Update Dates 9600

9600 * *Advances in Imaging and Electronic Physics
* *Early Visual Learning
* *Graphics Recognition: Methods and Applications
* *IrfanView
* 10 Pros and Cons Against Performance Characterisation of Vision Algorithms
* 2-D Cauchy wavelets and symmetries in images
* 3-D Face Modeling and Its Applications
* 3-D Histogram Modification of Color Images
* 3-D Non-Orthogonal Sampling for Motion Pictures with Spectrum-Adaptive Bandlimitation
* 3-D Object Pose Estimation by Shading and Edge Data Fusion: Stimulating Virtual Manipulation on Mental Images
* 3D Model Acquisition from Extended Image Sequences
* 3D Motion and Scene Structure Estimation with Motion Dependent Distortion of Measurement Windows
* 3D Reconstruction Based on Homography Mapping
* 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Environments
* 3D Reconstruction under Varying Constraints of Camera Geometry for Robotic Navigation
* 3D Reconstruction Using an Uncalibrated Stereo Pair of Encoded Images
* 3D Recovery Using Calibrated Active Camera
* Abstraction and Scale-Space Events in Image Understanding
* Accurate 3-D Measurement Using a Single Video Camera
* Accurate Estimation of Discontinuous Optical Flow by Minimizing Divergence Related Functionals
* Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical Images
* Acquiring Visual-Motor Models for Precision Manipulation with Robot Hands
* Active Acquisition of 3D Shape for Moving Objects
* Active Face Tracking and Pose Estimation in an Interactive Room
* Active Mesh Coding and Rate-Distortion Theory
* Adapting a Spatial Access Structure for Document Representations in Vector Space
* Adaptive Configuration and Control in an ATR System
* Adaptive Detection of Moving Objects Using Multiscale Techniques
* Adaptive error control for packet video in the Internet
* Adaptive Multiresolution Image Coding with Matching and Basis Pursuits
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal Filtering by a Neuromorphic Model of the Vertebrate Retina
* Affine Invariants Detection: Edges, Active Contours, and Segments
* Affine Structure and Photometry
* Affine/Photometric Invariants for Planar Intensity Patterns
* Algebraic Varieties in Multiple View Geometry
* Algorithm for Detecting Images in Defocused Scenes Using Optical Correlation
* Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Alignment and Tracking Using Graphics Hardware
* Alternative Approach to the Performance Evaluation of Thinning Algorithms for Document Processing Applications, An
* analysis of SAR images by multiscale methods, The
* Analysis of Skin Lesions with Pigmented Networks
* Analytic Solution of Stochastic Completion Fields
* Anisotropic Hierarchical Motion Estimation Method Based on Decomposition of the Functional Domain
* Appearance-Based Motion Recognition of Human Actions
* Application of Model Based Image Interpretation Methods of Diabetic Neuropathy
* Application of the Scenario-Based Engineering Process to the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Project
* Applications of Sequence Geometry to Visual Motion
* Approach for Determining Bidirectional Reflectance Parameters from Range and Brightness Data, An
* Approximation of the Hunt94 Color Appearance Model by Means of Feed-Forward Neural Networks
* Archival and Retrieval of Historical Watermark Images
* Artificial Vision: Image Description, Recognition, and Communication
* Attention Control for Robot Vision
* Autofocus for Automated Microassembly under a Microscope
* Automated Algorithm for Analysis of 2D Echocardiographic Short-Axis Images, An
* Automated Diagnosis and Image Understanding with Object Extraction, Object Classification, and Inferencing in Retinal Images
* Automated Region Segmentation Using Attraction-Based Grouping in Spatial-Color-Texture Space
* Automatic Cartographic Feature Extraction Using Photogrammetric Principles
* Automatic Construction of Image Transformation Processes Using Genetic Algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Interest Areas of an Image or of a Sequence of Images
* Automatic Detection of Spots in Biological Images by a Wavelet-Based Selective Filtering Technique
* Automatic Extraction of Generic House Roofs from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Face Recognition: What Representation?
* Automatic Inspection of Solder Joints Using Layered Illumination
* Automatic Meteor Detection: An Application of Hough Transforms
* Automatic Registration of SPOT Images and Digitized Maps
* Automatic Segmentation and Modelling of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Gels
* Automatic Selection of Reference Views for Image-Based Scene Representations
* Automatic Selection of the Number of Clusters in Multidimensional Data Problems
* Automatic Singularity Test for Motion Analysis by an Information Criterion
* Automatically-Generated High-Reliability Features for Dichotomies of Printed Characters
* Autonomous Vehicles
* B-rep Object Description from Multiple Range Views
* Background mosaicking for low bit rate video coding
* Backpropagation and SOM for Face Feature Recognition
* Bagging Predictors
* Bayesian Approach for the Segmentation of SAR Images Using Dynamically Selected Neighborhoods, A
* Bayesian Face Recognition Using Deformable Intensity Surfaces
* Bayesian Image Restoration and Segmentation by Constrained Optimization
* Behavior-based Architecture for Mobile Navigation, A
* Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function Expressed in Terms of Surface Scattering Modes
* Bilinear Interpolation for Facial Expression and Metamorphosis in Real-Time Animation
* Bitrate and blocking artifact reduction by iterative pre-distortion
* Block motion estimation using orthogonal projection
* Blocking Artifact Reduction of DCT Coded Image Sequences Using a Visually Adaptive Postprocessing
* Blurring Strategies for Image Segmentation Using a Multiscale Linking Model
* Boundary Encoding Revisited
* Bracket Classified Coding Scheme for Image Compression, A
* Buffer control algorithm for low bit-rate video compression
* Buffer-Constrained Coding of Video Sequences with Quasi-Constant Quality
* Bundle Adjustment with Geometric Constraints for Hypothesis Evaluation
* Calibrated Imagery for Quantitative Evaluation of IU Classification, Pose-Estimation, and Stereo Algorithms
* Calibration of a Foveated Wide Angle Lens on an Active Vision Head
* Camera Viewpoint Control for the Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Objects
* Caracterisation De Performances Des Algorithmes De Vision: Un Exemple: Le Detecteur De Coins
* Cardiac Motion Simulator for Tagged MRI
* Cardiac Wall Tracking Using Doppler Tissue Imaging (DTI)
* Cartographic Applications of Model-Based Optimization
* Character Model Word Recognition
* Characteristic View Modeling of Curved-Surface Solids
* Characterization and Recognition of 3D Organ Shape in Medical Image Analysis Using Skeletonization
* Class Based Reconstruction Techniques using Singular Apparent Contours
* Class of Stochastic Models for Invariant Recognition, Motion, and Stereo, A
* Classified Variable-Block-Size Motion Estimation Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding
* Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision
* Closed-Loop Visual Grasping and Manipulation
* Closest Point Search in High Dimensions
* Coding of Digital Video with the Edge-Sensitive Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Coding of Interlaced or Progressive Video Sources: A Theoretical Analysis
* Coding of Spectrally Homogeneous Regions in Multispectral Image Compression
