Update Dates 9900

9900 * *CVL Face Database
* *Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 1. Sensors and Imaging
* *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing V
* *Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VII
* 27th AIPR Workshop: Advances in Computer-Assisted Recognition
* 2D/3D Hybrid Video Coding Based on Motion Compensation
* 3-D image models and compression: synthetic hybrid or natural fit?
* 3-D reconstruction from a Few Radiographs using the Metropolis Dynamics with Annealing
* 3-GHz microwave imaging system based on a modulated scattering technique and on a modified Born approximation, A
* 3D analysis of solitary pulmonary nodules based on contrast enhanced dynamic CT
* 3D Deformable Image Matching Using Multiscale Minimization of Global Energy Functions
* 3D Deformable Surface Model to Segment the Brain in MR Images, A
* 3D Geometric Invariant Alignment of Surfaces with Application in Brain Mapping
* 3D Imaging and Modeling for Crime Scene Documentation
* 3D listless zerotree coding for low bit rate video
* 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell Stereotactic Frame
* 3D Pose Tracking with Linear Depth and Brightness Constraints
* 3D Reconstruction of Polyhedral-Like Building Models
* 3D Surface Topography from Intensity Images
* 3D Voxel Construction based on Epipolar Geometry
* 3D Zernike Moments and Zernike Affine Invariants for 3D Image Analysis and Recognition
* About the Self-Calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera: Theory and Practice
* Accumulating Spectral Evidence for Perspective Views of Texture Planes
* Accuracy Bounds and Optimal Computation of Homography for Image Mosaicing Applications
* Accuracy of Sub-Pixel Localisation in the Canny Edge Detector, The
* Accurate 3-D Shape Recovery using Curved Window Focus Measure
* Accurate Measurement of Normal Vectors and Principal Curvatures of the Left Ventricle from MRI Data Using Variational Calculus
* Accurate Motion Flow Estimation with Discontinuities
* Acquisition of 2D Shape Models from Scenes with Overlapping Objects using String matching
* Acquisition of Light Rays using Telecentric Lens
* Action Reaction Learning: Automatic Visual Analysis and Synthesis of Interactive Behaviour
* Active Illumination for the Segmentation of Surface Deformations
* Active Mesh Texture Coding based on Warping and DCT
* Active self-calibration of robotic eyes and hand-eye relationships with model identification
* Active Stereo Vision System for Recognition of Faces and Related Hand Gestures, An
* Active System to Generate Views of Facial Features with Selectable Resolution
* Adaptive Background Mixture Models for Real-time Tracking
* Adaptive Balloon Models
* Adaptive De-noising of Images by Locally Switching wavelet Transforms
* Adaptive image compression based on segmentation and block classification
* Adaptive Rate Control For MPEG Transcoder
* Adaptive Subband Image Coding Considering Spatial Relationship on Hierarchical Pyramid
* Adaptive Subspace Decomposition for Hyperspectral Data Dimensionality Reduction
* Adaptive texture representation methods for automatic target recognition
* Adaptive Wavelet-packet decomposition for rate control of Object Oriented Coding of Video Sequences
* Adaptive, Non-Separable Lifting Transforms for Image Compression
* Advanced Filter Design
* Advanced Rate Control Technologies for 3D-HDTV Digital Coding Based on MPEG-2 Multi-View Profile
* Advanced Zonal Block Based Algorithm for Motion Estimation, An
* Advances in Active Appearance Models
* Advances in Daylight Statistical Colour Modelling
* Aerial Triangulation Using Point and Linear Features
* Affine Reconstruction from Monocular Vision in the Presence of a Symmetry Plane
* Affine-structure-based facial image encoding
* Algorithm for Estimating Mixture Distribution of High Dimensional Vectors and its Application to Character Recognition, An
* Algorithm for hierarchical vector quantisation of video data
* Algorithms for Fuzzy Segmentation
* Ambiguity Concept and Switching Regression Models
* Analysis and synthesis of 3-D face image sequence based on model-based image coding scheme with an Internet browser
* Analysis and Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Markov Random Fields
* Analysis of Error Propagation in Hybrid Video Coding with Application to Error Resilience
* Analysis of Human Movement and Its Application for Visual Surveillance, The
* Analysis of Image Structure by Generalized Co-occurrence Matrices
* Analysis of Watermark Detection Using SPOMF
* AnatomyBrowser: A novel approach to visualization and integration of medical information
* Anchoring Theory of Lightness Perception, An
* Appearance-Based Virtual View Generation of Temporally-Varying Events from Multi-Camera Images in the 3D Room
* Applicability of Neural Networks to Non-linear Image Processing, The
* Application of a Local Dimensionality Estimator to the Analysis of 3-D Microscopic Network Structures, The
* Application of a Steerable Wavelet Transform using Neural Network for Signature Verification
* Application of diffusion tensor MRI to neurological segmentation
* Application of Interactive Video Contents to Augmented Virtuality, An
* Application of the genetic algorithm for microwave imaging of a layered dielectric object via the regular shape expansion technique
* Application of the Total Least Squares Procedure to Linear View Interpolation
* Applications of monotonic noise reduction algorithms in fMRI, phase estimation, and contrast enhancement
* applications of uncalibrated occlusion junctions, The
* Applying Conditional Processing to Design Low-Power Array Processors for Motion Estimation
* Applying Perceptual Grouping to Content-based Image Retrieval: Building Images
* Applying the Theory of Evidence to Vector-D.E.M. Comparison for the Building Planimetric Change Detection
* Approximate Tree Matching and Shape Similarity
* architecture for handwritten text recognition systems, An
* Architecture of embedded video processing in a multimedia chip-set
* Area-Based Computation of Stereo Disparity with Model-Based Window Size Selection
* Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Road Extraction from Aerial Images
* Aspects of Remote Sensing in the GEOid and Sea level of the North Atlantic Region (GEOSONAR) Project
* Assessment of Thresholding Algorithms for Document Processing
* Attribute Grammar Based Framework for Machine Dependent Computational Optimizations of Media Processing Algorithms, An
* Audio-Visual Person Verification
* Automated analysis and detection of cracks in underground scanned pipes
* Automated Body Modeling from Video Sequences
* Automated Face Analysis by Feature Point Tracking Has High Concurrent Validity with Manual FACS Coding
* Automated quantification of brain magnetic resonance image hyperintensities using hybrid clustering and knowledge-based methods
* Automatic Aircraft Recognition: Toward Using Human Similarity Measure in a Recognition System
* Automatic Construction of Tree-structural image Transformations using Genetic Programming
* Automatic Differentiation Facilitates OF-Integration into Steering-Angle-Based Road Vehicle Tracking
* Automatic Extraction and Evaluation of Road Networks from Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Extraction and Modelling of Urban Buildings from High Resolution Aerial Images
* Automatic Extraction and Updating of Vegetation Areas in GIS from Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Generation of Morphological Opening-Closing Sequences for Texture Segmentation
* Automatic Hierarchical Classification Using Time-based Co-occurrences
* Automatic Line Matching and 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple Views
* Automatic Lip Model Extraction for Constrained Contour-Based Tracking
* Automatic Lipreading of Sentences Combining Hidden Markov Models and Grammars
* Automatic Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Models from Multiple Views
* Automatic Restoration Algorithms for 35mm Film
* Automatic Synthesis of Contrast Controlled Grayscale Characters with Component-based Parametrisable Fonts
* Automatic System for the Classification of Microfossils, An
* Automatic Vehicle Guidance: The Experinces of the ARGO Autonomous Vehicle
* Automatically Recovering Geometry and Texture from Large Sets of Calibrated Images
* Automotive Radar Image Processing to Predict Vehicle Trajectory
* Background Estimation and Removal Based on Range and Color
* Backpropagation Algorithm for Multiresolution Image Classification
* Balanced Interframe Multiple Description Video Compression
* Basics of MRI, The
* Bayesian Approach to Human Activity Recognition, A
* Bayesian Approach to Spread Spectrum Watermark Detection and Secure Copyright Protection for Digital Image Libraries, A
* Bayesian Denoising of Visual Images in the Wavelet Domain
* Bayesian Fusion of Color and Texture Segmentations
* Bayesian Interface Detection in Very Shallow Chirp Seismic Data
* Bayesian Model Identification: Application to Building Reconstruction in Aerial Imagery
* Bayesian Multi-camera Surveillance
* Bayesian Multi-scale Differential Optical Flow
* Bayesian Structure from Motion
* Bias Field Estimation and Adaptive Segmentation of MRI Data Using a Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
* Bidirectional Matching Algorithm for Deformable Pattern Detection with Application to Handwritten Word Retrieval, A
* Bidirectional Optimization for Reconstructing 3D shape from an Image Sequence with Missing Data
* Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach
* Binocular tracking: integrating perception and control
* Bipolar Eigenspace Separation Transformation for Automatic Clutter Rejection
* Biprism-Stereo Camera System, A
* Blobworld: A System for Region-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval
* Block-Based Volume Rendering Scheme for the Spine Biopsy Simulator, A
* Blocking Artifact Reduction in JPEG-Coded Images
* blockwise relaxation labeling scheme and its application to edge detection in cardiac MR image sequences, A
* Blur Determination in the Compressed Domain Using DCT Information
* Blur Identification Using a Spectral Inertia Tensor and Spectral Zeros
* Boundary Extraction of Brightness Unevenness on LCD Display using genetic Algorithm based on Perceptive Grouping Factors
* Building Class Sensitive Models for Tracking Applications
* Building Reconstruction Using Planar Faces in Very High Density Height Data
* Bundle Adjustment: A Modern Synthesis
* Calibrating a Multi-View Camera System for 3D Modelling
* Calibration of an Outdoor Active Camera System
* Calibration of Hand-Held Camera Sequences for Plenoptic Modeling
* Calibration of Image Sequences for Model Visualisation
* Camera Calibration and the Search for Infinity
* Camera Calibration from Extended Image Sequences for Lightfield Reconstruction
