Update Dates 8300

8300 * *Human and Machine Vision
* *Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis
* *Pictorial Data Analysis
* *Spider (Subroutine Package for Image Data Enhancement and Recognition)
* 3-D Inference from the Motion Parallax of a Conic Arc and a Point in Two Perspective Views
* Absorption Edge Detector, An
* Adapting Optical-Flow to Measure Object Motion in Reflectance and X-Ray Image Sequences
* Adaptive Companded Pulse Code Modulation
* Adaptive Gradient Approach to Displacement Estimation, An
* Advanced Hough Transform Implementations
* Albedo Estimation for Scene Segmentation
* Algorithm for Pattern Description on the Level of Relative Proximity, An
* Algorithms for Computing D-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams and Their Duals
* Algorithms for Median Filtering of Images on a Pyramid Machine
* Analysis of Different Displacement Estimation Algorithms for Digital Television Signals
* Analysis of Relaxation Processes: The Two-Node Two-Label Case
* Anisotropic Nonstationary Image Estimation and its Applications Part I: Restoration of Noisy Images
* Anistoropic Nonstationary Image Estimation and its Applications, Part II
* Application of Godel Numbers to Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, The
* Application of Image Analysis Techniques to Mineral Processing, The
* Application of the Hough Transform to the Recognition of Printed Hebrew Characters, An
* Applications of Pattern Recognition in Semiconductor and Printer Board Production
* Appraisal of a Decision Tree Approach to Image Classification, An
* Approximate Lengths Between Phalanges of Multijointed Fingers for Stable Grasping
* Approximation of Multipath Planar Shapes in Pattern Analysis
* Architecture and Applications of DADO: A Large-Scale Parallel Computer for Artificial Intelligence
* Are Impossible Figures Possible?
* Aspects of Dynamic Scene Analysis in Meteorology
* ATN Model for 3D Recognition of Solids in Single Views, An
* Automated Stereo Perception
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction from 2D geometric Part Descriptions
* Automatic Classification of Cervical Cells Using a Binary Tree Classifier
* Automatic Grey Level Thresholding Through Index of Fuzziness and Entropy
* Automatic Handwriting Identification Based on the External Properties of the Samples
* Automatic Procedure for Image Segmentation, An
* Automatic Recognition of Handprinted Chinese Characters: A Method of Extracting an Ordered Sequence of Strokes, The
* Automatic Signature Verification Using a Three-Axis-Force-Sensitive Pen
* Automation of Pap Smear Analysis: A Review and Status Report
* Bimean Clustering
* Boundary Condition in Multiple Intrinsic Images
* BTC Image Coding Using Median Filter Roots
* Characterization of Textures by Eigenfilters
* Classification and Block Coding of the Frame Difference Signal
* Classification and Tracking Using Local Optimization
* Classification of Handprinted Kanji Characters by Structured Segment Matching
* Coding Images in the Frequency Domain: Filter Design and Energy Processing Characteristics of the Human Visual System
* Coding of Colour TV Signals with 34 MBit/s Transmission Rate
* Combinatorial Approach to Polygon Similarity, A
* Comments on A Recursive Kalman Window Approach to Image Restoration
* Comments on Electronic Techniques for Pictorial Image Reproduction
* Comparative Study Between Intra and Interframe Predictions Schemes
* Comparison of Feature Operators for Use in Matching Image Pairs
* Comparison of the CLIP4, DAP and MPP Processor-Array Implementations, A
* Complex Logarithmic Mapping and the Focus of Expansion
* Computational and Psychophysical Experiments in Grouping: Early Orientation Selection
* Computational Study of Reconstruction Algorithms for Diffraction Tomography: Interpolation versus Filtered Back Propagation, A
* Computer Controlled Optical Testing of High-Density Printed-Circuit Boards
* Computer Graphic Modeling of American Sign Language
* Computer Vision Systems: Past, Present, and Future
* Computing Convergence Angle from Random Dot Stereograms
* Computing Structures for Image Processing
* Computing the Velocity Field along Contours
* Computing Visual Correspondence
* Computing with Connections
* Constrained Bidirectional Propagation and Stroke Segmentation
* Constrained Transform Coding and Surface Fitting
* Content Addressable Array Parallel Processor and Some Applications, A
* Contrasts Between Human and Machine Vision: Should Technology Recapitulate Phylogeny?
