligent genetic algorithm
* Dynamic Dual-Graph Fusion Convolutional Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Evolution modeling with multi-scale smoothing for action recognition
* Face Recognition Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Features
* Fine-Grained Attention and Feature-Sharing Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Floating Xylene Spill Segmentation from Ultraviolet Images via Target Enhancement
* Flood Prevention and Emergency Response System Powered by Google Earth Engine
* Fuzzy maximal marginal embedding and its application
* High Cognitive Load Assessment in Drivers Through Wireless Electroencephalography and the Validation of a Modified N-Back Task
* Image Thresholding Method Based on Human Visual Perception, An
* Image understanding based on histogram of contrast
* Improved Parameter Estimation Method for High-Efficiency Multi-GNSS-Integrated Orbit Determination, An
* Influences of the Shadow Inventory on a Landslide Susceptibility Model
* Instability Index Derived from a Landslide Inventory for Watershed Stability Assessment and Mapping
* Investigating Size Personalization for More Accurate Eye Tracking Glasses
* Iterative optimization for frame-by-frame object pose tracking
* low-complexity data-adaptive approach for premature ventricular contraction recognition, A
* Mapping Pure Mangrove Patches in Small Corridors and Sandbanks Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mitosis event recognition and detection based on evolution of feature in time domain
* Modified Bowen ratio method in near-sea-surface air temperature estimation by using satellite data
* Multi-band color image deblurring using contourlets for fluid lens camera systems
* Multi-Granularity Interaction for Multi-Person 3D Motion Prediction
* Near Real-Time Browsable Landsat-8 Imagery
* NeuralFP: Out-of-distribution Detection using Fingerprints of Neural Networks
* novel license plate location method based on wavelet transform and EMD analysis, A
* Object recognition using Gabor co-occurrence similarity
* outdoor time scenes simulation scheme based on support vector regression with radial basis function on DCT domain, An
* Overcoming Noisy and Irrelevant Data in Federated Learning
* Physics-Informed DeepMRI: k-Space Interpolation Meets Heat Diffusion
* Potential Associations between Low-Level Jets and Intraseasonal and Semi-Diurnal Variations in Coastal Chlorophyll: A over the Beibuwan Gulf, South China Sea
* Priori Solar Radiation Pressure Model for BeiDou-3 MEO Satellites, A
* Processing of FORMOSAT-2 Daily Revisit Imagery for Site Surveillance
* Providing Unequal Reliability for Transmitting Layered Video Streams over Wireless Networks by Multi-ARQ Schemes
* Rapid Response to a Typhoon-Induced Flood with an SAR-Derived Map of Inundated Areas: Case Study and Validation
* Recurrent Attentive Zooming for Joint Crowd Counting and Precise Localization
* Responding to natural disasters with satellite imagery
* Season-Dependent Distributions and Profiles of Seven Super-Typhoons (2014) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean From Satellite Cloud Images
* Smart Driver Monitoring: When Signal Processing Meets Human Factors: In the driver's seat
* Sparse Embedding Visual Attention Systems Combined with Edge Information
* Spatial Patterns of the Spread of COVID-19 in Singapore and the Influencing Factors
* theoretic framework of local weighted approximation for microarray missing value estimation, The
* Two dimensional hashing for visual tracking
* Unsupervised range-constrained thresholding
* Vicarious Calibration of the Formosat-2 Remote Sensing Instrument
* Wavelet-based image watermarking with visibility range estimation based on HVS and neural networks
Includes: Liu, C.C.[Chien Chih] Liu, C.C.[Chien-Chih] Liu, C.C.[Cheng-Chien] Liu, C.C.[Chen-Chen] Liu, C.C.[Cheng-Cai] Liu, C.C.[Cheng-Chieh] Liu, C.C.[Cheng-Cheng] Liu, C.C.[Cyuan-Cin] Liu, C.C.[Chao-Chun] Liu, C.C.[Chih-Chieh] Liu, C.C.[Chung-Chih] Liu, C.C.[Chun-Chen] Liu, C.C.[Chia-Cheng] Liu, C.C.[Cong-Cong] Liu, C.C.[Chuan-Cai] Liu, C.C. Liu, C.C.[Chuang-Chuang] Liu, C.C.[Cai-Cai] Liu, C.C.[Chia-Chen] Liu, C.C.[Chang-Chun] Liu, C.C.[Chang-Chang] Liu, C.C.[Chen-Chung] Liu, C.C.[Chih-Chin] Liu, C.C.[Chi-Chih]
59 for Liu, C.C.
Liu, C.C.A.[Chih Chi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Rotation invariant texture classification using covariance
Includes: Liu, C.C.A.[Chih Chi Ang] Liu, C.C.A.[Chih-Chi-Ang]
Liu, C.D.[Chang Da]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Refraction Correction: Assisted Bathymetric Inversion Using ICESat-2 and Multispectral Data
* daily behavior enabled hidden Markov model for human behavior understanding, A
* Enhancing Inter-Class Separability With High-Order Strangers for Multi-View Clustering
* Explore-Exploit Graph Traversal for Image Retrieval
* Flight Experiment Validation of Altitude Measurement Performance of MOSIR on Tianwen-1 Orbiter
* Hierarchical Supervision and Shuffle Data Augmentation for 3D Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* SS3D: Sparsely-Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud
* Structure-Aware Image Resizing for Chinese Characters
* Video analysis boosts healthcare efficiency and safety
Includes: Liu, C.D.[Chang Da] Liu, C.D.[Chang-Da] Liu, C.D.[Chin-De] Liu, C.D.[Chun-Dan] Liu, C.D.[Chun-Di] Liu, C.D.[Chen-Di] Liu, C.D.[Chuan-Dong] Liu, C.D.[Cheng-Dong]
9 for Liu, C.D.
Liu, C.F.[Cheng Fei]
Co Author Listing * Collective spatial keyword search on activity trajectories
* Comparison on Quantitative Analysis of Olivine Using MarSCoDe Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in a Simulated Martian Atmosphere
* Dielectric Properties of Lunar Materials at the Chang'e-4 Landing Site
* Identification of Lunar Craters in the Chang'e-5 Landing Region Based on Kaguya TC Morning Map
* Meta-Calib: A generic, robust and accurate camera calibration framework with ArUco-encoded meta-board
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Pretraining Based on Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* Pattern of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Pollutants during 2013 in Shenzhen, China
* Personalized recommendation of collective points-of-interest with preference and context awareness
* S2R-tree: a pivot-based indexing structure for semantic-aware spatial keyword search
* VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results
Includes: Liu, C.F.[Cheng Fei] Liu, C.F.[Cheng-Fei] Liu, C.F.[Chong-Fei] Liu, C.F.[Chao-Fei] Liu, C.F.[Chang-Feng] Liu, C.F.[Chen-Fang] Liu, C.F.[Chan-Fang] Liu, C.F.[Chen-Feng]
12 for Liu, C.F.
Liu, C.G.[Chen Guang]
Co Author Listing * Articulated human pose tracking based on game theory
* Bias-Based Soft Label Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* Comparative Analysis of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Atmospheric Duct Inversion Using Automatic Identification System Signals
* Crowd Descriptors and Interpretable Gathering Understanding
* DCDR-UNet: Deformable Convolution Based Detail Restoration via U-shape Network for Single Image HDR Reconstruction
* Distribution Pattern of Coseismic Landslides Triggered by the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Ms 7.0 Earthquake of China: Control of Seismic Landslide Susceptibility
* Efficient-HDRTV: Efficient SDR to HDR Conversion for HDR TV
* Experimental Analysis of Atmospheric Ducts and Navigation Radar Over-the-Horizon Detection
* high-performance and lightweight framework for real-time facial expression recognition, A
* High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Uneven Gas Hydrate Reservoir: A Case in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
* Hybrid Physics-Learning Model Based Predictive Control for Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* LSDSAR, a Markovian a contrario framework for line segment detection in SAR images
* Mathematical Assessment of the Effects of Substituting the Band Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) for the Spectral RTE in the Applications of Earth's Surface Temperature Retrievals from Spaceborne Infrared Imageries
* On Characteristics and Mixing Effects of Internal Solitary Waves in the Northern Yellow Sea as Revealed by Satellite and In Situ Observations
* Short-term railway passenger demand forecast using improved Wasserstein generative adversarial nets and web search terms
* Training CNNs on speckled optical dataset for edge detection in SAR images
* VLW-NET: A Very Light-weight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Single Image Dehazing
* YOLC: You Only Look Clusters for Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images
Includes: Liu, C.G.[Chen Guang] Liu, C.G.[Chen-Guang] Liu, C.G.[Cheng-Guang] Liu, C.G.[Cheng-Guo] Liu, C.G.[Chun-Guo] Liu, C.G.[Cheng-Gong] Liu, C.G.[Chun-Guang] Liu, C.G.[Chang-Gen]
18 for Liu, C.G.
Liu, C.H.[Cheng Hsiung]
Co Author Listing * 3D Curved Object Recognition from Multiple 2D Camera Views
* Adaptive Spatial-BCE Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Task Sampling for Meta-learning
* Beyond Triplet Loss: Person Re-Identification With Fine-Grained Difference-Aware Pairwise Loss
* Borrowing Knowledge From Pre-trained Language Model: A New Data-efficient Visual Learning Paradigm
* Causality Inspired Representation Learning for Domain Generalization
* Cloud-Based Actor Identification With Batch-Orthogonal Local-Sensitive Hashing and Sparse Representation
* CMONOC II Common Mode Error Analysis and Structural Region Division Research
* CoinSeg: Contrast Inter- and Intra- Class Representations for Incremental Segmentation
* Context Visual Information-based Deliberation Network for Video Captioning
* Continual Learning, Fast and Slow
* Convolutional neural random fields for action recognition
* Critical Review of Advanced Electric Machines and Control Strategies for Electric Vehicles, A
* Cross-Modal Food Retrieval: Learning a Joint Embedding of Food Images and Recipes With Semantic Consistency and Attention Mechanism
* DA-cGAN: A Framework for Indoor Radio Design Using a Dimension-Aware Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Deep Residual Correction Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Diagnostics of Es Layer Scintillation Observations Using FS3/COSMIC Data: Dependence on Sampling Spatial Scale
* DipG-Seg: Fast and Accurate Double Image-Based Pixel-Wise Ground Segmentation
* DRNet: Double Recalibration Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Dynamic Domain Adaptation for Efficient Inference
* Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* ERN: Edge Loss Reinforced Semantic Segmentation Network for Remote Sensing Images
* Fast Algorithm of Passive Bistatic Radar Detection Based on Batches Processing of Sparse Representation and Recovery
* FOX-NAS: Fast, On-device and Explainable Neural Architecture Search
* Generalized Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network
* Haze removal for unmanned aerial vehicle aerial video based on spatial-temporal coherence optimisation
* High-Resolution Daily Spatiotemporal Distribution and Evaluation of Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on TROPOMI Data
* Highly Parallel Rate-Distortion Optimized Intra-Mode Decision on Multicore Graphics Processors
* Hybrid Vehicular Crowdsourcing With Driverless Cars: Challenges and a Solution
* Ink Flow Patterns In Multi Color Inkjet Images And Their Impact On Graininess Noise
* Is face recognition in pictures affected by the center of projection?
* latent topic-aware network for dense video captioning, A
* Learning Component-Level Sparse Representation for Image and Video Categorization
* Learning Cross-Modal Embeddings With Adversarial Networks for Cooking Recipes and Food Images
* Learning modulation filter networks for weak signal detection in noise
* Lighting direction affects recognition of untextured faces in photographic positive and negative
* Link Ecological and Social Composite Systems to Construct Sustainable Landscape Patterns: A New Framework Based on Ecosystem Service Flows
* MetaSAug: Meta Semantic Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Model Level Ensemble for Facial Action Unit Recognition at the 3rd ABAW Challenge
* Movies2Scenes: Using Movie Metadata to Learn Scene Representation
* MSNet: A novel end-to-end single image dehazing network with multiple inter-scale dense skip-connections
* Multi-Station and Multi-Instrument Observations of F-Region Irregularities in the Taiwan-Philippines Sector
* Multi-task Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition In-the-wild
* novel in-loop filter based on CLDT masking effect model for HEVC, A
* NUTA: Non-uniform Temporal Aggregation for Action Recognition
* On the Difficulty of Unpaired Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation: Fine-Grained Content-Rich Patches Transfer
* Optimal feature combination analysis for crowd saliency prediction
* PAPR: Training-free One-step Patch Pruning with Lightweight Convnets for Faster Inference
* Participant Selection for Federated Learning With Heterogeneous Data in Intelligent Transport System
* Patterns and Mechanisms of Residential Mobility in Nanjing, China: Insights from the Mantel Test, The
* PedCross: Pedestrian Crossing Prediction for Auto-Driving Bus
* Phase retrieval on annular and annular sector pupils by using the eigenfunction method to solve the transport of intensity equation
* Progressive Band Processing of Constrained Energy Minimization for Subpixel Detection
* PseudoProp: Robust Pseudo-Label Generation for Semi-Supervised Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems
* Rate adaptation for dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP in content distribution network
* Refined Intelligent Landslide Identification Based on Multi-Source Information Fusion
* robust tracking method based on the correlation filter and correcting strategy, A
* Safety effect analysis of motorcycle V2I collision warning system
* Seasonal Surface Fluctuation of a Slow-Moving Landslide Detected by Multitemporal Interferometry (MTI) on the Huafan University Campus, Northern Taiwan
* Segmentation and Classification of Mixed Text/Graphics/Image Documents
* Selective Feature Compression for Efficient Activity Recognition Inference
* Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
* SePiCo: Semantic-Guided Pixel Contrast for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Social-Aware Incentive Mechanism for Vehicular Crowdsensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Spectral Eigen Index: Military vehicle fingerprinting using Eigen analysis in spectral domain
* SSCAP: Self-supervised Co-occurrence Action Parsing for Unsupervised Temporal Action Segmentation
* SSVOD: Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection with Sparse Annotations
* Structure Fusion for Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Aneurysm Based on Deep Residual Networks
* Towards Fewer Annotations: Active Learning via Region Impurity and Prediction Uncertainty for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Training With Uncertain Annotations for Semantic Segmentation of Basal Cell Carcinoma From Full-Field OCT Images
* Transferable Semantic Augmentation for Domain Adaptation
* TubeR: Tubelet Transformer for Video Action Detection
* Two-level optimized tone mapping for high dynamic range images
* Urban Feature Extraction within a Complex Urban Area with an Improved 3D-CNN Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* VidTr: Video Transformer Without Convolutions
* Vision-Based Pipeline for Vehicle Counting, Speed Estimation, and Classification, A
Includes: Liu, C.H.[Cheng Hsiung] Liu, C.H.[Cheng-Hsiung] Liu, C.H.[Chi Harold] Liu, C.H.[Cheng-Hao] Liu, C.H.[Chang-Hong] Liu, C.H.[Chen-Hui] Liu, C.H.[Cai-Hua] Liu, C.H.[Chun-Hua] Liu, C.H.[Chun-Hao] Liu, C.H.[Chao-Han] Liu, C.H.[Chun-Hui] Liu, C.H.[Chun-Heng] Liu, C.H.[Chia-Hsiang] Liu, C.H.[Chun Hung] Liu, C.H. Liu, C.H.[Chang Hong] Liu, C.H.[Chao-Hsien] Liu, C.H.[Chuan-He] Liu, C.H.[Chong-Hua] Liu, C.H.[Ching-Hao] Liu, C.H.[Chang-Hai] Liu, C.H.[Chun-Hong] Liu, C.H.[Chin-Hung] Liu, C.H.[Che-Hsin] Liu, C.H.[Chi-Him] Liu, C.H.[Chang-Hua] Liu, C.H.[Chih-Hao] Liu, C.H.[Cheng-Huan]
76 for Liu, C.H.
Liu, C.J.[Chuan Jin]
Co Author Listing * 8 January 2022, Menyuan Earthquake in Qinghai, China: A Representative Event in the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault Zone Observed Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images, The
* Application of Synthetic NDVI Time Series Blended from Landsat and MODIS Data for Grassland Biomass Estimation
* Bayes Decision Rule Induced Similarity Measures, The
* Bayesian Discriminating Features Method for Face Detection, A
* Boosting Semantic Segmentation from the Perspective of Explicit Class Embeddings
* Capitalize on Dimensionality Increasing Techniques for Improving Face Recognition Grand Challenge Performance
* Clarification of Assumptions in the Relationship between the Bayes Decision Rule and the Whitened Cosine Similarity Measure
* Classification for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using a Fully Convolutional Network
* CLIPose: Category-Level Object Pose Estimation With Pre-Trained Vision-Language Knowledge
* Clustering-Based Discriminant Analysis for Eye Detection
* Color space normalization: Enhancing the discriminating power of color spaces for face recognition
* Comparative Assessment of Content-Based Face Image Retrieval in Different Color Spaces
* Comparative Performance Evaluation of Gray-Scale and Color Information for Face Recognition Tasks
* Complex Gaussian Mixture Model for fingerprint minutiae
* Contrastive 3D Human Skeleton Action Representation Learning via CrossMoCo With Spatiotemporal Occlusion Mask Data Augmentation
* Convolutional Neural Network for Larger JPEG Images Steganalysis
* Cross Disciplinary Biometric Systems
* Data Hiding in H.264/AVC Video Files Using the Coded Block Pattern
* Data-Free Learning of Student Networks
* Discriminant analysis and similarity measure
* discriminant color space method for face representation and verification on a large-scale database, A
* DR-Block: Convolutional Dense Reparameterization for CNN Generalization Free Improvement
* Embedding Strategy for Batch Adaptive Steganography
* Enhanced Fisher Linear Discriminant Models for Face Recognition
* Enhancement of low visibility aerial images using histogram truncation and an explicit Retinex representation for balancing contrast and color consistency
* Estimation of Dissolved Organic Carbon Using Sentinel-2 in the Eutrophic Lake Ebinur, China
* Evolutionary Pursuit and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Evolving Effective Color Features for Improving FRGC Baseline Performance
* Expectation-Maximization Attention Cross Residual Network for Single Image Super-resolution
* Extracting discriminative color features for face recognition
* Eye detection using discriminatory Haar features and a new efficient SVM
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and Support Vector Machine
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and support vector machine in video
* Face recognition using evolutionary pursuit
* Face Recognition Using Independent Gabor Wavelet Features
* Face Recognition Using Shape and Texture
* Face recognition with illumination distinction description
* Feasibility of the Spatiotemporal Fusion Model in Monitoring Ebinur Lake's Suspended Particulate Matter under the Missing-Data Scenario
* Feature based classification
* Flash Flood Risk Analysis Based on Machine Learning Techniques in the Yunnan Province, China
* Fusing Frequency, Spatial and Color Features for Face Recognition
* Fusion of color, local spatial and global frequency information for face recognition
* Fusion of the complementary Discrete Cosine Features in the YIQ color space for face recognition
* Gabor feature based classification using the enhanced Fisher linear discriminant model for face recognition
* Gabor Feature Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Gabor-based kernel PCA with fractional power polynomial models for face recognition
* General Discriminant Model for Color Face Recognition, A
* Generative and Discriminative Sparse Coding for Image Classification Applications
* Geometry-Constrained Scale Estimation for Monocular Visual Odometry
* Horizontal and Vertical 2DPCA Based Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification Using the FRGC Version 2 Database
* Hybrid Color and Frequency Features Method for Face Recognition, A
* IM2ELEVATION: Building Height Estimation from Single-View Aerial Imagery
* Implementation Method of Automotive Video SAR (ViSAR) Based on Sub-Aperture Spectrum Fusion
* Improving the Face Recognition Grand Challenge Baseline Performance using Color Configurations Across Color Spaces
* InSAR-Constrained Interseismic Deformation and Potential Seismogenic Asperities on the Altyn Tagh Fault at 91.5-95°E, Northern Tibetan Plateau
* Ir-UNet: Irregular Segmentation U-Shape Network for Wheat Yellow Rust Detection by UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Joint Optimization of Longitudinal and Lateral Locations of Autonomous-Vehicle-Dedicated Lanes on Expressways
* KDA3D: Key-Point Densification and Multi-Attention Guidance for 3D Object Detection
* Learning Depth Representation From RGB-D Videos by Time-Aware Contrastive Pre-Training
* Learning the discriminative dictionary for sparse representation by a general fisher regularized model
* Learning the Face Space: Representation and Recognition
* Learning-based image representation and method for face recognition
* Map construction algorithm based on dense point cloud
* method of measuring the semantic gap in image retrieval: Using the information theory, A
* Migratory Insect Multifrequency Radar Cross Sections for Morphological Parameter Estimation
* MP-PolarMask: A Faster and Finer Instance Segmentation for Concave Images
* Multi-style transfer and fusion of image's regions based on attention mechanism and instance segmentation
* Multiple Anthropological Fisher Kernel Framework and Its Application to Kinship Verification
* Mutli-channel micro-structure difference descriptor for image retrieval
* Network Amplification with Efficient MACs Allocation
* New Bag of Words LBP (BoWL) Descriptor for Scene Image Classification, A
* new cast shadow detection method for traffic surveillance video analysis using color and statistical modeling, A
* New color GPHOG descriptors for object and scene image classification
* Non-rigid point set registration based on local neighborhood information support
* Novel color HWML descriptors for scene and object image classification
* novel direction-of-arrival estimation method for wideband signals, A
* novel fingerprint matching algorithm using Minutiae Phase Difference Feature, A
* Novel Gabor-PHOG Features for Object and Scene Image Classification
* Novel general KNN classifier and general nearest mean classifier for visual classification
* novel locally linear KNN model for visual recognition, A
* novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on Gabor phase, A
* Object Detection in Traffic Videos: A Survey
* Precise Eye Detection Using Discriminating HOG Features
* Present-Day Deformation of the Gyaring Co Fault Zone, Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Determined Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Present-Day Three-Dimensional Deformation across the Ordos Block, China, Derived from InSAR, GPS, and Leveling Observations
* Probabilistic Reasoning Models for Face Recognition
* Quarterly Monitoring of Suspected Illegal Human Activities In National Nature Reserves of China with Sentinel-2 and High-resolution Images On the Cloud Platform
* Real-time Lightweight CNN in Robots with Very Limited Computational Resources: Detecting Ball in NAO
* Real-Time Runway Detection for Infrared Aerial Image Using Synthetic Vision and an ROI Based Level Set Method
* Reconstruction of Sentinel Images for Suspended Particulate Matter Monitoring in Arid Regions
* Renovated Framework of a Convolution Neural Network with Transformer for Detecting Surface Changes from High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images, A
* RES-StS: Referring Expression Speaker via Self-Training With Scorer for Goal-Oriented Vision-Language Navigation
* Review of Spaceborne High-Resolution Spotlight/Sliding Spotlight Mode SAR Imaging, A
* Robust Face Recognition Using Color Information
* Robust Image Registration for Power Equipment Using Large-Gap Fracture Contours
* Satellite Soil Moisture Data Reconstruction in the Temporal and Spatial Domains: Latent Error Assessments and Performances for Tracing Rainstorms and Droughts
* Search for or Navigate to? Dual Adaptive Thinking for Object Navigation
* Sequential DS-ISBAS InSAR Deformation Parameter Dynamic Estimation and Quality Evaluation
* Shape- and Texture-Based Enhanced Fisher Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Smart Traffic Monitoring System Using Computer Vision and Edge Computing
* Sparse Representation Based Complete Kernel Marginal Fisher Analysis Framework for Computational Art Painting Categorization
* Sparse Representation Model Using the Complete Marginal Fisher Analysis Framework and Its Applications to Visual Recognition, A
* Spatial Correlation of Satellite-Derived PM2.5 with Hospital Admissions for Respiratory Diseases
* Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Water Conservation Function and Its Driving Factors in the Upper Yangtze River Basin
* Spectral correspondence method for fingerprint minutia matching
* unified Bayesian framework for face recognition, A
* Vision-and-Language Navigation via Causal Learning
Includes: Liu, C.J.[Chuan Jin] Liu, C.J.[Chuan-Jin] Liu, C.J.[Chun-Jing] Liu, C.J.[Cheng-Jun] Liu, C.J.[Chuan-Jian] Liu, C.J.[Chang-Jun] Liu, C.J.[Cheng-Ju] Liu, C.J.[Chong-Jin] Liu, C.J.[Chang-Jiang] Liu, C.J.[Chao-Jung] Liu, C.J.[Chang-Jie] Liu, C.J.[Cun-Jia] Liu, C.J.[Cong-Jian] Liu, C.J.[Chang-Ji] Liu, C.J.[Cheng-Jie] Liu, C.J.[Chia-Jen] Liu, C.J.[Chao-Jie] Liu, C.J.[Cui-Jun] Liu, C.J.[Chuan-Ju] Liu, C.J.[Cai-Juan] Liu, C.J.[Cheng-Jin] Liu, C.J.[Ching-Ju] Liu, C.J.[Cheng-Jian]
107 for Liu, C.J.
Liu, C.K.[C. Karen]
Co Author Listing * AddBiomechanics Dataset: Capturing the Physics of Human Motion at Scale
* ADeLA: Automatic Dense Labeling with Attention for Viewpoint Shift in Semantic Segmentation
* Blind Super Resolution with Reference Images and Implicit Degradation Representation
* Bodies at Rest: 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation From a Pressure Image Using Synthetic Data
* CIRCLE: Capture In Rich Contextual Environments
* Controllable Human-object Interaction Synthesis
* DiffusionPoser: Real-Time Human Motion Reconstruction From Arbitrary Sparse Sensors Using Autoregressive Diffusion
* EDGE: Editable Dance Generation From Music
* Ego-Body Pose Estimation via Ego-Head Pose Estimation
* GIMO: Gaze-Informed Human Motion Prediction in Context
* NeMo: 3D Neural Motion Fields from Multiple Video Instances of the Same Action
* Non-local Spatial Propagation Network for Depth Completion
* Nymeria: A Massive Collection of Multimodal Egocentric Daily Motion in the Wild
* Physically Plausible Animation of Human Upper Body from a Single Image
* Vision-Based 3-D Grasping of 3-D Objects With a Simple 2-D Gripper
Includes: Liu, C.K.[C. Karen] Liu, C.K.[Che-Kai] Liu, C.K. Liu, C.K.[Chi-Kuei] Liu, C.K.[Chuan-Kai]
15 for Liu, C.K.
Liu, C.L.[Chuan Lin]
Co Author Listing * 2 and 3 materials scene reconstructed from some line Mojette projections, The
* Action recognition by dense trajectories
* Active Generalized Category Discovery
* Adaptive spatial pooling for image classification
* Adversarial training with distribution normalization and margin balance
* Aggregation Signature for Small Object Tracking
* Aircraft Detection by Deep Belief Nets
* Anomaly Detection via Minimum Likelihood Generative Adversarial Networks
* approach for handwritten Chinese text recognition unifying character segmentation and recognition, An
* approach for real-time recognition of online Chinese handwritten sentences, An
* Arbitrary Shape Scene Text Detection With Adaptive Text Region Representation
* Assessment of FY-3E GNOS II Radio Occultation Data Using an Improved Three-Cornered Hat Method
* benchmark for unconstrained online handwritten Uyghur word recognition, A
* BlockQNN: Efficient Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* Boosting Incremental Semi-supervised Discriminant Analysis for Tracking
* Building Compact Classifier for Large Character Set Recognition Using Discriminative Feature Extraction
* Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassland Aboveground Biomass?
* CASIA Online and Offline Chinese Handwriting Databases
* CASIA-OLHWDB1: A Database of Online Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Character confidence based on N-best list for keyword spotting in online Chinese handwritten documents
* Character Recognition Systems: A Guide for Students and Practitioners
* Circulant Binary Convolutional Networks: Enhancing the Performance of 1-Bit DCNNs With Circulant Back Propagation
* Class Incremental Learning with Self-Supervised Pre-Training and Prototype Learning
* Class-specific feature polynomial classifier for pattern classification and its application to handwritten numeral recognition
* Classifier combination based on confidence transformation
* Classifying isogenous fields
* Combination of Classification and Clustering Results with Label Propagation
* Combining quadratic classifier and pair discriminators by pairwise coupling for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Compact Spatial Feature Representation for Image Classification, A
* Comparing On-Line Recognition of Japanese and Western Script in Preparation for Recognizing Multi-Language Documents
* Comparison and Validation of the Ionospheric Climatological Morphology of FY3C/GNOS with COSMIC during the Recent Low Solar Activity Period
* Comparison of genetic algorithm and sequential search methods for classifier subset selection
* Composite Object Relation Modeling for Few-Shot Scene Recognition
* comprehensive scheme for tattoo text detection, A
* Confidence evaluation for combining diverse classifiers
* confidence-based method for keyword spotting in online Chinese handwritten documents, A
* Confused Distance Maximization for Large Category Dimensionality Reduction
* Context-aware mathematical expression recognition: An end-to-end framework and a benchmark
* Contextual text/non-text stroke classification in online handwritten notes with conditional random fields
* ConTrack Distress Dataset: A Continuous Observation for Pavement Deterioration Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* Convolutional Prototype Network for Open Set Recognition
* Costal Bathymetry Estimation From Multispectral Image With Back Propagation Neural Network
* Cross-Lingual Text Image Recognition via Multi-Hierarchy Cross-Modal Mimic
* Cross-Lingual Text Image Recognition via Multi-Task Sequence to Sequence Learning
* Cross-modal prototype learning for zero-shot handwritten character recognition
* Cycle-Consistent Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding With Individual and Contextual Representations
* Dataset Bias in Few-Shot Image Recognition
* Decentralized Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning for Platoon Forming in Mixed Traffic Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
* Deep Direct Regression for Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection
* Deep representation learning for domain generalization with information bottleneck principle
* Deformable scene text detection using harmonic features and modified pixel aggregation network
* DEM-Aided Block Adjustment for Satellite Images With Weak Convergence Geometry
* Dense Trajectories and Motion Boundary Descriptors for Action Recognition
* Dimensionality Reduction by Minimal Distance Maximization
* Directional pattern matching for character recognition revisited
* Discriminative quadratic feature learning for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Document Image Rectification in Complex Scene Using Stacked Siamese Networks
* Domain Invariant Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* DPAM: A New Deep Parallel Attention Model for Multiple License Plate Number Recognition
* Drawing and Recognizing Chinese Characters with Recurrent Neural Network
* DyGAT: Dynamic stroke classification of online handwritten documents and sketches
* Dynamic Text Line Segmentation for Real-Time Recognition of Chinese Handwritten Sentences
* Dynamics-aware loss for learning with label noise
* Editorial for special issue on Advanced Topics in Document Analysis and Recognition
* Effect of Improved Path Evaluation for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
* Effective license plate detection using fast candidate region selection and covariance feature based filtering
* Effectiveness Guided Cross-Modal Information Sharing for Aligned RGB-T Object Detection
* Effects of Classifier Structures and Training Regimes on Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Efficient Feature Coding Based on Auto-encoder Network for Image Classification
* Efficient text localization in born-digital images by local contrast-based segmentation
* end-to-end model for multi-view scene text recognition, An
* End-to-End Online Writer Identification With Recurrent Neural Network
* Enhancement of Low Light Level Images with coupled dictionary learning
* Ensemble Quadratic Assignment Network for Graph Matching
* Error Reduction by Confusing Characters Discrimination for Online Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition
* Error-correcting output codes based ensemble feature extraction
* Evaluation of Fengyun-3C Radio Occultation Atmospheric Profiles Over 2015-2018, An
* Evaluation of Forward Models for GNSS Radio Occultation Data Processing and Assimilation
* Evaluation of neural network language models in handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Evaluation of prototype learning algorithms for nearest-neighbor classifier in application to handwritten character recognition
* evaluation of statistical methods in handwritten hangul recognition, An
* Evaluation of weighted Fisher criteria for large category dimensionality reduction in application to Chinese handwriting recognition
* Exploiting coarse-to-fine mechanism for fine-grained recognition
* F-mixup: Attack CNNs From Fourier Perspective
* FA-RDN: A Hybrid Neural Network on GNSS-R Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval
* fast projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, A
* Fast scene text localization by learning-based filtering and verification
* Fine-Grained Pavement Performance Prediction Based on Causal-Temporal Graph Convolution Networks
* Gabor feature extraction for character recognition: Comparison with gradient feature
* Gait-Assisted Video Person Retrieval
* Generating realistic Kanji character images from on-line patterns
* Geometrical Comparisons of RSM and RFM for FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images, The
* Global Evaluation and Intercomparison of XCO2 Retrievals from GOSAT, OCO-2, and TANSAT with TCCON
* GNOS-II on Fengyun-3 Satellite Series: Exploration of Multi-GNSS Reflection Signals for Operational Applications
* GPU-Based Fast Training of Discriminative Learning Quadratic Discriminant Function for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Graphics Extraction from Heterogeneous Online Documents with Hierarchical Random Fields
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Advances in Computer Vision and Applications (ACCV 2020)
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition with spatial transformer and deep residual networks
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition: Alternatives to nonlinear normalization
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition: Effects of Shape Normalization and Feature Extraction
* Handwritten Chinese text line segmentation by clustering with distance metric learning
* Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition by Integrating Multiple Contexts
* Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields
* Handwritten digit recognition using state-of-the-art techniques
* Handwritten Digit Recognition: Benchmarking of State-of-the-Art Techniques
* Handwritten Digit Recognition: Investigation of Normalization and Feature Extraction Techniques
* Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition via Paired Adversarial Learning
* Handwritten Numeral String Recognition: Character-Level vs. String-Level Classifier Training
* Handwritten Numeral String Recognition: Effects of Character Normalization and Feature Extraction
* High Accuracy Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition by Improved Feature Matching Method
* High accuracy handwritten Chinese character recognition using LDA-based compound distances
* High Accuracy Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Quadratic Classifiers with Discriminative Feature Extraction
* High-performance JPEG steganography using complementary embedding strategy
* Highly Confident Local Structure Based Consensus Graph Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
* Hybrid Approach to Detect and Localize Texts in Natural Scene Images, A
* Hybrid CNN and Dictionary-Based Models for Scene Recognition and Domain Adaptation
* Hybrid Gabor Convolutional Networks
* Hybrid Page Segmentation with Efficient Whitespace Rectangles Extraction and Grouping
* Hybrid Visual-Ranging Servoing for Positioning Based on Image and Measurement Features
* Hyperspectral Monitoring Driven by Machine Learning Methods for Grassland Above-Ground Biomass
* ICDAR 2011 Chinese Handwriting Recognition Competition
* ICDAR 2013 Chinese Handwriting Recognition Competition
* Image Registration and Fusion of Visible and Infrared Integrated Camera for Medium-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing
* IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil Sensitivity and Image Estimation in Parallel MRI
* Impacts of Orbital and Constellation Parameters on the Number and Spatiotemporal Coverage of LEO-LEO Occultation Events
* Impacts of Spatial Configuration of Land Surface Features on Land Surface Temperature across Urban Agglomerations, China
* Improved Approach to Generating Realistic Kanji Character Images from On-Line Characters and Its Benefit to Off-Line Recognition Performance, An
* Improved implementation algorithms of the two-dimensional nonseparable linear canonical transform
* Improving Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition with Discriminative Quadratic Feature Extraction
* Improving Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition by Confidence Transformation
* Improving handwritten Chinese text recognition using neural network language models and convolutional neural network shape models
* Improving HMM-Based Chinese Handwriting Recognition Using Delta Features and Synthesized String Samples
* Insect species recognition using discriminative local soft coding
* Insect Species Recognition using Sparse Representation
* Instance GNN: A Learning Framework for Joint Symbol Segmentation and Recognition in Online Handwritten Diagrams
* Integrated in Situ Image Acquisition and Annotation Scheme for Instance Segmentation Models in Open Scenes With a Human-Robot Interaction Approach, An
* Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numerals: Comparison of Classification Algorithms
* Integrating Geometric Context for Text Alignment of Handwritten Chinese Documents
* Integrating Language Model in Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
* Interpolation Kernel Machines: Reducing Multiclass to Binary
* Inverse scattering of buried inhomogeneous biaxial dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
* Joint stroke classification and text line grouping in online handwritten documents with edge pooling attention networks
* Joint training of conditional random fields and neural networks for stroke classification in online handwritten documents
* Keyword Spotting from Online Chinese Handwritten Documents Using One-vs-All Trained Character Classifier
* Keyword Spotting in Offline Chinese Handwritten Documents Using a Statistical Model
* Keyword Spotting in Online Chinese Handwritten Documents with Candidate Scoring Based on Semi-CRF Model
* Keyword spotting in unconstrained handwritten Chinese documents using contextual word model
* Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Their Driving Factors in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Based on Geographical Detectors and Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Gannan Prefecture
* Large-scale continual learning for ancient Chinese character recognition
* Large-Scale Database for Chemical Structure Recognition and Preliminary Evaluation, A
* Lattice-Based Method for Keyword Spotting in Online Chinese Handwriting, A
* LDA-Based Compound Distance for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Learning a Contextual Multi-Thread Model for Movie/TV Scene Segmentation
* Learning Boosted Asymmetric Classifiers for Object Detection
* Learning by Seeing More Classes
* Learning confidence transformation for handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Learning From Imbalanced Data With Deep Density Hybrid Sampling
* Learning Quadratic Discriminant Function for Handwritten Character Classification
* Learning-Based Candidate Segmentation Scoring for Real-Time Recognition of Online Overlaid Chinese Handwriting
* Lexicon-driven handwritten character string recognition for Japanese address reading
* Lexicon-driven recognition of one-stroke character strings in visual gesture
* Lexicon-Driven Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Character Strings for Japanese Address Reading
* LG-CNN: From local parts to global discrimination for fine-grained recognition
* LightweightNet: Toward fast and lightweight convolutional neural networks via architecture distillation
* Locality-constrained max-margin sparse coding
* Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Locally Smoothed Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function
* Minimum Risk Training for Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields
* Minimum-risk training for semi-Markov conditional random fields with application to handwritten Chinese/Japanese text recognition
* Mixed-Supervised Scene Text Detection With Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Model-based stroke extraction and matching for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Multi-class AdaBoost with Hypothesis Margin
* Multi-class segmentation of free-form online documents with tree conditional random fields
* Multi-Oriented and Multi-Lingual Scene Text Detection With Direct Regression
* Multi-View Vehicle Detection Based on Fusion Part Model With Active Learning
* Multiresolution Locally Expanded Honn for Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* MuLTReNets: Multilingual text recognition networks for simultaneous script identification and handwriting recognition
* Mutually Guided Dual-Task Network for Scene Text Detection
* new benchmark on the recognition of handwritten Bangla and Farsi numeral characters, A
* New Higher-Order Correction of GNSS RO Bending Angles Accounting for Ionospheric Asymmetry: Evaluation of Performance and Added Value
* New Language-Independent Deep CNN for Scene Text Detection and Style Transfer in Social Media Images, A
* new radical-based approach to online handwritten Chinese character recognition, A
* Normalization-Cooperated Gradient Feature Extraction for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Novel Approach to Evaluate GNSS-RO Signal Receiver Performance in Terms of Ground-Based Atmospheric Occultation Simulation System, A
* novel domain independent scene text localizer, A
* NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* Object tracking by bidirectional learning with feature selection
* On the Size and Redundancy of the Fourth-Order Difference Co-Array
* One-Vs-All Training of Prototype Classifier for Pattern Classification and Retrieval
* Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: A comprehensive study and new benchmark
* Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: Benchmarking on new databases
* Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Incorporating Geometric Context
* Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields
* Online Recognition of Chinese Characters: The State-of-the-Art
* Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
* OpenMix: Exploring Outlier Samples for Misclassification Detection
* Optimal Coarray Combinations Robust to Sensor Failures on Sparse Arrays
* over-segmentation method for single-touching Chinese handwriting with learning-based filtering, An
* Partial discriminative training for classification of overlapping classes in document analysis
* Pattern Recognition, Part 2
* Perceptron Learning of Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function
* Performance Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers for Handwritten Character Recognition
* PILORA: Prototype Guided Incremental LORA for Federated Class-incremental Learning
* Polynomial kernel learning for interpolation kernel machines with application to graph classification
* Polynomial Network Classifier with Discriminative Feature Extraction
* Practical Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* Precise Candidate Selection for Large Character Set Recognition by Confidence Evaluation
* Preliminary Assessment of BDS Radio Occultation Retrieval Quality and Coverage Using FY-3E GNOS II Measurements
* Primitive Contrastive Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Prototype Augmentation and Self-Supervision for Incremental Learning
* Prototype learning with margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss
* Pseudo two-dimensional shape normalization methods for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Query Pixel Guided Stroke Extraction with Model-Based Matching for Offline Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Rapid Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images under the Complex Background of Dense Urban Areas
* RB-Net: Training Highly Accurate and Efficient Binary Neural Networks With Reshaped Point-Wise Convolution and Balanced Activation
* RCL: Reliable Continual Learning for Unified Failure Detection
* Realtime multi-scale scene text detection with scale-based region proposal network
* Recognizing online handwritten Chinese characters using RNNs with new computing architectures
* Recovering shape and motion by a dynamic system for low-rank matrix approximation in L_1 norm
* Rectified Binary Convolutional Networks with Generative Adversarial Learning
* Regularized margin-based conditional log-likelihood loss for prototype learning
* Remarks on the Spatial Smoothing Step in Coarray MUSIC
* Remote Sensing-Based Approach for the Assessing of Ecological Environmental Quality Variations Using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China
* Residual Dual Scale Scene Text Spotting by Fusing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing
* Response-Type Road Anomaly Detection and Evaluation Method for Steady Driving of Automated Vehicles, A
* Rethinking Confidence Calibration for Failure Prediction
* Revisiting Confidence Estimation: Towards Reliable Failure Prediction
* robust approach to text line grouping in online handwritten Japanese documents, A
* Robust Light Field Synthesis from Stereo Images With Left-Right Geometric Consistency
* Robust Model for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition, A
* Scene Text Detection with Recurrent Instance Segmentation
* Scene Text Localization Using Gradient Local Correlation
* SDE: A Novel Selective, Discriminative and Equalizing Feature Representation for Visual Recognition
* Segmentation-free recognizer based on enhanced four plane feature for realistic Chinese handwriting
* Selecting High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Bottom-Up Aggregated Attention and Phase-Aware Loss
* Semantic-Aware Video Text Detection
* Semi-Supervised Text Classification With Universum Learning
* Sequential Transformer for End-to-End Video Text Detection
* Ship Detection from Optical Remote Sensing Images Using Multi-Scale Analysis and Fourier HOG Descriptor
* Ship Detection in Visible Remote Sensing Image Based on Saliency Extraction and Modified Channel Features
* SignParser: An End-to-End Framework for Traffic Sign Understanding
* Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition by Critical Region Selection Based on Average Symmetric Uncertainty
* Single image super-resolution using Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty
* SNAP: Shaping neural architectures progressively via information density criterion
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of PM2.5 Levels in Lianyungang: Insights from a Multidimensional Analysis
* Special issue Advances in graph-based pattern recognition
* Special issue on Applications of graph-based techniques to pattern recognition
* Special issue on deep learning for document analysis and recognition
* Special Issue on Handwriting recognition and other PR applications
* Special Radical Detection by Statistical Classification for On-line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Standardized Soil Moisture Index for Drought Monitoring Based on Soil Moisture Active Passive Observations and 36 Years of North American Land Data Assimilation System Data: A Case Study in the Southeast United States
* state of the art in Japanese online handwriting recognition compared to techniques in western handwriting recognition, The
* String-level learning of confidence transformation for Chinese handwritten text recognition
* Style Consistent Perturbation for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Style transfer matrix learning for writer adaptation
* Style-conscious quadratic field classifier
* Table Structure Recognition and Form Parsing by End-to-End Object Detection and Relation Parsing
* Task-Driven Feature Pooling for Image Classification
* Text Detection, Tracking and Recognition in Video: A Comprehensive Survey
* Text Localization in Natural Scene Images Based on Conditional Random Field
* Text/Non-text Ink Stroke Classification in Japanese Handwriting Based on Markov Random Fields
* Texts as points: Scene text detection with point supervision
* Time-Division Multiplexing Light Field Display With Learned Coded Aperture
* Tool for Ground-Truthing Text Lines and Characters in Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Documents, A
* Total-Text: toward orientation robustness in scene text detection
* Touching Character Database from Chinese Handwriting for Assessing Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Touching Character Separation in Chinese Handwriting Using Visibility-Based Foreground Analysis
* Towards Accurate Binary Neural Networks via Modeling Contextual Dependencies
* Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype learning
* Towards prior gap and representation gap for long-tailed recognition
* Towards reliable domain generalization: Insights from the PF2HC benchmark and dynamic evaluations
* Tracker Evaluation for Small Object Tracking
* Traffic Sign Detection Using a Cascade Method With Fast Feature Extraction and Saliency Test
* Transcript mapping for handwritten Chinese documents by integrating character recognition model and geometric context
* Transcript Mapping for Handwritten Text Lines Using Conditional Random Fields
* Transformer-based stroke relation encoding for online handwriting and sketches
* Two-Level Rectification Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition, A
* Unified Entropy Optimization for Open-Set Test-Time Adaptation
* Unsupervised language model adaptation for handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Unsupervised Structure-Texture Separation Network for Oracle Character Recognition
* Urban Building Classification (UBC) - A Dataset for Individual Building Detection and Classification from Satellite Imagery
* Validation of Preliminary Results of Thermal Tropopause Derived from FY-3C GNOS Data
* Variational Bayes Method for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation, A
* Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images by Parallel Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Text Detection With Robust Feature Representation
* VIP: Versatile Image Outpainting Empowered by Multimodal Large Language Model
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisoMT: A Collaborative Multithreading Multicore Processor for Multimedia Applications With a Fast Data Switching Mechanism
* Visual Gesture Character String Recognition by Classification-Based Segmentation with Stroke Deletion
* Visual Traffic Knowledge Graph Generation from Scene Images
* VQAPT: A New visual question answering model for personality traits in social media images
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Self-Guided Temporal Discriminative Transformer
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Transformer-Enabled Temporal Relation Learning
* WPS-SAM: Towards Weakly-supervised Part Segmentation with Foundation Models
* Writer Adaptation with Style Transfer Mapping
Includes: Liu, C.L.[Chuan Lin] Liu, C.L.[Chuan-Lin] Liu, C.L.[Cheng-Lin] Liu, C.L.[Chun-Lei] Liu, C.L.[Cong-Liang] Liu, C.L.[Chen-Li] Liu, C.L. Liu, C.L.[Chen-Long] Liu, C.L.[Cheng-Long] Liu, C.L.[Chena-Lin] Liu, C.L.[Chen-Lu] Liu, C.L.[Chien-Liang] Liu, C.L.[Chun-Lin] Liu, C.L.[Chiang-Lung] Liu, C.L.[Cheng-Liang] Liu, C.L.[Chun-Ling] Liu, C.L.[Chun-Liang] Liu, C.L.[Cai-Liang] Liu, C.L.[Chih-Ling] Liu, C.L.[Chang-Le] Liu, C.L.[Cheng Lin] Liu, C.L.[Cheng-Lu] Liu, C.L.[Chun-Li] Liu, C.L.[Cui-Ling] Liu, C.L.[Chi-Lin]
295 for Liu, C.L.
Liu, C.M.[Chuan Ming]
Co Author Listing * 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Learning for Early Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Attention-based Graph Neural Network for the Classification of Parkinson's Disease
* Automatic Method of Building 3D Morphable Face Model, An
* Coherent Targets Parameter Estimation for EVS-MIMO Radar
* Contrasting Changes in Vegetation Growth due to Different Climate Forcings over the Last Three Decades in the Selenga-Baikal Basin
* Degraded Character Recognition by Image Quality Evaluation
* Eigenshape kernel based mean shift for human tracking
* Fast Radix-q and Mixed-Radix Algorithms for Type-IV DCT
* Hierarchical N-Queen Decimation Lattice and Hardware Architecture for Motion Estimation, A
* Low Resolution Character Recognition by Image Quality Evaluation
* Multi-style transfer and fusion of image's regions based on attention mechanism and instance segmentation
* New Edge Detection Method Through Template Matching, A
* New Postprocessing Method for the Block-Based DCT Coding Based on the Convex-Projection Theory, A
* NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* Parkinson's Disease Classification with Self-supervised Learning and Attention Mechanism
* Perceptual dithering for octave subband image coding
* Performance Evaluation of Some Noise Reduction Methods
* Server-Side Optimized Hybrid Multicast-Unicast Strategy for Multi-User Adaptive 360-Degree Video Streaming, A
* Server-Side Rate Adaptation for Multi-User 360-Degree Video Streaming
* Text detection in images based on unsupervised classification of edge-based features
* Three-Dimensional Simulation Model for Synergistically Simulating Urban Horizontal Expansion and Vertical Growth
* Tourist Attraction Recommendation Model Fusing Spatial, Temporal, and Visual Embeddings for Flickr-Geotagged Photos, A
Includes: Liu, C.M.[Chuan Ming] Liu, C.M.[Chuan-Ming] Liu, C.M.[Cheng-Ming] Liu, C.M.[Chang-Ming] Liu, C.M.[Chun-Mei] Liu, C.M. Liu, C.M.[Chen-Ming] Liu, C.M.[Chi-Min] Liu, C.M.[Chih-Ming] Liu, C.M.[Cui-Ming]
24 for Liu, C.M.
Liu, C.N.[Chao Ning]
Co Author Listing * A2A: Attention to Attention Reasoning for Movie Question Answering
* Automatic Signature Verification Based on Accelerometry
* Automatic Verification of Signatures by Means of Acceleration
* Computer-Automated Design of Multifont Print Recognition
* Experimental Investigation of a Mixed Font Print Recognition System, An
* Real-Time Photo Sensor Dead Pixel Detection for Embedded Devices
* Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Model for Pattern Recognition, A
Includes: Liu, C.N.[Chao Ning] Liu, C.N.[Chao-Ning] Liu, C.N. Liu, C.N.[Chun-Nan]
7 for Liu, C.N.
Liu, C.N.J.
Co Author Listing * Long-Range Prediction for Real-Time MPEG Video Traffic: An H_infty Filter Approach
Liu, C.P.[Chang Ping]
Co Author Listing * 3D Facial Expression Synthesis from a Single Image Using a Model Set
* ACCLVOS: Atrous Convolution with Spatial-Temporal ConvLSTM for Video Object Segmentation
* Aligning vision-language for graph inference in visual dialog
* Analysis on two Fisher methods and a synthesized discriminant projection
* Context based face spoofing detection using active near-infrared images
* Context Inspired Pedestrian Detection in Far-Field Videos
* Coupling Attention and Convolution for Heuristic Network in Visual Dialog
* DanbooRegion: An Illustration Region Dataset
* Deep Stereo Matching With Hysteresis Attention and Supervised Cost Volume Construction
* Double-edge-model based character stroke extraction from complex backgrounds
* Enhanced Crop Leaf Area Index Estimation via Random Forest Regression: Bayesian Optimization and Feature Selection Approach
* Erasing Appearance Preservation in Optimization-based Smoothing
* Face recognition based on LBP and orthogonal rank-one tensor projections
* Feature combination using boosting
* Financial document image coding with regions of interest using JPEG2000
* Fingerprint Classification Based on Statistical Features and Singular Point Information
* Fusion of spatially constrained attributes with kernelized ranking for person re-identification
* Gaze Estimation Based on 3D Face Structure and Pupil Centers
* Gazing After Glancing: Edge Information Guided Perception Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* Generating Manga from Illustrations via Mimicking Manga Creation Workflow
* hybrid license plate extraction method based on edge statistics and morphology, A
* Improved Adaptive Document Image Binarization Method, An
* improved parallel thinning algorithm, An
* Infer unseen from seen: Relation regularized zero-shot visual dialog
* Initialization and Pose Alignment in Active Shape Model
* Integrating Historical States and Co-attention Mechanism for Visual Dialog
* Large margin relative distance learning for person re-identification
* Learning Discriminative Motion Feature for Enhancing Multi-Modal Action Recognition
* New Block Partitioned Text Feature for Text Verification, A
* new Probabilistic Local Binary Pattern for face verification, A
* New Two Successive Process Image Compression Technique Using Subband Coding and JPEG Discrete Cosine Transform Coding, A
* Novel Face Spoofing Detection Method Based on Gaze Estimation, A
* Novel Method for Embedded Text Segmentation Based on Stroke and Color, A
* Object Detection in Dynamic Scenes Based on Codebook with Superpixels
* On-line signature verification using local shape analysis
* Online adaptive learning for multi-camera people counting
* People Counting across Multiple Cameras for Intelligent Video Surveillance
* Person re-identification by kernel null space marginal Fisher analysis
* Raw vs. Processed: How to Use the Raw and Processed Images for Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination
* Real-Time 3D Face Recognition with the Integration of Depth and Intensity Images
* Regional Consistency for Semi-Supervised Segmentation of 3D Medical Images
* Robust people counting in video surveillance: Dataset and system
* Season-Dependent Distributions and Profiles of Seven Super-Typhoons (2014) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean From Satellite Cloud Images
* SmartShadow: Artistic Shadow Drawing Tool for Line Drawings
* Trajectory-Pooled Spatial-Temporal Architecture of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Video Event Detection
* two-stage handwritten character segmentation approach in mail address recognition, A
* User-Guided Line Art Flat Filling with Split Filling Mechanism
* video text location method based on background classification, A
Includes: Liu, C.P.[Chang Ping] Liu, C.P.[Chang-Ping] Liu, C.P.[Chun-Ping] Liu, C.P.[Cai-Ping] Liu, C.P.[Cui-Ping] Liu, C.P.
48 for Liu, C.P.
Liu, C.Q.[Chao Qiang]
Co Author Listing * Blind motion deblurring from a single image using sparse approximation
* Discriminant feature extraction using dual-objective optimization model
* Discriminant Locality Preserving Projections: A New Method to Face Representation and Recognition
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections
* FFEDN: Feature Fusion Encoder Decoder Network for Crack Detection
* Framelet-Based Blind Motion Deblurring From a Single Image
* Hierarchical Hough Transform for Fingerprint Matching, A
* Iris Recognition Based on DLDA
* Martian Analogues Library (MAL) Applicable for Tianwen-1 MarSCoDe-LIBS Data Interpretation, A
* MECFNet: Reconstruct Sharp Image for UAV-Based Crack Detection
* Modeling Pedestrian Tactical and Operational Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty: A Two-Layer Model Framework
* Motion blur identification from image gradients
* New Spectral Transformation Approach and Quantitative Analysis for MarSCoDe Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Data, A
* Photometric Normalization of Chang'e-4 Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Datasets: A Combined Study of In-Situ and Laboratory Spectral Measurements
* Reconstructing Long-Term, High-Resolution Groundwater Storage Changes in the Songhua River Basin Using Supplemented GRACE and GRACE-FO Data
* Robust video denoising using low rank matrix completion
* Signal-Based Auto-Focusing Method Available for Raman Spectroscopy Acquisitions in Deep Space Exploration, A
* Spatio-Temporal Changes in Vegetation in the Last Two Decades (2001-2020) in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
* Stand-Off Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) System Applicable for Martian Rocks Studies, A
* Time Oriented Video Summarization
Includes: Liu, C.Q.[Chao Qiang] Liu, C.Q.[Chao-Qiang] Liu, C.Q.[Chong-Qing] Liu, C.Q.[Chuan-Qi] Liu, C.Q.[Cheng-Qiang] Liu, C.Q.[Chang-Qing] Liu, C.Q.[Cheng-Qing] Liu, C.Q.[Cong-Qiang]
20 for Liu, C.Q.
Liu, C.R.[Chao Ran]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Training Based Speech Emotion Classifier With Isolated Gaussian Regularization, An
* Analysis of Machined Feature Recognition Techniques Based on B-Rep
* Contour-motion feature (CMF): A space-time approach for robust pedestrian detection
* efficient parameter estimation method for generalized Dirichlet priors in naïve Bayesian classifiers with multinomial models, An
* Faster and transferable deep learning steganalysis on GPU
* Measurement of Layer Thickness and Permittivity Using a New Multilayer Model From GPR Data
* Metal Surface Inspection Using Image Processing Techniques
* Multimodality-guided Visual-Caption Semantic Enhancement
* Satellite Laser Altimetry Data-Supported High-Accuracy Mapping of GF-7 Stereo Images
* Sparse representation and adaptive mixed samples regression for single image super-resolution
* Speech-Driven Gesture Generation Using Transformer-Based Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Includes: Liu, C.R.[Chao Ran] Liu, C.R.[Chao-Ran] Liu, C.R. Liu, C.R.[Chao-Rui] Liu, C.R.[Chang-Rui] Liu, C.R.[Chen-Rui] Liu, C.R.[Chang-Ru] Liu, C.R.[Chao-Rong]
11 for Liu, C.R.
