Update Dates 0005

0005 * *Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing
* *Principles of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis
* 2 1/2 D Visual Servoing with Respect to Unknown Objects Through a New Estimation Scheme of Camera Displacement
* 3-D Model Construction using Range and Image Data
* 360 x 360 Mosaics
* 3L Algorithm for Fitting Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces to Data, The
* Active Character Recognition using A*-like Algorithm
* Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
* Active models for tracking moving objects
* Adaptive Bayesian Recognition in Tracking Rigid Objects
* Adaptive Gabor Filters for Phase-Based Disparity Estimation
* Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement Using Generalizations of Histogram Equalization
* Adaptive Metric Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Adaptive target recognition
* ADORE: Adaptive Object Recognition
* Aerial inspection of overhead power lines using video: estimation of image blurring due to vehicle and camera motion
* Agent-based Moving Object Correspondence using Differential Discriminative Diagnosis
* Algorithms for Plane-based Pose Estimation
* Alpha Estimation in Natural Images
* Analysis and Computation of Projective Invariants from Multiple Views in the Geometric Algebra Framework
* Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes
* Analysis of Moire Patterns in Non-Uniformly Sampled Halftones
* Analysis on the Effect of Image Features on Lossy Coding Performance, An
* Analytical design of 3-D wavelet filter banks using the multivariate Bernstein polynomial
* Analytical surface recognition in three-dimensional (3D) medical images using genetic matching: Application to the extraction of spheroidal articular surfaces in 3D computed tomography data sets
* apparent simplicity appearing in pattern classification problems, An
* Appearance Representation for Multiple Reflection Components, An
* Appearance-Based Hand Sign Recognition from Intensity Image Sequences
* Application of Generalized Radial Basis Function Networks to Recognition of Radar Targets
* Application of Lie Algebras to Visual Servoing
* Approximate volume rendering for curvilinear and unstructured grids by hardware-assisted polyhedron projection
* Arbitrary View Position and Direction Rendering for Large-Scale Scenes
* Are Multifractal Multipermuted Multinomial Measures Good Enough for Unsupervised Image Segmentation?
* Articulated Body Motion Capture by Annealed Particle Filtering
* Articulated-Pose Estimation using Brightness and Depth-Constancy Constraints
* Assignment Problem in Edge Detection Performance Evaluation
* Augmented Reality System for Surgical Navigation using Robust Target Vision
* Automated Biometrics Technologies and Systems
* Automated track inspection vehicle and method
* Automatic detection of vehicle occupants: The Imaging Problem and its solution
* Automatic Recovery of Relative Camera Rotations for Urban Scenes
* Automatic Satellite Interpretation of Tropical Cyclone Patterns Using Elastic Graph Dynamic Link Model, An
* Batch/Recursive Algorithm for 3D Scene Reconstruction, A
* Bayesian Framework for Radar Shape-from-Shading, A
* Bayesian recognition of targets by parts in second generation forward looking infrared images
* Bayesian Super-Resolved Surface Reconstruction from Images
* Benchmarking Hough Transform Architectures for Real-Time
* Binocular Three-Dimensional Motion Detection: Contributions of Lateral Motion and Stereo-Motion
* Blind Recovery of Transparent and Semireflected Scenes
* Boosting Image Database Retrieval
* Boundary Extraction Method based on Dual-T-Snakes and Dynamic Programming, A
* Calibrating a video camera pair with a rigid bar
* Calibration of Light Sources
* Camera Model Selection based on Geometric AIC
* Cameras for Stereo Panoramic Imaging
* Can the classification capability of network be further improved by using quadratic sigmoidal neurons?
