Update Dates 1410

1410 * *3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage: A Roadmap in Digital Heritage Preservation
* *3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage: A Roadmap in Digital Heritage Preservation
* *Homage to Professor Maria Petrou
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* *International Conference Computer Vision and Graphics
* *Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* *Professor Maria Petrou's Professional Career
* *Stain Normalization toolbox for histopathology image analysis
* 1982-2010 Trends of Light Use Efficiency and Inherent Water Use Efficiency in African vegetation: Sensitivity to Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
* 2D Appearance Based Techniques for Tracking the Signer Configuration in Sign Language Video Recordings
* 2D Subquadratic Separable Distance Transformation for Path-Based Norms
* 2D Thinning Algorithms with Revised Endpixel Preservation
* 2D Topological Map Isomorphism for Multi-Label Simple Transformation Definition
* 3D Building Roof Modeling by Optimizing Primitive's Parameters Using Constraints from LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery
* 3D Hough transform for sphere recognition on point clouds
* 3D Intervertebral Disc Localization and Segmentation from MR Images by Data-Driven Regression and Classification
* 3D Multimodal Visualization of Subdural Electrodes with Cerebellum Removal to Guide Epilepsy Resective Surgery Procedures
* 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes with Local Surface Features: A Survey
* 3D people surveillance on range data sequences of a rotating Lidar
* 3D Pose Refinement Using Rendering and Texture-Based Matching
* 3D Pose-by-Detection of Vehicles via Discriminatively Reduced Ensembles of Correlation Filters
* 3D Printing for Cultural Heritage: Preservation, Accessibility, Research and Education
* 3D real-time positioning for autonomous navigation using a nine-point landmark
* 3D Reconstruction from 3D Cultural Heritage Models
* 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Images Part 1: Principles
* 3D reconstruction methods for digital preservation of cultural heritage: A survey
* 3D Shape Analysis for Archaeology
* 3D Spatial Layout Propagation in a Video Sequence
* 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human Head MR Imaging
* AB3D: action-based 3D descriptor for shape analysis
* About Multigrid Convergence of Some Length Estimators
* About the Maximum Cardinality of the Digital Cover of a Curve with a Given Length
* Abundance Characteristic-Based Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing, An
* Accelerated Connected Component Labeling Using CUDA Framework
* Accelerating Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Signal Processing Meets Nuclear Spins
* Accelerating Index-Based Audio Identification
* Accuracy in Estimation of Timber Assortments and Stem Distribution: A Comparison of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Techniques
* Accurate and Robust Range Image Registration Algorithm for 3D Object Modeling, An
* Accurate Iris Recognition at a Distance Using Stabilized Iris Encoding and Zernike Moments Phase Features
* Accurate Mapping of Forest Types Using Dense Seasonal Landsat Time-Series
* Accurate Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction for Cost-Effective Plant Phenotyping
* Accurate Scale Estimation for Robust Visual Tracking
* Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using a Vector-Space-Based Adaptive Filtering Algorithm
* Action Recognition by Weakly-Supervised Discriminative Region Localization
* Action Recognition From Weak Alignment of Body Parts
* Active Learning by Querying Informative and Representative Examples
* Activity-based methods for person recognition in motion capture sequences
* Adapted Basis for Nonlocal Reconstruction of Missing Spectrum
* Adaptive and Quality-Aware Storage of JPEG Files in the Web Environment
* Adaptive Bidirectional Platoon Control Using a Coupled Sliding Mode Control Method
* Adaptive conformal semi-supervised vector quantization for dissimilarity data
* Adaptive Detection in Elliptically Distributed Noise and Under-Sampled Scenario
* Adaptive Feature Selection for Object Tracking with Particle Filter
* Adaptive Grid Refinement for Discrete Tomography
* Adaptive Haar-Like Features for Head Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Learning for Celebrity Identification With Video Context
* Adaptive Linear Regression for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Adaptive MAP Sub-Pixel Mapping Model Based on Regularization Curve for Multiple Shifted Hyperspectral Imagery
* Adaptive Multi-Level Region Merging for Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive non-local Euclidean medians sparse unmixing for hyperspectral imagery
* Adaptive Non-local Means Filtering for Speckle Noise Reduction
* adaptive quantization algorithm without side information for depth map coding, An
* Adaptive Structured Pooling for Action Recognition
* Adaptive Transductive Transfer Machine
* Adaptive Vehicle Navigation With En Route Stochastic Traffic Information
* ADCROSS: Adaptive Data Collection from Road Surveilling Sensors
* Adopting Feature-Based Visual Odometry for Resource-Constrained Mobile Devices
* Advanced Microwave Atmospheric Sounder (AMAS) Channel Specifications and T/V Calibration Results on FY-3C Satellite
* Advanced Screen Content Coding Using Color Table and Index Map
* Advantages of Using Object-Specific Knowledge at an Early Processing Stage in the Detection of Trees in LIDAR Data
* Algorithms for Fast Digital Straight Segments Union
* All together now: Simultaneous Detection and Continuous Pose Estimation using a Hough Forest with Probabilistic Locally Enhanced Voting
* ALOE: Augmented Local Operator for Edge Detection
* Alternative Intra Prediction for Screen Content Coding in HEVC
* Analysis and Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Burned Areas in the Amazon Forest
* Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Body Language Behavior in Dyadic Interactions From Multimodal Interlocutor Cues
* Analysis of Frame Partitioning in HEVC
* Analysis of Multistatic Pixel Correlation in SAR
* Analysis of parameter selections for fuzzy c-means
* Analysis of the Godunov-Based Hybrid Model for Ramp Metering and Robust Feedback Control Design
* Analysis of the Hand's Small Vessels Based on MR Angiography and Level-Set Approach
* Analysis of Two Microphone Method for Feedback Cancellation
* Analysis of Vocal Tract Constrictions using Zero Frequency Filtering
* Analytical Evaluation of VCO-ADC Quantization Noise Spectrum Using Pulse Frequency Modulation
* Anatomically Constrained Weak Classifier Fusion for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
* Ancient Maya Regional Settlement and Inter-Site Analysis: The 2013 West-Central Belize LiDAR Survey
* Animal Polarization Imaging and Implications for Optical Processing
* Anisotropic Agglomerative Adaptive Mean-Shift
* Annual Detection of Forest Cover Loss Using Time Series Satellite Measurements of Percent Tree Cover
* Anti-Aliased Euclidean Distance Transform on 3D Sampling Lattices
* Appearance of Human Skin: A Survey, The
* Application of Complex Image Theory in Geosteering
* Application of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Images: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Literature Review
* Application of the Regional Water Mass Variations from GRACE Satellite Gravimetry to Large-Scale Water Management in Africa
* Applying object-based segmentation in the temporal domain to characterise snow seasonality
* Approach to the Vanishing Line Identification Based on Normalized Barycentric Coordinates, An
* Approximate Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Direction of Arrival Estimation for Two Closely Spaced Targets
* Arbitrarily Shaped Motion Prediction for Depth Video Compression Using Arithmetic Edge Coding
* Architecture for parking management in smart cities
* ARCTIS: A MATLAB® Toolbox for Archaeological Imaging Spectroscopy
* Arithmetical Characterization of the Convex Hull of Digital Straight Segments, An
* Artifact Reduction in Radiometric Compensation of Projector-Camera Systems for Steep Reflectance Variations
* Artistic preprocessing for painterly rendering and image stylization
* Artistic rendering enhancing global structure
* Assessing Consistency of Five Global Land Cover Data Sets in China
* Assessing Long-Term Changes in the Beach Width of Reef Islands Based on Temporally Fragmented Remote Sensing Data
* Assessing Seasonal Backscatter Variations with Respect to Uncertainties in Soil Moisture Retrieval in Siberian Tundra Regions
* Assessment of Complex Masonry Structures with GPR Compared to Other Non-Destructive Testing Studies
* Assessment of crop foliar nitrogen using a novel dual-wavelength laser system and implications for conducting laser-based plant physiology
* Assessment of Learned Score Features for Modeling Expressive Dynamics in Music, An
* Assessment of Methods and Remote-Sensing Derived Covariates for Regional Predictions of 1 km Daily Maximum Air Temperature, An
* Associating locations from wearable cameras
* Asymmetric Pruning for Learning Cascade Detectors
* Asynchronous Neuromorphic Event-Driven Image Filtering
* Atmospheric aerosol measurements in São Paulo, Brazil
* Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured by Satellite Laser Ranging
* Audio Properties of Perceived Boundaries in Music
* Audio-Visual Emotion Analysis Using Semi-Supervised Temporal Clustering with Constraint Propagation
* Augmented Reality
* Augmenting Image Descriptions Using Structured Prediction Output
* Autocalibration with the Minimum Number of Cameras with Known Pixel Shape
* automated approach to vertical road characterisation using mobile LiDAR systems: Longitudinal profiles and cross-sections, An
* Automated Graph Regularized Projective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Document Clustering
* Automated Level-set Approach for Identification of Aortic Valve Borders in Short Axis Windows of Transesophageal Echo Sequences (TEE), An
* Automated retrieval of forest structure variables based on multi-scale texture analysis of VHR satellite imagery
* Automated Spatiotemporal Landslide Mapping over Large Areas Using RapidEye Time Series Data
* Automated Traffic Analysis in Aerial Images
* Automated Underwater Object Recognition by Means of Fluorescence LIDAR
* Automated Visual Perception-Based Web Browser Rendering Results Comparison with Multi-part Fragment Image Matching
* Automatic 3D modelling of metal frame connections from LiDAR data for structural engineering purposes
* Automatic alignment and reconstruction of facial depth images
* Automatic and Efficient Human Pose Estimation for Sign Language Videos
* Automatic Annotation of an Ultrasound Corpus for Studying Tongue Movement
* Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning
* Automatic Arteriovenous Nicking Identification by Color Fundus Images Analysis
* Automatic Assessment of Skull Circumference in Craniosynostosis
* Automatic audiovisual behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis
* Automatic Bone and Marrow Extraction from Dual Energy CT through SVM Margin-Based Multi-Material Decomposition Model Selection
* Automatic building detection based on Purposive FastICA (PFICA) algorithm using monocular high resolution Google Earth images
* Automatic Camera Calibration for Traffic Understanding
* Automatic Classification of Human Body Postures Based on Curvelet Transform
* Automatic Construction of 3-D Building Model From Airborne LIDAR Data Through 2-D Snake Algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Squats in Railway Infrastructure
* Automatic histogram-based fuzzy C-means clustering for remote sensing imagery
* Automatic identification of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
* Automatic Image Annotation Based on Scene Analysis
* Automatic image annotation using semi-supervised generative modeling
* Automatic image-text alignment for large-scale web image indexing and retrieval
* Automatic inpainting by removing fence-like structures in RGBD images
* Automatic Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Images for Urban Form Assessment
* Automatic Localization of Skin Layers in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy
* Automatic measurement of ad preferences from facial responses gathered over the Internet
* Automatic Method for Visual Grading of Seed Food Products
* Automatic Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Geometric Features
* Automatic Road Centerline Extraction from Imagery Using Road GPS Data
* Automatic Robust Segmentation of Retinal Layers in OCT Images with Refinement Stages
* Automatic Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Data Using Pairwise Affinity Factorization and Graph-Based Contour Searching
* Automatic Spatial-Spectral Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image via Discriminative Sparse Multimodal Learning
* Automatic Tear Film Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Region Growing
* Automatic upright orientation and good view recognition for 3D man-made models
* Automatic Vehicle Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data Using an Object-Based Point Cloud Analysis Method
* Automatic Whole Brain MRI Segmentation of the Developing Neonatal Brain
* Autonomous Document Cleaning: A Generative Approach to Reconstruct Strongly Corrupted Scanned Texts
* Autonomous Visual Navigation and Laser-Based Moving Obstacle Avoidance
* B-Planner: Planning Bidirectional Night Bus Routes Using Large-Scale Taxi GPS Traces
* Back-Projection Filtration Inversion of Discrete Projections
* Bag-of-Importance Model With Locality-Constrained Coding Based Feature Learning for Video Summarization, A
* Bag-of-words with aggregated temporal pair-wise word co-occurrence for human action recognition
* Bandwidth Efficient and Rate-Adaptive Video Delivery in TV White Space
* Batch-Orthogonal Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Angular Similarity
* Bayesian Method for Upsizing Single Disdrometer Drop Size Counts for Rain Physics Studies and Areal Applications, A
* Bayesian Multiple-Hypothesis Tracking of Merging and Splitting Targets
* Bayesian Road Estimation Using Onboard Sensors
* Best of 18th Scandinavian Conference On Image Analysis 2013
* Best of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2013
* Beyond Chi^2 Difference: Learning Optimal Metric for Boundary Detection
* Beyond Recognition: The Promise of Biometric Analytics
* Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Remote Sensing Images, A
* BIG-OH: BInarization of Gradient Orientation Histograms
* Bilateral Filtering: Theory and Applications
* Bimodal Nonrigid Registration of Brain MRI Data With Deconvolution of Joint Statistics
* Binarisation of Colour Map Images through Extraction of Regions
* Binary Pictures with Excluded Patterns
* Bioinspired Focal-Plane Polarization Image Sensor Design: From Application to Implementation
* Bioinspired Imaging: Discovery, Emulation, and Future Prospects
* Bioinspired Polarization Imaging Sensors: From Circuits and Optics to Signal Processing Algorithms and Biomedical Applications
* Bioinspired Visual Motion Estimation
* Biologically Inspired Online Learning of Visual Autonomous Driving
* Biologically Inspired Vision for Indoor Robot Navigation
* Biometric Inspired Multimedia Encryption Based on Dual Parameter Fractional Fourier Transform
* Blind image clustering based on the Normalized Cuts criterion for camera identification
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Joint Statistics of Gradient Magnitude and Laplacian Features
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Using the Joint Statistics of Generalized Local Binary Pattern
* Blind Restoration of Remote Sensing Images by a Combination of Automatic Knife-Edge Detection and Alternating Minimization
* block-oriented restoration in gray-scale images using full range autoregressive model, A
* Block-Sparse RPCA for Salient Motion Detection
* BM25 With Exponential IDF for Instance Search
* Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors for Human Pose Estimation in Still Images
* Bone age cluster assessment and feature clustering analysis based on phalangeal image rough segmentation
* Boosted Cross-Domain Categorization
* BP4D-Spontaneous: a high-resolution spontaneous 3D dynamic facial expression database
* Building Change Detection from Historical Aerial Photographs Using Dense Image Matching and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Building global image features for scene recognition
* Bus Bridging Disruption in Rail Services With Frustrated and Impatient Passengers
* Camera Compensation Using a Feature Projection Matrix for Person Reidentification
* Camera Models and Fundamental Concepts Used in Geometric Computer Vision
* Camera Processing With Chromatic Aberration
* Can I Trust My One-Class Classification?