Liu, C.S.[Chun Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Short-Temporal Induced Aware Fusion Network for Predicting Attention Regions Like a Driver
* Adjacent evaluation of local binary pattern for texture classification
* Analyzing the information entropy of states to optimize the number of states in an HMM-based off-line handwritten Arabic word recognizer
* Angle Estimation with Automatic Pairing for Bistatic MIMO Radar
* Arbitrary warped document image restoration based on segmentation and Thin-Plate Splines
* Arbitrary-oriented traffic participant detection and axis prediction for complex crossing road in aerial view
* Automated Extraction of the Archaeological Tops of Qanat Shafts from VHR Imagery in Google Earth
* automatic performance evaluation method for document page segmentation, An
* Automatic performance evaluation of printed Chinese character recognition systems
* Bi-Directional Dense Traffic Counting Based on Spatio-Temporal Counting Feature and Counting-LSTM Network
* Character extraction and recognition in natural scene images
* Comparing Roundabouts and Signalized Intersections Through Multiple- Model Simulation
* Contextual post-processing based on the confusion matrix in offline handwritten Chinese script recognition
* Cross-Language Sensitive Words Distribution Map: A Novel Recognition-Based Document Understanding Method for Uighur and Tibetan
* cylindrical surface model to rectify the bound document image, A
* discriminative cascade CNN model for offline handwritten digit recognition, A
* Discriminative Transformation for Multi-Dimensional Temporal Sequences
* Document digitization technology and its application for digital library in China
* DSS-Net: Dynamic Self-Supervised Network for Video Anomaly Detection
* Efficient complex ISAR object recognition using adaptive deep relation learning
* Egocentric Vulnerable Road Users Trajectory Prediction With Incomplete Observation
* Enhancement for Dust-Sand Storm Images
* Evaluation of Precipitation Products by Using Multiple Hydrological Models over the Upper Yellow River Basin, China
* FCNet: A feature context network based on ensemble framework for image retrieval
* Form frame line detection with directional single-connected chain
* GA-Net: A Guidance Aware Network for Skeleton-Based Early Activity Recognition
* Gabor filters-based feature extraction for character recognition
* Heteroscedastic max-min distance analysis
* Heteroscedastic Max-Min Distance Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* hidden Markov model based segmentation and recognition algorithm for Chinese handwritten address character strings, A
* Human-related anomalous event detection via memory-augmented Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty
* Identifying Linear Traces of the Han Dynasty Great Wall in Dunhuang Using Gaofen-1 Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and the Hough Transform
* Importance sampling based discriminative learning for large scale offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Improved Scene Text Extraction Method Using Conditional Random Field and Optical Character Recognition, An
* Incorporating Self-attention Mechanism and Multi-task Learning into Scene Text Detection
* JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos
* Learning with rethinking: Recurrently improving convolutional neural networks through feedback
* Location and interpretation of destination addresses on handwritten Chinese envelopes
* Magi-Net: Meta Negative Network for Early Activity Prediction
* MQDF Discriminative Learning Based Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Multi-font printed Mongolian document recognition system
* Multi-Scale and Occlusion Aware Network for Vehicle Detection and Segmentation on UAV Aerial Images
* Multi-scale Text Line Segmentation Method in Freestyle Handwritten Documents, A
* Multilingual document recognition research and its application in China
* Novel Baseline-independent Feature Set for Arabic Handwriting Recognition, A
* Novel Short Merged Off-line Handwritten Chinese Character String Segmentation Algorithm Using Hidden Markov Model, A
* On-line Chinese Character Recognition System for Overlapping Samples
* On-line handwritten Chinese word recognition based on lexicon
* Optimized gabor filter based feature extraction for character recognition
* Overlapping Whistle-and-Click Separation for Whale Signals
* Posture Calibration Based Cross-View and Hard-Sensitive Metric Learning for UAV-Based Vehicle Re-Identification
* Rapid Multiclass Traffic Sign Detection in High-Resolution Images
* Rectifying the bound document image captured by the camera: A model based approach
* Research of biogas power generator system based on internet technology
* Restoring camera-captured distorted document images
* Salient object detection fusing global and local information based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* SFOD: Spiking Fusion Object Detector
* Similar Pattern Discriminant Analysis for Improving Chinese Character Recognition Accuracy
* Speckle reduction in laser imaging applications using rotating magneto-optical disk
* Sufficient Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Temporal Shift and Spatial Attention-Based Two-Stream Network for Traffic Risk Assessment
* Topic Language Model Adaption for Recognition of Homologous Offline Handwritten Chinese Text Image
* Traffic Scenario Understanding and Video Captioning via Guidance Attention Captioning Network
* Turbulence Degraded Images Restoration Based On Improved Multiframe Iterative Loops And Data Mining
* Vehicle counting and traffic flow parameter estimation for dense traffic scenes
Includes: Liu, C.S.[Chun Sheng] Liu, C.S.[Chun-Sheng] Liu, C.S.[Chang-Sheng] Liu, C.S.[Chang-Song] Liu, C.S.[Chuan-Sheng] Liu, C.S.[Chun Sen] Liu, C.S.[Chang-Shu] Liu, C.S.[Cui-Shan] Liu, C.S.[Chun-Shan] Liu, C.S.[Chien-Sheng]
65 for Liu, C.S.
Liu, C.T.[Cheng Ting]
Co Author Listing * automatic initial snaxel selection method in active contour model for contour extraction, An
* Computation-aware scheme for software-based block motion estimation
* Content-Based Scheme for CT Lung Image Retrieval, A
* Hard Samples Rectification for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* improved automatic initial snaxel selection with corner tracing for object contour extraction in medical image, An
* initial edge point selection and segmental contour following for object contour extraction, An
* Interactive Object Segmentation With Dynamic Click Transform
* Label propagation hashing based on p-stable distribution and coordinate descent
* Monitoring Impervious Surface Area Dynamics in Urban Areas Using Sentinel-2 Data and Improved Deeplabv3+ Model: A Case Study of Jinan City, China
* new fast block matching algorithm based on complexity-distortion optimization, A
* Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network
* Rectification-conducted adaptive snake for segmenting complex-boundary objects from textured backgrounds
* Space-Time Guided Association Learning For Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Tracklet-refined Multi-Camera Tracking based on Balanced Cross-Domain Re-Identification for Vehicles
* Urban Green Plastic Cover Mapping Based on VHR Remote Sensing Images and a Deep Semi-Supervised Learning Framework
* Video-based Person Re-identification without Bells and Whistles
Includes: Liu, C.T.[Cheng Ting] Liu, C.T.[Cheng-Ting] Liu, C.T.[Chii-Tung] Liu, C.T.[Chii Tung] Liu, C.T.[Chih-Ting] Liu, C.T.[Chun-Tian] Liu, C.T.[Chun-Ting] Liu, C.T.
16 for Liu, C.T.
Liu, C.W.
Co Author Listing * Accelerating Vanishing Point-Based Line Sampling Scheme for Real-Time People Localization
* Accurate Paddy Rice Mapping Based on Phenology-Based Features and Object-Based Classification
* Action recognition with discriminative mid-level features
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement for Infrared Images Based on the Neighborhood Conditional Histogram
* Addressing Challenges of Incorporating Appearance Cues Into Heuristic Multi-Object Tracker via a Novel Feature Paradigm
* Context Information Refinement for Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Cross-View Action Recognition Over Heterogeneous Feature Spaces
* CSANet: High Speed Channel Spatial Attention Network for Mobile ISP
* Dual-Channel Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Noisy Labels
* Efficient calibration for multi-plane homography using a laser level
* FastTrack: A Highly Efficient and Generic GPU-Based Multi-object Tracking Method with Parallel Kalman Filter
* Globally Optimal Relative Pose and Scale Estimation from Only Image Correspondences with Known Vertical Direction
* Hierarchical Video Description for Complex Activity Understanding, A
* Image retrieval and classification using adaptive local binary patterns based on texture features
* Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challenge Report
* Measurement of dynamic vibration in cycling using portable terminal measurement system
* MI3: Multi-intensity infrared illumination video database
* New Dataset, Poisson GAN and AquaNet for Underwater Object Grabbing, A
* Novel Scheme for Fingerprint Identification, A
* Novel Two-Stage Knowledge Distillation Framework for Skeleton-Based Action Prediction, A
* Optimized Contrast Enhancement for Infrared Images Based on Global and Local Histogram Specification
* randomized approach with geometric constraints to fingerprint verification, A
* Scale specified single shot multibox detector
* sparse linear model for saliency-guided decolorization, A
* Transfer Latent SVM for Joint Recognition and Localization of Actions in Videos
* Using Fisheye Camera for Cost-Effective Multi-View People Localization
* Weakly Supervised Action Recognition and Localization Using Web Images
Includes: Liu, C.W. Liu, C.W.[Chong-Wen] Liu, C.W.[Cui-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Cheng-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chong-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chih-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chin-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chang-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chao-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chen-Wen] Liu, C.W.[Che-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Cheng Wen] Liu, C.W.[Chuan-Wei] Liu, C.W.[Chun-Wei]
27 for Liu, C.W.
Liu, C.X.[Cheng Xu]
Co Author Listing * 4D LUT: Learnable Context-Aware 4D Lookup Table for Image Enhancement
* Adadiffsr: Adaptive Region-aware Dynamic Acceleration Diffusion Model for Real-world Image Super-resolution
* Adaptive tone-preserved image detail enhancement
* Adversarial Attacks Beyond the Image Space
* AJENet: Adaptive Joints Enhancement Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Office Scenario
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Charging Based on Multisource Data
* Anomaly detection based on maximum a posteriori
* Anomaly detection based on sparse coding with two kinds of dictionaries
* Anomaly detection based on two global grid motion templates
* APP-Net: Auxiliary-Point-Based Push and Pull Operations for Efficient Point Cloud Recognition
* Are Labels Necessary for Neural Architecture Search?
* Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Canopy Height Integration for Precise Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Natural Secondary Forests of Northeast China Using Gaofen-7 Stereo Satellite Data
* CLEVR-Ref+: Diagnosing Visual Reasoning With Referring Expressions
* Climate Interprets Saturation Value Variations Better Than Soil and Topography in Estimating Oak Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* Comparison of Hydrological Patterns between Glacier-Fed and Non-Glacier-Fed Lakes on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Comparison of Multiple DEMs and Satellite Altimetric Data in Lake Volume Monitoring, A
* Comparison of the Hydrological Dynamics of Poyang Lake in the Wet and Dry Seasons
* Constructing a Finer-Resolution Forest Height in China Using ICESat/GLAS, Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Data and Height Patterns of Natural Forests and Plantations
* Cptnet: Cascade Pose Transform Network for Single Image Talking Head Animation
* CSDA: Learning Category-Scale Joint Feature for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* De-Diffusion Makes Text a Strong Cross-Modal Interface
* Deep Nets: What have They Ever Done for Vision?
* Detecting Land Degradation in Eastern China Grasslands with Time Series Segmentation and Residual Trend analysis (TSS-RESTREND) and GIMMS NDVI3g Data
* Directional and Weighted Urban Network Analysis in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle from the Perspective of New Media Information Flow
* DLGAN: Depth-Preserving Latent Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Reconstruction
* DLP-Fusion: Depth of Field, Light Source, and Polarization Fusion Toward Intelligent Optical Imaging for Complex Scenes
* DSNAS: Direct Neural Architecture Search Without Parameter Retraining
* Dynamic Color Transform for Wheat Head Detection
* Editable Scene Simulation for Autonomous Driving via Collaborative LLM-Agents
* EFINet: Restoration for Low-Light Images via Enhancement-Fusion Iterative Network
* Enhanced lightweight infrared object detection algorithm for assistive navigation in visually impaired individuals
* Estimating building height in China from ALOS AW3D30
* Exploiting Distilled Learning for Deep Siamese Tracking
* FalCon: Fine-grained Feature Map Sparsity Computing with Decomposed Convolutions for Inference Optimization
* Few-shot Class Incremental Learning with Attention-aware Self-adaptive Prompt
* Focus Your Attention: A Focal Attention for Multimodal Learning
* Food and Ingredient Joint Learning for Fine-Grained Recognition
* framework for flexible summarization of racquet sports video using multiple modalities, A
* From Open Set to Closed Set: Counting Objects by Spatial Divide-and-Conquer
* From Open Set to Closed Set: Supervised Spatial Divide-and-Conquer for Object Counting
* FSI: Frequency and Spatial Interactive Learning for Image Restoration in Under-Display Cameras
* HF-HRNet: A Simple Hardware Friendly High-Resolution Network
* Hierarchical Feature Warping and Blending for Talking Head Animation
* High Capacity Watermarking in Nonedge Texture Under Statistical Distortion Constraint
* High-Accuracy Sub-Pixel Registration for Noisy Images Based on Phase Correlation
* Hotspot Detection and Spatiotemporal Evolution of Catering Service Grade in Mountainous Cities from the Perspective of Geo-Information Tupu
* How Fast You Will Drive? Predicting Speed of Customized Paths By Deep Neural Network
* Hydrological Connectivity Improves the Water-Related Environment in a Typical Arid Inland River Basin in Xinjiang, China
* Image Retrieval with Scale Invariant Visual Phrases
* Integrating Multi-Source Remote Sensing to Assess Forest Aboveground Biomass in the Khingan Mountains of North-Eastern China Using Machine-Learning Algorithms
* Joint Geoeffectiveness and Arrival Time Prediction of CMEs by a Unified Deep Learning Framework
* Large motion anime head animation using a cascade pose transform network
* Large Scale Interactive Motion Forecasting for Autonomous Driving: The Waymo Open Motion Dataset
* Learning Trajectory-Aware Transformer for Video Super-Resolution
* Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challenge Report
* LidarNAS: Unifying and Searching Neural Architectures for 3D Point Clouds
* Lightweight LiDAR-Camera Alignment With Homogeneous Local-Global Aware Representation
* Lung segmentation based on random forest and multi-scale edge detection
* Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and climate data
* META: A City-Wide Taxi Repositioning Framework Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* migration of training samples towards dynamic global land cover mapping, The
* MoDAR: Using Motion Forecasting for 3D Object Detection in Point Cloud Sequences
* Modeling Method for Automatic Extraction of Offshore Aquaculture Zones Based on Semantic Segmentation, A
* Motion-Adaptive Separable Collaborative Filters for Blind Motion Deblurring
* Multi-scale inherent variation features-based texture filtering
* Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification by Pairwise Multiple Instance Learning
* MVCAR: Multi-View Collaborative Graph Network for Private Car Carbon Emission Prediction
* Network pruning via resource reallocation
* New Variational Formulations for Level Set Evolution Without Reinitialization with Applications to Image Segmentation
* Novel superpixel-based algorithm for segmenting lung images via convolutional neural network and random forest
* On-the-fly feature importance mining for person re-identification
* Partial Derivative Guidance for Weak Classifier Mining in Pedestrian Detection
* Person re-identification by manifold ranking
* Person Re-Identification by Spatial Pyramid Color Representation and Local Region Matching
* Person Re-identification: What Features Are Important?
* Pixel-Based Vegetation Greenness Trend Analysis over the Russian Tundra with All Available Landsat Data from 1984 to 2018, A
* Point-Query Quadtree for Crowd Counting, Localization, and More
* POP: Person Re-identification Post-rank Optimisation
* Progressive Neural Architecture Search
* Progressive Stage-wise Learning for Unsupervised Feature Representation Enhancement
* Quantifying Multi-Decadal Change of Planted Forest Cover Using Airborne LiDAR and Landsat Imagery
* Query sensitive dynamic web video thumbnail generation
* QueryCDR: Query-based Controllable Distortion Rectification Network for Fisheye Images
* Range-Independent TDOA Localization Using Stepwise Accuracy Enhancement Under Speed Uncertainty
* Real-Time Ground-Level Building Damage Detection Based on Lightweight and Accurate YOLOv5 Using Terrestrial Images
* Real-Time Human Detection System for Video, A
* Real-Time Multi-Task Environmental Perception System for Traffic Safety Empowered by Edge Artificial Intelligence
* Recurrent Multimodal Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
* Rent3D: Floor-plan priors for monocular layout estimation
* Represent, Compare, and Learn: A Similarity-Aware Framework for Class-Agnostic Counting
* Robust LiDAR-Camera Alignment With Modality Adapted Local-to-Global Representation
* Robust Object Detection with Inaccurate Bounding Boxes
* SDPDet: Learning Scale-Separated Dynamic Proposals for End-to-End Drone-View Detection
* Segmenting lung parenchyma from CT images with gray correlation-based clustering
* Selective Bokeh Effect Transformation
* SORT: Second-Order Response Transform for Visual Recognition
* Sparse Global Matching for Video Frame Interpolation with Large Motion
* SWFormer: Sparse Window Transformer for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* Texture filtering based physically plausible image dehazing
* Toward a Dynamic Reversible Lane Management Strategy by Empowering Learning-Based Predictive Assignment Scheme
* Traffic-Informed Multi-Camera Sensing (TIMS) System Based on Vehicle Re-Identification
* Truck Parking Pattern Aggregation and Availability Prediction by Deep Learning
* Tsit: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-image Translation
* TTVFI: Learning Trajectory-Aware Transformer for Video Frame Interpolation
* V-NAS: Neural Architecture Search for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
* Vehicle Trajectory Interpolation Based on Ensemble Transfer Regression
* VisDrone-CC2021: The Vision Meets Drone Crowd Counting Challenge Results
* Visual perception based Lagrangian rate distortion optimization for video coding
* Weighted variational model for selective image segmentation with application to medical images
Includes: Liu, C.X.[Cheng Xu] Liu, C.X.[Cheng-Xu] Liu, C.X.[Chun-Xiao] Liu, C.X.[Chen-Xi] Liu, C.X.[Chun-Xu] Liu, C.X.[Cai-Xia] Liu, C.X.[Cheng-Xin] Liu, C.X.[Chun-Xia] Liu, C.X.[Cheng-Xiu] Liu, C.X.[Chang-Xing] Liu, C.X.[Chun-Xin] Liu, C.X.[Chun-Xi] Liu, C.X.[Chuan-Xiu] Liu, C.X.[Cong-Xin] Liu, C.X.[Chao-Xu] Liu, C.X.[Chao-Xian]
110 for Liu, C.X.
Liu, C.Y.[Cheng Yun]
Co Author Listing * 3D video semantic segmentation for wildfire smoke
* AFL-Net: Attentional Feature Learning Network for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* AHF: An Automatic and Universal Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Circular-Coded Targets Identification in Close-Range Photogrammetry under Complex Illumination Conditions
* Analysis of Beijing Tianjin Hebei regional credit system from the perspective of big data credit reporting
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Relationship Between Ecosystem Services and Human Footprints Under Different Human Activity Gradients: A Case Study of Xiangjiang River Basin
* Analysis Study of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data in the Troposphere, An
* Assessment of Galileo FOC + IOV Signals and Geometry-Based Single-Epoch Resolution of Quad-Frequency Carrier Ambiguities
* Assessment of the Impact of Reservoirs in the Upper Mekong River Using Satellite Radar Altimetry and Remote Sensing Imageries
* Attention-Based Spatiotemporal Gated Recurrent Unit Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, An
* Attribution of NDVI Dynamics over the Globe from 1982 to 2015
* AutoBCS: Block-Based Image Compressive Sensing With Data-Driven Acquisition and Noniterative Reconstruction
* BCE-Net: Reliable building footprints change extraction based on historical map and up-to-date images using contrastive learning
* Calculation of 3-D acoustic scattering characteristics of a target in near-field at high-frequency
* Category-based depth incorporation for salient object ranking
* CATFPN: Adaptive Feature Pyramid With Scale-Wise Concatenation and Self-Attention
* Coarse-Super-Resolution-Fine Network (CoSF-Net): A Unified End-to-End Neural Network for 4D-MRI With Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Super-Resolution
* Combining dissimilarity measures for image classification
* Complementary-View SAR Target Recognition Based on One-Shot Learning
* Consistency Analysis of the GNSS Antenna Phase Center Correction Models
* Content-Aware Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Crowd Gathering Detection Based on the Foreground Stillness Model
* Daily Imaging Scheduling of an Earth Observation Satellite
* Decoupling Common and Unique Representations for Multimodal Self-supervised Learning
* Design of a Grating Lobes-Free Architecture for Distributed Sensor System with Arbitrary Element Spacing
* Design of Exterior Orientation Parameters Variation Real-Time Monitoring System in Remote Sensing Cameras
* Design, simulation and experiment of a novel mass detection system with active control magnetic
* Differential Error Feedback Active Noise Control With the Auxiliary Filter Based Mapping Method
* Edge-Directed Sub-Pixel Extraction and Still Image Super-Resolution
* Efficient Feature Reuse Distillation Network for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution, An
* Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Model for Estimation of Subsurface Thermal Structure in the South China Sea, An
* EraseNet: End-to-End Text Removal in the Wild
* Evaluation and Application of Satellite Precipitation Products in Studying the Summer Precipitation Variations over Taiwan
* Exploiting Two-Dimensional Geographical and Synthetic Social Influences for Location Recommendation
* Face sketch-photo synthesis and recognition: Dual-scale Markov Network and multi-information fusion
* Fast text categorization using concise semantic analysis
* Feature-Driven Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* FedMDO: Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning via Mixup Differential Objective
* Feedback Attention-Based Dense CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Full-Process Adaptive Encoding and Decoding Framework for Remote Sensing Images Based on Compression Sensing
* Heading Estimation with Real-time Compensation Based on Kalman Filter Algorithm for an Indoor Positioning System
* Hyperspectral Image Spectral-Spatial-Range Gabor Filtering
* Hyperspectral Images Weakly Supervised Classification with Noisy Labels
* Hyperspectral Unmixing with Robust Collaborative Sparse Regression
* IFRAD: A Fast Feature Descriptor for Remote Sensing Images
* Illumination and pose variable face recognition via adaptively weighted ULBP_MHOG and WSRC
* Image resizing using fuzzy inferences
* Impacts of Reservoir Water Level Fluctuation on Measuring Seasonal Seismic Travel Time Changes in the Binchuan Basin, Yunnan, China
* Improved Low-Cost Dual-Antenna GNSS Dynamic Attitude Determination Method in Complex Environments, An
* Improved tropical rainfall potential forecasting for mountainous regions
* Improved WiFi/PDR Integrated System Using an Adaptive and Robust Filter for Indoor Localization, An
* In-orbit detection of the spectral smile for the Mars Mineral Spectrometer
* Information Relevance Related Broadcast scheme for Safety Packets in VANETs, An
* Initial In-Flight Spectral Calibration of the Near-Infrared Spectra Acquired by the MarSCoDe Onboard the Zhurong Rover
* Integrated WiFi/PDR/Smartphone Using an Adaptive System Noise Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Indoor Localization
* Inversion of Sea Ice Concentration in the Liaodong Bay from MODIS Data
* Joint-Distribution And Gain Rate Based Saliency Model For Circular Tank Detection In Remote Sensing Images
* Layered Rendering Diffusion Model for Controllable Zero-Shot Image Synthesis
* low-complexity data-adaptive approach for premature ventricular contraction recognition, A
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography Based on Modified Physics- Informed Neural Network and Multiconstraints
* MF-GAN: Multi-conditional Fusion Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Road Scenes
* Model-Free Tracker for Multiple Objects Using Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Modified curvature scale space feature alignment approach for hand posture recognition
* MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Mapping Using Machine Learning Technology in a Mountainous Area
* MSL-Net: An Efficient Network for Building Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* Multi-Camera Tracking Based on Information Fusion in Video Surveillance
* Multi-Modality Image Fusion Using the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
* Multi-Object Model-Free Tracking with Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Multimodal retinal image registration using edge map and feature guided Gaussian mixture model
* Multiple Reflection Effects In Nonlinear Mixture Model For Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Multiscale and Multitask Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Building Extraction, A
* Namer: Non-autoregressive Modeling for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Noise-sensitivity Analysis and Improvement of Automatic Retrieval of Temperature and Emissivity Using Spectral Smoothness
* Nonrigid Registration of Remote Sensing Images via Sparse and Dense Feature Matching
* Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning, A
* novel ensemble model with two-stage learning for joint dialog act recognition and sentiment classification, A
* Novel Index For Atmospheric Aerosol Types Categorization With Spectral Optical Depths From Satellite Retrieval, A
* novel method for stereo matching using Gabor Feature Image and Confidence Mask, A
* Online view-invariant human action recognition using RGB-D spatio-temporal matrix
* Optimal Cloud-Clearing for AIRS Radiances Using MODIS
* Optimal Use of Space-Borne Advanced Infrared and Microwave Soundings for Regional Numerical Weather Prediction
* Pattern Recognition of Complex Distributed Ditches
* Pictorial multi-atlas segmentation of brain MRI
* Pixel re-representations for better classification of images
* Preparation of CuO Nanorods in Ionic Liquids
* Progressive Buffering Method for Road Map Update Using OpenStreetMap Data, A
* Real-time pedestrian detection with deep supervision in the wild
* RelationRS: Relationship Representation Network for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Research of Automatic Generation for Engineering Geological Survey Reports Based on a Four-Dimensional Dynamic Template
* Retinal Image Registration Via Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model
* Revisiting Scene Text Recognition: A Data Perspective
* Robust Adaptive Learning-Based Path Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Under Uncertain Driving Environments
* Robust block sparse discriminative classification framework
* Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods
* Robust Segmentation of CMM Data Based on NURBS
* Robust Segmentation of Highly Dynamic Scene with Missing Data
* Robust Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing With L_2,1 Norm
* SAFLFusionGait: Gait recognition network with separate attention and different granularity feature learnability fusion
* Saliency object detection: integrating reconstruction and prior
* Salient object detection via images frequency domain analyzing
* Satellite Observation for Evaluating Cloud Properties of the Microphysical Schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting Simulation: A Case Study of the Mei-Yu Front Precipitation System
* Satellite-Derived Correlation of SO2, NO2, and Aerosol Optical Depth with Meteorological Conditions over East Asia from 2005 to 2015
* Scale-Adaptive Spatial Appearance Feature Density Approximation for Object Tracking
* Semi-synthesis: A fast way to produce effective datasets for stereo matching
* Simulation of backscattering sound from submarine based on 3D-imaging sidescan sonar
* Single-Difference Multipath Hemispherical Map for Multipath Mitigation in BDS-2/BDS-3 Short Baseline Positioning, A
* Single-Image Simultaneous Destriping and Denoising: Double Low-Rank Property
* Spatial Correlation of Satellite-Derived PM2.5 with Hospital Admissions for Respiratory Diseases
* Spatiotemporal Dilated Convolutional Generative Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, A
* Structure-constrained low-rank and partial sparse representation for image classification
* Structure-Constrained Low-Rank and Partial Sparse Representation with Sample Selection for image classification
* Student Loss: Towards the Probability Assumption in Inaccurate Supervision
* SwinTextSpotter: Scene Text Spotting via Better Synergy between Text Detection and Text Recognition
* Tie Voxel Method and Its Quality for 3D Airborne LIDAR Block Adjustment
* Time-frequency fusion learning for photoplethysmography biometric recognition
* Towards Robust Tampered Text Detection in Document Image: New Dataset and New Solution
* Traffic flow detection and statistics via improved optical flow and connected region analysis
* Two-Dimensional Discriminant Locality Preserving Projection Based on l1-norm Maximization
* Two-stage local details restoration framework for face hallucination
* Unsupervised multi-class segmentation of SAR images using triplet Markov fields models based on edge penalty
Includes: Liu, C.Y.[Cheng Yun] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yun] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yi] Liu, C.Y.[Chang-Ying] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yong] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Yi] Liu, C.Y.[Chian-Yi] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Yang] Liu, C.Y.[Cui-Yan] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yuan] Liu, C.Y.[Chen-Yang] Liu, C.Y.[Chuan-Yi] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chi-Yu] Liu, C.Y. Liu, C.Y.[Chen-Ying] Liu, C.Y.[Chao-Yang] Liu, C.Y.[Chao-Yin] Liu, C.Y.[Chen Yi] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Ying] Liu, C.Y.[Chuan-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chong-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Yong] Liu, C.Y.[Cai-Yun] Liu, C.Y.[Cai-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Yan] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yang] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yin] Liu, C.Y.[Chun-Yy] Liu, C.Y.[Chou-Yuan] Liu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chang-Yue] Liu, C.Y.[Cong-Yang] Liu, C.Y.[Chen-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chang-Yu] Liu, C.Y.[Chao-Ying] Liu, C.Y.[Cui-Yin] Liu, C.Y.[Chao-Yue] Liu, C.Y.[Chang-Yong] Liu, C.Y.[Chong-Yang] Liu, C.Y.[Chin-Yeh] Liu, C.Y.[Cai-Yin]
120 for Liu, C.Y.
Liu, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Ranging Capability of a Space Debris Laser Ranging System Based on the Maximum Detection Distance Model
* Bionics and its Application in Energy Management Strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Formation, The
* Case Study on the Effect of Atmospheric Density Calibration on Orbit Predictions with Sparse Angular Data, A
* Improved Initial Orbit Determination Based on the Gooding Method of Low Earth Orbit Space Debris Using Space-Based Observations
* Innovative Adaptive Cruise Control Method Based on Mixed H_2/H_inf Out-of-Sequence Measurement Observer, An
* Innovative Adaptive Cruise Control Method With Packet Dropout, An
* Innovative Finite Frequency H8, An
* Knowledge Based Pattern-Context-Aware Stereo Analysis and Its Applications
* Multi-ROI Human Mesh Recovery with Camera Consistency and Contrastive Losses
* New Triangulation Algorithm for Positioning Space Debris, A
* QR Iterative Subspace Identification and Its Application in Image Denoising
* Reliable Robust Control Method for Vehicle Lateral Dynamics With Preview Driver Model, A
* Subpixel Mapping of Surface Water in the Tibetan Plateau with MODIS Data
* Subpixel Snow Mapping Using Daily AVHRR/2 Data over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Includes: Liu, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi] Liu, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi] Liu, C.Z.[Cong-Zhi] Liu, C.Z. Liu, C.Z.[Chang-Zhen] Liu, C.Z.[Chan-Zi] Liu, C.Z.[Chen-Zhou] Liu, C.Z.[Chen-Zou]
14 for Liu, C.Z.
Liu, D.[Delong]
Co Author Listing * 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results
* 3D Change Detection Using Adaptive Thresholds Based on Local Point Cloud Density
* 3D CNN-Based Soma Segmentation from Brain Images at Single-Neuron Resolution
* AARN: Anchor-guided attention refinement network for inshore ship detection
* Accuracy Assessment of GlobeLand30 2010 Land Cover over China Based on Geographically and Categorically Stratified Validation Sample Data
* Accurate 3D bone segmentation in challenging CT images: Bottom-up parsing and contextualized optimization
* Accurate Discharge Estimation Based on River Widths of SWOT and Constrained At-Many-Stations Hydraulic Geometry
* Accurate Mapping of Forest Types Using Dense Seasonal Landsat Time-Series
* Accurate object detection using memory-based models in surveillance scenes
* AdaptCD: An Adaptive Target Region-based Commodity Detection System
* Adaptive Context Reading Network for Movie Scene Detection
* Adaptive CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction Based on Complexity Classification Using Machine Learning, An
* Adaptive Pooling in Multi-instance Learning for Web Video Annotation
* Advanced Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1, An
* Advances in deep learning-based image recognition of product packaging
* Adversarial Open Domain Adaptation for Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* AIM 2022 Challenge on Super-resolution of Compressed Image and Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* aiWave: Volumetric Image Compression With 3-D Trained Affine Wavelet-Like Transform
* Alleviating Foreground Sparsity for Semi-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Analysis of Vegetation Vulnerability Dynamics and Driving Forces to Multiple Drought Stresses in a Changing Environment
* Analyzing documents with Quantum Clustering: A novel pattern recognition algorithm based on quantum mechanics
* Angular Calibration of Visible and Infrared Binocular All-Sky-View Cameras Using Sun Positions
* Annual and Seasonal Variations in Aerosol Optical Characteristics in the Huai River Basin, China from 2007 to 2021
* ARShadowGAN: Shadow Generative Adversarial Network for Augmented Reality in Single Light Scenes
* Asymmetric Cross-Scale Alignment for Text-Based Person Search
* Attention Multi-Scale Network for Automatic Layer Extraction of Ice Radar Topological Sequences
* Attention-Driven Training-Free Efficiency Enhancement of Diffusion Models
* Attentive Cross-Modal Fusion Network for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Attribute Artifacts Removal for Geometry-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Auto-Extraction of Linear Archaeological Traces of Tuntian Irrigation Canals in Miran Site (China) from Gaofen-1 Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lymph Nodes From CT Data
* Automatic detection of liver lesion from 3D computed tomography images
* B-Spline Level Set Method for Shape Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* B-Spline-Based Sharp Feature Preserving Shape Reconstruction Approach for Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Background Cutout with Automatic Object Discovery
* Balanced Two-Stage Residual Networks for Image Super-Resolution
* Bayesian Approach to Multimodal Visual Dictionary Learning, A
* Binarizing the Courtesy Amount Field on Color Chinese Bank Check Images
* Block-Composed Background Reference for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Cascade Learning Method for Liver Lesion Detection in CT Images, A
* Causality Inspired Representation Learning for Domain Generalization
* CC-SMC: Chain coding-based segmentation map lossless compression
* Center-Ness and Repulsion: Constraints to Improve Remote Sensing Object Detection via RepPoints
* CERL: A Unified Optimization Framework for Light Enhancement With Realistic Noise
* Chain Code-Based Occupancy Map Coding for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Character-Oriented Video Summarization With Visual and Textual Cues
* Characteristics and Formation Conditions of Thin Phytoplankton Layers in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Revealed by Airborne Lidar
* Characterization of Aerosol and CO2 Co-Emissions around Power Plants through Satellite-Based Synergistic Observations
* Characterizing a Heavy Dust Storm Event in 2021: Transport, Optical Properties and Impact, Using Multi-Sensor Data Observed in Jinan, China
* Cloud Detection Approach Based on Hybrid Multispectral Features with Dynamic Thresholds for GF-1 Remote Sensing Images, A
* CNN-Based DCT-Like Transform for Image Compression
* CNN-Based Image Compression Scheme Compatible with JPEG-2000, A
* CNN-based text image super-resolution tailored for OCR
* Co-Salient Object Detection with Uncertainty-Aware Group Exchange-Masking
* Combining directional intra prediction and intra block copy with block partition for HEVC
* Comparative Deep Learning of Hybrid Representations for Image Recommendations
* Complex Object Correspondence Construction in Two-Dimensional Animation
* Complex Organ Mask Guided Radiology Report Generation
* Composition-Aware Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Comprehensive Benchmark for Single Image Compression Artifact Reduction, A
* Comprehensive Comparisons of State-of-the-Art Gridded Precipitation Estimates for Hydrological Applications over Southern China
* Compressed dual-channel neural network with application to image-based smoke detection
* Compressed Image Restoration via Artifacts-Free PCA Basis Learning and Adaptive Sparse Modeling
* Compression Artifact Removal with Ensemble Learning of Neural Networks
* Computed Tomography Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Conditional Video Diffusion Network for Fine-Grained Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Confidence-based Iterative Generation for Real-world Image Super-resolution
* Connecting Image Denoising and High-Level Vision Tasks via Deep Learning
* Constrained Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Construction of Nighttime Cloud Layer Height and Classification of Cloud Types
* Content-Adaptive Rate-Distortion Modeling for Frame-Level Rate Control in Versatile Video Coding
* Context-Aware Visual Policy Network for Fine-Grained Image Captioning
* Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Post-Processing in HEVC Intra Coding, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Approach to Rate Control in HEVC Intra Coding, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Intra-Predicted Residues
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding of DC Coefficients for HEVC Intra Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for HEVC
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for Intra Frame Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Fractional-Pixel Motion Compensation
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Invertible Half-Pixel Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Video Super-Resolution for Action Recognition
* Cost-Distortion Optimization and Resource Control in Pseudo-Analog Visual Communications
* Courtesy Amount Recognition System for Chinese Bank Checks, A
* CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry
* CT Image-Guided Electrical Impedance Tomography for Medical Imaging
* CTE-Net: Contextual Texture Enhancement Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Customizable Architecture Search for Semantic Segmentation
* Customize-a-video: One-shot Motion Customization of Text-to-video Diffusion Models
* D3: Deep Dual-Domain Based Fast Restoration of JPEG-Compressed Images
* Dataset Distillation by Automatic Training Trajectories
* DAVID: Dual-Attentional Video Deblurring
* DBVC: An End-to-End 3-D Deep Biomedical Video Coding Framework
* Decomposition Betters Tracking Everything Everywhere
* Decoupling-Based Resilient Control of Vehicular Platoons Under Injection of False Wireless Data
* Deep adaptive learning for safe and efficient navigation of pedestrian dynamics
* Deep Adversarial Data Augmentation for Extremely Low Data Regimes
* Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition
* Deep Learning Based Single-Photon 3D Imaging with Multiple Returns
* Deep Learning-Based Nonlinear Transform for HEVC Intra Coding
* Deep Learning-Based Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Deep Learning-Based Video Coding: A Review and a Case Study
* Deep Network-Based Frame Extrapolation With Reference Frame Alignment
* Deep network-based image coding for simultaneous compression and retrieval
* Deep Networks for Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Prior
* Deep Object Co-Segmentation and Co-Saliency Detection via High-Order Spatial-Semantic Network Modulation
* Deep Residual Attention Network for Spectral Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Transport Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Deep Virtual Reference Frame Generation For Multiview Video Coding
* Deep-PCAC: An End-to-End Deep Lossy Compression Framework for Point Cloud Attributes
* DeepEIT: Deep Image Prior Enabled Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Deeply Modulated Scheme for Variable-Rate Video Compression, A
* DeFormer: Integrating Transformers with Deformable Models for 3D Shape Abstraction from a Single Image
* Density-Insensitive Unsupervised Domain Adaption on 3D Object Detection
* Design Information Extraction and Visual Representation based on Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing Techniques
* Designing CW Range-Resolved Environmental S-Lidars for Various Range Scales: From a Tabletop Test Bench to a 10 km Path
* Detection of Chlorophyll a and CDOM Absorption Coefficient with a Dual-Wavelength Oceanic Lidar: Wavelength Optimization Method
* Detection of U.S. Traffic Signs
* Determination of Planetary Boundary Layer height with Lidar Signals Using Maximum Limited Height Initialization and Range Restriction (MLHI-RR)
* Development of ZJU High-Spectral-Resolution Lidar for Aerosol and Cloud: Extinction Retrieval
* Difficulty-Based SPOC Video Clustering Using Video-Watching Data
* DISCOV: A Framework for Discovering Objects in Video
* Discovering joint audio-visual codewords for video event detection
* Disguised Heterogeneous Face Generation With Iterative-Adversarial Style Unification
* Disparity tuning guided stereoscopic saliency detection for eye fixation prediction
* Disparity-Aware Reference Frame Generation Network for Multiview Video Coding
* Dominant Factors in the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
* DSNet: A Dual-Stream Framework for Weakly-Supervised Gigapixel Pathology Image Analysis
* Dual Frame Motion Compensation With Optimal Long-Term Reference Frame Selection and Bit Allocation
* Dual Learning with Dynamic Knowledge Distillation for Partially Relevant Video Retrieval
* Dynamic data-driven computation method for the number of waiting passengers and waiting time in the urban rail transit network
* Dynamic Facial Expression Synthesis Driven by Deformable Semantic Parts
* E-Argus: Drones Detection by Side-Channel Signatures via Electromagnetic Radiation
* E-Commerce Storytelling Recommendation Using Attentional Domain-Transfer Network and Adversarial Pre-Training
* E2I: Generative Inpainting From Edge to Image
* Early Identification of Seed Maize and Common Maize Production Fields Using Sentinel-2 Images
* Edge-Aware Label Propagation for Mobile Facial Enhancement on the Cloud
* Edge-guided generative adversarial network for image inpainting
* Edge-Oriented Uniform Intra Prediction
* Efficient background picture coding for videos obtained from static cameras
* Efficient Four-Parameter Affine Motion Model for Video Coding, An
* Efficient Quasi-Newton Method for Nonlinear Inverse Problems via Learned Singular Values, An
* Eliminating Contextual Prior Bias for Semantic Image Editing via Dual-Cycle Diffusion
* Emotional image color transfer via deep learning
* End-to-End Learned Scalable Multilayer Feature Compression for Machine Vision Tasks
* End-to-End Optimized Versatile Image Compression With Wavelet-Like Transform
* end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using behavior, actions, and appearance with interactive query refinement, An
* Enhance Visual Recognition Under Adverse Conditions via Deep Networks
* Enhancing Accuracy in Historical Forest Vegetation Mapping in Yunnan with Phenological Features, and Climatic and Elevation Variables
* EnlightenGAN: Deep Light Enhancement Without Paired Supervision
* Ensemble Learning-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization for End-to-End Image Compression
* Estimating Daily Inundation Probability Using Remote Sensing, Riverine Flood, and Storm Surge Models: A Case of Hurricane Harvey
* Estimating Reservoir Release Using Multi-Source Satellite Datasets and Hydrological Modeling Techniques
* Estimation of the Seawater Lidar Ratio by MODIS: Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Ecological Significance
* Evaluating the Temporal Dynamics of Uncertainty Contribution from Satellite Precipitation Input in Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using the Variance Decomposition Method
* Evaluation of Image Inpainting for Classification and Retrieval
* Evaluation of Triple-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition
* Exploiting Optical Flow Guidance for Transformer-Based Video Inpainting
* Explorative Study on Estimating Local Accuracies in Land-Cover Information Using Logistic Regression and Class-Heterogeneity-Stratified Data, An
* Exploring Temporal Concurrency for Video-Language Representation Learning
* Exploring the Relationship between Urban Vibrancy and Built Environment Using Multi-Source Data: Case Study in Munich
* Extending Adversarial Attacks and Defenses to Deep 3D Point Cloud Classifiers
* Extending Ordinary-Label Learning Losses to Complementary-Label Learning
* Extracting Ground-Level DEM From SRTM DEM in Forest Environments Based on Mathematical Morphology
* Face Alignment Using Boosting and Evolutionary Search
* Fast and accurate multi-class geospatial object detection with large-size remote sensing imagery using CNN and Truncated NMS
* Fast and Memory-Efficient Network Towards Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast encoding of surveillance videos based on HEVC
* Fast Image Super-Resolution via Local Adaptive Gradient Field Sharpening Transform
* Fast Threshold Image Segmentation Based on 2D Fuzzy Fisher and Random Local Optimized QPSO
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation
* Feature-Align Network with Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Denoising
* Fine-Grained Image Recognition from Click-Through Logs Using Deep Siamese Network
* Fingerprints Matching Based on Quadrangle
* First Observations of Mars Atmosphere and Ionosphere with Tianwen-1 Radio-Occultation Technique on 5 August 2021
* Flat: Flux-aware Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks on 3d Point Clouds
* Flexible Alignment Super-Resolution Network for Multi-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Flow-Guided Transformer for Video Inpainting
* FloW: A Dataset and Benchmark for Floating Waste Detection in Inland Waters
* Focusing the L-Band Spaceborne Bistatic SAR Mission Data Using a Modified RD Algorithm
* FormNet: Formatted Learning for Image Restoration
* FormResNet: Formatted Residual Learning for Image Restoration
* Fractional-Pel Accurate Motion-Adaptive Transforms
* Frank-Wolfe Network: An Interpretable Deep Structure for Non-Sparse Coding
* Fully Convolutional Adaptation Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Fusion of GF and MODIS Data for Regional-Scale Grassland Community Classification with EVI2 Time-Series and Phenological Features
* Fusion of multi-angular aerial images based on epipolar geometry and matrix completion
* Fuzzy quantization based bit transform for low bit-resolution motion estimation
* Gaussian Kernel-Based Cross Modal Network for Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding
* Generating Diverse Structure for Image Inpainting With Hierarchical VQ-VAE
* Geostatistical Analysis of CH4 Columns over Monsoon Asia Using Five Years of GOSAT Observations
* Globally Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event-Based Motion Estimation
* Graph-Based 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Multi-View Images
* Graph-Based Non-Convex Low-Rank Regularization for Image Compression Artifact Reduction
* Graph-based rotation of the DCT basis for motion-adaptive transforms
* Guest Editorial Special Section on Recent Standardization Efforts for Learning-Based Visual Data Coding
* Harivo: Harnessing Text-to-image Models for Video Generation
* Hiding Imperceptible Noise in Curvature-aware Patches for 3d Point Cloud Attack
* Hierarchical Forgery Classifier on Multi-Modality Face Forgery Clues
* Hierarchical Local-Global Transformer for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Hierarchical quadtree-based flexible block ordering in HEVC intra coding
* Hierarchical Visual Model for Video Object Summarization, A
* HiFiSketch: High Fidelity Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Manipulation
* High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via Fusion of MODIS and AMSR2 Data
* HiLo: Detailed and Robust 3D Clothed Human Reconstruction with High-and Low-Frequency Information of Parametric Models
* HSCNN+: Advanced CNN-Based Hyperspectral Recovery from RGB Images
* HSCNN: CNN-Based Hyperspectral Image Recovery from Spectrally Undersampled Projections
* HSVCNN: CNN-Based Hyperspectral Reconstruction from RGB Videos
* Human Pose Estimation Using Global and Local Normalization
* Hybrid Neural Network for Chroma Intra Prediction, A
* Hyperspherical Quantization: Toward Smaller and More Accurate Models
* Identification of Complex Slope Subsurface Strata Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Identification of Seed Maize Fields With High Spatial Resolution and Multiple Spectral Remote Sensing Using Random Forest Classifier
* Identifying the Influencing Factors of Cooling Effect of Urban Blue Infrastructure Using the Geodetector Model
* Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting
* Image Denoising via Low Rank Regularization Exploiting Intra and Inter Patch Correlation
* Image Fusion Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
* Image Retagging Using Collaborative Tag Propagation
* Image retrieval with query-adaptive hashing
* Image semantic quality assessment for compression of car-plate images
* Image Super-Resolution via Dual-State Recurrent Networks
* Impact of Diurnal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature on Air-Sea Heat Flux Estimation over the Northwest Pacific Ocean, The
* Impact of GPS/BDS Satellite Attitude Quaternions on Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution
* Importance Weighted Structure Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object detection
* Improving 3D Human Pose Estimation Via 3D Part Affinity Fields
* Improving Compression Artifact Reduction via End-to-End Learning of Side Information
* Improving Generalization with Domain Convex Game
* Improving the Resolution of GRACE Data for Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Storage Assessment
* In Memorium: Gunter Menz
* Increased Ecosystem Carbon Storage between 2001 and 2019 in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Inertia-Guided Flow Completion and Style Fusion for Video Inpainting
* Inpainting with image patches for compression
* Inspector for Face Forgery Detection: Defending Against Adversarial Attacks From Coarse to Fine
* Instantaneous Perception of Moving Objects in 3D
* Integrated feature selection and higher-order spatial feature extraction for object categorization
* Inter-picture prediction based on 3D point cloud model
* Introduction to Parallel Control and Management for High-Speed Railway Systems, An
* Invertibility-Driven Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* Is Heuristic Sampling Necessary in Training Deep Object Detectors?
