Journals starting with cmu-

CMU-CS-TR * *CMU School of Computer Science
* 3D MOSAIC Scene Understanding System: Incremental Reconstruction of 3D Scenes from Complex Images, The
* 3D Shape and Reflectance Morphing
* Accurate Modeling of Region Data
* Active Multibaseline Stereo Vision System with Real-Time Image Capture, An
* Adapt: Global Image Processing with the Split and Merge Model
* Adapting Optical-Flow to Measure Object Motion in Reflectance and X-Ray Image Sequences
* Adaptive Vergence for the Stereo Matching of Oblique Imagery
* ALVINN: An Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Network
* Analysis of Natural Scenes
* Anatomy of a Histogram
* Appearance-Based Virtual View Generation of Temporally-Varying Events from Multi-Camera Images in the 3D Room
* Appearance-Based Vision and the Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Plans
* ARGOS Image Understanding System, The
* Automated Cartographic Feature Attribution Using Panchromatic and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automatic Modeling and Localization for Object Recognition
* Automating Knowledge Acquisition for Aerial Image Interpretation
* Automating the Construction of Large Scale Virtual Worlds
* Automation and Calibration for Robot Vision Systems
* Autonomous Scene Description with Range Imagery
* Bayesian Approach to Landmark Discovery and Active Perception in Mobile Robot Navigation, A
* Bayesian Modeling of Uncertainty in Low-Level Vision
* Building 3-D Models from Unregistered Range Images
* Building Model Evaluation Suite Using the CMU Site Exchange Format, A
* Change Detection and Analysis in Multi-Spectral Images
* Characterizing Stereo Matching Problems using Local Spatial Frequency
* CMU Very Fast Range-Imaging System
* Color Image Quantization Enhancement Techniques
* Combining Shape and Color Information for 3D Object Recognition
* Computational Model of Driving for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Creating and Manipulating Constrained Models
* Design and Evaluation of a Semi-Automated Site Modeling System
* Determining Linear Shape Change: Towards Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs
* Determining Reflectance Parameters Using Range and Brightness Images
* Differential Approach to Graphical Interactionct, A
* Differential Manipulation
* DigitEyes: Vision-Based Human Hand Tracking
* Dynamic Stereo Vision
* Error Modelling in Stereo Navigation
* Estimating Scene Properties by Analyzing Color Histograms with Physics-Based Models
* Estimating Scene Properties from Color Histograms
* Expectation-Based Selective Attention
* Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot
* Experiments in Multiple-Baseline Stereo
* Fido: Vision and Navigation for a Robot Rover
* Focus of Attention in Video Conferencing
* Fractal Surface Reconstruction with Uncertainty Estimation: Modeling Natural Terrain
* Fusion of Monocular Cues to Detect Man-Made Structures in Aerial Imagery
* Generalized Image Matching by the Method of Differences
* Hand Action Perception and Robot Instruction
* Human Face Detection in Visual Scenes
* Implementation and Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Photometric Sampler
* Incremental Acquisition of a Three-Dimensional Scene Model from Images
* Incremental Detection of Text on Road Signs
* Integral Approach to Free-Form Object Modeling, An
* Iterative Estimation of Rotation and Translation using the Quaternion
* Learning Maps for Indoor Mobile Robot Navigation
* Locating and Tracking of Human Faces with Neural Networks
* Locating Corners in Noisy Curves by Delineating Imperfect Sequences
* Manipulating Surfaces Differentially
* Manipulation of Pose Distributions
* Method For Estimating Scene Parameters From Color Histograms
* Methods for Exploiting the Relationship between Buildings and Their Shadows in Aerial Imagery
* Minimum Cost Aspect Classification: A Module of a Vision Algorithm Compiler
* MMSS: Graph-based Multi-modal Story-oriented Video Summarization and Retrieval
* Modeling Foreshortening in Stereo Vision using Local Spatial Frequency
* Modeling Sensor Detectability with VANTAGE Geometric/Sensor Modeler
* Motion Estimation from Image and Inertial Measurements
* Multi-baseline Stereo Using Surface Extraction
* Multi-Body Factorization Method for Motion Analysis, A
* Multiple-Baseline Stereo, A
* NAVLAB System for Mobile Robot Navigation, The
* Networks of Constraints: Fundamental Properties and Applications to Picture Processing
* Neural Network Classifiers for Optical Chinese Character Recognition
* Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance
* New Event Detection with Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines, and Kernel Regression
* Non-Intrusive Gaze Tracking Using Artificial Neural Networks
