* 2D Sub-pixel Point Spread Function Measurement Using a Virtual Point-Like Source
* 3D Myocardial Elastography In Vivo
* 3D Quasi-Static Ultrasound Elastography With Plane Wave In Vivo
* 3D Space Shift from CityGML LoD3-Based Multiple Building Elements to a 3D Volumetric Object
* Abnormality detection in crowd videos by tracking sparse components
* Accelerated Visual Context Classification on a Low-Power Smartwatch
* Accuracy of Nearshore Bathymetry Inverted From X -Band Radar and Optical Video Data
* Accurate and Stable Sliding DFT Computed by a Modified CIC Filter, An
* Accurate Cascade Graphic Equalizer
* Accurate vessel segmentation using maximum entropy incorporating line detection and phase-preserving denoising
* Action identification using a descriptor with autonomous fragments in a multilevel prediction scheme
* Active Rectification of Curved Document Images Using Structured Beams
* Active Safety System for Low-Speed Bus Braking Assistance, An
* Adapting Low-Bitrate Skip Mode in a Mobile Environment
* Adaptive Agent-Based Model of Homing Pigeons: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, An
* Adaptive Cascade Regression Model For Robust Face Alignment
* Adaptive fuzzy model for blur estimation on document images
* Adaptive highlights stencils for modeling of multi-axial BRDF anisotropy
* Adaptive Multispectral Demosaicking Based on Frequency-Domain Analysis of Spectral Correlation
* Adaptive Nonzero-Mean Gaussian Detection
* Adaptive packet scheduling for scalable video streaming with network coding
* Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Compression of Hyperspectral Image With Sparse Representation
* Adaptive Speech Dereverberation Using Constrained Sparse Multichannel Linear Prediction
* Advancing NASA's AirMOSS P-Band Radar Root Zone Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm via Incorporation of Richards' Equation
* Affine Covariant Features for Fisheye Distortion Local Modeling
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization Bounds for Multi-Task Learning
* Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz Imaging with compressive sensing
* application of chain code-based local descriptor and its extension to face recognition, An
* approach to detecting JPEG down-recompression and seam carving forgery under recompression anti-forensics, An
* Artistic relighting of paintings and drawings
* AssesSeg: A Command Line Tool to Quantify Image Segmentation Quality: A Test Carried Out in Southern Spain from Satellite Imagery
* Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-2 and Pléiades Data for the Detection of Prosopis and Vachellia spp. in Kenya
* Assessment of Mono- and Split-Window Approaches for Time Series Processing of LST from AVHRR: A TIMELINE Round Robin
* Assessment of Regional Vegetation Response to Climate Anomalies: A Case Study for Australia Using GIMMS NDVI Time Series between 1982 and 2006
* Assessment of Soil Degradation by Erosion Based on Analysis of Soil Properties Using Aerial Hyperspectral Images and Ancillary Data, Czech Republic
* Asymptotically Efficient Target Localization From Bistatic Range Measurements in Distributed MIMO Radars
* Atmospheric Correction Performance of Hyperspectral Airborne Imagery over a Small Eutrophic Lake under Changing Cloud Cover
* Atmospheric Corrections and Multi-Conditional Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter in Low-to-High Turbidity Levels Coastal Waters
* Augmented reality: forget the glasses
* Augmented-Reality-Based Indoor Navigation: A Comparative Analysis of Handheld Devices Versus Google Glass
* Authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya
* Automated detection and classification of nuclei in PAX5 and H&E-stained tissue sections of follicular lymphoma
* Automated Extraction of Inundated Areas from Multi-Temporal Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 Images of the 2011 Central Thailand Flood
* Automated Parameter Selection for Total Variation Minimization in Image Restoration
* Automated Reconstruction of Building LoDs from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using an Improved Morphological Scale Space
* Automatic analysis of broadcast football videos using contextual priors
* Automatic Design of High-Sensitivity Color Filter Arrays With Panchromatic Pixels
* Automatic Enhancement and Detection of Layering in Radar Sounder Data Based on a Local Scale Hidden Markov Model and the Viterbi Algorithm
* Automatic estimation and segmentation of partial blur in natural images
* automatic image-to-DEM alignment approach for annotating mountains pictures on a smartphone, An
* Automatic Matcher and Linker for Transportation Datasets, An
* Automatic Mesh Animation Preview With User Voting-Based Refinement
* Automatic mineral identification using color tracking
* Automatic Refinement Strategies for Manual Initialization of Object Trackers
* Automatic superpixel generation algorithm based on a quadric error metric in 3D space
* Autonomous Fall Detection With Wearable Cameras by Using Relative Entropy Distance Measure
* Autonomous ships on the high seas
* Auxiliary Variable-Aided Hybrid Message Passing Approach to Joint Channel Estimation and Decoding for MIMO-OFDM, An
* Background estimation and motion saliency detection using total variation-based video decomposition
* Background subtraction based on circulant matrix
* bag-of-words equivalent recurrent neural network for action recognition, A
* Band-pass correlation filter for illumination- and noise-tolerant face recognition
* Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Scale Detectors for Road Extraction from SAR Images
* Bayesian Modeling of Temporal Coherence in Videos for Entity Discovery and Summarization
* Behavior Discovery and Alignment of Articulated Object Classes from Unstructured Video
* Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation: MediaEval 2016, The
* Binary Adaptive Embeddings From Order Statistics of Random Projections
* Biomechanical Modeling Guided CBCT Estimation Technique, A
* Blind inpainting using the fully convolutional neural network
* block-based background model for moving object detection, A
* Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Non-CPMG Fast Spin Echo
* Boosting Hankel matrices for face emotion recognition and pain detection
* Bridge the Gap Between ADMM and Stackelberg Game: Incentive Mechanism Design for Big Data Networks
* Building Occlusion Detection From Ghost Images
* C-means clustering fuzzified by two membership relative entropy functions approach incorporating local data information for noisy image segmentation
* Can We Go Beyond Burned Area in the Assessment of Global Remote Sensing Products with Fire Patch Metrics?