* iWave: CNN-Based Wavelet-Like Transform for Image Compression
* Jacobian norm with Selective Input Gradient Regularization for interpretable adversarial defense
* Joint audio-visual bi-modal codewords for video event detection
* Joint foveation-depth just-noticeable-difference model for virtual reality environment
* Joint Optimized Point Cloud Compression for 3d Object Detection
* Knowledge Distillation from End-To-End Image Compression to VVC Intra Coding for Perceptual Quality Enhancement
* lambda-Domain Rate Control Algorithm for HEVC Scalable Extension
* LaPA: Latent Prompt Assist Model for Medical Visual Question Answering
* Large Differences in Terrestrial Vegetation Production Derived from Satellite-Based Light Use Efficiency Models
* Large-Scale Crop Mapping Based on Machine Learning and Parallel Computation with Grids
* Large-Scale Video Hashing via Structure Learning
* Latent Layout Analysis for Discovering Objects in Images
* Layout-Agnostic Scene Text Image Synthesis with Diffusion Models
* LD-ConGR: A Large RGB-D Video Dataset for Long-Distance Continuous Gesture Recognition
* Learn from each other to Classify better: Cross-layer mutual attention learning for fine-grained visual classification
* Learned Image Compression With Gaussian-Laplacian-Logistic Mixture Model and Concatenated Residual Modules
* Learned Rate-Distortion Cost Prediction for Ultrafast Screen Content Intra Coding
* Learning a Convolutional Neural Network for Image Compact-Resolution
* Learning a Mixture of Deep Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning and Fusing Multiple User Interest Representations for Micro-Video and Movie Recommendations
* learning based deformable template matching method for automatic rib centerline extraction and labeling in CT images, A
* Learning Fine-Grained Features for Pixel-wise Video Correspondences
* Learning interlaced sparse Sinkhorn matching network for video super-resolution
* Learning Progressive Joint Propagation for Human Motion Prediction
* Learning Sample Specific Weights for Late Fusion
* Learning sequential slice representation with an attention-embedding network for 3D shape recognition and retrieval in MLS point clouds
* Learning Simple Thresholded Features With Sparse Support Recovery
* Learning Temporal Dynamics for Video Super-Resolution: A Deep Learning Approach
* Learning to Adapt Adversarial Perturbation Consistency for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Learning to Compose and Reason with Language Tree Structures for Visual Grounding
* Learning Trailer Moments in Full-length Movies with Co-contrastive Attention
* LF-fusion: Dense and accurate 3D reconstruction from light field images
* Lidar Ratio Regional Transfer Method for Extinction Coefficient Accuracy Improvement in Lidar Networks
* Lidar Remote Sensing of Seawater Optical Properties: Experiment and Monte Carlo Simulation
* LIDAR-based Long Range Road Intersection Detection
* Lidar-Observed Diel Vertical Variations of Inland Chlorophyll a Concentration
* Light Attenuation and Color Fluctuation for Underwater Image Restoration
* Light Field Compression Using Global Multiplane Representation and Two-Step Prediction
* Light Field Super-Resolution By Jointly Exploiting Internal and External Similarities
* Light field super-resolution using internal and external similarities
* Light Field Super-Resolution with Zero-Shot Learning
* Lightweight Context Model Equipped aiWave in Response to the AVS Call for Evidence on Volumetric Medical Image Coding
* Likelihood-Field-Model-Based Dynamic Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Self-Driving
* LipFormer: Learning to Lipread Unseen Speakers Based on Visual-Landmark Transformers
* LoTE-Animal: A Long Time-span Dataset for Endangered Animal Behavior Understanding
* Low rank regularization exploiting intra and inter patch correlation for image denoising
* LSSVC: A Learned Spatially Scalable Video Coding Scheme
* Lunar Crater Detection Based on Terrain Analysis and Mathematical Morphology Methods Using Digital Elevation Models
* M-LVC: Multiple Frames Prediction for Learned Video Compression
* MAP-MRF Approach to Landsat ETM+ SLC-Off Image Classification
* Mapping global land cover in 2001 and 2010 with spatial-temporal consistency at 250M resolution
* Mapping Main Grain Crops and Change Analysis in the West Liaohe River Basin with Limited Samples Based on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Sandy Island Ecosystem Health during the Last Decades Based on Remote Sensing
* Marine Heatwave and Terrestrial Drought Reduced CO2 Uptake in the East China Sea in 2022
* Memory-based Gait Recognition
* Method For Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based On GCN-LSTM, A
* MLP Can Be a Good Transformer Learner
* Modeling Video as Stochastic Processes for Fine-Grained Video Representation Learning
* Monitoring and Analysis of Surface Deformation in the Buzhaoba Open-Pit Mine Based on SBAS-InSAR Technology
* Monitoring Suspended Sediment Transport in the Lower Yellow River using Landsat Observations
* Monitoring the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Shale Oil/Gas Development with Landsat Time Series: Case Studies in the USA
* Monitoring the Work Cycles of Earthmoving Excavators in Earthmoving Projects Using UAV Remote Sensing
* More Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model
* Motion-Constrained GNSS/INS Integrated Navigation Method Based on BP Neural Network
* Motion-Focused Contrastive Learning of Video Representations*
* Moving Morphable Components Based Shape Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* MRLReID: Unconstrained Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification With Multi-Task Resolution Learning
* Multi-label learning based on instance correlation and feature redundancy
* Multi-layer encoder-decoder time-domain single channel speech separation
* Multi-level feature disentanglement network for cross-dataset face forgery detection
* Multi-Scale Frequency Separation Network for Image Deblurring
* Multi-Stage Feature Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-task image set classification via joint representation with class-level sparsity and intra-task low-rankness
* Multisource Remote Sensing Data-Based Flood Monitoring and Crop Damage Assessment: A Case Study on the 20 July 2021 Extraordinary Rainfall Event in Henan, China
* Neural Belief Propagation for Scene Graph Generation
* Neural Compression-Based Feature Learning for Video Restoration
* Neural network-based arithmetic coding of intra prediction modes in HEVC
* Neural Radiance Field-Assisted Static-Scene Video Coding
* Neural Shape Parsers for Constructive Solid Geometry
* Neural Strokes: Stylized Line Drawing of 3D Shapes
* Neuronal Population Reconstruction From Ultra-Scale Optical Microscopy Images via Progressive Learning
* New Geographical Cluster View on Passenger Vehicle Purchasing in Chinese Cities, A
* New Method on the Segmentation and Recognition of Chinese Characters for Automatic Chinese Seal Imprint Retrieval, A
* new motion model for panoramic video coding, A
* New Spatial Analysis and Hybrid Heuristics Enhance Truck Freight Tonnage Estimation Based on Weigh-in-Motion Data
* Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Translation Integrating Visible Images
* NIVeL: Neural Implicit Vector Layers for Text-to-Vector Generation
* NN-Based In-Loop Filtering with Inputs Transformed
* Noisy Label Learning With Provable Consistency for a Wider Family of Losses
* Non-residual unrestricted pruned ultra-faster line detection for edge devices
* novel fuzzy classification entropy approach to image thresholding, A
* NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel Images: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object discovery with perceptual grouping
* OFVL-MS: Once for Visual Localization across Multiple Indoor Scenes
* On Combining Multiple Features for Cartoon Character Retrieval and Clip Synthesis
* On Practical Implementations of Connected Vehicles: The Issue of Acceleration Feedback
* On Structural and Safety Properties of Head-to-Tail String Stability in Mixed Platoons
* On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water Surface Elevation to Hydrodynamic Model Calibration in the Han River
* On the Effectiveness of Spectral Discriminators for Perceptual Quality Improvement
* On Training Traffic Predictors via Broad Learning Structures: A Benchmark Study
* On-Board Georeferencing Using FPGA-Based Optimized Second-Order Polynomial Equation
* On-Board Multi-Class Geospatial Object Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network for High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* One-for-All: Grouped Variation Network-Based Fractional Interpolation in Video Coding
* Online convolutional dictionary learning for multimodal imaging
* Online Multi-Scale Classification and Global Feature Modulation for Robust Visual Tracking
* Ontology for Describing Wind Lidar Concepts, An
* Optical Remote Sensing Image Cloud Detection with Self-Attention and Spatial Pyramid Pooling Fusion
* optimal trajectory planning for automated on-ramp merging, An
* Optimizing Energy Savings for a Fleet of Commercial Autonomous Trucks
* Outdoor Face Recognition Using Enhanced Near Infrared Imaging
* Panoptic Feature Fusion Net: A Novel Instance Segmentation Paradigm for Biomedical and Biological Images
* Parameter Simulation and Design of an Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging LiDAR System
* Parametric Level Set Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Parametric Level Set-Based Approach to Difference Imaging in Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Parsenet: A Parametric Surface Fitting Network for 3d Point Clouds
* Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC Intra-Frame Coding
* Partition-Aware Adaptive Switching Neural Networks for Post-Processing in HEVC
* Pattern-Recognition in the Presence of Noise
* PDAM: A Panoptic-Level Feature Alignment Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Performance Evaluation and Requirement Analysis for Chronometric Leveling with High-Accuracy Optical Clocks
* Performance Evaluation of Spaceborne Integrated Path Differential Absorption Lidar for Carbon Dioxide Detection at 1572 nm
* Performance of BDS B1 Frequency Standard Point Positioning during the Main Phase of Different Classified Geomagnetic Storms in China and the Surrounding Area
* Phase Plane Analysis of Traffic Flow Evolution Based on Sticky Payne Model
* Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) for Detecting Responses of Diurnal and Seasonal Photosynthetic Activity to Experimental Drought and Warming in a Mediterranean Shrubland
* Photon-efficient 3d Imaging with A Non-local Neural Network
* PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Poststack Seismic Data Denoising Based on 3-D Convolutional Neural Network
* Potential of Moonlight Remote Sensing: A Systematic Assessment with Multi-Source Nightlight Remote Sensing Data, The
* Predictive modelling of fuel shortages during hurricane evacuation: An epidemiological approach
* Private Image Generation with Dual-Purpose Auxiliary Classifier
* Privileged Multi-Target Support Vector Regression
* Progressive Multi-Task Anti-Noise Learning and Distilling Frameworks for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Progressive Temporal Feature Alignment Network for Video Inpainting
* ProxEdit: Improving Tuning-Free Real Image Editing with Proximal Guidance
* PSD: Principled Synthetic-to-Real Dehazing Guided by Physical Priors
* Pseudo-Pair Based Self-Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Pyramid Attention Network for Image Restoration
* PyramidFlow: High-Resolution Defect Contrastive Localization Using Pyramid Normalizing Flow
* Quadtree-Based Coding Framework for High-Density Camera Array-Based Light Field Image
* Railway Alignment Optimization Based on Multiobjective Bi-Level Programming Considering Ecological Impact
* RDCRMG: A Raster Dataset Clean & Reconstitution Multi-Grid Architecture for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dryness
* Recognizing Complex Events in Videos by Learning Key Static-Dynamic Evidences
* Reconstructing Digital Terrain Models from ArcticDEM and WorldView-2 Imagery in Livengood, Alaska
* Reconstruction of Hourly Gap-Free Sea Surface Skin Temperature from Multi-Sensors
* Rectified Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for Perceptual Image Restoration
* Recurrent Dynamic Embedding for Video Object Segmentation
* Reduced reference image quality assessment using regularity of phase congruency
* Reference Clip for Inter Prediction in Video Coding
* Reference-Guided Landmark Image Inpainting With Deep Feature Matching
* Regional Precipitation Model Based on Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Kriging
* Regularity of spectral residual for reduced reference image quality assessment
* Remote Sensing Observation of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Pearl River Estuary
* Remote Sensing of Coastal Wetland Degradation Using the Landscape Directional Succession Model
* Residual Learning in Diffusion Models
* Residual Local Feature Network for Efficient Super-Resolution
* Residual objectness for imbalance reduction
* retrieval algorithm of the sea surface salinity based on the improved K-S model in Hong Kong Waters, The
* Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profile from Historical Data and Ground-Based Observations by Using a Machine Learning Algorithm
* Revisiting Adaptive Cellular Recognition Under Domain Shifts: A Contextual Correspondence View
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Sparse Combination of Data Points
* Robust Geometry-Dependent Attack for 3D Point Clouds
* Robust late fusion with rank minimization
* Robust Motion-Compensated Orthogonal Video Coding Using EBCOT
* Robust Object Co-detection
* Robust Single Image Super-Resolution via Deep Networks With Sparse Prior
* Robust Video Super-Resolution with Learned Temporal Dynamics
* Robust visual domain adaptation with low-rank reconstruction
* Safe Feature Screening Rule for Rank Lasso, A
* Sample-Specific Late Fusion for Visual Category Recognition
* Seamless 3D Surround View with a Novel Burger Model
* Search strategies for multiple landmark detection by submodular maximization
* Second-Order Graph ODEs for Multi-Agent Trajectory Forecasting
* Seeing Unseen: Discover Novel Biomedical Concepts via Geometry-Constrained Probabilistic Modeling
* Self-Training-Transductive-Learning Broad Learning System (STTL-BLS): A model for effective and efficient image classification
* Semantic-Shift for Unsupervised Object Detection
* Semantically Scalable Image Coding With Compression of Feature Maps
* Semantics-to-Signal Scalable Image Compression with Learned Revertible Representations
* Semi-Automatic Tagging of Photo Albums via Exemplar Selection and Tag Inference
* Semi-Supervised Automatic Layer and Fluid Region Segmentation of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Adversarial Learning
* Semianalytic Monte Carlo Simulator for Spaceborne Oceanic Lidar: Framework and Preliminary Results, A
* Shape Reconstruction Using Boolean Operations in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shape-Driven Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shape-Driven EIT Reconstruction Using Fourier Representations
* Shortest Path with Backtracking Based Automatic Layer Segmentation in Pathological Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* SiamHRnet-OCR: A Novel Deforestation Detection Model with High-Resolution Imagery and Deep Learning
* SIFT-based adaptive prediction structure for light field compression
* SMART: Vision-Based Method of Cooperative Surveillance and Tracking by Multiple UAVs in the Urban Environment
* Snapshot Hyperspectral Light Field Imaging
* SNED: Superposition Network Architecture Search for Efficient Video Diffusion Model
* Social Diffusion Analysis With Common-Interest Model for Image Annotation
* Soft shape context for iterative closest point registration
* Spatial and Spectral Translation of Landsat 8 to Sentinel-2 Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Spatial Decomposition and Temporal Fusion Based Inter Prediction for Learned Video Compression
* spatial-temporal contextual Markovian kernel method for multi-temporal land cover mapping, A
* Spatial-Temporal Frequency Forgery Clue for Video Forgery Detection in VIS and NIR Scenario
* Spatial-then-Temporal Self-Supervised Learning for Video Correspondence
* Spatiotemporal Generative Adversarial Network-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Surveillance Video Coding
* Spatiotemporal Registration for Event-based Visual Odometry
* Spot the GEO Satellites: From Dataset to Kelvins SpotGEO Challenge
* SSSIC: Semantics-to-Signal Scalable Image Coding With Learned Structural Representations
* Statistical Shape-Constrained Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Steering Prototypes with Prompt-tuning for Rehearsal-free Continual Learning
* Strong Tracking Square Root Central Difference FastSLAM for Unmanned Intelligent Vehicle With Adaptive Partial Systematic Resampling, A
* Structural Characteristics of Endorheic Rivers in the Tarim Basin
* Structured Multi-Level Interaction Network for Video Moment Localization via Language Query
* Study of the Tidal Variations in the Ionosphere and the MLT Region over Mohe and Beijing During Six Intense Geomagnetic Storms from 2016 to 2021
* Studying Very Low Resolution Recognition Using Deep Networks
* SurroundSDF: Implicit 3D Scene Understanding Based on Signed Distance Field
* Surveillance video coding with dynamic textural background detection
* Surveillance video coding with vehicle library
* Survey of Face Detection on Low-Quality Images
* TAGNet: Triplet-Attention Graph Networks for Hashtag Recommendation
* Taxonomy Adaptive Cross-Domain Adaptation in Medical Imaging via Optimization Trajectory Distillation
* Temporal Context Mining for Learned Video Compression
* Temporal Signal Basis for Hierarchical Block Motion in Image Sequences
* Temporal Wavelet Transform-Based Low-Complexity Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Tensor-Based Light Field Denoising by Integrating Super-Resolution
* Three-Dimensional Coherent Radar Backscatter Model and Simulations of Scattering Phase Center of Forest Canopies
* Three-dimensional superresolution by three-zone complex pupil filters
* Time Lag and Cumulative Effects of Extreme Climate on Coastal Vegetation in China
* Topic-Motion Model for Unsupervised Video Object Discovery, A
* Toward Extremely Lightweight Distracted Driver Recognition With Distillation-Based Neural Architecture Search and Knowledge Transfer
* Toward Interactive Image Inpainting via Robust Sketch Refinement
* Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding
* Towards Hybrid-Optimization Video Coding
* Towards interpretable and robust hand detection via pixel-wise prediction
* Towards Memorization-Free Diffusion Models
* Towards Specific Domain Prompt Learning via Improved Text Label Optimization
* Towards Task-Generic Image Compression: A Study of Semantics-Oriented Metrics
* Tracking by Animation: Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Attentive Trackers
* Traffic surveillance video coding with libraries of vehicles and background
* Training Weakly Supervised Video Frame Interpolation with Events
* Trans-Boundary Dust Transport of Dust Storms in Northern China: A Study Utilizing Ground-Based Lidar Network and CALIPSO Satellite
* Transferring and Regularizing Prediction for Semantic Segmentation
* Transverse or axial superresolution with radial birefringent filter
* TransVG++: End-to-End Visual Grounding With Language Conditioned Vision Transformer
* TransVG: End-to-End Visual Grounding with Transformers
* tree conditional random field model for panel detection in comic images, A
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Super-Resolution
* Two-Step Fast Mode Decision for Intra Coding of Screen Content
* Two-Stream Action Recognition-Oriented Video Super-Resolution
* Two-Stream Refinement Network for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Ultra-Fine Grain Steel's Metallurgical Image Restoration Method Based on Improved Water-Growing
* Understanding Convolution for Semantic Segmentation
* Unified 3D Human Motion Synthesis Model via Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder*, A
* Unsupervised Crop Classification Method Based on Principal Components Isometric Binning, An
* Unsupervised Depth Estimation from Light Field Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Unsupervised Image Categorization and Object Localization using Topic Models and Correspondences between Images
* Unsupervised Image Layout Extraction
* Unsupervised Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images via Panoptic Domain Adaptation and Task Re-Weighting
* Unsupervised Low-light Image Enhancement with Decoupled Networks
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Online Adversarial Self-Tuning
* Validation of the Analytical Model of Oceanic Lidar Returns: Comparisons with Monte Carlo Simulations and Experimental Results
* VecFusion: Vector Font Generation with Diffusion
* Vertical Structures of Dust Aerosols over East Asia Based on CALIPSO Retrievals
* Video coding using multi-reference motion-adaptive transforms based on graphs
* Video retrieval based on object discovery
* VideoCut: Removing Irrelevant Frames by Discovering the Object of Interest
* View Synthesis-Based 360° VR Caching System Over MEC-Enabled C-RAN, A
* Vifa: An Efficient Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Architecture for Multi-task Applications via Continual Learning
* Virtual view distortion estimation for depth map coding
* Visual Analyses of Music Download History: User Studies
* Visual Layout Composer: Image-Vector Dual Diffusion Model for Design Layout Generation
* Visual Semantic Information Pursuit: A Survey
* VNVC: A Versatile Neural Video Coding Framework for Efficient Human-Machine Vision
* Volumetric End-to-End Optimized Compression for Brain Images
* Voxel-Based Multi-Scale Transformer Network for Event Stream Processing
* Watch, attend and parse: An end-to-end neural network based approach to handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Zenith Total Delay Combination of International GNSS Service Repro3 and the Analysis of Its Precision, The
* ZERO-IG: Zero-Shot Illumination-Guided Joint Denoising and Adaptive Enhancement for Low-Light Images
Includes: Liu, D.[Delong] Liu, D.[Dan] Liu, D. Liu, D.[Di] Liu, D.[Dong] Liu, D.[Desheng] Liu, D.[Danfei] Liu, D.[Ding] Liu, D.[Dongnan] Liu, D.[Deyin] Liu, D.[Difan] Liu, D.[Decheng] Liu, D.[David] Liu, D.[Diyou] Liu, D.[Da] Liu, D.[Daizong] Liu, D.[Daqi] Liu, D.[Daqing] Liu, D.[Dai] Liu, D.[Dahai] Liu, D.[Daibo] Liu, D.[Detuan] Liu, D.[Dedi] Liu, D.[Dewen] Liu, D.[Defu] Liu, D.[Duanduan] Liu, D.[Donghao] Liu, D.[Danni] Liu, D.[Dianbo] Liu, D.[Du] Liu, D.[Donglie] Liu, D.[Deming] Liu, D.[Dichao] Liu, D.[Daxue] Liu, D.[Dingshuo] Liu, D.[Dongrui] Liu, D.[Dingshuai] Liu, D.[Dun] Liu, D.[Debang] Liu, D.[Daqian] Liu, D.[Dongjingdian] Liu, D.[Dedong] Liu, D.[Dequan] Liu, D.[Dexing] Liu, D.[Daoguang] Liu, D.[Dahui] Liu, D.[Daoxin] Liu, D.[Daijun] Liu, D.[Daochang] Liu, D.[Dewei] Liu, D.[Delei] Liu, D.[Dashuai] Liu, D.[Dinghao] Liu, D.[Danlu] Liu, D.[De'an] Liu, D.[Deyuan] Liu, D.[Duo] Liu, D.[Daikun] Liu, D.[Dingyi]
515 for Liu, D.
Liu, D.B.[De Bin]
Co Author Listing * Dual-Grained Lightweight Strategy
* Lightweight Tensor Deep Computation Model With Its Application in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Multi-Modal Tensor Ring Decomposition for Communication-Efficient and Trustworthy Federated Learning for ITS in COVID-19 Scenario, A
* Multi-Tree Compact Hierarchical Tensor Recurrent Neural Networks for Intelligent Transportation System Edge Devices
* Tensor-Based Secure Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsourcing in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Tensor-Based Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Blockchain-Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Crowdsensing, A
Includes: Liu, D.B.[De Bin] Liu, D.B.[De-Bin]
Liu, D.C.[Dong C.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Persistence Utilizing Motion Compensation for Ultrasound Images
* Advanced Echo Separation Scheme for Space-Time Waveform-Encoding SAR Based on Digital Beamforming and Blind Source Separation, An
* Attention-Based Multi-Task Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Attention-Guided Spatial Transformer Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* blind color digital image watermarking method based on image correction and eigenvalue decomposition, A
* Characteristic matching-based adaptive fast bilateral filter for ultrasound speckle reduction
* Cluster-wise learning network for multi-person pose estimation
* Completeness Modeling and Context Separation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Diffusion Action Segmentation
* Fast and robust image watermarking method in the spatial domain
* Filter based spatial compounding for strain imaging
* Forest Height Estimation Approach Combining P-Band and X-Band Interferometric SAR Data
* Forest height retrieval using P-band airborne multi-baseline SAR data: A novel phase compensation method
* Hiding Visual Information via Obfuscating Adversarial Perturbations
* Hybrid Compact Polarimetric SAR Calibration Considering the Amplitude and Phase Coefficients Inconsistency
* Iterative local re-ranking with attribute guided synthesis for face sketch recognition
* Learning Degradation-Robust Spatiotemporal Frequency-Transformer for Video Super-Resolution
* Learning Spatiotemporal Frequency-Transformer for Compressed Video Super-Resolution
* Lite Hourglass Network for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* Modified Cartesian Factorized Backprojection Algorithm Integrating with Non-Start-Stop Model for High Resolution SAR Imaging, A
* Motion Visualization of Ultrasound Imaging
* On the Processing of Dual-Channel Receiving Signals of the LuTan-1 SAR System
* Personalized Image Generation for Color Vision Deficiency Population
* Processing Framework and Experimental Verification for the Noninterrupted Synchronization Scheme of LuTan-1, The
* Recursive Multi-Scale Channel-Spatial Attention for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Towards Unified Surgical Skill Assessment
* Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via Super Resolution and Nonlinear Diffusion
* Vehicle Identification Via Sparse Representation
Includes: Liu, D.C.[Dong C.] Liu, D.C.[Da-Cheng] Liu, D.C.[Di-Chao] Liu, D.C.[De-Cheng] Liu, D.C.[Dian-Chao] Liu, D.C.[Dao-Chang]
28 for Liu, D.C.
Liu, D.D.[Dan Dan]
Co Author Listing * Annual Large-Scale Urban Land Mapping Based on Landsat Time Series in Google Earth Engine and OpenStreetMap Data: A Case Study in the Middle Yangtze River Basin
* Calculation of 3-D acoustic scattering characteristics of a target in near-field at high-frequency
* Development of a Landscape-Based Multi-Metric Index to Assess Wetland Health of the Poyang Lake
* Distributed Feedback Interband Cascade Laser Based Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Column Density of HDO and CH4 Measurements at Dunhuang, Northwest of China
* Learning a strong detector for action localization in videos
* Mapping Algal Blooms in Aquatic Ecosystems Using Long-Term Landsat Data: A Case Study of Yuqiao Reservoir from 1984-2022
* Research on the online parameter identification method of train driving dynamic model
* Robust interactive image segmentation with automatic boundary refinement
* Satellite Monitoring of Urban Land Change in the Middle Yangtze River Basin Urban Agglomeration, China between 2000 and 2016
* Simulation of backscattering sound from submarine based on 3D-imaging sidescan sonar
* Subpixel edge location based on orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* Temporal and Spatial Variation of Land Surface Temperature and Its Driving Factors in Zhengzhou City in China from 2005 to 2020
* Topology Adaptive Water Boundary Extraction Based on a Modified Balloon Snake: Using GF-1 Satellite Images as an Example
Includes: Liu, D.D.[Dan Dan] Liu, D.D.[Dan-Dan] Liu, D.D.[Ding-Ding]
13 for Liu, D.D.
Liu, D.F.[Dong Fang]
Co Author Listing * AMD: Automatic Multi-step Distillation of Large-scale Vision Models
* Augmented GBM Nonlinear Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* DG-Labeler and DGL-MOTS Dataset: Boost the Autonomous Driving Perception
* E2VPT: An Effective and Efficient Approach for Visual Prompt Tuning
* Geometric Method of Fully Constrained Least Squares Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Label-Efficient Learning on Video Data
* Guest Editorial: Learning from limited annotations for computer vision tasks
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a Least Square Bias Constraint Additional Empirical Risk Minimization Nonparallel Support Vector Machine
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Non-Parallel Support Vector Machine
* IESRGAN: Enhanced U-Net Structured Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Laser Phase Noise Compensation Method Based on Dual Reference Channels in Inverse Synthetic Aperture LiDAR
* Lightweight Deep Neural Network Model With Padding-Free Downsampling
* Neural Contours: Learning to Draw Lines From 3D Shapes
* Optical Flow as Spatial-Temporal Attention Learners
* Pan-Sharpening Method with Beta-Divergence Non-Negative Matrix Factorization in Non-Subsampled Shear Transform Domain, A
* Pansharpening Based on Multimodal Texture Correction and Adaptive Edge Detail Fusion
* Physical Attack on Monocular Depth Estimation with Optimal Adversarial Patches
* ProMotion: Prototypes as Motion Learners
* Radiance Field Learners As UAV First-person Viewers
* Reformulating Graph Kernels for Self-Supervised Space-Time Correspondence Learning
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Training of Monocular Depth Estimation Against Physical-World Attacks
* Semantic Aware Data Augmentation for Cell Nuclei Microscopical Images with Artificial Neural Networks
* SG-Net: Spatial Granularity Network for One-Stage Video Instance Segmentation
* Text Is MASS: Modeling as Stochastic Embedding for Text-Video Retrieval
* TF-Blender: Temporal Feature Blender for Video Object Detection
* Towards Unbiased Label Distribution Learning for Facial Pose Estimation Using Anisotropic Spherical Gaussian
* TransFlow: Transformer as Flow Learner
* Tripartite Feature Enhanced Pyramid Network for Dense Prediction
* Vector-based Representation to Enhance Head Pose Estimation, A
* Video Captioning Using Global-Local Representation
* Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving: Mapping the Accurated Location in the City Maze
Includes: Liu, D.F.[Dong Fang] Liu, D.F.[Dong-Fang] Liu, D.F.[Dan-Feng] Liu, D.F.[Deng-Feng] Liu, D.F.[Di-Fan]
31 for Liu, D.F.
Liu, D.G.[Dong Ge]
Co Author Listing * Multiresolution Vector Data Compression Algorithm Based on Space Division, A
Includes: Liu, D.G.[Dong Ge] Liu, D.G.[Dong-Ge]
Liu, D.H.[De Hua]
Co Author Listing * Balancing Electric Scooter Battery Swapping Network by Spatio-Temporal Recommendation
* Color demosaicking with sparse representations
* efficient online active learning algorithm for binary classification, An
* Electromagnetic Target Detection in Uncertain Media: Time-Reversal and Minimum-Variance Algorithms
* Global Gravity Reconstruction Method for Mercury Employing Deep Convolutional Neural Network, A
* High resoluton image reconstruction: A new imager via movable random exposure
* High-Resolution Imaging Via Moving Random Exposure and Its Simulation
* Illumination invariant face recognition
* iterative SVM approach to feature selection and classification in high-dimensional datasets, An
* Lung segmentation in chest X-ray image using multi-interaction feature fusion network
* NBNet: Noise Basis Learning for Image Denoising with Subspace Projection
* new package-group-transmission-based algorithm for human activity recognition in videos, A
* No-Reference Hyperspectral Image Quality Assessment via Ranking Feature Learning
* Optimal sampling of Gabor features for face recognition
* Reconstruction and Analysis of the 3D Aquifer Model Based on the Well Logs
* Recursive Born Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Scattering, A
* Robust Camera Pose Estimation for Image Stitching
* Simple Method for Designing 2D M-Channel Near-PR Filter Banks with Linear Phase Property, A
* Sparsity-Based Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation for Co-Prime Planar Array via Enhanced Matrix Completion
* Spectral Grouping and Attention-Driven Residual Dense Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Spectral-Spatial Domain Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Classification
Includes: Liu, D.H.[De Hua] Liu, D.H.[De-Hua] Liu, D.H.[Dan-Hua] Liu, D.H.[De-Hong] Liu, D.H.[Deng-Hong] Liu, D.H.[Dang-Hui] Liu, D.H.[Dong-Hao] Liu, D.H.[Dong-Hua] Liu, D.H.[Dan-Hong] Liu, D.H.[Dong-He]
21 for Liu, D.H.
Liu, D.J.[Da Jiang]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Metric Learning with Naive Similarity Discriminator
* BAFN: Bi-Direction Attention Based Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* BALQUE: Batch active learning by querying unstable examples with calibrated confidence
* Brain-Machine Coupled Learning Method for Facial Emotion Recognition
* Classifier ensemble with relevance-based feature subset selection
* Dynamic Recursive Logit Model for Vehicle Driving Route Choices and Path Inference with Incomplete Fixed Location Sensor Data
* generality hard channel pruning with adaptive compression rate selection for HRNet, A
* Global distinct variations of surface urban heat islands in inter- and intra-cities revealed by local climate zones and seamless daily land surface temperature data
* IMTCN: An Interpretable Flight Safety Analysis and Prediction Model Based on Multi-Scale Temporal Convolutional Networks
* Least Squares-Based Method for Adjusting the Boundaries of Area Objects, A
* Quaternion-based improved cuckoo algorithm for colour UAV image edge detection
* ResT-ReID: Transformer block-based residual learning for person re-identification
Includes: Liu, D.J.[Da Jiang] Liu, D.J.[Da-Jiang] Liu, D.J.[Dong-Jun] Liu, D.J.[Dian-Jian] Liu, D.J.[Dong-Jie] Liu, D.J.[Dong-Jingdian] Liu, D.J.[Da-Jie] Liu, D.J.[Du-Jin]
12 for Liu, D.J.
Liu, D.K.[De Kang]
Co Author Listing * M3ANet: Multi-Modal and Multi-Attention Fusion Network for Ship License Plate Recognition
* Recalibrated Bandpass Filtering on Temporal Waveform for Audio Spoof Detection
* SLPR: A Deep Learning Based Chinese Ship License Plate Recognition Framework
* Spectral clustering based on high-frequency texture components for face datasets
Includes: Liu, D.K.[De Kang] Liu, D.K.[De-Kang] Liu, D.K.[Deng-Kai] Liu, D.K.[Da-Kang]
Liu, D.L.[De Li]
Co Author Listing * Creating New Near-Surface Air Temperature Datasets to Understand Elevation-Dependent Warming in the Tibetan Plateau
* Evaluation of InSAR and TomoSAR for Monitoring Deformations Caused by Mining in a Mountainous Area with High Resolution Satellite-Based SAR
* Hybrid domain digital watermarking scheme based on improved differential evolution algorithm and singular value block embedding
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Dictionary Construction-Based Low-Rank Representation and Adaptive Weighting
* JointSQ: Joint Sparsification-Quantization for Distributed Learning
* Nighttime image enhancement based on image decomposition
* Regional Water Balance Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Irrigation: An Assessment of the Haihe Plain, China
* Research on a 3D Geological Disaster Monitoring Platform Based on REST Service
* Robust Background Feature Extraction Through Homogeneous Region-Based Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
Includes: Liu, D.L.[De Li] Liu, D.L.[Dong-Lie] Liu, D.L.[Dong-Lin] Liu, D.L.[De-Lian] Liu, D.L.[Dong-Lai] Liu, D.L.[Di-Lin] Liu, D.L.[De-Li] Liu, D.L.[Dun-Long]
9 for Liu, D.L.
Liu, D.M.[Dong Mei]
Co Author Listing * Design of MP3 Audio Signal System Based on DSP
* Feature generation based on relation learning and image partition for occluded person re-identification
* Hypergraph clustering based multi-label cross-modal retrieval
* Level set method with Retinex-corrected saliency embedded for image segmentation
* Multi-Label Adversarial Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Retrieval
* new head pose tracking method based on stereo visual SLAM, A
* PL-UNeXt: Per-Stage Edge Detail and Line Feature Guided Segmentation for Power Line Detection
* Primary Code Guided Targeted Attack against Cross-modal Hashing Retrieval
* Recent Advances in Light-Induced Thermoelastic Spectroscopy for Gas Sensing: A Review
* Salient object detection fusing global and local information based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Semantic-embedding Guided Graph Network for cross-modal retrieval
Includes: Liu, D.M.[Dong Mei] Liu, D.M.[Dong-Mei] Liu, D.M.[Da-Ming] Liu, D.M.[De-Ming]
11 for Liu, D.M.
Liu, D.N.[Dong Nan]
Co Author Listing * Decompose to Adapt: Cross-Domain Object Detection Via Feature Disentanglement
* Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Attention Decision Network for Agile Earth Observation Satellite Scheduling
* Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Semantic Membrane Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Enhancing Robustness to Noise Corruption for Point Cloud Recognition via Spatial Sorting and Set-mixing Aggregation Module
* Large Kernel Refine Fusion Net for Neuron Membrane Segmentation
* Learning to Generalize over Subpartitions for Heterogeneity-Aware Domain Adaptive Nuclei Segmentation
* Research on infrared image enhancement and segmentation of power equipment based on partial differential equation
Includes: Liu, D.N.[Dong Nan] Liu, D.N.[Dong-Nan] Liu, D.N.[Dong-Ning] Liu, D.N.[Dun Nan]
8 for Liu, D.N.
Liu, D.P.[Da Peng]
Co Author Listing * Chaotic Coding for Interference Suppression of Digital Ionosonde
* Federated knowledge distillation for enhanced insulator defect detection in resource-constrained environments
* Ionospheric Plasma Perturbations before a Sequence of Strong Earthquakes in Southeast Asia and Northern Oceania in 2018, The
* Possible Seismo-Ionospheric Perturbations Recorded by the China-Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, The
* Precise Orbit Determination and Accuracy Analysis for BDS-3 Satellites Using SLR Observations
* Retrospective Study on Seismic Ionospheric Anomalies Based on Five-Year Observations from CSES
* Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Earthquakes Based on CSES Observations
Includes: Liu, D.P.[Da Peng] Liu, D.P.[Da-Peng] Liu, D.P.[Dong-Ping] Liu, D.P.[Dao-Ping]
7 for Liu, D.P.
Liu, D.Q.[Dong Quan]
Co Author Listing * Automatic clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on adaptive influence function
* Deep Image-based Illumination Harmonization
* Effective clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation
* ESceme: Vision-and-Language Navigation with Episodic Scene Memory
* Globally Optimal Event-Based Divergence Estimation for Ventral Landing
* Influence of Assimilating Wind Profiling Radar Observations in Distinct Dynamic Instability Regions on the Analysis and Forecast of an Extreme Rainstorm Event in Southern China
* Learning to Assemble Neural Module Tree Networks for Visual Grounding
* MMoT: Mixture-of-Modality-Tokens Transformer for Composed Multimodal Conditional Image Synthesis
* Modeling Image Composition for Complex Scene Generation
* Multi-head Self-relation Network for Scene Text Recognition, A
Includes: Liu, D.Q.[Dong Quan] Liu, D.Q.[Dong-Quan] Liu, D.Q.[Da-Quan] Liu, D.Q.[Da-Qing] Liu, D.Q.[Da-Qi] Liu, D.Q.[De-Qiang] Liu, D.Q.[Dong-Qin]
10 for Liu, D.Q.
Liu, D.R.[De Rong]
Co Author Listing * Nested auto-regressive processes for MPEG-encoded video traffic modeling
* SAKS: Sampling Adaptive Kernels From Subspace for Point Cloud Graph Convolution
* Self-Supervised Point Cloud Registration With Deep Versatile Descriptors for Intelligent Driving
Includes: Liu, D.R.[De Rong] Liu, D.R.[De-Rong] Liu, D.R.[Dong-Rui]
Liu, D.S.[Dong Sheng]
Co Author Listing * ASANet: Asymmetric Semantic Aligning Network for RGB and SAR image land cover classification
* Automatic Registration of Airborne Images with Complex Local Distortion
* Compression artifact reduction of low bit-rate videos via deep neural networks using self-similarity prior
* Design of anchor boxes and data augmentation for transformer-based vehicle localization
* Detecting Change Dates from Dense Satellite Time Series Using a Sub-Annual Change Detection Algorithm
* Improving Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Seasonal Landsat NDVI Time-Series
* Investigating the Impact of Land Parcelization on Forest Composition and Structure in Southeastern Ohio Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data
* local thresholding approach to flood water delineation using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, A
* Retrieving Corn Canopy Leaf Area Index from Multitemporal Landsat Imagery and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* Semi-Supervised Classification for Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiple Classifiers and Relaxation Strategy
* Vegetation Carbon Sequestration Mapping in Herbaceous Wetlands by Using a MODIS EVI Time-Series Data Set: A Case in Poyang Lake Wetland, China
Includes: Liu, D.S.[Dong Sheng] Liu, D.S.[Dong-Sheng] Liu, D.S.[De-Sheng] Liu, D.S.[De-Shan]
11 for Liu, D.S.
Liu, D.S.M.
Co Author Listing * Exemplar-based human facial features cloning
* Rain removal system for dynamic scene in diminished reality
* Synthesizing Physics-Based Vortex and Collision Sound in Virtual Reality
Includes: Liu, D.S.M. Liu, D.S.M.[Damon Shing-Min]
Liu, D.W.[Da Wei]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Cones within the Tianwen-1 Landing Area, The
* Blur Estimation for Natural Edge Appearance in Computational Photography
* Bokeh Effects Based on Stereo Vision
* Comparing and Optimizing Four Machine Learning Approaches to Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
* Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Large Scale Near-Duplicate Video Detection, A
* Context-Aware Human Activity and Smartphone Position-Mining with Motion Sensors
* Evaluating Metal Effects on the Reflectance Spectra of Plant Leaves during Different Seasons in Post-Mining Areas, China
* Fog effect for photography using stereo vision
* Hybrid domain digital watermarking scheme based on improved differential evolution algorithm and singular value block embedding
* Inverse Skeletal Strokes
* Machine Learning Fusion Multi-Source Data Features for Classification Prediction of Lunar Surface Geological Units
* Mapping biomes of Australia based on the Holdridge Life Zone Model
* Photometric Characteristics of Lunar Soils: Results from Spectral Analysis of Chang'E-5 In Situ Data Using Legendre Phase Function
* Photometric Correction of Chang'E-1 Interference Imaging Spectrometer's (IIM) Limited Observing Geometries Data with Hapke Model
* Sharpness and contrast measures on videos
* Star-Effect Simulation for Photography Using Self-calibrated Stereo Vision
* Stereo Refinement for Photo Editing
* Stereo-based bokeh effects for photography
* Towards Better Robustness against Common Corruptions for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Includes: Liu, D.W.[Da Wei] Liu, D.W.[Da-Wei] Liu, D.W.[Dong-Wei] Liu, D.W.[Dian-Wei]
19 for Liu, D.W.
Liu, D.X.[Da Xin]
Co Author Listing * 3D Object Segmentation Using Cross-Window Point Transformer With Latent Semantic Boundary Guidance
* Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Object Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, An
* Causally-Aware Intraoperative Imputation for Overall Survival Time Prediction
* CCC-SSA-UNet: U-Shaped Pansharpening Network with Channel Cross-Concatenation and Spatial-Spectral Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Convective Properties and Lightning Activity in Different Categories of Thunderstorms over the Beijing Area during Five Warm Seasons
* Decompressed Spectral-Spatial Multiscale Semantic Feature Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Discriminative Spectral-Spatial-Semantic Feature Network Based on Shuffle and Frequency Attention Mechanisms for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Efficient and Anonymous Authentication With Succinct Multi-Subscription Credential in SAGVN
* Enhancement of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity Caused by the Urban Effect: A Case Study in the Beijing Metropolitan Area
* Estimation of Lightning Activity of Squall Lines by Different Lightning Parameterization Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
* Geopotential Difference Measurement Using Two Transportable Optical Clocks' Frequency Comparisons
* HSD2Former: Hybrid-Scale Dual-Domain Transformer with Crisscrossed Interaction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Hybrid-Order Spectral-Spatial Feature Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Hybrid-Scale Feature Enhancement Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Improving Visual Representations of Masked Autoencoders With Artifacts Suppression
* Infrared Small Dim Target Detection Using Group Regularized Principle Component Pursuit
* Macaron Attention: The Local Squeezing Global Attention Mechanism in Tracking Tasks
* Multibranch Crossover Feature Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Multiscale Cross Interaction Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Novel 2D-3D CNN with Spectral-Spatial Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* PA-Pose: Partial point cloud fusion based on reliable alignment for 6D pose tracking
* Statistics Behavior of Individual-Weighting-Factors SSAF Algorithm Under Errors-in-Variables Model
* Vehicle scheduling approach and its practice to optimise public bicycle redistribution in Hangzhou
* Vision-Assisted Autonomous Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot
* What Decreases Editing Capability? Domain-Specific Hybrid Refinement for Improved GAN Inversion
Includes: Liu, D.X.[Da Xin] Liu, D.X.[Da-Xin] Liu, D.X.[Dong-Xu] Liu, D.X.[Ding-Xia] Liu, D.X.[Dong-Xia] Liu, D.X.[Dong-Xiao] Liu, D.X.[Dao-Xin] Liu, D.X.[Du-Xin] Liu, D.X.[Dong-Xv]
25 for Liu, D.X.
Liu, D.Y.[De Yang]
Co Author Listing * 3D holoscopic image coding scheme using HEVC with Gaussian process regression
* Bit allocation for 3D video coding based on lagrangian multiplier adjustment
* Boundary Delineator for Martian Crater Instances with Geographic Information and Deep Learning
* Comparative Analysis of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Feature Selection in SVM-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Comparative Assessment of Spire and COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data Quality
* Constant false-alarm ratio processing for video cut detection
* Content-Based Light Field Image Compression Method With Gaussian Process Regression
* Cyberattacks on connected automated vehicles: A traffic impact analysis
* Deriving Non-Cloud Contaminated Sentinel-2 Images with RGB and Near-Infrared Bands from Sentinel-1 Images Based on a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Discovering Useful Concept Prototypes for Classification Based on Filtering and Abstraction
* Double Inversion Layers Affect Fog-Haze Events over Eastern China: Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Observation
* Effective and Lightweight Full-Scale Target Detection Network for UAV Images Based on Deformable Convolutions and Multi-Scale Contextual Feature Optimization, An
* Efficient Row Key Encoding Method with ASCII Code for Storing Geospatial Big Data in HBase, An
* Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exposure for High-Speed Imaging
* Energy-driven reference selection for hierarchical light field compression
* Estimation and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Surface Evaporation in the Yangtze River Basin from 2010 to 2019
* foreground-context dual-guided network for light-field salient object detection, A
* Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Algorithm for FY-3B Reflectance Data Based on Random Forest Regression Method
* Full Reference Light Field Image Quality Evaluation Based on Angular-Spatial Characteristic
* Generating spatiotemporally consistent fractional vegetation cover at different scales using spatiotemporal fusion and multiresolution tree methods
* Global Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Algorithm for VIIRS Reflectance Data Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Gradient-Guided Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Joint Trilateral Feature Filtering
* Java-Based MPEG-4 Like Video Codec, A
* Learning from EPI-Volume-Stack for Light Field image angular super-resolution
* Low Bitrate Light Field Compression With Geometry and Content Consistency
* Morphological Features-Based Descriptive Index System for Lunar Impact Craters
* Multi-Stream Dense View Reconstruction Network for Light Field Image Compression
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Optical flow-assisted multi-level fusion network for Light Field image angular reconstruction
* Pavement Temperature Forecasts Based on Model Output Statistics: Experiments for Highways in Jiangsu, China
* Reconstructed Wind Fields from Multi-Satellite Observations
* Region Based Adversarial Synthesis of Facial Action Units
* Research on the Dynamic Monitoring Technology of Road Subgrades with Time-Lapse Full-Coverage 3D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
* Selective part-based correlation filter tracking algorithm with reinforcement learning
* Space-Time-Brightness Sampling Using an Adaptive Pixel-Wise Coded Exposure
* Spatial Attention-Guided Light Field Salient Object Detection Network With Implicit Neural Representation
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Uncertainty of Fractional Vegetation Cover Change over Northern China during 2001-2012 Based on Multiple Vegetation Data Sets
* Spatiotemporal Comparison and Validation of Three Global-Scale Fractional Vegetation Cover Products
* Sphinx: A Mixer of Weights, Visual Embeddings and Image Scales for Multi-modal Large Language Models
* SRI-Net: Similarity retrieval-based inference network for light field salient object detection
* Video from a single coded exposure photograph using a learned over-complete dictionary
* What is the space of spectral sensitivity functions for digital color cameras?
Includes: Liu, D.Y.[De Yang] Liu, D.Y.[De-Yang] Liu, D.Y.[Dan-Yang] Liu, D.Y.[Dong-Ya] Liu, D.Y.[Ding-Yi] Liu, D.Y.[De-Yan] Liu, D.Y.[Deng-Yue] Liu, D.Y.[Di-You] Liu, D.Y.[Dan-Yu] Liu, D.Y.[Duan-Yang] Liu, D.Y.[Dong-Yang] Liu, D.Y.[Deng-Yu] Liu, D.Y. Liu, D.Y.[De-You] Liu, D.Y.[Di-Yi] Liu, D.Y.[Dong-Yi]
42 for Liu, D.Y.
Liu, D.Z.[Dai Zong]
Co Author Listing * 3DHacker: Spectrum-based Decision Boundary Generation for Hard-label 3D Point Cloud Attack
* Channel Evolution Triggered by Large Flash Flood at an Earthquake-Affected Catchment
* Context-aware Biaffine Localizing Network for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Exploring Optical-Flow-Guided Motion and Detection-Based Appearance for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Exploring the Devil in Graph Spectral Domain for 3D Point Cloud Attacks
* Few-Shot Temporal Sentence Grounding via Memory-Guided Semantic Learning
* Flexible Data Integrity Checking With Original Data Recovery in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Imperceptible Transfer Attack and Defense on 3D Point Cloud Classification
* MHP-VOS: Multiple Hypotheses Propagation for Video Object Segmentation
* Multi-Modal Cross-Domain Alignment Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* novel method for speckle noise reduction and ship target detection in SAR images, A
* Point Cloud Attacks in Graph Spectral Domain: When 3D Geometry Meets Graph Signal Processing
* Preparation and Conductive Mechanism of the Ink-Jet Printed Nanosilver Films for Flexible Display
* Rethinking Video Sentence Grounding from a Tracking Perspective With Memory Network and Masked Attention
* Rethinking Weakly-supervised Video Temporal Grounding From a Game Perspective
* Retrieval of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Pearl River Estuary Using MODIS Data
* Secure real-time image protection scheme with near-duplicate detection in cloud computing
* Video-based Facial Expression Recognition using Graph Convolutional Networks
* You Can Ground Earlier than See: An Effective and Efficient Pipeline for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Compressed Videos
Includes: Liu, D.Z.[Dai Zong] Liu, D.Z.[Dai-Zong] Liu, D.Z.[Ding-Zhu] Liu, D.Z.[Deng-Zhi] Liu, D.Z.[Dai-Zhi] Liu, D.Z.[Dong-Zhi] Liu, D.Z.[Da-Zhao]
19 for Liu, D.Z.
Liu, E.[Erxiao]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the E-Region Low-Altitude Quasi-Periodic Event in Low-Latitudes of China
* Application of Infrared Remote Sensing and Magnetotelluric Technology in Geothermal Resource Exploration: A Case Study of the Wuerhe Area, Xinjiang
* Array Processing in Microseismic Monitoring: Detection, Enhancement, and Localization of Induced Seismicity
* Climate Change and Livestock Management Drove Extensive Vegetation Recovery in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Coarse to Fine Minutiae-Based Latent Palmprint Matching, A
* Color Enhancement Using Global Parameters and Local Features Learning
* Compact and Cancelable Fingerprint Binary Codes Generation via One Permutation Hashing
* CrossHomo: Cross-Modality and Cross-Resolution Homography Estimation
* DCL-Net: Augmenting the Capability of Classification and Localization for Remote Sensing Object Detection
* Deep Homography for Efficient Stereo Image Compression
* Detail enhancement of image super-resolution based on detail synthesis
* E-Region Field-Aligned Irregularities in the Middle of a Solar Eclipse Observed by a Bistatic Radar
* Extrinsic Calibration for LiDAR-Camera Systems Using Direct 3D-2D Correspondences
* Fast Star Identification Algorithm of Star Sensors in the LIS Mode, A
* Fingerprint Singular Point Detection Based on Multiple-Scale Orientation Entropy
* Geohazards Susceptibility Assessment along the Upper Indus Basin Using Four Machine Learning and Statistical Models
* High-Precision Disparity Estimation for Lunar Scene Using Optimized Census Transform and Superpixel Refinement
* IFTR: An Instance-level Fusion Transformer for Visual Collaborative Perception
* Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds over Tian Shan Mountains: A Case Study Based on Radar Observation and Numerical Simulation
* Improve the Estimation of Monocular Vision 6-DOF Pose Based on the Fusion of Camera and Laser Rangefinder
* Indexing-Min-Max Hashing: Relaxing the Security-Performance Tradeoff for Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Infant Footprint Recognition
* Iterative Pointing Angle Calibration Method for the Spaceborne Photon-Counting Laser Altimeter Based on Small-Range Terrain Matching
* key binding system based on n-nearest minutiae structure of fingerprint, A
* Latent Fingerprint Matching: Performance Gain via Feedback from Exemplar Prints
* Lifelogging Data Validation Model for Internet of Things Enabled Personalized Healthcare
* Mixdq: Memory-efficient Few-step Text-to-image Diffusion Models with Metric-decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization
* MTGAN: Extending Test Case set for Deep Learning Image Classifier
* Optimal feature combination analysis for crowd saliency prediction
* Ordered and fixed-length bit-string fingerprint representation with minutia vicinity combined feature and spectral clustering
* Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based on Convolutional Neural Network With Multiple Constraints
* Renovation and Reconstruction of Urban Land Use by a Cost-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Shenzhen
* Reversal of the Spatiotemporal Patterns at the End of the Growing Season of Typical Steppe Vegetation in a Semi-Arid Region by Increased Precipitation
* Scene-aware image dehazing based on sky-segmented dark channel prior
* Segmentation and Enhancement of Latent Fingerprints: A Coarse to Fine Ridge Structure Dictionary
* Single-image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Subregion based local descriptor
* Survey of 17 Indoor Travel Assistance Systems for Blind and Visually Impaired People, A
* Think Twice Before Detecting GAN-generated Fake Images from their Spectral Domain Imprints
Includes: Liu, E.[Erxiao] Liu, E.[Enqin] Liu, E. Liu, E.[Eryun] Liu, E.[Enyu] Liu, E.[Enpeng] Liu, E.[Enhai] Liu, E.[Enlong] Liu, E.[Enhong] Liu, E.[Enshu] Liu, E.[Erhu] Liu, E.[Erwu] Liu, E.[Enli] Liu, E.[Enbo] Liu, E.[Erhua] Liu, E.[Erqi]
39 for Liu, E.
Liu, E.C.[En Chao]
Co Author Listing * LFGN: Low-Level Feature-Guided Network for Adversarial Defense
Includes: Liu, E.C.[En Chao] Liu, E.C.[En-Chao]
Liu, E.H.[En Hai]
Co Author Listing * fast partial distortion search algorithm for motion estimation based on the multi-traps assumption, A
* Improved SAP based on adaptive directional prediction for HEVC lossless intra prediction
Includes: Liu, E.H.[En Hai] Liu, E.H.[En-Hai]
Liu, E.K.Y.[Eric K. Y.]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Stage Approach Combining Very High-Resolution Satellite Image, GIS Database and Post-Classification Modification Rules for Habitat Mapping in Hong Kong, A
Liu, E.R.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Reference Color Selection for Adaptive Mathematical Morphology and Application in Image Segmentation
Liu, E.S.[En Sheng]
Co Author Listing * General Point-Based Method for Self-Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners Considering Stochastic Information, A
Includes: Liu, E.S.[En Sheng] Liu, E.S.[En-Sheng]
Liu, E.T.
