Update Dates 2012

2012 * *Autonomous vehicles require batteries with lasting power
* *Geoinformation for Disaster Management
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities
* *ISPRS Congress
* 2-D Stochastic Configuration Networks for Image Data Analytics
* 2014-2017 George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award, The
* 3-D Human Behavior Understanding Using Generalized TS-LSTM Networks
* 3-D Scene Graph: A Sparse and Semantic Representation of Physical Environments for Intelligent Agents
* 3d Aerodrome Obstacle Assessment Using Stereo Remote Sensing Imagery
* 3d Bird Reconstruction: A Dataset, Model, and Shape Recovery from a Single View
* 3D City Modelling Toward Conservation and Management. The Digital Documentation of Museu Do Ipiranga - USP, San Paulo, Brazil
* 3D Data Generation Using Low-cost Cross-view Images
* 3d Deformation Measurement of Concrete Wall Using Close-range Photogrammetry
* 3d Digitisation In Cultural Heritage Knowledge and Preservation: The Case of the Neptune Statue In Bologna and Its Archetype
* 3d Documentation of Cultural Heritage: the Case Study of Banteay Srei Temple In Angkor, Siem Reap
* 3d Geometric Extraction Using Segmentation for Asset Management
* 3d Glacier Mapping By Means of Satellite Stereo Images: the Belvedere Glacier Case Study In the Italian Alps
* 3d High-efficiency and High-precision Model-driven Modelling for Power Transmission Tower
* 3d Image-based Surveying of the Safe of the Obellio Firmo Domus In Pompeii
* 3d Laser Scanning Survey for Cultural Heritage. A Flexible Methodology To Optimize Data Collection
* 3d Map Aided Deep Learning Based Indoor Localization System for Smart Devices, A
* 3D Modelling in Temperate Waters: Building Rigs and Data Science to Support Glass Sponge Monitoring Efforts In Coastal British Columbia
* 3d Models of the Qh31, Qh32 and Qh33 Tombs In Qubbet El Hawa (aswan, Egypt)
* 3D Neuron Microscopy Image Segmentation via the Ray-Shooting Model and a DC-BLSTM Network
* 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and Deep Learning In Oil and Gas Offshore Platforms
* 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Autonomous Driving: Impacting Map Creation, Localization, and Perception
* 3D PostureNet: A unified framework for skeleton-based posture recognition
* 3d Reconstruction and Image Processing of Anthropological Archaeological Findings
* 3d Reconstruction and Mesh Optimization of Underwater Spaces For Virtual Reality
* 3d Reconstruction of On-/offshore Wind Turbines for Manual And Computational Visual Inspection
* 3d Reconstruction of Unstable Underwater Environment with SFM Using SLAM
* 3d Sequential Image Mosaicing for Underwater Navigation and Mapping
* 3d Virtual Models for An Early Education Serious Gaming Application
* 3DCD: Scene Independent End-to-End Spatiotemporal Feature Learning Framework for Change Detection in Unseen Videos
* 3rd BIM/GIS Integration Workshop and 15th 3dgeoinfo Conference 2020: Preface
* 3S Technologies and Application for Dynamic Monitoring Soil and Water Loss In the Yangtze River Basin, China
* 4D GIS for Monitoring River Bank Erosion At Meander Bend Scale: Case of Moselle River
* 4D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of Naturally Occurring Shear Waves in the Human Heart
* 5G: Architecture Overview and Deployments Scenarios
* 6d Camera Relocalization in Ambiguous Scenes via Continuous Multimodal Inference
* Bias in Face Analysis, Evaluaions, Fairness (H3)
* Abandoned Agricultural Land Identification Using Object-based Approach And Sentinel Data In the Danubian Lowland, Slovakia
* About Photogrammetric UAV-mapping: Which Accuracy for Which Application?
* About the Pitfall of Erroneous Validation Data in the Estimation of Confusion Matrices
* About Validation-Comparison of Burned Area Products
* ABSNet: Aesthetics-Based Saliency Network Using Multi-Task Convolutional Network
* Absolute LoScalization of Corner Reflectors with Terrasar-x Spotlight Images
* Accelerated 3D bSSFP Using a Modified Wave-CAIPI Technique With Truncated Wave Gradients
* Accelerated Optimization in the PDE Framework Formulations for the Active Contour Case
* Accelerating convolutional neural network training using ProMoD backpropagation algorithm
* Accelerating RNN Transducer Inference via Adaptive Expansion Search
* Accuracy Analysis of Sentinel 2a and Landsat 8 OLI+ Satellite Datasets Over Kano State (Nigeria) Using Vegetation Spectral Indices
* Accuracy Assessment and Calibration of Low-cost Autonomous Lidar Sensors
* Accuracy Assessment of Different Error Adjustment Methods In Closed Traverse Networks; Studying the Impact of Different Observation Error Setups In Different Geometrical Configurations
* Accuracy Assessment of GEDI Terrain Elevation and Canopy Height Estimates in European Temperate Forests: Influence of Environmental and Acquisition Parameters
* Accuracy Investigations of Image Matching Techniques By Means of A Textured Dumbbell Artefact
* Accuracy of Measuring the Bottom of a Pond by Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB)
* Accurate 3D hand pose estimation network utilizing joints information
* Accurate Rgb-d Salient Object Detection via Collaborative Learning
* Accurate Vegetation and Non-Vegetation Differentiation Approach Based on Land Cover Classification, An
* Active contours driven by modified LoG energy term and optimised penalty term for image segmentation
* Activity Recognition for Ambient Sensing Data and Rule Based Anomaly Detection
* Adaptation of Parking Behaviour to Price-policy Adjustments In Taipei City: Patterns and Spatial Analysis
* Adapted Connected Component Labeling for Clustering Non-planar Objects From Airborne Lidar Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive Cutoff Frequency Selection Approach for Fast Fourier Transform Method and Its Application into Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, An
* Adaptive Detection Algorithm for Hazardous Clouds Based on Infrared Remote Sensing Spectroscopy and the LASSO Method
* Adaptive Distance-Weighted Voronoi Tessellation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Adaptive feature fusion for visual object tracking
* Adaptive Formation Control of Networked Robotic Systems With Bearing-Only Measurements
* Adaptive Iterated Shrinkage Thresholding-Based LP-Norm Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection
* Adaptive iterative global image denoising method based on SVD
* Adaptive Mixture Regression Network with Local Counting Map for Crowd Counting
* Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Based on an Accelerating Iterative Curvelet Thresholding Method
* adaptive spatio-temporal perception aware quantization algorithm for AVS2, An
* Adaptive Task Sampling for Meta-learning
* Adaptive trainable non-linear reaction diffusion for Rician noise removal
* Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
* Adaptive volumetric texture segmentation based on Gaussian Markov random fields features
* Adaptive-SFSDAF for Spatiotemporal Image Fusion that Selectively Uses Class Abundance Change Information
* Adaptively Leverage Unlabeled Tracklets Based on Part Attention Model for Few-Example Re-ID
* ADFNet: Accumulated decoder features for real-time semantic segmentation
* Adjacent Channel Interference Aware Joint Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communication
* Adjusting the Regular Network of Squares Resolution to the Digital Terrain Model Surface Shape
* ADMM-Based Coordination of Electric Vehicles in Constrained Distribution Networks Considering Fast Charging and Degradation
* Advanced Approach for Automatic Reconstruction of 3d Buildings From Aerial Images
* Advanced Classification of Optical and Sar Images for Urban Land Cover Mapping
* Advanced framework for highly secure and cloud-based storage of colour images
* Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
* Adversarial Disentanglement Spectrum Variations and Cross-Modality Attention Networks for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Adversarial feature distribution alignment for semi-supervised learning
* Adversarial Learning-Based Semantic Correlation Representation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adversarial Multi-Label Variational Hashing
* Adversarial Training with Bi-Directional Likelihood Regularization for Visual Classification
* Aerial Bombing Crater Identification: Exploitation of Precise Digital Terrain Models
* Aerosol Plumes Characterization By Hyperspectral Images Coupled With Sentinel-2 Products
* AI in Photography: Scrutinizing Implementation of Super-Resolution Techniques in Photo-Editors
* Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep Neural Networks
* Air Quality Monitoring and Data Management In Germany: Status Quo And Suggestions for Improvement
* Airborne and Mobile Lidar, Which Sensors for Which Application?
* Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Classification Fusion with Dim Point Cloud
* Aleatoric uncertainty estimation for dense stereo matching via CNN-based cost volume analysis
* Algorithm for Automatic Scaling of the F-Layer Using Image Processing of Ionograms
* Algorithm for Second Order Mumford-Shah Models Based on a Taylor Jet Formulation, An
* Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint templates with dual protection
* All-in-focus synthetic aperture imaging using generative adversarial network-based semantic inpainting
* AMN: Attention Metric Network for One-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Amplified Flow Imaging (aFlow): A Novel MRI-Based Tool to Unravel the Coupled Dynamics Between the Human Brain and Cerebrovasculature
* AMS-3000 Large Field View Aerial Mapping System: Basic Principles And The Workflow
* Analysing the Driving Forces and Environmental Effects of Urban Expansion by Mapping the Speed and Acceleration of Built-Up Areas in China between 1978 and 2017
* Analysis and Real-time Visualization of Geo-spatial Data Using Xdash: Application to Flair Project
* Analysis of Drought Impact on Croplands from Global to Regional Scale: A Remote Sensing Approach
* Analysis of Experimental Deployment of IGLUNA 2019 Trans-Ice Longwave System, The
* Analysis of Gully Erosion In A Catchment Area In Olive Groves Using Uas Photogrammetry Techniques
* Analysis of Land Use Change In Inner Mongolia Region From 1978 to 2018 Based on Remote Sensing
* Analysis of Response and Recovery of Vegetation to Forest Fire
* Analysis of the correlation between infrared thermal sequence images of nostril area and respiratory rate
* Analysis of the Impact of Positional Accuracy When Using a Single Pixel for Thematic Accuracy Assessment
* Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Different Resolution Digital Elevation Models in the Study of Microrelief on the Example of Terrain Passability
* Analysis of the Status and Trend of GIS Research In the Past Ten Years From 2010 to 2019
* Analysis of the Suitability of High-Resolution DEM Obtained Using ALS and UAS (SfM) for the Identification of Changes and Monitoring the Development of Selected Geohazards in the Alpine Environment: A Case Study in High Tatras, Slovakia
* Analysis of the Temporal Characteristics of the Elderly Traveling by Bus Using Smart Card Data
* Analysis of the temporal correlations of TLS range observations from plane fitting residuals
* Analytical Computation of the Spatial Resolution in GNSS-R and Experimental Validation at L1 and L5
* Analytical derivatives for differentiable renderer: 3D pose estimation by silhouette consistency
* Analytical Solution of the Clever Eye (CE) Method, The
* Anatomy-Regularized Representation Learning for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Angle Estimation of Weak Scatterers Using Improved MUSIC for Bistatic MIMO Radar
* Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Application to Three-Dimensional Medical Data
* Annual Urban Built-up Change Area Online Extraction Using Landsat Time Series Data
* AP-GAN: Predicting skeletal activity to improve early activity recognition
* Application of 3d Tree Modeling Using Point Cloud Data By Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition in Low-Frequency Lightning Electric Field Signal Analysis and Lightning Location
* Application of Evolution Strategies to the Design of SAR Efficient Parallel Transmit Multi-Spoke Pulses for Ultra-High Field MRI
* Application of Exploratory Spatial Techniques In the Identification Of Tourism Hotspots In the Aegean Region of Turkey
* Application of High-Resolution Radar Rain Data to the Predictive Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility under Climate Change in the Laonong Watershed, Taiwan
* Application of Lithological Mapping Based on Advanced Hyperspectral Imager (AHSI) Imagery Onboard Gaofen-5 (GF-5) Satellite
* Application of Multi-criteria Decision Making for the Selection Of Sensing Tools for Historical Gravestones
* Application of Photogrammetry and Image Processing for the Study Of Porous Surface Courses
* Application of Quality Management System In the Inspection Of National Major Surveying and Mapping Results, The
* Application of Reflectance Ratios on High-Resolution Satellite Imagery to Remotely Identify Eucalypt Vegetation
* Application of Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine for Monitoring Environmental Degradation In the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and Its Ecosystem of Western Ghats, India
* Application of Robotic System for Obtaining Information About the Area
* Application of Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for The Classification of Crops on Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Application of Tree Detection Methods Over Lidar Data for Forest Volume Estimation
* Application of U-net Convolutional Neural Network to Bushfire Monitoring In Australia With Sentinel-1/-2 Data
* Applying GIS and Text Mining Methods to Twitter Data to Explore the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Topics of Interest in Kuwait
* Applying the Tropical Peatland Combustion Algorithm to Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) Imagery
* Approach for shadow detection and removal using machine learning techniques
* Approach for Standardization of Semantic Models for Building Renovation Processes, An
* Approach on Advanced Unscented Kalman Filter From Mobile Robot-SLAM, An
* Approach to High-Resolution Rice Paddy Mapping Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 SAR Data in the Mun River Basin, Thailand, An
* Approximating the Ideal Observer for Joint Signal Detection and Localization Tasks by use of Supervised Learning Methods
* Archive and Wartime Aerial Photographs and Procedures of Their Treatment
* Arctic Surface Properties and Their Impact on Microwave Satellite Water Vapor Column Retrievals
* Are Measured Ground Control Points Still Required In UAV Based Large Scale Mapping? Assessing the Positional Accuracy of An RTK Multi-rotor Platform
* Are Object Detection Assessment Criteria Ready for Maritime Computer Vision?
* Area Estimation of Multi-temporal Global Impervious Land Cover Based On Stratified Random Sampling
* Artificial Neural Network to Infer the Mediterranean 3D Chlorophyll-a and Temperature Fields from Remote Sensing Observations, An
* ARTS: Automotive Repository of Traffic Signs for the United States
* ASIF-Net: Attention Steered Interweave Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Assessing Community-Level Livability Using Combined Remote Sensing and Internet-Based Big Geospatial Data
* Assessing the Contribution of Spectral and Temporal Features for Annual Land Cover and Crop Type Mapping
* Assessing the Impact of Corona-Virus-19 on Nitrogen Dioxide Levels over Southern Ontario, Canada
* Assessing the Potential Replacement of Laurel Forest by a Novel Ecosystem in the Steep Terrain of an Oceanic Island
* Assessment of Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperatures and Their Impact on Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomena in the Kathmandu Valley (1988-2018)
* Assessment of Curved Centerline Generation In HDMAPS Based on Point Clouds, The
* Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coastal Band of the European Seas: Comparison with Tide Gauge Measurements
* Assessment of Early Season Agricultural Drought Using Remote Sensing
* Assessment of High-Density UAV Point Clouds for the Measurement of Young Forestry Trials, An
* Assessment of IMERG-V06, TRMM-3B42V7, SM2RAIN-ASCAT, and PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Products over the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan, South Asia
* Assessment of Land Use/land Cover Change Mapping In Bangui City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
* Assessment of Sentinel-5p Performance for Ground-level Air Quality Monitoring: Preparatory Experiments Over the Covid-19 Lockdown Period
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Changes from VHR Images in Three Different Permafrost Areas in the Western Russian Arctic
* Assessment of the Hydrological Trends Using Synergistic Approaches of Remote Sensing and Model Evaluations over Global Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, An
* Assessment of the Segmentation of RGB Remote Sensing Images: A Subjective Approach
* Asymmetric Supervised Consistent and Specific Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Asymptotic Expansions for Higher Order Elliptic Equations with an Application to Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Surface Conditions during Katabatic Wind Events over the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, The
* Attention Guided Multiple Source and Target Domain Adaptation
* Attention-Driven Loss for Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance
* AttentionBoost: Learning What to Attend for Gland Segmentation in Histopathological Images by Boosting Fully Convolutional Networks
* Attentive RNN-Based Network to Fuse 12-Lead ECG and Clinical Features for Improved Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis
* Attribute and instance weighted naive Bayes
* Attribute-Cooperated Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Attribute-Guided Feature Learning Network for Vehicle Reidentification
* Augmented Reality Guided Laparoscopic Surgery of the Uterus
* Australia-Japan QZSS Emergency Warning Service Trial Project
* Autoencoder-based Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning
* Automated and Lightweight Network Design Via Random Search for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Automated Classification of Crop Types and Condition In A Mediterranean Area Using A Fine-tuned Convolutional Neural Network
* Automated Classification of Natural Forests with Landsat Time Series Using Simplified Spectral Patterns
* Automated Digital Odontometry: Measurement Data Analyses In Cases Of Complicated Dental Morphology
* Automated Marine Oil Spill Detection Using Deep Learning Instance Segmentation Model
* Automated Monitoring in Maritime Video Surveillance System
* Automated Road Information Extraction From High Resolution Aerial Lidar Data for Smart Road Applications
* Automated Semantic Modelling of Building Interiors From Images And Derived Point Clouds Based on Deep Learning Methods
* Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Attention Module
* Automated unsupervised learning-based clustering approach for effective anomaly detection in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
* Automated work efficiency analysis for smart manufacturing using human pose tracking and temporal action localization
* Automatic 3D building reconstruction from multi-view aerial images with deep learning
* Automatic 3d Buildings Compact Reconstruction From Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic 3D point cloud registration algorithm based on triangle similarity ratio consistency
* Automatic and Forward Method to Establish 3-D Parametric Scattering Center Models of Complex Targets for Target Recognition, An
* Automatic Conversion of CityGML to IFC
* Automatic Delineation and Height Measurement of Regenerating Conifer Crowns under Leaf-Off Conditions Using UAV Imagery
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Intersections for Road Extraction From Imagery
* Automatic Detection of Grey Infrastructure Based on VHR Image
* Automatic Detection of Timber-cracks In Wooden Architectural Heritage Using Yolov3 Algorithm
* Automatic Evaluation of the Initial Geopositioning Accuracy for Large Area Planetary Remote Sensing Images
* Automatic Extraction of Seismic Landslides in Large Areas with Complex Environments Based on Deep Learning: An Example of the 2018 Iburi Earthquake, Japan
* Automatic Georeferncing of Close-range FaÇade Images Acquired In An Narrow and Long Alleyway Using Rtk Drone Images
* Automatic ICP-based 2d-3d Registration Method for A High-speed Biplanar Videoradiography Imaging System, An
* Automatic Identification of Archaeological Artifacts on the Excavation Site
* Automatic Identification of Diatom Morphology using Deep Learning
* Automatic Key-frame Selection Method for Visual Odometry Based On The Improved PWC-Net, An
* Automatic Label Placement of Area-features Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Ontology Generation of BIM and GIS Data
* Automatic Registration Between Dental Cone-Beam CT and Scanned Surface via Deep Pose Regression Neural Networks and Clustered Similarities
* Automatic Registration of Vector Data with Optical Images
* Automatic segmentation and classification of lung tumour using advance sequential minimal optimisation techniques
* Automatic Semantic Map Generation Method Using Trajectory Data, An
* Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using Mobile Lidar Data with Digital Images
* Automatic Tree Crown Extraction from UAS Multispectral Imagery for the Detection of Bark Beetle Disturbance in Mixed Forests
* Automatic Tumuli Detection In LIDAR Based Digital Elevation Maps
* Automatic Weakly Supervised Object Detection From High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Dynamic Curriculum Learning
* Automatic Workflow for Roof Extraction and Generation of 3D CityGML Models from Low-Cost UAV Image-Derived Point Clouds
* Automatically Generated Training Data for Land Cover Classification With CNNs Using Sentinel-2 Images
* Automatically localising ROIs in hyperspectral images using background subtraction techniques
* Automating Powerline Inspection: A Novel Multisensor System for Data Analysis Using Deep Learning
* Automation of Thermal Point Clouds Analysis for the Extraction Of Windows and Thermal Bridges of Building Facades
* Autonomous Driving: Part 2-Learning and Cognition
* AutoRSISC: Automatic design of neural architecture for remote sensing image scene classification
* Autostr: Efficient Backbone Search for Scene Text Recognition
* Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating Terrain Features and Semantics to Support Landform Object Recognition from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
* Baroque Banded Vaults: Surveying and Modeling. the Case Study of A Noble Palace In Turin
* Barrier and Guardrail Extraction and Classification From Point Clouds
* Base Point Split Algorithm for Generating Polygon Skeleton Lines on the Example of Lakes
* Bathymetric Detection of Fluvial Environments through UASs and Machine Learning Systems
* BayesCap: A Bayesian Approach to Brain Tumor Classification Using Capsule Networks
* Bayesian Low-Tubal-Rank Robust Tensor Factorization with Multi-Rank Determination
* Beach State Recognition Using Argus Imagery and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Behaviour Control with Augmented Reality Systems for Shared Spaces
* Benchmark for Large-scale Heritage Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation, A
* Benchmarking of High-resolution Land Cover Maps In Africa
* Between Post-Flâneur and Smartphone Zombie: Smartphone Users' Altering Visual Attention and Walking Behavior in Public Space
* BFS-Tree of ranking references for unsupervised manifold learning, A
* Bi-branch network for dynamic scene deblurring
* Bi-Temporal Analysis of Spatial Changes of Boreal Forest Cover and Species in Siberia for the Years 1985 and 2015
* Bibliometric Study of Graphic Variables Used on Tactile Maps, A
* Bidding Strategies in Energy and Reserve Markets for an Aggregator of Multiple EV Fast Charging Stations With Battery Storage
* Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Network for Chinese Address Element Segmentation
* Bikemi Bike-sharing Service Exploratory Analysis on Mobility Patterns
* Bilevel Integrated Model With Data-Driven Layer Ensemble for Multi-Modality Image Fusion, A
* Bilge Dump Automatic Alert System In Southern Africa Oceans
* BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning and Navigation, A
* Binary Hyperspectral Change Detection Based on 3d Convolution Deep Learning
* Binocular Visual Environment Perception Technology for Unmanned Surface Vehicle
* Bio-Inspired Video Enhancement for Small Moving Target Detection
* Biometric key generation based on generated intervals and two-layer error correcting technique
* Birnat: Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks with Adversarial Training for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* BITOUR: A Business Intelligence Platform for Tourism Analysis
* Black-box attack against handwritten signature verification with region-restricted adversarial perturbations
* Blended Grammar Network for Human Parsing
* Blind atmospheric turbulence deconvolution
* Blind Deblurring of Barcodes via Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Blind Deconvolution for Poissonian Blurred Image With Total Variation and L0-Norm Gradient Regularizations
* Blind Digital Watermarking Algorithm against Projection Transformation for Vector Geographic Data
* Blind image quality assessment in the contourlet domain
* Blood flow imaging of high frame rate two-dimensional vector in cardiovascular ultrasound detection
* Blur Removal Via Blurred-Noisy Image Pair
* Body of Knowledge for the Earth Observation and Geoinformation Sector - A Basis for Innovative Skills Development
* Boosting gender identification using author preference
* Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
* Bottom-Up and Top-Down Integration Framework for Online Object Tracking, A
* Boundary Based Out-of-Distribution Classifier for Generalized Zero-shot Learning, A
* Boundary Coding Representation for Organ Segmentation in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy
* Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained colour-opponent response and superpixel contrast
* Boundary-enhanced Supervoxel Method for Extraction of Road Edges In MLS Point Clouds, A
* Bounded manifold completion
* BreizhCrops: A Time Series Dataset for Crop Type Mapping
* Broceliande: A Comparative Study of Attribute Profiles and Feature Profiles From Different Attributes
* BSNet: Bi-Similarity Network for Few-shot Fine-grained Image Classification
* Building A Model for Reservoir Characterisation In GIS Using Machine Learning
* Building Archaeology Documentation and Analysis Through Open Source Hbim Solutions Via Nurbs Modelling
* Building Change Detection Using a Shape Context Similarity Model for LiDAR Data
* Building Detection From Sar Images Using Unet Deep Learning Method
* Building Extraction from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Multiscale-Aware and Segmentation-Prior Conditional Random Fields
* Building Extraction of Polarimetric SAR Image Based on Associated Feature and Svm
* Building Features Recognition From Uncertain 3d Lidar Point Clouds: A Semantic Approach
* Building Information Modeling Approach to Integrate Geomatic Data for the Documentation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, A
* Building Outline Delineation: From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery to Polygons with An Improved End-to-end Learning Framework
* Burnt Area Detection Using Medium Resolution Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 Satellites
* BVI-SynTex: A Synthetic Video Texture Dataset for Video Compression and Quality Assessment
* CA Markov Modeling of Land Use Land Cover Change Predictions and Effect Of Numerical Iterations, Image Interval (time Steps) on Prediction Results
* CABNet: Category Attention Block for Imbalanced Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
* Calibrating A Lens with A local Distortion Model
* Calibration and Validation of the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-3 ALOS-3
* Calibration for Camera-Projector Pairs Using Spheres
* Calibration Method of Two Mobile Laser Scanning System Units For Railway Measurement, A
* CAM: A fine-grained vehicle model recognition method based on visual attention model
* Camera identification of multi-format devices
* Cancelable Iris template generation by aggregating patch level ordinal relations with its holistically extended performance and security analysis
* Capacity Building for Disaster Management In Mozambique Through Teaching Public Participatory Gis and Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Carotid Plaque Fibrous Cap Thickness Measurement by ARFI Variance of Acceleration: In Vivo Human Results
* Carrier Phase-Based Ionospheric Gradient Monitor Under the Mixed Gaussian Distribution
* Cascaded multi-baseline interferometry with bistatic TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X observations for DEM generation
* Cascading and Enhanced Residual Networks for Accurate Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Case Study on Privacy-Aware Social Media Data Processing in Disaster Management
* CDnetV2: CNN-Based Cloud Detection for Remote Sensing Imagery With Cloud-Snow Coexistence
* Ceilometer-Based Rain-Rate Estimation: A Case-Study Comparison With S-Band Radar and Disdrometer Retrievals in the Context of VORTEX-SE
* Cellular Automata (ca) Contiguity Filters Impacts on CA Markov Modeling Of Land Use Land Cover Change Predictions Results
* Central Axis Estimation for Ancient Chinese Pagodas Based on Geometric Modelling and Uav-based Photogrammetry
* CF Distance: A New Domain Discrepancy Metric and Application to Explicit Domain Adaptation for Cross-Modality Cardiac Image Segmentation
* CGNet: A Light-Weight Context Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Change Detection within Remotely Sensed Satellite Image Time Series via Spectral Analysis
* Changing Nature of Geospatial Data: Challenges for A National Mapping Agency, The
* Changing Patterns of Malaria in Grande Comore after a Drastic Decline: Importance of Fine-Scale Spatial Analysis to Inform Future Control Actions
* Characteristics and Seasonal Variations of Cirrus Clouds from Polarization Lidar Observations at a 30°N Plain Site
* Characteristics of Texture Index of Damaged Buildings Using Time-series High-resolution Optical Satellite Images
* Characteristics of the Bright Band Based on Quasi-Vertical Profiles of Polarimetric Observations from an S-Band Weather Radar Network
* Characterization of A Mobile Mapping System for Seamless Navigation
* Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spectral Indices for Building Consistent Landsat 1-5 Data Record
* Characterization of the Frost Heave Deformations In High Latitude And Deep Seasonally Frozen Soil of Inner Mongolia with Sentinel-1 Insar Observations
* Characterizing Tourism Destination Image Using Photos' Visual Content
* Chimera: A BIM+GIS System for Cultural Heritage
* Circumnavigation on Multiple Circles Around a Nonstationary Target With Desired Angular Spacing
* Circumventing Outliers of Autoaugment with Knowledge Distillation
* City-scale Taxi Demand Prediction Using Multisource Urban Geospatial Data
* Class mean vector component and discriminant analysis
* Class Probability-based Visual and Contextual Feature Integration for Image Parsing
* Class-aware single image to 3D object translational autoencoder
* Class-Wise Distribution Adaptation for Unsupervised Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* classification method for brain MRI via MobileNet and feedforward network with random weights, A
* Classification of Railway Assets In Mobile Mapping Point Clouds
* Classification of Time Series of Sentinel-2 Images for Large Scale Mapping In Cameroon
* Classification of UAV-based Photogrammetric Point Clouds of Riverine Species Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study In the Palancia River, Spain
* Classifying Bird Feeder Photos
* Classifying functional nuclear images with convolutional neural networks: A survey
* Cliniface: Phenotypic Visualisation and Analysis Using Non-rigid Registration of 3d Facial Images
* Cloud Classification for Ground-based Sky Image Using Random Forest
* Cloud Computing Platform to Support Digital Heritage Application Using A Service-oriented Approach, A
* Cloud-based Geospatial Platform In Support of Sustainable Development Goals 2030: How to Be Prepared for Earthquake Disasters?