* Cast shadows estimation and synthesis using the Walsh transform
* Catalogue-Based Traffic Sign Asset Management: Towards User's Effort Minimisation
* Categorizing Grassland Vegetation with Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning: A Feasibility Study for Detecting Natura 2000 Habitat Types
* Cell morphology based classification for red cells in blood smear images
* Challenges Toward Wireless Communications for High-Speed Railway
* Change Detection of Multilook Polarimetric SAR Images Using Heterogeneous Clutter Models
* Change detection on LOD 2 building models with very high resolution spaceborne stereo imagery
* Change Detection with Compressive Measurements
* Changes in Spring Phenology in the Three-Rivers Headwater Region from 1999 to 2013
* Chaotic image encryption based on circular substitution box and key stream buffer
* Character-Level Alignment Using WFST and LSTM for Post-processing in Multi-script Recognition Systems - A Comparative Study
* Characteristics of Bottom-Up Parsable edNLC Graph Languages for Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Characterizing Snowpack and the Freeze-Thaw State of Underlying Soil via Assimilation of Multifrequency Passive/Active Microwave Data: A Case Study (NASA CLPX 2003)
* Characterizing Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization in China Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Night Light Data
* Chronological classification of ancient paintings using appearance and shape features
* Classemes and Other Classifier-Based Features for Efficient Object Categorization
* Classification and weakly supervised pain localization using multiple segment representation
* Classification of Alaska Spring Thaw Characteristics Using Satellite L-Band Radar Remote Sensing
* Classification of clouds in satellite imagery using over-complete dictionary via sparse representation
* Classification of Driving Direction in Traffic Surveillance Using Magnetometers
* Classification of Grassland Successional Stages Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Closed-Form Correlation Model of Oriented Bandpass Natural Images
* Cloud-scale Image Compression Through Content Deduplication
* Cluster-Analysis-Based Noise-Robust Phase-Unwrapping Algorithm for Multibaseline Interferograms, A
* Clutter Removal in Sub-Nyquist Radar
* CoConut: Co-Classification with Output Space Regularization
* Collaborative Bike Sensing for Automatic Geographic Enrichment: Geoannotation of road/terrain type by multimodal bike sensing
* collaborative representation based projections method for feature extraction, A
* Collaborative Tool for Annotation of Synovitis and Assessment in Ultrasound Images
* Collapses and Watersheds in Pseudomanifolds of Arbitrary Dimension
* Colon Biopsy Classification Using Crypt Architecture
* Color classification using margin-setting with ellipsoids
* Color Constancy Using 3D Scene Geometry Derived From a Single Image
* Color face image decomposition under complex lighting conditions
* Color image segmentation: a novel spatial fuzzy genetic algorithm
* Color Stabilization Along Time and Across Shots of the Same Scene, for One or Several Cameras of Unknown Specifications
* Color texture classification method based on a statistical multi-model and geodesic distance
* Color Texture Classification Using Shortest Paths in Graphs
* Colour combination attention for object recognition
* Coloured signed distance fields for full 3D object reconstruction
* Combined blur, translation, scale and rotation invariant image recognition by Radon and pseudo-Fourier-Mellin transforms
* Combining LBP and SIFT in Sparse Coding for Categorizing Scene Images
* Combining multiple depth-based descriptors for hand gesture recognition
* Common and Innovative Visuals: A Sparsity Modeling Framework for Video
* Compact Video Code and Its Application to Robust Face Retrieval in TV-Series
* Comparative Estimation of Urban Development in China's Cities Using Socioeconomic and DMSP/OLS Night Light Data
* Comparative Review of Component Tree Computation Algorithms, A
* Comparing Clothing Styles by Means of Computer Vision Methods
* Comparing Optimal Relocation Operations With Simulated Relocation Policies in One-Way Carsharing Systems
* Comparing supervised and unsupervised multiresolution segmentation approaches for extracting buildings from very high resolution imagery
* Comparison of Appearance-Based and Geometry-Based Bubble Detectors
* Comparison of In Situ Aircraft Measurements of Carbon Dioxide and Methane to GOSAT Data Measured Over Railroad Valley Playa, Nevada, USA, A
* Comparison of Latent Heat Flux Using Aerodynamic Methods and Using the Penman-Monteith Method with Satellite-Based Surface Energy Balance
* Comparison of Model-Assisted Estimators to Infer Land Cover/Use Class Area Using Satellite Imagery, A
* Completions and Simple Homotopy
* Component Weight Tuning of SSIM Image Quality Assessment Measure
* Comprehensive Study Over VLAD and Product Quantization in Large-Scale Image Retrieval, A
* Compressing Encrypted Images With Auxiliary Information
* Compression of Synthetic-Aperture Radar Images
* Compressive classification of human motion using pyroelectric infrared sensors
* Compressive Pattern Matching on Multispectral Data
* Compressive Sensing of Sparse Tensors
* Computational Studies of Human Motion: Part 1, Tracking and Motion Synthesis
* Computational Symmetry in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
* computationally efficient importance sampling tracking algorithm, A
* Computer Aided Hearing Assessment: Detection of Eye Gesture Reactions as a Response to the Sound
* Computer Simulation of the SWI Protocol in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Computing in Astronomy: Applications and Examples
* Computing in Astronomy: To See the Unseen
* Computing Ocean Surface Currents Over the Coastal California Current System Using 30-Min-Lag Sequential SAR Images
* Concept for Uncertainty-Aware Analysis of Land Cover Change Using Geovisual Analytics, A
* Confidence Measure Using Composite Features for Eye Detection in a Face Recognition System
* Conjugate Gradient in Noisy Photometric Stereo
* Constrained MMSE LP Residual Estimator for Speech Dereverberation in Noisy Environments, A
* Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ultrasound Plane Localization for Longitudinal Analysis of Brain Growth and Maturation, A
* Content Adaptive Image Detail Enhancement
* Context-Aware Anatomical Landmark Detection: Application to Deformable Model Initialization in Prostate CT Images
* Context-based person identification framework for smart video surveillance
* Contextual Object Detection With Spatial Context Prototypes
* Contextual Rescoring for Human Pose Estimation
* Contextually Constrained Deep Networks for Scene Labeling
* Continuity of Reflectance Data between Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-8 OLI, for Both Top-of-Atmosphere and Surface Reflectance: A Study in the Australian Landscape
* Continuous Function Modeling of Head-Related Impulse Response
* Contour Motion Estimation for Asynchronous Event-Driven Cameras
* Contributions to Automatic Target Recognition Systems for Underwater Mine Classification
* Conversational Interaction Recognition Based on Bodily and Facial Movement
* Convex 1-D Total Variation Denoising with Non-convex Regularization
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Network-Aware Analysis of String Stability
* Cooperative Bayesian Estimation of Vehicular Traffic in Large-Scale Networks
* Coordinated Control of Wheeled Vehicles in the Presence of a Large Communication Delay Through a Potential Functional Approach
* copula echo state network, The
* Correcting Distortion of Views into Aquarium and Its Accuracy
* Correlation based universal image/video coding loss recovery
* Cost-conscious comparison of supervised learning algorithms over multiple data sets
* Cost-Effective Features for Reidentification in Camera Networks
* Cost-Optimal Charging of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Under Time-Varying Electricity Price Signals
* Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost Algorithm for Ordinal Regression Based on Extreme Learning Machine
* Coupled Parallel Snakes for Segmenting Healthy and Pathological Retinal Arteries in Adaptive Optics Images
* Coupled person orientation estimation and appearance modeling using spherical harmonics
* CP-Census: A Novel Model for Dense Variational Scene Flow from RGB-D Data
* CPCQ: Contrast pattern based clustering quality index for categorical data
* Cracking BING and Beyond
* Cross Comparison of Spatiotemporally Enhanced Springtime Phenological Measurements From Satellites and Ground in a Northern U.S. Mixed Forest, A
* Crowdsourcing Quality-of-Experience Assessments
* Cryptanalyzing a class of image encryption schemes based on Chinese remainder theorem
* Data Dissemination in VANETs: A Scheduling Approach
* Data Uncertainty in Face Recognition
* Data-driven hair segmentation with isomorphic manifold inference
* DEB: Definite Error Bounded Tangent Estimator for Digital Curves
* Decision Forests: A Unified Framework for Classification, Regression, Density Estimation, Manifold Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Decision Fusion Based on Hyperspectral and Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Accurate Forest Species Mapping
* Decoding design based on posterior probabilities in Ternary Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Decomposition-Based Transfer Distance Metric Learning for Image Classification
* Decoupled Jacobi-Like Algorithm for Non-Unitary Joint Diagonalization of Complex-Valued Matrices, A
* Deep Architecture for Traffic Flow Prediction: Deep Belief Networks With Multitask Learning
* Deep Learning Based Automatic Immune Cell Detection for Immunohistochemistry Images
* Deep Learning for Cerebellar Ataxia Classification and Functional Score Regression
* Deep Learning of Image Features from Unlabeled Data for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
* DeepTrack: Learning Discriminative Feature Representations by Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Tracking
* Defining the Spatial Resolution Requirements for Crop Identification Using Optical Remote Sensing
* Deformable Template Tracking in 1ms
* Deformation Field Correction for Spatial Normalization of PET Images Using a Population-Derived Partial Least Squares Model
* Degradation Adaptive Texture Classification: A Case Study in Celiac Disease Diagnosis Brings New Insight
* Delay-Tolerant Stochastic Algorithms for Parking Space Assignment
* Delineation of Martian Craters Based on Edge Maps and Dynamic Programming
* DEM-Based Analysis of Interactions between Tectonics and Landscapes in the Ore Mountains and Eger Rift (East Germany and NW Czech Republic)
* Denoising by semi-supervised kernel PCA preimaging
* Depth Extraction from Videos Using Geometric Context and Occlusion Boundaries
* Depth map enhancement based on color and depth consistency
* Depth Map's 2D Histogram Assisted Occlusion Handling in Video Object Tracking
* Depth Sweep Regression Forests for Estimating 3D Human Pose from Images
* Depth Transfer: Depth Extraction from Video Using Non-Parametric Sampling
* Depth-Discrepancy-Compensated Inter-Prediction With Adaptive Segment Management for Multiview Depth Video Coding
* Derivation of Land Surface Albedo at High Resolution by Combining HJ-1A/B Reflectance Observations with MODIS BRDF Products
* Deriving airborne laser scanning based computational canopy volume for forest biomass and allometry studies
* Design and Characterization of a Peltier-Cold Calibration Target for a 110-GHz Radiometer
* Detail-generating geometry completion for point-sampled geometry
* Detecting 3-D Mirror Symmetry in a 2-D Camera Image for 3-D Shape Recovery
* Detecting blind building façades from highly overlapping wide angle aerial imagery
* Detecting Co-Salient Objects in Large Image Sets
* Detecting Road Traffic Events by Coupling Multiple Timeseries With a Nonparametric Bayesian Method
* Detection and Correction of Relative Attitude Errors for ZY1-02C
* Detection and Inpainting of Facial Wrinkles Using Texture Orientation Fields and Markov Random Field Modeling
* Detection and Tracking of Occluded People
* Detection methods for blocking artefacts in transform coded images
* Detection of Gully-Affected Areas by Applying Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) in the Region of Taroudannt, Morocco
* Detection of Hemorrhages in Colored Fundus Images Using Non Uniform Illumination Estimation
* Detection of Horizontal Lines Based on the Monte Carlo Reduced Resolution Images, The
* Detection of Intoxicated Drivers Using Online System Identification of Steering Behavior
* Detection of Mammographic Masses by Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Detection of multiple meaningful primitive geometric models
* Detection of Partially Coherent Scatterers in Multidimensional SAR Tomography: A Theoretical Study
* Detection of people in military and security context images
* Detection of Vehicles in a Video Stream Using Spatial Frequency Domain Features
* Determination of Length and Width of a Line-Segment by Using a Hough Transform
* Determination of Parameters of Subsurface Layers Using GPR Spectral Inversion Method
* Deterministic discrete tomography reconstruction by energy minimization method on the triangular grid
* Developing a Body Sensor Network to Detect Emotions During Driving
* Development of a Novel Bidirectional Canopy Reflectance Model for Row-Planted Rice and Wheat
* Development of Methods and Algorithms of Reduction for Image Recognition to Assess the Quality of the Mineral Species in the Mining Industry
* Dictionary Design for Distributed Compressive Sensing
* Dielectric Properties of Saline Soils and an Improved Dielectric Model in C-Band
* Different lighting processing and feature extraction methods for efficient face recognition
* Digital Geometry from a Geometric Algebra Perspective
* Digital holography for multidimensional sensing with a monochromatic image sensor
* Direct Georeferencing of Micro Aerial Vehicles - System Design, System Calibration and First Evaluation Tests
* Directional Filter and the Viterbi Algorithm for Line Following Robots
* Discontinuity preserving disparity estimation with occlusion handling
* Discover latent discriminant information for dimensionality reduction: Non-negative Sparseness Preserving Embedding
* Discrete Curve Evolution on Arbitrary Triangulated 3D Mesh
* Discrete Multi Atlas Segmentation using Agreement Constraints
* Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Algorithms for Images with a Blocking Component
* Discriminant Bag of Words based representation for human action recognition
* Discriminative common vector based finger knuckle recognition
* Discriminative compact pyramids for object and scene recognition
* Discriminative Embedding via Image-to-Class Distances