* Control of an Unstable Plant by Computer Vision
* Correction for Low Sun Elevation in Landsat Imagery
* Cortical Mapping and Perceptional Invariance: A Reply to Cavanagh
* Counterexample to an Algorithm for Computing Monotone Hulls of Simple Polygons, A
* Criteria for Representation of Shapes
* Cross-ratio and the Perception of Motion and Structure, The
* Curve Fitting with Conic Splines
* Curve of Least Energy, The
* Data Compression Through a Rectangular Transform
* Decision Procedure for Optimal Polyhedron Partitioning, A
* Design and Comparative Study of Some Sequential Jump Detection Algorithms for Digital Signals
* Design Method for Relaxation Labeling Applications, A
* Design of Adaptive and Nonadaptive Quantizers Using Subjective Criteria
* Design of Digital Fan Filters
* Design of Solids with Free-Form Surfaces
* Detection and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of a Vascular Network from Serial Sections
* Determination of Rotational and Translational Components of a Flow Field using a Content Addressable Parallel Processor
* Determining 3-D Motion and Structure of a Rigid Body Over 3 Frames Using Straight Line Correspondence
* Determining 3-D Motion and Structure of a Rigid Body Using Straight Line Correspondence
* Determining the Instantaneous Axis of Translation from Optic Flow Generated by Arbitrary Sensor Motion
* Development of the Clip7 Image Processing System, The
* Difference Technique for Automatic Inspection of Casting Parts, A
* Differential Method for Image Motion Estimation, The
* Diffusion Model to Correct Multi-Spectral Images for the Path-Radiance Atmospheric Effect, A
* Digital Connectedness: An Algebraic Approach
* Digital Document Processing
* Digital Image Compression by Outer Product Expansion
* Discrete and Continuous Band-Limited Signal Extrapolation
* Displacement Estimation for Objects on Moving Background
* Distortion Invariant Recognition Using a Moment Feature Space
* Distribution of the Two-Dimensional DCT Coefficients for Images
* DPCM Quantization of Color Television Signals
* DPCM System Based on a Composite Image Model, A
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Nonlinear Smoothing, A
* Dynamic Time Warp Pattern Matching Using an Integrated Multiprocessor Array
* Dynamic Voronoi Diagrams
* Edges in Visual Scenes and Sequences: Application to Filtering, Sampling, and Adaptive DPCM Coding
* Effect of Pixel Correlations on Class Separability, The
* Effects of Distortions on the Recognition Rate of a Structural OCR System
* Efficient Algorithms for Computing the Maximum Distance
* Efficient Hadamard Transformation of Large Images
* Elimination of Redundant Operations for a Fast Sobel Operator
* Emergent Intelligent Properties of Progressively Structured Pattern Recognition Nets
* Environmental Relations in Image Understanding: The Force of Gravity
* Environmental-Centered Representation of Spatial Layout: Available Visual Information from Texture and Perspective
* Error Analysis for 2-D Block Implemented Digital Filters, An
* Error Sensitivity of CCITT Standard Facsimile Coding Techniques
* Estimating 3-D Motion Parameters and Object Surface Structures from the Image Motion of Curved Edges
* Experiments with Texture Classification Using Averages of Local Pattern Matches
* Extraction Elliptical Figures for an Edge Vector Field
* Extraction of Textured Regions in Aerial Imagery
* Facet Approach to Optic Flow, The
* Fast Edge Detection Algorithm Matching Visual Contour Perception, A
* Fast In-Place Processing of Pictorial Data
* Fast Kalman Filter for Images Degraded by Both Blur and Noise, A
* Fast Piecewise Linear Approximation Algorithm, A
* Find-Path for a PUMA-Class Robot
* Finding Connected Components of an Intersection Graph of Squares in the Euclidean Plane
* Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon
* Fully Recursive Filter: A General 2-D Recursive Filter, The
* Geometric Aspects of Interpreting Images as Three-Dimensional Scene
* GIPSY Users' Manual
* Gipsy: General Image Processing System