* Coding using Gaussian mixture and generalized Gaussian models
* Coding-Oriented Video Segmentation Inspired by MRF Models
* Color Angular Indexing
* Color Channel Mixing in Learning from Appearance
* Color Edge Detection and Surface Reconstruction Through Regularization
* Color Image Background Segmentation and Representation
* Color Image Palette Construction Based on the HSI Color System for Minimizing the Reconstruction Error
* Color Image Quantization Using Weighted Distortion Measure of HVS Color Activity
* Color Object Detection Using Pyramidal Adjacency Graphs
* Combined Quantizer and Linear Error Control Code Design for Noisy Channels
* Combining Wavelet and Fractal Coding for 3-D Video Coding
* Common Framework for Curve Evolution, Segmentation and Anisotropic Diffusion, A
* Comparative Study of Textural Analysis Techniques to Characterise Tissue from Intravascular Ultrasound
* Comparative Study of Three Paradigms for Object Recognition: Bayesian Statistics, Neural Networks, and Expert Systems, A
* Comparison of Approaches to Egomotion Computation
* Comparison of Background Extraction Based Intrusion Detection Algorithms
* comparison of DCT-like transform coders for medical images, A
* Comparison of Edge Detectors: A Methodology and Initial Study
* Comparison of Methods for Detecting Corner Points from Digital Curves
* Comparison of Multiscale Image Representations for Image Segmentation, A
* Competitive Mixture of Deformable Models for Pattern Classification
* Complexity of Indexing: Efficient and Learnable Large Database Indexing
* Compression of Fingerprint Images Using Hybrid Image Model
* Compression of Vector Quantization Code Sequences Based on Code Frequencies and Spatial Redundancies
* Computational Theory of Canonical Views, A
* Computationally Efficient Shape Analysis via Level Sets, A
* Computations in Astro-Imaging
* Computer Vision Research at the University of Southern California
* Computer Vision and Information Retrieval
* Computer Vision Research at the University of Washington
* Computers Seeing Action
* Computing Contour Closure
* Computing Structure and Motion of General 3D Curves from Monocular Sequences of Perspective Images
* Connectionist Networks for Feature Indexing and Object Recognition
* Conservative Image Transformations with Restoration and Scale-Space Properties
* Constrained Edit Distance between Unordered Labeled Trees, A
* Constructing a 3D Individualized Head Model from Two Orthogonal Views
* Constructing High-Precision Geometric Models from Sensed Position Data
* Content-Based Retrieval: Research Issues and Directions
* Control-Theoretic Approach to Rate-Controlled Video Compression, A
* Convex Approximation of Regularization Models for Motion Estimation with Markov Random Fields, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Recognition
* Coregistering 3D Models, Range, and Optical Imagery Using Least-Median Squares Fitting
* Coregistration of Range and Optical Images Using Coplanarity and Orientation Constraints
* Correcting General Band-to-Band Misregistrations
* Correspondence Analysis and Hierarchical Indexing for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Corresponding 3D Pulmonary Tree Structures
* Covariance estimation in multivariate OS-filtering
* Covariance Propagation in Computer Vision
* Cumulant based algorithms for autofocusing in ISAR/SAR systems
* Daedalus Battlefield Visualization System
* Data, Models, and Images
* Deblurring the Gaussian Blur
* Decoupling the 3D Motion Space by Fixation
* Deformable B-Solids and Implicit Snakes for Localization and Tracking of MRI-SPAMM Data
* Deformable Models in Medical Image Analysis: A Survey
* Deformable Surface Reconstruction Coupled with Discontinuity Edge Detection
* Degraded Character Image Restoration
* Dense Depth Map Reconstruction: A Minimization and Regularization Approach which Preserves Discontinuities
* Dense Non-Rigid Motion Tracking from a Sequence of Velocity Fields
* Dense Reconstruction by Zooming
* Description of Eye Figure with Small Parameters
* Description of Medical Images in Characteristic Subspace and Vector Quantization Coding Based on Wavelet Transformation
* Descriptive and Prescriptive Languages for Mobility Tasks: Are They Different?
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Design and Optimization of a Differentially Coded Variable Block Size Motion Compensation System
* design method of fuzzy weighted median filters, A
* Design of Complex Multi-Dimensional FIR Filters by Transformation
* Design of Optimal Cascaded Multirate Filter Banks in the Presence of Quantization
* Design Strategy for Three-Dimensional Subband Filter Banks
* Detecting, Localizing and Grouping Repeated Scene Elements from an Image
* Detection of Eye Locations in Unconstrained Visual Images
* Detection of human faces under scale, orientation and viewpoint variations
* Detection of Linear Objects for Synthetic Vision Applications
* Detection of Rotational and Involutional Symmetries and Congruity of Polyhedra
* Detection Performance Methodology
* Detection, Estimation and Aggregation of Three Major Types of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
* Determining Correspondences and Rigid Motion of 3D Point Sets with Missing Data
* Determining the Similarity of Geometric Models
* Digital change detection in forest ecosystems with remote sensing imagery
* Direct Methods for Self-Calibration of a Moving Stereo Head
* Direct processing of EZW compressed image data
* Disparity Field and Depth Map Coding for Multiview Image Sequence Compression
* Dual domain interactive image restoration: basic algorithm
* Duality of Multi-Point and Multi-Frame Geometry: Fundamental Shape Matrices and Tensors
* duality of two recent image interpolation methods, The
* DVFLEX: A Flexible MPEG Real Time Video Codec
* Dynamics of Beliefs and Strategy of Perception
* Edge Detection on Object Color
* Edge-Detection and Speckle Adaptive Filtering for SAR Images Based on a 2nd-Order Textural Measure
* Edge-Preserving ADPCM and ECVQ Coding of Image Sub-Bands Using Subjective Criteria
* Edge-preserving classification of multifrequency multipolarization SAR images
* Edge-Preserving Smoothing by Adaptive Nonlinear Filters Based on Fuzzy Control Laws
* Edit Distance of Regular Languages
* Education for Computer Vision: Panel
* Effects of Noise Pre-Filtering for Codebook Generation in Vector Quantization
* Efficient Image Data Format for Lossless Compression and its Application to Interactive Viewing, An
* Efficient Image Gradient-Based Object Localization and Recognition
* Efficient indexing method for lattice quantization applications
* Efficient Retrieval for Browsing Large Image Databases
* Efficient Spatio-Temporal Decomposition for Perceptual Processing of Video Sequences
* Eigenfeatures for Planar Pose Measurement of Partially Occluded Objects
* Elimination of Specular Surface-Reflectance Using Polarized and Unpolarized Light
* Ellipse Fitting and Three-Dimensional Localization of Objects Based on Elliptic Features
* Ellipse-Specific Direct Least-Square Fitting
* EM Algorithm and Extensions, The
* embedded DCT approach to progressive image compression, An
* Embedded Laplacian pyramid image coding using conditional arithmetic coding
* Embedded Object Dictionaries for Image Database Browsing and Searching
* Energy Minimization Approach to Dense Stereovision, An
* Enhanced Zerotree Wavelet Transform Image Coding Exploiting Similarities Inside Subbands
* Environment Representation Using Multiple Abstraction Levels
* Error Resilient Arithmetic Coding of Still Images
