19.2 Psychology and Psychophysics, Human Vision for Motion

Chapter Contents (Back)
Human Vision. Motion, Psychology. Motion, Psychophysics.

Bernhard, P.,
On Visual Perception and Retinal Motions,
PIRE(50), No. 10, October 1962, pp. 2133. BibRef 6210

Lappin, J.S., Doner, J.F., Kottas, B.L.,
Minimal Conditions for the Visual Detection of Structure and Motion in Three Dimensions,
Science(209), 1980, pp. 717-719. BibRef 8000

Burr, D.,
Motion Smear,
Nature(284), March 1980, pp. 164-165. BibRef 8003

Ullman, S.,
Analysis of Visual Motion by Biological and Computer Systems,
Computer(14), No. 8, August 1981, pp. 57-69. BibRef 8108
And: RCV87(132-144). Survey, Motion. Motion, Survey. How do people (animals) analyze motion and how can computers do the same thing. Presents the basics of his work and other MIT work - Gaussian filter, zero crossings, matching, descriptions. BibRef

Batali, J., and Ullman, S.,
Motion Detection and Analysis,
DARPAN79(69-75). BibRef 7900

Flinchbaugh, B.E., and Chandrasekaran, B.,
A Theory of Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Vision,
AI(17), No. 1-3, August 1981, pp. 387-407.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 8108

Smith, A.T., and Snowden, R.J.,
Visual Detection of Motion,
San Diego: Academic PressISBN 0-12-651660-X, December 1994, 484pp. BibRef 9412 BookSummarizes the knowledge of how the human visual system detects motion. BibRef

Braunstein, M.L.,
The Empirical Study of Structure from Motion,
MU88(101-142). Motion, Structure. Study of human perception of structures from controlled motions. BibRef 8800

Tsotsos, J.K., Fleet, D.J., and Jepson, A.D.,
Towards a Theory of Motion Understanding in Man and Machine,
MU88(353-417). Both the temporal and spatial complexities must be addressed to understand how motion works. BibRef 8800

Tsotsos, J.K., Jepson, A.D., Fleet, D.J.,
Motion Understanding Meets Early Vision: An Introduction,
HTML Version. BibRef 8400

Tsotsos, J.K.,
Some Notes on Motion Understanding,
IJCAI77(611). BibRef 7700

Tsotsos, J.K.,
On Classifying Time-Varying Events,
PRIP81(193-199). BibRef 8100

Tsotsos, J.K.,
Knowledge Organization and Its Role in Representation and Interpretation for Time-Varying Data: The ALVEN System,
CompIntel(1), 1985, pp. 16-32. Reprinted: BibRef 8500 RCV87(498-514). BibRef

Tsotsos, J.K.[John K.],
Representational Axes and Temporal Cooperative Processes,
RBCV-TR-84-2, Toronto, April 1984. Integration of time sequences into a higher level representation. BibRef 8404

Tsotsos, J.K.,
Cooperative Computation and Time,
CVWS84(231-237). BibRef 8400

Jenkin, M.R.M., and Kolers, P.A.,
Some Problems with Correspondence,
MU88(269-295). BibRef 8800
Earlier: RBCV-TR-86-10, April 1986, Toronto. They argue that correspondence of feature points is not really what people are doing in dynamic image analysis. BibRef

Ramachandran, V.S., Anstis, S.M.,
The Perception Of Apparent Motion,
SciAmer(254), June 1986, pp. 102-109. BibRef 8606

Yuille, A.L., and Grzywacz, N.M.,
A Mathematical Analysis of the Motion Coherence Theory,
IJCV(3), No. 2, June 1989, pp. 155-175.
Springer DOI BibRef 8906
The Motion Coherence Theory,
IEEE DOI Award, Marr Prize, HM. Investigatees the phenomena of coherence such as motion capture and motion cooperativity. BibRef

Grzywacz, N.M., Yuille, A.L.,
A model for the estimate of local velocity,
Springer DOI 9004

Grzywacz, N.M., Yuille, A.L.,
Massively Parallel Implementations of Theories for Apparent Motion,
MIT AIM-888, June 1987.
WWW Link. BibRef 8706

Yuille, A.L.[Alan L.], Burgi, P.Y., Grzywacz, N.M.,
Visual Motion Estimation and Prediction: A Probabilistic Network Model for Temporal Coherence,
IEEE DOI BibRef 9800

Watson, A.B., and Ahumada, Jr., A.J.,
A Look at Motion in the Frequency Domain,
Motion83(1-10). (NASA Ames) Psychophysics session. BibRef 8300