Co Author Listing * Gene Array Technologies in Biological Investigations
Liu, F.[Feng]
Co Author Listing * 2D GANs Meet Unsupervised Single-View 3D Reconstruction
* 3D Face Modeling From Diverse Raw Scan Data
* 3D fingerprint reconstruction system using feature correspondences and prior estimated finger model
* 3D motion retrieval with motion index tree
* 3D Semi-Supervised Learning with Uncertainty-Aware Multi-View Co-Training
* 3D Steganalysis Using the Extended Local Feature Set
* 3DCNN-DQN-RNN: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Semantic Parsing of Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds
* 3DFG-PIFU: 3d Feature Grids for Human Digitization from Sparse Views
* Accelerated brain tumor dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using Adaptive Pharmaco-Kinetic Model Constrained method
* Accumulating regional density dissimilarity for concept drift detection in data streams
* Adaptive Contourlet Fusion Clustering for SAR Image Change Detection
* Adaptive Hierarchical Multinomial Latent Model With Hybrid Kernel Function for SAR Image Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for JPEG Images, An
* Adaptive Spectral Decorrelation Method for Lossless MODIS Image Compression, An
* Adaptive UWB/MEMS-IMU Complementary Kalman Filter for Indoor Location in NLOS Environment, An
* Adaptive Weighted Attention Network with Camera Spectral Sensitivity Prior for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* ADPNet: Attention based dual path network for lane detection
* Advanced Three-Dimensional Tailored RF Pulse Design in Volume Selective Parallel Excitation
* AerialFace: A Light Weight Framework for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Face Recognition
* Aesthetics-Based Stereoscopic Photo Cropping for Heterogeneous Displays
* Albedo assisted high-quality shape recovery from 4D light fields
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Chinese Vegetation Net Primary Productivity from the 1960s to the 2000s
* Animatabledreamer: Text-guided Non-rigid 3d Model Generation and Reconstruction with Canonical Score Distillation
* Anisotropic diffusion for image denoising based on diffusion tensors
* AnyFlow: Arbitrary Scale Optical Flow with Implicit Neural Representation
* ASIFT-Based Local Registration Method for Satellite Imagery, An
* Assessing Interannual Urbanization of China's Six Megacities Since 2000
* Associating Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Phenotypes and Genetic Risk Factors via a Dirty Multi-Task Learning Method
* Attention GANs: Unsupervised Deep Feature Learning for Aerial Scene Classification
* Auto-encoder Based Data Clustering
* AutoBCS: Block-Based Image Compressive Sensing With Data-Driven Acquisition and Noniterative Reconstruction
* Automatic 3D Facial Landmarking Algorithm Using 2D Gabor Wavelets, An
* Automatic Assembling of Cadastral Maps Based on Generalized Hough Transformation
* Automatic Semi-Global Artificial Shoreline Subpixel Localization Algorithm for Landsat Imagery
* Bayesian Framework Based Direct Reconstruction of Fluorescence Parametric Images
* Beyond Max-Margin: Class Margin Equilibrium for Few-shot Object Detection
* Binocular Light-Field: Imaging Theory and Occlusion-Robust Depth Perception Application
* Bio-Inspired Multi-Scale Contourlet Attention Networks
* Body Surface Context: A New Robust Feature for Action Recognition From Depth Videos
* BoMD: Bag of Multi-label Descriptors for Noisy Chest X-ray Classification
* Broad Area Target Search System for Ship Detection via Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Building Extraction of Aerial Images by a Global and Multi-Scale Encoder-Decoder Network
* Calculation Model for Ground Surface Temperature in High-Altitude Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, A
* CANet: Class-Agnostic Segmentation Networks with Iterative Refinement and Attentive Few-Shot Learning
* Casual stereoscopic panorama stitching
* Casual Stereoscopic Photo Authoring
* Category-Aware Curriculum Learning for Data-Free Knowledge Distillation, A
* CausalVAE: Disentangled Representation Learning via Neural Structural Causal Models
* CauSSL: Causality-Inspired Semi-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Centrality and Consistency: Two-Stage Clean Samples Identification for Learning with Instance-Dependent Noisy Labels
* Coarse-to-Fine Contrastive Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Land-Cover Classification in SAR Images With Limited Labeled Data
* Coherent Change Detection Using Passive GNSS-Based BSAR: Experimental Proof of Concept
* Collaborative Propagation on Multiple Instance Graphs for 3D Instance Segmentation with Single-point Supervision
* Collusive Attacks to Partition Authentication Visual Cryptography Scheme
* Color text image binarization based on binary texture analysis
* Combining Individual Travel Preferences Into Destination Prediction: A Multi-Module Deep Learning Network
* Common Spatial Pattern Reformulated for Regularizations in Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Comparative Study of Urban Expansion in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan from the 1970s to 2013, A
* comparative study on quality assessment of high resolution fingerprint images, A
* Comparing Salient Object Detection Results without Ground Truth
* Complex Contourlet-CNN for polarimetric SAR image classification
* Composition-Preserving Deep Photo Aesthetics Assessment
* comprehensive research on light field imaging: Theory and application, A
* compressed sensing approach for efficient ensemble learning, A
* Compressive Sensing SAR Image Reconstruction Based on Bayesian Framework and Evolutionary Computation
* Computationally Efficient Sinusoidal Parameter Estimation From Signed Measurements: ADMM Approaches
* computer vision method to locate cold spots in foods in microwave sterilization processes, A
* Conditional Diffusion Model for Urban Morphology Prediction
* Cone Beam X-ray Luminescence Computed Tomography Based on Bayesian Method
* Construction method of three-channel non-separable symmetric wavelets with arbitrary dilation matrices and its applications in multispectral image fusion
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Regional Representation
* Context-Aware Image Matting for Simultaneous Foreground and Alpha Estimation
* Context-Aware Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation
* Contrastive-ACE: Domain Generalization Through Alignment of Causal Mechanisms
* Controllable and Guided Face Synthesis for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Cooperative Perception with Localization Uncertainty: A Cubature Split Covariance Intersection Framework
* CRF learning with CNN features for image segmentation
* CRIM-FCHO: SAR Image Two-Stage Segmentation With Multifeature Ensemble
* Cross-Domain Scene Unsupervised Learning Segmentation With Dynamic Subdomains
* Cross-modal Matching CNN for Autonomous Driving Sensor Data Monitoring
* Curvature-Balanced Feature Manifold Learning for Long-Tailed Classification
* Customize-a-video: One-shot Motion Customization of Text-to-video Diffusion Models
* Damsdet: Dynamic Adaptive Multispectral Detection Transformer with Competitive Query Selection and Adaptive Feature Fusion
* Data-Driven Timetable Optimization of Urban Bus Line Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, A
* DC-Mamba: A Novel Network for Enhanced Remote Sensing Change Detection in Difficult Cases
* DCFace: Synthetic Face Generation with Dual Condition Diffusion Model
* Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes
* Deep convolutional neural fields for depth estimation from a single image
* Deep Distance Transform for Tubular Structure Segmentation in CT Scans
* Deep Hash Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Deep Homography Estimation for Dynamic Scenes
* Deep Learning Framework to Explore Influences of Data Noises on Lane-Changing Intention Prediction, A
* Deep learning-based efficient diagnosis of periapical diseases with dental X-rays
* Deep Multiple Instance Learning-Based Spatial-Spectral Classification for PAN and MS Imagery
* Deep Multiview Union Learning Network for Multisource Image Classification
* DEEPPOREID: An Effective Pore Representation Descriptor in Direct Pore Matching
* Dense Supervision Propagation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation on 3D Point Clouds
* Densely Connected Discriminative Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* density-based approach for text extraction in images, A
* Depth Enhancement via Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* Detecting and Segmenting Periodic Motion
* Detection and Statistics System of Pavement Distresses Based on Street View Videos
* Determining Relation Semantics by Mapping Relation Phrases to Knowledge Base
* DFAT: Dynamic Feature-Adaptive Tracking
* Diff-Plugin: Revitalizing Details for Diffusion-Based Low-Level Tasks
* Directional tensor product complex tight framelets for compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* Disentangled Multimodal Representation Learning for Recommendation
* Disentangling Features in 3D Face Shapes for Joint Face Reconstruction and Recognition
* Disparity estimation in stereo sequences using scene flow
* Distilling CLIP with Dual Guidance for Learning Discriminative Human Body Shape Representation
* DOA Estimation Method Based on Unsupervised Learning Network With Threshold Capon Spectrum Weighted Penalty
* Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
* Domain Adaptation-Aware Transformer for Hyperspectral Object Tracking
* Domain Contrast for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Domain generalized federated learning for Person Re-identification
* Double-Receiver-Based Pure Rotational Raman LiDAR for Measuring Atmospheric Temperature at Altitudes Between Near Ground and Up To 35 km
* Dreamreward: Text-to-3d Generation with Human Preference
* DTRF: A physiologically motivated method for image description
* Dual Level Adaptive Weighting for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Dual Stream Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Dual w-Test Based Quality Control Algorithm for Integrated IMU/GNSS Navigation in Urban Areas, A
* Dual Wavelet Attention Networks for Image Classification
* D^3K: Dynastic Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
* EEG source imaging based on spatial and temporal graph structures
* Effective End-to-End Vision Language Pretraining With Semantic Visual Loss
* Effective Presentation Attack Detection Driven by Face Related Task
* Effective variance attention-enhanced diffusion model for crop field aerial image super resolution
* Effects of Mesoscale Eddies in the Northern South China Sea on Phytoplankton Size and Physiological Status
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient LWPooling: Rethinking the Wavelet Pooling for Scene Parsing
* Efficient Manifold Algorithm for Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding, An
* Efficient Schemes for Monte Carlo Markov Chain Algorithms in Global Illumination
* Efficiently Constructing Mosaics from Video Collections
* ELFNet: Evidential Local-global Fusion for Stereo Matching
* Emotion Dictionary Learning With Modality Attentions for Mixed Emotion Exploration
* Emotion Recognition From Few-Channel EEG Signals by Integrating Deep Feature Aggregation and Transfer Learning
* End-to-End View Synthesis for Light Field Imaging with Pseudo 4DCNN
* endmember extraction algorithm for hyperspectral images using watershed and normalized cuts, An
* Energy saving routing algorithm based on SPIN protocol in WSN
* Ensemble One-Dimensional Convolution Neural Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Evaluating Influential Nodes in Social Networks by Local Centrality with a Coefficient
* Evaluation and Projection of Wind Speed in the Arid Region of Northwest China Based on CMIP6
* Evaluation of Augmented Reality-Based Building Diagnostics Using Third Person Perspective
* Evaluation of Orbit, Clock and Ionospheric Corrections from Five Currently Available SBAS L1 Services: Methodology and Analysis
* Evaluation of Red-Peak Algorithms for Chlorophyll Measurement in the Pearl River Estuary
* Event Analogy Based Privacy Preservation in Visual Surveillance
* evidential reasoning based classification algorithm and its application for face recognition with class noise, An
* Exploiting Visual Saliency and Bag-of-Words for Road Sign Recognition
* Face Photo Synthesis Via Intermediate Semantic Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Nonrigid Motion Parameters and Shape-from-Shading
* FarSight: A Physics-Driven Whole-Body Biometric System at Large Distance and Altitude
* Fast and Effective: Progressive Hierarchical Fusion Classification for Remote Sensing Images
* Fast Computation of Discrete Optimal FIR Estimates in White Gaussian Noise
* Fast Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisition by Optimal Sampling of Information Complementary to Pre-Acquired MRI Contrast
* Fast Realistic MRI Simulations Based on Generalized Multi-Pool Exchange Tissue Model
* Fast reconstruction of fluorescence molecular tomography via a permissible region extraction strategy
* Fast View Synthesis of Casual Videos with Soup-of-planes
* Faster and Better: A Lightweight Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Faster image super-resolution by improved frequency-domain neural networks
* Feasibility Analysis of Automatic Classification on Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring
* Feature Distribution Representation Learning Based on Knowledge Transfer for Long-Tailed Classification
* Feature flow: In-network feature flow estimation for video object detection
* Feature hallucination in hypersphere space for few-shot classification
* Feature Space Disentangling Based on Spatial Attention for Makeup Transfer
* Few-shot classification guided by generalization error bound
* Few-Shot Classification Model Compression via School Learning
* Few-shot classification using Gaussianisation prototypical classifier
* Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Opportunities and Challenges
* Finding Periodicity in Space and Time
* Fine-Grained Video Retrieval With Scene Sketches
* Finger Vein Recognition Algorithm Based on the Histogram of Variable Curvature Directional Binary Statistics, A
* Fingerprint Pore Comparison Using Local Features and Spatial Relations
* Fingerprint Pore Matching Based on Sparse Representation
* Fingerprint pore matching using deep features
* Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detector Using Global-Local Model
* Fixing the Double Agent Vulnerability of Deep Watermarking: A Patch-Level Solution Against Artwork Plagiarism
* Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme without Distortion
* Fluorescence Tomography Reconstruction With Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography Priors
* Foreign Shadow Robust Makeup Transfer via Hierarchical Deep Aggregation and Disentangled Representation
* Forest Fire Detection Based on Spatial Characteristics of Surface Temperature
* Forms of Urban Expansion of Chinese Municipalities and Provincial Capitals, 1970s-2013
* Forward and Inverse Solutions of Electrocardiography Problem Using an Adaptive BEM Method
* Frequency Domain Feature-Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Fully Understanding Generic Objects: Modeling, Segmentation, and Reconstruction
* Fuzzy Sparse Autoencoder Framework for Single Image Per Person Face Recognition
* Fuzzy Superpixels Based Semi-Supervised Similarity-Constrained CNN for PolSAR Image Classification
* GAFnet: Group Attention Fusion Network for PAN and MS Image High-Resolution Classification
* Geometric Prior Guided Feature Representation Learning for Long-Tailed Classification
* Geometric structure guided collaborative compressed sensing
* Geometry-shader-based real-time voxelization and applications
* Geospatial Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Urban Expansion Using Multi-Spatial Resolution Data: A Case Study of Surabaya, Indonesia
* GIS-Based Visibility Network and Defensibility Model to Reconstruct Defensive System of the Han Dynasty in Central Xinjiang, China
* Global Low-Rank Image Restoration With Gaussian Mixture Model
* GNSS-Based SAR Interferometry for 3-D Deformation Retrieval: Algorithms and Feasibility Study
* GPU-based matting Laplacian solver for high resolution image matting, A
* Graph Association Motion-Aware Tracker for Tiny Object in Satellite Videos, A
* group matching pursuit for image reconstruction, A
* Group-wise Inhibition based Feature Regularization for Robust Classification
* HAIR: Hierarchical Visual-Semantic Relational Reasoning for Video Question Answering
* Halftone Visual Cryptography with Complementary Cover Images
* Hallusionbench: An Advanced Diagnostic Suite for Entangled Language Hallucination and Visual Illusion in Large Vision-Language Models
* Harivo: Harnessing Text-to-image Models for Video Generation
* HCRF-Flow: Scene Flow from Point Clouds with Continuous High-order CRFs and Position-aware Flow Embedding
* hierarchical local region-based sparse shape composition for liver segmentation in CT scans, A
* Hierarchical semantic model and scattering mechanism based PolSAR image classification
* Hierarchical Supervision and Shuffle Data Augmentation for 3D Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* High-capacity Adaptive Steganography Based on Transform Coefficient for HEVC
* High-Efficiency Optimization Algorithm of PMEPR for OFDM Integrated Radar and Communication Waveform Based on Conjugate Gradient
* Hss: A Hierarchical Semantic Similarity Hard Negative Sampling Method for Dense Retrievers
* Hybrid Method of SAR Speckle Reduction Based on Geometric-Structural Block and Adaptive Neighborhood, A
* Hybrid Network With Structural Constraints for SAR Image Scene Classification, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on 3-D Octave Convolution With Spatial-Spectral Attention Network
* Identification of Hypertension by Mining Class Association Rules from Multi-dimensional Features
* Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Multiscale Connectivity in the Flow Space of Urban Agglomeration in the Yellow River Basin
* Image Enhancement via Fusion Based on Laplacian Pyramid Directional Filter Banks
* Image Formation Algorithm for Asymmetric Bistatic SAR Systems With a Fixed Receiver
* Image interpolation with adaptive k-nearest neighbours search and random non-linear regression
* Image Retargeting Using Mesh Parametrization
* Image retrieval by dense caption reasoning
* Image Segmentation Based on Spatially Coherent Gaussian Mixture Model
* Impacts of Land Cover/Use on the Urban Thermal Environment: A Comparative Study of 10 Megacities in China
* Improved Fuzzy Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Periodic Characteristic, An
* Improvement of continuous emotion recognition of temporal convolutional networks with incomplete labels
* Improving 3D Digital Soil Mapping Based on Spatialized Lab Soil Spectral Information
* Improving the visual quality of size invariant visual cryptography scheme
* Incomplete motion feature tracking algorithm in video sequences
* Indoor Localization of a Mobile Platform Based on Monocular Vision and Coding Images, The
* Infmae: A Foundation Model in the Infrared Modality
* Information Security Display Technology with Multi-view Effect
* Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Shared Features
* Infrared Small and Dim Target Detection With Transformer Under Complex Backgrounds
* Integral MR-EPT With the Calculation of Coil Current Distributions
* Integrally Migrating Pre-trained Transformer Encoder-decoders for Visual Object Detection
* Integrated GNSS/MEMS Accelerometer System for Dynamic Structural Response Monitoring under Thunder Loading, An
* Integrated Multi-Modal Antenna With Coupled Radiating Structures (I-MARS) for 7T pTx Body MRI
* Integrating topology beyond descriptions for zero-shot learning
* Intelligent Reflective Surface Assisted Integrated Sensing and Wireless Power Transfer
* Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
* Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framework Modeled With Fully and Semi-Supervised Reciprocal Learning, An
* Inverse Nonnegative Local Coordinate Factorization for Visual Tracking
* Inverse Visual Question Answering: A New Benchmark and VQA Diagnosis Tool
* Investigation on the Utilization of Millimeter-Wave Radars for Ocean Wave Monitoring
* IPGN: Interactiveness Proposal Graph Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* iVQA: Inverse Visual Question Answering
* Joint Face Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction
* Joint Face Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction with Application to Face Recognition
* Joint learning of RGBW color filter arrays and demosaicking
* Joint Subspace Stabilization for Stereoscopic Video
* Kernel fusion for better image deblurring
* KeyPoint Relative Position Encoding for Face Recognition
* Keystone correction for stereoscopic cinematography
* Knowledge Guided Evolutionary Transformer for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Knowledge transduction for cross-domain few-shot learning
* Knowledge transfer evolutionary search for lightweight neural architecture with dynamic inference
* Knowledge-Based Hierarchical Causal Inference Network for Video Action Recognition, A
* L1-Norm Distance Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on an Effective Iterative Algorithm
* Land-use Spatial Optimization Model Based On Particle Swarm Optimization
* Landmark-Based 3D Face Reconstruction from an Arbitrary Number of Unconstrained Images
* Language and Visual Relations Encoding for Visual Question Answering
* Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Based on Semi-Supervised Adversarial Hashing
* Large-Scope PolSAR Image Change Detection Based on Looking-Around-and-Into Mode
* LCReg: Long-tailed image classification with Latent Categories based Recognition
* Learn to Optimize Denoising Scores: A Unified and Improved Diffusion Prior for 3d Generation
* Learned Dual-View Reflection Removal
* Learning Clothing and Pose Invariant 3D Shape Representation for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Learning color and locality cues for moving object detection and segmentation
* Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Fields
* Learning Distribution Independent Latent Representation for 3D Face Disentanglement
* Learning Implicit Functions for Dense 3D Shape Correspondence of Generic Objects
* Learning Interpolation via Regional Map for Pan-Sharpening
* Learning Optimal K-space Acquisition and Reconstruction using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
* Learning Salient Feature for Salient Object Detection Without Labels
* Learning simultaneous adaptive clustering and classification via MOEA
* Learning to Select Cuts for Efficient Mixed-Integer Programming
* Let Them Choose What They Want: A Multi-Task CNN Architecture Leveraging Mid-Level Deep Representations for Face Attribute Classification
* Leveraging stereopsis for saliency analysis
* LFNet: A Novel Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* Lidar Point Cloud Guided Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Lightweight Multi-Label Classification Method for Urban Green Space in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Linear-Covariance Loss for End-to-End Learning of 6D Pose Estimation
* Local Facial Makeup Transfer via Disentangled Representation
* Local fusion networks with chained residual pooling for video action recognition
* Local linear Laplacian eigenmaps: A direct extension of LLE
* Local Maximal Homogeneous Region Search for SAR Speckle Reduction With Sketch-Based Geometrical Kernel Function
* Local Similarity Based Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition with Single Sample per Person
* Local structure based sparse representation for face recognition with single sample per person
* Low light image enhancement based on non-uniform illumination prior model
* Low-Rank Tensor Completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* LUAI Challenge 2021 on Learning to Understand Aerial Images
* Mapping and Evaluating Human Pressure Changes in the Qilian Mountains
* MBSI-Net: Multimodal Balanced Self-Learning Interaction Network for Image Classification
* Measuring Vegetation Phenology with Near-Surface Remote Sensing in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Effects of Sensor Type and Deployment
* Medical image fusion using Transfer Learning and L-BFGS optimization algorithm
* MEP-3M: A large-scale multi-modal E-commerce product dataset
* Method For Stereo Mapping Based On Objectarx And Pipeline Technology
* Method of Reducing Speckle Noise of SAR Images Based on Wavelets and Wedgelet HMT Models, A
* MFNet: A Novel GNN-Based Multi-Level Feature Network With Superpixel Priors
* Mine yOur owN Anatomy: Revisiting Medical Image Segmentation With Extremely Limited Labels
* MinEnt: Minimum entropy for self-supervised representation learning
* Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice, A
* MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classification Through EEG Signals
* Modeling Spatial and Temporal Textures
* modified convolutional neural network for face sketch synthesis, A
* Monitoring of Tumor Response to Au Nanorod-Indocyanine Green Conjugates Mediated Therapy With Fluorescence Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography
* Monitoring Population Evolution in China Using Time-Series DMSP/OLS Nightlight Imagery
* Motion-Adjustable Neural Implicit Video Representation
* Multi-Aperture Joint-Encoding Fourier Ptychography for a Distributed System
* Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
* Multi-Feature Weighted Sparse Graph for SAR Image Analysis
* Multi-Grained Gradual Inference Model for Multimedia Event Extraction
* Multi-modal face tracking using bayesian network
* multi-phase sparse probability framework via entropy minimization for single sample face recognition, A
* Multi-resolutional human visual perception optimized pathology image progressive coding based on JPEG2000
* Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning Method for Maritime Search and Rescue Using Multiple AUVs, A
* Multi-Scale Contourlet Knowledge Guide Learning Segmentation
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Decision-Making Method for Disease and Pest Detection of Grape Foliage Based on ShuffleNet V2, A
* Multi-Source Image Matching Algorithms for UAV Positioning: Benchmarking, Innovation, and Combined Strategies
* Multi-View Video Summarization
* Multidimensional Urban Vitality on Streets: Spatial Patterns and Influence Factor Identification Using Multisource Urban Data
* Multidirectional Attention Fusion Network for SAR Change Detection
* Multifrequency 3-D Inversion of GREATEM Data by BCGS-FFT-BIM
* multiobjective immune clustering ensemble technique applied to unsupervised SAR image segmentation, A
* Multiplane Prior Guided Few-Shot Aerial Scene Rendering
* Multiple Gaussian Mixture Models for Image Registration
* Multiple Global Population Datasets: Differences and Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Multiple Hierarchical Cross-Scale Transformer for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Steganography in Lossy Channels
* Multiscale Self-Adaptive Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Multitask Semantic Boundary Awareness Network for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Multivariate Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction in the Wavelet Domain: Using Scale Mixture Models
* Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection With High Discrimination, High Information, and Low Redundancy
* NashAE: Disentangling Representations Through Adversarial Covariance Minimization
* Neighborhood Collective Estimation for Noisy Label Identification and Chiorrection
* NesTD-Net: Deep NESTA-Inspired Unfolding Network With Dual-Path Deblocking Structure for Image Compressive Sensing
* Neural Logic Vision Language Explainer
* New 3-D Minimum Cost Flow Phase Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Closure Phase, A
* new component based algorithm for newspaper layout analysis, A
* New Inversion Method Based on Distorted Born Iterative Method for Grounded Electrical Source Airborne Transient Electromagnetics, A
* new patch based change detector for polarimetric SAR data, A
* Noise-based Selection of Robust Inherited Model for Accurate Continual Learning
* Non-Local Low-Rank Cube-Based Tensor Factorization for Spectral CT Reconstruction
* Non-uniform low-light image enhancement via non-local similarity decomposition model
* Nonconvex Compressed Sensing by Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
* Nonlinear Model Predictive Lateral Stability Control of Active Chassis for Intelligent Vehicles and Its FPGA Implementation
* Nonnegative matrix factorization with endmember sparse graph learning for hyperspectral unmixing
* novel algorithm to extrapolate ultraviolet absorption of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from remote sensing ocean color, A
* novel direction-of-arrival estimation method for wideband signals, A
* novel dynamic rough subspace based selective ensemble, A
* novel face presentation attack detection scheme based on multi-regional convolutional neural networks, A
* novel hierarchical fingerprint matching approach, A
* Novel Technique Based on the Combination of Labeled Co-Occurrence Matrix and Variogram for the Detection of Built-up Areas in High-Resolution SAR Images, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image
* NVR-Net: Normal Vector Guided Regression Network for Disentangled 6D Pose Estimation
* Ocean Response to Successive Typhoons Sarika and Haima (2016) Based on Data Acquired via Multiple Satellites and Moored Array
* On Adaptive Length of Temporal Filter for Space-Time Equalization With Cochannel Interference
* On Learning Disentangled Representations for Gait Recognition
* On Mugshot-based Arbitrary View Face Recognition
* On the Detection of Digital Face Manipulation
* On the Ion Line Calibration by Plasma Line in ISR Measurements
* On the Iterative Computation of Error Matrix in Unbiased FIR Filtering
* On The National Geographical Condition Monitoring Several Strategic Issues
* Onboard Real-Time Dense Reconstruction in Large Terrain Scene Using Embedded UAV Platform
* One-Class Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Using Auto-Encoder Network
* Online Active Extreme Learning Machine With Discrepancy Sampling for PolSAR Classification
* Online unsupervised feature learning for visual tracking
* OPD-Net: Prow Detection Based on Feature Enhancement and Improved Regression Model in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* Open-set Biometrics: Beyond Good Closed-set Models
* Open-Set Synthesis for Free-Viewpoint Human Body Reenactment of Novel Poses
* Optimal XOR Based (2,n)-Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Overcomplete Dictionary-Based Directional Estimation Model and Nonconvex Reconstruction Methods, The
* Panoramic Mosaics from Chang'E-3 PCAM Images at Point A
* Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching
* Parallel versus Hierarchical Fusion of Extended Fingerprint Features
* Parameters-Transfer Identification for Dynamic Systems and Recursive Form
* Pareto-Based Sparse Subspace Learning Framework, A
* Particle filter with spline resampling and global transition model
* Partition Speeds Up Learning Implicit Neural Representations Based on Exponential-Increase Hypothesis
* Pavement Distress Detection Using Street View Images Captured via Action Camera
* pedestrian trajectory prediction method based on improved LSTM network, A
* Perceptual Image Hashing via Wave Atom Transform
* Perceptual Quality Metric for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* Periodicity, Directionality, and Randomness: Wold Features for Image Modeling and Retrieval
* Periodicity, Directionality, and Randomness: Wold Features for Perceptual Pattern Recognition
* Perturbed and Strict Mean Teachers for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Phenological Observations on Classical Prehistoric Sites in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River Based on Landsat NDVI Time Series
* Photogrammetric System for Tunnel Underbreak and Overbreak Detection, A
* Pixel-Wise Energy-Biased Abstention Learning for Anomaly Segmentation on Complex Urban Driving Scenes
* Plithogenic multi-criteria decision making approach on airspace planning scheme evaluation based on ATC-flight real-time simulation
* Point Cloud Upsampling via Perturbation Learning
* POL-SAR Image Classification Based on Wishart DBN and Local Spatial Information
* Polarization characteristics of objects in long-wave infrared range
* Preliminary Results and Analyses of Post-earthquake Geological Hazards In Jiuzhaigou Based on Airborne Lidar and Imagery
* Privacy Monitor
* Probabilistic Structure Learning for EEG/MEG Source Imaging With Hierarchical Graph Priors
* PromptAD: Zero-shot Anomaly Detection using Text Prompts
* Pseudo-full-space representation based classification for robust face recognition
* Pyramid Graph Networks With Connection Attentions for Region-Based One-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* QoS Provisionings for Device-to-Device Content Delivery in Cellular Networks
* Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images
* Quantifying the Pabu Normal Fault Scarp, Southern Tibetan Plateau: Insights into Regional Earthquake Risk
* R-Cyclic Diffuser: Reductive and Cyclic Latent Diffusion for 3D Clothed Human Digitalization
* Ramp Metering Control on Wireless Charging Lanes Considering Optimal Traffic and Charging Efficiencies
* Random subspace based ensemble sparse representation
* Rapid Target Detection of Fruit Trees Using UAV Imaging and Improved Light YOLOv4 Algorithm
* Ray Denoising: Depth-aware Hard Negative Sampling for Multi-view 3d Object Detection
* REACTO: Reconstructing Articulated Objects from a Single Video
* Real-Time Recognition with the Entire Brodatz Texture Database
* Rectified Registration Consistency for Image Registration Evaluation
* Recurrent Affine Transformation for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Referring Image Segmentation Using Text Supervision
* RefineNet: Multi-Path Refinement Networks for Dense Prediction
* RefineNet: Multi-path Refinement Networks for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation
* Reflective Learning With Label Noise
* Reinforcement learning-based feature learning for object tracking
* Relative Research on Psychological Character and Plot Design Preference for Audiences of VR Movies
* RepMode: Learning to Re-Parameterize Diverse Experts for Subcellular Structure Prediction
* Research about security mechanism in wireless sensor network
* Research on Cam-Kalm Automatic Tracking Technology of Low, Slow, and Small Target Based on Gm-APD LiDAR
* Research on Tourism Marketing Based on Community E-commerce
* Residual Group Channel and Space Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Residual Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Resistivity Logging Through Casing Response of Inclined Fractured Formation
* Rethinking and Conceptualizing Just Noticeable Difference Estimation by Residual Learning
* Rethinking Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Rethinking the Learning Paradigm for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
* Ridgelet-Nets With Speckle Reduction Regularization for SAR Image Scene Classification
* Robust image metamorphosis immune from ghost and blur
* Robust Semantic Segmentation UNCV2023 Challenge Results, The
* Robust Stereo Matching with an Unfixed and Adaptive Disparity Search Range
* Robust Visual Tracking Revisited: From Correlation Filter to Template Matching
* Saliency Aggregation: A Data-Driven Approach
* Saliency-context two-stream convnets for action recognition
* SAPIEN: A SimulAted Part-Based Interactive ENvironment
* SAR Image segmentation based on convolutional-wavelet neural network and markov random field
* SAR Image Segmentation Based on Hierarchical Visual Semantic and Adaptive Neighborhood Multinomial Latent Model
* Satellite Remote Sensing False Forest Fire Hotspot Excavating Based on Time-Series Features
* Satellite Video Object Tracking Based on Location Prompts
* Scalable video transformer for full-frame video prediction
* SceneSketcher-v2: Fine-Grained Scene-Level Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Using Adaptive GCNs
* Scenesketcher: Fine-grained Image Retrieval with Scene Sketches
* Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with Sparse 3D Prior
* Selective Adversarial Adaptation-Based Cross-Scene Change Detection Framework in Remote Sensing Images
* Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with ensemble strategy
* Self Pseudo Entropy Knowledge Distillation for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Attention Network for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition
* Self-Training Vision Language BERTs With a Unified Conditional Model
* Semantic Regularisation for Recurrent Image Annotation
* Semi-Coupled Convolutional Sparse Learning for Image Super-Resolution
* Semi-supervised double sparse graphs based discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms
* Semisupervised Discriminant Feature Learning for SAR Image Category via Sparse Ensemble
* Sensing Performance of Multi-Antenna Energy Detector With Temporal Signal Correlation in Cognitive Vehicular Networks
* Sentiment Recognition for Short Annotated GIFs Using Visual-Textual Fusion
* Sequence searching with deep-learnt depth for condition- and viewpoint-invariant route-based place recognition
* Shape My Face: Registering 3D Face Scans by Surface-to-Surface Translation
* Shape of Gaussians as feature descriptors
* Sherpa3D: Boosting High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Coarse 3D Prior
* Shift from Texture-bias to Shape-Bias: Edge Deformation-Based Augmentation for Robust Object Recognition
* Shift-Tolerant Perceptual Similarity Metric
* Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover's Distance
* Simple Normalization Technique Using Window Statistics to Improve the Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Medical Images, A
* Simple to Complex Transfer Learning for Action Recognition
* Sketch Me That Shoe
* Sketch-a-Net that Beats Humans
* Sketch-a-Net: A Deep Neural Network that Beats Humans
* SketchGAN: Joint Sketch Completion and Recognition With Generative Adversarial Network
* SliNet: Slicing-Aided Learning for Small Object Detection
* Smart_Auth: User Identity Authentication Based on Smartphone Motion Sensors
* SNED: Superposition Network Architecture Search for Efficient Video Diffusion Model
* SNR-Adaptive Ranging Waveform Design Based on Ziv-Zakai Bound Optimization
* Softmax Splatting for Video Frame Interpolation
* Sparse compression algorithm for MBOK signals
* Sparse point-voxel aggregation network for efficient point cloud semantic segmentation
* Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Optical Imaging Data Using CWT and tICA
* Spatial Influence of Multifaceted Environmental States on Habitat Quality: A Case Study of the Three Largest Chinese Urban Agglomerations
* Spatial Interconnections of Land Surface Temperatures with Land Cover/Use: A Case Study of Tokyo
* Spatial-Semantic Image Search by Visual Feature Synthesis
* Spatial-State-Based Omni-Directional Collision Warning System for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Spatial-temporal representation for video re-identification via key images
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Surface Albedo and Its Influencing Factors in the Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Speaker recognition based on dynamic MFCC parameters
* Spectral Clustering Ensemble Applied to SAR Image Segmentation
* SS3D: Sparsely-Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud
* Strong Baseline and Batch Normalization Neck for Deep Person Re-Identification, A
* Structured Learning of Binary Codes with Column Generation for Optimizing Ranking Measures
* TCSPANet: Two-Staged Contrastive Learning and Sub-Patch Attention Based Network for PolSAR Image Classification
* Temporal Feature Matching and Propagation for Semantic Segmentation on 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Temporal Integration Based Visual Cryptography Scheme and Its Application
* Texture-Consistent Shadow Removal
* Textured Image Demoireing via Signal Decomposition and Guided Filtering
* Three-stage Model Fusion Method for Out-of-distribution Generalization, A
* TIGER: Time-Varying Denoising Model for 3D Point Cloud Generation with Diffusion Process
* Time Series Multi-Step Forecasting Based on Memory Network for the Prognostics and Health Management in Freight Train Braking System
* TOPSIS-Based Consensus Model for Group Decision-Making With Incomplete Interval Fuzzy Preference Relations
* Towards High-Fidelity Nonlinear 3D Face Morphable Model
* Towards Robust Curve Text Detection With Conditional Spatial Expansion
* Trademark image retrieval using hierarchical region feature description
* Traditional Village Building Extraction Based on Improved Mask R-CNN: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Traffic Inequality and Relations in Maritime Silk Road: A Network Flow Analysis
* Traffic Volume Estimate Based on Low Penetration Connected Vehicle Data at Signalized Intersections: A Bayesian Deduction Approach
* Traj-MAE: Masked Autoencoders for Trajectory Prediction
* Transferred Deep Learning-Based Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Transformer Based Conditional GAN for Multimodal Image Fusion
* Two-Layer Model for Taxi Customer Searching Behaviors Using GPS Trajectory Data, A
* Two-Stage Aerial Target Localization Method Using Time-Difference-of-Arrival Measurements with the Minimum Number of Radars, A
* Two-Stage Reranking for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Two-Stream Gabor-AGraph Convolutional Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Two-Stream Global-Guided Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* uniform representation model for OCT-based fingerprint presentation attack detection and reconstruction, A
* Unmixing Dynamic Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography Images With Independent Component Analysis
* Unraveling Instance Associations: A Closer Look for Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Unsupervised Deep Feature Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum information and minimum redundancy for hyperspectral images
* Unsupervised Few-Shot Image Classification by Learning Features into Clustering Space
* Unsupervised Mumford-Shah energy based hybrid of texture and nontexture image segmentation
* Using Satellite Data for the Characterization of Local Animal Reservoir Populations of Hantaan Virus on the Weihe Plain, China
* Vehicle detection based on improved multitask cascaded convolutional neural network and mixed image enhancement
* Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Convolution
* Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Separable Convolution
* Video reconstruction based on Intrinsic Tensor Sparsity model
* Video-Text Compliance: Activity Verification Based on Natural Language Instructions
* View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes Based on Deep 3D Mask Volume
* Virtual Traffic Signals: Safe, Rapid, Efficient and Autonomous Driving Without Traffic Control
* VisDrone-DET2021: The Vision Meets Drone Object detection Challenge Results
* Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
* Visual and Language Collaborative Learning for RGBT Object Tracking
* Visual Quality Assessment for Projected Content
* Visual Question Answering With Dense Inter- and Intra-Modality Interactions
* Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Multiple Coding
* Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Regularization Multiple Locality Coding
* Visual tracking via structural patch-based dictionary pair learning
* ViT-YOLO: Transformer-Based YOLO for Object Detection
* Volcanic ash cloud extraction for RS image by combining PCA, ICA and SVM methods
* Vulnerability Identification and Cascading Failure Spatiotemporal Patterns on Road Network under the Rainstorm Disaster
* Warp propagation for video resizing
* Weakly Supervised Fingerprint Pore Extraction With Convolutional Neural Network
* Weakly Supervised Segmentation on Outdoor 4D point clouds with Temporal Matching and Spatial Graph Propagation
* What Makes a Professional Video? A Computational Aesthetics Approach
* Width measurement of retinal vessels using cubic spline fitting and extended edge-searching mode
* Wishart Deep Stacking Network for Fast POLSAR Image Classification
* XMP-Font: Self-Supervised Cross-Modality Pre-training for Few-Shot Font Generation
* ZeroNLG: Aligning and Autoencoding Domains for Zero-Shot Multimodal and Multilingual Natural Language Generation
Includes: Liu, F.[Feng] Liu, F. Liu, F.[Fayao] Liu, F.[Fan] Liu, F.[Fang] Liu, F.[Fei] Liu, F.[Fulong] Liu, F.[Fangfu] Liu, F.[Fengbei] Liu, F.[Furong] Liu, F.[Furui] Liu, F.[Frank] Liu, F.[Fanfan] Liu, F.[Fen] Liu, F.[Fangcen] Liu, F.[Fengrui] Liu, F.[Fangyi] Liu, F.[Fenfen] Liu, F.[Fitz] Liu, F.[Fang'ai] Liu, F.[Feihong] Liu, F.[Fuxiao] Liu, F.[Feifeng] Liu, F.[Fushun] Liu, F.[Faqi] Liu, F.[Fujiang] Liu, F.[Fulin] Liu, F.[Fenglin] Liu, F.[Fubo] liu, F.[Fanghao] Liu, F.[Fu] Liu, F.[Fanyu] Liu, F.[Fugang] Liu, F.[Fuchang] Liu, F.[Feiyang] Liu, F.[Feitong] Liu, F.[Fayi] Liu, F.[Fangyue]
542 for Liu, F.
Liu, F.B.[Feng Bei]
Co Author Listing * ACPL: Anti-curriculum Pseudo-labelling for Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification
* Data analytics approach for train timetable performance measures using automatic train supervision data
* Learning Support and Trivial Prototypes for Interpretable Image Classification
Includes: Liu, F.B.[Feng Bei] Liu, F.B.[Feng-Bei] Liu, F.B.[Feng-Bo]
Liu, F.C.[Fang Chen]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Defense by Stratified Convolutional Sparse Coding
* BDD100K: A Diverse Driving Dataset for Heterogeneous Multitask Learning
* benchmark dataset for real-time detection of icons in mobile apps and a small-scale feature module, A
* Characteristics and Seasonal Variations of Cirrus Clouds from Polarization Lidar Observations at a 30°N Plain Site
* Convective Boundary Layer Clouds as Observed with Ground-Based Lidar at a Mid-Latitude Plain Site
* Establishment of big data application platform for education industry
* GEIKD: Self-knowledge distillation based on gated ensemble networks and influences-based label noise removal
* Guided CNN Restoration with Explicitly Signaled Linear Combination
* HARP: Autoregressive Latent Video Prediction with High-Fidelity Image Generator
* Maximum spatial-temporal isometric cluster for dynamic surface correspondence
* Safe diagnosability of fuzzy discrete-event systems
* THISNet: Tooth Instance Segmentation on 3D Dental Models via Highlighting Tooth Regions
Includes: Liu, F.C.[Fang Chen] Liu, F.C.[Fang-Chen] Liu, F.C.[Fu-Chang] Liu, F.C.[Fu-Chao] Liu, F.C. Liu, F.C.[Fu-Chun] Liu, F.C.[Fang-Cen]
12 for Liu, F.C.
Liu, F.D.[Feng De]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Analysis of Polynomial RFM Adjustment Models for Worldview-1 Imagery
* DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
* SWDC-4 Large Format Digital Aerial Camera System
Includes: Liu, F.D.[Feng De] Liu, F.D.[Feng-De] Liu, F.D.[Fang-De]
Liu, F.F.[Fei Feng]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Focusing and Resolution Analysis Method in Geosynchronous SAR, The
* Cfab: An Online Data Augmentation to Alleviate the Spuriousness of Classification on Medical Ultrasound Images
* Clutter Jamming Suppression for Airborne Distributed Coherent Aperture Radar Based on Prior Clutter Subspace Projection
* Efficient Multipath Clutter Cancellation for UAV Monitoring Using DAB Satellite-Based PBR
* Extended NLCS Algorithm of BiSAR Systems With a Squinted Transmitter and a Fixed Receiver: Theory and Experimental Confirmation
* Improved Frequency-Domain Image Formation Algorithm for Mini-UAV-Based Forward-Looking Spotlight BiSAR Systems, An
* Integrated Radar and Communications Waveform Design Based on Multi-Symbol OFDM
* Interferometric Phase Error Analysis and Compensation in GNSS-InSAR: A Case Study of Structural Monitoring
* Make-your-3d: Fast and Consistent Subject-driven 3d Content Generation
* Multi-Target Localization of MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas on Moving Platforms Based on Expectation Maximization Algorithm
* Multiangle BSAR Imaging Based on BeiDou-2 Navigation Satellite System: Experiments and Preliminary Results
* Oceanic Karman Vortex Streets in the Luzon Strait in the Lee of Didicas Island from Multiple Satellite Missions
* Outbreak of Negative Narrow Bipolar Events in Two Mid-Latitude Thunderstorms Featuring Overshooting Tops
* Remote Sensing of Marine Phytoplankton Sizes and Groups Based on the Generalized Addictive Model (GAM)
* Semantic Ray: Learning a Generalizable Semantic Field with Cross-Reprojection Attention
* Spatial Variant Motion Compensation Algorithm for High-Monofrequency Motion Error in Mini-UAV-Based BiSAR Systems, A
* SR-Net: Saliency Region Representation Network for Vehicle Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Target Localization Based on High Resolution Mode of MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas
* WB-DETR: Transformer-Based Detector without Backbone
Includes: Liu, F.F.[Fei Feng] Liu, F.F.[Fei-Feng] Liu, F.F.[Fei-Fei] Liu, F.F.[Fang-Fu] Liu, F.F.[Fen-Fen] Liu, F.F.[Fei-Fan] Liu, F.F.[Fan-Fan]
19 for Liu, F.F.
Liu, F.G.[Fa Gui]
Co Author Listing * Application of RFID Technology in Production Control in the Discrete Manufacturing Industry, The
* Attention-guided chained context aggregation for semantic segmentation
* Compensating for Local Ambiguity With Encoder-Decoder in Urban Scene Segmentation
* Drying-Wetting Changes of Surface Soil Moisture and the Influencing Factors in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Dynamic Token Pruning in Plain Vision Transformers for Semantic Segmentation
* EPRNet: Efficient Pyramid Representation Network for Real-Time Street Scene Segmentation
* Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird's-Eye View Perception Baseline
* Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites and Crowd-Shipping
* National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics of Meteorological, Agricultural, and Hydrological Droughts in China
* Response of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Snow Cover Changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Two-Echelon Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites in City Logistics
Includes: Liu, F.G.[Fa Gui] Liu, F.G.[Fa-Gui] Liu, F.G.[Feng-Gui] Liu, F.G.[Feng-Gang]
11 for Liu, F.G.
Liu, F.H.[Fang Hui]
Co Author Listing * Co-saliency detection via inter and intra saliency propagation
* Controls of Climate and Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Variation in a Subtropical Humid Basin
* Correlation filter tracking via bootstrap learning
* Detecting Bladder Abnormalities Based on Inter-layer Intensity Curve for Virtual Cystoscopy
* Dual-Wavelength Ocean Lidar for Vertical Profiling of Oceanic Backscatter and Attenuation, A
* End-to-end kernel learning via generative random Fourier features
* Graph Regularized and Locality-Constrained Coding for Robust Visual Tracking
* Kernelized temporal locality learning for real-time visual tracking
* Learning Scalable Model Soup on a Single Gpu: An Efficient Subspace Training Strategy
* PGF-BIQA: Blind image quality assessment via probability multi-grained cascade forest
* Random Features for Kernel Approximation: A Survey on Algorithms, Theory, and Beyond
* Robust visual tracking via constrained correlation filter coding
* Robust Visual Tracking via Dirac-Weighted Cascading Correlation Filters
* Robust Visual Tracking via Online Discriminative and Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
* Towards a Unified Quadrature Framework for Large-Scale Kernel Machines
Includes: Liu, F.H.[Fang Hui] Liu, F.H.[Fang-Hui] Liu, F.H.[Fu-Hong] Liu, F.H.[Fang-Hua] Liu, F.H.[Feng-Hua]
15 for Liu, F.H.
Liu, F.I.[Feng I]
Co Author Listing * Automatic image orientation detection
Includes: Liu, F.I.[Feng I] Liu, F.I.[Feng-I]
Liu, F.J.[Fang Jian]
Co Author Listing * Contrastive-Augmented Memory Network for Anti-UAV Tracking in TIR Videos, A
* GPU Acceleration for SAR Satellite Image Ortho-Rectification
* Pairwise based deep ranking hashing for histopathology image classification and retrieval
* Test-Time Linear Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Texture analysis for muscular dystrophy classification in MRI with improved class activation mapping
* ultrasonic positioning algorithm based on maximum correntropy criterion extended Kalman filter weighted centroid, An
Includes: Liu, F.J.[Fang Jian] Liu, F.J.[Fang-Jian] Liu, F.J.[Fu-Jun] Liu, F.J.[Feng-Jian] Liu, F.J.[Fang-Jie]
Liu, F.K.[Feng Kai]
Co Author Listing * Noise-Robust ISAR Translational Motion Compensation via HLPT-GSCFT
* Unambiguous ISAR Imaging Method for Complex Maneuvering Group Targets
Includes: Liu, F.K.[Feng Kai] Liu, F.K.[Feng-Kai]
Liu, F.L.[Fang Long]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Fusion of Multi-Objective Networks for Compressed Video Perceptual Enhancement
* AIM 2022 Challenge on Super-resolution of Compressed Image and Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning
* Blind forensics of image gamma transformation and its application in splicing detection
* Dense Dual-path Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
* Exploring and Distilling Posterior and Prior Knowledge for Radiology Report Generation
* Image fragile watermarking algorithm based on deneighbourhood mapping
* Inverse Interpolation and Its Application in Robust Image Steganography
* Joint interaction with context operation for collaborative filtering
* Moire Pattern Removal from Texture Images via Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* Multi-channel and large angle-of-view imaging systematic research of bio-inspired compound eye
* Multi-class steganalysis for Jpeg stego algorithms
* novel haze image steganography method via cover-source switching, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* On the Sharing-based Model of Steganography
* Parameter estimation of image gamma transformation based on zero-value histogram bin locations
* PIN: A Novel Parallel Interactive Network for Spoken Language Understanding
* Steganalysis Based on Difference Image
* StrokeFaceNeRF: Stroke-Based Facial Appearance Editing in Neural Radiance Field
* Thresholding binary coding for image forensics of weak sharpening
Includes: Liu, F.L.[Fang Long] Liu, F.L.[Fang-Long] Liu, F.L.[Feng-Lin] Liu, F.L.[Fen-Lin] Liu, F.L.[Fei-Lin] Liu, F.L.[Fang-Ling] Liu, F.L.[Fang-Lei] Liu, F.L.[Feng-Li]
21 for Liu, F.L.
Liu, F.M.[Feng Ming]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic Sparse R-CNN
* Method for Estimating Ship Surface Wind Parameters by Combining Anemometer and X-Band Marine Radar Data, A
Includes: Liu, F.M.[Feng Ming] Liu, F.M.[Feng-Ming] Liu, F.M.[Fan-Ming]
Liu, F.Q.[Fu Qiang]
Co Author Listing * Counting Pedestrian in Crowded Subway Scene
* Deep Recursive Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Image Super-Resolution, A
* Distance-Driven Consensus Quantification
* Energy-Efficient Multi-UAVs Cooperative Trajectory Optimization for Communication Coverage: An MADRL Approach
* Learning Torso Prior for Co-Speech Gesture Generation with Better Hand Shape
* Lightweight image super-resolution with a feature-refined network
* Multi-Sensor Based Perception Network for Vehicle Driving Assistance
* Non-iterative reversible information hiding in the secret sharing domain
* On-Line Ensemble SVM for Robust Object Tracking
* Optimization over Disentangled Encoding: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Point Cloud Completion via Occlusion Factor Manipulation
* Real-Time Stereovision Approach of Object Detection for Driving Assistance
* Routing in Internet of Vehicles: A Review
* Satellite video single object tracking: A systematic review and an oriented object tracking benchmark
* Semi-Supervised 3d Object Detection Via Adaptive Pseudo-Labeling
* SSP-Regularizer: A Star Shape Prior Based Regularizer for Vessel Lumen Segmentation in OCT Images
* Traffic Abnormality Detection through Directional Motion Behavior Map
* UAV-Assisted Fair Communication for Mobile Networks: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Universal Framework of Spatiotemporal Bias Block for Long-Term Traffic Forecasting, A
Includes: Liu, F.Q.[Fu Qiang] Liu, F.Q.[Fu-Qiang] Liu, F.Q.[Fei-Qiang] Liu, F.Q.[Fang-Qi] Liu, F.Q.[Feng-Qi] Liu, F.Q.[Feng-Qing]
18 for Liu, F.Q.
Liu, F.Q.A.[Fu Qi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Development and verification of cooperative adaptive cruise control via LTE-V
Includes: Liu, F.Q.A.[Fu Qi Ang] Liu, F.Q.A.[Fu-Qi-Ang]
Liu, F.S.[Fan Shuo]
Co Author Listing * Commutative Encryption and Reversible Watermarking Algorithm for Vector Maps Based on Virtual Coordinates
* Discrete hashing with triple supervision learning
* Identifying Urban Functional Areas in China's Changchun City from Sentinel-2 Images and Social Sensing Data
* Improving Target Detection Accuracy Based on Multipolarization MIMO GPR
* Kalman filter approach for uncertainty quantification in time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
* Supervised discrete hashing for hamming space retrieval
* Tensor Dictionary Self-Taught Learning Classification Method for Hyperspectral Image
* Versatile surface detail editing via Laplacian coordinates
Includes: Liu, F.S.[Fan Shuo] Liu, F.S.[Fan-Shuo] Liu, F.S.[Fa-Sheng] Liu, F.S.[Fu-Shen] Liu, F.S.[Feng-Shan] Liu, F.S.[Feng-Shuang]
8 for Liu, F.S.
Liu, F.T.[Fei Tony]
Co Author Listing * Relevance feature mapping for content-based multimedia information retrieval
Liu, F.W.[Fa Wang]
Co Author Listing * Violence classification based on shape variations from multiple views
Includes: Liu, F.W.[Fa Wang] Liu, F.W.[Fa-Wang]
Liu, F.X.[Fu Xiang]
Co Author Listing * ConvNeXt-Haze: A Fog Image Classification Algorithm for Small and Imbalanced Sample Dataset Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Dense Connectivity Based Two-Stream Deep Feature Fusion Framework for Aerial Scene Classification
* DVHN: A Deep Hashing Framework for Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification
* E-DBPN: Enhanced Deep Back-Projection Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Image Superresolution
* Improved COVID-19 Lung X-Ray Image Classification Algorithm Based on ConvNeXt Network, An
* Improving Neural Network Efficiency via Post-training Quantization with Adaptive Floating-Point
* Iterative Mamba Diffusion Change-Detection Model for Remote Sensing
* Method for Nondestructive Testing of Blockboard Based on Morphological Double-Gradient Algorithm, A
* Multi-Source Interactive Stair Attention for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Perspective Small Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv5
Includes: Liu, F.X.[Fu Xiang] Liu, F.X.[Fu-Xiang] Liu, F.X.[Fu-Xian] Liu, F.X.[Fang-Xin] Liu, F.X.[Fei-Xiang] Liu, F.X.[Feng-Xuan]
10 for Liu, F.X.
Liu, F.Y.[Fang Yi]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Asphalt Pavement Crack Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Infrared Thermography
* CRCNet: Few-Shot Segmentation with Cross-Reference and Region-Global Conditional Networks
* CRNet: Cross-Reference Networks for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Submesoscale Eddy Detection Neural Network for HF Radar
* DeepOpht: Medical Report Generation for Retinal Images via Deep Models and Visual Explanation
* Depth and Video Segmentation Based Visual Attention for Embodied Question Answering
* DINER: Disorder-Invariant Implicit Neural Representation
* Discriminative Training of Deep Fully Connected Continuous CRFs With Task-Specific Loss
* Disorder-Invariant Implicit Neural Representation
* Fat: Field-Aware Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* hierarchical methodology for urban facade parsing from TLS point clouds, A
* IFGLT: Information fusion guided lightweight Transformer for image denoising
* Joint Discriminative Dictionary and Classifier Learning for ALS Point Cloud Classification
* Large-scale urban point cloud labeling and reconstruction
* Latent multi-feature co-regression for visual recognition by discriminatively leveraging multi-source models
* Learning Temporal Variations for 4D Point Cloud Segmentation
* MMTFN: Multi-modal multi-scale transformer fusion network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Quality in VVC Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Coding
* Orthogonal gradient measurement matrix optimisation method
* Point Discriminative Learning for Data-efficient 3D Point Cloud Analysis
* Projection learning with local and global consistency constraints for scene classification
* Research and realization of automatic test system for ADC based on Matlab
* Robust Motion Estimation for Calibrated Cameras from Monocular Image Sequences
* SegEQA: Video Segmentation Based Visual Attention for Embodied Question Answering
* Symmetrical Siamese Network for pose-guided person synthesis
* TRRNET: Tiered Relation Reasoning for Compositional Visual Question Answering
* Unsupervised 3D Pose Transfer With Cross Consistency and Dual Reconstruction
* View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Which Model Generated This Image? A Model-agnostic Approach for Origin Attribution
Includes: Liu, F.Y.[Fang Yi] Liu, F.Y.[Fang-Yi] Liu, F.Y.[Fang-Yu] Liu, F.Y.[Fa-Yao] Liu, F.Y.[Fang-Yuan] Liu, F.Y.[Feng-Yi] Liu, F.Y.[Feng-Yin] Liu, F.Y.[Fei-Yang] Liu, F.Y.[Fa-Ying] Liu, F.Y.[Fei-Yu] Liu, F.Y.[Feng-Yuan]
30 for Liu, F.Y.
Liu, F.Z.[Feng Ze]
Co Author Listing * Alarm System for Segmentation Algorithm Based on Shape Model, An
* Co-Segmentation and Superpixel-Based Graph Cuts for Building Change Detection from Bi-Temporal Digital Surface Models and Aerial Images
* Composite Method for Predicting Local Accuracies in Remotely Sensed Land-Cover Change Using Largely Non-Collocated Sample Data, A
* Concurrent Learning-Based Adaptive Control of an Uncertain Robot Manipulator With Guaranteed Safety and Performance
* External Attention Assisted Multi-Phase Splenic Vascular Injury Segmentation With Limited Data
* JSSR: A Joint Synthesis, Segmentation, and Registration System for 3D Multi-modal Image Alignment of Large-scale Pathological CT Scans
* L2B: Learning to Bootstrap Robust Models for Combating Label Noise
* SIGKD: A Structured Instance Graph Distillation Method for Efficient Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Skyline-Based Sorting Approach for Rail Transit Stations Visualization
* Stable Imaging and Accuracy Issues of Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Systems
* Synthesize Then Compare: Detecting Failures and Anomalies for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Liu, F.Z.[Feng Ze] Liu, F.Z.[Feng-Ze] Liu, F.Z.[Feng-Zhu] Liu, F.Z.[Fang-Zhou] Liu, F.Z.[Fang-Zhe]
11 for Liu, F.Z.
Liu, G.[Gang]
Co Author Listing * email: Liu, G.[Gang]: gliu AT george ee washington edu
* 3D Convolutional Neural Networks Based Speaker Identification and Authentication
* 3d Particle Picking in Cryo-Electron Tomograms Using Instance Segmentation
* Accuracy Evaluation and Consistency Analysis of Four Global Land Cover Products in the Arctic Region
* Accuracy Verification and Correction of D-InSAR and SBAS-InSAR in Monitoring Mining Surface Subsidence
* Accurate and Reliable Facial Expression Recognition Using Advanced Softmax Loss With Fixed Weights
* Accurate Determination of Glacier Surface Velocity Fields with a DEM-Assisted Pixel-Tracking Technique from SAR Imagery
* Adaptive Cascade Regression Model For Robust Face Alignment
* ADFA: Attention-Augmented Differentiable Top-K Feature Adaptation for Unsupervised Medical Anomaly Detection
* Adult Image Classification by a Local-Context Aware Network
* Adversarial Label Poisoning Attack on Graph Neural Networks via Label Propagation
* Affine Motion Model for Removing Rolling Shutter Distortions, An
* Analysis of Chlorophyll Concentration in Potato Crop by Coupling Continuous Wavelet Transform and Spectral Variable Optimization
* Analysis of Long-Term Moon-Based Observation Characteristics for Arctic and Antarctic
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Chinese Inland Water Clarity at Multiple Spatial Scales between 1984 and 2018
* Analysis of Tidal Cycle Wave Breaking Distribution Characteristics on a Low-Tide Terrace Beach Using Video Imagery Segmentation
* Analytical Model of Page Dissemination for Efficient Big Data Transmission of C-ITS, An
* Application of Image Processing and Discrete Analysis Method in Simulation of Oil and Gas Migration and Accumulation
* Application of Synthetic NDVI Time Series Blended from Landsat and MODIS Data for Grassland Biomass Estimation
* Assessment of Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters: A Round-Robin Scoring Method Based on the Optically Fuzzy Clustering
* Assessment of Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Key Ecosystem-Regulating Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region Based on Vegetation Coverage
* Assessment of Sea-Ice Classification Capabilities during Melting Period Using Airborne Multi-Frequency PolSAR Data
* Assessment of the Impact of Reservoirs in the Upper Mekong River Using Satellite Radar Altimetry and Remote Sensing Imageries
* Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Yangtze and Amazon River Basins
* Assignment Problem in Edge Detection Performance Evaluation
* Automated Construction of Templates for Matching
* Automated Determination of the Volume of Loose Engineering Deposits Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automatic Aircraft Identification with High Precision from SAR Images Considering Multiscale Problems and Channel Information Enhancement
* Automatic Detection of Phishing Target from Phishing Webpage
* Autonomous Driving Decision Algorithm for Complex Multi-Vehicle Interactions: An Efficient Approach Based on Global Sorting and Local Gaming
* Blind Sampling Clock Offset Estimation Algorithm for OFDM System
* Boundary Unlearning: Rapid Forgetting of Deep Networks via Shifting the Decision Boundary
* Calibration of the ESA CCI-Combined Soil Moisture Products on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Causal-DFQ: Causality Guided Data-free Network Quantization
* CenterRadarNet: Joint 3D Object Detection and Tracking Framework Using 4D FMCW Radar
* CFNet: An Infrared and Visible Image Compression Fusion Network
* Change Trend and Restoration Potential of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in China over the Past 20 Years
* Characterizing Traffic Conditions from the Perspective of Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity
* Chromosome Image Denoising Based on Adaptive Wavelet Threshold
* Class-wise Metric Scaling for Improved Few-Shot Classification
* Cloud Detection From Paired CrIS Water Vapor and CO2 Channels Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainable Development Goals 2030: How to Be Prepared for Earthquake Disasters?
