SMC( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Context Algorithm for Pattern Recognition and Image Interpretation, A
* Iterative Clustering Procedure, An
* Model of Predictive Control in Visual Target Tracking, A
* Attributed Grammar: A Tool for Combining Syntatic and Statistical Approaches to Pattern Recognition
* Detecting Small Variations in Shape
* Feature Value Smoothing as an Aid in Texture Analysis
* Graph Monomorphism Algorithms
* Graph Optimal Monomorphism Algorithm
* Refined Vertex Codes and Vertex Partitioning Methodology for Graph Isomorphism Testing
* Relaxation Applied to Matching Quantitative Relational Structures
* Some Experiments in Point Pattern Matching
* Some Experiments with Mosaic Models for Textures
* Some Methods for the Analysis of Sharply Bounded Clusters
* Some New Image Smoothing Techniques
* Some Relaxation Experiments Using Triples of Pixels
* Texture Classification Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Based on Edge Maxima
* Texture Primitive Extraction Using an Edge-Based Approach
* Thresholding Using the ISODATA Clustering Algorithm
15 for SMC(10)
* Detection and Segmentation of Blobs in Infrared Images, The
* Does the Eye Contain Optimal Edge Detection Mechanism?
* Edge Evaluation using Local Edge Coherence
* Gradient Magnitude as an Aid in Color Pixel Classification
* Image Segmentation by Texture Using Pyramid Node Linking
* Image Smoothing by Local Use of Global Information
* Multistage Fuzzy Classifier for Recognition of Handprinted Characters, A
* Note on Invariant moments in Image Processing, A
* Note on the Evaluation of Probabilistic Labelings, A
* On the Accuracy of Pixel Relaxation
* Relative Effectiveness of Selected Texture Primitive Statistics for Texture Discrimination
* Segmentation and Estimation of Image Region Properties Through Cooperative Hierarchical Computation
* Use of Quadtrees for Edge Enhancement
* Using Quadtrees to Smooth Images
14 for SMC(11)
* Ancient Hebraic Handwriting Identification with Run-Length Histograms
* Border Extraction Using Linked Pyramids
* Building and Road Extraction from Aerial Photographs
* Complete Set of Fourier Descriptors for Two-Dimensional Shapes, A
* Edge Based Texture Measures
* Extracting Linear Features from Images Using Pyramids
* Fast Edge Thinning Operator, A
* General Purpose Hands for Bin-Picking Robots
* Gray Level Pyramid Linking as an Aid in Texture Analysis
* Image Smoothing and Segmentation by Cost Minimization
* Image Smoothing and Segmentation by Multiresolution Pixel Linking: Further Experiments and Extensions
* Multispectral Texture
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Approximating Each Stroke with Several Points
* Optimization Approach to Edge Reinforcement, An
* Quadtree Grammars for Picture Languages
* Robot System Which Acquires Cylindrical Workpieces from Bins, A
* Segmentation of FLIR Images: A Comparative Study
* Tree Translation and Its Application to a Time-Varying Image Analysis Problem
18 for SMC(12)
* Analysis of Relaxation Processes: The Two-Node Two-Label Case
* Automatic Handwriting Identification Based on the External Properties of the Samples
* Automatic Signature Verification Using a Three-Axis-Force-Sensitive Pen
* Classification and Tracking Using Local Optimization
* Coding Images in the Frequency Domain: Filter Design and Energy Processing Characteristics of the Human Visual System
* Distance Measure between Attributed Relational Graphs for Pattern Recognition, A
* Elimination of Redundant Operations for a Fast Sobel Operator
* Experiments with Texture Classification Using Averages of Local Pattern Matches
* Histogram Concavity Analysis as an Aid in Threshold Selection
* Image Description and Primitive Extraction Using Fuzzy Sets
* Machine Recognition of Brahmi Script
* Model of Interprocessor Communication for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Multispectral Image Smoothing Guided by Global Distribution of Pixel Values
* Pyramid Linking is a Special Case of ISODATA
* Quadtree Region Representation in Cartography: Experimental Results
* Segmenting Blobs into Subregions
* Simple Speckle Smoothing Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Solving the Find-Path Problem by Good Representation of Free Space
* Some New Heuristics for Thinning Binary Handprinted Characters for OCR
* Subgraph Error-Correcting Isomorphisms for Syntatic Pattern Recognition
* Using Highlights to Constrain Object Size and Location
21 for SMC(13)
* Analysis of Node Linking in Overlapped Pyramids, An
