Journals starting with prai

PRAI-76 * *Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* *Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* Iconic/Symbolic Data Structuring Scheme, An
* IGS: A Paradigm for Integrating Image Segmentation and Interpretation
* Pattern Recognition Using Degenerate Reference Data
* Region Extraction Using Boundary Following
* Relaxation Labelling, Local Ambiguity, and Low-Level Vision
* Structural Isomorphism of Picture Graphs
8 for PRAI-76

PRAI-78 * *Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* Color Edge Detection
* Combining Backtrack and Relaxation: Extended Preclusion
* Computer Tracking of Three Dimensional Objects
* Consistent Labeling Problem, The
* Criteria for Evaluating Hough Transform Performance
* Decomposition of Three-Dimensional Objects into Spheres
* Finding the Extrema of a Region
* Formalism for Image Processing in Pyramids, A
* Image Feature Extraction Using Diameter Limited Gradient Direction Histograms
* Intensity Clustering by Relaxation
* Method for Picture Segmentation by Parts: Split and Group with Linking, A
* On a Motion Analysis Process for Image Sequences of Real World Scenes
* Operations on Images Using Quad Trees
* Performance Comparison of Scene Matching Techniques
* Searching Images
* Segmentation by Texture Using a Split-and-Merge Algorithm
* Segmentation Using Convergent Evidence
* Shaper Characterization by the Method of Roving Line-Segment Scanning
* Symbolic Matching and Analysis with Substantial Changes in Orientation
* Texture Analysis Using Generalized Co-Occurrence Matrices
* Two Dimensional Autoregressive Models for Images: Parameter Estimation and Choice of Neighbors
22 for PRAI-78

PRAI-88 * *Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* Combining the Classification Results of Independent Classifiers Based on the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence

PRAI( Vol No. ) * *International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

PRAI(1) * 3-D Object Inspection from Multiple Camera Views
* Application of a Graph Distance Measure to the Classification of muscle Tissue Patterns, An
* Computer Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Zip Codes
* Hough Transform References
* Insight: A Data Flow Language for Programming Vision Algorithms in a Reconfigurable Computational Network
* On the Problem of Placing Names in a Geographic Map
* Optimal Region Growing Algorithm for Image Segmentation, An
* Recognizing Unexpected Objects: A Proposed Approach
* Statistical Pattern Recognition: Early Development and Recent Progress
* Syntactic Omni-Font Character Recognition System, A
* Using Expert Systems for Image Understanding
11 for PRAI(1)

PRAI(10) * 3-D Face Modeling and Its Applications
* Accurate 3-D Measurement Using a Single Video Camera
* Characteristic View Modeling of Curved-Surface Solids
* Intelligent Camera for Active Vision, An
* Learning in Navigation: Goal Finding in Graphs
* Learning to recognize Hand-printed Chinese characters using Inductive Logic Programming
* Machine Vision for Advanced Production: Part 1
* Machine Vision Tools for CAGD
* Optimal Matrix Transform for the Extraction of Algebraic Features from Images
* Part 2
* Propagating Covariance in Computer Vision
* Representation of 2D and 3D Binary Images Using Medial Circles and Spheres
* Shape Description by a Syntactic Pyramidal Approach
* Shape Recognition by Human-Like Trial and Error Random Processes
* Studies in Pattern Recognition: A Memorial to the Late Professor King-Sun Fu
* Symmetry Analysis Through Wave Propagation
* Utilizing Segmented MRI Data in Image-Guided Surgery
17 for PRAI(10)

PRAI(11) * Width-Independent Sequential Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images, A