* On 3D Shape Similarity
* On 3D Shape Synthesis
* Paraperspective and Projective Factorization Methods for Recovering Shape and Motion, The
* Paraperspective Factorization for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Paraperspective Factorization for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Performance Evaluation of Scene Registration and Stereo Matching for Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Person Tracking from a Dynamic Balancing Platform
* Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding, A
* Planning Multiple Observations for Object Recognition
* Preliminary Results on the Analysis of HYDICE Data for Information Fusion in Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Preserving Privacy by De-identifying Facial Images
* Probabilistic Approach for Concurrent Map Acquisition and Localization for Mobile Robots, A
* Progress in Automated Virtual World Construction
* Projective and Object Space Geometry for Monocular Building Extraction
* Projective Geometry and Photometry for Object Detection and Delineation
* Quaternions in Computer Vision and Robotics
* Recognition of the Multi Specularity Objects Using the Eigen-Window
* Recovery of the Three-Dimensional Shape of and Object from a Single View
* Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer Graphics
* Reflectance Analysis Under Solar Illumination
* Representation and Recognition of Free-Form Surfaces
* Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Research in Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1994-1995
* Research in Image Understanding and Automated Cartography: 1997-1998
* Road Finding for Road-Network Extraction
* Role of AI in the Integration of Remotely Sensed Data with Geographic Information Systems, The
* SAR Target Recognition Based on Invariant Histograms and Deformable Template Matching
* Saturation, Hue, and Normalized Color: Calculation, Digitization Effects, and Use
* Scalable Video Rate Camera Interface, A
* Scene Registration in Aerial Image Analysis
* Seeing-Is-Believing: Using Camera Phones for Human-Verifiable Authentication
* Selective Perception for Robot Driving
* Sensor Placement Design for Object Pose Determination with Three Light-Stripe Range Finders
* Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from Image Streams, A
* Shadow Geometry and Occluding Contours of Generalized Cylinders
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method 2. Full Report on the Orthographic Case [Parts 2,8,10]
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method 2. Point Features in 3D Motion
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method 1. Planar Motion
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method Part 3 - Detection and Tracking of Point Features
* Shape and Motion without Depth
* Shape from Texture
* Shape Reconstruction in a Planar Dynamic Environment
* Shape Recovery of a Solid of Revolution from Apparent Distortions of Patterns
* Spatial Computation
* Spherical Representations: from EGI to SAI
* Stereo by Intra- and Inter-scanline Search Using Dynamic Programming
* Stereo Matching Algorithm with an Adaptive Window: Theory and Experiment, A
* Supervised Color Constancy Using a Color Chart
* System for Three-Dimensional Robotic Mapping of Underground Mines, A
* Task Oriented Vision
* Task-Oriented Generation of Visual Sensing Strategies
* Temporal Segmentation of Tasks from Human Hand Motion
* Temporal-Color Space Analysis of Reflection
* Text Detection and Translation from Natural Scenes
* Theory of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders and a Taxonomy of Generalized Cylinders, The
* Top Ten lessons Learned in Automated Cartography
* Topological Correspondence in Line Drawings of Multiple Views of Objects
* Towards a Vision Algorithm Compiler for Recognition of Partially Occluded 3-D Objects
* Towards an Assembly Plan from Observation: Fine Localization Based on Face Contact Constraints
* Towards an Assembly Plan from Observation: Task Recognition with Polyhedral Objects
* Towards Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs
* Tracking Human Faces in Real-Time
* Uncertainty in Object Pose Determination with Three Light-Stripe Range Measurements
* Using Active Vision to Simplify Perception for Robot Driving
* Video Skimming and Characterization through the Combination of Image and Language Understanding Techniques
* Video Skimming for Quick Browsing based on Audio and Image Characterization
* Virtualized Reality: Concept and Early Results
* Visual Analysis of High DOF Articulated Objects with Application to Hand Tracking
* Visual Tracking of Self-Occluding Articulated Objects
* Visual Tracking with Deformation Models
* What is the Center of the Image?