* Application of Least Square Estimation Technique for Image Restoration Using Signal-Noise Correlation Constraint
* CMT and Hybrid Coding of the Component Color TV Signal
* Graph Distance Measure for Image Analysis, A
* Metal Surface Inspection Using Image Processing Techniques
* Optimal Multiple Threshold Scheme for Image Segmentation, An
* Ridge-Seeking Method for Obtaining the Skeleton of Digital Images, The
* SPTA: A Proposed Algorithm for Thinning Binary Patterns
* System for the Automatic Visual Inspection of Bare-Printed Circuit Boards, A
9 for SMC(14)
* Adaptive Point Estimation in Signal-Dependent Noise
* Detecting Edge Segments
* Differentiation/Enhancement Edge Detector and Its Properties, A
* High-Accuracy Syntactic Recognition Algorithm for Handwritten Numerals, A
* Machine Recognition of Partial Shapes Using Feature Vectors
* Model for Visual Flow-Field Cueing and Self-Motion Estimation, A
* On Threshold Selection Using Clustering Criteria
* Point Pattern Matching Using Convex Hull Edges
* Subdivision Algorithm in Configuration Space for Findpath with Rotation, A
* Texture Synthsis and Compression Using Gaussian-Markov Random Field Models
10 for SMC(15)
* Adaptive Navigation of Automated Vehicles by Image Analysis Techniques
* Fourier Coding and Reconstruction of Complicated Contours
* Low-level Segmentation of Aerial Images Using Fuzzy Clustering
* Optimal Edge Detector Evaluation
* Subjective Entropy of Probabilistic Sets and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis
* CGT: A Fast Thinning Algorithm Implemented on a Sequential Computer
* Feature Selection for Texture Recognition Based on Image Synthesis
* Integrated Directional Derivative Gradient Operator
* Knowledge-Based Stroke-Matching Method for Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Pyramid Vision Using Key Features to Integrate Image-Driven Bottom-Up and Model-Driven Top-Down Processes
* Segmentation Based on Measures of Contrast, Homogeneity, and Region Size
* Adaptive Computational Model for Texture Segmentation, An
* Model for Variability Effects in Handprinting with Implications for the Design of Handwriting Character Recognition Systems, A
* Moment-Preserving Curve Detection
* 3-D Object Reconstruction Using Stereo and Motion
* Analysis of Long Image Sequence for Structure and Motion Estimation
* Color Discrimination by Computer
* Comparative Cost Function Approach to Edge Detection, A
* Developing a Quantitative Model of Human Preattentive Vision
* Discrimination of Planar Shapes Using Shape Matrices
* Dynamic Approach to High-Precision Parts Mating, A
* Experimental Investigation in the Use of Color in Computational Stereopsis, An
* Generic Curvature Features from 3-D Images
* Geometric Modeling and Recognition of Elongated Regions in Aerial Images
* Gray-Level Threshold Selection Method Based on Maximum Entropy Principle, A
* Human-computer interaction using eye-gaze input
* Integration of Vision Modules and Labeling of Surface Discontinuities
* Machine recognition and correction of printed Arabic text
* Measuring the Area and Volume of the Human Body with Structured Light
* Methods for Exploiting the Relationship between Buildings and Their Shadows in Aerial Imagery
* On Making Computers See
* Pose Estimation from Corresponding Point Data
* Pyramid Implementation of Optimal Step Conjugate Search Algorithms for Some Computer Vision Problems
* Recognizing and Locating Partially Occluded 2-D Objects: Symbolic Clustering Method
* Region-Based Stereo Analysis for Robotic Applications
* Response Profiles of Trajectory Detectors
* Robot Vision for Recovering 3-D Objects in Low-Order Polynomial Time, A
* Structure from Stereo: A Review
* Threshold Selection Using Estimates from Truncated Normal Distribution
* Token-Based Extraction of Straight Lines
26 for SMC(19)
* Asymptotic properties of nearest neighbor rules using edited data
* End Points, Complexity, and Visual Illusions
* Leukocyte Pattern Recognition
* Pattern Recognition Using Dynamic Pictorial Information
* Adaptive Image Feature Prediction and Control for Visual Tracking with a Hand-Eye Coordinated Camera
* Composite Edge Detection with Random Field Models
* Computational Perspective on Perception, Planning, Action and Systems Integration
* Continuous Relaxation Labeling Algorithm for Markov Random Fields, A
* Detection and smoothing of edge contours in images by one-dimensional Kalman techniques
* Developing Robotic Systems with Multiple Sensors
* Eye-Gaze Word Processing
