Update Dates 8800

8800 * *Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Volume 3, Time-Varying Imagery Analysis
* *Advances in Computer Vision
* *Machine Vision Algorithms, Architectures, and Systems
* *Motion Understanding: Robot and Human Vision
* 2D-3D Pose Estimation
* 3-D Imaging Systems and High-Speed Processing for Robot Control
* Acceleration-Based Structure-from-Motion
* Accurate Method for Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters, An
* Acquiring Simple Patterns for Surface Inspection
* Active, Optical Range Imaging Sensors
* Adaptive Approach to Video Tracking, An
* Adaptive Clustering Algorithm for Image Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Computational Model for Texture Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Gaussian Weighted Filtering for Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Histogram Equalization Using Variable Regions
* Adaptive Segmentation of Speckled Images Using a Hierarchical Random Field Model
* Adaptive Size for Operators in Line Image Processing
* Adaptive Smoothing for Feature Extraction
* Adaptive Trimmed Mean Filters for Image Restoration
* Admissibility of Constraint Functions in Relaxation Labeling
* Affine Invariant Matching
* Algebraic Environment to Process Fuzzy Images, An
* Algebraic Reasoning in View Consistency and Parameterized Model Matching Problems
* Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation of a Digital Object, An
* Algorithms for Clustering Data
* Algorithms for Motion Estimation Based on Three-Dimensional Correspondences
* Algorithms for Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundaries
* Aligning a Model to an Image Using Minimal Information
* Analysing Hough Nets For Recognition Of Polyhedra-Like Objects
* Analysis and Classification of SAR Images by a Knowledge-Based Approach
* Analysis of 3-D Scene with Partially Occluded Objects for Robot Vision
* Analysis of a Sequence of Stereo Scenes Containing Multiple Moving Objects Using Rigidity Constraints
* Apparent Symmetries in Range Data
* Application Of Linear Programming To Object Location In R Dimensions, An
* Application of the Generalized Hough Transform to Corner Detection
* Application of the Hough Transform to Automatic Recognition of Berber Characters, An
* Applications of Dynamic Monocular Machine Vision
* Approaches to Low Level Image Processing for Vision Guided Seam Tracking Systems
* ARCHI: An Expert System for Biological Objects Recognition
* Architecture and Applications of the Connection Machine
* ARG Representation for Chinese Characters and a Radical Extraction Based on the Representation, An
* Array Architectures for Iconic and Symbolic Image Processing
* Artificial Intelligence Approach for Medical Picture Analysis, An
* Aspect Graphs and Nonlinear Optimization in 3-D Object Recognition
* Attention Mechanisms for Vision in a Dynamic World
* Automated Fast Recognition and Location of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects by Image Morphology
* Automatic Generation of Simple Morphological Algorithms
* Automatic Interpretation of Medical Image Sequences
* Automatic Object Recognition in Line Maps
* Automatic Optical Inspection of Plated Through-Holes for Ultrahigh Density Printed Wiring Boards
* Automatic Recognition of Isolated Arabic Characters
* Automatic Recognition of Province Name on the License Plate of Moving Vehicle
* Automatic Recognition of Road Information on Medium Scale Topographical Maps
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Solid Objects from 2D Orthographic Views
* Automatic Road Vector Extraction Method from Maps, An
* Automatic text processing
* Background subtraction algorithms for videodensitometric quantification of coronary stenosis
* Bayesian Filtering of Poisson Noise Using Local Statistics
* Binary Contour Coding Using Bezier Approximation
* Binary Morphology: Working in the Sampled Domain
* Bit Level Concurrency in Real-Time Geometric Feature Extractions
* Blackboard-Based Approach to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition, A
* Blind Texture Segmentation
* Bounding Constraint Propagation for Optical Flow Estimation
* Brightness-Based Stereo Matching
* Building Knowledge-Based Systems for Detecting Man-Made Structures from Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Building, Registering, and Fusing Noisy Visual Maps
* CAD Based Planning and Execution of Inspection
* Calculating Geometric Properties of Objects Represented by Fourier Coefficients
* Calculating the Principal Views of a Polyhedron