* YARF: An Open-Ended Framework for Robot Road Following
150 for CMU-CS-TR

CMU-CS * *CMU School of Computer Science
* Advanced Tools for Video and Multimedia Mining
* Conditional Random Fields for Activity Recognition
* Detection of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Clusters
* Dynamic Mesh Refinement with Quad Trees and Off-Centers
* Effective Motion Tracking Using Known and Learned Actuation Models
* Image Editing and Creation with Perception-Motivated Local Features
* Large Scale Scene Matching for Graphics and Vision
* Modeling Variation in Motion Data
* Models for Learning Spatial Interactions in Natural Images for Context-Based Classification
* Multiple-Cue Object Recognition for interactionable Objects
* Optimizing Sensing: Theory and Applications
* Predictive fMRI Analysis for Multiple Subjects and Multiple Studies
* Scalable Database Approach to Computing Delaunay Triangulations, A
* Statistical Analysis of Natural Human Motion for Animation
* Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection
16 for CMU-CS

CMU-RI-TR * *CMU Robotics Institute
* 1989 Year End Report, Autonomous Planetary Rover at Carnegie Mellon
* 1990 Year End Report, Autonomous Planetary Rover at Carnegie Mellon
* 3-D Deformable Registration of Medical Images Using a Statistical Atlas
* 3-D Deformable Registration Using a Statistical Atlas with Applications in Medicine
* 3-D Object Pose Determination Using Complex EGI
* 3-D Vision Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles
* 3D Model Accuracy and Gauge Fixing
* 3D Reconstruction of Anatomical Structures from Endoscopic Images
* 3D Room: Digitizing Time-Varying 3D Events by Synchronized Multiple Video Streams, The
* Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Active Learning for Outdoor Perception
* Activity Recognition for Physically-Embodied Agent Teams
* Adaptive Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
* Addressing the Correspondence Problem: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
* Algorithms for Automatic Sensor Placement to Acquire Complete and Accurate Information
* Aligning Images Incrementally Backwards
* Analysis and Design of Panoramic Stereo Vision Using Equi-Angular Pixel Cameras
* Analysis of a Spatio-Temporal Clustering Algorithm for Counting People in a Meeting
* Applying Advanced Learning Algorithms to ALVINN
* Architecture for Sensor Fusion in a Mobile Robot, An
* Asymmetry of Image Registration and Its Application to Face Tracking, The
* Augmented Fruit Harvesting
* Automatic Inspection for Printed Wiring
* Automatic Recognition of Facial Expressions Using Hidden Markov Models and Estimation of Expression Intensity
* Automatic Three-dimensional Modeling from Reality
* Automatic Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Processing for Forest Inventory
* Autonomous Cross-Country Navigation Using Stereo Vision
* Bearings based robot homing with robust landmark matching and limited horizon view
* Blind area measurement with mobile robots
* Calibration and Use of a Light Stripe Range Sensor Mounted on the Hand of a Robot
* Calibration of an Outdoor Active Camera System
* Camera parameters estimation from hand-labelled sun positions in image sequences
* Closed-Form Solution to Non-Rigid Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* CMU Motion of Body (MoBo) Database, The
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) Database of Human Faces, The
* CMUcam3: An Open Programmable Embedded Vision Sensor
* Color Image Processing for Navigation: Two Road Trackers
* Combining multiple hypotheses for identifying human activities
* Comparative Study of Alternative FACS Coding Algorithms, A
* Comparison of Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Comparison Study of Four Texture Synthesis Algorithms on Regular and Near-regular Textures, A
* Computational Model for Repeated Pattern Perception using Frieze and Wallpaper Groups, A
* Computational Models of Perceptual Organization
* Computational Symmetry
* Content-based 3D Neuroradiologic Image Indexing and Retrieval: Preliminary Results
* Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection, A
* Deformable Texture: the Irregular-Regular-Irregular Cycle
* Dense Structure from a Dense Optical Flow Sequence
