Update Dates 1601

1601 * *Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* *Advances in Visual Computing
* *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* *Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping
* *DIFFerential Geometry in Computer Vision for Analysis of Shapes, Images and Trajectories
* *Machine Vision of Animals and their Behaviour Workshop
* *UK British Machine Vision Workshop
* 1D Barcode Region Detection Based on the Hough Transform and Support Vector Machine
* 2D Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection for Image Denoising
* 3D image reconstruction using Radon transform
* 3D leaf water content mapping using terrestrial laser scanner backscatter intensity with radiometric correction
* 3D Maize Plant Reconstruction Based on Georeferenced Overlapping LiDAR Point Clouds
* 3D Perception for Autonomous Robot Exploration
* 3D Surface Reconstruction of Plant Seeds by Volume Carving
* 3D Tracking of Human Hands in Interaction with Unknown Objects
* 4D Filtering and Calibration Technique for Small-Scale Point Cloud Change Detection with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, A
* 4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification for TIPS Guidance
* 4K Real-Time and Parallel Software Video Decoder for Multilayer HEVC Extensions
* 4K Real-Time HEVC Decoder on an FPGA
* Ability of the Photochemical Reflectance Index to Track Light Use Efficiency for a Sub-Tropical Planted Coniferous Forest
* Accepting H Iso-Array System
* Accidental Fall Detection Based on Skeleton Joint Correlation and Activity Boundary
* Accuracy and Precision of Habitat Structural Complexity Metrics Derived from Underwater Photogrammetry
* Accurate abandoned and removed object classification using hierarchical finite state machine
* Achieving Turbidity Robustness on Underwater Images Local Feature Detection
* Action and Attention in First-person Vision
* Action Recognition based on Subdivision-Fusion Model
* Action Recognition Using Rate-Invariant Analysis of Skeletal Shape Trajectories
* Active cleaning of label noise
* Adaptation of Synthetic Data for Coarse-to-Fine Viewpoint Refinement
* Adapting RANSAC SVM to Detect Outliers for Robust Classification
* Adaptive Contour Fitting for Pose-Invariant 3D Face Shape Reconstruction
* Adaptive dualISO HDR reconstruction
* Adaptive Fast Quadtree Level Decision Algorithm for H.264 to HEVC Video Transcoding
* Adaptive Flocking Control of Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles by Using a UAV
* Adaptive imputation of missing values for incomplete pattern classification
* Adaptive Method of Wave Spectrum Estimation Using X-Band Nautical Radar, An
* Adaptive Multichannel Reduction Using Convex Polyhedral Loudspeaker Array
* Adaptive Overhearing in Two-Way Multi-Antenna Relay Channels
* Adaptive ranking of perceptual aesthetics
* Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding by Extending the Generalized Integer Transformation
* Adaptive Synopsis of Non-Human Primates' Surveillance Video Based on Behavior Classification
* Addressing the non-functional requirements of computer vision systems: a case study
* Adjugate Diffusion Tensors for Geodesic Tractography in White Matter
* Advanced K-means clustering algorithm for large ECG data sets based on a collaboration of compressed sensing theory and K-SVD approach
* Advanced spatio-temporal filtering techniques for photogrammetric image sequence analysis in civil engineering material testing
* Advancements in Contact-free Heart Rate Measurements Using Human Face Videos
* Advancing Iterative Quantization Hashing Using Isotropic Prior
* Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimensional principal component analysis: a novel framework for affine and scale invariant face recognition
* Affine-transformation and 2D-projection invariant k-NN classification of handwritten characters via a new matching measure
* Affine-Transformation Parameters Regression for Face Alignment
* Affinity Matting for Pixel-accurate Fin Shape Recovery from Great White Shark Imagery
* Airborne DLSLA 3-D SAR Image Reconstruction by Combination of Polar Formatting and L_1 Regularization
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of the H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder
* Algorithm to estimate biometric performance change over time
* Analysis and Application of a Nonlocal Hessian
* Analysis and Comparison of Inter-Channel Level Difference and Interaural Level Difference
* Analysis and Design Optimization of a Robotic Gripper Using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm
* Analysis and Performance Evaluation of ICA-Based Architectures for Face Recognition
* Analysis of Additional Stable Gain by Frequency Shifting for Acoustic Feedback Suppression using Statistical Room Acoustics
* Analysis of Desert Dust Outbreaks Over Southern Europe Using CALIOP Data and Ground-Based Measurements
* Analysis of face and segment level descriptors for robust 3D co-segmentation
* Analysis of Image Contrast: From Quality Assessment to Automatic Enhancement, The
* Analysis of Physiological Responses and Use of Fuzzy Information Granulation-Based Neural Network for Recognition of Three Emotions
* Analysis of Taxi Drivers' Behaviors Within a Battle Between Two Taxi Apps
* Analyzing Activities in Videos Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Granger Causality
* Anatomical triangulation: from sparse landmarks to dense annotation of the skeleton in CT images
* Animating Still Landscape Photographs Through Cloud Motion Creation
* Anisotropic motion estimation on edge preserving Riesz wavelets for robust video mosaicing
* ANN based detector to remove random-valued impulse noise in images, The
* Anticipating Human Activities Using Object Affordances for Reactive Robotic Response
* Aperio: A System for Visualizing 3D Anatomy Data Using Virtual Mechanical Tools
* Appearance and Depth for Rapid Human Activity Recognition in Real Applications
* Application Authentication System with Efficiently Updatable Signature
* Application of fuzzy inference and active contour model for detection of fovea and its center in a fundus image
* Application of InSAR and Gravimetry for Land Subsidence Hazard Zoning in Aguascalientes, Mexico
* Application-Ready Expedited MODIS Data for Operational Land Surface Monitoring of Vegetation Condition
* Applications of 3D City Models: State of the Art Review
* Applying Visual User Interest Profiles for Recommendation and Personalisation
* Approach for Indoor Path Computation among Obstacles that Considers User Dimension, An
* APT: Action localization proposals from dense trajectories
* Arabic/Latin and Machine-printed/Handwritten Word Discrimination using HOG-based Shape Descriptor
* Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Towers
* Articulated and Generalized Gaussian Kernel Correlation for Human Pose Estimation
* As-Rigid-As-Possible Character Deformation Using Point Handles
* Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States
* Assessment of noise reduction in ultrasound images of common carotid and brachial arteries
* Assimilation of Jason-2 Significant Wave Height Data in the North Indian Ocean Using the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation, The
* Attitude Refinement for Orbiting Pushbroom Cameras: A Simple Polynomial Fitting Method
* Attribute Discovery for Person Re-Identification
* Audio Surveillance of Roads: A System for Detecting Anomalous Sounds
* Audio-Visual Emotion-Aware Cloud Gaming Framework
* Augmented Likelihood Image Reconstruction
* Automated and optimal detection of 3D articular cartilage using undecimated wavelets in MRI
* Automated annual cropland mapping using knowledge-based temporal features
* Automated Detection of Reflection Hyperbolas in Complex GPR Images With No A Priori Knowledge on the Medium
* Automated facial expression recognition based on histograms of oriented gradient feature vector differences
* Automated Habit Detection System: A Feasibility Study
* Automated Identification of Individual Great White Sharks from Unrestricted Fin Imagery
* Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning
* automated pattern recognition system for classifying indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp-2 cells and specimens, An
* Automated Segmentation of the Right Ventricle in 3D Echocardiography: A Kalman Filter State Estimation Approach
* Automated, Depth-Resolved Estimation of the Attenuation Coefficient From Optical Coherence Tomography Data
* Automatic 3D Facial Landmarking Algorithm Using 2D Gabor Wavelets, An
* Automatic 3D Segmentation and Quantification of Lenticulostriate Arteries from High-Resolution 7 Tesla MRA Images
* Automatic 3D tracking system for large swarm of moving objects
* Automatic active contour segmentation approach via vector field convolution
* Automatic Affect Analysis: From Children to Adults
* Automatic Age Estimation from Face Images via Deep Ranking
* Automatic Aortic Root Segmentation with Shape Constraints and Mesh Regularisation
* Automatic chessboard corner detection method
* Automatic continuous speech recogniser for Dravidian languages using the auto associative neural network
* Automatic Crater Detection Using Convex Grouping and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic detection of microaneurysms in diabetic retinopathy fundus images using the L*a*b color space
* Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs Using a Combination of Textural, Focal, and Shape Abnormality Analysis
* Automatic Ear Landmark Localization, Segmentation, and Pose Classification in Range Images
* Automatic Endmember Extraction Using Pixel Purity Index for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automatic Labelling and Selection of Training Samples for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification over Urban Areas
* Automatic Motion Classification for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Automatic number plate recognition system by character position method
* Automatic Scribble Simulation for Interactive Image Segmentation Evaluation
* Automatic Segmentation of Extraocular Muscles Using Superpixel and Normalized Cuts
* Automatic Segmentation of Mechanically Inhomogeneous Tissues Based on Deformation Gradient Jump
* Automatic SWI Venography Segmentation Using Conditional Random Fields
* Automatic Verification of Properly Signed Multi-page Document Images
* Autonomous Chemical Vapour Detection by Micro UAV
* Autonomous Guidance for a UAS Along a Staircase
* Autonomous Robotic Aerial Tracking, Avoidance, and Seeking of a Mobile Human Subject
* Background estimation method with incremental iterative Re-weighted least squares
* Background modeling using Object-based Selective Updating and Correntropy adaptation
* Bag Detection and Retrieval in Street Shots
* Basic Study of Automated Diagnosis of Viral Plant Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Basis pursuit denoising-based image superresolution using a redundant set of atoms
* Bayesian Depth-from-Defocus with Shading Constraints
* Bayesian Machine Learning: EEG/MEG signal processing measurements
* Because better detections are still possible: Multi-aspect Object Detection with Boosted Hough Forest
* Benchmarking of objective quality metrics for HDR image quality assessment
* Beyond MSER: Maximally Stable Regions using Tree of Shapes
* Beyond pixels: A comprehensive survey from bottom-up to semantic image segmentation and cosegmentation
* Bicycle Detection Using HOG, HSC and MLBP
* Biomedical Signal Processing: From a Conceptual Framework to Clinical Applications
* Biometric Identity
* Biometrics statistics: A foreword and introduction to the special issue
* Bistatic Radar Measurements of Significant Wave Height Using Signals of Opportunity in L-, S-, and Ku-Bands
* Bitplane Image Coding With Parallel Coefficient Processing
* Blind image quality assessment by relative gradient statistics and adaboosting neural network
* Blind-Zone Detection Method Using a Rear-Mounted Fisheye Camera With Combination of Vehicle Detection Methods, A
* Block-based discrete wavelet transform-singular value decomposition image watermarking scheme using human visual system characteristics
* Block-based semantic classification of high-resolution multispectral aerial images
* Block-Row Sparse Multiview Multilabel Learning for Image Classification
* Bluetooth Traffic Monitoring Systems for Travel Time Estimation on Freeways
* Boosted Metric Learning for Efficient Identity-Based Face Retrieval
* Boosting Fisher vector based scoring functions for person re-identification
* Boosting the Performance of Model-based 3D Tracking by Employing Low Level Motion Cues
* Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Forests as Vicarious Calibration Sites for Spaceborne Microwave Radiometry
* Bottom Reflectance in Ocean Color Satellite Remote Sensing for Coral Reef Environments
* BoW-equivalent Recurrent Neural Network for Action Recognition, A
* Brain tumour classification using two-tier classifier with adaptive segmentation technique
* Breast cancer detection using MRF-based probable texture feature and decision-level fusion-based classification using HMM on thermography images
* Bridging InSAR and GPS Tomography: A New Differential Geometrical Constraint
* Bridging the Domain Shift by Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Support the Development of Agriculture Monitoring Applications with Sentinel-2
* Building Blocks of User-Focused 3D City Models, The
* Building Hierarchical Representations for Oracle Character and Sketch Recognition
* Building of Readable Decision Trees for Automated Melanoma Discrimination
* Buzzword detection in the scientific scenario
* C3 Vegetation Mapping and CO2 Fertilization Effect in the Arid Lower Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
* Cahn-Hilliard System with a Fidelity Term for Color Image Inpainting, A
* Calibration to Improve Forward Model Simulation of Microwave Emissivity at GPM Frequencies Over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
* Camera Elevation Estimation from a Single Mountain Landscape Photograph
* Camera Network Based Person Re-identification by Leveraging Spatial-Temporal Constraint and Multiple Cameras Relations
* Camera Pose and Focal Length Estimation Using Regularized Distance Constraints
* Camera Pose Estimation from Lines using Plücker Coordinates
* Cardiac image segmentation by random walks with dynamic shape constraint
* Change Detection from a Street Image Pair using CNN Features and Superpixel Segmentation
* Changes in thermal infrared spectra of plants caused by temperature and water stress
* Channel Capacity Analysis of the Multiple Orthogonal Sequence Spread Spectrum Watermarking in Audio Signals
* chaotic-cipher-based packet body encryption algorithm for JPEG2000 images, A
* Character Identification in TV-series via Non-local Cost Aggregation
* Character Segmentation of Hindi Unconstrained Handwritten Words
* Characterization and Construction of Rational Circles on the Integer Plane
* Characterization of Human Motor Units From Surface EMG Decomposition
* Characterization of Mountain Drainage Patterns for GPS-Denied UAS Navigation Augmentation
* CHCF: A Cloud-Based Heterogeneous Computing Framework for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* CINAPACT-Splines: A Family of Infinitely Smooth, Accurate and Compactly Supported Splines
* Classification and saliency detection by semi-supervised low-rank representation