* Error visualisation and presentation in video compression systems
* Estimation of Compressible or Incompressible Deformable Motions for Density Images
* Estimation of Motion Boundary Location and Optical Flow Using Dynamic Programming
* Estimation of Rigid Body Motion and Scene Structure from Image Sequences Using a Novel Epipolar Transform
* Euclidean 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequences with Variable Focal Lengths
* Evaluation of Edge Detectors: Critics and Proposal
* Experiments in Multiresolution Motion Estimation for Multifrequency Tagged Cardiac MR Images
* Expert Computer Vision Based Crab Recognition System
* Exploiting Temporal Context in Vision-Based Navigation
* Exploiting the Generic Viewpoint Assumption
* Extended Intensity Range Image
* Extracting Curvilinear Structures: A Differential Geometric Approach
* Extracting Good Features for Motion Estimation
* Extracting Line Features from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Scenes Using a Markov Random Field Model
* Extraction Of Thematically Relevant Text From Images
* Extraction of TV News Articles Based on Scene Cut Detection Using DCT Clustering
* Extraction of vascular network in 3D images
* Face perspective understanding using artificial neural network group-based tree
* Face Recognition System for the PC
* Face Recognition Using DCT-Based Feature Vectors
* Face Recognition: A Hybrid Neural Network Approach
* Face Verification for Real-Time Applications
* Factorization Based Algorithm for Multi-Image Projective Structure and Motion, A
* Factorization Method for Shape and Motion from Line Correspondences, A
* Factorization Methods for Projective Structure and Motion
* Fast and Accurate Texture Based Image Segmentation
* Fast and Flexible Statistical Method for Text Extraction in Document Pages, A
* Fast Computation of the Fundamental Matrix for an Active Stereo Vision System
* Fast Decision Tree Ensembles for Optical Character Recognition
* Fast Marching the Global Minimum of Active Contours
* Fast Pyramidal Search for Perceptually Based Fractal Image Compression
* Fast Route for Application of Rate-Distortion Optimal Quantization in an MPEG Video Encoder, A
* Fast vector quantizer using multiple sorted index tables
* Fast Warping Algorithm for Correcting Local Distortions in Binary Images, A
* Fast Wavelet transform for color image compression
* Fast, Background-Independent Retrieval Strategy for Color Image Databases, A
* Feature Correspondence by Interleaving Shape and Texture Computations
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Adaptive Wavelet Packet for Surface Defect Classification
* Feature Extraction of Convex Surfaces on Blood Vessels Using Cone-Beam CT Images
* Feature Selection for Texture Segmentation
* Feature Tracking Algorithm Using Neighborhood Relaxation with Multi-Candidate Pre-Screening, A
* Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture Distance
* Feature-Based Image Compression with Steered Hermite Transforms
* Fifth Annual Test of OCR Accuracy, The
* Filter Design Technique For Steerable Pyramid Image Transforms, A
* Finding 3D Parametric Representation of the Deep Cortical Folds
* Finding and Describing Objects in Complex Images
* Finding Correspondence Points Based on Bayesian Triangulation
* Finding Naked People
* Finding Skin in Color Images
* Finite-dimensional filters
* Finite-state fractal block coding of images
* First-Order Algorithm with Three Clusters of Optical-Flow Vectors
* Flat Surface Reconstruction Using Minimal Sonar Readings
* Flows under Min/Max Curvature Flow and Mean Curvature: Applications in Image Processing
* Focus of Attention: Towards Low Bitrate Video Tele-Conferencing
* Focused Target Segmentation Paradigm, A
* Formative Motion Estimation Technique for Translational, Affine and Zoom Sequences
* FORMS: A Flexible Object Recognition and Modelling System
* Foundations and Applications of Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering
* Fractal Analysis of Bone Images
* Fractal Coding Versus Classified Transform Coding
* frame-based model for hand gesture recognition, A
* Frame-free video
* Frame-Work for Joint Source-Channel Coding of Images over Time-Varying Wireless Channels, A
* Framework for Recognizing a Facial Image from a Police Sketch, A
* From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry
* From Active Contours to Anisotropic Diffusion: Connections Between Basic PDE's in Image Processing
* From Manual to Automatic Stereoplotting: Evaluation of Different Road Network Capture Processes
* From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction
* Further Constraints on Visual Articulated Motions
* Fusion of Digital Terrain Models and Texture for Object Extraction
* Fusion of Short-Axis and Long-Axis Cardiac MR Images
* futility of square isometries in fractal image compression, The
* Fuzzy Classification System for Analysis of Polymer Spectra Using Fast Wavelet Transforms, A
* Fuzzy Cluster Filter
* Fuzzy Logic = Computing with Words
* FWT based preconditioners for image restoration problems
* Gabor Systems with Good TF-Localization and Applications to Image Processing
* GARGOYLE: An Environment for Real-Time, Context-Sensitive Active Vision
* Gauging Relational Consistency and Correcting Structural Errors
* General-Purpose Japanese Optical Character Recognition System, A
* Generalized Feature Extractor Using Expansion Matching and the Karhunen-Loeve Transform, A
* Generalized Form Registration Using Structure-Based Techniques
* Generalizing Lambert's Law for Smooth Surfaces
* Generation of Single Image Stereograms Based on Stochastic Textures
* Generic Object Recognition Using Form and Function
* Generic, Model-Based Estimation and Detection of Peaks in Image Surfaces
* Genetic Algorithms for Pattern Recognition
* Geometric Analysis of Volume Images of the Bronchial and Vascular Trees
* Geometric and Photometric Constraints for Surface Recovery
* Geometric Approach to Segmentation and Analysis of 3D Medical Images, A
* Geometric Constraints and Stereo Disparity Computation
* geometric framework for dynamic vision, A
* Geometric Invariants for Verification in 3-D Object Tracking
* Geometric Saliency of Curve Correspondences and Grouping of Symmetric Contours
* Geometric Sensing of Known Planar Shapes
* Gesture Recognition Using Perseus Architecture
* Global Alignment of MR Images Using a Scale Based Hierarchical Model
* Goal-Directed Video Metrology
* Ground Plane Motion Camera Models
* Growth Ring Detection on Fish Otoliths by a Graph Construction
* Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra
* Handbook of Image Processing Operators
* Handling Tradeoffs Between Precision and Robustness with Incremental Focus of Attention for Visual Tracking
* Hierarchical Approach to High Resolution Edge Contour Reconstruction, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian Classification of Multimodal Medical Images
* Hierarchical MRF Modeling for Sonar Picture Segmentation
* Hierarchical prioritized predictive image coding
* High Fidelity Image Warping for Serial and Parallel Processing
* High Resolution PET and High Field Magnetic Resonance in Study of Human Physiology and Disease
* High-Level Vision: Object Recognition and Visual Cognition
* Histogram Based Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network for Image Segmentation
* Histogram Refinement for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Histograms to Evaluate OCR Accuracy and OCR Coupling
* Human Assisted Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence -- Why Not?
