Update Dates 0203

0203 * 2D-Pattern Matching Image and Video Compression: Theory, Algorithms, and Experiments
* Accurate localization of cortical convolutions in MR brain images
* adaptive density-weighted contrast enhancement filter for mammographic breast mass detection, An
* Adaptive image coding with perceptual distortion control
* Adaptive segmentation of MRI data
* Adaptive speckle reduction filter for log-compressed B-scan images
* Analysis of dynamic magnetic resonance images
* Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions
* Analysis of mammographic microcalcifications using gray-level image structure features
* Analyzing Video Sequences of Multiple Humans: Tracking, Posture Estimation and Behavior Recognition
* Application of Competitive Hopfield Neural Network to Medical Image Segmentation, The
* Applications of computer-aided rasterstereography in spinal deformity detection
* Approximation of N-Dimensional Data Using Spherical and Ellipsoidal Primitives
* Automated analysis of nerve-cell images using active contour models
* Automated camera handoff system for figure tracking in a multiple camera system
* Bayesian fused classification of medical images
* Bayesian reconstruction and use of anatomical a priori information for emission tomography
* Biased motion-adaptive temporal filtering for speckle reduction in echocardiography
* Binary reconstruction of the heart chambers from biplane angiographic image sequences
* Building Three Dimensional Head Models
* Calculating Dense Disparity Maps from Color Stereo Images, an Efficient Implementation
* cascaded genetic algorithm for efficient optimization and pattern matching, A
* CCD mosaic technique for large-field digital mammography
* Chronology of Interpolation: From Ancient Astronomy to Modern Signal and Image Processing, A
* Classification algorithms for quantitative tissue characterization of diffuse liver disease from ultrasound images
* Classification of mass and normal breast tissue: a convolution neural network classifier with spatial domain and texture images
* Color texture segmentation using feature distributions
* Comments on Optimal Approximation of Uniformly Rotated Images: Relationship Between Karhunen-Loeve Expansion and Discrete Cosine Transform
* Comparison of Edge Detector Performance through Use in an Object Recognition Task
* comparison of manual and automatic methods for registering scans of the head, A
* computation of MR image distortions caused by tissue susceptibility using the boundary element method, The
* Construction of Optimal Subband Coders Using Optimized and Optimal Quantizers
* Continuous-time envelope-constrained filter design via DSP approach
* Correction of computed tomography motion artifacts using pixel-specific back-projection
* Correction to Segmentation of the Body and Lungs from Compton Scatter and Photopeak Window Data
* Corresponding dynamic appearances
* Crease Enhancement Diffusion
* Deformable models with parameter functions for cardiac motion analysis from tagged MRI data
* Denoising and copy attacks resilient watermarking by exploiting prior knowledge at detector
* Dense 3-D Reconstruction of an Outdoor Scene by Hundreds-Baseline Stereo Using a Hand-Held Video Camera
* Dense Features for Semi-Dense Stereo Correspondence
* Detection of spicules on mammogram based on skeleton analysis
* Detection of stellate distortions in mammograms
* Differentiation applied to lossless compression of medical images
* Digital mammography: mixed feature neural network with spectral entropy decision for detection of microcalcifications
* Document image data storing and controlling system for saving storage data
* Edge Detector Evaluation Using Empirical ROC Curves
* effect of classifier agreement on the accuracy of the combined classifier in decision level fusion, The
* Effect of Noise on Camera Calibration Parameters, The
* Electrical impedance tomography: Regularized Imaging and Contrast Detection
* Electrophotographic process embedded in direct binary search
* Elevation direction deconvolution in three-dimensional ultrasound imaging
* Empirical Evaluation of Dissimilarity Measures for Color and Texture
* EMS-Vision: A Perceptual System for Autonomous Vehicles
* Estimating Relative Vehicle Motions in Traffic Scenes
* Evaluating 2D Image Comparison Metrics for 3D Scene Interpretation
* Exact closed-form geolocation for SAR interferometry
* Experimental Evaluation of FLIR ATR Approaches-A Comparative Study
* Experimental evaluation of two iterative reconstruction methods for induced current electrical impedance tomography
* Extension of phase correlation to subpixel registration
* Extraction of line properties based on direction fields
* Face Detection Using Multimodal Density Models
* Face recognition approach based on rank correlation of Gabor-filtered images
* Face representation using independent component analysis
* Fast and automatic video object segmentation and tracking for content-based applications
* Fast Stereo Matching Using Rectangular Subregioning and 3D Maximum-Surface Techniques
* Finite-difference time-domain simulation of scattering from objects in continuous random media
* fractal neighbor distance measure, The
* From Image Analysis to Computer Vision: An Annotated Bibliography, 1955-1979
* Generalised correlation for multi-feature correspondence
* Generalized Multiple Baseline Stereo and Direct Virtual View Synthesis Using Range-Space Search, Match, and Render
