Update Dates 9808

9808 * *Mathematical Morphology
* 2-D Object Recognition by Multiscale Tree Matching
* 2-D Wavelet Image Transforms Extended to 3-D With Applications
* 2D Spiral Pattern Recognition with Possibilistic Measures
* 3D 6-Subiteration Thinning Algorithm for Extracting Medial Lines, A
* 3D Model Reconstruction by Fusing Multiple Visual Cues
* 3D Reconstruction from a Single View of an Object and its Image in a Plane Mirror
* 8-Point Discrete Hartley Transform as an Edge Operator and Its Interpretation in the Frequency-Domain
* Acquisition and Visualization of Colored 3D Objects
* Active Contour Model Based on Mathematical Morphology
* Active Contour Model for Extracting Human Faces
* Activity Based Video Shot Retrieval and Ranking
* Adaptive Block Matching Algorithm for Video Compression
* Adaptive Confidence Transform Based Classifier Combination for Chinese Character Recognition
* Adaptive Local Thresholding with Fuzzy-Validity-Guided Spatial Partitioning
* Adaptive motion estimation based on spatio-temporal correlation
* Adaptive Nonlinear Filters for 2D and 3D Image Enhancement
* Adaptive Page Segmentation for Color Technical Journals' Cover Images
* Adaptive Texture and Shape Based Defect Classification, An
* Advances in Medical Imaging
* Affine Correlation
* Affine Epipolar Geometry via Factorization Method
* Algorithm for Constructing a Multi-Template Dictionary for Character Recognition Considering Distribution of Feature Vectors, An
* Algorithm for Finding the Largest Approximately Common Substructures of Two Trees, An
* Algorithms for Partitioning Path Construction of Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Altering Reality through Interactive Image and Video Manipulation
* Ambiguity in Structure from Motion: Sphere Versus Plane
* Amount Translation and Error Localization in Check Processing Using Syntax-Directed Translation
* Analysis and Conversion of Documents
* Analysis of Orientation Problems Using Plucker Lines
* Analysis of Volumetric Images of Filamentous Bacteria in Industrial Sludge
* Analysis System for Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Images of Genomic DNA, An
* Analytic to Holistic Approach for Face Recognition Based on a Single Frontal View, An
* Anisotropic Diffusion as a Preprocessing Step for Efficient Image Compression
* Anisotropies in Visual Motion Perception: A Fresh Look
* Apparatus for fingerprint verification using different verification method in accordance with quality grade data
* Appearance-Based Automatic Target Recognition in Overhead LADAR Range Imagery
* Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using Shape-From-Shading
* Application of Bayesian Ying-Yang Criteria for Selecting the Number of Hidden Units with Backpropagation Learning to Electrocardigram Classification
* Application of Neural Networks in 3D Object Recognition System
* Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Image Processing
* Applying Adaptive Logic Networks to Character Recognition
* Approach to Statistical Lip Modelling for Speaker Identification via Chromatic Feature Extraction, An
* Approaches to Decompose Flat Structuring Element for Fast Overlapping Search Morphological Algorithm
* Architecture of Object Recognition System for Various Images Based on Multi-Agents, An
* Associative Memory Systems Using Fuzzy Sets
* Associative RAM-Net Memory Neural Target Classifier
* Atmospheric Turbulence Visualisation Through Image Time-Sequence Registration
* Attentive Visual Recognition
* Augmented Reality System Using a Real-Time Vision Based Registration, An
* Authentication of Free Hand Drawings by Pattern Recognition Methods
* Automated Defect Management for Document Images, An
* Automated Modelling of Real Human Faces for 3D Animation
* Automated Real-Time Visual Inspection System for High-Resolution Superimposed Printings
* Automatic Allograph Categorization Based on Stroke Clustering for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition
* Automatic Allograph Selection and Multiple Expert Classification for Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Character Recognition
* Automatic Detection of Italic, Bold and All-Capital Words in Document Images
* Automatic Detection of Lung Cancers in Chest CT Images by Variable N-Quoit Filter
* Automatic Facial Feature Detection and Location
* Automatic Generation of Bayesian Nets for 3D Object Recognition
* Automatic Generation of Initial Weights and Estimation of Hidden Units for Pattern Classification Using Neural Networks
* Automatic Generation of Prototypes in 3D Structural Object Recognition
* Automatic Identification of Text in Digital Video Key Frames
* Automatic Quadratic Calibration for Correction of Pixel Classifier Boundaries to an Accuracy of 2.5mm: An Application in X-ray Heart Imaging
* Automatic Selection of Illustrations for Teaching Image Processing
* Automatic Target Recognition Using a Feature Decomposition and Data Decomposition Modular Neural-Network
* Automatic Text Extraction from Video for Content-Based Annotation and Retrieval
* Automatic Text Location in Images and Video Frames
* Automatic Tumor Segmentation Using Knowledge-Based Techniques
* Automatic Verification System for Seal Imprints on Japanese Bankchecks
* Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and Camera Operation Analysis
* Bayesian Analysis of Cell Nucleus Segmentation by a Viterbi Search Based Active Contour
* Bayesian Approach to Object Detection in Sidescan Sonar
* Bayesian Interpretation for the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory, A
* Binary Image Segmentation of Aggregates Based on Polygonal-Approximation and Classification of Concavities
* Biometrics: A New Era in Security
* Block-matching motion estimation using correlation search algorithm
* Blockwise distortion measure for statistical and structural errors in digital images
* Bodily state detection apparatus
* Bootstrapping Text Recognition from Stop Words
* Boundary Finding Using Fourier Surfaces of Increasing Order
* Boundary Localisation Algorithm Consistent with Human Visual Perception, A
* Breakpoint Detection Using Covariance Propagation
* Building a Representative Training Set Based on Eigenimages
* C4.5 Decision Forests
* Calibrated Computer Graphics: A New Approach to Realistic Image Synthesis Based on Camera Calibration
* Calibration Strategy for the Earth Observing System (EOS)-AM1 Platform
* Cardiac Left Ventricular Volume Changes Assessment by Long Axis Echocardiographical Image Processing
* Centroid Method for Compressing Sets of Similar Images, The
* Character Grouping Technique Using 3-D Neighborhood Graphs in Raster Map
* Character Recognition in Bookshelf Images by Automatic Template Selection
* Characterization and Detection of Edges by Lipschitz Exponents and MASW Wavelet Transform
* Characterization of Human Visual Sensitivity for Video Imaging Applications