PRAI(12) * Adaptive Parallel Computer Vision System, An
* Application of Neural Networks in 3D Object Recognition System
* Comparison of Feature Performance and Its Application to Feature Combination in Off-Line Handwritten Korean Alphabet Recognition
* Connecting Middle School Mathematics to Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Differentiating Between Oriental and European Scripts by Statistical Features
* Discrimination of Facial Regions Based on Dynamic Grids of Point Representations
* Distributed Autonomous Agents For Chinese Document Image Segmentation
* Edge-Detection: Local And Global Operators
* Fingerprint Sub-Classification and Singular Point Detection
* From Shape from Shading to Object Recognition
* Fuzzy-Like Approach for Smoothing and Edge Detection in Color Images
* Generation of Oriental Characters: New Perspectives for Automatic Handwriting Processing, The
* Gray-Scale Nonlinear Shape Normalization Method for Handwritten Oriental Character Recognition
* Hermes Autonomous Vision System: The Flat Quadtree Model
* Image Recognition System Implemented on Hierarchical Parallel Architectures, An
* Ink Matching of Cursive Chinese Handwritten Annotations
* Integrating Image Computation in Undergraduate Level Data-Structure Education
* Interactive Textbooks; Embedding Image Processing Operator Demonstrations in Text
* Intriguing Aspects of Oriental Languages
* Land Cover Land Use Classification of Urban Areas: A Remote-Sensing Approach
* Learning Subspace Classifiers and Error Corrective Feature Extraction
* Line Segment Based Approach for 3D Motion Estimation and Tracking of Multiple Objects
* Network-Based Approach To Korean Handwriting Analysis
* Neural Networks Inspection System for Glass Bottles Production: A Comparative-Study
* New Synthesizing Method For Handwriting Korean Scripts, A
* Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Directed by Components with Dynamic Templates
* Parallel and Multiprocessor Vision System Architectures: Preface
* Preclassification Method for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition via Fuzzy Rules and SEART Neural Net
* Preface to Image Computation and Education
* Principle of a Parallel Vision System Adapted to Textures: A Theoretical Solution for Selecting Visual Filters
* Printed Chinese Character Similarity Measurement Using Ring Projection and Distance Transform
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects with Backpropagation Neural-Network
* Refining Region Estimates
* Reliability Design Methodology for Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Scene Classification by Fuzzy Local Moments
* Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Handwriting Chinese Text
* Self Organizing Hierarchical Classifier for Multilingual Large Set Oriental Character Recognition, A
* Situated Image Understanding in a Multiagent Framework
* Special Issue: Advances in Oriental Document Analysis and Recognition Techniques: Part I: Preface
* Stable and Accurate Algorithm for Computing Epipolar Geometry, A
* Structural Recognition for Table-Form Documents using Relaxation Techniques
* Teaching Computer Vision to Computer Scientists: Issues and a Comparative Textbook Review
* Teaching Image Computation in an Upper Level Elective on Robotics
* Texture Classification with Single and Multiresolution Cooccurrence Maps
* Twelve Numerical Symbolic and Hybrid Supervised Classification Methods
* Typeface Identification for Printed Chinese Characters
* Using Neural Networks To Detect Dominant Points In Chain-Coded Contours
* Vision System with Real Time Feature Extractor and Relaxation Network, A
48 for PRAI(12)