* Discriminative multi-task objects tracking with active feature selection and drift correction
* Discriminative vessel segmentation in retinal images by fusing context-aware hybrid features
* Distributed Compressed Sensing off the Grid
* Distributed Cooperative Multicast in Cognitive Multi-Relay Multi-Antenna Systems
* Distributed Non-convex ADMM-based inference in large-scale random fields
* Distributed QoS Architectures for Multimedia Streaming Over Software Defined Networks
* Distributed Rate Allocation in Inter-Session Network Coding
* DNN Flow: DNN Feature Pyramid based Image Matching
* Doppler-Related Distortions in TOPS SAR Images
* Downscaling Satellite-Based Soil Moisture in Heterogeneous Regions Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Products and Information Theory: A Synthetic Study
* Drawing Parrots with Charcoal
* DRCW-OVO: Distance-based relative competence weighting combination for One-vs-One strategy in multi-class problems
* Driver Monitoring Based on Low-Cost 3-D Sensors
* Driver Workload Characteristics Analysis Using EEG Data From an Urban Road
* Driver/Vehicle Response Diagnostic System for the Vehicle-Following Case
* DropAll: Generalization of Two Convolutional Neural Network Regularization Methods
* DTW-Based Gait Recognition from Recovered 3-D Joint Angles and Inter-ankle Distance
* Duration Dependent Codebooks for Change Detection
* Dynamic Distance-Based Shape Features for Gait Recognition
* Dynamic Multiple View Geometry with Affine Cameras
* Dynamic Probabilistic Drivability Maps for Lane Change and Merge Driver Assistance
* Dynamic Request Redirection and Elastic Service Scaling in Cloud-Centric Media Networks
* Dynamic Vehicle Redistribution and Online Price Incentives in Shared Mobility Systems
* Early Detection of All-Zero Blocks in High Efficiency Video Coding
* EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets
* Easy to Use Mobile Augmented Reality Platform for Assisted Living Using Pico-projectors, An
* Edge Perpendicular Binary Coding for USM Sharpening Detection
* Edge-aware depth image filtering using color segmentation
* EEG-Based Mobile Robot Control Through an Adaptive Brain-Robot Interface
* Effect of Using an In-Vehicle Smart Driving Aid on Real-World Driver Performance
* Effect of Vegetation Type and Density on X-Band SAR Backscatter after Forest Fires, The
* Effective CU Size Decision for HEVC Intracoding
* Effective Results Ranking for Mobile Query by Singing/Humming Using a Hybrid Recommendation Mechanism
* effective thin cloud removal procedure for visible remote sensing images, An
* effective use of the one-class SVM classifier for handwritten signature verification based on writer-independent parameters, The
* Effects of driving behaviour on vehicle cluster formation and its application
* Effects of FDMA/TDMA Orthogonality on the Gaussian Pulse Train MIMO Ambiguity Function
* efficient algorithm to eliminate temporal pumping artifact in video coding with hierarchical prediction structure, An
* Efficient analysis of hybrid directional lifting technique for satellite image denoising
* Efficient classification using the Euler characteristic
* Efficient Computation of the Outer Hull of a Discrete Path
* Efficient Evaluation of Collisions and Costs on Grid Maps for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning
* Efficient Image Segmentation and Restoration Using Parametric Curve Evolution with Junctions and Topology Changes
* Efficient Image Self-recovery and Tamper Detection Using Fragile Watermarking, An
* Efficient Inter Prediction Mode Decision Method for Fast Motion Estimation in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Efficient Learning of Spatial Patterns with Multi-Scale Conditional Random Fields for Region-Based Classification
* Efficient Method of Estimating Downward Solar Radiation Based on the MODIS Observations for the Use of Land Surface Modeling, An
* Efficient Mode Decision Schemes for HEVC Inter Prediction
* Efficient Model Selection for Mixtures of Probabilistic PCA Via Hierarchical BIC
* Efficient MRF Energy Propagation for Video Segmentation via Bilateral Filters
* Efficient Multiview Depth Coding Optimization Based on Allowable Depth Distortion in View Synthesis
* Efficient Neighbourhood Computing for Discrete Rigid Transformation Graph Search
* Efficient numerical schemes for gradient vector flow
* Efficient Online Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation Algorithm for Time-critical Applications, An
* Efficient Patch-Wise Non-Uniform Deblurring for a Single Image
* efficient recursive edge-aware filter, An
* Efficient sampling strategy and refinement strategy for randomized circle detection
* Efficient scrolling videotext detection with adaptive temporal differential approach
* efficient semi-supervised classification approach for hyperspectral imagery, An
* Efficient Space Time Block Code for LTE-A System, An
* Efficient supervised optimum-path forest classification for large datasets
* Efficient Visibility Enhancement Algorithm for Road Scenes Captured by Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* eFis: A Fuzzy Inference Method for Predicting Malignancy of Small Pulmonary Nodules
* Egomotion Estimation by Point-Cloud Back-Mapping
* Eigenvalue Signal Processing for Weather Radar Polarimetry: Removing the Bias Induced by Antenna Coherent Cross-Channel Coupling
* EKF-Based Visual SLAM System with Relative Map Orientation Measurements, The
* Electrified Vehicles and the Smart Grid: The ITS Perspective
* Embedding Geometry in Generative Models for Pose Estimation of Object Categories
* Empirical analysis of the causes of stop-and-go waves at sags
* Empirical Waveform Decomposition and Radiometric Calibration of a Terrestrial Full-Waveform Laser Scanner
* Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrated Water Resource Management in Africa with the Water Observation and Information System
* Energy Minimization by TeX-Erosion for Supervised Texture Segmentation
* Energy-Aware Sensor Selection in Field Reconstruction
* Engineering wireless broadband access to IPTV
* Enhancement of Despeckled Ultrasound Images by Forward-Backward Diffusion
* Enhancing Low-Rank Subspace Clustering by Manifold Regularization
* ensemble of filters and classifiers for microarray data classification, An
* Entropic Perturbation Approach to TV-Minimization for Limited-Data Tomography, An
* Entropy-based outlier detection using semi-supervised approach with few positive examples
* Epileptic seizures detection in EEG using DWT-based ApEn and artificial neural network
* Equidistant prototypes embedding for single sample based face recognition with generic learning and incremental learning
* Error analysis of photometric stereo with colour lights
* Error-Tolerant Color Rendering for Digital Cameras
* Essential Matrix Estimation Using Adaptive Penalty Formulations
* Estimating Directional Statistics Using Wavefield Modeling and Mixtures of von-Mises Distributions
* Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass by Combining ALOS PALSAR and WorldView-2 Data: A Case Study at Purple Mountain National Park, Nanjing, China
* Estimating Forest Biomass From TerraSAR-X Stripmap Radargrammetry
* Estimating High Spatial Resolution Air Temperature for Regions with Limited in situ Data Using MODIS Products
* Estimating layout of cluttered indoor scenes using trajectory-based priors
* Estimating leaf chlorophyll of barley at different growth stages using spectral indices to reduce soil background and canopy structure effects
* Estimation of Gross Domestic Product Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Zhejiang Province, East China
* Estimation of Reservoir Discharges from Lake Nasser and Roseires Reservoir in the Nile Basin Using Satellite Altimetry and Imagery Data
* Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile multimedia quality assessment
* Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in Lake Victoria
* Evaluating Tree Detection and Segmentation Routines on Very High Resolution UAV LiDAR Data
* Evaluation of a Global Soil Moisture Product from Finer Spatial Resolution SAR Data and Ground Measurements at Irish Sites
* Evaluation of a Light-weight Lidar and a Photogrammetric System for Unmanned Airborne Mapping Applications
* Evaluation of Potential Functions for Regularized Image Deblurring, An
* Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Ocean Chlorophyll-a in the California Current
* Evaluation of the Surface Water Distribution in North-Central Namibia Based on MODIS and AMSR Series
* evaluative baseline for geo-semantic relatedness and similarity, An
* Evidential combination of pedestrian detectors
* Exact BER Performance Analysis of Link Adaptive Relaying with Noncoherent BFSK Modulation
* Exact Evaluation of Stochastic Watersheds: From Trees to General Graphs
* Exact NLMS Algorithm with L_p-Norm Constraint
* Examination of Several Methods of Hyperspectral Image Denoising: Over Channels, Spectral Functions and Both Domains, An
* Exemplar-Based Human Action Recognition with Template Matching from a Stream of Motion Capture
* Exploitation of Vehicle-to-Grid Function for Power Quality Improvement in a Smart Grid, The
* Exploiting Color Constancy for Robust Tracking Under Non-uniform Illumination
* Exploiting Color Information for Better Scene Text Recognition
* Exploiting local linear geometric structure for identifying correct matches
* Exploiting multi-expression dependences for implicit multi-emotion video tagging
* Exploiting street-level panoramic images for large-scale automated surveying of traffic signs
* Exploiting Visual Saliency and Bag-of-Words for Road Sign Recognition
* Exploiting Web Images for Semantic Video Indexing Via Robust Sample-Specific Loss
* Exploring album structure for face recognition in online social networks
* Exploring Compact Representation of SICE Matrices for Functional Brain Network Classification
* Exploring the Impact of Inter-query Variability on the Performance of Retrieval Systems
* Exponentially Smoothed Interactive Gaze Tracking Method
* Exposure Fusion Using Boosting Laplacian Pyramid
* Expression-Invariant Age Estimation
* Extended linear regression for undersampled face recognition
* Extended Random Walker-Based Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Eye Status Based on Eyelid Detection: A Driver Assistance System
* Face and Palmprint Recognition Using Hierarchical Multiscale Adaptive LBP with Directional Statistical Features
* Face detection by structural models
* Face Image Quality Assessment Based on Learning to Rank
* Face Image Super-Resolution Based on Topology ICA and Sparse Representation
* Face Recognition under Varying Illumination with Logarithmic Fractal Analysis
* Face Recognition With Image Sets Using Locally Grassmannian Discriminant Analysis
* Face Super-Resolution via Multilayer Locality-Constrained Iterative Neighbor Embedding and Intermediate Dictionary Learning
* Facet Connectedness of Discrete Hyperplanes with Zero Intercept: The General Case
* Factored particle filtering with dependent and constrained partition dynamics for tracking deformable objects
* family of measures for best top-n class-selective decision rules, A
* Fast affinity propagation clustering: A multilevel approach
* Fast Alternating Direction Optimization Methods
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* Fast Compressive Tracking
* Fast content-aware video length reduction
* Fast encoder decision for texture coding in 3D-HEVC
* Fast Exact Euclidean Distance (FEED): A New Class of Adaptable Distance Transforms
* Fast Histogram Based Image Binarization Using the Monte Carlo Threshold Estimation
* Fast Hue and Range Preserving Histogram Specification: Theory and New Algorithms for Color Image Enhancement
* Fast intra-encoding algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Maneuvering Target Motion Parameters Estimation Algorithm Based on ACCF, A
* Fast matching of large point sets under occlusions
* fast mode decision algorithm applied to Coarse-Grain quality Scalable Video Coding, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Confidence Interval
* Fast Multiview Video Coding Using Adaptive Prediction Structure and Hierarchical Mode Decision
* Fast Partitioning of Vector-Valued Images
* Fast Plain Copy-Move Detection Algorithm Based on Structural Pattern and 2D Rabin-Karp Rolling Hash, A
* Fast pose invariant face recognition using super coupled multiresolution Markov Random Fields on a GPU
* Fast Sparse Period Estimation
* Feature fusion within local region using localized maximum-margin learning for scene categorization
* feature group weighting method for subspace clustering of high-dimensional data, A
* Feature Selection Based on SVM Significance Maps for Classification of Dementia
* Feature selection using Principal Component Analysis for massive retweet detection
* Feature-Based Color Correction of Multiview Video for Coding and Rendering Enhancement
* Features, Color Spaces, and Boosting: New Insights on Semantic Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Fetal Abdominal Standard Plane Localization through Representation Learning with Knowledge Transfer
* Feynman-Kac Formula and Restoration of High ISO Images
* Finding suits in images of people in unconstrained environments
* Flexible Image Similarity Computation Using Hyper-Spatial Matching
* Flexible Synthesis of Video Frames Based on Motion Hints
* Formal Intent-Based Trajectory Description Languages
* Fourier Inversion of the Mojette Transform
* Fourier-Based Approach to the Angiographic Assessment of Flow Diverter Efficacy in the Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms, A
* Frame distortion estimation for unequal error protection methods in scalable video coding (SVC)
* Framework for Analysis of Computational Imaging Systems: Role of Signal Prior, Sensor Noise and Multiplexing, A
* Framework for Fusion of Human Sensor and Physical Sensor Data, A
* framework for implicit human-centered image tagging inspired by attributed affect, A
* framework for joint estimation of age, gender and ethnicity on a large database, A
* Frankenhorse: Automatic Completion of Articulating Objects from Image-based Reconstruction
* Free-Viewpoint Video Relighting from Multi-View Sequence under General Illumination
* Freeman Digitization and Tangent Word Based Estimators
* Fresh Look at Generalized Sampling, A
* From Virtual to Reality: Fast Adaptation of Virtual Object Detectors to Real Domains
* Fuel Panics: Insights From Spatial Agent-Based Simulation
* Full-Reference Image Quality Metrics: Classification and Evaluation
* Fully Associative Ensemble Learning for Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification
* Fully Automatic 3D Glioma Extraction in Multi-contrast MRI
* Fur Visualisation for Computer Game Engines and Real-Time Rendering
* Fusing multi-cues description for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Fusing Multiple Features for Shape-based 3D Model Retrieval