* Catching the high altitude invisible by satellite-based forward scatter PCL
* Characterization of Active Layer Thickening Rate over the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Region Using ALOS Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, 2007-2009
* Characterization of Long-Term Stability of Suomi NPP Cross-Track Infrared Sounder Spectral Calibration
* Characterizing the relationship between land use land cover change and land surface temperature
* Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne Remote Sensing Data
* Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing for Earth Observations: An Analysis of Stakeholder Opinions on the Present and Future
* Classification and retrieval of radiology images in H.264/AVC compressed domain
* Classification of artifactual EEG signal and detection of multiple eye movement artifact zones using novel Time-amplitude algorithm
* Closed-Form Approximation for the CDF of the Sum of Independent Random Variables, A
* Closed-Form Orthogonal Ramanujan Integer Basis
* cloud detection algorithm-generating method for remote sensing data at visible to short-wave infrared wavelengths, A
* Cognitively Motivated Method for Classification of Occluded Traffic Signs, A
* Color-blob-based COSFIRE filters for object recognition
* Color-Guided Depth Recovery via Joint Local Structural and Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* Combinatorial Reasoning Mechanism with Topological and Metric Relations for Change Detection in River Planforms: An Application to GlobeLand30's Water Bodies, A
* Combined Forecasting Method of Landslide Deformation Based on MEEMD, Approximate Entropy, and WLS-SVM
* Combined Rotational Raman-Rayleigh Lidar for Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Over 5X80 km With Self-Calibration, A
* Combining Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Human Skin Detection
* Comment on Hicham Bahi, et al. Effects of Urbanization and Seasonal Cycle on the Surface Urban Heat Island Patterns in the Coastal Growing Cities: A Case Study of Casablanca, Morocco. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 829
* Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function-Based Meshless Method for Photon Propagation Model of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* Comparison of SEVIRI-Derived Cloud Occurrence Frequency and Cloud-Top Height with A-Train Data
* Compilation and Validation of SAR and Optical Data Products for a Complete and Global Map of Inland/Ocean Water Tailored to the Climate Modeling Community
* Complex Correntropy: Probabilistic Interpretation and Application to Complex-Valued Data
* complex mixing matrix estimation algorithm in under-determined blind source separation problems, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Microwave Emissivity and Brightness Temperature Sensitivities to Soil Parameters Using Qualitative and Quantitative Sensitivity Analyses, A
* comprehensive framework for modeling heterogeneous objects, A
* Comprehensive Study on Cross-View Gait Based Human Identification with Deep CNNs, A
* Compressed Submanifold Multifactor Analysis
* Compressive Video Sensing: Algorithms, architectures, and applications
* Computation of heterogeneous object co-embeddings from relational measurements
* Computationally highly efficient mixture of adaptive filters
* Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing: Recent Approaches in Multimedia and Robotics
* Consensus-Based Algorithm for Truck Platooning, A
* Constrained Procedural Modeling of Real Buildings from Single Facade Layout
* Construction of Binary Sensing Matrices Using Extremal Set Theory
* Context Tree-Based Image Contour Coding Using a Geometric Prior
* Context-Adaptive Pansharpening Based on Image Segmentation
* Context-Associative Hierarchical Memory Model for Human Activity Recognition and Prediction
* Context-Driven Extractive Framework for Generating Realistic Image Descriptions, A
* Continuing Reinvention of Content-Based Retrieval: Multimedia Is Not Dead, The
* Continuous adaptation of multi-camera person identification models through sparse non-redundant representative selection
* Continuous Probability Distribution Prediction of Image Emotions via Multitask Shared Sparse Regression
* Contrast enhancement for the infrared vein image of leg based on the optical angular spectrum theory
* Convexity Shape Prior for Binary Segmentation
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Chinese Text Detection Algorithm via Text Structure Modeling, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Large-Scale Remote-Sensing Image Classification
* Convolutional Patch Representations for Image Retrieval: An Unsupervised Approach
* Cortex-inspired multilayer hierarchy based object detection system using PHOG descriptors and ensemble classification
* Coupled HMM-based multi-sensor data fusion for sign language recognition
* CP tensor-based compression of hyperspectral images
* Cradle Removal in X-Ray Images of Panel Paintings
* Cross-Modal Hashing via Rank-Order Preserving
* Cross-Modal Retrieval With CNN Visual Features: A New Baseline
* Cross-Modality Face Recognition via Heterogeneous Joint Bayesian
* Crustal and Upper Mantle Density Structure Beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Surrounding Areas Derived from EGM2008 Geoid Anomalies
* Curvature-Based Ground Vehicle Control of Trailer Path Following Considering Sideslip and Limited Steering Actuation
* CUSTOM: A Calibration Region Recovery Approach for Highly Subsampled Dynamic Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Customization and fabrication of the appearance for humanoid robot
* Cyberphysical System With Virtual Reality for Intelligent Motion Recognition and Training
* Data-driven background representation method to video surveillance
* Data-Driven Methods for the Determination of Anterior-Posterior Motion in PET
* Decline of Geladandong Glacier Elevation in Yangtze River's Source Region: Detection by ICESat and Assessment by Hydroclimatic Data
* Decomposing DInSAR Time-Series into 3-D in Combination with GPS in the Case of Low Strain Rates: An Application to the Hyblean Plateau, Sicily, Italy
* Deep active object recognition by joint label and action prediction
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Data Augmentation for Environmental Sound Classification
* Deep Learning Based Oil Palm Tree Detection and Counting for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Deep linear discriminant analysis on fisher networks: A hybrid architecture for person re-identification
* Deep Matrix Factorization Method for Learning Attribute Representations, A
* DeepCut: Object Segmentation From Bounding Box Annotations Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* DEM Estimation for LASAR Based on Variational Model
* Dense Semantic Labeling of Subdecimeter Resolution Images With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth-Guided Disocclusion Inpainting of Synthesized RGB-D Images
* Descriptors and regions of interest fusion for in- and cross-database gender classification in the wild
* Design and Stability Analysis of Multi-Objective Ensemble Classifiers
* Design of complex adaptive multiresolution directional filter bank and application to pansharpening
* Design principles of a stream-based framework for mobility analysis
* Desired PAR-Achieving Precoder Design for Multiuser MIMO OFDM Based on Concentration of Measure, A
* Detecting anomalous events in videos by learning deep representations of appearance and motion
* Detecting Inter-Annual Variations in the Phenology of Evergreen Conifers Using Long-Term MODIS Vegetation Index Time Series
* Detecting Low-Quality Workers in QoE Crowdtesting: A Worker Behavior-Based Approach
* Detecting Road Intersections from GPS Traces Using Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
* Detecting Tree Stems from Volumetric TLS Data in Forest Environments with Rich Understory
* Detection of Electronic Anklet Wearers' Groupings throughout Telematics Monitoring
* Detection of Water Bodies from AVHRR Data: A TIMELINE Thematic Processor
* Differential Trellis-Coded Quantization for FDD Massive MIMO Systems in a Spatially Correlated Channel, A
* Dimensionality reduction-based feature extraction and classification on fleece fabric images
* Diminished reality for augmented reality interior design
* DInSAR-Based Detection of Land Subsidence and Correlation with Groundwater Depletion in Konya Plain, Turkey
* direction finding method for spatial optical beam-forming network based on sparse Bayesian learning, A
* Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Sensor Array Error Calibration Based on Blind Signal Separation
* Directional coherence-based spatiotemporal descriptor for object detection in static and dynamic scenes
* Discovering overlooked objects: Context-based boosting of object detection in indoor scenes
* Discrete MRF Framework for Integrated Multi-Atlas Registration and Segmentation, A
* Discriminative Multi-instance Multitask Learning for 3D Action Recognition
* Distinguishing Intensity Levels of Grassland Fertilization Using Vegetation Indices
* Distributed Content Based Video Identification in Peer-to-Peer Networks: Requirements and Solutions
* Distributed processing of big mobility data as spatio-temporal data streams
* DIY film digitizer
* Does Neurotechnology Produce a Better Brain?