* Cloud-based Integration and Standardization of Address Data For Disaster Management - A South African Case Study
* Cloud-desktop Remote Sensing Data Management to Ensure Time Series Analysis, Integration of QGIS and Google Earth Engine
* Cluster-wise unsupervised hashing for cross-modal similarity search
* CNN spatiotemporal features and fusion for surveillance video forgery detection
* CNN-Based Tree Species Classification Using High Resolution RGB Image Data from Automated UAV Observations
* Co-Operative Autonomous Offshore System for Target Detection Using Multi-Sensor Technology, A
* CO3D Mission Digital Surface Model Production Pipeline
* CO3D, A Worldwide One One-meter Accuracy DEM for 2025
* Coalition of the Willing Takes Aim at COVID-19
* Coarse-to-Fine Model for Geolocating Chinese Addresses, A
* Coaxiality Calculation Method for Dropping Operation of Lunar Surface Sampling Mission Based on Monocular Vision Using Ellipse and Line Features
* Coco-funit: Few-shot Unsupervised Image Translation with a Content Conditioned Style Encoder
* CoCoNet: A Collaborative Convolutional Network applied to fine-grained bird species classification
* Coherent GNSS Reflection Signal Processing for High-Precision and High-Resolution Spaceborne Applications
* Collaborative Learning of Gesture Recognition and 3d Hand Pose Estimation with Multi-order Feature Analysis
* Collaborative Noise Mapping Using Smartphone
* Collaborative Training Between Region Proposal Localization and Classification for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Collaborative Tutoring: A Multi-tutor Approach
* Collaborative Wi-fi Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning Using Near Relation
* Collapsed Building Detection Using 3D Point Clouds and Deep Learning
* COLOR: Cycling, Offline Learning, and Online Representation Framework for Airport and Airplane Detection Using GF-2 Satellite Images
* Colour image enhancement with brightness preservation and edge sharpening using a heat conduction matrix
* Combination of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-1 SAR Time-Series Data for Mapping Paddy Fields in Parts of West and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia
* Combination of temporal-channels correlation information and bilinear feature for action recognition
* Combination of the Photogrammetric and Microwave Remote Sensing For Cultural Heritage Documentation and Preservation - Preliminary Results
* Combined Effects of Impervious Surface Change and Large-Scale Afforestation on the Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity of Beijing, China Based on Remote Sensing Analysis
* Combining Environmental and Landsat Analysis Ready Data for Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study In the Brazilian Savanna Biome
* Combining Evolutionary Algorithms and Machine Learning Models in Landslide Susceptibility Assessments
* Combining Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Wrapping for Vehicle Driving Event Detection Using Smartphones
* Combining SAR and Optical Earth Observation with Hydraulic Simulation for Flood Mapping and Impact Assessment
* Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in Species Distribution Models to Improve the Conservation of Iberian White Oaks (Quercus L.)
* Combining Segmentation Network and Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform for Automatic Marine Raft Aquaculture Area Extraction from Sentinel-1 Images
* Combining UAV-Based SfM-MVS Photogrammetry with Conventional Monitoring to Set Environmental Flows: Modifying Dam Flushing Flows to Improve Alpine Stream Habitat
* Comment on Pre-Collapse Space Geodetic Observations of Critical Infrastructure: The Morandi Bridge, Genoa, Italy by Milillo et al. (2019)
* Common Lines Ab Initio Reconstruction of D_2-Symmetric Molecules in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
* Community Detection Using Restrained Random-Walk Similarity
* Comparative Evaluation of Derived Image and LIDAR Point Clouds from UAV-based Mobile Mapping Systems
* Comparative Study of Rain/No-Rain Classification Results Using PCT From GPM/GMI Data by Precipitation Type, A
* Comparing Forest Structural Attributes Derived from UAV-Based Point Clouds with Conventional Forest Inventories in the Dry Chaco
* Comparing Model Performance Metrics for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Comparing the Accuracy of GNSS Positioning Variants for UAV Based 3D Map Generation
* Comparing the Generation of DTM in a Forest Ecosystem Using TLS, ALS And UAV-DAP, and Different Software Tools
* Comparing Winds near Tropical Oceanic Precipitation Systems with and without Lightning
* Comparison and Evaluation of Remote Sensing Indices for Agricultural Drought Monitoring Over Kazakhstan
* Comparison of Canopy Shape and Vegetation Indices of Citrus Trees Derived from UAV Multispectral Images for Characterization of Citrus Greening Disease
* Comparison of Face Detection Algorithms on Mobile Devices
* Comparison of ISS-CATS and CALIPSO-CALIOP Characterization of High Clouds in the Tropics
* Comparison of Low-cost Cameras Applied to Fixed Multi-image Monitoring Systems, A
* Comparison of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Impacts on the Mid-Latitude Mesosphere Based on Local Microwave Radiometer CO Observations in 2018 and 2019
* Comparison of Post-fire Patterns in Brazilian Savanna and Tropical Forest from Remote Sensing Time Series
* Comparison of Psi and Dinsar Approach for the Subsidence Monitoring Caused By Coal Mining Exploitation
* Comparison of River Basin Water Level Forecasting Methods: Sequential Neural Networks and Multiple-Input Functional Neural Networks
* Comparison of Surface Solar Irradiance from Ground Observations and Satellite Data (1990-2016) over a Complex Orography Region (Piedmont-Northwest Italy)
* Comparison of Thermal Infrared-Derived Maps of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Vegetation in Urban and Non-Urban Areas of Southern California
* Comparison of Two Machine Learning Classification Methods for Remote Sensing Predictive Modeling of the Forest Fire in the North-Eastern Siberia, A
* Comparison of UAV LIDAR Odometry of Rotating and Fixed Velodyne Platforms
* Complete Fos Approach for Indoor Crowdsourced Mapping: Case Study On Sapienza University of Rome Faculties, A
* Component-Spectra-Parameterized Angular and Spectral Kernel-Driven Model: A Potential Solution for Global BRDF/Albedo Retrieval From Multisensor Satellite Data, The
* Comprehensive Analysis of Urban Thermal Environment: A Case Study Of Qingdao, China
* Comprehensive comparative evaluation of background subtraction algorithms in open sea environments
* Comprehensive Comparisons of State-of-the-Art Gridded Precipitation Estimates for Hydrological Applications over Southern China
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Faults in PMSM Used for Electric Vehicles
* Comprehensive Forest Biomass Dataset for the USA Allows Customized Validation of Remotely Sensed Biomass Estimates, A
* comprehensive survey of procedural video datasets, A
* Comprehensive Survey on Transfer Learning, A
* Compression-Then-Encryption-Based Secure Watermarking Technique for Smart Healthcare System
* Compressive Computed Tomography Reconstruction through Denoising Approximate Message Passing
* Compressive sensing MR imaging based on adaptive tight frame and reference image
* Computational Approach to Quantify the Benefits of Ridesharing for Policy Makers and Travellers, A
* Computationally Efficient Sparse Aperture ISAR Autofocusing and Imaging Based on Fast ADMM
* Computed Tomography Data Colouring Based on Photogrammetric Images
* Computer Vision Approach for Detection of Asteroids/Comets In Space Satellite Images, A
* Concept on Landmark Detection In Road Scene Images Taken From A Top-view Camera System
* Conceptual Model of 3d Asset Management Based on Myspata to Support Smart City Application In Malaysia
* Concrete Recycling: Social and Environmental Technical Gain for Smart Cities
* Confidence Calibration and Predictive Uncertainty Estimation for Deep Medical Image Segmentation
* Confidence-based Local Feature Selection for Material Classification
* Conquering Data Variations in Resolution: A Slice-Aware Multi-Branch Decoder Network
* Consensus Based Distributed Sparse Bayesian Learning by Fast Marginal Likelihood Maximization
* Consensus-aware Visual-semantic Embedding for Image-Text Matching
* Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Products with Archived Measurements from an EARLINET Lidar Station
* Constant Size Point Cloud Clustering: A Compact, Non-Overlapping Solution
* Construction and Test of Bio-inspired Imaging Polarization Navigation Prototype
* Construction Research and Application of Fundamental Geographic National Condition Monitoring Quality Control System
* Content Structure Design of New Century Edition of the National Fundamental Geographic Atlas of China
* Context-aware network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Context-free grammars to detect straight segments and a novel polygonal approximation method
* Context-gated Convolution
* Contextualizing the 2019-2020 Kangaroo Island Bushfires: Quantifying Landscape-Level Influences on Past Severity and Recovery with Landsat and Google Earth Engine
* Continuous k Nearest Neighbor Queries over Large-Scale Spatial-Textual Data Streams
* Continuous, Semi-Automated Workflow: From 3D City Models with Geometric Optimization and CFD Simulations to Visualization of Wind in an Urban Environment, A
* Contour and region harmonic features for sub-local facial expression recognition
* Contour-Aware Long-Term Tracking With Reliable Re-Detection
* Contour-Aware Loss: Boundary-Aware Learning for Salient Object Segmentation
* Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding
* Control-Theoretic Approach for Scalable and Robust Traffic Density Estimation Using Convex Optimization, A
* Controlling biases and diversity in diverse image-to-image translation
* convergent framework with learnable feasibility for Hadamard-based image recovery, A
* Converting video classification problem to image classification with global descriptors and pre-trained network
* convex variational method for super resolution of SAR image with speckle noise, A
* Convexifying Sparse Interpolation With Infinitely Wide Neural Networks: An Atomic Norm Approach
* Convolutional Autoencoder for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Convolutional neural network with adaptive inferential framework for skeleton-based action recognition
* Convolutional Occupancy Networks
* Coordinated Charging Scheduling of Electric Vehicles: A Mixed-Variable Differential Evolution Approach
* Coordinated Planning of Extreme Fast Charging Stations and Power Distribution Networks Considering On-Site Storage
* Coordination of Planetary Coordinate System Recommendations By the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2020 Status and Future
* Copernicus Knowledge and Innovation Hubs
* CoralTemp and the Coral Reef Watch Coral Bleaching Heat Stress Product Suite Version 3.1
* Corner detection using the point-to-centroid distance technique
* Corner Proposal Network for Anchor-free, Two-stage Object Detection
* Correlation between Geochemical and Multispectral Patterns in an Area Severely Contaminated by Former Hg-As Mining
* Correlation between the Jobs-Housing Relationship and the Innovative Development of Sci-Tech Parks in New Urban Districts: A Case Study of the Hangzhou West Hi-Tech Corridor in China, The
* Correlation Filter Tracking via Distractor-Aware Learning and Multi-Anchor Detection
* Correlation Filtering-Based Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Correlation scan matching algorithm based on multi-resolution auxiliary historical point cloud and lidar simultaneous localisation and mapping positioning application
* Cost Effective Spherical Photogrammetry: A Novel Framework for The Smart Management of Complex Urban Environments
* Cost-benefit Analysis of Rail Tunnel Inspection for Photogrammetry And Laser Scanning
* Coupled Network for Robust Pedestrian Detection With Gated Multi-Layer Feature Extraction and Deformable Occlusion Handling
* Creating Multi-temporal Maps of Urban Environments for Improved Localization of Autonomous Vehicles
* Creation of High Definition Map for Autonomous Driving
* Creative and diverse artwork generation using adversarial networks
* Crime Prediction with Historical Crime and Movement Data of Potential Offenders Using a Spatio-Temporal Cokriging Method
* Crop Classification Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data in the Shiyang River Basin of China
* Crop Yield Prediction Using Multitemporal UAV Data and Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Models
* cross-correction LiDAR SLAM method for high-accuracy 2D mapping of problematic scenario, A
* Cross-Domain Image Captioning via Cross-Modal Retrieval and Model Adaptation
* Cross-Domain Metal Trace Restoring Network for Reducing X-Ray CT Metal Artifacts, A
* Cross-identity Motion Transfer for Arbitrary Objects Through Pose-Attentive Video Reassembling
* Cross-resolution face recognition adversarial attacks
* Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene Recognition
* CrossATNet: A novel cross-attention based framework for sketch-based image retrieval
* Crowdsourcing Water Quality with the Simile App
* Crypto-spatial: An Open Standards Smart Contracts Library for Building Geospatially Enabled Decentralized Applications on the Ethereum Blockchain
* CT-Based Automated Algorithm for Airway Segmentation Using Freeze-and-Grow Propagation and Deep Learning, A
* Cuba Surface Estimation From Shoreline Mapping, Generated By Sentinel-2 Image Processing
* CUDA-Based Parallel Geographically Weighted Regression for Large-Scale Geographic Data, A
* CURE: Curvature Regularization for Missing Data Recovery
* Current Challenges In Operational Very High Resolution Land-cover Mapping
* Current Surveying Methods for the Integration of Additive Manufacturing In the Construction Process
* Curvature Regularized Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Customized WebGIS Solutions for Exposomics
* Cyber-Physical System-Based Velocity-Profile Prediction Method and Case Study of Application in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, A
* Cycle-Based Queue Length Estimation for Signalized Intersections Using Sparse Vehicle Trajectory Data
* D3mobile Metrology World League: Training Secondary Students on Smartphone-based Photogrammetry
* Daily Measure of the SARS-CoV-2 Effective Reproduction Number for all Countries, A
* Damage-Map Estimation Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms for Disaster Management System
* DASGIL: Domain Adaptation for Semantic and Geometric-Aware Image-Based Localization
* Data Fusion Using a Multi-Sensor Sparse-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Data Gap Classification for Terrestrial Laser Scanning-Derived Digital Elevation Models
* Data Mining Applied for Determining Stream Flow Permanence
* Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Database for Multifactorial UAV Accuracy Assessments, The
* Dbscan Optimization for Improving Marine Trajectory Clustering and Anomaly Detection
* Decisional Tree Models for Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection Based on Phenological Behaviors. Application Case: Localization Of Non-fully-exploited Agricultural Surfaces In the Eastern Part of The Haouz Plain In the Semi-arid Central Morocco
* Deconvolved Image Restoration From Auto-Correlations
* Decoupling GCN with Dropgraph Module for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Deep Affinity Network for Multiple Object Tracking
* Deep Complementary Joint Model for Complex Scene Registration and Few-shot Segmentation on Medical Images
* Deep Dehazing Network With Latent Ensembling Architecture and Adversarial Learning
* Deep edge map guided depth super resolution
* Deep facial emotion recognition in video using eigenframes
* Deep feature augmentation for occluded image classification
* Deep Framework Assembling Principled Modules for CS-MRI: Unrolling Perspective, Convergence Behaviors, and Practical Modeling, A
* Deep Fusionnet for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Generalization of Structured Low-Rank Algorithms (Deep-SLR)
* Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Behavior Prediction in Autonomous Driving: Accurate Forecasts of Vehicle Motion
* Deep Learning Applied to Water Segmentation
* Deep Learning Approach to Improve the Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles From a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer, A
* Deep Learning Architecture for Batch-mode Fully Automated Field Boundary Detection, A
* Deep Learning Based Mask Detection In Smart Home Entries During The Epidemic Process
* Deep Learning for 3d Reconstruction of the Martian Surface Using Monocular Images: A First Glance
* Deep Learning for Detecting and Classifying Ocean Objects: Application of YoloV3 for Iceberg-Ship Discrimination
* Deep Learning Method for Mapping Glacial Lakes from the Combined Use of Synthetic-Aperture Radar and Optical Satellite Images, A
* Deep Learning Methods for Human Behavior Recognition
* Deep Learning Methods for Virus Identification from Digital Images
* Deep Learning Model for Transportation Mode Detection Based on Smartphone Sensing Data, A
* Deep Learning Monitoring of Woody Vegetation Density In A South African Savannah Region
* Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts During Reconstruction for High-Quality Segmentation
* Deep Learning-Based Masonry Wall Image Analysis
* Deep learning-based object detection in low-altitude UAV datasets: A survey
* Deep Learning-based Reconstruction of Spatiotemporally Fused Satellite Images for Smart Agriculture Applications In A Heterogeneous Agricultural Region
* Deep Learning-Based Regression and Classification for Automatic Landmark Localization in Medical Images
* Deep Matting for Cloud Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Deep Metric Learning Based on Scalable Neighborhood Components for Remote Sensing Scene Characterization
* Deep Neural Networks for Automatic Extraction of Features In Time Series Optical Satellite Images
* Deep Novel View Synthesis from Colored 3d Point Clouds
* Deep Phenotyping Considering Tile Drainage from UAS-Based Multispectral Imagery By Convolutional Neural Networks
* Deep Reflectance Volumes: Relightable Reconstructions from Multi-view Photometric Images
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Designed Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse Using Root-Flipping: DeepRFSLR
* Deep Relation Embedding for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Residual Split Directed Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition
* Deep Retinex Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Deep Rényi entropy graph kernel
* Deep Semantic Segmentation for the Off-road Autonomous Driving
* Deep Shape from Polarization
* Deep Sheep: kinship assignment in livestock from facial images
* Deep Sinogram Completion With Image Prior for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images
* Deep Surface Normal Estimation on the 2-sphere with Confidence Guided Semantic Attention
* Deep Video Precoding
* Deep visual unsupervised domain adaptation for classification tasks: A survey
* DeepACEv2: Automated Chromosome Enumeration in Metaphase Cell Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* DeepDance: Music-to-Dance Motion Choreography With Adversarial Learning
* Deeply Associative Two-Stage Representations Learning Based on Labels Interval Extension Loss and Group Loss for Person Re-Identification
* Defects Detection in Highly Specular Surface using a Combination of Stereo and Laser Reconstruction
* Defining Time-to-Collision Thresholds by the Type of Lead Vehicle in Non-Lane-Based Traffic Environments
* Definition of A Methodology to Derive Road Network Functional Hierarchy Classes Using Car Tracking Data
* Deformation Monitoring Using SAR Interferometry and Active and Passive Reflectors
* Delineation of Suitable Cropland Areas Using A GIS Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation Approach In the Central Agricultural Region of Mongolia
* DEM Accuracy Research Based on Unmanned Aerial Survey Data
* DEM Void Filling Based on Context Attention Generation Model
* Denoising real bursts with squeeze-and-excitation residual network
* Dense 3d Object Reconstruction Using Structured-light Scanner and Deep Learning
* Dense Attention Fluid Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Dense Feature Pyramid Network-Based Deep Learning Model for Road Marking Instance Segmentation Using MLS Point Clouds, A
* Dense Matching Comparison Between Classical and Deep Learning Based Algorithms for Remote Sensing Data
* Dense optical flow based background subtraction technique for object segmentation in moving camera environment
* Dense Steerable Filter CNNs for Exploiting Rotational Symmetry in Histology Images
* Density-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Crowd Counting
* Density-Based Spatial Clustering and Ordering Points Approach for Characterizations of Tourist Behaviour
* Dependable information processing method for reliable human-robot interactions in smart city applications
* Depolarized Scattering of Rough Surface With Dielectric Inhomogeneity and Spatial Anisotropy
* Depth Map Enhancement by Revisiting Multi-Scale Intensity Guidance Within Coarse-to-Fine Stages
* Depth segmentation in real-world scenes based on U-V disparity analysis
* Derivation and Validation of Sensor Brightness Temperatures for Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A Instruments
* Derivation of Shortwave Radiometric Adjustments for SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS for the NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Products
* Desertification Assessment Using Medalus Model In Upper Lamchiengkrai Watershed, Thailand
* Design and Development of a Smart Variable Rate Sprayer Using Deep Learning
* Design and Experiment of A High Payload Fixed Wing VTOL UAV System For Emergency Response
* Design and Implementation of Trajectory Data Management and Analysis Technology Framework Based on Spatiotemporal Grid Model
* Design of A Crowdsourced 3d Cadastral Technical Solution
* Design of Multiple Spatial Context Detection Method Considering Elongated Top-Bounded Spaces Based on GPS Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Fuzzy Inference
* Design Students Viewpoint on BIM: A Preliminary Assessment of The Indicators
* Designing and Building A Cost-efficient Survey Drone
* Designing Color Filters That Make Cameras More Colorimetric
* Detecting and Counting Orchard Trees on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (uav)-based Images Using Entropy and Ndvi Features
* Detecting Anomalies in Intelligent Vehicle Charging and Station Power Supply Systems With Multi-Head Attention Models
* Detecting dense text in natural images
* Detecting Destroyed Communities in Remote Areas with Personal Electronic Device Data: A Case Study of the 2017 Puebla Earthquake
* Detecting Disaster-Related Tweets Via Multimodal Adversarial Neural Network
* Detecting Individual Tree Attributes and Multispectral Indices Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Applications in a Pine Clonal Orchard
* Detecting Vegetation Change in the Pearl River Delta Region Based on Time Series Segmentation and Residual Trend Analysis (TSS-RESTREND) and MODIS NDVI
* Detection and Classification of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation from PRISMA Hyperspectral Data in Croplands
* Detection and classification of opened and closed flowers in grape inflorescences using Mask R-CNN
* Detection and Localization of Traffic Lights Using Yolov3 and Stereo Vision
* Detection and Localization of Ultrasound Scatterers Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detection and Quantification of Industrial Methane Plume with The Airborne Hyspex-neo Camera and Applications to Satellite Data
* Detection of Face Recognition Adversarial Attacks
* Detection of Indoor Attached Equipment From TLS Point Clouds Using Planar Region Boundary
* Detection of Land Cover Displacements Through Time-series Analysis Of Multispectral Satellite Imagery: Application to Desert
* Detection of Metallic Objects in Mineralized Soil Using Magnetic Induction Spectroscopy
* Detection of Two Different Grapevine Yellows in Vitis vinifera Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Detection of Visible Boundaries From UAV Images Using U-net
* Determination of Optimal Location for Setting Up Cell Phone Tower In City Environment Using Lidar Data
* Determining AHI Cloud-Top Phase and Intercomparisons With MODIS Products Over North Pacific
* Determining Smart Intersections for Smart City Applications Using Multi-criteria Decision-making Techniques
* DetexNet: Accurately Diagnosing Frequent and Challenging Pediatric Malignant Tumors
* Developing A Mobile Application for Smart Real Estate Information
* Developing a spectral angle based vegetation index for detecting the early dying process of Chinese fir trees
* Developing A Strategy for Precise 3d Modelling of Large-scale Scenes For VR
* Developing An Image Based Low-cost Mobile Mapping System for GIS Data Acquisition
* Developing An Intelligent Fire Alarming, Monitoring and Rescuing System Using UAV
* Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accelerating Spatiotemporal Point Pattern Analysis
* Developing the Raster Big Data Benchmark: A Comparison of Raster Analysis on Big Data Platforms
* Developing Versatile Graphic Map Load Metrics
* Development and Testing of a Novel Game Theoretic De-Centralized Traffic Signal Controller
* Development of A Citsci and Artificial Intelligence Supported Gis Platform for Landslide Data Collection
* Development of a Methodology to Generate In-Orbit Electrooptical Module Temperature-Based Calibration Coefficients for INSAT-3D/3DR Infrared Imager Channels
* Development of a Virtual Environment Based Image Generation Tool for Neural Network Training