* Fusion of imaging spectroscopy and airborne laser scanning data for characterization of forest ecosystems: A review
* Fusion of Visual and Range Images for Object Extraction
* Future Dual-Frequency GPS Navigation System for Intelligent Air Transportation Under Strong Ionospheric Scintillation
* Fuzzy Integral Combination of One-Class Classifiers Designed for Multi-class Classification
* Fuzzy rule based decision trees
* Gait Analysis from Video: Camcorders vs. Kinect
* Gaussian Markov random field based improved texture descriptor for image segmentation
* Gaze-Driven Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow Estimation
* General Behavior Prediction by a Combination of Scenario-Specific Models
* General Framework for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Through Co-occurrence of Patterns
* Generalised Scalable Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Generalization Performance of Regularized Regression Algorithms Based on Markov Sampling, The
* Generalized Laplacian Eigenmaps for Modeling and Tracking Human Motions
* Generalized Nash Bargaining Solution to Rate Control Optimization for Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Generic Object Detection with Dense Neural Patterns and Regionlets
* generic, comprehensive and granular decoder complexity model for the H.264/AVC standard, A
* Genus zero graph segmentation: Estimation of intracranial volume
* Geodesic Finite Mixture Models
* Geodesic Geometric Mean of Regional Covariance Descriptors as an Image-Level Descriptor for Nuclear Atypia Grading in Breast Histology Images
* Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics
* Geodesic pixel neighborhoods for multi-class image segmentation
* Geodesic Propagation for Semantic Labeling
* Geographical Variation of Incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Manitoba, Canada
* Geometric 3D point cloud compression
* Geometric Framework for Rectangular Shape Detection, A
* Geometric Issues in Reconstruction of Virtual Heritage Involving Large Populations
* Geometrical Models of Old Curvilinear Paintings
* Geometry vs Semantics: Open Issues on 3D Reconstruction of Architectural Elements
* Geostatistical estimation of signal-to-noise ratios for spectral vegetation indices
* GLCM-Based Multiclass Iris Recognition Using FKNN and KNN
* Gleason Grading of Prostate Tumours with Max-Margin Conditional Random Fields
* Global sensitivity analysis techniques to simplify the calibration of traffic simulation models. Methodology and application to the IDM car-following model
* Global-Scale Associations of Vegetation Phenology with Rainfall and Temperature at a High Spatio-Temporal Resolution
* Going to the Movies: Lessons from the Film Industry for 3D Libraries
* Gradient-based subspace phase correlation for fast and effective image alignment
* Grading Cancer from Liver Histology Images Using Inter and Intra Region Spatial Relations
* Graph regularized multiset canonical correlations with applications to joint feature extraction
* Graph-Based Label Propagation in Fetal Brain MR Images
* GRASP: a versatile algorithm for characterizing the atmosphere
* Ground Truth and Performance Evaluation of Lane Border Detection
* Group spatiotemporal pattern queries
* Growing Spatially Embedded Social Networks for Activity-Travel Analysis Based on Artificial Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on Music Data Mining
* Guest Editorial: Tracking, Detection and Segmentation
* Half-sweep imaging for depth from defocus
* Handwritten and Printed Text Separation: Linearity and Regularity Assessment
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Using SVM Binary Classifiers and Unbalanced Decision Trees
* Haptic Steering Support for Driving Near the Vehicle's Handling Limits: Test-Track Case
* Head Pose Estimation Relying on Appearance-Based Nose Region Analysis
* Hierarchical Bayes based Adaptive Sparsity in Gaussian Mixture Model
* Hierarchical Cascade of Classifiers for Efficient Poselet Evaluation
* Hierarchical Fusion in Clustered Sensor Networks with Asynchronous Local Estimates
* Hierarchical Lung Field Segmentation With Joint Shape and Appearance Sparse Learning
* Hierarchical Segmentation Framework for Identifying Natural Vegetation: A Case Study of the Tehachapi Mountains, California
* Hierarchical String Cuts: A Translation, Rotation, Scale, and Mirror Invariant Descriptor for Fast Shape Retrieval
* Hierarchical Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
* Hierarchically constrained 3D hand pose estimation using regression forests from single frame depth data
* High Dimensional Semiparametric Scale-Invariant Principal Component Analysis
* High Entropy Ensembles for Holistic Figure-ground Segmentation
* High-Accuracy Total Variation With Application to Compressed Video Sensing
* High-Density LiDAR Mapping of the Ancient City of Mayapán
* High-performance hardware architectures for multi-level lifting-based discrete wavelet transform
* High-resolution 3D surface strain magnitude using 2D camera and low-resolution depth sensor
* Highly Efficient Compression Framework for Time-Varying 3-D Facial Expressions, A
* Highly parallel GEMV with register blocking method on GPU architecture
* Holistics 3.0 for Health
* Homological methods for extraction and analysis of linear features in multidimensional images
* Hough Networks for Head Pose Estimation and Facial Feature Localization
* How good are detection proposals, really?
* How Reliable is the MODIS Land Cover Product for Crop Mapping Sub-Saharan Agricultural Landscapes?
* HSOG: A Novel Local Image Descriptor Based on Histograms of the Second-Order Gradients
* Human Action Recognition Based on 3D Human Modeling and Cyclic HMMs
* Human Activity Analysis in a 3D Bird's-eye View
* Human Activity Interpretation Using Evenly Distributed Points on the Human Hull
* Human activity recognition by separating style and content
* Human activity recognition from 3D data: A review
* Human body part estimation from depth images via spatially-constrained deep learning
* Human Detection for a Video Surveillance Applied in the SmartMonitor System
* Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles [Guest editorial]
* Hybrid Approach for Facial Feature Detection and Tracking under Occlusion
* Hybrid Coherence Model for Noise Reduction in Reverberant Environments, A
* Hybrid CRF/HMM Approach for Handwriting Recognition, A
* Hybrid Dual-Source Model of Estimating Evapotranspiration over Different Ecosystems and Implications for Satellite-Based Approaches, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Functional Data Analysis
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Sparse Representation and Low-Rank Constraint
* Hyperspectral imagery for disaggregation of land surface temperature with selected regression algorithms over different land use land cover scenes
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing with the UAS Stuttgarter Adler System Setup, Calibration and First Results
* iCloudAccess: Cost-Effective Streaming of Video Games From the Cloud With Low Latency
* Identification of people walking along curved trajectories
* Identification of Products on Shop-Racks by Morphological Preprocessing and Feature-Based Detection
* Identifying a Joint in Medical Ultrasound Images Using Trained Classifiers
* Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Using a Local Directional Pattern
* Im2Text and Text2Im: Associating Images and Texts for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Image Alignment and Stitching: A Tutorial
* Image and Video Matting: A Survey
* Image Based Approach to Recovering the Gravitational Field of Asteroids, An
* Image copy-and-paste with optimized gradient
* Image Cosegmentation via Multi-task Learning
* Image Decompositions Using Spaces of Variable Smoothness and Integrability
* Image fusion based on image decomposition using self-fractional Fourier functions
* Image Guided Depth Map Upsampling using Anisotropic TV-L2
* Image Mosaicing by Camera Pose Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filter
* Image Quality Assessment by Quantifying Discrepancies of Multifractal Spectrums
* Image quality/distortion metric based on a-stable model similarity in wavelet domain
* Image reconstruction from continuous Gaussian-Hermite moments implemented by discrete algorithm
* Image Relevance Prediction Using Query-Context Bag-of-Object Retrieval Model
* Image representation using separable two-dimensional continuous and discrete orthogonal moments
* Image Search Reranking With Query-Dependent Click-Based Relevance Feedback
* Image segmentation using fuzzy energy-based active contour with shape prior
* Image Sensor Noise Parameter Estimation by Variance Stabilization and Normality Assessment
* Image visual attention computation and application via the learning of object attributes
* Image Warping in Dermatological Image Hair Removal
* Image-Based 3D Semantic Modeling of Building Facade
* Image-Based Rendering
* Imaging Analysis and First Results of the Geostationary Interferometric Microwave Sounder Demonstrator
* Immersive 3D Telepresence
* Impact of In-Vehicle Displays Location Preferences on Drivers' Performance and Gaze
* Impacts of a green-driving application in city buses on fuel consumption, speeding and passenger comfort
* Implementation of Advanced Foreground Segmentation Algorithms GMM, ViBE and PBAS in FPGA and GPU: A Comparison
* Implementation of Visual Motion Detection in Analog Neuromorphic Circuitry: A Case Study of the Issue of Circuit Precision
* Implicit Digital Surfaces in Arbitrary Dimensions
* Improve robustness of sparse PCA by L1-norm maximization
* Improved Bird Species Recognition Using Pose Normalized Deep Convolutional Nets
* Improved Depth Recovery In Consumer Depth Cameras via Disparity Space Fusion within Cross-spectral Stereo
* improved geopositioning model of QuickBird high resolution satellite imagery by compensating spatial correlated errors, An
* improved photometric stereo through distance estimation and light vector optimization from diffused maxima region, An
* Improved Rainfall Simulation by Assimilating Oceansat-2 Surface Winds Using Ensemble Kalman Filter for a Heavy Rainfall Event over South India
* Improved Reference Frame by Adopting a Video Stabilization Technique
* improved region-based model with local statistical features for image segmentation, An
* Improved Reproducibility of Neuroanatomical Definitions through Diffeomorphometry and Complexity Reduction
* Improved Segmentation Method for Non-melanoma Skin Lesions Using Active Contour Model, An
* improved set covering problem for Isomap supervised landmark selection, An
* Improved Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm Using Image Segmentation, An
* improved universal subsampling strategy for compressing mosaic videos with arbitrary RGB color filter arrays in H.264/AVC, An
* Improvements in Sample Selection Methods for Image Classification
* Improvements to the relational fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
* Improving constrained clustering with active query selection
* Improving Detection of Deformable Objects in Volumetric Data
* Improving Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction by Data-Dependent Filtering
* Improving Fire Detection Reliability by a Combination of Videoanalytics
* Improving geographic information retrieval in spatial data infrastructures
* Improving Lithological Mapping by SVM Classification of Spectral and Morphological Features: The Discovery of a New Chromite Body in the Mawat Ophiolite Complex (Kurdistan, NE Iraq)
* Improving microaneurysm detection using an optimally selected subset of candidate extractors and preprocessing methods
* Improving navigation for groups of autonomous guided vehicles
* Improving Representation of the Positive Class in Imbalanced Multiple-Instance Learning
* Improving Target Detection Accuracy Based on Multipolarization MIMO GPR
* Improving Traffic Flow Efficiency by In-Car Advice on Lane, Speed, and Headway
* In Vivo MRI Based Prostate Cancer Identification with Random Forests and Auto-context Model
* Incremental and Multi-feature Tensor Subspace Learning Applied for Background Modeling and Subtraction
* Incremental Domain Adaptation of Deformable Part-based Models
* Incremental feature selection based on rough set in dynamic incomplete data
* Incremental Learning of Hand Gestures Based on Submovement Sharing
* Incremental N-Mode SVD for Large-Scale Multilinear Generative Models
* Indicator Cokriging-Based Subpixel Mapping Without Prior Spatial Structure Information
* Inductive hierarchical nonnegative graph embedding for verb-object image classification
* Industrial Wastewater Discharge Retrieval Based on Stable Nighttime Light Imagery in China from 1992 to 2010
* Inexact and incremental bilinear Lanczos components algorithms for high dimensionality reduction and image reconstruction
* Inferring Sources of Dementia Progression with Network Diffusion Model
* Information-Theoretic Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Initialization, Limitation, and Predictive Coding of the Depth and Texture Quadtree in 3D-HEVC
* Instant Color Matching for Mobile Panorama Imaging
* Intelligent Carpool Routing for Urban Ridesharing by Mining GPS Trajectories
* Intelligent Trajectory Classification for Improved Movement Prediction
* Intent-Aware Video Search Result Optimization
* Inter-Calibration of Satellite Passive Microwave Land Observations from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Using Overlapping FY3B-MWRI Sensor Measurements
* Interacting Geometric Priors For Robust Multimodel Fitting
* Interactive Prostate Segmentation Based on Adaptive Feature Selection and Manifold Regularization
* Interactive Shadow Removal and Ground Truth for Variable Scene Categories
* Interactive Vine: Build Communicative Relationship
* Interference Reduction in Reverberant Speech Separation With Visual Voice Activity Detection
* Interval prediction for graded multi-label classification
* Intra-category sketch-based image retrieval by matching deformable part models
* Introducing Memory and Association Mechanism Into a Biologically Inspired Visual Model
* Invariant pattern recognition using the RFM descriptor
* Inverse Beamforming for Radio Tomography
* Inverse Elastic Scattering for Multiscale Rigid Bodies with a Single Far-Field Pattern
* Inverse Problem in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* Inversion of Aerosol Optical Depth Based on the CCD and IRS Sensors on the HJ-1 Satellites
* Investigating Spatial Patterns of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Point Targets and Landslide Occurrences in the Arno River Basin
* Iranian License Plate Recognition System Based on Color Features, An
* irrelevant variability normalization approach to discriminative training of multi-prototype based classifiers and its applications for online handwritten Chinese character recognition, An
* Is 2D Information Enough For Viewpoint Estimation?