* Calculation Method of Surface Representation Using B-Spline Mask
* Characterization and Featuring of Histological Section Images
* Chinese Character Recognition: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective
* Class of Adaptive Model- and Object-Driven Nonuniform Sampling Methods for 3-D Inspection, A
* Closed-Form Representation of Convolution, Dilation, and Erosion in the Context of Image Algebra
* Coded DF-Expression for Binary and Multi-Valued Picture
* Collinear Trinocular Stereo Using Two-Level Dynamic Programming
* Collision-Free Navigation Scheme in the Presence of Moving Obstacles, A
* Color Constancy Computation in Near-Mondrian Scenes Using a Finite Dimensional Linear Model
* Color Gamut Mapping and the Printing of Digital Color Images
* Color Metric for Computer Vision, A
* Color Reflectance Model and Its Use for Segmentation, A
* Color-Based Panoramic Representation of Outdoor Environment for a Mobile Robot
* Combined Corner and Edge Detector, A
* Combining Information In Low-Level Vision
* Combining Sonar and Infrared Sensors for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Combining the Classification Results of Independent Classifiers Based on the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* Comments on Theoretical Analysis of the Max/Median Filter
* Comparative Study of Two Useful Discrete-Valued Random Fields for the Statistical Modeling of Images, A
* Comparison of Approaches to High-Level Image Interpretation, A
* Complex Shadow-Boundary Segmentation Using the Entry-Exit Method
* Complexity of Fine Motion Planning, The
* Complexity of Recognizing Polyhedral Scenes, The
* Compression of Chain Codes Using Digital Straight Line Sequences
* Computation of Stereo Disparity Using Regularization
* Computational Approach to the Fusion of Stereopsis and Kineopsis, A
* Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Shape Decomposition, A
* Computer architectures for image analysis
* Computer Recognition of Arabic Cursive Scripts
* Computer Vision on Magnetic Resonance Images
* Computer Vision: Basic Principles
* Computing Principal Direction Fields as Frame Bundle Cross Sections
* Computing Quadtree Medial Axis Transform by a Multi-Layered Pyramid of Lisp-Processor Arrays
* Concept of an Effective Viewpoint, The
* Connected Component Labeling on Polymorphic Torus Architecture
* Constraint-Based System for Interpretation of Aerial Imagery, A
* Contextual Word Recognition Using Probabilistic Relaxation Labeling
* Contour Processing Method for Fast Binary Neighbourhood Operations, A
* Contour-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Disparity Continuity, A
* Control Strategies in a Hierarchical Knowledge Structure
* Convected Activation Profiles and the Measurement of Visual Motion
* Convexity Algorithms for Parallel Machines
* Convexity Is Necessary: A Correction
* Cooperative Methods for Road Tracking in Aerial Imagery
* Core Knowledge System: Storage and Retrieval of Inconsistent Information
* Corner Characterization by Differential Geometry Techniques
* Correction of Background in Very Low Statistics Images
* Creation of Structure in Dynamic Shape, The
* Custom-Made Pyramids
* Data Structure Suitable for Representing the Calligraphic Rules for Chinese Character Evaluation, A
* Decision Theoretic Approach for 3-D Vision, A
* Decomposition of Edge Operators
* Deformable Models
* Delaunay Triangulation and the Shape Hull as Tools in Muscle Fibre Analysis, The
* Depth Recovery from Blurred Edges
* Deriving Coarse 3-D Models of Objects
* Description and Representation of 3-D Scenes in Computer Vision Systems
* Description of the Color Image by Using Stable View Points
* Descriptive Pattern Recognition System Applied to Pictorial Patterns Where the Discriminating Information Is Carried in the Object Shape, A
* Detecting Defects in Texture
* Detecting Motion in Out-of-Register Pictures
* Detecting Specular Reflection Using Lambertian Constraints
* Detection and Delineation of Compact Objects Using Intensity Pyramids
* Detection of Parallel Straight Lines with the Application of the Hough Transform, The
* determination of optimal thresholds for change detection using various accuracy indices, The
* Determination of the Optic Flow Field in the Presence of Occlusion
* Determining Object Shape from Local Velocity Measurements
* Determining Orientation, Location and Size of Primitive Surfaces by a Modified Hough Transformation Technique
* Determining the Optimal Weights in Multiple Objective Function Optimization