* Cancellation of Image Crosstalk in Time-Sequential Displays of Stereoscopic Video
* Catadioptric Self-Calibration
* Catadioptric Sensors that Approximate Wide-Angle Perspective Projections
* Categorical Representation and Recognition of Oscillatory Motion Patterns
* Cell-Work OL-Systems with FINS
* Character Segmentation Using Convex-Hull Techniques
* Characterizing the Ability of Parallel Array Generators on Reversible Partitioned Cellular Automata
* Chromatic Framework for Vision in Bad Weather
* Classifying cervix tissue patterns with texture analysis
* Classifying the illumination condition from two light sources by color histogram assessment
* Clutter-free volume rendering for magnetic resonance angiography using fuzzy connectedness
* Coarse-to-fine planar object identification using invariant curve features and B-spline modeling
* Codimension-Two Geodesic Active Contours for the Segmentation of Tubular Structures
* Color and Texture Fusion: Application to Aerial Image Segmentation and GIS Updating
* Color Channels Decorrelation by ICA Transformation in the Wavelet Domain for, Color Texture Analysis and Synthesis
* Color image compression using PCA and backpropagation learning
* Color Normalization for Color Object Recognition
* Color Tracking by Transductive Learning
* Colour image filters based on hypercomplex convolution
* Combination of Local and Global Line Extraction
* Combination of neural and statistical algorithms for supervised classification of remote-sensing images
* Combined Feature-Texture Similarity Measure for Face Alignment under Varying Pose, A
* Combined Invariants to Linear Filtering and Rotation
* Combining multiple classifiers by averaging or by multiplying?
* Comparative Technique and Performance Results on Novel Learned Snakes in Two Dissimilar Medical Domains, A
* Comparison of algorithms that select features for pattern classifiers
* Complete Local Characterization of Strong 26-Surfaces: Continuous Analogs for Strong 26-Surfaces
* Computational Model for Repeated Pattern Perception using Frieze and Wallpaper Groups, A
* Computer Vision Systems
* Computing 3D Object Parts from Similarities among Object Views
* Computing Optical Flow with Physical Models of Brightness Variation
* Computing the shape of a planar points set
* Conditioning Analysis of Missing Data Estimation for Large Sensor Arrays
* Consistent Gradient Operators
* Content-based image retrieval using block-constrained fractal coding and nona-tree decomposition
* Content-lossless document image compression based on structural analysis and pattern matching
* Continuous Analogs of Digital Boundaries: A Topological Approach to Iso-Surfaces
* contour-based approach to binary shape coding using a multiple grid chain code, A
* Corner Guided Curve Matching and its Application to Scene Reconstruction
* Curve and Surface Reconstruction from Regular and Non-Regular Point Sets
* Curve Evolution Approach to Smoothing and Segmentation Using the Mumford-Shah Functional, A
* Dealing with segmentation errors in region-based stereo matching
* Decomposition Principle for Analyzing Region Quadtrees
* Design of doubly complementary filters with approximate linear phase
* Design of Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Lapped Transforms Satisfying Perception Related Constraints
* Detecting and Tracking Eyes by using their Physiological Properties, Dynamics, and Appearance
* Detecting and Tracking Human Face and Eye using Space-Varying Sensor and an Active Vision Head
* Detecting Binocular Half-Occlusions: Empirical Comparisons of Four Approaches
* Detecting Changes in 3-D Shape using Self-Consistency
* Detecting Dynamic Behavior in Compressed Fingerprint Videos: Distortion
* Detecting People in Cluttered Indoor Scenes
* Detection of Obstacles in the Flight Path of an Aircraft
* Detection of obstacles on runways using ego-motion compensation and tracking of significant features
* Determining Simplicity and Computing Topological Change in Strongly Normal Partial Tilings of R^2 or R^3
* Digital Color Halftoning with Generalized Error Diffusion and Multichannel Green-Noise Masks
* Digital knots
* Direct Interpretation of Dynamic Images with Camera and Object Motions for Vision Guided Robot Control, A
* Discriminant-EM Algorithm with Application to Image Retrieval
* Distortion-Invariant Recognition via Jittered Queries
* Document image preprocessing based on optimal Boolean filters
* Dynamic Layer Representation with Applications to Tracking
* Dynamic Memory: Architecture for Real Time Integration of Visual Perception, Camera Action, and Network Communication