* Isometric Log-Ratio Transform for Probabilistic Multi-Label Anatomical Shape Representation, The
* Isthmus-Based Parallel and Asymmetric 3D Thinning Algorithms
* Iterative Frequency-Weighted Filtering and Smoothing Procedures
* Iterative Grassmannian optimization for robust image alignment
* Iterative Nearest Neighbors
* Iterative Sparse Coding for Colorization Based Compression
* Jacobians and Hessians of mean value coordinates for closed triangular meshes
* Joint Estimation of Multiple Notes and Inharmonicity Coefficient Based on f_0 -Triplet for Automatic Piano Transcription
* Joint multi-person detection and tracking from overlapping cameras
* Joint Object Segmentation and Depth Upsampling
* Joint Preprocesser-Based Detector for Cooperative Networks with Limited Hardware Processing Capability
* Joint Removal of Random and Fixed-Pattern Noise Through Spatiotemporal Video Filtering
* Joint Sampling Rate and Bit-Depth Optimization in Compressive Video Sampling
* Joint Segmentation and Recognition of Categorized Objects From Noisy Web Image Collection
* Joint Segmentation of Images and Scanned Point Cloud in Large-Scale Street Scenes With Low-Annotation Cost
* Joint Source-Channel Coding and Unequal Error Protection for Video Plus Depth
* Kernel Methods in Computer Vision
* Kernel Reference Discriminant Analysis
* kernel support vector machine-based feature selection approach for recognizing Flying Apsaras' streamers in the Dunhuang Grotto Murals, China, A
* Kernel-Based MMSE Multimedia Signal Reconstruction and Its Application to Spatial Error Concealment
* Kernel-Based Structural Binary Pattern Tracking
* Kernelized Bayesian Matrix Factorization
* Keypoint-based 4-Points Congruent Sets: Automated marker-less registration of laser scans
* Knot segmentation in 3D CT images of wet wood
* Knowing Where I Am: Exploiting Multi-Task Learning for Multi-view Indoor Image-based Localization
* L- and X-Band Multi-Temporal InSAR Analysis of Tianjin Subsidence
* L0-Regularized Object Representation for Visual Tracking
* L2-RLS-Based Object Tracking
* Lacunarity Based Estimator for the Analysis of Cell Nuclei from the Papanicolaou Smears
* Lambda-Domain Rate Control Algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Land Cover Characterization and Classification of Arctic Tundra Environments by Means of Polarized Synthetic Aperture X- and C-Band Radar (PolSAR) and Landsat 8 Multispectral Imagery: Richards Island, Canada
* Large Differences in Terrestrial Vegetation Production Derived from Satellite-Based Light Use Efficiency Models
* Large-Margin Learning of Compact Binary Image Encodings
* Large-scale geo-tagged video indexing and queries
* Largest Dynamic Range of a Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem for Two Integers, The
* Layer-Aligned Multipriority Rateless Codes for Layered Video Streaming
* Leaf margins as sequences: A structural approach to leaf identification
* Learn++ for Robust Object Tracking
* Learning a Part-Based Pedestrian Detector in a Virtual World
* Learning a Two-Dimensional Fuzzy Discriminant Locality Preserving Subspace for Visual Recognition
* Learning deformable shape manifolds
* Learning Discriminating Features for Gender Recognition of Real World Faces
* Learning Discriminative Dictionary for Group Sparse Representation
* Learning Discriminative Space-Time Action Parts from Weakly Labelled Videos
* Learning Distance Transform for Boundary Detection and Deformable Segmentation in CT Prostate Images
* Learning high-dimensional networks with nonlinear interactions by a novel tree-embedded graphical model
* Learning low-rank and discriminative dictionary for image classification
* Learning of Atlas Forest Hierarchy for Automatic Labeling of MR Brain Images
* Learning to Rank Histograms for Object Retrieval
* Learning-Based Bipartite Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Learning-Based Framework for Supervised and Unsupervised Image Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Left-Invariant Riemannian Geodesics on Spatial Transformation Groups
* Leveraging Feature Uncertainty in the PnP Problem
* Leveraging local neighborhood topology for large scale person re-identification
* Line Matching in Wide-Baseline Stereo: A Top-Down Approach
* Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Stability Analyses of Cooperative Car-Following Models
* Linearly Estimating All Parameters of Affine Motion Using Radon Transform
* Local Binary Pattern Based Fast Digital Image Stabilization
* Local Invariant Feature Detectors: A Survey
* Local Metric Learning for Exemplar-Based Object Detection
* Local Optimization Based Segmentation of Spatially-Recurring, Multi-Region Objects With Part Configuration Constraints
* Local Ramp Metering in the Presence of a Distant Downstream Bottleneck: Theoretical Analysis and Simulation Study
* Local value difference metric
* Locality Regularization Embedding for face verification
* Localizing relevant frames in web videos using topic model and relevance filtering
* Locally discriminative topic modeling
* Location Constrained Pixel Classifiers for Image Parsing with Regular Spatial Layout
* Location privacy models in mobile applications: Conceptual view and research directions
* Location recognition on lifelog images via a discriminative combination of generative models
* LogDet Divergence-Based Metric Learning With Triplet Constraints and Its Applications
* Long Wavelength SAR Backscatter Modelling Trends as a Consequence of the Emergent Properties of Tree Populations
* Loop Closure Detection by Algorithmic Information Theory: Implemented on Range and Camera Image Data
* Low Complexity Interest Point Detector, A
* Low Light Image Enhancement via Sparse Representations
* Low-Complexity Intra Coding for Scalable Extension of HEVC Based on Content Statistics
* Low-Complexity Joint Antenna Tilting and User Scheduling for Large-Scale ZF Relaying
* MACS-TumbleCam: A Novel Approach for Aerial Oblique Imaging
* Magnetometer Calibration for Portable Navigation Devices in Vehicles Using a Fast and Autonomous Technique
* Magnitude-phase of the dual-tree quaternionic wavelet transform for multispectral satellite image denoising
* Mandelbrot- and Julia-Like Rendering of Polynomiographs
* Manifold Alignment and Transfer Learning for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Manifold-Based Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Manifold-ranking based retrieval using k-regular nearest neighbor graph
* Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Orthophotos to Facilitate Plant Health Assessment
* Mapping Layers of Clay in a Vertical Geological Surface Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Variability in Parameters of SWIR Absorption Features under Different Conditions of Illumination
* Mapping Levees Using LiDAR Data and Multispectral Orthoimages in the Nakdong River Basins, South Korea
* Markov chain based computational visual attention model that learns from eye tracking data
* Mask spoofing in face recognition and countermeasures
* Max-Log-MAP Soft Demapper with Logarithmic Complexity for M-PAM Signals
* Maximal Likelihood Correspondence Estimation for Face Recognition Across Pose
* Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation for Online Surveillance Video Synopsis
* Maximum Margin Projection Subspace Learning for Visual Data Analysis
* Medical image denoising by generalised Gaussian mixture modelling with edge information
* Mesh Parameterization Methods and Their Applications
* Meta-learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* method for noise-robust context-aware pattern discovery and recognition from categorical sequences, A
* Method for orthorectification of terrestrial radar maps
* Method to Detect Repeated Unknown Patterns in an Image, A
* Micro Aerial Vehicle with Precise Position and Attitude Sensors, A
* Microbolometer Airborne Calibrated Infrared Radiometer: The Ball Experimental Sea Surface Temperature (BESST) Radiometer, A
* MIMIC: An Innovative Methodology for Determining Mobile Laser Scanning System Point Density
* Mineral Classification of Land Surface Using Multispectral LWIR and Hyperspectral SWIR Remote-Sensing Data. A Case Study over the Sokolov Lignite Open-Pit Mines, the Czech Republic
* Minimax Framework for Classification with Applications to Images and High Dimensional Data, A
* Minimum Barrier Distance: Stability to Seed Point Position, The
* Minimum-Entropy-Based Adaptive Focusing Algorithm for Image Reconstruction of Terahertz Single-Frequency Holography With Improved Depth of Focus
* Mining Structure Fragments for Smart Bundle Adjustment
* Mitigating the impact of signal-dependent noise on hyperspectral target detection
* Mixing Graphics and Compute for Real-Time Multiview Human Body Tracking
* Mixture Linear Prediction in Speaker Verification Under Vocal Effort Mismatch
* Mixture of Trees Probabilistic Graphical Model for Video Segmentation
* Mixtures of Local Dictionaries for Unsupervised Speech Enhancement
* Mobile Collaborative Video
* Mobile Traffic Sensor Routing in Dynamic Transportation Systems
* Model Based Approach for Melanoma Segmentation
* Model-Based MR Parameter Mapping With Sparsity Constraints: Parameter Estimation and Performance Bounds
* Modeling and Detecting Aggressiveness From Driving Signals
* Modeling and Nonlinear Adaptive Control for Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking
* Modeling and segmentation of floating foreground and background in videos
* Modeling diurnal land temperature cycles over Los Angeles using downscaled GOES imagery
* Modeling of SSIM-based end-to-end distortion for error-resilient video coding
* Modeling Radiometric Uncertainty for Vision with Tone-Mapped Color Images
* Modeling Sequential Domain Shift through Estimation of Optimal Sub-spaces for Categorization
* Modeling Shuttle-Lane Roadwork Operated by Temporary Traffic Signals Using Microsimulation
* Modeling spatiotemporal patterns of understory light intensity using airborne laser scanner (LiDAR)
* Modular Workflow Architecture for Coronary Centerline Extraction in Computed Tomography Angiography Data, A
* Monitoring Depth of Shallow Atmospheric Boundary Layer to Complement LiDAR Measurements Affected by Partial Overlap
* Mono-spectrum marker: an AR marker robust to image blur and defocus
* Monocular Model-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects: A Survey
* Monocular Road Terrain Detection by Combining Visual and Spatial Information
* Moving Portraits
* MR image enhancement using an extended neighborhood filter
* Multi-atlas Segmentation with Learning-Based Label Fusion
* Multi-biometric Score-Level Fusion and the Integration of the Neighbors Distance Ratio
* Multi-Chromatic Analysis of SAR Images for Coherent Target Detection
* Multi-factor cheating prevention in visual secret sharing by hybrid codebooks
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Spatial Frequency in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain
* Multi-Level Spatial Analysis for Change Detection of Urban Vegetation at Individual Tree Scale
* Multi-manifold metric learning for face recognition based on image sets
* Multi-Objective Optimization for Multimodal Visualization
* Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium: 20 Years of Development and Integration of USA National Land Cover Data, The
* Multi-robot, EKF-Based Visual SLAM System
* Multi-scale embedded descriptor for shape classification
* Multi-Scale Particle Filter Framework for Contour Detection, A
* Multi-scale patch-based sparse appearance model for robust object tracking
* Multi-script Identification from Printed Words
* Multi-sensor Acceleration-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-sensor background subtraction by fusing multiple region-based probabilistic classifiers
* Multi-stage Image Segmentation Framework for Human Detection in Mid Wave Infra-Red (MWIR) Imagery, A
* Multi-target tracking in team-sports videos via multi-level context-conditioned latent behaviour models
* Multi-task clustering via domain adaptation
* Multi-View Depth Map Estimation With Cross-View Consistency
* Multiatlas Segmentation as Nonparametric Regression
* Multibiometric System Using Level Set, Modified LBP and Random Forest
* Multichannel Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix for Multi/Hyperspectral Image Texture Representation, A
* Multiclass classification with potential function rules: Margin distribution and generalization
* Multilayer Surface Albedo for Face Recognition With Reference Images in Bad Lighting Conditions
* Multilevel Chinese Takeaway Process and Label-Based Processes for Rule Induction in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation
* Multiple Camera Approach for SLAM Based Ultrasonic Tank Roof Inspection
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Human Visual System Characteristics
* Multiple instance learning with bag dissimilarities
* Multiple Instances Detection in RGBD Images
* Multiple kernel learning with NOn-conVex group spArsity
* Multiple Object Detection with Occlusion Using Active Contour Model and Fuzzy C-Mean
* Multiple Object Tracking Using Local Motion Patterns
* Multiple Scattering in Cumulus Clouds
* Multiple-Human Tracking by Iterative Data Association and Detection Update
* Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and Fourier Transform
* Multispectral Iris Recognition Using Patch Based Game Theory
* Multivariate mathematical morphology based on fuzzy extremum estimation
* Multivehicle Cooperative Local Mapping: A Methodology Based on Occupancy Grid Map Merging
* Multiview Facial Landmark Localization in RGB-D Images via Hierarchical Regression With Binary Patterns
* Mutually coupled multiple inductive loop system suitable for heterogeneous traffic
* Narrowband Bio-Indicator Monitoring of Temperate Forest Carbon Fluxes in Northeastern China
* NDVI-Based Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics and Its Response to Climatic Change in the Mongolian Plateau
* Neighbourhood sensitive preserving embedding for pattern classification
* Nerve Detection in Ultrasound Images Using Median Gabor Binary Pattern
* Network-Guided Group Feature Selection for Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder
* New Class of Low Complexity Low-Pass Multiplierless Linear-Phase Special CIC FIR Filters, A
* new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images, A
* New Compressor for Measuring Distances among Images, A
* New Database of Global and Direct Solar Radiation Using the Eastern Meteosat Satellite, Models and Validation, A
* new extracting algorithm of k nearest neighbors searching for point clouds, A
* new fast multiphase image segmentation algorithm based on nonconvex regularizer, A
* New Framework for SAR Multitemporal Data RGB Representation: Rationale and Products, A
* New Hardware-Efficient Algorithm and Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* new hyperchaotic map and its application in an image encryption scheme, A
* New Landmark-Independent Tool for Quantifying and Characterizing Morphologic Variation, A
* new landscape metric for the identification of terraced sites: The Slope Local Length of Auto-Correlation (SLLAC), A
* New Method for Modifying Thresholds in the Classification of Tree Models for Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in Taihu Lake with Satellite Images, A