* Clustered Multi-task Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Color-Depth Action Recognition
* Collaborative learning network for head pose estimation
* Collinearity and Coplanarity Constraints for Structure from Motion
* Color-Texture-Structure Descriptor for High-Resolution Satellite Image Classification, A
* Combined Coherent and Non-Coherent Long-Time Integration Method for High-Speed Target Detection Using High-Frequency Radar
* Comparing Object-Based and Pixel-Based Methods for Local Climate Zones Mapping with Multi-Source Data
* Comparison Study of Earth Observation Characteristics between Moon-Based Platform and L1 Point of Earth-Moon System
* Comprehensive Assessment of Sustainable Development of Terrestrial Ecosystem Based on SDG 15: A Case Study of Guilin City
* Compressed-Domain-Based Transmission Distortion Modeling for Precoded H.264/AVC Video
* Constructing a High-Accuracy Geometric Model for Moon-Based Earth Observation
* Continuous Decimeter-Level Positioning in Urban Environments Using Multi-Frequency GPS/BDS/Galileo PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration
* Contourlet-CNN for SAR Image Despeckling
* Cooperative Game-Based Approximate Optimal Control of Modular Robot Manipulators for Human-Robot Collaboration
* CoralTemp and the Coral Reef Watch Coral Bleaching Heat Stress Product Suite Version 3.1
* Critical-Area-Based Stochastic DoS Attack Strategy Design Against Remote State Estimation in Multi-Area Power Systems
* D&D: Learning Human Dynamics from Dynamic Camera
* Deep Blind Fault Activity: A Fault Model of Strong Mw 5.5 Earthquake Seismogenic Structures in North China
* Deep Multitask Gaze Estimation with a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model
* Deep Normalized Cross-Modal Hashing with Bi-Direction Relation Reasoning
* DEEPPOREID: An Effective Pore Representation Descriptor in Direct Pore Matching
* Delivery System for Streaming Video Over DiffServ Networks, A
* Depth-guided view synthesis for light field reconstruction from a single image
* Deriving Ice Motion Patterns in Mountainous Regions by Integrating the Intensity-Based Pixel-Tracking and Phase-Based D-InSAR and MAI Approaches: A Case Study of the Chongce Glacier
* Design and Implementation of a Multi-Band Active Radar Calibrator for SAR
* Designing the Signal Quality Monitoring Algorithm Based on Chip Domain Observables for BDS B1C/B2a Signals under the Requirements of DFMC SBAS
* Detecting Double JPEG Compression with Same Quantization Matrix Based on Dense CNN Feature
* Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation, A
* Discriminative Structured Feature Engineering for Macroscale Brain Connectomes
* Displacement Measurement Based on UAV Images Using SURF-Enhanced Camera Calibration Algorithm
* Distinguishing Algal Blooms from Aquatic Vegetation in Chinese Lakes Using Sentinel 2 Image
* Distinguishing Glaciers between Surging and Advancing by Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Eastern Karakoram
* Double Reweighted Sparse Regression and Graph Regularization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Double-Channel Bistatic SAR System With Spaceborne Illuminator for 2-D and 3-D SAR Remote Sensing
* DualRisk: A Two-Branch Model for Sparse Traffic Accident Risk Forecasting
* Dynamic Vectors-Based Attention Model for Chinese Mathematical Term Extraction, The
* Dynamicrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors
* Effective and efficient video text extraction using key text points
* Effective Fades and Flashlight Detection Based on Accumulating Histogram Difference
* Effective Transfer Learning Algorithm in Spiking Neural Networks
* Effects of Increasing C4-Crop Cover and Stomatal Conductance on Evapotranspiration: Simulations for a Lake Erie Watershed
* Effects of Solar Invasion on Earth Observation Sensors at a Moon-Based Platform
* Effects of the Time Sampling Interval on the Angular Combination Characteristics of Moon-Based Earth Observations
* Efficient Multitask Dense Predictor via Binarization
* Egocentric Daily Activity Recognition via Multitask Clustering
* Elevation Multi-Channel Imbalance Calibration Method of Digital Beamforming Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Enhancing Post-Training Quantization Calibration Through Contrastive Learning
* Enhancing Vectorized Map Perception with Historical Rasterized Maps
* Error Analysis of Bistatic SAR Imaging and Stereoscopy Bistatic SAR
* Estimating Diurnal Courses of Gross Primary Production for Maize: A Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Light-Use Efficiency and Process-Based Models
* Estimating Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Activities on Trophic Level of Inland Water: Analysis of Poyang Lake Basin, China, with Landsat-8 Observations
* Estimating Spatiotemporal Ground Deformation With Improved Permanent-Scatterer Radar Interferometry
* Estimating Spatiotemporal Ground Deformation With Improved Persistent-Scatterer Radar Interferometry ast
* Estimating the Earth's Outgoing Longwave Radiation Measured from a Moon-Based Platform
* Estimation of Global Vegetation Productivity from Global LAnd Surface Satellite Data
* Evaluating the Potential of Multi-Seasonal CBERS-04 Imagery for Mapping the Quasi-Circular Vegetation Patches in the Yellow River Delta Using Random Forest
* Evaluation and Scale Forecast of Underground Space Resources of Historical and Cultural Cities in China
* Evaluation of Arctic Sea Ice Drift Products Based on FY-3, HY-2, AMSR2, and SSMIS Radiometer Data
* Event Oriented Dictionary Learning for Complex Event Detection
* Evolution of Surge-Type Glaciers in the Yangtze River Headwater Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Experimental Framework to Validate 3D Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology Via Optical Imaging and MRI, An
* Exploiting Color Volume and Color Difference for Salient Region Detection
* Extraction of Urban Road Boundary Points from Mobile Laser Scanning Data Based on Cuboid Voxel
* Fast Georeferenced Aerial Image Stitching With Absolute Rotation Averaging and Planar- Restricted Pose Graph
* Fast Seismic Landslide Detection Based on Improved Mask R-CNN
* Feature-Aided RTK/LiDAR/INS Integrated Positioning System with Parallel Filters in the Ambiguity-Position-Joint Domain for Urban Environments
* Feedback-driven loss function for small object detection
* Fine-Grained Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Framework Based on Magnetic Fingerprint
* Fingerprint pore matching using deep features
* First Assessment of Bistatic Geometric Calibration and Geolocation Accuracy of Innovative Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar LuTan-1
* FLIR ATR Using Location Uncertainty
* Flow Guided Short-Term Trackers with Cascade Detection for Long-Term Tracking
* Four-Band Semi-Analytical Model for Estimating Phycocyanin in Inland Waters From Simulated MERIS and OLCI Data, A
* FracL: A Tool for Characterizing the Fractality of Landscape Gradients from a New Perspective
* Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery Classification Scheme for Mud and Sand Flats in Intertidal Zones, A
* Fundamental Climate Data Record Derived from AMSR-E, MWRI, and AMSR2, A
* Generation of High Resolution Vegetation Productivity from a Downscaling Method
* Geographic-Information-System-Based Risk Assessment of Flooding in Changchun Urban Rail Transit System
* Geohazards Monitoring and Assessment Using Multi-Source Earth Observation Techniques
* Gradient descent with adaptive momentum for active contour models
* Guided Face Cartoon Synthesis
* Hiding data hiding
* High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plants Using Colorized Depth Images Based on A Proximal Platform
* Hybrid Synthesis for Exposure Fusion from Hand-Held Camera Inputs
* Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals for Exploring Gold Deposits Based on SVM and PCA Using ASTER Data: A Case Study of Gulong
* Image Cosegmentation by Incorporating Color Reward Strategy and Active Contour Model
* Image quality assessment based on the visual perception of image contents
* Image segmentation based on multiresolution Markov random field with fuzzy constraint in wavelet domain
* Improved Algorithm Robust to Illumination Variations for Reconstructing Point Cloud Models from Images, An
* Improved RANSAC Image Stitching Algorithm Based Similarity Degree, An
* Improved Unmixing-Based Fusion Method: Potential Application to Remote Monitoring of Inland Waters, An
* Improving Few-Shot User-Specific Gaze Adaptation via Gaze Redirection Synthesis
* Improving the Performance of Galileo Uncombined Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution Using Triple-Frequency Observations
* Inductive Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Influence of Radar Parameters and Sea State on Wind Wave-Induced Velocity in C-Band ATI SAR Ocean Surface Currents
* Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon on Inter-Annual Variability of the Tibetan-Plateau NDVI in Its Main Growing Season
* Inland Water Atmospheric Correction Based on Turbidity Classification Using OLCI and SLSTR Synergistic Observations
* Integrated Denoising and Unwrapping of InSAR Phase Based on Markov Random Fields
* Integrated Land Classification Approach for the Giant Panda National Park, An
* Interactive Geospatial Object Extraction in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Shape-Based Global Minimization Active Contour Model
* Interferometric Calibration Model for the LuTan-1 Mission: Enhancing Digital Elevation Model Accuracy
* Irregularly Sampled Seismic Data Reconstruction Using Multiscale Multidirectional Adaptive Prediction-Error Filter
* JCa2Co: A joint cascade convolution coding network based on fuzzy regional characteristics for infrared and visible image fusion
* Joint Radar Jamming and Communication System Design Based on Universal Filtered Multicarrier Chirp Waveform
* Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
* Lake Cyanobacterial Bloom Color Recognition and Spatiotemporal Monitoring with Google Earth Engine and the Forel-Ule Index
* Lake Turbidity Mapping Using an OWTs-bp Based Framework and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Landsat-Based Long-Term Monitoring of Total Suspended Matter Concentration Pattern Change in the Wet Season for Dongting Lake, China
* Learning Hybrid Representation by Robust Dictionary Learning in Factorized Compressed Space
* Learning Omnidirectional Flow in 360° Video via Siamese Representation
* Leveraging Enhanced Queries of Point Sets for Vectorized Map Construction
* Light Field Acquisition using Programmable Aperture Camera
* Lip Image Segmentation in Mobile Devices Based on Alternative Knowledge Distillation
* Local curvature entropy-based 3D terrain representation using a comprehensive Quadtree
* Low-Rank Tensor Constrained Multiview Subspace Clustering
* L_p Norm Localized Multiple Kernel Learning via Semi-Definite Programming
* Mapping Rice Cropping Systems in Vietnam Using an NDVI-Based Time-Series Similarity Measurement Based on DTW Distance
* Mapping water clarity in North American lakes and reservoirs using Landsat images on the GEE platform with the RGRB model
* MARL Sim2real Transfer: Merging Physical Reality With Digital Virtuality in Metaverse
* Material Editing Using a Physically Based Rendering Network
* Meaningful Object Segmentation From SAR Images via a Multiscale Nonlocal Active Contour Model
* Method for Predicting Canopy Light Distribution in Cherry Trees Based on Fused Point Cloud Data, A
* Method of Soil Moisture Content Estimation at Various Soil Organic Matter Conditions Based on Soil Reflectance, A
* Modelling Competitive Behaviors in Autonomous Driving Under Generative World Model
* Monitoring And Analysis of the Chinese Traditional Architecture Painting Decay: the Case of Jilan Pavilion in the Summer Palace, The
* Monitoring and Analyzing Mountain Glacier Surface Movement Using SAR Data and a Terrestrial Laser Scanner: A Case Study of the Himalayas North Slope Glacier Area
* Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In Architectural Heritage, A
* Monitoring of Vibrations for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage:the Case of the Summer Palace in Beijing
* Monitoring Optical Variability in Complex Inland Waters Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Urban Clusters Expansion in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China, Using Time-Series Nighttime Light Images
* MPTR: A Maximal-Marginal-Relevance-Based Personalized Trip Recommendation Method
* Multi-Level SAR-Guided Contextual Attention Network for Satellite Images Cloud Removal, A
* Multi-Source Image Matching Network for UAV Visual Location, A
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Head Pose Estimation under Target Motion, A
* Multi-task linear discriminant analysis for multi-view action recognition
* Multidimensional Seismic Data Reconstruction Using Frequency-Domain Adaptive Prediction-Error Filter
* Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding X-Architecture Steiner Minimal Tree Construction Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multiple Object Tracking with Motion and Appearance Cues
* Multiple Visual Models Based Perceptive Analysis Framework for Multilevel Video Summarization, A
* Multisource Remote Sensing Imagery Fusion Scheme Based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD) and Its Application to the Extraction of Bamboo Forest
* Multitask Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Action Recognition
* Neural Inverse Rendering of an Indoor Scene From a Single Image
* New Approach for Synthesis and Recognition of Large Scale Handwritten Chinese Words, A
* New Magnetic Target Localization Method Based on Two-Point Magnetic Gradient Tensor, A
* New Persistent Scatter Network Construction Algorithm For Persistent Scatter Insar And Its Application To The Detection of Urban Subsidence, A
* No Matter Where You Are: Flexible Graph-Guided Multi-task Learning for Multi-view Head Pose Classification under Target Motion
* Nonlinear Model for InSAR Baseline Error
* Novel Unsupervised Change Detection Approach Based On Spectral Transformation For Multispectral Images, A
* Object-Based Linear Weight Assignment Fusion Scheme to Improve Classification Accuracy Using Landsat and MODIS Data at the Decision Level, An
* On-Demand Scalable Model for Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Processing in a Cloud GIS, An
* One-Class Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Using Auto-Encoder Network
* Optimal matching problem in detection and recognition: Performance Evaluation
* Optimization of Integer Wavelet Transforms Based on Difference Correlation Structures
* Optimization of Remote Sensing Image Segmentation by a Customized Parallel Sine Cosine Algorithm Based on the Taguchi Method
* Optoelectronic Property and Application for Optical Recording of a New Diarylethene Bearing a Six-Membered Aryl Unit
* Panoptic-Based Image Synthesis
* Parallel Generative Adversarial Network for Third-person to First-person Image Generation
* Partitioned Relief-F Method for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images
* PDA: Proxy-based domain adaptation for few-shot image recognition
* Performance Evaluation of the CFAR Vehicle Detection Algorithm
* Performance Optimization of Digital Spectrum Analyzer With Gaussian Input Signal
* Personalized Geographical Influence Modeling for POI Recommendation
* Photochromic Diarylethene with a Six-Membered Aryl Unit for Polarization Optical Recording, A
* Physically Secure and Privacy-Preserving Charging Authentication Framework With Data Aggregation in Vehicle-to-Grid Networks
* Playout Continuity Driven Framework for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Over LTE Networks
* PRA-Det: Anchor-Free Oriented Object Detection With Polar Radius Representation
* Precise Orbit and Clock Products of Galileo, BDS and QZSS from MGEX Since 2018: Comparison and PPP Validation
* Prediction of Chlorophyll Content in Different Light Areas of Apple Tree Canopies based on the Color Characteristics of 3D Reconstruction
* Prediction of GPS Satellite Clock Offset Based on an Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm Optimized BP Neural Network
* Primary Interannual Variability Patterns of the Growing-Season NDVI over the Tibetan Plateau and Main Climatic Factors
* Processing of Monostatic SAR Data With General Configurations
* Prostate Segmentation Based on Variant Scale Patch and Local Independent Projection
* Quantitative Estimation of Fluorescence Parameters for Crop Leaves with Bayesian Inversion
* Query by humming via hierarchical filters
* Random Forest Classification Of Sediments On Exposed Intertidal Flats Using Alos-2 Quad-polarimetric Sar Data
* Rapid computation of sodium bioscales using gpu-accelerated image reconstruction
* Real-time Robust Approach for Tracking UAVs in Infrared Videos, A
* Real-Time Tropospheric Delays Retrieved from Multi-GNSS Observations and IGS Real-Time Product Streams
* Recognizing Daily Activities from First-Person Videos with Multi-task Clustering
* Reconstructed Convolution Module Based Look-Up Tables for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch
* Remote estimates of total suspended matter in China's main estuaries using Landsat images and a weight random forest model
* Remote Sensing Estimation of CDOM and DOC with the Environmental Implications for Lake Khanka
* Remote sensing image registration based on fusion of spatial transformation and dense convolution
* Remote Sensing Monitoring of Pine Wilt Disease Based on Time-Series Remote Sensing Index
* Remote Sensing of Coral Bleaching Using Temperature and Light: Progress towards an Operational Algorithm
* Remote sensing of total suspended matter concentration in lakes across China using Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
* Remote-Sensing-Based Assessment of the Ecological Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Ecosystems in the Upper Yellow River over the Past 20 Years
* Representing Topological Self-similarity Using Fractal Feature Maps for Accurate Segmentation of Tubular Structures
* Research on Multiscale Atmospheric Chaos Based on Infrared Remote-Sensing and Reanalysis Data
* Research on Uncertainty of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction: Bibliometrics and Knowledge Graph Analysis
* Retrieval of Chla Concentrations in Lake Xingkai Using OLCI Images
* Riemannian Multinomial Logistics Regression for SPD Neural Networks
* River Basin over the Course of Time: Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin (China) Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data, A
* Robust Discriminative Projective Dictionary Pair Learning by Adaptive Representations
* Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint Sparse Embedding
* Robust lyric search based on weighted syllable confusion matrix
* Robust Polarimetric SAR Despeckling Based on Nonlocal Means and Distributed Lee Filter
* Robust Subspace Clustering With Compressed Data
* Robust Vehicle Positioning Based on Multi-Epoch and Multi-Antenna TOAs in Harsh Environments
* Robust Visual Tracking via Smooth Manifold Kernel Sparse Learning
* Saliency Detection by Multitask Sparsity Pursuit
* SAR Image Change Detection Based on Iterative Label-Information Composite Kernel Supervised by Anisotropic Texture
* Satellite Estimation of pCO2 and Quantification of CO2 Fluxes in China's Chagan Lake in the Context of Climate Change
* Satellite radar reveals land subsidence over coal mines
* Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Pattern Using Scale-Adaptive Texton and Subuniform-Based Circular Shift
* SCUT-COUCH2009: A comprehensive online unconstrained Chinese handwriting database and benchmark evaluation
* SDP-GAN: Saliency Detail Preservation Generative Adversarial Networks for High Perceptual Quality Style Transfer
* Search and recovery network for camouflaged object detection
* SEGVG: Transferring Object Bounding Box to Segmentation for Visual Grounding
* Selecting Optimal Completion to Partial Matrix via Self-Validation
* Self-adapting Large Visual-language Models to Edge Devices Across Visual Modalities
* Separation of the Temperature Effect on Structure Responses via LSTM: Particle Filter Method Considering Outlier from Remote Cloud Platforms
* Simulation and Assessment of the Capabilities of Orbita Hyperspectral (OHS) Imagery for Remotely Monitoring Chlorophyll-a in Eutrophic Plateau Lakes
* Simulation of a Wideband Radar Echo of a Target on a Dynamic Sea Surface
* Simulation of Earth's Outward Radiative Flux and Its Radiance in Moon-Based View
* Single-Shot Object Detector with Feature Aggregation and Enhancement, A
* Smart Driver Monitoring: When Signal Processing Meets Human Factors: In the driver's seat
* Soil-Moisture Estimation Based on Multiple-Source Remote-Sensing Images
* Spatio-Temporal Changes, Trade-Offs and Synergies of Major Ecosystem Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2000 to 2019
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics for Moon-Based Earth Observations
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ecosystem Status in China's National Key Ecological Function Zones
* Spatiotemporal Coverage of a Moon-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar: Theoretical Analyses and Numerical Simulations
* Spiking Transfer Learning From RGB Image to Neuromorphic Event Stream
* SS-OFDM: A low complexity method to improve spectral efficiency
* Stochastic Lane Shape Estimation Using Local Image Descriptors
* Study on segmentation and interpretation of multi-look polarimetric SAR images
* Susceptibility Assessment of Flash Floods: A Bibliometrics Analysis and Review
* SVM-Based Nested Sliding Window Approach for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images, An
* Synthesis of a New Unsymmetrical Photochromic Diarylethene for Polarization Multiplexing Holographic Recording
* Synthesis, Photochromism and Optical Storage of a Novel Diarylethene Compound
* Synthesis, Properties and Application in Optical Memory of a New Type Diarylethene Based on Five and Six Rings
* Systematic Review of the Application of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Water Quality Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Waters, A
* Tempo variation based multilayer filters for query by humming
* Temporal-Spatial Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Prompt Learning
* Texture Analysis with Shape Co-occurrence Patterns
* Texture Characterization Using Shape Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Texture Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Filters and Cellular Neural Network
* Texture synthesis through convolutional neural networks and spectrum constraints
* Thin Plate Spline-Based Feature-Preserving Method for Reducing Elevation Points Derived from LiDAR, A
* TMP-Net: Terrain Matching and Positioning Network by Highly Reliable Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter
* Toward Constructing a Real-time Social Anxiety Evaluation System: Exploring Effective Heart Rate Features
* Towards Stable 3d Object Detection
* Training-Based Gradient LBP Feature Models for Multiresolution Texture Classification
* Triple-Frequency GPS Un-Differenced and Uncombined PPP Ambiguity Resolution Using Observable-Specific Satellite Signal Biases
* Trust Assessment in Vehicular Social Network Based on Three-Valued Subjective Logic
* Two Practical Issues in Canny's Edge Detector Implementation
* Two-Phase Object-Based Deep Learning for Multi-Temporal SAR Image Change Detection
* Two-Stage Unsupervised Learning Method for Affine and Deformable Medical Image Registration
* U2D2Net: Unsupervised Unified Image Dehazing and Denoising Network for Single Hazy Image Enhancement
* Ultrashort-baseline Persistent Scatterer Radar Interferometry For Subsidence Detection
* Unified Structured Learning for Simultaneous Human Pose Estimation and Garment Attribute Classification
* Unsupervised Video Interpolation Using Cycle Consistency
* Using Centroid Covariance in Target Recognition
* Using Surface Stations to Improve Sounding Retrievals from Hyperspectral Infrared Instruments
* Validation of Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Satellite Products for Coral Bleaching Monitoring
* Vehicle Ground-truth Database for the Vertical-view Ft. Hood Imagery
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Combination of Local Description and Global Representation
* Visual question answering with attention transfer and a cross-modal gating mechanism
* Wasserstein Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Graph Representation
* Watermarking Neural Networks With Watermarked Images
* Wavelet-Based Topographic Effect Compensation in Accurate Mountain Glacier Velocity Extraction: A Case Study of the Muztagh Ata Region, Eastern Pamir
* YOLO-Crater Model for Small Crater Detection
* YOLO-Lite: An Efficient Lightweight Network for SAR Ship Detection
Includes: Liu, G.[Gang] Liu, G. Liu, G.[Guole] Liu, G.[Gaohuan] Liu, G.[Guolin] Liu, G.[Guang] Liu, G.[Ganlin] Liu, G.[Ge] Liu, G.[Gen] Liu, G.[Guobo] Liu, G.[Genwang] Liu, G.[Ganming] Liu, G.[Geng] Liu, G.[Guohan] Liu, G.[Guanming] Liu, G.[Gaoyang] Liu, G.[Guimin] Liu, G.[Gaowen] Liu, G.[Ganghao] Liu, G.[Gan] Liu, G.[Gege] Liu, G.[Guangjun] Liu, G.[Guowei] Liu, G.[Guanshen] Liu, G.[Gaomin] Liu, G.[Gukun] Liu, G.[GanLin] Liu, G.[Gongye] Liu, G.[Guisong] Liu, G.[Guikun] Liu, G.[Guangwei] Liu, G.[Guan] Liu, G.[Garry] Liu, G.[Guojie] Liu, G.[Gexu] Liu, G.[Guo_Dong] Liu, G.[Guofa] Liu, G.[Gaogao] Liu, G.[Gene] Liu, G.[Guanjun] Liu, G.[Guiwei] Liu, G.[Guiliang] Liu, G.[Ganchao] Liu, G.[Gaigai] Liu, G.[Gao] Liu, G.[Genyou] Liu, G.[Guandu] Liu, G.[Gaorui] Liu, G.[Guangrui] Liu, G.[Gu] Liu, G.[Gaozheng] Liu, G.[Guochao] Liu, G.[Guo] Liu, G.[Guanyu] LIU, G. Liu, G.[Guangbu]
305 for Liu, G.
Liu, G.C.[Guang Can]
Co Author Listing * Advancing Iterative Quantization Hashing Using Isotropic Prior
* Bio-Inspired MEMS Wake Detector for AUV Tracking and Coordinated Formation, A
* Blessing of Dimensionality: Recovering Mixture Data via Dictionary Pursuit
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Spectral Properties of Convolution Operators
* Comparing Noisy Patches for Image Denoising: A Double Noise Similarity Model
* Confidence Self-calibration for Multi-label Class-incremental Learning
* Deeper cascaded peak-piloted network for weak expression recognition
* Deeply Supervised Image Fusion Network for Change Detection in High Resolution Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, A
* Deterministic Analysis for LRR, A
* Fine-grained action recognition using multi-view attentions
* Fine-Grained Metro-Trip Detection from Cellular Trajectory Data Using Local and Global Spatial-Temporal Characteristics
* High-Sensitivity MEMS Shear Probe for Autonomous Profiling Observation of Marine Turbulence
* Hybrid Graph Model for Unsupervised Object Segmentation, A
* Hypergraph Embedding for Spatial-Spectral Joint Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Images
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Multi-Feature-Based Correlation Adaptive Representation
* Implicit Block Diagonal Low-Rank Representation
* Improving Bottom-up Saliency Detection by Looking into Neighbors
* Latent Clothing Attribute Approach for Human Pose Estimation, A
* Latent Low-Rank Representation for subspace segmentation and feature extraction
* Learning image compressed sensing with sub-pixel convolutional generative adversarial network
* Matrix Completion with Deterministic Sampling: Theories and Methods
* Modeling the Relative Visual Tempo for Self-supervised Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Multi-output regression on the output manifold
* Multi-task low-rank affinity pursuit for image segmentation
* Multi-Task low-rank and sparse matrix recovery for human motion segmentation
* Multilevel Spatial-Temporal Excited Graph Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* new patch based change detector for polarimetric SAR data, A
* Non-blind deblurring of structured images with geometric deformation
* Optimization Induced Equilibrium Networks: An Explicit Optimization Perspective for Understanding Equilibrium Models
* Practical low-rank matrix approximation under robust L1-norm
* Radon Representation-Based Feature Descriptor for Texture Classification
* Research on Self-Noise Suppression of Marine Acoustic Sensor Arrays
* Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature Representation
* Robust Low-rank subspace segmentation with finite mixture noise
* Robust Projective Low-Rank and Sparse Representation by Robust Dictionary Learning
* Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation
* SDUNet: Road extraction via spatial enhanced and densely connected UNet
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning Using Improved Instance-Wise Contrastive Learning and Deep Clustering
* Sequential Order-Aware Coding-Based Robust Subspace Clustering for Human Action Recognition in Untrimmed Videos
* Stacked Fisher autoencoder for SAR change detection
* Street-to-shop: Cross-scenario clothing retrieval via parts alignment and auxiliary set
* Unsupervised Object Segmentation with a Hybrid Graph Model (HGM)
Includes: Liu, G.C.[Guang Can] Liu, G.C.[Guang-Can] Liu, G.C.[Guo-Chang] Liu, G.C.[Gan-Chao] Liu, G.C.[Guang-Chao] Liu, G.C.[Guo-Chao] Liu, G.C.[Gui-Chi]
42 for Liu, G.C.
Liu, G.D.[Guang Da]
Co Author Listing * Automated Social Behaviour Recognition at Low Resolution
* Classification of the emotional stress and physical stress using signal magnification and canonical correlation analysis
* Compression of Human Motion Data Sequences
* Human motion estimation from a reduced marker set
* Laser-Based Intersection-Aware Human Following With a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments
* Let's keep in touch online: a Facebook aware virtual human interface
* modified contrast source inversion method for microwave tomographic imaging of Debye dispersive media, A
* Tracking for Quantifying Social Network of Drosophila Melanogaster
* Weighted Local Binary Pattern Infrared Face Recognition Based on Weber's Law
Includes: Liu, G.D.[Guang Da] Liu, G.D.[Guang-Da] Liu, G.D.[Guo-Dong] Liu, G.D.[Gang-Dun] Liu, G.D.[Geng-Dai] Liu, G.D.[Guang-Dong]
9 for Liu, G.D.
Liu, G.F.[Gen Feng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Subway Trains Using Multiple-Point-Mass Dynamic Model Under Speed Constraint
* Cooperative Adaptive Iterative Learning Fault-Tolerant Control Scheme for Multiple Subway Trains
* Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies: A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario
* Framework for Accounting Reference Levels for REDD+ in Tropical Forests: Case Study from Xishuangbanna, China
* High-resolution mapping of grassland canopy cover in China through the integration of extensive drone imagery and satellite data
* Mapping China's Ghost Cities through the Combination of Nighttime Satellite Data and Daytime Satellite Data
* Multi-dimensional Graph Neural Network for Sequential Recommendation
* Single-Epoch Ambiguity Resolution of a Large-Scale CORS Network with Multi-Frequency and Multi-Constellation GNSS
* Unsupervised multi-class segmentation of SAR images using fuzzy triplet Markov fields model
Includes: Liu, G.F.[Gen Feng] Liu, G.F.[Gen-Feng] Liu, G.F.[Gao-Feng] Liu, G.F.[Gui-Fang] Liu, G.F.[Guo-Fang] Liu, G.F.[Guan-Feng] Liu, G.F.[Guo-Feng]
9 for Liu, G.F.
Liu, G.G.[Guan Gen]
Co Author Listing * Integrating Multi-Level Convolutional Features for Correlation Filter Tracking
* Robust weighted co-clustering with global and local discrimination
Includes: Liu, G.G.[Guan Gen] Liu, G.G.[Guan-Gen] Liu, G.G.[Geng-Geng]
Liu, G.H.[Gao Huan]
Co Author Listing * Approach to High-Resolution Rice Paddy Mapping Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 SAR Data in the Mun River Basin, Thailand, An
* Combine unlabeled with labeled MR images to measure acute ischemic stroke lesion by stepwise learning
* Construction and Analysis of Ecological Security Patterns in the Southern Anhui Region of China from a Circuit Theory Perspective
* Construction of Regional Ecological Security Patterns Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Circuit Theory
* Content-based image retrieval using color difference histogram
* Content-based image retrieval using computational visual attention model
* curve-theorem based approach for change detection and its application to Yellow River Delta, A
* Deep Learning-Based Digital Surface Model Reconstruction of ZY-3 Satellite Imagery
* Deep-seated features histogram: A novel image retrieval method
* Development of a Landscape-Based Multi-Metric Index to Assess Wetland Health of the Poyang Lake
* Dual-Interference Channels Static Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer Based on Stepped Micro-Mirror: Data Processing and Experiment Research
* Edge-Assisted Massive Video Delivery Over Cell-Free Massive MIMO
* Energy-efficient approach combining train speed profile and timetable optimisations for metro operations
* Evaluation and Comparison of Random Forest and A-LSTM Networks for Large-scale Winter Wheat Identification
* Exploiting sublimated deep features for image retrieval
* Face Hallucination via Similarity Constraints
* Feature extraction based on Laplacian bidirectional maximum margin criterion
* Feature Extraction based on Local Maximum Margin Criterion
* From Logo to Object Segmentation
* Global attention module and cascade fusion network for steel surface defect detection
* Global salient information maximization for saliency detection
* Identification of Supercooled Cloud Water by FY-4A Satellite and Validation by CALIPSO and Airborne Detection
* Image retrieval based on micro-structure descriptor
* Image retrieval based on multi-texton histogram
* Image retrieval based on the texton co-occurrence matrix
* Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Processes of the Glacierized Watershed and Projections, The
* Improved Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Method for TRMM Precipitation Datasets in Alpine Regions: A Case Study in Northwestern China's Qilian Mountains, An
* Improving Winter Wheat Yield Estimation from the CERES-Wheat Model to Assimilate Leaf Area Index with Different Assimilation Methods and Spatio-Temporal Scales
* Information Transfer in Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* JigsawGAN: Auxiliary Learning for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Land Cover Mapping in Cloud-Prone Tropical Areas Using Sentinel-2 Data: Integrating Spectral Features with NDVI Temporal Dynamics
* LGANet: Local and global attention are both you need for action recognition
* Mapping Insect-Proof Screened Citrus Orchards Using Sentinel-2 MSl Time-Series Images
* Modified directional weighted filter for removal of salt & pepper noise
* Multi-exposure photomontage with hand-held cameras
* NLH: A Blind Pixel-Level Non-Local Method for Real-World Image Denoising
* Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Enhanced Scalable 360-Degree Video Multicast
* Object Co-Segmentation Based on Shortest Path Algorithm and Saliency Model
* Object-Enhanced YOLO Networks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Ship Detection
* OMNet: Learning Overlapping Mask for Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration
* Optimization of Complex Function Expansions for Gauss-Kruger Projections
* Optimization of Remote-Sensing Image-Segmentation Decoder Based on Multi-Dilation and Large-Kernel Convolution
* PBR-GAN: Imitating Physically-Based Rendering With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Photomontage for Robust HDR Imaging with Hand-Held Cameras
* Pointreggpt: Boosting 3d Point Cloud Registration Using Generative Point-cloud Pairs for Training
* Quadratic Terms Based Point-to-Surface 3D Representation for Deep Learning of Point Cloud
* Quantifying the Trends and Variations in the Frost-Free Period and the Number of Frost Days across China under Climate Change Using ERA5-Land Reanalysis Dataset
* Remotely Monitoring Vegetation Productivity in Two Contrasting Subtropical Forest Ecosystems Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* RGB-D image segmentation using superpixel and multi-feature fusion graph theory
* Robust LiDAR-Based Vehicle Detection for On-Road Autonomous Driving
* Robust single-object image segmentation based on salient transition region
* Self-Supervised Multi-Scale Cropping and Simple Masked Attentive Predicting for Lung CT-Scan Anomaly Detection
* Semantic Annotation of Satellite Images Using Author-Genre-Topic Model
* Simulating the Land Use and Carbon Storage for Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) under Multi-Scenarios in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area: Integration of Remote Sensing Data and the RF-Markov-CA-InVEST Model
* SIRA-PCR: Sim-to-Real Adaptation for 3D Point Cloud Registration
* Spatial Differencing Method for Mixed Far-Field and Near-Field Sources Localization
* Tensor ring with alternative change mask for multitemporal hyperspectral image change detection
* Tracking Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Cropland by Exclusive Use of MODIS EVI Data
* Two-layer average-to-peak ratio based saliency detection
* Unsupervised range-constrained thresholding
* UPHDR-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging With Unpaired Data
* Using Tasseled Cap Transformation of CBERS-02 Images to Detect Dieback or Dead Robinia Pseudoacacia Plantation
* Using the original and symmetrical face training samples to perform representation based two-step face recognition
Includes: Liu, G.H.[Gao Huan] Liu, G.H.[Gao-Huan] Liu, G.H.[Guo-Hua] Liu, G.H.[Gui-Hua] Liu, G.H.[Guang-Hai] Liu, G.H. Liu, G.H.[Guo-Hao] Liu, G.H.[Guang-Hua] Liu, G.H.[Ge-Hui] Liu, G.H.[Guang-Hui] Liu, G.H.[Guang-Hu] Liu, G.H.[Guo-Hui] Liu, G.H.[Guo-Hong]
63 for Liu, G.H.
Liu, G.J.[Guo Jun]
Co Author Listing * Attention-Based Feature Processing Method for Cross-Domain Hyperspectral Image Classification, An
* Ground Surface Freezing and Thawing Index Distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor and Factors Analysis Based on GeoDetector Technique
* Hierarchical Model-Based Human Motion Tracking Via Unscented Kalman Filter
* Image denoising via 2D dictionary learning and adaptive hard thresholding
* MDTrans: Multi-scale and dual-branch feature fusion network based on Swin Transformer for building extraction in remote sensing images
* Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System With Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Motion Guided Attention Learning for Self-Supervised 3D Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Teacher D-S Fusion for Semi-Supervised SAR Ship Detection
* new primal-dual algorithm for multilabel graph-cuts problems with approximate moves, A
* novel approach for tracking high speed skaters in sports using a panning camera, A
* Phase Variable Based Recognition of Human Locomotor Activities Across Diverse Gait Patterns
* Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Grassland Degradation Based on the GDI in Shangri-La, China
* Satellite Objects Extraction and Classification Based on Similarity Measure
* Two-Stage Pansharpening Method for the Fusion of Remote-Sensing Images, A
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning-Based Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
Includes: Liu, G.J.[Guo Jun] Liu, G.J.[Guo-Jun] Liu, G.J.[Guang-Jie] Liu, G.J.[Guan-Jun] Liu, G.J.[Guang-Jun] Liu, G.J.[Guo-Jin] Liu, G.J.[Gang-Jun]
15 for Liu, G.J.
Liu, G.K.[Gui Kun]
Co Author Listing * Controllable Suppression Jamming Method against SAR Based on Active Radar Transponder, A
Includes: Liu, G.K.[Gui Kun] Liu, G.K.[Gui-Kun]
Liu, G.L.[Guang Lu]
Co Author Listing * Accelerated robust sparse coding for fast face recognition
* Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay Inversion from Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* Analysis of out-of-focus blur influence on fingerprint liveness detection system
* ANFIS-EKF-Based Single-Beacon Localization Algorithm for AUV
* Assessing Land Subsidence-Inducing Factors in the Shandong Province, China, by Using PS-InSAR Measurements
* Attribute reduction approaches for general relation decision systems
* Continuous Visibility Feature
* Data Processing Flow and Algorithms Study of Acquiring DEMs Using Interferometric SAR, The
* Diffit: Diffusion Vision Transformers for Image Generation
* DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision
* Dual Contrastive Loss and Attention for GANs
* Dual-Space Decomposition of 2D Complex Shapes
* Dual-View Snapshot Compressive Imaging via Optical Flow Aided Recurrent Neural Network
* Dynamic Order Dispatching With Multiobjective Reward Learning
* Elastomeric 2D grating and hemispherical optofluidic chamber for multifunctional fluidic sensing
* Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions
* Memory-Efficient Network for Large-scale Video Compressive Sensing
* Non-invasive measurement study of human blood alcohol concentration based on NIR dynamic spectrum
* Partial Convolution for Padding, Inpainting, and Image Synthesis
* PointNet++ Network Architecture with Individual Point Level and Global Features on Centroid for ALS Point Cloud Classification
* Preserve Your Own Correlation: A Noise Prior for Video Diffusion Models
* Robust Algorithm of Multiquadric Method Based on an Improved Huber Loss Function for Interpolating Remote-Sensing-Derived Elevation Data Sets, A
* SAGAN: Skip-Attention GAN for Anomaly Detection
* SDC-Net: Video Prediction Using Spatially-Displaced Convolution
* Seemingly unrelated regression modeling of urban air quality by direct Monte Carlo algorithm
* Toward a Simple and Generic Approach for Identifying Multi-Year Cotton Cropping Patterns Using Landsat and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* View Generalization for Single Image Textured 3D Models
* Withdrawn: Adaptive correlation filters for robust object tracking
Includes: Liu, G.L.[Guang Lu] Liu, G.L.[Guang-Lu] Liu, G.L.[Guo-Lin] Liu, G.L.[Gui-Liang] Liu, G.L.[Gong-Liang] Liu, G.L.[Gui-Long] Liu, G.L.[Gui-Lin] Liu, G.L.[Guan-Liang] Liu, G.L.[G. Logan] Liu, G.L.[Gui-Li] Liu, G.L.[Guan-Lan] Liu, G.L.[Guo-Liang]
28 for Liu, G.L.
Liu, G.M.[Guang Ming]
Co Author Listing * Consensus of Linear Discrete-Time Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems With Time Delays and Multiplicative Noise
* Emotion Transformation Feature: Novel Feature For Deception Detection In Videos
* Spatiotemporal Variations in Compound Extreme Events and Their Cumulative and Lagged Effects on Vegetation in the Northern Permafrost Regions from 1982 to 2022
* Training-free NAS for 3d Point Cloud Processing
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation From Light Field Image
Includes: Liu, G.M.[Guang Ming] Liu, G.M.[Guang-Ming] Liu, G.M. Liu, G.M.[Gui-Min] Liu, G.M.[Guan-Ming] Liu, G.M.[Gao-Min]
Liu, G.N.[Gui Na]
Co Author Listing * Retinal Layer Segmentation in OCT Images With Boundary Regression and Feature Polarization
Includes: Liu, G.N.[Gui Na] Liu, G.N.[Gui-Na]
Liu, G.P.[Guo Ping]
Co Author Listing * Analysis and calculation of the moored ship cable tension based on Monte Carlo Method
* Augmented Multi-Component Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Impacts of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: Suppression of EPBs and Quasi-6-Day Oscillations
* Improved Image Enhancement Method Based-on Reformative Histogram Specification and its Application in Continuous Cast Slab, An
* Integrating Spatio-Temporal and Generative Adversarial Networks for Enhanced Nowcasting Performance
* Simulation and analysis of Lorenz system's dynamics characteristics
Includes: Liu, G.P.[Guo Ping] Liu, G.P.[Guo-Ping] Liu, G.P.[Gui-Ping] Liu, G.P.[Gao-Ping]
Liu, G.Q.[Guo Qiang]
Co Author Listing * Application of DINCAE to Reconstruct the Gaps in Chlorophyll-a Satellite Observations in the South China Sea and West Philippine Sea
* Comparative Analysis of Striping Noise between FY-3E MWTS-3 and FY-3D MWTS-2
* Cooperation of Boundary Attention and Negative Matrix L1 Regularization Loss Function for Polyp Segmentation
* D-LSTM: Short-Term Road Traffic Speed Prediction Model Based on GPS Positioning Data
* Direct Assimilation of Chinese FY-3E Microwave Temperature Sounder-3 Radiances in the CMA-GFS: An Initial Study
* Discriminative Representative Selection via Structure Sparsity
* Dynamically adaptive adjustment loss function biased towards few-class learning
* Dynamically Constrained Vector Field Convolution for Active Contour Model
* Evaluation of FY-3E Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder-II Long-Wave Temperature Sounding Channels, The
* FF-Former: Swin Fourier Transformer for Nighttime Flare Removal
* Impact of the Detection Channels Added by Fengyun Satellite MWHS-II at 183 GHz on Global Numerical Weather Prediction
* Level set evolution with sparsity constraint for object extraction
* MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* MIPI 2024 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* Multi-Sensor Observations of Submesoscale Eddies in Coastal Regions
* Multi-view learning with batch mode active selection for image retrieval
* NeRF-LOAM: Neural Implicit Representation for Large-Scale Incremental LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
* Preliminary Evaluation of FY-3E Microwave Temperature Sounder Performance Based on Observation Minus Simulation
* Probabilistic classifiers with a generalized Gaussian scale mixture prior
* Typhoon/Hurricane-Generated Wind Waves Inferred from SAR Imagery
* Unsupervised person re-identification by Intra-Inter Camera Affinity Domain Adaptation
* Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Kalmaegi and Sarika in the South China Sea from Multiple-Satellite Observations and Numerical Simulations
* Video-based person re-identification by intra-frame and inter-frame graph neural network
* Wind Speed Retrieval From VH Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 SAR Images
Includes: Liu, G.Q.[Guo Qiang] Liu, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang] Liu, G.Q.[Gui-Qing] Liu, G.Q.[Guo-Qi] Liu, G.Q.[Gui-Quan] Liu, G.Q.[Guan-Qun] Liu, G.Q.[Guo-Qing]
24 for Liu, G.Q.
Liu, G.R.[Gin Ron]
Co Author Listing * 3D Computation of Gray Level Co-occurrence in Hyperspectral Image Cubes
* Implementation of Real-Time Space Target Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Space-Based Surveillance
* Improved tropical rainfall potential forecasting for mountainous regions
* Modified Bowen ratio method in near-sea-surface air temperature estimation by using satellite data
* Novel Index For Atmospheric Aerosol Types Categorization With Spectral Optical Depths From Satellite Retrieval, A
* Radiometric Variations of On-Orbit FORMOSAT-5 RSI from Vicarious and Cross-Calibration Measurements
Includes: Liu, G.R.[Gin Ron] Liu, G.R.[Gin-Ron] Liu, G.R.[Gao-Rui] Liu, G.R.[Gin-Rong]
Liu, G.S.[Guo Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Applications of a CloudSat-TRMM and CloudSat-GPM Satellite Coincidence Dataset
* Efficient Algorithm for the 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform, An
* Efficient Light Field Angular Super-Resolution With Sub-Aperture Feature Learning and Macro-Pixel Upsampling
* Efficient Light Field Image Super-Resolution via Progressive Disentangling
* global and local context integration DCNN for adult image classification, A
* Ground-Based Hyperspectral Retrieval of Soil Arsenic Concentration in Pingtan Island, China
* Intra-Inter View Interaction Network for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
* Investigating Deformation Mechanism of Earth-Rock Dams with InSaR and Numerical Simulation: Application to Liuduzhai Reservoir Dam, China
* Median local ternary patterns optimized with rotation-invariant uniform-three mapping for noisy texture classification
* Monitoring Cropland Abandonment in Southern China from 1992 to 2020 Based on the Combination of Phenological and Time-Series Algorithm Using Landsat Imagery and Google Earth Engine
* Novel Approach to Validate Satellite Snowfall Retrievals by Ground-Based Point Measurements, A
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Polarization Characteristics of Massive HVI Debris Clouds Using an Improved Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Method for Remote Sensing Applications
* Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Processes Induced by Forest Roads in Mountainous Watershed
* Spatio-temporal target identification method of high-range resolution radar
* Viewpoint Estimation in Images by a Key-Point Based Deep Neural Network
Includes: Liu, G.S.[Guo Sheng] Liu, G.S.[Guo-Sheng] Liu, G.S. Liu, G.S.[Gao-Sheng] Liu, G.S.[Gong-Shen] Liu, G.S.[Guang-Sheng] Liu, G.S.[Guo-Shi] Liu, G.S.[Gui-Song] Liu, G.S.[Guang-Sen] Liu, G.S.[Guo-Shun] Liu, G.S.[Guo-Sui]
17 for Liu, G.S.
Liu, G.W.[Gao Wen]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Deep Neural Network Inference Optimization with EENet
* GLocal tells you more: Coupling GLocal structural for feature selection with sparsity for image and video classification
* Identification of Fishing Vessel Types and Analysis of Seasonal Activities in the Northern South China Sea Based on AIS Data: A Case Study of 2018
* Minimizing dataset bias: Discriminative multi-task sparse coding through shared subspace learning for image classification
* Network Specialization via Feature-level Knowledge Distillation
* Small Ship Target Detection Method Based on Polarimetric SAR, A
Includes: Liu, G.W.[Gao Wen] Liu, G.W.[Gao-Wen] Liu, G.W.[Gen-Wang]
Liu, G.X.[Guo Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Geocoding Method for GB-SAR Images Based on Solution Space Search and Its Application in Landslide Monitoring, An
* Anatomy of Subsidence in Tianjin from Time Series InSAR
* Assessing the Glacier Boundaries in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China by Multi-Temporal Coherence Estimation with Sentinel-1A InSAR
* Classification Framework for Depressive Episode Using R-R Intervals From Smartwatch, A
* Co-Seismic and Postseismic Fault Models of the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien Earthquake Occurred in the Junction of Collision and Subduction Boundaries Offshore Eastern Taiwan
* Coal fire identification and state assessment by integrating multitemporal thermal infrared and InSAR remote sensing data: A case study of Midong District, Urumqi, China
* Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model for LiDAR intensity correction
* Comparative Study of Active Rock Glaciers Mapped from Geomorphic- and Kinematic-Based Approaches in Daxue Shan, Southeast Tibetan Plateau, A
* Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for Pixel/Object-Based Classifications of Semi-Arid Grassland in Northern China Using Multisource Medium Resolution Imageries
* Correlation filter-based visual tracking via adaptive weighted CNN features fusion
* Coupled-layer based visual tracking via adaptive kernelized correlation filters
* Deep Learning Method for Mapping Glacial Lakes from the Combined Use of Synthetic-Aperture Radar and Optical Satellite Images, A
* Deformation Trend Extraction Based on Multi-Temporal InSAR in Shanghai
* Detecting Subsidence Along a High Speed Railway by Ultrashort Baseline TCP-InSAR with High Resolution Images
* Detecting Subsidence in Coastal Areas by Ultrashort-Baseline TCPInSAR on the Time Series of High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Images
* Developing an Algorithm for Buildings Extraction and Determining Changes from Airborne LiDAR, and Comparing with R-CNN Method from Drone Images
* Dual integration of multi-model with spatial-temporal occlusion-awareness for visual object tracking
* Effective appearance model update strategy in object tracking
* Evaluation and Normalization of Topographic Effects on Vegetation Indices
* Extracting Vertical Displacement Rates in Shanghai (China) with Multi-Platform SAR Images
* Generating High-Resolution and Long-Term SPEI Dataset over Southwest China through Downscaling EEAD Product by Machine Learning
* GNSS-IR Method for Retrieving Soil Moisture Content from Integrated Multi-Satellite Data That Accounts for the Impact of Vegetation Moisture Content, A
* Ground Deformation Pattern Analysis and Evolution Prediction of Shanghai Pudong International Airport Based on PSI Long Time Series Observations
* Hierarchical Approach to Persistent Scatterer Network Construction and Deformation Time Series Estimation, A
* Hierarchical Multi-Temporal InSAR Method for Increasing the Spatial Density of Deformation Measurements, A
* Hierarchical tone mapping based on image colour appearance model
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a Least Square Bias Constraint Additional Empirical Risk Minimization Nonparallel Support Vector Machine
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Non-Parallel Support Vector Machine
* Improved Multi-Temporal Insar Method for Increasing Spatial Resolution of Surface Deformation Measurements, An
* Incorporating Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Radon Anomaly to Understand the Anar Fault Mechanism and Observing New Evidence of Intensified Activity
* Innovative Approach for Effective Removal of Thin Clouds in Optical Images Using Convolutional Matting Model, An
* Landslide Deformation Monitoring by Adaptive Distributed Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* MFSJMI: Multi-label feature selection considering join mutual information and interaction weight
* Monitoring Dynamic Evolution of the Glacial Lakes by Using Time Series of Sentinel-1A SAR Images
* Multi-label feature selection considering label supplementation
* Retrieving Three-Dimensional Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2017 Mw7.3 Iraq Earthquake by Multi-Sensor SAR Images
* Robust long-term correlation tracking with multiple models
* Robust Multi-Model Visual Tracking With Distractor-Aware Template-Coupled Correlation Filters Joint Learning
* Robust Multimodal Image Matching Based on Main Structure Feature Representation
* Robust visual tracking via multi-feature response maps fusion using a collaborative local-global layer visual model
* Saline-Soil Deformation Extraction Based on an Improved Time-Series InSAR Approach
* Semi-Automated Mapping of Complex-Terrain Mountain Glaciers by Integrating L-Band SAR Amplitude and Interferometric Coherence
* Semi-Automatic Method for Extracting Small Ground Fissures from Loess Areas Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, A
* Semi-Weakly Supervised Object Kinematic Motion Prediction
* Short Baseline TerraSAR-X PSI for Monitoring Subsidence of Highways and Railways, Case Study with Corner Reflectors
* Smart Traffic Monitoring System Using Computer Vision and Edge Computing
* Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Driving Forces of Aboveground Biomass in Desert Steppes of Inner Mongolia, China in the Past 20 Years
* Synergistic Change and Driving Mechanisms of Hydrological Processes and Ecosystem Quality in a Typical Arid and Semi-Arid Inland River Basin, China
* Thaw Settlement Monitoring and Active Layer Thickness Retrieval Using Time Series COSMO-SkyMed Imagery in Iqaluit Airport
* Using Range Split-Spectrum Interferometry to Reduce Phase Unwrapping Errors for InSAR-Derived DEM in Large Gradient Region
* Validation of Sentinel-2, MODIS, CGLS, SAF, GLASS and C3S Leaf Area Index Products in Maize Crops
* Vegetation descriptors from Sentinel-1 SAR data for crop growth monitoring
Includes: Liu, G.X.[Guo Xiang] Liu, G.X.[Guo-Xiang] Liu, G.X.[Guo-Xiong] Liu, G.X.[Gui-Xiang] Liu, G.X.[Gui-Xi] Liu, G.X. Liu, G.X.[Guang-Xin] Liu, G.X.[Gui-Xia] Liu, G.X.[Geng-Xin] Liu, G.X.[Guan-Xiong]
52 for Liu, G.X.
Liu, G.Y.[Guo Yi]
Co Author Listing * 3D Gait Recognition Using Multiple Cameras
* Amplitude spectrum-based gait recognition
* Blind motion deblurring with cycle generative adversarial networks
* Brain-Inspired Image Perceptual Quality Assessment Based on EEG: A QoE Perspective
* CGLF-Net: Image Emotion Recognition Network by Combining Global Self-Attention Features and Local Multiscale Features
* Characteristics of Freeze-Thaw Cycles in an Endorheic Basin on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on SBAS-InSAR Technology
* Chronic Stress Recognition Based on Time-Slot Analysis of Ambulatory Electrocardiogram and Tri-Axial Acceleration
* Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection
* Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A Framework for Infrastructure-Assisted Autonomous Vehicles
* Detection of Psychological Stress Using a Hyperspectral Imaging Technique
* Development and Validation of an Unsupervised Feature Learning System for Leukocyte Characterization and Classification: A Multi-Hospital Study
* DRL-Based Joint Path Planning and Jamming Power Allocation Optimization for Suppressing Netted Radar System
* EEG-Based Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Classification Using Filter-Bank Differential Entropy Features
* Emotion Recognition Based on Multi-Variant Correlation of Physiological Signals
* Enhancing zero-shot object detection with external knowledge-guided robust contrast learning
* fast and robust face location and feature extraction system, A
* FULLER: Unified Multi-modality Multi-task 3D Perception via Multi-level Gradient Calibration
* GNSS RTK/UWB/DBA Fusion Positioning Method and Its Performance Evaluation
* Ground Deformation and Permafrost Degradation in the Source Region of the Yellow River, in the Northeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Hyperspectral face recognition with a spatial information fusion for local dynamic texture patterns and collaborative representation classifier
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with Squeeze Multibias Network
* Incorporating Adaptive Local Information Into Fuzzy Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Interstation Undifferenced Real-Time Time Transfer Method with Refined Modeling of Receiver Clock, An
* Low-Cost Single-Frequency DGNSS/DBA Combined Positioning Research and Performance Evaluation
* Mapping Surficial Soil Particle Size Fractions in Alpine Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Novel Deep Fully Convolutional Network for PolSAR Image Classification, A
* Novel Discriminative Enhancement Method for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, A
* novel method for frame rate up-conversion, A
* Olfactory-Enhanced VR: What's the Difference in Brain Activation Compared to Traditional VR for Emotion Induction?
* Optimization of Remote Sensing Image Segmentation by a Customized Parallel Sine Cosine Algorithm Based on the Taguchi Method
* Permafrost Ground Ice Melting and Deformation Time Series Revealed by Sentinel-1 InSAR in the Tanggula Mountain Region on the Tibetan Plateau
* Real-Time Estimation of GPS-BDS Inter-System Biases: An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Research on Tightly Coupled Multi-Antenna GNSS/MEMS Single-Frequency Single-Epoch Attitude Determination in Urban Environment
* Retrieving Soil Moisture in the Permafrost Environment by Sentinel-1/2 Temporal Data on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Robust Delimitation of Aggregated Packets Based on Viterbi Decoding With Natural Redundancy in Protocols
* Soil Moisture Calibration Equations for Active Layer GPR Detection: A Case Study Specially for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Permafrost Regions
* Spatiotemporal Variations of Soil Temperature at 10 and 50 cm Depths in Permafrost Regions along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor
* Tensor Coupled Learning of Incomplete Longitudinal Features and Labels for Clinical Score Regression
* Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Object Detection Based on Feature Fusion and Enhancement
* USGG: Union Message Based Scene Graph Generation
* Vegetation Mapping in the Permafrost Region: A Case Study on the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Zonation of Mountain Frozen Ground under Aspect Adjustment Revealed by Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey: A Case Study of a Small Catchment in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
Includes: Liu, G.Y.[Guo Yi] Liu, G.Y.[Guo-Yi] Liu, G.Y.[Guang-Yu] Liu, G.Y.[Guang-Yi] Liu, G.Y.[Guang-Yuan] Liu, G.Y.[Guang-Yue] Liu, G.Y.[Guo-Ye] Liu, G.Y.[Guo-Yang] Liu, G.Y.[Guang-Yao] Liu, G.Y.[Gui-Yu] Liu, G.Y.[Gen-You] Liu, G.Y.[Guang-Yun] Liu, G.Y.[Guo-Ying] Liu, G.Y.[Gao-Yuan] Liu, G.Y.[Gui-Ying]
42 for Liu, G.Y.
Liu, G.Z.[Gao Zheng]
Co Author Listing * Above Ground Level Estimation of Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter by a Fully Supervised Altimetry Enhancement Network
* Adaptive Blind Watermarking for JPEG2000 Compression Domain
* Adaptive Lagrange multiplier selection model in rate distortion optimization for 3D wavelet-based scalable video coding
* Biologically inspired task oriented gist model for scene classification
* construction of a statistical prediction lifting operator and its application, The
* Dynamic Video Segmentation via a Novel Recursive Kernel Density Estimation
* effective approach to edge classification from DCT domain, An
* effective GM/LM-based video error concealment, An
* Efficient compression algorithm for hyperspectral images based on correlation coefficients adaptive 3D zerotree coding
* Efficient Compression Algorithm for Hyperspectral Images Based on Correlation Coefficients Adaptive Three Dimensional Wavelet Zerotree Coding, An
* Efficient Learning of Sample-Specific Discriminative Features for Scene Classification
* efficient macroblock-based diverse and flexible prediction modes selection for hyperspectral images coding, An
* ETS-3D: An Efficient Two-Stage Framework for Stereo 3D Object Detection
* Fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in H.264/AVC with integer transform and adaptive threshold
* Fine-Resolution Frequency Estimator in the Odd-DFT Domain, A
* Fusion of GF and MODIS Data for Regional-Scale Grassland Community Classification with EVI2 Time-Series and Phenological Features
* Global motion estimation from randomly selected motion vector groups and GM/LM based applications
* Goal event detection in broadcast soccer videos by combining heuristic rules with unsupervised fuzzy c-means algorithm
* HGR-Net: Hierarchical Graph Reasoning Network for Arbitrary Shape Scene Text Detection
* Hierarchical GIST Model Embedding Multiple Biological Feasibilities for Scene Classification, A
* High performance full scalable video compression with embedded multiresolution MC-3DSPIHT
* improved cross-layer mapping mechanism for packet video delivery over WLAN, An
* Improved SSIM IQA of contrast distortion based on the contrast sensitivity characteristics of HVS
* improvement to the SIFT descriptor for image representation and matching, An
* Integrating Multi-Level Convolutional Features for Correlation Filter Tracking
* Inter Mode Decision Based on Just Noticeable Difference Profile
* L2M-GAN: Learning to Manipulate Latent Space Semantics for Facial Attribute Editing
* Layer Pruning for Obtaining Shallower ResNets
* Learning a scale-and-rotation correlation filter for robust visual tracking
* Lie Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Network Based on Laplace Distribution
* Modeling of H.264/AVC based video transmission distortion over wireless network
* Multiple pedestrians tracking algorithm by incorporating histogram of oriented gradient detections
* New Texture Generation Method Based on Pseudo-DCT Coefficients, A
* novel approach for space debris recognition based on the full information vectors of star points, A
* Novel Lossless Compression for Hyperspectral Images by Adaptive Classified Arithmetic Coding in Wavelet Domain, A
* novel PDE-based rate-distortion model for rate control, A
* novel scene change detection algorithm based on the 3D wavelet transform, A
* Reconstruction of Indoor Navigation Elements for Point Cloud of Buildings with Occlusions and Openings by Wall Segment Restoration from Indoor Context Labeling
* Self-attention empowered graph convolutional network for structure learning and node embedding
* semantic framework for video genre classification and event analysis, A
* SRRV: A Novel Document Object Detector Based on Spatial-Related Relation and Vision
* Text detection, localization, and tracking in compressed video
* Utility-Based Optimized Cross-Layer Scheme for Real-Time Video Transmission Over HSDPA
* Video Copy Detection Based on Path Merging and Query Content Prediction
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Mutual Learning Between Cohort Multiscale Feature-Fusion Networks With Weighted Loss
Includes: Liu, G.Z.[Gao Zheng] Liu, G.Z.[Gao-Zheng] Liu, G.Z.[Gui-Zhong] Liu, G.Z.[Guan-Zheng] Liu, G.Z.[Gui-Zhen] Liu, G.Z.[Guo-Zhu] Liu, G.Z.[Gul-Zhong] Liu, G.Z.[Guang-Zhen] Liu, G.Z.[Guang-Zhe] Liu, G.Z.[Guang-Zhong] Liu, G.Z.[Guang-Zu]
49 for Liu, G.Z.