* Edge-Constrained Joint View Triangulation for Image Interpolation
* Effective Approach to Detect Lesions in Color Retinal Images, An
* Efficient hierarchical chaotic image encryption algorithm and its VLSI realisation
* Efficient implementation of the Volterra filter
* Efficient Matching of Pictorial Structures
* Efficient Query Modification for Image Retrieval
* Efficient super-resolution via image warping
* Energy-based Framework for Dense 3D Registration of Volumetric Brain Images, An
* Enhancing consensus in multiple expert decision fusion
* Error Analysis of Background Adaption
* Error concealment in video coding of arbitrarily shaped objects
* Estimating Anthropometry and Pose from a Single Image
* Estimation and Prediction of Evolving Color Distributions for Skin Segmentation under Varying Illumination
* Estimation of hybrid reflectance properties and shape reconstruction using the LMS method
* Estimation of motion parameters from blurred images
* Exact Voxel Occupancy with Graph Cuts
* Examples of Bivariate Nonseparable Compactly Supported Orthonormal Continuous Wavelets
* Extending Color Vision Methods to Bands Beyond the Visible
* Extracting facial features as in infants
* Extraction of Handwritten Data from Noisy Gray-Level Images Using a Multiscale Approach
* Extraction of strokes in handwritten characters
* Eye Detection Using Optimal Wavelet Packets and Radial Basis Functions (RBFs)
* Face Recognition by Distribution Specific Feature Extraction
* Fast Adaptive Wavelet Packet Image Compression
* Fast and Memory Efficient Implementation of the Exact PNN
* Fast and Robust Approach to Recovering Structure and Motion from Live Video Frames, A
* Fast Computation of a Contrast-Invariant Image Representation
* Fast Face Detection using Subspace Discriminant Wavelet Features
* Fast Fractal Decoding Algorithm Based on the Selection of an Initial Image, A
* Fast Hough Transform for the Parametrisation of Straight Lines using Fourier Methods, A
* Fast Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Fast nearest-neighbor search algorithms based on approximation-elimination search
* Fast Rule-Based Parameter Free Discrete Hough Transform, A
* Feature based Visualization of Geophysical Data
* Feature-Based Facial Expression Recognition: Sensitivity Analysis and Experiments with a Multilayer Perceptron
* Feature-based Technique for Joint, Linear Estimation of High-Order Image-to-Mosaic Transformations: Application to Mosaicing the Curved Human Retina, A
* Features of Derivative Continuity in Shape
* Filling in Scenes by Propagating Probabilities through Layers and into Appearance Models
* Filterbank-Based Fingerprint Matching
* Filterbanks Design for Multisensor Data Fusion
* Fingerprint ridge distance computation methodologies
* Fixed Topology Skeletons
* Fixed-point error analysis of two DCT algorithms
* Fluid Structure and Motion Analysis from Multi-spectrum 2D Cloud Image Sequences
* Flying a Toy Plane
* Formal Classification of 3D Medial Axis Points and their Local Geometry, A
* Framework for Automatic Landmark Identification Using a New Method of Nonrigid Correspondence, A
* Front-Following Algorithm for AVHRR SST Imagery, A
* Fusion of Color, Shading and Boundary Information for Factory Pipe Segmentation
* fuzzy C+2-Means: solving the ambiguity rejection in clustering, The
* Fuzzy handwriting description language: FOHDEL
* Fuzzy image clustering incorporating spatial continuity
* General Method for Errors-in-Variables Problems in Computer Vision, A
* General Scheme for Training and Optimization of the Grenander Deformable Template Model, A
* Generalized Optical Flow Constraint and its Physical Interpretation, A
* Generalized predictive binary shape coding using polygon approximation
* Generalized Uniqueness Wavelet Descriptor for Planar Closed Curves, The
* genetic aggregate stereo algorithm for 3-D classification of occluded shapes, A
* Genetic algorithm-based clustering technique
* Genetic Algorithms for Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves
* genetic clustering algorithm for data with non-spherical-shape clusters, A
* Geodesic Active Contours and Level Sets for the Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects
* Geodesic Distance Evolution of Surfaces: A New Method for Matching Surfaces
* Geometric Approach to Blind Deconvolution with Application to Shape from Defocus, A
* Geometric Approach to Train Support Vector Machines, A
* Geometric Least Squares Fitting of Circle and Ellipse
* Geometric Properties of Bisector Surfaces
* Gesture, Speech, and Gaze Cues for Discourse Segmentation