* New Method for Suomi-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration, A
* New Pansharpening Method Based on Spatial and Spectral Sparsity Priors, A
* New Visual Speech Recognition Approach for RGB-D Cameras, A
* Nighttime face recognition at large standoff: Cross-distance and cross-spectral matching
* NMF-based Target Source Separation Using Deep Neural Network
* No-reference image blur index based on singular value curve
* No-reference image quality assessment based on spatial and spectral entropies
* no-reference sharpness metric based on the notion of relative blur for Gaussian blurred image, A
* Noise Estimation of Remote Sensing Reflectance Using a Segmentation Approach Suitable for Optically Shallow Waters
* Noise Modelling in Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Variational Approach
* Noise Reduction and Gap Filling of fAPAR Time Series Using an Adapted Local Regression Filter
* Noise Reduction in Thermal Images
* Noise reduction of continuous wave radar and pulse radar using matched filter and wavelets
* Noise reduction using multiscale bilateral decomposition for digital color images
* Noise Robust Face Hallucination via Locality-Constrained Representation
* Non-additive Bounded Sets of Uniqueness in Z_n
* Non-Blind Structure-Preserving Substitution Watermarking of H.264/CAVLC Inter-Frames
* Non-manual grammatical marker recognition based on multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of head pose and facial expressions
* Non-rectangular Part Discovery for Object Detection
* Non-rigid registration using gradient of self-similarity response
* Non-Rigid Shape-from-Motion for Isometric Surfaces using Infinitesimal Planarity
* Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion With Uniqueness Constraint and Low Rank Matrix Fitting Factorization
* Non-Stationary 1981-2012 AVHRR NDVI3g Time Series, A
* Noninvasive Transmural Electrophysiological Imaging Based on Minimization of Total-Variation Functional
* Nonlinear Deconvolution of Hyperspectral Data With MCMC for Studying the Kinematics of Galaxies
* Nonlinear Dynamic Projection for Noise Reduction of Dispersed Manifolds
* Nonlinear model and constrained ML for removing back-to-front interferences from recto-verso documents
* Nonlocal Image Editing
* Nonlocal Random Walks Algorithm for Semi-Automatic 2D-to-3D Image Conversion
* Nonlocal Sparse and Low-Rank Regularization for Optical Flow Estimation
* Nonnegative Tensor Cofactorization and Its Unified Solution
* nonparametric approach to region-of-interest detection in wide-angle views, A
* Nonverbal social withdrawal in depression: Evidence from manual and automatic analyses
* Normalized Cut optimization based on color perception findings: A comparative study
* North Atlantic Aircraft Trajectory Optimization
* note on order statistics-based parametric pattern classification, A
* novel approach for coefficient quantization of low-pass finite impulse response filter using differential evolution algorithm, A
* Novel Approach to Noise Reduction in Ultrasound Images Based on Geodesic Paths
* Novel Classification Method of Halftone Image via Statistics Matrices, A
* Novel Electric Vehicle for Smart Indoor Mobility, A
* novel image retrieval method based on hybrid information descriptors, A
* novel level set method for image segmentation by incorporating local statistical analysis and global similarity measurement, A
* novel license plate location method based on wavelet transform and EMD analysis, A
* Novel Lightweight Quaternion Filter for Determining Orientation Based on Indications of Gyroscope, Magnetometer and Accelerometer
* Novel Methods to Accelerate CS Radar Imaging by NUFFT
* Novel Multi-Atlas Segmentation by Matrix Completion
* novel multi-object detection method in complex scene using synthetic aperture imaging, A
* novel phase congruency based descriptor for dynamic facial expression analysis, A
* Novel Similarity-Invariant Line Descriptor and Matching Algorithm for Global Motion Estimation
* novel supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm: Graph-based Fisher analysis, A
* Novel Text Detection System Based on Character and Link Energies, A
* Novel Video Dataset for Change Detection Benchmarking, A
* Object Categorization
* Object Disambiguation for Augmented Reality Applications
* Object Tracking Based on an Online Learning Network with Total Error Rate Minimization
* Object-Based Hierarchical Method for Change Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, An
* Object-Oriented Crop Mapping and Monitoring Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* OFDM Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Sufficient Cyclic Prefix
* On analysis of bi-dimensional component decomposition via BEMD
* On Continuous User Authentication via Typing Behavior
* On False Alarm Rate of Matched Filter Under Distribution Mismatch
* On Finding Spherical Geodesic Paths and Circles in Z3
* On Making nD Images Well-Composed by a Self-dual Local Interpolation
* On Recovering Missing Ground Penetrating Radar Traces by Statistical Interpolation Methods
* On Stable Reconstructions from Nonuniform Fourier Measurements
* On the Application of Generic Summarization Algorithms to Music
* On the Automatic Normalization of Plaque Regions in Ultrasound Images of the Carotid
* On the Computational Intractability of Exact and Approximate Dictionary Learning
* On the improvement of combined fuzzy topological and directional relations information
* On the Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems with Randomly Deployed Users
* On the temporal consistency of chlorophyll products derived from three ocean-colour sensors
* On Topology of Sensor Networks Deployed for Multitarget Tracking
* On Tracking and Matching in Vision Based Navigation
* On using prototype reduction schemes to optimize locally linear reconstruction methods
* On-Demand Conflict Resolution Procedures for Air-Traffic Intersections
* Online Action Recognition via Nonparametric Incremental Learning
* Online Dense Non-Rigid 3D Shape and Camera Motion Recovery
* Online Discriminative Multi-atlas Learning for Isointense Infant Brain Segmentation
* Online learning and fusion of orientation appearance models for robust rigid object tracking
* Online quality assessment of human motion from skeleton data
* Online robust action recognition based on a hierarchical model
* Open-world Person Re-Identification by Multi-Label Assignment Inference
* Optic Disk Localization for Gray-Scale Retinal Images Based on Patch Filtering
* Optic Nerve Head Detection via Group Correlations in Multi-orientation Transforms
* Optical Flow Estimation Combining Spatial-Temporal Derivatives Based Nonlinear Filtering
* Optimal Intrinsic Descriptors for Non-Rigid Shape Analysis
* Optimal MAP Parameters Estimation in STAPLE: Learning from Performance Parameters versus Image Similarity Information
* Optimal Representation of Multiple View Video
* Optimisation of fuel efficiency for freeway vehicles
* Optimization and Estimation of Complex-Valued Signals: Theory and applications in filtering and blind source separation
* Optimized Pixel-Wise Weighting Approach for Patch-Based Image Denoising, An
* Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search
* Optimizing area under the ROC curve using semi-supervised learning
* Optimizing Template for Lookup-Table Inverse Halftoning using Elitist Genetic Algorithm
* Optimizing Template for Lookup-Table Inverse Halftoning using Elitist Genetic Algorithm
* Optimizing the Hierarchical Prediction and Coding in HEVC for Surveillance and Conference Videos With Background Modeling
* Optoacoustic Imaging of Subcutaneous Microvasculature With a Class one Laser
* Ordinal Feature Selection for Iris and Palmprint Recognition
* Orthogonal projection images for 3D face detection
* Pairwise Rotation Invariant Co-Occurrence Local Binary Pattern
* Pan-sharpening based on weighted red black wavelets
* Parallel Layer Scanning Based Fast Dot/Dash Line Detection Algorithm for Large Scale Binary Document Images
* Parallel Public Transportation System and Its Application in Evaluating Evacuation Plans for Large-Scale Activities
* Parallel Simulation of Atmospheric Halo Phenomena
* Parameter-Free and Multigrid Convergent Digital Curvature Estimators
* parametric model for classifying land cover and evaluating training data based on multi-temporal remote sensing data, A
* Parametric Polytope Reconstruction, an Application to Crystal Shape Estimation
* Parametric temporal alignment for the detection of facial action temporal segments
* Parsing Semantic Parts of Cars Using Graphical Models and Segment Appearance Consistency
* Parsing the Hand in Depth Images
* Part Context Learning for Visual Tracking
* Partial Difference Operators on Weighted Graphs for Image Processing on Surfaces and Point Clouds
* Partial least squares-based human upper body orientation estimation with combined detection and tracking
* Partial retrieval of CAD models based on the gradient flows in Lie group
* Partitioning hard clustering algorithms based on multiple dissimilarity matrices
* Passive Synthetic Aperture Hitchhiker Imaging of Ground Moving Targets: Part 2: Performance Analysis
* Patchwise Joint Sparse Tracking With Occlusion Detection
* Path Construction and Visit Scheduling for Targets by Using Data Mules
* Path Descriptors for Geometric Graph Matching and Registration
* Pattern Recognition Based on Fuzzy Set and Genetic Algorithm
* Pedestrian detection based on sparse coding and transfer learning
* Pedestrian Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Multistory Buildings Using Inertial Sensors
* Penalty Functions Derived From Monotone Mappings
* Penetration Depth Derived from the Synthesis of ALOS/PALSAR InSAR Data and ASTER GDEM for the Mapping of Forest Biomass, The
* People Re-Identification with Local Distance Comparison Using Learned Metric
* Perceivable Light Fields: Matching the Requirements Between the Human Visual System and Autostereoscopic 3-D Displays
* Perceptual Evaluation of Demosaicing Artefacts
* Performance Evaluation of Binary Descriptors of Local Features
* Performance of ML Range Estimator in Radio Interferometric Positioning Systems
* Periodic Background Pattern Detection and Removal for Cell Tracking
* Persistent Reeb Graph Matching for Fast Brain Search
* Person Detection and Head Tracking to Detect Falls in Depth Maps
* Person Identity Label Propagation in Stereo Videos
* Person Re-identification Using Region Covariance in a Multi-feature Approach
* Phase congruency-based detection of circular objects applied to analysis of phytoplankton images
* Phase retrieval with unknown sampling factors via the two-dimensional chirp z-transform
* Phasic Triplet Markov Chains
* Physically Based Soil Moisture and Microwave Emissivity Data Set for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Applications, A
* Piecewise DC prediction in HEVC
* Plant Species Discrimination in a Tropical Wetland Using In Situ Hyperspectral Data
* PMBP: PatchMatch Belief Propagation for Correspondence Field Estimation
* Polarimetric Contextual Classification of PolSAR Images Using Sparse Representation and Superpixels
* Portable Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU Based Vertebra Localization in Sagittal MR Images, A
* Post-Processing for Blocking Artifact Reduction Based on Inter-Block Correlation
* Potential of 3D Internet in the Cultural Heritage Domain, The
* Potential of Time Series Merged from Landsat-5 TM and HJ-1 CCD for Crop Classification: A Case Study for Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China, The
* Potential of Urban Agriculture in Montréal: A Quantitative Assessment, The
* Practical Signal-Dependent Noise Parameter Estimation From a Single Noisy Image
* Prediction of Standard-Dose PET Image by Low-Dose PET and MRI Images
* Prediction of Synchrostate Transitions in EEG Signals Using Markov Chain Models
* Predictive models for multibiometric systems
* Predictive Quantization on the Stiefel Manifold
* Primal-Dual Decomposition by Operator Splitting and Applications to Image Deblurring
* Principles of Appearance Acquisition and Representation
* Probabilistic and Holistic Prediction of Vehicle States Using Sensor Fusion for Application to Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems
* Probabilistic Associative Model for Segmenting Weakly Supervised Images, A
* Probabilistic motion pixel detection for the reduction of ghost artifacts in high dynamic range images from multiple exposures
* Probability estimation for multi-class classification using AdaBoost
* Probability Models for Open Set Recognition
* Probability-based Dynamic Time Warping and Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for Human Gesture Recognition in RGB-D
* Procedural approach to volumetric terrain generation
* Procedural architecture using deformation-aware split grammars
* Procedural Shape Modeling in Digital Humanities: Potentials and Issues
* Progress in the restoration of image sequences degraded by atmospheric turbulence
* Progressive 3D mesh compression using MOG-based Bayesian entropy coding and gradual prediction
* PROMETHEUS: heterogeneous sensor database in support of research on human behavioral patterns in unrestricted environments
* Protected Pooling Method of Sparse Coding in Visual Classification
* Prototype-Based Modeling for Facial Expression Analysis
* Proxy-Based Authentication and Billing Scheme With Incentive-Aware Multihop Forwarding for Vehicular Networks, A
* Pseudo-Marginal Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Processes
* PSO-EM: A Hyperspectral Unmixing Algorithm Based On Normal Compositional Model
* Publishing deep web geographic data
* QR Code Localization Using Boosted Cascade of Weak Classifiers
* Quadratic nonnegative matrix factorization
* Quality Enhancement for Hybrid 3DTV with Mixed Resolution Using Conditional Replenishment Algorithm
* Quantifying the Relationship Between Intersensor Images in Solar Reflective Bands: Implications for Intercalibration
* Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Selected Lung MR Image Registration Techniques
* Quantitative Error Analysis of Bilateral Filtering
* Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography with Piecewise Constant Material Parameters
* Quantization Noise Mitigation via Parallel ADCs
* Quantization Table Design Revisited for Image/Video Coding
* Quartic Orders and Sharpness in Trajectory Estimation for Smooth Cumulative Chord Cubics
* Quaternionic Signal Processing Techniques for Automatic Evaluation of Dance Performances From MoCap Data
* QWERTY- and 8pen- Based Touchless Text Input with Hand Movement
* Radiometric Approach for Estimating Relative Changes in Intraglacier Average Temperature
* Radiometric Calibration Methodology of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
* Radiometric Correction and Normalization of Airborne LiDAR Intensity Data for Improving Land-Cover Classification
* Railroad online: acquiring and visualizing route panoramas of rail scenes
* Random Cascaded-Regression Copse for Robust Facial Landmark Detection
* Randomized Support Vector Forest
* Range of Motion Measurements Using Motion Capture Data and Augmented Reality Visualisation