PRAI(13) * Adaptive Gabor Filters for Phase-Based Disparity Estimation
* Analysis and Computation of Projective Invariants from Multiple Views in the Geometric Algebra Framework
* Application of Generalized Radial Basis Function Networks to Recognition of Radar Targets
* Automatic Detection of Radiation Fields in Digital Radiographic Images
* Automatic Satellite Interpretation of Tropical Cyclone Patterns Using Elastic Graph Dynamic Link Model, An
* Cell-Work OL-Systems with FINS
* Character Segmentation Using Convex-Hull Techniques
* Characterizing the Ability of Parallel Array Generators on Reversible Partitioned Cellular Automata
* Color Normalization for Color Object Recognition
* Combined Invariants to Linear Filtering and Rotation
* Complete Local Characterization of Strong 26-Surfaces: Continuous Analogs for Strong 26-Surfaces
* Decomposition Principle for Analyzing Region Quadtrees
* Extraction of Handwritten Data from Noisy Gray-Level Images Using a Multiscale Approach
* Eye Detection Using Optimal Wavelet Packets and Radial Basis Functions (RBFs)
* Fast Rule-Based Parameter Free Discrete Hough Transform, A
* Feature-Based Facial Expression Recognition: Sensitivity Analysis and Experiments with a Multilayer Perceptron
* Features of Derivative Continuity in Shape
* Gaussian Derivative Operator for Authentic Edge Detection and Accurate Edge Localization
* Genetic Algorithms for Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves
* Geometric Least Squares Fitting of Circle and Ellipse
* Gray Image Skeletonization with Hollow Preprocessing Using Distance Transformation
* Hierarchy Result for Random Forbidding Context Picture Grammars, A
* Integrated Linear Technique for Pose Estimation from Different Geometric Features, An
* Invariant Geometric Properties of Image Correspondence Vectors as Rigid Constraints to Motion Estimation
* Knowledge-Based Shape-from-Shading
* Load-Balanced Algorithm for Parallel Digital Image Warping, A
* Minimal Nonsimple Sets of Voxels in Binary Images on a Face-Centered Cubic Grid
* Multiscale and Multiorientation Recognition Technique Applied to Document Interpretation: Application to the French Telephone Network Maps, A
* Neural Network Classification of Symmetrical and Nonsymmetrical Images Using New Moments with High Noise Tolerance
* Neural Networks in the Recognition of Machine Printed Arabic Characters
* New Representation for Quartic Curves and Complete Sets of Geometric Invariants, A
* Noise-Robust and Invariant Object Classification by the High-Order Statistical Pattern Spectrum
* Novel Forward-Backward Smoothing-Based Learning Subspace Method for Recognition of Radar Targets
* On Texture Classification Using Fractal Dimension
* On the Recovery of Motion and Structure when Cameras are not Calibrated
* Online Handwriting Character Recognition Method Using Directional and Direction-Change Features
* Parallel Matching of 3D Articulated Object Recognition
* Quadtree Adjoining Grammar
* Reciprocal-Wedge Transform in Active Stereo
* Recognition of Numeral Strings on Maps
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using an Orthogonal Complex AR Model Approach
* Robust Affine Invariant Metric on Boundary Patterns, A
* Robust Mosaicing Using Zernike Moments
* Robust Motion Trajectory Estimation for Long Image Sequences with Applications to Motion Compensated Prediction
* Simple and Robust Thinning Algorithm, A
* Single Nearest Neighbor Fuzzy Approach for Pattern Recognition, A
* Space Hierarchies of Two-Dimensional Alternating Turing Machines, Pushdown Automata and Counter Automata
* Special Issue: Invariants for Pattern Recognition and Classification
* Special Issue: Parallel Image Analysis
* Special Issue: Vision Interface '98 - Real World Applications of Computer Vision - Preface
* Structural and Fuzzy Techniques in the Recognition of Online Arabic Characters
* Toward 3-D Gesture Recognition
* Towards the Self-Calibration of a Multiview Radiographic Imaging System for the 3D Reconstruction of the Human Spine and Rib Cage
* Tracking and Semantic Labeling of Boundary Data
* Unsupervised Segmentation of 3D and 2D Seismic Reflection Data
* Wavelet Orthonormal Decompositions for Extracting Features in Pattern Recognition
* Wear Particle Texture Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks
57 for PRAI(13)

PRAI(14) * Minimum description length method for facet matching
* Vision guided circumnavigating autonomous robots