* Gradient flow approach to discrete-time envelope-constrained filter design via orthonormal filters
* Grading meat quality by image processing
* Gray Image Skeletonization with Hollow Preprocessing Using Distance Transformation
* Greedy Algorithm for Error Correction in Automatically Produced Boundaries from Low Contrast Ventriculograms
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on computer vision beyond the visible spectrum
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the Hough Transform. Has the Hough Transform Come of Age?
* Guest editorial: Three-dimensional imaging
* Handwritten Digit Recognition with a Novel Vision Model that Extracts Linearly Separable Features
* Helical cone-beam tomography
* Hierarchical method and system for object-based audiovisual descriptive tagging of images for information retrieval, editing, and manipulation
* Hierarchical Structure and Nonrigid Motion Recovery from 2D Monocular Views
* Hierarchy Result for Random Forbidding Context Picture Grammars, A
* High Dynamic Range Imaging: Spatially Varying Pixel Exposures
* High-level feature based range image segmentation
* Higher order statistics based IIR notch filtering scheme for enhancing sinusoids in coloured noise
* Histogram Preserving Image Transformations
* Histogram-based Object Recognition using Shape-from-Shading
* Hough Array Processing via Fast Multi-Scale Clustering
* Hough Transform Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Segment Extraction and its Parallel Hardware Implementation
* Human and Object Tracking and Verification in Video
* Hybrid image compression model based on subband coding and edge-preserving regularisation
* Hyperspectral Mixture Modeling for Quantifying Sparse Vegetation Cover in Arid Environments
* Ill-Posed Problems in Surface and Surface Shape Recovery
* Illuminant Direction Determination for Multiple Light Sources
* Illumination-Insensitive Face Recognition using Symmetric Shape-from-Shading
* Image Analysis and Computer Vision: 1999
* Image processing approaches to biological three-dimensional electron microscopy
* Image Segmentation by Nested Cuts
* Image sequence stabilisation based on DFT filtering
* Image-based Bayesian Framework for Face Detection, An
* Image-based Re-Rendering of Faces for Continuous Pose and Illumination Directions
* Image-Consistent Surface Triangulation
* Impact of Dynamic Model Learning on Classification of Human Motion
* Improved blind image restoration scheme using recurrent filtering
* Improved Motion Stereo Matching based on a Modified Dynamic Programming
* Improving Correlation-based DEMs by Image Warping and Facade Correlation
* Improving Visual Matching
* In Search of Illumination Invariants
* Inconsistencies in Edge Detector Evaluation
* Indexing for Topics in Videos using Foils
* Indexing the Output Points of an LBVQ Used for Image Transform Coding
* Inferring Body Pose without Tracking Body Parts
* Integral opponent-colors features for computing visual target distinctness
* Integrated 3D Scene Flow and Structure Recovery from Multiview Image Sequences
* Integrated Linear Technique for Pose Estimation from Different Geometric Features, An
* Integrating Bottom-Up/Top-Down for Object Recognition by Data Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Integrating Color, Texture, and Geometry for Image Retrieval
* Integrating Vision-Based Behaviors with an Autonomous Robot
* Integration of phonetic and prosodic information for robust utterance verification
* Integration of Vision and Speech Understanding Using Bayesian Networks
* Introduction to fractional linear systems. Part 1: Continuous-time case
* Introduction to fractional linear systems. Part 2: Discrete-time case
* Invariant Geometric Properties of Image Correspondence Vectors as Rigid Constraints to Motion Estimation
* Iterative linear minimum mean-square-error image restoration from partially known blur
* Iterative Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* iterative template matching algorithm using the Chirp-Z transform for digital image watermarking, An
* JBIG-Based Approach to the Encoding of Contour Maps, A
* Kinematic-Geometric Approach to Spatial Interpretation of Line Drawings, A
* LADAR Target Detection Using Morphological Shared-Weight Neural Networks
* LAFTER: a real-time face and lips tracker with facial expression recognition
* Layer Extraction from Multiple Images Containing Reflections and Transparency
* Learning and Design of Principal Curves
* Learning from One Example through Shared Densities on Transforms
* Learning in Gibbsian Fields: How Accurate and How Fast Can It Be?
