8.3.8 Fuzzy Threshold Segmentation

Chapter Contents (Back)
Segmentation, Thresholds.

Pal, S.K., Ghosh, A.,
Index of Area Coverage of Fuzzy Image Subsets and Object Extraction,
PRL(11), 1990, pp. 831-841. BibRef 9000

Pal, S.K., Ghosh, A.,
Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Correlation,
IS(62), 1992, pp. 223-250. BibRef 9200

Pal, S.K., Ghosh, A., Shankar, B.U.[B. Uma],
Segmentation of remotely sensed images with fuzzy thresholding, and quantitative evaluation,
JRS(21), No. 11, July 2000, pp. 2269. 0008

Ghosh, A., Pal, S.K.,
Neural Network, Self-Organization and Object Extraction,
PRL(13), 1992, pp. 387-397. BibRef 9200

Ghosh, A., Pal, N.R., Pal, S.K.,
Object Background Classification Using Hopfield Type Neural Network,
PRAI(6), 1992, pp. 989-1008. BibRef 9200

Bhandari, D., Pal, N.R., Dutta Majumder, D.,
Fuzzy Divergence, Probability Measure of Fuzzy Events and Image Thresholding,
PRL(13), 1992, pp. 857-867. BibRef 9200

Murthy, C.A., Pal, S.K.,
Fuzzy Thresholding: Mathematical Framework, Bound Functions and Weighted Moving Average Technique,
PRL(11), 1990, pp. 197-206. BibRef 9000

di Zenzo, S., Cinque, L., Levialdi, S.,
Image Thresholding Using Fuzzy Entropies,
SMC-B(28), No. 1, February 1998, pp. 15-23.
IEEE Top Reference. 9802

Cheng, H.D., Chen, C.H., Chiu, H.H., Xu, H.J.,
Fuzzy Homogeneity Approach to Multilevel Thresholding,
IP(7), No. 7, July 1998, pp. 1084-1086.

Cheng, H.D., Chen, J.R., Li, J.G.,
Threshold Selection Based on Fuzzy C-Partition Entropy Approach,
PR(31), No. 7, July 1998, pp. 857-870.
Elsevier DOI 9807

Jawahar, C.V., Biswas, P.K., Ray, A.K.,
Investigations on Fuzzy Thresholding Based on Fuzzy Clustering,
PR(30), No. 10, October 1997, pp. 1605-1613.
Elsevier DOI 9712

Jawahar, C.V., Biswas, P.K., Ray, A.K.,
Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes,
PR(33), No. 8, August 2000, pp. 1339-1349.
Elsevier DOI 0005

Chaira, T.[Tamalika], Ray, A.K.,
Threshold selection using fuzzy set theory,
PRL(25), No. 8, June 2004, pp. 865-874.
Elsevier DOI 0405

Chaira, T.[Tamalika], Ray, A.K.,
Segmentation using fuzzy divergence,
PRL(24), No. 12, August 2003, pp. 1837-1844.
Elsevier DOI 0304

Chaira, T.[Tamalika], Ray, A.K.,
Fuzzy approach for color region extraction,
PRL(24), No. 12, August 2003, pp. 1943-1950.
Elsevier DOI 0304

Tao, W.B.[Wen-Bing], Tian, J.W.[Jin-Wen], Liu, J.[Jian],
Image segmentation by three-level thresholding based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm,
PRL(24), No. 16, December 2003, pp. 3069-3078.
Elsevier DOI 0310

Tao, W.B.[Wen-Bing], Jin, H.[Hai], Liu, L.M.[Li-Man],
Object segmentation using ant colony optimization algorithm and fuzzy entropy,
PRL(28), No. 7, May 2007, pp. 788-796.
Elsevier DOI 0703
Infrared object segmentation; Ant colony optimization; Fuzzy entropy; Performance evaluation; Global thresholding BibRef

Liu, D.[Dong], Jiang, Z.H.[Zhao-Hui], Feng, H.Q.[Huan-Qing],
A novel fuzzy classification entropy approach to image thresholding,
PRL(27), No. 16, December 2006, pp. 1968-1975.
Elsevier DOI 0611
Image thresholding; Fuzzy membership; Fuzzy classification entropy; Multimodal distribution BibRef

Tan, K.S.[Khang Siang], Isa, N.A.M.[Nor Ashidi Mat],
Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding: Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach,
PR(44), No. 1, January 2011, pp. 1-15.
Elsevier DOI 1003
Award, Pattern Recognition, Honorable Mention. Color image segmentation; Histogram thresholding; Fuzzy C-means BibRef

Ananthi, V.P., Balasubramaniam, P., Lim, C.P.,
Segmentation of gray scale image based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets constructed from several membership functions,
PR(47), No. 12, 2014, pp. 3870-3880.
Elsevier DOI 1410
Membership function BibRef

Channappayya, S.S.[Sumohana S.], Bovik, A.C.[Alan C.], Heath, R.W.[Robert W.],
Perceptual soft thresholding using the structural similarity index,

Zhao, X.[Xin], Ong, S.,
Adaptive Local Thresholding with Fuzzy-Validity-Guided Spatial Partitioning,
ICPR98(Vol II: 988-990).

Kobashi, S., Kamiura, N., Hata, Y., and Ishikawa, M.,
Automatic Robust Threshold Finding Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation,
ICIP97(I: 711-714).
IEEE DOI BibRef 9700

di Ruberto, C., Nappi, M., Vitulano, S.,
Image segmentation by means of fuzzy entropy measure,
CIAP97(I: 214-222).
Springer DOI 9709

Vitulano, S., di Ruberto, C., Nappi, M.,
A.I. based image segmentation,
Springer DOI 9509

Chapter on 2-D Region Segmentation Techniques, Snakes, Active Contours continues in
Other Threshold Selection Systems .

Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34