10.4.2 Stereo Sensors for Range

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Stereo Sensor. Range Sensor. Sensors, Range. More the subset of real-time stereo that is actual sensors.
See also Depth, Range Sensors for Machine Vision.

The MSRC Stereo Vision C# SDK,
WWW Link. Code, Stereo.
See also Microsoft Research. BibRef 0900

3D Media Corporation,
WWW Link. Vendor, Stereo. Real time commercialization of 3D technology for home use.

WWW Link. Vendor, Stereo Sensor. High resolution 3d sensing.

Point Grey Research,
WWW Link. Vendor, Stereo Sensor. Supplier of a variety of real-time implementations for stereo (2 and 3 camera hardware) and various software packages. Other hardware includes a 6 camera implementation of a spherical sensor.

WWW Link. Vendor, Stereo. Stereo vision systems.

2010 automatic high resolution 3D modeling from photographs.
WWW Link. Vendor, Stereo.
See also IMages Apprentissage GeometrIe Numerisation Environment.

Kak, A.C.,
Depth Perception for Robots,
HIR841984, pp. XX-YY. BibRef 8400
And: Purdue-TR-83-44, October, 1983. Stereo. Survey, Stereo. A survey article that describes the stereo computations and some of the solutions that are available. BibRef

Pipitone, F.J., Marshall, T.G.,
A Wide-Field Scanning Triangulation Rangefinder for Machine Vision,
IJRR(2), No. 1, Spring 1983, pp. 39-49. BibRef 8300

Kanade, T.,
Immersion into Visual Media: New Applications of Image Understanding,
IEEE_EXPERT(11), No. 1, February 1996, pp. 73-80. Use of real time stereo to insert a person into a 3D environment. BibRef 9602

Kanade, T., Gruss, G., Carley, R.,
A Very Fast VLSI Rangefinder,
CRA91(1322-1329). BibRef 9100

Gruss, A.[Andrew], Tada, S.[Shigeyuki], Kanade, T.[Takeo],
A VLSI Smart Sensor for Fast Range Imaging,
DARPA93(977-986). A 28X32 range sensor using laser diode for structured light. BibRef 9300

Tada, S.[Shigeyuki], Gruss, A.[Andrew], Kanade, T.[Takeo],
CMU Very Fast Range-Imaging System,
CMU-CS-TR-93-179, October 1993.
PS File. BibRef 9310

Kanade, T.[Takeo], and Fuhrman, M.,
A Noncontact Optical Proximity Sensor for Measuring Surface Shape,
3DMV87(151-192). Multiple sensors and simple algorithms. BibRef 8700

Kanade, T.[Takeo], and Sommer, T.M.[Thomas M.],
An Optical Proximity Sensor for Measuring Surface Position and Orientation for Robot Manipulation,
CMU-RI-TR-83-15, 1983, CMU Robotics Institute. Uses infrared led's and a photo-diode sensor. Compute the position of the spot by triangulation, much of it is analog therefore the positions can be read out at will. BibRef 8300

Kanade, T.[Takeo], Kano, H., Kimura, S., Yoshida, A., and Oda, K.,
Development of a Video-Rate Stereo Machine,
IROS95(95-100). BibRef 9500
Earlier: A1 Only: ARPA94(I:549-557). BibRef

Kanade, T., Oda, K., Yoshida, A., Tanaka, M., and Kano, H.,
Video-Rate Z Keying: A New Method for Merging Images,
CMU-RI-TR-95-38, December 1995. BibRef 9512

Kanade, T., Yoshida, A., Oda, K., Kano, H., and Tanaka, M.,
A Stereo Machine for Video-Rate Dense Depth Mapping and Its New Applications,
IEEE Abstract.
IEEE DOI BibRef 9600
Earlier: A1 only: ARPA96(805-811). BibRef

Harrison, D.D., and Weir, M.P.,
High-Speed Triangulation-Based 3-D Imaging with Orthonormal Data Projections and Error Detection,
PAMI(12), No. 4, April 1990, pp. 409-416.
IEEE Abstract.
IEEE DOI BibRef 9004

Wu, C.K., Wang, D.Q., and Bajcsy, R.K.,
Acquiring 3-D Spatial Data of a Real Object,
CVGIP(28), No. 1, October 1984, pp. 126-133.
Elsevier DOI (UPenn) Stereo analysis of an object on a turntable. BibRef 8410

Windecker, R., Fleischer, M., Tiziani, H.J.,
Three-Dimensional Topometry with Stereo Microscopes,
OptEng(36), No. 12, December 1997, pp. 3372-3377. 9801