* CART Extension using Quadratic Decision Borders, A
* Cartography and Dead Reckoning Using Stereo Vision for an Autonomous Car
* Cascaded MPEG Rate Control for Simultaneous Improvement of Accuracy and Quality
* Causal fractal compression of video sequences using matching pursuit
* CCD Fingerprint Method: Identification of a video camera from videotaped images
* Cell loss concealment and packetization in packet video
* Cellular Automata-Based Tool as an Aid for Autonomous Navigation, A
* Chinese signature verification: The topological approach and the waveform matching approach
* Classification of color combinations based on distance between color distributions
* Classification of Fingerprint Images
* Classification of Functional Patterns in SPECT Brain Scans Based on Partial Least Squares Analysis
* Classification of Natural Images from Distributions of Local Dominant Orientations
* Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in Thin-section CT Images by Using Multi-scale Curvature Indexes
* Closed Solutions for the Determination of Parametric Building Models from Invariant Moments of Airborne Laserscanner Data
* Cluster-based Segmentation of Natural Scenes
* Cluster-based Statistical Model for Object Detection, A
* Coding of Motion Compensation Residuals Using Edge Information
* Coding of Shape Contours Using a Minimal Set of Control Points
* Collaborative Method for Quality Evaluation of Coded Pictures
* Collineation estimation from two unmatched views of an unknown planar contour for visual servoing
* Color Constancy from Multispectral Images
* Color Constancy in Digital Imagery
* Color Correction of Face Images Under Different Illuminants by RGB Eigenfaces
* Color Correction Using Explicit Illumination Models, Color and Registered Range
* Color Documents on the Web with DjVu
* Color Edge Detection with the Compass Operator
* Color Image Halftoning with the Dot Overlap Printer Model
* Color Image Processing Based on Spectral Information and Its Application
* Color Image Segmentation
* Color Image Segmentation Method using Watershed Algorithm and Contour Information
* Color Image Segmentation using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Color Invariant Determination of Material Changes in Reflection and Transmission of Light
* Color Matching Algorithm Based on Computational 'Color Constancy' Theory
* Color quantization by preserving color distribution features
* Color Super-histograms for Video Representation
* Color-Based Contour Strategies for Road Extraction
* Color-Encoded Digital Fringe Projection Technique for High-Speed Three-Dimensional Surface Contouring
* Colour Image Indexing Using SOM for Region-of-Interest Retrieval
* Colour Invariance from Multispectral Images
* Combination of Image Segmentation Into Regions
* Combining Central and Peripheral Vision for Reactive Robot Navigation
* Combining Information using Hard Constraints
* Compact and Multiscale Image Model Based on Level Sets, A
* Comparative Assessment of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for Face Recognition
* comparative study on the sign-language communication systems between Korea and Japan through 2D and 3D character models on the Internet, A
* Comparing Decision Fusion Paradigms Using k-NN Based Classifiers, Decision Trees and Logistic Regression in a Multi-Modal Identity Verification Application
* Comparison of Five Color Models in Skin Pixel Classification
* Comparison of Prefiltering Operators for Road Network Extraction in SAR Images
* Compensation of Unidirectional Geometric Distortion in EPI using Spline Warping
* Completion of Automatically Extracted Road Networks Based on the Function of Roads
* Complex Wavelet Features for Fast Texture Image Retrieval
* Complexity and Confusion in Computational Vision
* Compressed Domain Motion Vector Resampling for Downscaling of MPEG Video
* compressed video enhancement algorithm, A
* Compression and Processing of Space Image Sequences of Northern Lights and Sprites
* Compression Framework for Content Analysis, A
* Compression of 3D Shape Data Using SA-WT
* Compression of Compound Documents
* Computation of Ridges via Pullback Metrics from Scale Space
* computational model for visual selection, A
* Computer recognition of Jia Gu Wen characters
* Computer Vision for Television and Games
* Computers Seeing People
* Computing isotropic local contrast from oriented pyramid decompositions
* Concept of Matching Parallelepiped and Its Use in the Correspondence Problem, The
* Constrained Self-Calibration
* Construction of Articulated Models from Range Data
* Content based internet access to paper documents
* Content Based Retrieval Engine for Circuit Board Inspection, A
* Content Based Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding Using Wavelet Transform
* Content-based color image retrieval with relevance feedback
* Content-Based Query of Image Databases, Inspirations from Text Retrieval: Inverted Files, Frequency-based Weights and Relevance Feedback
* Content-Based Retrieval of Video Sequences Under Partial Occlusion
* context-dependent attention system for a social robot, A
* Continuous Analysis of Sea Ice Distribution by Geometric Transformation and Template Matching using Video Images Taken from a Ship
* Contrast enhancement and artifact reduction in magnetization-prepared MR angiography
* Convergent algorithms for successive approximation vector quantisation with applications to wavelet image compression
* Convolver-Based Real-Time Stereo Machine (SAZAN), A
* Cooperative Multiscale Phase-Based Disparity Algorithm, A
* Corner Detection in Textured Color Images
* Corner-Based Curve Feature Extraction for Object Retrieval
* Correlation Model for 3D Texture
* Correlation- versus Integration-Analysis Implications for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Optical Recording of Intrinsic Signals (ORIS)
* Cost-Effective Lighting Processor for 3D Graphics Application, A
* Creating Architectural Models from Images
* Critical Motions and Ambiguous Euclidean Reconstructions in Auto-Calibration
* Critical Motions in Euclidean Structure from Motion
* CSIRO PC-Check System, The
* Cursive word recognition using a random field based hidden Markov model
* Curvature Operators in Geometric Image Processing
* Curve Finder Combining Perceptual Grouping and a Kalman like Fitting
* Customized-Queries Approach to CBIR Using EM, The
* Data clustering: A review
* Data Embedding in Text for a Copier System
* Data Hiding in Images With Adaptive Numbers of Least Significant Bits Based on the Human Visual System
* Data hiding in video
* Data-Dependent Weighted Median Filtering With Robust Motion Information for Image Sequence Restoration
* Data-driven Shape-from-Shading using Curvature Consistency
* DCT-Based Regularized Algorithm for High-Resolution Image Reconstruction
* DCT-domain Video Combiner with Efficienct Bit Allocation, A
* Decision-Based Median Filter Improved by Predictions
* Decomposition and Hierarchy: Efficient Structural Matching of Large Multi-scale Representations
* Dedicated Hardware System for a Class of Nonlinear Order Statistics Rational Hybrid Filters with Applications to Image Processing, A
* Definition and Validation of a Distance Measure Between Structural Primitives
* Deformable Matching of Hand Shapes for User Verification
* Deformable Model and HMM-Based Tracking, Analysis, and Recognition of Gestures and Faces
* Deformable Template and Distribution Mixture-based Data Modeling for the Endocardial Contour Tracking in an Echographic Sequence
* Denoising and Deconvolution in Nuclear Medicine
* Dense Motion Fields for Digital Video Processing and Compression
* Dense/Parametric Estimation of Fluid Flows
* Densities and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Matching Constraints
* Densities of Projective Invariants
* Depth Estimation using Defocused Stereo Image Pairs
* Depth Measurement Using Frequency Analysis with an Active Projection
* Design and Optimization of a Parallel Architecture Dedicated to Image Matching
* Design of Adaptive Stack filters Using Pattern Classification, A
* Detecting and Tracking Moving Objects for Video Surveillance
* Detecting News Reporting Using Audio/Visual Information
* Detection and Characterization of Multiple Motion Points
* Detection and Feature Extraction Method of Curvilinear Convex Regions with Weak Contrast Using a Gradient Vector Distribution Model, The
* Detection and Removal of Line Scratches in Motion Picture Films
* Detection and Restoration of Film Blotches Using Global Motion Segmentation
* Detection and Tracking of Faces and Facial Features
* Detection and Tracking of Faces in Real Environments
* Detection of Abnormalities in Retinal Images using Digital Image Analysis
* Detection of Blood Perfusion
* Detection of Bone Tumours in Radiographic Images using Neural Networks
* Detection of Cancerous Tumors on Chest X-ray Images: Candidate Detection Filter and Its Evaluation
* Detection of Critical Structures in Scale Space
* Detection of gradual transitions through temporal slice analysis
* Detection of Increasing Profusion of Opacities from a Sequence of Personal Chest Radiographs
* Detection of Information Relating to Building Object in News Video
* Detection of Target Models in 2D Images by Line-Based Matching and a Genetic Algorithm
* Detection of Vortices in Flow Images using the Wavelet Transform
* Determination of the Accuracy of Automated Measurements Performed on Georeferenced Images Acquired by Mobile Mapping System
* Development of Detection Algorithm for Vehicles Using Multi-line CCD Sensor
* Development of stereo video avatar in networked immersive projection environment
* Diacritical processing for unconstrained online handwriting recognition using a forward search
* Differential Feature Distribution Maps for Image Segmentation and Region Queries in Image Databases
* differential invariant for zooming, A
* DigiPaper: A Versatile Color Document Image Representation
* Digital Clones and Virtual Celebrities: Facial Tracking, Gesture Recognition and Animation for the Movie Industry
* Digital Image Watermarking by Fresnel Transform and its robustness
* Digital watermarking using inter-block correlation
* Digital Watermarking Using Shuffling
* Direct Identification of Moving Objects and Background from 2D Motion Models
* Discrete Cosine Transform, The
* Discrete Mean Curvature Flow
* Discriminant Function for Noisy Pattern Recognition, A
* Discriminatory Power of Ordinal Measures: Towards a New Coefficient, The
* Distortion Analyses for Temporal Scalability Coding Techniques
* Distortion Limited Wavelet Image Codec
* Distribution Free Decomposition of Multivariate Data
* Document Image Data hiding Technique Using Character Spacing Width Sequence Coding
* Document Page Segmentation using Multiscale Clustering
* Does Vision Inevitably Have to be Active?