* Development of an Improved Model for Prediction of Short-Term Heavy Precipitation Based on GNSS-Derived PWV
* Development of CO2 Band-Based Cloud Emission and Scattering Indices and Their Applications to FY-3D Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder
* Development of Hardware and Software Architecture for Analysis And Processing of the Field Data
* Development of New Airborne Laser Scanning Method By Meandering Flight
* Development of Versatile Mobile Mapping System on A Small Scale
* Different Scales of Urban Traffic Noise Prediction
* Digital Models and 3d Visualization In Archaeological Contexts. The Survey of the Tombs of the Kings In the City of Verghina In Macedonia
* Digital Photogrammetry, Tls Survey and 3D Modelling for VR and AR Applications in CH
* Dimensionality Reduction Via An Orthogonal Autoencoder Approach For Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Direct Quantification of Coronary Artery Stenosis Through Hierarchical Attentive Multi-View Learning
* Direct Sparse Visual Odometry with Structural Regularities for Long Corridor Environments
* Direction-Constrained Space-Time Prism-Based Approach for Quantifying Possible Multi-Ship Collision Risks, A
* Discrete Semantic Alignment Hashing for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Discrete-Continuous Hybrid Approach to Periodic Routing of Waste Collection Vehicles With Recycling Operations, A
* Discriminative Multi-View Subspace Feature Learning for Action Recognition
* Discriminative subspace matrix factorization for multiview data clustering
* Disentangled-Multimodal Adversarial Autoencoder: Application to Infant Age Prediction With Incomplete Multimodal Neuroimages
* Disparity Estimation Using Stereo Images With Different Focal Lengths
* Distributed Formation Control: Asymptotic Stabilization Results Under Local Noisy Information
* Distributed Variational Representation Learning
* Diurnal Evolution of the Wintertime Boundary Layer in Urban Beijing, China: Insights from Doppler Lidar and a 325-m Meteorological Tower
* Diversified Fisher kernel: encoding discrimination in Fisher features to compete deep neural models for visual classification task
* DMA Regularization: Enhancing Discriminability of Neural Networks by Decreasing the Minimal Angle
* DML-GANR: Deep Metric Learning With Generative Adversarial Network Regularization for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Does Sentinel-1A Backscatter Capture the Spatial Variability in Canopy Gaps of Tropical Agroforests? A Proof-of-Concept in Cocoa Landscapes in Cameroon
* DoFE: Domain-Oriented Feature Embedding for Generalizable Fundus Image Segmentation on Unseen Datasets
* Domain Adaptation with CycleGAN for Change Detection In the Amazon Forest
* Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Asymmetric Tri-Way Faster-RCNN
* Domain-invariant adversarial learning with conditional distribution alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
* DoMars16k: A Diverse Dataset for Weakly Supervised Geomorphologic Analysis on Mars
* Double-Deep Spatio-Angular Learning Framework for Light Field-Based Face Recognition, A
* Double-Factor-Regularized Low-Rank Tensor Factorization for Mixed Noise Removal in Hyperspectral Image
* Downscaling TRMM Monthly Precipitation Using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Computing
* DRCNN: Dynamic Routing Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
* Dress With Style: Learning Style From Joint Deep Embedding of Clothing Styles and Body Shapes
* Driven by Drones: Improving Mangrove Extent Maps Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing
* Driver Danger-Level Monitoring System Using Multi-Sourced Big Driving Data
* Driver Drowsiness Recognition via 3D Conditional GAN and Two-Level Attention Bi-LSTM
* Drone Data Atmospheric Correction Concept for Multi- and Hyperspectral Imagery - the Droacor Model
* Drought Detection over Papua New Guinea Using Satellite-Derived Products
* DSA: More Efficient Budgeted Pruning via Differentiable Sparsity Allocation
* DSNet: A Flexible Detect-to-Summarize Network for Video Summarization
* DTM Correction In Areas of Steep Slopes
* Dual Adversarial Network for Deep Active Learning
* Dual Modulated QR Codes for Proximal Privacy and Security
* Dual Pyramids Encoder-decoder Network for Semantic Segmentation In Ground and Aerial View Images
* Dual subspace discriminative projection learning
* Dynamic Assessment of Personal Exposure to Air Pollution for Everyone: A Smartphone-based Approach
* Dynamic Change Monitoring of Qianlong Garden Rockery In Forbidden City Based on Insar and Lidar Technology
* Dynamic Crop Models and Remote Sensing Irrigation Decision Support Systems: A Review of Water Stress Concepts for Improved Estimation of Water Requirements
* Dynamic Divide Migration as a Response to Asymmetric Uplift: An Example from the Zhongtiao Shan, North China
* Dynamic mosaicking: combining A* algorithm with fractional Brownian motion for an optimal seamline detection
* Dynamic Pricing for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging
* Dynamic Time Warping for Crops Mapping
* Dynamics of Agricultural Expansion In Areas of the Brazilian Savanna Between 2000 and 2019
* E Layer Dominated Ionosphere Occurrences as a Function of Geophysical and Space Weather Conditions
* Early Action Recognition With Category Exclusion Using Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning
* Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series of On-Vehicle Sensors in Transportation, An
* Early Detection of Ganoderma boninense in Oil Palm Seedlings Using Support Vector Machines
* Earth Observation Applications for Goal 14: Improving Maritime Domain Awareness Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging with Automatic Identification System In the Philippines
* Earth Observation Data Cubes for Brazil: Requirements, Methodology and Products
* Earth Observation to Substantiate the Sustainable Development Goal 11: Practical Considerations and Experiences From Austria
* Earth Observations As A Tool for Detecting and Monitoring Potential Environmental Violations and Policy Implementation
* Eco-environmental Vulnerability Zonation In Essence of Environmental Monitoring and Management
* ECOSTRESS and CIMIS: A Comparison of Potential and Reference Evapotranspiration in Riverside County, California
* Edge-Aware Convolution for RGB-D Image Segmentation
* Edge-Sense Bidirectional Pyramid Network for Stereo Matching of VHR Remote Sensing Images, An
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Clouds
* Editorial of the special issue DLHI: Deep learning in medical imaging and healthinformatics
* Educational Material Development on Mobile Spatial Data Collection Using Open Source Geospatial Technologies
* Eelgrass Mapping In Atlantic Canada Using Worldview-2 Imagery
* Effect of Image Matching Window Size on Satellite Jitter Frequency Detection
* Effective Charging Planning Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles
* Effectiveness of School Site Decisions on Land Use Policy in the Planning Process
* Effects of Coherence Calculation on Forest Height Estimation Using Sinc Model, The
* Effects of Patchiness on Surface Soil Moisture of Alpine Meadow on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Implications for Grassland Restoration
* Efficient Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking, An
* Efficient and robust unsupervised inverse intensity compensation for stereo image registration under radiometric changes
* Efficient Approach to Manage Domestic Wastewater In Smart City, An
* Efficient Attention Mechanism for Visual Dialog that Can Handle All the Interactions Between Multiple Inputs
* Efficient Building Category Classification with FaÇade Information From Oblique Aerial Images
* Efficient Computation of Posterior Covariance In Bundle Adjustment In Dbat for Projects with Large Number of Object Points
* Efficient image classification technique for weather degraded fruit images
* Efficient Large-scale Airborne Lidar Data Classification Via Fully Convolutional Network
* Efficient Loading and Visualization of Massive Feature-rich Point Clouds Without Hierarchical Acceleration Structures
* Efficient Multi-view 3d Tracking of Arbitrary Rock Fragments Upon Impact
* Efficient Probabilistic Registration Based on Shape Descriptor for Heritage Field Inspection, An
* Efficient Row Key Encoding Method with ASCII Code for Storing Geospatial Big Data in HBase, An
* Efficient Sampling Algorithm With a K-NN Expanding Operator for Depth Data Acquisition in a LiDAR System, An
* Efficient segmentation of lumbar intervertebral disc from MR images
* Efficient Spectral Feature Extraction Framework for Hyperspectral Images, An
* Eigenstructure involving the histogram for image thresholding
* EKENet: Efficient knowledge enhanced network for real-time scene parsing
* Elaborating Hungarian Segment of the Global Map of Salt-Affected Soils (GSSmap): National Contribution to an International Initiative
* Elastic Full Waveform Inversion With Angle Decomposition and Wavefield Decoupling
* Elective Course, Geoinformation Technologies In Business: Ten-years of Educational Experience At the Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School, An
* ELiT, Multifunctional Web-Software for Feature Extraction from 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
* EMAP-DCNN: A Novel Mathematical Morphology and Deep Learning Combined Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Embedding Perspective Analysis Into Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Counting
* Emerging Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage Variability as a Target for Future Satellite Gravity Missions
* Empirical greedy machine-based automatic liver segmentation in CT images
* Enabling Extreme Fast Charging Technology for Electric Vehicles
* End-to-End Audiovisual Speech Recognition System With Multitask Learning
* End-to-end Building Change Detection Model In Aerial Imagery And Digital Surface Model Based on Neural Networks
* End-to-End Fovea Localisation in Colour Fundus Images With a Hierarchical Deep Regression Network
* End-to-End Framework for Clothing Collocation Based on Semantic Feature Fusion, An
* End-to-end trainable network for superpixel and image segmentation
* EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
* Energy-Efficient Timely Truck Transportation for Geographically-Dispersed Tasks
* Energy-Saving Display by Color Pixel Re-Representation
* Enhanced factorization machine via neural pairwise ranking and attention networks
* Enhanced low-rank constraint for temporal subspace clustering and its acceleration scheme
* Enhanced Matrix CFAR Detection With Dimensionality Reduction of Riemannian Manifold
* Enhanced Visualization of DBT Imaging Using Blind Deconvolution and Total Variation Minimization Regularization, An
* Enhancement and Speedup of Photometric Compensation for Projectors by Reducing Inter-Pixel Coupling and Calibration Patterns
* Enhancing Small Moving Target Detection Performance in Low-Quality and Long-Range Infrared Videos Using Optical Flow Techniques
* Enhancing the alignment between target words and corresponding frames for video captioning
* Enhancing Underexposed Photos Using Perceptually Bidirectional Similarity
* Enhancing underwater image via color correction and Bi-interval contrast enhancement
* Ensemble Modeling Framework for Distinguishing Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium Deficiencies in Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Using Hyperspectral Data, An
* Environment-Agnostic Multitask Learning for Natural Language Grounded Navigation
* Error Analysis of the Dispersion-compensated Wide-band Polarization SAGNAC Interferometer
* ESA Sentinel 2 Imagery and Gbgeoapp: Integrated Tools for the Deosai National Park Management Plan
* ESRGAN-based DEM Super-Resolution for Enhanced Slope Deformation Monitoring In Lantau Island of Hong Kong
* Estimating Built-up Area Change In Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia
* Estimating Heights of Buildings From Geotagged Photos for Data Enrichment on Openstreetmap
* Estimation of Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentration Based on Himawari-8 Apparent Reflectance
* Estimation of Hydro-meteorological Extremes In Beas Basin Over Historic, Present and Future Scenario
* Estimation of Ice Thickness and the Features of Subglacial Media Detected by Ground Penetrating Radar at the Baishui River Glacier No. 1 in Mt. Yulong, China
* Estimation of Land Surface Albedo from MODIS and VIIRS Data: A Multi-Sensor Strategy Based on the Direct Estimation Algorithm and Statistical-Based Temporal Filter
* Estimation of Land Surface Incident and Net Shortwave Radiation from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Using an Optimization Method
* Estimation of Linear Space-Invariant Dynamics
* Estimation of Soil Heavy Metal Combining Fractional Order Derivative
* Estimation of Soil Losses By the Improved Tillage Homogenization Model And Rusle Model
* Estimation of Surface Concentrations of Black Carbon from Long-Term Measurements at Aeronet Sites over Korea
* Estimation of the Grassland Aboveground Biomass of the Inner Mongolia Plateau Using the Simulated Spectra of Sentinel-2 Images
* Estimation of Vegetation Structure Parameters From SMAP Radar Intensity Observations
* Estimation of Vertical Datum Parameters Using the GBVP Approach Based on the Combined Global Geopotential Models
* EUROSDR GEOBIM Project: Developing Case Studies for the Use of GEOBIM in Practice, The
* Evaluating a Workflow Tool for Simplifying Scenario Planning with the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System
* Evaluating Feature Extraction Methods with Synthetic Noise Patterns for Image-Based Modelling of Texture-Less Objects
* Evaluating Geo-Tagged Twitter Data to Analyze Tourist Flows in Styria, Austria
* Evaluating Learned State Representations for Atari
* Evaluating Sector Ring Histogram of Oriented Gradients Filter In Locating Humans Within UAV Images
* Evaluating Stereo DTM Quality At Jezero Crater, Mars with Hrsc, Ctx, And Hirise Images
* Evaluating the Impact of the 2020 Iowa Derecho on Corn and Soybean Fields Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Evaluating the Quality of Photogrammetric Point-clouds In Challenging Geo-environments - A Case Study In An Alpine Valley
* Evaluating the Stability of Spatial Keypoints via Cluster Core Correspondence Index
* Evaluation and Improvement of the Near-Real-Time Linear Fit SO2 Retrievals From Suomi NPP Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite
* Evaluation Method for Emergency Procedures in Automatic Metro Based on Complexity, An
* Evaluation of a Neural Network With Uncertainty for Detection of Ice and Water in SAR Imagery
* Evaluation of Airborne Image Velocimetry Approaches Using Low-cost UAVS In Riverine Environments
* Evaluation of Deblocking Methods for Chang'e-4 Descent Images
* Evaluation of Eight Machine Learning Regression Algorithms for Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation from Multiple Satellite Data Products, An
* Evaluation of Mobile Mapping Systems for Indoor Surveys
* Evaluation of Precipitation Products by Using Multiple Hydrological Models over the Upper Yellow River Basin, China
* Evaluation of Reconstruction Methodology for Helical Scan Guided Photoacoustic Endoscopy
* Evaluation of Semantic Segmentation Methods for Deforestation Detection In the Amazon
* Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Aspects of Land Use and Land Cover Changes In Nagaland, North-East, India
* Evaluation of Unet and Unet++ Architectures In High Resolution Image Change Detection Applications
* Evapotranspiration Estimates at High Spatial and Temporal Resolutions from an Energy-Water Balance Model and Satellite Data in the Capitanata Irrigation Consortium
* Event Geoparser with Pseudo-Location Entity Identification and Numerical Argument Extraction Implementation and Evaluation in Indonesian News Domain
* Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Multiagent Systems With Multiple Cyber Attacks
* Evidence for the Development of Energy Resilience In Fukushima Prefecture After the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Evolutionary Algorithm Based Residual Block Search for Compression Artifact Removal
* Exchnet: A Unified Hashing Network for Large-scale Fine-grained Image Retrieval
* Exclusivity-Consistency Regularized Knowledge Distillation for Face Recognition
* Expand globally, shrink locally: Discriminant multi-label learning with missing labels
* Experimental Assessment of 3d Narrow Space Mapping Technologies
* experimental study on classification of thyroid histopathology images using transfer learning, An
* Experimental Validation of Bias in Checkerboard Corner Detection
* Experts and Gamers on Immersion into Reconstructed Strongholds
* Explainable Convolutional Autoencoder Model for Unsupervised Change Detection, An
* Exploitation of Sentinel-2 Images for Long-term Vegetation Monitoring At A Former Ore Processing Site
* Exploitation of the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant By Activated Sludge In the Airport Area of the City Ben Slimane (Morocco)
* Exploiting multigranular salient features with hierarchical multi-mode attention network for pedestrian re-IDentification
* Exploiting object features in deep gaze prediction models
* Exploiting Redundancy for Reliability Analysis of Sensor Perception in Automated Driving Vehicles
* Exploiting Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series to Detect Grasslands In The Northern Brazilian Amazon
* Exploration and Practice of Beijing Bell and Drum Towers Safety Detection Project
* Exploration of IOCG Mineralizations Using Integration of Space-borne Remote Sensing Data with Airborne Geophysical Data
* Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for Smart City Modelling and Visualization
* Exploring Cultural Heritage Collections In Immersive Analytics: Challenges, Benefits, and A Case Study Using Virtual Reality
* Exploring global diverse attention via pairwise temporal relation for video summarization
* Exploring Google Street View with deep learning for crop type mapping
* Exploring Individual Travel Patterns Across Private Car Trajectory Data
* Exploring NASA's Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) Dataset To Monitor Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest
* Exploring Sentinel-2 for Land Cover and Crop Mapping In Portugal
* Exploring Spatial Parameters to Evaluate Human Walking Accessibility Of Urban Green Space
* Exploring the Attractiveness of Residential Areas for Human Activities Based on Shared E-Bike Trajectory Data
* Exploring the Capabilities of Combining the Sentinel-2 MSI Data And High Resolution Google Earth Image for Mapping Mangrove Species
* Exploring the Fingerprints of Past Rain-on-Snow Events in a Central Andean Mountain Range Basin Using Satellite Imagery
* Exploring the Potential of Traffic Index Data to Analyze Essential Traffic Impact In Developing Cities
* Exploring the Potential of Twitter to Understand Traffic Events and Their Locations in Greater Mumbai, India
* Exploring the Variability of Tropical Savanna Tree Structural Allometry with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Exploring Travel Patterns during the Holiday Season: A Case Study of Shenzhen Metro System During the Chinese Spring Festival
* Exposure-Based Energy Curve Equalization for Enhancement of Contrast Distorted Images
* Extended COCOMO: robust and interpretable neuro-fuzzy modelling
* Extracting Dispersion Curves From Ambient Noise Correlations Using Deep Learning
* Extraction of Debilitated Trees Along the Road By Blocked NDVI
* Extraction of Road Edges from MLS Point Clouds Using Bend Angle Of Scanlines
* Extraction of Scattered Small-scale Landslides Distribution By Object-based Classification Using Optical High-resolution Satellite Images
* Extraction of Street Pole-Like Objects Based on Plane Filtering From Mobile LiDAR Data
* Extraction of the Individual Tree Infected By Pine Wilt Disease Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optical Imagery
* Extraction of Urbanized Areas Through Images of High Resolution Nighttime Lights, The
* F2PNet: Font-to-painting translation by adversarial learning
* F3-Net: Feature Fusion and Filtration Network for Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations
* Face Recognition Based on Videos by Using Convex Hulls
* Face Video Retrieval Based on the Deep CNN With RBF Loss
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Frequency Neural Network
* Factor Graph-Based Distributed Consensus Kalman Filter, A
* fair comparison of the EEG signal classification methods for alcoholic subject identification, A
* Fast blind deconvolution using a deeper sparse patch-wise maximum gradient prior
* Fast Depth Prediction and Obstacle Avoidance on a Monocular Drone Using Probabilistic Convolutional Neural Network
* Fast global SA(2,R) shape registration based on invertible invariant descriptor
* Fast high-precision ellipse detection method
* Fast image clustering based on compressed camera fingerprints
* Fast Nearest Subspace Search via Random Angular Hashing
* Fast Non-Local Adaptive In-Loop Filter Optimization on GPU
* Fast Online Video Pose Estimation by Dynamic Bayesian Modeling of Mode Transitions
* Fast Pedestrian Detection With Attention-Enhanced Multi-Scale RPN and Soft-Cascaded Decision Trees
* Fast Portrait Segmentation of the Head and Upper Body
* Fast Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method (STF3DCNN) Using a Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Dataset, A
* Faster ILOD: Incremental learning for object detectors based on faster RCNN
* Faster SVM training via conjugate SMO
* Fate of Agricultural Areas of Kailali District of Nepal: A Temporal Land Use Land Cover Change (LUCC) Analysis
* Feasibility Study of Map-Based Dashboard for Spatiotemporal Knowledge Acquisition and Analysis, A
* FeatFlow: Learning geometric features for 3D motion estimation
* Featmatch: Feature-based Augmentation for Semi-supervised Learning
* Feature Consistency Training With JPEG Compressed Images
* Feature fusion via dual-resolution compressive measurement matrix analysis for spectral image classification
* Feature-Extraction from All-scale Neighborhoods with Applications To Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Feedback evaluations to promote image captioning
* FFD: Fast Feature Detector
* FGATR-Net: Automatic Network Architecture Design for Fine-Grained Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* FI-GAN: fewer iterations GAN for rapid synthesis controllable realistic images
* FiC-RNN: A Multi-FPGA Acceleration Framework for Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
* Field Operations and Progress of Chinese Airborne Survey In East Antarctica Through the Snow Eagle 601
* Field-Scale Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Soil Salinity in Three Dimensions
* FIFNET: A convolutional neural network for motion-based multiframe super-resolution using fusion of interpolated frames
* Fifth International Conference on Smart City Applications: Preface, The
* Filter Design for Two-Channel Filter Banks on Directed Bipartite Graphs
* Finding Your (3D) Center: 3d Object Detection Using a Learned Loss
* First Attempt of SAR Visual-Inertial Odometry, The
* First Helicopter Platform-Based Equivalent GEO SAR Experiment With Long Integration Time, The
* First Investigation of Mediterranean Oak Tree Vitality With High-resolution Worldview-3 Satellite Data: Comparing Ten Vegetation Indices and Three Machine Learning Classifiers
* First Results From the Rotating Fan Beam Scatterometer Onboard CFOSAT
* First Results of the LEM Benchmark Database for Agricultural Applications
* First Year On-Orbit Calibration of the Chinese Environmental Trace Gas Monitoring Instrument Onboard GaoFen-5
* Flash Flood Susceptibility Assessment Based on Geodetector, Certainty Factor, and Logistic Regression Analyses in Fujian Province, China
* Flexible Framework for Covering and Partitioning Problems in Indoor Spaces, A
* Flood Detection In Time Series of Optical and Sar Images
* Flood Susceptibility Mapping through the GIS-AHP Technique Using the Cloud
* Flow-Based Independent Vector Analysis for Blind Source Separation
* Forecasting of Short-Term Daily Tourist Flow Based on Seasonal Clustering Method and PSO-LSSVM
* Forest Line Mapper: A Semi-Automated Tool for Mapping Linear Disturbances in Forests, The
* Forkgan: Seeing into the Rainy Night
* Form Follows Content: An Empirical Study on Symbol-Content (In)Congruences in Thematic Maps
* Formation Mechanism for Upland Low-Relief Surface Landscapes in the Three Gorges Region, China
* Fourier Properties of Symmetric-Geometry Computed Tomography and Its Linogram Reconstruction With Neural Network
* Fractal Analysis for Akamura Mounded Tomb and Location Estimate Of Yamatai Country
* Fractal-Based Modeling and Spatial Analysis of Urban Form and Growth: A Case Study of Shenzhen in China
* Framework for Classifying Participant Motivation that Considers the Typology of Citizen Science Projects, A
* Framework of Composite Functional Gradient Methods for Generative Adversarial Models, A
* Framework of Spatio-Temporal Fusion Algorithm Selection for Landsat NDVI Time Series Construction, A
* Framework to Extract Structural Elements of Construction Site From Laser Scanning, A
* Free-Breathing and Ungated Dynamic MRI Using Navigator-Less Spiral SToRM
* FREE: A Fast and Robust End-to-End Video Text Spotter
* From 3D to 2D: Transferring knowledge for rib segmentation in chest X-rays
* From Archive Documentation to Online 3d Model Visualization of No Longer Existing Structures: the Turin 1911 Project
* From local to global: A transfer learning-based approach for mapping poplar plantations at national scale using Sentinel-2
* From Massive Trajectory Data to Traffic Modeling for Better Behavior Prediction in a Usage-Based Insurance Context
* From TRMM to GPM: How Reliable Are Satellite-Based Precipitation Data across Nigeria?