* Double-Smoothing Algorithm for Integrating Satellite Precipitation Products in Areas with Sparsely Distributed In Situ Networks, A
* Dual learning based compression noise reduction in the texture domain
* Dual soft assignment clustering algorithm for human action video clustering
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Exploiting Subspace Projection for Robust Angiogram Separation
* dynamic gesture recognition and prediction system using the convexity approach, A
* Dynamic texture representation using a deep multi-scale convolutional network
* Dynamic Watermarking: Active Defense of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
* Effect of Algal Blooms on Carbon Emissions in Western Lake Erie: An Integration of Remote Sensing and Eddy Covariance Measurements, The
* Effects of Visual Feedback on Out-of-Body Illusory Tactile Sensation When Interacting With Augmented Virtual Objects
* efficient and reliable coarse-to-fine approach for asphalt pavement crack detection, An
* Efficient classification with sparsity augmented collaborative representation
* Efficient large-scale multi-class image classification by learning balanced trees
* Efficient Methodology for the Analysis of Dielectric Shimming Materials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* Efficient online extraction of keywords for localized events in twitter
* Efficient Soft Shadow Mapping for Area Lights in Various Shapes and Colors, An
* efficient system for anomaly detection using deep learning classifier, An
* Efficient Undersampled High-Resolution Radon Transform for Exploration Seismic Data Processing, An
* Efros and Freeman Image Quilting Algorithm for Texture Synthesis
* Electromagnetic induction holography imaging for stroke detection
* Element-wise uniqueness, prior knowledge, and data-dependent resolution
* Energy crop mapping with enhanced TM/MODIS time series in the BCAP agricultural lands
* Energy efficient cosine similarity measures according to a convex cost function
* Energy-aware processing of big data in homogeneous cluster
* Entropy of Primitive: From Sparse Representation to Visual Information Evaluation
* Estimating Aboveground Biomass in Tropical Forests: Field Methods and Error Analysis for the Calibration of Remote Sensing Observations
* Estimating Biomass of Native Grass Grown under Complex Management Treatments Using WorldView-3 Spectral Derivatives
* Estimating Canopy Gap Fraction Using ICESat GLAS within Australian Forest Ecosystems
* Estimating Savanna Clumping Index Using Hemispherical Photographs Integrated with High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Estimating the Biomass of Maize with Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Estimation of Basis Line-Integrals in a Spectral Distortion-Modeled Photon Counting Detector Using Low-Order Polynomial Approximation of X-ray Transmittance
* Estimation of Doppler Profile Using Multiparameter Cost Function Method
* Evaluating the Impact the Weekday Has on Near-Repeat Victimization: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Street Robberies in the City of Vienna, Austria
* Evaluation of a Phenology-Dependent Response Method for Estimating Leaf Area Index of Rice Across Climate Gradients
* Evaluation of GRACE Mascon Gravity Solution in Relation to Interannual Oceanic Water Mass Variations
* Evaluation of Landsat-Based METRIC Modeling to Provide High-Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Estimates for Amazonian Forests
* Evaluation of Methods for Aerodynamic Roughness Length Retrieval from Very High-Resolution Imaging LIDAR Observations over the Heihe Basin in China
* Examining Multi-Legend Change Detection in Amazon with Pixel and Region Based Methods
* EXhype: A tool for mineral classification using hyperspectral data
* experimental study on the effects of shading in 3D perception of volumetric models, An
* Explaining Nonlinear Classification Decisions with Deep Taylor Decomposition
* Exploiting Depth From Single Monocular Images for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
* Exploiting scene maps and spatial relationships in quasi-static scenes for video face clustering
* Extrinsic calibration of multi-modal sensor arrangements with non-overlapping field-of-view
* Eye detection in a facial image under pose variation based on multi-scale iris shape feature
* Face Antispoofing Using Speeded-Up Robust Features and Fisher Vector Encoding
* Face Hallucination by Learning Local Distance Metric
* Face recognition tech goes on trial
* Face Sketch Synthesis From a Single Photo-Sketch Pair
* Factor Graph Approach to Digital Self-Interference Mitigation in OFDM Full-Duplex Systems, A
* Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
* Fast Algorithms for Fitting Active Appearance Models to Unconstrained Images
* Fast and Adaptive 3D Reconstruction With Extensively High Completeness
* Fast and Effective Algorithm for a Poisson Denoising Model With Total Variation, A
* Fast and Exact Newton and Bidirectional Fitting of Active Appearance Models
* fast automatic optimal threshold selection technique for image segmentation, A
* Fast edge-based stereo matching approach for road applications
* Fast hand posture classification using depth features extracted from random line segments
* Fast inter-prediction mode decision algorithm for HEVC
* Fast Online Video Synopsis Based on Potential Collision Graph
* Fast Physically Correct Refocusing for Sparse Light Fields Using Block-Based Multi-Rate View Interpolation
* Fast Realistic MRI Simulations Based on Generalized Multi-Pool Exchange Tissue Model
* fast white balance algorithm based on pixel greyness, A
* Fast, Compact, and Discriminative: Evaluation of Binary Descriptors for Mobile Applications
* FasT-Match: Fast Affine Template Matching
* Feasibility Study for a Persistent Homology-Based k-Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm in Melanoma Detection, A
* Feature and label relation modeling for multiple-facial action unit classification and intensity estimation
* Feature Selection with Annealing for Computer Vision and Big Data Learning
* Fingerprint liveness detection using gradient-based texture features
* Fingerprint liveness detection using gradient-based texture features
* Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Local Coherence Patterns
* Fire synthesis using basis fires and design
* First Results of a Tandem Terrestrial-Unmanned Aerial mapKITE System with Kinematic Ground Control Points for Corridor Mapping
* First Steps Toward Camera Model Identification With Convolutional Neural Networks
* First-order derivative-based super-resolution
* Flexible Multi-View Dimensionality Co-Reduction
* Fluid re-simulation based on physically driven model from video
* Focused Compressive Sensing for Underdetermined Wideband DOA Estimation Exploiting High-Order Difference Coarrays
* Force-Velocity Assessment of Caress-Like Stimuli Through the Electrodermal Activity Processing: Advantages of a Convex Optimization Approach
* Forward a Small-Timescale BRDF/Albedo by Multisensor Combined BRDF Inversion Model
* Forward Scatter Radar for Air Surveillance: Characterizing the Target-Receiver Transition from Far-Field to Near-Field Regions
* Framework of Mixed Sparse Representations for Remote Sensing Images, A
* Free-Hand Sketch Synthesis with Deformable Stroke Models
* Frequency domain subpixel registration using HOG phase correlation
* Fully Automatic Instantaneous Fire Hotspot Detection Processor Based on AVHRR Imagery: A TIMELINE Thematic Processor, A
* Fusion of multi-focus images with registration inaccuracies
* Fusion of thermal and visible cameras for the application of pedestrian detection
* Fusion of Ultrasonic and Spectral Sensor Data for Improving the Estimation of Biomass in Grasslands with Heterogeneous Sward Structure
* Fusion-Based Variational Image Dehazing
* Fuzzy GML Modeling Based on Vague Soft Sets
* Gait recognition from corrupted silhouettes: A robust statistical approach
* Gap-Filling of Landsat 7 Imagery Using the Direct Sampling Method
* Gaze correction using feature-based view morphing and performance evaluation
* Generalized Sparse Learning of Linear Models Over the Complete Subgraph Feature Set
* Generalizing Mumford-Shah Model for Multiphase Piecewise Smooth Image Segmentation
* Generalizing the Prediction Sum of Squares Statistic and Formula, Application to Linear Fractional Image Warp and Surface Fitting
* Geometric Calibration of Micro-Lens-Based Light Field Cameras Using Line Features
* Geometry Clipmaps Terrain Rendering Using Hardware Tessellation
* GHEVC: An Efficient HEVC Decoder for Graphics Processing Units
* Global Approach to Fast Video Stabilization, A
* GPS-based analysis of physical activities using positioning and heart rate cycling data
* Graph Characterization by Counting Sink Star Subgraphs
* Graph Clustering, Variational Image Segmentation Methods and Hough Transform Scale Detection for Object Measurement in Images
* Graph formulation of video activities for abnormal activity recognition
* Graph-Based Approach for 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Graph-Based Min-# and Error-Optimal Trajectory Simplification Algorithm and Its Extension towards Online Services, A
* Graphical Representation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* GRMA: Generalized Range Move Algorithms for the Efficient Optimization of MRFs
* Gross Primary Production of a Wheat Canopy Relates Stronger to Far Red Than to Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Ground truth bias in external cluster validity indices
* Ground-based hyperspectral analysis of the urban nightscape
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Wearable and Ego-Vision Systems for Augmented Experience
* Guest editorial: GeoStreaming
* Guided filtering based color image reversible data hiding
* Guided optimisation through classification and regression for hand pose estimation
* Guided Wavelet Shrinkage for Edge-Aware Smoothing
* Hashing With Pairwise Correlation Learning and Reconstruction
* HDR tone mapping algorithm based on difference compression with adaptive reference values
* HEp-2 cell classification with Vector of Hierarchically Aggregated Residuals
* Hierarchical content importance-based video quality assessment for HEVC encoded videos transmitted over LTE networks
* Hierarchical Relaxed Partitioning System for Activity Recognition
* Hierarchical Segmentation Using Tree-Based Shape Spaces
* Hierarchical Sparse Bayesian Learning with Beta Process Priors for Hyperspectral Imagery Restoration
* Hierarchical Terrain Classification Based on Multilayer Bayesian Network and Conditional Random Field
* High Frame-Rate, High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging With Multi-Line Transmission and Filtered-Delay Multiply And Sum Beamforming
* High performance location-based services in a main-memory database
* High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using Gaofen-1 WFV Camera Data
* Higher-Order Occurrence Pooling for Bags-of-Words: Visual Concept Detection
* Highly efficient nonlinear regression for big data with lexicographical splitting
* Hole Filling Method for Depth Image Based Rendering Based on Boundary Decision
* Hollywood 3D: What are the Best 3D Features for Action Recognition?