* Determining Vanishing Point and Camera Parameter: New Approaches
* Document Image Analysis for Generating Syntactic Structure Description
* Domain-Dependent Reasoning for Visual Navigation of Roadways
* Dynamic Computer Vision for Mobile Robot Control
* Dynamic Monocular Machine Vision
* Dynamic Multisensor Data Fusion System for Intelligent Robots
* Dynamic Pyramid: A Model for Motion Analysis with Controlled Continuity, The
* Dynamic Scene Analysis and the 8-Point Algorithm
* Dynamic Vision
* Early Orientation Selection: Inferring Trace, Tangent, and Curvature Fields
* Early Vision and Texture Perception
* Edge Detection in Correlated Noise Using Latin Square Masks
* Edge Detection Through Residual Analysis
* Effective Method for Determining the Robot Position, An
* Efficient Computation of Two-Dimensional Gaussian Windows
* Efficient Systematic Analysis of Occlusion
* Egomotion and the Stabilized World
* Empirical Study of Structure from Motion, The
* Error of Fit Measures for Recovering Parametric Solids
* Estimating Motion from Sparse Range Data Without Correspondence
* Estimating Motion/Structure from Line Correspondences: A Robust Linear Algorithm and Uniqueness Theorems
* Estimation of 3-D Translational Motion Parameters via Hadamard Transform
* EVE: Software for Visual Modeling
* Evidence Accumulation and Flow of Control in a Hierarchial Spatial Reasoning System
* Evolution Properties of Space Curve
* Experimental Investigation of Estimation Approaches for Optical Flow Fields, An
* Experimental System for Office Document Handling and Text Recognition, An
* Experiments and Evaluations of Rule Based Methods in Image Analysis
* Expert System for the Automatic Placement of Names on a Geographic Map, An
* Expert Vision System for Autonomous Land Vehicle Road Following, An
* Extension of IBIS for 3D Organ Recognition in NMR Multislices
* Extracting Generic Shapes Using Model-Driven Optimization
* Extraction and Recognition of 3-Dimensional Information by Projecting a Pair of Slit-Ray Beams
* Extraction of Object Features from Image and Its Application to Image Retrieval
* Extraction of Thin Networks on Satellite Imagery
* Extraction of Trend Lines and Extrema from Multiscale Curves
* Eye Brain and Vision
* Eye Fixation and Early Vision: Kinetic Depth
* Face Based Algorithm for Matching Two Line Drawings of a Polyhedron, A
* Facial Image Reconstruction and Manipulation from Measurements Obtained Using a Structured Lighting Technique
* Fast Algorithm for Motion Prediction, A
* Fast Algorithm to Calculate the Euler Number for Binary Images, A
* Fast Approximation to a Convex Hull, A
* Fast Extraction of Ellipses
* Fast Shape Detection Using Hough Transform by Raster Operation
* Feature Detection in Human Vision: A Phase Dependent Energy Model
* Feature Extraction by Rank-Order Filtering for Image Segmentation
* Feature extraction for vision-guided road vehicles
* Feature Extraction of Handwritten Japanese Characters by Spline Functions for Relaxation Matching
* Feature Point Matching in Image Sequences
* Feature Recognition Using Correlated Information Contained in Multiple Neighborhoods
* Feature-Based Hierarchical Registration of 3-D Vision Using Star Structure And Circuits
* Filter-Based Models for Pattern Classification
* Finding Motion Parameters from Spherical Flow Fields (or the Advantages of Having Eyes in the Back of Your Head)
* Finding Objects in Aerial Photographs: A Rule-Based Low Level System
* Flexible Recognition Algorithms and Flexible OCR System
* Formula for Computing the Number of Quadtree Node Fragments Created by a Shift, A
* Framework for Representing and Reasoning about Three-Dimensional Objects for Vision, A
* Frequency-Domain Fourier-Mellin Descriptors for Invariant Pattern Recognition
* From Depth and Optical Flow to Rigid Body Motion
* Fusion of Edge Maps in Color Images
* Fusion of Multisensor Data
* Gam Pyramid, The
* general framework for robot hand-eye coordination, A
* Generation of Volume/Surface Octree from Range Data
* Generic Models for Robot Navigation
* Geometric Camera Calibration Using Systems of Linear Equations
* Geometrically Constrained Multiphoto Matching
* Geometry from Specularities
* Gradient Threshold Selection Using the Facet Model
* Graph-Based Vectorization Method for Line Patterns
* Gray-Levels Can Improve the Performance of Binary Image Digitizers
* GSS: A Fast, Model-Based Vision System for Workpiece Recognition
* Handprinted Chinese Character Recognition Via Neural Networks
* Handprinted Symbol Recognition System