* Gradient-Based Estimation of Optical-Flow
* Gray Level Thresholding Using Second-Order Statistics
* Grey Level Edge Thinning: A New Method
* Hand-Scan OCR with a One-Dimensional Image Sensor
* Handprinted Kanji Recogniton by Feature Matching Methods and Its Application to Personal OCR
* Handwritten Character Recognition by Parallel Labelling and Shape Analysis
* Hierarchical Image Representation for compression, Filtering and Normalization
* High Compression Image Coding Based on a Contour-Texture Model
* High Definition Television (HDTV): Compatibility and Distribution
* High-Level Recognizer for Schematic Diagrams, A
* Histograms of Image Sequence Spectra
* Hough Transform Technique for Subgraph Isomorphism, A
* Hybrid Approach to Structure-from-Motion, A
* Image Coding Using Vector Quantization in the Transform Domain
* Image Description and Primitive Extraction Using Fuzzy Sets
* Image Display Techniques Using the Cosine Transform
* Image Processing Software Portability Using a Conceptual Frame Store
* Image Processing: Its Milieu, Its Nature, and Constraints on the Design of Special Architectures for Its Implementation
* Image Segmentation and Nucleus Classification for Automated Tissue Section Analysis
* Image Segmentation Considering Properties of the Human Visual System
* Image Sequence Coding Using Scene Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Interpolation
* Image Sequence Enhancements Based on the Normal Component of Image Motion
* Image Sequence Processing and Pattern Recognition of Bio-Medical Pictures
* Implementation of a Fast Programmable Edge Detection Preprocessor
* Implementation of Automatic Focusing Algorithms for a Computer Vision System with Camera Control
* Improved Algorithm for the Fixed-Radius Neighbor Problem, An
* Improved Method for High-Curvature Detection with Applications to Automatic Inspection, An
* Impulse Noise Cleaning by Iterative Threshold Median Filtering
* Inexact Graph Matching for Structural Pattern Recognition
* Inference of Fuzzy Regular Pattern Grammar
* Inferring Motion of Cylindrical Object from Shape Information
* Intensity Guided Range Sensing Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Interactive Image Processing in an Multiuser Environment
* Interative Method for Reconstructing Convex Polyhedra from Extended Gaussian Images, An
* Is What You See What You Get?
* Iterative Time-Limited Signal Restoration
* Kalman Filtering of Image Sequences
* Kinematics of Image Flows
* Large Window Median Filtering on CLIP7
* Learning Vision System for 2D Object Recognition, A
* Least Disturbance Principle amd Weak Constraints, The
* Line of Curvature Constraint and the Interpretation of 3-D Shape from Parallel Surface Contours, The
* Line-Adaptive Hybrid Coding of Images
* Linear Approximations of Quantized Thin Lines
* Linear Delineation
* Linear Filtering in Image Sequences
* Linear Time Algorithm for the Hausdorff Distance Between Convex Polygons, A
* Local Control of Bias and Tension in Beta-Splines
* Local Feature Method for the Detection of Flaws in Automated X-Ray Inspection of Castings, A
* Localized Set Operations for Solid Modeling
* Locating fast-moving objects in TV-images in the presence of motion blur
* Look at Motion in the Frequency Domain, A
* Machine Recognition of Brahmi Script
* Machine Recognition of the Cantonese Digits Using Bandpass Filters
* Machine Vision for Inspection of Keyboards
* Magnitude-Only Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Sequences with Finite Regions of Support
* Maintaining Knowledge About Time Temporal Intervals
* Managing Geometric Information with a Database Management System
* Mapping Image Properties into Shape Constraints: Skewed Symmetry, Affine-Transformable Patterns, and the Shape-from-Texture Paradigm
* MAPS: The Organization of a Spatial Database System Using Imagery, Terrain, and Map Data
* Matching Regions in Aerial Images
* Measuring the Shape of 3-D Objects
* Medical Image Processing
* MERCATOR Representation of Spatial Knowledge, The