* Generating Realistic Facial Expressions with Wrinkles for Model-Based Coding
* Generation of synthetic-focus images from pulse-echo ultrasound using difference equations
* Generation of Temporally Consistent Multiple Virtual Camera Views from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
* Genetic clustering for automatic evolution of clusters and application to image classification
* Genetic-Based Stereo Algorithm and Disparity Map Evaluation
* Geometric matching of circular features by least squares fitting
* Guest Editorial: Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision
* Haze detection and removal in high resolution satellite image with wavelet analysis
* Hemiface mirroring: a new approach to reducing bandwidth requirements of audiovisual telecommunication
* hierarchical Bayesian model for continuous speech recognition, A
* Hierarchical Symmetric Stereo Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming, A
* hierarchical tag-graph search scheme with layered grammar rules for spontaneous speech understanding, A
* High-order Fisher's discriminant analysis
* How to measure the pose robustness of object views
* hybrid DCT-SVD image-coding algorithm, A
* Hyperbolic Hausdorff Distance for Medial Axis Transform
* Image Recovery Using Partitioned-Separable Paraboloidal Surrogate Coordinate Ascent Algorithms
* Image registration based on boundary mapping
* Impact of HVS models on model-based halftoning
* Implementations, comparisons, and an investigation of heuristic techniques for cone-beam tomography
* importance of ray pathlengths when measuring objects in maximum intensity projection images, The
* Improved SPECT quantitation using fully three-dimensional iterative spatially variant scatter response compensation
* Incremental feature weight learning and its application to a shape-based query system
* Indoor Scene Reconstruction from Sets of Noisy Range Images
* Induction effects of 2-D structures on buried pipelines
* Influence of microphysical cloud parameterizations on microwave brightness temperatures
* Information Fusion and Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information
* integrated automatic face detection and recognition system, An
* Interband calibration over clouds for POLDER space sensor
* Interface using pattern recognition and tracking
* Interframe coding of magnetic resonance images
* Iterative deblurring for CT metal artifact reduction
* iterative initial-points refinement algorithm for categorical data clustering, An
* joint multicontext and multiscale approach to Bayesian image segmentation, A
* Joint striping noise removal and background clutter cancellation in IR naval surveillance systems
* Knowledge-based interpretation of MR brain images
* Labeling of MR brain images using Boolean neural network
* Landsat-4/5 Band 6 relative radiometry
* Localization and classification based on projections
* Locating the eye in human face images using fractal dimensions
* MAP-Based Stochastic Diffusion for Stereo Matching and Line Fields Estimation
* Mapping of change in cerebral glucose utilization using fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose double injection and the constrained weighted-integration method
* Measuring similarity between pixel signatures
* Measuring the Performance of Shape Similarity Retrieval Methods
* Medical image compression by using three-dimensional wavelet transformation
* Method and apparatus for detecting independent motion in three-dimensional scenes
* Method and apparatus for signaling a still image capture during video capture
* Method for determining range of vision
* method of detecting and tracking irises and eyelids in video, A
* Minimax Design of Two-Channel IIR QMF Banks with Arbitrary Group Delay
* Minimum mean square error space-varying filtering of interferometric SAR data
* mixed transform approach for efficient compression of medical images, A
* model-based method for phase unwrapping, A
* Modeling and analysis of 3-D elongated shapes with applications to long bone morphometry
* Moving beam helical CT scanning
* MRI artifact cancellation due to rigid motion in the imaging plane
* Multichannel Image Compression by Bijection Mappings Onto Zero-trees
* multiple active contour model for cardiac boundary detection on echocardiographic sequences, A
* Multiresolution reconstruction in fan-beam tomography
* Multiset canonical correlations analysis and multispectral, truly multitemporal remote sensing data
* new approach to the interpolation of sampled data, A
* new model for fingerprint classification by ridge distribution sequences, A
* Nonlinear filtering approach to 3-D gray-scale image interpolation
* Novel FPGA Implementations of Walsh-Hadamard Transforms for Signal Processing
* Novel rate-distortion analysis framework for bit rate and picture quality control in DCT visual coding
* On Benchmarking Optical Flow
* On measuring the distance between histograms
* On modeling the tissue response from ultrasonic B-scan images
* On the estimation of radar polarization orientation shifts induced by terrain slopes
* online preprocessing technique for improving the lossless compression of images with sparse histograms, An
* Optimal display conditions for quantitative analysis of stereoscopic cerebral angiograms
* Optimal experiment design for PET quantification of receptor concentration
* Optimal image sampling schedule: a new effective way to reduce dynamic image storage space and functional image processing time