* Human Body Tracking by Monocular Vision
* Human face classification for security system
* Human-Centered Approach to UGV Navigation, A
* hybrid codec for very low bit rate video coding, A
* hybrid fractal-DCT coding scheme for image compression, A
* hybrid object-based video compression technique, A
* Hypermedia Image Processing Reference
* Hypothesis Testing for Coarse Region Estimation and Stable Point Determination Applied to Markovian Texture Segmentation
* Image Analysis: Segmentation Operator Cooperation Led by the Interpretation
* Image blur identification by using higher order statistic techniques
* Image coding using overlapping fractal transform in the wavelet domain
* image model for quantitative image analysis, An
* Image Quality Prediction for Bitrate Allocation
* Image Recovery from Exponential Blurring
* Image Representation Based on the Affine Symmetry Group
* Image representation by level crossings of the wavelet transform
* Image Representation with Gaussian Wavelets and Its Applications
* Image restoration via N-nearest neighbour classification
* Image Segmentation Using Clustering
* Image Understanding Research at CMU: From Vision Science to Autonomous Systems
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland: Video Surveillance and Tracking
* Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside: Robust Recognition of Objects in Real-World Scenes
* Implementation of An On-Board Compression System Based on Wavelet Transform
* Implications of a Segmentation-Based Motion Compensation Scheme for the Case of a Block Transform Encoder
* Imposing Hard Constraints on Soft Snakes
* Improving Full-Text Precision on Short Queries Using Simple Constraints
* Improving the Performance of Hierarchical Vector Quantization Using Segmentation
* Improving the Vision of Magic Eyes: A Guide to Better Autostereograms
* Impulse noise removal in highly corrupted color images
* In-House Mail Distribution by Automatic Address and Content Interpretation
* Including Sensor Bias in Shape from Motion Calibration and Multisensor Fusion
* Industry Needs for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Panel
* Inferring Global Perceptual Contours from Local Features
* Information Retrieval: From Academic Research to Practical Applications
* information theory of visual communication, An
* Information-Theory, Wavelets, and Image Compression
* Integrated Approach for Surface Finding in Medical Images, An
* Integrated Computational Model of Three-Dimensional Vision, An
* Integrated System for Site Model Supported Monitoring of Transportation Activities in Aerial Images, An
* Integrating Visual Information across Camera Movements with a Visual-Motor Calibration Map
* Integration of Local Fractal Dimension and Boundary Edge in Segmenting Natural Images
* Intelligent Camera for Active Vision, An
* Intelligent Image Database Systems
* Intensity Ridge and Widths for Tubular Object Segmentation and Description
* Interactive Data Inspection and Program Development for Computer Vision
* Interactive-optimization and massively parallel implementations of video compression algorithms
* Interpretation of Polyhedral Images
* Interpreting and Representing Tabular Documents
* Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective
* Irregular image sub-sampling and reconstruction by adaptive sampling
* Isotropic Corner and Edge Detection
* Isotropic Processing for Gradient Estimation
* Iterative Method of Blur Identification and Image Restoration, An
* Iterative Morphology for Fault Detection in Stochastic Textures
* Iterative Optimization and Simplification of Hierarchical Clusterings
* Joint Estimation of Parameters and Hyper-Parameters in a Bayesian Approach of Solving Inverse Problems
* Joint Image Segmentation and Motion Estimation for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Joint Source and Channel Coding for Internet image transmission
* Joint spatial-spectral indexing for image retrieval
* Junction Detection and Filtering: A Morphological Approach
* Keyword-Based Browsing and Analysis of Large Document Sets
* Knowledge Intensive Image Interpretation: Introduction
* Knowledge Representation for the Generation of Quantified Natural Language Descriptions of Vehicle Traffic in Image Sequences
* Labelling 2-D Geometric Primitives Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Reducing the Computational Requirements
* Landmark Methods for Forms Without Landmarks: Localizing Group Differences in Outline Shapes
* Language Identification: Examining the Issues
* Laser Radar in Robotics
* Lattice-Theoretical Framework for Annular Filters in Morphological Image Processing, A
* Lattice-Theoretical Morphological View on Template Extraction in Images, A
* Layered DCT coder for Internet video, A
* Learning an Object's Function by Observing the Object in Action
* Learning Dynamics of Complex Motions from Image Sequences
* Learning Grouping Strategies for 2D and 3D Object Recognition
* Learning Hierarchical Representations of Objects
* Learning Image Context for Improved Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Learning in Navigation: Goal Finding in Graphs
* Learning to recognize Hand-printed Chinese characters using Inductive Logic Programming
* Least squares approach for predictive coding of 3-D images
* Length Normalization in Degraded Text Collections
* Level Set and Fast Marching Methods in Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Light Field Rendering
* Linear Reconstruction from Dual Multilinear Constraints
* Local Color and Texture Extraction and Spatial Query
* Local Interpolation in Multiresolution Decomposition of Images
* Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields
* Local Quantitative Measurements for Cardiac Motion Analysis
* Local Search as a Tool for Horizon Line Matching
* Local tomography in fan-beam geometry using wavelets
* Lockheed Martin Report: Progress in Image Invariants Research--1995
* Logotype Detection in Compressed Images Using Alignment Signatures
* Lossless Aggregation for Transporting Stored Video over a CBR Communications Channel
* Lossless Compression of Images Using Logic Minimization
* Lossy Lempel-Ziv Algorithm for Large Alphabet Sources and Applications to Image Compression
* Low Bit Rate-3-D Subband Video Coding Based on the Allocation of Just Noticeable Distortion
* LPC Based Multispectral Compression Techniques Applied to Optical Imaging Spectrometer Instruments
* Lumigraph, The
* Machine Learning Paradigms for Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
* Machine Understanding of Human Action
* Machine Vision Tools for CAGD
* Managing within-class target variability in SAR imagery with a target decomposition model
* MAP Decoding of Gray-Level Images over Binary Channels with Memory
* Marching Cores: A Method for Extracting Cores from 3D Medical Images
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice
* Matching Error Based Criterion of Region Merging for Joint Motion Estimation and Segmentation Techniques
* Matching in 2-D and 3-D
* Matching Object Models to Segments from an Optical Flow Field
* Maximum Spanning Trees For Text Segmentation
* Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Visual Event Classification, A
* Measuring the Effects of Data Corruption on Information Retrieval
* Median filtering techniques for vector valued signals
* Medical image compression using principal component analysis
* Memory-Based Recognition for 3-D Objects
* Merging Constraints to Plan Camera Positions and Parameters
* Mesh Integration Based on Co-Measurements
* Metamerism in Complete Sets of Image Operators
* Method and Evaluation of Character Stroke Preservation on Handprint Recognition
* MIMD Computing Platform for a Hierarchical Foveal Machine Vision System, An
* Minimal Operator Set for Passive Depth from Defocus