* Homography Based Egomotion Estimation with a Common Direction
* How They Move Reveals What Is Happening: Understanding the Dynamics of Big Events from Human Mobility Pattern
* Human arm pose modeling with learned features using joint convolutional neural network
* Human skin detection through correlation rules between the YCb and YCr subspaces based on dynamic color clustering
* Hybrid wavelet measurement matrices for improving compressive imaging
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Pixel-Pair Features
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Principal Components-Based Smooth Ordering and Multiple 1-D Interpolation
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Kernel Basic Thresholding Classifier
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Detecting Soil Salinization Using ProSpecTIR-VS Aerial Imagery and Sensor Simulation
* IceMap250: Automatic 250 m Sea Ice Extent Mapping Using MODIS Data
* Identification of Statistically Homogeneous Pixels Based on One-Sample Test
* Image and Video Understanding in Big Data
* Image Annotation by Propagating Labels from Semantic Neighbourhoods
* Image Fusion for Spatial Enhancement of Hyperspectral Image via Pixel Group Based Non-Local Sparse Representation
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Local Linear Information and Distortion-Specific Compensation
* Image registration model and algorithm for multi-focus images
* Image reproduction with compensation of luminance adaptation
* image texture insensitive method for saliency detection, An
* Image-based search and retrieval for biface artefacts using features capturing archaeologically significant characteristics
* Imaging for High-Resolution Wide-Swath Spaceborne SAR Using Cubic Filtering and NUFFT Based on Circular Orbit Approximation
* Impact of Anisotropy on the Accuracy of Conductivity Imaging: A Quantitative Validation Study, The
* Implementing set operations over moving regions using the component moving region model
* Implicit Analysis of Perceptual Multimedia Experience Based on Physiological Response: A Review
* Improved Estimation of Regional Fractional Woody/Herbaceous Cover Using Combined Satellite Data and High-Quality Training Samples, An
* Improved Information Value Model Based on Gray Clustering for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Improved LPA-ICI-based estimators embedded in a signal denoising virtual instrument
* Improved Rule Installation for Real-Time Query Service in Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Improved scene identification and object detection on egocentric vision of daily activities
* Improving handwritten Chinese text recognition using neural network language models and convolutional neural network shape models
* Improving Land Surface Temperature Retrievals over Mountainous Regions
* Improving retrieval framework using information gain models
* Improving Spectral Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content through Semi-Supervised Regression
* Improving the Downscaling of Diurnal Land Surface Temperatures Using the Annual Cycle Parameters as Disaggregation Kernels
* Incoherent Unit-Norm Frame Design via an Alternating Minimization Penalty Method
* Incorporating a Spatial Prior into Nonlinear D-Bar EIT Imaging for Complex Admittivities
* Increased Traffic Flow Through Node-Based Bottleneck Prediction and V2X Communication
* Incremental augmented complex adaptive IIR algorithm for training widely linear ARMA model
* Indistinguishability of Compressed Encryption With Circulant Matrices for Wireless Security
* Inexact alternating direction method based on Newton descent algorithm with application to Poisson image deblurring
* Influences of Leaf-Specular Reflection on Canopy BRF Characteristics: A Case Study of Real Maize Canopies With a 3-D Scene BRDF Model
* Information-Theoretic Optimal Radar Waveform Design
* Information-Theoretic Privacy in Smart Metering Systems Using Cascaded Rechargeable Batteries
* Informed Group-Sparse Representation for Singing Voice Separation
* Inside a Cucuteni Settlement: Remote Sensing Techniques for Documenting an Unexplored Eneolithic Site from Northeastern Romania
* Integrated GNSS/INS/LiDAR-SLAM Positioning Method for Highly Accurate Forest Stem Mapping, An
* Integrating machine learning with region-based active contour models in medical image segmentation
* Integrating Multiple Spatial Datasets to Assess Protected Areas: Lessons Learnt from the Digital Observatory for Protected Area (DOPA)
* Integration of Diverse Data Sources for Spatial PM2.5 Data Interpolation
* Intensity mapping curve to diminish the effects of illumination variations
* Inter-View Dependency-Based Rate Control for 3D-HEVC
* Interactive directional subsurface scattering and transport of emergent light
* Interactive image segmentation based on samples reconstruction and FLDA
* Interactive visualization of multi-layered clothing
* Intercomparison of XH2O Data from the GOSAT TANSO-FTS (TIR and SWIR) and Ground-Based FTS Measurements: Impact of the Spatial Variability of XH2O on the Intercomparison
* Interior-Point Method for Modified Total Variation Exploiting Transform-Domain Sparsity, An
* Interpolation of Head-Related Transfer Functions Using Manifold Learning
* Intrinsic image estimation using near- L0 sparse optimization
* Investigation of Urbanization Effects on Land Surface Phenology in Northeast China during 2001-2015
* Is Spatial Resolution Critical in Urbanization Velocity Analysis? Investigations in the Pearl River Delta
* Isotropic Total Variation Regularization of Displacements in Parametric Image Registration
* Joint Admission Control and Routing Via Approximate Dynamic Programming for Streaming Video Over Software-Defined Networking
* Joint Compression Scheme of Video Feature Descriptors and Visual Content, A
* Joint Deep Boltzmann Machine (jDBM) Model for Person Identification Using Mobile Phone Data, A
* Joint Image-Text News Topic Detection and Tracking by Multimodal Topic And-Or Graph
* Joint Modeling of Multiple Crimes: A Bayesian Spatial Approach
* Joint Optimization of Constellation With Mapping Matrix for SCMA Codebook Design
* Joint Power and Admission Control Based on Channel Distribution Information: A Novel Two-Timescale Approach
* Joint Sparse Representation and Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Joint Sparse Sub-Pixel Mapping Model with Endmember Variability for Remotely Sensed Imagery
* joint-optimization NSAF algorithm based on the first-order Markov model, A
* Joint-scale LBP: a new feature descriptor for texture classification
* Just-Noticeable Difference-Based Perceptual Optimization for JPEG Compression
* Kalman Filtering with Optimally Scheduled Measurements in Bandwidth Limited Communication Media
* Key-frame-based depth propagation for semi-automatic stereoscopic video conversion
* Kinect-Based Wearable Face Recognition System to Aid Visually Impaired Users, A
* Kinematic Precise Point Positioning Using Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Observations
* KVD: Scale invariant keypoints by combining visual and depth data
* Large-Scale Binary Quadratic Optimization Using Semidefinite Relaxation and Applications
* Large-Scale Gaussian Process Inference with Generalized Histogram Intersection Kernels for Visual Recognition Tasks
* Largest Matching Areas for Illumination and Occlusion Robust Face Recognition
* Latent Max-Margin Multitask Learning with Skelets for 3-D Action Recognition
* LBP-Structure Optimization With Symmetry and Uniformity Regularizations for Scene Classification
* Learning a Distance Metric from Relative Comparisons between Quadruplets of Images
* Learning from Weak and Noisy Labels for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning the Geometric Structure of Manifolds with Singularities Using the Tensor Voting Graph