* DSP-based system for real-time video communications
* Dual-Band ATR for Forward-Looking Infrared Images
* Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Figure Tracking using Learned Dynamic Models, A
* Dynamic Bit Rate Conversion in Multipoint Video Transcoding
* Dynamic Feature Ordering for Efficient Registration
* Dynamic Occluding Contours: A New External-energy Term for Snakes
* Dynamic range improvement through multiple exposures
* Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion P
* Earth Mover's Distance under Transformation Sets, The
* Edge Preserving Orientation Adaptive Filtering
* Edge-assisted upper band coding techniques
* Edge-based Image Synthesis Model and Its Synthesis Function Design by the Wavelet Transform
* Edges as Outliers: Anisotropic Smoothing using Local Image Statistics
* Effects of Symmetric Periodic Extension for Multiwavelet Filter Banks on Image Coding
* Efficient Bundle Adjustment with Virtual Key Frames: A Hierarchical Approach to Multi-frame Structure from Motion
* Efficient coding of homogeneous textures using stochastic vector quantisation and linear prediction
* Efficient Content-Based Retrieval of Humans from Video Databases
* Efficient Content-Based Retrieval: Experimental Results
* Efficient Geometry Compression Method for 3D Objects in the Spherical Coordinate System, An
* Efficient image CODEC with reduced content access work
* Efficient Iterative Solutions to M-View Projective Reconstruction Problem
* Efficient Motion Estimation Using Spatial and Temporal Motion Vector Prediction
* Efficient Polygon Approximations for Shape Signatures
* Efficient Real Time Algorithms to Simultaneously Reduce Blocking and Ringing Artifacts of Compressed Video, An
* Efficient Recovery of Low-Dimensional Structure from High-Dimensional Data
* Efficient Recursive Factorization Method for Determining Structure from Motion, An
* Efficient representation of 3D human head models
* Efficient Scalable DCT-Based Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* Efficient Sparse Data Filtering Method for Image Histogram Comparison, An
* Efficient Techniques for Wide-Angle Stereo Vision Using Surface Projection Models
* Efficient Three-Dimensional Wavelet Codecs for Networked Video Communications
* Efficient Video Down Conversion Algorithm Using Modified IDCT Basis Functions, An
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Separable 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Elastic Matching of Diffusion Tensor MRIs
* Electromagnetic transverse electric-wave inverse scattering of a conductor by the genetic algorithm
* Embedded Image-Domain Compression Using Context Models
* Embedded Lossless Wavelet Coder using Multi-Partitioning Algorithm with Bit-Trunking
* Embedded Singularity Detection Zerotree Wavelet Coding
* Encoding of Predictive Error Frames in Rate Scalable Video Codecs using Wavelet Shrinkage
* End-to-End Architecture for MPEG-4 Video Streaming over the Internet, An
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Its Application to Image Coding
* Error Detection and DEM Fusion using Self-Consistency
* Error Resilient Lossless Image Coding
* Estimating Model Parameters and Boundaries By Minimizing a Joint, Robust Objective Function
* Estimating Multiple Depths in Semi-transparent Stereo Images
* Estimating Parameters in a 2 1/2 D human model
* Estimating vanishing points using visual spatial frequencies of textures on planar surfaces
* Estimating voxel volume fractions of trabecular bone on the basis of magnetic resonance images acquired in vivo
* Estimation Algorithm of Neuromagnetic Sources in the Cortical Region Using Realistically-Shaped Head Model, An
* Estimation of Composite Object and Camera Image Motion
* Estimation of Diffuse and Specular Appearance
* Estimation of Epipolar Geometry from Apparent Contours: Affine and Circular Motion Cases
* Estimation of Radiometric Parameters for A Realistic Rendering of 3D Models
* Estimation of Stereo Image Pairs from Single Camera Views for a Roatating Spherical Object covered with Moving Texture
* Estimation of Structure and Motion Parameters for a Roaming Robot that Scans the Space
* Euclidean Reconstruction and Calibration from Known Placements of Uncalibrated and Uncorrelated Cameras
* Evaluation of Stereo Matching Algorithms for Occupant Detection
* Evaluation of Texture Segmentation Algorithms
* Exact Incremental Projection Learning in the Presence of Noise
* Excitation of complex profiles by CARVE sequence: Accounting for spectral dispersion and relaxation
* Experimental Evaluation of Expert Fusion Strategies
* Experiments with Shape-based Deformable Object Tracking
* Explaining Optical Flow Events with Parameterized Spatio-temporal Models
* Exploiting the Cross-Correlation of RGB-channels for Rubust Watermarking of Color Images
* Exploiting the Dependencies in Information Fusion
* Explorative signal processing in functional MR imaging
* Extending Concentricity Analysis by Deformable Templates for Improved Eye Extraction
* Extension of the Minimal Path Searching for Structure Recovery
* Extracting a Traffic Sign From the Video Stream Using Color Filtering, Histogram Analysis, and Texture Analysis
* Extracting Textured Vertical Facades from Controlled Close-Range Imagery
* Extraction and Linking of Brink Points in an Image, The
* Extraction of Lung Region From 3D Chest X-ray CT Images by Using Shape Model Information of Lung
* Extraction of Watersheds from DTM and Images With Subpixel Precision
* Face and Feature Finding for a Face Recognition System
* Face Authentication by Retinotopic Sampling of the Gabor Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Face Detection for Pseudo-Semantic Labeling in Video Databases
* Face Detection in Complex Environments from Color Images
* Face Image Matching using Fractal Dimension
* Face Image Retrieval Using HMMs
* Face Location by Template Matching with a Quadratic Discriminant Function
* Face model adaptation with active tracking
* Face Pose Estimating System based on Eigen Space Analysis
* Face Recognition of Video sequences in a MPEG-7 Context using a Global Eigen Approach
* Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis of Gabor Filter Responses
* Face Recognition with Learning Machines
* Face-to-face Communicative Avatar Driven by Voice
* Facial Components Segmentation for Extracting Facial Features
* Facial Expression Synthesis
* Facial Features Detection by Saccadic Exploration of the Gabor Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Facial Individuality and Expression Analysis by Eigenspace Method based on Class Features or Multiple discriminant Analysis
* Facial Model Refinement using Stereo Image Sequence
* Facial Pose using Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Shape Recovery by Feature Driven Stereo Analysis
* Factors Affecting the Training of a WISARD Classifier for Monitoring Fish Underwater
* Fast 3D Multimodality Registration Algorithm for Human Brain, A
* Fast and Accurate Self-Calibration
* Fast and Robust Moving Object Segmentation in Video Sequences, A
* Fast Block Motion Estimation for Overlapped Motion Compensation Using Selective Pixel Matching
* Fast Camera Motion Analysis in MPEG Domain
* Fast Face Detection Using MLP and FFT
* Fast Full Search Block Matching Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video, A
* Fast Generation of Dynamic and Multi-Resolution 360 Panorama from Video Sequences
* Fast hierarchical noniterative registration algorithm
* Fast Image Registration Technique for Motion Artifact Reduction in DSA, A
* Fast Image Retrieval Algorithm with Automatically Extracted Discriminant Features, A
* Fast Image-Based Tracking by Selective Pixel Integration
* fast method for estimation of object rotation function in MRI using a similarity criterion among k-space overlap data, A
* Fast Multiplierless Block Transform for Image and Video Compression, A
* Fast Rehalftoning and Interpolated Halftoning Algorithms with flat Low-Frequencey Response
* Fast Segmentation Algorithm for Bi-Level Image Compression using JBIG2, A
* Fast Shape Retrieval Using Term Frequency Vectors
* Fast Snakes Algorithm Using the Tangent Angle Function, A
* Fast Sub-Optimal Design of Extended Threshold Boolean Filters
* Fast Superresolution for Image Sequences Using Motion Adaptive Relaxation Parameters
* Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination
* Fast, Table-Lookup Algorithm for Classifying Document Images, A
* Feature Extraction of Chromosomes from 3D Confocal Microscope images
* feature-based algorithm for detecting and classifying production effects, A
* Feedback Channel Based Error Compensation Method for Mobile Video Communications Using H.263 Standard, A
* Field-to-Frame Transcoding with Spatial and Temporal Downsampling
* Finding Correspondences of Patches by Means of Affine Transformations
* Finding features used in the human reading of cursive handwriting
* Flat Multi-scalable Coding for Failure-free Video Transmission
* Flexible Bayesian Framework for Image Segmentation, A
* Flexible Calibration: Minimal Cases for Auto-Calibration
* Flexible Camera Calibration by Viewing a Plane from Unknown Orientations
* Fluid Motion Recovery by Coupling Dense and Parametric Vector Fields
* Forest Change Detection via Landsat TM Difference Features
* Forest Parameter Extraction from Airborne Sensors
* Forward Adaptive Modeling for Context-based Compression of Large Binary Images in Applications Requiring Spatial Access
* Fractal Interpolation for Natural Images
* Fractals-Inspired Approach to Content-based Image Indexing, A
* Frame-Rate Omnidirectional Surveillance and Tracking of Camouflaged and Occluded Targets
* Framework for Learning Query Concepts in Image Classification, A
* Framework for Measuring Video Similarity and Its Application to Video Query By Example, A
* Framework for Proxy-Based Receiver Adaptation for Layered Video Transmission in Multicast Networks, A
* Framework for Recognizing Multi-Agent Action from Visual Evidence, A
* Free-Form Object Recognition and Registration Using Surface Signatures
* Frequency Domain Approach to Lane Detection in Roadway Images, A
* From Feature Extraction to Classification: A Multidisciplinary Approach Applied to Portuguese Granites
* From Local to Global Parameter Estimation in Panoramic Photographic Reconstruction
* From LOGO-I to the JPEG-LS Standard
* From Rasters to Vectors: Extracting Visual Information from Line Drawings
* Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* Fully Reversible Skeletonization for Volume Images Based on Anchor-Points from the D^26 Distance Transform
* Fusion of 2D Face Alignment and 3D Head Pose Estimation for Robust and Real-Time Performance
* Fusion of Multimodality Brain Images
* Fusion of Person Authentication Probabilities by Bayesian Statistics
* Fuzzy Approach to Mouth Corner Detection, A
* Fuzzy K-NN Algorithm using Weights from the Variance of Membership Values, A
* Fuzzy Neural Network for Vietnamese Character Recognition, A
* Gait Extraction and Description by Evidence-Gathering
* Gauge Invariance in Projective 3D Reconstruction
* Gaussian Curvature from Photometric Scatter Plots
* Gaze Detection Via Self-Organizing Gray-Scale Units
* Generalized Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Auto-regressive Model for Video Sequence Restoration
* Generalized Bounds for Time to Collision from First-Order Image Motion
* Generalized Region Labeling Algorithm for Image Coding, Restoration, and Segmentation, A
* Generalized Uniqueness Wavelet Descriptor, The
* Generating Realistic Mass Lesions In Digital Mammograms Using Statistical Models
* Generation of 3D objects Using Lie Algebra models Based on Curvature Analysis and Comparison with B-spline Fitting
* Generation of Diffuse and Specular Appearance from Photometric Images
* Generic Object Detection using Model Based Segmentation
* Genetic Tasks Planning in Image Processing: Towards a Minimization of Prior Information
* Genetic-Algorithm based Quantization Method for Fractal Image Coding, A
* Geodesic Active Regions for Supervised Texture Segmentation
* Geometric Functional for Gradient Approximation, A
* Geometric Invariant Representation for The Identification of Corresponding Points, A
* Geometric Multiscale Representation of Numerical Images
* Geometric Probing for 3D Object Recognition in Dense Range Data
* Geometric Understanding of Rigid Body Transformations
* Geometric-Variational Approach for Color Image Enhancement and Segmentation
* Gesture Cues for Conversational Interaction in Monocular Video
* Gesture Localization and Recognition Using Probabilistic Visual Learning
* Gesture Recognition using Character Recognition Techniques on Two-Dimensional Eigenspace
* Ghost Error Elimination and Superimposition of Moving Objects in Video Mosaicing
* Global Convergence Rates of Nonlinear Diffusion for Time-Varying Images
* Global Measures of Coherence for Edge Detector Evaluation
* Global methods for stroke segmentation
* GPS, INS and Aerial Triangulation: What is the Best Way for the Operational Determination of Photogrammetric Image Orientation?
