Index for ullm

Ullman, J. Co Author Listing * Experiments with the N-Tuple Method of Pattern Recognition

Ullman, J.D. Co Author Listing * Bounds on the complexity of the Longest Common subsequence Problem

Ullman, S.[Shimon] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Ullman, S.[Shimon]: shimon AT wisdom weizmann ac il
* Action Classification via Concepts and Attributes
* Against Direct Perception
* Aligning a Model to an Image Using Minimal Information
* Alignment of Objects with Smooth Surfaces, The
* Analysis of Visual Motion by Biological and Computer Systems
* Approach to Object Recogniton: Aligning Pictorial Descriptions, An
* Bandpass Channels, Zero-Crossings, and Early Visual Information Processing
* chains model for detecting parts by their context, The
* Class-Based Feature Matching Across Unrestricted Transformations
* Class-Based Matching of Object Parts
* Class-Specific, Top-Down Segmentation
* Combined Model for Detecting, Localizing, Interpreting, and Recognizing Faces
* Combined Top-Down/Bottom-Up Segmentation
* Combining Class-Specific Fragments for Object Classification
* Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Segmentation
* Computational Studies in the Interpretation of Structure and Motion: Summary and Extension
* Computational Study of Vision, The
* Contour Matching Using Local Affine Transformations
* Correspondence Process in Motion Perception, The
* Cross-Generalization: Learning Novel Classes from a Single Example by Feature Replacement
* Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
* Direct Computation of the Focus of Expansion from Velocity Field Measurements
* Directional Selectivity and its Use in Early Visual Processing
* Distinctive and compact features
* Early Detection of Motion Boundaries, The
* Face Recognition: The Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction
* Feature Hierarchies for Object Classification
* Filling the Gaps: The Shape of Subjective Contours and a Model for their Generation
* Fragment-Based Approach to Object Representation and Classification, A
* From Aardvark to Zorro: A Benchmark for Mammal Image Classification
* From primal templates to invariant recognition
* Generalization across Changes in Illumination and Viewing Position in Upright and Inverted Faces
* Generalization to Novel Views: Universal, Class-Based, and Model-Based Processing
* Grouping Contours by Iterated Pairing Network
* Hand-Object Interaction and Precise Localization in Transitive Action Recognition
* Hierarchical Non-Parametric Method for Capturing Non-Rigid Deformations, A
* High-Level Vision: Object Recognition and Visual Cognition
* Human Pose Estimation Using Deep Consensus Voting
* Identifying Semantically Equivalent Object Fragments
* Image normalization by mutual information
* Image Understanding, 1984
* Image Understanding, Volume 2
* Image Understanding, Volume 3
* Incremental Rigidity Scheme and Long-Range Motion Correspondence, The
* Interfacing the one-dimensional scanning of an image with the application of two-dimensional operators
* Interpretation of Structure from Motion, The
* Interpretation of Visual Motion, The
* Learning Class Regions by the Union of Ellipsoids
* Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and Scale
* Learning Model Complexity in an Online Environment
* Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection
* Learning to Segment
* Limitations of Non Model-Based Recognition Schemes
* Maximizing Rigidity: The Incremental Recovery of 3-D Structure from Rigidity and Rubbery Motion
* Motion Detection and Analysis
* Multi-Task Learning By A Top-Down Control Network
* Multi-View Modeling and Synthesis
* Object classification using a fragment-based representation
* Object Recognition Using Alignment
* Object recognition with informative features and linear classification
* On Visual Detection of Light Sources
* Optical Flow of Planar Surfaces, The
* Reading Cursive Handwriting by Alignment of Letter Prototypes
* Recent Computational Studies in the Interpretation of Structure from Motion
* Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models
* Recognizing Novel 3-D Objects Under New Illumination and Viewing Position Using a Small Number of Examples
* Recognizing Rigid Objects by Aligning Them with an Image
* Recognizing Solid Objects by Alignment
* Recognizing Solid Objects by Alignment with an Image
* Relaxation and Constrained Optimization by Local Processes
* Rigidity and Smoothness of Motion
* Satellite Features for the Classification of Visually Similar Classes
* Semantic Hierarchies for Recognizing Objects and Parts
* Single-example learning of novel classes using representation by similarity
* Special Issue on Image Sequence Processing and Motion Analysis in Visual Communication
* Structural Saliency: The Detection of Globally Salient Structures Using a Locally Connected Network
* Surface Structure and 3-D Motion from Image Flow: A Kinematic Analysis
* Surface Structure and Three-Dimensional Motion from Image Flow Kinematics
* Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision and Language Models
* Unsupervised Classification and Part Localization by Consistency Amplification
* Unsupervised feature optimization (UFO): Simultaneous selection of multiple features with their detection parameters
* Using Linking Features in Learning Non-parametric Part Models
* View-Invariant Recognition Using Corresponding Object Fragments
* Visual Classification by a Hierarchy of Extended Fragments
* Visual Concept Recognition and Localization via Iterative Introspection
* Visual Detection of Light Sources
* Visual features of intermdediate complexity and their use in classification
* Visual Routines
* Visual Routines: Where bottom-Up and Top-down Processing Meet
* VQA With No Questions-Answers Training
Includes: Ullman, S.[Shimon] Ullman, S.
92 for Ullman, S.

