Update Dates 9712

9712 * 3-D Scene Data Recovery Using Omnidirectional Multibaseline Stereo
* 3D Part Segmentation Using Simulated Electrical Charge Distributions
* Achieving Integrity in Geographic Information Systems: Maps and Nested Maps
* Action-Reaction Learning: Analysis and Synthesis of Human Behaviour
* Adaptive Search Length Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, An
* Affective Wearables
* Affine Morphological Multiscale Analysis of Corners and Multiple Junctions
* Alternatives to the Use of the DFT in MRI and Spectroscopic Reconstructions
* Annotation Engine for Supporting Video Database Population, An
* Apparatus for estimating a half-pel motion in a video compression method
* Approximation of Measured Data with Interval B-Splines
* Augmenting the Discrimination Power of HMM by NN for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Automated Image Registration by Maximization of a Region Similarity Metric
* Automatic Left Ventricular Center Point Extraction in Echocardiographic Images
* Bond Percolation Based Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Camera with autofocus and aiming mechanism and method
* CFAR Detection for Two Correlated Targets
* Choice of Word Length in the Design of a Specialized Hardware for Lossless Wavelet Compression of Medical Images
* Coded Domain Video Combiner for Multipoint Continuous Presence Video Conferencing, A
* Color Snakes
* Combinatorics and Image Processing
* Compressed Quadtree Representations for Storing Similar Images
* Compression of multispectral images by address-predictive vector quantization
* Computational Bayesian Analysis of Hidden Markov Mesh Models
* Cost Effective VLSI Architectures for Full Search Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Curve Bend Function Based Method to Characterize Contour Shapes, A
* DCT Coefficients Recovery Based Error Concealment Technique and Its Application to the MPEG-2 Bit Stream Error
* Detecting Perceptually Parallel Curves: Criteria and Force Driven Optimization
* Detection of Faces and Facial Landmarks Using Iconic Filter Banks
* Detection of Small Size Synthetic References in Scenes Acquired with a Pixelated Device
* Discrete Analytical Hyperplanes
* Discrete Combinatorial Geometry
* Discrete Expression of Canny's Criteria for Step Edge Detector Performances Evaluation, A
* Dual Stack Filters and the Modified Difference of Estimates Approach to Edge Detection
* Dynamic Imaging by Model Estimation
* Dynamic Tracking Line: Feasible Tracking Region of a Robot in Conveyor Systems
* Edge-Based Adaptive Smoothing
* Efficient Postprocessor for Blocky Effect Removal Based on Transform Characteristics
* Efficient Randomized Algorithms for Robust Estimation of Circular Arcs and Aligned Ellipses
* Eigenspace Update Algorithm for Image Analysis, An
* Electronic Digital Stabilization: Design and Evaluation, with Applications
* Empirical multiresolution models applicable to gray-level image processing
* Error Tolerant Retrieval of Trees
* Estimation and Compensation of Subpixel Edge Localization Error
* Exploiting IEEE-1355 Routable Serial Links in a Real Time Vision Architecture
* Extraction of Line Features in a Noisy Image
* Face Recognition Using Transform Features and Neural Networks
* Fast Calibrated Stereo Vision for Manipulation
* Fast Encoding Algorithms for Tree Structured Vector Quantization
* Fast Fourier Transform Based Image Compression Algorithm Optimized for Speckle Interferometer Measurements
* Fast Orthogonalization Algorithms for Segmented Image-Coding
* Feature Analysis: Neural Network and Fuzzy Set Theoretic Approaches
* Feature Identification from Vectorized Mechanical Drawings
* Finding Point Correspondences in Motion Sequences Preserving Affine Structure
* Fixation Simplifies 3D Motion Estimation
* Focused Color Intersection with Efficient Searching for Object Extraction
* Framework for Performance Characterization of Intermediate Level Grouping Modules, A
* Framework for Uncertainty and Validation of 3-D Registration Methods Based On Points And Frames, A
* Fuzzy Feature Description of Handwriting Patterns
* General B-Spline Interpolation Method and Its Application to the Modification of Curves and Surfaces, The
* Genetic Algorithm Approach to Chinese Handwriting Normalization, A
* Genetic Algorithm for Aligning Object Shapes, A