* Learning Patterns from Images by Combining Soft Decisions and Hard Decisions
* Learning Reduced-Dimension Models of Human Actions
* Learning to Recognize Objects
* Learning-based constitutive parameters estimation in an image sensing system with multiple mirrors
* Likelihood Functions and Confidence Bounds for Total-Least-Squares Problems
* Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them
* Line Net Global Vectorization: An Algorithm and its Performance Evaluation
* Linear Algorithm for Camera Self-Calibration, Motion and Structure Recovery for Multi-Planar Scenes from Two Perspective Images, A
* Linear constraints for the interpretation of line drawings of curved objects
* Lines in One Orthographic and Two Perspective Views
* Load-Balanced Algorithm for Parallel Digital Image Warping, A
* Local Appearance for Robust Object Recognition
* Maintaining Valid Topology with Active Contours: Theory and Application
* Matching Images with Different Resolutions
* mathematical model for shape coding with B-splines, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Template Matching
* Measurement of Color Invariants
* Method and apparatus for detection of events or novelties over a change of state
* Method for generating mouth features of an animated or physical character
* method for three-dimensional time-resolved optical tomography, A
* Method of detecting moving objects in chronologically successive images
* Method of skeletonizing a binary image using compressed run length data
* Method of tracking objects with an imaging device
* Minimal Nonsimple Sets of Voxels in Binary Images on a Face-Centered Cubic Grid
* Mixture Models and the Segmentation of Multimodal Textures
* MODEEP: A motion-based object detection and pose estimation method for airborne FLIR sequences
* Model-Based Segmentation of Nuclei
* Model-Based Stereo-Tracking of Non-Polyhedral Objects for Automatic Disassembly Experiments
* Model-based stereo-visual tracking: Covariance analysis and tracking schemes
* Modeling and Quality Assessment of Halftoning by Error Diffusion
* Morphological Reversible Contour Representation
* Motion Characterization by Temporal Slices Analysis
* Motion compensated filtering
* Motion vector detecting device
* Multicamera motion estimation for high-accuracy 3D reconstruction
* Multidimensional Motion Segmentation and Identification
* Multifeature Object Tracking using a Model-Free Approach
* Multimodal Speaker Detection using Error Feedback Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Multiple Description Wavelet Based Image Coding
* Multiplication-free fast codeword search algorithm using Haar transform with squared-distance measure
* Multiscale and Multiorientation Recognition Technique Applied to Document Interpretation: Application to the French Telephone Network Maps, A
* Multiscale Combination of Physically-based Registration and Deformation Modeling
* Multisensor Integration for Building Modeling
* Nearest Neighbor Search using Additive Binary Tree
* Neural Network Classification of Symmetrical and Nonsymmetrical Images Using New Moments with High Noise Tolerance
* Neural Optimization Framework for Zoom Lens Camera Calibration, A
* New Algorithm for Non-Rigid Point Matching, A
* new approach for text-independent speaker recognition, A
* new method for ROI extraction from motion affected MR images based on suppression of artifacts in the image background, A
* New Motion Parameter Estimation Algorithm Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform, A
* New Regularized Approach for Contour Morphing, A
* New Representation for Quartic Curves and Complete Sets of Geometric Invariants, A
* new vertex-based binary shape coder for high coding efficiency, A
* Noise-Adaptive Discriminant Function and Its Application to Blurred Machine Printed Kanji Recognition, A
* Noise-Robust and Invariant Object Classification by the High-Order Statistical Pattern Spectrum
* Novel Algorithm for Rotated Human Face Detection, A