* Lexicon Generation for Emotion Detection from Text
* LIME: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Illumination Map Estimation
* Linear-time prediction mode reduction method for intracoding in H.264/AVC
* Linkage of OGC WPS 2.0 to the e-Government Standard Framework in Korea: An Implementation Case for Geo-Spatial Image Processing
* Local part chamfer matching for shape-based object detection
* Local Pattern Collocations Using Regional Co-occurrence Factorization
* Locality-Constrained Collaborative Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* Locality-constrained max-margin sparse coding
* Localization Algorithm Based on V2I Communications and AOA Estimation, A
* Locally Supervised Deep Hybrid Model for Scene Recognition
* Low-Cost Smartphone Sensor-Based UV Camera for Volcanic SO2 Emission Measurements, A
* Low-rank image completion with entropy features
* L_0-Regularized Intensity and Gradient Prior for Deblurring Text Images and Beyond
* M-estimator for reduced-rank system identification, An
* Manifold Regularized Experimental Design for Active Learning
* Mapping Extent Dynamics of Small Lakes Using Downscaling MODIS Surface Reflectance
* Mapping-Based Image Diffusion
* MARCOnI: ConvNet-Based MARker-Less Motion Capture in Outdoor and Indoor Scenes
* Markov Chain Lifting and Distributed ADMM
* Mass spring models with adjustable Poisson's ratio
* Matching images based on consistency graph and region adjacency graphs
* Mathematical Morphology on the Spherical CIELab Quantale with an Application in Color Image Boundary Detection
* Maximum-Margin Structured Learning with Deep Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Mean-square deviation analysis of the zero-attracting variable step-size LMS algorithm
* Measuring Leaf Water Content with Dual-Wavelength Intensity Data from Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Measuring Route Diversity for Urban Rail Transit Networks: A Case Study of the Beijing Metro Network
* MEG: Texture operators for multi-expert gender classification
* meshless strategy for shape diameter analysis, A
* Metaphoric Hand Gestures for Orientation-Aware VR Object Manipulation With an Egocentric Viewpoint
* Method for Estimating the Aerodynamic Roughness Length with NDVI and BRDF Signatures Using Multi-Temporal Proba-V Data, A
* Millimeter-Wave Digital Link for Wireless MRI, A
* Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
* MIMO Beamforming for Secure and Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication
* Minimal Basis Subspace Representation: A Unified Framework for Rigid and Non-rigid Motion Segmentation
* Minimum Variance Approaches to Ultrasound Pixel-Based Beamforming
* Mining Mid-level Visual Patterns with Deep CNN Activations
* ML Estimation and Detection of Multiple Frequencies Through Periodogram Estimate Refinement
* Mobile IP Handover for Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Classifications
* Modality-Invariant Image Classification Based on Modality Uniqueness and Dictionary Learning
* Model of Radar Backscatter of Rain-Generated Stalks on the Ocean Surface, A
* Model Predictive Control for Freeway Networks Based on Multi-Class Traffic Flow and Emission Models
* Modeling and Partitioning of Regional Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Driven Water-Carbon Coupling Model
* Modeling Elastic Wave Propagation Using K -Space Operator-Based Temporal High-Order Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Method
* Modeling Restaurant Context for Food Recognition
* Modeling Sea Ice Surface Emissivity at Microwave Frequencies: Impact of the Surface Assumptions and Potential Use for Sea Ice Extent and Type Classification
* Modeling the Effects of the Urban Built-Up Environment on Plant Phenology Using Fused Satellite Data
* MODIS Time Series to Detect Anthropogenic Interventions and Degradation Processes in Tropical Pasture
* Moment-Based Angular Difference Estimation Between Two Tomographic Projections in 2D and 3D
* Monitoring Annual Urban Changes in a Rapidly Growing Portion of Northwest Arkansas with a 20-Year Landsat Record
* Monitoring Forest Dynamics in the Andean Amazon: The Applicability of Breakpoint Detection Methods Using Landsat Time-Series and Genetic Algorithms
* Motion interaction field for detection of abnormal interactions
* Motion-planning chip speeds robots
* Moving Object Detection Using Tensor-Based Low-Rank and Saliently Fused-Sparse Decomposition
* Moving Object Detection With a Freely Moving Camera via Background Motion Subtraction
* multi-balanced hybrid optimization technique to track objects using rough set theory, A
* Multi-frame super-resolution using adaptive normalized convolution
* Multi-gait recognition using hypergraph partition
* Multi-Modal Dictionary Learning for Image Separation With Application in Art Investigation
* Multi-objective based spectral unmixing for hyperspectral images
* Multi-source remotely sensed data fusion for improving land cover classification
* Multi-Staged NDVI Dependent Snow-Free Land-Surface Shortwave Albedo Narrowband-to-Broadband (NTB) Coefficients and Their Sensitivity Analysis
* Multi-Task Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* MultiCol Bundle Adjustment: A Generic Method for Pose Estimation, Simultaneous Self-Calibration and Reconstruction for Arbitrary Multi-Camera Systems
* Multigrid Convergence for the MDCA Curvature Estimator
* Multimedia Technologies for Enriched Music Performance, Production, and Consumption
* Multimodal Video-to-Near-Scene Annotation
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation for Airborne LiDAR Data Classification
* Multiplierless 16-point DCT approximation for low-complexity image and video coding
* Multisource Remote Sensing Imagery Fusion Scheme Based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD) and Its Application to the Extraction of Bamboo Forest
* Multitask classification and reconstruction using extended Turbo approximate message passing
* Multitemporal Backscattering Logistic Analysis for Intertidal Bathymetry
* Multiuser Massive MIMO Relaying With Mixed-ADC Receiver
* Multiview Marker-Free Registration of Forest Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data With Embedded Confidence Metrics
* Near Real-Time Browsable Landsat-8 Imagery
* Near-lighting Photometric Stereo for unknown scene distance and medium attenuation
* Need for Accurate Geometric and Radiometric Corrections of Drone-Borne Hyperspectral Data for Mineral Exploration: MEPHySTo: A Toolbox for Pre-Processing Drone-Borne Hyperspectral Data, The
* Neighborhood Matching for Image Retrieval
* Network-Based Enhanced Spectral Diversity Approach for TOPS Time-Series Analysis, A
* new composite multi-constrained differential-radon warping approach for digital video affine motion stabilization, A
* New Contextual Parameterization of Evaporative Fraction to Reduce the Reliance of the Ts-VI Triangle Method on the Dry Edge, A
* new framework with multiple tasks for detecting and locating pain events in video, A
* New Intrinsic-Lighting Color Space for Daytime Outdoor Images, A
* new sparse representation-based object segmentation framework, A
* NIR-Red Spectra-Based Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture to 250 m Resolution Based on SMAPEx-4/5 in Southeastern Australia
* No-reference pixel based video quality assessment for HEVC decoded video
* Noise Level Estimation for Natural Images Based on Scale-Invariant Kurtosis and Piecewise Stationarity
* Non-Greedy Algorithm for L1-Norm LDA, A
* nonconvex nonsmooth regularization method with structure tensor total variation, A
* Nonlocal PDEs on Graphs: From Tug-of-War Games to Unified Interpolation on Images and Point Clouds
* Nonoptimality of the Maximum-Weight Dependence Tree in Classification
* NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Real-Time Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Public Security Video Surveillance, A