* Characterizations of Nearest and Farthest Neighbor Algorithms by Clustering Admissibility Conditions
* Chinese Handwritten Character Segmentation in Form Documents
* Chromatic Correlation Features for Texture Recognition
* Circular Neighborhood and 1-D DFT Features for Texture Classification and Segmentation
* Class Selective Rejection Rule to Minimize the Maximum Distance Between Selected Classes
* Classification Method Study for Automatic Form Class Identification
* Classification of Machine Printed and Handwritten Texts Using Character Block Layout Variance
* Classification of Text Documents
* Classification of TV Sports News by DCT Features Using Multiple Subspace Method
* Classifying and Detecting Group Behaviour from Visual Surveillance Data
* CLICK-IT: Interactive Television Highlighter for Sports Action Replay
* Coarse-to-Fine Skeletons from Grey-Level Pyramids
* Color Image Compression Using a Hilbert Scan
* Color Image Compression Using Quantization, Thresholding, and Edge Detection Techniques All Based on the Moment Preserving Principle
* Colour Based Object Tracking
* Combining Multiple OCRs for Optimizing Word Recognition
* Combining NL Processing and Video Data to Query American Football
* Comments on Passive Target Tracking Using Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation
* Comments on A Jerk Model for Tracking Highly Maneuvering Targets
* Comments on A Jerk Model for Tracking Highly Maneuvering Targets: Reply
* Comments on Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Comments on Properties and Performance of Extended Target Motion Analysis
* Comparative Evaluation of Texture Analysis Algorithms for Defect Inspection of Textile Products
* Complete Description of Multiple Line Segments Using the Hough Transform
* Complex Object Tracking by Visual Servoing Based on 2D Image Motion
* Compression Based Refinement of Spatial Interpolation of Missing Pixels in Greyscale Images
* Computation of a Cross-Section Structure: A Projection Based Approach
* Computational Visual Distinctness Metric
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Pulmonary Nodules Based on Helical CT Images
* Computing the Probability of Target Detection in Dynamic Visual Scenes Containing Clutter Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Connected Vibrations Method for Non-Rigid Motion Tracking
* Connectionist Expert System Model for Conflict Resolution in Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition, A
* Connectionist Method for Pattern Classification with Diverse Features, A
* Content based navigation in an open hypermedia environment
* Content-Based Trademark Retrieval System Using a Visually Salient Feature
* Contour Extraction of Moving Objects
* Convergence of an EM-type algorithm for spatial clustering
* Cooperative Matching Paradigm for the Analysis of Stereo Image Sequences
* Copyright Protection of Digital Images by Embedded Unperceivable Marks
* Corner Detection Using Vector Potential
* Corner Enhancement in Curvature Scale Space
* Creating Virtual Scenes Using Active Contours and Global Motion Estimation
* Curvature Based Analysis of Pulmonary Nodules Using Thin-Section CT Images
* Curvature Scale Space for Robust Image Corner Detection
* Curve Evolution for Corner Enhancement
* Cut Detection Technique from MPEG Compressed Video Using Likelihood Ratio Test
* Datagen: A Generator of Datasets for Evaluation of Classification Algorithms
* DCT-based motion estimation method
* Decimation of Visible Surfaces
* Deformable Fourier Surfaces for Volume Segmentation in SPECT
* Deformable Model of the Human Iris for Measuring Ocular Torsion from Video Images
* Deformable Model of the Human Iris for Measuring Small 3-Dimensional Eye Movements, A
* Deformable Model-Based Image Segmentation Algorithm for Shapes with Corners, A
* Density Propagation for Surface Tracking
* Depth from Physics: Physics-Based Image Analysis and Feature Definition
* Detecting Changes of Buildings from Aerial Images Using Shadow and Shading Model
* Detecting Periodic Structure
* Detecting Persons on Changing Background
* Detection and Removal of Anomalies in Digitized Animation Film
* detection of duplicates in document image databases, The
* Detection of Foreign Substances Mixed in a Plastic Bottle of Medicinal Solution Using Real-Time Video Image Processing
* Detection of Human Faces in Complex Scene Images by Use of a Skin Color Model and of Invariant Fourier-Mellin Moments
* Detection Probability Using Relative Clutter in Infrared Images
* Determination of terrain models in wooded areas with airborne laser scanner data
* Determination of the Point of Fixation in a Head-Fixed Coordinate System
* Development of a Structural Deformable Model for Handwriting Recognition
* Differential Invariants for Color Images
* Digital Archiving of an Archaeological Excavation Site for Virtual Museum and Multimedia Display
* Direct Method to Obtain Straight Edge Depth from Motion
* Direct Parametric Object Detection in Tomographic-Images
* Direct Triangle Extraction by a Randomized Hough Technique
* Direction-Change Features of Imaginary Strokes for On-Line Handwriting Character Recognition
* Discrete Vector Quantization for Arbitrary Distance Function Estimation
* Discrete-Time CNN for Image Segmentation by Active Contours
* Discrimination of Facial Regions Based on Dynamic Grids of Point Representations
* Discriminative Learning for Minimum Error and Minimum Reject Classification
* Distributed Image Processing Environment VIOS III and it's Performance Evaluation, A
* Distributed Robust Image Mosaics
* Document Image Mosaicing
* Document Image Understanding of Handwritten Forms Using Rule-Trees
* Document Reconstruction and Recognition from an Image Sequence
* Dynamic Attention Map by Ising Model for Human Face Detection
* E-Mail Signature Block Analysis
* Edge Operator Error Estimation Incorporating Measurements of CCD TV Camera Transfer Function
* Edge Preserving in Generalized Smoothing of Signals and Images
* Effect of Controlled Image Acquisition on Fingerprint Matching
* Effective Algorithm for the Segmentation of Digital Plane Curves: The Isoparametric Formulation, An
* Effective Entropic Thresholding for Ultrasonic Images, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Form Structure Extraction Using Strip Projection, An
* Efficient Fourier Method for 3-D Radon Inversion in Exact Cone Beam CT Reconstruction, An
* efficient Huffman table sharing method for memory-constrained entropy coding of multiple sources, An
* Efficient Least Common Subgraph Algorithm for Video Indexing, An
* Efficient MAP/ML Similarity Matching for Visual Recognition
* Efficient Relational Matching with Local Edit Distance
* Efficient Rendering of Projective Model for Image-Based Visualization
* Efficient Scene Change Detection and Camera Motion Annotation for Video Classification
* Efficient Surface Mesh Representation Adaptive to Local Smoothness, An
