Update Dates 8700

8700 * *Image Understanding, Volume 2
* *International Journal of Computer Vision
* *Parallel Computer Vision
* *Readings in Computer Vision, Issues, Problems, Principles, and Problems
* *Vision, Brain, and Cooperative Computation
* 3-D Curve Matching
* 3-D Model Building for Computer Vision
* 3-D Multiview Object Representations for Model-Based Object Recognition
* 3-D Object Inspection from Multiple Camera Views
* 3-D Object Representation from Range Data Using Intrinsic Surface Properties
* 3-D Sensor System for Teaching Robot Paths and Environments, A
* 3D Curve Based Matching Method Using Dynamic Programming
* 4D-Szenenanalyse mit integralen raum-zeitlichen Modellen
* Adaptive Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Elimination in Real-Time TV Signals
* Adaptive Pattern Recognition Systems and Boltzmann Machines: A Rapprochement
* Address Location on Envelopes
* Advanced Parallel Processing with Supercomputer Architectures
* Algorithm Synthesis for IU Applications
* Algorithm to Determine the Directional Relationship between Arbitrarily-Shaped Polygons in the Plane, An
* Algorithm to Find Two-Dimensional Signals with Specified Zero-Crossings, An
* Analysis of a Road Image as Seen from a Vehicle
* Analysis of Error in Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Signals from Irregularly Spaced Samples
* Analysis of the Weak Solution Approach to Image Motion Estimation
* Application of a Graph Distance Measure to the Classification of muscle Tissue Patterns, An
* Application of Morphological Transformations to the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Electrophoretic Gels of Biological Materials
* Application Of The Multiedit-Condensing Technique to the Reference Selection Problem in a Print Recognition System, An
* Appropriate Representation for Early Vision, An
* Array Architectures for Iterative Algorithms
* Asp: A Continuous Viewer-Centered Representation for 3D Object Recognition, The
* Automatic Line Drawing Recognition of Large-Scale Maps
* Automatic Rotational Symmetry Determination for Shape Analysis
* Automatic Screening of Cytological Specimens
* Automatically Extracting Traffic Data from Video-Tape Using the CLIP4 Parallel Image Processor
* Averaging Edge Detector, An
* Binary Picture Thinning by an Iterative Parallel Two-Subcycle Operation
* Building a Consistent 3D Representation of a Mobile Robot Environment by Combining Multiple Stereo Views
* CAD-Based Robotics
* CGT: A Fast Thinning Algorithm Implemented on a Sequential Computer
* Clip4S System, The
* Closed Form Solutions of Absolute Orientation Using Orthonormal Matrices
* CMU Navigational Architecture, The
* Color and Color Perception
* Colour Recognition Using Spectral Signatures
* Combinatorial Problems in Multitarget Tracking: A Comprehensive Survey
* Combining Bodies of Dependent Information
* Comments on Two-Dimensional Interpolation by Generalized Spline Filters Based on Partial Differential Equation Image Models
* Comparison of 2-D Gel Electrophoresis Images
* Comparison of a Regular and an Irregular Decomposition of Regions and Volumes
* Computation of Motion-in-Depth Parameters Using Stereoscopic Motion Constraints
* Computationally-Efficient Methods for Recovering Translational Motion
* Computer Processing of Line Images: A Survey
* Computer Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Zip Codes
* Computing a Pose Hypothesis from a Small Set of 3-D Object Features
* Computing Distance Transformations in Convex and Non-Convex Domains
* Computing Lightness
* Computing the Euler Number of a 3D Image
* Conic Representations for Shape Description
* Consistent Integration and Propagation of Disparate Sensor Observations
* Context Dependent Target Recognition
* Contour Based Stereo Algorithm, A
* Contour Characterization for Multiply Connected Figures, A
* Contour Evolution, Neighborhood Deformation and Image Flow: Textured Surfaces in Motion
* Contour Sequence Moments For The Classification Of Closed Planar Shapes
* Control Free, Low-Level Image Segmentation: Theory, Architecture, and Experimentation
* Control-Point-Based Sweeping Technique, A
* Convexity Algorithms in Parallel Coordinates
* Correcting Matches and Inferring Surface Patches in Passive Stereo
* Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions
* Curved Object Location by Hough Transformations and Inversions
* Curvedness of a Line Picture
* Cylindrical Shape from Contour and Shading without Knowledge of Lighting Conditions or Surface Albedo
* Dealing with Space in Natural Language Processing
* Deictic and Intrinsic Use of Spatial Prepositions: A Multidisciplinary Comparison
* Depth from Focus
* Depth Reconstruction in Stereopsis
* Design of a Prototype Interactive Cartographic Display and Analysis Environment
* Detecting Dotted Lines and Curves in Random-Dot Patterns
* Detecting Obstacles in Range Imagery
* Detecting Textons and Texture Boundaries in Natural Images
* Detection and Measurement of Visual Motion, The
* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Binocular Image Sequences
* Determination of the Optic Flow Field Using the Spatiotemporal Deformation of Region Properties
* Determining a Depth Map Using a Dual Photometric Stereo
* Deterministic Bayesian Estimation of Markovian Random Fields with Applications to Computational Vision
* Deterministic Properties of the Recursive Separable Median Filter
* Development, Implementation, Testing, and Application of an Affine Transform Invariant Curvature Function
* Developments in Knowledge-Based Vision for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance
* Digital Halftones by Dot Diffusion
* DIPOD: An Image Understanding Development and Implementation System
* Directed Graph Representation for Root-Signal Set of Median Filters
* Direction-Weighted Line Fitting to Edge Data
* Discrete Scale-Space Representation, A
* Distance Functions in Digital Geometry
* Distributed Inference for Plausible Classification
* Distributed Scene Analysis for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
* Distribution of Black Nodes at Various Levels in a Linear Quadtree
* DRACAP: Drawing Capture for Electronic Schematics
* DRIVE: Dynamic Reasoning from Integrated Visual Evidence
* Dynamic Sensor-Based Control of Robots with Visual Feedback
* Early Detection of Motion Boundaries, The
* Edge Detection in Fingerprints
* Edge Detection with Gaussian Filters at Multiple Scales
* Effect of Noise on Edge Orientation Computations, The
* Efficient Navigation Through Dynamic Domains
* Efficient Registration of Stereo Images by Matching Graph Descriptions of Edge Segments
* Elastically Deformable Models
* Endstopped Neurons in the Visual Cortex as a Substrate for Calculating Curvature
* Environmental Modeling and Recognition for an Autonomous Land Vehicle
* Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis: An Approach to Determining Structure from Motion
* Error Modelling in Stereo Navigation
* Establishing Contour Correspondences from a Sequence of Images
* Estimating the N-Dimensional Motion of an (N-1)-Dimensional Hyperplane from Two Matched Images of N+1 Points
* Estimation of Motion and Structure of 3-D Objects from a Sequence of Images
* Euclidean Distance Transformations and Model-Guided Image Interpretation
* Evidence Combination Using Likelihood Generators
* Expansion of Color Images Using Three Perceptual Attributes
* Experimental Position and Ranging Results for a Mobile Robot
* Experiments in Computing Optical Flow with the Gradient-Based, Multiconstraint Method
* Eye Movement and Visual Cognition
* Fast Algorithm for the Computation of Moment Invariants
* Fast Classification Of Discrete Shape Contours
* fast operator for detection and precise location of distinct points, corners and centres of circular features, A
* Feature Detection from Local Energy
* Figuring out Most Plausible Interpretation from Spatial Constraints
* Filter-Subtract-Decimate Hierarchical Pyramid Signal Analyzing and Synthesizing Technique, A
* Finding Cylinders in Range Data
* Finding High-Redshift Quasars Using Low-Resolution Spectra
* FIR-Median Hybrid Filters
* Formation of Partial 3D Models from 2D Projections: An Application of Algebraic Reasoning, The
* Framework for Implementing Multi-Sensor Robotic Tasks, A
* Framework for Multi-Sensor Fusion in the Presence of Uncertainty, A
* Free Space Modeling and Geometric Motion Planning Under Location Uncertainty
* Free-Form Solid Modeling with Trimmed Surface Patches
* From (R, G, B) to Surface Reflectance: Computing Color Constant Descriptors in Images
* From Waltz to Winston (via the Connection Table)
* General Approach to Parameter Evaluation in Fuzzy Digital Pictures, A