* Heuristic Noise Reduction Algorithm Applied to Handwritten Numeric Characters, A
* Heuristic Search Algorithm for Image Registration, A
* Hierarchical Boundary Model for Solid Object Representation, A
* Hierarchical Hough: Advantages and Automatic Construction of the Models
* High Accuracy Algorithm for Recognition of Handwritten Numerals, A
* High Speed String Edit Methods Using Hierarchical Files and Hashing Technique
* Highly Parallel, Hierarchical, Recognition Cone Perceptual Structures
* Hough Transform Using Slope and Curvature as Local Properties to Detect Arbitrary 2D Shapes
* How the Delaunay Triangulation Can Be Used for Representing Stereo Data
* How To Tell Right From Left
* Hybrid Sequential-Parallel Approach to Accurate Circle Centre Location, A
* Identification of Planar Objects in 3-D Space from Perspective Projections
* Image Analysis Methods for Solder-Ball Inspection in Integrated Circuit Manufacturing
* Image Computations on Reconfigurable VLSI Arrays
* Image Description Via the Multiresolution Intensity Axis of Symmetry
* Image Enhancement and Thresholding by Optimization of Fuzzy Compactness
* Image Flow Theory: A Framework for 3-D Inference from Time-Varying Imagery
* Image Interpretation by Distributed Cooperative Processes
* Image Processing for Position Detection
* Image Representation Using Voronoi Tessellation: Adaptive and Secure
* Image Segmentation Using Geometric and Physical Constraints
* Image Sequence Enhancement Using Sub-Pixel Displacements
* Image Sequences: Ten (Octal) Years - From Phenomenology Towards a Theoretical Foundation
* Image-Recognition System Using Algorithmically Dedicated Integrated Circuits, An
* Improved Method for Shape from Shading, An
* Improved Metrics in Image Processing Applied to the Hilditch Skeleton
* Improved Model-Based Matching Method Using Footprints, An
* Improved SSDA Applied in Target Tracking, An
* Incremental Rigidity Scheme and Long-Range Motion Correspondence, The
* Individual Hip Prosthesis Design from CT Images
* Industrial Machine Vision -- Is It Practical?
* Information Extraction from Images of Paper-Based Maps
* Information in the Geometric Structure of Retinal Flow Fields
* Integrated Approach to Feature Based Dynamic Vision, An
* Integrated Visual System for Solder Inspection, An
* Integrating Moving Edge Information along a 2-D Trajectory in Densely Sampled Imagery
* Integrating Vision and Touch for Object Recognition Tasks
* Integrating Vision Modules on a Fine-Grained Parallel Machine
* Integration Effort in Knowledge-Based Vision Techniques for the Autonomous Land Vehicle Program
* Integration of Information for Stereo and Multiple Shape-from-Texture Cues, The
* Intelligent Character Recognition System with High Accuracy and High Speed by Integrating Image-Type and Logical-Type Information Processings, An
* Interactive and Automatic Image Recognition System
* Interactive Complexity Control and High-Speed Stereo Matching
* Interpretation of Visual Motion: A Computational Study
* Interpreting Engineering Drawings of Polyhedrons
* Invariant Planar Shape Recognition Using Dynamic Alignment
* Is Correspondence Necessary for the Perception of Structure from Motion?
* Isodata Algorithm for Straight Line Fitting, An
* Iterative Edge Linking Algorithm with Noise Removal Capability, An
* IU at UI: An Overview and an Example on Shape from Texture
* IU Parallel Processing Benchmark
* IU Software Environments
* K1K2 Space in Range Image Analysis, The
* Kanji Recognition Method Which Detects Writing Errors, A
* Karhunen-Loeve Analysis of Dynamic Sequences of Thermographic Images for Early Breast Cancer Detection
* Knight's Distance in Digital Geometry
* Knowledge Based Image Interpretation System, A
* Knowledge Pattern Representation of Chinese Characters
* Knowledge-Based Robotics
* Knowledge-Based System for Recognizing Man-Made Objects in Aerial Images, A
* Knowledge-Based System for the Delineation of Blood Vessels on Subtraction Angiograms, A
* Large Hierarchical Object Recognition Using Libraries of Parameterized Model Sub-Parts
* Learning Rules for 3-D Object Recognition
* Line Drawings of Octree-Represented Objects
* Line Thinning by Line Following
* Linear Binary Tree
* Linear Time Algorithms for an Image Labelling Machine
* Local Constraint Integration in a Connectionist Model of Stereo Vision
* Local Symmetry Features in Image Processing
* Localization of Objects from Range Data
* Machine Vision as State-Space Search
* Matching Perspective Images Using Geometric Constraints and Perceptual Grouping