* Full 3-D Imaging of Vertical Structures via Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Fully Automatic Algorithm for Editing the TanDEM-X Global DEM, A
* Fully Automatic Calibration of Tumor-Growth Models Using a Single mpMRI Scan
* Fully Automatic Point Cloud Analysis for Powerline Corridor Mapping
* Fully Convolutional Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Fully convolutional recurrent networks for multidate crop recognition from multitemporal image sequences
* Fused Sparse Network Learning for Longitudinal Analysis of Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Fusion Approach for Flood Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Datasets, A
* Fusion of External and Internal 3d Photogrammetric Models As A Tool To Investigate the Ancient Human/cave Interaction: the La Sassa Case Study, The
* Fusion of High- and Medium-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Imagery and GlobeLand30 Products for the Automated Detection of Intra-Urban Surface Water
* Fusion of Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Data By Spectral Unmixing In The Reflective Domain
* Fusion of Lidar and Hyperspectral Data for Semantic Segmentation Of Forest Tree Species
* Fusion of Thermal and Visible Point Clouds: Application to the Vaches Noires Landslide, Normandy, France
* Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Modelling Uncertainty in Open Geospatial Data on Landfill Suitability Analysis, A
* Fuzzy Positioning Modeling of Natural Language Location Description
* Fuzzy Spatial Region Extraction Model for Object's Vague Location Description from Observer Perspective, A
* Game Theory Based CTU-Level Bit Allocation Scheme for HEVC Region of Interest Coding, A
* GAN-based Garment Generation Using Sewing Pattern Images
* GAN-based Synthesis of Deep Learning Training Data for UAV Monitoring
* Gauss-Jordan elimination-based image tampering detection and self-recovery
* General Decoupled Learning Framework for Parameterized Image Operators, A
* General Deep Learning Segmentation Process Used In Remote Sensing Images
* General Learning Modeling for AUV Position Tracking
* Generalization of Soundings across Scales: From DTM to Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts
* Generating adversarial examples with elastic-net regularized boundary equilibrium generative adversarial network
* Generating visual story graphs with application to photo album summarization
* Generating, Storing, Updating and Disseminating A Countrywide 3d Model
* Generation of Spatiotemporally Resolved Power Production Data of PV Systems in Germany
* Generative Adversarial Network Approach for Super-resolution Of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images, A
* Generative Adversarial Networks As A Novel Approach for Tectonic Fault And Fracture Extraction In High-resolution Satellite and Airborne Optical Images
* Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Distribution with Route Restriction Constraint Due to Traffic Jams
* Geo-Informatics in Resource Management
* Geo-locating Historical Survey Data and Images: A Case Study for The Canning River, Perth, Western Australia
* Geo-tagged Image Retrieval From Mapillary Street Images for A Target Building
* Geodiversity Assessment with Crowdsourced Data and Spatial Multicriteria Analysis
* Geographic Information System for Drought Risk Mapping In Australia - Drought Risk Analyser Web App
* Geographic Information System Technology Combined with Back Propagation Neural Network in Groundwater Quality Monitoring
* Geographically Weighted Regression Approach for Shallow Water Depth Estimation Using Multispectral Satellite Imageries
* Geoinformation for Disaster Management 2020 (GI4DM2020): Preface
* Geomagnetic Field-based Indoor Positioning Using Back-propagation Neural Networks
* Geomatic Contribution for the Restoration Project of the Valentino Castle Green Room. From Data Acquisition to Integrated Documentation
* Geomatic Techniques for the Optimization of Ski Resources
* Geomatics In the Management of Built Heritage Through BIM Systems. The Training of New Experienced Professional Figures
* Geomatics Technologies In the Framework of Multidisciplinary Project For Integrated Management of Cultural Heritage Sites
* Geometric Accuracy Evaluation of the Zy-3 Stereo Mapping Satellite For 8 Years
* Geometric Performance of A Camera with Single Sensor and Multiple Heads
* Geometric Quality Evaluation Method for Multi-view Satellite Images In 3d Reconstruction
* Geometrical Calibration for the Panrover: A Stereo Omnidirectional System for Planetary Rover
* Geoportal Proposal for the Inventory of Cultural Heritage In NabÓn (Ecuador)
* Geospatial Analysis of Impervious Surfaces and Their Effect on Land Surface Temperature In Abuja, Nigeria
* Geospatial Information Based Emergency Response System for Geological Disasters
* Geospatial Technology Based Soil Loss Estimation for Sustainable Urban Development of Butwal Submetropolitan City, Nepal
* Geospatial Valuation of Urban Farming In Improving Cities Resilience: A Case of Malang City, Indonesia
* GIFSL: Grafting based improved few-shot learning
* GIS-based Infectious Disease Data Management on A City Scale, Case Study of St. Petersburg, Russia
* GIS-based Multi-criteria Analysis on Cropland Suitability In Bornuur Soum, Mongolia, A
* Glacier Volume Change Monitoring From UAV Observations: Issues And Potentials of State-of-the-art Techniques
* Global Rate-Distortion Optimization-Based Rate Control for HEVC HDR Coding
* GLStyleNet: exquisite style transfer combining global and local pyramid features
* GM bets big on batteries: A new $2.3 billion plant cranks out Ultium cells to power a future line of electric vehicles
* GNSS Satellite Visibility Analysis Based on 3d Spatial Information In Urban Areas
* GNSS-free Unmanned Aerial Laser Scanning System, A
* GNSS-R-Based Snow Water Equivalent Estimation with Empirical Modeling and Enhanced SNR-Based Snow Depth Estimation
* Grabber: A tool to improve convergence in interactive image segmentation
* GRACE: Gravity Data for Understanding the Deep Earth's Interior
* Grain segmentation of sandstone images based on convolutional neural networks and weighted fuzzy clustering
* Graph attention network for detecting license plates in crowded street scenes
* Graph CNN with Radius Distance for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Buildings TLS Point Clouds
* Graph Embedding Multi-Kernel Metric Learning for Image Set Classification With Grassmannian Manifold-Valued Features
* Graph-Based Approach to Automatic Convolutional Neural Network Construction for Image Classification, A
* Graph-based non-maximal suppression for detecting products on the rack
* Graphical Game Approach to Electrical Vehicle Charging Scheduling: Correlated Equilibrium and Latency Minimization, A
* Great Wall 3d Documentation and Application Based on Multi-source Data Fusion - A Case Study of No.15 Enemy Tower of the New Guangwu Great Wall, The
* Greedy Algorithms for Hybrid Compressed Sensing
* Green Vegetation Cover Has Steadily Increased since Establishment of Community Forests in Western Chitwan, Nepal
* Grid Feature-Point Selection Method for Large-Scale Street View Image Retrieval Based on Deep Local Features, A
* Ground Deformation Monitoring At Continental Scale: The European Ground Motion Service
* Ground Truth Generation and Disparity Estimation for Optical Satellite Imagery
* Ground Validation and Error Sources Identification for GPM IMERG Product over the Southeast Coastal Regions of China
* Ground-based and Spaceborne SAR Interferometric Techniques Supporting The Management of Emergencies In the Heimdall Project
* Group Cost-Sensitive BoostLR With Vector Form Decorrelated Filters for Pedestrian Detection
* Grouped Multi-Scale Network for Real-World Image Denoising
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Intelligent Visual Content Analysis and Understanding
* Guidance-based improved depth upsampling with better initial estimate
* Guided adaptive interpolation filter
* Guided image filtering in shape-from-focus: A comparative analysis
* H-YOLO: A Single-Shot Ship Detection Approach Based on Region of Interest Preselected Network
* HADEM-MACS: a hybrid approach for detection and extraction of objects in movement by multimedia autonomous computer systems
* Handheld Mobile Laser Scanners As A Tool for Accurate Positioning Under Forest Canopy, The
* Hdnet: Human Depth Estimation for Multi-person Camera-space Localization
* Head pose estimation by regression algorithm
* Heating Patterns Recognition in Industrial Microwave-Processed Foods
* Heavy-Tailed Self-Similarity Modeling for Single Image Super Resolution
* heuristic framework for perceptual saliency prediction, A
* Hidden Footprints: Learning Contextual Walkability from 3d Human Trails
* Hierarchical Approach for Detecting Changes with the Use of Different Pyramid Levels In Dense Image Matching
* Hierarchical Classification for Assessment of Horticultural Crops In Mixed Cropping Pattern Using UAV-borne Multi-spectral Sensor
* Hierarchical Face Aging Through Disentangled Latent Characteristics
* Hierarchical Game for Networked Electric Vehicle Public Charging Under Time-Based Billing Model
* Hierarchical Predictive Coding-Based JND Estimation for Image Compression
* Hierarchical Reasoning Network for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* High Accuracy Direct Georeferencing of the Altum Multi-spectral UAV Camera and Its Application to High Throughput Plant Phenotyping
* High Precision Fully Integrated Airborne Digital Mapping Systems - State of the Art and Performance Analysis
* High Resolution Digital Terrain Models of Mercury
* High-Accuracy Parameters Identification of Non-Linear Electrical Model for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Capacitor
* High-Fidelity Reversible Image Watermarking Based on Effective Prediction Error-Pairs Modification
* High-Integrity and Low-Cost Navigation System for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* High-precision Ranging Based on Multispectral Full-waveform Lidar
* High-Precision Stand Age Data Facilitate the Estimation of Rubber Plantation Biomass: A Case Study of Hainan Island, China
* High-Resolution Oscillating Steady-State fMRI Using Patch-Tensor Low-Rank Reconstruction
* High-resolution SAR Coherent Change Detection In Urban Environment
* High-Resolution Spatial and Time-Series Labeled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Dataset for Middle-Season Rice, A
* Higher-Order Total Directional Variation: Imaging Applications
* Highly accurate 3D reconstruction based on a precise and robust binocular camera calibration method
* Highly Efficient Multiview Depth Coding Based on Histogram Projection and Allowable Depth Distortion
* Highly Scalable Data Management System for Point Cloud and Full Waveform Lidar Data, A
* Highway and Airport Runway Pavement Inspection Using Mobile Lidar
* Himawari-8 Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Using a Deep Neural Network Trained Using AERONET Observations
* Historical Sentient: Building Information Model: A Digital Twin For The Management of Museum Collections In Historical Architectures
* History and Evolution of Single Pass Connected Component Analysis
* Hmor: Hierarchical Multi-person Ordinal Relations for Monocular Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation
* Holistic 3d Digital Documentation of A Byzantine Church
* Holistic Parametric Reconstruction of Building Models From Point Clouds
* Holographic SAR Tomography 3-D Reconstruction Based on Iterative Adaptive Approach and Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test
* Horizontal Accuracy Assessment of Google Earth Data Over Typical Regions of Asia
* How Does Peri-Urbanization Trigger Climate Change Vulnerabilities? An Investigation of the Dhaka Megacity in Bangladesh
* How Does Shannon's Source Coding Theorem Fare In Prediction of Image Compression Ratio with Current Algorithms?
* How Far Can We Classify Macroalgae Remotely? An Example Using a New Spectral Library of Species from the South West Atlantic (Argentine Patagonia)
* How Initial Forest Cover, Site Characteristics and Fire Severity Drive the Dynamics of the Southern Boreal Forest
* How Urban Factors Affect the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Infectious Diseases in Addition to Intercity Population Movement in China
* HPGAN: Hyperspectral Pansharpening Using 3-D Generative Adversarial Networks
* Human Action Recognition Using Deep Learning Methods
* Human Activity Recognition Based on Smartphone Sensor Data Using CNN
* Human activity recognition using improved dynamic image
* Human-Centric Clothing Segmentation via Deformable Semantic Locality-Preserving Network
* Human-like evaluation method for object motion detection algorithms
* Hybrid Inductive-Power-Transfer Battery Chargers for Electric Vehicle Onboard Charging With Configurable Charging Profile
* Hybrid Modeling: Fusion of A Deep Learning Approach and A Physics-based Model for Global Hydrological Modeling
* Hybrid Models for Open Set Recognition
* Hybrid MPI-MRI System for Dual-Modal In Situ Cardiovascular Assessments of Real-Time 3D Blood Flow Quantification: A Pre-Clinical In Vivo Feasibility Investigation
* Hybrid Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving in On-Road Dynamic Scenarios
* Hypergraph Spectral Analysis and Processing in 3D Point Cloud
* Hypergraph video pedestrian re-identification based on posture structure relationship and action constraints
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion via Graph Laplacian-Guided Coupled Tensor Decomposition
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion via Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation and Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Using Dual Window Density
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Graph Dictionary-Based Low Rank Decomposition with Texture Feature Extraction
* Hyperspectral Band Selection via Optimal Neighborhood Reconstruction
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Mixed Convolutions and Covariance Pooling
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Context-Aware Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with Feature-Oriented Adversarial Active Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Mixed Noise Removal Based on Multidirectional Low-Rank Modeling and Spatial-Spectral Total Variation
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Deep Progressive Zero-Centric Residual Learning
* Hyperspectral Nonlinear Unmixing by Using Plug-and-Play Prior for Abundance Maps
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Tighter Random Projection with Minimal Intra-Class Variance Algorithm
* Hyperspectral Sharpening Approaches Using Satellite Multiplatform Data
* Hyperspectral Unmixing via Latent Multiheterogeneous Subspace
* Ice Detection on Airplane Wings Using A Photogrammetric Point Cloud: A Simulation
* Icesat-2 Altimetry As Geodetic Control
* iCmSC: Incomplete Cross-Modal Subspace Clustering
* Identification of Melanoma From Hyperspectral Pathology Image Using 3D Convolutional Networks
* Identification of Temporary Surface Water Using Sentinel-1 Sar Data, Case Study: Sentani Flash Flooding, Indonesia
* Identifying Atypical Travel Patterns for Improved Medium-Term Mobility Prediction
* Identifying Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change From 2000 to 2025 Driven By Tourism Growth: A Study Case In Bali
* Identifying noisy labels with a transductive semi-supervised leave-one-out filter
* Identifying Port Calls of Ships by Uncertain Reasoning with Trajectory Data
* Identifying Soil Erosion Processes in Alpine Grasslands on Aerial Imagery with a U-Net Convolutional Neural Network
* Identity-guided Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
* Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Image and Text fusion for UPMC Food-101 using BERT and CNNs
* Image Blur Detection Method Based on Gradient Information In Directional Statistics
* Image compression using adaptive multiresolution image decomposition algorithm
* Image decomposition and denoising using fractional-order partial differential equations
* Image Dehazing Based on Multispectral Polarization Imaging Method In Different Detection Modes
* Image dehazing with uneven illumination prior by dense residual channel attention network
* Image denoising using complex-valued deep CNN
* Image Description With Polar Harmonic Fourier Moments
* Image Metrics for Deconvolution of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit
* Image Polarity Detection on Resource-Constrained Devices
* Image Pre-processing Strategies for Enhancing Photogrammetric 3d Reconstruction of Underwater Shipwreck Datasets
* Image Retrieval via Gated Multiscale NetVLAD for Social Media Applications
* Image Segmentation with Partial Convexity Shape Prior Using Discrete Conformality Structures
* Image splicing localization using residual image and residual-based fully convolutional network
* Image super-resolution based on conditional generative adversarial network
* Image-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping of Cereals Early Vigor and Weed-Competitiveness Traits
* Imaging Floods and Glacier Geohazards with Remote Sensing
* Imaging Hydraulic Fractures Under Energized Steel Casing by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Imaging with the Elliptic Radon Transform in Three Dimensions from an Analytical and Numerical Perspective
* Imclass: A User-tailored Machine Learning Image Classification Chain For Change Detection Or Landcover Mapping
* Impact of 3-D Structures and Their Radiation on Thermal Infrared Measurements in Urban Areas
* Impact of Flight Altitude on Unmanned Aerial Photogrammetric Survey Of The Snow Height on Mount Lebanon
* Impact of Forest Disturbance on InSAR Surface Displacement Time Series
* Impact of Forest Fire on Forest Cover Types In Mongolia, The
* Impact of Point Cloud Density on Building Outline Extraction, The
* Impact of the Distribution of Observations on Terrestrial Laser Scanner Self-calibration Quality, The
* Impact of UAV Surveying Parameters on Mixed Urban Landuse Surface Modelling
* Impacts of Climate Variability and Drought on Surface Water Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa Using Remote Sensing: A Review
* Implementation of A Photogrammetric Procedure for the Adjustment Of The Old Raster Cadastral Plans, The
* Implementation Strategy of Visible and Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer on Yutu-2 Rover Based on Vision Measurement Technology
* Improved Correction Method of Nighttime Light Data Based on EVI and WorldPop Data, An
* Improved Deep Keypoint Detection Network for Space Targets Pose Estimation, An
* Improved estimates of monthly land surface temperature from MODIS using a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model
* Improved Graph Neural Networks for Spatial Networks Using Structure-Aware Sampling
* Improved Indoor Positioning Using BLE Differential Distance Correction And Pedestrian Dead Reckoning
* Improved prototypical networks for few-Shot learning
* Improved Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Denoising Method Based on Block-matching and 3D Filtering, An
* Improved Zenith Tropospheric Delay Modeling Using the Piecewise Model of Atmospheric Refractivity
* Improved-StoryGAN for sequential images visualization
* Improvement and Impacts of Forest Canopy Parameters on Noah-MP Land Surface Model from UAV-Based Photogrammetry
* Improvement of Decorrelation-Based OCT Angiography by an Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Kernel in Monitoring Stimulus-Evoked Hemodynamic Responses
* Improving Blood Vessel Tortuosity Measurements via Highly Sampled Numerical Integration of the Frenet-Serret Equations
* Improving Classification of Multispectral Images Based on Selected Relations
* Improving Deep Learning Based Semantic Segmentation with Multi View Outlier Correction
* Improving Disparity Estimation Based on Residual Cost Volume And Reconstruction Error Volume
* Improving Face Recognition by Clustering Unlabeled Faces in the Wild
* Improving face verification using facial marks and deep CNN: IARPA Janus benchmark-A
* Improving hyperspectral image segmentation by applying inverse noise weighting and outlier removal for optimal scale selection
* Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection by Addressing Modality Imbalance Problems
* Improving Paralysis Compensation in Photon Counting Detectors
* Improving Performance and Adaptivity of Anchor-Based Detector Using Differentiable Anchoring With Efficient Target Generation
* Improving Quality and Inclusive Education on Photogrammetry: New Teaching Approaches and Multimedia Supporting Materials
* Improving Smartphone Position and Attitude for Geospatial Augmented Reality Applications
* Improving the Classification of Land Use Objects Using Dense Connectivity of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Improving the Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Rewarding Modifications
* Improving the representation of image descriptions for semantic image retrieval with RDF
* Improving traffic sign recognition results in urban areas by overcoming the impact of scale and rotation
* Improving Vertical Accuracy of UAV Digital Surface Models By Introducing Terrestrial Laser Scans on A Point-cloud Level
* Incoherent Noise Suppression of Seismic Data Based on Robust Low-Rank Approximation
* Incorporating Human Body Shape Guidance for Cloth Warping in Model to Person Virtual Try-on Problems
* Incorporating Interferometric Coherence Into LULC Classification Of Airborne Polsar-images Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Increased Low Degree Spherical Harmonic Influences on Polar Ice Sheet Mass Change Derived from GRACE Mission
* Incremental approach for multi-modal face expression recognition system using deep neural networks
* Individual tree detection and crown delineation from Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) LiDAR in structurally complex mixed species eucalypt forests
* Indoor 3d Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation Bases on Modified Pointnet Network
* Indoor Building Survey Assessment
* Indoor Lidar Relocalization Based on Deep Learning Using A 3d Model
* Indoor Mobile Mapping System and Crowd Simulation to Support School Reopening Because of Covid-19: A Case Study
* Indoor Navigation and Mapping: Performance Analysis of Uwb-based Platform Positioning
* Indoor Positioning Method Using WiFi RTT Based on LOS Identification and Range Calibration
* Indoor Scene Registration Based on Key Points Sampling and Hierarchical Feature Learning
* Inferring the Scale and Content of A Map Using Deep Learning
* Influence of Quality of Remote Sensing Data on Vegetation Passability by Terrain Vehicles
* Influence of the Economic Efficiency of Built-Up Land (EEBL) on Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration (YRDU
* Information Theory of Cartography: A Framework for Entropy-based Cartographic Communication Theory
* Infrared and visible image fusion using a shallow CNN and structural similarity constraint
* Infrared and visible image fusion via global variable consensus
* Infrared Precipitation Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Infrastructure of the Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Based on Examples of Italy and Poland
* Initial Assessment of the COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7 Neutral Atmosphere Data Quality in NESDIS/STAR Using In Situ and Satellite Data
* Innovational Digital Tool In GIS Procedure: Mapping Adriatic Coast In Abruzzo Region to Support Design of Slow Mobility Routes, An
* InSAR 3-D Coseismic Displacement Field of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Insights into Complex Fault Kinematics during the Event
* InSAR- and PIM-Based Inclined Goaf Determination for Illegal Mining Detection
* Insight Into the Gibbs Sampler: Keep the Samples or Drop Them?, An
* Insights Into Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
* Integrated Geomatic Techniques for Georeferencing and Reconstructing the Position of Underground Archaeological Sites: The Case Study of the Augustus Sundial (Rome)
* Integrated GIS System for Post-fire Hazard Assessments With Remote Sensing
* Integrated Kalman Filter of Accurate Ranging and Tracking With Wideband Radar
* Integrated Mineral Spectral Library Using Shared Data For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Geological Mapping, An
* Integrating an Expert System, GIS, and Satellite Remote Sensing to Evaluate Land Suitability for Sustainable Tea Production in Bangladesh
* Integrating Backdating and Transfer Learning in an Object-Based Framework for High Resolution Image Classification and Change Analysis
* Integrating Expertises and Ambitions for Data-driven Digital Building Permits: The Eunet4dbp
* Integrating Part of Speech Guidance for Image Captioning
* Integrating Remote Sensing and Landscape Characteristics to Estimate Soil Salinity Using Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study from Southern Xinjiang, China
* Integration of Aerial, MMS, and Backpack Images for Seamless 3d Mapping In Urban Areas
* Integration of Authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information For Updating Urban Mapping: Challenges and Potentials
* Integration of BIM and GIS In Construction Project: A Data Consistency Review, The
* Integration of Historical GIS Data in a HBIM System
* Integration of IOT Sensors to 3d Indoor Models with IndoorGML
* Integration of Multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery For Land-cover Classification Using Machine Learning Methods
* Integration of PDR and Image-based Positioning Aided By Artificial Neural Networks In Indoor Environment
* Integrity - A Topic for Photogrammetry ?