Liu, H.[Hong]
Co Author Listing * 3D Action Recognition Using Multiscale Energy-Based Global Ternary Image
* 3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with A Novel Particle Filter
* 3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with A Two-Layer Particle Filter
* 3D Model Based Imdoor Navigation System for Hubei Provincial Museum, A
* Accurate Reconstruction of the LoD3 Building Model by Integrating Multi-Source Point Clouds and Oblique Remote Sensing Imagery
* Action classification by exploring directional co-occurrence of weighted stips
* Action Disambiguation Analysis Using Normalized Google-Like Distance Correlogram
* Action Recognition Based on Optimal Joint Selection and Discriminative Depth Descriptor
* Active learning for detecting a spectrally variable subject in color infrared imagery
* Activity-based model based on multi-day cellular data: Considering the lack of personal attributes and activity type
* Actual Shape-Based Obstacle Avoidance Synthesized by Velocity-Acceleration Minimization for Redundant Manipulators: An Optimization Perspective
* Adaptive and Robust Edge Detection Method Based on Edge Proportion Statistics, An
* Adaptive Attribute and Structure Subspace Clustering Network
* Adaptive Distance Metric Learning for Clustering
* Adaptive feature-spatial representation for Mean-shift tracker
* Adaptive Granularity-Fused Keypoint Detection for 6D Pose Estimation of Space Targets
* Adaptive preference transfer for personalized IoT entity recommendation
* Adaptive Short-Temporal Induced Aware Fusion Network for Predicting Attention Regions Like a Driver
* Adaptive Signal Control Scheme to Prevent Intersection Traffic Blockage, An
* Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Method Capturing for Short-Term Bike-Sharing Prediction, An
* AdaptiveFace: Adaptive Margin and Sampling for Face Recognition
* Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification
* Affine correspondence based head pose estimation for a sequence of images by using a 3D model
* Affine Model Based Motion Compensation Prediction for Zoom
* Agglomeration Externalities, Network Externalities and Urban High-Quality Development: A Case Study of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* AIROGS: Artificial Intelligence for Robust Glaucoma Screening Challenge
* Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODIS Products in Gansu Province, Northwest China
* Analysis of Factors Affecting Asynchronous RTK Positioning with GNSS Signals
* AnchorPoint: Query Design for Transformer-Based 3D Object Detection and Tracking
* Angel's Girl for Blind Painters: An Efficient Painting Navigation System Validated by Multimodal Evaluation Approach
* Anti-Bandit Neural Architecture Search for Model Defense
* AO2-DETR: Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection Transformer
* API-net: Robust Generative Classifier via a Single Discriminator
* Application of AHP-ICM and AHP-EWM in Collapse Disaster Risk Mapping in Huinan County
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network on Lei Bamboo Above-Ground-Biomass (AGB) Estimation Using Worldview-2
* Application of Digital Twin Technology in Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Moving Target Intelligent Detection System
* Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition in Low-Frequency Lightning Electric Field Signal Analysis and Lightning Location
* AQUA: An Amphibious Autonomous Robot
* Arctic Winds Retrieved from FY-3D Microwave Humidity Sounder-II 183.31 GHz Brightness Temperature Using Atmospheric Motion Vector Method
* Are mid-air dynamic gestures applicable to user identification?
* Artsy-GAN: A style transfer system with improved quality, diversity and performance
* Assessing the 3-D Structure of Bamboo Forests Using an Advanced Pseudo-Vertical Waveform Approach Based on Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR Data
* Assessing the Impacts of Various Factors on Treetop Detection Using LiDAR-Derived Canopy Height Models
* Assessing the Relationship between Freshwater Flux and Sea Surface Salinity
* Assessing the Water Budget Closure Accuracy of Satellite/Reanalysis-Based Hydrological Data Products over Mainland China
* Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Correcting Sunglint Effects in Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery: A Case Study in Clean Lakes
* Attend, Correct and Focus: A Bidirectional Correct Attention Network for Image-Text Matching
* Attention Where It Matters: Rethinking Visual Document Understanding with Selective Region Concentration
* Audio Signal-based Depression Level Prediction Combining Temporal and Spectral Features
* Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Multidimensional Convolutional Neural Network
* Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using A Two-Step Feature Fusion Strategy
* Augmented skeleton sequences with hypergraph network for self-supervised group activity recognition
* Auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering
* Automated visual analysis in large scale sensor networks
* Automatic brain tissue segmentation in MR images using hybrid atlas forest based on confidence-weighted probability matrix
* Automatic Calibration Method for Driver's Head Orientation in Natural Driving Environment
* Automatic Extraction Method for The Parameters of Multi-lod BIM Models for Typical Components of Wooden Architectural Heritage, An
* Automatic labelling of brain tissues in MR images through spatial indexes based hybrid atlas forest
* Automatic object segmentation with 3-D cameras
* Automatic objects segmentation with RGB-D cameras
* Autonomous Path Planning Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on a Tangent Intersection and Target Guidance Strategy, An
* BACA: Superpixel Segmentation with Boundary Awareness and Content Adaptation
* Back-Projection Pipeline
* Base-Derivative Framework for Cross-Modality RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification, A
* Bi-Directional Exponential Angular Triplet Loss for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* bidirectional adaptive bandwidth mean shift strategy for clustering, A
* Bidirectional image denoising with blurred image feature
* Black-Box Dissector: Towards Erasing-Based Hard-Label Model Stealing Attack
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Weighted Sum of Gaussian Kernels for Point Spread Function Estimation
* Blurring length estimation using ringing artifacts in a deblurred image
* Bridge bottom crack detection and modeling based on faster R-CNN and BIM
* Building Extraction Based on U-Net with an Attention Block and Multiple Losses
* Building Placements In Urban Modeling Using Conditional Generative Latent Optimization
* Calculation Model of Radar Terrain Masking Based on Tensor Grid Dilation Operator
* Can Weight Sharing Outperform Random Architecture Search? An Investigation With TuNAS
* CanBiPT: Cancelable biometrics with physical template
* Capturing the few-shot class distribution: Transductive distribution optimization
* CCD mosaic technique for large-field digital mammography
* CenterTube: Tracking Multiple 3D Objects With 4D Tubelets in Dynamic Point Clouds
* CentriForce: Multiple-Domain Adaptation for Domain-Invariant Speaker Representation Learning
* Cformer: An underwater image enhancement hybrid network combining convolution and transformer
* Characterizing Forest Cover and Landscape Pattern Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data with Ensemble Learning
* Class-Specified Segmentation with Multi-scale Superpixels
* Classification of ex-vivo breast cancer positive margins measured by hyperspectral imaging
* Classification of Upper Limb Motion Trajectories Using Shape Features
* Cloth-Irrelevant Harmonious Attention Network for Cloth-Changing Person Re-identification, A
* Cloth2Body: Generating 3D Human Body Mesh from 2D Clothing
* Cloud Detection of Remote Sensing Image Based on Multi-Scale Data and Dual-Channel Attention Mechanism
* Clutter Reduction and Target Tracking in Through-the-Wall Radar
* CMLocate: A cross-modal automatic visual geo-localization framework for a natural environment without GNSS information
* CMX: Cross-Modal Fusion for RGB-X Semantic Segmentation With Transformers
* Co-Evolution of Pose and Mesh for 3D Human Body Estimation from Video
* Coarse to fine K nearest neighbor classifier
* Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting
* COLF-GAN: Learning to axial super-resolve focal stacks
* Collaborative Mean Shift Tracking Based on Multi-Cue Integration and Auxiliary Objects
* Color Elastica Model for Vector-Valued Image Regularization, A
* Color Face Hallucination Using Neighbor Locality Representation and Inter-Channel Correlation
* Color face image decomposition under complex lighting conditions
* Comparative Study of Algorithms for Realtime Panoramic Video Blending, A
* Comparative Study of DNN-Based Models for Blind Image Quality Prediction, A
* Comparative Study of Fixation Density Maps
* Comparative Study of Three Land Surface Broadband Emissivity Datasets from Satellite Data, A
* Comparison of methods for smile deceit detection by training AU6 and AU12 simultaneously
* Comparison of the Vegetation Effect on ET Partitioning Based on Eddy Covariance Method at Five Different Sites of Northern China
* Complementary Blind-Spot Network for Self-Supervised Real Image Denoising
* Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation On Person Re-Identification
* Consensus Regularized Multi-View Outlier Detection
* Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
* Constraint-aware interior layout exploration for pre-cast concrete-based buildings
* Content-adaptive low rank regularization for image denoising
* Content-Aware Warping for View Synthesis
* Contextual Debiasing for Visual Recognition with Causal Mechanisms
* Contrastive Semi-Supervised Learning for Underwater Image Restoration via Reliable Bank
* Cooperative GNSS-RTK Ambiguity Resolution with GNSS, INS, and LiDAR Data for Connected Vehicles
* Cooperative Optimal Control of the Following Operation of High-Speed Trains
* COSST: Multi-Organ Segmentation With Partially Labeled Datasets Using Comprehensive Supervisions and Self-Training
* Countering Personalized Text-to-Image Generation with Influence Watermarks
* Cross-Batch Hard Example Mining With Pseudo Large Batch for ID vs. Spot Face Recognition
* Cross-modal independent matching network for image-text retrieval
* Cross-Modal Semantic Alignment and Feature Fusion Method for Bionic Drone and Bird Recognition, A
* Cross-Modality Binary Code Learning via Fusion Similarity Hashing
* Cross-Model Cross-Stream Learning for Self-Supervised Human Action Recognition
* Crowd simulation based on constrained and controlled group formation
* CUID: A New Study Of Perceived Image Quality And Its Subjective Assessment
* Current Progress and Challenges in Large-Scale 3D Mitochondria Instance Segmentation
* Curvature Regularized Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Curve-Driven-Based Acoustic Inversion for Photoacoustic Tomography
* Data Uncertainty in Face Recognition
* Data-Centric Solution to NonHomogeneous Dehazing via Vision Transformer, A
* Data-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning with Symmetric Consistency
* Database Approach to Very Large LIDAR Data Management, A
* DC-Mamba: A Novel Network for Enhanced Remote Sensing Change Detection in Difficult Cases
* DE-Net: Deep Encoding Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Decoding Simultaneous Multi-DOF Wrist Movements From Raw EMG Signals Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep anomaly detection with self-supervised learning and adversarial training
* Deep Attention-Guided Graph Clustering With Dual Self-Supervision
* Deep Counterfactual Representation Learning for Visual Recognition Against Weather Corruptions
* Deep Diversity-Enhanced Feature Representation of Hyperspectral Images
* Deep Fair Clustering for Visual Learning
* Deep Feature Fusion for VHR Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Deep Learning Driven Detection of Tsunami Related Internal Gravity Waves: a path towards open-ocean natural hazards detection
* Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Annotation With Dual-Level Semantic Concepts
* Deep Learning vs. Traditional Algorithms for Saliency Prediction of Distorted Images
* Deep Learning-Based Picture-Wise Just Noticeable Distortion Prediction Model for Image Compression
* Deep Networks for Image-to-Image Translation with Mux and Demux Layers
* Deep Neural Framework for Continuous Sign Language Recognition by Iterative Training, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Channel Traffic Scheduling in Dry Bulk Export Terminals
* Deep Relative Distance Learning: Tell the Difference between Similar Vehicles
* DeepFacade: A Deep Learning Approach to Facade Parsing With Symmetric Loss
* Deformable Constraint Transport Network for Optimal Aortic Segmentation From CT Images, A
* Deformable Quaternion Gabor Convolutional Neural Network For Color Facial Expression Recognition
* Depth Motion Detection: A Novel RS-Trigger Temporal Logic based Method
* Deriving Bathymetry From Optical Images With a Localized Neural Network Algorithm
* Design of an Innovative Downhole NMR Scanning Probe
* Destination Prediction Based on Virtual POI Docks in Dockless Bike-Sharing System
* Destriping algorithm with L0 sparsity prior for remote sensing images
* Detection of Coral Reef Bleaching by Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Data Using the PU-Bagging Algorithm: A Feasibility Study at Lizard Island
* Detection of Smoke from Straw Burning Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data and an Improved YOLOv5s Algorithm
* Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Double Articulation Analyzer
* Developing a dynamic utilisation scheme for exclusive bus lanes on urban expressways: an enhanced CTM-based approach versus a microsimulation-based approach
* Development and Assessment of a New Global Mammographic Image Feature Analysis Scheme to Predict Likelihood of Malignant Cases
* Development of a Combined Orchard Harvesting Robot Navigation System
* Development of a dual detector phase x-ray imaging system: Design considerations
* Development of the Brican TD100 Small UAS and Payload Trials
* DFCE: Decoder-Friendly Chrominance Enhancement for HEVC Intra Coding
* DIBS: Enhancing Dense Video Captioning with Unlabeled Videos via Pseudo Boundary Enrichment and Online Refinement
* Diffuse Optical Tomography Enhanced by Clustered Sparsity for Functional Brain Imaging
* Digging Hierarchical Information For Visual Place Recognition With Weighting Similarity Metric
* direction Change-based algorithm for polygonal approximation, A
* Directional-Aware Automatic Defect Detection in High-Speed Railway Catenary System
* Distance-Decay Effect in Probabilistic Time Geography for Random Encounter
* Distributed Online Ordinal Regression Based on VUS Maximization
* DiTBN: Detail Injection-Based Two-Branch Network for Pansharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* Document image retrieval based on density distribution feature and key block feature
* Doppler Positioning with LEO Mega-Constellation: Equation Properties and Improved Algorithm
* Double-Layer Model for Foreground Detection from Video Sequence, A
* DSGEM: Dual scene graph enhancement module-based visual question answering
* Dtpose: Learning Disentangled Token Representation for Effective Human Pose Estimation
* Du-Bus: A Realtime Bus Waiting Time Estimation System Based On Multi-Source Data
* Dual-channel graph contrastive learning for self-supervised graph-level representation learning
* Dual-Tree Cosine-Modulated Filter Bank With Linear-Phase Individual Filters: An Alternative Shift-Invariant and Directional-Selective Transform
* DW-GAN: A Discrete Wavelet Transform GAN for NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* Dynamic Field Retrieval and Analysis of Structural Evolution in Offshore Core Area of Typhoon Higos Based on Ground-Based Radar Observation
* Dynamicrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors
* Eco-Friendly Crowdsourced Meal Delivery: A Dynamic On-Demand Meal Delivery System with a Mixed Fleet of Electric and Gasoline Vehicles
* Economic Adaptive Cruise Control for a Power Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle
* Edge-Guided Contrastive Adaptation Network for Arteriovenous Nicking Classification Using Synthetic Data
* EEG-Based Emotion Recognition With Emotion Localization via Hierarchical Self-Attention
* Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Changes on Land Surface Temperature
* Efficient and Accurate Method for Different Configurations Railway Extraction Based on Mobile Laser Scanning, An
* Efficient Coarse Registration of Pairwise TLS Point Clouds Using Ortho Projected Feature Images
* Efficient High-Resolution High-Level-Semantic Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Efficient Method for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Extreme Learning Machine, An
* Efficient Multi-scale Plane Extraction Based RGBD Video Segmentation
* Efficient Nd-point Data Structure for Querying Flood Risk, An
* Efficient Non-Consecutive Feature Tracking for Robust Structure-From-Motion
* Efficient Non-consecutive Feature Tracking for Structure-from-Motion
* Efficient online real-time video stabilization with a novel least squares formulation and parallel AC-RANSAC
* Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Large-Scale Agricultural Nursery Managements via Point Cloud-Based Neural Network
* Efficient Style-Corpus Constrained Learning for Photorealistic Style Transfer
* Efficient SVD-Based Method for Image Denoising, An
* Egocentric Vulnerable Road Users Trajectory Prediction With Incomplete Observation
* EGRC-Net: Embedding-Induced Graph Refinement Clustering Network
* EHPE: Skeleton Cues-Based Gaussian Coordinate Encoding for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* Elaborate Teacher: Improved Semi-Supervised Object Detection With Rich Image Exploiting
* Elastica Models for Color Image Regularization
* embedded implementation of CNN-based hand detection and orientation estimation algorithm, An
* Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis and Modeling of Global Tropospheric Delay Spherical Harmonic Coefficients
* End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* End-to-End Detail-Enhanced Dehazing Network for Remote Sensing Images
* End-to-End Learnt Image Compression via Non-Local Attention Optimization and Improved Context Modeling
* End-to-End Simulation of WCOM IMI Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval
* Energy-Based Global Ternary Image for Action Recognition Using Sole Depth Sequences
* Enhanced Federated Learning for Edge Data Security in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Enhanced Functional Brain Imaging by Using Adaptive Filtering and a Depth Compensation Algorithm in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Enhanced image no-reference quality assessment based on colour space distribution
* Enhanced skeleton visualization for view invariant human action recognition
* Enhancing Cropland Mapping with Spatial Super-Resolution Reconstruction by Optimizing Training Samples for Image Super-Resolution Models
* Enhancing Multimedia Applications by Removing Dynamic Objects in Neural Radiance Fields
* Enhancing Quality of Compressed Images by Mitigating Enhancement Bias Towards Compression Domain
* Enhancing Row-Column Array (RCA)-Based 3D Ultrasound Vascular Imaging With Spatial-Temporal Similarity Weighting
* Entropy-Weighting Method for Efficient Power-Line Feature Evaluation and Extraction from LiDAR Point Clouds, An
* ER-MACG: An Extreme Precipitation Forecasting Model Integrating Self-Attention Based on FY4A Satellite Data
* Estimating Rangeland Forage Production Using Remote Sensing Data from a Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) and PlanetScope Satellite
* Estimation of the Biogeochemical and Physical Properties of Lakes Based on Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Applications
* Estimation of Vertical Datum Parameters Using the GBVP Approach Based on the Combined Global Geopotential Models
* Evaluating Driving Styles by Normalizing Driving Behavior Based on Personalized Driver Modeling
* Evaluating Saturation Correction Methods for DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study from China's Cities
* Evaluation and Comparison of MODIS C6 and C6.1 Deep Blue Aerosol Products in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Northwestern China
* Evaluation of Improvement Schemes for FY-3B Passive Microwave Soil-Moisture Estimates Retrieved Using the Land Parameter Retrieval Model
* Evaluation of Network RTK Positioning Performance Based on BDS-3 New Signal System
* Evolutionary semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* Expectation-Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Exploiting Temporal Contexts With Strided Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Exploring Brain Hemodynamic Response Patterns via Deep Recurrent Autoencoder
* Exploring Discriminative Views for 3D Object Retrieval
* Exploring Motion Information for Distractor Suppression in Visual Tracking
* Exploring the Most Effective Information for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Models in Different Water Qualities
* Extended Coding Unit Partitioning for Future Video Coding
* Extraction of Citrus Trees from UAV Remote Sensing Imagery Using YOLOv5s and Coordinate Transformation
* Extrapolation Assessment for Forest Structural Parameters in Planted Forests of Southern China by UAV-LiDAR Samples and Multispectral Satellite Imagery
* Eye-Tracking Database of Video Advertising, An
* Face recognition using training data with artificial occlusions
* FaceTracker: A Human Face Tracking and Facial Organ Localizing System
* Facial Affective Behavior Analysis with Instruction Tuning
* Facial age estimation through self-paced learning
* Facial Expression Recognition for In-the-wild Videos
* Fast Adapting Without Forgetting for Face Recognition
* Fast and Reliable Network RTK Positioning Based on Multi-Frequency Sequential Ambiguity Resolution under Significant Atmospheric Biases
* Fast and robust ellipse detector based on edge following method
* Fast Human Pose Estimation in Compressed Videos
* Fast Image Enhancement Based on Maximum and Guided Filters
* fast intra CU partition algorithm in Versatile Video Coding for 360-degree video, A
* Fast robust fuzzy clustering based on bipartite graph for hyper-spectral image classification
* Feasible Calibration Method for Type 1 Open Ocean Water LiDAR Data Based on Bio-Optical Models, A
* Feature Completion Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Feature First: Advancing Image-Text Retrieval Through Improved Visual Features
* Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Spectrum Access Algorithm With Warranty Contract in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Entropy-Regularized Data-Free Replay
* Field Assessment of Intersection Performance Enhanced by Traffic Signal Optimization and Vehicle Trajectory Planning
* Fine-Grained Multilevel Fusion for Anti-Occlusion Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Flexible Complexity Optimization in Multiview Video Coding
* Flexible Recognition Algorithms and Flexible OCR System
* Focusing Fine-Grained Action by Self-Attention-Enhanced Graph Neural Networks With Contrastive Learning
* Fold Electrocardiogram Into a Fingerprint
* Forgery-aware Adaptive Transformer for Generalizable Synthetic Image Detection
* FoveaBox: Beyound Anchor-Based Object Detection
* From foot to head: Active face finding using deep Q-learning
* FSAR: Federated Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Adaptive Topology Structure and Knowledge Distillation
* Full-Reference Stability Assessment of Digital Video Stabilization Based on Riemannian Metric
* Fusing shape and motion matrices for view invariant action recognition using 3D skeletons
* FusionNet: An Unsupervised Convolutional Variational Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* gated cross-domain collaborative network for underwater object detection, A
* Gender Identification in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features
* Generalized Image-Contrast Enhancement Technique Based on the Heinemann Contrast Discrimination Model
* Generation of High-Precision Ground Penetrating Radar Images Using Improved Least Square Generative Adversarial Networks
* Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Generative and Discriminative Sparse Coding for Image Classification Applications
* Geographic-Information-System-Based Risk Assessment of Flooding in Changchun Urban Rail Transit System
* GFENet: Generalization Feature Extraction Network for Few-Shot Object Detection
* GLAN: A graph-based linear assignment network
* Global Context Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
* Global Receptive-Based Neural Network for Target Recognition in SAR Images
* Global-background based view synthesis approach for multi-view video
* Global-Local Balanced Low-Rank Approximation of Hyperspectral Images for Classification
* Globally accelerated reconstruction algorithm for diffusion tomography with continuous-wave source in an arbitrary convex shape domain
* GQE-Net: A Graph-Based Quality Enhancement Network for Point Cloud Color Attribute
* Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Apple Orchards in UAV Remote Sensing
* Gradient Ordinal Signature and Fixed-Point Embedding for Efficient Near-Duplicate Video Detection
* Granularity-aware distillation and structure modeling region proposal network for fine-grained image classification
* GraphMLP: A graph MLP-like architecture for 3D human pose estimation
* Ground Validation and Error Sources Identification for GPM IMERG Product over the Southeast Coastal Regions of China
* Group Pose: A Simple Baseline for End-to-End Multi-person Pose Estimation
* Group-aware deep feature learning for facial age estimation
* Grouped Temporal Enhancement Module for Human Action Recognition
* Guest Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Internet of Vehicles
* Guest Editorial: Big Data for Driver, Vehicle, and System Control in ITS
* GUID-based mobile visual communication using NDN mechanism
* Hadamard Matrix Guided Online Hashing
* Handling and Stability Integrated Control of AFS and DYC for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Risk Assessment and Prediction
* HARWE: A multi-modal large-scale dataset for context-aware human activity recognition in smart working environments
* HD-Net: A hybrid dynamic spatio-temporal network for traffic flow prediction
* HeadDiff: Exploring Rotation Uncertainty With Diffusion Models for Head Pose Estimation
* Heterogeneous Graph Learning for Scene Graph Prediction in 3d Point Clouds
* Heuristic Initialization for Active Contour Models in CT/MRI Image Processing
* HFENet: Hierarchical Feature Extraction Network for Accurate Landcover Classification
* HGST: A Hilbert-GeoSOT Spatio-Temporal Meshing and Coding Method for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Range Query on Massive Trajectory Data
* Hierarchical Classification of Moving Vehicles Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition of Micro-Doppler Signatures
* Hierarchical data association and depth-invariant appearance model for indoor multiple objects tracking
* Hierarchical Event-Triggered Platoon Control for Heterogeneous Connected Vehicles Subject to Actuator Uncertainties and Non-Zero Inputs
* hierarchical methodology for urban facade parsing from TLS point clouds, A
* Hierarchical Prompt Learning for Multi-Task Learning
* Hierarchical Ship Detection Scheme for High-Resolution SAR Images, A
* Hierarchical Word-Merging Algorithm with Class Separability Measure, A
* High Dimensional Semiparametric Scale-Invariant Principal Component Analysis
* High-Order Information Matters: Learning Relation and Topology for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Hourglass Tokenizer for Efficient Transformer-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation
* How Accurately Can Direct Motion Vision Determine Depth
* How Does Image Content Affect the Added Value of Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment?
* How much do cross-modal related semantics benefit image captioning by weighting attributes and re-ranking sentences?
* HPIDN: A Hierarchical prior-guided iterative denoising network with global-local fusion for enhancing low-dose CT images
* Human-Attention Inspired Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Sensors in the Web of Things
* Hybrid Compression Framework for Color Attributes of Static 3D Point Clouds, A
* hybrid method of detecting flame from video stream, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Discriminant Gabor Ensemble Filter
* Hyperspectral image classification via discriminative convolutional neural network with an improved triplet loss
* Hyperspectral image quality evaluation using generalized regression neural network
* HYRE: Hybrid Regressor for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* ICE-BA: Incremental, Consistent and Efficient Bundle Adjustment for Visual-Inertial SLAM
* ICL-D3IE: In-Context Learning with Diverse Demonstrations Updating for Document Information Extraction
* IDA-3D: Instance-Depth-Aware 3D Object Detection From Stereo Vision for Autonomous Driving
* Identity From Here, Pose From There: Self-Supervised Disentanglement and Generation of Objects Using Unlabeled Videos
* Identity-Sensitive Knowledge Propagation for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Image deblurring in the presence of salt-and-pepper noise
* Image Denoising via Bandwise Adaptive Modeling and Regularization Exploiting Nonlocal Similarity
* Image Denoising via Low Rank Regularization Exploiting Intra and Inter Patch Correlation
* Image Inpainting For Random Areas Using Dense Context Features
* Image Regularizations Based on the Sparsity of Corner Points
* Image Restoration Using Probability-Inducing Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Image restoration via exponential scale mixture-based simultaneous sparse prior
* Image super-resolution based on adaptive joint distribution modeling
* Image-Level Adaptive Adversarial Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification Using Three-Dimensional Semantic Appearance Alignment and Cross-Modal Interactive Learning
* Imaging Analysis and First Results of the Geostationary Interferometric Microwave Sounder Demonstrator
* Imaging Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities
* IML-SSOD: Interconnected and multi-layer threshold learning for semi-supervised detection
* Improved 3D Stem Mapping Method and Elliptic Hypothesis-Based DBH Estimation from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Improved direction estimation for Di Zenzo's multichannel image gradient operator
* improved GPGPU-Accelerated parallelization for rotation invariant thinning algorithm, An
* improved label fusion approach with sparse patch-based representation for MRI brain image segmentation, An
* improved RHT algorithm to detect line segments, An
* improved transformer-based model for long-term 4D trajectory prediction in civil aviation, An
* Improvement Method of Antenna Negative Sidelobes on Cross Beam Correlation Microwave Radiometer
* Improving self-supervised action recognition from extremely augmented skeleton sequences
* Improving Self-supervised Lightweight Model Learning via Hard-Aware Metric Distillation
* Improving the image quality of spectral CT volume rendering
* In-Situ Measurement of Soil Permittivity at Various Depths for the Calibration and Validation of Low-Frequency SAR Soil Moisture Models by Using GPR
* Incomplete Multiview Spectral Clustering With Adaptive Graph Learning
* Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Images for Anomaly Detection
* Indoor Routing on Logical Network Using Space Semantics
* Inferring Ongoing Human Activities Based on Recurrent Self-Organizing Map Trajectory
* Information Theoretic Approach for Attention-Driven Face Forgery Detection, An
* Instance Enhancing Loss: Deep Identity-Sensitive Feature Embedding for Person Search
* Integrated Aircraft and Passenger Recovery With Enhancements in Modeling, Solution Algorithm, and Intermodalism
* Integrated GNSS/INS/LiDAR-SLAM Positioning Method for Highly Accurate Forest Stem Mapping, An
* Integrated Kalman Filter of Accurate Ranging and Tracking With Wideband Radar
* Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach to Location Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, An
* Intelligent Mapping of Urban Forests from High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Object-Based U-Net-DenseNet-Coupled Network
* Interaction-Aware Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Attention Networks for Action Classification
* Intercomparison of Global Sea Surface Salinity from Multiple Datasets over 2011-2018
* Interpretation and Mapping Tree Crown Diameter Using Spatial Heterogeneity in Relation to the Radiative Transfer Model Extracted from GF-2 Images in Planted Boreal Forest Ecosystems
* Intersection-Based QoS Routing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks With Reinforcement Learning, An
* Interweaved Prediction for Affine Motion Compensation
* Interweaved Prediction for Video Coding
* Investigation of Remote Sensing Imageries for Identifying Soil Texture Classes Using Classification Methods
* Ionospheric TEC Forecasting Model Based on a CNN-LSTM-Attention Mechanism Neural Network, An
* IRANet: Identity-relevance aware representation for cloth-changing person re-identification
* Irregular Travel Groups Detection Based on Cascade Clustering in Urban Subway
* ISDAT: An image-semantic dual adversarial training framework for robust image classification
* Island Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on FC_U-Net Network, An
* Iterative Two-Phase Optimization Method Based on Divide and Conquer Framework for Integrated Scheduling of Multiple UAVs, An
* JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos
* Joint blind deblurring and destriping for remote sensing images
* Joint Graph Learning and Matching for Semantic Feature Correspondence
* Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Based on Structural Constraints Using Variational Born Iteration Method
* Joint Sample Enhancement and Instance-Sensitive Feature Learning for Efficient Person Search
* Kernelized Relaxed Margin Components Analysis for Person Re-identification
* Knowledge Mining with Scene Text for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Label Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning via Graph Filtering
* Label fusion method based on sparse patch representation for the brain MRI image segmentation
* Landmark Block-Embedded Aggregation Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection
* Large-Scale Bisample Learning on ID Versus Spot Face Recognition
* LB-LSD: A length-based line segment detector for real-time applications
* Leaf Species Classification Based on a Botanical Shape Sub-classifier Strategy
* Learning a Locally Unified 3D Point Cloud for View Synthesis
* Learning Combinatorial Solver for Graph Matching
* Learning Concordant Attention via Target-aware Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
* Learning Cross-Modal Affinity for Referring Video Object Segmentation Targeting Limited Samples
* Learning Deep Sharable and Structural Detectors for Face Alignment
* Learning Deformable Hourglass Networks (DHGN) for Unconstrained Face Alignment
* Learning Descriptors With Cube Loss for View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval
* Learning Dynamic Interpolation for Extremely Sparse Light Fields with Wide Baselines
* Learning for Disparity Estimation Through Feature Constancy
* Learning Low-Rank Graph With Enhanced Supervision
* Learning Reasoning-Decision Networks for Robust Face Alignment
* Learning spatial-temporal deformable networks for unconstrained face alignment and tracking in videos
* Learning spatio-temporal co-occurrence correlograms for efficient human action classification
* LIDAR-Inertial Real-Time State Estimator with Rod-Shaped and Planar Feature
* Light CNN based Method for Hand Detection and Orientation Estimation, A
* Light Field Reconstruction via Deep Adaptive Fusion of Hybrid Lenses
* Lightweight and rotation-invariant place recognition network for large-scale raw point clouds
* Lightweight Network Towards Real-Time Image Denoising On Mobile Devices
* lightweight unsupervised adversarial detector based on autoencoder and isolation forest, A
* Linear canonical correlation analysis based ranking approach for facial age estimation
* Listwise learning to rank method combining approximate NDCG ranking indicator with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Lithological Mapping Based on Fully Convolutional Network and Multi-Source Geological Data
* Liver MRI segmentation with edge-preserved intensity inhomogeneity correction
* Local Associated Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Local Image Descriptors with Statistical Losses
* Locating Multiple Multiscale Electromagnetic Scatterers by a Single Far-Field Measurement
* Logistics in the Sky: A Two-Phase Optimization Approach for the Drone Package Pickup and Delivery System
* Long-term Object Tracking with Instance Specific Proposals
* Looking-Ahead: Neural Future Video Frame Prediction
* Low rank regularization exploiting intra and inter patch correlation for image denoising
* Low-Complexity Joint Antenna Tilting and User Scheduling for Large-Scale ZF Relaying
* Low-Shot Face Recognition with Hybrid Classifiers
* Mabnet: A Lightweight Stereo Network Based on Multibranch Adjustable Bottleneck Module
* Making satellite-derived empirical bathymetry independent of high-quality in-situ depth data: An assessment of four possible model calibration data
* Mapping Maize Tillage Practices over the Songnen Plain in Northeast China Using GEE Cloud Platform
* Mapping Urban Forms Worldwide: An Analysis of 8910 Street Networks and 25 Indicators
* Maximally stable curvature regions for 3D hand tracking
* Maximum Entropy Subspace Clustering Network
* MCBAM-GAN: The GAN Spatiotemporal Fusion Model Based on Multiscale and CBAM for Remote Sensing Images
* MCCA-MOT: Multimodal Collaboration-Guided Cascade Association Network for 3D Multi-Object Tracking
* MDSCNN: Remote Sensing Image Spatial-Spectral Fusion Method via Multi-Scale Dual-Stream Convolutional Neural Network
* Measurement and analysis of brain deformation during neurosurgery
* Meta-Auxiliary Learning for Future Depth Prediction in Videos
* MetaFSCIL: A Meta-Learning Approach for Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* Metric for Video Blending Quality Assessment, A
* MFDNet: Collaborative Poses Perception and Matrix Fisher Distribution for Head Pose Estimation
* MGM-AE: Self-Supervised Learning on 3D Shape Using Mesh Graph Masked Autoencoders
* MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Micro-Doppler Ambiguity Resolution With Variable Shrinkage Ratio Based on Time-Delayed Cross Correlation Processing for Wideband Radar
* Migration Velocity Analysis and Prestack Migration of Common-Transmitter GPR Data
* MIL-ViT: A multiple instance vision transformer for fundus image classification
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGB+TOF Depth Completion: Dataset and Report
* MixSpeech: Cross-Modality Self-Learning with Audio-Visual Stream Mixup for Visual Speech Translation and Recognition
* MLF-IOSC: Multi-Level Fusion Network With Independent Operation Search Cell for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* MLP: Motion Label Prior for Temporal Sentence Localization in Untrimmed 3D Human Motions
* Model Comparison Metrics Require Adaptive Correction if Parameters Are Discretized: Proof-of-Concept Applied to Transient Signals in Dynamic PET
* Model-based Next View Planning By Using Rules: Automatic Feature Prediction and Detection
* Modelling and simulation of a bistatic forward-looking SAR configuration
* Modified KNN Method for Mapping the Leaf Area Index in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of China, A
* Modular scheme for four-wheel-drive electric vehicle tire-road force and velocity estimation
* Monitoring the Nitrogen Nutrition Index Using Leaf-Based Hyperspectral Reflectance in Cut Chrysanthemums
* Monitoring the Vertical Variations in Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Lake Chaohu Using the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
* Motion and Gray Based Automatic Road Segment Method MGARS in Urban Traffic Surveillance
* Motion Rectification Network for Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth and Camera Motion
* mPLUG-OwI2: Revolutionizing Multi-modal Large Language Model with Modality Collaboration
* MRS-Net+ for Enhancing Face Quality of Compressed Videos
* MSDRN: Pansharpening of Multispectral Images via Multi-Scale Deep Residual Network
* Mtnas: Search Multi-task Networks for Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Agent Deep Collaboration Learning for Face Alignment Under Different Perspectives
* Multi-Constraint Combined Method for Ground Surface Point Filtering from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Multi-Dimensional Attention With Similarity Constraint for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-focus image fusion via Joint convolutional analysis and synthesis sparse representation
* Multi-frame co-saliency spatio-temporal regularization correlation filters for object tracking
* Multi-hypothesis representation learning for transformer-based 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-Modal Combined Route Choice Modeling in the MaaS Age Considering Generalized Path Overlapping Problem
* Multi-modal In-Context Learning Makes an Ego-evolving Scene Text Recognizer
* Multi-Scale Acoustic Velocity Inversion Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-scale blocks based image emotion classification using multiple instance learning
* Multi-Scale Cascading Network with Compact Feature Learning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Multi-scale Recursive and Perception-Distortion Controllable Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale Segmentation of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images By Integrating Multiple Features
* Multi-scale task-aware structure graph modeling for few-shot image recognition
* Multi-Scenario Prediction of Intra-Urban Land Use Change Using a Cellular Automata-Random Forest Model
* Multi-Task Hardwired Accelerator for Face Detection and Alignment, A
* Multi-view clustering via efficient representation learning with anchors
* Multi-View Saliency-Guided Clustering for Image Cosegmentation
* Multi-View Spectral Clustering Tailored Tensor Low-Rank Representation
* Multifrequency 3-D Inversion of GREATEM Data by BCGS-FFT-BIM
* Multilevel Feature Aggregated Network with Instance Contrastive Learning Constraint for Building Extraction
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Boosted by Monomodal Normal Brain Images
* Multimodal Differential Evolution Algorithm in Initial Orbit Determination for a Space-Based Too Short Arc, A
* Multiple Hypotheses Bayesian Frame Rate Up-Conversion by Adaptive Fusion of Motion-Compensated Interpolations
* Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Mutual Alignment between Audiovisual Features for End-to-End Audiovisual Speech Recognition
* MVSSC: Meta-reinforcement learning based visual indoor navigation using multi-view semantic spatial context
* NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Human-Level Quality
* Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* NDSRGAN: A Novel Dense Generative Adversarial Network for Real Aerial Imagery Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Near-Field Phase Cross Correlation Focusing Imaging and Parameter Estimation for Penetrating Radar
* Neighborhood overlap-aware heterogeneous hypergraph neural network for link prediction
* Neural Collaborative Graph Machines for Table Structure Recognition
* Neural ordinary differential equation for irregular human motion prediction
* Neural Person Search Machines
* Neural Style Protection: Counteracting Unauthorized Neural Style Transfer
* Neuromorphic Imaging With Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising
* new active contour model-based segmentation approach for accurate extraction of the lesion from breast DCE-MRI, A
* New Approach for Detecting Urban Centers and Their Spatial Structure With Nighttime Light Remote Sensing, A
* New Approach to Evaluate Drug Treatment Response of Ovarian Cancer Patients Based on Deformable Image Registration, A
* New Framework for Generating Indoor 3D Digital Models from Point Clouds, A
* New Inversion Method Based on Distorted Born Iterative Method for Grounded Electrical Source Airborne Transient Electromagnetics, A
* No-reference image quality assessment focusing on human facial region
* No-Reference Quality Evaluator of Transparently Encrypted Images
* No-reference video quality evaluation by a deep transfer CNN architecture
* NomMer: Nominate Synergistic Context in Vision Transformer for Visual Recognition
* Nonlinear Regression Application via Machine Learning Techniques for Geomagnetic Data Reconstruction Processing, A
* Nonlocal Gradient Sparsity Regularization for Image Restoration
* Nonparametric Sparse Matrix Decomposition for Cross-View Dimensionality Reduction
* Normalized difference phytoplankton index (NDPI) and spatio-temporal cloud filtering for multitemporal cyanobacteria pollution analysis on Erie Lake in 2014
* Novel Ant Colony Optimization Methods for Simplifying Solution Construction in Vehicle Routing Problems
* Novel Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Emergency Transportation Problems During Post-Disaster Scenarios, A
* Novel Lip Descriptor for Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Adaptive Decision Fusion, A
* novel method for stereo matching using Gabor Feature Image and Confidence Mask, A
* Novel Polarimetric Contrast Enhancement Method Based on Minimal Clutter to Signal Ratio Subspace
* Novel Sample Generation Method for Deep Learning Lithological Mapping with Airborne TASI Hyperspectral Data in Northern Liuyuan, Gansu, China, A
* NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Dense and Non-Homogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* Object detection via inner-inter relational reasoning network
* Object-relational Ifc Storage Model Based On Oracle Database, An
* Objectness-based smoothing stochastic sampling and coherence approximate nearest neighbor for visual tracking
* Observing Earth's water cycle from space
* Offline Coarse-To-Fine Precision Optimization Algorithm for 3D Laser SLAM Point Cloud, An
* On Geocasting over Urban Bus-Based Networks by Mining Trajectories
* On the Interrelationship Between Left Ventricle Infarction Geometry and Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Grade
* On the Spark of Binary LDPC Measurement Matrices From Complete Protographs
* One-Class Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Using Auto-Encoder Network
* Online Behavioral Analysis and Modeling, Guest Editorial
* Online growing neural GAS for anomaly detection in changing surveillance scenes
* Online person orientation estimation based on classifier update
* Optical Braille Recognition Based on Semantic Segmentation Network with Auxiliary Learning Strategy
* Optical Properties and Possible Origins of Atmospheric Aerosols over LHAASO in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
* Optical Remote Sensing Indexes of Soil Moisture: Evaluation and Improvement Based on Aircraft Experiment Observations
* Optimal Containment Control of a Quadrotor Team With Active Leaders via Reinforcement Learning
* optimal trajectory planning for automated on-ramp merging, An
* Optimization for the Following Operation of a High-Speed Train Under the Moving Block System
* Optimization of regularization parameter for sparse reconstruction based on predictive risk estimate
* Optimize the Settings of Variable Speed Limit System to Improve the Performance of Freeway Traffic
* Optimized Graph Convolution Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Prediction
* Ordinal Constraint Binary Coding for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Ordinal Deep Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Ordinal Deep Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Organizing and visualizing point clouds with continuous levels of detail
* Orientation Cues-Aware Facial Relationship Representation for Head Pose Estimation via Transformer
* Orthogonal enhanced linear discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Outlier and Integrity Detection of Rail Profile Based on Profile Registration, The
* PAI3D: Painting Adaptive Instance-prior for 3d Object Detection
* Pairwise Coarse Registration of Indoor Point Clouds Using 2D Line Features
* Pairwise-Comparison-Based Rank Learning for Benchmarking Image Restoration Algorithms
* Palmprint recognition based on the line feature local tri-directional patterns
* Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Interaction Capture
* Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture
* Parallel Encoding: Decoding Operation for Multiview Video Coding with High Coding Efficiency
* Parallel-Optimized Visualization Method for Large-Scale Multiple Video-Augmented Geographic Scenes on Cesium, A
* Pbcstereo: A Compressed Stereo Network with Pure Binary Convolutional Operations
* PCA-OLS Model for Assessing the Impact of Surface Biophysical Parameters on Land Surface Temperature Variations, A
* Pedestrian Detection via Body Part Semantic and Contextual Information With DNN
* Performance Analysis of Circular Antenna Array for Microwave Interferometric Radiometers
* Performances Analysis of Coherently Integrated CPF for LFM Signal Under Low SNR and Its Application to Ground Moving Target Imaging
* Person Attribute Recognition by Sequence Contextual Relation Learning
* Personalized knowledge-aware recommendation with collaborative and attentive graph convolutional networks
* PGF-BIQA: Blind image quality assessment via probability multi-grained cascade forest
* Phase and Amplitude Calibrations of Rotating Equispaced Circular Array for Geostationary Microwave Interferometric Radiometers: Theory and Methods
* Phenology estimation of subtropical bamboo forests based on assimilated MODIS LAI time series data
* Physiological Fusion of Functional and Structural Images for Cardiac Deformation Recovery
* Pluggable Style Representation Learning for Multi-style Transfer
* PML: Progressive Margin Loss for Long-tailed Age Classification
* Point Cloud Completion via Self-Projected View Augmentation and Implicit Field Constraint
* Point Cloud Segmentation Method for Dim and Cluttered Underground Tunnel Scenes Based on the Segment Anything Model, A
* Portrait beautification: A fast and robust approach
* Post-Earthquake Damage Inspection of Wood-Frame Buildings by a Polarimetric GB-SAR System
* Posterior Promoted GAN with Distribution Discriminator for Unsupervised Image Synthesis
* PottsMGNet: A Mathematical Explanation of Encoder-Decoder Based Neural Networks
* Power Corridor Safety Hazard Detection Based on Airborne 3D Laser Scanning Technology
* PPP: Joint Pointwise and Pairwise Image Label Prediction
* PQA-Net: Deep No Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment via Multi-View Projection
* Pre-Earthquake Oscillating and Accelerating Patterns in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) before the 2022 Luding (China) Ms6.8 Earthquake
* Pre-Trained Transformer-Based Parallel Multi-Channel Adaptive Image Sequence Interpolation Network
* Precise and Robust Segmentation-Based Lidar Localization System for Automated Urban Driving, A
* Precise facial landmark detection by Dynamic Semantic Aggregation Transformer
* Precision Analysis of 3D Reconstruction Based on Generalized Stereopair, The
* Prediction of Transit Vehicle Arrival Time for Signal Priority Control: Algorithm and Performance
* Preliminary investigation on the effect of x-ray beam hardening on detective quantum efficiency and radiation dose
* Preliminary Results in Innovative Solutions for Soil Carbon Estimation: Integrating Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Proximal Sensing Spectroscopy
* Probabilistic Model of Random Encounter in Obstacle Space
* Programmable Motion Generation for Open-Set Motion Control Tasks
* Progressive generative adversarial networks with reliable sample identification
* Progressive Training of A Two-Stage Framework for Video Restoration
* Projection Probability-Driven Black-Box Attack
* PU-Mask: 3D Point Cloud Upsampling via an Implicit Virtual Mask
* PUFA-GAN: A Frequency-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Point Cloud Upsampling
* Quadtree coding with adaptive scanning order for space-borne image compression
* Quality assessment of images with multiple distortions based on phase congruency and gradient magnitude
* Quantifying Spatiotemporal Changes in Supraglacial Debris Cover in Eastern Pamir from 1994 to 2024 Based on the Google Earth Engine
* Quaternion-Based Impulse Noise Removal From Color Video Sequences
* Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retrieval challenge
* Railway Lidar Point Cloud Reconstruction Based on Target Detection and Trajectory Filtering, A
* Real-Time Estimation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Clock Based on Ground Tracking Stations
* Real-time human tracking based on switching linear dynamic system combined with adaptive Meanshift tracker
* Real-Time Plane Segmentation and Obstacle Detection of 3D Point Clouds for Indoor Scenes
* Real-Time Scan-to-Map Matching Localization System Based on Lightweight Pre-Built Occupancy High-Definition Map
* Recognition of Occlusions in CT Images Using a Curve-Based Parameterization Method
* Reconstruction of Monthly Surface Nutrient Concentrations in the Yellow and Bohai Seas from 2003-2019 Using Machine Learning
* Reconstruction of Single Image from Multiple Blurry Measured Images
* Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition by Staged Optimization
* Recurrent Residual Deformable Conv Unit and Multi-Head with Channel Self-Attention Based on U-Net for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
* Refined Modeling of Heterogeneous Medium for Ground-Penetrating Radar Simulation
* refinement framework for background subtraction based on color and depth data, A
* Regionally and Locally Adaptive Models for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters From Remotely Sensed Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Regression based landmark estimation and multi-feature fusion for visual speech recognition
* Regression-Based Facial Expression Optimization
* Regularized Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction
* Regularizing Visual Semantic Embedding With Contrastive Learning for Image-Text Matching
* Relative Impact of Ghosting and Noise on the Perceived Quality of MR Images, The
* Remote Sensing Extraction of Agricultural Land in Shandong Province, China, from 2016 to 2020 Based on Google Earth Engine
* Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Based on Dense Channel Attention Network
* Remote Sensing Time Series Classification Based on Self-Attention Mechanism and Time Sequence Enhancement
* RepSGG: Novel Representations of Entities and Relationships for Scene Graph Generation
* Research on CNN Algorithm for Monochromatic Fabric Defect Detection
* Research on focal segmentation of bone scan based on Swin Transformer
* Research on Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping Method for Underground Long-Narrow Tunnels
* Research on Reliable Long-Baseline NRTK Positioning Method Considering Ionospheric Residual Interpolation Uncertainty
* Residual Deformable Convolution for better image de-weathering
* Resource Planning Under Hypercube Queuing Equilibrium With Server Disruptions and Cooperative Dispatches
* Rethinking of Radar's Role: A Camera-Radar Dataset and Systematic Annotator via Coordinate Alignment
* Rethinking the Up-Sampling Operations in CNN-Based Generative Network for Generalizable Deepfake Detection
* Retrieval of Stratospheric Ozone Profiles from Limb Scattering Measurements of the Backward Limb Spectrometer on Chinese Space Laboratory Tiangong-2: Preliminary Results
* Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters Based on Near-Surface Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithm
* Retrieving the Lake Trophic Level Index with Landsat-8 Image by Atmospheric Parameter and RBF: A Case Study of Lakes in Wuhan, China
* Retrieving Water Quality Parameters from Noisy-Label Data Based on Instance Selection
* RFI Suppression Based on Atomic Norm Minimization in SAR Signal Recovery
* RIATIG: Reliable and Imperceptible Adversarial Text-to-Image Generation with Natural Prompts
* Rigorous Boresight Self-Calibration of Mobile and UAV LiDAR Scanning Systems by Strip Adjustment
* Road Marking Detection Based on Mask R-CNN Instance Segmentation Model
* Robot Hand-Eye Coordination: Shape Description and Grasping
* Robust 3D Action Recognition Through Sampling Local Appearances and Global Distributions
* Robust and hierarchical watermarking of encrypted images based on Compressive Sensing
* Robust Audio-Visual Mandarin Speech Recognition Based On Adaptive Decision Fusion And Tone Features
* Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Hybrid Fusion
* Robust block sparse discriminative classification framework
* Robust Detection of Abandoned and Removed Objects in Complex Surveillance Videos
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Sparse Combination of Data Points
* Robust facial landmark detection by probability-guided hourglass network
* Robust Formation Control for Multiple Quadrotors With Nonlinearities and Disturbances
* Robust hand tracking based on online learning and multi-cue flocks of features
* Robust Hand Tracking with Hough Forest and Multi-cue Flocks of Features
* Robust human tracking based on multi-cue integration and mean-shift
* Robust subspace clustering based on inter-cluster correlation reduction by low rank representation
* Robust Traffic Control Model Considering Uncertainties in Turning Ratios, A
* Robust Traffic Control Using a First Order Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model
* RODNet: Radar Object Detection using Cross-Modal Supervision
* Safety-Assured Model-Driven Design of the Multifunction Vehicle Bus Controller
* Saliency detection via global-object-seed-guided cellular automata
* Saliency Dispersion Measure for Improving Saliency-Based Image Quality Metrics, A
* Sample Fusion Network: An End-to-End Data Augmentation Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Satellite and Machine Learning Monitoring of Optically Inactive Water Quality Variability in a Tropical River
* Satellite Video Super-Resolution Based on Adaptively Spatiotemporal Neighbors and Nonlocal Similarity Regularization
* Satellite-Based Operational Real-Time Drought Monitoring in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River Basin
* SaTransformer: Semantic-aware transformer for breast cancer classification and segmentation
* Scalable Video Multicast in Hybrid 3G/Ad-Hoc Networks
* Scene-Adaptive Hierarchical Data Association for Multiple Objects Tracking
* SDM-BSM: A fusing depth scheme for human action recognition
* Seasonal Trends in Clouds and Radiation over the Arctic Seas from Satellite Observations during 1982 to 2019
* Seasonal Variability of Arctic Mid-Level Clouds and the Relationships with Sea Ice from 2003 to 2022: A Satellite Perspective
* Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
* Secure and Flexible Data Sharing With Dual Privacy Protection in Vehicular Digital Twin Networks
* SegHSI: Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images With Limited Labeled Pixels
* Segment and Label Indoor Scene Based on RGB-D for the Visually Impaired
* Segmentation method of multiple sclerosis lesions based on 3D-CNN networks
* Segmentation of myocardium using velocity field constrained front propagation
* Self-Adaptive Optimization Individual Tree Modeling Method for Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Self-Refining Deep Symmetry Enhanced Network for Rain Removal
* Self-Supervised 3D Skeleton Representation Learning with Active Sampling and Adaptive Relabeling for Action Recognition
* Self-supervised 3D vehicle detection based on monocular images
* Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth Estimation for Dynamic Scenes
* Self-Supervised Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Semantic Context Encoding for Accurate 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
* Semantic Enhancement of Human Urban Activity Chain Construction Using Mobile Phone Signaling Data
* Semantic Path Planning for Indoor Navigation Tasks Using Multi-View Context and Prior Knowledge
* Semantic-embedded Unsupervised Spectral Reconstruction from Single RGB Images in the Wild
* Semantics-Guided Contrastive Network for Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Tensor Low-Rank Representation
* Semidefinite Programming Methods for Alleviating Clock Synchronization Bias and Sensor Position Errors in TDOA Localization
* Separate to Adapt: Open Set Domain Adaptation via Progressive Separation
* SepLUT: Separable Image-Adaptive Lookup Tables for Real-Time Image Enhancement
* Sequential Learning for Ingredient Recognition From Images
* Sequential Parameter Estimation of Modal Dispersion Curves with an Adaptive Particle Filter in Shallow Water: Experimental Results
* Set-Based Boosting for Instance-Level Transfer on Multi-Classification
* Set-based classification for person re-identification utilizing mutual-information
* Ship Classification in Medium-Resolution SAR Images via Densely Connected Triplet CNNs Integrating Fisher Discrimination Regularized Metric Learning
* Ship Object Detection of Remote Sensing Image Based on Visual Attention
* Siamese Graph Learning for Semi-Supervised Age Estimation
* Silhouette Analysis for Human Action Recognition Based on Supervised Temporal t-SNE and Incremental Learning
* Similarity-Aware and Variational Deep Adversarial Learning for Robust Facial Age Estimation
* Simultaneous Radio Frequency and Wideband Interference Suppression in SAR Signals via Sparsity Exploitation in Time-Frequency Domain
* Single Satellite Imagery Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Colorization Using Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks
* Skew detection for complex document images using robust borderlines in both text and non-text regions
* Slice-Based Instance and Semantic Segmentation for Low-Channel Roadside LiDAR Data
* SlowLiDAR: Increasing the Latency of LiDAR-Based Detection Using Adversarial Examples
* Small Scale Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
* Smile Detection in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features
* Social Image-Text Sentiment Classification With Cross-Modal Consistency and Knowledge Distillation
* Software Vulnerability Detection Based on Anomaly-Attention
* Soil and Rockfill Dams Safety Assessment for Henan Province: Monitoring, Analysis and Prediction
* Soil Moisture Estimation for Winter-Wheat Waterlogging Monitoring by Assimilating Remote Sensing Inversion Data into the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model
* Soil Organic Carbon Estimation via Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques: Global Topic Modeling and Research Trend Exploration
* Solving Competitive Location Problems with Social Media Data Based on Customers' Local Sensitivities
* Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Aerial Moving Target Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Velocity Search
* Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning with Linear Dynamical Systems
* Sparse patch-based representation with combined information of atlas for multi-atlas label fusion
* Spatial Pyramid Based Graph Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation
* Spatial-Temporal Data Augmentation Based on LSTM Autoencoder Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Spatiotemporal Detection and Analysis of Urban Villages in Mega City Regions of China Using High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Fractional Vegetation Cover and Its Response to Climate Change Based on MODIS Data in the Subtropical Region of China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Expansion Using Landsat Time Series Data and Assessment of Its Influences on Forests
* Spatiotemporal LUCC Simulation under Different RCP Scenarios Based on the BPNN_CA_Markov Model: A Case Study of Bamboo Forest in Anji County
* Speed up Object Detection on Gigapixel-level Images with Patch Arrangement
* SPSD: Semantics and Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Motion Planning for Supermarket Robot
* Stacked Sparse Autoencoder-Based Detector for Automatic Identification of Neuromagnetic High Frequency Oscillations in Epilepsy, A
* STAR Loss: Reducing Semantic Ambiguity in Facial Landmark Detection
* STARRIS-Assisted IoV NOMA Networks With Hardware Impairments and Imperfect CSI
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment combining statistical features and binocular theory
* Strategies to Utilize the Positive Emotional Contagion Optimally in Crowd Evacuation
* Structural sparse representation-based semi-supervised learning and edge detection proposal for visual tracking
* Structure-constrained low-rank and partial sparse representation for image classification
* Structure-Constrained Low-Rank and Partial Sparse Representation with Sample Selection for image classification
* Structure-Preserving Random Noise Attenuation Method for Seismic Data Based on a Flexible Attention CNN
* Structured Attention Guided Convolutional Neural Fields for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Structured Output-Associated Dictionary Learning for Haptic Understanding
* Study of Saliency in Objective Video Quality Assessment
* study on content-based video recommendation, A
* Study on dynamic sharing of military shortwave frequency spectrum
* Study on military shortwave frequency planning
* Study on Prediction Model of Gully Volume Based on Morphological Features in the JINSHA Dry-Hot Valley Region of Southwest China, A
* Study on the Feasibility and Performance Evaluation of High-Orbit Spacecraft Orbit Determination Based on GNSS/SLR/VLBI
* Study on the meso-structure image of shale based on the digital image processing technique
* Style-Agnostic Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Subjective Assessment of Image Quality Induced Saliency Variation
* Subsidence Monitoring Base on SBAS-InSAR and Slope Stability Analysis Method for Damage Analysis in Mountainous Mining Subsidence Regions
* Subspace Algorithm to Mitigate Energy Unknown RFI for Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer, A
* Superpixel Graph Contrastive Clustering With Semantic-Invariant Augmentations for Hyperspectral Images
* Superpixel-Based Multiple Local CNN for Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Classification
* Superpixel-Guided Layer-Wise Embedding CNN for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Superresolution ISAR Imaging Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Superresolution ISAR Imaging Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Survey on GAN-based face hallucination with its model development
* SVD-SIFT for web near-duplicate image detection
* Swarm model for cooperative multi-vehicle mobility with inter-vehicle communications
* SwinFSR: Stereo Image Super-Resolution using SwinIR and Frequency Domain Knowledge
* Syntax-Aware Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* SYRER: Synergistic Relational Reasoning for RGB-D Cross-Modal Re-Identification
* System For Human Face And Facial Feature Location, A
* Tangent-Based Path Planning for UAV in a 3-D Low Altitude Urban Environment
* Target Localization in High-Coherence Multipath Environment Based on Low-Rank Decomposition and Sparse Representation
* Target segmentation of industrial smoke image based on LBP Silhouettes coefficient variant (LBPSCV) algorithm
* Target tracker with masked discriminative correlation filter
* Task-balanced distillation for object detection
* TDFPI: A Three-Dimensional and Full Parameter Inversion Model and Its Application for Building Damage Assessment in Guotun Coal Mining Areas, Shandong, China
* Teeth-SEG: An Efficient Instance Segmentation Framework for Orthodontic Treatment Based on Multi-Scale Aggregation and Anthropic Prior Knowledge
* Temperature and Relative Humidity Profile Retrieval from Fengyun-3D/HIRAS in the Arctic Region
* Temperature and Relative Humidity Profile Retrieval from Fengyun-3D/VASS in the Arctic Region Using Neural Networks
* Temporal Action Detection by Joint Identification-Verification
* Tensor Graphical Model: Non-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference
* Text-Based Person Search via Cross-Modal Alignment Learning
* Theoretical View of Linear Backpropagation and its Convergence, A
* Three-Dimensional Surface Deformation Characteristics Based on Time Series InSAR and GPS Technologies in Beijing, China
* Three-Layered Graph-Based Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* Three-Step Approach for TLS Point Cloud Classification, A
* Time-Domain Simulation System of MICAP L-Band Radiometer for Pre-Launch RFI Processing Study, A
* Timecraft: Navigate Weakly-supervised Temporal Grounded Video Question Answering via Bi-directional Reasoning
* Timetable Optimization for Regenerative Energy Utilization in Subway Systems
* TIR-YOLO-ADAS: A thermal infrared object detection framework for advanced driver assistance systems
* TokenHPE: Learning Orientation Tokens for Efficient Head Pose Estimation via Transformers
* Tour of Convolutional Networks Guided by Linear Interpreters, A
* Toward a Reliable Collection of Eye-Tracking Data for Image Quality Research: Challenges, Solutions, and Applications
* Toward an Enhanced Human-Machine Interface for Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control With Combined EMG and NIRS Signals
* Toward Efficient Action Recognition: Principal Backpropagation for Training Two-Stream Networks
* Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding
* Toward Quantifiable Face Age Transformation Under Attribute Unbias
* Toward Robust Image Denoising via Flow-Based Joint Image and Noise Model
* Towards Domain Generalization In Underwater Object Detection
* Towards Multi-domain Single Image Dehazing via Test-time Training
* Towards Robust Person Re-Identification by Defending Against Universal Attackers
* Towards Robust Person Re-Identification Via Efficient and Generalized Adversarial Training
* Towards Visual Feature Translation
* TPN: Topological Perception Network For 3d Mesh Representation
* Tracking the Development of Lit Fisheries by Using DMSP/OLS Data in the Open South China Sea
* Tracking the Early Movements of Northeast China Cold Vortices Using FY-3D MWTS-2 Observations of Brightness Temperature
* Traffic Data Reconstruction via Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Correlations
* Train-Centric Communication-Based New Movement Authority Proposal for ETCS-2, A
* Transferring Adult-Like Phase Images for Robust Multi-View Isointense Infant Brain Segmentation
* Transformer for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Transit Signal Priority Controlling Method Considering Non-Transit Traffic Benefits and Coordinated Phase States for Multi-Rings Timing Plan at Isolated Intersections
* TransKD: Transformer Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* Transmural Imaging of Ventricular Action Potentials and Post-Infarction Scars in Swine Hearts
* Triplet Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Pixel-Level Classification of VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Two-branch Neural Network for Non-homogeneous Dehazing via Ensemble Learning, A
* Two-Level Multi-Task Metric Learning with Application to Multi-Classification
* Two-Stream Transformer Networks for Video-Based Face Alignment
* UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imaging Remote Sensing System Based on Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter for Water Quality Monitoring
* Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causation Understanding of Video Anomaly
* Understanding Convolutional Networks Using Linear Interpreters - Extended Abstract
* Underwater Image Enhancement Using a Mixed Generative Adversarial Network
* Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Controllable Image-to-Image Translation
* Unified Intra Mode Coding Based on Short and Long Range Correlations
* Universal Adversarial Perturbation via Prior Driven Uncertainty Approximation
* Universal Perturbation Attack Against Image Retrieval
* Unpaired Image Super-Resolution Using a Lightweight Invertible Neural Network
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Style Decoupling and Uncertainty Modeling
* Unsupervised Graph Association for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised multi-target trajectory detection, learning and analysis in complicated environments
* Unusual events detection based on multi-dictionary sparse representation using kinect
* Upper Bounds of Cellular Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Latency for Platoon-Based Autonomous Driving, The
* Use of Landscape Metrics and Transfer Learning to Explore Urban Villages in China, The
* Using My Artistic Style? You Must Obtain My Authorization
* Using Tabu Search to Avoid Concave Obstacles for Source Location
* Using the original and symmetrical face training samples to perform representation based two-step face recognition
* VADiffusion: Compressed Domain Information Guided Conditional Diffusion for Video Anomaly Detection
* Variance-Reduced Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm In Xfel Single-Particle Imaging Phase Retrieval
* Video Logo Retrieval Based on Local Features
* Video oriented filter for impulse noise reduction
* Video Stabilization for Strict Real-Time Applications
* Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Motion Context
* Violence detection using Oriented VIolent Flows
* VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* Visual Object Localization in Image Collections
* Visual Odometry Algorithm Based on Deep Learning
* Visual Odometry based on Semantic Supervision
* Visual Saliency Detection via Sparsity Pursuit
* Visual Security Evaluation of Perceptually Encrypted Images Based on Image Importance
* Visual Sign Language Recognition Based on HMMs and Auto-regressive HMMs
* Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Feature Extraction by Using Deep Learning
* Visualization of Point Cloud Models In Mobile Augmented Reality Using Continuous Level of Detail Method
* Visualization of Taxi Drivers' Income and Mobility Intelligence
* Vocabulary-Wide Credit Assignment for Training Image Captioning Models
* Voxel Graph CNN for Object Classification with Event Cameras, A
* Voxel-Based Method for Automated Identification and Morphological Parameters Estimation of Individual Street Trees from Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* Wasserstein GAN With Quadratic Transport Cost
* Wave Height Estimation from Shadowing Based on the Acquired X-Band Marine Radar Images in Coastal Area
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation With Cross-View U-Shaped Graph Convolutional Network
* Web-image driven best views of 3D shapes
* Weighted subspace anomaly detection in high-dimensional space
* Weighted two-step aggregated VLAD for image retrieval
* What is wrong with mesh PCA in coordinate direction normalization
* When Multi-Focus Image Fusion Networks Meet Traditional Edge-Preservation Technology
* Where Does It Exist: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding for Multi-Form Sentences
* WHU-Smartphone: A Large-Scale Multi-Traffic Scene GNSS Dataset of Android Smartphones and a Low-Cost GNSS Module
* Win-Win by Competition: Auxiliary-Free Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
Includes: Liu, H.[Hong] Liu, H. Liu, H.[Hua] Liu, H.[Huan] Liu, H.[Haode] Liu, H.[Hui] Liu, H.[Hefu] Liu, H.[Hao] Liu, H.[He] Liu, H.[Hanwen] Liu, H.[Hang] Liu, H.[Huanan] Liu, H.[Heng] Liu, H.[Honghong] Liu, H.[Haowei] Liu, H.[Hu] Liu, H.[Han] Liu, H.[Huayao] Liu, H.[Hongen] Liu, H.[Hehao] Liu, H.[Hamlin] Liu, H.[Huakun] Liu, H.[Hai] Liu, H.[Huize] Liu, H.[Henry] Liu, H.[Hewei] Liu, H.[Huabin] Liu, H.[Hanli] Liu, H.[Hunaxi] Liu, H.[Hanyuan] Liu, H.[Haishan] Liu, H.[Huaida] Liu, H.[Haonan] Liu, H.[Hanchao] Liu, H.[Haokun] Liu, H.[Haixu] Liu, H.[Hanhu] Liu, H.[Haikuo] Liu, H.[Huanling] Liu, H.[Huanhuan] Liu, H.[Huiyong] Liu, H.[Helin] Liu, H.[Hengyuan] Liu, H.[Hanruo] Liu, H.[Houbiao] Liu, H.[Huadai] Liu, H.[Huahao] Liu, H.[Haoze] Liu, H.[Huiting] Liu, H.[Huabing] Liu, H.[Huikai] Liu, H.[Haohe] Liu, H.[Haosen] Liu, H.[Hehan] Liu, H.[Hongda] Liu, H.[Haicheng] Liu, H.[Huaiyu] Liu, H.[Hongdou] Liu, H.[Hehe] Liu, H.[Hengyue] Liu, H.[Hailei] Liu, H.[Huiran] Liu, H.[Hailun] Liu, H.[Hairuo] Liu, H.[Hongwu] Liu, H.[Huicui] Liu, H.[Haodi] Liu, H.[Huiwang] Liu, H.[Huaxue] Liu, H.[Hangyu] Liu, H.[Haiguang]
861 for Liu, H.