Freeman, W.T., Adelson, E.H., and Heeger, D.J.,
Motion Without Movement,
SIGGraph-01(27-30). July 1991. Not really vision, but the use of varying patterns to simulate motion. This is related to their work in filters for analyzing motion. BibRef 0107

Adelson, E.H., and Movshon, J.A.,
Phenomenal Coherence of Moving Visual Patterns,
Nature(300), 1982, pp. 523-525. BibRef 8200
The Perception of Coherent Motion in 2-D Patterns,
Motion83(11-16). Psychophysics session. BibRef

Green, M., and von Grunau, M., (Toronto),
Real and Apparent Motion: One Mechanism or Two?,
Motion83(17-22). Psychophysics session. BibRef 8300

Braunstein, M.L., (UCI),
Perception of Rotation in Depth: The Psychophysical Evidence,
Motion83(119-124). BibRef 8300

Uras, S., Girosi, F., Verri, A., and Torre, V.,
A Computational Approach to Motion Perception,
BioCyber(60), 1989, pp. 79-87.
See also Accuracy of the Computation of Optical Flow and the Recovery of Motion Parameters, The. BibRef 8900

de Micheli, E., Uras, S., Torre, V.,
The analysis of time varying image sequences,
Springer DOI 9004

Heeger, D.J., Simoncelli, E.P.,
Model of Visual Motion Sensing,
SVHR92(XX). BibRef 9200
And: Vismod-191. BibRef

Lu, Z.L., Sperling, G.,
Contrast Gain-Control in First-Order and 2nd-Order Motion Perception,
JOSA-A(13), No. 12, December 1996, pp. 2305-2318. 9701

Simpson, W.A., Newman, A., Aasland, W.,
Equivalent Background Speed in Recovery from Motion Adaptation,
JOSA-A(14), No. 1, January 1997, pp. 13-22. 9701

Baddeley, R., Tripathy, S.P.,
Insights Into Motion Perception By Observer Modeling,
JOSA-A(15), No. 2, February 1998, pp. 289-296. 9802

Liu, L., van Hulle, M.M.,
Modeling the Surround of MT Cells and Their Selectivity for Surface Orientation in Depth Specified by Motion,
NeurComp(10), No. 2, February 15 1998, pp. 295-312. 9802

Bobick, A.F.[Aaron F.],
Movement, Activity, and Action: The Role of Knowledge in the Perception of Motion,
Royal(B-352), 1997, pp. 1257-1265. BibRef 9700
And: Vismod-413, 1997.
HTML Version. and
PS File. BibRef

Sumnall, J.H.[Jane H.], Harris, J.M.[Julie M.],
Binocular Three-Dimensional Motion Detection: Contributions of Lateral Motion and Stereo-Motion,
JOSA-A(17), No. 4, April 2000, pp. 687-696. Human visual system. The visual system uses the average of the monocular image motions for the detection of a range of 3-D trajectories. 0005

Lu, Z.L.[Zhong-Lin], Sperling, G.[George],
Three-systems theory of human visual motion perception: Review and Update,
JOSA-A(18), No. 9, September 2001, 2331-2370. BibRef 0109
And: Errata: JOSA-A(19), No. 2, February 2002, pp. 413-413.
WWW Link. 0202

Wexler, M., Panerai, F., Lamouret, I., Droulez, J.,
Self-motion and the perception of stationary objects,
Nature(409), 2001, pp. 85-88.
DOI Link BibRef 0100

Potkonjak, V., Kostic, D., Rasic, M., Dordaevic, G.S.,
Motion in human and machine: a virtual fatigue approach,
SMC-A(32), No. 5, September 2002, pp. 582-595.
IEEE Top Reference. 0301

Weiss, Y., Simoncelli, E.P., and Adelson, E.H.,
Motion illusions as optimal percepts,
Nature:Neuroscience(5), No. 6, June 2002, pp. 598-604.
HTML Version. Bayesian, slow, prior, estimate BibRef 0206

Neumann, H.[Heiko], Raudies, F.[Florian],
Neural Mechanisms for Form and Motion Detection and Integration: Biology Meets Machine Vision,
BCVI12(I: 468-473).
Springer DOI 1210

Bartram, L., Nakatani, A.,
What Makes Motion Meaningful? Affective Properties of Abstract Motion,
What aspects of motion lead to what impressions. BibRef

Cheong, L.F.[Loong-Fah], Xiang, X.[Xu],
How Do Movie Viewers Perceive Scene Structure from Dynamic Cues,
CVPR06(I: 403-410).

Papathomas, T.,
Perceiving Three-dimensional Objects During Egomotion,
ICIP01(II: 16).

Chapter on Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion continues in
Image Differencing, Motion Segmentation and Filtering Techniques .

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