* Intelligent Mapping of Urban Forests from High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Object-Based U-Net-DenseNet-Coupled Network
* Inter-annual Difference of Land Surface Phenology (LSP) Transaction Dates Using Time Series Landsat Images
* Inter-Comparison of Field- and Laboratory-Derived Surface Emissivities of Natural and Manmade Materials in Support of Land Surface Temperature (LST) Remote Sensing
* Inter-comparisons Among Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration Products From Fy-3d Mwri and Amsr2
* Interaction Between Direct Georeferencing, Control Point Configuration And Camera Self-calibration for RTK-Based UAV Photogrammetry
* Interactive Digital Terrain Model Analysis In Attribute Space
* Interactive Geo-information In Virtual Reality: Observations and Future Challenges
* Interactive Video Retrieval in the Age of Deep Learning: Detailed Evaluation of VBS 2019
* Interannual Response of Reef Islands to Climate-Driven Variations in Water Level and Wave Climate
* Intercomparison of Burned Area Products and Its Implication for Carbon Emission Estimations in the Amazon
* Interferometric Phase Retrieval for Multimode InSAR via Sparse Recovery
* Internal-Illumination Photoacoustic Tomography Enhanced by a Graded-Scattering Fiber Diffuser
* Internet of Things for Smart Healthcare: A Review on A Potential Iot Based System and Technologies to Control Covid-19 Pandemic
* Interpreting and Improving Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks With Neuron Sensitivity
* Intra- and Inter-annual Trends of Sun-induced Fluorescence (SIF) For Contrasting Vegetation Types of India
* Intracity Pandemic Risk Evaluation Using Mobile Phone Data: The Case of Shanghai during COVID-19
* Intravaginal Devices and GNSS Collars with Satellite Communication to Detect Calving Events in Extensive Beef Production in Northern Australia
* Introducing Transfer Leaming to 3D ResNet-18 for Alzheimer's Disease Detection on MRI Images
* Introduction of Clouds In Dart Model
* Introduction of Sample Based Prior into the D-Bar Method Through a Schur Complement Property
* Investigating Standardized 3d Input Data for Solar Photovoltaic Potentials In the Netherlands
* Investigating the Completeness and Omission Roads of Openstreetmap Data In Hubei, China By Comparing With Street Map and Street View
* Investigating the Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Trace Gases Using Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations in Nanjing, China
* Investigating the Performance of Random Forest and Support Vector Regression for Estimation of Cloud-free Ndvi Using Sentinel-1 Sar Data
* Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environment and Relative Risk of COVID-19 in Hong Kong
* Investigating the significance of adversarial attacks and their relation to interpretability for radar-based human activity recognition systems
* Investigating the Susceptibility to Failure of a Rock Cliff by Integrating Structure-from-Motion Analysis and 3D Geomechanical Modelling
* Investigating the Uncertainties Propagation Analysis of CO2 Emissions Gridded Maps at the Urban Scale: A Case Study of Jinjiang City, China
* Investigation of 2019 Rainfall Effects on Urmia Lake Surface And Extraction of Lake Shoreline Changes and Comparison with the Previous Decade Using Remote Sensing Images and Gis
* Investigation of CdTe, GaAs, Se and Si as Sensor Materials for Mammography
* Investigation of Cryosphere Dynamics Variations In the Upper Indus Basin Using Remote Sensing and GIS
* Investigation of the Ground Motion Near the Leaning Tower of Bad Frankenhausen Using Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Investigations on the Global Image Datasets for the Absolute Geometric Quality Assessment of Msg Seviri Imagery
* Ionospheric Total Electron Content Estimation Using GNSS Carrier Phase Observations Based on Zero-Difference Integer Ambiguity: Methodology and Assessment
* Iris and periocular biometrics for head mounted displays: Segmentation, recognition, and synthetic data generation
* Irrigation Events Detection over Intensively Irrigated Grassland Plots Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Isotropic Remeshing by Dynamic Voronoi Tessellation on Voxelized Surface
* ISPRS Benchmark on Indoor Modelling - Preliminary Results, The
* ISPRS-Eurosdr GeoBIM Benchmark 2019, The
* Iterative Approach for Self-calibrating Bundle Adjustment, An
* Iterative Distance-aware Similarity Matrix Convolution with Mutual-supervised Point Elimination for Efficient Point Cloud Registration
* Iterative Training of Neural Networks for Intra Prediction
* Iterative Training Sample Expansion to Increase and Balance the Accuracy of Land Classification From VHR Imagery
* JNR: Joint-based Neural Rig Representation for Compact 3d Face Modeling
* Joint architecture and knowledge distillation in CNN for Chinese text recognition
* Joint Delay-Doppler Estimation Performance in a Dual Source Context
* Joint discriminative feature learning for multimodal finger recognition
* Joint Feature Weighting and Adaptive Graph-Based Matrix Regression for Image Supervised Feature Selection
* Joint image-to-image translation with denoising using enhanced generative adversarial networks
* Joint Learning of Local and Global Context for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Joint Optimization for Multi-person Shape Models from Markerless 3d-scans
* Joint Person Objectness and Repulsion for Person Search
* Joint SO(3)-Spectral Domain Filtering of Spherical Signals in the Presence of Anisotropic Noise
* Joint Spatial and Radiometric Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, The
* Joint Visual and Temporal Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification
* KDD: A kernel density based descriptor for 3D point clouds
* Kernel low-rank representation with elastic net for China coastal wetland land cover classification using GF-5 hyperspectral imagery
* Kernelized dual regression incorporating local information for image set classification
* Key Role of Geographic Information In Exposomics: The Example Of The H2020 Pulse Project, The
* KISS+ for Rapid and Accurate Pedestrian Re-Identification
* Knowledge Distillation Using GANs for Fast Object Detection
* Knowledge Modeling for Heritage Conservation Process: From Survey To HBIM Implementation
* Knowledge-based Video Question Answering with Unsupervised Scene Descriptions
* KT-GAN: Knowledge-Transfer Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Lake Phenology of Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using Random Forest: A Case Study of Qinghai Lake
* Land Cover Classification Using A Feature Pyramid Networks Architecture From Satellite Imagery, The
* Land Cover-Land Use Monitoring for Agriculture Features Classification
* Land Subsidence Monitoring In Dezhou City Based on Sbas-insar Technology
* Land Subsidence Monitoring with Multi-track Sar Data
* Land Subsidence Prediction Induced by Multiple Factors Using Machine Learning Method
* Land Suitability Analysis of the Vhembe District, South Africa, The Case of Maize and Sorghum, A
* Land Suitability for Coffee (Coffea arabica) Growing in Amazonas, Peru: Integrated Use of AHP, GIS and RS
* Land surface phenology as indicator of global terrestrial ecosystem dynamics: A systematic review
* Land Surface Subsidence Due to Mining-Induced Tremors in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland): Case Study
* Land Surveying Studies In Building Control System for Smart Cities
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping - A Case Study of Ahmedabad District
* Land Use Classification Using Deep Multitask Networks
* Land Use Mapping Techniques (Including the Areas Used by Pedestrians) Based on Low-Level Aerial Imagery, The
* Land Use/land Cover Change Prediction Using Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery and Multi-layer Perceptron Markov Model
* Land-Use and Land-Cover Classification Using a Human Group-Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with an LSTM Classifier on Hybrid Pre-Processing Remote-Sensing Images
* Land-use Dynamics Analysis Based on Spatial Interactions Models And Satellite Images Time-series
* Landmine Detection Using Autoencoders on Multipolarization GPR Volumetric Data
* Landscape Urbanization and Farmland Reduction From 2010 to 2017 In South China
* Landscape-Scale Crop Lodging Assessment across Iowa and Illinois Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images
* Landslide Study Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner (LIDAR) Analysis
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping with Random Forest Model for Ordu, Turkey
* Lane Width Estimation in Work Zones Using LiDAR-Based Mobile Mapping Systems
* LANet: Local Attention Embedding to Improve the Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Laplacian Flow Dynamics on Geometric Graphs for Anatomical Modeling of Cerebrovascular Networks
* Laplacian fusion approach of multi-source point clouds for detail enhancement
* Large Common Plansets-4-Points Congruent Sets for Point Cloud Registration
* Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification With Privileged Information for Biometric Applications
* Large Scale 3D Point Cloud Modeling from CAD Database in Complex Industrial Environments
* Large-scale Annotated Mechanical Components Benchmark for Classification and Retrieval Tasks with Deep Neural Networks, A
* Large-scale Pretraining for Visual Dialog: A Simple State-of-the-art Baseline
* large-scale remote sensing database for subjective and objective quality assessment of pansharpened images, A
* Large-Scope PolSAR Image Change Detection Based on Looking-Around-and-Into Mode
* Laser Ranging Modeling Under Generalized Mixed Pixels Effect
* Last Mile Logistics In the Framework of Smart Cities: A Typology Of City Logistics Schemes
* Last-Mile School Shuttle Planning With Crowdsensed Student Trajectories
* LAST: Location-Appearance-Semantic-Temporal Clustering Based POI Summarization
* Layer-Wise Adaptive Updating for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Learning Adaptive Neighborhood Graph on Grassmann Manifolds for Video/Image-Set Subspace Clustering
* Learning an adaptive model for extreme low-light raw image processing
* Learning and Fusing Multiple User Interest Representations for Micro-Video and Movie Recommendations
* Learning and Memorizing Representative Prototypes for 3d Point Cloud Semantic and Instance Segmentation
* Learning Camera-aware Noise Models
* Learning Common Harmonic Waves on Stiefel Manifold: A New Mathematical Approach for Brain Network Analyses
* Learning Complete and Discriminative Direction Pattern for Robust Palmprint Recognition
* Learning deep kernels in the space of monotone conjunctive polynomials
* Learning Delicate Local Representations for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* Learning Dual Geometric Low-Rank Structure for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning Dual Transformation Networks for Image Contrast Enhancement
* Learning Face Image Super-Resolution Through Facial Semantic Attribute Transformation and Self-Attentive Structure Enhancement
* Learning Geodesic Active Contours for Embedding Object Global Information in Segmentation CNNs
* Learning Gradient Fields for Shape Generation
* Learning Guided Convolutional Network for Depth Completion
* Learning Local and Global Priors for JPEG Image Artifacts Removal
* Learning Localized Representations of Point Clouds With Graph-Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Learning Open Set Network with Discriminative Reciprocal Points
* Learning Recurrent Memory Activation Networks for Visual Tracking
* Learning region sparse constraint correlation filter for tracking
* Learning Representations for High-Dynamic-Range Image Color Transfer in a Self-Supervised Way
* Learning Rotation Domain Deep Mutual Information Using Convolutional LSTM for Unsupervised PolSAR Image Classification
* Learning Spatial Attention for Face Super-Resolution
* Learning Sub-Sampling and Signal Recovery With Applications in Ultrasound Imaging
* Learning the 3d Pose of Vehicles From 2d Vehicle Patches
* Learning the Sampling Pattern for MRI
* Learning Through Serious Games: A Digital Design Museum for Education
* Learning to Anticipate Egocentric Actions by Imagination
* Learning to Distort Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Localization Supervision
* Learning to Learn in a Semi-Supervised Fashion
* Learning to Localize Actions from Moments
* Learning to Plan with Uncertain Topological Maps
* Learning to Score Figure Skating Sport Videos
* Learning to See in the Dark with Events
* Learning to Separate: Detecting Heavily-Occluded Objects in Urban Scenes
* Learning to Track Aircraft in Infrared Imagery
* Learning Trailer Moments in Full-length Movies with Co-contrastive Attention
* Learning with Privileged Information for Efficient Image Super-resolution
* Learning-Based Microultrasound System for the Detection of Inflammation of the Gastrointestinal Tract, A
* Lesion-Harvester: Iteratively Mining Unlabeled Lesions and Hard-Negative Examples at Scale
* Leveraging Linguistically-aware Object Relations and NASNet for Image Captioning
* Leveraging Maturity Assessment to Choose the Right Applications For Smart Cities: Turkey's Approach
* LIDAR Derived 3D City Modelling
* Lidar sheds new light on plant phenomics for plant breeding and management: Recent advances and future prospects
* Lidar-based Lane Marking Extraction Through Intensity Thresholding And Deep Learning Approaches: A Pavement-based Assessment
* light CNN for detecting COVID-19 from CT scans of the chest, A
* Light Environment and LAI Monitoring In Rice Community By Ground- And UAV-based Remote Sensing
* Light Field Image Super-Resolution Using Deformable Convolution
* Lightcam: Enlightening the Camera Obscura - Where Photogrammetry, Computer and Robotic Vision Meet
* Lightweight Deep CNN for Natural Image Matting via Similarity-Preserving Knowledge Distillation
* Lightweight Spatial and Temporal Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Defect Detection, A
* LIMP: Learning Latent Shape Representations with Metric Preservation Priors
* Line Segment Matching Algorithm Based on Feature Grouping and LBD Descriptor
* Linear classifier combination via multiple potential functions
* Linkages between Rainfed Cereal Production and Agricultural Drought through Remote Sensing Indices and a Land Data Assimilation System: A Case Study in Morocco
* LionVu 2.0 Usability Assessment for Pennsylvania, United States
* LIRA: Lifelong Image Restoration from Unknown Blended Distortions
* Listening-oriented response generation by exploiting user responses
* Living Structure as an Empirical Measurement of City Morphology
* Local Constraint-Based Sparse Manifold Hypergraph Learning for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image
* Local relation network with multilevel attention for visual question answering
* Local Segregation of Realised Niches in Lizards
* Local structured feature learning with dynamic maximum entropy graph
* Locality Regularized Robust-PCRC: A Novel Simultaneous Feature Extraction and Classification Framework for Hyperspectral Images
* Location Planning of PEV Fast Charging Station: An Integrated Approach Under Traffic and Power Grid Requirements
* LOD3 Building Reconstruction From Multi-source Images
* Long Term Air Quality Analysis In Reference to Thermal Power Plants Using Satellite Data In Singrauli Region, India
* Long-short Skip Connections In Deep Neural Networks for DSM Refinement
* Longitudinal In-Vivo X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography With Molybdenum Nanoparticles
* Lookup Table Approach for Radiometric Calibration of Miniaturized Multispectral Camera Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Low bit-rate compression of underwater image based on human visual system
* Low Dose CT Perfusion With K-Space Weighted Image Average (KWIA)
* Low-Complexity Error Resilient HEVC Video Coding: A Deep Learning Approach
* Low-Cost Ka-Band Cloud Radar System for Distributed Measurements within the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
* Low-cost UAS Photogrammetry for Road Infrastructures' Inspection
* Low-delay and Robust Solution for Rapid Movement Detection Using UWB, A
* Low-Rank Constrained Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Multiview Video
* lower bound for generalized median based consensus learning using kernel-induced distance functions, A
* LPPM-Net: Local-aware point processing module based 3D hand pose estimation for point cloud
* LSTM Approach to Temporal 3d Object Detection in Lidar Point Clouds, An
* LSWI-Based Method for Mapping Irrigated Areas in China Using Moderate-Resolution Satellite Data, An
* Lunar Terrain Reconstruction From Multi-View LROC NAC Images Based On Semi-global Matching In Object Space
* Machine Learning and IOT for Smart Grid
* machine learning approach for image retrieval tasks, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Mapping Forest Vegetation in Riparian Zones in an Atlantic Biome Environment Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
* Machine Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Data Gap-Filling with Open-Source Implementation: An Example Regarding Land Surface Temperature, Surface Albedo and NDVI, A
* Machine Learning for Approximating Unknown Face
* Machine Learning Framework for the Estimation of Average Speed in Rural Road Networks with OpenStreetMap Data
* Machine Learning with Synthetic Data: A New Way to Learn and Classify the Pictorial Augmented Reality Markers in Real-Time
* Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation System With a Whole Brain Coil Array for Nonhuman Primates at 3 T, A
* Mapping Aboveground Woody Biomass on Abandoned Agricultural Land Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Mapping Air Quality with A Mobile Crowdsourced Air Quality Monitoring System (C-AQM)
* Mapping an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora by Combining an Ensemble One-Class Classification Algorithm with a Phenological NDVI Time-Series Analysis Approach in Middle Coast of Jiangsu, China
* Mapping an Urban Boundary Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 and POI Data: A Case Study of Zhengzhou City
* Mapping Burn Extent of Large Wildland Fires from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning Trained from Localized Hyperspatial Imagery
* Mapping Changing Population Distribution on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 2000 with Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing and Point-of-Interest Data
* Mapping Coastal Wetlands of the Bohai Rim at a Spatial Resolution of 10 m Using Multiple Open-Access Satellite Data and Terrain Indices
* Mapping Dragon Fruit Croplands from Space Using Remote Sensing of Artificial Light at Night
* Mapping Food and Health Premises in Barcelona. An Approach to Logics of Distribution and Proximity of Essential Urban Services
* Mapping Irrigated Areas Using Random Forest Based on Gf-1 Multi-spectral Data
* Mapping Land Use from High Resolution Satellite Images by Exploiting the Spatial Arrangement of Land Cover Objects
* Mapping Landslide Hazard Risk Using Random Forest Algorithm in Guixi, Jiangxi, China
* Mapping of the Canopy Openings in Mixed Beech-Fir Forest at Sentinel-2 Subpixel Level Using UAV and Machine Learning Approach
* Mapping of Water Surface Levels and Slopes with Single Photon Lidar - A Case Study At the River Rhine
* Mapping Recurrent Flooding Zone Along Estonian Inland Waters From Sentinel-1 and -2
* Mapping Roadway Drainage Ditches Using Mobile Lidar
* Mapping Soil Degradation on Arable Land with Aerial Photography and Erosion Models, Case Study from Danube Lowland, Slovakia
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Changes in Vegetation Growth Peak and the Response to Climate and Spring Phenology over Northeast China
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Diffusion of COVID-19 in Lombardy (Italy) on the Base of Emergency Medical Services Activities
* Mapping the Accessibility In Openstreetmap: A Comparison of Different Techniques
* Mapping the Distribution of Coffee Plantations from Multi-Resolution, Multi-Temporal, and Multi-Sensor Data Using a Random Forest Algorithm
* Mapping the Melatonin Suppression, Star Light and Induced Photosynthesis Indices with the LANcube
* Mapping Urban Ventilation Corridors and Assessing Their Impact Upon The Cooling Effect of Greening Solutions
* Mapping Without Dynamic: Robust Lidar-SLAM for UGV Mobile Mapping In Dynamic Environments
* Marine Robots Mapping the Present and the Past: Unraveling the Secrets of the Deep
* Marker-free Calibration Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Correction, A
* Marker-less Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Massive 3d Point Clouds and Semantics
* Mask2CAD: 3d Shape Prediction by Learning to Segment and Retrieve
* Match-Moving Method Combining AI and SFM Algorithms In Historical Film Footage, A
* Material Decomposition Using Spectral Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging
* Mathematical variable detection in scientific document images
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularization Parameters in High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: An Empirical Bayesian Approach Part I: Methodology and Experiments
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularization Parameters in High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: An Empirical Bayesian Approach. Part II: Theoretical Analysis
* Mean Sea Surface Model over the Sea of Japan Determined from Multi-Satellite Altimeter Data and Tide Gauge Records
* Measurement Accuracy and Measurement Characteristics of Green Lidar Drone, The
* Measuring Artificial Reefs Using A Multi-camera System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
* Measuring the Spatial Readiness of Ambulance Facilities for Natural Disasters Using GIS Networks Analysis
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning with Feature Enhancement
* Melanoma and Nevi Classification using Convolution Neural Networks
* Memory Attention: Robust Alignment Using Gating Mechanism for End-to-End Speech Synthesis
* Memory-augmented Dense Predictive Coding for Video Representation Learning
* Memory-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Obstacle Avoidance in UAV With Limited Environment Knowledge
* Message Passing Based Robust Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radars in the Presence of Outliers
* Metadata Connector: Exploiting Hashtag and Tag for Cross-OSN Event Search
* Metadata-based Approach for Using Cctv to Facilitate Emergency Response, A
* METEOR: Measurable Energy Map Toward the Estimation of Resampling Rate via a Convolutional Neural Network
* Method for Estimating the Number of Households In A Region From The Number of Buildings Estimated By Deep Learning with the Adjustment Of Its Number Using Ancillary Datasets: Case Study In Djakarta, A
* Method for Extracting Substation Equipment Based on UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* Method of Airborne SAR Radiation Calibration Based on Point Target
* Methodology of Creating Variable Resolution Maps Based on the Example of Passability Maps, The
* Methodology of Sub-Catchment Division Considering Land Uses and Flow Directions
* Metrology Enabled Reflection Transformation Imaging to Reconstruct Local Detail In Manufactured Surfaces
* Microfacet-Based Model for Photometric Stereo with General Isotropic Reflectance, A
* Middle Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Vector Analysis of Midline Change
* Millimetre Moon Measurement: 50 Years of Lunar Laser Ranging Since Apollo 11!
* MIMO SAR Formations: Orbital Diameter and Synchronization Tolerances
* Mind the Discriminability: Asymmetric Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Mindflow Based Dense Matching Between TIR and RGB Images
* Minimal Learning Machine In Anomaly Detection From Hyperspectral Images
* Minimum class variance broad learning system for hyperspectral image classification
* Mining Seismic Thermal Anomalies From Massive Satellite Passive Microwave Images
* Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection With Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
* Missing data reconstruction in VHR images based on progressive structure prediction and texture generation
* Mitigating Embedding and Class Assignment Mismatch in Unsupervised Image Classification
* Mitigating Image Residuals Systematic Patterns In Underwater Photogrammetry
* Mixed Geospatial Methods Baseline Study to Evaluate and Model Gentrification Along the Westside Atlanta Beltline, Usa
* Mixed-precision quantized neural networks with progressively decreasing bitwidth
* Mobile Laser Scanning In Highly Urbanized Area: A Case Study In Sofia
* Mobile Serious Game easy Html: Scenarios and Perspectives, The
* Mobile-web-base Volunteered Geographic Information Application And Geometric Accuracy Analysis for Traffic Accidents
* Model-Downscaling Method for Fine-Resolution LAI Estimation, A
* Modeling and Optimizing of the Multi-Layer Nearest Neighbor Network for Face Image Super-Resolution
* Modeling Artistic Workflows for Image Generation and Editing
* Modeling Australian TEC Maps Using Long-Term Observations of Australian Regional GPS Network by Artificial Neural Network-Aided Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis Approach
* Modeling Bidirectional Polarization Distribution Function of Land Surfaces Using Machine Learning Techniques
* Modeling Gross Primary Production of Midwestern US Maize and Soybean Croplands with Satellite and Gridded Weather Data
* Modeling Microwave Emission of Corn Crop Considering Leaf Shape and Orientation Under the Physical Optics Approximation
* Modeling of Correlated Complex Sea Clutter Using Unsupervised Phase Retrieval
* Modeling of Emergency Evacuation In Building Fire
* Modeling Spatial Charging Demands Related to Electric Vehicles for Power Grid Planning Applications
* Modeling Time-Varying Variability and Reliability of Freeway Travel Time Using Functional Principal Component Analysis
* Modelling A Cell Tower Using SFM: Automated Detection of Structural Elements From Skeleton Extraction on A Point Cloud
* Modelling Land-use Regulation Conflicts with 3d Components to Support Issuing A Building Permit
* Modelling of Glacier and Ice Sheet Micro-topography Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data, Antarctica
* Modelling of Land Surface Temperature Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Random Forest Regression
* Modelling of Natural Fire Occurrences: A Case of South Africa
* Modification and hardware implementation of cortex-like object recognition model
* Modified Geometrical Optical Model of Row Crops Considering Multiple Scattering Frame, A
* Modular Approach to 3d Representation of Underground Infrastructure In The Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI)
* Modular Mobile Mapping Platform for Complex Indoor and Outdoor Environments, A
* Monitoring Annual Changes of Lake Water Levels and Volumes over 1984-2018 Using Landsat Imagery and ICESat-2 Data
* Monitoring Land Surface Temperature Change with Landsat Images during Dry Seasons in Bac Binh, Vietnam
* Monitoring Large Railways Infrastructures Using Hybrid Optical Fibers Sensor Systems
* Monitoring Large-Scale Inland Water Dynamics by Fusing Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-3 Altimetry Data and by Analyzing Causal Effects of Snowmelt
* Monitoring of Sugarcane Harvest in Brazil Based on Optical and SAR Data
* Monitoring Spatial Behavior of Pastoralist Sheep Through GPS, Lidar Data and VNIR Image
* Monitoring Temporal and Spatial Changes of Land Use and Land Cover Based on Remote Sensing In the Hilly Region of Central Sichuan Between 1989 and 2009
* Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations
* Monitoring Wheat Crop Growth Parameters Using Time Series Sentinel-1 And Sentinel-2 Data for Agricultural Application In Mongolia
* Monotonicity Prior for Cloud Tomography
* More Traffic Means More Accidents? the Case of French Nice Highway
* Morphological Analysis of Landslides In Extreme Topography By UAS-SFM: Data Acquisition, 3d Models and Change Detection
* Motion Analysis and Performance Improved Method for 3D LiDAR Sensor Data Compression
* Motion-Aware Rapid Video Saliency Detection
* Mountain Top-Based Atmospheric Radio Occultation Observations with Open/Closed Loop Tracking: Experiment and Validation
* Moving Objects Aware Sensor Mesh Fusion for Indoor Reconstruction From A Couple of 2d Lidar Scans
* Moving shadow detection via binocular vision and colour clustering
* Moving Ship Detection and Movement Prediction In Remote Sensing Videos
* MS-RRFSegNet: Multiscale Regional Relation Feature Segmentation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scene Point Clouds
* MSLWENet: A Novel Deep Learning Network for Lake Water Body Extraction of Google Remote Sensing Images
* Multi Criteria Decision Urban Development Framework for Land Expropriation In South Africa: A Strategic Approach, A
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method for the Management of Woodland Plantations in Floodplain Areas
* Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via a Unified Circular Framework
* Multi-Experiment Observations of Ionospheric Disturbances as Precursory Effects of the Indonesian Ms6.9 Earthquake on August 05, 2018
* Multi-Exposure Decomposition-Fusion Model for High Dynamic Range Image Saliency Detection
* Multi-exposure image fusion via a pyramidal integration of the phase congruency of input images with the intensity-based maps
* Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Combining Demons Registration and Regularized Bayesian Reconstruction
* Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Tomography for Acute Stroke Detection Using Frequency-Constrained Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Multi-label Classification for Drill-core Hyperspectral Mineral Mapping
* Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification by Combining a Convolutional Neural Network and a Graph Neural Network
* Multi-layer fusion network for blind stereoscopic 3D visual quality prediction
* Multi-layer WS2 and MOS2 Based Plasmonic Solar Cell for Smart Energy Harvesting
* Multi-level Education and Capacity Building Framework for Technology Adaptation
* Multi-modal image fusion based on saliency guided in NSCT domain
* Multi-modal semantic image segmentation
* Multi-mode neural network for human action recognition
* Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes Based on Multi-view Geometry
* Multi-purpose Cultural Heritage Data Platform for 4d Visualization And Interactive Information Services, A
* Multi-region saliency-aware learning for cross-domain placenta image segmentation
* Multi-scale Analysis of Jack Pine Saplings After Fire Across Burn Severities
* Multi-scale Building Maps From Aerial Imagery
* Multi-scale Multi-attention Network for Moiré Document Image Binarization
* Multi-scale patches based image denoising using weighted nuclear norm minimisation
* Multi-semantic long-range dependencies capturing for efficient video representation learning
* Multi-Sensor Analysis of a Weak and Long-Lasting Volcanic Plume Emission
* Multi-sensor Traffic Data Fusion for Congestion Detection and Tracking
* Multi-stage all-zero block detection for HEVC coding using machine learning
* Multi-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks-Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* Multi-Temporal Analysis and Trends of the Drought Based on MODIS Data in Agricultural Areas, Romania
* Multi-temporal Monitoring of Urban River Water Quality Using UAV-borne Multi-spectral Remote Sensing
* Multi-Temporal Satellite Interferometry for Fast-Motion Detection: An Application to Salt Solution Mining
* Multi-Temporal Scene Classification and Scene Change Detection With Correlation Based Fusion
* Multi-view hand gesture recognition via pareto optimal front
* Multi-View Instance Matching with Learned Geometric Soft-Constraints
* Multi-View Separable Pyramid Network for AD Prediction at MCI Stage by 18F-FDG Brain PET Imaging
* Multi-View Stereo Evaluation for Fine Object Reconstruction, A
* Multi-Year Winter Variations in Suspended Sediment Flux through the Bohai Strait
* Multidataset Independent Subspace Analysis With Application to Multimodal Fusion
* Multidimensional Assessment of Food Provisioning Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing and Agricultural Statistics
* Multientity Registration of Point Clouds for Dynamic Objects on Complex Floating Platform Using Object Silhouettes
* Multifamily GLRT for CFAR Detection of Signals in a Union of Subspaces, A
* Multilabel Text Classification With Incomplete Labels: A Safe Generative Model With Label Manifold Regularization and Confidence Constraint
* Multilevel fusion of multimodal deep features for porn streamer recognition in live video
* Multilevel Structure Extraction-Based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