Liu, H.B.[Huai Bo]
Co Author Listing * 2nd 106-point Lightweight Facial Landmark Localization Grand Challenge, The
* Bayesian frame interpolation by fusing multiple motion-compensated prediction frames
* BIM: Image matching using biological gene sequence alignment
* Bounding Boxes Are All We Need: Street View Image Classification via Context Encoding of Detected Buildings
* Combating Coronary Calcium Scoring Bias for Non-gated CT by Semantic Learning on Gated CT
* Comparative Study of Visual Tracking Method: A Probabilistic Approach for Pose Estimation Using Lines
* Data Poisoning Based Backdoor Attacks to Contrastive Learning
* effects of temperature variation on videometric measurement and a compensation method, The
* Enhancing Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions Through Entropy and Guided Multimodal Fusion
* Enhancing Self-supervised Video Representation Learning via Multi-level Feature Optimization
* Excitations of Seasonal Polar Motions Derived from Satellite Gravimetry and General Circulation Models: Comparisons of Harmonic and Inharmonic Analyses
* Exploring the Influencing Factors in Identifying Soil Texture Classes Using Multitemporal Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data
* FSNet: Focus Scanning Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Generic segment-wise DC for 3D-HEVC depth intra coding
* Hierarchical Framework for Motion Trajectory Forecasting Based on Modality Sampling, A
* HiEve: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Human-Centric Video Analysis in Complex Events
* Identifying Dynamic Changes in Water Surface Using Sentinel-1 Data Based on Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning Techniques
* Implicit Seleted Transform Skip Method for AVS3
* Learning Scale-Consistent Attention Part Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Mapping Rice Paddy Based on Machine Learning with Sentinel-2 Multi-Temporal Data: Model Comparison and Transferability
* Modified Syn2real Network for Nighttime Rainy Image Restoration, A
* Monitoring Abnormal Patterns with Complex Semantics over ICU Data Streams
* Monitoring the Area Change in the Three Gorges Reservoir Riparian Zone Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimized Machine Learning Algorithms and Sentinel-1 Data
* Motion Vector Coding and Block Merging in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
* Motion-compensated frame interpolation using patch-based sparseland model
* MVP-Stereo: A Parallel Multi-View Patchmatch Stereo Method with Dilation Matching for Photogrammetric Application
* Nighttime image dehazing based on Retinex and dark channel prior using Taylor series expansion
* novel multiplex cascade classifier for pedestrian detection, A
* On Trustworthy Decision-Making Process of Human Drivers From the View of Perceptual Uncertainty Reduction
* Parameterized Gompertz-Guided Morphological AutoEncoder for Predicting Pulmonary Nodule Growth
* Point Cloud Convolution Network Based on Spatial Location Correspondence
* PointCert: Point Cloud Classification with Deterministic Certified Robustness Guarantees
* PointGuard: Provably Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification
* Predicting Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Nitrogen Stocks in Topsoil of Forest Ecosystems in Northeastern China Using Remote Sensing Data
* Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon under Different Land Use Types Using Sentinel-1/-2 Data in a Small Watershed
* Prediction With Multicross Component for Future Video Coding
* Probabilistic approach for maximum likelihood estimation of pose using lines
* Projection for Pattern Recognition
* PTM-VQA: Efficient Video Quality Assessment Leveraging Diverse PreTrained Models from the Wild
* PWISeg: Weakly-Supervised Surgical Instrument Instance Segmentation
* Real-time multi-class moving target tracking and recognition
* SEEM: A Sequence Entropy Energy-Based Model for Pedestrian Trajectory All-Then-One Prediction
* Semi-Leak: Membership Inference Attacks Against Semi-supervised Learning
* Simulation and Analysis of the Mesoscale Vortex Affecting the 21-7 Extreme Rainstorm in Henan
* Single image deraining using Context Aggregation Recurrent Network
* Spatial Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content Utilizing PlanetScope, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-1 Data
* Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging for Defense and Security Applications
* Texture based sub-PU motion inheritance for depth coding
* Two-Pass Bi-Directional Optical Flow Via Motion Vector Refinement
* Unified and Real-Time Image Geo-Localization via Fine-Grained Overlap Estimation
* Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Self-Training and Knowledge Distillation
* Video linkage: group based copied video detection
* Wavelet Pyramid Based Multi-Resolution Bilateral Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion
Includes: Liu, H.B.[Huai Bo] Liu, H.B.[Huai-Bo] Liu, H.B.[Hong-Bin] Liu, H.B.[Hai-Bin] Liu, H.B.[Hong-Bo] Liu, H.B.[Hai-Bo] Liu, H.B.[Hua-Bin] Liu, H.B.[Hong-Bing] Liu, H.B.[Hai-Bing] Liu, H.B.[Horng-Bin] Liu, H.B.
53 for Liu, H.B.
Liu, H.C.[Hong Che]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy vs. Efficiency Trade-Offs in Optical Flow Algorithms
* Attention-Based Self-Supervised Learning Monocular Depth Estimation With Edge Refinement
* Atypical Salient Regions Enhancement Network for visual saliency prediction of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Characterizing Light Pollution Trends across Protected Areas in China Using Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data
* Conditional Predictive Behavior Planning With Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Human-Like Autonomous Driving
* Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Security Evaluation
* Corner Detection from Chain-Code
* Enhancing Realism in Modeling Merge Junctions in Analytical Models for System-Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment
* Evaluating Street Lighting Quality in Residential Areas by Combining Remote Sensing Tools and a Survey on Pedestrians' Perceptions of Safety and Visual Comfort
* GameFormer: Game-theoretic Modeling and Learning of Transformer-based Interactive Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Driving
* General Motion Model and Spatiotemporal Filters for Computing Optical-Flow, A
* Generalized Motion Model for Estimating Optical Flow Using 3-D Hermite Polynomials, A
* GPRInvNet: Deep Learning-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Inversion for Tunnel Linings
* High-speed video generation with an event camera
* Image Gradient Evolution: A Visual Cue for Collision Avoidance
* Interaction-guided Two-branch Image Dehazing Network
* Learnable Descent Algorithm for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Image Reconstruction
* Louvain-Based Traffic Object Detection for Roadside 4D Millimeter-Wave Radar
* Map-Adaptive Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Intention-Aware Unimodal Trajectory Predictors
* Mapping Sandy Land Using the New Sand Differential Emissivity Index From Thermal Infrared Emissivity Data
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction
* Motion-Model-Based Boundary Extraction and a Real-Time Implementation
* Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for Surface Water Extraction in Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Images
* New Dynamic Approach for Finding the Contour of Bi-Level Images, A
* Ongoing Conflict Makes Yemen Dark: From the Perspective of Nighttime Light
* Partial Shape Classification Using Contour Matching in Distance Transformation
* Pattern Recognition Using Evolution Algorithms with Fast Simulated Annealing
* Personalized face verification system using owner-specific cluster-dependent LDA-subspace
* Properties of high-order ghost imaging with natural light
* Quantitative Identification of Driver Distraction: A Weakly Supervised Contrastive Learning Approach
* Real-Time Computer Vision Platform for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* Regional Recognition and Classification of Active Loess Landslides Using Two-Dimensional Deformation Derived from Sentinel-1 Interferometric Radar Data
* Relative Radiation Normalization Method of ISS Nighttime Light Images Based on Pseudo Invariant Features, A
* Research in HDFS based on the campus network environment
* Research on Comfort Evaluation Model of Urban Residents' Public Space Lighting Integrating Public Perception and Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data
* Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmospheric Parameters From Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Image Using a Feature-Band Linear-Format Hybrid Algorithm
* Rigidity Strengthening of Landslide Materials Measured by Seismic Interferometry
* Safety-Aware Human-in-the-Loop Reinforcement Learning With Shared Control for Autonomous Driving
* Skeleton-CutMix: Mixing Up Skeleton With Probabilistic Bone Exchange for Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Spatio-temporal filters for transparent motion segmentation
* Stereo Vision Using a Microcanonical Mean-Field Annealing Neural-Network
* String Descriptor for Matching Partial Shapes, A
* Towards Fast and Accurate Intimate Contact Recognition through Video Analysis
* Trajectory tracking and prediction of pedestrian's crossing intention using roadside LiDAR
Includes: Liu, H.C.[Hong Che] Liu, H.C.[Hong-Che] Liu, H.C.[Hai-Chun] Liu, H.C.[Hui-Chan] Liu, H.C.[Hao-Chen] Liu, H.C.[Hang-Cheng] Liu, H.C. Liu, H.C.[Hong-Chao] Liu, H.C.[Han-Chi] Liu, H.C.[Han-Chao] Liu, H.C.[Hui-Chun] Liu, H.C.[Hong-Cheng] Liu, H.C.[Hsien-Chang] Liu, H.C.[Hao-Cheng] Liu, H.C.[Hui-Chao] Liu, H.C.[Hsin-Chang] Liu, H.C.[Heng-Chang]
44 for Liu, H.C.
Liu, H.C.H.[Hain Ching H.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Determination of Scene Changes
* Automatic scene decomposition and optimization of MPEG compressed video
Includes: Liu, H.C.H.[Hain Ching H.] Liu, H.C.H.[Hain-Ching H.]
Liu, H.D.[Hui Dong]
Co Author Listing * Bilinear Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* BRoPH: An efficient and compact binary descriptor for 3D point clouds
* CMA-CLIP: Cross-Modality Attention Clip for Text-Image Classification
* Deep graph matching meets mixed-integer linear programming: Relax or not?
* Development of ground experiment system for space robot performing fine manipulation
* Distinguishing Dominant Drivers on LST Dynamics in the Qinling-Daba Mountains in Central China from 2000 to 2020
* Fast Local Histogram Specification
* Forearm multimodal recognition based on IAHP-entropy weight combination
* FV-Net: learning a finger-vein feature representation based on a CNN
* Hierarchical Conditional Semi-Paired Image-to-Image Translation for Multi-Task Image Defect Correction on Shopping Websites
* Local histogram specification for face recognition under varying lighting conditions
* Local histogram specification using learned histograms for face recognition
* MRG-OHTC Database for Online Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition
* MvAV-pix2pixHD: Multi-view Aerial View Image Translation
* pose measurement method of a non-cooperative GEO spacecraft based on stereo vision, A
* Spatiotemporal Evolution in the Thermal Environment and Impact Analysis of Drivers in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration of China from 2000 to 2020
* Topogan: A Topology-aware Generative Adversarial Network
Includes: Liu, H.D.[Hui Dong] Liu, H.D.[Hui-Dong] Liu, H.D.[Hou-De] Liu, H.D.[Hua-Dong] Liu, H.D.[Hao-Dong] Liu, H.D.[Hong-Da] Liu, H.D.[Hui-Dan]
17 for Liu, H.D.
Liu, H.E.
Co Author Listing * Online Regulation of High Speed Train Trajectory Control Based on T-S Fuzzy Bilinear Model
Liu, H.F.[Hai Feng]
Co Author Listing * A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for image representation
* Accurate Detection of Proteins in Cryo-Electron Tomograms from Sparse Labels
* Anatomically Guided PET Image Reconstruction Using Conditional Weakly-Supervised Multi-Task Learning Integrating Self-Attention
* Annotation-Free Restoration Network for Cataractous Fundus Images, An
* CG-Cast: Scalable Wireless Image SoftCast Using Compressive Gradient
* CLIP is Also an Efficient Segmenter: A Text-Driven Approach for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Cluster-wise Hierarchical Generative Model for Deep Amortized Clustering
* Cluster-Wise Weighted NMF for Hyperspectral Images Unmixing with Imbalanced Data
* Co-LDL: A Co-Training-Based Label Distribution Learning Method for Tackling Label Noise
* COLA-Net: Collaborative Attention Network for Image Restoration
* Combined Forecasting Method of Landslide Deformation Based on MEEMD, Approximate Entropy, and WLS-SVM
* Compressive gradient based scalable image SoftCast
* Constrained Concept Factorization for Image Representation
* Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Representation
* convex neighbor-constrained active contour model for image segmentation, A
* Convolutional Embedding Makes Hierarchical Vision Transformer Stronger
* Correlation-Guided Ensemble Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Deblurring Saturated Night Image With Function-Form Kernel
* Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
* Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
* Deep Nonnegative Dictionary Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Deeptkaclassifier: Brand Classification of Total Knee Arthroplasty Implants Using Explainable Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* DetailCaptureYOLO: Accurately Detecting Small Targets in UAV Aerial Images
* DID-M3D: Decoupling Instance Depth for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Drag Your Noise: Interactive Point-based Editing via Diffusion Semantic Propagation
* Elastographic image reconstruction: A stochastic state space approach
* Exploiting Temporal Relations on Radar Perception for Autonomous Driving
* Exploiting Web Images for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition by Eliminating Open-Set Noise and Utilizing Hard Examples
* Exploiting Web Images for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition via Dynamic Loss Correction and Global Sample Selection
* Exploring The Connectivity Of Ecological Corridors Between Low Elevation Mountains And Pingtung Linhousilin Forest Park Of Taiwan By Least-cost Path Method
* Gesture segmentation based on monocular vision using skin color and motion cues
* Gradient based image/video SoftCast with grouped-patch collaborative reconstruction
* H-inf filtering and physical modeling for robust kinematics estimation
* Image denoising via adaptive soft-thresholding based on non-local samples
* Improving Building Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery by Combining Coarse Location and Co-Segmentation
* Improving face representation learning with center invariant loss
* Interpretable Image Recognition by Constructing Transparent Embedding Space
* Investigation of Urbanization Effects on Land Surface Phenology in Northeast China during 2001-2015
* Kinship Classification through Latent Adaptive Subspace
* Kinship verification based on status-aware projection learning
* Learning With Imbalanced Noisy Data by Preventing Bias in Sample Selection
* Level Set Active Contours on Unstructured Point Cloud
* Lidar Point Cloud Guided Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Line-Constrained Shape Feature for Building Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
* LMPDNET: TOF-PET List-Mode Image Reconstruction Using Model-Based Deep Learning Method
* Locally discriminative topic modeling
* Marginalized Latent Semantic Encoder for Zero-Shot Learning
* MaskDis R-CNN: An instance segmentation algorithm with adversarial network for herd pigs
* Meshfree particle method
* Metric learning with two-dimensional smoothness for visual analysis
* Multiframe nonrigid motion analysis with anisotropic spatial constraints: applications to cardiac image analysis
* Neighbor-constrained active contours without edges
* Neighborhood Aided Implicit Active Contours
* Noninvasive electrocardiographic imaging with low-rank and non-local total variation regularization
* Noninvasive volumetric imaging of cardiac electrophysiology
* Nonlocal Low-Rank and Total Variation Constrained PET Image Reconstruction
* On the Diversity of Conditional Image Synthesis With Semantic Layouts
* Partition Level Constrained Clustering
* Pet image reconstruction: GPU-accelerated particle filter framework
* Second-Order Unsupervised Feature Selection via Knowledge Contrastive Distillation
* Self-paced principal component analysis
* SelfDoc: Self-Supervised Document Representation Learning
* Separable Kernel for Image Deblurring
* Simultaneous estimation of left ventricular motion and material properties with maximum a posteriori strategy
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Motion Recovery in 3D Cardiac Image Analysis
* Sparse Fuse Dense: Towards High Quality 3D Detection with Depth Completion
* Spatially Constrained GAN for Face and Fashion Synthesis
* Spk2ImgNet: Learning to Reconstruct Dynamic Scene from Continuous Spike Stream
* SRSe-Net: Super-Resolution-Based Semantic Segmentation Network for Green Tide Extraction
* State-Space Analysis of Cardiac Motion With Biomechanical Constraints
* State-Space Reconstruction of Pet Parametric Maps
* Study of a Gray Genetic BP Neural Network Model in Fault Monitoring and a Diagnosis System for Dam Safety
* TASeg: Temporal Aggregation Network for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
* Towards Novel Target Discovery Through Open-Set Domain Adaptation
* Transforming Complex Problems Into K-Means Solutions
* Transparent Embedding Space for Interpretable Image Recognition
* Uncertainty Penalized Weighted Least Squares Framework for PET Reconstruction Under Uncertain System Models
* VideoMAC: Video Masked Autoencoders Meet ConvNets
* Visual Kinship Recognition of Families in the Wild
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Joint Image Denoising and Protein Localization in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Includes: Liu, H.F.[Hai Feng] Liu, H.F.[Hai-Feng] Liu, H.F.[Hsuan-Fu] Liu, H.F.[Hua-Feng] Liu, H.F.[Hao-Feng] Liu, H.F.[Hang-Fan] Liu, H.F.[Hong-Fu] Liu, H.F.[Hong-Fang] Liu, H.F.[Hong-Fei] Liu, H.F. Liu, H.F.[Hai-Fei] Liu, H.F.[Hui-Fang]
80 for Liu, H.F.
Liu, H.G.[Hong Gu]
Co Author Listing * FAMSeC: A Few-Shot-Sample-Based General AI-Generated Image Detection Method
* Hydrodynamic and Inundation Modeling of China's Largest Freshwater Lake Aided by Remote Sensing Data
* It Wasn't Me: Irregular Identity in Deepfake Videos
* Moving Objects Segmentation from compressed surveillance video based on Motion Estimation
* novel scheme to code object flags for video synopsis, A
* Spatial-Phase Shallow Learning: Rethinking Face Forgery Detection in Frequency Domain
* Target localization and defect detection of distribution insulators based on ECA-SqueezeNet and CVAE-GAN
* TERA: Screen-to-Camera Image Code With Transparency, Efficiency, Robustness and Adaptability
Includes: Liu, H.G.[Hong Gu] Liu, H.G.[Hong-Gu] Liu, H.G.[Hong-Gao] Liu, H.G.[He-Guang] Liu, H.G.[Hong-Gang]
8 for Liu, H.G.
Liu, H.H.[Hong Hai]
Co Author Listing * Accurately estimating rigid transformations in registration using a boosting-inspired mechanism
* Advances in View-Invariant Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Age estimation via fusion of multiple binary age grouping systems
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation for ASD Diagnosis
* Application of Syntactic Pattern Recognition to Seismic Discrimination, An
* AutoENP: An Auto Rating Pipeline for Expressing Needs via Pointing Protocol
* Automatic segmentation of left and right ventricles in cardiac MRI using 3D-ASM and deep learning
* Automatic Tracking Method for 3D Human Motion Pose Using Contrastive Learning
* Cascade support vector regression-based facial expression-aware face frontalization
* Closed-Loop Construction and Analysis of Cortico-Muscular-Cortical Functional Network After Stroke
* Collaboration or Competition: An Infomax-Based Period-Aware Transformer for Ticket-Grabbing Prediction
* Color quantization by 3D spherical Fibonacci lattices
* Comparison of subjective viewing test methods for image quality assessment
* Complementarity Characteristics of Actual and Potential Evapotranspiration and Spatiotemporal Changes in Evapotranspiration Drought Index over Ningxia in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River in China
* Contrast-dependent surround suppression models for contour detection
* Coordinated Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Improvement for Electric Vehicles Based on a Real-Time NMPC Strategy
* Deep Depth Completion From Extremely Sparse Data: A Survey
* Deep EEG Superresolution via Correlating Brain Structural and Functional Connectivities
* Deep Learning Based Just Noticeable Difference and Perceptual Quality Prediction Models for Compressed Video
* DEM Void Filling Based on Context Attention Generation Model
* Depth perceptual quality assessment for symmetrically and asymmetrically distorted stereoscopic 3D videos
* Discovering Syntactic Interaction Clues for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Distribution-Oriented Aesthetics Assessment With Semantic-Aware Hybrid Network
* Dual Regression-Enhanced Gaze Target Detection in the Wild
* Early Screening of Autism in Toddlers via Response-To-Instructions Protocol
* Facial Expression-Aware Face Frontalization
* Facial makeup detection via selected gradient orientation of entropy information
* Flow field texture representation-based motion segmentation for crowd counting
* FM-3DFR: Facial Manipulation-Based 3-D Face Reconstruction
* Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models
* Gaze Estimation by Attention-Induced Hierarchical Variational Auto-Encoder
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Epidemic Areas
* Human-human interaction recognition based on spatial and motion trend feature
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Double-Branch Multi-Scale Dual-Attention Network
* Image indexing using 3D model for image retrieval
* Image Super-Resolution Using Complex Dense Block on Generative Adversarial Networks
* Improved SVD-Based Watermarking for Digital Images
* Improving subpixel stereo matching with segment evolution
* Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Vehicle Stability Control for Extreme Conditions With Safety Dynamic Requirements Analysis
* Interval Fuzzy Controller for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems, An
* Language-assisted Skeleton Action Understanding for Skeleton-based Temporal Action Segmentation
* Learning Nonclassical Receptive Field Modulation for Contour Detection
* Learning Self- and Cross-Triplet Context Clues for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Learning to detect contours in natural images via biologically motivated schemes
* Multi-Scale Attention Learning Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-stage adaptive regression for online activity recognition
* Multilevel Parallel Processing Approach to Scene Labeling Problems, A
* Multimodal Multilevel Converged Attention Network for Hand Gesture Recognition With Hybrid sEMG and A-Mode Ultrasound Sensing, A
* Multiple classifier system with sensitivity based dynamic weighting fusion for hand gesture recognition
* NUMA-aware image compositing on multi-GPU platform
* Object-oriented Map Exploration and Construction Based on Auxiliary Task Aided DRL
* Research on the parallelization of image quality analysis algorithm based on deep learning
* RGB-D sensing based human action and interaction analysis: A survey
* rule-based system for automatic seismic discrimination, A
* Syntactic Approach to Seismic Pattern Recognition, A
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition Approach to Seismic Discrimination, A
* Training Object Detectors from Scratch: An Empirical Study in the Era of Vision Transformer
* Ultrasound as a Neurorobotic Interface: A Review
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Gesture Identification Against Electrode Shift
* Unsupervised Time-Aware Sampling Network With Deep Reinforcement Learning for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
* Viewing-Distance Aware Super-Resolution for High-Definition Display
* Wearable Ultrasound System for Sensing Muscular Morphological Deformations, A
Includes: Liu, H.H.[Hong Hai] Liu, H.H.[Hong-Hai] Liu, H.H. Liu, H.H.[Hai-Hua] Liu, H.H.[Hong-Hui] Liu, H.H.[Hui-Hui] Liu, H.H.[Hsin-Hua] Liu, H.H.[Hang-Hang] Liu, H.H.[Huan-Hua] Liu, H.H.[Heng-Heng] Liu, H.H.[Han-Hu] Liu, H.H.[Hung-Hsun] Liu, H.H.[Hua-Hai] Liu, H.H.[Hsin-Hung] Liu, H.H.[Hsi-Ho]
62 for Liu, H.H.
Liu, H.H.S.
Co Author Listing * LED location beacon system based on processing of digital images
Liu, H.H.T.[Hugh H. T.]
Co Author Listing * Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control for Multiple Vehicle Systems Based on Topology Reconfiguration
* Force-Based Algorithm for Motion Planning of Large Agent
Liu, H.I.[Hou I]
Co Author Listing * CenterRadarNet: Joint 3D Object Detection and Tracking Framework Using 4D FMCW Radar
* DQ-DETR: DETR with Dynamic Query for Tiny Object Detection
* Most Important Person-guided Dual-branch Cross-Patch Attention for Group Affect Recognition
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
Includes: Liu, H.I.[Hou I] Liu, H.I.[Hou-I]
Liu, H.J.[Hua Jun]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Matching of Invariant Features Derived from Irregular Curves
* Adaptive Gabor Filtering Method and Its Application in Edge Detection, An
* AirSOD: A Lightweight Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* AMFuse: Add-Multiply-Based Cross-Modal Fusion Network for Multi-Spectral Semantic Segmentation
* Application of Color Featuring and Deep Learning in Maize Plant Detection
* Automatic Identification and Statistical Analysis of Data Steps in Electric Field Measurements from CSES-01 Satellite
* BES-Net: Boundary Enhancing Semantic Context Network for High-Resolution Image Semantic Segmentation
* Cellular Binary Neural Network for Accurate Image Classification and Semantic Segmentation
* Chaos-based fast colour image encryption scheme with true random number keys from environmental noise
* Clutter Jamming Suppression for Airborne Distributed Coherent Aperture Radar Based on Prior Clutter Subspace Projection
* Colour image encryption scheme based on enhanced quadratic chaotic map
* Construction and Assessment of a Drought-Monitoring Index Based on Multi-Source Data Using a Bias-Corrected Random Forest (BCRF) Model
* CrackFormer Network for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* CrackFormer: Transformer Network for Fine-Grained Crack Detection
* Deep Domain Adaptation for Pavement Crack Detection
* Deep Transfer Learning Toponym Extraction and Geospatial Clustering Framework for Investigating Scenic Spots as Cognitive Regions, A
* DeepCoder: A deep neural network based video compression
* Detecting and Assessing Nondominant Farmland Area with Long-Term MODIS Time Series Images
* Development of glass bottle inspector based on machine vision
* Digital Watermarking for Image Authentication with Localization
* Dual Camera System for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Video Acquisition, A
* Dynamical stochastic resonance for non-uniform illumination image enhancement
* Edge detection with attention: From global view to local focus
* Emitter Signal Deinterleaving Based on Single PDW with Modulation-Hypothesis-Augmented Transformer
* End-to-End Neural Video Coding Using a Compound Spatiotemporal Representation
* Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Anthocyanin Reflectance Index (RMARI)) for Accurate Farmland Shelterbelt Extraction
* Environment-Aware Beam Probing Codebook Design for Two-Timescale Beam Alignment in RIS-Assisted Communication Systems
* Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Evolution of China's Ecological Spatial Network Function-Structure and Its Pattern Optimization
* Event-Guided Person Re-Identification via Sparse-Dense Complementary Learning
* Extended Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Imaging the Ionosphere Using GNSS Data and Its Preliminary Results, An
* Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and U2-Net++ Convolutional Neural Networks
* FlexFormer: Flexible Transformer for efficient visual recognition
* Fourier-Based Semantic Augmentation for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification, A
* Frequency Extraction of Global Constant Frequency Electromagnetic Disturbances from Electric Field VLF Data on CSES
* From Less to More: Progressive Generalized Zero-Shot Detection With Curriculum Learning
* generic approach to rugged terrain analysis based on fuzzy inference, A
* GOENet: Group Operations Enhanced Binary Neural Network for Efficient Image Classification
* Hierarchical MPC Approach for Arriving-Phase Operation of Virtually Coupled Train Set, A
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning Based on Postural Synergistic Kernelized Movement Primitives for Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation
* Innovative Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models for Cultivated Land, An
* Layer-based image completion by poisson surface reconstruction
* LC-BiDet: Laterally Connected Binary Detector with Efficient Image Processing
* Learning correlation filters in independent feature channels for robust visual tracking
* Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression via End-to-End Learning
* Mapping Regional Soil Organic Matter Based on Sentinel-2A and MODIS Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Soil Organic Matter and Analyzing the Prediction Accuracy of Typical Cropland Soil Types on the Northern Songnen Plain
* MDL-NAS: A Joint Multi-domain Learning Framework for Vision Transformer
* Method for Reduced-Reference Color Image Quality Assessment, A
* Method of Cloud Classification Base on Image Entropy, A
* Methodology for Regional Soil Organic Matter Prediction with Spectroscopy: Optimal Sample Grouping, Input Variables, and Prediction Model
* Multi-Scale Based Context-Aware Net for Action Detection
* Multi-Stream Network for Mesh Denoising Via Graph Neural Networks with Gaussian Curvature, A
* Multivariate Transformer Network for Mild Cognitive Impairment Identification, The
* Neural Video Coding Using Multiscale Motion Compensation and Spatiotemporal Context Model
* new methodology for establishing an SOC content prediction model that is spatiotemporally transferable at multidecadal and intercontinental scales, A
* Novel Hybrid Segmentation Method for Medical Images Based on Level Set, A
* Novel Multidimensional Domain Deep Learning Network for SAR Ship Detection, A
* Object watermarks for digital images and video
* Parameter Sharing Exploration and Hetero-Center Triplet Loss for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
* Performance-based control interfaces using mixture of factor analyzers
* Precise Drought Threshold Monitoring in Winter Wheat Using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Thermal Method
* Predicting Maize Yield at the Plot Scale of Different Fertilizer Systems by Multi-Source Data and Machine Learning Methods
* Predicting soil organic carbon in cultivated land across geographical and spatial scales: Integrating Sentinel-2A and laboratory Vis-NIR spectra
* Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud Interpolation Based on 3D Motion Representation and Spatial Supervision
* PVConvNet: Pixel-Voxel Sparse Convolution for multimodal 3D object detection
* Quantification Method for the Uncertainty of Matching Point Distribution on 3D Reconstruction
* Quantifying the Impact of NDVIsoil Determination Methods and NDVIsoil Variability on the Estimation of Fractional Vegetation Cover in Northeast China
* Quantitative Monitoring Method for Determining Maize Lodging in Different Growth Stages, A
* RANet: A Reliability-Guided Aggregation Network for Hyperspectral and RGB Fusion Tracking
* real-time machine vision system for bottle finish inspection, A
* Reduction of Subsidence and Large-Scale Rebound in the Beijing Plain after Anthropogenic Water Transfer and Ecological Recharge of Groundwater: Evidence from Long Time-Series Satellites InSAR
* Remote sensing image fusion via wavelet transform and sparse representation
* Research on Chaos-Based Message Digest Method for Medical Images
* Safety-Critical and Flexible Cooperative On-Ramp Merging Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* Segmentation-Based PolSAR Image Classification Using Visual Features: RHLBP and Color Features
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptation of Pavement Distress Classification
* Semantic Segmentation of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Deep Multi-Feature Learning
* Semantics feature sampling for point-based 3D object detection
* Sequential Subspace Clustering via Temporal Smoothness
* Sequential Subspace Clustering via Temporal Smoothness for Sequential Data Segmentation
* Silhouette analysis for human action recognition based on maximum spatio-temporal dissimilarity embedding
* Single-image depth estimation by refined segmentation and consistency reconstruction
* Soil Organic Matter Prediction Model with Satellite Hyperspectral Image Based on Optimized Denoising Method
* Spatiotemporal Changes and Driving Factors of Cultivated Soil Organic Carbon in Northern China's Typical Agro-Pastoral Ecotone in the Last 30 Years
* Spatiotemporal Prediction of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Based on ED-ConvLSTM
* Strong but Simple Baseline With Dual-Granularity Triplet Loss for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
* Study of Defog Technology Based on Scattering Model in Assistant Driving System
* Study on the Landscape Space of Typical Mining Areas in Xuzhou City from 2000 to 2020 and Optimization Strategies for Carbon Sink Enhancement
* Target Localization Based on High Resolution Mode of MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas
* TMTNet: A Transformer-Based Multimodality Information Transfer Network for Hyperspectral Object Tracking
* Transformation of a high-dimensional color space for material classification
* Unlocking the Secrets of Corn: Physiological Responses and Rapid Forecasting in Varied Drought Stress Environments
* Unsupervised multi-domain image translation with domain representation learning
* Using Time Series Sentinel-1 Images for Object-Oriented Crop Classification in Google Earth Engine
* Wind Profile Reconstruction Based on Convolutional Neural Network for Incoherent Doppler Wind LiDAR
Includes: Liu, H.J.[Hua Jun] Liu, H.J.[Hua-Jun] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Juan] Liu, H.J.[Hai-Jun] Liu, H.J.[Hao-Jie] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jun] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jie] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jung] Liu, H.J.[Huan-Jun] Liu, H.J.[Hui-Jun] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jiu] Liu, H.J.[Hua-Jian] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jian] Liu, H.J.[Heng-Jin] Liu, H.J.[Hui-Juan] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jia] Liu, H.J.[Huai-Jin] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Ji] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jiao] Liu, H.J.[Hong-Jiang] Liu, H.J.[Hao-Ji] Liu, H.J.[Heng-Jia]
95 for Liu, H.J.
Liu, H.K.[Hsun Kao]
Co Author Listing * 3D Display of Human Organs from Computed Tomograms
* Advanced Ultra-High-Capacity Optical Random-Access Memory and Pattern-Recognition Techniques
* Dual Self-Attention mechanism for vehicle re-Identification, A
* Dynamic Boundary Surface Detection
* Lane-changing control strategy for distributed drive vehicles considering yaw stability
* Low-Cost Lipschitz-Independent Adaptive Importance Sampling of Stochastic Gradients
* Optical and Digital Pattern Recognition
* Provable image encryption scheme via trapdoor permutation
* Small Target Detection in Infrared Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Tensor Model
* Towards Fast and Reliable Evaluation of Detection Performance of Space Surveillance Sensors
* Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Detection
Includes: Liu, H.K.[Hsun Kao] Liu, H.K. Liu, H.K.[Hui-Kai] Liu, H.K.[Hong-Kai] Liu, H.K.[Hui-Kang] Liu, H.K.[Hai-Kuan] Liu, H.K.[Hong-Kang] Liu, H.K.[Hsun K.]
11 for Liu, H.K.
Liu, H.L.[Hao Lin]
Co Author Listing * adaptive level set method based on joint estimation dealing with intensity inhomogeneity, An
* Auricular images with annotations for segmenting key-organ mapping regions in auricular diagnosis
* CARIB18: A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame for Geological Hazard Monitoring in the Caribbean Region
* CAT: LoCalization and IdentificAtion Cascade Detection Transformer for Open-World Object Detection
* Data Assimilation Method Combined with Machine Learning and Its Application to Anthropogenic Emission Adjustment in CMAQ, A
* Detection for Rail Surface Defects via Partitioned Edge Feature
* Driver Fatigue Detection Algorithm Based on Dynamic Tracking of Small Facial Targets Using YOLOv7, A
* Enhancing Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution with Efficient Hybrid Conditional Diffusion Model
* Evaluating the Prediction Performance of the WRF-CUACE Model in Xinjiang, China
* Evaluation and Correction of GFS Water Vapor Products over United States Using GPS Data
* Evaluation of the CRTM Land Emissivity Model over Grass and Sand Surfaces Using Ground-Based Measurements
* Exploring Seismocardiogram Biometrics with Wavelet Transform
* Fast Detection of Railway Fastener Using a New Lightweight Network Op-YOLOv4-Tiny
* Four Discriminator Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Network for Improving Railway Defective Fastener Inspection
* Full Convolutional Neural Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for the Class Imbalance Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Handwritten character recognition using gradient feature and quadratic classifier with multiple discrimination schemes
* Hybrid Model Consisting of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Improve Handwritten Character Recognition Performance by Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis
* LASA: Instance Reconstruction from Real Scans using A Large-scale Aligned Shape Annotation Dataset
* Lip Contour Extraction Method Using Localized Active Contour Model with Automatic Parameter Selection, A
* Missing Data Imputation in GNSS Monitoring Time Series Using Temporal and Spatial Hankel Matrix Factorization
* MVImgNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Images
* MVT: Multi-Vision Transformer for Event-Based Small Target Detection
* Neural Network-Based Estimation of Near-Surface Air Temperature in All-Weather Conditions Using FY-4A AGRI Data over China
* NN-based algorithm for estimation of water vapor content using AVHRR data over ocean, A
* NN-based atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat/TM thermal infrared data, An
* Oil Spill Detection by CP SAR Based on the Power Entropy Decomposition
* Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis Using Histopathological Images Based on Multiple Instance Learning With Deep Graph Convolution
* Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Variation of Evapotranspiration of Different Land Cover Types and the Contribution of Its Associated Factors in the Xiliao River Plain
* Radar Emitter Identification with Multi-View Adaptive Fusion Network (MAFN)
* Random Forest Model-Based Inversion of Aerosol Vertical Profiles in China Using Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Oxygen A-Band Observations
* Real-Time Vehicle Sound Detection System Based on Depthwise Separable Convolution Neural Network and Spectrogram Augmentation
* Reconstruction method with data from a multiple-site continuous-wave source for three-dimensional optical tomography
* Refer-it-in-RGBD: A Bottom-up Approach for 3D Visual Grounding in RGBD Images
* Remote Sensing Image Denoising Based on Deep and Shallow Feature Fusion and Attention Mechanism
* Research on Cross-Regional Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping Based on Transfer Learning, A
* Robust Registration of Rail Profile and Complete Detection of Outliers in Complex Field Environment
* Secret Image Sharing for (k, k) Threshold Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem and Image Characteristics
* Segmentation-Driven Offline Handwritten Chinese and Arabic Script Recognition
* Sparse Pose Regression via Componentwise Clustering Feature Point Representation
* Superpixel-Guided Multi-Type Rail Segmentation via Contextual Information Aggregation
* TO-Scene: A Large-Scale Dataset for Understanding 3D Tabletop Scenes
* Towards High-Fidelity Single-View Holistic Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes
* UNVI-Based Time Series for Vegetation Discrimination Using Separability Analysis and Random Forest Classification
* Variations in BOLD response latency estimated from event-related fMRI at 3T: Comparisons between gradient-echo and Spin-echo
* Visual Inspection System for Accurate Positioning of Railway Fastener, A
* Visualizing Near Infrared Hyperspectral Images with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Writer identification using directional element features and linear transform
* YOLO-Ships: Lightweight ship object detection based on feature enhancement
Includes: Liu, H.L.[Hao Lin] Liu, H.L.[Hao-Lin] Liu, H.L.[Hui-Lin] Liu, H.L.[Han-Lin] Liu, H.L.[Hong-Li] Liu, H.L.[Hai-Long] Liu, H.L.[Hai-Lei] Liu, H.L.[Hsin-Li] Liu, H.L.[Hai-Liang] Liu, H.L.[Hai-Lin] Liu, H.L.[Hai-Ling] Liu, H.L.[Hui-Ling] Liu, H.L.[Hao-Long] Liu, H.L.[Han-Li] Liu, H.L.[Hong-Lin] Liu, H.L.[Hua-Liang] Liu, H.L.[Ho-Ling] Liu, H.L.[Hua-Lin]
49 for Liu, H.L.
Liu, H.M.[Hui Min]
Co Author Listing * 3D Non-Synchronous Measurements With Central Reference Based on Revolution and Autorotation of Spherical Microphone Array
* 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes with Multiple Handheld Cameras
* 3D Semantic Labeling of Photogrammetry Meshes Based on Active Learning
* Abnormal-Trajectory Detection Method Based on Variable Grid Partitioning
* Active Learning Based 3D Semantic Labeling From Images and Videos
* Attribute annotation on large-scale image database by active knowledge transfer
* Automatic Method for Detection and Update of Additive Changes in Road Network with GPS Trajectory Data, An
* Binary Image Authentication using Zernike Moments
* Building Vision Transformers with Hierarchy Aware Feature Aggregation
* Characterizing the Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Land Surface Temperature through Time Series Clustering: Based on the Latent Pattern and Morphology
* Content-based authentication algorithm for binary images
* Coupling Hyperbolic GCN with Graph Generation for Spatial Community Detection and Dynamic Evolution Analysis
* Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval
* Deep Unsupervised Binary Descriptor Learning Through Locality Consistency and Self Distinctiveness
* Delineating Source and Sink Zones of Trip Journeys in the Road Network Space
* Depth-map completion for large indoor scene reconstruction
* Detecting Urban Commercial Districts by Fusing Points of Interest and Population Heat Data with Region-Growing Algorithms
* Digital image forensics of non-uniform deblurring
* Dspdet3d: 3d Small Object Detection with Dynamic Spatial Pruning
* DWT-based Video Data Hiding Robust to MPEG Compression And Frame Loss
* Dynamic Responses of Ballastless High-Speed Railway Due to Train Passage With Excitation of Uneven Trackbed Settlement
* EC-SfM: Efficient Covisibility-Based Structure-from-Motion for Both Sequential and Unordered Images
* Efficient and robust large-scale structure-from-motion via track selection and camera prioritization
* Efficient halftone image steganography based on dispersion degree optimization
* Efficient nearest neighbor search in high dimensional hamming space
* Estimating PM2.5 Concentrations Using Spatially Local Xgboost Based on Full-Covered SARA AOD at the Urban Scale
* Exploring Crowd Travel Demands Based on the Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Interaction between Urban Functional Zones
* Exploring Rich Semantics for Open-Set Action Recognition
* Features Combined Binary Descriptor Based on Voted Ring-Sampling Pattern
* Geometric property based ellipse detection method
* GOCD: Gradient Order Curve Descriptor
* Hybrid Watermarking Scheme for Video Authentication, A
* Image Content Based Curve Matching Using HMCD Descriptor
* Improved covariant local feature detector
* Incremental Rotation Averaging
* Incremental Translation Averaging
* Investigation on Vertical Position and Sound Velocity Variation for GNSS/Acoustic Seafloor Geodetic Calibration Based on Moving Survey Data
* Learning Multifunctional Binary Codes for Both Category and Attribute Oriented Retrieval Tasks
* Learning Multifunctional Binary Codes for Personalized Image Retrieval
* Learning Proposal-Aware Re-Ranking for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Learning Semantic-Aware Local Features for Long Term Visual Localization
* Long-Term Visual Localization with Mobile Sensors
* Low-Cost and Scalable Framework to Build Large-Scale Localization Benchmark for Augmented Reality, A
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via the Absorption Light Scattering Model
* MSE period based estimation of first quantization step in double compressed JPEG images
* On Concise 3-D Simple Point Characterizations: A Marching Cubes Paradigm
* PLDD: Point-lines distance distribution for detection of arbitrary triangles, regular polygons and circles
* Prediction of High-Quality MODIS-NPP Product Data
* Pro2Diff: Proposal Propagation for Multi-Object Tracking via the Diffusion Model
* RMT: Retentive Networks Meet Vision Transformers
* Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Order Zernike Moments
* Robust Watermarking for MPEG-2, A
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for H.264, A
* Scale-invariant feature matching based on pairs of feature points
* Seasonal Variation of the Spatially Non-Stationary Association Between Land Surface Temperature and Urban Landscape
* Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion Measurement
* Seeing Through Darkness: Visual Localization at Night via Weakly Supervised Learning of Domain Invariant Features
* Sensing-Efficient Transmit Beamforming for ISAC with MIMO Radar and MU-MIMO Communication
* Sequential Pattern Mining Based Approach to Adaptively Detect Anomalous Paths in Floating Vehicle Trajectories, A
* Spatial Planning Data Structure Based on Blockchain Technology
* STBD: a simple tri-bit binary descriptor for point matching
* Structure analysis image quality measurement
* Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Contact Networks in China Based on Population Flows, A
* Ternary contextualised histogram pattern for curve matching
* Three Novel Algorithms for Hiding Data in PDF Files Based on Incremental Updates
* Two Birds, One Stone: Jointly Learning Binary Code for Large-Scale Face Image Retrieval and Attributes Prediction
* Two-Step Correction Based on In-Situ Sound Speed Measurements for USBL Precise Real-Time Positioning
* Understanding Urban Expansion on the Tibetan Plateau over the Past Half Century Based on Remote Sensing: The Case of Xining City, China
* Unsupervised face image deblurring via disentangled representation learning
* Urban Scene LOD Vectorized Modeling From Photogrammetry Meshes
* Vectorized indoor surface reconstruction from 3D point cloud with multistep 2D optimization
* VidSfM: Robust and Accurate Structure-From-Motion for Monocular Videos
* Visual comfort assessment for stereoscopic 3D images based on salient discomfort regions
* What is a Tabby? Interpretable Model Decisions by Learning Attribute-Based Classification Criteria
Includes: Liu, H.M.[Hui Min] Liu, H.M.[Hui-Min] Liu, H.M.[Hao-Min] Liu, H.M.[Hong-Min] Liu, H.M.[Hao-Ming] Liu, H.M.[Hao-Miao] Liu, H.M.[Hong-Mei] Liu, H.M.[Hong-Ming] Liu, H.M.[He-Ming] Liu, H.M. Liu, H.M.[Hui-Ming] Liu, H.M.[Hai-Meng]
74 for Liu, H.M.
Liu, H.N.[Hong Ning]
Co Author Listing * Multi-scale feature extraction for energy-efficient object detection in remote sensing images
Includes: Liu, H.N.[Hong Ning] Liu, H.N.[Hong-Ning]
Liu, H.P.[Hua Ping]
Co Author Listing * Auto-Points: Automatic Learning for Point Cloud Analysis with Neural Architecture Search
* CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Multi-Object Tracking With Camera-LiDAR Fusion
* Color Model based real-time Face Detection with AdaBoost in color image
* Decision Tree Algorithm Of Urban Extraction From Multi-source Image Data, The
* Deep Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration for Object Detection
* Detection of Cropland Change Using Multi-Harmonic Based Phenological Trajectory Similarity
* Developing an Automated Python Surface Energy Balance System (PySEBS) Software for Calculating Actual Evapotranspiration-Software Development and Application Case in Jilin Province, China
* Efficient coding mode and partition decision for screen content intra coding
* Efficient Multi-Scale Network with Learnable Discrete Wavelet Transform for Blind Motion Deblurring
* EgoThink: Evaluating First-Person Perspective Thinking Capability of Vision-Language Models
* Energy-Based Periodicity Mining With Deep Features for Action Repetition Counting in Unconstrained Videos
* Estimating viewing angles in mobile street view search
* Explicit knowledge transfer of graph-based correlation distillation and diversity data hallucination for few-shot object detection
* FARP-Net: Local-Global Feature Aggregation and Relation-Aware Proposals for 3D Object Detection
* Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration With Consistent Loss for Object Detection
* Fine-Grained Multilevel Fusion for Anti-Occlusion Monocular 3D Object Detection
* GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting
* Human-human interaction recognition based on ultra-wideband radar
* Impact of Shifts in Vegetation Phenology on the Carbon Balance of a Semiarid Sagebrush Ecosystem
* Incremental Co-Boost for visual tracking
* Knowledge-Based Embodied Question Answering
* Learning Semantic Alignment Using Global Features and Multi-Scale Confidence
* Manifold-Based Incomplete Multi-View Clustering via Bi-Consistency Guidance
* Mix-Teaching: A Simple, Unified and Effective Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Mixed Neural Voxels for Fast Multi-view Video Synthesis
* Multi-agent Embodied Question Answering in Interactive Environments
* On Characteristics and Mixing Effects of Internal Solitary Waves in the Northern Yellow Sea as Revealed by Satellite and In Situ Observations
* One-Shot SADI-EPE: A Visual Framework of Event Progress Estimation
* Real-Time Displacement of Point Symbols Based on Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Reconstructing satellite images to quantify spatially explicit land surface change caused by fires and succession: A demonstration in the Yukon River Basin of interior Alaska
* Rich Action-Semantic Consistent Knowledge for Early Action Prediction
* Road-Network-Based Fast Geolocalization
* RON: Reverse Connection with Objectness Prior Networks for Object Detection
* Seeking False Hard Negatives for Graph Contrastive Learning
* Self-Supervised Learning by Estimating Twin Class Distribution
* Simulation of Lake Water Volume in Ungauged Terminal Lake Basin Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Small Scale Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
* Structure Matters: Tackling the Semantic Discrepancy in Diffusion Models for Image Inpainting
* Supervised Low-Rank Matrix Recovery for Traffic Sign Recognition in Image Sequences
* Text-to-3D using Gaussian Splatting
* Towards Measuring and Visualizing Sustainable National Power: A Case Study of China and Neighboring Countries
* Trajectory-based Analysis Of Urban Land-cover Change Detection
* TrajectoryCNN: A New Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Understanding the Behaviour of Contrastive Loss
* Unpacking the Gap Box Against Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
* Visual Tracking Using Online Semi-supervised Learning
* Visual Tracking Using Sparsity Induced Similarity
* Weakly-paired deep dictionary learning for cross-modal retrieval
* You Only Need Less Attention at Each Stage in Vision Transformers
Includes: Liu, H.P.[Hua Ping] Liu, H.P.[Hua-Ping] Liu, H.P.[Hui-Ping] Liu, H.P.[Hai-Peng] Liu, H.P.[Hai-Ping] Liu, H.P.[He-Ping] Liu, H.P. Liu, H.P.[Han-Peng]
49 for Liu, H.P.