* Depth from Focusing and Defocusing
* Determination of Surface-Roughness from Reflected Step Edges
* Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon University: December 1989 Final Report
* Discriminant Filters for Object Recognition
* Discriminative MR Image Feature Analysis for Automatic Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's Disease Classification
* Discriminative Techniques for the Recognition of Complex-Shaped Objects
* Dressed Human Modeling, Detection, and Parts Localization
* Driver-Vehicle-Interface (DVI) Development of a Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System for Commercial Vehicles
* Dynamic Lens Compensation for Active Color Imaging and Constant Magnification Focusing
* Efficient Discovery of Spatial Associations and Structure with Application to Asteroid Tracking
* Efficient Image Alignment with Outlier Rejection
* ELVIS: Eigenvectors for Land Vehicle Image System
* Evaluation of Image-Based Landmark Recognition Techniques
* Exemplar-based Representations for Object Detection, Association and Beyond
* Exploiting Passthrough Information for Multi-view Object Reconstruction with Sparse and Noisy Laser Data
* Exploiting Space-Time Statistics of Videos for Face Hallucination
* Expression Classification using Wavelet Packet Method on Asymmetry Faces
* Extracting the Shape and Roughness of Specular Lobe Objects Using Four Light Photometric Stereo
* Face Recognition: A Critical Look at Biologically-Inspired Approaches
* Face View Synthesis Using A Single Image
* Facial Asymmetry: A New Biometric
* Factorization Method with Linear Motions, The
* Fast and Robust Track Initiation Using Multiple Trees
* Fast Extrinsic Calibration of a Laser Rangefinder to a Camera
* FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem with Unknown Data Association
* Finding (Un)Usual Events in Video
* First Year End Report for Perception for Outdoor Navigation
* Fitting Ellipses and General Second-Order Curves
* Flow-Based Approach to Vehicle Detection and Background Mosaicking in Airborne Video, A
* Forward Modeling of Ultrasound Propagation in Layered Medium
* Framework for Recognizing Grasps, A
* Framework for Segmentation Using Physical Models of Image Formation, A
* Frieze and Wallpaper Symmetry Groups Classification under Affine and Perspective Distortion
* Gait Sequence Analysis Using Frieze Patterns
* Gauge Freedoms and Uncertainty Modeling for 3D Computer Vision
* Geometric Sensing of Known Planar Shapes
* Gesture Recognition Using the XWand
* Globally Consistent Mosaicking for Autonomous Visual Navigation
* Grouping with Bias
* Guide to the Carnegie Mellon University Multimodal Activity (CMU-MMAC) Database
* Hallucinating Faces
* Hierarchical Image Analysis for Extracting Parking Lot Structures from Aerial Images, A
* High Performance Cameras for Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Imaging Research
* High Precision Image Matching and Shape Recovery
* High Speed Navigation of Unrehearsed Terrain: Red Team Technology for Grand Challenge 2004
* High-Performance Stereo Vision System for Obstacle Detection, A
* Human Identification versus Expression Classification via Bagging on Facial Asymmetry
* Hyperspectral Face Database
* Illuminating the Face
* Illumination Planner for Lambertian Polyhedral Objects, An
* Illumination Planning for Photometric Measurements
* Image and Depth Coherent Surface Description
* Image Based Spatio-Temporal Modeling and View Interpolation of Dynamic Events
* Image Coding with Active Appearance Models
* Image Guided Navigation System for Accurate Alignment in Total Hip Replacement Surgery, An
* Image-Based Multiresolution Modeling by Surface Deformation
* Implementation of Automatic Focusing Algorithms for a Computer Vision System with Camera Control
* Improved Texture Synthesis Algorithm Using Morphological Processing with Image Analogy, An
* Initial Results in Vision Based Road and Intersection Detection and Traversal
* June 1987 Annual Report: Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon
* Kalman Filter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth from Image Sequences
* Kernel Correlation as an Affinity Measure in Point-Sampled Vision Problems
* Laser Intensity-Based Obstacle Detection and Tracking