* Classification of EEG signals using normal inverse Gaussian parameters in the dual-tree complex wavelet transform domain for seizure detection
* Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Modeling Contextual Information and Using Texture Features
* Classification of Ultra-High Resolution Orthophotos Combined with DSM Using a Dual Morphological Top Hat Profile
* Classifying fonts and calligraphy styles using complex wavelet transform
* Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Classifying Global Scene Context for On-line Multiple Tracker Selection
* Client-Driven Strategy of Large-Scale Scene Streaming
* Climatic Controls on Spring Onset of the Tibetan Plateau Grasslands from 1982 to 2008
* Close Human Interaction Recognition Using Patch-Aware Models
* Closed-Loop Neuromodulation Technology for Baroreflex Blood Pressure Control
* Cloud Gaming: Understanding the Support From Advanced Virtualization and Hardware
* Cloud-Based Distributed Image Coding
* Co-design of an in-line holographic microscope with enhanced axial resolution: Selective filtering digital holography
* Cognitive Resource Optimization for the Decomposed Cloud Gaming Platform
* Collaborative Correlation Tracking
* Collaborative Q-Learning Based Routing Control in Unstructured P2P Networks
* Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable EU Flood Risk Management: FOSS and Geospatial Tools: Challenges and Opportunities for Operative Risk Analysis
* Collaborative Video Search Combining Video Retrieval with Human-Based Visual Inspection
* Color calibration of multi-view video plus depth for advanced 3D video
* Color Constancy by Deep Learning
* Combination of global and local contexts for text/non-text classification in heterogeneous online handwritten documents
* Combination of high-level features with low-level features for detection of pedestrian
* Combinations of Adaptive Filters: Performance and convergence properties
* Combinatorial Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* Combinatorial Regularization of Descriptor Matching for Optical Flow Estimation
* Combining 2D Mapping and Low Density Elevation Data in a GIS for GNSS Shadow Prediction
* Combining motion and appearance cues for anomaly detection
* Combining spaceborne SAR images with 3D point clouds for infrastructure monitoring applications
* Comment on 'Measurement of Ionospheric TEC in Spaceborne SAR Data'
* Common and Adapted Vocabularies for Face Verification
* Compact descriptor for local feature using dominating centre-symmetric local binary pattern
* Comparative Analysis of Two Approaches to Periocular Recognition in Mobile Scenarios, A
* Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Point Clouds from Air- and Space-Borne Sources in the Retrieval of Forest Inventory Attributes
* Comparison of the Performance of Bias-Corrected RSMs and RFMs for the Geo-Positioning of High-Resolution Satellite Stereo Imagery, A
* Comparison of Typhoon Centers From SAR and IR Images and Those From Best Track Data Sets
* Completely Blind Video Integrity Oracle, A
* Complex Exponential Pseudomodes of LTI Operators Over Finite Intervals
* Complexity reduction algorithm for prediction unit decision process in high efficiency video coding
* Compound Figure Separation Combining Edge and Band Separator Detection
* Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of the Performance of Multiple Tropospheric Models in China Region, A
* Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descriptors, A
* comprehensive survey of handwritten document benchmarks: Structure, usage and evaluation, A
* Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging based on dictionary updating and block-matching and three-dimensional filtering regularisation
* Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of 3D Ultrasound Data Using Dictionary Learning and Line-Wise Subsampling
* Compressive Covariance Sensing: Structure-based compressive sensing beyond sparsity
* Compressive Parameter Estimation for Correlated Frames in MIMO Visible Light Communications
* Compressive sensing applied to radar systems: An overview
* Compressive Sensing for Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Tomography of Forested Areas
* Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Labeling
* Computational Cartoonist: A Comic-Style Video Summarization System for Anime Films
* Computational Face Reader
* Computational Model for Object-Based Visual Saliency: Spreading Attention Along Gestalt Cues, A
* Computer Vision Approach to Classification of Birds in Flight from Video Sequences, A
* Computer Vision System for Automatic Classification of Most Consumed Brazilian Beans, A
* Computing Voronoi Diagrams of Line Segments in R K in O(n log n) Time
* Condition Monitoring for Image-Based Visual Servoing Using Kalman Filter
* Conductor Tutoring Using the Microsoft Kinect
* Congestion-Aware Warehouse Flow Analysis and Optimization
* Conjugate Gradient Method in Hilbert and Banach Spaces to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of Radiometer Data
* Consensus Guided Multiple Match Removal for Geometry Verification in Image Retrieval
* Consistent Basis Pursuit for Signal and Matrix Estimates in Quantized Compressed Sensing
* Constrained Metric Learning by Permutation Inducing Isometries
* Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Without Accurate Knowledge of Transducer Responses, A
* Construction of 3D Orthogonal Convex Hull of a Digital Object
* Construction of Perfect Auto-correlation Arrays and Zero Cross-correlation Arrays from Discrete Projections
* Construction of Sandwich Cover of Digital Objects
* Content-adaptive parameters estimation for multi-dimensional rate control
* Content-Based Guided Image Filtering, Weighted Semi-Global Optimization, and Efficient Disparity Refinement for Fast and Accurate Disparity Estimation
* Content-based image retrieval system via sparse representation
* Context Forest for Object Class Detection
* Context-Aware Hypergraph Modeling for Re-identification and Summarization
* Contextual Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents
* continuous linear optimal transport approach for pattern analysis in image datasets, A
* Contour model based homography estimation of texture-less planar objects in uncalibrated images
* Contour-Driven Atlas-Based Segmentation
* Contrast enhancement by modified octagon histogram equalization
* Contrast Enhancement by Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Contrast Invariant Interest Point Detection by Zero-Norm LoG Filter
* Contributions to metric-topological localization and mapping in mobile robotics
* Control subgradient algorithm for image L_1 regularization
* Convex Approach for Image Restoration with Exact Poisson-Gaussian Likelihood, A
* Convex Cardinal Shape Composition
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Counting Fish in Fisheries Surveillance Video
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Direct Text Deblurring
* Coordinated Planning of Heterogeneous Earth Observation Resources
* Copolarized and Cross-Polarized Backscattering From Random Rough Soil Surfaces From L-Band to Ku-Band Using Numerical Solutions of Maxwell's Equations With Near-Field Precondition
* Correction of Interferometric and Vegetation Biases in the SRTMGL1 Spaceborne DEM with Hydrological Conditioning towards Improved Hydrodynamics Modeling in the Amazon Basin
* Cost Minimization of Charging Stations With Photovoltaics: An Approach With EV Classification
* Counting leaves without 'finger-counting' by supervised multiscale frequency analysis of depth images from top view
* Coupled Learning for Facial Deblur
* Covariance-Assisted Matching Pursuit
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Point Based Image Registration With Heteroscedastic Error Model for Application in Single Molecule Microscopy
* CRFs and HCRFs Based Recognition for Off-Line Arabic Handwriting
* Critical examination of the IREX VI results
* Croatian Fish Dataset: Fine-grained classification of fish species in their natural habitat
* Cross-Domain Object Recognition Using Object Alignment
* Cross-Media Retrieval via Semantic Entity Projection
* Cross-Modal Fashion Search
* Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images, A
* Curve-Like Structure Extraction Using Minimal Path Propagation With Backtracking
* Cylindrical Surface Reconstruction by Fitting Paths on Shape Space
* DAcImPro: A Novel Database of Acquired Image Projections and Its Application to Object Recognition
* DALSA: Domain Adaptation for Supervised Learning From Sparsely Annotated MR Images
* Data driven visual tracking via representation learning and online multi-class LPBoost learning
* Data Integration for Climate Vulnerability Mapping in West Africa
* Data Separation of L1-minimization for Real-time Motion Detection
* Data-free Parameter Pruning for Deep Neural Networks
* DCT Coefficient Distribution Modeling and Quality Dependency Analysis Based Frame-Level Bit Allocation for HEVC
* Dealing with Ambiguous Queries in Multimodal Video Retrieval
* Dealing With User Heterogeneity in P2P Multi-Party Video Conferencing: Layered Distribution Versus Partitioned Simulcast
* Decision Fusion for Image Quality Assessment using an Optimization Approach
* Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms, A
* Deep Aging Face Verification With Large Gaps
* Deep Belief Network for Classifying Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data, A
* Deep Face Recognition
* Deep Fishing: Gradient Features from Deep Nets
* Deep Learning Generic Features for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Deep Learning of Neuromuscular Control for Biomechanical Human Animation
* Deep Learning-Based Man-Made Object Detection from Hyperspectral Data
* Deep Perceptual Mapping for Thermal to Visible Face Recogntion
* Deep Q-learning for Active Recognition of GERMS: Baseline performance on a standardized dataset for active learning
* Deep Structured Models For Group Activity Recognition
* Deformable Object Behavior Reconstruction Derived Through Simultaneous Geometric and Material Property Estimation
* DEM-Assisted RFM Block Adjustment of Pushbroom Nadir Viewing HRS Imagery
* Demosaicking Algorithm with Adaptive Inter-Channel Correlation, A
* Denoising images corrupted by impulsive noise using projections onto the epigraph set of the total variation function (PES-TV)
* Dense Correspondence and Optical Flow Estimation Using Gabor, Schmid and Steerable Descriptors
* Depth Estimation Using a Sliding Camera
* Depth Map Coding by Modeling the Locality and Local Correlation of View Synthesis Distortion in 3-D Video
* Depth Restoration via Joint Training of a Global Regression Model and CNNs
* Derivation of High-Resolution Bathymetry from Multispectral Satellite Imagery: A Comparison of Empirical and Optimisation Methods through Geographical Error Analysis
* Describing Common Human Visual Actions in Images
* Describing Images with Ontology-Aware Dictionary Learning
* design framework for hierarchical ensemble of multiple feature extractors and multiple classifiers, A
* Design of new class of regular biorthogonal wavelet filter banks using generalized and hybrid lifting structures
* Design of Steerable Wavelets to Detect Multifold Junctions
* Design of variable bandwidth symmetric/anti-symmetric FIR single-band PCLS lowpass and highpass filters
* Designing Climate-Resilient Marine Protected Area Networks by Combining Remotely Sensed Coral Reef Habitat with Coastal Multi-Use Maps
* Despeckling of SAR Image Using Generalized Guided Filter With Bayesian Nonlocal Means
* Detail-Preserving and Content-Aware Variational Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* Detect2Rank: Combining Object Detectors Using Learning to Rank
* Detecting and Tracking Bottoms and Faces of the Crested Black Macaque in the Wild
* Detecting Change for Multi-View, Long-Term Surface Inspection
* Detecting conversational groups in images and sequences: A robust game-theoretic approach
* Detecting Densely Distributed Graph Patterns for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* Detecting flaws in golf swing using common movements of professional players
* Detecting Gallbladders in Chicken Livers using Spectral Imaging Anders
* Detecting Road Events Using Distributed Data Fusion: Experimental Evaluation for the Icy Roads Case
* Detecting Road Users at Intersections Through Changing Weather Using RGB-Thermal Video
* Detecting Surgical Tools by Modelling Local Appearance and Global Shape
* Detection and Classification of Changes in Buildings from Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Detection and Labeling of Sensitive Areas in Hydrological Cartography Using Vector Statistics
* Detection of bird nests in overhead catenary system images for high-speed rail
* Detection of Moving Objects Using Fuzzy Color Difference Histogram Based Background Subtraction
* Development and Application of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Ozone Retrieval Products for Operational Meteorology
* Development and Evaluation of a Multi-Year Fractional Surface Water Data Set Derived from Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* Development and Testing of a 3G/LTE Adaptive Data Collection System in Vehicular Networks
* Development of a crack growth predictor for geomaterials using detrended fluctuation analysis and optical flow method
* Development of an Estimation Model for Instantaneous Presence in Audio-Visual Content
* Development of an ISO-Standard for the Preservation of Geospatial Data and Metadata: ISO 19165
* Development of Dense Time Series 30-m Image Products from the Chinese HJ-1A/B Constellation: A Case Study in Zoige Plateau, China
* DFRS: A Large-Scale Distributed Fingerprint Recognition System Based on Redis
* Diagnosing state-of-the-art object proposal methods
* Dictionary Learning with Iterative Laplacian Regularisation for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Dictionary-Driven Ischemia Detection From Cardiac Phase-Resolved Myocardial BOLD MRI at Rest
* Digital Analytical Geometry: How Do I Define a Digital Analytical Object?
* Digital Halftoning through Approximate Optimization of Scale-Related Perceived Error Metric
* Digital Tomosynthesis System Geometry Analysis Using Convolution-Based Blur-and-Add (BAA) Model
* Digital video steganalysis toward spread spectrum data hiding
* direct approach for object detection with catadioptric omnidirectional cameras, A
* Discrete Light Source Estimation from Light Probes for Photorealistic Rendering
* Discriminant Manifold Learning via Sparse Coding for Image Analysis
* Discriminated Release Strategy for Parking Variable Message Sign Display Problem Using Agent-Based Simulation, A
* Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Common Label Alignment for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Discriminative Feature Learning with an Optimal Pattern Model for Image Classification
* Discriminative Transfer Subspace Learning via Low-Rank and Sparse Representation
* Disparity map optimization using sparse gradient measurement under intensity-edge constraints
* Distance Metric Learning by Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold
* Distance metric learning for soft subspace clustering in composite kernel space
* Distinguishing Early Successional Plant Communities Using Ground-Level Hyperspectral Data
* Does correlated color temperature affect the ability of humans to identify veins?