* Method for Comparing Two Hierarchical Clusterings, A
* Method for Solving the N-Dimensional Convex Hull Problem, A
* Method for the Design of Binary Tree Classifiers, A
* Method of Recognition for Handwritten Block Capitals, A
* Method to Restore Multichannel Imagery, A
* Minimal Delay Realization of First Order 2-D All-Pass Digital Filters
* Minimal Error Region Merging Technique for Segmentation, A
* Minimization of Structural Information: A Set-Theoretical Approach
* Model Based Analysis of Scintigraphic Image Sequences of the Human Heart
* Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries
* Model of Interprocessor Communication for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Model-Guided Monitoring of a Building Environment by a Mobile Robot
* Moment Based Two-Dimensional Edge Operator, A
* Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* Moment Techniques in Picture Analysis
* Monocular Depth Perception from Optical Flow by Space Time Signal Processing
* Morpholog: A Software Package for the Quantitative Image Analysis
* Motion Compensated Composite Color Coding
* Motion Estimation in a Sequence of Television Pictures
* Motion from Continuous or Discontinuous Arrangements
* Motion Graphics, Description and Control
* Motion Parameter Estimation in TV Pictures
* Multi-Resolution Flow - Through Motion Analysis
* Multi-Resolution Relaxation
* Multicomputer Architectures for Real-Time Perception
* Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing
* Multispectral Image Smoothing Guided by Global Distribution of Pixel Values
* Neighborhood Operators: An Outlook
* New Algorithms for the Multidimensional Discrete Fourier Transform
* New Conceptually Attractive and Computationally Effective Approach to Shape from Shading, A
* New Domain for Image Analysis: VLSI Circuit Testing, with ROMULAD, Specialized in Parallel Image Processing, A
* New Image Segmentation Technique Based on Partition Mode Test, A
* New Product Graph Based Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism, A
* New Results on Robust Quantization
* Noisy Substring Matching Problem, The
* Note on a Random-Walk Model for Texture Analysis, A
* Note on the Ziv-Lempel Model for Compressing Individual Sequences, A
* O(Diameter) Cellular Array Algorithm for Geometric Operations on Images, An
* Obtaining 3-D from Shadows in Aerial Images
* On a Relationship Between Graph L-Systems and Picture Languages
* On Automatic Recognition of 3D Structures from 2D Representations
* On Computing All North-East Nearest Neighbors in the L1 Metric
* On Computing Approximate Convex Hulls
* On Edge Gradient Approximations
* On Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon
* On Seeing Things, Again
* On the Application of the Convex Hull to Histogram Analysis in Threshold Selection
* On the Approximation of Convex Hulls of Finite Grid Point Sets
* On the Efficiency of Two-Bit Link Chain-Code
* On the Evaluation of Scene Analysis Algorithms
* On the representation of moving objects in real-time computer vision systems
* On the Role of Structure in Vision
* On the Selection of Critical Points and Local Curvature Extrema of Region Boundaries for Interframe Matching
* On the Shape of a Set of Points in the Plane
* On the X-Y Convex Hull of a Set of X-Y Polygons
* On Two-Dimensional Data Representation by Radial Base Functions
* On Using Symmetry Properties for Selecting Transform Components for Image Coding
* Optical Correlator for Recognizing Characters Printed on Paper
* Optical Flow
* Optical Proximity Sensor for Measuring Surface Position and Orientation for Robot Manipulation, An
* Optimal Algorithms for Computing the Minimum Distance between Two Finite Planar Sets
* Optimal Algorithms for the Intersection and the Minimum Distance Problems Between Planar Polygons
* Optimal Color Quantization for Color Display
* Optimal Illumination Region Algorithm for Convex Polygons, An
* Optimal Off-Line Detection of Repetitions in a String
* Optimal Perceptual Inference
* Optimization Approaches to the Problem of Edge Linking with a Focus on Parallel Processing