PRAI(2) * Array Architectures for Iconic and Symbolic Image Processing
* Control Strategies in a Hierarchical Knowledge Structure
* Dynamic Pyramid: A Model for Motion Analysis with Controlled Continuity, The
* Early Orientation Selection: Inferring Trace, Tangent, and Curvature Fields
* Feature Extraction by Rank-Order Filtering for Image Segmentation
* GSS: A Fast, Model-Based Vision System for Workpiece Recognition
* High Level Document Analysis Guided by Geometric Aspects
* Image Sequences: Ten (Octal) Years - From Phenomenology Towards a Theoretical Foundation
* Kanji Recognition Method Which Detects Writing Errors, A
* Knowledge Pattern Representation of Chinese Characters
* Morphology on Umbra Matrices
* Motion and Structure from Motion in a Piecewise Planar Environment
* On Automatic Feature Selection
* Parallel Split-Level Relaxation
* Pattern Recognition by Graph Matching Combinatorial Versus Continuous Optimization
* Progress in High Compression Image Coding
* Semantic Interpretation of 3-D Stereo Data: Finding the Main Structures
* Sil-Icon Compiler: An Icon-Oriented System Generator, The
* Stroke Relation Coding: A New Approach to the Recognition of Multi-Font Printed Chinese Characters
* System for On-Line Recognition of Chinese Characters, A
20 for PRAI(2)

PRAI(3) * Array Grammars, Patterns, and Recognizers
* Combining Evidence in Probabilistic Relaxation
* Context-Sensitivity of Two-Dimensional Regular Array Grammars
* Coordinate Grammars Revisited: Generalized Isometric Grammars
* Encryption-Decryption Techniques for Pictures
* Expert Systems Simulating Human Visual Perception
* Finite Images Generated by GL-Systems
* Generating Rectangles Using Two-Dimensional Grammars with Time and Space Complexity Analysis
* Grammars on the Hexagonal Array
* Model-Guided Attributed String Matching by Split-and-Merge for Shape Recognition
* Parallel Generation of Finite Images
* Pushdown Recognizers for Array Patterns
* Relationship Between Coordinate Grammars and Path Controlled Graph Grammars
* Representation of Iterative Patterns
* Simulation of Two-Dimensional One-Marker Automata by Three-Way Turing Machines, The
* Siromoney Array Grammars and Applications
* Skeletonizing Binary Patterns on the Homogeneous Multiprocessor
* Spatial Knowledge Representation
* Systolic Pyramid Automata, Cellular Automata and Array Languages
* Two-Dimensional Three-Way Array Grammars and Their Acceptors
20 for PRAI(3)

PRAI(4) * Access Methods of Image Database
* Differential A*: An Adaptive Search Method Illustrated with Robot Planning for Moving Obstacles and Goals, and an Uncertain Environment
* Integrating Low-Level Features Computation with Inductive Learning Techniques for Texture Recognition
* Knowledge-Based System for the Image Correspondence Problem, A
* Path Planning for Two Cooperating Robots
* Recognition of Partial Planar Shapes in Limited Memory Environments
* Search-Effective Multi-Class Texture Classification
* Shape Transformation Models and Their Applications in Pattern Recognition
8 for PRAI(4)

PRAI(5) * 3-D Structure Inference from Image Sequences
* Character and Handwriting Recognition: Expanding Frontiers
* Graph Matching Approach to 3-D Point Correspondences, A
* Image Model, Poisson Distribution and Object Extraction
* Images, Objects, and Surfaces in Z[N]
* Log-Tracker: An Attribute-Based Approach to Tracking Human Body Motion
* Machine Recognition as representation and search: A Survey
* Mobile Robots
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Probabilistic Logic and Maximum Entropy
* On-Line Run-On Character Recognizer: Design and Performance
* Optical Character Recognition: A Survey
* Puzzle Grammars And Context-Free Array Grammars
* System for the Interpretation of 3-D Moving Scenes from 2-D Image Sequences, A
* Understanding Handwritten Text in a Structured Environment
14 for PRAI(5)

