Hummel and Zucker Relaxation Papers

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Constraint Satisfaction. Matching, Graphs. Relaxation, Theory. These include the classical paper and more recent theoretical analysis papers. There are other related papers with applications of the basic technique to a variety of domains.

Rosenfeld, A., Hummel, R.A., and Zucker, S.W.,
Scene Labeling by Relaxation Operations,
SMC(6), No. 6, June 1976, pp. 420-433. Relaxation, Early work. Early discussion of relaxation operations. All the others derive from this one in some way. The basic simple updating formula. BibRef 7606

Rosenfeld, A.,
Iterative Methods in Image Analysis,
PR(10), No. 3, 1978, pp. 181-187.
Elsevier DOI Survey, Relaxation. Relaxation, Survey. BibRef 7800
Earlier: PRIP77(14-18). BibRef
Relaxation Methods in Image Processing and Analysis,
ICPR78(181-185). BibRef

Hummel, R.A., and Zucker, S.W.,
On the Foundations of Relaxation Labeling Processes,
PAMI(5), No. 3, May 1983, pp. 267-287. BibRef 8305 RCV87(585-605). BibRef
Earlier: ICPR80(50-53), BibRef McGill Univ. TRTR-80-7 is an expanded version. Relaxation, Theory. This paper is an attempt to develop an underlying theory for the continuous relaxation process. One result is the development of an explicit function to maximize to guide the relaxation process, leading to a new relaxation operator. The second result is that finding a consistent labeling is equivalent to solving a variational inequality. The new operator accomplishes both goals, and can be approximated by the more standard ones. This leads to a conjecture that the successful application of standard operators can be explained by this theory. This resulting technique is similar in intent to [
See also Improving Consistency and Reducing Ambiguity in Stochastic Labeling: An Optimization Approach. ], but differs in the resulting formulation. BibRef

Mohammed, J.L.[John L.], Hummel, R.A.[Robert A.], and Zucker, S.W.[Steven W.],
A Gradient Projection Algorithm for Relaxation Methods,
PAMI(5), No. 3, May 1983, pp. 330-332. Companion paper of
See also On the Foundations of Relaxation Labeling Processes. How the projection is computed. BibRef 8305

Zucker, S.W., Leclerc, Y.G., and Mohammed, J.L.,
Continuous Relaxation and Local Maxima Selection: Conditions for Equivalence,
PAMI(3), No. 2, March 1981, pp. 117-127. BibRef 8103
Earlier: IJCAI79(1014-1016). BibRef

Haralick, R.M., Mohammed, J.L.[John L.], Zucker, S.W.,
Compatibilities and the Fixed Points of Arithmetic Relaxation Processes,
CGIP(13), No. 3, July 1980, pp. 242-256.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 8007

Parent, P., and Zucker, S.W.,
Radial Projection: An Efficient Update Rule for Relaxation Labeling,
PAMI(11), No. 8, August 1989, pp. 886-889.
IEEE DOI The projection is radial, not normal, to avoid problems at the boundaries of the label space. BibRef 8908

Zucker, S.W.,
Relaxation Labelling and the Reduction of Local Ambiguities,
ICPR76(852-861). BibRef 7600
And: CMetImAly77(445-454). BibRef
Relaxation Labelling, Local Ambiguity, and Low-Level Vision,
PRAI-76(593-616) BibRef

Zucker, S.W.,
Toward Consistent Descriptions in Vision Systems,
IJCAI77(709). BibRef 7700

Zucker, S.W., and Mohammed, J.L.,
Analysis of Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling Processes,
PRIP78(307-312). BibRef 7800

Zucker, S.W., Leclerc, Y.G., and Mohammed, J.L.,
Continuous Relaxation Local Maxima Selection, Conditions for Equivalence,
IJCAI79(1014-1016). BibRef 7900
And: McGill Univ. TRTR-78-157, December 1978. Theoretical analysis of relaxation (a lot of clarity is lost in the short paper) if all maximal nodes support one another then this is where the relaxation ends up. BibRef

Hummel, R.A., Rosenfeld, A.,
Relaxation Processes for Scene Labeling,
SMC(8), 1978, pp. 765-768. BibRef 7800

Zucker, S.W., Krishnamurthy, E., and Haar, R.L.,
Relaxation Processes for Scene Labeling: Convergence, Speed, and Stability,
SMC(8), No. 1, January 1978, pp. 41-48. BibRef 7801

Haar, R.L.[Robert L],
Sketching: Estimating Object Positions from Relational Descriptions,
CGIP(19), No. 3, July 1982, pp. 227-247.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 8207

Zucker, S.W.,
Relaxation Labeling: 25 Years and Still Iterating,
FIU01(Chapter 10). BibRef 0100

Chapter on Matching and Recognition Using Volumes, High Level Vision Techniques, Invariants continues in
Shmuel Peleg Theoretical Relaxation Papers .

Last update:Sep 28, 2024 at 17:47:54