* Novel Active Contour Model for Image Segmentation Using Local and Global Region-Based Information, A
* novel dictionary-based approach for missing sample recovery of signals in manifold, A
* Novel Divisive Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Geospatial Analysis, A
* novel local derivative quantized binary pattern for object recognition, A
* Novel Noise Jamming Detection Algorithm for Radar Applications, A
* Novel Probabilistic Method to Model the Uncertainty of Tidal Prediction, A
* novel spatial-temporal optical flow method for estimating the velocity fields of a fluid sequence, A
* Novel Transient Wrinkle Detection Algorithm and Its Application for Expression Synthesis, A
* Novel Visual and Statistical Image Features for Microblogs News Verification
* Object co-segmentation via weakly supervised data fusion
* Object recognition under severe occlusions with a hidden Markov model approach
* Object tracking by color distribution fields with adaptive hierarchical structure
* Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel magnitude
* On 1-Laplacian Elliptic Equations Modeling Magnetic Resonance Image Rician Denoising
* On a Variant of the Mobile Observer Method
* On robust optical flow estimation on image sequences with differently exposed frames using primal-dual optimization
* On Strategic Multi-Antenna Jamming in Centralized Detection Networks
* On the Accuracy of Topographic Residuals Retrieved by MTInSAR
* On the Construction of CFAR Decision Rules via Transformations
* On the effect of hyperedge weights on hypergraph learning
* On the Equivalence of the LC-KSVD and the D-KSVD Algorithms
* On the Existence of Epipolar Matrices
* On the existence of the solution for one-dimensional discrete phase retrieval problem
* On the Link Between L1-PCA and ICA
* On the Sampling Strategy for Evaluation of Spectral-Spatial Methods in Hyperspectral Image Classification
* On-Demand Retrieval Method Based on Hybrid NoSQL for Multi-Layer Image Tiles in Disaster Reduction Visualization, An
* on-orbit calibration of geometric parameters of the Tian-Hui 1 (TH-1) satellite, The
* One-Source Approach for Estimating Land Surface Heat Fluxes Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature, A
* Online Cross-Modal Adaptation for Audio-Visual Person Identification With Wearable Cameras
* Online event recognition from moving vessel trajectories
* Online human moves recognition through discriminative key poses and speed-aware action graphs
* Online multi-object tracking with efficient track drift and fragmentation handling
* Online supervised hashing
* Online Variable Coding Length Product Quantization for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in Mobile Retrieval
* Open Turbulent Image Set (OTIS)
* Open-set face recognition across look-alike faces in real-world scenarios
* Operational High Resolution Land Cover Map Production at the Country Scale Using Satellite Image Time Series
* Operations to support temporal coverage aggregates over moving regions
* Optimal Estimation Approach for the Calibration of the Car-Following Behavior of Connected Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Environment, An
* Optimally Redundant, Seek-Time Minimizing Data Layout for Interactive Rendering
* Optimizing MR Scan Design for Model-Based T_1 , T_2 Estimation From Steady-State Sequences
* Optimizing Object, Atmosphere, and Sensor Parameters in Thermal Hyperspectral Imagery
* ORGM: Occlusion Relational Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation
* Orthogonal wideband hybrid-coding radar waveforms design
* P53immunostained cell nuclei segmentation in tissue images of oral squamous cell carcinoma
* Pairwise Operator Learning for Patch-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Panda*: A generic and scalable framework for predictive spatio-temporal queries
* Parallax engine for 2D animation in cinematography
* Parallel Control and Management for High-Speed Maglev Systems
* Parallel Proximal Algorithm for Anisotropic Total Variation Minimization, A
* Parameter Estimation of Hybrid Sinusoidal FM-Polynomial Phase Signal
* parametric intensity-based 3D image registration method for magnetic resonance imaging, A
* Parametric methods for comparing the performance of two classification algorithms evaluated by k-fold cross validation on multiple data sets
* Partially Camouflaged Object Tracking using Modified Probabilistic Neural Network and Fuzzy Energy based Active Contour
* Passive detection of image forgery using DCT and local binary pattern
* Passive Online Geometry Calibration of Acoustic Sensor Networks
* Pattern of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Pollutants during 2013 in Shenzhen, China
* Perceptual synoptic view-based video retrieval using metadata
* Perceptually Guided Photo Retargeting
* Person Re-Identification by Saliency Learning
* Person re-identification by unsupervised video matching
* Personalizing 3D-Printed Smart Eyeglasses to Augment Daily Life
* Phase based distance regularized level set for the segmentation of ultrasound kidney images
* Photometric stereo with only two images: A theoretical study and numerical resolution
* Physically inspired depth-from-defocus
* Planelets: A Piecewise Linear Fractional Model for Preserving Scene Geometry in Intra-Coding of Indoor Depth Images
* Point correspondence by a new third order graph matching algorithm
* Pointing Verification Method for Spaceborne Lidars
* Pooling-Based Quantitative Approach to Evaluating Binarization Algorithms
* Portable Bio-Inspired Architecture for Efficient Robotic Vergence Control, A
* Potential of ALOS2 and NDVI to Estimate Forest Above-Ground Biomass, and Comparison with Lidar-Derived Estimates
* Precise Real-Time Detection of Nonforested Areas With UAVs
* Precoding for Robust Decentralized Estimation in Coherent-MAC-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
* Predicting turbulent flow friction coefficient using ANFIS technique
* Preprocessing Design in Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor-Based Human-Tracking System: On Sensor Selection and Calibration
* Prior Knowledge-Based Method to Derivate High-Resolution Leaf Area Index Maps with Limited Field Measurements, A
* Privacy Leakage of Physical Activity Levels in Wireless Embedded Wearable Systems
* privacy-preserving content-based image retrieval method in cloud environment, A
* Probabilistic Adaptation Method for HTTP Low-Delay Live Streaming over Mobile Networks, A
* Probabilistic Model for Robust Affine and Non-Rigid Point Set Matching
* Progress in Remote Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity over the Amazon Basin
* Progressive Compression of 3D Mesh Geometry Using Sparse Approximations from Redundant Frame Dictionaries
* Proximal maximum margin matrix factorization for collaborative filtering
* PSQP: Puzzle Solving by Quadratic Programming
* PU-type-dependent reference frame selection method for HEVC
* Pulse Compression Waveform and Filter Optimization for Spaceborne Cloud and Precipitation Radar
* Pyroclastic Flow Deposits and InSAR: Analysis of Long-Term Subsidence at Augustine Volcano, Alaska
* Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region deformity analysis
* Quality-Driven Joint Rate and Power Adaptation for Scalable Video Transmissions Over MIMO Systems
* Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images
* Quantifying Registration Uncertainty With Sparse Bayesian Modelling
* Quaternionic Weber Local Descriptor of Color Images
* Queuing Analysis for Multiple-Antenna Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks With Beamforming
* Random Access in C-RAN for User Activity Detection With Limited-Capacity Fronthaul
* Random Walk Graph Laplacian-Based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images