* Minimum Rate Sampling of Signals with Arbitrary Frequency Support
* Mirror and Point Symmetry under Perspective Skewing
* Mist Methodology and Its Application to Natural Scene Interpretation, The
* Model Based Method for the Quantizer Assignment of JPEG-Like Coders, A
* Model for the Cloudiness of Fabrics, A
* Model-Based and Context-Based Vision at SRI
* Model-Based Compression for Synthetic Animations
* Model-Based Estimation of 3D Human Motion with Occlusion Based on Active Multi-Viewpoint Selection
* Model-Based Gaze Control
* Model-Based Recognition of Objects in Complex Scenes
* Model-Based SAR ATR System
* Model-Supported Exploitation of SAR Imagery
* Modeling and Low-Complexity Adaptive Coding for Image Prediction Residuals
* Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs
* Modeling Clutter and Context for Target Detection in Infrared Images
* Modeling User Subjectivity in Image Libraries
* Modified Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding
* Modified Hopfield Neural Network with Fuzzy C-Means Technique for Multispectral MR Image Segmentation, A
* modular neural network vector predictor for predictive VQ, A
* Morphological Operators for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Motion and Color Analysis for Animat Perception
* Motion classified 3D vector quantization for sequence coding
* Motion Deblurring and Super-Resolution from an Image Sequence
* Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Using an Overcomplete Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Motion Estimation by Image Content Matching and Application to Video Processing
* Motion Estimation for the Correction of Twin-Lens Telecine Flicker
* Motion Estimation of Lips in Pronouncing Korean Vowels Based on Fuzzy Constraint Line Clustering
* Motion Estimation of Ocular Fundus Images
* Motion Estimation Using Segmented Gibbs-Modeled Vector Fields
* Motion estimation via dynamic vision
* Motion transforms for video coding
* Motion-Based Segmentation and Tracking of Dynamic Radar Clutters
* Multi-Font Off-Line Arabic Character Recognition Using the BBN Byblos Speech Recognition System
* Multi-Resolution Contrast Amplification in Digital Radiography with Compensation for Scattered Radiation
* Multi-scale image warping using weighted Voronoi diagram
* Multi-Stage Target Recognition Using Modular Vector Quantizers and Multi-Layer Perceptions
* Multichannel adaptive L-filters in color image filtering
* Multiframe Poisson MAP deconvolution of astronomical images
* Multiframe spatial resolution enhancement of color video
* Multilinear Constraints in Two-dimensional Vision and Isogonal Conjugacy
* Multilinear Forms in the Velocity Case
* Multiple Image Analysis at the Hebrew University: Motion, Structure, and Recognition
* Multiresolution GMRF Models for Image Segmentation
* Multiresolution Hybrid Neuro-Markovian Image Modeling and Segmentation, A
* Multiresolution Lossless Compression Scheme
* Multiresolution Models for Topographic Surface Description
* Multiresolution Pattern Spectrum and Its Application to Optimization of Nonlinear Filter
* Multiresolution Segmentation Using the Irregular Pyramid
* Multiresolution Surface Parameter Estimation for Range Images
* Multiscale Region Detection
* Multiscale shape analysis using the continuous wavelet transform
* Multistage temporal motion compensation for motion vector coding
* MUSE: Robust Surface Fitting Using Unbiased Scale Estimates
* Nature of Statistical Learning Theory, The
* Navigation for Everyday Life
* Near-Lossless Transform and Wavelet Compression or Transient DPCM
* Near-Lossless Trellis-Searched Predictive Image Compression System, A
* Networks that Learn for Image Understanding
* Neural encoding of binocular disparity: Energy model, position shifts and phase shifts
* Neural Network Classifiers for Optical Chinese Character Recognition
* Neural Network Vision for Robot Driving
* Neural Networks and Semi-Closed-Loop Predictive Vector Quantization for Image Compression
* Neural-Network Position-Independent Multiple Pattern Recogniser, A
* New addressing scheme for vector quantization of images
* new algorithm based on wavelet theory for diffraction tomography, A
* New Approach to the Minimum Cut Problem, A
* New Approach to Video Sequence Recognition Based On Statistical Methods, A
* New Distance Measure for Vectorial Rank-Order Filters Based on Space Filling Curves, A
* New Edge Detector for Gray Volumetric Data, A
* New Embedded Image CODEC Based on the Wavelet Transform and Binary Position Coding, A
* New Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Hexagonal Subsampling Pattern and Multiple Candidates Search, A
* New Feature Preserving Noise Removal Algorithm Based on the Discrete Cosine Transform and the a Priori Knowledge of Pixel Type
* New Fractal Image Coding Scheme Employing Blocks of Variable Shapes, A
* new implementation of discrete multiscale filtering, A
* New Space-Adaptive Regularized Constrained Iterative Image Restoration Algorithms and Analysis of Convergence Condition, A
* New Subband Geometries for Image Texture Segmentation
* Noise Reduction for Image Sequences Using an Oriented Pyramid Thresholding Technique
* Noise Removal via Bayesian Wavelet Coring
* Non-Homogeneous MRF Model for Multi-Resolution Bayesian Estimation, A
* Non-Invasive Functional Brain Mapping Using Registered Transcranial Magnetic Simulation
* Non-linear perfect reconstruction filter banks for image coding
* Non-Rigid Matching Using Demons
* Nonlinear PDE Operators with Memory Terms for Image Processing
* Nonlinear Shape Restoration for Document Images
* Nonparametric Approach for Detecting Lines and Curves, A
* Normalization by Optimization
* Notebook Logmap Active Vision System, A
* Novel Algorithms for Object Extraction Using Multiple Camera Inputs
* Novel Approach to Represent 3-D Isothetic Scenes Using XYZ Trees, A
* novel interpolative codec for low bit rate applications, A
* Novel Multiple Wide-Baseline Stereo Approach for Target Ranging
* novel selective coding scheme based on layered structure, A
* NTSC-compatible compact representation for stereoscopic sequences, A
* Object Detection and Tracking Using an EM-Based Motion Estimation and Segmentation Framework
* Object Detection Using a Multiscale Probability Model
* Object models from contour sequences
* Object Recognition Research: Matched Filtering Becomes Bayesian Reasoning
* Object Representation in Computer Vision II
* Object Tracking Based on Motion and Shape Information
* Object-Based and Image-Based Representations of Objects by Their Interiors
* Objective picture quality scale for video coding
* Obstacle Avoidance via Depth from Focus
* Obstacle Detection and Multiple Scale Motion Estimation
* Occlusion Detectable Stereo -- Occlusion Patterns in Camera Matrix
* OCR and Voting Shell Fulfilling Specific Text Analysis Requirements
* Off-line Chinese Signature Verification
* On 3D Shape Similarity
* On a Spectral Attentional Mechanism
* On Approximation of Polygonal Curves with Minimum Number of Line Segments or Minimum Error
* On Binocularly Viewed Occlusion Junctions
* On entropy coded and entropy constrained lattice vector quantization
* On MPEG-2 Decoding of Noisy Input Data
* On the Appropriateness of Camera Models
* On the Combination of a Polynomial Motion Estimation with a Hierarchical Segmentation Based Video Coding Scheme
* On the Correlation between Transmission Quality-of-Service (QoS) Parameters and Image Quality of Digitally Transmitted Video in Radio Terrestrial Broadcasting
* On the Logics of Image Interpretation: Model Construction in a Formal Knowledge-Representation Framework
* On the Optimal Design of Rational Rank Selection Filters for Image Restoration
* On the Partition of Binary Edge Maps as a First Step for Quantitative Quality Evaluation
* On the Use of the Karhunen-Loeve Transform and Expansion Matching for Generalized Feature Detection