* Egomotion Estimation on a Topological Space
* Elastic Structural Matching for On-Line Handwritten Alphanumeric Character Recognition
* Electro-optical imaging detector array for a moving vehicle which includes two axis image motion compensation and transfers pixels in row directions and column directions
* Enhanced Fisher Linear Discriminant Models for Face Recognition
* Enhancing Object Recognition Using Regency and Cooccurrence Heuristics
* ERC: Evolutionary Resample and Combine for Adaptive Parallel Training Data Set Selection
* Estimating Pose of Human Face Based on Symmetry Plane Using Range and Intensity Images
* Estimation of Illuminant Spectral Distribution with Geometrical Information from Spectral Image
* Euclidean Reconstruction from an Image Triplet: A Sensitivity Analysis
* Evaluation of Multiexpert Configurations for the Recognition of Handwritten Numerals, An
* Event Detection from Continuous Media
* Evolutionary Framework for Stereo Correspondence, An
* Evolutionary Measure for Image Matching, An
* Expected Classification Error of the Fisher Linear Classifier with Pseudo Inverse Covariance Matrix
* Experimental Comparison of 3 Target Acquisition Models
* Experimental Comparison of Non-Parametric Classifiers for Time-Constrained Classification Tasks, An
* Experimental Evaluation of Two Criteria for Pattern Comparison and Alignment
* Extended General Spacefilling Curves Heuristic, The
* Extended Mean Shift in Handwriting Clustering
* Extracting Stroke Information in Static Line Images
* Extraction of Handwritten Information in Geometrically Distorted Documents
* Extraction of Road Region Using Stereo Images
* Extraction of Salient Apexes from an Image by Using the Function at the Primary Visual Cortex
* Eye Tracking and Animation for MPEG-4 Coding
* F2ID: A Personal Identification System Using Faces and Fingerprints
* Face Pose Discrimination Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Face Recognition by Bidirectional View Synthesis
* Face Recognition Using Multiple Image View Line Segments
* Facial Expression Communication with FES
* Facial Motion Tracking from Fine to Coarse
* Facial Muscle Parameter Decision from 2D Frontal Image
* Factorization Method Using 3-D Linear Combination for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Fast Algorithm for Detecting Die Extrusion Defects in IC Packages, A
* Fast and Accurate 3D Gesture Recognition Interface
* Fast Black Run Rotation Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* Fast k-Nearest-Neighbours Searching Through Extended Versions of the Approximating and Eliminating Search Algorithm (AESA)
* Fast Road Classification and Orientation Estimation Using Omni-View Images and Neural Networks
* Fast Searching of Digital Face Libraries Using Binary Image Metrics
* Fast Segmentation of Planar Surfaces in Range Images
* Feature Extraction Method for Palmprint Considering Elimination of Creases
* Feature Extraction of Edge by Directional Computation of Gray-Scale Variation
* Feature Extraction of Temporal Texture Based on Spatiotemporal Motion Trajectory
* Feature Point Clustering Approach to the Recognition of Form Documents, A
* Feature Selection Algorithm and Cobweb Correlation
* Feature Selection in Melanoma Recognition
* Feature-Selection Using Expected Attainable Discrimination
* Field-Data Grouping for Form Document Processing Using a Gravitation-Based Algorithm
* Fingerprint Card Classification with Statistical Feature Integration
* Fingerprint Classification System with Feedback Mechanism Based on Genetic Algorithm
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation
* Fingerprint Sub-Classification and Singular Point Detection
* Flexible Feature Matching for Automatic Face and Facial Feature Points Detection, A
* Flexible Image Database System for Content-Based Retrieval, A
* Form Document Identification Using Line Structure Based Features
* Formulation of Learning Vector Quantization Using a New Misclassification Measure, A
* Forward and Inverse Models in Time Resolved Optical Tomography Imaging and Their Finite Element Method Solutions, The
* Fourier Slice Theorem For Range Data Reconstruction, The
* Foveal Automatic Target Recognition Using a Multiresolution Neural-Network
* Foveate Wavelet Transform for Camera Motion Recovery From Videos
* Framework for Detecting and Selecting Text Line Candidates of Correct Orientation, A
* Free-Hand Pointer by Use of an Active Stereo Vision System
* Frequency Domain Down Conversion of HDTV Using an Optimal Motion Compensation Scheme
* From 2D Surface Patches to 3D Reconstructed Models: Theory and Applications
* From Geometry to Variational Calculus: Theory and Applications of Three-Dimensional Vision
* Frontal View Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Color, Shape and Symmetry Based Cost Functions
* Fully Automated Face Recognition System Under Different Conditions, A
* Function from Visual Analysis and Physical Interaction: A Methodology for Recognition of Generic Classes of Objects
* Function of Documents, The
* Functional Features for Chopping Extracted from Observations and Interactions
* Fusion of Images after Segmentation by Various Operators and Interpretation by a Multi-Scale Fuzzy Classification
* Fuzzy approach to contrast enhancement
* Fuzzy Region-Growing Segmentation of Natural Images Using Local Fractal Dimension
* Fuzzy Shape Recognition for Robot Repositioning
* Fuzzy Vessel Tracking Algorithm for Retinal Images Based on Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Fuzzy-Connectionist System for Diagnosing Cervical Cancer from Cell Images, A
* Generalization of the EM Algorithm for Mixture Density Estimation
* Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generation of Myocardial Blood Flow Parametric Images with N-13 Ammonia PET
* Generating categorical depth maps using passive defocus sensing
* Generation of High-Resolution Stereo Panoramic Images by Omnidirectional Imaging Sensor Using Hexagonal Pyramidal Mirrors
* Generic VLSI Architecture for Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Genetic Algorithm Based Method to Improve Image Segmentation, A
* Genetic Algorithmic Approach to the Detection of Subsurface Voids in Cross Hole Seismic Tomography
* Genetic Algorithms for Clustering in Machine Vision
* Genetic Approach to Hierarchical Clustering of Euclidean Graphs, A
* Genetically Fine Tuning the Hough Transform Feature Space, for the Detection of Circular Objects
* Gesture Spotting from Continuous Hand Motion
* Global and Local Neural-Network Ensembles
* Graph Matching: A Fast Algorithm and its Evaluation
* Grating Cell Operator Features for Oriented Texture Segmentation
* Group Motion Features for Teamwork Evaluation and its Application to Soccer Games
* Hand/Eye Calibration for Electronic Assembly Robots
* Handwriting and Signature: One or Two Personality Identifiers?