* domain specific language for spatial simulation scenarios, A
* Dominant Set Based Data Clustering and Image Segmentation
* Doppler Simulation and Analysis for 2-D Sea Surfaces Up to Ku-Band
* Dorsal hand vein recognition based on directional filter bank
* Double Gaussian mixture model for image segmentation with spatial relationships
* Downscaling Surface Water Inundation from Coarse Data to Fine-Scale Resolution: Methodology and Accuracy Assessment
* DPN-LRF: A Local Reference Frame for Robustly Handling Density Differences and Partial Occlusions
* Driver Fatigue Detection System Based on DSP Platform
* Driver head pose estimation using efficient descriptor fusion
* DROP: A Data Reduction and Organization Paradigm and its Application in Image Analysis
* Dual Sparse Constrained Cascade Regression for Robust Face Alignment
* Dynamic background subtraction via sparse representation of dynamic textures in a low-dimensional subspace
* Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Generalized Time Warping and Deep Belief Networks
* Dynamic Label Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-class Multi-label Classification
* Dynamic Target Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance using a Drone
* Dynamic view selection for multi-camera action recognition
* Dynamical Regularity for Action Analysis
* E2SGM: Event Enrichment and Summarization by Graph Model
* Early DIRECT mode decision based on all-zero block and rate distortion cost for multiview video coding
* ECG biometric analysis in different physiological recording conditions
* Ecological Adaptive Cruise Controller for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
* Edge Based Segmentation of Left and Right Ventricles Using Two Distance Regularized Level Sets
* Edge detection of intestinal parasites in stool microscopic images using multi-scale wavelet transform
* Edge-Aware BMA Filters
* Edge-Guided Single Depth Image Super Resolution
* Edit-Based Font Search
* Editorial: In Memoriam: Anastasios (Tas) N. Venetsanopoulos
* Editorial: Two views on iris ageing
* Effect of Epidermal Structures on Leaf Spectral Signatures of Ice Plants (Aizoaceae), The
* Effect of image standardization on FLAIR MRI for brain extraction
* Effective Active Skeleton Representation for Low Latency Human Action Recognition
* Effective Face Verification Algorithm to Fuse Complete Features in Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Effective Information and Contrast Based Saliency Detection
* Effective Method for Snow-Cover Mapping of Dense Coniferous Forests in the Upper Heihe River Basin Using Landsat Operational Land Imager Data, An
* effective methodology for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval, An
* Effective Video Synopsis Approach with Seam Carving, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Learning Distances that Obey the Triangle Inequality, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Convolutional Sparse Representations
* Efficient Algorithms for Indoor MAV Flight Using Vision and Sonar Sensors
* Efficient Blind Compressed Sensing Using Sparsifying Transforms with Convergence Guarantees and Application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Efficient clustering on Riemannian manifolds: A kernelised random projection approach
* Efficient Compressed Sensing SENSE pMRI Reconstruction With Joint Sparsity Promotion
* Efficient Dominant Point Detection Based on Discrete Curve Structure
* Efficient Hand Articulations Tracking Using Adaptive Hand Model and Depth Map
* efficient hardware implementation of parallel EBCOT algorithm for JPEG 2000, An
* efficient image aesthetic analysis system using Hadoop, An
* Efficient image classification via sparse coding spatial pyramid matching representation of SIFT-WCS-LTP feature
* Efficient image features selection and weighting for fundamental matrix estimation
* Efficient Lane Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Images
* Efficient Non-parametric Background Modeling Technique with CUDA Heterogeneous Parallel Architecture, An
* Efficient Perceptual Region Detector Based on Object Boundary
* Efficient Poisson Image Editing
* Efficient Rotation-Scaling-Translation Parameter Estimation Based on the Fractal Image Model
* Efficient Spatio-Temporal Data Association Using Multidimensional Assignment in Multi-Camera Multi-Target Tracking
* Efficient Training of Evolution-Constructed Features
* Elastic Edge Boxes for Object Proposal on RGB-D Images
* Elevation-Dependent Vegetation Greening of the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin in the Southern Tibetan Plateau, 1999-2013
* Elliptical ASIFT Agglomeration in Class Prototype for Logo Detection
* ELM based signature for texture classification
* Emergency Traffic-Light Control System Design for Intersections Subject to Accidents
* Enable Scale and Aspect Ratio Adaptability in Visual Tracking with Detection Proposals
* Enabling Adaptive Cloud Gaming in an Open-Source Cloud Gaming Platform
* Enabling Adaptive High-Frame-Rate Video Streaming in Mobile Cloud Gaming Applications
* Encoder-Driven Inpainting Strategy in Multiview Video Compression
* Endmember Extraction Method Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images, An
* Energy-Aware and Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Video Streaming Over Mobile Networks
* Enforcing Point-wise Priors on Binary Segmentation
* Enhancement for Dust-Sand Storm Images
* Enhancement of low-contrast images by internal noise-induced Fourier coefficient rooting
* Enhancing Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Re-Ranking and Relevance Feedback
* Enhancing Stereo Signals with High-Order Ambisonics Spatial Information
* Enhancing Video Encoding for Cloud Gaming Using Rendering Information
* Entire Reflective Object Surface Structure Understanding
* Entropic Approximation of Wasserstein Gradient Flows
* Epipolar Consistency in Fluoroscopy for Image-Based Tracking
* Equivalent Sequential and Parallel Subiteration-Based Surface-Thinning Algorithms
* Errata and comments on 'Errata and comments on Orthogonal moments based on exponent functions: Exponent-Fourier moments'
* Error concealment via particle filter by Gaussian mixture modeling of motion vectors for H.264/AVC
* Estimate Hand Poses Efficiently from Single Depth Images
* Estimating CT Image From MRI Data Using Structured Random Forest and Auto-Context Model
* Estimating Plant Traits of Grasslands from UAV-Acquired Hyperspectral Images: A Comparison of Statistical Approaches
* Estimating Roof Solar Energy Potential in the Downtown Area Using a GPU-Accelerated Solar Radiation Model and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Estimating the Dominant Orientation of an Object Using Image Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis
* Estimating the Hemispherical Broadband Longwave Emissivity of Global Vegetated Surfaces Using a Radiative Transfer Model
* Estimating the Number of Nodes in WLANs to Improve Throughput and QoS
* Estimation and Correction of Geolocation Errors in FengYun-3C Microwave Radiation Imager Data
* Estimation of Alpine Forest Structural Variables from Imaging Spectrometer Data
* Estimation of Interpersonal Relationships in Movies
* Estimation of the Land Surface Albedo Changes in the Broader Mediterranean Area, Based on 12 Years of Satellite Observations
* Estimation of the Noise Level Function Based on a Nonparametric Detection of Homogeneous Image Regions
* Estimation of the Ocean Water Albedo From Remote Sensing and Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* Estimation of Vegetation Water Content From the Radar Vegetation Index at L-Band
* Evaluating Access Mechanisms for Multimodal Representations of Lifelogs
* Evaluating color texture descriptors under large variations of controlled lighting conditions
* Evaluating NDVI Data Continuity Between SPOT-VEGETATION and PROBA-V Missions for Operational Yield Forecasting in North African Countries
* Evaluating the Influence of Country-Related Pictures on the Perception of a Foreign Online Store
* Evaluating the Resilience of Face Recognition Systems Against Malicious Attacks
* Evaluation of Fatigue Measurement Using Human Motor Coordination for Gesture-Based Interaction in 3D Environments
* Evaluation of Phase Coding to Mitigate Differential Reflectivity Bias in Polarimetric PAR
* Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Validation of Remotely Sensed Fractional Vegetation Cover
* Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
* Evaluation of Vision-Based Human Activity Recognition in Dense Trajectory Framework
* Event Fisher Vectors: Robust Encoding Visual Diversity of Visual Streams
* Examining Classic Color Harmony Versus Translucency Color Guidelines for Layered Surface Visualization
* Examining the Impact of Prior Models in Transmural Electrophysiological Imaging: A Hierarchical Multiple-Model Bayesian Approach
* Examining the potential of Sentinel-2 MSI spectral resolution in quantifying above ground biomass across different fertilizer treatments
* Experimental Characterization of Polarimetric Radar Backscatter Response of Distributed Targets at High Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
* Experimental Evaluation of Rigid Registration Using Phase Correlation Under Illumination Changes
* Experimental Evaluation of the Bag-of-Features Model for Unsupervised Learning of Images
* Exploiting Image-trained CNN Architectures for Unconstrained Video Classification
* Exploiting Low-rank Structure for Discriminative Sub-categorization
* Exploiting Perceptual Anchoring for Color Image Enhancement
* Exploiting Polarimetric TerraSAR-X Data for Sea Clutter Characterization
* Exploring Discriminative Views for 3D Object Retrieval
* Exploring Locally Rigid Discriminative Patches for Learning Relative Attributes
* Exploring Prior Knowledge for Pedestrian Detection
* Exploring Relationship Between Face and Trustworthy Impression Using Mid-level Facial Features
* Exploring the Long Tail of Social Media Tags
* Extended Abstract of PhD Thesis: Integrated Registration, Segmentation, and Interpolation for 3D/4D Sparse Data
* Extended fast compressive tracking with weighted multi-frame template matching for fast motion tracking
* Extracting complex lesion phenotypes in Zea mays
* Extracting Surface Geometry from Particle-Based Fracture Simulations
* Extracting Visual Knowledge from the Internet: Making Sense of Image Data
* Eye Gaze Correction with a Single Webcam Based on Eye-Replacement
* F0 Parameterization of Glottalized Tones in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis for Hanoi Vietnamese
* Fabric inspection based on the Elo rating method
* Face Alignment Assisted by Head Pose Estimation
* Face Image Super-Resolution Through Improved Neighbor Embedding
* Face Painting: querying art with photos
* Faceted Navigation for Browsing Large Video Collection
* Facial Age Estimation with Images in the Wild
* Facial Fattening and Slimming Simulation Based on Skull Structure
* Facial Landmark Localization Using Robust Relationship Priors and Approximative Gibbs Sampling
* Fast 3D Indoor-Localization Approach Based on Video Queries, A
* Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
* Fast Affine Template Matching over Galois Field
* Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector, A
* fast and robust ellipse detector based on top-down least-square fitting, A
* Fast and robust object tracking via Accept-Reject color histogram-based method
* Fast and Scalable Computation of the Forward and Inverse Discrete Periodic Radon Transform
* Fast Appearance Modeling for Automatic Primary Video Object Segmentation
* Fast Computation of Hemodynamic Sensitivity to Lumen Segmentation Uncertainty
* Fast CU Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using an Online-Learning-Based Bayesian Decision Rule
* Fast Direct Methods for Gaussian Processes
* Fast image recognition based on n-tuple neural networks implemented in an FPGA
* Fast Inverse Compositional Image Alignment with Missing Data and Re-weighting
* Fast Inversion of Air-Coupled Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave (SASW) Using in situ Particle Displacement
* Fast Localization in Large-Scale Environments Using Supervised Indexing of Binary Features
* Fast Matrix Inversion Updates for Massive MIMO Detection and Precoding
* fast mode decision algorithm applied in medium-grain quality scalable video coding, A
* Fast mode decision based on texture-depth correlation and motion prediction for multiview depth video coding
* Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in the Hamming Space
* Fast Online Upper Body Pose Estimation from Video
* Fast predictive motion estimation algorithm with adaptive search mode based on motion type classification
* Fast Quantization Method With Simplified Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization for an HEVC Encoder
* fast region segmentation algorithm on compressed gray images using Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model and Extended Shading representation, A
* Fast Sound Source Localization Using Two-Level Search Space Clustering
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation
* Fast Visual Vocabulary Construction for Image Retrieval Using Skewed-Split k-d Trees
* fast VLSI architecture of a hierarchical block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* fast VLSI architecture of a hierarchical block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* Feasibility and Limitations of Void Detection Using Gravity Gradiometry
* Feature Encoding of Spectral Signatures for 3D Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval
* Feature Importance in Nonlinear Embeddings (FINE): Applications in Digital Pathology
* FFT-based Alignment of 2D Closed Curves with Application to Elastic Shape Analysis
* Finding Causes of Irregular Headways Integrating Data Mining and AHP
* Finding the N-cuts of Watershed Partitions for Image Segmentation
* Fingerprint Matching with Optical Coherence Tomography
* First Bistatic Demonstration of Digital Beamforming in Elevation With TerraSAR-X as an Illuminator
* Fisher Kernel Temporal Variation-based Relevance Feedback for video retrieval
* Fitting models to data: Accuracy, Speed, Robustness
* Fixed Homography-Based Real-Time SW/HW Image Stitching Engine for Motor Vehicles
* Flame detection algorithm based on a saliency detection technique and the uniform local binary pattern in the YCbCr color space
* Flexible Clustered Multi-Task Learning by Learning Representative Tasks
* Focus Profile Modeling
* Forcing Scale Invariance in Multipolarization SAR Change Detection
* Fourier phase in Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography
* Fractal Characterization of Settlement Patterns and Their Spatial Determinants in Coastal Zones
* Fractional Inpainting Model Based on the Vector-Valued Cahn-Hilliard Equation, A
* Fractional poisson enhancement model for text detection and recognition in video frames
* Frame differencing-based segmentation for low bit rate video codec using H.264
* Frame-Wise Continuity-Based Video Summarization and Stretching
* Free-Form Tetrahedron Deformation
* Freehand Laser Scanning Using Mobile Phone
* From pixels to gestures: learning visual representations for human analysis in color and depth data sequences
* From stereoscopic images to semi-regular meshes
* From the Symbolic Analysis of Virtual Faces to a Smiles Machine
* full photometric and geometric model for attached webcam/matte screen devices, A
* Full-Duplex Bob in the MIMO Gaussian Wiretap Channel: Scheme and Performance, A
* Fused One-vs-All Features With Semantic Alignments for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Fusion of Plant Height and Vegetation Indices for the Estimation of Barley Biomass
* Fusion of space-borne multi-baseline and multi-frequency interferometric results based on extended Kalman filter to generate high quality DEMs
* Fuzzy c-means based plant segmentation with distance dependent threshold
* Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation: A Brief Presentation of the Literature