* On the Validity of Fractal Dimension Measurements in Image Analysis
* Optical Linear Feature Detection Based on Model Pose
* Optical Triangulation for Dynamic Gauging of Cylindrical Parts
* Optimal Edge Detection in Images
* Optimal Grid Pattern for Focal Length Calibration
* Optimal hierarchical coding of quantized images
* Optimal Matrix Transform for the Extraction of Algebraic Features from Images
* Optimal Speckle Imaging of Extended Space Objects: Results from Field Data
* Optimal Surface Smoothing as Filter Design
* Optimized single site update algorithms for image deblurring
* Optimum design of vector-quantized multiresolution codecs
* Ordinal Representations of Visual Space
* Oriented Projective Geometry for Computer Vision
* Orthogonal Spline Fitting in Range Data
* Orthonormal wavelets with balanced uncertainty
* Outdoor Landmark Recognition Using Segmentation, Fractal Model and Neural Network
* Overview of a Self-Adaptive ATR System via Context-Based Configuration and Control
* Packet Video for Heterogeneous Networks Using CU-SeeMe
* Panoramic Image Acquisition
* Parallel Algorithms for Linear Approximation on Distributed Memory Machines
* Parallel Implementations of Perceptual Grouping Tasks on Distributed Memory Machines
* Parallel Marker Based Watershed Transformation, A
* Parallelized Robust Multiresolution Motion Estimation
* Pareto optimal nonlinear filters for image enhancement
* Pattern analysis for autonomous vehicles with the region- and feature-based neural network: global self-localization and traffic sign recognition
* pattern matching approach to image compression, A
* Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
* Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
* Pattern Rejection
* Pel-Recursive Motion Estimation in the Presence of Illumination Variations
* Perceptual Bit Allocation for MPEG-2 CBR Video Coding
* Perceptual Grouping for Generic Recognition
* Performance Analysis of Line and Circle Fitting in Digital Images
* Performance Analysis of Model-Based Video Coding
* Performance Analysis of Multiscale Motion Compensation Techniques in Pyramid Coders
* Performance Evaluation of Camera Calibration for Space Applications
* Performance Evaluation of Texture Segmentation Algorithms Based on Wavelets
* Persistent Data Management for Visual Applications
* Perturbation study of shading in pictures
* Phase-error compensation through multiframe blind deconvolution
* Physically Based Model for the Registration of a 2D Image Sequence, A
* Physics Based Methodologies for Recognizing Handwritten Signatures, Words, and Line Drawings
* Polarimetric IR Automatic Target Detection and Recognition
* Polarization Contrast Vision in Octopus
* Polarization Vision in Cuttlefish: A Concealed Communication Channel
* Pose Refinement Using a Parameter Hierarchy
* Post-Processing of Block-Coded Images at Low Bitrates
* Postprocessing to Reduce Blocking Artifacts for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding using Chrominance Information
* Prediction Error Image Coding Using a Modified Stochastic Vector Quantization Scheme
* Predictive Hierarchical Table-Lookup Vector Quantization with Quadtree Encoding
* Principal Component Based Probabilistic DBNN for Face Recognition, A
* probabilistic framework for perceptual grouping of features in human face detection, A
* Probabilistic Learning of Three-Dimensional Object Models
* Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition
* Progress in Automated Virtual World Construction
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts
* Progress in Image Understanding at MIT
* Progress in Machine Vision for Motion Control
* Progress on Target and Terrain Recognition Research at Colorado State University
* Progress on the Fast Adaptive Target Detection Program
* Progress on Vision Through Learning
* Progressive image transmission using wavelet packets
* Progressively Adaptive Scalar Quantization
* Projection onto the Narrow Vector Quantization Constraint Set for Postprocessing of Vector Quantized Images
* Projection-Based Post-Processing Technique to Reduce Blocking Artifact Using a Priori Information on DCT Coefficients of Adjacent Blocks, A
* Projective Invariant Multiscale Analysis
* Projective Invariants and the Correspondence Problem
* Projective, Affine and Euclidean Calibration in Computer Vision and the Application of Three-Dimensional Perception
* Propagating Covariance in Computer Vision
* Pseudo Object-Oriented Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding System with Cache VQ for Detail Compensation, A
* Psychovisually tuned wavelet fingerprint compression
* Pyramid Approach to Sub-Pixel Image Fusion Based on Mutual Information, A
* Quadtree Based Adaptive Lossy Coding of Motion Vectors
* Quality Assessment of Compressed Images: A Comparison Between Two Methods
* Quantification of Articular Cartilage from MR Images Using Active Shape Models
* Quantitative Analysis of Grouping Processes
* Quantitative Measurement of the Performance of Raster-to-Vector Conversion Algorithms
* Quick and Clean: Constraint-Based Vision for Situated Robots
* Radar image denoising by recursive thresholding
* Radius CDROM Ground Truthed Data Set, The
* Radon Transform and Local Tomography, The
* Randomness and Geometric Figures in Computer Vision
* Range Estimation from Focus Using a Non-Frontal Imaging Camera
* Range Image Processing Based on Multiresolution Analysis
* Range Imaging Based on Moving Pattern Light and Spatio-Temporal Matched Filter
* Rank 4 Constraint in Multiple (over 3) View Geometry, The
* Rapid Object Indexing and Recognition Using Enhanced Geometric Hashing
* Real time software implementation of scalable video codec
* Real-Time 100 Object Recognition System
* Real-Time Corner Tracking in Image Sequences
* Real-Time Lip Tracking for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Applications
* Real-Time Recognition and Visual Control: Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
* Realtime Extraction of Connected Component in 3D Sonar Range Images
* Realtime Image Sequence Interpretation for Video-Surveillance Applications
* Reasoning about Occlusions During Hypothesis Verification
* Recognition by Matching with Edge Location and Orientation
* Recognition of Articulated Objects in SAR Images
* Recognition of Buildings from Aerial Images
* Recognition of Geons by Parametric Deformable Contour Models
* Recognition of Japanese Sign Language from Image Sequence Using Color Combination
* Recognition of Planar Object Classes
* Recognition of Vehicle License Plate Using a Genetic Algorithm Based Segmentation, A
* Recognition, Pose and Tracking of Modelled Polyhedral Objects by Multi-Ocular Vision
* Recognizing 3D Objects by Generating Random Actions
* Recognizing Blasting Caps in X-Ray Images
* Recognizing Three Dimensional Objects by Comparing Two-Dimensional Images
* Reconstructing Polyhedral Models of Architectural Scenes from Photographs
* Reconstruction and Super-Resolution of Dilute Aperture Imagery
* Reconstruction from Image Streams: Continuous Multilinear Constraints
* Reconstruction of Blood Vessel Networks From X-Ray Projections and a Vascular Catalogue
* Reconstruction of Buildings from Multiple High Resolution Images
* Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Light Intensity Distribution from the Data of Photo-Count Experiments
* Recovering 3D Shape and Texture from Continuous Focus Series: Using a Polarized Filter
* Recovering LSHGCs and SHGCs from Stereo
* Recovery of Dynamic Scene Structure from Multiple Image Sequences
* Recursive Disparity Estimation Algorithm for Real Time Stereoscopic Video Applications
* Reducing Artifacts in JPEG Decompression by Segmentation and Smoothing
* Reflectance Modeling for Object Recognition and Detection in Outdoor Scenes