* Generalizing Epipolar-Plane Image Analysis for Non-Orthogonal and Varying View Directions
* Generating an Interpretation Tree from a CAD Model for 3D-Object Recognition in Bin-Picking Tasks
* Geometric Approach To Multisensor Fusion And Spatial Reasoning, A
* Geometric Modelling with Generalized Cylinders
* Geometry Guided Incremental Segmentation
* Georeferencing and Registering Satellite Data for Monitoring Vegetation over Large Areas
* Goal Driven Parameter Evaluation for the Detection of Objects in SAR Data
* Goal-Directed Control of Low Level Processes for Image Interpretation
* Grayscale Morphology
* GROPER: A Grouping Based Recognition System for Two Dimensional Objects
* Ground Surveillance Robot (GSR): An Autonomous Vehicle Designed to Transit Unknown Terrain, The
* Guiding an Autonomous Land Vehicle Using Knowledge-Based Landmark Recognition
* Hierarchial Gradient-Based Motion Detection
* Hierarchical Likelihood Approach for Region Segmentation According to Motion-Based Criteria, A
* High Speed Algorithm for Circular Object Detection, A
* Highlight Identification Using Chromatic Information
* Highspeed Stereo Matching System Based on Dynamic Programming, A
* Hough Transform Applied to SAR Images for Thin Line Detection, The
* Hough Transform References
* How to Program the Connection Machine for Computer Vision
* Human Body Motion Segmentation in a Complex Scene
* Hyper-Pyramids for Integration of Spatial Information
* Hypothesis Testing in a Computational Theory of Visual Word Recognition
* Iconic Image Analysis with the Pyramid Vision Machine (PVM)
* Iconic Indexing Using Generalized Pattern Matching Techniques
* Identification of Fringe Minima in Electronic Speckle Pattern Images
* Identification of Partially Obscured Objects in Two and Three Dimensions by Matching Noisy Characteristic Curves
* Image Algebra in a Nutshell
* Image Segmentation By Semantic Method
* Image Segmentation By Syntactic Method
* Image Sequence Analysis of Complex Physical Objects: Nonlinear Small Scale Water Surface Waves
* Image Sequence Segmentation Using Motion Coherence
* Improving Dynamic Programming to Solve Image Registration
* Improving Image Resolution Using Subpixel Motion
* Incremental Construction of 3-D Models of a Scene from Sequentially Planned Views
* Incremental Inference: Spatial Reasoning within a Blackboard Architecture
* Infinite Control Points: A Method for Representing Surfaces of Revolution Using Boundary Data
* Information Management in a Sensor-Based Autonomous System
* Informed Strategy for Matching Models to Images of Fabricated Objects, An
* Initial Hypothesis Formation in Image Understanding Using an Automatically Generated Knowledge Base
* Insight: A Data Flow Language for Programming Vision Algorithms in a Reconfigurable Computational Network
* Integrated Directional Derivative Gradient Operator
* Integrated System That Unifies Multiple Shape from Texture Algorithms, An
* Integrating Information from Multiple Views
* Intelligence: The Eye, the Brain and the Computer
* Internal Representation for Solid Shape Based on the Topological Properties of the Apparent Contour, An
* Interpretation of Optical Flow by Rotational Decoupling
* Interpreting Aerial Photographs by Segmentation and Search
* Interpreting Line Drawings of Curved Objects
* Intersection of Convex Objects in Two and Three Dimensions
* Introduction and Analysis of a Straight Line Path Algorithm for Use in Binary Domains, An
* Introduction to Mathematical Morphology
* Inversion of Picture Operators
* Issues in Shape Description and an Approach for Working with Sparse Data
* ITA Range Image Processing System, The
* Knowledge Based and Statistical Techniques Applied to Textural Image Classifications
* Knowledge Utilization In Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
* Knowledge-Based Stroke-Matching Method for Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Lateral Histograms for Efficient Object Location: Speed Versus Ambiguity
* Layout2: A Production System Modeling Visual Perspective Information
* Linking Image-Space and Accumulator-Space: A New Approach for Object Recognition
* Local Surface Interpolation with Bezier Patches
* Localizing Discontinuities Using Weak Continuity Constraints
* Locating Polyhedral Objects From Edge Point Data
* Low Dimensional Procedure for the Characterization of Human Faces