* Fuzzy Skeletonization Improves the Performance of Characterizing Trabecular Bone Micro-architecture
* Fuzzy-based hybrid filter for Rician noise removal
* Gauge Invariant Framework for Shape Analysis of Surfaces
* Gauge invariant framework for trajectories analysis
* Gaussian Mixture Representation of Gesture Kinematics for On-Line Sign Language Video Annotation, A
* Gaussian Process Shape Models for Bayesian Segmentation of Plant Leaves
* Gaussian Processes for Slice-Based Super-Resolution MR Images
* GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 1R Product: Dataset of Brightness Temperature Modified Using the Antenna Pattern Matching Technique
* Generalization of SPIHT: Set Partition Coding System
* Generalized Canonical Time Warping
* Generalized compressive detection of stochastic signals using Neyman-Pearson theorem
* Generalized Linear Observables for Ocean Wind Retrieval From Calibrated GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps
* Generalized Lyapunov Feature for Dynamical Systems on Riemannian Manifolds, A
* Generalized Probabilistic Framework for Compact Codebook Creation, A
* Generalized Stacked Sequential Learning
* Generalized Wishart Processes for Interpolation Over Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Generating Local Temporal Poses from Gestures with Aligned Cluster Analysis for Human Action Recognition
* Generating Multi-sentence Natural Language Descriptions of Indoor Scenes
* Generation of 3D/4D Photorealistic Building Models. The Testbed Area for 4D Cultural Heritage World Project: The Historical Center of Calw (Germany)
* Generation of fiducial marker dictionaries using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
* Genetic algorithms-based dominant feature selection for face detection application
* Gentle ICM energy minimization for Markov random fields with smoothness-based priors
* Geodetic SAR Tomography
* Geometric Analysis of Axonal Tree Structures
* geometric blind source separation method based on facet component analysis, A
* Geometric Expansion for Local Feature Analysis and Matching
* Geometric structure guided collaborative compressed sensing
* Geovisualization of Archived ITS Data-Case Studies
* Gesture and Action Recognition by Evolved Dynamic Subgestures
* Gesture Recognition System for Detecting Behavioral Patterns of ADHD, A
* Giving machines humanlike eyes
* Global Contrast Based Salient Region Boundary Sampling for Action Recognition
* Global Minimum for Curvature Penalized Minimal Path Method
* Global optimization for coupled detection and data association in multiple object tracking
* Globally consistent correspondence of multiple feature sets using proximal Gauss-Seidel relaxation
* Globally Optimal DLS Method for PnP Problem with Cayley parameterization
* GMM Estimation of 2D-RCA Models With Applications to Texture Image Classification
* Gradient Local Auto-Correlations and Extreme Learning Machine for Depth-Based Activity Recognition
* Graph Matching: Relax at Your Own Risk
* Graph-Based Visualization of Neuronal Connectivity Using Matrix Block Partitioning and Edge Bundling
* Graph-Theoretical Approach for Tracing Filamentary Structures in Neuronal and Retinal Images, A
* GrillCam: A Real-Time Eating Action Recognition System
* GRMR: Greedy Regional Multicast Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Ground Extraction from Terrestrial LiDAR Scans Using 2D-3D Neighborhood Graphs
* Ground Moving Target Indication in SAR Images With Symmetric Doppler Views
* Group Based Asymmetry: A Fast Saliency Algorithm
* Group Feature Selection for Audio-Based Video Genre Classification
* Groupwise Shape Correspondences on 3D Brain Structures Using Probabilistic Latent Variable Models
* Guidance on the Selection of Central Difference Method Accuracy in Volume Rendering
* Guided High-Quality Rendering
* Guided Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Retrieved Images in Cloud
* Guided Structure-Aligned Segmentation of Volumetric Data
* Half-orientation extraction of palmprint features
* Halftone Blending Between Smooth and Detail Screens to Improve Print Quality With Electrophotographic Printers
* Handling Data Imbalance in Automatic Facial Action Intensity Estimation
* Hankelet-based dynamical systems modeling for 3D action recognition
* Hashing-Based Scalable Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval in Large Archives
* Hashmod: A Hashing Method for Scalable 3D Object Detection
* HEMS: Hierarchical Exemplar-Based Matching-Synthesis for Object-Aware Image Reconstruction
* Hessian-LoG filtering for enhancement and detection of photoreceptor cells in adaptive optics retinal images
* Hierarchical Frame-by-Frame Association Method Based on Graph Matching for Multi-object Tracking, A
* Hierarchical Hybrid Shape Representation for Medical Shapes
* Hierarchical projective invariant contexts for shape recognition
* Hierarchical rank-based veiling light estimation for underwater dehazing
* Hierarchical Suppression Method for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* High Dynamic Range and Wide Color Gamut Video Coding in HEVC: Status and Potential Future Enhancements
* High Performance and Efficient Facial Recognition Using Norm of ICA/Multiwavelet Features
* High-capacity watermarking of high dynamic range images
* High-Quality Consistent Illumination in Mobile Augmented Reality by Radiance Convolution on the GPU
* High-Resolution SAR-Based Ground Moving Target Imaging With Defocused ROI Data
* High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging With Unified Pixel-Based Beamforming
* High-throughput CAVLC architecture for real-time H.264 coding using reconfigurable devices
* Higher order maximum persistency and comparison theorems
* Higher-order regularization and morphological techniques for image segmentation
* Higher-order segmentation via multicuts
* HMM Based Evaluation of Physical Therapy Movements Using Kinect Tracking
* Home Oriented Virtual e-Rehabilitation
* How color difference formulas depend on reference pairs in the underlying constant stimuli experiment
* How to efficiently characterize special effect coatings
* How to predict the global instantaneous feeling induced by a facial picture?
* Human activity recognition in the semantic simplex of elementary actions
* Human Body Part Selection by Group Lasso of Motion for Model-Free Gait Recognition
* Human Body Volume Recovery from Single Depth Image
* Human detection from images and videos: A survey
* Human Pose as Context for Object Detection
* Human-Machine CRFs for Identifying Bottlenecks in Scene Understanding
* Hybrid Example-Based Single Image Super-Resolution
* hybrid feature selection method based on instance learning and cooperative subset search, A
* Hybrid Model for Mapping Relative Differences in Belowground Biomass and Root: Shoot Ratios Using Spectral Reflectance, Foliar N and Plant Biophysical Data within Coastal Marsh, A
* Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting Uncertainties
* Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Affine Transformation Approach for Cloud Free Multi-Temporal Image Registration, A
* Hybrid Real-Time Visual Tracking Using Compressive RGB-D Features, A
* Hyperspectral Scene Analysis via Structure from Motion
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution of Locally Low Rank Images From Complementary Multisource Data
* iAutoMotion: an Autonomous Content-Based Video Retrieval Engine
* Ice Detection on Electrical Power Cables
* Identifying an autoregressive process disturbed by a moving-average noise using inner-outer factorization
* Identity recognition based on generalised linear regression classification for multi-component images
* If We Did Not Have ImageNet: Comparison of Fisher Encodings and Convolutional Neural Networks on Limited Training Data
* Illumination Inconsistency Sleuthing for Exposing Fauxtography and Uncovering Composition Telltales in Digital Images
* Illumination Invariant Robust Likelihood Estimator for Particle Filtering Based Target Tracking
* Image Analysis and Processing with Applications in Proteomics and Medicine
* Image analysis by generalized Chebyshev-Fourier and generalized pseudo-Jacobi-Fourier moments
* Image Annotation Incorporating Low-Rankness, Tag and Visual Correlation and Inhomogeneous Errors
* Image Based Approaches for Tunnels' Defects Recognition via Robotic Inspectors
* Image classification and annotation based on robust regularized coding
* Image Classification by Selective Regularized Subspace Learning
* Image Classification Using Spatial Difference Descriptor Under Spatial Pyramid Matching Framework
* Image database indexing: Emotional impact assessing
* Image denoising based on adaptive spatial segmentation and multi-scale correlation in directionlet domain
* Image distance metric learning based on neighborhood sets for automatic image annotation
* Image feature based GPS trace filtering for road network generation and road segmentation
* Image focus measure based on polynomial coefficients and spectral radius
* image pixel based variational model for histogram equalization, An
* Image Processing for Art Investigation
* Image Quality Assessment Using Mean-Centered Weber Ratio and Saliency Map, An
* Image Registration Based on Autocorrelation of Local Structure
* Image Retargeting for Preserving Robust Local Feature: Application to Mobile Visual Search
* Image Retrieval Using Color-Aware Tag on Progressive Image Search and Recommendation System
* Image Retrieval: Modelling Keywords via Low-level Features
* Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Image super-resolution via sparse representation over multiple learned dictionaries based on edge sharpness and gradient phase angle
* Image understanding based on histogram of contrast
* IMOTION: Searching for Video Sequences Using Multi-Shot Sketch Queries
* Impact of (segmentation) quality on long vs. short-timespan assessments in iris recognition performance
* Impact of Bias Correction Methods on Estimation of Soil Moisture When Assimilating Active and Passive Microwave Observations
* Impact of different Leaf Surface Tissues on active 3D Laser Triangulation Measurements, The
* Impact of Environmental Factors on the Spectral Characteristics of Lava Surfaces: Field Spectrometry of Basaltic Lava Flows on Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
* Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation of Multi-atlas Segmentation
* Impacts of Species Misidentification on Species Distribution Modeling with Presence-Only Data
* Importance Sampling-Based Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval
* Improve Non-graph Matching Feature-Based Face Recognition Performance by Using a Multi-stage Matching Strategy
* Improved Bayesian information criterion for mixture model selection
* Improved DBF Algorithm for Multichannel High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR
* Improved hyperspectral image classification by active learning using pre-designed mixed pixels
* Improved InSAR Phase Noise Filter in Frequency Domain
* Improved navigation-based motion compensation for LFMCW synthetic aperture radar imaging
* Improved PDR/Magnetometer/Floor Map Integration Algorithm for Ubiquitous Positioning Using the Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter, An
* Improved RANSAC Image Stitching Algorithm Based Similarity Degree, An
* Improved Salient Feature-Based Approach for Automatically Separating Photosynthetic and Nonphotosynthetic Components Within Terrestrial Lidar Point Cloud Data of Forest Canopies
* Improved SDA based on mixed weighted Mahalanobis distance
* Improved Soft-Input Soft-Output Detector for Generalized Spatial Modulation, An
* Improved Tampering Localization in Digital Image Forensics Based on Maximal Entropy Random Walk
* Improved Two-Phase Framework for Facial Emotion Recognition
* Improving 3D Facial Action Unit Detection with Intrinsic Normalization
* Improving Estimation of Evapotranspiration under Water-Limited Conditions Based on SEBS and MODIS Data in Arid Regions
* Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A Novel Approach to Prioritize Geospatial Data Collection
* Improving the Consistency of Multitemporal Land Cover Maps Using a Hidden Markov Model
* Improving the unsupervised LBG clustering algorithm performance in image segmentation using principal component analysis
* Inclined Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR: Performance Analysis and Mission Design
* Incorporating prior knowledge from the new person into recognition of facial expression
* Incremental Dictionary Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Incremental Updating of 3D Topological Maps to Describe Videos
* Indoor Localisation with Regression Networks and Place Cell Models
* Inertial Proximal ADMM for Linearly Constrained Separable Convex Optimization
* Inference and Learning of Graphical Models: Theory and Applications in Computer Vision and Image Analysis
* Inferring Directed Road Networks from GPS Traces by Track Alignment
* Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
* Influence of Equatorial Scintillation on L-Band SAR Image Quality and Phase, The
* Information-Theoretic Location Verification System With Directional Antennas for Vehicular Networks
* Informed Perspectives on Human Annotation Using Neural Signals
* Innovation in OGC: The Interoperability Program
* Innovative Virtual Reality Application for Road Safety Education of Children in Urban Areas
* InSAR Time Series Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic Coastal Plain Subsidence: The Case of Sibari (Southern Italy)
* Inspection Operations Using an Aerial Robot Powered-over-Tether by a Ground Vehicle
* Instance Search with Weak Geometric Correlation Consistency
* Integer 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform Pairs and Eigenvectors using Ramanujan's Sum
* Integrated Determination of Network Origin-Destination Trip Matrix and Heterogeneous Sensor Selection and Location Strategy
* integrated grammar-based approach for mathematical expression recognition, An
* Integrated Predictive Control of Freeway Networks Using the Extended Link Transmission Model
* Integrating Hierarchical Segmentation Maps With MRF Prior for Classification of Hyperspectral Images in a Bayesian Framework
* Integration of Multi-Plane Tissue Doppler and B-Mode Echocardiographic Images for Left Ventricular Motion Estimation
* Interactive Node-Link Visualization of Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Interactive Procedural Building Generation Using Kaleidoscopic Iterated Function Systems
* Interactive Search in Video: Navigation With Flick Gestures vs. Seeker-Bars
* interactive tool for semi-automated leaf annotation, An
* Interference-plus-Noise Covariance Matrix Reconstruction via Spatial Power Spectrum Sampling for Robust Adaptive Beamforming
* Interior Tomography Using 1D Generalized Total Variation. Part II: Multiscale Implementation
* Interpreting the Structure of Single Images by Learning from Examples
* intrinsic error of exposure fusion for HDR imaging, and a way to reduce it, The
* Intrinsic Representation of Hyperspectral Imagery for Unsupervised Feature Extraction
* Introduction to the Special Issue on HEVC Extensions and Efficient HEVC Implementations
* Introduction to the Special Section on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Cloud Gaming and Virtualization
* Introduction to the Special Section on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Fundamentals and Applications
* Invariant Image-Based Species Classification of Butterflies and Reef Fish
* Invariant texture classification using a spatial filter bank in multi-resolution analysis
* Inverse Problems Approach to MR-EPT Image Reconstruction, An
* InVesalius: An Interactive Rendering Framework for Health Care Support
* Investigating Pill Recognition Methods for a New National Library of Medicine Image Dataset
* IREX VI: mixed-effects longitudinal models for iris ageing: response to Bowyer and Ortiz
* Is Repeatability an Unbiased Criterion for Ranking Feature Detectors?