* Novel Approach to Depth Ordering in Monocular Image Sequences, A
* novel competitive learning algorithm for the parametric classification with Gaussian distributions, A
* Object Recognition for an Intelligent Room
* Object recognition system and method
* Observability of 3D Motion
* On internal representations in face recognition systems
* On links between mathematical morphology and rough sets
* On Measuring Low-Level Saliency in Photographic Images
* On post-clustering evaluation and modification
* On Texture Classification Using Fractal Dimension
* On the independence of rotation moment invariants
* On the Number of Samples Needed in Light Field Rendering with Constant-Depth Assumption
* On the Recovery of Motion and Structure when Cameras are not Calibrated
* On the Relation of Order-Statistics Filters and Template Matching: Optimal Morphological Pattern Recognition
* On the Space Requirements of Indexing 3D Models from 2D Perspective Images
* On the Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes from Reference Views
* On the use of ordinal measures for cloud tracking
* On-line detection of red blood cell shape using deformable templates
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition System using Fisher Segmental Matching and Hypotheses Propagation Network, An
* Online Handwriting Character Recognition Method Using Directional and Direction-Change Features
* Optical Flow Estimation: A Two-Stage Robust Approach
* Optimizing Learning in Image Retrieval
* Order Parameters for Minimax Entropy Distributions: When does High Level Knowledge Help?
* Order-recursive blind identification of linear models using mixed cumulants
* Parallel Matching of 3D Articulated Object Recognition
* Parallel Projections for Stereo Reconstruction
* Parameterization of Closed Surfaces for Parametric Surface Description
* Parametric Template Method and its Application to Robust Matching, A
* Passive navigation using egomotion estimates
* Perceptual Grouping and Segmentation by Stochastic Clustering
* Personal identification based on handwriting
* Perspective Pose from Spectral Voting
* Physical Panoramic Pyramid and Noise Sensitivity in Pyramids
* Point Pattern Matching with Robust Spectral Correspondence
* Pose Estimation, Model Refinement, and Enhanced Visualization using Video
* Privacy mode for acquisition cameras and camcorders
* Probabilistic Architecture for Content-based Image Retrieval, A
* Probabilistic vs. Geometric Similarity Measures for Image Retrieval
* Provably Fast Algorithms for Contour Tracking
* Quadtree Adjoining Grammar
* Real Time System for Robust 3D Voxel Reconstruction of Human Motions, A
* Real time tracking of borescope tip pose
* Real-time face location on gray-scale static images
* Real-Time Hough-Based Method for Segment Detection in Complex Multisensor Images, A
* Real-Time System for Epipolar Geometry and Ego-Motion Estimation, A
* Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects using Mean Shift
* Real-time volume rendering
* Recognition of occluded polyhedra from range images
* Recognition of Partially Occluded and/or Imprecisely Localized Faces using a Probabilistic Approach
* Recognition of printed arabic text based on global features and decision tree learning techniques
* Recognizing Upper Face Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
* Reconstructing cloudfree NDVI composites using Fourier analysis of time series
* Reconstruction from 2-D wavelet transform modulus maxima using projection
* Reconstruction from Six-Point Sequences
* Reconstruction of a Scene with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects
* Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from Point Correspondences in a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Reconstruction of Scene Models from Sparse 3D Structure
* Recovering Non-Rigid 3D Shape from Image Streams
* Recovering Projection Geometry: How a Cheap Camera Can Outperform an Expensive Stereo System