* Multimodal Transformer With Multi-View Visual Representation for Image Captioning
* Multiobjective Mission Route Planning Problem: A Neural Network-Based Forecasting Model for Mission Planning
* Multiple depth-levels features fusion enhanced network for action recognition
* Multiple Global Population Datasets: Differences and Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Multiple Subspace Model and Image-Inpainting Algorithm Based on Multiple Matrix Rank Minimization
* Multiresolution Vector Data Compression Algorithm Based on Space Division, A
* Multiscale matters for part segmentation of instruments in robotic surgery
* Multisensor Thermal Infrared and Microwave Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Intercomparison
* Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classification
* Multispectral Remote Sensing of Wetlands in Semi-Arid and Arid Areas: A Review on Applications, Challenges and Possible Future Research Directions
* Multithreaded Rendering for Cross-platform 3d Visualization Based On Vulkan API
* Multiview Clustering of Images with Tensor Rank Minimization via Nonconvex Approach
* Mutual information guided 3D ResNet for self-supervised video representation learning
* NAPS: Non-adversarial polynomial synthesis
* NAS-DIP: Learning Deep Image Prior with Neural Architecture Search
* National Smart Cities Strategy and Action Plan: the Turkey's Smart Cities Approach
* Navigation and Mapping in Forest Environment Using Sparse Point Clouds
* NDVI Dynamics and Its Response to Climate Change and Reforestation in Northern China
* Near Relation-Based Indoor Positioning Method under Sparse Wi-Fi Fingerprints
* Near-realtime Flood Detection From Multi-temporal Sentinel Radar Images Using Artificial Intelligence
* Neighbour-based Domain Adaptation for Investigation of Transferable Ability of Previously Labeled Data for Land-cover Classification Of Aerial Images
* Network Adjustment of Automated Relative Orientation for A Dual-camera System
* Network Analysis of the Stack Overflow Tags
* Network Characteristics and Vulnerability Analysis of Chinese Railway Network under Earthquake Disasters
* Neural Design Network: Graphic Layout Generation with Constraints
* Neural Hair Rendering
* Neural Network Approaches to Reconstruct Phytoplankton Time-Series in the Global Ocean
* Neural Network Based Pavement Condition Assessment with Hyperspectral Images
* Neuronal Population Reconstruction From Ultra-Scale Optical Microscopy Images via Progressive Learning
* Neurora: Neural Robust Rotation Averaging
* New 3-D Geometry Reconstruction Method of Space Target Utilizing the Scatterer Energy Accumulation of ISAR Image Sequence, A
* New Algorithm for the Merging of Geometric Entities Towards the Correct Generation of Semantic GBXML Models
* New Approaches for Monitoring Image Data
* New Cloud Shadow Detection Algorithm Based on Prior Land Type Database Support, A
* New Cloud-edge-terminal Resources Collaborative Scheduling Framework For Multi-level Visualization Tasks of Large-scale Spatio-temporal Data, A
* New Fluorescence Quantum Yield Efficiency Retrieval Method to Simulate Chlorophyll Fluorescence under Natural Conditions, A
* new fuzzy k-nearest neighbor classifier based on the Bonferroni mean, A
* New Geographic Context Measure to Similarity Assessment Based on The Shape Context Descriptor, A
* New Global Catalogue of Lunar Craters (=1 Km) with 3d Information And Preliminary Results of Global Analysis, A
* New Landsat Collection-2 Digital Elevation Model, The
* new localization method for epileptic seizure onset zones based on time-frequency and clustering analysis, A
* new machine learning based approach to predict Freezing of Gait, A
* New Method for Positional Accuracy Analysis in Georeferenced Satellite Images without Independent Ground Control Points, A
* New Method of Fast Registration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Images Based-on An Improved Surf Algorithm, A
* New Observations From the SWIM Radar On-Board CFOSAT: Instrument Validation and Ocean Wave Measurement Assessment
* New Retrieval of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Water from Ocean Colour Measurements Applied on OLCI L-1b and L-2, A
* New Textural Indicators for Assessing Above-Ground Cotton Biomass Extracted from Optical Imagery Obtained via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* New Urban Vitality Analysis and Evaluation Framework Based on Human Activity Modeling Using Multi-Source Big Data, A
* Nighttime image dehazing based on Retinex and dark channel prior using Taylor series expansion
* No Surprises: Training Robust Lung Nodule Detection for Low-Dose CT Scans by Augmenting With Adversarial Attacks
* Nocturnal Surface Urban Heat Island over Greater Cairo: Spatial Morphology, Temporal Trends and Links to Land-Atmosphere Influences
* Noise-tolerant Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Non-Invasive RF Technique for Detecting Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease and Imaging Beta-Amyloid Plaques and Tau Tangles in the Brain
* Non-Rigid Respiratory Motion Estimation of Whole-Heart Coronary MR Images Using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Nonambiguous Image Formation for Low-Earth-Orbit SAR With Geosynchronous Illumination Based on Multireceiving and CAMP
* Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks
* Nonlinear Signal-Filtering Technique With Real-Time Gain Booster for Feedback System Applications
* Nonlocal Feature-Driven Exemplar-Based Approach for Image Inpainting, A
* Nonlocal Graph Convolutional Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Nonlocal Low-Rank Abundance Prior for Compressive Spectral Image Fusion
* Nonnegative and Nonlocal Sparse Tensor Factorization-Based Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Novel Approach to Modelling Mangrove Phenology from Satellite Images: A Case Study from Northern Australia, A
* Novel Arithmetics in Deep Neural Networks Signal Processing for Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Opportunities
* Novel breast cancer classification framework based on deep learning
* Novel CNN Training Framework: Loss Transferring, A
* Novel CNN-Based Method for Accurate Ship Detection in HR Optical Remote Sensing Images via Rotated Bounding Box, A
* Novel Convergence Results of Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descents
* Novel Eye Center Localization Method for Head Poses With Large Rotations, A
* Novel Greedy Genetic Algorithm to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problem, A
* Novel Index for Temporal Stability Analysis In Space and Time Of SAR-derived Scenes, A
* Novel Indoor Structure Extraction Based on Dense Point Cloud, A
* Novel Multiresolution-Statistical Texture Analysis Architecture: Radiomics-Aided Diagnosis of PDAC Based on Plain CT Images, A
* Novel OpenMVS-Based Texture Reconstruction Method Based on the Fully Automatic Plane Segmentation for 3D Mesh Models, A
* Novel Post-Doppler Parametric Adaptive Matched Filter for Airborne Multichannel Radar, A
* Novel Processing Methodology for Traffic-Speed Road Surveys Using Point Lasers, A
* Novel Rapid Method for Viewshed Computation on DEM through Max-Pooling and Min-Expected Height, A
* Novel Self-taught Learning Framework Using Spatial Pyramid Matching For Scene Classification, A
* Novel Spectral Linear Transformation to Estimate Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Coverage In North Asian Steppe, A
* Novel Techniques for Void Filling in Glacier Elevation Change Data Sets
* Novel Texture-Less Object Oriented Visual SLAM System, A
* Numerical Simulation Study on the Influence of Branching Structure of Longmen Shan Thrust Belt on the Nucleation of Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
* Object Detection In UAV-Borne Thermal Images Using Boundary-aware Saliency Maps
* Object Detection Under Rainy Conditions for Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of State-of-the-Art and Emerging Techniques
* Object Detection with the High-frequency Change of Objects Classes
* Object Detection-Based Video Retargeting With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* Object Saliency-Aware Dual Regularized Correlation Filter for Real-Time Aerial Tracking
* Object-based Image Analysis of Different Spatial Resolution Satellite Imageries In Urban and Suburban Environment
* Object-Oriented Open-Pit Mine Mapping Using Gaofen-2 Satellite Image and Convolutional Neural Network, for the Yuzhou City, China
* Oblique Images and Direct Photogrammetry with A Fixed Wing Platform: First Test and Results In Hierapolis of Phrygia (TK)
* Observing Snow Cover and Water Resource Changes in the High Mountain Asia Region in Comparison with Global Mountain Trends over 2000-2018
* Occlusion detection and drift-avoidance framework for 2D visual object tracking
* Occlusion-handling tracker based on discriminative correlation filters
* Ocean Real-Time Precise Point Positioning with the BeiDou Short-Message Service
* Oil Spill Detection Using Machine Learning and Infrared Images
* On Disentangling Spoof Trace for Generic Face Anti-spoofing
* On Laussedat's Contribution to the Emergence of Photogrammetry
* On Learning 3D Face Morphable Model from In-the-Wild Images
* On Practical Accuracy Aspects of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Equipped With Survey Grade Laser Scanners
* On the Challenge of Service Recommendation to Mobile Users In Smart Cities: Context and Architecture
* On the Challenges of Mobility Prediction In Smart Cities
* On the Combination of PsInsar and GNSS Techniques for Long-term Bridge Monitoring
* On the Contribution of Satellite Altimetry-Derived Water Surface Elevation to Hydrodynamic Model Calibration in the Han River
* On the Development of A Novel Approach for Identifying Perennial Drainage In Southern Brazil: A Study Case Integrating Sentinel-2 And High-resolution Digital Elevation Models with Machine Learning Techniques
* On the exact recovery conditions of 3D human motion from 2D landmark motion with sparse articulated motion
* On the Feasibility of Seafloor Topography Estimation from Airborne Gravity Gradients: Performance Analysis Using Real Data
* On the Joint Exploitation of Optical and SAR Satellite Imagery For Grassland Monitoring
* On-site Geometric Calibration of Thermal and Optical Sensors for UAS Photogrammetry
* Online incremental hierarchical classification resonance network
* Online Learning-Based Multi-Stage Complexity Control for Live Video Coding
* Online Signature Verification Using Single-Template Matching Through Locally and Globally Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* Ontology-based Rule Compliance Checking for Subsurface Objects
* Open Data and Machine Learning to Model the Occurrence of Fire in the Ecoregion of Llanos Colombo-Venezolanos
* Open It Infrastructure for Green Tourism Management and Promotion: The Insubri.parks Project, An
* Open Source Mail Server Migration Experience: Iredmail, An
* OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation Using Part Affinity Fields
* Operational Method for Validating the Downward Shortwave Radiation Over Rugged Terrains, An
* Operational Pipeline for A Global Cloud-free Mosaic and Classification Of Sentinel-2 Images
* Operational Service for Mapping the Baltic Sea Landfast Ice Properties
* OPMP: An Omnidirectional Pyramid Mask Proposal Network for Arbitrary-Shape Scene Text Detection
* Opportunities and Challenges of Geospatial Analysis for Promoting Urban Livability in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning
* Opportunities for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence In National Mapping Agencies: Enhancing Ordnance Survey Workflow
* Optical 3D Measurements In Hydrodynamic Tunnel for Aircraft Icing Study
* Optical Blur Disturbs: The Influence of Optical-Blurred Images In Photogrammtry
* Optical Polarized Effects for Quantitative Remote Sensing
* Optimal Image Selection Method to Improve Quality of Relative Radiometric Calibration for Uav Multispectral Images, An
* Optimal Storage Allocation for Delay Sensitivity Data in Electric Vehicle Network
* Optimal Transport Driven CycleGAN for Unsupervised Learning in Inverse Problems
* optimisation Technique for the Detection of Safety Attributes Using Roadside Video Data, An
* Optimization Algorithm of Tilted Image Matching Based on Adaptive Initial Object Aspect
* Optimization of face recognition algorithm based on deep learning multi feature fusion driven by big data
* Optimization of MRI Gradient Coils With Explicit Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Constraints
* Optimization of Variable-Current Charging Strategy Based on SOC Segmentation for Li-ion Battery
* Optimized Post-processing of Multiple UAV Images for Forestry Inspections
* Optimizing Near Real-Time Detection of Deforestation on Tropical Rainforests Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Optimum Path Determination to Facilitate Fire Station Rescue Missions Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms (case Study: City of Karaj)
* Orientation of Point Clouds for Complex Surfaces In Medical Surgery Using Trinocular Visual Odometry and Stereo Orb-SLAM2
* Oriented Vehicle Detection In High-resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Amplification and Category Balance By Oversampling Data Augmentation
* Orinoco: Retrieving a River Delta Network with the Fast Marching Method and Python
* OurPlaces: Cross-Cultural Crowdsourcing Platform for Location Recommendation Services
* Outdoor AR-application for the Digital Map Table
* Outlier percentage estimation for shape- and parameter-independent outlier detection
* Over 150 Years of Change: Object-Oriented Analysis of Historical Land Cover in the Main River Catchment, Bavaria/Germany
* Overcoming Occlusion in the Automotive Environment: A Review
* Overseas Geometric Accuracy Validation of Zy-3 Satellites Images, The
* Overview on the Development and Evolution of Earth Observation Research And Applications Programmes for Agriculture and Environment During The Last Three Decades In Romania
* P-Linknet: Linknet with Spatial Pyramid Pooling for High-resolution Satellite Imagery
* P2 Net: Patch-match and Plane-regularization for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* Pairwise Attentive Adversarial Spatiotemporal Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Action Recognition-R2, A
* Pairwise dependence-based unsupervised feature selection
* Pairwise Similarity Knowledge Transfer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Panoramic Mapping with Information Technologies for Supporting Engineering Education: A Preliminary Exploration
* Parallel Urban Rail Transit Stations for Passenger Emergency Management
* Parallel VLSI Architecture for Approximate Computation of Discrete Hadamard Transform
* Parameter Estimation and Motion Tracking of Pack Ice From Fy-3/mersi Images
* Parameter Optimization for Uncertainty Reduction and Simulation Improvement of Hydrological Modeling
* Parameter-Adaptive Compensation (PAC) for Processing Underwater Selective Absorption
* Parameterized Strain Estimation for Vascular Ultrasound Elastography With Sparse Representation
* Parametric Design of a Microwave Radiometer for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Moon-Based Earth Observation Platform
* Parametric Models to Characterize the Phenology of the Lowveld Savanna at Skukuza, South Africa
* Partial disentanglement of hierarchical variational auto-encoder for texture synthesis
* Participatory Approach for the Enhancement of Architectural Archives Funds: the Experience At Museo Della Rappresentazione In Catania
* Participatory Rural Spatial Planning Based on a Virtual Globe-Based 3D PGIS
* Path Planning for Indoor Contact Inspection Tasks with Uavs
* PDAM: A Panoptic-Level Feature Alignment Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Pedestrian-Safety-Aware Traffic Light Control Strategy for Urban Traffic Congestion Alleviation
* Perceptual Video Quality Prediction Emphasizing Chroma Distortions
* Performance Analysis of Selected Feature Descriptors Used for Automatic Image Registration
* Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Bivariate Statistical-Based Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Spatial Prediction of Landslides
* Performance Evaluation and Compatibility Studies of a Compact Preclinical Scanner for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging at 7 Tesla
* Performance Evaluation of ELM with A-optimized Design Regularization For Remote Sensing Imagery Classification
* Performance Matters on Identification of Origin-destination Matrix On Big Geospatial Data
* Performing 3d Measurements in a VR Environment
* Perils and Pitfalls of Block Design for EEG Classification Experiments, The
* Person Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery
* Person Re-Identification With Reinforced Attribute Attention Selection
* Personalized Legibility of an Indoor Environment for People with Motor Disabilities: A New Framework
* Perspectives on the Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges by Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Phenology Modelling and Forest Disturbance Mapping with Sentinel-2 Time Series in Austria
* Photogrammetric 3d Information Systems for the Management of Models Of Cultural Heritage
* Photomatch: An Open-source Multi-view and Multi-modal Feature Matching Tool for Photogrammetric Applications
* Phraseclick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segmentation by Phrase and Click
* Physical Inversion Method of Canopy FPAR from Airborne LIDAR Data And Ground Measurements, A
* Physiology-Based QoE Comparison of Interactive Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Tablet-Based Applications, A
* Pic2PolyArt: Transforming a photograph into polygon-based geometric art
* Pipeline for 3-D Object Recognition Based on Local Shape Description in Cluttered Scenes, A
* Pix2Surf: Learning Parametric 3d Surface Models of Objects from Images
* Pixel re-representations for better classification of images
* Plant Trait Segmentation for Plant Growth Monitoring
* Platoon Definitions and Analysis of Correlation Between Number of Platoons and Jamming in Traffic System
* Plausible Reconstruction of An Approximated Mesh Model for Next-best View Planning of SFM-MVS
* Plume Height Time-Series Retrieval Using Shadow in Single Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
* Point Cloud Room Segmentation Based on Indoor Spaces and 3d Mathematical Morphology
* Point Cloud Transformation Using Sensor Calibration Information for Map Data Adjustment
* Point-to-surface Matching for DEM Correction Using Icesat Data
* Pointcontrast: Unsupervised Pre-training for 3d Point Cloud Understanding
* PointMixup: Augmentation for Point Clouds
* Polarimetric Calibration of the Spaceborne Directional Polarimetric Camera Installed on the Gf-5 Satellite
* Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering
* Polarimetric SAR Data From Sentinel-1a Applied to Early Crop Classification
* Policy Driven Application of Remote Sensing In Mitigating Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of Developing Nation
* PolInSAR Complex Coherence Nonlocal Estimation Using Shape-Adaptive Patches Matching and Trace-Moment-Based NLRB Estimator
* Polynomial Regression Network for Variable-number Lane Detection
* Porn Streamer Recognition in Live Video Streaming via Attention-Gated Multimodal Deep Features
* Porting Ardupilot to Esp32: Towards A Universal Open-source Architecture for Agile and Easily Replicable Multi-domains Mapping Robots
* Pose Estimation of A Moving Camera with Low-cost, Multi-gnss Devices
* Pose invariant age estimation of face images in the wild
* Pose-Guided Inflated 3D ConvNet for action recognition in videos
* Pose-Guided Tracking-by-Detection: Robust Multi-Person Pose Tracking
* Pose-Normalized and Appearance-Preserved Street-to-Shop Clothing Image Generation and Feature Learning
* Post-comparison mitigation of demographic bias in face recognition using fair score normalization
* Post-DAE: Anatomically Plausible Segmentation via Post-Processing With Denoising Autoencoders
* Post-Disaster Building Damage Detection from Earth Observation Imagery Using Unsupervised and Transferable Anomaly Detecting Generative Adversarial Networks
* Post-earthquake 3D Building Model (LOD2) Generation from UAS Imagery: The Case of Vrisa Traditional Settlement, Lesvos, Greece
* Potential of Geolocated Crowdsourced Image Posts In Predicting An Early Estimate of the Patterns of Structural Damage Following A Hurricane
* Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monitor Natural Disaster Triggers in Urban Areas: The Case of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Potential of ICESat-2 to Identify Carbon-Rich Peatlands in Indonesia, The
* Potential of Resampled Multispectral Data for Detecting Desmodium-brachiaria Intercropped With Maize In A push-pull System
* Pothole Detection and Dimension Estimation System using Deep Learning (YOLO) and Image Processing
* Power Allocation With Energy Efficiency Optimization in Cellular D2D-Based V2X Communication Network
* Power Transmission Line Reconstruction From Sequential Oblique UAV Images
* PProCRC: Probabilistic Collaboration of Image Patches for Fine-grained Classification
* Precipitation Type Classification of Micro Rain Radar Data Using an Improved Doppler Spectral Processing Methodology
* Precise Calculation of Cross Sections and Volume for Tree Stem Using Point Clouds
* Precision of Visual Localization Using Dynamic Ground Control Points
* Predicting Cherry Quality Using Siamese Networks
* Predicting Daily Pm2.5 Using Weighted Long Short-term Memory Neural Network Model
* Predicting physician gaze in clinical settings using optical flow and positioning
* Predicting Spatial Crime Occurrences through an Efficient Ensemble-Learning Model
* Predicting the Accuracy of Photogrammetric 3d Reconstruction From Camera Calibration Parameters Through A Multivariate Statistical Approach
* Predicting Tree Sap Flux and Stomatal Conductance from Drone-Recorded Surface Temperatures in a Mixed Agroforestry System: A Machine Learning Approach
* Predicting Violence Rating Based on Pairwise Comparison
* Prediction of Pollutant Concentrations By Meteorological Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Prediction of Satellite-Based Column CO2 Concentration by Combining Emission Inventory and LULC Information
* Preface: Technical Commission I
* Preface: Technical Commission II
* Preface: Technical Commission III
* Preface: Technical Commission IV on Spatial Information Science
* Preface: Technical Commission V - Youth Forum
* Preface: the 2020 Edition of the XXIVth ISPRS Congress
* Preliminary Investigation Into the Geometric Calibration of The Micasense Rededge-m Multispectral Camera
* Preliminary Long-period Magnetotelluric Investigation At the Edge Of Ice Sheet In East Antarctica
* Preliminary Quality Analysis of GF-7 Satellite Laser Altimeter Full Waveform Data
* Preliminary Results and Analyses of Post-earthquake Geological Hazards In Jiuzhaigou Based on Airborne Lidar and Imagery
* Preprocessing Arabic Dialect for Sentiment Mining: State of Art
* Preserving Semantic Neighborhoods for Robust Cross-modal Retrieval
* Primal-Dual Optimization Strategy With Total Variation Regularization for Prestack Seismic Image Deblurring
* Proactive Power Management Scheme for Hybrid Electric Storage System in EVs: An MPC Method
* Probabilistic Automated Isochrone Picking Routine to Derive Annual Surface Mass Balance From Radar Echograms, A
* Probabilistic Structure Learning for EEG/MEG Source Imaging With Hierarchical Graph Priors
* Processing Framework for Tree-Root Reconstruction Using Ground-Penetrating Radar Under Heterogeneous Soil Conditions, A
* Production of Iso-intensity Map for the Elazig Earthquake (Jan 24, 2020) Using Citizen Collected Geodata
* Progress towards imaging biological filaments using X-ray free-electron lasers
* Progressive Colorization via Iterative Generative Models
* Progressive learning with style transfer for distant domain adaptation
* Promising Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Method: Kernel-Based Within Class Collaborative Preserving Discriminant Projection, A
* Promoting International Collaboration Through Training and Education In Space Technology Applications and Advances Among Bimstec Countries - A Government of India Initiative
* promotion method for generation error-based video anomaly detection, A
* Proximal approach to denoising hyperspectral images under mixed-noise model
* ProxIQA: A Proxy Approach to Perceptual Optimization of Learned Image Compression
* Proxybnn: Learning Binarized Neural Networks via Proxy Matrices
* ProxyNCA++: Revisiting and Revitalizing Proxy Neighborhood Component Analysis
* PSIGAN: Joint Probabilistic Segmentation and Image Distribution Matching for Unpaired Cross-Modality Adaptation-Based MRI Segmentation
* Psychoacoustic Calibration of Loss Functions for Efficient End-to-End Neural Audio Coding
* Pupil size as a soft biometrics for age and gender classification
* Push for Center Learning via Orthogonalization and Subspace Masking for Person Re-Identification
* PWD-3DNet: A Deep Learning-Based Fully-Automated Segmentation of Multiple Structures on Temporal Bone CT Scans
* Pyramid Pooling Module-Based Semi-Siamese Network: A Benchmark Model for Assessing Building Damage from xBD Satellite Imagery Datasets
* PyTirCam-1.0: A Python Model to Manage Thermal Infrared Camera Data
* Quality Analysis and Improvement of Fundamental Geographic National Conditions Monitoring Results
* Quality Aspects of True Orthophoto In Urban Areas
* Quality Assessment of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques On Hyperspectral Data: A Neural Network Based Approach
* Quality Assessment of Free-Viewpoint Videos by Quantifying the Elastic Changes of Multi-Scale Motion Trajectories
* Quality Improvement for Airborne Lidar Data Filtering Based on Deep Learning Method
* Quality Index for View Synthesis by Measuring Instance Degradation and Global Appearance
* Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Satellite Orthophotos In China's Third National Land Survey
* Quality Inspection of Satellite Imagery Block Adjustment Without GCP
* Quality of GNSS Traces from VGI: A Data Cleaning Method Based on Activity Type and User Experience
* Quantification and Mapping of Satellite Driven Surface Energy Balance Fluxes in Semi-Arid to Arid Inter-Mountain Region
* Quantifying Depth of Field and Sharpness for Image-based 3d Reconstruction of Heritage Objects
* Quantifying the Spatial Heterogeneity and Driving Factors of Aboveground Forest Biomass in the Urban Area of Xi'an, China
* Quantile Approach for Retrieving the Core Urban-Suburban-Rural (USR) Structure Based on Nighttime Light, A
* Quantitative Analysis of Performance Decrease and Fast-Charging Limitation for Lithium-Ion Batteries at Low Temperature Based on the Electrochemical Model
* Quantitative Classification of 3D Collagen Fiber Organization From Volumetric Images
* Quantitative Driver Acceptance Modeling for Merging Car at Highway Junction and Its Application to the Design of Merging Behavior Control
* Quarterly Monitoring of Suspected Illegal Human Activities In National Nature Reserves of China with Sentinel-2 and High-resolution Images On the Cloud Platform
* Quick 3D with UAV and ToF Camera for Geomorphometric Assessment
* Rabin-Karp Implementation for Handling Multiple Pattern-Matching on the GPU, A
* Radar Remote Sensing to Supplement Pipeline Surveillance Programs through Measurements of Surface Deformations and Identification of Geohazard Risks
* Radar-derived Internal Layering and Basal Roughness Characterization Along A Traverse From Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
* Radarnet: Exploiting Radar for Robust Perception of Dynamic Objects
* RadChat: Spectrum Sharing for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation
* Random Projection Based Bias-corrected Fuzzy C-means Algorithm For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* Random Sample Fitting Method to Determine the Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Satellite-Based Lidar Backscatter Profiles
* Rank consistent ordinal regression for neural networks with application to age estimation
* Ranking list preservation for feature matching
* rapid method of hypercube stitching for snapshot multi-camera system, A
* Rapid Visual Presentation to Support Geospatial Big Data Processing
* Rating Iron Deficiency in Soybean Using Image Processing and Decision-Tree Based Models
* Ratio-and-Scale-Aware YOLO for Pedestrian Detection
* Re-Synchronization Using the Hand Preceding Model for Multi-Modal Fusion in Automatic Continuous Cued Speech Recognition
* Real Time Ray Tracing of Analytic and Implicit Surfaces
* Real-time Aerial Imagery for Crisis Management: Lessons Learned From An European Civil Protection Exercise
* Real-time Drone Mapping Based on Reference Images for Vehicle Facility Monitoring
* Real-Time Embedded Vision System for the Watchfulness Analysis of Train Drivers
* Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation With Challenging Radionuclides
* Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent Drones: A Novel Approach
* Real-time Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Human Movement Dynamics, A
* Real-time Slam for the Off-road Autonomous Driving
* Real-world Hyperspectral Image Processing Workflow for Vegetation Stress and Hydrocarbon Indirect Detection, A
* Real-World Underwater Enhancement: Challenges, Benchmarks, and Solutions Under Natural Light
* Realizing Constant Current and Constant Voltage Outputs and Input Zero Phase Angle of Wireless Power Transfer Systems With Minimum Component Counts
* Recipe1M+: A Dataset for Learning Cross-Modal Embeddings for Cooking Recipes and Food Images
* Recognition Method of New Address Elements in Chinese Address Matching Based on Deep Learning
* Recognition of cursive video text using a deep learning framework
* Recognition of distorted QR codes with one missing position detection pattern
* Recognition of occupational therapy exercises and detection of compensation mistakes for Cerebral Palsy
* Reconfigurable cyber-physical system for critical infrastructure protection in smart cities via smart video-surveillance
* Reconstruction of 3D Accident Scene From Multirotor UAV Platform
* Reconstruction of High-Temporal- and High-Spatial-Resolution Reflectance Datasets Using Difference Construction and Bayesian Unmixing
* Reconstruction of the Slip Distribution Along the West Helanshan Fault, Northern China Based on High-resolution Topography
* Rectifying Supporting Regions With Mixed and Active Supervision for Rib Fracture Recognition
* Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network for Face Completion
* Recursive Hierarchical Clustering for Hyperspectral Images
* Referring expression comprehension model with matching detection and linguistic feedback
* Refinements and Introduction of Photogrammetric Elements to An Experimental Trilateration Based Optical Metrology System
* Reflectance Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Image Based on Gaussian Surface Fitting
* ReFOCUS+: Multi-Layers Real-Time Intelligent Route Guidance System With Congestion Detection and Avoidance
* Reforestation Planning Based on Plant Hardiness Zones In Vitilevu Island, Fiji
* Regional Blended Precipitation Dataset over Pakistan Based on Regional Selection of Blending Satellite Precipitation Datasets and the Dynamic Weighted Average Least Squares Algorithm, A
* Regional Level Data Server for Fire Hazard Evaluation and Fuel Treatments Planning
* Regional Lung Perfusion Analysis in Experimental ARDS by Electrical Impedance and Computed Tomography
* Registration of MMS Lidar Points and Panoramic Image Sequence Using Relative Orientation Model
* Reinforcement Learning Helps SLAM: Learning to Build Maps
* ReLaText: Exploiting visual relationships for arbitrary-shaped scene text detection with graph convolutional networks
* Relation Network for Full-waveforms Lidar Classification
* Relationship Between Rice Residue Burning and Increasing Air Pollution In North-west India
* Relative Saliency and Ranking: Models, Metrics, Data and Benchmarks
* Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consistency Enforcing for Fast and Coherent Video Object Segmentation With the Bilateral Grid
* Reliable Smart Road Signs
* Remote Attitude Sensing Based on High-speed Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry
* Remote Sensing and Argo Float Observations Reveal Physical Processes Initiating a Winter-Spring Phytoplankton Bloom South of the Kuroshio Current Near Shikoku
* Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Analysis and Cultural Heritage
* Remote Sensing and Multivariate Logistic Regression Model for The Estimation of Urban Expansion (case of Darkhan City, Mongolia)
* Remote Sensing Approach to Evaluate Post-fire Vegetation Structure
* Remote Sensing Evaluation of Ecological Environment of Anqing City Based on Remote Sensing Ecological Index
* Remote Sensing Index for Mapping Canola Flowers Using MODIS Data