* Geometric Separation of Partially Overlapping Nonrigid Objects Applied to Automatic Chromosome Classification
* Geometric Shock Capturing ENO Schemes for Subpixel Interpolation, Computation and Curve Evolution
* Giotto System: a Parallel Computer for Image Processing, The
* Globally Consistent Range Scan Alignment for Environment Mapping
* Hierarchical Model for Multiresolution Surface Reconstruction
* Hybrid Object Oriented Very Low Bit Rate Video Codec, A
* Hypothesis Verification Using Parametric Models and Active Vision Strategies
* IDCT output range before clipping in MPEG video coding
* Identification of Blur Parameters from Motion Blurred Images
* image coding scheme based on image projections and geometrical VQ, An
* Improved Equations for JPEGs Blocking Artifacts Reduction Approach
* Improved Occupancy Grids for Map
* Improvement of Stereo Disparity Estimation Through Balanced Filtering: The Sliding-Block Approach
* Improving Classifier Performance Through Repeated Sampling
* In Search of Information in Visual Media
* Inference of Surfaces, 3D Curves, and Junctions from Sparse, Noisy, 3D Data
* influence of residual errors on a digital satellite TV decoder, The
* Integral Approach to Free-Form Object Modeling, An
* Integrated Model for Evaluating the Amount of Data Required for Reliable Recognition, An
* Intelligent Sensor Fusion System for Tool Monitoring on a Machining Center, An
* Intrinsic Scale Space for Images on Surfaces: The Geodesic Curvature Flow
* Investigations on Fuzzy Thresholding Based on Fuzzy Clustering
* Iterative Shape Recovery From Multiple Images
* Joint Induction of Shape Features and Tree Classifiers
* Joint MAP Registration and High Resolution Image Estimation Using a Sequence of Undersampled Images
* Joint Scene and Signal Modeling for Wavelet Based Video Coding with Cellular Neural Network Architecture
* Jointly Optimal Region Classified Adaptive Vector Quantization for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Learning Recognition and Segmentation Using the Cresceptron
* Lossless Compression of Computer Generated Animation Frames
* Lossless Image Compression by Block Matching
* Lower Order Circle and Ellipse Hough Transform
* Managing Multimedia: Information In Database Systems
* Method and apparatus for implementation of neural networks for face recognition
* Method and apparatus for upscaling video images when pixel data used for upscaling a source video image are unavailable
* Methods and apparatus for using image data to determine camera location and orientation
* Methods for Numerical Integration of High Dimensional Posterior Densities with Application to Statistical Image Models
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Architecture for Real Time Computer Vision
* Model-Based Planar Contour Following in the Presence of Pose and Model Errors
* Modeling Ecologically Specialized Biological Visual Systems
* Morphological spatio-temporal simplification for video image segmentation
* Motion Estimation for Video Coding Standards
* MPEG2 Video Encoding in Consumer Electronics
* Multi-dot dither matrix generation
* Multichannel Autofocusing Scheme for Gray Level Shape Scale Detection, A
* multiresolution approach for contour extraction from brain images, A
* Multiscale Modeling and Estimation of Motion Fields for Video Coding
* Natural K-Plane Coordinate Reconstruction Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Mathematical Foundations
* Nearest Neighbor Queries in Shared-Nothing Environments
* New Criterion in Selection and Discretization of Attributes for the Generation of Decision Trees, A
* New Method for Image Separation of Overlapped Images from a Two-Layered Printed Circuit Board (PCB), A
* Noise Robustness of Texture Features
* Nonparametric Segmentation of Curves into Various Representations: Comment
* Nonparametric Segmentation of Curves into Various Representations: Response
* novel interpolative vector quantization scheme, A
* Object Based Coding of Stereo Image Sequences Using Three-Dimensional Models
* Object Recognition by Deterministic Annealing
* Off-Line Writer Verification Utilizing Multiple Neural Networks
* On Digital Mammogram Segmentation and Microcalcification Detection Using Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis
* On the Splitting Method for Vector Quantization Codebook Generation
* Online Cursive Kanji Character Recognition Using Stroke Based Affine Transformation