* Region-based enhancement and analysis of SAR images
* Region-Oriented Video Coding Using the MDL Principle and Quad-Tree optimization
* Registration of Planar Film Radiographs with Computed Tomography
* Regularization of the Problem of Image Restoration from its Noisy Fourier Transform Phase
* Regularized Estimation of Flow Patterns in MR Velocimetry
* Reinforcement Learning for Integrating Context with Clutter Models for Target Detection
* Reliable Extraction of the Camera Motion Using Constraints on the Epipole
* Reliable Recognition of Handwritten Marks in Checkboxes
* Representation and Recognition of Text Using Hidden Markov Models, The
* Representation of 2D and 3D Binary Images Using Medial Circles and Spheres
* Representation of Moving Images with Skewed Planes and Its Application to the Video Coding
* Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1994-1995
* Resolution and Accuracy of Stereo, Focus, and Shading Methods
* Restoration of lossy compressed astronomical images
* Restoration of Severely Blurred High Range Images Using Compound Models
* Retrieval Strategies for Noisy Text
* Rigorous Bounds for Two-Frame Structure from Motion
* Road Markings Recognition
* Robust 3-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Stereo Vision and Geometric Hashing
* Robust facial profile recognition
* Robust Image Wavelet Shrinkage for Denoising
* Robust nonlinear contrast enhancement filters
* Robust Recovery of Camera Rotation from Three Frames
* Robust Recovery of Eigneimages in the Presence of Outliers and Occlusions
* Robust Region Merging for Spatio-Temporal Segmentation
* Robust Source Coding for Images over Very Noisy Channels
* Rotation Invariant Pattern Signature, A
* Rotational Symmetry: The Lie Group SO(3) and Its Representations
* RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform
* Runway Imaging from an Approaching Aircraft Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Runway Obstacle Detection by Controlled Spatiomatic Image Flow Disparity
* Sampling Based Approach to Line Scratch Removal from Motion Picture Frames, A
* SAR image processing using probabilistic Winner-take-all learning and artificial neural networks
* SAR Interferometry: A Novel Method for Enhancing Elevation Maps by Combining Interferometry with Shape-from-Shading
* Scalable Video with Background Segmentation
* Scale Space Based Deformable Template Matching Algorithm, A
* Scale-Space Matching and Image Retrieval
* Scale-Space with Causal Time Direction
* Segmentation and Contour Closing of Textured and Non-Textured Images Using Distances Between Textures
* Segmentation Based Reversible Image Compression
* Segmentation in Dynamic Image Sequences by Isolation of Coherent Wave Profiles
* Segmentation non Supervisee d'Images Multispectrales par Chaines de Markov Cachees
* Segmentation of an Image Sequence Using Multi-Dimensional image attributes
* Segmentation of Brain Tissue from MR Images
* Segmentation of Image Sequences for Object Oriented Coding
* Segmentation of Multidimensional Images
* Segmented image coding with contour simplification for video sequences
* Segmenting Modulated Line Textures with S-Gabor Filters
* Self-Adjusting Weighted Median Filter for Removing Impulse Noise in Images, A
* Self-Calibration from Image Triplets
* Self-Calibration of a Stereo-Camera by Pure Translational Motion
* Semi-Automatic System for Edge Tracking with Snakes, A
* Sensing the Virtual World--Work in Progress
* Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Navigation Using Neural Networks
* Sensor Geometry for Dynamic Vergence: Characterisation and Performance Evaluation
* Sensors and Algorithms for the Construction of Digital 3-D Colour Models of Real Objects
* Separating Real and Virtual Objects from Their Overlapping Images
* SERVOMATIC: A Modular System for Robust Positioning Using Stereo Visual Servoing
* Set Theoretic Approach to Image Reconstruction from Projections, A
* Shadows and Shading Flow Fields
* Shape Bottlenecks and Conservative Flow Systems
* Shape Constancy in Pictorial Relief
* Shape Description by a Syntactic Pyramidal Approach
* Shape Description of Curved 3-D Objects for Aerial Surveillance
* Shape from Appearance: A Statistical Approach to Surface Shape Estimation
* Shape From Darkness Under Error
* Shape from texture based on the ridge of continuous wavelet transform
* Shape Recognition by Human-Like Trial and Error Random Processes
* Shape Recognition System for Automatic Disassembly of TV-Sets
* Shape Reconstruction Using Estimated Surface Reflectance Properties
* Shape Recovery from Stationary Surface Contours by Controlled Observer Motion
* Shape-Adaptive Transform for Object-Based Coding, A
* Shifted fovea multiresolution geometries
* Shock Grammar for Recognition, A
* Signal Adaptative Postprocessing for Blocking Effects Reduction in JPEG Image
* Signal Processing Algorithms in MATLAB
* Signature Pattern Recognition Using Pseudo Zernike Moments and a Fuzzy Logic Classifier
* Simple Cue-Based Method for Camera Calibration and 3-D Shape Measurement with a Single Moving Camera, A
* simple edge-sensitive image interpolation filter, A
* Simple Shape Parameter Estimation from Blurred Observations for a Generalized Gaussian MRF Image Prior Used in MAP Image Restoration
* Site Model Construction Using Geometric Constrained Optimization
* Site-Model Construction Component of the RADIUS Testbed System, The
* SiteCity: A Semi-Automated Site Modeling System
* Situation-Based Selective Video-Recording System for Memory Aid
* Skin and Bones: Multi-layer, Locally Affine, Optical Flow and Regularization with Transparency
* Smoothing of SAR Image Speckle Noise by Multiplicative Point Estimation Filters
* Snakes and Splines for Tracking Non-Rigid Heart Motion
* Solving Diverse Image Understanding Problems Using the Image Understanding Environment
* Space-Sweep Approach to True Multi-Image Matching, A
* Sparse Representations for Image Decomposition with Occlusions
* Spatial Aggregation: Theory and Applications
* Spatial and Temporal Mechanisms in Target Cueing
* Spatially-Varying, Adaptive Subband Image Coding
* Spatiotemporal Representations for Visual Navigation
* Spectrum-Blind Minimum-Rate Sampling and Reconstruction of 2-D Multiband Signals
* Spherical Winged B-snakes
* Spline-Based Adaptive Filter for the Removal of Blocking Artifacts in Image Sequences Coded at Very Low Bitrate, A
* Stabilization of Images Acquired by Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Statistical Approach to Classification of Flow Patterns for Motion Detection
* Statistical Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding
* Statistical Feature Modelling for Active Contours
* Statistical Model for the Realiability of Motion Tracking Using Mean Normalised Correlation, A
* Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice
* Statistical Validation of Computer Vision Software
* Stereo image compression using VPIC
* Stereo Machine for Video-Rate Dense Depth Mapping and Its New Applications, A
* Stereo Matching Using Hierarchical Features for Robotic Applications
* Stereo Model Using LoG and Gabor Filters, A
* Stereo Tracking and Structure Recovery System, A
* Stereo Vision for View Synthesis
* Stereo Vision System for Real-Time Automotive Obstacle Detection, A
* Stereo without Search
* Structural Motion Segmentation Based on Probabilistic Clustering
* Structural Scales in Computational Vision
* Structure and Motion of Curved 3D Objects from Monocular Silhouettes
* Structure from Linear or Planar Motions
* Structure from Multiple 2D Affine Correspondences without Camera Calibration
* Studies in Pattern Recognition: A Memorial to the Late Professor King-Sun Fu
* Subband image coding for packet erasure channels
* Subpixel Image Registration by Estimating the Polyphase Decomposition of the Cross Power Spectrum