* Gray Level Cooccurrence Histograms via Learning Vector Quantization
* Ground Truth Tool for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery, A
* Guest editorial: Advanced signal processing in MRI. Part I
* Guest editorial: Advanced signal processing in MRI. Part II
* Halftoning For Color-Indexed Displays
* Hand-Eye Calibration Using Dual Quaternions
* Handwriting Recognition or Reading? What is the Situation at the Dawn of the 3rd Millennium?
* Harmonic IFS, a coding solution for the VOP constraint
* Harmonic Maps and their Applications in Surface Matching
* Hidden Evidential Markov Trees and Image Segmentation
* Hierachical Density Non-rigid Object Analysis
* Hierarchical Coding of Light Fields with Disparity Maps
* Hierarchical Content Description and Object Formation by Learning
* Hierarchical Fixed-Point Searching Method for Resizing Binary Fractal Image With IFS Code Modification
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Pattern Sizes
* Hierarchical Segmentation Using Dynamics of Multiscale Gradient Watersheds
* Hierarchical Stereo Correspondence Using Features of Gray Connected Components
* Hierarchical Unsupervised Multispectral Model to Segment SPOT Images for Ocean Cartography, A
* Hierarchical Visual description Schemes for Still Images and Video Sequences
* Hierarchical-clustering of Parametric Data with Application to the Parametric Eigenspace Method
* Hierarchy in Machine and Natural Vision
* High-Level and Generic Models for Visual Search: When Does High Level Knowledge Help?
* High-Precision Camera Operation Parameter Measurement System and Its Application to Image Motion Inferring, A
* Higher Order Statistical Learning for Vehicle Detection in Images
* Histogram-based rate-distortion estimation for MPEG-2 video
* Human face segmentation and Tracking using Connected Operators and Partition Projection
* Human hand modeling, analysis, and animation in the context of HCI
* Human Hand Postures And Gestures Recognition: Towards A Human-Gesture Communication Interface
* Hybrid Compression Method based on Region Separation for Synthetic and Natural Compound Images, A
* Hybrid Time-Frequency: Texture Compensation Technique for Image Coding
* Hyper-Spectral Image Processing Applications on the SIMD Pixel Processor for the Digital Battlefield
* Hypercomplex Auto- And Cross-Correlation of Color Images
* IFS Coding of Non-Homogeneous Fractal Images Using Grobner Bases
* Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows: Adaptive Estimation of Illumination Distribution with Unknown Reflectance Properties in Shadow Regions
* Illumination Invariant Detection of Multicolored Object Using Sampled Spectrum Image
* Illumination-Based Image Synthesis: Creating Novel Images of Human Faces Under Differing Pose and Lighting
* Illusory Percepts Through a Constraint of Invariance in Integral Features Across Frequency Bands
* Image and video compression: A survey
* Image Background Search: Combining Object Detection Techniques with Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Systems
* Image Classification Based on a Multiresolution Two Dimensional Hidden Markov Model
* Image Classification using Probabilistic Models that Reflect the Internal Structure of Mixels
* Image coding using Vector-Embedded Karhunen-Loeve Transform
* Image Coding using wavelets based on two-channel linear phase orthogonal IIR filter banks
* Image Communication over Noisy Channels with Feedback
* Image compression based on multi-scale edge compensation
* Image Database Querying Using a Multi-Scale Localized Color Representation
* Image Denoising Based on Scale-Space Mixture Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
* Image Denoising using a Block-Median Pyramid
* Image Enhancement Based on Estimation of High Resolution Component Using Wavelet Transform
* Image enhancement using linear diffusion and an improved gradient map estimate
* Image Feature Extraction and Denoising by Sparse Coding
* Image Features from Phase Congruency
* Image Interpretation with Fuzzy-Graph Based Genetic Algorithm
* Image Modeling Using Two Dimensional Exponential Systems
* Image Mosaicing Without Distortion Using Projected Mask For Image Digitization
* Image Processing in Java
* Image Processing Tools for the Enhancement of Concealed Weapon Detection
* Image Processing: The Fundamentals
* Image Quality Measurement using Integer Wavelet Transformations
* Image Restoration Based on Hierarchical Cluster Model with Evolutionary Optimization
* Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Triples: Towards a Concept-based and an Inexact Match
* Image Retrieving Method using the Object Index and the Motion, An
* Image Segmentation by Neural-net Classifiers with Genetic Selection of Feature Indices
* Image Segmentation Using on Hierachical Meshes
* Image Standardization in Automated Optical Microscopy
* Image Statistics and Cortical Normalization Models
* Image Steganography using Spread Spectrum Techniques
* Image Watermarking Method Based on the Wavelet Transform, An
* Image Watermarking Scheme with Hidden Signatures, An
* Images with Self-Correcting Capabilities
* Imaging and analysis of traffic scene
* Impact of Dense Range Data on Computer Graphics, The
* Implementation of a Real-time Foreground/Background Segmentation System on the Intel Architecture
* Implicit Arbitrary Shape Visual Objects via MPEG-4 Scene Description
* Implicit Representation and Scene Reconstruction from Probability Density Functions
* importance of the color information in face recognition, The
* Improved Algorithm for Reconstruction of the Surface of the Human Body from 3D Scanner Data using Local B-spline Patches, An
* Improved Block-based Image Segmentation
* Improved directional algorithm of the non-linear anisotropic diffusion equation for images
* Improved Encoding of DCT coefficients for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Multiple VLC Tables
* Improved Selective Encryption Techniques for Secure Transmission of MPEG Video Bit-Streams
* Improved Stochastic Modeling of Shapes for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Improving Augmented Reality using Image and Scene Constraints
* Improving Identification Performance by Integrating Evidence from Sequences
* Improving Response Time by Search Pruning in a Content-Based Image Retrieval System, Using Inverted File Techniques
* Improving Second-order Surface Estimation
* Improving Spatial Resolution in Exchange of Temporal Resolution in Aliased Image Sequences
* Improving the Robustness of Subspace FR System
* Improving videophone subjective quality using audio information
* In-picture search algorithm for content-based image retrieval
* Incorporating Gradient Estimations in a Circle-Finding Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Incremental Learning for Bayesian Classification of Images
* Independent Component Analysis of Textures
* Indexing audiovisual databases through joint audio and video processing
* Indexing Using a Spectral Encoding of Topological Structure
* Influence function based Gaussianity tests for detection of microcalcifications in mammogram images
* Influence of image compression on the in situ stereoscopic reconstruction of a cometary surface for the ROSETTA mission
* Information Measures in Scale-Spaces
* Initialization and Optimization of Deformable Models
* Integer Associative Memory for Gray-Scale Images, An
* Integral Formulation for Differential Photometric Stereo, An
* Integrating Objects with Global Knowledge in a World-Model
* Integrating Shape from Shading and Range Data Using Neural Networks
* Integration of Automatic Processes into Semi-Automatic Building Extraction
* Integration of Gabor Functions with Co-occurrence Matrices: Application to Woody Crop Location in Remote Sensing
* Intelligent Wheelchair Looking at Its User
* Inter Color and Inter / Intra band Prediction in Reversible Wavelet for Lossless Progressive color Coding
* Interactive color image segmentation editor driven by active contour model
* Interactive Object Segmentation System for MPEG Video, An
* Interpolating View and Scene Motion by Dynamic View Morphing
* Intraframe image decoding based on a nonlinear variational approach
* Introducing Locality and Softness in Subspace Classification
* Introduction to Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches
* Invariant Recognition and Segmentation of 3D Object Using Lie Algebra Models
* Invariant Recognition in Hyperspectral Images
* Invariant-based Registration of Surface Patches
* Invariants of the LWIR Thermophysical Model
* Investigation and Forensic Science Technologies
* Investigation into the Extraction of Features from Images: From Curves to Features
* Inward and Outward Curve Evolution Using Level Set Method
* Issues in vision modeling for perceptual video quality assessment
* Iterative Methods for Phase Diversity-based Blind Deconvolution in Atmospheric Optics
* Jitter smoothing and traffic modeling for MPEG-2 video transport over ATM networks
* Jittered Match Windows Voting for Tree Top Positions in Aerial Photographs
* Joint Detection for Potsherds of Broken Earthenware
* Joint Spatial-Frequency Quantization of Zerotree Wavelet Video Coding
* Joint Video-shot and Layer Indexing in Video-Surveillance Application
* K-Space Based Regularization of a New Pulse-Echo Image Reconstruction Operator
* Keyframe-based Bi-Directional 2-D Mesh Representation for Video Object Tracking and Manipulation
* Knowledge Based Moorland Interpretation Using a Hybrid System for Image Analysis
* LADAR Scene Description Using Fuzzy Morphology and Rules
* Learning 2D Shape Models
* Learning a Single Active Face Shape Model across Views
* Learning Salient Features For Real-Time Face Verification
* Learning Support Vector Machines for A Multi-View Face Model
* Learning the Appearance of Faces: A Morphable Model for the Analysis and Synthesis of Images
* Learning the Parts of Objects by non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Learning-based Object Detection in Cardiac MR Images
* Lesion Detection in Dermatoscopic Images Using Anisotropic Diffusion and Morphological Flooding
* Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods
* Levelings in Vector Spaces
* LiftLT: Fast Lapped Transforms via Lifting Steps, The
* Line Based Orientation of Aerial Images
* Linear Geo-Photometric Constraint for Image Matching, Structure Reconstruction, Image Synthesis and Object Recognition, The
* Linear Self-Calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera
* Linking Between Image Sequences and Related Digital Maps
* Lip Signatures for Automatic Person Recognition
* Local blur formulation for depth from defocus
* Local elastic matching and pattern recognition in MR mammography
* Local Wavelets Decomposition for 3-D Surfaces
* Local Weight Selection for Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping
* Local Zerotree Coding
* Locally Homogeneous Images as Minimizers of Objective Functions
* Locally Monotonic Models for Image and Video Processing