* Optimal linear granulometric estimation for random sets
* Optimal Linear Transformation for MRI Feature Extraction
* Orientation analysis for rotated human face detection
* Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach
* Perceptual organization with image formation compatibilities
* Performance Evaluation of Document Structure Extraction Algorithms
* Performance Prediction Analysis of a Point Feature Tracker Based on Different Motion Models
* PET regularization by envelope guided conjugate gradients
* physical model-based approach to detecting sky in photographic images, A
* Practical considerations for 3-D image reconstruction using spherically symmetric volume elements
* Progressive space frequency quantization for SAR data compression
* Prototype optimization for nearest-neighbor classification
* prototype rotating slat collimator for single photon emission computed tomography, A
* quantized DCT and its application to DCT-based video coding, The
* Random field models in the textural analysis of ultrasonic images of the liver
* Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints
* Real-Time Correlation-Based Stereo Vision with Reduced Border Errors
* Reduction of false positives in lung nodule detection using a two-level neural classification
* Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
* Registration of 3-D images using weighted geometrical features
* Reliability measure assignment to sonar for robust target differentiation
* Respiratory compensation in projection imaging using a magnification and displacement model
* Road Detection in Spaceborne SAR Images Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Robust array interpolation using second-order cone programming
* Rotated read-out of JPEG compressed images
* Rotation-invariant texture classification using a two-stage wavelet packet feature approach
* row-action alternative to the EM algorithm for maximizing likelihood in emission tomography, A
* Rule-based detection of intrathoracic airway trees
* Segmentation of color images using a two-stage self-organizing network
* Segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in intensity corrected multispectral MRI
* Segmentation of the body and lungs from Compton scatter and photopeak window data in SPECT: a Monte-Carlo investigation
* Self-Calibration of Rotating and Zooming Cameras
* Set Descriptors for Visual Evaluation of Human Corneal Endothelia
* Shape-based interpolation of multidimensional grey-level images
* Shot-boundary detection: unraveled and resolved?
* Signal-to-noise ratio in neuro activation PET studies
* Simple hybrid classifier for face recognition with adaptively generated virtual data
* Simple Stereo Algorithm to Recover Precise Object Boundaries and Smooth Surfaces, A
* Smoothing random noise from human head scan data
* Spatial Models for Fuzzy Clustering
* Spatio-Temporal Stereo Using Multi-Resolution Subdivision Surfaces
* Special Issue on Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Stereo with Oblique Cameras
* surface-based method for detection of coronary vessel boundaries in poor quality X-ray angiogram images, A
* surface-based technique for warping three-dimensional images of the brain, A
* System for analyzing high-resolution three-dimensional coronary angiograms
* System for automatically generating database of objects of interest by analysis of images recorded by moving vehicle
* Systems and methods for template matching of multicolored images
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence Algorithms, A
* Theoretical comparison of Fourier and wavelet encoding in magnetic resonance imaging
* Three-dimensional multimodal image-guidance for neurosurgery
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Points and Lines with Unknown Correspondence across Images
* Tissue elasticity reconstruction using linear perturbation method
* Tracking myocardial deformation using phase contrast MR velocity fields: A Stochastic Approach
* Triangulation Position Error Analysis for Closely Spaced Imagers
* Trinocular Stereo Using Shortest Paths and the Ordering Constraint
* Trinocular Stereo: A Real-Time Algorithm and its Evaluation
* unbiased parametric imaging algorithm for nonuniformly sampled biomedical system parameter estimation, An
* Unsupervised image classification, segmentation, and enhancement using ICA mixture models
* Unsupervised segmentation of low clouds from infrared METEOSAT images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach
* Unsupervised vector image segmentation by a tree structure-ICM algorithm
* Using a Deformable Surface Model to Obtain a Shape Representation of the Cortex
* Using Multiple-Hypothesis Disparity Maps and Image Velocity for 3-D Motion Estimation
* vector Wiener filter for dual-radionuclide imaging, A
* Vehicle path planning by using adaptive constrained distance transformation
* Video compression of coronary angiograms based on discrete wavelet transform with block classification
* Video sequence segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Visual search: psychophysical models and practical applications
* Wall position and thickness estimation from sequences of echocardiographic images
* Wavelet transforms for detecting microcalcifications in mammograms
* wavelet-based method for multiscale tomographic reconstruction, A
215 for 0203

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.