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition System Using Hierarchical Displacement Extraction Based on Directional Features, A
* Handwritten Kanji Recognition with the LDA Method
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using Autoassociative Neural Networks
* Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Neural Gas Based Vector Quantization
* Handwritten Text Retrieval Using Two-Stage Pattern Matching with Handwritten Query
* Helping Computer Vision by Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
* Heuristic Algorithm for Hierarchical Representation of Form Documents, A
* Hidden Markov Model Based Continuous Online Gesture Recognition
* Hierarchical Classification of Paintings Using Face- and Brush Stroke Models
* Hierarchical Filter Scheme For Efficient Corner Detection, A
* Hierarchical Image Modeling for Object-Based Media Retrieval
* Hierarchical Linear Combinations for Face Recognition
* High Resolution Image Reconstruction with Multisensors
* Hilbert-Schmidt Lower Bounds for Estimators on Matrix Lie Groups for ATR
* HMM-KNN Word Recognition Engine for Bank Cheque Processing
* Hough Transform Based Multisensor, Multitarget, Track Initiation Technique
* Human Face Image Recognition: An Evidence Aggregation Approach
* Human Face Image retrieval System for Large Database
* Human Posture Recognition Using Multi-Scale Morphological Method and Kalman Motion Estimation
* Human Tracking Using Distributed Vision Systems
* Hybrid Architecture for Performance Reasoning in Classification Systems, A
* Hybrid Object Recognition in Image Sequences
* Hybrid Video CODEC with Block Based and Mesh Based Motion Compensation Modes, A
* Hypothesis Selection for Scene Interpretation Using Grammatical Models of Scene Evolution
* Identification of Airfield Runways in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery and Videos
* Image Analysis and Classification of HEp-2 Cells in Fluorescent Images
* Image Analysis for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Virtual View Generation
* Image Classification Using the Surface-shape Operator and Multiscale Features
* Image Compression Based on Fuzzy Algorithms for Learning Vector Quantization and Wavelet Image Decomposition
* Image Coordinate Transformation Based on DIV-CURL Vector Splines
* Image Feature Extraction by Sparse Coding and Independent Component Analysis
* Image Mosiacing for Rolled Fingerprint Construction
* Image Representation, Texture and the Fuzzy N-Tuple
* Image Retrieval Using Efficient Local Area Matching
* Image segmentation and image matching for 3D terrain reconstruction
* Image Structural Information Assessment
* Image Structure Orientation Using Mathematical Morphology
* Image-Based Form Document Retrieval
* Improved Algorithm for Rotational Motion Artifact Suppression in MRI, An
* Improved Cross Correlation for Template Matching on the Laplacian Pyramid
* Improved Curvature and Anisotropy Estimation for Curved Line Bundles
* Improved JPEG Coding for Remote Sensing
* Improved Model Architecture and Training Phase in an Off-Line HMM-Based Word Recognition System
* Improved Technologies for Detection of Textile Defects
* Improvement of On-Line Japanese Character Recognition System for Visually Disabled Persons, An
* Improving the Generalized Hough Transform Through Imperfect Grouping
* In Defense of the Hough Transform
* Incremental Learning with Sample Queries
* Independent Component Analysis Applied to Electrogram Classification During Atrial Fibrillation
* Independent Component Analysis: Source Assessment and Separation, a Bayesian Approach
* Indexing Text Events in Digital Video Databases
* INFORMYS: A Flexible Invoice Like Form Reader System
* Initializing Normal Mixtures of Densities
* Insect-Based Approach to Robotic Homing, An
* Integration of Structural and Statistical Information for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Intensity Modulated Moire and its Intensity-Phase Analysis
* Interactive Image Segmentation Method Based on Dynamic Programming and its Application in Medical Image Analysis, An
* Interactive Manipulation Through Augmented Virtuality Using Processed Video Contents
* Interactive Tool for Recognizing Structured Figures with Variable Shapes, An
* Interfered-Character Recognition by Removing Interfering-Lines and Adjusting Feature Weights
* Intra-Block Algorithm for Digital Watermarking
* Intrinsic Parameters Self-Calibration Technique for Active Vision System, An
* Invariance and Scaling Laws in Natural Images
* Invariant-Based Shape Retrieval in Pictorial Databases
* Investigation of Computational Vision and Principal Component Analysis with Application to Target Classification
* IRAM Architecture for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, An
* Iterative Algorithm For Minimum Cross-Entropy Thresholding, An
* Joint Probability Density Function for Linear Optic Flow Components, The
* Joint Segmentation and Image Interpretation Using Hidden Markov Models
* Junctions: Detection, Classification, and Reconstruction
* Knowledge-Based Automated Vectorizing System for Geographic Information System, A
* KRUS: A Knowledge-Based Road Scene Understanding System
* Labelled Cell Classifier: A Fast Approximation to k Nearest Neighbors, The
* Land Cover Land Use Classification of Urban Areas: A Remote-Sensing Approach
* Large Encrypting Binary Images with Higher Security
* Large-Scale Parallel Data Clustering
* Layered Representation for Model-Based Filtering and Recognition, A
* Learning Feature Characteristics
* Learning in an Active Hybrid Vision System
* Learning Multidimensional Signal Processing
* Learning Prototypes for On-Line Handwritten Digits
* Learning Subspace Classifiers and Error Corrective Feature Extraction
* Learning the Human Face Concept from Black and White Images
* Linear Discriminant Analysis of MPF for Face Recognition
* Linear Layout Processing
* Linear Motion Estimation for Image Sequence Based Accurate 3-D Measurements
* Linear Transformation Parameter Estimation for Fault Detection
* Link Between Image Based and Feature Based Active Contours, A
* List Processing Approach to Compute Voronoi Diagrams and the Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* List-Mode Likelihood: EM Algorithm and Image Quality Estimation Demonstrated on 2-D PET
* Local Motion Estimation and Resolution Enhancement of Video Sequences
* Local Reinforcement Learning for Object Recognition
* Local Scale Control for Edge Detection and Blur Estimation
* Localisation of Image Features Using Measures of Rank Distribution
* Locating Book Backs in a Bookrack Image
* Lossy Compression Effects on Digital Image Matching
* Low Bit Rate Image Coding over Bases
* Low Cost Architecture for Structure Measure Distance Computation
* Machine-Printed Character Recognition Revisited: Re-Application of Recent Advances in Handwritten Character Recognition Research
* Managing the Level of Detail in 3D Shape Reconstruction and Representation
* Map Guided Classification of Regional Land Cover with Multitemporal AVHRR Data
* Map-Building and Map-Based Localization in an Underground-Mine by Statistical Pattern Matching