* Location Normalization of HMM-Based Lip Reading: Experiments for the M2VTS Database
* Lossless and Near-Lossless Compression of Still Color Images
* Lossless Compression for RGB Color Still Images
* Lossless compression for storing similar binary images
* Lossless Image Compression based on Enhanced Fuzzy Regression Prediction
* Lossless Image Compression using Modular Differential Pulse Code Modulation
* Lossless/ Lossy Progressive Coding based on Reversible Wavelet and Lossless Multi-channel Prediction
* Lossy Compression of Stochastic Halftones with JBIG2
* Low Cost Video Compression Using Fast, Modified Z-Coding of Wavelet Pyramids
* Low-Aliasing Wavelets for Pyramidal Image Coding
* Low-Complexity Velocity Estimation in High-Speed Optical Doppler Tomography Systems
* Low-Cost Range Finder using a Visually Located, Structured Light Source, A
* Machine Learning, Machine Vision, and the Brain
* Machine Vision System Using a Laser Radar Applied to Robotic Fruit Harvesting, A
* Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VIII
* Macroblock data classification and nonlinear bit count estimation for low delay H.263 rate control
* Manhattan World: Compass Direction from a Single Image by Bayesian Inference
* MAP regularized image reconstruction with multisensors
* MAP Segmentation of Color Images Using Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network
* Marching Cubes Method with Connectivity
* Markov Random Fields and the Disparity Gradient Constraint Applied to Stereo Correspondence
* Material Classification for 3D Objects in Aerial Hyperspectral Images
* Mathematical Study of the Relaxed Optical Flow Problem in the Space V, A
* Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption, II
* Maximal Scale Ridge: Incorporating scale into the ridge definition, The
* Maximum cross-entropy generalized series reconstruction
* Maximum Gain Block Classification In Subband Coding of Images
* MDL Principle for Robust Vector Quantisation
* MDL, Colllineations and the Fundamental Matrix
* Measurement and analysis of nonexponential signal decay curves in brain diffusion and muscle relaxation magnetic resonance studies in humans
* Measuring Convexity for Figure/Ground Separation
* Measuring Facial Expressions by Computer Image Analysis
* Media Team Document Database II
* Medial Faces from a Concise 3D Thinning Algorithm
* Medical Image Analysis and Surgery Simulation: Recent Advances and Perspectives
* Memory Compression Method Considering Memory Bandwidth for HDTV Decoder LSIs
* MergeLayouts: A Comprehensive Voting of Commercial OCR Devices
* Method for Determination of Bark on Wood Chips, A
* Method for Interactive 3D Reconstruction of Piercewise Planar Objects from Single Images, A
* method of Counting the Passing People by using the Stereo Images, A
* Method of Estimating Chromaticity of Illumination Using Neural Networks
* Method of Inserting Binary Data into MPEG Bitstreams for Video Index Labeling, A
* Method of Shading and Shadowing in Image-Based Rendering, A
* Methods of Traffic Flow Measurement using Spatio-Temporal Image
* Minimization of the Spurious Shot Boundaries Using Principal Components Decomposition and Progressive Nonlinear Filter
* Minimum Mean Square Error FIR Filter Banks with Arbitrary Filter Lengths
* Minimum-entropy models of scene activity
* Mixing Synthetic and Video Images of an Outdoor Urban Environment
* Mobile Robots XIV
* Mode of Posterior Marginals with Hierarchical Models
* Model Based Approach to Object Detection in Digital Mammography, A
* Model Comparison for Functional MRI
* Model refinement from planar parallax
* Model Selection for Regression Using VC-Generalization Bounds
* Model-Based Approach for Compression of Fingerprint Images, A
* Model-Based Dynamic Hand Posture Identification Using Genetic Algorithm, The
* Model-based methods for textile fault detection
* Model-guided Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in MR Images
* Modeling and Temporal Evolution of a Family of Curves
* Modeling Bayesian Estimation for Deformable Contours
* Modeling People's Focus of Attention
* Models of Urban Areas for Line-of-Sight Analyses
* Modified Iterative Fuzzy Control Based Filter for Image Enhancement with Multiplicative Noise Removal Property, A
* Modified Regularized Image Restoration for Postprocessing Inter-Frame Coded Images
* Monitoring Dynamically Changing Environments by Ubiquitous Vision System
* Monoto nicity-preserving Operations and the Morphological Scale-Space Method for Image Segmentation
* Morphological Image Analysis: Principles and Applications
* Morphological Lomo Filter for Multiscale Image Processing, The
* Morphological Scale Space and Mathematical Morphology
* Morphological Shared-Weight Neural Networks: A Tool for Automatic Target Recognition Beyond the Visible Spectrum
* Motion based Decompositing of Video
* Motion Compensation using Adaptive Rectangular Partitions
* Motion Estimation and Compensation for Foveated Video
* Motion Estimation from Equation of Continuity. The Well-Conditioned Computation Point of View
* Motion Field Modeling and Estimation using Motion Transformation
* Motion Measurement Vision Chip, A
* Motion of Disturbances: Detection and Tracking of Multi-Body Non-Rigid Motion
* Motion Segmentation based on Factorization Method and Discriminant Criterion
* Motion Segmentation: A Synergistic Approach
* Motion Trajectory Extraction Based on Macroblock Motion Vectors for Video Indexing
* Motion-based Video Indexing Evaluating Object Shading
* Moving Object Detection and Identification from MPEG coded data
* Moving Object Detection from MPEG Coded Picture
* Moving Object Detection in Color Image Sequences using Region-Level Graph Labeling
* MPEG-4 Real-Time Video Decoder Software, An
* MPEG4 Shape Coding with Morphological Enhancement
* MR image encoding by spatially selective RF excitation: An analysis using linear response models
* MRF Model Based Scheme for Accurate Detection and Adaptive Interpolation of Missing Data in Highly Corrupted Image Sequences, A
* Multi-Camera Colour Tracking
* Multi-Frame, Region-Feature Based Technique for Motion Segmentation, A
* Multi-media Ambiance Communication based on Actual Moving Pictures
* Multi-Modal Data Fusion for Person Authentication Using SVM
* Multi-resolution Image Registration Using Genetics
* Multi-Scale 3-D Surface Description: Open and Closed Surfaces
* Multi-scale color image enhancement
* Multi-scale Feature Selection in Stereo
* Multi-Sensor Biometric Person Recognition in an Access Control System
* Multi-View 3D Estimation and Applications to Match Move
* Multi-View 3D Shape and Motion Recovery on the Spatio-Temporal Curve Manifold
* Multi-View Approach to Motion and Stereo, A
* Multi-View Nonlinear Active Shape Model Using Kernel PCA
* Multidimensional k-space model for analysis of flow-related phenomena in MR imaging
* Multifractal Texture Analysis and Classification
* MultiGrid Embedding (MGE) Image Coding
* Multilayer document compression algorithm
* Multimodal Biometric System Using Fingerprint, Face and Speech, A
* Multimodal interaction in collaborative virtual environments
* Multimodal Person Recognition Using Unconstrained Audio and Video
* Multiple Hypothesis Approach to Figure Tracking, A
* Multiple-Hand-Gesture Tracking Using Multiple Cameras
* Multiplication-Free Approximate Algorithm for the Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Multiresolution Adaptive Image Segmentation based on Global and Local Statistics
* Multiresolution non-rigid image registration method and its application to removal of normal anatomic structures in chest radiographs
* Multiresolution Optical Flow Estimation using Adaptive Shifting
* multiresolution Wavelet Scheme for Irregularly Subdivided 3D Triangular Mesh, A
* Multiresolution Weed Recognition Method based on Multispectral Image Processing, A
* Multiscale and Multisource Classification using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Multiscale error diffusion technique for digital halftoning with Dot Overlap Compensation, A
* Multiscale Hidden Markov Models for Bayesian Image Analysis
* Multiscale Image Registration Using Scale Trace Correlation
* Multiscale medial axis through a complete set of optimal scale ridges
* Multiscale Morphological Segmentations based on Watershed, Flooding, and Eikonal PDE
* Multiscale Taylor Series Approaches to Optic Flow and Stereo: A Generalization of Optic Flow Under the Aperture, A
* Multispectral Image Encoding
* Multiwindowed Approach to the Optimum Estimation of the Local Fractal Dimension for Natural Image Segmentation
* MURI Project for Rapid Feature Extraction in Urban Areas, The
* N-View point set registration: A comparison
* Natural Color Reproduction System for Telemedicine and Its Application to Digital Camera
* Natural Mouse: A Novel Human Computer Interface
* Near-Infrared Fusion Scheme for Automatic Detection of Vehicle Passengers, A
* Near-optimal spatial encoding for dynamically adaptive MRI: Mathematical principles and computational methods
* Negative Results for Multilevel Preconditioners in Image Deblurring
* Neural Network Approach to Image Reconstruction from Projections
* Neural Network Approach to Planar-Object Recognition in 3D Space, A
* Neural Network-based Text Location for News Video Indexing
* Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Introduction
* Neurocalibration: A Neural Network That Can Tell Camera Calibration Parameters
* new algorithm for parallel thinning and its hardware realization, A
* New Algorithm of Projection onto Narrow Quantization Constraint Set for Postprocessing of Quantized Images, A
* New Anti-aliasing Algorithm for Computer Graphics Images, A
* new approach to active nets, A
* New Calibration-free Approach for Augmented Reality based on Parameterized Cuboid Structure
* New Edge Detection Algorithm Using Data Fusion Approaches, A
* New fast Search Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation
* New Fractal Feature with Application in Image Analysis
* New Image Enhancement Algorithm for Night Vision
* New Log-Polar Mapping for Space Variant Imaging. Application to Face Detection and Tracking, A
* New Measure for the Effect of Sharpening and Smoothing Filters on Images, A
* New Mesh-Based Motion Compensation Algorithm for Very Low Bit Rate Coding, A
* New Methods to Improve the Accuracy of the Pel-Recursive Wiener-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm
* New Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Adaptative Hybrid Genetic Search and Selective Vector Tracing, A
* new realization of adaptive weighted median filters using counter propagation networks, A
* New Statistical Models of the JPEG Lossless Mode Subject to the Super High Definition Images
* New Supervised Learning of Neural Networks for satellite image classification
* new time dependent model based on level set motion for nonlinear deblurring and noise removal, A
* New VLSI Architecture of a Hierarchical Motion Estimator for Low Bit-rate Video Coding, A
* next-best-view algorithm for 3D scene recovery with 5 degrees of freedom, A
* Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion in Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
* Nonlinear diffusion: A probabilistic view
* Nonlinear Filters for Multimedia Applications
* Nonlinear Gaussian filtering approach for object segmentation
* Nonlinear interpolators for old movie restoration
* Nonlinear Multigrid Optimization for Bayesian Diffusion Tomography
* Nonlinear PDEs and Numerical Algorithms for Modeling Levelings and Reconstruction Filters
* Nonlinear Pre-filtering Technique for Set-Theoretic Linear Blind Deconvolution Scheme, A
* Nonlinear, Noniterative Bayesian Tomographic Image reconstruction
* Norm^2 Based Face Recognition
* Novel Approach to Error Recovery in the Transmission of Transform Coded Pictures, A
* Novel encoding technology for ultrafast MRI in a limited spatial region
* Novel Fast Motion Estimation Method Based on Genetic Algorithm, A
* Novel Fingerprint Image Compression Technique Using The Wavelet Transform And Piecewise Uniform Pyramid Lattice Vector Quantization, A
* Novel Interpolation Scheme for Rectangularly-Subsampled Images, A
* Novel Multiwavelet-based Integer Transform for Lossless Image Coding, A
* Novelty detection using extreme value statistics
* Numerical Solution Schemes for Continuous-Scale Morphology
* Object CFAR detection in gamma-distributed textured-background images
* Object Formation by Learning in Visual Databases using Hierarchical Content Description
* Object Modeling Using Tomography and Photography
* Object Recognition Based on 3-D Moment Invariants from Monocular Intensity Image
* Object Recognition Based on Human Saccadic Behaviour
* Object Recognition in Man, Monkey, and Machine
* Object Recognition with Color Co-occurrence Histograms
* Object reconstruction by incorporating geometric constraints in reverse engineering
* Object-based Coding of Volumetric Medical Data
* Object-Based Image Retrieval System Using an Inhomogeneous Diffusion Model, An
* Object-based Motion Classification
* Objective Measure Of Forensic Pathology Image Quality: The Adaptation of the National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale to Forensic Pathology Images, An
* Omnidirectional Vision Sensor for In-vehicle Image Processing Applications, The
* On Adaptive Wavelet Transform for Unified Progressive Coding
* On Global Parametric Motion Estimation with Lens Distortion Correction
* On Illumination Invariant Image Indexing from Compressed Domain Using XYX-Luv Transform
* On non-uniformness of color spaces in polychromatic perception
* On Plane-Based Camera Calibration: A General Algorithm, Singularities, Applications
* On the Development of an Algebra of Images and Image Analysis Algorithms
* On the Evolution of the Skeleton
* On the problem of granulometry for a degraded Boolean image model
* On the Use of Context Tree for Binary Image Compression
* On the use of linear camera-object interaction models in visual servoing
* On the Usefulness of Self-Organizing Maps for the Clustering Problem in Vector Quantization
* On/Off Decision of Global and Local Motion Compensation in Low-Bitrate Video Coding
* Optimal Algorithm for Progressive Polygon Approximation of Discrete Plannar Curves
* Optimal Bayesian Hough Transform for Line Detection, An
* Optimal Criterion for Dynamic Mosaicking
* Optimal Eigenfeature Selection by Optimal Image Registration
* Optimal Joint Decoding/ Deblurring Method for Optical Images
* Optimal Multi-Scale Matching
* Optimal Rigid Motion Estimation and Performance Evaluation with Bootstrap
* Optimization of Robot Self-Localization Accuracy by Automatic Visual-Landmark Selection
* Optimization Techniques for Document Image Retrieval
* Optimum Watermark Detection in Color Images
* Organization of optimal nonuniform lapped biorthogonal transforms based on coding efficiency
* Outdoor Scene Classification by a Neural Tree-Based Approach
* Panoramic EPI Generation and Analysis of Video from a Moving Platform with Vibration
* Parallax Geometry of Smooth Surfaces in Multiple Views
* Parallel Algorithm for Dynamic Gesture Tracking, A
* Parameter estimation from magnitude MR images
* Parameter Estimation of a Reflection Model from a Multi-Band Image
* Parameterized Image Varieties and Estimation with Bilinear Constraints
* Parametric Hybrid Model used for Multidimensional Object Representation, A
* Parametric Multispectral Texture Modelling
* Pareto-Morphology for Color Image Processing
* Parsing silhouettes: The short-cut rule
* Passive Night Vision Sensor Comparison for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Stereo Vision Navigation
* Passive Range Sensing Techniques: Depth from Images
* PDAF based Active Contour, The
* PDE-based fast local level set method, A
* Perceptual Organization via the Symmetry Map and Symmetry Transforms
* Perceptual Quantization for Predictive Coding of Images
* Perceptual Segmentation Algorithm and Its Application to Image Coding
* Perceptually based Color Texture Features and Metrics for Image Retrieval
* Perceptually Tuned Image Coder with Channel-Optimized Trellis-Coded Quantization, A
* Performance Evaluation of a New Signature Verification Algorithm Using Realistic Forgeries, A
* Photogrammetric calibration and accuracy evaluation of a cross-pattern stripe projector
* Photometric Surface Analysis in a Tri-Luminal Environment
* Physics Based Modeling and Rendering of Vegetation in the Thermal Infrared
* Picture quality evaluation model for color coded images: Considering observing points and local feature of image
* Piecewise Polynomial Kernels for Image Interpolation: A Generalization of Cubic Convolution
* Planar Surface Reconstruction using Projective Geometry
* Plausible reality for real-time immersion in the virtual arena
* Polarization-based Decorrelation of Transparent Layers: The Inclination Angle of an Invisible Surface
* Polygon Evolution by Vertex Deletion
* Polygonal Approximations through Genetic Algorithms
* Poppet: A Robust Road Boundary Detection and Tracking Algorithm
* Pose Clustering with Density Estimation and Structural Constraints
* Posture Estimation using Structure and Motion Models
* Power Spectrum Condition for Energy-Efficient Watermarking
* Practical Color Constancy
* Practical Nonlinear Filtering for Removal of Blotches from Old Film
* Pre-Analysis Method for Robust Global Motion Estimation, A
* Precise Estimation of Motion Vectors and its Application to MPEG Video Retrieval
* Predicting and Solving Reliability Problems in DEM Generation: The Case of Non-Textured Surfaces
* Prediction Error as a Quality Metric for Motion and Stereo
* Predictive depth coding of wavelet transformed images
* Principles for automatic scale selection
* Probabilistic and Other Neural Nets in Multi-Hole Probe Calibration and Flow Angularity Pattern Recognition
* Probabilistic Framework for Embedded Face and Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Probabilistic Modeling in Computer Vision
* Probabilistic Object Recognition and Localization
* Probability Estimation of Binary Information Sources for Image Coding
* Procedure for Automatic Inner Orientation, A
* Producing object-based special visual effects by integrating multiple differently focused images: Implicit 3D Approach to Image Content Manipulation
* Programmable DSP platform for digital still cameras
* Programmable hardware implementation for the median-rational hybrid filters
* Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform for Line Detection
* Projective Framework for Scene Segmentation in the Presence of Moving Objects, A
* Projective Rectification without Epipolar Geometry
* Projective Rotations Applied to a Pan-Tilt Stereo Head
* Proper scales of shapes - A curved scale space
* Properties of combined blue noise patterns
* Proposal for Dependent Optimization in Scalable Region-Based Coding Systems, A
* Prototype Hand Geometry-Based Verification System, A
* Prototype of the Spectral Vision System, A
* Providing Unequal Reliability for Transmitting Layered Video Streams over Wireless Networks by Multi-ARQ Schemes
* Pseudo Two-dimensional Hidden Markov Models for Face Detection in Colour Images
* Pulmonary Organs Analysis Method and Its Evaluation Based on Thoracic Thin-section CT Images
* pyramidal-mirror detector for scanning laser acoustic microscopy, The
* Quadtrees for Embedded Surface Visualization: Constraints and Efficient Data Structures
* Qualitative Probabilities for Image Interpretation
* Quality Assessment of Compression Techniques for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Quality Evaluation Method Considering Time Transition of Coded Video Quality
* Quantitative measurement of texture orientation in biomedical images using an artificial neural network
* Quasi-Invariants for Recognition of Articulated and Non-Standard Objects in SAR Images
* Radiometric Self Calibration
* Random Swapping Technique for Improving Clustering in Unsupervised Classification
* Rate control for layered video compression using matching pursuits
* rate control method for H.263 temporal scalability, A
* Rate distortion optimal ECG signal compression
* Rate-distorsion Efficiency of Zerotree Coders
* Rate-Distortion Modeling of Binary Shape using State Partitioning
* Rate-Distortion Motion Compensated Noise Filtering For Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Rate-distortion Optimized Region-based Video Coder
* Rational Unsharp Masking Method for TV Applications, A
* Re-examining the Optical Flow Constraint: A New Optical Flow Algorithm with Outlier rejection
* Real Time Tracking and Modeling of Faces: An EKF-based Analysis by Synthesis Approach
* Real Time Vector Median Like Filter: FPGA Design and Application to Color Image Filtering
* Real-Time Active Vision and Computer Interfaces Exploiting Human Actions and Object Context for Recognition Tasks
* Real-Time Context-Based Gesture Recognition Using HMM and Automaton
* Real-time detection of multiple moving objects in complex image sequences
* Real-Time Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Disparity
* Real-time Gabor-type Filtering Using Analog Focal Plane Image Processors
* Real-time Image Mosaicing from a Video Sequence
* Real-Time Image Processing by Using Image Compression Sensor
* Real-time Motion Template Gradients using Intel CVLib
* Real-Time Object Detection for Smart Vehicles
* Real-Time Rendering System of Moving Objects
* Real-Time Single-Workstation Obstacle Avoidance Using Only Wide-Field Flow Divergence
* Real-time Snowfall Noise Elimination
* Real-time target tracking applied to improve fragmentation of renal stones in extra-corporeal lithotripsy
* Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People Using Stereo
* Real-time video frame rate adaptation based on warping of edge-preserving meshes
* Real-Time Video Stabilizer Based on Linear-Programming, A
* Real-time, 3D Estimation of Human Body Postures from Trinocular Images
* Realistic 3-D Scene Modeling from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* rearrangement algorithm of wavelet packet coefficients for zerotree coding, A