* Re-id: Hunting Attributes in the Wild
* ReadingAct RGB-D action dataset and human action recognition from local features
* Real-time 3D face tracking based on active appearance model constrained by depth data
* Real-time Activity Recognition by Discerning Qualitative Relationships Between Randomly Chosen Visual Features
* Real-time and robust hand tracking with a single depth camera
* Real-time Dense Disparity Estimation based on Multi-Path Viterbi for Intelligent Vehicle Applications
* Real-time dispersion-compensated image reconstruction for compressive sensing spectral domain optical coherence tomography
* Real-time Hybrid Stereo Vision System for HD Resolution Disparity Map
* Real-Time Laser Point Tracking
* Real-time local stereo via edge-aware disparity propagation
* Real-Time Speckle Reduction in Ultrasound Images by Means of Nonlinear Coherent Diffusion Using GPU
* Real-Time Transit Signal Priority Control Model Considering Stochastic Bus Arrival Time, A
* Real-time video stabilization without phantom movements for micro aerial vehicles
* Realistic action recognition via sparsely-constructed Gaussian processes
* Realistic human action recognition by Fast HOG3D and self-organization feature map
* Realization of a Dilemma-Zone Guiding Algorithm at Signalized Intersections
* Reasoning about Photo Collections using Models of Outdoor Illumination
* Recent Developments in the Sparse Fourier Transform: A compressed Fourier transform for big data
* Recognizing Image Style
* Reconstructing Natural Visual Scenes From Spike Times
* Rectified Registration Consistency for Image Registration Evaluation
* Reduced reference image quality assessment using regularity of phase congruency
* Reducing Operational Costs in Cloud Social TV: An Opportunity for Cloud Cloning
* refined particle filter based on determined level set model for robust contour tracking, A
* Refinement of human silhouette segmentation in omni-directional indoor videos
* Reflectance-Based Segmentation Using Photometric and Illumination Invariants
* Region Based Segmentation in Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneity Using Legendre Polynomials
* Region-based saliency detection
* Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport
* Regularized L1-Graph for Data Clustering
* Regularized Max Pooling for Image Categorization
* Regularized Multi-Concept MIL for weakly-supervised facial behavior categorization
* Regularized tessellation density estimation with bootstrap aggregation and complexity penalization
* Relationship between an Invasive Shrub and Soil Moisture: Seasonal Interactions and Spatially Covarying Relations, The
* Relationship between the Growing Season Maximum Enhanced Vegetation Index and Climatic Factors on the Tibetan Plateau
* Relaxed sparse eigenvalue conditions for sparse estimation via non-convex regularized regression
* Relevance Assessment for Visual Video Re-ranking
* Relevance feature mapping for content-based multimedia information retrieval
* Reliable Lung Segmentation Methodology by Including Juxtapleural Nodules
* Remarkable Visual Abilities of Nocturnal Insects: Neural Principles and Bioinspired Night-Vision Algorithms, The
* Remote Geophysical Observatory in Antarctica with HF Data Transmission: A Review
* Remote Sensing Open Access Journal: Increasing Impact through Quality Publications
* Removal of high-intensity impulse noise by Weber's law Noise Identifier
* Representing a Cascade of Complex Gaussian AR Models by a Single Laplace AR Model
* Representing and recognizing objects with massive local image patches
* Reproduction Angular Error: An Improved Performance Metric for Illuminant Estimation
* Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Gender Classification
* Retinomorphic Event-Based Vision Sensors: Bioinspired Cameras With Spiking Output
* Retraction Note: Texture-guided volumetric deformation and visualization using 3D moving least squares
* Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth from Optimal Interpolation Approach Applied to SEVIRI Data
* Retrieval of Higher Order Ocean Spectral Information From Sunglint
* Retrieval of Surface Albedo on a Daily Basis: Application to MODIS Data
* Retrievals of All-Weather Daily Air Temperature Using MODIS and AMSR-E Data
* Return of the Devil in the Details: Delving Deep into Convolutional Nets
* Reusing Multimedia Content for the Creation of Interactive Experiences in Cultural Institutions
* Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality and Genetics
* Reverse Image Segmentation: A High-Level Solution to a Low-Level Task
* Reversible data embedding for indices based on histogram analysis
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstream
* Reversible Image Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement
* Review of statistical shape spaces for 3D data with comparative analysis for human faces
* review on automatic image annotation techniques, A
* Revisiting Finite-Time Distributed Algorithms via Successive Nulling of Eigenvalues
* Revisiting the Fisher vector for fine-grained classification
* Robust 3D Face Shape Reconstruction from Single Images via Two-Fold Coupled Structure Learning and Off-the-Shelf Landmark Detectors
* Robust 3D Reconstruction With an RGB-D Camera
* Robust Algorithm for Optic Disc Segmentation from Colored Fundus Images, A
* Robust Beamforming with Sidelobe Suppression for Impulsive Signals
* Robust Carotid Artery Recognition in Longitudinal B-Mode Ultrasound Images
* Robust Deep Learning for Improved Classification of AD/MCI Patients
* Robust Eye Gaze Estimation
* robust global and local mixture distance based non-rigid point set registration, A
* Robust human silhouette extraction with Laplacian fitting
* Robust locality preserving projection based on maximum correntropy criterion
* robust method for scale independent detection of curvature-based criticalities and intersections in line drawings, A
* Robust moving shadow detection with hierarchical mixture of MLP experts
* Robust object tracking using least absolute deviation
* Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
* Robust segment-based Stereo using Cost Aggregation
* Robust shape from depth images with GR2T
* Robust Sign Recognition System at Subway Stations Using Verification Knowledge
* Robust statistical approaches for local planar surface fitting in 3D laser scanning data
* Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color Global and Local Oriented Edge Magnitude Patterns
* Robust Transforms Based on the Weighted Median Operator
* Robust Visual Cooperative Tracking Using Constrained Adaptive Sparse Representations and Sparse Classifier Grids
* Robust Volumetric Texture Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images of the Brain Using Local Frequency Descriptor
* Rotation invariant co-occurrence features based on digital circles and discrete Fourier transform
* Roughness measurements over an agricultural soil surface with Structure from Motion
* rule-based classification methodology to handle uncertainty in habitat mapping employing evidential reasoning and fuzzy logic, A
* Salient Region Detection by Fusing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Features Extracted From a Single Image
* Salt Content Distribution and Paleoclimatic Significance of the Lop Nur Ear Feature: Results from Analysis of EO-1 Hyperion Imagery
* SAR-Based Paired Echo Focusing and Suppression of Vibrating Targets
* SAR-SIFT: A SIFT-Like Algorithm for SAR Images
* SASCr3: A Real Time Hardware Coprocessor for Stereo Correspondence
* Scalable image quality assessment with 2D mel-cepstrum and machine learning approach
* Scalable Mobile Visual Classification by Kernel Preserving Projection Over High-Dimensional Features
* Scalable Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for High Dimensional Data
* Scalable Prototype Learning Using GPUs
* Scale invariant small target detection by optimizing signal-to-clutter ratio in heterogeneous background for infrared search and track
* Scale Object Selection (SOS) through a hierarchical segmentation by a multi-spectral per-pixel classification
* Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* Scaled Reassigned Spectrogram with Perfect Localization for Estimation of Gaussian Functions, The
* Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Parallel Driving With Software Vehicular Robots for Safety and Smartness
* Scene adaptive structured light using error detection and correction
* Scene Flow Estimation using Intelligent Cost Functions
* Scene-driven Cues for Viewpoint Classification for Elongated Object Classes
* Screen Content Coding Based on HEVC Framework
* Searching for Structures of Interest in an Ultrasound Video Sequence
* Secure FSM-based arithmetic codes
* Secure MQ coder: An efficient way to protect JPEG 2000 images in wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Segmentation and classification of modeled actions in the context of unmodeled ones
* Segmentation of 3D Articulated Components by Slice-Based Vertex-Weighted Reeb Graph
* Segmentation of blurred objects by classification of isolabel contours
* Segmentation of Dynamic Scenes with Distributions of Spatiotemporally Oriented Energies
* Segmentation of gray scale image based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets constructed from several membership functions
* Segmentation-Free Keyword Retrieval in Historical Document Images
* Segmentation-free word spotting with exemplar SVMs
* Segmenting a Noisy Low-Depth-of-Field Image Using Adaptive Second-Order Statistics
* Seismic Wavelet Estimation Using Covariation Approach
* Selecting the Number of Principal Components with SURE
* Selectively Detail-Enhanced Fusion of Differently Exposed Images With Moving Objects
* Self-Adaptive Wavelet-Based Algorithm for Wave Measurement Using Nautical Radar, A
* Self-Adaptively Weighted Co-Saliency Detection via Rank Constraint
* Self-Similarity and Spectral Correlation Adaptive Algorithm for Color Demosaicking
* Self-tuned Evolution-Constructed features for general object recognition
* Semantic hierarchies for image annotation: A survey
* Semantic-Based Image Analysis with the Goal of Assisting Artistic Creation
* Semi-automatic verification of cropland and grassland using very high resolution mono-temporal satellite images
* Semi-Global 3D Line Modeling for Incremental Structure-from-Motion
* Semi-supervised classification for hyperspectral imagery based on spatial-spectral Label Propagation
* Semi-Supervised Feature Selection with Universum Based on Linked Social Media Data
* semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm applied to gene expression data, A
* Semi-Supervised Unified Latent Factor Learning with Multi-View Data
* Semiautomated Multilayer Picking Algorithm for Ice-Sheet Radar Echograms Applied to Ground-Based Near-Surface Data, A
* Semiautomatic Ground Truth Generation for Text Detection and Recognition in Video Images
* Semisupervised Manifold Alignment of Multimodal Remote Sensing Images
* Sensitivity of PAZ LEO Polarimetric GNSS Radio-Occultation Experiment to Precipitation Events
* Sensor-Driven Area Coverage for an Autonomous Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Separable Coded Aperture for Depth from a Single Image
* Separation theorem for independent subspace analysis and its consequences
* Sequential digital elevation models of active lava flows from ground-based stereo time-lapse imagery
* Sequential Estimation of Mixtures in Diffusion Networks
* Session compensation using binary speech representation for speaker recognition
* SETh: The Method for Long-Term Object Tracking
* Seven Years of Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) Global Monitoring (GM) of Surface Soil Moisture over Africa
* Shadow detection: A survey and comparative evaluation of recent methods
* Shape Identification and Classification in Echolocation
* Shape Vocabulary: A Robust and Efficient Shape Representation for Shape Matching
* Sharing Visual Secrets in Single Image Random Dot Stereograms
* Significant Body Point Labeling and Tracking
* Similarity Estimation of Textile Materials Based on Image Quality Assessment Methods
* Simple Method to Determine if a Music Information Retrieval System is a Horse, A
* Simple Model of Speech Communication and its Application to Intelligibility Enhancement, A
* Simulated Holography Based on Stereoscopy and Face Tracking
* Simulation Analysis on the Existence of Network Traffic Flow Equilibria, A
* Simulation of Fractional Brownian Surfaces via Spectral Synthesis on Manifolds
* Simultaneous High Dynamic Range and Superresolution Imaging without Regularization
* Simultaneous Mosaicing and Tracking with an Event Camera
* Simultaneous segmentation and classification of human actions in video streams using deeply optimized Hough transform
* Single Image Defogging by Multiscale Depth Fusion
* Single Image Dehazing Using Color Attenuation Prior
* Single Viewpoint Image-Driven Simplification
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Compact KPCA Coding and Kernel Regression
* Single-view-based 3D facial reconstruction method robust against pose variations
* Situation awareness of cancelable biometric system
* Situational Knowledge Representation for Traffic Observed by a Pavement Vibration Sensor Network
* Skipping Prediction Directions Based on the Cost Relationship between Multi-Directional Predictions for an HEVC Encoder
* Slice representation of range data for head pose estimation
* Small-Scale Surface Reconstruction and Volume Calculation of Soil Erosion in Complex Moroccan Gully Morphology Using Structure from Motion
* Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage System and Its Coordination With a Distribution Grid
* Soil Surface Sealing Effect on Soil Moisture at a Semiarid Hillslope: Implications for Remote Sensing Estimation
* Solutions for Missing Parameters in Computer-Aided Diagnosis with Multiparametric Imaging Data
* Solving 2D Fredholm Integral from Incomplete Measurements Using Compressive Sensing
* Solving Jigsaw Puzzles using Paths and Cycles
* Some Weberized L2-Based Methods of Signal/Image Approximation
* Space-Time Facet Model for Human Activity Classification
* Spaceborne Mine Waste Mineralogy Monitoring in South Africa, Applications for Modern Push-Broom Missions: Hyperion/OLI and EnMAP/Sentinel-2
* Spacetime Stereo and 3D Flow via Binocular Spatiotemporal Orientation Analysis
* Sparse codes as Alpha Matte
* Sparse Discriminative Feature Selection for Multi-class Alzheimer's Disease Classification
* Sparse Embedding and Least Variance Encoding Approach to Hashing, A
* Sparse Feature Extraction for Pose-Tolerant Face Recognition
* Sparse non-negative tensor factorization using columnwise coordinate descent
* Sparse representation with multi-manifold analysis for texture classification from few training images
* Sparsity-Learning-Based Longitudinal MR Image Registration for Early Brain Development
* Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Onset of the Growing Season on Svalbard, Arctic Norway: Measured by MODIS-NDVI Satellite Data
* Spatial color image processing using Clifford algebras: Application to color active contour
* Spatial Decorrelation in GNSS-Based SAR Coherent Change Detection
* Spatial Representation of Coastal Risk: A Fuzzy Approach to Deal with Uncertainty