* Markov Random Field Approach for Interpreting Thermochromic Paint, A
* Matching and Recognition of Deformed Closed Contours Based on Structural Transformation Models
* Matching Blood Vessel Patterns with the Generalised EM Algorithm
* Matching Pursuit Filters Applied to Face Identification
* Matching Spatial Relations Using db-Tree for Image Retrieval
* Mathematical Methods for Pattern Recognition: Logic, Optimization, Algebraic Approaches
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Toeplitz-Block-Toeplitz Covariances in the Presence of Subspace Interference
* MDL-Based Design of Vector Quantizers
* Medical Image Analysis: A Challenge for Computer Vision
* Memory-Based Self-Localization Using Omnidirectional Images
* Method and apparatus for detecting an approaching object within a monitoring zone
* Method for Character String Extraction Using Local and Global Segment Crowdedness, A
* Method for expanding contracted video images
* Method for Searching Bridge in IR Images
* Method to Correct for Scatter, Spillover, and Partial Volume Effects in Region of Interest Analysis in PET, A
* Minimum Description Length (MDL) Principle and its Applications to Pattern Classification, The
* Mixfit: An Algorithm for the Automatic Fitting and Testing of Normal Mixture Models
* Model Based 3-D Tracking of Rigid Objects from a Sequence of Multiple Perspective Views, A
* Model Based Approach in Extracting and Generating Human Motion, A
* Model Based Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Model Complexity Validation for PDF Estimation Using Gaussian Mixtures
* Model Driven 3D Image Interpretation System Applied to Person Detection in Video Images, A
* Model-Based Approach for Recognizing Folding Process of Origami, A
* Model-Based Multi-Stage Compression of Human Face Images
* Model-Based On-Line Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Model-Based Pose Estimation Using Genetic Algorithm
* Model-Based Shape Recognition Using Recursive Mathematical Morphology
* Modular Classification Scheme with Elastic Net Models for Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* Modular Neural Network Vector Predictor for Predictive Image Coding, A
* Moment and Curvature Preserving Technique for Accurate Ellipse Boundary Detection
* Monotonic and Continuous Two-Dimensional Warping Based on Dynamic Programming, A
* Morphologic Field Warping: A Volumetric Deformation Method for Medical Image Registration
* Motion Characterization from Temporal Cooccurrences of Local Motion-Based Measures for Video Indexing
* Motion Estimation and Compensation Based on Almost Shift Invariant Wavelet Transform for Image Sequence Coding
* Motion-Based Recognition of Pedestrians
* Moving Object Tracking by Optimizing Active Models
* MPEG-Processor-Based Robot Vision System for Real-Time Detection of Moving Objects by a Moving Observer, An
* Multi-Feature Hierarchical Template Matching Using Distance Transforms
* Multi-Feature Matching Algorithm for Free-Form 3D Surface Registration
* Multi-Level Contour Segmentation Using Multiple Segmentation Primitives
* Multi-Resolution Surface Description of 3-D Objects by Shape-Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Multi-Scale and Hierarchical Description Using Energy Controlled Active Balloon Model
* Multi-Scale Fuzzy Classification by KNN: Application to the Interpretation of Aerial Images, A
* Multi-Scale Image Analysis for Detection of Characteristic Component Figure Shapes and Sizes
* Multiple Competitive Learning Network Fusion for Object Classification
* Multiple Point Boundary Smoothing Algorithm, A
* Multiple-View-Based Tracking of Multiple Humans
* multiresolution adaptive VQ based still image codec with application to progressive image transmission, A
* Multiresolution Approach for Page Segmentation, A
* Multiresolution Stereo Image Matching Using Complex Wavelets
* Multiscale Compression of Planar Curves Using Constant Curvature Segments
* Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Integrated Approach
* Multiscale Morphologic Edge Detector, A
* Multisensor Occlusion Reasoning
* Multispectral Image Compression
* n-Dimensional Moment Invariants and Conceptual Mathematical Theory of Recognition n-Dimensional Solids
* Network Vision
* Neural Network Based Feature Space Generation for Multiple Databases of Handwritten Numerals
* Neural Network Based Minutiae Filtering in Fingerprints
* Neural Network Based Systems for Handprint OCR Applications
* Neural Network Initialization by Combined Classifiers
* Neural Network-Hidden Markov Model Hybrid for Cursive Word Recognition, A
* Neural Networks for Image Modeling by 2-Dimensional Random Fields with Application to Image Compression for Target Acquisition
* Neural Networks Inspection System for Glass Bottles Production: A Comparative-Study
* New Algorithm for Line Image Vectorization, A
* New Algorithm for Lossless Still Image Compression, A
* New Approach for Intelligent Object Picking in Line Drawing Images, A
* New Camera Projection Model and its Application in Reprojection for Image Based Rendering, A
* New Devices for 3D Pose Estimation: Mantis Eyes, Agam Paintings, Sundials, and Other Space Fiducials
* New Fuzzy Geometric Representation for On-Line Isolated Character Recognition, A
* New Gray-Level Based Hough Transform for Region Extraction: An Application to IRS Images, A
* New Hybrid Approach to Large Vocabulary Cursive Handwriting Recognition, A
* New Multichannel Blind Deconvolution Method and its Application to Solar Images, A
* New Robust Quadratic Discriminant Function, A
* New Thresholding Algorithm Based on All-Pole Model, A
* Next best viewpoint (NBV) planning for active object modeling based on a learning-by-showing approach
* Non-Linear Filtering Approach to Image Matching, A
* Noniterative Probabilistic Method for Contextual Correspondence Matching, A
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Unsupervised Feature Extraction
* Nonlinear Least Squares Optimisation of Unit Quaternion Functions for Pose Estimation from Corresponding Features
* Nonlinear Spatially Variant Object-Dependent System Model for Prediction of Partial Volume Effects and Scatter in PET, A
* Nonparametric Multichannel Texture Description with Simple Spatial Operators
* Nonparametric Optimal Binarization
* Note on Differential Corner Measures, A
* Notes on Poisson Distribution Based Minimum Error Thresholding
* Novel Algorithm for Recovering the 3D Motions of Multiple Moving Rigid Objects, A
* Novel Approach to Automated Fingerprint Recognition
* Novel Method for Detecting and Localising of Reflectional and Rotational Symmetry Under Weak Perspective Projection, A
* Object and Motion Recognition Using the Plane Plus Parallax Displacement of Conics
* Object Arrangement Estimation Using Color Edge Profile
* Object edge point filtering system for machine vision
* Object identification: A Bayesian analysis with application to traffic surveillance
* Object Matching on Irregular Pyramid
* Object-Detection with a Varying Number of Eigenspace Projections
* object-oriented descriptive language to facilitate advanced handwritten form processing, An