* Gaze Controls with Interactions and Delays
* Generalized Knowledge-Based System for the Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, A
* Integrated Spatio-Temporal Approach to Automatic Visual Guidance of Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Lightness Constancy: Connectionist Architecture for Controlling Sensitivity
* Map Building for a Mobile Robot from Sensory Data
* Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
* Multispectral Image Context Classification Using Stochastic Relaxation
* Neighboring Direction Runlength Coding: An Efficient Contour Coding Scheme
* Plan-Guided Reaction
* Position Independent Pattern Matching by Neural Network
* Quantitative Analysis of a Moment-Based Edge Operator
* Range Image Segmentation with Applications to Robot Bin-Picking Using Vacuum Gripper
* Range-Video Fusion and Comparison of Inverse Perspective Algorithms in Static Images
20 for SMC(20)
* Analytical Model of Earth Observational Remote Sensing Systems, An
* Constraint Propagation Neural Networks for Huffman-Clowes Scene Labeling
* Decision Fusion Strategies in Multi-sensor Environments
* Dynamic Edge Warping: An Experimental System for Recovering Disparity Maps in Weakly Constrained Systems
* Isthmus Critical Points for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles in Computer Vision
* Motion Analysis of Multiple Moving Objects Using Hartley Transform
* Object Recognition by a Hopfield Neural Network
* Real-Time Vision Feedback for Servoing Robotic Manipulator with Self-Tuning Controller
* Structure from Motion: A Critical Analysis of Methods
* Survey of Decision Tree Classifier Methodology, A
10 for SMC(21)
* Closed-Form Massively-Parallel Range-from-Image-Flow Algorithm, A
* Coordinated Motion Planning: The Warehousman's Problem with Constraints on Free Space
* Fuzzy-Attribute Graph with application to Chinese Character Recognition
* Hierarchical Analysis of Visual Motion
* Knowledge-Guided Visual Perception of 3-D Human Gait from a Single Image Sequence
* Lattice Framework for Integrating Vision Modules, A
* Methods of Combining Multiple Classifiers and Their Applications to Handwriting Recognition
* Numerical Potential Field Techniques for Robot Path Planning
* Offline Tracing and Representation of Signatures
* Optimal Strategic Recognition of Objects Based on Candidate Discriminating Graph with Coordinated Sensors
* Parallel String Search Algorithm, A
* Path Planning for a Mobile Robot
* Process Capability of Automated Visual Inspection Systems
* Segmenting Images Using Normalized Color
14 for SMC(22)
* Bit-Serial VLSI Architecture for Generating Moments in Real Time, A
* Decentralized Bayesian Algorithm for Identification of Tracked Targets, A
* Decision Boundary Feature Extraction for Non-Parametric Classification
* Egomotion Determination Through an Intelligent Gaze Control Strategy
* Image Transformation Approach to Nonlinear Shape Restoration
* Incremental Clustering of Attributed Graphs
* Intelligent Path Prediction For Vehicular Travel
* Intrinsic Parameters for Surface Representation Using Deformable Models
* Models for Map Building and Navigation
* Motion Trajectories
* Navigation Templates: Mediating Qualitative Guidance and Quantitative Control in Mobile Robots
* Noise-Tolerant Algorithm for Robotic Hand-Eye Calibration with or without Sensor Orientation Measurement, A
* Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision: A Review and a Proposal for a Classificatory Structure
* Polyhedral Face Reconstruction and Modeling from a Single Image with Structured Light
* Probabilistic Analysis of Some Navigation Strategies in a Dynamic Environment
* Recognition of Partly Occluded Objects
* Stealth Terrain Navigation
* Vector Quantization for Texture Classification
18 for SMC(23)
* ANN Implementation of Stereo Vision Using a Multilayer Feedback Architecture
* Approximate Clustering via the Mountain Method
* Bibliography of Heuristic Search Research Through 1992, A
* Computational Structure for Preattentive Perceptual Organization: Graphical Enumeration and Voting Methods, A
* Connectionist Approach for Clustering with Applications in Image-Analysis, A
* Constrained Regularization Approach in Robust Corner Detection, A
* Depth Map Construction from Range-Guided Multiresolution Stereo Matching
* Discontinuity Preserving Regularization of Inverse Visual Problems
* Efficient Differential Box-Counting Approach to Compute Fractal Dimension of Image, An
* Fringe Distance Measure: An Easily Calculated Image Distance Measure with Recognition Results Comparable to Gaussian Blurring, The