* Rectified Catadioptric Stereo Sensors
* Rectified Mosaicing: Mosaics without the Curl
* Recurrent neural network speech predictor based on dynamical systems approach
* Recursive Binary Dilation and Erosion Using Digital Line Structuring Elements in Arbitrary Orientations
* Recursive Estimation of Motion and Planar Structure
* Region Correspondence by Global Configuration Matching and Progressive Delaunay Triangulation
* Region Extraction Method using Multiple Active Contour Models, A
* Registration of image sets using silhouette consistency
* Regularized CDWT optical flow applied to moving-target detection in IR imagery
* Relaxation labeling in stereo image matching
* Reliable Feature Matching across Widely Separated Views
* Representation and Optimal Recognition of Human Activities
* Representation and Recognition of Complex Human Motion
* Retinal thickness measurements from optical coherence tomography using a markov boundary model
* Robotic Control with Partial Visual Information
* Robust Affine Invariant Metric on Boundary Patterns, A
* Robust and Efficient Motion Segmentation based on Orthogonal Projection Matrix of Shape Space, A
* Robust and Efficient Skeletal Graphs
* Robust Mosaicing Using Zernike Moments
* Robust Motion Trajectory Estimation for Long Image Sequences with Applications to Motion Compensated Prediction
* Robust Periodic Motion and Motion Symmetry Detection
* Robust Snake Model
* Robust Stereo Ego-Motion for Long Distance Navigation
* Robust Visual Recognition of Color Images
* Robustness of a multiscale scheme of feature points detection
* ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations in Stereo Matching
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Distributions
* Scalable Wavelet Video Coding Using Aliasing-Reduced Hierarchical Motion Compensation
* Scale Mixtures of Gaussians and the Statistics of Natural Images
* Scan interleaving based scalable binary shape coding
* Scene Constraints-Aided Tracking of Human Body
* Scene Modeling for Wide Area Surveillance and Image Synthesis
* Second-order iterative approach to inverse scattering: Numerical Results
* Segmentation with Invisible Keying Signal
* Segmenting Visual Actions based on Spatio-Temporal Motion Patterns
* Self-Organizing Neural Networks Based on Spatial Isomorphism for Active Contour Modeling
* Semi-Automatic Method for Resolving Occlusion in Augmented Reality, A
* Separating the chaff from the wheat: Possible Origins of the Oblique Effect
* Shape and Motion Carving in 6D
* Shape compression of moving objects using context-based arithmetic encoding
* Shape Descriptors for Non-Rigid Shapes with a Single Closed Contour
* Shape-based 3D Surface Correspondence using Geodesics and Local Geometry
* Simple Unsupervised MRF Model Based Image Segmentation Approach, A
* Simultaneous Tracking and Verification via Sequential Posterior Estimation
* slant removal algorithm, A
* Smooth Region Structure: Folds, Domes, Bowls, Ridges, Valleys, and Slopes
* Solving the Rotation-Estimation Problem by using the Perspective Three-Point Algorithm
* Space Hierarchies of Two-Dimensional Alternating Turing Machines, Pushdown Automata and Counter Automata
* Spatial-domain image hiding in using image differencing
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Omni Image
* Spatio-temporal target identification method of high-range resolution radar
* Spatiotemporal filters in the detection of background modulation targets
* Special Issue on Shape Coding for Emerging Multimedia Applications
* Special Issue: Invariants for Pattern Recognition and Classification
* Special Issue: Parallel Image Analysis
* Special Issue: Vision Interface '98 - Real World Applications of Computer Vision - Preface
* Statistical Cues for Domain Specific Image Segmentation with Performance Analysis
* Statistical Method for 3D Object Detection Applied to Faces and Cars, A
* Statistical Modeling and Performance Characterization of a Real-Time Dual Camera Surveillance System