* Rapid Localization and Extraction of Street Light Poles in Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds: A Supervoxel-Based Approach
* Rate and Distortion Optimization for Reversible Data Hiding Using Multiple Histogram Shifting
* RayPortals: a light transport editing framework
* Real-Time Energy Management Strategy Based on Velocity Forecasts Using V2V and V2I Communications
* Real-Time Ultrasound Segmentation, Analysis and Visualisation of Deep Cervical Muscle Structure
* Rebuilding Long Time Series Global Soil Moisture Products Using the Neural Network Adopting the Microwave Vegetation Index
* receiver aware H.264/AVC encoder for decoder complexity control in mobile applications, A
* Recognizing Personal Locations From Egocentric Videos
* Recovering Latent Signals From a Mixture of Measurements Using a Gaussian Process Prior
* Rectification of planar targets using line segments
* Recursive Integer Cosine Transform for HEVC and Future Video Coding Standards
* Refinement of Hyperspectral Image Classification with Segment-Tree Filtering
* Refining Geometry from Depth Sensors using IR Shading Images
* Regularized K-SVD
* Remote classification from an airborne camera using image super-resolution
* Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the 2005-2011 Bamboo Reproductive Event in the Arakan Mountain Range and Its Relation with Wildfires
* Removal of curtaining effects by a variational model with directional forward differences
* Residual Deconvolutional Networks for Brain Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation
* Retrieval Compensated Group Structured Sparsity for Image Super-Resolution
* Road Curb Extraction From Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Robust hashing for multi-view data: Jointly learning low-rank kernelized similarity consensus and hash functions
* Robust Object Tracking via Key Patch Sparse Representation
* Robust Phase Retrieval with the Swept Approximate Message Passing (prSAMP) Algorithm
* Robust Signal Recovery With Highly Coherent Measurement Matrices
* Robust Stereo Data Cost With a Learning Strategy
* Robust Time-Delay Estimation for Acoustic Indoor Localization in Reverberant Environments
* Robust Transfer Metric Learning for Image Classification
* Robust Vehicle Detection and Viewpoint Estimation With Soft Discriminative Mixture Model
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Exemplar-Based Detectors
* Robust watch-list screening using dynamic ensembles of SVMs based on multiple face representations
* Root Sparse Bayesian Learning for Off-Grid DOA Estimation
* Rough mode cost-based fast intra coding for high-efficiency video coding
* Saliency detection via Boolean and foreground in a dynamic Bayesian framework
* Salient object detection with low-rank approximation and l2,1-norm minimization
* Sample adaptive color space transform for screen content video coding
* SAR image despeckling using heavy-tailed Burr distribution
* Satellite Attitude Determination and Map Projection Based on Robust Image Matching
* Satellite Based Mapping of Ground PM2.5 Concentration Using Generalized Additive Modeling
* Scalable greedy algorithms for transfer learning
* Scalable Image Retrieval by Sparse Product Quantization
* Scene text detection using adaptive color reduction, adjacent character model and hybrid verification strategy
* Second-Order Performance Analysis and Unbiased Estimation for the Fitting of Concentric Circles
* Second-Order Statistics Driven LMS Blind Fractionally Spaced Channel Equalization
* Segment 2D and 3D Filaments by Learning Structured and Contextual Features
* Segmentation Based Sparse Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Expression Analysis
* Selective Weakly Supervised Human Detection under Arbitrary Poses
* Self-Calibrating Runoff and Streamflow Remote Sensing Model for Ungauged Basins Using Open-Access Earth Observation Data, A
* Self-organized night video enhancement for surveillance systems
* Semantic Decomposition and Recognition of Long and Complex Manipulation Action Sequences
* Semi-supervised low-rank representation for image classification
* Sequential data feature selection for human motion recognition via Markov blanket
* Severe Thunderstorm Detection by Visual Learning Using Satellite Images
* sgdm: An R Package for Performing Sparse Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling with Tools for gdm
* Shape Estimation from Shading, Defocus, and Correspondence Using Light-Field Angular Coherence
* Shape Interaction Matrix-Based Affine Invariant Mismatch Removal for Partial-Duplicate Image Search, The
* Shape-controllable geometry completion for point cloud models
* Shape-indifferent stereo disparity based on disparity gradient estimation
* Sharpness estimation in facial images by spectrum approximation
* Signature alignment based on GMM for on-line signature verification
* Significance of incorporating chrominance information for effective color-to-grayscale image conversion
* Simultaneous tumor segmentation, image restoration, and blur kernel estimation in PET using multiple regularizations
* Single image 3D human pose estimation using a procrustean normal distribution mixture model and model transformation
* SINR Enhancement in Colocated MIMO Radar Using Transmit Covariance Matrix Optimization
* Sinusoidal Image Model Derived from the Circular Harmonic Vector, A
* Smart Driver Monitoring: When Signal Processing Meets Human Factors: In the driver's seat
* Smile detection in the wild with deep convolutional neural networks
* Smooth head tracking for virtual reality applications
* Smoothing Splines on Unit Ball Domains with Application to Corneal Topography
* Social profiling through image understanding: Personality inference using convolutional neural networks
* Social-Aware Video Recommendation for Online Social Groups
* Sound-Event Classification Using Robust Texture Features for Robot Hearing
* Space-Aware Modeling of Two-Phase Electric Charging Stations
* Sparse 3D directional vertices vs continuous 3D curves: Efficient 3D surface matching and its application for single model face recognition
* Sparse 3D Radon Space Rigid Registration of CT Scans: Method and Validation Study
* Sparse Canonical Temporal Alignment With Deep Tensor Decomposition for Action Recognition
* Sparse Coding Based Fisher Vector Using a Bayesian Approach
* Sparse graph regularization for robust crop mapping using hyperspectral remotely sensed imagery with very few in situ data
* Sparse Representation-Based Multiple Frame Video Super-Resolution
* Sparsity-Based Image Error Concealment via Adaptive Dual Dictionary Learning and Regularization
* Spatial Prediction Filtering of Acoustic Clutter and Random Noise in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Spatially Coherent Interpretations of Videos Using Pattern Theory
* Spatiotemporal Fusion of Remote Sensing Images with Structural Sparsity and Semi-Coupled Dictionary Learning
* Spatiotemporal Pattern of Urban Expansion in China: A Comparison Study of Three Urban Megaregions, The
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Land Surface Phenology in China from 2001-2014
* Special section: CIARP 2015
* Spectral shape classification: A deep learning approach
* Spectral-spatial adaptive and well-balanced flow-based anisotropic diffusion for multispectral image denoising
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery with 3D Convolutional Neural Network
* Spectrum-Based Saliency Detection Algorithm for Millimeter-Wave InSAR Imaging with Sparse Sensing, A
* Sphere-Description-Based Approach for Multiple-Instance Learning, A
* SPURS Algorithm for Resampling an Irregularly Sampled Signal onto a Cartesian Grid, The
* SR-clustering: Semantic regularized clustering for egocentric photo streams segmentation
* SSIEGNOS: A New Asian Single Site Tropospheric Correction Model
