3.6.1 Computer Vision Surveys

Chapter Contents (Back)
Survey, Computer Vision.

Ullmann, J.R.,
A review of optical pattern recognition techniques,
OpticalQuantumElec(6), No. 5, September, 1974, pp. 319-332.
Springer DOI BibRef 7409

Huang, T.S., Tretiak, O.J., Tippett, J.T.,
Research in Picture Processing,
OE-OIP65(Chapter 3), 1965. Survey, Image Processing. BibRef 6500

Selfridge, O.G.,
Pattern Recognition and Modern Computers,
WJCC55(91-93). Survey, Pattern Recognition. BibRef 5500

Forsen, G.,
Processing Visual Data with an Automaton Eye,
PPR68(471-502). Survey, Image Processing. BibRef 6800

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel], and Weszka, J.S.,
Picture Recognition and Scene Analysis,
Computer(9), No. 5, May 1976, pp. 28-38. Survey, Image Processing. BibRef 7605

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Image Analysis: Problems, Progress and Prospects,
PR(17), No. 1, 1984, pp. 3-12.
Elsevier DOI Survey, Image Processing. BibRef 8400
And: RCV87(3-12). A review of the state of image analysis at that time. BibRef

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Human and Machine Vision Special Issue,
CVGIP(37), No. 1, January 1987, pp. 1-2. BibRef 8701 CVGIP(37), No. 2, February 1987. Part II. Survey, Human Vision. Human Vision, Survey. BibRef

Aloimonos, Y., and Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Principles of Computer Vision,
HPRIP-CV94(1-15). Survey, Computer Vision. BibRef 9400
Computer Vision,
Science(253), September 13, 1991, pp. 1249-1254. BibRef
Earlier: A2 only: HPRIP86(355-368). General survey. BibRef

Lerner, E.J.,
Computers That See,
Spectrum(17), No. 10, October 1980, pp. 28-33. BibRef 8010

Mero, L., and Vamos, T.,
Medium Level Vision,
PPR82(93-122). BibRef 8200

Waldrop, M.M.[M. Mitchell],
Computer Vision,
Science(224), No. 4654, 15 June 1984, pp. 1225-1227. Survey, Computer Vision. Short outline of what is happening in computer vision research. BibRef 8406

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Computer Vision: Past, Present, and Future,
IS(57-58), 1991, pp. 241-243. Survey, Computer Vision. BibRef 9100

Haralick, R.M.[Robert M.], Shapiro, L.G.,
Glossary Of Computer Vision Terms,
PR(24), No. 1, 1991, pp. 69-93.
Elsevier DOI Survey, Computer Vision. BibRef 9100

Haralick, R.M.[Robert M.],
Glossary and Index to Remotely Sensed Image Pattern Recognition Concepts,
PR(5), No. 4, December 1973, pp. 391-403.
Elsevier DOI Survey, Pattern Recognition. BibRef 7312

Cheng, C.H., Holsapple, C.W., Lee, A.,
Citation-Based Journal Rankings for AI Research: a Business Perspective,
AIMag(17), No. 2, Summer 1996, pp. 87-97. 9607
Ratings include the important vision journals (especially PAMI, IJCV, and CVGIP/CVIU). PAMI was the only AI journal with over 50% of citations to journal articles. BibRef

Levine, M.D., (guest ed.),
Special Section on Signals and Symbols,
PIEEE(84), No. 11, November 1996, pp. 1623-1704. BibRef 9611

Dagnelle, G., and Massof, R.W.,
Toward an Artificial Eye,
Spectrum(33), No. 5, May 1996, pp. 20-29. BibRef 9605

Poggio, T., and Beymer, D.J.,
Learning to See,
Spectrum(33), No. 5, May 1996, pp. 60-69. BibRef 9605

Werblin, F., Jacobs, A., and Teeters, J.,
The Computational Eye,
Spectrum(33), No. 5, May 1996, pp. 30-37. BibRef 9605

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Computer Vision: Basic Principles,
PIEEE(76), 1988, pp. 863-868. Survey, Computer Vision. BibRef 8800

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
Computer Vision: Signals, Segments, and Structures,
ASSP MAGAZINE(1), No. 1, 1984, pp. 11-18. Survey, Computer Vision. BibRef 8400

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel],
From Image Analysis to Computer Vision: An Annotated Bibliography, 1955-1979,
CVIU(84), No. 2, November 2001, pp. 298-324.
DOI Link Survey, Computer Vision. 0203
From Image Analysis to Computer Vision: Motives, Methods, And Milestones, 1955-1979,
UMD--TR3920R, July 1998.
PS File. Historical development of computer vision. BibRef

Rosenfeld, A.[Azriel], Wechsler, H.[Harry],
Pattern recognition: Historical perspective and future directions,
IJIST(11), No. 2, 2000, pp. 101-116. 0008
Survey, Pattern Recognition. BibRef

Zavidovique, B.Y.,
First steps of robotic perception: the turning point of the 1990s,
PIEEE(90), No. 7, July 2002, pp. 1094-1112.
Survey, Computer Vision. BibRef

Geller, T.[Tom],
Seeing is Not Enough,
CACM(54), No. 10, October 2011, pp. 15-16.
DOI Link 1110
News item. A new DARPA program is teaching cameras visual intelligence, how to spot and understand human behavior. BibRef

Posch, C., Benosman, R., Etienne-Cummings, R.,
Giving machines humanlike eyes,
Spectrum(52), No. 12, December 2015, pp. 44-49.
computer vision BibRef

Schubin, M.,
What Sparked Video Research in 1877? The Overlooked Role of the Siemens Artificial Eye,
PIEEE(105), No. 3, March 2017, pp. 568-576.

Nocerino, E., Menna, F., Hänsch, R.,
Lightcam: Enlightening the Camera Obscura - Where Photogrammetry, Computer and Robotic Vision Meet,
DOI Link 2012

Colombe, J.B.,
A survey of recent developments in theoretical neuroscience and machine vision,

Huang, T.S.,
Image Understanding Systems,
ICPR78(1136). BibRef 7800

Chapter on Books, Collections, Overviews, General, and Surveys continues in
Bibliographical Information .

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