* Lattice-based MRF model for Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking and Manipulation, A
* Learning a Terrain Model for Autonomous Navigation in Rough Terrain
* Learning and Predicting Moving Object Trajectory: A piecewise trajectory segment approach
* Learning Reduced-Dimension Models of Human Actions
* Least-Squares Unified View of PCA, LDA, CCA and Spectral Graph Methods, A
* Linear and Bilinear Subspace Methods for Structure from Motion
* Local Application of Optic Flow to Analyse Rigid versus Non-Rigid Motion
* Local Spatial Frequence Analysis for Computer Vision
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 1
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 2
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 3
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 4
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: Part 5
* Mapping Large, Urban Environments with GPS-Aided SLAM
* Modeling and Calibration of Automated Zoom Lenses
* Modeling Illumination for Scene Recovery hrough the Motion, Occlusion and Strobing of Light-Sources
* Moment and Hypergeometric Filters for High Precision Computation of Focus, Stereo and Optical Flow
* Mosaicing a Large Number of Widely Dispersed, Noisy, and Distorted Images: A Bayesian Approach
* Motion Texture
* Multi-Camera Method for 3D Digitization of Dynamic, Real-World Events, A
* Multi-Scale Classification of 3D Objects
* Multi-State Based Facial Feature Tracking and Detection
* Navigation Regimes for Off-Road Autonomy
* Object Recognition on a Systolic Array
* Object Tracking Computational Sensor, An
* Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in the Real World by a Seeing Robot Rover
* Occlusion Boundaries: Low-Level Detection to High-Level Reasoning
* Omnidirectional Video Capturing, Multiple People Tracking and Identification for Meeting Monitoring
* On the Dimensionality of Deformable Face Models
* On the Source of Asymmetry in Image Registration Problems
* On Using Shadowgrams for Visual Hull Reconstruction
* Online Selection of Discriminative Tracking Features
* Optical Proximity Sensor for Measuring Surface Position and Orientation for Robot Manipulation, An
* Optical Tracking for Performance Testing of Microsurgical Instruments
* Pairwise Grouping Using Color
* PALM: Portable Sensor-Augmented Vision System for Large Scene Modeling
* Panacea: An Active Sensor Controller for the ALVINN Autonomous Driving System
* Parameterizing Homographies
* Parrots: A Range Measuring Sensor Network
* Passive Driver Gaze Tracking with Active Appearance Models
* Perceiving Shapes through Region and Boundary Interaction
* Perspective Factorization Methods for Euclidean Reconstruction
* Physics-Based Segmentation: Looking Beyond Color
* Planning with Uncertainty in Position Using High-Resolution Maps
* POPEYE: A Gray-Level Vision System for Robotics Applications
* Precise Image Segmentation for Forest Inventory
* Precomputing Interactive Dynamic Deformable Scenes
* prediction and planning framework for road safety analysis, obstacle avoidance and driver information, A
* Preplanning for high performance autonomous traverse of desert terrain exploiting a priori knowledge to optimize speeds and to detail paths
* Principles of Computer System Design for Stereo Perception
* Printed Circuit Board inspection
* Proactive Indoor Navigation on Mobile Devices
* Probabilistic Approach for the Adaptive Integration of Multiple Visual Cues Using an Agent Framework, A
* Probabilistic Registration of 3-D Medical Images
* Prototype Sense-and-Avoid System for UAVs
* Psychophysics of Virtual Texture Perception
* Quantified Study of Facial Asymmetry and Gender Difference, A
* Quantified Study of Facial Asymmetry in 3D Faces, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Symmetry Detection Algorithms, A
* Range-only SLAM with Interpolated Range Data
* RAPIDbus, Architecture and Realization
* Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation
* Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
* Recognizing Facial Actions by Combining Geometric Features and Regional Appearance Patterns
* Recognizing Objects by Matching Oriented Points
* Reconstruction of Wall Surfaces Under Occlusion and Clutter in 3D Indoor Environments