* On Identification of Singular Points Using Photometric Invariants for Global Shape from Shading Problem
* On Mean-Curvature Diffusion in Nonlinear Image Filtering
* On Parameter Estimation in Deformable Models
* On the Application of the Enhanced Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm for Image Analysis
* On the computation of warping-based motion compensation in video sequence coding
* On the Maximum Likelihood Potential Estimates for Gibbs Random Field Image Models
* On the Multiresolution Enhancement of Document Images Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
* On The Optimization Criteria Used in Two-View Motion Analysis
* On the Selection of Image Compression Algorithms
* On-Line Handwriting Chinese Character Recognition: Comparison and Improvement to Japanese Kanji Recognition
* On-Line Handwritten Formula Recognition Using Statistical Methods
* On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient Retrieval of Legal Documents
* On-Line Signature Verification with Hidden Markov Models
* Optical Flow Based Motion Compensation Algorithm for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Optical Font Recognition Using Typographical Features
* Optimal Axial Interval in Estimating Depth from Defocus, The
* Optimal Camera Placement to Obtain Accurate 3D Point Positions
* Optimal Line Segment Extraction Algorithm for Online Chinese Character Recognition Using Dynamic Programming, An
* Optimal Training Set Design for 3D Object Recognition
* Optimization Method for the Topological Structures of Feedforward Multilayer Neural Networks, An
* Optimization of Wireframe Model Adaptation and Motion Estimation in a Rate Distortion Framework
* Optimized Homomorphic Unsharp Masking for MR Grayscale Inhomogeneity Correction
* Palmprint Verification: An Implementation of Biometric Technology
* Panoramic Sensor Calibration
* Panoramic Stereovision Sensor
* Parallel Algorithm for Pulsed Laser Infrared Tomography, A
* Parallel Image Component Labeling for Target Acquisition
* Parallel Lowering of Digital Pictures by Topology Preserving Operations
* Parallel Map Recognition Based on Multilayer Partitioned Blackboard Model
* Parametric Analysis of the Blackwell-McCready Data
* PARM: A Parallel Relaxation Machine for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Partial Classification: The Benefit of Deferred Decision
* Pattern Detection with Information-Based Maximum Discrimination and Error Bootstrapping
* Pattern Fusion in Feature Recognition Neural Networks for Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Pattern Matching Tool for Time-Series Forecasting, A
* Pattern Recognition Learning Applied to Stereovision Matching
* Pattern Recognition Using Evolution Algorithms with Fast Simulated Annealing
* Perceptron-Perceptron Net
* Perceptual Quantization of LPC Excitation Parameters
* Performance Evaluation of Graphics Recognition Algorithms: Principles and Applications
* Periodogram with Varying and Data Driven Window Length
* Persistent Issues in Learning and Estimation
* Personal identification based on handwriting
* Pictorial Query Trees for Query Specification in Image Databases
* Pink Panther: A Complete Environment for Ground Truthing and Benchmarking Document Page Segmentation
* Planning Sequences of Views for 3-D Object Recognition and Pose Determination
* Plume or combustion detection by time sequence differentiation
* Pose Estimation and Recognition of Ground Vehicles in Aerial Reconnaissance Imagery
* Postal Reply Card Processing
* Pre-Processing Colour Images with a Self-Organising Map: Baking Curve Identification and Bake Image Segmentation
* Precise Segmentation of the Lateral Ventricles and Caudate-Nucleus in MR Brain Images Using Anatomically Driven Histograms
* Pretopology-Based Supervised Pattern Classifier, A
* Printed Text Featuring Using the Visual Criteria of Legibility and Complexity
* Probabilistic Interpage Analysis for Article Extraction from Document Images
* Probabilistic Relational Indexing
* Progressive Content-Based Shape Compression for Retrieval of Binary Images
* Projection Filter for Use with Parameterised Learning Models, A
* Projection for Pattern Recognition
* Projective and Illumination Invariant Representation of Disjoint Shapes
* Promotion of Block Matching: Parametric Representation for Motion Estimation
* Properties and Performance of Extended Target Motion Analysis
* Qualitative Description of Camera Motion and Scene Depth from Histograms of Normal Flow
* Qualitative Spatial Reasoning to Infer the Camera Position in Generic Object Recognition
* Quality-Optimized MPEG2 Video Data Rate Control Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques
* Quantification and Segmentation of Brain Tissues from MR-Images: A Probabilistic Neural Network Approach
* Quantitative Evaluation of Color Image Segmentation Results
* Quasi-Invariant Parameterisations and Matching of Curves in Images
* Quaternionic Gabor Filters for Local Structure Classification
* Query by Video Clip
* Radar Target Recognition by Fuzzy-Logic
* Radial Basis Function Networks in Nonparametric Classification and Function Learning
* Random Subspace Method for Constructing Decision Forests, The
* Range Finder Using Circular Dynamic Stereo
* Real Time Recognition of Gesture and Gesture Degree Information Using Multi Input Image Sequences
* Real-Time Monocular Fixation Control Using the Log-Polar Transformation and a Confidence-Based Similarity Measure
* Real-Time Object Recognition: Hierarchical Image Matching in a Parallel Virtual Machine Environment
* Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Moving Camera Image Sequences Using Robust Statistics
* Real-Time Variable Sampling Technique: DIEM, A
* Realization of an Efficient Line Detection by Askant Glance Camera Vision System Using Extended Hough Transform
* Reasoning About Functionality In Object Recognition
* Recognition Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform for Handprinted Chinese Characters
* Recognition and Data Extraction of Form Documents Based on 3 Types of Line Segments
* Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation Using Functionality
* Recognition and Localization of Generic Objects for Indoor Navigation Using Functionality
* Recognition of Facial Expressions Using Muscle-Based Feature Models
* Recognition of Handwriting, The
* recognition of handwritten digit strings of unknown length using hidden Markov models, The
* Recognition of Integrated Circuit Images in Reverse Engineering
* Recognition of Occluded Objects by a Genetic Algorithm
* Recognition Using Labelled Objects
* Recognizing Degree of Continuous Facial Expression Change
* Recognizing Plant Species by Leaf Shapes: A Case Study of the Acer Family
* Reconstruction from Affine Cameras Using Closure Constraints
* Recursive Fitting-and-Splitting Algorithm for 3-D Object Modeling Using Superquadrics, A
* Recursive Gaussian Derivative Filters
* Recursive Representation and Progressive Display of Binary Objects for Efficient Network Browsing
* Reduced Multidimensional Histograms in Color Texture Description
* Reference Set Thinning for the k-Nearest Neighbor Decision Rule