* Reasoning About Object Appearance in the Context of a Scene
* Receiver-initiated resource renegotiation for VBR video transport
* Recognition of Artificial 3-D Landmarks from Depths and Color: A First Prototype of Electronic Glasses for Blind People
* Recognition of Gestures Using Morphological Features of Networks Made of Gesture Motion Images and Word Sequences
* Recognition of handwritten numerals by Quantum Neural Network with fuzzy features
* Recognition of License Plate Images: Issues and Perspectives
* Recognition of multiple objects based on global image consistency
* Recognition of Strings Using Non-stationary Markovian Models: An Application to ZIP Code Recognition
* Recognizing acronyms and their definitions
* Recognizing Faces from the Eyes Only
* Recognizing Faces in Broadcast Video
* Recognizing Hand Gestures Using Motion Trajectories
* Reconstructing the Support of Medical Flows using the Iterated Best Placement Algorithm
* Reconstruction algorithm for novel ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging
* Reconstruction and motion estimation from apparent contours under circular motion
* Reconstruction Optimization for Temporal Response Improvement in CT Fluoroscopy
* Recovery and Tracking of Continuous 3D Surfaces from Stereo Data using a Deformable Dual-Mesh
* Recovery of Object Shape and Camera Motion using a Sensing System with a Video Camera and a Gyro Sensor, The
* Rectangular Fish Eye View as an Efficient Method for the Transmission and Display of Large Images, The
* Reducing the Dimensions of Texture Features for Image Retrieval Using Multi-layer Neural Networks
* Refinement of 3D meshes by Selective Subdivision
* Reflectance Model for Radar Shape From Shading, A
* Reflection and Transparency Model of Rose Petals for Computer Graphics based on the Micro-Scopic Scale Structures
* Region Extraction Using Competition of Multiple Active Contour Models
* Region Feature Based Similarity Searching of Semantic Video Objects
* Region-Based Image Compression Using Fractals and Shape-Adaptive DCT
* Region-based Video Segmentation using DCT Coefficients
* Region-Oriented Transform Image Coding Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Schmid't Orthogonalization
* Regional Decodability Using SPIHT-Based Embedded Image Compression
* Registration and Blur Estimation Methods for Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Registration and fusion of infrared and millimeter wave images for concealed weapon detection
* Registration of Multiple Point Sets using the EM Algorithm
* Regularisation of Linear Classifiers by Adding Redundant Features
* Regularised restoration of vector quantisation compressed images
* Regularized Restoration of Scintigraphic Images in Bayesian Frameworks
* Rejection Criteria and Pairwise Discrimination of Handwritten Numerals Based on Structural Features
* Removal of Blocking Artifacts using Random Pattern Filtering
* Removal of Translation Bias when using Subspace Methods
* Rendering Articulated Figures from Examples
* Rendering with Concentric Mosaics
* Replicator Equations, Maximal Cliques, and Graph Isomorphism
* Representation and Recognition in Vision
* Representation and Retrieval of Video Scene by Using Object Actions and Their Spatio-temporal Relationships
* Representation and Wavelet Transformation of Relief-Related Space Curves
* Representation Issues in the ML Estimation of Camera Motion
* Representation of Specular Appearance, A
* Representing and Retrieving Regions using Binary Partition Trees
* Representing Spectral Functions by a Composite Model of Smooth and Spiky Components for Efficient Full-Spectrum Photorealism
* Resolution Invariant Surfaces for Panoramic Vision Systems
* Resynchronization Properties of Arithmetic Coding
* Retrieval Performance Improvement Through Low Rank Corrections
* Reusable Software in Computer Vision
* Reversible Multiresolution Image Coding based on Adaptive Lifting
* Rigid and Articulated Motion Seen with an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
* Risk-Based Frequency Adaptive Image Restoration, A
* Road Detection in Spaceborne SAR Images Based on Ridge Extraction
* Road Grid Extraction and Verification
* Road Recognition Using Fuzzy Classifiers
* Robot Localization Using Uncalibrated Camera Invariants
* Robotic Sensing for the Partially Sighted
* Robust and Efficient Image Alignment with Spatially-Varying Illumination Models
* Robust Block-Based EZW Image Compression with Channel Noise Optimized Rate-Distortion Functions
* Robust Coding of 3D Graphic Models using Mesh Segmentation and Data Partitioning
* Robust Criteria for Automatic Multi-Scale Curve Segmentation
* Robust Data Hiding Scheme for Images Using DFT, A
* Robust Document Skew Detection Based on Line Extraction
* Robust Estimation of Curvature Information from Noisy 3D Data for Shape Description
* Robust Extraction of Low Contrast Edges using Clustering-based Segmentation and Refinement
* Robust Finger Tracking with Multiple Cameras
* Robust Gradual Scene Change Detection
* Robust H.263 Video Communication over Mobile Channels
* Robust Hierarchical Algorithm for Constructing a Mosaic from Images of the Curved Human Retina
* Robust Image Transmission using Source Adaptive Modulation and Channel-Optimized Trellis-Coded Quantization
* Robust Initialisation for Lips Edges Detection
* Robust Method for Correction of Interframe Misalignment in Telecine Conversion, A
* Robust Method of Identifying and Measuring Fibrous Cap in 3D Time-of-Flight MR Image, A
* Robust Person Tracking in Real Scenarios with Non-Stationary Background Using a Statistical Computer Vision Approach
* Robust Real-Time Human Hand Localization by Self-Organizing Color Segmentation
* Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using a 2D-3D Model-based Approach
* Robust Recursive Factorization Method for Recovering Structure and Motion from Live Video Frames, A
* Robust Sequence Proximity Estimation by Radial Distance Hashing
* Robust Speaker Verification via Asynchronous Fusion of Speech and Lip Information
* Robust Sub-Band Image Coding for Wireless Transmission
* Robust Tracking and Compression for Video Communication
* Robust Visual Servoing Based on Relative Orientation
* robust wavelet-based digital watermarking using level-adaptive thresholding, A
* ROC Curves for Performance Evaluation of Video Sequences Processing Systems for Surveillance Applications
* Rotation Invariant Texture Description using General Moment Invariants and Gabor Filters
* Rough and Accurate Segmentation of Natural Images Using Fuzzy Region-Growing Algorithm
* Roxels: Responsibility Weighted 3D Volume Reconstruction
* Run-Length Distributions of Recursive Median Filters Using Probabilistic Automata
* Sampling Systems matched to the input image class
* Sampling, Resampling and Colour Constancy
* Scale Space Range Image Aspect Graph
* Scale space technique for word segmentation in handwritten manuscripts
* Scale-Space Trees and Applications as Filters for Stereo Vision and Image Retrieval
* Scales in natural images and a consequence on their BV norm
* Scene-Adaptive 1-Pass Variable Bit Rate Video Coding Method for Storage Media, A
* Segmentation and Analysis of Liver Cancer Pathological Color Images based on Artificial Neural Networks
* Segmentation and tracking of moving objects for content-based video coding
* Segmentation based Denoising using Multiple Compaction Domains
* Segmentation of Human Faces in Color Images Using Connected Operators
* Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels based on the Second Directional Derivative and Region Growing
* Segmentation of the Brain in MRI Using Grey Level Morphology and Propagation of Information
* Segmentation par modele deformable des regions osseuses de la tete dans les volume IRM
* Segmentation using Eigenvectors: A Unifying View
* Segmentation, Tracking, 3D Modelling and Matching of the Inner Ear Based on MRI Data
* Segmentation-Based Iamge Restoration for Multiple Moving Objects with Different Motions
* Segmenting by Compression using Linear Scale-Space and Watersheds
* Self-Calibration and Metric 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Self-Organizing Map Based User Interface for Visual Surface Inspection
* Self-similarity of Noise in scale-space
* Semantic Classification and Composite Indexing Approach to Robust Image Retrieval, A
* Semantic Organization of Scenes using Discriminant Structural Templates
* Sensitivity Analysis for Object Recognition from Large Structural Libraries
* Sensor Planning for a Trinocular Active Vision System
* Separating Background Texture and Image Structure in Mammograms
* Separating Reflections and Lighting Using Independent Components Analysis
* Separation of Transparent Layers by Polarization Analysis
* Setting Up a Masters Programme in Intelligent MultiMedia: Approach and Applications
* Shadow Gestures: 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using a Single Camera
* Shadow Puppetry
* Shape Adaptive Wavelet Transforms with Optimal Pre-Processing
* Shape from Texture by Local Frequencies Estimation
* Shape from Video
* Shape Reconstruction in Projective Voxel Grid Space from Large Number of Images
* Shape Representation and Recovery Camera Pose and Calibration from 4 or 5 Known 3D Points
* Shape-Adaptive Hybrid Wavelet Transforms for Efficient Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Image Objects
* Shape-based word recognition
* Sigma filtered perceptual image coding at low bit rates
* Signal and Image processing for Crime Control and Crime Prevention
* Similitude Invariant Pattern Recognition on Technical Documents
* Simple and Efficient Rectification Method for General Motion, A
* Simple Technique for Self-Calibration, A
* Simplified Segmentation for Compound Image Compression
* Simultaneous Multi-frame MAP Super-Resolution Video Enhancement using Spatio-temporal Priors
* Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Applications, A
* Single-chip processor for media applications: the MAP1000TM
* single-radar technique for estimating the winds in tropical cyclones, A
* SlideFinder: A Tool for Browsing Presentation Graphics Using Content-Based Retrieval
* Smart Airbag Solution Based on a High Speed CMOS Camera System, A
* Software Based Object Tracking with Visual Feature Integration
* Software Engineering for Image Processing and Analysis
* Space Image Processing
* Space-shared Communication based on Truely 3D Information Space
* Space-Variant Dynamic Neural Fields for Visual Attention
* Spatial Temporal Active Contour Interpolation for Semi-automatic Video Object Generation
* Speckle filtering of SAR images based on adaptive windowing
* Spectral Gradient: A Material Descriptor Invariant to Geometry and Incident Illumination
* Spectral Image Processing by a Multi-Channel Camera
* SPIHT for Generalized Multiple Description Coding
* Stabilization of infra-red aerial image sequences using robust estimation