* Statistical Shape Influence in Geodesic Active Contours
* Statistics of Range Images
* Step Towards Sequence-to-Sequence Alignment, A
* Stereo based Gesture Recognition Invariant to 3D Pose and Lighting
* Stereo without Depth Search and Metric Calibration
* Stereoscopic Shading: Integrating Multi-Frame Shape Cues in a Variational Framework
* Structural and Fuzzy Techniques in the Recognition of Online Arabic Characters
* Structure and motion from straight line segments
* Structure from Motion using Points, Lines, and Intensities
* Structure from Motion without Correspondence
* Study on segmentation and interpretation of multi-look polarimetric SAR images
* Subpixel Estimation of Circle Parameters Using Orthogonal Circular Detector
* Surface Growing from Stereo Images
* Surface Landmark Selection and Matching in Natural Terrain
* Surface Reconstruction and Display from Range and Color Data
* System and method for multi-resolution background adaptation
* System for optical acquisition of the road
* system to place observers on a polyhedral terrain in polynomial time, A
* technique for image magnification using partitioned iterative function system, A
* Template Deformation Constrained by Shape Priors
* Tesseral spatio-temporal reasoning for multi-dimensional data
* texture-based classification method for classifying built areas according to their density, A
* Three-dimensional digital topological characterization of cancellous bone architecture
* Time-Gradient Hough Transforms-Constraining Object Identification by Speed of Motion
* Tomographic Reconstruction using Curve Evolution
* Towards Automatic Discovery of Object Categories
* Towards Detection of Glasses in Facial Images
* Towards Detection of Human Motion
* Towards Reliable Fusion of Segmented Surface Descriptions
* Towards the Self-Calibration of a Multiview Radiographic Imaging System for the 3D Reconstruction of the Human Spine and Rib Cage
* Tracking and Semantic Labeling of Boundary Data
* Tracking of Elongated Structures using Statistical Snakes
* Tracking Segmented Objects using Tensor Voting
* Trainable System for Object Detection in Images and Video Sequences, A
* Transformed Hidden Markov Models: Estimating Mixture Models of Images and Inferring Spatial Transformations in Video Sequences
* Two-layer assignment method for online Chinese character recognition
* Two-Stage Robust Optical Flow Estimation
* Unifying maximum likelihood approaches in medical image registration
* unique-ID-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures, A
* Unsupervised Segmentation of 3D and 2D Seismic Reflection Data
* Unsupervised segmentation using a self-organizing map and a noise model estimation in sonar imagery
* Using encoding cost data for segmentation of compressed image sequences
* Using Landmarks to Establish a Point-to-Point Correspondence between Signatures
* Using Lexical Similarity in Handwritten Word Recognition
* Variable Albedo Surface Reconstruction from Stereo and Shape from Shading
* Very Fast JPEG Compression Using Hierarchical Vector Quantization
* Video Summarization using Singular Value Decomposition
* View-Independent Recognition of Hand Postures
* VISATRAM: A Real-Time Vision System for Automatic Traffic Monitoring
* vision system based on a laser range-finder applied to robotic fruit harvesting, A
* Visual Servoing for Automatic and Uncalibrated Needle Placement for Percutaneous Procedures
* Visual Tunnel Analysis for Visibility Prediction and Camera Planning
* Wavelet Orthonormal Decompositions for Extracting Features in Pattern Recognition
* Weighted central moments in pattern recognition
* Weighted matchings for dense stereo correspondence
* Wide Area Camera Calibration using Virtual Calibration Objects
* Writer independent on-line handwriting recognition using an HMM approach
* Zebra-Crossing Detection for the Partially Sighted
482 for 0005

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.