Samson, E.[Eric], Laurendeau, D.[Denis], Parizeau, M.[Marc], Comtois, S.[Sylvain], Allan, J.F.[Jean-François], Gosselin, C.M.[Clément M.],
The Agile Stereo Pair for active vision,
MVA(17), No. 1, April 2006, pp. 32-50.
Springer DOI 0604
Stereo sensor, 2 2DOF platforms. Adjust gaze, vergence, baseline.
See also On the Development of the Agile Eye. BibRef

Loranger, F., Laurendeau, D., Houd, R.,
A Fast and Accurate 3D Rangefinder Using the Biris Technology: Trid,
3DIM97(2 - Sensors) 9702

Ng, W.B.[Wen Bin], Zhang, Y.[Yang],
Stereoscopic imaging and computer vision of impinging fires by a single camera with a stereo adapter,
IJIST(15), No. 2, 2005, pp. 114-122.
DOI Link 0507

Schrameck, M.[Michel], Voyles, R.[Richard], Myers, T.[Tom], Bodor, R.[Robert], Masoud, O.[Osama],
Automatic Euclidean reconstruction for turn-table sequences by indirect epipolar search between pairs of views,
IVC(24), No. 7, July 2006, pp. 693-708.
Elsevier DOI 0608
Structure from motion -- small rotation. BibRef

Zhong, H., Lau, W.S., Sze, W.F., Hung, Y.S.,
Shape Recovery from Turntable Sequence Using Rim Reconstruction,
PR(41), No. 11, November 2008, pp. 3295-3301.
Elsevier DOI 0808
Shape Recovery from Turntable Image Sequence,
ACCV07(II: 186-195).
Springer DOI 0711
Silhouette; Rim reconstruction; Surface extraction; Circular motion BibRef

Zhou, J., Wan, D., Wu, Y.,
The Chameleon-Like Vision System,
SPMag(27), No. 5, 2010, pp. 91-101.
2 PTZ cameras. Control not conventional binocular. BibRef

Wang, D.[Daolei], Lim, K.B.[Kah Bin], Kee, W.L.[Wei Loon],
Geometrical approach for rectification of single-lens stereovision system with a triprism,
MVA(24), No. 4, May 2013, pp. 821-833.
Springer DOI 1304
3 subimages by 3 virtual camers created by the triprism. BibRef

Kee, W.L.[Wei Loon], Bai, Y.[Yading], Lim, K.B.[Kah Bin],
Parameter error analysis of single-lens prism-based stereovision system,
JOSA-A(32), No. 3, March 2015, pp. 367-373.
DOI Link 1503
Image processing BibRef

Lim, K.B.[Kah Bin], Kee, W.L.[Wei Loon], Wang, D.[Daolei],
Virtual camera calibration and stereo correspondence of single-lens bi-prism stereovision system using geometrical approach,
SP:IC(28), No. 9, 2013, pp. 1059-1071.
Elsevier DOI 1310
Stereovision BibRef

Cui, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu], Fan, H.[Heyu], Chen, H.S.[Hong-Sheng], Chen, S.[Shuo], Zhao, Y.[Yue], Lim, K.B.[Kah Bin],
Epipolar geometry for prism-based single-lens stereovision,
MVA(28), No. 3-4, May 2017, pp. 313-326.
Springer DOI 1704

Jutzi, B., Hinz, S.,
Potentials of Image Based Active Ranging to Capture Dynamic Scenes,
PDF File. 1106

Sorensen, S.[Scott], Saponaro, P.[Philip], Rhein, S.[Stephen], Kambhamettu, C.[Chandra],
Multimodal Stereo Vision For Reconstruction In The Presence Of Reflection,
DOI Link 1601

Somanath, G.[Gowri], Rohith, M.V., Kambhamettu, C.[Chandra],
Single Camera Stereo System Using Prism and Mirrors,
ISVC10(II: 170-181).
Springer DOI 1011

Peterman, V.,
DLT Based, Close Range Photogrammetric Approach To Structural Deformation Measurement,
PDF File. 1006

Rieke-Zapp, D.H., Bommer-Denss, B., Ernst, D.,
Small Format Digital Photogrammetry for Applications in the Earth Sciences,
PDF File. 1006

Hahne, U.[Uwe], Alexa, M.[Marc],
Depth Imaging by Combining Time-of-Flight and On-Demand Stereo,
Springer DOI 0909

Lee, D.H.[Doo-Hyun], Kweon, I.S.[In-So], Cipolla, R.[Roberto],
A Biprism-Stereo Camera System,
CVPR99(I: 82-87).
IEEE Abstract.
IEEE DOI Single camera to get stereo. Rather than a mirror use a prism. For small field of view, and nearby objects. BibRef 9900

Chapter on Stereo: Three Dimensional Descriptions from Two or More Views, Binocular, Trinocular continues in
Stereo Using Three Views, Trinocular Stereo .

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25