* Matrix Method for Finding Sets of Contiguous Non-Zero Elements in a 2-Dimensional Array II
* Maximal Matching of 3-D Points for Multiple-Object Motion Estimation
* Maximum Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Segmenting Range Data, A
* Measure theoretic imaging, with an example employing magnetic resonance input
* Microprocessor-Based Recognition of Handprinted Characters from a Tablet Input
* Minimizing the Computing Complexity of Iterative Sequential Thinning Algorithm
* Modal Control of an Attentive Vision System
* Model for Variability Effects in Handprinting with Implications for the Design of Handwriting Character Recognition Systems, A
* Model-based estimation techniques for 3-D reconstruction from projections
* Model-Based Matching Using Skewed Symmetry Information
* Model-Based Prediction-Verification Scheme for Real-Time Inspection
* Modelling Uncertainty in ESATS by Classification Inference
* Modified Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, A
* Modified Hough Scheme for General Circle Location, A
* Modified Parallel Thinning Algorithm, A
* Moment Images, Polynomial Fit Filters, and the Problem of Surface Interpolation
* Moment-Preserving Curve Detection
* Moment-Preserving Line Detection
* Morphological Algorithms for Computing Non-Planar Point Neighborhoods on Cellular Automata
* Morphological Feature Detection
* Morphology on Umbra Matrices
* Morphology-Based Symbolic Image Modeling, Multi-Scale Nonlinear Smoothing, and Pattern Spectrum
* Motion Analysis of Deformable Objects
* Motion Analysis of Nonridgid Surfaces
* Motion and Structure from Motion in a Piecewise Planar Environment
* Motion Estimation Using More Than Two Images
* Motion from a Sequence of Images
* Moving Object Detection, Inspection and Counting Using Image Stripe Analysis
* Multi-Colored Quadtrees for GIS: Exploiting Bit-Parallelism for Rapid Boolean Overlay
* Multi-Layer Projections for the Classification of Similar Chinese Characters
* Multi-Scale Curvatures for Contour Feature Extraction
* Multi-Scale Description of Space Curves and Three-Dimensional Objects
* Multicomputer Vision
* Multiple Shape-from-Texture into Texture Analysis and Surface Segmentation
* Multiresolution Aerial Image Interpretation
* Multiresolution Relaxation: Experiments and Evaluations
* Multiresolution Rotation Invariant Simultaneous Auto Regressive Model for Texture Analysis
* Multiscale Image Understanding
* Multisensor Knowledge Systems: Interpreting 3D Structure
* Navigation and Mapping in Large-Scale Space
* NETRA: An Architecture for a Large Scale Multiprocessor Vision System
* New Approach of Vector Quantization for Image Data Compression and Texture Detection, A
* New Approach to Point Pattern Matching, A
* New Approach to Robot Orientation by Orthogonal Lines, A
* New Digital Image Registration Algorithm Based on the Double Spatial Intensity Gradients Using Pyramids, A
* New Method of Estimating Shape from Shading by Using a Constraint at Zero-Crossings of Image Brightness, A
* New Model-Based Stereo Approach for 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Contours on the Surface Pattern, A
* New Smoothing Filter for Directional Detection and Enhancement, A
* New Strategy for Octree Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects, A
* New Technique for Shape Analysis Using Orthogonal Polynomials, A
* New Technique for Visual Motion Alarm, A
* New Theoretical Approach to Relaxation, Application to Edge Detection, A
* Non-) Rigid Motion Interpretation: A Regularized Approach
* Note on Grey Level-Intensity Transformation: Effect on HVS Thresholding, A
* Note on Rutovitz' Method for Parallel Thinning, A
* Novel Approach to Real-Time Motion Detection, A
* Object Extraction from Image Using Higher Order Entropy
* Object Localization with Multiple Sensors
* Object Recognition from a Large Database Using a Decision Tree
* Object Recognition in Visually Complex Environments: An Architecture for Locating Address Blocks on Mail Pieces
* Object Recognition Using Relational Clique and Cycle Mappings
* Object Recognition Using the Connection Machine
* Object-Centered Least-Squares Correlation
* Occlusion-Sensitive Matching
* Octree Creation via C.S.G. Definition
* On Automatic Feature Selection
* On Detecting Edges in Speckle Imagery
* On Improving the Accuracy of The Hough Transform: Theory, Simulations, and Experiments
* On Machine Recognition of Hand-Printed Chinese Characters by Feature Relaxation
* On Minimum Error Thresholding and Its Implementations
* On Stereo Image Coding