* Remote Sensing Method to Monitor Water, Aquatic Vegetation, and Invasive Water Hyacinth at National Extents, A
* Remote Sensing of Lake Sediment Core Particle Size Using Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Remote Sensing Time Series Analysis Aimed At Detecting and Monitoring Brazilian Iron Ore Mining Disasters
* Remote Sensing-Based Methodology for the Quick Update of the Assessment of the Population Exposed to Natural Hazards
* Repeat Pass Interferometry Using Alos-2 Palsar-2 Data (study Case In Brazil)
* Repeat-pass Interferometric and Backscatter Analysis of X-band Paz Satellite - First Results
* Reply to Comments
* Representative null space LDA for discriminative dimensionality reduction
* Research and Application of Historical 3D Modeling Based on Archived Non-oblique Aerial Photos
* Research and Application of Lidar Technology In Cadastral Surveying And Mapping
* Research on Integrated Static and Dynamic Geometric Calibration Technology for Optical Surveying and Mapping Satellites
* Research on Quality Improvement of Globeland30 Update Data
* Research on Semantic-assisted SLAM in Complex Dynamic Indoor Environment
* Research Progress and Development Trend of Social Media Big Data (SMBD): Knowledge Mapping Analysis Based on CiteSpace
* Resection and Monte Carlo Covariance From Vanishing Points for Images Of Unknown Origin
* Residual Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Resolving overlapping convex objects in silhouette images by concavity analysis and Gaussian process
* Restricted Structural Random Matrix for compressive sensing
* Rethinking Bottleneck Structure for Efficient Mobile Network Design
* Rethinking Shape From Shading for Spoofing Detection
* Retinex-Based Image Enhancement with Particle Swarm Optimization and Multi-Objective Function
* RETRACTED: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Tourists and Residents in Shanghai Based on Location-Based Social Network's Data from Weibo
* Retrieval of Leaf Area Index Using Sentinel-2 Imagery in a Mixed Mediterranean Forest Area
* Reversible data hiding scheme for high dynamic range images based on multiple prediction error expansion
* Review of Emerging Video Codecs: Challenges and Opportunities, A
* review of image fusion techniques for pan-sharpening of high-resolution satellite imagery, A
* review of lane detection methods based on deep learning, A
* Review on Assessing and Mapping Soil Erosion Hazard Using Geo-Informatics Technology for Farming System Management, A
* Review on Indoor Localization with Internet of Things, A
* REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets
* Revisiting a Nearest Neighbor Method for Shape Classification
* Revisiting hierarchy: Deep learning with orthogonally constrained prior for classification
* Revisiting Video Saliency Prediction in the Deep Learning Era
* RGB Image Prioritization Using Convolutional Neural Network on a Microprocessor for Nanosatellites
* RGBT Salient Object Detection: Benchmark and A Novel Cooperative Ranking Approach
* Ride Vibrations: Towards Comfort-based Bicycle Navigation
* Ring oscillator as confusion- diffusion agent: A complete TRNG drove image security
* Risk Assessment of an Electrical Power System Considering the Influence of Traffic Congestion on a Hypothetical Scenario of Electrified Transportation System in New York State
* Risk Assessment of Steep Slope Using Drone Mapping and Terrestrial LIDAR in Korea
* River Flow Monitoring by Sentinel-3 OLCI and MODIS: Comparison and Combination
* River Morphology Monitoring of A Small-scale Alpine Riverbed Using Drone Photogrammetry and Lidar
* Road Extraction and Vectorization From Aerial Image Data
* Robust Active Safety Enhancement Strategy With Learning Mechanism in Vehicular Networks, A
* Robust biometric authentication system with a secure user template
* Robust Collision Perception Visual Neural Network With Specific Selectivity to Darker Objects, A
* Robust Connectivity With Multiple Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communications
* Robust Data Fusion of UAV Navigation Measurements with Application to the Landing System
* Robust defect detection in 2D images printed on 3D micro-textured surfaces by multiple paired pixel consistency in orientation codes
* Robust Detection of Surface Anomaly Using Lidar Point Cloud With Intensity
* Robust Distributed Cruise Control of Multiple High-Speed Trains Based on Disturbance Observer
* Robust global registration of point clouds by closed-form solution in the frequency domain
* Robust line segment matching across views via ranking the line-point graph
* Robust line segment matching via reweighted random walks on the homography graph
* Robust locality preserving projections using angle-based adaptive weight method
* Robust Loop Closure Detection Integrating Visual-Spatial-Semantic Information via Topological Graphs and CNN Features
* Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with Rectification and Alignment
* Robust Multimodal Image Matching Based on Main Structure Feature Representation
* Robust online tracking via sparse gradient convolution networks
* Robust Scheme for Sparse Reflectivity Recovering From Uniformly Quantized Seismic Data, A
* Robust segmentation of the colour image by fusing the SDD clustering results from different colour spaces
* Robust semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Robust sparse coding for one-class classification based on correntropy and logarithmic penalty function
* Role of Digitization In Post-disaster Reconstruction, The
* Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In Supporting UN SDGS In North West Himalaya
* Role of Micro Breaking of Small-Scale Wind Waves in Radar Backscattering from Sea Surface, The
* Role of Sampling Design When Predicting Spatially Dependent Ecological Data With Remote Sensing
* Rotated Sphere Haar Wavelet and Deep Contractive Auto-Encoder Network With Fuzzy Gaussian SVM for Pilot's Pupil Center Detection
* Rotation Averaging with the Chordal Distance: Global Minimizers and Strong Duality
* Rotation Forests and Random Forest Classifiers for Monitoring Of Vegetation In Pays De Brest (France)
* RotationNet for Joint Object Categorization and Unsupervised Pose Estimation from Multi-View Images
* RSVQA: Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data
* RTM3D: Real-time Monocular 3d Detection from Object Keypoints for Autonomous Driving
* Rural-Urban Transition of Hanoi (Vietnam): Using Landsat Imagery to Map Its Recent Peri-Urbanization
* S2DNet: Learning Image Features for Accurate Sparse-to-Dense Matching
* Salient Motion Features for Visual Attention Models
* Salient object detection via reliability-based depth compactness and depth contrast
* Sampling Theorem for Deconvolution in Two Dimensions, A
* Sand Dune Dynamics Exploiting a Fully Automatic Method Using Satellite SAR Data
* SAR Image Despeckling by Noisy Reference-Based Deep Learning Method
* SAR Image Despeckling Employing a Recursive Deep CNN Prior
* SAR-NAS: Skeleton-based action recognition via neural architecture searching
* Sat2graph: Road Graph Extraction Through Graph-tensor Encoding
* Satellite Imaging Direction Angles Estimation Method Based on Rational Polynomial Coefficients
* Satellite Video Super-Resolution Based on Adaptively Spatiotemporal Neighbors and Nonlocal Similarity Regularization
* Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Database for India over Two Decades (2000-2019): Applications for Air Quality Management, A
* Scalable Optimization Mechanism for Pairwise Based Discrete Hashing, A
* Scale Optimization in Topographic and Hydrographic Feature Mapping Using Fractal Analysis
* Scan Angle Impact on Lidar-derived Metrics Used in ABA Models for Prediction of Forest Stand Characteristics: A Grid Based Analysis
* Scan-to-BIM for the Management of Heritage Buildings: the Case Study Of The Castle of Maredolce (Palermo, Italy)
* Scanline Normalization for MMS Data Measured Under Different Conditions
* SDP-GAN: Saliency Detail Preservation Generative Adversarial Networks for High Perceptual Quality Style Transfer
* Seafloor Mapping From Multispectral Multibeam Acoustic Data At The European Open Science Cloud
* Seasonal Spectral Separability of Selected Grasses: Case Study From The Krkono'e Mts. Tundra Ecosystem
* Security Study of Routing Attacks in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (Vanets)
* Security Threats In Smart Healthcare
* Seeing Climate Change: A Framework for Understanding Visualizations for Climate Adaptation
* Seeing the Un-scene: Learning Amodal Semantic Maps for Room Navigation
* Segment-based Lidar Odometry for Less Structured Outdoor Scene
* Segmentation of Single Standing Dead Trees In High-resolution Aerial Imagery with Generative Adversarial Network-based Shape Priors
* Selection of a Similarity Measure Combination for a Wide Range of Multimodal Image Registration Cases
* Self-adapting Confidence Estimation for Stereo
* Self-learning Ontology for Instance Segmentation of 3d Indoor Point Cloud
* Self-Similarity Action Proposal
* Self-Supervised Deep Correlation Tracking
* Self-Supervised Feature Learning via Exploiting Multi-Modal Data for Retinal Disease Diagnosis
* Self-Supervised Learning for Autonomous Vehicles Perception: A Conciliation Between Analytical and Learning Methods
* Self-supervised Learning of Audio-visual Objects from Video
* Self-supervised pain intensity estimation from facial videos via statistical spatiotemporal distillation
* Self-Supervised Ultrasound to MRI Fetal Brain Image Synthesis
* Semantic Annotations on Heritage Models: 2d/3d Approaches and Future Research Challenges
* Semantic Classification of Sandstone Landscape Point Cloud Based On Neighbourhood Features
* Semantic Scene Understanding for the Autonomous Platform
* Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning for Extracting Surface Mine Extents from Historic Topographic Maps
* Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery Using Object-based Markov Random Field Based on Hierarchical Segmentation Tree With Auxiliary Labels
* Semantic Segmentation of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping Irrigation Center Pivots
* Semantically Describing Urban Historical Buildings Across Different Levels of Granularity
* Semi-automatic Approach for Optical and Lidar Data Integration Using Phase Congruency Model At Multiple Resolutions
* Semi-automatic Cityscape 3d Model Restoration Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Semi-supervised cross-modal representation learning with GAN-based Asymmetric Transfer Network
* Semi-Supervised PolSAR Image Classification Based on Improved Tri-Training With a Minimum Spanning Tree
* Semiautomated Mapping of Benthic Habitats and Seagrass Species Using a Convolutional Neural Network Framework in Shallow Water Environments
* Semisupervised charting for spectral multimodal manifold learning and alignment
* Semixup: In- and Out-of-Manifold Regularization for Deep Semi-Supervised Knee Osteoarthritis Severity Grading From Plain Radiographs
* Sensitivity and Correlation Analysis of PROSPECT-D and ABM-B Leaf Models
* Sensitivity of Multispectral Imager Liquid Water Cloud Microphysical Retrievals to the Index of Refraction
* Sensor Evaluation for Crack Detection In Concrete Bridges
* Sensor Fusion, GIS and AI Technologies for Disaster Management
* Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Savannah Land Cover Mapping: Optimising the Combination of Sensors and Seasons
* Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Processing Chains for Cyclone Impact Monitoring In South West Indian Ocean
* Sentinel-1 Based Flood Mapping Using Interferometric Coherence And Intensity Change Detection Approach
* Sentinel-1 Data for Underground Processes Recognition in Bucharest City, Romania
* Seq2seq Vs Sketch Filling Structure for Natural Language to SQL Translation
* Sequence-to-sequence Temporal Convolutional Neural Network For Ionosphere Prediction Using Gnss Observations, A
* SeqXY2SeqZ: Structure Learning for 3d Shapes by Sequentially Predicting 1D Occupancy Segments from 2d Coordinates
* SESV: Accurate Medical Image Segmentation by Predicting and Correcting Errors
* SG-VAE: Scene Grammar Variational Autoencoder to Generate New Indoor Scenes
* Shadow Detection and Restoration for Hyperspectral Images Based on Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing
* Shadow-based Light Detection for HDR Environment Maps
* Shape-Driven Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shifting Cultivation Practices In Barak Valley, India - Policy Scenarios From A Spatially Explicit Land Use Model
* Ship Detection in Large-Scale SAR Images Via Spatial Shuffle-Group Enhance Attention
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting: A Component-Wise Gradient Boosting Approach With Hierarchical Reconciliation
* SI(FS)2: Fast simultaneous instance and feature selection for datasets with many features
* Siamese convolutional neural network-based approach towards universal image forensics
* Siamese Network Combined with Attention Mechanism for Object Tracking
* Siamese Regression Tracking With Reinforced Template Updating
* Siamese Tracking Network With Informative Enhanced Loss
* SiameseGAN: A Generative Model for Denoising of Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Side-Tuning: A Baseline for Network Adaptation via Additive Side Networks
* Sideinfnet: A Deep Neural Network for Semi-automatic Semantic Segmentation with Side Information
* Signal Processing Advances the Quest for Better and Safer Medical Imaging: Imaging Breakthroughs Are Saving Lives By Giving Radiologists and Physicians Sharper and Safer Views Inside the Human Body
* Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Terrain Information for Improved Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Simulation In Parts of Himalayan River Basins
* Simple algorithm for L1-norm regularisation-based compressed sensing and image restoration
* Simple Artificial Neural Network for Fire Detection Using Landsat-8 Data, A
* Simple Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion Method Based on Linear Regression Coefficient Compensation, A
* Simple Way to Make Neural Networks Robust Against Diverse Image Corruptions, A
* Simple Yet Effective Way for Improving the Performance of Depth Map Super-Resolution
* Simplified Battery Pack Modeling Considering Inconsistency and Evolution of Current Distribution
* Simulating the Autonomous Future: A Look at Virtual Vehicle Environments and How to Validate Simulation Using Public Data Sets
* Simulation-based Data Augmentation Using Physical Priors for Noise Filtering Deep Neural Network
* Simulation-Based Evaluation of the Estimation Methods of Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Escape Probability in Discontinuous Forest Canopies
* Simultaneous 3D hand detection and pose estimation using single depth images
* Simultaneous Cloud Detection and Removal From Bitemporal Remote Sensing Images Using Cascade Convolutional Neural Networks
* Simultaneous Detection and Tracking with Motion Modelling for Multiple Object Tracking
* Simultaneous Fidelity and Regularization Learning for Image Restoration
* Simultaneous Road Surface and Centerline Extraction From Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images Using CNN-Based Segmentation and Tracing
* Simultaneously Counting and Extracting Endmembers in a Hyperspectral Image Based on Divergent Subsets
* Single image rain removal via multi-module deep grid network
* single shot multibox detector based on welding operation method for biometrics recognition in smart cities, A
* Single-image depth estimation by refined segmentation and consistency reconstruction
* Single-pass Airborne Interferometric Calibration Method Research For DEM Mapping, A
* Single-Pass UAV-Borne GatorEye LiDAR Sampling as a Rapid Assessment Method for Surveying Forest Structure
* Sizer: A Dataset and Model for Parsing 3d Clothing and Learning Size Sensitive 3d Clothing
* Sketch Fewer to Recognize More by Learning a Co-Regularized Sparse Representation
* Sketch-Based Image Retrieval with Multi-Clustering Re-Ranking
* Sketch-Based Region Adaptive Sparse Unmixing Applied to Hyperspectral Image
* Small Scale Rain Field Sensing and Tomographic Reconstruction with Passive Geostationary Satellite Receivers
* Small Target Detection in Infrared Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Tensor Model
* Smart Integration of Evaluation Activities In the Framework of Physical Optics Mooc (MOOC UCA-002) of the MUN Platform
* Smart Pandemic Management Through A Smart, Resilient and Flexible Decision-making System
* Snow and Ice Thickness Retrievals Using GNSS-R: Preliminary Results of the MOSAiC Experiment
* Snow Particle Size Distribution From a 2-D Video Disdrometer and Radar Snowfall Estimation in East China
* Social Media Data Processing and Analysis By Means of Machine Learning For Rapid Detection, Assessment and Mapping the Impact of Disasters
* Socioeconomic Status From Space: Example of Estimating Thailand's Sub-district Household Income Based on Remotely Sensed and Geospatial Data
* Soft Video Multicasting Using Adaptive Compressed Sensing
* Softpoolnet: Shape Descriptor for Point Cloud Completion and Classification
* Soil Mapping Based on Globally Optimal Decision Trees and Digital Imitations of Traditional Approaches
* Soil Moisture Mapping Based on Multi-Source Fusion of Optical, Near-Infrared, Thermal Infrared, and Digital Elevation Model Data via the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Framework
* SOLO: Segmenting Objects by Locations
* Solving Jigsaw Puzzles by the Graph Connection Laplacian
* SPA-GAN: Spatial Attention GAN for Image-to-Image Translation
* Space Distribution Method for Autonomous Vehicles at a Signalized Multi-Lane Intersection
* Space-aerial-ground Integrated City Dynamic Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing
* Spaceborne GNSS-R Retrieving on Global Soil Moisture Approached By Support Vector Machine Learning
* Spaceborne Multifrequency PolInSAR-Based Inversion Modelling for Forest Height Retrieval
* spacetime model for one-shot active contour extraction scheme for human detection in image sequences, A
* Sparse Aperture ISAR Imaging Method Based on Joint Constraints of Sparsity and Low Rank
* Sparse Learning-Based Correlation Filter for Robust Tracking
* Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Their Driving Factors in the Desert/Grassland Biome Transition Zone of the Sahel Region of Africa
* Spatial Assessment of the Effects of Land Cover Change on Soil Erosion in Hungary from 1990 to 2018
* Spatial Determinants of Land Conversion for Various Urban Use: A Case Study of Beijing
* Spatial Dimensions of Female Political Participation: Regional Perspective of Women's Descriptive Representation in Czech Local Councils, 1994-2018
* Spatial Disaggregation of Landsat-derived Land Surface Temperature Over A Heterogeneous Urban Landscape Using Planetscope Image Derivatives
* Spatial Distribution of China's Industrial Output Values under Global Warming Scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5
* Spatial Hierarchy Aware Residual Pyramid Network for Time-of-flight Depth Denoising
* Spatial Knowledge Acquisition with Mobile Maps: Effects of Map Size on Users' Wayfinding Performance with Interactive Interfaces
* Spatial Modeling for Homicide Rates Estimation in Pernambuco State-Brazil
* Spatial Pattern of Construction Land Distribution in Bays along the Coast of Vietnam
* Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Land Cover Mapping Using Deep Convolutional Nets
* Spatial Scales of Sea Surface Salinity Subfootprint Variability in the SPURS Regions
* Spatial-spectral Manifold Embedding of Hyperspectral Data
* Spatial-Temporal Cascade Autoencoder for Video Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Spatial-Temporal Recurrent Neural Network for Video Saliency Prediction, A
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Drought Events and Their Effects on Vegetation: A Case Study in Southern Tibet, China
* Spatio-Temporal Ensemble Method for Car-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Spatio-Temporal Object Stability for Monitoring Evolving Areas In Satellite Image Time Series
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Drought and Impact on Vegetation in North and West Africa Based on Multi-Satellite Data
* Spatio-Temporal Research Data Infrastructure in the Context of Autonomous Driving
* Spatio-temporal Salinity Monitoring of the Ghaghara River Using Landsat Time-series Imagery and Multiple Regression Analysis
* Spatio-Temporal Variability in Bio-Optical Properties of the Southern Caspian Sea: A Historic Analysis of Ocean Color Data
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Hydrological Variations and Their Impacts on Vegetation in Semiarid Areas from Multiple Satellite Data
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Snow Depth on First-year Ice Based on FY3B/MWRI in the Arctic
* Spatiotemporal Coverage of a Moon-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar: Theoretical Analyses and Numerical Simulations
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forest Plantation Clearcutting At Landscape Level
* Spatiotemporal Exploration of Chinese Spring Festival Population Flow Patterns and Their Determinants Based on Spatial Interaction Model
* Spatiotemporal Land Use Change Analysis and Future Urban Growth Simulation Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Antalya
* Spatiotemporal LUCC Simulation under Different RCP Scenarios Based on the BPNN_CA_Markov Model: A Case Study of Bamboo Forest in Anji County
* Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Factors on Crime Changing During Black Lives Matter Protests
* Specific Alpine Environment Land Cover Classification Methodology: Google Earth Engine Processing for Sentinel-2 Data
* Specification of Logistic Chain Sustainability: Environmental, Social And Economic Issues
* Spectra Classification Methodology of Hyperspectral Infrared Images for Near Real-Time Estimation of the SO2 Emission Flux from Mount Etna with LARA Radiative Transfer Retrieval Model, A
* Spectral Regularization for Combating Mode Collapse in GANs
* Spectral Unmixing for Mapping a Hydrothermal Field in a Volcanic Environment Applied on ASTER, Landsat-8/OLI, and Sentinel-2 MSI Satellite Multispectral Data: The Nisyros (Greece) Case Study
* Spectral-Spatial-Weighted Multiview Collaborative Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Images
* Spectrally Improved Point Cloud Classification Method For Multispectral Lidar, A
* Spectrum Characteristics Preserved Visible and Near-Infrared Image Fusion Algorithm
* Spectrum- and RGB-D-Based Image Fusion for the Prediction of Nitrogen Accumulation in Wheat
* Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for multi-spectral face recognition
* Speech emotion recognition model based on Bi-GRU and Focal Loss
* Speed-up and multi-view extensions to subclass discriminant analysis
* SpineParseNet: Spine Parsing for Volumetric MR Image by a Two-Stage Segmentation Framework With Semantic Image Representation
* Spring Point Detection of High Resolution Image Based on Yolov3
* SSFNET-VOS: Semantic segmentation and fusion network for video object segmentation
* Stacked Local Feature Detector for Hyperspectral Image
* Stacking-Based Deep Neural Network: Deep Analytic Network for Pattern Classification
* STAN: A sequential transformation attention-based network for scene text recognition
* Stand Characterization of Eucalyptus spp. Plantations in Uruguay Using Airborne Lidar Scanner Technology
* Station-Free Bike Rebalancing Analysis: Scale, Modeling, and Computational Challenges
* Statistical Prediction of Typhoon-Induced Rainfall over China Using Historical Rainfall, Tracks, and Intensity of Typhoon in the Western North Pacific
* Step-by-Step Validation of Antarctic ASI AMSR-E Sea-Ice Concentrations by MODIS and an Aerial Image
* Stereo Matching Using Multi-Level Cost Volume and Multi-Scale Feature Constancy
* Strategic Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks For Hyperspectral Land Cover Classification
* Strategies for PS Processing of Large Sentinel-1 Datasets
* Stratified Data Reconstruction and Spatial Pattern Analyses of Soil Bulk Density in the Northern Grasslands of China
* Streaming Object Detection for 3-d Point Clouds
* Street Tree Information Extraction and Dynamics Analysis From Mobile Lidar Point Cloud
* Structural Deep Metric Learning for Room Layout Estimation
* Structural Elements Detection and Reconstruction (SEDR): A Hybrid Approach for Modeling Complex Indoor Structures
* Structural Similarity Measure of Users Profiles Based on A Weighted Bipartite Graphs
* Structure preservation in content-aware image retargeting using multi-operator
* Studies on External Geometry of A Plane with Photogrammetric Methods and Laser Scanning
* Study of Digital Camera Calibration on A Flat Test Object
* Study of Mobile Laser Scanning Data Adjustment Results for Large Scale Topographic Mapping, The
* Study of Parameters Identification Method of Li-Ion Battery Model for EV Power Profile Based on Transient Characteristics Data
* Study of Smart Campus Environment and Its Security Attacks, A
* Study of the Effect of Aerosol Vertical Profile on Microphysical Properties Using GRASP Code with Sun/Sky Photometer and Multiwavelength Lidar Measurements
* Study of the Purification Performance of the Natural Lagunating Technique of the Purification Station of the City of Outat El Haj - Morocco
* Study of User Activity Patterns and the Effect of Venue Types on City Dynamics Using Location-Based Social Network Data, A
* Study on Arctic Melt Pond Fraction Retrieval Algorithm Using Modis Data
* Study on Cyclone Induced Phytoplankton Bloom In the Arabian Sea Through Gap-free Reconstructed Chlorophyll-a Data
* Study on the Application of Airborne Lidar In Seismic Active Faults In The Northern Rim of Qinling Mountain and the Piedmont of Huashan In China
* Studying Evolution of Hydrothermal Alteration Materials In The Turrialba Volcano Trough Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images
* Studying the Regional Transmission and Inferring the Local/External Contribution of Fine Particulate Matter Based on Multi-Source Observation: A Case Study in the East of North China Plain
* Style Transfer for Co-speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-speaker Conditional-mixture Approach
* sub-pixel image registration algorithm based on SURF and M-estimator sample consensus, A
* Suitability of TRMM Products with Different Temporal Resolution (3-Hourly, Daily, and Monthly) for Rainfall Erosivity Estimation
* Super-Resolution of VIIRS-Measured Ocean Color Products Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Superpixel Segmentation for Polsar Images Based on Hexagon Initialization and Edge Refinement
* Superpixel-Based Reweighted Low-Rank and Total Variation Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Supervised Manifold-learning Algorithm for Polsar Feature Extraction and LULC Classification
* Supervised quality evaluation of binary partition trees for object segmentation
* Supervoxel-based Multi-scale Point Cloud Segmentation Using Fnea For Object-Oriented Rock Slope Classification Using Tls
* Supporting SDG 15, Life on Land: Identifying the Main Drivers of Land Degradation in Honghe Prefecture, China, between 2005 and 2015
* Supporting the Management of Humanitarian Operations Concerning Migration Movements with Remote Sensing
* Surface Energy Flux Estimation in Two Boreal Settings in Alaska Using a Thermal-Based Remote Sensing Model
* Surface Motion Prediction and Mapping for Road Infrastructures Management by PS-InSAR Measurements and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Surface Rupture Kinematics and Coseismic Slip Distribution during the 2019 Mw7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence Revealed by SAR and Optical Images
* Surface Subsidence in Urbanized Coastal Areas: PSI Methods Based on Sentinel-1 for Ho Chi Minh City
* Surrogate network-based sparseness hyper-parameter optimization for deep expression recognition
* Surrounding Vehicle Detection Using an FPGA Panoramic Camera and Deep CNNs
* Survey on Electric Buses: Energy Storage, Power Management, and Charging Scheduling, A
* Synergetic reconstruction from 2D pose and 3D motion for wide-space multi-person video motion capture in the wild
* Synergistic Use of Hyperspectral UV-Visible OMI and Broadband Meteorological Imager MODIS Data for a Merged Aerosol Product
* Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estimating Net Primary Productivity in the Red Sea With VGPM, Eppley-VGPM, and CbPM Models Intercomparison
* Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing, GIS and Hydrological Models For Study of August 2018 Kerala Floods
* Synergistic Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Poplar Plantations Monitoring At Large Scale
* Synthetic Aperture Imaging and Motion Estimation Using Tensor Methods
* Synthetic guided domain adaptive and edge aware network for crowd counting
* Synthetic Vision System Calibration for Conform Projection on The Pilot's Head-up Display
* System Dynamics Approach for Evaluating Existing and Future Water Allocation Planning Among Conflicting Users
* Systematic Evaluation and Characterization of 3d Solid State Lidar Sensors for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Systematic Literature Review About the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Autonomous Vehicle Safety, A
* Systems and Methods to Determine Size and Color of a Fashion Apparel
* Tack Project: Tunnel and Bridge Automatic Crack Monitoring Using Deep Learning and Photogrammetry
* Tailored Features for Semantic Segmentation with A DGCNN Using Free Training Samples of A Colored Airborne Point Cloud
* Tangle-Free Exploration with a Tethered Mobile Robot
* Target distance measurement method using monocular vision
* Target Vehicle Motion Prediction-Based Motion Planning Framework for Autonomous Driving in Uncontrolled Intersections
* Target-Independent Domain Adaptation for WBC Classification Using Generative Latent Search
* Taylor rate-distortion trade-off and adaptive block search for HEVC encoding
* TCGM: An Information-theoretic Framework for Semi-supervised Multi-modality Learning
* Teaching Geomatics for Geohazard Mitigation and Management In The Covid-19 Time
* Technology and Resilience In the Reconstruction Process. A Case Study
* Temporal filtering networks for online action detection
* Temporal-Spatial Changes in Aerosols During Winter Haze of Wuhan: A Typical High-Humid Inland City In Central China
* Tensor total variation regularised low-rank approximation framework for video deraining
* Terrain Modelling Based on Archaeological Remains In the Loess Plateau Of China
* Terrain-adaptive Ground Filtering of Airborne Lidar Data Based On Saliency-aware Thin Plate Spline
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning Measurement Station to Monitor Long-term Structural Dynamics In A Boreal Forest, A
* Territorial Competitiveness and Smart City: Benchmarking Analysis Of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Cairo, and Rabat
* Texture Analysis for Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Classification In Parts Of Ahmedabad, Gujarat
* Texture analysis-based multi-focus image fusion using a modified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN)
* Theoretical Approach for Forecasting Different Types of Drought Simultaneously, Using Entropy Theory and Machine-Learning Methods, A
* Theoretical Study on Microwave Scattering Mechanisms of Sea Surfaces Covered With and Without Oil Film for Incidence Angle Smaller Than 30°
* Thermal and Optical Data Fusion Supporting Built Heritage Analyses
* Thermal infrared pedestrian tracking using joint siamese network and exemplar prediction model
* Thermal Infrared Radiation and Laser Ultrasound for Deformation and Water Saturation Effects Testing in Limestone
* Three-Dimension Transmissible Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Three-Dimensional (3D) Parametric Modeling and Organization for Web-Based Visualization of City-Scale Pipe Network
* Three-dimensional photogrammetry with deep learning instance segmentation to extract berry fruit harvestability traits
* Three-Dimensional Visualization Framework for Underground Geohazard Recognition on Urban Road-Facing GPR Data, A
* three-step classification framework to handle complex data distribution for radar UAV detection, A
* Three-Stream Network With Bidirectional Self-Attention for Action Recognition in Extreme Low Resolution Videos
* Throughput-Speed Product Augmentation for Scanning Fiber-Optic Two-Photon Endomicroscopy
* TIDE: A General Toolbox for Identifying Object Detection Errors
* Time Optimal Routing of Electric Vehicles Under Consideration of Available Charging Infrastructure and a Detailed Consumption Model
* Time Series Land Cover Classification Based on Semi-supervised Convolutional Long Short-term Memory Neural Networks
* Time-Series Clustering for Home Dwell Time during COVID-19: What Can We Learn from It?