* Isotonic Modeling with Non-Differentiable Loss Functions with Application to Lasso Regularization
* Iterative ensemble normalized cuts
* Iterative Improvement of Human Pose Classification Using Guide Ontology
* Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm for Patch-Smoothness Regularized Medical Image Recovery
* Iterative Time-Frequency Filtering of Sinusoidal Signals With Updated Frequency Estimation
* Iterative Wedgelet Transform: An efficient algorithm for computing wedgelet representation and approximation of images
* JackVR: A Virtual Reality Training System for Landing Oil Rigs
* JH2R: Joint Homography Estimation for Highlight Removal
* Joint Calibration for Semantic Segmentation
* Joint Clustering and Classification for Multiple Instance Learning
* Joint delay and direction of arrivals estimation in mobile communications
* Joint Feature Selection with Low-rank Dictionary Learning
* Joint Learning of Multiple Regressors for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Joint Multilabel Classification With Community-Aware Label Graph Learning
* Joint Object-Material Category Segmentation from Audio-Visual Cues
* Joint Reconstruction of Multiple Images and Motion in MRI: Application to Free-Breathing Myocardial T_2 Quantification
* Joint Robust Transmit/Receive Adaptive Beamforming for MIMO Radar Using Probability-Constrained Optimization
* Joint Tracking and Event Analysis for Carried Object Detection
* Joint Visual Phrase Detection to Boost Scene Parsing
* Karcher Mean in Elastic Shape Analysis
* Kernel density estimation based on Ripley's correction
* Kernel PCA enabled bit-string representation for minutiae-based cancellable fingerprint template
* Kernel subspace pursuit for sparse regression
* Kernel-based hard clustering methods with kernelization of the metric and automatic weighting of the variables
* Kernelized View Adaptive Subspace Learning for Person Re-identification
* Keypoint Encoding for Improved Feature Extraction From Compressed Video at Low Bitrates
* Kinship Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Knot Detection from Accumulation Map by Polar Scan
* Korean-English bilingual videotext recognition for news headline generation based on a split-merge strategy
* Label Propagation for Large Scale 3D Indoor Scenes
* Lagrangian Multiplier Adaptation for Rate-Distortion Optimization With Inter-Frame Dependency
* Land Cover Mapping of a Tropical Region by Integrating Multi-Year Data into an Annual Time Series
* Lane-Level Road Information Mining from Vehicle GPS Trajectories Based on Naïve Bayesian Classification
* Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Image Classification
* Large-Scale Aerial Image Categorization Using a Multitask Topological Codebook
* Latent Structure Preserving Hashing
* Latent topics-based relevance feedback for video retrieval
* Lateral Touch Detection and Localization for Interactive, Augmented Planar Surfaces
* Lazy Generic Cuts
* Leaf Segmentation under Loosely Controlled Conditions
* Learnable high-order MGRF models for contrast-invariant texture recognition
* Learning Deep Representations of Appearance and Motion for Anomalous Event Detection
* Learning Depth Calibration of Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Learning Discriminative Spectral Bands for Material Classification
* Learning Discriminative Visual N-grams from Mid-level Image Features
* Learning Hough Transform with Latent Structures for Joint Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* Learning Multiple Views with Orthogonal Denoising Autoencoders
* Learning object-specific DAGs for multi-label material recognition
* Learning of invariant object recognition in hierarchical neural networks using temporal continuity
* Learning of Multimodal Representations With Random Walks on the Click Graph
* Learning Optimal Parameters For Multi-target Tracking
* Learning Relative Aesthetic Quality with a Pairwise Approach
* Learning spatio-temporal features for action recognition from the side of the video
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Representations for Action Recognition: A Genetic Programming Approach
* Learning the Structure of Deep Architectures Using L1 Regularization
* Learning to Count Leaves in Rosette Plants
* Learning to Represent Handwritten Shapes and Words for Matching and Recognition
* Learning weighted part models for object tracking
* Lens Distortion Rectification Using Triangulation Based Interpolation
* Level Ratio Based Inter and Intra Channel Prediction with Application to Stereo Audio Frame Loss Concealment
* Level Set Approach to Image Segmentation With Intensity Inhomogeneity, A
* Lifting for Blind Deconvolution in Random Mask Imaging: Identifiability and Convex Relaxation
* Limiting Aspects of Nonconvex TV-phi Models
* Line-Direction-Free and Character-Orientation-Free On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition System, A
* Linear Global Translation Estimation with Feature Tracks
* Linearly Constrained Non-Lipschitz Optimization for Image Restoration
* Linked Component Analysis From Matrices to High-Order Tensors: Applications to Biomedical Data
* Local Adaptive Calibration of the Satellite-Derived Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Product Using Smoothing Spline
* Local Feature Binary Coding for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Localised rank-ordered differences vector filter for suppression of high-density impulse noise in colour images
* Locality Constrained Sparse Representation for Cat Recognition
* Location-Aware Image Classification
* LoggerMan, a Comprehensive Logging and Visualization Tool to Capture Computer Usage
* Logo Recognition via Improved Topological Constraint
* Long-wave infrared polarimetric cluster-based vehicle detection
* Lossless Frame Memory Compression Using Pixel-Grain Prediction and Dynamic Order Entropy Coding
* Low-quality facial biometric verification via dictionary-based random pooling
* Low-Rank Atlas Image Analyses in the Presence of Pathologies
* Low-Rank Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation
* LRTV: MR Image Super-Resolution With Low-Rank and Total Variation Regularizations
* Lunar Calibration and Performance for S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands
* Lung Lesion Extraction Using a Toboggan Based Growing Automatic Segmentation Approach
* Maize Leaf Area Index Retrieval from Synthetic Quad Pol SAR Time Series Using the Water Cloud Model
* Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent Observed via Satellite from 1994 to 2013, The
* Manifold Regression Framework for Characterizing Source Zone Architecture
* Manifold Regularized Transfer Distance Metric Learning
* Manifold-based constraints for operations in face space
* Manifold-Regularized Selectable Factor Extraction for Semi-supervised Image Classification
* Manitest: Are classifiers really invariant?
* Many-Lights Real Time Global Illumination Using Sparse Voxel Octree
* Mapping Rice Seasonality in the Mekong Delta with Multi-Year Envisat ASAR WSM Data
* Markov Random Field and Active Contour Image Segmentation Model for Animal Spots Patterns, A
* Mass Segmentation in Mammograms Based on the Combination of the Spiking Cortical Model (SCM) and the Improved CV Model
* Massive Online Crowdsourced Study of Subjective and Objective Picture Quality
* Matching caricatures to photographs
* Matrix-Based Discriminant Subspace Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Spatial-Spectral Feature Fusion
* Maximum-Likelihood Joint Image Reconstruction/Motion Estimation in Attenuation-Corrected Respiratory Gated PET/CT Using a Single Attenuation Map
* MCSLAM: a Multiple Constrained SLAM
* Melanoma recognition using extended set of descriptors and classifiers
* Mental Visual Browsing
* Merge Mode Estimation for a Hardware-Based HEVC Encoder
* Meshless Method of Solving Inverse Scattering Problems for Imaging Dielectric Objects, A
* Method for Creating Package Images that Reflect Consumer Taste Impressions, A
* Method of Audio Watermarking Based on Adaptive Phase Modulation
* METU-MMDS: An Intelligent Multimedia Database System for Multimodal Content Extraction and Querying
* MGM: A Significantly More Global Matching for Stereovision
* Microfluidic environment and tracking analysis for the observation of Artemia Franciscana
* Microwave Unmixing With Video Segmentation for Inferring Broadleaf and Needleleaf Brightness Temperatures and Abundances From Mixed Forest Observations
* Middle-Frequency Based Refinement for Image Super-Resolution
* Minimizing the Number of Keypoint Matching Queries for Object Retrieval
* Mix and Match: Joint Model for Clothing and Attribute Recognition
* Mixture of Switching Linear Dynamics to Discover Behavior Patterns in Object Tracks
* MLTSVM: A novel twin support vector machine to multi-label learning
* Mobile Biplane X-Ray Imaging System for Measuring 3D Dynamic Joint Motion During Overground Gait
* Model-based 3D Hand Tracking with on-line Shape Adaptation
* Modeling Drivers' Dynamic Decision-Making Behavior During the Phase Transition Period: An Analytical Approach Based on Hidden Markov Model Theory
* Modeling of Ionospheric Time Delay Using Anisotropic IDW With Jackknife Technique
* Modeling the environment with egocentric vision systems
* Modelling and Experimental Study for Automated Congestion Driving
* Modelling errors in a biometric re-identification system
* modified Gaussian mixture background model via spatiotemporal distribution with shadow detection, A
* Moiré Reduction Using Inflection Point and Color Variation in Digital Camera of No Optical Low Pass Filter
* More Usable V-EGI for Volumetric Dataset Registration
* Motion compensation in video compression using hexagonal blocks
* Motion Priors Estimation for Robust Matching Initialization in Automotive Applications
* MoVieUp: Automatic Mobile Video Mashup
* MRF model for binarization of music scores with complex background, An
* Multi-class Fukunaga Koontz discriminant analysis for enhanced face recognition
* Multi-criteria feature selection on cost-sensitive data with missing values
* Multi-Decadal Variability of Polynya Characteristics and Ice Production in the North Water Polynya by Means of Passive Microwave and Thermal Infrared Satellite Imagery
* Multi-Feature Guided Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Magnetic Resonance Images
* Multi-feature Hashing Tracking
* Multi-focus image fusion using maximum symmetric surround saliency detection
* Multi-group-multi-class domain adaptation for event recognition
* Multi-modal Computer Vision for the Detection of Multi-scale Crowd Physical Motions and Behavior in Confined Spaces
* Multi-Modal Event Topic Model for Social Event Analysis
* Multi-modal Image Re-ranking with Autoencoders and Click Semantics
* Multi-Modality Feature Transform: An Interactive Image Segmentation Approach
* Multi-Perspective Cost-Sensitive Context-Aware Multi-Instance Sparse Coding and Its Application to Sensitive Video Recognition
* Multi-resolution mobile vision system for plant leaf disease diagnosis
* Multi-scale Graph-based Guided Filter for De-noising Cryo-Electron Tomographic Data
* Multi-Scale Patch-Based Image Restoration
* Multi-Sensor As-Built Models of Complex Industrial Architectures
* Multi-Shot Human Re-Identification Using Adaptive Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-sketch Semantic Video Browser
* Multi-target Tracking Using Sample-Based Data Association for Mixed Images
* Multi-task Gaussian Process Regression-based Image Super Resolution
* Multi-Task Transfer Methods to Improve One-Shot Learning for Multimedia Event Detection
* Multi-View Discriminant Analysis
* Multichannel Double-Talk Detector based on Fundamental Frequency Estimation
* Multiclass Object Detection With Single Query in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Class-Associative Spectral Fringe-Adjusted Joint Transform Correlation
* Multiclass ROC Front method for cost-sensitive classification, The
* Multilinear Mixing Model for Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing, A
* Multilingual scene character recognition with co-occurrence of histogram of oriented gradients
* Multimodal Assessment of Shopping Behavior
* Multimodal BCIs: Target Detection, Multidimensional Control, and Awareness Evaluation in Patients With Disorder of Consciousness
* Multimodal Stereo Vision For Reconstruction In The Presence Of Reflection
* Multimodal Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression for Image Understanding
* Multiobjective genetic algorithm-based adaptive wavelet design
* Multiple Frames Matching for Object Discovery in Video
* Multiple instance subspace learning via partial random projection tree for local reflection symmetry in natural images
* Multiple-Shot People Re-Identification by Patch-Wise Learning
* Multiplicative Watermark Decoder in Contourlet Domain Using the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
* Multiscale Analysis of Intensive Longitudinal Biomedical Signals and Its Clinical Applications
* multiscale image segmentation method, A
* Multiscale Reverse-Time-Migration-Type Imaging Using the Dyadic Parabolic Decomposition of Phase Space
* Multispectral MRI image segmentation using Markov random field model
* Multitemporal Profile-Based Interpolation Method for Gap Filling Nonstationary Data, A
* Multiview Reconstruction of Complex Organic Shapes
* Multiyear Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using OSCAT and QuikSCAT
* MusicMixer: Automatic DJ System Considering Beat and Latent Topic Similarity
* NASA High-Altitude Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler, The
* Navigating a Graph of Scenes for Exploring Large Video Collections
* Neighbors Based Discriminative Feature Difference Learning for Kinship Verification
* Neural network-based adaptive noise cancellation for enhancement of speech auditory brainstem responses
* NEURONAV: A Tool for Image-Guided Surgery - Application to Parkinson's Disease
* new adaptive coefficient scanning based on local and global prediction, A
* New Approach to Evaluate Drug Treatment Response of Ovarian Cancer Patients Based on Deformable Image Registration, A
* New Approach to the Generation of Orthoimages of Cultural Heritage Objects: Integrating TLS and Image Data, A
* new clustering method of gene expression data based on multivariate Gaussian mixture models, A
* New Face Recognition Algorithm based on Dictionary Learning for a Single Training Sample per Person, A
* New Geostatistical Solution to Remote Sensing Image Downscaling, A
* new implementation of chaotic S-boxes in CAPTCHA, A
* New spectrum ratio properties and features for shadow detection
* new strategy for the suppression of cross-terms in pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution, A
* NEWSMAN: Uploading Videos over Adaptive Middleboxes to News Servers in Weak Network Infrastructures
* Next-Generation Broadcast Television: ATSC 3.0
* No-Reference Image Blur Assessment Based on Discrete Orthogonal Moments
* No-reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Structural and Luminance Information
* Noise Suppression for Dual-Energy CT Through Entropy Minimization
* Noise-robust color edge detector using gradient matrix and anisotropic Gaussian directional derivative matrix
* Non-intrusive automated measurement of dairy cow body condition using 3D video
* Non-linear Hypothesis Testing of Geometric Object Properties of Shapes Applied to Hippocampi
* Non-Rigid Point Set Registration by Preserving Global and Local Structures
* non-stationary density model to separate overlapped texts in degraded documents, A
* Nonconvex Nonsmooth Low Rank Minimization via Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm
* Noninvasive Vascular Elastography With Plane Strain Incompressibility Assumption Using Ultrafast Coherent Compound Plane Wave Imaging
* Nonlinear Controller of Quadcopters for Agricultural Monitoring
* Nonlinear Metric Learning for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis with Integration of Longitudinal Neuroimaging Features
* Nonlocal similarity based DEM super resolution