* Fuzzy Probabilistic Model for the Generalized Hough Transform, A
* Integration Of Overlapping Maps Made By Stereo Vision Using View Field Information
* Minimal Consistent Subset (MCS) Identification for Optimal Nearest Neighbor Decision Systems Design
* Motion Estimation From A Sequence Of Stereo Images: A Direct Method
* New Identification Jacobian for Robotic Hand-Eye Calibration, A
* On Edge and Line Linking with Connectionist Models
* On Geometric Hashing and the Generalized Hough Transform
* Point Pattern Representation Using Imprecise, Incomplete, Nonmetric Information
* RPCT Algorithm and its VLSI Implementation
* Semiautonomous Evolution of Object Models for Adaptive Object Recognition
* Stereo Correspondence Based on Line Matching in Hough Space Using Dynamic Programming
* Thinning of Gray-Scale Images with Combined Sequential and Parallel Conditions for Pixel Removal
* Towards a Hierarchical Contour Description via Dominant Point Detection
* Uncertainty Management for Rule-Based Systems with Applications to Image Analysis
* Unified Approach to Camera Fixation and Vision-Based Road Following, A
* Uniquely Representing Point Patterns with Minimal Information
26 for SMC(24)
* Active Calibration of Cameras: Theory and Implementation
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Border Detection of the Object Segmented by the Pyramid Linking Method
* Combining Multiple Neural Networks by Fuzzy Integral for Robust Classification
* Controlling a Computer Via Facial Aspect
* Edge-Detection by Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
* Financial Document Processing Based on Staff Line and Description Language
* Fuzzy Typographical Analysis for Character Preclassification
* Heuristic Algorithm for the Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters, A
* High-Speed Systolic Architecture for Labeling Connected Components in an Image, A
* Integrated Architecture for Robot Motion Planning and Control in the Presence of Obstacles with Unknown Trajectories, An
* Iterative Histogram-Modification of Gray Images
* Learning Algorithm of Environmental Recognition in Driving Vehicle
* New Safe-Point Thinning Algorithm Based on the Mid-Crack Code Tracing, A
* Optimal Camera Geometry and Performance Analysis of a Trinocular Vision System, The
* Optimum Multisensor Data Fusion for Image Change Detection
* Parametric string edit distance and its application to pattern recognition
* Real-Time Eye Feature Tracking from a Video Image Sequence Using Kalman Filter
* Regional Decomposition Method for Recognizing Handprinted Characters, A
* Robot Navigation in Unknown Generalized Polygonal Terrains Using Vision Sensors
* Sensitivity Analysis Of Line Correspondence
* Task Planning and Action Coordination in Integrated Sensor-Based Robots
* Two-Dimensional Optimal Sensor Placement
23 for SMC(25)
* Application of Majority Voting to Pattern Recognition: An Analysis of Its Behavior and Performance
* Computationally Simple Procedure for Imagery Data Compression by the Karhunen-Loeve Method, A
* Gray-Level Manipulation Experiments for Texture Analysis
* Textural Features for Image Classification
* Chinese Character Recognition by a Stochastic Sectionalgram Method
* Compact Figures in Digital Pictures
* Comparative Study of a Discrete Linear Basis for Image Data Compression
* Computer Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis
* Computer Identification of Constrained Handprinted Characters with a High Recognition Rate
* Experimental Investigation of Automatic Signature Verification
* Fuzzy Logic for Handwritten Numeral Character Recognition
* Identification of Three Dimensional Objects Using Fourier Descriptors of the Boundary Curve
* Measure for Circularity of Digital Figures, A
* On the Medial Axis Function for Visual Patterns
* Pattern Recognition of Chinese Characters by Markov Chain Procedure, The
* Recognition of X-Ray Picture Patterns
* Texture Coarseness: Further Experiments
* Use of Continutiy in Character Recognition, A
14 for SMC(4)
* Clustering and Data Reorganizing Algorithm, A
* Computer Editing of News Photos
* Digital Detection of Pits, Peaks, Ridges, and Ravines
* Grammatical Inference: Introduction and Survey
* Networks of Automata: Some Applications
* Probabilistic Hypothesis for the Prediction of Visual Fixations, A
* Region Extraction by Averaging and Thresholding
* Shape-Oriented Chromosome Classification
* Velocity as a Cue to Segmentation
9 for SMC(5)