Liu, H.Q.[Hong Qing]
Co Author Listing * A-BFPN: An Attention-Guided Balanced Feature Pyramid Network for SAR Ship Detection
* Assessing Reliability of Chinese Geotagged Social Media Data for Spatiotemporal Representation of Human Mobility
* Correlation scan matching algorithm based on multi-resolution auxiliary historical point cloud and lidar simultaneous localisation and mapping positioning application
* Dcctnet: Kidney Tumors Segmentation Based on Dual-Level Combination Of Cnn and Transformer
* Densely Connected Pyramidal Dilated Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* digital watermark scheme for vector graphics, A
* Efficient Ground Manoeuvring Target Refocusing Method Based on Principal Component Analysis and Motion Parameter Estimation, An
* Efficient Range-Doppler Domain ISAR Imaging Approach for Rapidly Spinning Targets, An
* Experimental Study and Modeling of the Lower-Level Controller of Automated Vehicle
* Exploring the Influence of Neighborhood Characteristics on Burglary Risks: A Bayesian Random Effects Modeling Approach
* Fast Approach for SAR Imaging of Ground-Based Moving Targets Based on Range Azimuth Joint Processing
* Fast Bistatic ISAR Imaging Approach for Rapidly Spinning Targets via Exploiting SAR Technique, A
* Fast Cross-Range Scaling Algorithm for ISAR Images Based on the 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform and Pseudopolar Fourier Transform, A
* Fault Geometry and Mechanism of the Mw 5.7 Nakchu Earthquake in Tibet Inferred from InSAR Observations and Stress Measurements
* Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition-Based Target Localization Algorithm for WiFi Array Systems, A
* Investigating Contextual Effects on Burglary Risks: A Contextual Effects Model Built Based on Bayesian Spatial Modeling Strategy
* ISAR Imaging for Maneuvering Targets with Complex Motion Based on Generalized Radon-Fourier Transform and Gradient-Based Descent under Low SNR
* Joint Modeling of Multiple Crimes: A Bayesian Spatial Approach
* Machine learning based on automated breast volume scanner (ABVS) radiomics for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant BI-RADS 4 lesions
* MRI reconstruction using a joint constraint in patch-based total variational framework
* MT-FANet: A Morphology and Topology-Based Feature Alignment Network for SAR Ship Rotation Detection
* Multi-Channel Modulo Samplers Constructed From Gaussian Integers
* Nineteen Years of Trophic State Variation in Large Lakes of the Yangtze River Delta Region Derived from MODIS Images
* Novel Multidimensional Domain Deep Learning Network for SAR Ship Detection, A
* Omniview-tuning: Boosting Viewpoint Invariance of Vision-language Pre-training Models
* Quantitative evaluation on 3D fetus morphology via X-ray grating based imaging technique
* Robust Saliency-Aware Distillation for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Spatial and Temporal Nonlocal Filter-Based Data Fusion Method, A
* Towards Automatic Power Battery Detection: New Challenge, Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
* two-step abnormal data analysis and processing method for millimetre-wave radar in traffic flow detection applications, A
Includes: Liu, H.Q.[Hong Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Hong-Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Hong-Qiang] Liu, H.Q.[Hai-Qiao] Liu, H.Q.[Hui-Qun] Liu, H.Q.[Han-Qiang] Liu, H.Q.[Hua-Qun] Liu, H.Q.[Hua-Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Hao-Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Huai-Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Han-Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Hui-Qiang] Liu, H.Q.[Hai-Qi] Liu, H.Q.[Hui-Qing] Liu, H.Q.[Han-Qi] Liu, H.Q.[Hai-Qing]
30 for Liu, H.Q.
Liu, H.R.[Han Ruo]
Co Author Listing * Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Heterogeneous Auto-Encoder
* Attention Based Glaucoma Detection: A Large-Scale Database and CNN Model
* Automated Assembly of Shredded Pieces From Multiple Photos
* Common visual pattern discovery via spatially coherent correspondences
* Contour-based object detection as dominant set computation
* Convex shape decomposition
* Deformable Image Registration Based on Functions of Bounded Generalized Deformation
* Delving into Discrete Normalizing Flows on SO(3) Manifold for Probabilistic Rotation Modeling
* Dense Neighborhoods on Affinity Graph
* Dense Subgraph Partition of Positive Hypergraphs
* Efficient shape representation, matching, ranking, and its applications
* Efficient structure detection via random consensus graph
* Fast Detection of Dense Subgraphs with Iterative Shrinking and Expansion
* Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations of CHOCHO and HCHO in Beijing and Baoding, China
* Image Re-Attentionizing
* Large-Scale Database and a CNN Model for Attention-Based Glaucoma Detection, A
* Learning Calibrated Medical Image Segmentation via Multi-rater Agreement Modeling
* Prediction of Vertical Profile of NO2 Using Deep Multimodal Fusion Network Based on the Ground-Based 3-D Remote Sensing
* Quantify the Contribution of Dust and Anthropogenic Sources to Aerosols in North China by Lidar and Validated with CALIPSO
* Quaternion-Valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Retinal image enhancement with artifact reduction and structure retention
* Single Cross-domain Semantic Guidance Network for Multimodal Unsupervised Image Translation
* sparse transformer generation network for brain imaging genetic association, A
* Toward Large-Population Face Identification in Unconstrained Videos
* UniDexGrasp: Universal Robotic Dexterous Grasping via Learning Diverse Proposal Generation and Goal-Conditioned Policy
* Unified Curvature Definition for Regular, Polygonal, and Digital Planar Curves, A
* Validation of the SNTHERM Model Applied for Snow Depth, Grain Size, and Brightness Temperature Simulation at Meteorological Stations in China
* Validation of Water Vapor Vertical Distributions Retrieved from MAX-DOAS over Beijing, China
* Visual Curvature
Includes: Liu, H.R.[Han Ruo] Liu, H.R.[Han-Ruo] Liu, H.R.[Hai-Rong] Liu, H.R.[Hao-Ran] Liu, H.R.[Hong-Rui]
29 for Liu, H.R.
Liu, H.S.[Hong Shen]
Co Author Listing * Are mid-air dynamic gestures applicable to user identification?
* CamLiFlow: Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion for Joint Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation
* Comprehensive Study of 3-D Vision-Based Robot Manipulation, A
* Develop Direct Geo-referencing System Based on Open Source Software and Hardware Platform
* Efficient 3D object recognition via geometric information preservation
* Evaluation of the Ocean Surface Wind Speed Change following the Super Typhoon from Space-Borne GNSS-Reflectometry
* Exploring Spatial Frequency Information for Enhanced Video Prediction Quality
* Fully Sparse 3d Occupancy Prediction
* Group Sparsity Mixture Model and Its Application on Image Denoising
* High Resolution Radon Transform and its Applications in Multiple Suppression of Seismic Data in Deep-Sea
* L3DOC: Lifelong 3D Object Classification
* Learning Optical Flow and Scene Flow With Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion
* LinK: Linear Kernel for LiDAR-based 3D Perception
* Online deep Bingham network for probabilistic orientation estimation
* Real-Time Optoelectronic Morphological Processor for Human Face Recognition
* Response of NO 5.3 mu-m Emission to the Geomagnetic Storm on 24 April 2023
* Robust 3-D Object Recognition via View-Specific Constraint
* Self-Supervised Image Prior Learning with GMM from a Single Noisy Image
* Single Satellite Imagery Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Colorization Using Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks
* SparseBEV: High-Performance Sparse 3D Object Detection from Multi-Camera Videos
* StageInteractor: Query-based Object Detector with Cross-stage Interaction
Includes: Liu, H.S.[Hong Shen] Liu, H.S.[Hong-Shen] Liu, H.S.[Hai-Song] Liu, H.S.[Hong-Sen] Liu, H.S. Liu, H.S.[Hong-Su] Liu, H.S.[Hua-Shuo] Liu, H.S.[Hao-Sen] Liu, H.S.[Huai-Shan] Liu, H.S.[Hong-Shan]
21 for Liu, H.S.
Liu, H.T.[Han Tao]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Video Quality Induced Spatio-Temporal Saliency Shifts
* Automated lesion segmentation in fundus images with many-to-many reassembly of features
* Automatic Calibration between Multi-Lines LiDAR and Visible Light Camera Based on Edge Refinement and Virtual Mask Matching
* Automotive Radar Optimization Design in a Spectrally Crowded V2I Communication Environment
* Benchmark of Variance of Opinion Scores in Image Quality Assessment, A
* Blind Dehazed Image Quality Assessment: A Deep CNN-Based Approach
* Blind Image Quality Assessment for Authentic Distortions by Intermediary Enhancement and Iterative Training
* Blind Image Quality Assessment via Adaptive Graph Attention
* Channel Prediction for Underwater Acoustic Communication: A Review and Performance Evaluation of Algorithms
* Cluster-Analysis-Based Noise-Robust Phase-Unwrapping Algorithm for Multibaseline Interferograms, A
* Coarse- and Fine-Grained Fusion Hierarchical Network for Hole Filling in View Synthesis
* Computer Vision on the Edge: Individual Cattle Identification in Real-time with ReadMyCow System
* Deep Ordinal Regression Framework for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Detailsemnet: Elevating Signature Verification Through Detail-semantic Integration
* Domain Invariant Vision Transformer Learning for Face Anti-spoofing
* Domain Knowledge Ontology Building for Semantic Video Event Description
* Domain-Generalized Face Anti-Spoofing with Unknown Attacks
* Edit One for All: Interactive Batch Image Editing
* efficient no-reference metric for perceived blur, An
* EHNQ: Subjective and Objective Quality Evaluation of Enhanced Night-Time Images
* Embedding Pose Information for Multiview Vehicle Model Recognition
* Exploring Effective Knowledge Distillation for Tiny Object Detection
* Fault Diagnosis for Rail Profile Data Using Refined Dispersion Entropy and Dependence Measurements
* Generalizable Face Landmarking Guided by Conditional Face Warping
* GLIGEN: Open-Set Grounded Text-to-Image Generation
* Going the Extra Mile in Face Image Quality Assessment: A Novel Database and Model
* How to apply spatial saliency into objective metrics for JPEG compressed images?
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with the Orthogonal Self-Attention ResNet and Two-Step Support Vector Machine
* Image enhancement for outdoor long-range surveillance using IQ-learning multiscale Retinex
* Image Quality Feedback-based Adaptive Video Definition Improvement For The Space Manipulation Task
* Improved Baselines with Visual Instruction Tuning
* Improved DS acoustic-seismic modality fusion for ground-moving target classification in wireless sensor networks
* Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
* Learning Customized Visual Models with Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge
* Lipface: Lipschitz-Conditioned for Resolution Robust Face Recognition
* LLaVA-Plus: Learning to Use Tools for Creating Multimodal Agents
* Masked Discrimination for Self-supervised Learning on Point Clouds
* Metric for Quantifying Image Quality Induced Saliency Variation, A
* MIMO Radar Design for Extended Target Detection in a Spectrally Crowded Environment
* Modulating scalable Gaussian processes for expressive statistical learning
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis With Image-Text Interaction Network
* No-Reference Metric for Perceived Ringing Artifacts in Images, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Contrast-Distorted Images Based on Multifaceted Statistical Representation of Structure
* Optical superresolution of focused partially spatially coherent laser beams
* Outage Probability of Selection Cooperation With MRC in Nakagami-m Fading Channels
* Perception-Aware Decomposition and Fusion Framework for Underwater Image Enhancement, A
* Perceptually Relevant Approach to Ringing Region Detection, A
* Predicting Radiologist Attention During Mammogram Reading with Deep and Shallow High-Resolution Encoding
* Predicting Radiologists' Gaze With Computational Saliency Models in Mammogram Reading
* quest for the integration of visual saliency models in objective image quality assessment: A distraction power compensated combination strategy, The
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Point Clouds via Content-Oriented Saliency Projection
* Removing Distributional Discrepancies in Captions Improves Image-Text Alignment
* Scattering-Point-Guided Oriented RepPoints for Ship Detection
* Semi-Supervised Authentically Distorted Image Quality Assessment with Consistency-Preserving Dual-Branch Convolutional Neural Network
* Simplified Human Vision Model Applied to a Blocking Artifact Metric, A
* Single Image Super-Resolution Quality Assessment: A Real-World Dataset, Subjective Studies, and an Objective Metric
* Spatial Heterogeneity of Factors of Drug Dealing: A Case Study from ZG, China, The
* Special Issue on Advances in Statistical Methods-based Visual Quality Assessment
* SSPNet: Predicting Visual Saliency Shifts
* statistical evaluation of eye-tracking data of screening mammography: Effects of expertise and experience on image reading, A
* Study of Saccadic Eye Movements in Diagnostic Imaging
* Study of Spatio-Temporal Modeling in Video Quality Assessment
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Night-Time Videos
* Studying human behavioural responses to time-varying distortions for video quality assessment
* Studying the added value of computational saliency in objective image quality assessment
* Studying the added value of visual attention in objective image quality metrics based on eye movement data
* Theories for the design of a hybrid refractive-diffractive superresolution lens with high numerical aperture
* Theories for the design of diffractive superresolution elements and limits of optical superresolution
* TMA: Temporal Motion Aggregation for Event-based Optical Flow
* Translational Symmetry-Aware Facade Parsing for 3-D Building Reconstruction
* TTL-IQA: Transitive Transfer Learning Based No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Underwater Image Quality Assessment Metric, An
* Underwater Image Quality Assessment: Subjective and Objective Methods
* ViP-LLaVA: Making Large Multimodal Models Understand Arbitrary Visual Prompts
* Visibility and Distortion Measurement for No-Reference Dehazed Image Quality Assessment via Complex Contourlet Transform
* Vision-Language Consistency Guided Multi-Modal Prompt Learning for Blind AI Generated Image Quality Assessment
* Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment: Based on Eye-Tracking Data
* Zoom-In-To-Check: Boosting Video Interpolation via Instance-Level Discrimination
Includes: Liu, H.T.[Han Tao] Liu, H.T.[Han-Tao] Liu, H.T.[Hao-Tian] Liu, H.T.[Hao-Ting] Liu, H.T.[Hai-Tao] Liu, H.T.[Hui-Tao] Liu, H.T.[Hsuan-Tung] Liu, H.T.[Hai Tao] Liu, H.T.[Hsueh-Ti] Liu, H.T.[Hsuan Tung] Liu, H.T. Liu, H.T.[Hai-Tian] Liu, H.T.[Hui-Ting] Liu, H.T.[Han-Tang] Liu, H.T.[Han-Tian]
78 for Liu, H.T.
Liu, H.W.[Han Wen]
Co Author Listing * 2D to 3D Image Conversion Based on Classification of Background Depth Profiles
* Adaptive Multilayer Perceptual Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Automatic video activity detection using compressed domain motion trajectories for H.264 videos
* Bayesian compression for dynamically expandable networks
* Bayesian Direction of Arrival Estimation with Prior Knowledge from Target Tracker
* BiLuNet: A Multi-path Network for Semantic Segmentation on X-ray Images
* Clustered Microcalcification detection based on a Multiple Kernel Support Vector Machine with Grouped Features (GF-SVM)
* Clutter-Sensing-Driven Space-Time Adaptive Processing Approach for Airborne Sub-Array-Level Digital Array
* Compensating Acquisition Footprint for Amplitude-Preserving Angle Domain Common Image Gathers Based on 3D Reverse Time Migration
* Computationally Efficient DOA Estimation for MIMO Radar
* Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicles for 3D Street View Reconstruction
* Deep Autoencoding Topic Model With Scalable Hybrid Bayesian Inference
* Detection Probability of a CFAR Matched Filter with Signal Steering Vector Errors
* Distributed Stochastic Algorithm Based on Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning of Multi-UAV Cooperative Area Search
* Effective Dynamic Constrained Two-Archive Evolutionary Algorithm for Cooperative Search-Track Mission Planning by UAV Swarms in Air Intelligent Transportation, An
* Ensemble gene selection for cancer classification
* Feature selection with dynamic mutual information
* Fisher Discrimination Based Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Fisher discrimination based low rank matrix recovery for face recognition
* Generalized Dechirp-Keystone Transform for Radar High-Speed Maneuvering Target Detection and Localization
* Generalized re-weighting local sampling mean discriminant analysis
* Gradual Domain Adaptation with Pseudo-Label Denoising for SAR Target Recognition When Using Only Synthetic Data for Training
* Gridless DOA Estimation Method for Sparse Sensor Array, A
* Group and collaborative dictionary pair learning for face recognition
* hierarchical receptive network oriented to target recognition in SAR images, A
* High-Resolution ISAR Imaging and Motion Compensation With 2-D Joint Sparse Reconstruction
* Hybrid Variability Aware Network (HVANet): A Self-Supervised Deep Framework for Label-Free SAR Image Change Detection
* IfCMD: A Novel Method for Radar Target Detection under Complex Clutter Backgrounds
* Images of 3-D Maneuvering Motion Targets for Interferometric ISAR With 2-D Joint Sparse Reconstruction
* Infinite Bayesian one-class support vector machine based on Dirichlet process mixture clustering
* Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
* Joint Design of the Transmit Beampattern and Angular Waveform for Colocated MIMO Radar under a Constant Modulus Constraint
* Joint Frequency and PRF Agility Waveform Optimization for High-Resolution ISAR Imaging
* kernel optimization method based on the localized kernel Fisher criterion, A
* Low-Elevation Target DOA Estimation Based on Multi-Scattering Center Equivalent Model
* Mbnet: A Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation and Lumbar Vertebra Inspection on X-ray Images
* MGBPv2: Scaling Up Multi-Grid Back-Projection Networks
* Micromotion Feature Extraction with VEMW Radar Based on Rotational Doppler Effect
* Multi-scale visual attention for attribute disambiguation in zero-shot learning
* Nonmonotone projected Barzilai-Borwein method for compressed sensing
* Nonnegative matrix factorization with bounded total variational regularization for face recognition
* Norface: Improving Facial Expression Analysis by Identity Normalization
* Novel Hybrid Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping-Based GeoDetector and Machine Learning Cluster: A Case of Xiaojin County, China, A
* Optimizing the data-dependent kernel under a unified kernel optimization framework
* Outlier detection using local density and global structure
* Penalized partial least square discriminant analysis with for multi-label data
* PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* PolSAR Coherency Matrix Decomposition Based on Constrained Sparse Representation
* PolSAR Ship Detection Based on a SIFT-like PolSAR Keypoint Detector
* Radar and Jammer Intelligent Game under Jamming Power Dynamic Allocation
* Radar High-Resolution Range Profile Rejection Based on Deep Multi-Modal Support Vector Data Description
* Radar HRRP Open Set Target Recognition Based on Closed Classification Boundary
* Radar HRRP target recognition with deep networks
* real time LiDAR-Visual-Inertial object level semantic SLAM for forest environments, A
* Real-Time Vehicle Sound Detection System Based on Depthwise Separable Convolution Neural Network and Spectrogram Augmentation
* Recognizing object manipulation activities using depth and visual cues
* Robust Antijamming Strategy Design for Frequency-Agile Radar against Main Lobe Jamming
* Robust Elliptic Positioning via Sparse Regularization and ADMM for a Distributed MIMO Radar in the Presence of Outliers
* Robust Multiple-Measurement Sparsity-Aware STAP with Bayesian Variational Autoencoder
* SAR Image Quality Assessment: From Sample-Wise to Class-Wise
* Semismooth Newton support vector machine
* Sparse Frequency Waveform Optimization for High-Resolution ISAR Imaging
* Spatial location constraint prototype loss for open set recognition
* Structured Kernel Dictionary Learning With Correlation Constraint for Object Recognition
* Target Height Measurement under Complex Multipath Interferences without Exact Knowledge on the Propagation Environment
* Target Localization Based on Bistatic T/R Pair Selection in GNSS-Based Multistatic Radar System
* Target recognition in SAR images via sparse representation in the frequency domain
* TranSkeleton: Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Two-dimensional PCA hashing and its extension
* Unsupervised Action Classification Using Space-Time Link Analysis
* Unsupervised Radar Target Detection under Complex Clutter Background Based on Mixture Variational Autoencoder
* Video saliency detection by gestalt theory
Includes: Liu, H.W.[Han Wen] Liu, H.W.[Han-Wen] Liu, H.W.[Han-Wei] Liu, H.W.[Hao-Wei] Liu, H.W.[Hong-Wei] Liu, H.W.[Hsiao-Wei] Liu, H.W.[Hua-Wen] Liu, H.W.[Hua-Wei] Liu, H.W.[Hai-Wen]
72 for Liu, H.W.
Liu, H.X.[Hai Xiao]
Co Author Listing * 3D Human Head Shape Variation by Using Principal Component Analysis
* 3DToonify: Creating Your High-Fidelity 3D Stylized Avatar Easily from 2D Portrait Images
* Active contour driven by adaptive-scale local-energy signed pressure force function based on bias correction for medical image segmentation
* Adaptive Safety Evaluation for Connected and Automated Vehicles With Sparse Control Variates
* Adaptive-ADMM Algorithm With Support and Signal Value Detection for Compressed Sensing, An
* Anomaly Detection Against GPS Spoofing Attacks on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Using Learning From Demonstration
* Augmented reality for robocars
* Bignas: Scaling up Neural Architecture Search with Big Single-stage Models
* Brain tumor image segmentation based on prior knowledge via transformer
* Color-difference evaluation for digital images using a categorical judgment method
* Comparative Validation and Misclassification Diagnosis of 30-Meter Land Cover Datasets in China
* Comparing Pixel- and Object-Based Approaches in Effectively Classifying Wetland-Dominated Landscapes
* Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations
* Cycle-Based End of Queue Estimation at Signalized Intersections Using Low-Penetration-Rate Vehicle Trajectories
* DARTS: Differentiable architecture search
* Decision-Tree, Rule-Based, and Random Forest Classification of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery for Wetland Mapping and Inventory
* Design of Exterior Orientation Parameters Variation Real-Time Monitoring System in Remote Sensing Cameras
* Detection and Control Algorithm of Multi-Color Printing Registration Based on Computer Vision
* Dictionary learning based reconstruction for distributed compressed video sensing
* Digital video intrusion intelligent detection method based on narrowband Internet of Things and its application
* Discovering Multi-Hardware Mobile Models via Architecture Search
* Distributed Compressed Video Sensing with Joint Optimization of Dictionary Learning and l1-Analysis Based Reconstruction
* DSCALE_mod16: A Model for Disaggregating Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture with Land Surface Evapotranspiration Products and Gridded Meteorological Data
* Effective Method for Detecting Potential Woodland Vernal Pools Using High-Resolution LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery, An
* Enhancement and Noise Suppression of Single Low-Light Grayscale Images
* Estimation of Measurements for Block-Based Compressed Video Sensing: Study of Correlation Noise in Measurement Domain
* Evaluation of Automated Driving System Safety Metrics With Logged Vehicle Trajectory Data
* Evaluation of Color-Difference Formulae Based on Small Color Difference Data by Printed Sample
* Evaluation of threshold color differences using printed samples
* Exploring the Potential of WorldView-2 Red-Edge Band-Based Vegetation Indices for Estimation of Mangrove Leaf Area Index with Machine Learning Algorithms
* Fingerprint Orientation Field Estimation: Model of Primary Ridge for Global Structure and Model of Secondary Ridge for Correction
* Geographically Adaptive Inversion Model for Improving Bathymetric Retrieval From Satellite Multispectral Imagery
* GPU-accelerated SPH fluids surface reconstruction using two-level spatial uniform grids
* Hierarchical Vehicle Behavior Prediction Framework With Traffic Signals and Interactive Agents, A
* Implementation Strategy and Spatiotemporal Extensibility of Multipredictor Ensemble Model for Water Quality Parameter Retrieval With Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
* Improved Motion Estimation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding, An
* Improved Wetland Classification Using Eight-Band High Resolution Satellite Imagery and a Hybrid Approach
* Improving Satellite Waveform Altimetry Measurements With a Probabilistic Relaxation Algorithm
* Incorporation of Flow Stripes as Constraints for Calibrating Ice Surface Velocity Measurements from Interferometric SAR Data
* Integrating Ecological Assessments to Target Priority Restoration Areas: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* Joint Sampling Rate and Bit-Depth Optimization in Compressive Video Sampling
* Liver MRI segmentation with edge-preserved intensity inhomogeneity correction
* Localised edge-region-based active contour for medical image segmentation
* Mapping Freshwater Chlorophyll-a Concentrations at a Regional Scale Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Observations with Google Earth Engine
* Matrix Decomposition Perspective to Multiple Graph Matching, A
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Probe Vehicle Penetration Rates and Queue Length Distributions From Probe Vehicle Data
* MnasFPN: Learning Latency-Aware Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection on Mobile Devices
* MobileDets: Searching for Object Detection Architectures for Mobile Accelerators
* Multi-Exposure Fusion of Gray Images Under Low Illumination Based on Low-Rank Decomposition
* Multi-Scale Depthwise Separable Convolution for Semantic Segmentation in Street-Road Scenes
* Multimodal multiscale dynamic graph convolution networks for stock price prediction
* NAS-FPN: Learning Scalable Feature Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection
* Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search
* New Blind Selection Approach for Lunar Landing Zones Based on Engineering Constraints Using Sliding Window, A
* New Robust Lunar Landing Selection Method Using the Bayesian Optimization of Extreme Gradient Boosting Model (BO-XGBoost), A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* On the Cybersecurity of Traffic Signal Control System With Connected Vehicles
* Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Compressed Video Sensing
* Perception of Image Characteristics with Compressive Measurements
* Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for direct current coefficients of Wyner-Ziv frame in unidirectional distributed video coding
* Retrieval of Mangrove Aboveground Biomass at the Individual Species Level with WorldView-2 Images
* Scene Reconstruction with Functional Objects for Robot Autonomy
* Ship Detection in Panchromatic Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Visual Saliency and Multi-Dimensional Feature Description
* Similitude Theory for Modeling Traffic Flow Dynamics, A
* Sparse Feature Learning for Visual Tracking by Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gyres in Oriented Lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska Based on Remotely Sensed Images
* Stone images retrieval based on color histogram
* Study on Acceptable Color Difference Using Printed Samples
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part I: Methodology
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part II: Case Studies
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles: An Adaptive Framework
* Towards Unsupervised Domain Generalization
Includes: Liu, H.X.[Hai Xiao] Liu, H.X.[Hai-Xiao] Liu, H.X.[Han-Xi] Liu, H.X.[Hua-Xiang] Liu, H.X.[Henry X.] Liu, H.X. Liu, H.X.[Han-Xiao] Liu, H.X.[Heng-Xin] Liu, H.X.[Hao-Xue] Liu, H.X.[Hong-Xi] Liu, H.X.[Hong-Xing] Liu, H.X.[Hong-Xin] Liu, H.X.[Hui-Xiang] Liu, H.X.[Huan-Xi] Liu, H.X.[Hai-Xing] Liu, H.X.[Hai-Xia] Liu, H.X.[Hong-Xiao] Liu, H.X.[Hong-Xian] Liu, H.X.[Hao-Xian] Liu, H.X.[Heng-Xi] Liu, H.X.[Hang-Xin] Liu, H.X.[Hao-Xin]
72 for Liu, H.X.
Liu, H.Y.[Hong Ying]
Co Author Listing * Accelerated Variance Reduction Stochastic ADMM for Large-Scale Machine Learning
* Acceleration Strategies for MR-STAT: Achieving High-Resolution Reconstructions on a Desktop PC Within 3 Minutes
* Accurate dense optical flow estimation using adaptive structure tensors and a parametric model
* Action recognition using 3D DAISY descriptor
* Adaptive gradients and weight projection based on quantized neural networks for efficient image classification
* Adaptive Piecewise Linear Predistorter Based on PSO and Indirect Learning Architecture
* adaptive-scale active contour model for inhomogeneous image segmentation and bias field estimation, An
* Advertise gently: In-image advertising with low intrusiveness
* Analysis of Light Obstruction from Street Lighting in Road Scenes
* Appling the One-Class Classification Method of Maxent to Detect an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora with Time-Series Analysis
* Attention Based Album Slideshow
* Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aided 3DCNN for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Automatic geo-registration of maritime video feeds
* Bayesian Unmixing of Hyperspectral Image Sequence With Composite Priors for Abundance and Endmember Variability
* BEAT: A Large-Scale Semantic and Emotional Multi-modal Dataset for Conversational Gestures Synthesis
* CAD: Photorealistic 3D Generation via Adversarial Distillation
* Calibrate the Inter-Observer Segmentation Uncertainty via Diagnosis-First Principle
* Characteristics of Regions with High-Density Initiation of Flashes in Mesoscale Convective Systems
* Classification and saliency detection by semi-supervised low-rank representation
* Classification of Typical Static Objects in Road Scenes Based on LO-Net
* close-up detection method for movies, A
* Coarse- and Fine-Grained Fusion Hierarchical Network for Hole Filling in View Synthesis
* Comparative Analysis of Pixel-Level Fusion Algorithms and a New High-Resolution Dataset for SAR and Optical Image Fusion
* Compressed dual-channel neural network with application to image-based smoke detection
* Coupled Tensor Block Term Decomposition with Superpixel-Based Graph Laplacian Regularization for Hyperspectral Super-Resolution
* Cross co-teaching for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information
* Cu-net: Cascaded U-net with Loss Weighted Sampling for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation
* Data-Driven Models Informed by Spatiotemporal Mobility Patterns for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics
* Data-Free Area Detection and Evaluation for Marine Satellite Data Products
* Deep Fully Convolutional Network-Based Spatial Distribution Prediction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Learning on Monocular Object Pose Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Overview
* DeepAMD: Detect Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration by Applying Deep Learning in a Multiple Instance Learning Framework
* DeFLOCNet: Deep Image Editing via Flexible Low-level Controls
* Delving StyleGAN Inversion for Image Editing: A Foundation Latent Space Viewpoint
* Development and Application of an Intelligent Modeling Method for Ancient Wooden Architecture
* Early Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease and Accurate Quantification of Its Severity Using Hyperspectral Images in Wheat
* Early Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease and Accurate Quantification of Its Severity Using Hyperspectral Images in Wheat
* Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos
* Effective Drusen Segmentation from Fundus Images for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Screening
* EMAGE: Towards Unified Holistic Co-Speech Gesture Generation via Expressive Masked Audio Gesture Modeling
* EmoTalk: Speech-Driven Emotional Disentanglement for 3D Face Animation
* End-To-End Network for Panoptic Segmentation, An
* Estimating Evapotranspiration over Heterogeneous Surface with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data: A Case Study in Heihe River Basin
* Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using a Combination of Geographical Random Forest and Empirical Bayesian Kriging Models
* Evaluation of Diverse Convolutional Neural Networks and Training Strategies for Wheat Leaf Disease Identification with Field-Acquired Photographs
* Extracting Terrain Texture Features for Landform Classification Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Fast Continuous 360 Degree Color 3D Laser Scanner
* Fast two-frame multiscale dense optical flow estimation using discrete wavelet filters
* Feature Block-Aware Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Few Could Be Better Than All: Feature Sampling and Grouping for Scene Text Detection
* Fine-Grained Unsupervised Temporal Action Segmentation and Distributed Representation for Skeleton-Based Human Motion Analysis
* Fully Convolutional Scene Graph Generation
* Global Spatio-Temporal Representation for Action Recognition, A
* Graph Convolutional Networks by Architecture Search for PolSAR Image Classification
* Growcut-based drusen segmentation for age-related macular degeneration detection
* HIDA: Towards Holistic Indoor Understanding for the Visually Impaired via Semantic Instance Segmentation with a Wearable Solid-State LiDAR Sensor
* hierarchical approach for obtaining structure from two-frame optical flow, A
* Hierarchical semantic model and scattering mechanism based PolSAR image classification
* Hierarchical Sparse Bayesian Learning with Beta Process Priors for Hyperspectral Imagery Restoration
* Hough-transform detection of lines in 3-D space
* Hough-transform detection of lines in 3-space
* How Can We Realize Sustainable Development Goals in Rocky Desertified Regions by Enhancing Crop Yield with Reduction of Environmental Risks?
* Hyper-feature aggregation and relaxed distillation for class incremental learning
* Hyperspectral Image Recovery Using Non-Convex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration Based on Low-Rank Recovery With a Local Neighborhood Weighted Spectral-Spatial Total Variation Model
* Image segmentation by selecting eigenvectors based on extended information entropy
* Improved Estimation of Regional Fractional Woody/Herbaceous Cover Using Combined Satellite Data and High-Quality Training Samples, An
* Improving multi-object tracking by full occlusion handle and adaptive feature fusion
* Increasing Atmospheric Aridity Moderates the Accelerated Rate of Vegetation Green-Up Induced by Rising CO2 and Warming
* Industrial Wastewater Discharge Retrieval Based on Stable Nighttime Light Imagery in China from 1992 to 2010
* Integrating foreground-background feature distillation and contrastive feature learning for ultra-fine-grained visual classification
* Integrating the Bus Vehicle Class Into the Cell Transmission Model
* Inverse Elastic Scattering for Multiscale Rigid Bodies with a Single Far-Field Pattern
* JEDE: Universal Jersey Number Detector for Sports
* Latency-Aware Neural Architecture Performance Predictor With Query-to-Tier Technique
* Layer Importance Estimation with Imprinting for Neural Network Quantization
* Learning Unbiased Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation Networks Via Transductive Transfer
* LiDAR-Net: A Real-Scanned 3D Point Cloud Dataset for Indoor Scenes
* Local brightness adaptive image colour enhancement with Wasserstein distance
* Make Encoder Great Again in 3D GAN Inversion through Geometry and Occlusion-Aware Encoding
* Mapping an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora by Combining an Ensemble One-Class Classification Algorithm with a Phenological NDVI Time-Series Analysis Approach in Middle Coast of Jiangsu, China
* Mathematical Design of a Novel Gesture-Based Instruction/Input Device Using Wave Detection
* Microwave Coincidence Imaging with Phase-Coded Stochastic Radiation Field
* Multi-Degradation Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Remote Sensing Images with Reconstruction Features-Guided Kernel Correction
* Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multidimensional Evaluation Methods for Deep Learning Models in Target Detection for SAR Images
* Multilingual visual sentiment concept clustering and analysis
* Neural Recognition of Dashed Curves with Gestalt Law of Continuity
* New Approach for Identification of Potential Rockfall Source Areas Controlled by Rock Mass Strength at a Regional Scale, A
* Newly Modified Algorithm Of Hough Transform For Line Detection, A
* Nightlight as a Proxy of Economic Indicators: Fine-Grained GDP Inference Around Mainland China via Attention-Augmented CNN from Daytime Satellite Imagery
* Nonlinear Characteristics of NPP Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition from 1982 to 2015-A Case Study of Six Coastal Provinces in Southeast China
* Novel Hybrid Level Set Model for Non-Rigid Object Contour Tracking, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Quality Assessment of Video Enhancement Challenge
* Object Level Depth Reconstruction for Category Level 6D Object Pose Estimation from Monocular RGB Image
* Omni-Directional Surveillance for Unmanned Water Vehicles
* Parallel Processing Architecture of Remotely Sensed Image Processing System Based on Cluster
* Partial Point Cloud Completion Network Focusing on Detail Reconstruction, A
* Passive Joint Emitter Localization with Sensor Self-Calibration
* Path Planning Method for Collaborative Coverage Monitoring in Urban Scenarios, A
* PD-GAN: Probabilistic Diverse GAN for Image Inpainting
* Perceptually-lossless image coding based on foveated-JND and H.265/HEVC
* Periodic Relations between Terrestrial Vegetation and Climate Factors across the Globe
* Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Classification Based on Double-Channel Convolution Network and Edge-Preserving Markov Random Field
* Potential Rockfall Source Identification and Hazard Assessment in High Mountains (Maoyaba Basin) of the Tibetan Plateau
* Predicting User Activity Intensity Using Geographic Interactions Based on Social Media Check-In Data
* Primitive Contrastive Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Progressive correlation noise refinement for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Pull & Push: Leveraging Differential Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization
* Pyramid Pooling Module-Based Semi-Siamese Network: A Benchmark Model for Assessing Building Damage from xBD Satellite Imagery Datasets
* Real-time Segmenting Human Portrait at Anywhere
* refined object detection method based on HTM, A
* Relationship of Abrupt Vegetation Change to Climate Change and Ecological Engineering with Multi-Timescale Analysis in the Karst Region, Southwest China
* Res-LK-SLR: A Residual Network Based on Large Kernels and Shapelet-Level Representations for Spatial Infrared Spot Target Discrimination
* Resample-Based SVA Algorithm for Sidelobe Reduction of SAR/ISAR Imagery With Noninteger Nyquist Sampling Rate, A
* Research On Visual Analysis Methods Of Terrorism Events
* Rethinking Image Inpainting via a Mutual Encoder-decoder with Feature Equalizations
* Reverse Attention-Based Multi-Feature Interaction Network for Finger Vein Image Quality Evaluation
* Robust multi-feature collective non-negative matrix factorization for ECG biometrics
* Robust Underwater Multiclass Fish-School Tracking Algorithm, A
* RPR-Net: A Point Cloud-based Rotation-aware Large Scale Place Recognition Network
* Saliency-guided level set model for automatic object segmentation
* Seeing Motion at Nighttime with an Event Camera
* Semantically-Based Human Scanpath Estimation with HMMs
* Semi-Supervised Deep Metric Learning Networks for Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Semi-Supervised Dual Stream Segmentation Network for Fundus Lesion Segmentation
* Short-Term Strong Wind Risk Prediction for High-Speed Railway
* Simple Statistical Intra-Seasonal Prediction Model for Sea Surface Variables Utilizing Satellite Remote Sensing, A
* SIXray: A Large-Scale Security Inspection X-Ray Benchmark for Prohibited Item Discovery in Overlapping Images
* Spatio-Temporal Variation and Impact Factors for Vegetation Carbon Sequestration and Oxygen Production Based on Rocky Desertification Control in the Karst Region of Southwest China
* Street Tree Information Extraction and Dynamics Analysis From Mobile Lidar Point Cloud
* Structural sparse representation with class-specific dictionary for ECG biometric recognition
* Structure-preserved NLTV regularization for image denoising
* Surface Subsidence over a Coastal City Using SBAS-InSAR with Sentinel-1A Data: A Case of Nansha District, China
* Surface-Localized Transmission Eigenstates, Super-resolution Imaging, and Pseudo Surface Plasmon Modes
* Survey of state melding in virtual worlds
* SyncTalk: The Devil is in the Synchronization for Talking Head Synthesis
* Task-Risk Consistency Object Detection Framework Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Texture Classification Using Wavelet Decomposition with Markov Random Field Models
* Time Delay Calibration Technique for Improving Broadband Lightning Interferometer Locating, A
* Trend Evolution of Vegetation Phenology in China during the Period of 1981-2016
* UEDG:Uncertainty-Edge Dual Guided Camouflage Object Detection
* UHA-CycleGAN: Unpaired hybrid attention network based on CycleGAN for terahertz image super-resolution
* Uncalibrated Stereo Matching Using DWT
* Uncertainty of Partial Dependence Relationship between Climate and Vegetation Growth Calculated by Machine Learning Models
* Unlocking Attributes' Contribution to Successful Camouflage: A Combined Textual and Visual Analysis Strategy
* Unsupervised saliency-guided SAR image change detection
* Urbanization Intensifies the Mismatch between the Supply and Demand of Regional Ecosystem Services: A Large-Scale Case of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in China
* Variational Bayesian Method for Retinex
* Variations of Urban NO2 Pollution during the COVID-19 Outbreak and Post-Epidemic Era in China: A Synthesis of Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements
* Vertical Structure of Air Pollutant Transport Flux as Determined by Ground-Based Remote Sensing Observations in Fen-Wei Plain, China
* WindTrans: Transformer-Based Wind Speed Forecasting Method for High-Speed Railway
Includes: Liu, H.Y.[Hong Ying] Liu, H.Y.[Hong-Ying] Liu, H.Y.[Hong-Yan] Liu, H.Y.[Hai-Ying] Liu, H.Y.[Han-Yu] Liu, H.Y.[Huan-Yu] Liu, H.Y.[Hong-Yu] Liu, H.Y.[Hui-Ying] Liu, H.Y.[Hui-Yun] Liu, H.Y.[Hui-Yu] Liu, H.Y.[Hai-Yan] Liu, H.Y.[Hong-Yi] Liu, H.Y.[Hai-Yang] Liu, H.Y.[Heng-Yi] Liu, H.Y.[Hong-Yang] Liu, H.Y.[Hao-Yu] Liu, H.Y.[Heng-Yue] Liu, H.Y.[Hui-Yuan] Liu, H.Y.[Hai-Yun] Liu, H.Y.[Han-Yang] Liu, H.Y.[Hong-Ye] Liu, H.Y.[Hao-Yang] Liu, H.Y.[Hua-Yao] Liu, H.Y.[Hua-Yong] Liu, H.Y.[Han-Yuan] Liu, H.Y.[Heng-Yan] Liu, H.Y.[Hang-Ye] Liu, H.Y.[Heng-Ye] Liu, H.Y.[Hao-Yue] Liu, H.Y. Liu, H.Y.[Huai-Yu] Liu, H.Y.[Hua-Yan]
156 for Liu, H.Y.
Liu, H.Y.S.[Hong Yue Sean]
Co Author Listing * General End-to-End Method for Characterizing Neuropsychiatric Disorders using Free-Viewing Visual Scanning Tasks, A
Liu, H.Z.[Hao Zhe]
Co Author Listing * Activation Template Matching Loss for Explainable Face Recognition
* Adaptive all-season image tag ranking by saliency-driven image pre-classification
* AdaptiveMix: Improving GAN Training via Feature Space Shrinkage
* AEM: Attentional Ensemble Model for personalized classifier weight learning
* Anomaly detection via gating highway connection for retinal fundus images
* Application of Sentinel 2 MSI Images to Retrieve Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations in Poyang Lake
* BFF R-CNN: Balanced Feature Fusion for Object Detection
* BoxDiff: Text-to-Image Synthesis with Training-Free Box-Constrained Diffusion
* Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques in Inferring Phytoplankton Size Classes
* Comparison of Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Size Classes Using In-Situ Measurements in the South China Sea
* Crosswalk Stripe Detection Model Based on Gradient Similarity Tags, A
* Decoupled Mixup for Out-of-distribution Visual Recognition
* Deep-Learning-Based Multiple Model Tracking Method for Targets with Complex Maneuvering Motion
* Detecting Spatiotemporal Features and Rationalities of Urban Expansions within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area of China from 1987 to 2017 Using Time-Series Landsat Images and Socioeconomic Data
* Determining switching threshold for NIR-SWIR combined atmospheric correction algorithm of ocean color remote sensing
* Effective Presentation Attack Detection Driven by Face Related Task
* Efficient Hybrid Supervision for Instance Segmentation in Aerial Images
* End-to-End Exposure Fusion Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Estimating Urban Forests Biomass with LiDAR by Using Deep Learning Foundation Models
* Exposure Fusion Using a Relative Generative Adversarial Network
* Filling Gaps of Monthly Terra/MODIS Daytime Land Surface Temperature Using Discrete Cosine Transform Method
* Fine-Grained Multi-human Parsing
* Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detector Using Global-Local Model
* FSKT-GE: Feature maps similarity knowledge transfer for low-resolution gaze estimation
* Fuor-Step Method for Estimating Suspended Particle Size Based on In Situ Comprehensive Observations in the Pearl River Estuary in China, A
* Fusion of Spatially Heterogeneous GNSS and InSAR Deformation Data Using a Multiresolution Segmentation Algorithm and Its Application in the Inversion of Slip Distribution
* Group-wise Inhibition based Feature Regularization for Robust Classification
* High-Frequency Variations in Pearl River Plume Observed by Soil Moisture Active Passive Sea Surface Salinity
* Improving Spectral Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content through Semi-Supervised Regression
* Instance Motion Tendency Learning for Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Integrating topology beyond descriptions for zero-shot learning
* Learning to Identify Critical States for Reinforcement Learning from Videos
* Lithology Classification Using TASI Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Data with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-label video classification via coupling attentional multiple instance learning with label relation graph
* Multidimensional Motion Segmentation and Identification
* NewsNet: A Novel Dataset for Hierarchical Temporal Segmentation
* novel deep network and aggregation model for saliency detection, A
* Occlusion-guided multi-modal fusion for vehicle-infrastructure cooperative 3D object detection
* Ocean Colour Atmospheric Correction for Optically Complex Waters under High Solar Zenith Angles: Facilitating Frequent Diurnal Monitoring and Management
* On the generation and pruning of skeletons using generalized Voronoi diagrams
* PLNL-3DSSD: Part-Aware 3D Single Stage Detector Using Local and Non-Local Attention
* Propagation Dynamics from Meteorological Drought to GRACE-Based Hydrological Drought and Its Influencing Factors
* Pseudo-Log-Polar Fourier Transform for Image Registration
* Scene Consistency Representation Learning for Video Scene Segmentation
* SFDiff: Diffusion model with sufficient spatial-Fourier frequency information interaction for low-light image enhancement
* skeleton pruning algorithm based on information fusion, A
* SMART: Semantic-Aware Masked Attention Relational Transformer for Multi-label Image Recognition
* SparseComm: An Efficient Sparse Communication Framework for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative 3D Detection
* Spiral Generative Network for Image Extrapolation
* Stereo Matching Using Multi-Level Cost Volume and Multi-Scale Feature Constancy
* Susceptibility Assessment of Flash Floods: A Bibliometrics Analysis and Review
* Temporal Information Fusion Network for Driving Behavior Prediction
* Tensor-Train-Based Incremental High Order Dominant Z-Eigen Decomposition for Multi-Modal Intelligent Transportation Prediction
* Text-Guided Multi-Class Multi-Object Tracking for Fine-Grained Maritime Rescue
* Towards an Accurate and Reliable Downscaling Scheme for High-Spatial-Resolution Precipitation Data
* TSD-YOLO: Small traffic sign detection based on improved YOLO v8
* Tune-an-Ellipse: CLIP Has Potential to Find what you Want
* uniform representation model for OCT-based fingerprint presentation attack detection and reconstruction, A
* Variability of Marine Particle Size Distributions and the Correlations with Inherent Optical Properties in the Coastal Waters of the Northern South China Sea
Includes: Liu, H.Z.[Hao Zhe] Liu, H.Z.[Hao-Zhe] Liu, H.Z.[Hong-Zhe] Liu, H.Z.[Hong-Zhi] Liu, H.Z.[Hui-Zeng] Liu, H.Z.[Han-Zhou] Liu, H.Z.[Han-Zhe] Liu, H.Z.[Han-Zhang] Liu, H.Z.[Heng-Zi] Liu, H.Z.[Heng-Zhu] Liu, H.Z.[Hong-Zhen] Liu, H.Z.[Hui-Ze] Liu, H.Z.[Hai-Zhu] Liu, H.Z.[Hai-Zhuang] Liu, H.Z.[Hai-Zhi] Liu, H.Z.[Hua-Zhong]
59 for Liu, H.Z.
Liu, I.[Isabella]
Co Author Listing * ActiveZero++: Mixed Domain Learning Stereo and Confidence-Based Depth Completion With Zero Annotation
* ActiveZero: Mixed Domain Learning for Active Stereovision with Zero Annotation
* New Genetic Programming-Based Approach to Object Detection in Mussel Farm Images, A
* Reconstruction of 3-D Binary Tree-Like Structures from Three Mutually Orthogonal Projections
* TensoIR: Tensorial Inverse Rendering
Includes: Liu, I.[Isabella] Liu, I.[Ivy] Liu, I.[Iching]
Liu, I.J.[Iou Jen]
Co Author Listing * GridToPix: Training Embodied Agents with Minimal Supervision
* GSNeRF: Generalizable Semantic Neural Radiance Fields with Enhanced 3D Scene Understanding
Includes: Liu, I.J.[Iou Jen] Liu, I.J.[Iou-Jen] Liu, I.J.[I-Jieh]
Liu, J.
Co Author Listing * 3D Catheter Shape Determination for Endovascular Navigation Using a Two-Step Particle Filter and Ultrasound Scanning
* 3D entity-based stereo matching with ground control points and joint second-order smoothness prior
* 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
* 3D map-guided single indoor image localization refinement
* 3D model watermarking algorithm robust to geometric attacks
* 3D Model-Based Gaze Tracking Via Iris Features With a Single Camera and a Single Light Source
* 3D Object Recognition Using Invariance
* 3DFP-FCGAN: Face completion generative adversarial network with 3D facial prior
* 3DSFLabelling: Boosting 3D Scene Flow Estimation by Pseudo Auto-Labelling
* 6D-Diff: A Keypoint Diffusion Framework for 6D Object Pose Estimation
* A-Lamp: Adaptive Layout-Aware Multi-patch Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Photo Aesthetic Assessment
* Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Sparse Representation
* ABSNet: Aesthetics-Based Saliency Network Using Multi-Task Convolutional Network
* Absorbing Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects on Near-Surface Photochemistry in East Asia
* Accelerated Atmospheric to Hydrological Spread of Drought in the Yangtze River Basin under Climate
* Accurate Dynamic Scene Model for Moving Object Detection
* Accurate Extraction of Ground Objects from Remote Sensing Image Based on Mark Clustering Point Process
* Accurate Extraction of Ground Objects from Remote Sensing Image Based on Mark Clustering Point Process
* ACFNet: Attentional Class Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Action Detection via an Image Diffusion Process
* Action Recognition by Multiple Features and Hyper-Sphere Multi-class SVM
* Active Appearance Models Fitting with Occlusion
* Active contour driven by adaptive-scale local-energy signed pressure force function based on bias correction for medical image segmentation
* Adaptive background estimation of outdoor illumination variations for foreground detection
* adaptive band selection algorithm for dimension reduction of hyperspectral images, An
* Adaptive Beamforming with Sidelobe Control: A Second-Order Cone Programming Approach
* Adaptive bistable stochastic resonance based blind watermark extraction in discrete cosine transform domain
* Adaptive Computationally Efficient Network for Monocular 3d Hand Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Context Network for Scene Parsing
* Adaptive Contourlet Fusion Clustering for SAR Image Change Detection
* Adaptive Detection in Partially Homogeneous Environment with Limited Samples Based on Geometric Barycenters
* Adaptive Graph Convolutional Subspace Clustering
* Adaptive Greedy Dictionary Selection for Web Media Summarization
* adaptive inter CU depth decision algorithm for HEVC, An
* Adaptive Local Movement Modeling for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive Local Movement Modelling for Object Tracking
* Adaptive Method for Recovering Image from Mixed Noisy Data, An
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Fusion Graph Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive multi-teacher softened relational knowledge distillation framework for payload mismatch in image steganalysis
* Adaptive proposal network based on generative adversarial learning for weakly supervised temporal sentence grounding
* Adaptive Robust Radar Target Detector Based on Gradient Test
* Adaptive Subspace Signal Detection in Structured Interference Plus Compound Gaussian Sea Clutter
* Adaptive Switched Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon With Unknown Input Delays
* Adaptive Variational Method for Restoring Color Images with High Density Impulse Noise
* Addressing Background Context Bias in Few-Shot Segmentation Through Iterative Modulation
* Adjustment and Alignment for Unbiased Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Advanced Approach for Automatic Reconstruction of 3d Buildings From Aerial Images
* Advanced Hough Transform Using A Multilayer Fractional Fourier Method
* Aerial photography flight quality assessment with GPS/INS and DEM data
* Affine Invariant Matching Method for Image Contains Repetitive Patterns
* Affine Model Based Motion Compensation Prediction for Zoom
* AffordPose: A Large-scale Dataset of Hand-Object Interactions with Affordance-driven Hand Pose
* Aggregated-Attention Deformable Convolutional Network for Few-Shot SAR Jamming Recognition
* Agreement or Disagreement in Noise-tolerant Mutual Learning?
* AI-generated video steganography based on semantic segmentation
* AIDE: A Vision-Driven Multi-View, Multi-Modal, Multi-Tasking Dataset for Assistive Driving Perception
* AIPNet: Image-to-Image Single Image Dehazing With Atmospheric Illumination Prior
* Airplane Object Detection in Satellite Images Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-scale Feature Fusion
* Algorithm and peer-to-peer negotiation strategies for train dispatching problems in railway bottleneck sections
* Algorithm for the Retrieval of High Temporal-Spatial Resolution Shortwave Albedo from Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance and MODIS BRDF, An
* Align, Attend and Locate: Chest X-Ray Diagnosis via Contrast Induced Attention Network With Limited Supervision
* Alignment Relation is What You Need for Diagram Parsing
* AlignMiF: Geometry-Aligned Multimodal Implicit Field for LiDAR-Camera Joint Synthesis
* Alike Scene Retrieval from Land-Cover Products Based on the Label Co-Occurrence Matrix (LCM)
* ALVLS: Adaptive local variances-Based levelset framework for medical images segmentation
* Ambiguous decision trees for mining concept-drifting data streams
* AMP-Net: Denoising-Based Deep Unfolding for Compressive Image Sensing
* AMS-Net: An Attention-Based Multi-Scale Network for Classification of 3D Terracotta Warrior Fragments
* Analysis of Changes and Potential Characteristics of Cultivated Land Productivity Based on MODIS EVI: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China
* Analysis of Common Quality Problems in Coordinate Transformation Between Reference Coordinate System and Geocentric Coordinate System
* Analysis of Interscale and Intrascale Dependencies Between Image Wavelet Coefficients
* Analysis of Ionospheric TEC Anomalies Prior to the Jiuzhaigou Ms7.0 Earthquake Based on BeiDou GEO Satellite Data, The
* Analysis of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Associated with the 2022 Luding Ms6.8 Earthquake, The
* Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Satellite-Based Land Surface Temperature and Station-Based Near-Surface Air Temperature over Brazil, An
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variation and Drivers of Ecological Quality in Fuzhou Based on RSEI
* Analysis of the 20-Year Variability of Ocean Wave Hazards in the Northwest Pacific
* Analysis the Influence of Modulated Amplitude on Common Mode Error Based on GPS Data
* Analyzing Surgeon-Robot Cooperative Performance in Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization
* Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery Segmentation, An
* Anchor-based Plain Net for Mobile Image Super-Resolution
* Ancient Stone Tidal Weirs in Penghu Archipelago: Distribution, Category, Structure and Function, a Google Earth and GIS Approach
* Angle Estimation Using Learning-Based Doppler Deconvolution in Beamspace with Forward-Looking Radar
* Animal Kingdom: A Large and Diverse Dataset for Animal Behavior Understanding
* Animal3D: A Comprehensive Dataset of 3D Animal Pose and Shape
* Annotation-Free Restoration Network for Catarac