* SUCCESSOR: Interpretation Overview and Constraint System
* Supervised Learning of Detection and Classification Tasks with Uncertain Training Data
* Support Tools for Visual Information Management
* Supra-threshold Perceptual Image Coding
* Surface Approximation and Segmentation of Objects with Unknown Topology
* Surface Reconstruction Using Multiple Light Sources and Perspective Projection
* Survey of IU and ATR Research at ITT and UIC
* Symmetry Analysis Through Wave Propagation
* Symmetry and Locality: Uncertainty Revisited
* Symmetry-adapted wavelet analysis
* Synthesis of an Individualized Cranial Atlas with Dysmorphic Shape
* Synthesized data structure for video data: a formal specification
* System for Reconstruction of Missing Data in Image Sequences Using Sampled 3D AR Models and MRF Motion Priors, A
* Tailoring a Retrieval System for Naive Users
* Talking About 3D Scenes: Integration of Image and Speech Understanding in a Hybrid Distributed System
* Target Detection in Foveal ATR Systems
* Target Identification Using Geometric Hashing and FLIR/LADAR Fusion
* Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments, A
* TCQ subband image coding to exploit dependence
* Telepresence for In-Situ Microscopy
* Template-based image retrieval
* Temporally Adaptive Motion Estimation Based on the Temporal Subband Analysis
* Tensorial Transfer: Representation of N>3 Views of 3d Scenes
* Terrain Database Representation Based on an Extended Vector Product Format (EVPF), A
* Text Categorization: A Symbolic Approach
* Text Recognition: From Pixels to Meaning
* Texture Defect Detection Using the Adaptive Two-Dimensional Lattice Filter
* Texture Extraction and Segmentation via Statistical Geometric Features
* Texture Feature Coding Method for Classification of Liver Sonography
* Texture Features and Learning Similarity
* Texture Image Segmentation: A Local Spectral Mapping Approach
* Texture Modelling and Segmenting by Multiple Pairwise Pixel Interactions
* Texture Perception in Humans and Computers: Models and Psychophysical Experiments
* Texture Segmentation Using Local Energy in Wavelet Scale Space
* Texture Segregation in Chromatic Element-Arrangement Patterns
* Theoretical Foundations of Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Three-Dimensional Grouping and Information Fusion for Site Modeling from Aerial Images
* Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants for Automated Target Recognition
* Thumbnail-based image coding utilising the fractal transform
* Topological Algorithms for Digital Image Processing
* Topological Representation for Matching Coloured Surfaces
* Towards 3-D Model-Based Tracking of Humans in Action
* Towards a New Framework of the Hough Transform
* Towards a Theory of Direct Perception
* Towards a writer-dependent hand-written character recogniser
* Towards Automated Structural Analysis of Difficult Face Images
* Tracing Crease Curves by Solving a System of Differential Equations
* Tracking Object Motion Across Aspect Changes for Augmented Reality
* Transcoding of MPEG-II for Enhanced Resilience to Transmission Errors
* Transform coding using adaptive bases and quantization
* Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation, A
* Transform Image Coding Based on Joint Adaptation of Filter Banks and Tree Structures
* Transparent Grippers: Seeing While Grasping
* Trilinear Constraints Revisited: Generalized Trilinear Constraints and the Tensor Brightness Constraint
* Two Linear Time Union-Find Strategies for Image Processing
* Two-Dimensional Adaptive Smoothing Algorithm with Edge Information for Recursive Image Restoration
* Two-dimensional cumulant-based adaptive enhancer
* UMass Progress in 3D Building Model Acquisition
* Uncalibrated Visual Tasks via Linear Interaction
* Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition Applied to the Processing of Bank Cheques
* Understanding the Shape Properties of Trihedral Polyhedra
* Unified Mixture Framework for Motion Segmentation: Incorporating Spatial Coherence and Estimating the Number of Models, A
* Universal Data Compression: An Overview
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Based on the Comparison of Local and Regional Histograms
* Unsupervised Model-Based Object Recognition by Parameter Estimation of Hierarchical Mixtures
* Unsupervised Segmentation Based on Robust Estimation and Cooccurrence Data
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Textured Images by Pairwise Data Clustering
* Update of Roads in GIS from Aerial Imagery: Verification and Multi-Resolution Extraction
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1994-1995
* Use of Hybrid Models to Recover Cardiac Wall Motion in Tagged MR Images, The
* Use of Multiple Cameras and Geometric Constraints for 3-D Measurement, The
* USeg: A Retargetable Word Segmentation Procedure for Information Retrieval
* Using Collineations to Compute Motion and Structure in an Uncalibrated Image Sequence
* Using Crest Lines to Guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
* Using Elimination Methods to Compute Thermophysical Algebraic Invariants from Infrared Imagery
* Using Grammars for Scene Interpretation
* Using Singular Displacements for Uncalibrated Monocular Visual Systems
* Using Speech Input for Image Interpretation and Annotation
* Utilizing Segmented MRI Data in Image-Guided Surgery
* Vanishing moments and the approximation power of wavelet expansions
* Vanishing Point Detection by a Voting Scheme
* Vanishing Point Matching
* Variable Block Size Segmentation for Image Compression Using Stochastic Models
* Vector-Valued Active Contours
* Verification of Persons via Face and Signature Analysis
* Very low bit rate video coding using vector-based techniques
* Very Low Rate DCT-Based Video Coding Using Dynamic VQ
* Video Browsing Using Edges and Motion
* Video Coding Using Affine Motion Compensated Prediction
* Video Coding Using Spatial Extrapolation Based Motion Field Segmentation
* Video Compression with Output Traffic Conforming to Leaky-Bucket Network Access Control
* Video Mosaic Displays
* Video Partitioning and Camera Motion Characterization for Content-Based Video Indexing
* Video shot classification using human faces
* VideoBook: an experiment in characterization of video
* View Point Variation in the Noise Sensitivity of Pose Estimation
* View Synthesis from Unregistered 2D Images
* Viewpoint Dependency in Object Representation and Recognition
* Vision-Based Automated Inspection System in Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
* Vision-Based Neural Network Road and Intersection Detection and Traversal
* Visual Depth Perception Based on Optical Blur
* Visual Navigation: From Biological Systems to Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Visual Organization for Figure/Ground Separation
* Visual Organization of Illusory Surfaces
* Visual Sensor Systems: Making Them Smaller, Faster, Smarter
* Visual Tracking Using Active Search for Color
* Volumetric Descriptions from a Single Intensity Image
* volumetric method for building complex models from range images, A
* Volumetric Segmentation Using Hierarchical Representation And Triangulated Surface
* VQ-enhanced fractal image compression
* Watching Behaviour: The Role of Context and Learning
* Wavelet Filtering for Topological Decomposition of Flow-fields
* Wavelet Transform and the Suppression Theory of Binocular Vision for Stereo Image Compression, The
* Word Spotting: A New Approach to Indexing Handwriting
* World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making, The
* Written Language Recognition Based on Texture Analysis
* X-Ray Analysis of Lake Sedimentary Patterns Using Nonlinear Regularization Filter
* Zerotree Entropy Coding of Wavelet Coefficients for Very Low Bit Rate Video
933 for 9600

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.