* Stability and Frequency Response Under Stochastic Communication Delays With Applications to Connected Cruise Control Design
* Stability Proof of Iterative Interference Cancellation for OFDM Signals With Blanking Nonlinearity in Impulsive Noise Channels
* State Estimation for a Class of Piecewise Affine State-Space Models
* Statistical Meta-Analysis of Presentation Attacks for Secure Multibiometric Systems
* Steerable Discrete Fourier Transform
* Stereo Object Proposals
* Stochastic convergence analysis of recursive successive over-relaxation algorithm in adaptive filtering
* Stochastic Spatio-Temporal Models for Analysing NDVI Distribution of GIMMS NDVI3g Images
* Structure-From-Motion in Spherical Video Using the von Mises-Fisher Distribution
* Structured learning of metric ensembles with application to person re-identification
* Subpixel Inundation Mapping Using Landsat-8 OLI and UAV Data for a Wetland Region on the Zoige Plateau, China
* Subspace Procrustes Analysis
* Successive Hypothesis Testing Based Sparse Signal Recovery and Its Application to MUD in Random Access
* Summarization of Egocentric Videos: A Comprehensive Survey
* Superimposed Sparse Parameter Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Superpixel-Based Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis
* survey of landmine detection using hyperspectral imaging, A
* survey on image-based insect classification, A
* Technique for multi-focus image fusion based on fuzzy-adaptive pulse-coupled neural network
* Template Deformation-Based 3-D Reconstruction of Full Human Body Scans From Low-Cost Depth Cameras
* Temporal Restricted Visual Tracking Via Reverse-Low-Rank Sparse Learning
* Temporally Consistent Tone Mapping of Images and Video Using Optimal K-means Clustering
* Terrain Extraction in Built-Up Areas from Satellite Stereo-Imagery-Derived Surface Models: A Stratified Object-Based Approach
* Text-image super-resolution through anchored neighborhood regression with multiple class-specific dictionaries
* Text-Independent Online Writer Identification Using Hidden Markov Models
* Texture Reconstruction Guided by a High-Resolution Patch
* Third Eye: A Shopping Assistant for the Visually Impaired
* Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging for Gesture Recognition Under Occlusions
* Through-Casing Hydraulic Fracture Evaluation by Induction Logging I: An Efficient EM Solver for Fracture Detection
* Through-Casing Hydraulic Fracture Evaluation by Induction Logging II: The Inversion Algorithm and Experimental Validations
* THUMOS challenge on action recognition for videos 'in the wild', The
* ToA Ranging and Layer Thickness Computation in Nonhomogeneous Media
* TOLDI: An effective and robust approach for 3D local shape description
* Tomographic Imaging of Fjord Ice Using a Very High Resolution Ground-Based SAR System
* tomographical reconstruction method from unknown direction projections for 2D gray-level images, A
* Top-Down Visual Saliency via Joint CRF and Dictionary Learning
* Total Variation Denoising Via the Moreau Envelope
* Toward Encrypted Cloud Media Center With Secure Deduplication
* Toward evaluation of visual navigation algorithms on RGB-D data from the first- and second-generation Kinect
* Toward Storytelling From Visual Lifelogging: An Overview
* Towards a Common Framework for the Identification of Landforms on Terrain Models
* Towards MRI-Based Autonomous Robotic US Acquisitions: A First Feasibility Study
* Tracking and Behavior Reasoning of Moving Vehicles Based on Roadway Geometry Constraints
* Tracklet Association by Online Target-Specific Metric Learning and Coherent Dynamics Estimation
* Tree Structure Sparsity Pattern Guided Convex Optimization for Compressive Sensing of Large-Scale Images
* Triangulation in Random Refractive Distortions
* Tunnel Effect in CNNs: Image Reconstruction From Max Switch Locations
* TunnelSlice: Freehand Subspace Acquisition Using an Egocentric Tunnel for Wearable Augmented Reality
* Turning Diffusion-Based Image Colorization Into Efficient Color Compression
* two-level clustering approach for multidimensional transfer function specification in volume visualization, A
* two-stage learning approach to face recognition, A
* UAV Low Altitude Photogrammetry for Power Line Inspection
* UAV-Borne Profiling Radar for Forest Research
* Ultrawideband FMCW Radar for Airborne Measurements of Snow Over Sea Ice and Land
* Understanding the Representativeness of Mobile Phone Location Data in Characterizing Human Mobility Indicators
* Uniaxial Complex Relative Permittivity Tensor Measurement of Rocks From 40 Hz to 4.5 GHz
* Unified Framework for Compositional Fitting of Active Appearance Models, A
* Unified Framework for Concurrent Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection, A
* Unified Maximum Likelihood Framework for Simultaneous Motion and T_1 Estimation in Quantitative MR T_1 Mapping, A
* Unsupervised Spectral Mesh Segmentation Driven by Heterogeneous Graphs
* Using Anatomic Magnetic Resonance Image Information to Enhance Visualization and Interpretation of Functional Images: A Comparison of Methods Applied to Clinical Arterial Spin Labeling Images
* Using MODIS Data to Predict Regional Corn Yields
* Using Remote Sensing Products to Identify Marine Association Patterns in Factors Relating to ENSO in the Pacific Ocean
* Using Semantics to Automatically Generate Speech Interfaces for Wearable Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications
* Utility-Driven Adaptive Preprocessing for Screen Content Video Compression
* Utilizing Shape-Based Feature and Discriminative Learning for Building Detection
* Vague distance predicates
* Vanishing point detection and line classification with BPSO
* Variational method for joint optical flow estimation and edge-aware image restoration
* Vegetation Dynamics in the Upper Guinean Forest Region of West Africa from 2001 to 2015
* Vehicle Behavior Learning via Sparse Reconstruction with L_2-L_p Minimization and Trajectory Similarity
* versatile EEG spike detector with multivariate matrix of features based on the linear discriminant analysis, combined wavelets, and descriptors, A
* Vicarious Cold Calibration for Conical Scanning Microwave Imagers
* Virtual view quality assessment based on shift compensation and visual masking effect
* Vision-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles
* Visual Monitoring of Driver and Passenger Control Panel Interactions
* Visual Tracking Via Sparse Representation With Reliable Structure Constraint
* visual-numeric approach to clustering and anomaly detection for trajectory data, A
* Visualizing Video Sounds With Sound Word Animation to Enrich User Experience
* VLSI Implementation of HEVC Motion Compensation With Distance Biased Direct Cache Mapping for 8K UHDTV Applications
* Volume enhancement with externally controlled anisotropic diffusion
* Voronoï region-based adaptive unsupervised color image segmentation
* Waterloo Exploration Database: New Challenges for Image Quality Assessment Models
* Wavelet-Based Local Contrast Enhancement for Satellite, Aerial and Close Range Images
* Wavelet-Based L_infty Semi-regular Mesh Coding
* Weak supervision for detecting object classes from activities
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Deformable Part-Based Models for Object Detection via Region Proposals
* weighted full-reference image quality assessment based on visual saliency, A
* Weighted Joint Sparse Representation for Removing Mixed Noise in Image
* Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization and Its Applications to Low Level Vision
* What Sparked Video Research in 1877? The Overlooked Role of the Siemens Artificial Eye
* Wireless Signal Travel Distance Estimation Using Non-Coprime Wavelengths
* Woody Vegetation Die off and Regeneration in Response to Rainfall Variability in the West African Sahel
763 for 1702