Ullmann, J.R. Co Author Listing * Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism, An
* Analysis of 2-D Occlusion by Subtracting Out
* Associating Parts of Patterns
* Binarization Using Associative Addressing
* Bit-vector Algorithms for Binary Constraint Satisfaction and Subgraph Isomorphism
* compiler for simple boolean functions of binary patterns, A
* Computer Architecture for Solving Consistent Labeling Problems
* Consistency Technique for Pattern Association, A
* Degree Reduction in Labeled Graph Retrieval
* Discrete Optimization by Relational Constraint Satisfaction
* Distributive Implementation of Relational Operations
* Edge Replacement in the Recognition of Occluded Objects
* Generalized Hough Accumulator Space Compactification by Superimposed Coding
* Investigation of Occlusion in One Dimension, An
* Parallel Recognition of Idealised Line Characters
* Pattern Recognition Techniques
* Pattern Recognition Using Degenerate Reference Data
* Picture analysis in character recognition
* Recognition experiments with typed numerals from envelopes in the mail
* Reduction of the storage requirements of Bledsoe and Browning's n-tuple method of pattern recognition
* Relational Consistency in On-Line Signature Validation
* Relational Matching
* Report on the 1982 IEEE Computer Vision Workshop, A
* review of optical pattern recognition techniques, A
* Subset Methods for Recognising Distorted Patterns
* Use of Continutiy in Character Recognition, A
* Video-rate digital image analysis equipment
Includes: Ullmann, J.R. Ullmann, J.R.[Julian R.]
27 for Ullmann, J.R.

Ullmann, T.[Tobias] Co Author Listing * Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Landsat Land Surface Temperature and Multispectral Indices in the Arctic Mackenzie Delta Region between 1985 and 2018
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence at Different Time Scales over the Atacama Desert (Chile) between 2015 and 2018
* Automated Extraction of Annual Erosion Rates for Arctic Permafrost Coasts Using Sentinel-1, Deep Learning, and Change Vector Analysis
* Change Detection using High Resolution TERRASAR-X Data: Preliminary Results
* Characterization of Land Cover Types in TerraSAR-X Images by Combined Analysis of Speckle Statistics and Intensity Information
* Circum-Arctic Monitoring Framework for Quantifying Annual Erosion Rates of Permafrost Coasts, A
* Comparing PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping Mountain Pines in the Sarntal Alps, Italy
* Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data for Substrate Type Differentiation and Shoreline Mapping in the Canadian Arctic
* Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock Glaciers in the Central European Alps Using DInSAR Time Series
* Detection of Grassland Mowing Events for Germany by Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Evaluation of MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Accurate Crop Yield Predictions: A Case Study Using STARFM NDVI in Bavaria, Germany
* How Phenology Shapes Crop-Specific Sentinel-1 PolSAR Features and InSAR Coherence across Multiple Years and Orbits
* Impact of Phenological Developments on Interferometric and Polarimetric Crop Signatures Derived from Sentinel-1: Examples from the DEMMIN Study Site (Germany), The
* Impact of STARFM on Crop Yield Predictions: Fusing MODIS with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 NDVIs in Bavaria Germany
* Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Improving Crop Mapping in Northwestern Benin, West Africa
* Land Cover Characterization and Classification of Arctic Tundra Environments by Means of Polarized Synthetic Aperture X- and C-Band Radar (PolSAR) and Landsat 8 Multispectral Imagery: Richards Island, Canada
* Mapping and Monitoring Small-Scale Mining Activities in Ghana using Sentinel-1 Time Series (2015-2019)
* Modelling Crop Biomass from Synthetic Remote Sensing Time Series: Example for the DEMMIN Test Site, Germany
* Remote Sensing of River Delta Inundation: Exploiting the Potential of Coarse Spatial Resolution, Temporally-Dense MODIS Time Series
* Spatiotemporal Fusion Modelling Using STARFM: Examples of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 NDVI in Bavaria
* State of the Vietnamese Coast: Assessing Three Decades (1986 to 2021) of Coastline Dynamics Using the Landsat Archive
* Surface Roughness Estimation in the Orog Nuur Basin (Southern Mongolia) Using Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series and Ground-Based Photogrammetry
* Two Component Decomposition of Dual Polarimetric HH/VV SAR Data: Case Study for the Tundra Environment of the Mackenzie Delta Region, Canada
Includes: Ullmann, T.[Tobias] Ullmann, T.
23 for Ullmann, T.

Index for "u"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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