* Time-Series of Vegetation Indices (VNIR/SWIR) Derived from Sentinel-2 (A/B) to Assess Turgor Pressure in Kiwifruit
* Time-Synchroextracting General Chirplet Transform for Seismic Time-Frequency Analysis
* Timetable Optimization for Metro Lines Connecting to Intercity Railway Stations to Minimize Passenger Waiting Time
* Tip-Tilt Mirror Control System for Partial Image Correction at UC Mount John Observatory, A
* Tomatod: Evaluation of Object Detection Algorithms on A New Real-world Tomato Dataset
* Tomographic Field Free Line Magnetic Particle Imaging With an Open-Sided Scanner Configuration
* Tool to Enhance the Capacity for Deep Learning Based Object Detection and Tracking with UAV Data, A
* Top-Push Constrained Modality-Adaptive Dictionary Learning for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Topogan: A Topology-aware Generative Adversarial Network
* Topographic Correction for Landsat 8 OLI Vegetation Reflectances Through Path Length Correction: A Comparison Between Explicit and Implicit Methods
* Topographic Mapping and Analysis Based on 3d Reconstruction Model Of Simulated Asteroid
* Topographic Mapping of the Moon In the 21st Century: From Hectometer To Millimeter Scales
* Topographic Mapping with Manipulator Arm Camera In Lunar Sample Return Mission
* Topology-Enhanced Urban Road Extraction via a Geographic Feature-Enhanced Network
* Toward a general model for reflection recovery and single image enhancement
* Toward an Early Warning System for Health Issues Related to Particulate Matter Exposure in Brazil: The Feasibility of Using Global PM2.5 Concentration Forecast Products
* Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Systems
* Toward Flexible Data Collection of Driving Behaviour
* Toward Non-Invasive Measurement of Atmospheric Temperature Using Vibro-Rotational Raman Spectra of Diatomic Gases
* Toward Sensing Emotions With Deep Visual Analysis: A Long-Term Psychological Modeling Approach
* Towards A Generic Mapping for IFC-CityGML Data Integration
* Towards a Satellite System for Archaeology? Simulation of an Optical Satellite Mission with Ideal Spatial and Temporal Resolution, Illustrated by a Case Study in Scotland
* Towards An Automated Flood Area Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images
* Towards Application of Landinfra Standard for Highway Management In Korea
* Towards capsule routing as reconstruction with sparsity constraints
* Towards Causal Benchmarking of Bias in Face Analysis Algorithms
* Towards Detection of Thermal Anomalies In Large Urban Areas Using Simulation
* Towards Distillation of Deep Neural Networks for Satellite On-board Image Segmentation
* Towards Green Smart Cities: Importance of Urban Forestry and Urban Vegetation
* Towards IndoorGML 2.0: Updates and Case Study Illustrations
* Towards Innovative Participation-oriented Planning of Infrastructure Measures
* Towards Integration of LADM and CityGML for the Cadastral System Of Turkey
* Towards Intelligent Geo-database Support for Earth System Observation: Improving the Preparation and Analysis of Big Spatio-temporal Raster Data
* Towards Part-aware Monocular 3d Human Pose Estimation: An Architecture Search Approach
* Towards Precise Completion of Deformable Shapes
* Towards Safe Weakly Supervised Learning
* Towards SDG 4: Trade-offs for Geospatial Open Educational Resources
* Towards Seamless Indoor-outdoor Positioning: the Iopes Project Approach
* Towards Self-Service GIS: Combining the Best of the Semantic Web and Web GIS
* Towards the Modeling of Glacier Microtopography Using High-resolution Data From Unmanned Aerial Survey
* TPFN: Applying Outer Product Along Time to Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Fusion on Incomplete Data
* trace kernel bandwidth criterion for support vector data description, The
* Tracking-by-Counting: Using Network Flows on Crowd Density Maps for Tracking Multiple Targets
* Traffic Control Recognition with Speed-Profiles: A Deep Learning Approach
* TrafficGAN: Network-Scale Deep Traffic Prediction With Generative Adversarial Nets
* Training In Innovative Technologies for Close-range Sensing In Alpine Terrain - 3rd Edition
* Training Recurrent Neural Networks for Particulate Matter Concentration Prediction
* Trajectron++: Dynamically-Feasible Trajectory Forecasting with Heterogeneous Data
* Transfer subspace learning based on structure preservation for JPEG image mismatched steganalysis
* Transformation Consistency Regularization: A Semi-supervised Paradigm for Image-to-image Translation
* Transformation of A Village: Case of Wad Al Abbas, Sennar State, Sudan
* Transparency and Accountability In Urban Public Procurement: Design of a Self-Sovereign Blockchain App
* Tree Inventory Registration System
* Tree Species Classification in Mixed Deciduous Forests Using Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Methods
* Truncated Singular Value Decomposition Regularization for Estimating Terrestrial Water Storage Changes Using GPS: A Case Study over Taiwan
* Tsit: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-image Translation
* Tubal-Sampling: Bridging Tensor and Matrix Completion in 3-D Seismic Data Reconstruction
* Tunnel Magnetic Resonance Tomography for 2-D Water-Bearing Structures Using Rotating Coil With Separated Loop Configuration
* Turning 3d Data Surveys of Intertidal Zones Into New Modes of 3d Visualization, Simulation and Spatial Interface Experiences
* Two Stream Active Query Suggestion for Active Learning in Connectomics
* Two-Stage Approach for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition via Confidence Ranking and Fusion, A
* UAS Data Acquisition Protocol for Marine Habitat Mapping: An Accuracy Assessment Study
* UAS-Remote Sensing Methods for Mapping, Monitoring and Modeling Crops
* UAV and Close-range Photogrammetry to Support Geo-mechanical Analysis In Safety Road Management: the Vallone d'Elva Road
* UAV Block Georeferencing and Control by On-Board GNSS Data
* UAV image analysis for leakage detection in district heating systems using machine learning
* UAV Image Fast Geocoding Method for Disaster Scene Monitoring
* UAV Images and Deep-learning Algorithms for Detecting Flavescence Doree Disease In Grapevine Orchards
* UAV Imaging At RGB for Crop Condition Monitoring
* UAV LIDAR Data Processing: Influence of Flight Height on Geometric Accuracy, Radiometric Information and Parameter Setting In DTM Production
* UAV Mission Planning for Automatic Exploration and Semantic Mapping
* UAV-based Thermal Anomaly Detection for Distributed Heating Networks
* UAV-Derived Multispectral Bathymetry
* UCT-GAN: underwater image colour transfer generative adversarial network
* Uhi Estimation Based on Aster and Modis Satellite Imagery: First Results on Strasbourg City, France
* Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection
* Ultra High Fidelity Deep Image Decompression with L-Infinity-Constrained Compression
* Uncertainties Analysis of Collapse Susceptibility Prediction Based on Remote Sensing and GIS: Influences of Different Data-Based Models and Connections between Collapses and Environmental Factors
* Uncertainty Aware Temporal-Ensembling Model for Semi-Supervised ABUS Mass Segmentation
* Uncertainty Quantification in Deep MRI Reconstruction
* Understanding 3d Point Cloud Deep Neural Networks By Visualization Techniques
* Understanding Individual Mobility Pattern and Portrait Depiction Based on Mobile Phone Data
* Understanding of Crop Lodging Induced Changes In Scattering Mechanisms Using Radarsat-2 and Sentinel-1 Derived Metrics
* Understanding of Smart Cities, Digital Cities and Intelligent Cities: Similarities and Differences
* Understanding Preferences of Delhi Metro Users Using Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
* Understanding Spatiotemporal Variations of Ridership by Multiple Taxi Services
* Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Polarization Imaging
* Underwater image processing and analysis: A review
* Underwater Pathfinding Algorithm for Optimised Planning of Survey Dives, An
* Underwater Photogrammetry: Potentialities and Problems Results of The Benchmark Session of the 2019 Sifet Congress
* Underwater Topography Inversion in Liaodong Shoal Based on GRU Deep Learning Model
* Unfolding Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Taxi Trip based on an Improved Network Kernel Density Estimation
* Unified Four-Stream Radiative Transfer Theory in the Optical-Thermal Domain with Consideration of Fluorescence for Multi-Layer Vegetation Canopies
* Unified Framework of Surrogate Loss by Refactoring and Interpolation, A
* Unified Multisensory Perception: Weakly-supervised Audio-visual Video Parsing
* Universal SAR and optical image registration via a novel SIFT framework based on nonlinear diffusion and a polar spatial-frequency descriptor
* Unmanned Aerial Systems-Aided Post-Flood Peak Discharge Estimation in Ephemeral Streams
* Unmixing-based Sentinel-2 downscaling for urban land cover mapping
* Unpaired Training of Deep Learning tMRA for Flexible Spatio-Temporal Resolution
* Unsupervised Crop Classification Method Based on Principal Components Isometric Binning, An
* Unsupervised Deep Joint Segmentation of Multitemporal High-Resolution Images
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using A Teacher-student Network For Cross-city Classification of Sentinel-2 Images
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Importance Sampling
* Unsupervised Haze Removal for High-Resolution Optical Remote-Sensing Images Based on Improved Generative Adversarial Networks
* Unsupervised Labeling Approach for Hyperspectral Image Classification, An
* Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow with Deep Feature Similarity
* Unsupervised MR-to-CT Synthesis Using Structure-Constrained CycleGAN
* Unsupervised Multi-constraint Deep Neural Network for Dense Image Matching
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Indoor 3d Point Cloud: Application To Object-based Classification
* Unsupervised Sketch to Photo Synthesis
* Updates of AW3D30 ALOS Global Digital Surface Model with Other Open Access Datasets
* Urban 3d Modelling Methods: A State-of-the-art Review
* Urban Ecological Space Changes of 338 Prefecture-level Cities In China From 2016 to 2017 with High-precision Urban Boundary and Land Cover Data
* Urban Population Distribution Mapping with Multisource Geospatial Data Based on Zonal Strategy
* Urban Riverway Extraction from High-Resolution SAR Image Based on Blocking Segmentation and Discontinuity Connection
* Urban Water Demand Simulation in Residential and Non-Residential Buildings Based on a CityGML Data Model
* UrbanWater: Integrating EPANET 2 in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS-Based Geospatial Database Management System
* Use of Colorimeters to Support Remote Sensing Techniques on Asphalt Pavements, The
* Use of Historical Aerial Images for 3d Modelling of Glaciers in the Province of Trento
* Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Determine Differences in Vegetation Cover: A Tool for Monitoring Coastal Wetland Restoration Schemes, The
* Using 3d Webgis to Support the Disaster Simulation, Management And Analysis - Examples of Tsunami and Flood
* Using An Low-cost Stereo Camera for Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robot
* Using Climate-Sensitive 3D City Modeling to Analyze Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Urban Areas
* Using Deep Learning and Hough Transformations to Infer Mineralised Veins From Lidar Data Over Historic Mining Areas
* Using Deep learning for image watermarking attack
* Using Deep Learning to Digitize Road Arrow Markings From Lidar Point Cloud Derived Images
* Using Flickr Geotagged Photos to Estimate Visitor Trajectories in World Heritage Cities
* Using GIS and Machine Learning to Classify Residential Status of Urban Buildings in Low and Middle Income Settings
* Using GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Techniques in the Smart Cities
* Using GRACE Data to Study the Impact of Snow and Rainfall on Terrestrial Water Storage in Northeast China
* Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Detect an Invasive Fungal Pathogen and Symptom Severity in Pinus strobiformis Seedlings of Different Genotypes
* Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds to Extract Urban Roadside Trees for Ecological Benefits Estimation
* Using Multitemporal Hyper- and Multispectral UAV Imaging for Detecting Bark Beetle Infestation on Norway Spruce
* Using Phase Data From MR Temperature Imaging to Visualize Anatomy During MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Neurosurgery
* Using Reinforcement Learning With Partial Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control
* Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Document and Identify the Largest Underwater Object of the Baltic Sea: Case Study of the Only German Aircraft Carrier, Graf Zeppelin
* Using the Synergy of Qfield for Collecting Data On-site and QGIS For Interactive Map Creation By Alkis® Data Extraction and Implementation In PostgreSQL for Urban Planning Processes
* Using the Total Exploratory Factor Analysis (T-EFA) as a Calibration Technique for Sleuth Model
* Using Transfer Learning for Malware Classification
* Using Wavelet Transforms to Fuse Nighttime Light Data and POI Big Data to Extract Urban Built-Up Areas
* Validation Experiment of the Reflectance Products of KOMPSAT-3A Based on RadCalNet Data and Its Applicability to Vegetation Indexing, A
* Validation of Copernicus Sea Level Altimetry Products in the Baltic Sea and Estonian Lakes
* Validation of LIDAR Calibration Using A LIDAR Simulator
* Validation of Lidar Survey Data By Comparison of Several Uncertainty Models
* Validation of the Stereo Observation Strategy of Simbio-sys Using A Virtual Simulator
* Variance-guided attention-based twin deep network for cross-spectral periocular recognition
* Variational Autoencoder for 3D Voxel Compression
* Variational Context: Exploiting Visual and Textual Context for Grounding Referring Expressions
* Variational Retrievals of High Winds Using Uncalibrated CyGNSS Observables
* Vegetation Dynamic Changes and Their Response to Ecological Engineering in the Sanjiangyuan Region of China
* Vegetation Expansion on the Tibetan Plateau and Its Relationship with Climate Change
* Vehicle Detection in High Resolution Image Based on Deep Learning
* Vehicle Identification by Means of Radio-Frequency-Identification Cards and Magnetic Loops
* Vehicle re-identification based on unsupervised local area detection and view discrimination
* Vehicle Tracking and Speed Estimation From Unmanned Aerial Videos
* Vehicle-Related Scene Segmentation Using CapsNets
* Venetian Galea: From the Wooden Model to the Digital Model, The
* Versatile Multi-camera System for 3d Acquisition and Modeling, A
* Versatile UAV Near Real-time Mapping Solution for Disaster Response: Concept, Ideas and Implementation, A
* Versatile Video Coding Based Quality Scalability With Joint Layer Reference
* Very High Resolution Land Cover Mapping of Urban Areas At Global Scale With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Very High Resolution Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using Pleiades-1 Stereo Imagery and Machine Learning
* Very Local Subsidence Near the Hot Spring Region in Hakone Volcano, Japan, Inferred from InSAR Time Series Analysis of ALOS/PALSAR Data
* VGI Visualisation to Support Participatory Lake Monitoring: the Case Study of Simile Project
* Vicarious Methodologies to Assess and Improve the Quality of the Optical Remote Sensing Images: A Critical Review
* Video Dialog via Multi-Grained Convolutional Self-Attention Context Multi-Modal Networks
* Video Object Segmentation with Episodic Graph Memory Networks
* Video stabilization: Overview, challenges and perspectives
* Video summarisation with visual and semantic cues
* Video-Rate Ring-Array Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Tomography
* View Invariant 3D Human Pose Estimation
* view-free image stitching network based on global homography, A
* Viewpoint Recommendation Based on Object-Oriented 3D Scene Reconstruction
* ViFi-MobiScanner: Observe Human Mobility via Vehicular Internet Service
* Virtual Multi-view Fusion for 3d Semantic Segmentation
* Virtual Reality Simulation Method for Crowd Evacuation in a Multiexit Indoor Fire Environment, A
* Virtual Restoration Framework for the Moon Gate Based on a Modified Scale of Evidence, A
* Virtual Terrestrial Laser Scanner Simulator for Digitalisation Of Teaching Environment: Concept and First Results
* Virtual Touring for the Puglia Regional Museum Directorate
* Virtualization of CH for Historical Reconstruction: the AR Fruition Of the Fountain of St. George Square In Valletta (Malta), The
* Vision-based Approaches for Quantifying Cracks In Concrete Structures
* Visitor Flows at a Large-Scale Cultural Event: GPS Tracking at Dutch Design Week
* Visual Analysis of Inconsistencies In Hydraulic Simulation Data
* Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments by Employing OGC Standards
* Visual manipulation relationship recognition in object-stacking scenes
* Visual Object Tracking in Spherical 360° Videos: A Bridging Approach
* Visual Tracking via Dynamic Memory Networks
* Visual-based Integrated Navigation System Applied to A Simulation Of Lunar Module Landing
* Visualising Detailed CityGML and ADE at the Building Scale
* Visualising Urban Air Quality Using Aermod, Calpuff and Cfd Models: A Critical Review
* Visualization of Point Cloud Models In Mobile Augmented Reality Using Continuous Level of Detail Method
* Visualization of White Matter Fiber Tracts of Brain Tissue Sections With Wide-Field Imaging Mueller Polarimetry
* Visualizing 3d Climate Data In Urban 3d Models
* Visualizing Life In An Informal Settlement of South Africa Using Web Maps and Story Maps
* Visualizing Multilayered Geospatial Data In Virtual Reality to Assess Public Lighting
* Visualizing Near Infrared Hyperspectral Images with Generative Adversarial Networks
* VisWebDrone: A Web Application for UAV Photogrammetry Based on Open-Source Software
* Voice Interaction for Augmented Reality Navigation Interfaces with Natural Language Understanding
* Volume Estimation of Fuel Load for Hazard Reduction Burning: First Results to A Voxel Approach
* Volumetric lung nodule segmentation in thoracic CT scan using freehand sketch
* VR Sickness Versus VR Presence: A Statistical Prediction Model
* VRFCNN: Virtual Reference Frame Generation Network for Quality SHVC
* Vulnerability of Semantic Segmentation Networks to Adversarial Attacks in Autonomous Driving: Enhancing Extensive Environment Sensing, The
* Wall Stone Extraction Based on Stacked Conditional GAN and Multiscale Image Segmentation
* WarpClothingOut: A Stepwise Framework for Clothes Translation From the Human Body to Tiled Images
* Wasserstein GANs for MR Imaging: From Paired to Unpaired Training
* Water Area Observation Experiment Using Optical Sensor for Extracting Inundation Boundary At Night
* Water Body Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images With Cascaded Fully-Convolutional Network and Variable Focal Loss
* Water Body Extraction Methods Comparison Based on FengYun Satellite Data: A Case Study of Poyang Lake Region, China, A
* Water Extraction on the Hyperspectral Images of Gaofen-5 Satellite Using Spectral Indices
* Water Quality Retrieval from PRISMA Hyperspectral Images: First Experience in a Turbid Lake and Comparison with Sentinel-2
* WaveCRN: An Efficient Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for End-to-End Speech Enhancement
* Wavefront reconstruction with the cone sensor
* Wavefront Sensorless Tip/Tilt Removal method for Correcting Astronomical Images, A
* Wavelet Based Thresholding for Fourier Ptychography Microscopy
* Wavelets for Self-calibrated Bundle Block Adjustment
* We Have So Much in Common: Modeling Semantic Relational Set Abstractions in Videos
* Weakly Supervised Change Detection Based on Edge Mapping and SDAE Network in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Weakly supervised instance segmentation using multi-stage erasing refinement and saliency-guided proposals ordering
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Single Depth-Based Hand Shape Recovery
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation by a Class-Level Multiple Group Cosegmentation and Foreground Fusion Strategy
* Web-based Learning Environment of Remote Sensing Experimental Class With Python, A
* Web-based Representation and Management of Infectious Disease Data on A City Scale, Case Study of St. Petersburg, Russia
* Weed Identification in Maize, Sunflower, and Potatoes with the Aid of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Weigh-In-Motion System in Flexible Pavements Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Part A: Concept
* Weighted ICP Point Clouds Registration By Segmentation Based On Eigenfeatures Clustering
* Wetland Hydroperiod Change Along the Upper Columbia River Floodplain, Canada, 1984 to 2019
* What Can Multifractal Analysis Tell Us about Hyperspectral Imagery?
* What Influences Customer Flows in Shopping Malls: Perspective from Indoor Positioning Data
* What Is Urban after All? A Critical Review of Measuring and Mapping Urban Typologies in Portugal
* When Deep Learning Meets Multi-Task Learning in SAR ATR: Simultaneous Target Recognition and Segmentation
* When Roman Antiquity and Renaissance Came Together In Virtual 3d Environment: 3d Modelling Considerations
* Where to Prune: Using LSTM to Guide Data-Dependent Soft Pruning
* Which Way Is Yildiz Amfi? Augmented Reality Vs. Paper Map On Pedestrian Wayfinding
* Wildfire Detection and Disaster Monitoring System Using Uas and Sensor Fusion Technologies
* Wire Structure Image-based 3d Reconstruction Aided By Deep Learning
* Workflow for An Evidence-based Virtual Reconstruction: the Marbles Of The Ciborium of the Early Medieval Monte Sorbo Church
* Workflow of Digital Field Mapping and Drone-Aided Survey for the Identification and Characterization of Capable Faults: The Case of a Normal Fault System in the Monte Nerone Area (Northern Apennines, Italy)
* World Heritage Mapping In A Standard-based Structured Geographical Information System
* Worldwide Detection of Informal Settlements via Topological Analysis of Crowdsourced Digital Maps
* X*: Anytime Multi-Agent Path Finding for Sparse Domains using Window-Based Iterative Repairs
* Y-Autoencoders: Disentangling latent representations via sequential encoding
* Zab River (IRAQ) Sinuosity and Meandering Analysis Based on the Remote Sensing Data
* Zero-Shot Learning to Index on Semantic Trees for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Zoom in Lesions for Better Diagnosis: Attention Guided Deformation Network for WCE Image Classification
2434 for 2012

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Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.