* Overview on Image Sequence Analysis
* Parallel Algorithms for the Connected Components and Minimal Spanning Tree Problems
* Parallel Architectures Adapted to Image Processing and Their Limits
* Parallel String Acceptance Using Lattice Graphs
* Paths and Distance Functions on Three-Dimensional Digitized Pictures
* Pattern Models
* Pattern Recognition of Nucleated Cells from the Peripheral Blood
* Pattern Recognition of Remotely Sensed Data
* Peak Noise Removal by a Facet Model
* Perception of Rotation in Depth: The Psychophysical Evidence
* Perceptual Organization and the Curve Partitioning Problem
* Perceptual Organization of Visual Images: Segmentation as a Basis for Recognition, The
* Performance Analysis of FFT Algorithms on Multiprocessor Systems
* Performance Bound of Walsh-Hadamard Transform for Feature Selection and Compression and Some Related Fast Algorithms
* Photometric Stereo for Moving Images
* Pictorial Pattern Recognition for Industrial Inspection
* Piecewise Linear Random Paths on a Plane and a Central Limit Theorem
* POPEYE: A Gray-Level Vision System for Robotics Applications
* Pre-Processor for the Real-Time Interpretation of Dynamic Scenes, A
* Preprocessing Techniques for Cursive Script Word Recognition
* Probability Distributions of Randomly Moving Objects on a Plane
* Processing and Analysis of Radiographic Image Sequences
* Progress in Image Processing Languages
* Progress in Stereo Mapping
* Psychology of Perceptual Organization: A Transformational Approach, The
* PVV - A Goal-Oriented System for Industrial Vision
* Pyramid Multi-Computer Structures, and Augmented Pyramids
* Quadtree Region Representation in Cartography: Experimental Results
* Quadtrees and Pyramids: Hierarchical Representation of Images
* Quaternions in Computer Vision and Robotics
* Radon Transform and Some of its Applications, The
* Raised Cosine Function for Image Restoration
* Real and Apparent Motion: One Mechanism or Two?
* Real-Time Processing of Rasterscan Images
* Reasoning about the Spatial Relationships Derived from a RAPT Program for Describing Assembly by Robot
* Reasoning in Time and Space
* Recent Computational Studies in the Interpretation of Structure from Motion
* Recognition of Handprinted Kanji Characters by the Stroke Matching Method
* Recognition of Spatial Point Patterns
* Reconstruction of Signals from Phase: Efficient Algorithms, Segmnetations, and Generalizations
* Rectangular Coding for Binary Images
* Recursive Motion Compensation: A Review
* Relational Consistency in On-Line Signature Validation
* Relational Matching
* Relationship between Image Irradiance and Surface Orientation, The
* Relaxation Labeling: The Principle of Least Disturbance
* Representation and Control in Vision
* Representation and Segmentation of Document Images
* Resolving Observer Motion by Object Tracking
* Restoring Causal Signals by Analytical Continuation: A Generalized Sampling Theorem for causal Signals
* Robust Matched Filters
* Rule Based Strategies for Image Interpretation
* Satellite Image Understanding Through Synthetic Images
* Scene Matching by Hierarchical Correlation
* Scope of Motion Research: From Image Intensity Changes to Semantic Abstraction, The
* Segmentation of Digital Images Using a Priori Information about the Expected Image Contents
* Segmentation of Range Data into Planar and Quadratic Patches
* Segmentation of SAR Images Using a Local Similarity Rule
* Segmenting Blobs into Subregions
* Semi-Consistency: A Solution to the No-Label Problem
* Separation of Equal Shape Overlapping Peaks
* Sequential Piecewise-Linear Segmentation of Binary Contours
* Shape Analysis of Three Dimensional Objects Using the Method of Moments
* Shape Information Extraction in Noisy Environments
* Shape Similarity Measures for Open Curves
* Shape Theory and Pattern Recognition
* Signal Reconstruction from Signed Fourier Transform Magnitude
* Simple Algorithm for Building the 3-D Convex Hull, A
* Simple Class of Asymptotically Optimal Quantizers, A