* Low Level Image Analysis on an MIMD Architecture
* Low Level Information Fusion: Multisensor Scene Segmentation Using Learning Automata
* Management of Spatial Information in a Mobile Robot, The
* Map Data Processing: Recognition of Lines and Symbols
* Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm
* Mask: An Object Identification Algorithm
* Matching Features from Edge-Processed Image Sequences
* Matching from 3-D Range Models into 2-D Intensity Scenes
* Matching Image Edges to Object Memory
* Mathematical Tools For Representing Uncertainty In Perception
* Measuring Visual Motion from Image Sequences
* Method for Initial Hypothesis Formation in Image Understanding, A
* Method of Curve Partitioning Using Arc-Chord Distance, A
* Minimization of the Quantization Error in Camera Calibration
* Model Building of Three-Dimensional Polyhedral Objects Using 3D Edge Information and Hemispheric Histogram
* Model Invocation for Three Dimensional Scene Understanding
* Model of Visual Knowledge Representation, A
* Model-Based Silhouette Recognition
* Model-Directed Object Recognition On The Connection Machine
* Modeling and Calibration of a Structured Light Scanner for 3-D Robot Vision
* Models of Errors and Mistakes in Machine Perception, Part 1. First Results for Computer Vision Range Measurements
* Modular Feedback System for Image Segmentation, A
* Monitoring An Assembly Task By Perception Requests
* Morphologic Edge Detection
* Morphological Filters. Part I: Their Set-Theoretic Analysis and Relations to Linear Shift-Invariant Filters
* Motion Analysis of Isolated Targets in Infrared Image Sequences
* Motion and Structure from Motion from Point and Line Matches
* Motion Constraint Equation under Space-Varying or Time-Varying Illumination, A
* Motion Stereo for Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in Man-Made Environments
* Multi-Modal Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
* Multi-Resolution Morphology
* Multi-Sensor Integrated Intelligent Robot for Automated Assembly
* Multiple Resolution Imagery and Texture Analysis
* New Approach to Surface Reconstruction: The Coupled Depth/Slope Model, A
* New Class of Edge-Preserving Smoothing Filters, A
* New Development in Camera Calibration: Calibrating a Pair of Mobile Cameras, A
* New Forms of Shape Invariants from Elliptic Fourier Descriptors
* New Framework for Analyzing the Properties of the Generalized Hough Transform, A
* New Method of Classification for Landsat Data Using the Watershed Algorithm, A
* New O(Nlogn) Algorithm for Computing the Intersection of Convex Polygons, A
* New Parametrisation of the Straight Line and Its Application for the Optimal Detection of Objects with Straight Edges, A
* Noncontact Optical Proximity Sensor for Measuring Surface Shape, A
* Nonconvex Optimization by Fast Simulated Annealing
* Noniterative Correction of Images and Motion Sequences
* Note on Average Distances in Digital Sets, A
* Note on Parametric Image Enhancement, A
* Note on Shrinking and Expanding Operations in Pyramids, A
* Object-Based Representation for Multisensory Robotic Perception, An
* On Parallel Stereo
* On Projective Geometry and the Recovery of 3-D Structure
* On Root Structures of Median and Median-Type Filters
* On the Problem of Placing Names in a Geographic Map
* On the Relation Between the Hough Transformation and the Projection Curves of a Rectangular Window
* On the Relationship of the Markov Mesh to the NSHP Markov Chain
* On Using Cooccurrence Matrices to Detect Periodicities
* On-Line Compensation of Mobile Robot Docking Errors
* Optimal Algorithms: Tools for Mathematical Modeling
* Optimal Filters for the Detection of Linear Patterns in 2-D and Higher Dimensional Images
* Ordered Structural Shape Matching With Primitive Extraction by Mathematical Morphology
* Outline of the Primal Sketch in Human Vision, An
* Parallel Algorithms for Line Detection on a Mesh
* Parallel Guessing: A Strategy for High-Speed Computation
* Parallel Implementation and Exploration of Witkin's Shape from Texture Method, A
* Parallel O(Log N) Algorithm for Finding Connected Components in Planar Images, A
* Parallel Recognition of Objects Comprised of Pure Structure
* Pattern Adaptive Thinning Algorithm, A
* Pattern Analysis for Point-of-Sale Automation