* Automatic Recognition of Human Faces from Profile Silhouettes, The
* Comparative Study of Texture Measures for Terrain Classification, A
* Computation for Robots to Orient and Position Hand Held Workpieces, A
* Computer Recognition of Roads from Satellite Pictures
* Detection Threshold Estimation for Digital Area Correlation
* Distance-Weighted k-Nearest-Neighbor Rule, The
* Fourier Texture Features: Suppression of Aperture Effects
* Image Restoration Based on a Subjective Criterion
* Nonstationary Assumptions for Gaussian Models of Images
* Note on Thinning, A
* On Models for Line Detection
* Real Time Recognition of Handwritten Numerals
* Scene Labeling by Relaxation Operations
* SMART: Similarity Measure Anchored Ranking Technique for the Analysis of Multidimensional Data Arrays
* Technique to Identify Nearest Neighbors, A
* Theory of Nonuniformly Digitized Binary Pictures, A
* Transistor Wire Bonding System Utilizing Multiple Local Pattern Matching Techniques, A
17 for SMC(6)
* Application of Relaxation to Edge Reinforcement, An
* Clustering Procedure for Syntactic Patterns, A
* Coarse-Fine Template Matching
* Color Edge Detector and Its Use in Scene Segmentation, A
* Computer Recognition of Handwritten Numerals by Polygonal Approximations
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Local Picture Computation, A
* Handwriting Identification by Means of Run-Length Measurements
* Iterative Enhancement of Noisy Images
* Machine Visualization of Three-Dimensional Objects via Skeletal Transformations
* New Edge Detection Technique and Its Implementation, A
* On Assembling Subpictures into a Mosaic Picture
* Resolution-Dependent Information Measure for Image Analysis
* Shape Discrimination Using Fourier Descriptors
* Signature Verification Experiment Based on Nonlinear Time Alignment: A Feasibility Study
* Subset Methods for Recognising Distorted Patterns
* Understanding Shape, II: Symmetry
16 for SMC(7)
* Analysis and Discussion of a Coarseness Detector
* Approach to Spatial Pattern Recognition of Solid Objects, An
* Arrangements, Homomorphisms, and Discrete Relaxation
* Comments on Nonstationary Assumptions for Gaussian Models of Images
* Conceptference: A System That Develops Concepts and Infers on Pictorial Data
* Curve Formation Using Transforms for Pictures Governed by Differential Equations
* Determining Compatibility Coefficients for Curve Enhancement Relaxation Processes
* Edge/Border Coincidence as an Aid in Edge Extraction
* Fourier Descriptor Set for Recognizing Non-Stylized Numerals, A
* Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction
* Information Theoretic approach to Image Partitioning, An
* Iterative Histogram Modification
* Iterative Histogram Modification
* Linear Feature Mapping
* Machine Recognition and Plotting of Hand-Sketched Line Figures
* Minimum Storage Boundary Tracing Algorithm and Its Application to Automatic Inspection, A
* Noise Cleaning by Iterated Local Averaging
* Note on the Use of Local Min and Max Operations in Digital Image Processing, A
* Note on the Use of Second-Order Gray Level Statistics for Threshold Selection, A
* On the Sequential Approach to Medial Line Transformation
* Picture Thresholding Using an Iterative Selection Method
* Random Mosaic Models for Textures
* Relaxation Processes for Scene Labeling
* Relaxation Processes for Scene Labeling: Convergence, Speed, and Stability
* SIGHT-I: A Computer Vision System for Automated IC Chip Manufacture
* Textural Features Corresponding to Visual Perception
* Threshold Evaluation Techniques
* Visual Discrimination of Stochastic Texture Fields
28 for SMC(8)
* Application of Relaxation to Waveforms with Ambiguous Segmentations, The
* Control Strategies in the Eye-Head Coordination System
* Discrete Relaxation for Matching Relational Structures
* Error-Correcting Isomorphisms of Attributed Relational Graphs for Pattern Analysis
* Histogram Modification for Threshold Selection
* K-S Test for Detecting Changes from Landsat Imagery Data
* Note on the Use of (Gray Level, Average Gray Level) Space as an Aid in Threshold Selection, A
* Parallel Local Operations for a New Distance Transformation of a Line Pattern and Their Applications
* Pattern Deformation Model and Bayes Error-Correcting Recognition System, A
* Segmentation of Images with Incompletely Specified Regions
* Size Normalization and Pattern Orientation Problems in Syntactic Clustering
* Syntactic Approach to Shape Recognition Using Attributed Grammars, A
* Threshold Selection Method from Grey-Level Histograms, A
13 for SMC(9)