* Simple Speckle Smoothing Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Sketch of a (Computational) Theory of Visual Kinesthesis, A
* Slant-Tilt: The Visual Encoding of Surface Orientation
* Smoothing Optical Flow Fields
* Soft Decision Demodulation and Transform Coding of Images
* Solid Model Input Through Orthographic Views
* Solid Modeling Using a Volume Coding Data Structure
* Solving the Find-Path Problem by Good Representation of Free Space
* Solving the General Consistent Labeling (or Constraint Satisfaction) Problem: Two Algorithms and Their Expected Complexities
* Some Experiments in Relaxation Image Matching Using Corner Features
* Some Experiments in Waveform Approximation
* Some New Color Features and Their Application to Cervical Cell Classification
* Some New Heuristics for Thinning Binary Handprinted Characters for OCR
* Some NP-Hard Polygon Decomposition Problems
* Spatial Pattern in Sections of Human Muscle
* Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Vision
* Special Purpose Automatic Programming for 3D Model-Based Vision
* Stability of 2-D Causal Digital Filters Using the Residue Theorem
* Stereo Matching from the Topological Viewpoint
* Subpixel Edge Estimation
* Surface Constraints from Linear Extents
* Syntactic-Semantic Approach to Pictorial Pattern Analysis, A
* Television Images Positioning and Combining Systems
* test for multidimensional clustering tendency, A
* Test of Randomness Based on the Minimal Spanning Tree, A
* Textons, The Fundamental Elements in Preattentive Vision and Perception of Textures
* Textural Segmentation, Second-Order Statistics and Textural Elements
* Texture Analysis of Aerial Photographs
* Theory of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders, The
* Theory of Textural Segmentation, A
* Three Dimensional Imaging from Computed Tomograms
* Three Vision Algorithms for Acquiring Workpieces from Bins
* Three-Dimensional Feature Extraction
* Three-Dimensional Shape from Line Drawings
* Time-Space-Optimal String Matching
* To have your edge and fill-in too: A commentary
* Top-Down Cellular Pyramids
* Topographic Primal Sketch, The
* Topological and Statistical Analysis of Line Drawings
* Toward an Abstract Theory of Data Compression
* Toward Generation of 3-Dimensional Models of Objects Using 2-Dimensional Figures and Explanations in Language
* Towards an Evaluation of an Image Processing System
* Track Acquisition of Subpixel Targets
* Tracking Three Dimensional Moving Light Displays
* Transformation Algorithm as an Aid to Chromosome Classification, The
* Transmission of Gray Level Images by Multilevel Dither Techniques
* Transmission of two NTSC Color Television Signals over a Simple Satellite Transponder via Time-Frequency Multiplexing
* Two Motion Adaptive Interframe Coding Techniques for Air to Ground Video Signals
* Two Pyramid Machine Algorithms for Edge Detection in Noisy Binary Images
* Two Results Concerning Ambiguity in Shape from Shading
* Two-Dimensional DPCM Image Transmission over Fading Channels
* Two-Dimensional IIR Filter Design with Magnitude and Phase Error Criteria
* Two-Dimensional Root Structures and Convergence Properties of the Separable Median Filter
* Uniqueness of Locally Optimal Quantizer for Log-Concave Density and Convex Error Weighting Functions
* Universal Data Compression System, A
* Universal Prior for Integers and Esitmation by Minimum Description Length, A
* Using Highlights to Constrain Object Size and Location
* Using Multiple Information Sources in a Computational Vision System
* Using Pyramids to Detect Good Continuation
* Using Surfaces and Object Models to Recognize Partially Obscured Objects
* Viewer's Place in Theories of Vision, The
* Viewframes: A Connectionist Model of Form Perception
* Visual Computation
* VLSI Algorithms for the Connected Component Problem
* Walsh Descriptors for Polygonal Curves
* Wide-Field Scanning Triangulation Rangefinder for Machine Vision, A
* Xi-Filters
398 for 8300

Index for "8"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.