* Pattern Recognition by Traversal of Connected Components of a Line Segments Field
* Perception and Computation
* Perceptual Organization Using Interestingness
* Perceptual Significance Hierarchy: A Computer Vision Theory for Color Separation
* Picture Synthesizing System with a Database of Semantic Picture Elements of Ukiyoe Colour Wood-Printed Pictures, A
* Piecewise Cubic Mapping Functions for Image Registration
* Plan-Based Boundary Extraction and 3-D Reconstruction for Orthogonal 2-D Echocardiography
* Planning and Reasoning for Autonomous Vehicle Control
* Planning Flight Paths in Dynamic Situations with Incomplete Knowledge
* Polyhedral Subdivision Methods for Free-Form Surfaces
* Position Verification of a Mobile Robot Using Standard Pattern
* Position-, Rotation-, and Scale-Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Parallel Distributed Processing
* Practical Method of Constructing Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Digitized Space, A
* Principles of Modern Radar
* Problem of Robust Shape Descriptions, The
* Process-Grammar For Representing Shape, A
* Producing Space Shuttle Tiles with a 3-D Non-Contact Measurement System
* Production System for LSI Chip Anatomizing, A
* Propagation of Interpretations Based on Graded Resolution Input
* Pyramid Vision Using Key Features to Integrate Image-Driven Bottom-Up and Model-Driven Top-Down Processes
* Qualitative Approach for Recovering Relative Depths in Dynamic Scenes, A
* Qualitative Approach to Robot Exploration and Map-Learning, A
* Qualitative Landmark-Based Path Planning and Following
* Recognition and Characterization of Digitized Curves
* Recognition by Components: A Theory of Human Image Understanding
* Recognition by Parts
* Recognition in 2D Images of 3D Objects from Large Model Bases Using Prediction Hierarchies
* Recognition of Occluded Objects: A Cluster-Structure Algorithm
* Recognizing Address Blocks on Mail Pieces: Specialized Tools and Problem-Solving Architecture
* Recognizing Unexpected Objects: A Proposed Approach
* Reconstruction of Nonperiodic Two-Dimensional Signals from Zero Crossings
* Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Velocity Fields as a Linear Estimation Problem
* Recursive Image Registration with Application to Motion Estimation
* Reflectance Model For Computer Graphics, A
* Region-Based Approach for Human Body Motion Analysis, A
* Regularization Uses Fractal Priors
* Relaxation Labelling and the Entropy of Neighborhood Information
* Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation
* Report on the DARPA Image Understanding Architectures Workshop, A
* Representation of Patterns of Symbols by Equations with Applications to Puzzle Solving
* Representation of Variables in Connectionist Networks, The
* Representing 3D Structures for Visual Recognition
* Representing and Using Functional Definitions for Visual Recognition
* Representing Shape: Bumps, Level Set Graphs, and Gaussian Curvature
* Resegmentation Using Generic Shape: Locating General Cultural Objects
* Results from a Sideways Looking Radar (SLAR) with a Very Low Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF)
* Results of Motion Estimation with More Than Two Frames
* Robot Navigation in Unknown Terrain Using Learned Visibility Graphs. Part I: The Disjoint Convex Obstacle Case
* Robot Path Planning Using Intersecting Convex Shapes: Analysis and Simulation
* Robust Regression and Outlier Detection
* Role and Use of Color in a General Vision System, The
* Rotation-Invariant Operators and Scale-Space Filtering
* Rule Based Contextual Post-Processing for Devanagari Text Recognition
* Rule-Based Interpretation System for Segmentation of Seismic Images, A
* Rule-Based Systems and Pattern Recognition
* Scale Change Versus Scale Space Representation
* Scientific Charge-Coupled Devices
* Searching for Geometric Structure in Images of Natural Scenes
* Segmentation of Fingerprint Images Using the Directional Image
* Segmentation of Natural Scenes
* Segmentation Using Contrast and Homogeneity Measures
* Semantic Thresholding
* Semantic-Free Approach to 3-D Robot Color Vision, A
* Sensing and Perception Research for Space Telerobotics at JPL
* Sensory Input System for Autonomous Mobile Robots, A
* Separating Figure from Ground with a Boltzmann Machine
* Separating Similar Complex Chinese Characters By Walsh Transform