* Optimal 3x3 Decomposable Disks for Morphological Transformations
* Optimization of Fast Block Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Perception Sensor for a Mobile Robot
* Performance Assessment Through Bootstrap
* Performance of the H.263 Video Compression Standard
* Pipe-Group Architecture Real Time Active Vision, The
* Planning the Ground Object Photography by a Satellite System
* Post-processing method and apparatus for removing a blocking effect in a decoded image signal
* Prime Number Based Matrix Strategy for Efficient Iconic Indexing of Symbolic Pictures, A
* Principal Component Clustering Approach to Object Oriented Motion Segmentation and Estimation, A
* Prior Learning and Gibbs Reaction-Diffusion
* Quadtree and Symmetry in FFT Computation of Digital Images
* Quadtree Optimization for Image and Video Coding
* Real-Time Edge Detector: Algorithm And VLSI Architecture, A
* Recent Developments in Context Based Predictive Techniques for Lossless Image Compression
* Recognition Using Region Correspondences
* Reliable Parts Picking System with an Active and Multisensor Visual System, A
* Representation and Recognition of Handwritten Digits Using Deformable Templates
* Restoration of a Single Superresolution Image from Several Blurred, Noisy, and Undersampled Measured Images
* Restoration of Atmospherically Blurred Images According to Weather Predicted Atmospheric Modulation Transfer Functions
* Retrieving and Visualizing Video
* Reverse Engineering of Complex Geometry Using Rational B-Splines
* Robust Detection of Straight and Circular Road Segments in Noisy Aerial Images
* Robust Point Inclusion Algorithm for Regions Bounded by Parametric Curve Segments, A
* Robust Segmentation of CMM Data Based on NURBS
* Robust Visual Method for Assessing the Relative Performance of Edge Detection Algorithms, A
* Role of High-Resolution in Magnetic-Resonance (MR) Imaging: Applications to MR-Angiography, Intracranial T-1-Weighted Imaging, and Image Interpolation
* Scene Understanding by Rule Evaluation
* Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia
* Segmentation of a Class of Ophtalmological Images Using a Directional Variance Operator and Cooccurrence Arrays
* Selection of Alpha for Alpha Hull in R-2
* Set Theoretic Signal Restoration Using an Error in Variables Criterion
* Shape Representation and Recognition from Multiscale Curvature
* Similarity Is a Geometer
* Single lens range imaging method and apparatus
* Spatially scalable video compression employing resolution pyramids
* Special Issue on Recent Development in Video: Algorithms, Implementation and Applications: Introduction
* Special Issue on Special Purpose Architectures for Real Time Imaging: II
* Special Issue: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Its Signal Processing
* Stable Buffer Control Strategy for MPEG Coding, A
* Standard Compatible Extension of H.263 for Robust Video Transmission in Mobile Environments
* State Based Approach to the Representation and Recognition of Gesture, A
* Stereoscopic Navigation System, A
* Structural Approach to the Generation of Textured Images
* Structural Description Based Vision System for Automatic Object Recognition, A
* Superquadrics for Segmenting and Modeling Range Data
* Supervised Template Estimation for Document Image Decoding
* Synthesis of Optimal Algorithms for Portrait Recognition under Different Levels of a Priori Information
* Taxonomy of Spatial Data Integrity Constraints, A
* Telecentric Optics for Focus Analysis
* Text Image Compression Using Soft Pattern Matching
* Three-dimension picture coding system
* Triangulation
* Uncertainty Assessment for Reconstructions Based on Deformable Geometry
* Vector Distribution Model and an Effective Nearest Neighbor Search Method for Image Vector Quantization, A
* Video Abstracting
* View Invariant Analysis of Cyclic Motion
* Vision 3D non calibrée: Contributions à la reconstruction projective et étude des mouvements critiques pour láuto-calibrage
* Vision and Motion Planning for a Mobile Robot under Uncertainty
* Visual Information Management
* Visual Information Retrieval from Large Distributed Online Repositories
* Visual Space Distortion
* Visualization of Pattern Data Through Learning of Nonlinear Variance Conserving Dimension Reduction Mapping
* Ziplock Snakes
186 for 9712

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.