PRAI(6) * Basic Puzzle Grammars And Isosceles Right Triangles
* Bringing the Grandmother Back into the Picture: A Memory-Based View of Pattern Recognition
* Combining Image Processing Operators and Neural Networks in a Face Recognition System
* Depth And Motion Analysis Machine, The
* Human Face Recognition from a Single Front View
* Image Analysis On Massively Parallel Computers: An Architectural Point Of View
* INTEGRA: An Integrated System For Range Image Understanding
* Learning of Patterns and Picture Languages
* Lightness Constancy from Luminance Contrast
* Mixed Finite Element Based Neural Networks In Visual Reconstruction
* New Approach for Feature Point Classification, Aggregation, and Description, A
* Object Background Classification Using Hopfield Type Neural Network
* On Improving The Accuracy Of Line Extraction In Hough Space
* On Parallel Recognition of Two Classes of 2-D Array Patterns
* On Shape Recovery From Two Shading Patterns
* Overview of Parallel Hardware Architectures for Computer Vision, An
* Parallel Algorithm for Analyzing Connected Components in Binary Images, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Color Texture Generation Using the Random Neural Network Model
* Parallel Recognition of High Dimensional Images
* Qualitative Description Of Three-Dimensional Scenes
* Random Neural Network Model for Texture Generation, The
* Recognizable Picture Languages
* Recognizing Noisy Patterns Via Iterative Optimization and Matching of Their Descriptions
* Replicated Image Algorithms and Their Analyses on SIMD Machines
* Robust and Adaptive Segmentation of Noisy Images Using Gibbs Random Field Models
* Robust Morphologically Continuous Fourier Descriptors I: Projection-Generated Descriptions
* Robust Morphologically Continuous Fourier Descriptors II: Continuity and Occlusion Analysis
* Segmentation of Bilevel Images Using Mathematical Morphology
* Special Issue-Neural Networks in Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Stealth Terrain Navigation for Multi-Vehicle Path Planning
* Stochastic Puzzle Grammars
* Three-Dimensional Object Pattern Representation By Array Grammars
* Two-Dimensional Uniquely Parsable Isometric Array Grammars
33 for PRAI(6)

PRAI(7) * Active Avoidance: Escape And Dodging Behaviors for Reactive Control
* Analytical Comparison of Thinning Algorithms
* Automatic Comparison of Skeletons by Shape Matching Methods
* Binary And Grey-Value Skeletons: Metrics And Algorithms
* Boosting Performance in Neural Networks
* Computing Optical Flow With A Recurrent Neural Network
* Design and Performance of TRISH, a Binocular Robot Head with Torsional Eye Movements
* Graph-Based Thinning for Binary Images
* Harvard Binocular Head, The
* Heads, Eyes, and Head-Eye Systems
* Integrated Architecture for Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, An
* Integration of Visual Processes
* Invariant Object Recognition Based On A Neural Network of Cascaded RCE Nets
* Invariant Thinning
* Layered Control of a Binocular Camera Head
* Learning Blackboard-Based Scheduling Algorithms for Computer Vision
* Low-Cost Robot Camera Head, A
* Matching of Structural Shape Descriptions with Hopfield Net
* Methodologies for Evaluating Thinning Algorithms for Character Recognition
* Methods for Combination of Evidence in Function-Based 3-D Object Recognition
* Neural System for the Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects in Cluttered Scenes: A Pilot Study, A
* New Thinning Algorithm Based on Controlled Deletion of Edge Regions, A
* Parallel Pattern Compression by Octagonal Propagation
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm Using KxK Masks, A
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm Using the Bounding Boxes Techniques, A
* Reconstructable Parallel Thinning
* SAVIC: A Simulation, Visualization, and Interactive Control Environment for Mobile Robots
* Simulation and Expectation in Sensor-Based Systems
* Special Issue on Active Robot Vision: Camera Heads, Model Based Navigation And Reactive Control
* Special Issue on Thinning Methodologies for Pattern Recognition
* Special Issue: State of the Art in Digital Mammographic Image Analysis
* Structural Description of Line Images by the Cross Section Sequence Graph
* Surrey Attentive Robot Vision System, The
* Systematic Evaluation of Skeletonization Algorithms, A
* Thinning Algorithm Based on the Force Between Charged Particles, A
* X-Crossing Preserving Skeletonization Algorithm, An
36 for PRAI(7)