* Normalized Autobinomial Markov Channels For Pedestrian Detection
* Normalized Differential Spectral Sensitivity Approach Applied to the Retrieval of Tropospheric Water Vapor Fields Using a Constellation of Corotating LEO Satellites, The
* Normalized residual-based constant false-alarm rate outlier detection
* Normalized Urban Areas Composite Index (NUACI) Based on Combination of DMSP-OLS and MODIS for Mapping Impervious Surface Area, A
* novel approach for handedness detection from off-line handwriting using fuzzy conceptual reduction, A
* Novel Approach for Improved Vehicular Positioning Using Cooperative Map Matching and Dynamic Base Station DGPS Concept, A
* Novel Automatic Change Detection Method for Urban High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Based on Multi-Index Scene Representation, A
* Novel Bias Correction Method for Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Soil Moisture: Retrieval Ensembles, A
* novel dimensionality reduction technique based on kernel optimization through graph embedding, A
* novel double-layer sparse representation approach for unsupervised dictionary learning, A
* Novel Earthquake Education System Based on Virtual Reality, A
* Novel Emotional Saliency Map to Model Emotional Attention Mechanism, A
* novel hierarchical data association with dynamic viewpoint model for multiple targets tracking, A
* Novel High-Precision Phase-Derived-Range Method for Direct Sampling LFM Radar, A
* novel image fusion framework for night-vision navigation and surveillance, A
* Novel Infrastructure for Supporting Display Ecologies, A
* novel low false alarm rate pedestrian detection framework based on single depth images, A
* Novel Model-Based Method for Identification of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric SAR Data
* Novel Motion Field Anchoring Paradigm for Highly Scalable Wavelet-Based Video Coding, A
* Novel Multi-Purpose Matching Representation of Local 3D Surfaces: A Rotationally Invariant, Efficient, and Highly Discriminative Approach With an Adjustable Sensitivity, A
* Novel Ranking-Based Clustering Approach for Hyperspectral Band Selection, A
* Novel Riemannian Framework for Shape Analysis of Annotated Surfaces, A
* novel template protection scheme for multibiometrics based on fuzzy commitment and chaotic system, A
* novel transferable individual tree crown delineation model based on Fishing Net Dragging and boundary classification, A
* Novel Wavefront-Based High Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding, A
* Novel Word Segmentation Method Based on Object Detection and Deep Learning, A
* Number of Shortest Paths in Triangular Grid for 1- and 2-Neighborhoods
* Numerical Computation of the Electromagnetic Bias in GNSS-R Altimetry
* NUS-PRO: A New Visual Tracking Challenge
* Object Classification and Recognition From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds in a Road Environment
* Object Instance Search in Videos via Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Discovery
* Object localization in ImageNet by looking out of the window
* Object Proposal Generation Using Two-Stage Cascade SVMs
* Object-Based Canopy Gap Segmentation and Classification: Quantifying the Pros and Cons of Integrating Optical and LiDAR Data
* Object-Based Crop Classification with Landsat-MODIS Enhanced Time-Series Data
* Object-Based Urban Tree Species Classification Using Bi-Temporal WorldView-2 and WorldView-3 Images
* Object-Oriented Approach to Extracting Productive Fossil Localities from Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Occlusion-Aware Object Localization, Segmentation and Pose Estimation
* Ocean Vector Winds From WindSat Two-Look Polarimetric Radiances
* Off-the-Shelf CNN Features for Fine-Grained Classification of Vessels in a Maritime Environment
* OGB: A Distinctive and Efficient Feature for Mobile Augmented Reality
* On a 3D analogue of the first Hu moment invariant and a family of shape ellipsoidness measures
* On a Distributed Video Surveillance System to Track Persons in Camera Networks
* On Achieving Cost-Effective Adaptive Cloud Gaming in Geo-Distributed Data Centers
* On Calibration and Alignment of Point Clouds in a Network of RGB-D Sensors for Tracking
* On Convex Finite-Dimensional Variational Methods in Imaging Sciences and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
* On Counting Metamers
* On improving performance of surface inspection systems by online active learning and flexible classifier updates
* On incremental semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* On Integral Invariants for Effective 3-D Motion Trajectory Matching and Recognition
* On Stereo Confidence Measures for Global Methods: Evaluation, New Model and Integration into Occupancy Grids
* On the Application of the Spectral Projected Gradient Method in Image Segmentation
* On the Connectivity and Smoothness of Discrete Spherical Circles
* On The Exact Recovery Condition of Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* On the p-Laplacian and inf-Laplacian on Graphs with Applications in Image and Data Processing
* On the Properties of Cubic Metric for OFDM Signals
* On the Role of Land Surface Temperature as Proxy of Soil Moisture Status for Drought Monitoring in Europe
* On the use of fingernail images as transient biometric identifiers
* One class proximal support vector machines
* One-pass online learning: A local approach
* Online active learning of decision trees with evidential data
* Online Domain Adaptation for Multi-Object Tracking
* Online Visual Tracking via Coupled Object-Context Dictionary
* Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry Experience
* Open-vocabulary recognition of machine-printed Arabic text using hidden Markov models
* Operational Monitoring of the Desert Locust Habitat with Earth Observation: An Assessment
* Optical flow estimation based on the structure-texture image decomposition
* Optimal configuration of static polarization imagers for target detection
* Optimal Consensus Set for nD Fixed Width Annulus Fitting
* Optimal Dimensionality Sampling Scheme on the Sphere with Accurate and Efficient Spherical Harmonic Transform for Diffusion MRI, An
* Optimal Transcoding and Caching for Adaptive Streaming in Media Cloud: an Analytical Approach
* optimization method for penalty-based six-degrees-of-freedom haptic rendering system, An
* Optimization Models for Feature Selection of Decomposed Nearest Neighbor
* Optimization of a Semi-Analytical Algorithm for Multi-Temporal Water Quality Monitoring in Inland Waters with Wide Natural Variability
* Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing Matrices
* Optimized Route Selection Method based on the Turns of Road Intersections: A Case Study on Oversized Cargo Transportation
* Optimizing Partition Trees for Multi-Object Segmentation with Shape Prior
* Ordering of Visual Descriptors in a Classifier Cascade Towards Improved Video Concept Detection
* Oriented boundary graph: An efficient structuring model for segmentation of 3D images
* Orthogonal moment-based descriptors for pose shape query on 3D point cloud patches
* Orthogonal planar search (OPS) for coronary artery centerline extraction
* Orthogonal Polar V Transforms and application to shape retrieval
* Overlapping Domain Cover for Scalable and Accurate Regression Kernel Machines
* Overview of SHVC: Scalable Extensions of the High Efficiency Video Coding Standard
* Overview of the Emerging HEVC Screen Content Coding Extension
* Overview of the MPEG-CDVS Standard
* Overview of the Multiview and 3D Extensions of High Efficiency Video Coding
* Overview of the Range Extensions for the HEVC Standard: Tools, Profiles, and Performance
* Packet Scheduling Method for Multimedia QoS Provisioning, A
* Pairing Contour Fragments for Object Recognition
* Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform
* Parallel Strip Segment Recognition and Application to Metallic Tubular Object Measure
* Parametric active contour model using Gabor balloon energy for texture segmentation
* Parking Space Recognition for Autonomous Valet Parking Using Height and Salient-Line Probability Maps
* Parsing Based on Parselets: A Unified Deformable Mixture Model for Human Parsing
* Part Localization using Multi-Proposal Consensus for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Part-Segment Features with Optimized Shape Priors for Articulated Pose Estimation
* Particle dynamics and multi-channel feature dictionaries for robust visual tracking
* Passenger Journey Destination Estimation From Automated Fare Collection System Data Using Spatial Validation
* Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Based on Dynamic Vegetation Scattering Properties for AMSR-E
* Passive Synthetic Aperture Imaging
* Patch Selection for Single Image Deblurring Based on a Coalitional Game
* Patch-based Scale Calculation for Real-time Visual Tracking
* Path-following Algorithm for Robust Point Matching, A
* Pathological liver segmentation using stochastic resonance and cellular automata
* PDE Approach to Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2), A
* Perceptual Dynamic Range for In-Camera Image Processing
* Perceptual similarity between color images using fuzzy metrics
* Perceptually Motivated Benchmark for Video Matting
* Performance engineering to achieve real-time high dynamic range imaging
* Performance evaluation of continuous authentication systems
* Personal Identification Using Ears Based on Statistical Features
* Personalized Annotation for Mobile Photos Based on User's Social Circle
* Personalizing Maps
* Pervasive Sound Sensing: A Weakly Supervised Training Approach
* Phase preserving Fourier descriptor for shape-based image retrieval
* phase-based framework for optical flow estimation on omnidirectional images, A
* Phase-Decomposition-Based PSInSAR Processing Method, A
* Picture Array Generation Using Pure 2D Context-Free Grammar Rules
* Piecewise Pulse Wave Imaging (pPWI) for Detection and Monitoring of Focal Vascular Disease in Murine Aortas and Carotids In Vivo
* Pitch and Flat Roof Factors' Association with Spatiotemporal Patterns of Dengue Disease Analysed Using Pan-Sharpened Worldview 2 Imagery
* Pixel Bleeding Correction in Laser Scanning Luminescence Imaging Demonstrated Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence
* Planar shape decomposition made simple
* Play Request Dispatching for Efficient Virtual Machine Usage in Cloud Gaming
* Playing High-End Video Games in the Cloud: A Measurement Study
* polynomial discrete Radon transform, The
* Pose Estimation of Kinematic Chain Instances via Object Coordinate Regression
* Posed and Spontaneous Expression Recognition Through Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Post-Eruptive Inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR, 2008-2014
* Precise Positioning of BDS, BDS/GPS: Implications for Tsunami Early Warning in South China Sea
* Preconditioning of a Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting and Application to Optimization on Graphs
* Predicting Grapevine Water Status Based on Hyperspectral Reflectance Vegetation Indices
* Predicting the correctness of node assignments in bipartite graph matching
* Preface: Remote Sensing in Flood Monitoring and Management
* Primal-Dual convex optimization in large deformation diffeomorphic registration with robust regularizers
* Primary object discovery and segmentation in videos via graph-based transductive inference
* Private Video Foreground Extraction Through Chaotic Mapping Based Encryption in the Cloud
* Probabilistic Approach for InSAR Time-Series Postprocessing, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Predicting the Size of Coding Units in the Quad-Tree Structure of the Quality and Spatial Scalable HEVC
* Probabilistic Inference for Occluded and Multiview On-road Vehicle Detection
* Probabilistic Kernels for Improved Text-to-Speech Alignment in Long Audio Tracks
* Probabilistic Labeling of Cerebral Vasculature on MR Angiography
* Prompt Proxy Mapping of Flood Damaged Rice Fields Using MODIS-Derived Indices
* Propagating sparse labels through edge-aware filters
* Prototype of Super-Resolution Camera Array System
* Prototypical Priors: From Improving Classification to Zero-Shot Learning
* PSO-based stochastic resonance for automatic contrast enhancement of images
* Quality Analysis on Mobile Devices for Real-Time Feedback
* Quality Assessment of Roof Planes Extracted from Height Data for Solar Energy Systems by the EAGLE Platform
* Quality-driven and real-time iris recognition from close-up eye videos
* Quality-of-Experience Optimization for a Cloud Gaming System With Ad Hoc Cloudlet Assistance
* Quantitative Assessment of Facial Paralysis Based on Spatiotemporal Features
* Quantitative-Electrogram-Based Methods for Guiding Catheter Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation
* Quasi-Conformal Hybrid Multi-modality Image Registration and its Application to Medical Image Fusion
* Quaternionic Local Ranking Binary Pattern: A Local Descriptor of Color Images
* Query-Adaptive Reciprocal Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search
* R-CNN Based Method to Localize Speech Balloons in Comics, An
* R-CNN minus R
* Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow With Dual Ka-Band Radar
* Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophysical Parameters of Regenerating Mangrove Forests
* Radiometric Block Adjustment for Multi-Strip Airborne Waveform Lidar Data
* Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform and Its Application to Image Classification, The
* Randomized Global Transformation Approach for Dense Correspondence
* Range Image Processing for Real Time Hospital-Room Monitoring
* Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Real-Time 3-D Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Cameras
* Real-Time Depth Estimation Approach for a Focused Plenoptic Camera, A
* Real-Time Grayscale-Thermal Tracking via Laplacian Sparse Representation
* Real-time HD image distortion correction in heterogeneous parallel computing systems using efficient memory access patterns
* Real-time Human Detection based on Personness Estimation
* Real-time lane tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
* Real-time moving object detection algorithm on high-resolution videos using GPUs
* Real-Time Pedestrian Detection with Deep Network Cascades
* Real-time precise detection of regular grids and matrix codes
* Real-time processing for shape-from-focus techniques
* Real-time RGB-D Tracking with Depth Scaling Kernelised Correlation Filters and Occlusion Handling
* Real-time robust vision-based hand gesture recognition using stereo images
* Realigning 2D and 3D Object Fragments without Correspondences
* realistic virtual environment for evaluating face analysis systems under dynamic conditions, A
* Realtime Face Verification with Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks
* Recaptured video detection based on sensor pattern noise
* Recognition of Images Degraded by Gaussian Blur
* Recognition System for Home-Service-Related Sign Language Using Entropy-Based K -Means Algorithm and ABC-Based HMM
* Reconfigurable Tangram Model for Scene Representation and Categorization, A
* Reconstructing Time-Dependent Dynamics
* Reconstruction of Bicolored Images
* Reconstruction of Daily 30 m Data from HJ CCD, GF-1 WFV, Landsat, and MODIS Data for Crop Monitoring
* Reconstruction of Face Texture Based on the Fusion of Texture Patches
* Recording and Decoding for Neural Prostheses
* Rectification-conducted adaptive snake for segmenting complex-boundary objects from textured backgrounds
* Reflectance and Illumination Recovery in the Wild
* Region Growing Selection Technique for Dense Volume Visualization
* Region-Based Convolutional Networks for Accurate Object Detection and Segmentation
* Regional Land Use Drought Index for Florida, A
* Regularized Kernel Least Mean Square Algorithm with Multiple-delay Feedback
* Regularized motion blur-kernel estimation with adaptive sparse image prior learning
* Relational Models for Visual Understanding of Graphical Documents. Application to Architectural Drawings.