* On Terrain Model Acquisition by a Point Robot Amidst Polyhedral Obstacles
* On the Accuracy of Optical Flow Computation Using Global Optimization
* On the Computation of Motion from Sequences of Images: A Review
* On the Congruence of Noisy Images to Line Segment Models
* On the Construction of a Scale-Space for Discrete Images
* On the Description of Relative Position of Fuzzy Objects
* On the Intra-Category Clustering to Make Multidictionary Patterns for Multidictionary Template Matching Method
* On the Minimum Number of Templates Required for Shift, Rotation and Size Invariant Pattern Recognition
* On the Number of Digital Straight Lines on an NxN Grid
* On the Recovery of Superellipsoids
* On The Simultaneous Interpretation of Real World Image Sequences and Their Natural Language Description: The System Soccer
* On Uncertain Geometry in Robotics
* Online Recognition of Free-Format Japanese Handwritings
* Operational Perception System for Cross-Country Navigation, An
* Optic Acceleration
* Optimal Approximations by Piecewise Smooth Functions and Variational Problems
* Optimal Combination and Constraints for Geometrical Sensor Data
* Optimal Computing of Structure from Motion Using Point Correspondences in Two Frames
* Optimal Geometric Algorithms on Fixed-Size Linear Arrays and Scan Line Arrays
* Optimal Morphological Approaches to Image Matching and Object Detection
* Optimising Edge Detection
* Optimized Searching Algorithm for Image Matching, An
* Organization of Curve Detection: Coarse Tangent Fields and Fine Spline Coverings, The
* Overview of Mapping Techniques for Exploratory Pattern Analysis, An
* Overview of the SRI Cartographic Modeling Environment
* P300: A System for Automatic Pattern Wafer Inspection, The
* PACE: An Environment for Intelligence Analysis
* Parallel Algorithms for Corner Following on Digital Curves
* Parallel Depth Recovery by Changing Camera Parameters
* Parallel Hardware for Constraint Satisfaction
* Parallel Optical Flow Using Local Voting
* Parallel Processing Approaches To Edge Relaxation
* Parallel Split-Level Relaxation
* Partial Matching of two Dimensional Shapes Using Random Coding
* Parts of Perception
* Pattern Classification Using Relative Constraints
* Pattern Recognition Algorithm Based on the Rapid Transform, A
* Pattern Recognition and Categorical Shape Theory
* Pattern Recognition by Graph Matching Combinatorial Versus Continuous Optimization
* Perceiving Shape From Shading
* Perception engineering
* Perception of a Quadrilateral
* Perception of Dynamic Information in Static Handwritten Forms
* Perception with Feedback
* Performance of a System to Locate Address Blocks on Mail Pieces
* Perspective on Machine Vision at General Motors, A
* Physically Based Modeling for Vision And Graphics
* Physically Based Models with Rigid and Deformable Components
* Picture Editing by Simultaneously Smoothing Figure Protrusions and Dents
* Pilot Level of a Hierarchical Controller for an Unmanned Mobile Robot
* Pipeline Architectures for Morphologic Image Analysis
* Planarity Constraint in Stereo Matching
* Point Symmetry of Convex Digital Regions
* Polygonal Approximation of 2-D Shapes Through Boundary Merging
* Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Hough-Space Features
* Polynomial Shift-Invariant Operators for Texture Segmentation
* Precision of a Digital Camera, The
* Predicting Material Classes
* Predictive Computer Vision for Robotic Assembly
* Preliminary Investigation of the Problem of Determining Ego- and Object Motions from Stereo, A
* Preprocessing Algorithm for Hand-Written Character Recognition, A
* Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging
* Progress in High Compression Image Coding
* Projection-Based High Accuracy Measurement of Straight Line Edges
* Properties of Viewed Angles and Distances with Application to 3-D Object Recognition, The
* Prototype Pyramid Machine for Hierarchical Cellular Logic, A
* Pyramid Algorithms Optimal for the Worst Case
* Qualitative and Quantitative Matching of Solid Models and Images of 3D Objects
* Qualitative Navigation II
* Quantization Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* Quick Recognition of Circular Objects in a Black-White Picture
* Random Field Identification from a Sample: Experimental Results
* Randomized Algorithm for Closest-Point Queries, A
* Range Image Segmentation
* Rapid Search for Spherical Objects in Aerial Photographs
* Real-Time Pathfinding in Multirobot Systems Including Obstacle Avoidance
* Recognising Faces