PRAI(8) * Algorithm for Matching OCR-Generated Text Strings, An
* Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art
* Autoregressive Approach to Texture Analysis, An
* Behavior-Based Active Vision
* Component-Oriented Algorithms for Signature Verification
* Control of Eye and Arm Movements Using Active, Attentional Vision
* Design of an On-Line Signature Verification System: From Theory to Practice, The
* Efficient Image Retrieval Algorithms for Large Spatial Databases
* Evaluation of Parallel Strategies for Feture Vector Construction in Automatic Signature Verification Systems, An
* Feature Extraction and Matching as Signal Detection
* Four-Degree-of-Freedom Robot Head for Active Vision, A
* From 3-D Scattered Data to Geometric Signal Description: Invariant Stable Recovery of Straight Line Segments
* Hybrid Method Towards the Segmentation of Range Images for 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Evaluation of Color Similarity
* Integration of Geometric and Non-Geometric Attributes for Fast Object Recognition
* Modeling Sensor Confidence for Sensor Integration Tasks
* New Edge Detection Method Through Template Matching, A
* New Parallel Thinning Methodology, A
* Non-Parametric Multi-Scale Curve Smoothing
* Range Estimation from Camera Blur by Regularized Adaptive Identification
* Shape Recovery and Error Correction Based on Hypothetical Constraints by Parallel Network for Energy Minimization
* Special Issue on Advances in Pattern Recognition Using Neural Networks
* Special Issue on Automatic Signature Verification
* Special Issue on Document Image Analysis
* Special Issue on Parallel Image Analysis and Processing
* Statistical Methods for On-Line Signature Verification
* Two-Dimensional Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis, A
* Two-Parameter Generate-and-Test Method for Camera Parameter Estimation with Any Planar Calibration Object, A
28 for PRAI(8)

PRAI(9) * 3-D Object Recognition Through Implicit Model Matching
* Analysis and Design of Parallel Thinning Algorithms: A Generic Approach
* Cooperating Array Grammar Systems
* Evolutions of Planar Polygons
* Facilitating High-Performance Image Analysis on Reduced Hypercube (RH) Parallel Computers
* Fast and Effective Occlusion Detection Algorithm, A
* Human Face Detection Using Silhouettes
* Image Recognition by Integration of Connectionist and Symbolic Approaches
* Knowledge Extraction and Acquisition During Real-Time Navigation in Unknown Environments
* Linear Algorithm for Segmentation of Digital Curves, A
* Multilevel Fusion Approach to Object Identification in Outdoor Road Scenes, A
* New 26-Connected Objects Surface Tracking Algorithm and Its Related PRAM Version, A
* new structural technique for recognizing printed Arabic text, A
* On Topology Preservation in 2-D and 3-D Thinning
* PMAC: A Polygon Matching Chip
* Quadtree Algorithms for Template Matching on Mesh Connected Computer
* Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Processing and Computer Vision, A
* Shape Recognition Using a Fixed-Size VLSI Architecture
* Special Issue: VLSI and Parallel Computing for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
* Surface Feature Attributed Hypergraph Representation for 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Systolic Merging and Ranking of Votes for the Generalized Hough Transform
* Time-Optimal Digital Geometry Algorithms on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting
* Time-Optimal Multiple-Query Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting, A
* Tracking Moving Contours Using Energy-Minimizing Elastic Contour Models
* Two Methodologies to Implement 3D Thinning Algorithms on Distributed Memory Machines
* VLSI Implementation of an Efficient ASIC Architecture for Real-Time Rotation of Digital Images
26 for PRAI(9)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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