* Spatial-Aware Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* spatial-spectral kernel-based approach for the classification of remote-sensing images, A
* spatially constrained fuzzy hyper-prototype clustering algorithm, A
* Spatially Informative Optic Flow Model of Bee Colony With Saccadic Flight Strategy for Global Optimization, A
* Spatio-temporal Approach for Multiple Object Detection in Videos Using Graphs and Probability Maps, A
* Spatio-temporal feature extraction and representation for RGB-D human action recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation With Shape Growth or Shrinkage Constraint
* Spatiotemporal Group Context for Pedestrian Counting
* Special issue on contextual vision computing
* Special issue on depth image analysis
* Spectral Image Unmixing From Optimal Coded-Aperture Compressive Measurements
* spectral independent approach for physiological and geometric based face recognition in the visible, middle-wave and long-wave infrared bands, A
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data via Morphological Component Analysis-Based Image Separation
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification via Multiscale Adaptive Sparse Representation
* SpectralCAT: Categorical spectral clustering of numerical and nominal data
* Spectroscopic remote sensing of plant stress at leaf and canopy levels using the chlorophyll 680nm absorption feature with continuum removal
* Speed up of Video Enhancement based on Human Perception
* Speeding up Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Rank Expansions
* Speeding Up Graph Regularized Sparse Coding by Dual Gradient Ascent
* Sphere Image for 3-D Model Retrieval
* Spherical and Hyperbolic Embeddings of Data
* Spherical Light Fields
* Stable Shape Comparison of Surfaces via Reeb Graphs
* Stacked Multiscale Feature Learning for Domain Independent Medical Image Segmentation
* Stain removal in 2D images with globally varying textures
* State of the Art: Object Retrieval in Paintings using Discriminative Regions, The
* Statistical computation of feature weighting schemes through data estimation for nearest neighbor classifiers
* statistical feature based approach to distinguish PRCG from photographs, A
* Statistical Inverse Ray Tracing for Image-Based 3D Modeling
* Statistical Modeling of Spectrum Sensing Energy in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks
* Statistical Shape Analysis of Neuroanatomical Structures via Level-Set-based Shape Morphing
* Statistical-Based Segmentation of Bone Structures via Continuous Max-Flow Optimization
* Stereo Matching with Optimal Local Adaptive Radiometric Compensation
* Stereo Refinement for Photo Editing
* Stochastic Analysis of a Single-Hop Communication Link in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Stochastic Cost Function for Stereo Vision, A
* Stochastic Grammar of Images, A
* Strategy for Folding Clothing on the Basis of Deformable Models
* Streaming Progressive TIN Densification Filter for Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using Multi-Core Architectures
* StructBoost: Boosting Methods for Predicting Structured Output Variables
* Structural Changes of Desertified and Managed Shrubland Landscapes in Response to Drought: Spectral, Spatial and Temporal Analyses
* Structural Generative Descriptions for Time Series Classification
* Structural Similarity-Based Approximation over Orthogonal Bases: Investigating the Use of Individual Component Functions Sk(x,y)
* Structure-aware error-diffusion approach using entropy-constrained threshold modulation
* Structured Labels in Random Forests for Semantic Labelling and Object Detection
* Structured Learning and Prediction in Computer Vision
* Structured Random Forests for Myocardium Delineation in 3D Echocardiography
* Structured Semi-supervised Forest for Facial Landmarks Localization with Face Mask Reasoning
* Study of intelligent load analysis system using genetic algorithm
* Study of Multiplicative Watermark Detection in the Contourlet Domain Using Alpha-Stable Distributions, A
* Study on Emergency-Avoidance Braking for the Automatic Platooning of Trucks
* Study on MVDR Beamforming Applied to an ESPAR Antenna, A
* Sub-Compartment Variation in Tree Height, Stem Diameter and Stocking in a Pinus radiata D. Don Plantation Examined Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Subcategory Clustering with Latent Feature Alignment and Filtering for Object Detection
* Subject Specific Sparse Dictionary Learning for Atlas Based Brain MRI Segmentation
* Subjective Traffic Safety Experts' Knowledge for Driving-Risk Definition
* Suboptimal Scheme for Multi-User Scheduling in Gaussian Broadcast Channels, A
* Subpixel temporal spectral imaging
* Subpixel-based image downsampling algorithm using content-adaptive two-dimensional FIR filters
* Subspace Alignment and Separation for Multiple Frequency Estimation
* Subspace learning for unsupervised feature selection via matrix factorization
* Subspace Learning of Dynamics on a Shape Manifold: A Generative Modeling Approach
* Successful Applications of Geotechnologies for the Evaluation of Road Infrastructures
* sun-crown-sensor model and adapted C-correction logic for topographic correction of high resolution forest imagery, A
* Sunshine-Change-Tolerant Moving Object Masking for Realizing both Privacy Protection and Video Surveillance
* Superoscillations with Optimal Numerical Stability
* Superpixel Based Retinal Area Detection in SLO Images
* Superpixel-Based Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection
* Supervisory Power Management Control Algorithms for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Survey
* Surface Normal Integration for Convex Space-time Multi-view Reconstruction
* Switching Rollover Controller Coupled With Closed-Loop Adaptive Vehicle Parameter Identification, A
* System Design for Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar Missions
* Systematic Evaluation of the Bag-of-Frames Representation for Music Information Retrieval, A
* talking profile to distinguish identical twins, A
* Target Classification Using Features Based on Fractional Fourier Transform
* Task-Specific Performance Evaluation of UGVs: Case Studies at the IVFC
* Taylor Optimal Kernel for Derivative Etimation
* Tenor: A Measure of Central Tendency for Distributed Networks
* tensor-based deep learning framework, A
* Texture aided depth frame interpolation
* Texture Analysis for Identifying Heterogeneity in Medical Images
* Texture and edge preserving multiframe super-resolution
* Texture Preserving Image Restoration with Dyadic Bounded Mean Oscillating Constraints
* Texture Similarity Estimation Using Contours
* Texture-Based Automatic Separation of Echoes from Distributed Moving Targets in UWB Radar Signals
* Thermal Signature Using Non-redundant Temporal Local Binary-Based Features
* Thinking Virtual
* Three-Dimensional Model-Based Approach to the Estimation of the Tree Top Height by Fusing Low-Density LiDAR Data and Very High Resolution Optical Images, A
* Three-Dimensional Scattering and Inverse Scattering from Objects With Simultaneous Permittivity and Permeability Contrasts
* Threshold Setting for Adaptive Matched Filter and Adaptive Coherence Estimator
* Threshold Visual Cryptographic Scheme With Meaningful Shares
* Time Compensation in Perceptual Experiments
* Top down saliency estimation via superpixel-based discriminative dictionaries
* Topological Descriptors of Histology Images
* Topology Preserving Thinning of Cell Complexes
* Total Least Squares Fitting of k-Spheres in n-D Euclidean Space Using an (n+2)-D Isometric Representation
* Total Nuclear Variation and Jacobian Extensions of Total Variation for Vector Fields
* Touch Saliency: Characteristics and Prediction
* Toward a Methodology for Assessing Electric Vehicle Exterior Sounds
* Toward maximum-predictive-value classification
* Toward Privacy-Protecting Safety Systems for Naturalistic Driving Videos
* Toward Statistical Modeling of Saccadic Eye-Movement and Visual Saliency
* Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of Ultrasound Speckle Reduction
* Towards the Improvement of Blue Water Evapotranspiration Estimates by Combining Remote Sensing and Model Simulation
* Tower of Knowledge for scene interpretation: A survey
* Trace ratio criterion based generalized discriminative learning for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* Tracking People in Video Sequences by Clustering Feature Motion Paths
* Tracking seasonal changes of leaf and canopy light use efficiency in a Phlomis fruticosa Mediterranean ecosystem using field measurements and multi-angular satellite hyperspectral imagery
* Tracking Using Motion Estimation With Physically Motivated Inter-Region Constraints
* Traffic Sign Recognition With Hinge Loss Trained Convolutional Neural Networks
* Transcending the Self in Immersive Virtual Reality
* Transductive Multi-label Zero-shot Learning
* Transfer Learning Using Rotated Image Data to Improve Deep Neural Network Performance
* Transit Coordination Using Integer-Ratio Headways
* Tri-Map Self-Validation Based on Least Gibbs Energy for Foreground Segmentation
* True Zoom with Cylindrical Light Field System
* Truncated Signed Distance Function: Experiments on Voxel Size
* Turbo Compressed Sensing with Partial DFT Sensing Matrix
* Two-Dimensional Compressed Sensing Using the Cross-sampling Approach for Low-Field MRI Systems
* Two-Objective Timetable Optimization Model in Subway Systems, A
* Uncalibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo
* Unconstrained Structural Similarity-Based Optimization
* Uncooperative gait recognition by learning to rank
* unified framework for content-aware view selection and planning through view importance, A
* Unified Framework for Multioriented Text Detection and Recognition, A
* Unified Framework of Latent Feature Learning in Social Media, A
* Unified Structured Learning for Simultaneous Human Pose Estimation and Garment Attribute Classification
* unifying view on dataset shift in classification, A
* Uniqueness Regions under Sets of Generic Projections in Discrete Tomography
* Universal Variational Framework for Sparsity-Based Image Inpainting, A
* Unlabelled 3D Motion Examples Improve Cross-View Action Recognition
* Unsupervised Adaptation Across Domain Shifts by Generating Intermediate Data Representations
* Unsupervised Detector Adaptation by Joint Dataset Feature Learning
* Unsupervised Learning of Generative Topic Saliency for Person Re-identification
* Unsupervised Music Structure Annotation by Time Series Structure Features and Segment Similarity
* Unsupervised RGB-D image segmentation using joint clustering and region merging
* Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Segmentation with Sparse Spectral-Clustering
* Upper Body Pose Estimation with Temporal Sequential Forests
* Urban Built-Up Area Extraction from Landsat TM/ETM+ Images Using Spectral Information and Multivariate Texture
* Using Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Trees to Build Dense Active Appearance Models
* Using Dynamically Promoted Experts for Music Recommendation
* Using Scale-Space Anisotropic Smoothing for Text Line Extraction in Historical Documents
* Using Small-Footprint Discrete and Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR Metrics to Estimate Total Biomass and Biomass Components in Subtropical Forests
* Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Quantify Spatial Gap Patterns in Forests
* Using weighted dynamic range for histogram equalization to improve the image contrast
* Validation of Combined Metrics for Color Image Quality Assessment, A
* Validation of Global Evapotranspiration Product (MOD16) using Flux Tower Data in the African Savanna, South Africa
* Validation Study on a Subjective Driving Workload Prediction Tool, A
* Variants of dense descriptors and Zernike moments as features for accurate shape-based image retrieval
* Variational Image Registration Using Inhomogeneous Regularization
* Variational Level Set Segmentation in Riemannian Sobolev Spaces
* Variational Segmentation of Vector-Valued Images With Gradient Vector Flow
* Variational-Bayes Optical Flow
* Vehicle Active Steering Control System Based on Human Mechanical Impedance Properties of the Arms
* Vehicle Color Recognition on Urban Road by Feature Context
* Vehicle-to-Vehicle Propagation Models With Large Vehicle Obstructions
* very fast phase inversion approach for small baseline style interferogram stacks, A
* Video Activity-Based Traffic Policing: A New Paradigm
* Video Annotation via Image Groups from the Web
* Video Compressive Sensing Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Video Event Detection Using Motion Relativity and Feature Selection
* Video face tracking: a work in progress
* Video object matching across multiple non-overlapping camera views based on multi-feature fusion and incremental learning
* Video Saliency Incorporating Spatiotemporal Cues and Uncertainty Weighting
* Video Saliency Map Detection by Dominant Camera Motion Removal
* Video Segmentation by Non-Local Consensus voting
* Video super-resolution based on automatic key-frame selection and feature-guided variational optical flow
* Video Tonal Stabilization via Color States Smoothing
* Video traffic analysis using scene and vehicle models
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using the Intra-Personal/Extra-Personal Difference Dictionary
* VideoGraph: a non-linear video representation for efficient exploration
* View invariant action recognition using generalized 4D features
* Virtual Insertion: Robust Bundle Adjustment over Long Video Sequences
* Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
* Visual Depth Guided Color Image Rain Streaks Removal Using Sparse Coding
* Visual tracking with randomly projected ferns
* Visual Words Assignment Via Information-Theoretic Manifold Embedding
* Visual-Based Driver Distraction Recognition and Detection Using Random Forest, A
* Voronoi-Based Geometry Estimator for 3D Digital Surfaces
* VSI: A Visual Saliency-Induced Index for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imaging for Motion Filtering
* Wavelet-Packet-Based Radar Waveform for High Resolution in Range and Velocity Detection, A
* Weakly Supervised Detection with Posterior Regularization
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with a Multiscale Model
* Web and Mobile Visualization for Cultural Heritage
* Weight Estimation of Pigs Using Top-View Image Processing
* Weighting scheme for image retrieval based on bag-of-visual-words
* Where 2.0 Australia's Environment? Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information, and Citizens Acting as Sensors for Environmental Sustainability
* Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios: A Multistage Wiener Filter Perspective
* WTLS-Based Method for Remote Sensing Imagery Registration, A
* XKin: an open source framework for hand pose and gesture recognition using kinect
* Yaw Estimation Using Cylindrical and Ellipsoidal Face Models
* You-Do, I-Learn: Discovering Task Relevant Objects and their Modes of Interaction from Multi-User Egocentric Video
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Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.