* Recognition and Velocity Computation of Large Moving Objects in Images
* Recognition Method of Shape Distorted Objects Using Hierarchical Feature Descriptions
* Recognition of Local Symmetries in Gray Value Images by Harmonic Functions
* Recognition of Overlapping 2-D Objects by Local Feature Construction Method
* Recognition of Partially Occluded 3-D Objects by Depth Map Matching
* Recognition of Sign Language Motion Images
* Recognize the Similarity Between Shapes Under Affine Transformation
* Recognizing and Locating Polyhedral Objects from Sparse Range Data
* Reconstructible Pairs Of Incomplete Polyhedral Line Drawings Under General Reconstruction Procedure
* Reconstructing the Activity Surface for Cardiac PET Imagery
* Reconstruction of Surfaces of 3-D Objects by M-array Pattern Projection Method
* Recovering Connectivity from Moving Point-Light Displays
* Recovering Shape Deformation by an Extended Circular Image Representation
* Rectification of Images for Binocular and Trinocular Stereovision
* Recursively Estimating Optical Flow from a Noisy Image Sequence
* Region Grouping from a Range Image
* Regularized Solution to Edge Detection, A
* Renovated Algorithm for Extracting Moving Target from Background in Real Time Video Tracking System, A
* Representation, Classification and Modelling of Graphs for Efficient Pattern Recognition in Line Images
* Representing a Global Map for a Mobile Robot with Relational Local Maps from Sensory Data
* Representing generic objects for exploration and recognition
* Research on Printed Chinese Character Recognition Based on Stroke Features with Optical/Digital Hybrid Realization, A
* Results of Test on Image Matching of ISPRS WG III/4
* Road Boundary Detection in Range Imagery for an Autonomous Robot
* Road edge extraction using a plan-view image transformation
* Road Finding for Road-Network Extraction
* Robot Hand-Eye Coordination: Shape Description and Grasping
* Robot Location Determination In A Complex Environment By Multiple Marks
* Robotic Perceptual System Utilizing Passive Vision and Active Touch, A
* Robust Computations of Intrinsic Images from Multiple Cues
* Robust Depth Estimation from Optical Flow
* Robust Image Processing Language in the Context of Image Algebra, A
* Robust Recovery of Motion: Effects of Surface Orientation and Field of View
* Rotation-Invariant Operators Applied to Enhancement of Fingerprints
* Rough Sets: Probabilistic Versus Deterministic Approach
* Rule-Based 3D Object Recognition from Range Images
* Rule-Based Inspection of Leadframes
* Scale-Based Hierarchical Description and Matching of Waveforms
* Scale-Rotation Invariant Pattern Recognition Applied to Image Data Compression
* Scale-Space Formulation of Pyramid Data Structures, The
* Scaling and Fingerprint Theorems for Zero-Crossings
* Scene Interpretation Based on Boundary Representations of Stereo Images
* Segmentation and Analysis of 3D Volume Images
* Segmentation of Handwritten Signature Images Using the Statistics of Directional Data
* Segmentation of Two-Dimensional Boundaries Using the Chain Code
* Self Calibration of Motion and Stereo Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Self-Calibration of Stereo Cameras
* Semantic Interpretation of 3-D Stereo Data: Finding the Main Structures
* Sensor Fusion in Certainty Grids for Mobile Robots
* Sensor Models and Multisensor Integration
* Separability of Unimodal Polygons
* Sequential Learning Method For Boundary Detection, A
* Shape From A Single View Using Matching Method
* Shape from Texture
* Signed Euclidean Distance Transform And Its Applications, The
* Sil-Icon Compiler: An Icon-Oriented System Generator, The
* Simple Procedure to Solve Motion and Structure from Three Orthographic Views, A
* Simulating Essential Pyramids
* Simulation of Constant Size Multiresolution Representations on Image Pyramids
* Skeletonizing the Distance Transform on the Hexagonal Grid
* Smooth Interpolation of Rotational Motions
* Soft-Linked Quadtree: A Cascaded Ring Structure Using Flexible Linkage Concept
* Solving Jigsaw Puzzles by Computer
* Solving the Depth Interpolation Problem on a Parallel Architecture with a Multigrid Approach
* Some Problems with Correspondence
* Spacetime constraints
* Special Issue on Expert Systems in Medical Imaging
* Spectral Representation of Color Images
* Spline-Based Surface Fitting on Range Images for CAD Applications
* Statistical Pattern Recognition of Low Resolution Pictures
* Stereo disparity computation using gabor Filters
* Stereo Match Based on Linear Feature