* Statistical Approach for Real-time Robust Background Subtraction and Shadow Detection, A
* Statistical Biases in Optic Flow
* Statistical Considerations in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Function
* Statistical Multiplexing and Quality of Service Control of VBR MPEG Video Sources
* Statistical Tracking in Video Traffic Surveillance
* Statistically Efficient Method for Ellipse Detection, A
* Steerable Filter Cascades
* Stereo Image Coding using Hierarchical MRF Model and Selective Overlapped Block Disparity Compensation
* Stereo Panorama with a Single Camera
* Stereopsis from Contrast Envelopes
* Stereoscopic imaging by alternately blocking light
* Stereoscopic System for Human Body Tracking in Natural Scenes
* Stochastic Scale Space for Multiscale Image Representation, A
* Storage of Digital Camera Images
* Strict Ordering On Discrete Images and Applications
* Structural sub-band decomposition of sequences and its applications in signal processing
* Structure and Motion from Lines under Affine Projections
* Structure and Motion of Surfaces, The
* Structure from motion: sparse versus dense correspondence methods
* Structure-based Classification of Tree Species in High Spatial Resolution Aerial Images Using a Fuzzy Clustering Technique
* Structures and Factorizations for non Critically Decimated Paraunitary Filter Banks Yielding Linear Phase Filters
* Study of Region Partitioning Using Reciprocal Estimation of Region Models and Pixel Motion, A
* Study on Assembly Part Recognition using Part-based Superquadric Model, A
* Study on Height Measurement from a Single View, A
* Study on Rate Control Method for MP@HL Encoder with Parallel Encoder Architecture using Picture Partitioning, A
* Subjective Quality Evaluation of Video Sequences by Using Motion Information
* Subpixel-Precise Extraction of Watersheds
* Subset Selection for Active Object Recognition
* Successive Approximation Trellis-Coded Vector Quantization for Embedded Coders
* Successive Partition Zero Coder for Embedded Lossless Wavelet-Based Image Coding
* Super Predictive-Transform Residual Vector Quantization
* Surface interpolation based on new local coordinates
* Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Aerial Images in Dense Urban Areas
* Survey of progressive image transmission methods
* Symmetry-Adapted Wavelet Transform Image Compression
* System for Tracking and Recognizing Multiple People with Multiple Cameras
* Systematic Analysis and Methodology of Real-time DSP Implementation for Hybrid Video Coding
* Systolic Array Algorithm for An Efficient Unified Memory-based Implementation of the Inverse Discrete Cosine and Sine Transforms, A
* Technique for Matching Projective Views with Application to Color Image Mosaicing, A
* Technologies for Building Networked Collaborative Environments
* Technology transfer from research to industry
* Teleconferencing Using an Attentive Camera System
* Tensors of Three Affine Views, The
* Text Detection for Video Analysis
* Text Enhancement for Laser Copiers
* Textons, Contours and Regions: Cue Integration in Image Segmentation
* Textural Classification of Very High-resolution Satellite Imagery: Empirical Estimation of the Relationship Between Window Size and Detection Accuracy in Urban Environment
* Texture Analysis Based On Affine Transform Coding
* Texture Deconvolution for the Fourier-Based Analysis of Non-Rectangular Regions
* Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval and Browsing, A
* Texture Featuring and Indexing using Matching Pursuit in Radon Space
* Texture Segmentation Using Recursive Markov Random Field Parameter Estimation
* Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling
* Texture-based Image Retrieval without Segmentation
* Three Dimensional Wavelet Based Approach for a Scalable Video Conference System
* Three-dimensional CAD model reconstruction from image data of computer tomography
* Three-Dimensional Skeleton Extraction by Point Set Contraction
* Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction of Optical Lambertian Objects Using Cone-Beam Tomography
* Threshold pattern filters for image enhancement
* Time-alternating method based on single-sideband holography with half-zone-plate processing for the enlargement of viewing zones
* Time-Series Classification Using Mixed-State Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Time-varying Wavelet Transforms with Lifting Steps for Lossless Image Compression
* Tomographic Image Reconstruction for Systems with Partially-Known Blur
* Toolbox for Interactive Segmentation Based on Nested Partitions, A
* Topographic Method for Fingerprint Segmentation, A
* Topology-Adaptive Modeling of Objects by a Level Set Method with Multi-Level Stopping Conditions
* Torque-based Recursive Filtering Approach to the Recovery of the 3-D Articulated Motion from Image Sequences
* Toward a Scale-Space Aspect Graph: Solids of Revolution
* Toward Recovering Shape and Motion of 3D Curves from Multi-View Image Sequences
* Towards Model-based Capture of a Persons Shape, Appearance and Motion
* Towards Second Generation Watermarking Schemes
* Tracing of Curvilinear Structures in 3D Images with Single Scale Diameter Measurement
* Tracking and Pursuing Persons with a Mobile Robot
* Tracking Articulated Objects in Real-Time Range Image Sequences
* Tracking from Multiple View Points: Self-calibration of Space and Time
* Tracking in 3D: Image Variability Decomposition for Recovering Object Pose and Illumination
* Tracking MR tag surfaces using a spatiotemporal filter and interpolator
* Tracking Rigid Motion using a Compact-Structure Constraint
* Tracking Self-Occluding Articulated Objects in Dense Disparity Maps
* Tracking through Singularities and Discontinuities by Random Sampling
* Training based Optimization of Weighted Order Statistic Filters under Breakdown Criteria
* Trajectory Triangulation over Conic Sections
* transfinite form of Sibson's interpolant, A
* Transformation of Mammograms Using Anatomical Features
* Tree Adaptive Wavelet Coding
* Trellis Coded Color Quantization of Images
* Tube Snake Models for 3D Reconstruction of Thin Elongated Structures from their Contour Projections
* Two Markov point processes for simulating line networks
* Two-Stage Multispectral Image Compression Using the Self-Organizing Map
* Uncertainties in Bayesian geometric models
* Unequal Error Protection of MPEG-4 Compressed Video
* Unfolding the Cerebral Cortex Using Level Set Methods
* Unified Approach to Video Face Detection, Tracking and Recognition, A
* Unified Framework For Bases, Frames, Subspace Bases, and Subspace Frames, A
* Unified Framework for Probabilistic Analysis and Extraction of Video Content, A
* Uniform Color Spaces for Color Sensors
* Unifying Boundary and Region-based Information for Geodesic Active Tracking
* United Snakes
* Universal Multi-dimensional Lossy Compression Algorithm, A
* Unsupervised Image Classification with a Hierarchical EM Algorithm
* Unsupervised Low-Frequency Driven Segmentation of Color Images
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Color Images Based on k-Means Clustering in the Chromaticity Plane
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Based on Histogram of Encoded Gabor Features and MRF Model
* Unsupervised Video Segmentation and Object Tracking
* User Assisted Modeling of Buildings from Aerial Images
* Using 3D models for the segmentation of image sequences
* Using Active Contours and Fourier Descriptors for Motion Tracking with Applications in MRI
* Using an Image Tree to Assist Stereo Matching
* Using Bayesian Neural Network to Solve the Inverse Problem in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Using Models to Recognise Man-Made Objects
* Using Multiple Global Motion Models for Improved Block-Based Video Coding
* Using Planar Parallax to Estimate the Time-to-Contact
* Using the Condensation Algorithm for Robust, Vision-based Mobile Robot Localization
* Using Wavelets for Compression and Multiresolution Search with Active Appearance Models
* Utilizing Scatter for Pixel Subspace Selection
* Vector Quantization of Affine Motion Models
* Vector Quantization with Minimax L-inf Distortion for Image Coding
* Velocity estimation from images sequence and application to super-resolution
* Very Low-Bit Video Coding Based on Gain-Shape VQ and Matching Pursuits
* Video Background Replacement Without A Blue Screen
* Video Denoising by Combining Kalman and Wiener Estimates
* Video Motion Capture Using Feature Tracking and Skeleton Reconstruction
* Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Interaction, A
* Video Retrieval based on Key Frame Extraction in Compressed Domain
* Video sequence learning and recognition via dynamic SOM
* Video Streaming over the Public Internet: Multiple Description Codes and Adaptive Transport Protocols
* Video Surveillance of Interactions
* View Based Visual Servoing Using Epipolar Geometry
* View Synthesis and 3D Reconstruction of Piecewise Planar Scenes Using Intersection Lines between the Planes
* View Synthesis Using Stereo Vision
* Viewpoint Selection by Navigation through Entropy Maps
* Virtual Snakes for Occlusion Analysis
* Virtualized Stomach Wall and Its Deformation Model
* vision based navigation system for autonomous aircraft, A
* Vision in Bad Weather
* Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology
* Vision-Based Speaker Detection Using Bayesian Networks
* Visual Hull of Curved Objects, The
* Visual Inspection in the Food Industry
* Visual Recognition of Multi-agent Action Using Binary Temporal Relations
* Visual Sensing in Electronic Truck Coupling
* Visual Signature Verification Using Affine Arc-length
* VIVA Project: Digital Watermarking for Broadcast Monitoring, The
* Volumetric Stereo Matching Method: Application to Image-Based Modeling, A
* Wallflower: Principles and Practice of Background Maintenance
* Water-Filling: A Novel Way for Image Structural Feature Extraction
* Wavelab
* Wavelet Domain Features for Texture Description, Classification and Replicability Analysis
* Wavelet image coding based on significance extraction using morphological operations
* Wavelet Image Coding Scheme using Frequency Domain Backward Motion Estimation and Certainty of Motion Vectors, A
* Wavelet Transform-based Texture Classification with Feature Weighting
* Wavelet-based solution to anisotropic diffusion equation for edge detection
* Wavelet-Domain Regularized Deconvolution for Ill-Conditioned Systems
* Wedgelets: Nearly Minimax Estimations of Edges
* Weight Set Decorrelating Algorithm for Neural Network Interpretation and Symmetry Breaking, A
* What Do Planar Shadows Tell Us About Scene Geometry?
* Windows-based User Friendly System for Image Analysis with Partial Differential Equations, A
* XM2VTSDB: The Extended M2VTS Database
* Yet Another Method for Pose Estimation: A Probabilistic Approach using Points, Lines, and Cylinders
* Zoom-Invariant Tracking using Points and Lines in Affine Views: An Application of the Affine Multifocal Tensors
1262 for 9900

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.