* Relative Convex Hull Determination from Convex Hulls in the Plane
* Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Listwise Similarities
* Relighting for an Arbitrary Shape Object Under Unknown Illumination Environment
* Remote Sensing for Characterisation and Kinematic Analysis of Large Slope Failures: Debre Sina Landslide, Main Ethiopian Rift Escarpment
* Remote Sensing of Storage Fluctuations of Poorly Gauged Reservoirs and State Space Model (SSM)-Based Estimation
* Remotely Sensed Trajectory Analysis of Channel Migration in Lower Jingjiang Reach during the Period of 1983-2013
* Removal of Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Noise Using Directional Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets
* Removal of Vesicle Structures From Transmission Electron Microscope Images
* Resolution Analysis of Imaging with L_1 Optimization
* Respiration Motion State Estimation on 4D CT Rib Cage Images
* Restoration of Blurred-Noisy Images Through the Concept of Bilevel Programming
* Retinal Artery-Vein Classification via Topology Estimation
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation and Bifurcation Point Detection
* Revealing Smooth Structure of Visual Data by Permutation on Manifolds
* Reverse Testing Image Set Model Based Multi-view Human Action Recognition
* Reverse-Time Migration Based Optical Imaging
* Reversible Audio Data Hiding Based on Variable Error-Expansion of Linear Prediction for Segmental Audio and G.711 Speech
* Review of Machine Learning Approaches for Biomass and Soil Moisture Retrievals from Remote Sensing Data
* Review of stereo vision algorithms and their suitability for resource-limited systems
* review on dark channel prior based image dehazing algorithms, A
* Reweighted Sparse Regression for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* RGB-D Camera Based Walking Pattern Detection Method for Smart Rollators, An
* Riesz-based Volume Local Binary Pattern and A Novel Group Expression Model for Group Happiness Intensity Analysis
* Road Slope Aided Vehicle Position Estimation System Based on Sensor Fusion of GPS and Automotive Onboard Sensors
* Robust and secure fractional wavelet image watermarking
* Robust audio watermarking based on multi-carrier modulation
* Robust CFAR Detector Based on Truncated Statistics in Multiple-Target Situations
* Robust Crowd Segmentation and Counting in Indoor Scenes
* Robust Direct Visual Localisation using Normalised Information Distance
* Robust Energy Minimization Algorithm for MS-Lesion Segmentation, A
* Robust Estimators for Multipass SAR Interferometry
* Robust face hallucination using ensemble of feature-based regression functions and classifiers
* Robust Face Sketch Style Synthesis
* robust fuzzy-bilateral filtering method and its application to video deinterlacing, A
* Robust Global Motion Compensation in Presence of Predominant Foreground
* Robust histogram-based image retrieval
* Robust local similarity filter for the reduction of mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise in color digital images
* Robust Model Fitting Using Higher Than Minimal Subset Sampling
* Robust multimodal 2D and 3D face authentication using local feature fusion
* Robust Multiple Model Fitting with Preference Analysis and Low-rank Approximation
* Robust Multiview Registration of 3D Surfaces via L_1-norm Minimization
* Robust Object Tracking Using Valid Fragments Selection
* Robust Real-Time Road Detection Algorithm Using Color and Edge Information, A
* Robust Regression
* Robust salient motion detection in non-stationary videos via novel integrated strategies of spatio-temporal coherency clues and low-rank analysis
* Robust single-object image segmentation based on salient transition region
* Robust Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Saliency Detection
* Robust Spatial Matching as Ensemble of Weak Geometric Relations
* Robust surface normal estimation via greedy sparse regression
* Robust Texture Image Representation by Scale Selective Local Binary Patterns
* robust variational model for positive image deconvolution, A
* Robust visual tracking via CAMShift and structural local sparse appearance model
* Robust Visual Tracking via Exclusive Context Modeling
* Robust w-Estimators for Cryo-EM Class Means
* Robust Wearable Camera Localization as a Target Tracking Problem on SE(3)
* Robustness Analysis of Structured Matrix Factorization via Self-Dictionary Mixed-Norm Optimization
* Robustness-Driven Feature Selection in Classification of Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease Patterns in Computed Tomography Using 3D Texture Features
* Rotation invariant texture descriptors based on Gaussian Markov random fields for classification
* Rotation update on manifold in probabilistic NRSFM for robust 3D face modeling
* Rule of thumb: Deep derotation for improved fingertip detection
* RVM-based human action classification through Gabor and Haar feature extraction
* Safety Quantification of Intersections Using Computer Vision Techniques
* Saliency Prediction with Active Semantic Segmentation
* Salient Feature of Haptic-Based Guidance of People in Low Visibility Environments Using Hard Reins
* Salient object detection via spectral matting
* Salient Region Detection via High-Dimensional Color Transform and Local Spatial Support
* Satellite and Ground Based Thermal Observation of the 2014 Effusive Eruption at Stromboli Volcano
* Scalable Coding of Plenoptic Images by Using a Sparse Set and Disparities
* Scalable Feature Matching by Dual Cascaded Scalar Quantization for Image Retrieval
* Scalable row-based parallel H.264 decoder on embedded multicore processors
* Scalable Visual Instance Mining with Instance Graph
* Scanning Pictures the Boustrophedon Way
* Scene parsing by nonparametric label transfer of content-adaptive windows
* Score Normalization in Multimodal Systems using Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
* Screen reflections impact on HDR video tone mapping for mobile devices: an evaluation study
* Script identification in the wild via discriminative convolutional neural network
* SDICP: Semi-Dense Tracking based on Iterative Closest Points
* Seam carving based aesthetics enhancement for photos
* Searching for Objects using Structure in Indoor Scenes
* Searching in Video Collections Using Sketches and Sample Images: The Cineast System
* Second Order Elastic Metrics on the Shape Space of Curves
* Second-Layer Navigation in Mobile Hypervideo for Medical Training
* Seeing More Clearly
* Segmentation and indexation of complex objects in comic book
* Segmentation of Building Facade Towers
* Segmentation of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles Using Concave Points
* Segmentation of Saimaa Ringed Seals for Identification Purposes
* Segmentation of video background regions based on a DTCNN-clustering approach
* Segmentation Technique for Flexible Pipes in Deep Underwater Environments, A
* Segmenting natural images with the least effort as humans
* Segmenting tree crowns from terrestrial and mobile LiDAR data by exploring ecological theories
* Selecting User Generated Content for Use in Media Productions
* Self-Equalizing De Bruijn Sequence for 3D Profilometry, The
* SeLibCV: A Service Library for Computer Vision Researchers
* SELSH: A Hashing Scheme for Approximate Similarity Search with Early Stop Condition
* Semantic Classification of Boundaries of an RGBD Image
* Semantic Description of Medical Image Findings: Structured Learning approach
* Semantic Retrieval of Trademarks Based on Conceptual Similarity
* Semantic segmentation of images exploiting DCT based features and random forest
* Semantic Web Technologies for Object Tracking and Video Analytics
* Semi-Automated Object-Based Classification of Coral Reef Habitat using Discrete Choice Models
* Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Constraint Propagation
* Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species classification
* Semi-Supervised Text Classification With Universum Learning
* Sentiment Analysis on Multi-View Social Data
* Sequential FDIA for Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of Navigation Maps on Board Vehicles
* Sequential Interval Network for parsing complex structured activity
* Shading-based DEM refinement under a comprehensive imaging model
* Shape and Reflectance Estimation in the Wild
* Shape descriptors-based generalised scheme for handwritten character recognition
* Shape Detection with Nearest Neighbour Contour Fragments
* Shape from Focus with Adaptive Focus Measure and High Order Derivatives
* Shaping-Up Multimedia Analytics: Needs and Expectations of Media Professionals
* Shared Autonomy Perception and Manipulation of Physical Device Controls
* Sign Language Recognition Based on Trajectory Modeling with HMMs
* Similarity Learning with Top-heavy Ranking Loss for Person Re-identification
* Simple and Accurate TDOA-AOA Localization Method Using Two Stations, A
* Simple Countermeasure to Non-Linear Collusion Attacks Targeted for Spread-Spectrum Fingerprinting Scheme
* Simple Sampler for the Horseshoe Estimator, A
* Simple to Complex Transfer Learning for Action Recognition
* Simulation of Forest Evapotranspiration Using Time-Series Parameterization of the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) over the Qilian Mountains
* Simultaneous Inpainting and Super-resolution Using Self-learning
* Simultaneous Multi-Structure Segmentation and 3D Nonrigid Pose Estimation in Image-Guided Robotic Surgery
* Simultaneous Registration of Location and Orientation in Intravascular Ultrasound Pullbacks Pairs Via 3D Graph-Based Optimization
* Single image super-resolution using locally adaptive multiple linear regression
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Convolutional Neural Network and Total Variation Regularization
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Active-Sampling Gaussian Process Regression
* Sketch based Image Retrieval using Learned KeyShapes (LKS)
* Sketch-a-Net that Beats Humans
* Sketch-Based Image Retrieval with a Novel BoVW Representation
* Small Neural Networks can Denoise Image Textures Well: A Useful Complement to BM3D
* Smart Ambient Sound Analysis via Structured Statistical Modeling
* SMe: explicit & implicit constrained-space probabilistic threshold range queries for moving objects
* SMOS Level-2 Soil Moisture Product Evaluation in Rain-Fed Croplands of the Pampean Region of Argentina
* Social Friend Recommendation Based on Multiple Network Correlation
* SODE: Self-Adaptive One-Dependence Estimators for classification
* Soft subspace clustering of categorical data with probabilistic distance
* software system for automated identification and retrieval of moth images based on wing attributes, A
* Solution of the Problem on Image Reconstruction in Computed Tomography
* SOMH: A Self-Organizing Map Based Topology Preserving Hashing Method
* Space-Borne SBAS-DInSAR Technique as a Supporting Tool for Sustainable Urban Policies: The Case of Istanbul Megacity, Turkey, The
* Space-Time Adaptive Processing and Motion Parameter Estimation in Multistatic Passive Radar Using Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Sparse 3D convolutional neural networks
* Sparse Discrimination Based Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multi-Feature Fusion and Recognition
* Sparse discriminative multi-manifold embedding for one-sample face identification
* Sparse Hashing Tracking
* Sparse Wavelet Representations of Spatially Varying Blurring Operators
* Sparse-View CT Image Recovery Using Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm
* Spatial Accuracy Assessment and Integration of Global Land Cover Datasets
* Spatial Constrained Fine-Grained Color Name for Person Re-identification
* Spatial Downscaling of Satellite Soil Moisture Data Using a Vegetation Temperature Condition Index
* Spatial Sampling Strategies for the Effect of Interpolation Accuracy
* Spatial-Related Traffic Sign Inspection for Inventory Purposes Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Spatio-Temporal Fusion for Learning of Regions of Interests Over Multiple Video Streams
* Spatio-temporal traffic video data archiving and retrieval system
* Spatiotemporal Barcodes for Image Sequence Analysis
* Spatiotemporal Deformable Prototypes for Motion Anomaly Detection
* Spatiotemporal Stereo Matching with 3D Disparity Profiles
* Special Section on Enriched Multimedia: Creation of a New Society through Value-added Multimedia Content
* Specific Versus Diverse Computing in Media Cloud
* Spectral and Spatial Proximity-Based Manifold Alignment for Multitemporal Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spectral edge: gradient-preserving spectral mapping for image fusion
* Spectral Information Adaptation and Synthesis Scheme for Merging Cross-Mission Ocean Color Reflectance Observations From MODIS and VIIRS
* Spectral Multimodal Hashing and Its Application to Multimedia Retrieval
* Spectral Perspective on Shapes, A
* Spectral-Spatial Adaptive Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Speech Enhancement with Nonstationary Acoustic Noise Detection in Time Domain
* Speech Recognition of English by Japanese Using Lexicon Represented by Multiple Reduced Phoneme Sets
* Speeding-up homography estimation in mobile devices
* SPLZ: An efficient algorithm for single source shortest path problem using compression method
* Spotlight the Negatives: A Generalized Discriminative Latent Model
* SSIM-Based Error-Resilient Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Video Streaming
* Stability and Scalability of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoon: Study on the Influence of Information Flow Topologies
* Stacked Sparse Autoencoder (SSAE) for Nuclei Detection on Breast Cancer Histopathology Images
* Statistical Adaptive Metric Learning for Action Feature Set Recognition in the Wild
* Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Application to MR-TRUS Fusion for Prostate Interventions
* Stereo Correspondence Evaluation Methods: A Systematic Review
* Stereo Tracking and 3D Reconstruction of Underwater Pipes
* Stereo-Matching in the Context of Vision-Augmented Vehicles
* Stereoscopic 3D Visual Discomfort Prediction: A Dynamic Accommodation and Vergence Interaction Model
* StixelNet: A Deep Convolutional Network for Obstacle Detection and Road Segmentation
* Stochastic Approach to Diffeomorphic Point Set Registration with Landmark Constraints, A