* Reconstruction, Registration, and Modeling of Deformable Object Shapes
* Representation for Shape Based on Peaks and Ridges in the Difference of Low-Pass Transform, A
* Representation for Visual Information, A
* Robot Spatial Perception by Stereoscopic Vision and 3D Evidence Grids
* Robust Indoor Localization on a Commercial Smart-Phone
* Robust Tracking and Structure from Motion with Sampling Method
* Roughness and Reflection in Machine Vision
* Scale selection for classification of point-sampled 3D surfaces
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point Sampled Curves: Extended Report
* Scene Modeling from Motion-Free Radar Sensing
* Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Uncalibrated Views
* Seeing the World Behind the Image: Spatial Layout for 3D Scene Understanding
* Segmentation and Interpretation Using Multiple Physical Hypotheses of Image Formation
* Segmentation-Based Online Change Detection for Mobile Robots
* Segmenting Textured 3D Surfaces Using the Space/Frequency Representation
* Sensor Fusion for Context-Aware Computing Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Setting Low-Level Vision Parameters
* Shape from Focus
* Shape from Interreflections
* Shells and Spheres: A Framework for Variable Scale Statistical Image Analysis
* Side Collision Warning Systems for Transit Buses: Functional Goals
* Simulated Evolution of Robot Perception, The
* Solar Based Navigation for Robotic Explorers
* Space/Frequency Shape Inference and Segmentation of Textured 3D Surfaces
* Spatial Data Structures for Efficient Trajectory-Based Queries
* Spatio-Temporal View Interpolation
* Spectral Graph Matching, Learning, and Inference for Computer Vision
* Spectral Rounding and Image Segmentation
* Static Environment Recognition Using Omni-camera from a Moving Vehicle
* Statistical Approach to 3D Object Detection Applied to Faces and Cars, A
* Statistical Approaches to Multi-Scale Point Cloud Processing
* Statistical Modeling and Localization of Nonrigid and Articulated Shapes
* Statistics of 3D object locations in images
* Structure from Motion without Correspondence
* Studies in Using Image Segmentation to Improve Object Recognition
* Subspace Constrained Mean-Shift
* Super Resolution Optical Flow
* System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring, A
* Terrain Classification from Aerial Data to Support Ground Vehicle Navigation
* Textureless Layers
* Towards a Visual Perception System for Pipe Inspection: Monocular Visual Odometry
* Tracking Moving Objects From a Moving Vehicle Using a Laser Scanner
* Truly 3D Midsagittal Plane Extraction for Robust Neuroimage Registration
* Two-Dimensional Mapping of Expansive Unknown Areas
* Understanding and Recreating Visual Appearance Under Natural Illumination
* Understanding Popout: Pre-attentive Segmentation through Nondirectional Repulsion
* Unsupervised Patch-based Context from Millions of Images
* Uranus Mobile Robot, The
* Using a DEM to Determine Geospatial Object Trajectories
* Using Virtual Active Vision Tools to Improve Autonomous Driving Tasks
* Variable Window Gabor Filters and Their Use in Focus and Correspondence
* Video-Rate Z Keying: A New Method for Merging Images
* Viewpoint Invariant, Sparsely Registered, Patch Based, Face Verifier, A
* Virtual Postman: Real-Time, Interactive Virtual Video
* Vision Based Tactical Driving
* Vision-based Bicyclist Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Vehicles
* Vision-Based Control of a Multi-Rotor Helicopter
* Vision-Based Predictive Robotic Tracking of a Moving Target
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement Across Time
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement for Human Kinematic Modeling, Motion Tracking and Rendering
* Visually Guided Coordination for Distributed Precision Assembly
* Volumetric Iterative Approach to Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection, A
* Weakly supervised discriminative localization and classification: A joint learning process
* What Do the Sun and Sky Tell Us About the Camera?
242 for CMU-RI-TR

CMU-RI * *CMU NavLab
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On

Index for "c"

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