* Sequential Inference of Markov Networks by Dynamic Programming for Structural Pattern Recognition
* Shadow Stereo-Locating Object Boundaries Using Shadows
* Shape Decomposition by Collinearity
* Shape Decomposition by Mathematical Morphology
* Shape Decomposition for Visual Recognition: The Role of Transversality
* Shape Determination from Incomplete and Noisy Multisensor Imagery
* Shape from Darkness
* Shape from Polarization Images
* Shape from Probing
* Signal Matching Through Scale Space
* Significant Feature Detection and Matching in Image Pairs
* Simple Motion-Planning Algorithm for General Robot Manipulators, A
* Simulation Study of Some Contextual Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Skew Angle of Printed Documents, The
* Solving Ill-Conditioned Problems by Minimizing Equation Error
* Some Characterizations of City Block Distance
* Some Remarks on Fuzzy Graphs
* Some Segmentation Processes for Application with a Spoke Filter
* Spatial Reasoning Using an Object-Oriented Spatial DBMS
* Spatial Reasoning, Sensor Repositioning and Disambiguation in 3D Model Based Recognition
* Special Issue on Robot Motion Planning
* Spectral and Polarization Stereo Methods Using a Single Light Source
* Spectral Characterization of Materials
* Static and Dynamic Logical Modelling of Mechanical Assembly Processes in a Simplified Geometrical Environment
* Statistical Pattern Recognition: Early Development and Recent Progress
* Stereo Matching Using Viterbi Algorithm
* Stochastic Complexity (with discussion)
* Streaking in Median Filtered Images
* Surface Representations Based on Triangular Grids
* Surfaces from Stereo: An Integrated Approach
* Survey of Parallel Computers
* Syntactic Omni-Font Character Recognition System, A
* System for the Representation of Human Body Movement from Dance Scores, A
* Technique to Calibrate Industrial Robots with Experimental Verification, A
* Temporal Edge-Based Image Segmentor, A
* Terrain Analysis For Tactical Situation Assessment
* Texture Feature Extraction
* Texture Imperfections
* Texture Modelling Applications
* Texture Segmentation Using Gabor Modulation/Demodulation
* Texture, Contour, Shape, and Motion
* Theoretical Analysis of the Max/Median Filter
* Theory of Shape-Invariant Imaging Systems
* Three Dimensional Model Matching from an Unconstrained Viewpoint
* Three Dimensional Object Representation Revisited
* Three-Dimensional Computer Vision
* Three-Dimensional Vision Systems Using the Structured-Light Method for Inspecting Solder Joints and Assembly Robots
* Tools and Experiments in the Knowledge-Directed Interpretation of Road Scenes
* Toward a Surface Primal Sketch
* Tracing Finite Motions Without Correspondence
* Triangulation Errors in Stereo Algorithms
* Tunable Facet Model Likelihood Generators for Boundary Pixel Detection
* Two Dimensional Optimal Edge Recognition Using Matched and Weiner Filters for Machine Vision
* Two-Dimensional Solution to the Problem of Zero-Crossings and Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Computer and Human Vision, A
* Use of Geometric and Grey-Level Models for Industrial Inspection, The
* Use of Segmentation and Shape Recognition Techniques in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, The
* Using a Simple Shape Measure to Improve Automatic 3D Reconstruction
* Using Canny's Criteria to Derive a Recursively Implemented Optimal Edge Detector
* Using Depth-is-Positive Constraint to Recover Translational Motion
* Using Expert Systems for Image Understanding
* Using Occluding Contours for Object Recognition
* Vector Median Filters
* Versatile Camera Calibration Technique for High-Accuracy 3D Machine Vision Metrology Using Off-the-Shelf TV Cameras and Lenses, A
* Viewpoint Consistency Constraint, The
* Viewpoint Independent Modeling Approach to Object Recognition, A
* Vision and Visual Exploration for the Stanford Mobile Robot
* Vision-Based Navigation: A Status Report
* Visual Memory Structure for a Mobile Robot
* Visual Navigation System for Automonous Land Vehicles, A
* Visual Reconstruction
* Visual Strategies for Mobile Robot Navigation
* VLSI Processor for Image Processing
* What Is a Degenerate View?
* What is Regular in Regularization?
* Working Towards the Automatic Detection of Blood Vessels in X-Ray Angiograms
410 for 8700

Index for "8"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.