* Stochastic Delay Analysis for Train Control Services in Next-Generation High-Speed Railway Communications System
* Stochastic visibility in point-sampled scenes
* Strategy of active learning support vector machine for image retrieval
* Structural Symmetries from Motion for Scene Reconstruction and Understanding
* Structure Tensor Based Analysis of Cells and Nuclei Organization in Tissues
* Study of Hand Motion/Posture Recognition in Two-Camera Views, A
* Sub-Markov Random Walk for Image Segmentation
* Subjective-Driven Complexity Control Approach for HEVC
* Subspace Alignment Based Domain Adaptation for RCNN Detector
* Subspace Distribution Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Suomi NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Operational Calibration Reprocessing
* Suomi-NPP VIIRS Solar Diffuser Stability Monitor Performance
* Super-Interpolation With Edge-Orientation-Based Mapping Kernels for Low Complex 2-times Upscaling
* Superpixel-based image noise variance estimation with local statistical assessment
* SURE-Type Functionals as Criteria for Parametric PSF Estimation
* Surface Based Object Detection in RGBD Images
* Surface-based matching of 3D point clouds with variable coordinates in source and target system
* Surveillance Video Synopsis via Scaling Down Objects
* survey of datasets for visual tracking, A
* Survey on Energy-Efficient Train Operation for Urban Rail Transit, A
* Survey on Human Emotion Recognition Approaches, Databases and Applications, A
* survey on image mosaicing techniques, A
* Symmetry Similarity of Human Perception to Computer Vision Operators
* Symmetry-Aware Human Shape Correspondence Using Skeleton
* Synchrosqueezing S-Transform and Its Application in Seismic Spectral Decomposition
* System-Theoretic Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Mammography Testing Process, A
* Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization
* Task-dependent multi-task multiple kernel learning for facial action unit detection
* Tasking on Natural Statistics of Infrared Images
* Technical Perspective: Paris Beyond Frommer's
* Techniques for Ventricular Repolarization Instability Assessment From the ECG
* Template-Based Monocular 3D Shape Recovery Using Laplacian Meshes
* Temporal and Spatial Assessment of Four Satellite Rainfall Estimates over French Guiana and North Brazil
* Temporal correlation based general search strategy for multiple reference frame motion estimation
* Temporal Reflection Symmetry of Human Actions: A Riemannian Analysis
* Temporally Object-Based Video Co-segmentation
* Ten Research Questions for Scalable Multimedia Analytics
* TennisVid2Text: Fine-grained Descriptions for Domain Specific Videos
* Terrain and Surface Modeling Using Polarimetric SAR Data Features
* Texture Illumination Separation for Single-Shot Structured Light Reconstruction
* Texture Modelling with Nested High-Order Markov-Gibbs Random Fields
* Texture-Independent Long-Term Tracking Using Virtual Corners
* TGV-Based Framework for Variational Image Decompression, Zooming, and Reconstruction. Part I: Analytics, A
* TGV-Based Framework for Variational Image Decompression, Zooming, and Reconstruction. Part II: Numerics, A
* Thermal Infrared Image Processing to Assess Heat Generated by Magnetic Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Applications
* Thoughts on 3D Digital Subplane Recognition and Minimum-Maximum of a Bilinear Congruence Sequence
* Three information set-based feature types for the recognition of faces
* Three-Dimensional Optical Reconstruction of Vocal Fold Kinematics Using High-Speed Video With a Laser Projection System
* Time-slice Prediction of Dyadic Human Activities
* Time-Variant Modeling of Brain Processes
* Time-Varying Surface Reconstruction of an Actor's Performance
* Tissue-Dependent and Spatially-Variant Positron Range Correction in 3D PET
* Top-down saliency with Locality-constrained Contextual Sparse Coding
* Top-Down Visual Attention Estimation Using Spatially Localized Activation Based on Linear Separability of Visual Features
* Top-of-Atmosphere Image Simulation in the 4.3-mu-m Mid-infrared Absorption Bands
* Total Fractional-Order Variation Model for Image Restoration with Nonhomogeneous Boundary Conditions and Its Numerical Solution, A
* Total-Variation-Regularized Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Toward a perceptual object recognition system
* Toward High Altitude Airship Ground-Based Boresight Calibration of Hyperspectral Pushbroom Imaging Sensors
* Toward Unconstrained Fingerprint Recognition: A Fully Touchless 3-D System Based on Two Views on the Move
* Towards 4D Coupled Models of Conversational Facial Expression Interactions
* Towards a distributed and parallel schema for active appearance model implementation
* Towards a Standard Plant Species Spectral Library Protocol for Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in the Shrubland of Doņana National Park
* Towards aesthetics of image: A Bayesian framework for color harmony modeling
* Towards Training-Free Refinement for Semantic Indexing of Visual Media
* Tracheal Structure Characterization using Geometric and Appearance Models for Efficient Assessment of Stenosis in Videobronchoscopy
* Traffic Light Detection at Night: Comparison of a Learning-Based Detector and Three Model-Based Detectors
* Transfer Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Representation
* Transient Electromagnetic Scattering of a Metallic Object Buried in Underwater Sediments
* Transport on Riemannian Manifold for Connectivity-Based Brain Decoding
* Triaging Diagnostically Relevant Regions from Pathology Whole Slides of Breast Cancer: A Texture Based Approach
* Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization Method Based on Weighted Residual Error for Matrix Completion, A
* Turbidity Underwater Image Restoration Using Spectral Properties and Light Compensation
* TV Commercial Detection Using Success Based Locally Weighted Kernel Combination
* TVR-DART: A More Robust Algorithm for Discrete Tomography From Limited Projection Data With Automated Gray Value Estimation
* Two approaches-based L2-SVMs reduced to MEB problems for dialect identification
* Two-Phase Weighted Collaborative Representation for 3D partial face recognition with single sample, A
* Two-Stage Learning to Predict Human Eye Fixations via SDAEs
* Two-tier image annotation model based on a multi-label classifier and fuzzy-knowledge representation scheme
* Unbalanced JPEG image steganalysis via multiview data match
* Uncertainty Estimates in the SMAP Combined Active-Passive Downscaled Brightness Temperature
* Unified Bayesian Approach to Multi-Frame Super-Resolution and Single-Image Upsampling in Multi-Sensor Imaging, A
* Unified Huynen Phenomenological Decomposition of Radar Targets and Its Classification Applications
* Unified Multiscale Framework for Planar, Surface, and Curve Skeletonization, An
* Unitary Transform-Based Template Protection and Its Application to l2-norm Minimization Problems
* Universal Hough dictionaries for object tracking
* Unsupervised Band Selection Based on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization for Hyperspectral Images
* Unsupervised Behavior-Specific Dictionary Learning for Abnormal Event Detection
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for Dense Correspondences Across Scenes
* Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum information and minimum redundancy for hyperspectral images
* Unsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection by Dominant Set Extraction
* Unsupervised Point Alignment Detection Algorithm, An
* Use of a Large Image Repository to Enhance Domain Dataset for Flyer Classification
* Use of trajectory and spatiotemporal features for retrieval of videos with a prominent moving foreground object
* User Profiling by Combining Topic Modeling and Pointwise Mutual Information (TM-PMI)
* User-Assisted Inverse Procedural Facade Modeling and Compressed Image Rendering
* Using 3D Representations of the Nasal Region for Improved Landmarking and Expression Robust Recognition
* Using Correlated Regression Models to Calculate Cumulative Attributes for Age Estimation
* Using Instagram Picture Features to Predict Users' Personality
* Using Lunar Observations to Validate Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Pointing Accuracy
* Using Near-Field Light Sources to Separate Illumination from BRDF
* Using Radon Transform to Recognize Skewed Images of Vehicular License Plates
* Using ROI with ISOM compression to medical image
* Using Segmentation to Predict the Absence of Occluded Parts
* Using Stochastic Ray Tracing to Simulate a Dense Time Series of Gross Primary Productivity
* UT-MARO: Unscented Transformation and Matrix Rank Optimization for Moving Objects Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Utilizing Attributed Graph Representation in Object Detection and Tracking for Indoor Range Sensor Surveillance Cameras
* Utilizing machine learning approaches to improve the prediction of leaf counts and individual leaf segmentation of rosette plant images
* Utilizing Sensor-Social Cues to Localize Objects-of-Interest in Outdoor UGVs
* Validation of S-NPP VIIRS Sea Surface Temperature Retrieved from NAVO
* Validation of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Ice Surface Temperature Environmental Data Record
* Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms for Semi-arid Ecosystems
* Variational Framework for Non-Local Inpainting
* Variational Inference for Background Subtraction in Infrared Imagery
* variational model with hybrid images data fitting energies for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
* Variational Phase Imaging Using the Transport-of-Intensity Equation
* Variations of Microwave Scattering Properties by Seasonal Freeze/Thaw Transition in the Permafrost Active Layer Observed by ALOS PALSAR Polarimetric Data
* varied local edge pattern descriptor and its application to texture classification, A
* Vegas Over Access Point: Making Room for Thin Client Game Systems in a Wireless Home
* Vehicle detection in aerial imagery: A small target detection benchmark
* Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Aerial Images via Sparse Representation and Superpixels
* Vehicles Detection in Stereo Vision Based on Disparity Map Segmentation and Objects Classification
* VERGE: A Multimodal Interactive Search Engine for Video Browsing and Retrieval
* Very Deep Sequences Learning Approach for Human Action Recognition, A
* Very Efficient Training of Convolutional Neural Networks using Fast Fourier Transform and Overlap-and-Add
* VESICLE: Volumetric Evaluation of Synaptic Inferfaces using Computer Vision at Large Scale
* Victim Detection from a Fixed-Wing UAV: Experimental Results
* Video Content Representation Using Recurring Regions Detection
* Video Encoding Acceleration in Cloud Gaming
* Video Event Detection Using Kernel Support Vector Machine with Isotropic Gaussian Sample Uncertainty (KSVM-iGSU)
* Video fragment format classification using optimized discriminative subspace clustering
* Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Testing of HEVC Compression Performance
* Video super-resolution using an adaptive superpixel-guided auto-regressive model
* Video watermark application for embedding recipient ID in real-time-encoding VoD server
* Videopedia: Lecture Video Recommendation for Educational Blogs Using Topic Modeling
* View-Level Rate Distortion Model for Multi-View/3D Video, A
* Virtual reality goes social
* Vis3D+: An Integrated System for GPU-Accelerated Volume Image Processing and Rendering
* Vision-Based Vehicle Counting with High Accuracy for Highways with Perspective View
* Visual Analyses of Music Download History: User Studies
* Visual Autonomy via 2D Matching in Rendered 3D Models
* Visual Comparison of Images Using Multiple Kernel Learning for Ranking
* Visual Perception and Analysis as First Steps Toward Human-Robot Chess Playing
* Visual Re-ranking Through Greedy Selection and Rank Fusion
* Visual Understanding via Multi-Feature Shared Learning With Global Consistency
* Visualization Techniques for the Developing Chicken Heart
* Visualizing Aldo Giorgini's Ideal Flow
* Visualizing Document Image Collections Using Image-Based Word Clouds
* Visualizing Software Metrics in a Software System Hierarchy
* VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Elemental Concentrations in Soil Cores
* Wavelet Pyramid Based Multi-Resolution Bilateral Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Wavelet Statistics of Sparse and Self-Similar Images
* Wavelet-Based Echo Detector for Waveform LiDAR Data, A
* Weak supervision and other non-standard classification problems: A taxonomy
* Weakly Supervised Human Fixations Prediction
* Weakly Supervised Large Scale Object Localization with Multiple Instance Learning and Bag Splitting
* Weakly Supervised Metric Learning towards Signer Adaptation for Sign Language Recognition
* Weather Conditions, Weather Information and Car Crashes
* Weber Binarized Statistical Image Features (WBSIF) based video copy detection
* WebPhysics: A Parallel Rigid Body Simulation Framework for Web Applications
* Weight Optimization for Multiple Image Integration and Its Applications
* Weighted Average Consensus-Based Unscented Kalman Filtering
* Weighted total generalised variation scheme for image restoration
* What are the Limits to Time Series Based Recognition of Semantic Concepts?
* What Catches Your Eyes as You Move Around? On the Discovery of Interesting Regions in the Street
* What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
* WHAT2PRINT: Learning Image Evaluation
* When the a contrario approach becomes generative
* Wideband Interference Mitigation in High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Wiener-Granger Causality in Network Physiology With Applications to Cardiovascular Control and Neuroscience
* WIRE: Watershed based iris recognition
* Wireless Networks with Energy Harvesting and Power Transfer: Joint Power and Time Allocation
* Word spotting in historical documents using primitive codebook and dynamic programming
* WxBS: Wide Baseline Stereo Generalizations
* XTemplate 4.0: Providing Adaptive Layouts and Nested Templates for Hypermedia Documents
* Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation via Kernel Regression on the Grassmannian
* Zero-Shot Person Re-identification via Cross-View Consistency
1510 for 1601

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.