* Stochastic Image Segmentation Using Spatial-Temporal Context
* Stroke Relation Coding: A New Approach to the Recognition of Multi-Font Printed Chinese Characters
* Structural Analysis of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Structural Approach to Online Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Structural Classification and Relaxation Matching of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Zip-Code Numbers
* Structural Correspondence in Stereo Vision
* Structural Pyramids for Representing and Locating Moving Obstacles in Visual Guidance of Navigation
* Structural Saliency: The Detection of Globally Salient Structures Using a Locally Connected Network
* Structure and Motion from Two Perspective Views Via Planar Patch
* Structured Light Patterns for Robot Mobility
* Surfaces in Range Image Understanding
* Symbolic Description of Edges Using a Geometric Relaxation Technique
* Symbolic Pixel Labeling for Curvilinear Feature Detection
* Synergistic Smooth Surface Stereo
* Syntactic and Contextual Post-Processing of Handwritten Addresses for Optical Character Recognition
* System for 3-D Workpieces Recognition, A
* System for On-Line Recognition of Chinese Characters, A
* System for Recognition and Description of Graphics, A
* Test Results from SRI's Stereo System
* Text Recognition System for Japanese Documents
* Texture Analysis and Clustering Using the Wigner Distribution
* Texture Analysis by a Perceptual Model
* Texture Edge Localization
* Texture Inspection with Self-Adaptive Convolution Filters
* Texture Segmentation Using Iterative Estimate of Energy States
* Theorem Analysis on Optical Flow Estimation from Three Frames of Image Sequences, The
* Theory on Optical Velocity Fields and Ambiguous Motion of Curves, A
* Thermal and Visual Information Fusion for Outdoor Scene Perception
* Thresholding Based on Learning Theory
* Towards a Theory of Motion Understanding in Man and Machine
* Towards an Automatic Construction of Object Recognition Strategies
* Towards Autonomous Convoy Driving: Recognizing the Starting Vehicle in Front
* Towards Real-Time Trinocular Stereo
* Towards the Automatic Generation of Recognition Strategies
* Tracking of Boundaries in 3D Medical Images, The
* Traffic Control of Multiple Robot Vehicles
* Transformation-Invariant Recursive Subdivision Method for Shape Analysis, A
* Translating Optical Flow into Token Matches and Depth from Looming
* Tree Search Algorithm for Target Detection in Image Sequences, A
* Trinocular General Support Algorithm: A Three-Camera Stereo Algorithm for Overcoming Binocular Matching Errors, The
* Two Automatic Color Segmentation Algorithms Applied to Six Skin Tumor Features
* Two Dimensional CAD-Based Object Recognition
* UMass Image Understanding Architecture, The
* Unsupervised Bayesian Estimation for Segmenting Textured Images
* Use of High-Level Knowledge for Enhanced Entry of Engineering Drawings, The
* Use of the Facet Model and the Topographic Primal Sketch in Image Analysis, The
* Useful Geometric Properties of the Generalized Cone
* Using Domain Knowledge in Low-Level Visual Processing to Interpret Handwritten Music: An Experiment
* Using Dynamic Programming for Minimizing the Energy of Active Contours in the Presence of Hard Constraints
* Using Generic Geometric and Physical Models For Representing Solids
* Using Moment Invariants to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded 2D Objects
* Using Perceptual Grouping to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded Objects
* Using Stereo Vision Analysis to Recognize Partially Obscured Objects
* Variational Dynamic Programming Approach to Robot Path Planning with a Distance-Safety Criterion, A
* Various Views on Spatial Prepositions
* Vehicle Path Specification by a Sequence of Straight Lines
* Vertex Space Analysis and Its Application to Model Based Object Recognition
* Visible Surface Reconstruction Via Local Minimax Approximation
* Vision Based Method to Automate Map Processing, A
* VISIONS Image-Understanding System, The
* Visiting Card Understanding System
* Visual Shape Computation
* Visual Text Recognition Through Contextual Processing
* Visual User Interface for Map Information Retrieval Based on Semantic Significance, A
* Weak Structural Texture Analysis Technique to Wave Heights for Ocean Waves Image, A
* Wide Base-Line Dynamic Stereo: Approximation and Refinement
* Zero-Crossing Interval Correction in Tracing Eye-Fundus Blood Vessels
574 for 8800

Index for "8"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.