* Region-of-Interest Based Finite Element Modelling of the Brain: An Approach to Brain-Surgery Simulation
* Registration of NEVI in Successive Skin Images for Early Detection of Melanoma
* Registration of Video to Geo-Referenced Imagery
* Regularization-Based 3-D Object Modeling from Multiple Range Images
* Relational Discriminant Analysis and its Large Sample Size Problem
* Relative Effects of Distortion and Noise on Target Acquisition: The Advisability of Image Restoration
* Relative Karhunen-Loeve Transform Method for Pattern Recognition
* Relative Performance of Correlation-Based and Feature-Based Classifiers of Aircraft Using Radar Range Profiles
* remote sensing data fusion approach to monitor agricultural areas, A
* Representation of 3D Surfaces by Two-Variable Fourier Descriptors
* Representation of Uncertainty in Spatial Target Tracking
* Representing 2D Digital Images Through a Normalized Measure of Redundancy
* Representing Environment Through Target-Guided Navigation
* Response to the Comment on Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Retrieval of Images Using Rich Region Descriptions
* Ri-Minace Filters to Augment Segmentation of Touching Objects
* Ridge-Line Density Estimation in Digital Images
* Ridgelets: Theory and Applications
* Rits Eye: A Software-Based System for Realtime Face Detection and Tracking Using Pan-Tilt-Zoom Controllable Camera
* Robot Navigation by Combining Central and Peripheral Optical Flow Detection on a Space-Variant Map
* Robust Adaptive Window Matching by Homogeneity Constraint and Integration of Descriptions
* Robust Algorithm for 3D Head Pose Estimation, A
* Robust and Efficient Cluster Analysis Using a Shared Near Neighbours Approach
* Robust Approach to Face and Eyes Detection from Images with Cluttered Background, A
* Robust Color Segmentation Using the Dichromatic Reflection Model
* Robust Extraction of Characters from Color Scene Image Using Mathematical Morphology
* Robust Method for Block-Based Motion Estimation in RGB-Image Sequences, A
* Robust Range Segmentation
* Robust Self-Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction via Affine Approximation
* Robust Subspace Classifier, A
* Rotation Invariant Texture Features and Their Use in Automatic Script Identification
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Characterization Using Isotropic Wavelet Frames
* Sample-Guided Progressive Image Coding
* Sampling On Concentric Circles
* Scaling Laws in Image Gradient Fields and Texture Retrieval
* Scan Calibration or Compensation in a Depth Imaging System
* Script Independent Methodology for Optical Character Recognition, A
* Search-Based Contour Closure in Range Images
* Secure Arrays for Digital Watermarking
* Segmentation and Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences: Active Contours Guided by Optical Flow Estimates
* Segmentation Based on Region-Tracking in Image Sequences for Traffic Monitoring
* Segmentation of 2D and 3D Images Through a Hierarchical Clustering Based on Region Modeling
* Segmentation of 3D-volumes Using Second Derivatives
* Segmentation of deformable templates with level sets characterized by particle systems
* Segmentation of Japanese Handwritten Characters Using Peripheral Feature Analysis
* Segmentation of Low-Quality Typewritten Digits
* Segmentation of Natural Images for CBIR
* Segmentation of Sugar Beets Using Image and Graph Processing
* Segmentation of Temporal Effects on Phasimetric SAR Images
* Segmentation of Text From Color Map Images
* Segmentation of Touching Characters Using an MLP
* Segmentation of Urban Scenes from Aerial Stereo Imagery
* Segmentation of Volumetric Histo-Pathological Images by Surface Following Using Constrained Snakes
* Segmenting by Seeking the Symmetry Axis
* Segmenting focused objects in complex visual images
* Segmenting Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Heuristic Merging of Stroke Bounding Boxes and Dynamic Programming
* Selecting the Optimal Focus Measure for Autofocusing and Depth-from-Focus
* Selection of Speaker Independent Feature for a Speaker Verification System
* Selection of the optimal prototype subset for 1-NN classification
* Selective Acquisition of 3-D Information Enough for Finding Passable Free Spaces Using an Active Stereo Vision System
* Self-Organizing Map for Segmenting 3D Biological Images
* Self-Similar Texture Characterization Using a Fourier Domain Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method
* Sensorimotor Action Sequence Learning with Application to Face Recognition Under Discourse
* Shadow Elimination Method for Moving Object Detection
* Shape from Interference Patterns
* Shape Recognition Using Spectral Features
* Shape-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval for Diagnostic Pathology
* Shape-Based Retrieval: A Case-Study with Trademark Image Databases
* Similarity and Affine Normalization of Partially Occluded Planar Curves Using First and 2nd Derivatives
* Simulation and Analysis of Spectral Distributions of Human Skin
* Simultaneous Robot World and Hand Eye Calibration
* Skeleton Revision Algorithm Using Maximal Circles
* Sketching Natural Terrain from Uncalibrated Imagery
* Small Target Detection Using Wavelets
* Smart Rooms, Smart Clothes
* Some General Grouping Principles: Line Perception from Points as an Example
* Some Trade-offs and a New Algorithm for Geometric Hashing
* Spatial Reasoning Using the Quad Tesseral Representation
* Special Issue: Image Sequence Processing: I
* Special Section Guest Editorial: Advances In Target Acquisition Modeling
* Spiral CT Image Deblurring for Cochlear Implantation
* Spotting Recognition of Head Gestures from Color Image Series
* Stabilizing the Camera to Fixation Point Distance in Active Vision
* Stable, Robust and Off-The-Shelf Methods for Graphics Recognition
* State-Based SHOSLIF for Indoor Visual Navigation
* Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavelet Domain
* Statistical Coding Method for Facial Features
* Statistical Framework for Geometric Tolerancing Manufactured Parts, A
* Statistical Model to Describe Invariants Extracted from a 3-D Quadric Surface Patch and its Applications in Region-Based Recognition, A
* Stereo correspondence using segment connectivity
* Stereo Matching for Stone Statues Using SRI Parameters and Relational Graph
* Stereo Matching With Nonlinear Diffusion
* Stereo Photogrammetry with Improved Spatial Resolution
* Strategies for Weighted Combination of Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Pattern Representations
* Stroke Detection of Brush Strokes in Portrait Miniatures Using a Semi-Parametric and a Model Based Approach
* Structural/Statistical Feature Based Vector for Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Structure Preserving Noise Filtering of Images Using Explicit Local Segmentation
* Structured Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
* Subband VPIC with classified joint vector quantization
* Subclass-Based Mixture Model for Pattern Recognition, A
* Substroke Matching by Segmenting and Merging for On-Line Korean Cursive Character Recognition
* Supervised Segmentation by Pairwise Interactions: Do Gibbs Models Learn What We Expect?
* Support Vector Mixture for Classification and Regression Problems
* Surface Matching for Object Recognition in Complex 3-Dimensional Scenes
* Surface Reconstruction and Compression Using Multiresolution Arbitrary Topology G1 Continuous Splines
* Surface Recovery by Using Regularization Theory and Its Application to Multiresolution Analysis
* Surveillance System Combining Peripheral and Foveated Motion Tracking, A
* Symmetry Detection Using Complex Moments
* Synthesis of Novel Views from a Single Face Image
* Synthesis of Textured Complex Backgrounds
* System for Automatic Recognition of Engineering Drawing Entities, A
* System for Cursive Handwritten Address Recognition, A
* System for Model-Based Recognition of Articulated Objects, A
* System for Segmenting Ultrasound Images, A
* Systematic Comparison Between On-Line and Off-Line Methods for Signature Verification with Hidden Markov Models, A
* Tablet Quality Assurance in Real Time
* TABS: Script-Based Software Framework for Research in Image Processing, Analysis and Understanding
* Target Attractiveness Model for Field of View Search
* Target Detection for Low Ambient Backgrounds
* Target Discrimination in Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Target Prescreening Based on a Quadratic Gamma-Discriminator
* Telepresence by Real-Time View-Dependent Image Generation from Omnidirectional Video Streams
* Temporal Analysis of Motion in Video Sequences Through Predictive Operators
* Temporal Segmentation and Selective Attention in the Stochastic Oscillator Neural Network
* Terrain Reconstruction with an Adaptive Surface Mesh
* Test Feature Classifiers: Performance and Applications
* Testing for Convexity with Fourier Descriptors
* Text Identification for Document Image Analysis Using a Neural Network
* Texture Analysis of Retinal Images to Determine Nerve Fibre Loss
* Texture Classification Using Wavelet Decomposition with Markov Random Field Models
* Texture Classification with Single and Multiresolution Cooccurrence Maps
* Texture Segmentation Using Zero Crossings Information
* Texture Synthesis and Unsupervised Recognition with a Nonparametric Multiscale Markov Random Field Model
* Three Dimensional Concentration Index: A Local Feature for Analyzing Three Dimensional Digital Line Patterns and Its Application to Chest X-Ray CT Images
* Thresholding Based on Fuzzy Partition of Two-Dimensional Histogram
* Topological Net Structure and a Topological Graph, A
* Torah Code Controversy, The
* Toward Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Environment with an Active Binocular Head
* Towards a Description for Video Indexation
* Towards Detection of Glasses in Facial Images
* Trace Transform as a Tool to Invariant Feature Construction, The
* Tracking Feature Points: A New Algorithm and Comparative Performance Evaluation
* Tracking Moving Object in 3-D Space Based on Optical Flow and Edges
* Tracking of 3D Multi-Part Objects Using Multiple Viewpoint Time-Varying Sequences
* Tracking Severe Weather Storms in Doppler Radar Images
* Training of an ML Neural Network for Classification via Recursive Reduction of the Class Separation
* Translation Camera
* Tree-Based State Clustering Using Self-Organizing Principles for Large Vocabulary On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Triple- or Multiple-Valued Logical Rule Generation from Neural Network
* Two-Stage Algorithm for Model-Based Registration of Medical Images, A
* Two-Stage Classifier for Broken and Blurred Digits in Forms, A
* Unbiased Active Contour Algorithm for Object Tracking, An
* Uncertainty in Pose Estimation: A Bayesian Approach
* Understanding Object Motion
* Unified Approach to Volumetric Registration and Integration of Multiple Range Images, A
* Unifying Framework for Relational Structure Matching, A
* Unsupervised Clustering Method Using the Entropy Minimization, An
* Unsupervised Segmentation Based on Multi-Resolution Analysis, Robust Statistics and Majority Game Theory
* Unsupervised Texture Based Image Segmentation by Simulated Annealing Using Markov Random Field and Potts Models
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation for Multispectral Remote-Sensing Images
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation in a Deterministic Annealing Framework
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Stochastic Version of the EM Algorithm and Data Fusion
* Use of an Evolutive Base of Models in a System for Reading Printed Texts
* Use of Boolean Model for Texture Analysis of Grey Images, The
* Use of Eigenpictures for Optical Character Recognition, The
* Use of Explicit Knowledge and GIS Data for the 3D Evaluation of Remote Sensing Images
* Use of Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis and Vector Quantization for Image Coding
* Using Centroid Covariance in Target Recognition
* Using Class Separation for Feature Analysis and Combination of Class-Dependent Features
* Using differential constraints to generate a 3D face model from stereo
* Using Geometric Properties for Correspondence-less Image Alignment
* Using image signatures for place recognition
* Using Negative Shape Features for Logo Similarity Matching
* Using Spatial Sorting and Ranking in Model-Based Object Recognition
* Validation of Average Error Rate over Classifiers
* Variable-Size Block Matching Algorithm for Motion Estimation Using a Perceptual-Based Splitting Criterion
* Variational Methods in Signal and Image Analysis
* Vector-Gradient Hough Transform, The
* Vehicles capable of dynamic vision: A new breed of technical beings?
* Video Augmentation by Image-Based Rendering Under the Perspective Camera Model
* View-Based Detection and Analysis of Periodic Motion
* View-Based Object Recognition Using Image Lines
* Vision and Graphics in Producing Mixed Reality Worlds
* Vision-Based Pragmatic Strategy for Autonomous Navigation, A
* Visual Neural Classifier, A
* Visual Neural Network that Learns Perceptual Relationships, A
* Visual Querying by Color Perceptive Regions
* Visual Routines for Real Time Monitoring of Vehicle Behavior
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring System Using an Omnidirectional Video Camera
* Visual Tracking and Motion Determination Using the IMM Algorithm
* Visualization of the Structure of Classes Using a Graph
* Visualization of Transformed Multivariate Data Sets with Autoassociative Neural Networks
* VLSI for Moment Computation and Its Application to Breast Cancer Detection
* Voronoi-Diagram-Based Approach to Oblique Decision Tree Induction, A
* Wavelet Transform Domain Blind Deconvolution
* WaveStat: Cluster Analysis of Image Data and Wavelet Coefficients
* What Size Window for Image Classification: A Cognitive Perspective
* Which Ranking Metric is Optimal? With Applications in Image Retrieval and Stereo Matching
* Why A Statistics-Based Face Recognition System Should Base Its Recognition on the Pure Face Portion: A Probabilistic Decision-Based Proof
* Wide-angle image dewarping method and apparatus
* Window-Size Determination for Granulometric Structural Texture Classification
* Wold Features for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
780 for 9808

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.